2005 日日日日日日日 69 日日日日日日日日日日 Workshop at the 69th Annual Convention of JPA 2005 成成成成成成成成 成成成成成成成成成成成成 How to promote confidence in low achievers in junior high school 成成成 Hiroshi Kudo & Kazuo Mori

工藤弘・守 一雄 Hiroshi Kudo & Kazuo Mori

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2005 日本心理学会第 69 回大会ワークショップ Workshop at the 69th Annual Convention of JPA 2005 成績下位中学生に 自信を持たせる方法の発見 How to promote confidence in low achievers in junior high school. 工藤弘・守 一雄 Hiroshi Kudo & Kazuo Mori. 先行研究: Mori & Uchida (2005). (1) 成績中下位の生徒に 成功体験 をさせると自己効力感は高まった。 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: 工藤弘・守 一雄 Hiroshi Kudo & Kazuo Mori

2005 日本心理学会第 69 回大会ワークショップWorkshop at the 69th Annual Convention of JPA 2005


How to promote confidence in low achievers in junior high school

工藤弘・守 一雄Hiroshi Kudo & Kazuo Mori

Page 2: 工藤弘・守 一雄 Hiroshi Kudo & Kazuo Mori

先行研究: Mori & Uchida (2005)

(1) 成績中下位の生徒に成功体験をさせると自己効力感は高まった。A success experience promoted self-efficacy of low-ach

ieving students.(2) 自己効力感の上昇は1年間持続した。

The elevated self-efficacy was maintained for one year after the success.

(3) 成功体験は学業成績も向上させた。The success experience eventually elevated the acade

mic achievements.

Page 3: 工藤弘・守 一雄 Hiroshi Kudo & Kazuo Mori

被験者 -Participants

中学校1年生 207 名 Two hundred and seven 7th grade junior high school students

易課題群: 24 名 Easy-Task condition: 24 students

各クラス4名を直前の定期考査で 26-50%ile の者から選出 Four students from six classes. All of them were chosen from among students in the 26-50%ile on the recent achievement tests.

難課題群: 183 名 Difficult-Task condition: 183 students

High achievers

Page 4: 工藤弘・守 一雄 Hiroshi Kudo & Kazuo Mori

アナグラム課題 -Anagram tasks

ものたから(易課題 )

fMORIテクニックを使って    難易度の違うアナグラム課題を提示 Two different anagram tasks were presented using the fMORI technique.

もらかのた(難課題 )

Page 5: 工藤弘・守 一雄 Hiroshi Kudo & Kazuo Mori

各クラスで4人だけが易しい課題が見えるサングラスをかけた。Only four students in each class wore the sunglasses which allowed the viewers to see the easy tasks.

LCD projector

課題提示 : Task Presentation

Page 6: 工藤弘・守 一雄 Hiroshi Kudo & Kazuo Mori

自己効力感の変化Change in Sense of Capability

Four months later 3.92 2.89 (4)-1 5.2222 5.6 -0.378

A year later 3.46 2.84 (4)-2 2.5 2 0.5

(4)-3 2.4 2.3 0.1

(4)-4 3.3 3.2 0.1

(4)-5 1.8 1.7 0.1

(4)-6 1.5 1.3 0.2

(4)-7 1.8 1.4 0.4

(4)-8 1.4 1.4 0

(4)-9 1.4 1.2 0.2

(4)-10 2.8 3.4 -0.6

(4)-11 1.1 1.3 -0.2






Pre-test Post-test Two weeks


Four months


A year later

易課題群 Easy Task Performers

難課題群 Difficult Task PerformersAnagramTasks


Easy Task Performers experienced an enhanced sense of capability after their success on the tasks.

Page 7: 工藤弘・守 一雄 Hiroshi Kudo & Kazuo Mori

学業成績への影響Change in Academic Achievement

Two months before45.55Just after 45.65

Three months later 46.78Six months later 47.63









Just after Threemonths




上昇した者の数Number of students

who raised their test scores

11/24 16/24


易課題群の生徒の2/3が学業成績も向上させた。 Two-thirds of the Easy Task Performers

eventually raised their academic achievement scores.

