A RceionolNcwapaper. Serving Six Oountlca In Idaho . .._0iq^(4IAl-.-(;(jTrRTY--Klv\VSRA;EIi:iU C O N €»E S S A f IPK Q VE^:W EW ;E E L IE F M E A SU R E BEWSBE. ^ et«raUHiindrW',_W.9JL^rHv^Jtl .From West.to Help In - -i4>; BopUa '■’ ^ X y O L D I E H S - A E M Y SHORT-BATIONS u/biliif’^l.cdbux Roporta.;, Ship. iiwA^nxdfoN (U P )''— .Tiifl —»lft#-or-tlic-U'Dlleilrain«eB-o.-iplrtr •liy..»eloranfi xloiermljioy to -lilvoii* 8clt;on. th o Oiiilial ftroimilH iinlll ; . (inasTfciH juljourns wuii mrwiEtl'cn- I. t{day . Jiy rclnforccineiUa . frnlii l«'ihaln coriip oC tlio ^'X- M ercury soars 'M 'H eat wave VISITS GHICA*GO Tli'p w’onlliiT tnrofiiKH'i' jire- (Ilcl6<l. Ilio nicrciiry >oiilii ko'I" !)t! m-OtilciiRO.-wlilrh wniilil Cf)iinl iJ'i^olUln'iiLicc'mLrQr-Jjily-ii-. citlnlilliilico in ISSII, niKl salil li , tufnlii RO hlBlier. A.hni wind itr^ tlip /fboiiftJ a- Mii'nK «i«i 1nTilOiiKii)K •lixcdmr^rl. ThoilHamlH Ilcirkr.l in - ------ ind pnrk#. wim prointpi'il tor ln> •-tomorrow. ' Tcimicni- ilMppcd-III tho Ddr 'holaa-miii ilioHvciitlior'lM'ACtllnK ■<!QOIcr~l«'' n'orlliorn' WiHMiitiltr, 0)1(1 nbriljorn-'MlclilRnii. • .I'Vnm- •CUlcaRn' lioulhwaril, hbwcvcr., Ili.c iib'licRi wcouior or-lliff yciir wui ' In prbfll'ecl. . ‘ ' D ifiS ii ' Mil (0 tlm Ti>0 \iicn wlio Iia<l KiX'tii (tie nlRlit on tlio jiDvcmontH'< iin<1 ~iasov(iliniu~'inor cftpliol— . Ins. ...YetK JVnnft<l_s “ Tlif caipttol’n BprliikHni?-ii>'Bt«hr n u ptiC Jn operuUoti' ofirly.'.niiil men ■whovhinl-’'Hlept. on‘ iliu [nn «cru forced to retire lu ilic pinnienls. ot- th9 Hll'Bot':liBHvepii .. llie.Ciplfol'-artil •Ihc.vlilirary .ot cJWfMB. .Tho ,vfltornti« - iwcro > wtised.ln ailvaoco'Ko none bf.lht'm .iMi iIrcn«Uoclrfl(i!Hie-»iirln1 ilcv« . nrilered : this brOBil ' rnwti ■lH’ llic irot'.Mio'.'capllol- . ...ullfornla.-................ . ........ ;— Wiiiiriifl 't lio ’nieli'Mootl .niilc!)}-: !ii ' llnvXtoro-tftKd wnk-ilii* Jiito' tlip OrcRoii 'rtdn: ' ■'i-';; '- ' . /Heiinit Kn/Hoiiio'' ':_lIAan 'L.'i^Qiix;.tlioVfa'ii«>>p' ..... •Kw: ot. MurUintian lirooilllucs-, lolil' lliA TttornnB. Tii} liad; oTilnlttcil IT. •^JAO'lx.SCX. t < ' t i n . . >- M CTiLNi:.M."Xoer:'oi-jiempiiiRr’>- chiiTKVil liVn- IniKlmnil, Duim lop. Hplscopiil- ropinr, hue l.liyBlcally at.an'lonc.l Her Imil : rcncUeit : hiicV ii n».nu. • Rplrltiinl. pnVWllon llinl lio ii loii/or 'ciircJ'for Tirilily [piirKUlii iciij’Jil n divorce toiluy. ..... clrciili. court of nppcalx licre rofiiapd la'Kranl'U-Kopardilon. ' Kcttliiini; - of_Mtmptili*.^.dl«nil«Hcd Hio '‘illvbi-ci 'lini’ In' iliuncJA' " ' ‘ ■.’.WIiDU-flio cftHc'tlhil caiiic'Up-'forl iVlnl Jti. ‘McmpliW Kovef-nlj monili*.] iro.ttroclcirnn(l'on*wlilc tiUon-j rhlulfron.l .[rortt Inniic.U, . =rn)oo>Tiiinr7iF7iHn5rw J j' • , 0 M iioimdH'.addllloBntMiatl-liccJt, iir- r^^w c d Tor nnd 'were'; oh', thp-wny I ■■ i?8m Xow Vflfk liy irUnk^uccomi>- mlcdiby a-KHarcl Ot'cMlchlgn; = lnK hln'Ions Rray-imtr and. • iplnfhlM- floi-ii|-:>d:fl^r: ^--. •Imillorcd tlib. ini'niirf^Bnt>--,ln ill- . Mplial 5Jini|i.>,. . ‘'atcccKs lil'Jua'i aliolUjhcr etn5uica.-'^Vou'hlt, liM n' Iho .. . )itt nlBlit; .nna.'mi.'fOlt-Jtfln lUo iloac iiicpH. yoiilenlny:;'.Kcep It “ m j' yv(ii;jI'■i!iit'30iir..uoinre'."“ , ' ;;M(oy,'.f«il.rln.’.rcdrliB[ide*l':MaHno' immnamtinf; 'tlio' Orflgoa.'.'dlvlHloi), '.^ihichVJoitio<l .Ihb ;ctmfbrn,la-;ufni>- ;; jrfiler<!ay:,oinl-VcJfllric^-Joda^'nfici^ -•'OiirJdciy.'lii.a ptttccftir.relitl v'(Cq'MIn«ied oa . . nniiWer 'tb'ilib diarBCH flf Mri ;.V<M>-il|ftlVhcr\ Imulianil no lo nscrl- . r . . •tTnrcl.. for oarlbli^purHuUB^tfr •lio lm.1 roiictied r^lilsh • rtrnKlT: of .Arjvli,^ln;a 1 'MiiBirlcH in.tfift nrct-.: S pg:M iiK T *|^a- assisi® I - Joker^^fr Of Uv Si Gongressmen M RS OFDRY J3J House B-pstes to ;£roductioii^iuufielow_-Aotufil-; Needs On Basis Of Pimt. Ton^Vpnrii . .. ({Jiipji-istil I II WASHINGTON, (UP)X a joker iiiu BUILDING AND STEEL -■ -S U P P E R -H ^ V Y .L O S S Eco.nomJsia blftim UpUirn ^eiir --If•,.An^erica^8^.MaiDlain , - - •New 'Ndccssitics’’ ' ' . iij- uiniAiU) CfiiunLKV. ((’.Vyrliflit, lfl:i^;‘|jV'Vnt!Vil'l*TMt<V ' .MOW -VOHK;'^tUP)- - - I'rfliltic- lldii in iir.iny ot.,.iVliicrlcn’H InR imIiixiriOH Uoii ilioppiHl in luich far liolnw’ llie aclnal ii in«lM< Itiiil the .UD 1 )« far awi SocIoIorIhU uro o <i n n II j ilsi(;nL.tlinl tlic jicoplo will n uln ilioKO nrtlcIoH <lm( vrvrp [clawlflort iiH “luxurlOii."' . 8jiarp';ilr('Ilo(' . A iHcaHnro of ilui liuHliiciia, ' :wi •|,M*ri:i[ •ii^Hrii’'i’r r ." ) .Outline Campnipi SlniloHy In <lisf()V- B n tlle^ Defeat Efforts ered which servos to^iirotec-t-Con^n’cssnifn’s w i v e s , . of Anii-ProhibitioniBtB - dau'trlUei-s/sbns and ol^T^ix'tai.lves tVom llu- full * ------ force ofthe' new economy- and pav reduction Ijiw. anti .saloon -lbaqub The entire House, mejfi.f - ; \— -----------^; djreotors GAi;riER bers’hip is\i-evising its pay- roll- in yaccordii^ce \vitii th’e ' new- - economy ‘act. But - CongressiTien, fixed the law so th^y colild -fiOfll-gentl.v M'itJi j-eiatives. One ni i d‘d 1 e western Congi'essman lias even in? treased his wife’s siilary. TOBLOGKMi; Hoover'Approvaf-|! ariniKUts;' t-'iilrtclall!! of.'tlii'nii liauKi-H wlll.Uc'rcii.irlu.l liilcir.