17/24 p=. 03

Page 8: 工藤弘・守 一雄 Hiroshi Kudo & Kazuo Mori

本研究の目的 Purpose of the study

自己効力感の発生源 Sources of Self efficacy (Bandura , 1977)

① 成功体験 Mastery experiences ② 代理経験 Vicarious experiences

③ 言葉での説得 Social persuasion

④ 生理的高揚 Physiological states

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① を再確認し②を検証する。 Replicate the Mori & Uchida experiment and examine the effect of vicarious experiences.

また、失敗事態への両者の耐性を検討する。 Also examine the resistance against failures.

Page 9: 工藤弘・守 一雄 Hiroshi Kudo & Kazuo Mori

被験者 Participants

長野県内中学校 1 年生5クラス 160 名 (80 ペア ) Five classes of 7th grade junior high school students 80 pairs

実験群(易課題群)学業成績 26-50 パーセンタイルの 40 人 20 ペア Easy-Task condition: 20 pairs chosen among 26-50 percentile range.

統制群(難課題群)その他の 120 人 60 ペア Difficult-Task condition: 60 pairs

High achievers

各ペアの一方が課題遂行者、もう一方が応援者となる。 In each pair, one was the performer and the othe

r was the observer/cheerer.

応援群 Cheerers

遂行群 Performers

Page 10: 工藤弘・守 一雄 Hiroshi Kudo & Kazuo Mori

2回のアナグラム課題Anagram tasks were given twice

1回目:内田・守 (2004) と同様に難易差のあるアナグラム課題を実施 First, 2 levels of anagram tasks were given using the fMORI technique.

2回目:筆記テスト形式で全員に難問版(全員が1回目難課題の平均値 20/30程度の正答になるよう作成 ) を実施 Second, the same level as the difficult one of the first anagram task was given to all in the paper-and-pencil format.

Page 11: 工藤弘・守 一雄 Hiroshi Kudo & Kazuo Mori

自己効力感尺度Capability Self-Ratings

「言葉の並べ替えゲームがうまくできる自信がある」に対して5件法で回答Participants predicted their own success on a 5-point scale in answer to the question; “How well will you perform in the word reconstruction game ?”

5=よくあてはまる Very well

4=あてはまる Well

3=どちらでもない Neutral -- Average

2=あてはまらない Poorly

1=まったくあてはまらない Very poorly

Page 12: 工藤弘・守 一雄 Hiroshi Kudo & Kazuo Mori

自己効力感の変化Change in Self-efficacy Ratings







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アナグラム1回目 1st anagram


アナグラム2回目 2nd anagram t






Pre Post A month Two months & Four months later

Page 13: 工藤弘・守 一雄 Hiroshi Kudo & Kazuo Mori

結論 -Conclusion• 成功体験は自己効力感を向上させるこ

とが再確認された。– Success experience promoted the self-efficacy.

• 成功体験者はその後の失敗にも耐性があった。– Those who experienced success tended to maintain their self-effica

cy even after a failure experience.

• 成功体験者は難問にも比較的良い成績を示した。– Those who experienced success performed better even the difficult

anagram tasks than the other students.

• 代理経験の効果はハッキリしなかった。– The effect of vicarious experience was weak and ambiguous.

Page 14: 工藤弘・守 一雄 Hiroshi Kudo & Kazuo Mori

文献 -References• Bandura , A. 1977 Social Learning Theory. Englew

ood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall (原野広太郎監訳  1979『社会的学習理論』金子書房)

• Mori, K. & Uchida, A. 2005 Can Artificially Contrived Success Affect Subsequent Achievement among Junior High School Students? Manuscript submitted for publication.

謝辞 Acknowledgments本研究は科学研究費補助金(萌芽研究 16653054 )を受けて行われた。実験実施にあたっての倫理的な配慮として、あらかじめ実施校の校長・教頭に説明し了解を得た。また、生徒に対しては、実験内容の説明を実験の2ヶ月後に行った。実験にご協力くださった中学校の生徒さんおよび学校関係者の方々に感謝します。This research was supported by a Grant-in-Aid from the Japanese MiEXT (Grant #16653054). We had obtained the informed consent of the principal and vice-principal of the junior high school before we conducted this experimental research. We also explained the presentation trick directly to the participants two months after the first anagram tasks. We wish to express our thanks to the students and teachers who participated in and supported this research project.