- Dcuplio ilii' Kionn uronscil- Uv ?l'^nt llnllcd PrvH’i >t>ii 1 ilic-nilnn-Ilf ctiillH ‘ conccrnlnR ilm way tl;v illy p;ivroII W kM iiponiti COORI ....... IikIiiIr Dr. P.-Scott McBride Dcc|ave.n _____President's • Program:. -. ‘•Not-100 Per Cent*’ : 1 aiiiiib',, P o r in e r ^ r y ,’- Intro. r:::'.:idiices_Resoliitton. Per. Snlu.of Intoxicants. Reijuced-Program of B uilding I n c l u d e d . . , , In-R eviaedPlan"-;:-^! rely 01 ^ loans - -WASHINGTON, —The_ne.>v_draft. of tli^_. -^ ______ 22,000,boo. uneniploy* -j— men't relief hill \yas •i><. . i n _^.i;it.>r (m! by -the House tdday— ^ - iwTih rccfinl tirenking.leg- j'i",';.'^"‘ !'lsjaii\'e speed. ^ ,'.|.V ilM.I Til.- 11i.li-.. >riii. ivu,. 2!*iijo 4I1. ’ '< 1 ’I’’" ' 11 Klmllsr I.' / u n ji- ^ Mliim iiiri . I.U1 ri!ll0K on n'tcopr' Officers Probe “Mystery of Death-GuDL ^s. Libl?y Holman Reti^rns to Childhood Home ,1 OuililhiK (ranfrnctiil (InRota-intbna)' ....... lHiliKirlcii.-nlonei:tlie-rbom in u-|ilcli.amlili RcynoldH Al)0iit” it-iii5ni'ic‘r~ b f: wnn irtinL. rniicJ-tu .iiim .inoMKi'ilNi? re.-iIrop :...II Hpl'rllual pcrfcotio)!, Ilio ____ . St.. .\lBry.'n'_Epliicon^._crtUicOral., Mempliln, TilMdcd'IiB loved-IilB wlfnl ■■ HCcnrillnB to iho'dtc- ■fii^or iiu ............ .,li(llf>of Olid’ > 11 ; liclo'.^ 'What ^'a'n iiccwBao' .lo-'-keop. thb,'Aji'orlcnn pebjao HniiBlIwl wIlh cAi>cnllah ' '-of Uio ,1lircc,'«ioppeil,' , j.woa.poH—lyltiK lirfroni..6f;th c (l.ijrtr. , ThaLlH JiiBt one ot sovoraj’pnizl- nfe- fiirtK-rfti'palcd:ln-Hccrct. tcsll- imny In ,thc InvcntlRnllon .-.{ib- ol<- pliicil I0llu^ liy- tlii!_V.i!(l«L:Ur.ci‘8. ... siilSlll tier vtl-ivH ■ot ,'lhc rprloiis.- I.ll)l)y Holman Itcy ri-t'ltrrni*d'in-Iicr-clilldhooil-liftii <luy.-\\1th her-he :iihc iI pb I tp » ihai Unrnllonii S'TOllFF-INPHBic 2-rAii .,iHldlUonai:;,»I,B?,Mp.O,OMv rporatliui (imd - to '.cxicnd ^loaoX ' r . i>bir-Mi|UlilaiInR . ..rnnntriictlbn-.., aitk— .......... ' ' lOIIK nd _lho • fJriTdter occtfllpnH" o/oroafJii fiiKOd tlio - InvciillKalo'rM. I foionir'K Jtiry A'lildi- rnlo‘I . lyonthtnl Iiclr'to nilMlbn<t-''<tlo<I- at j lhb honilH, o fji person or persons .WJiy woroJilrs.ricy ...c Iriicic ilcmh-or lior y liii(.1iiiii(l;Smllh. killed nccor I coroiNr'fi Jijiry vorcllci, .li.v ■r>iv nr-pcri‘bii<un>lcni>\vii." II roTi'RT’oJpillfSMrtlilUK, 'aalfini.:.X_ C., aiiiliorllleH: the_piih«l ' llcily nud'the RPlut Imd l.ikon their' rolir SIic illilll’l want to (ftC(5 Ihoj'” TVPwn ppoirtc who Katliereil In r.jinpporl. llu'frimltly >- hlH stnnil: ."I’roaiilBnt llonvpr’ii i!cnlarntlon«; '• ___ inriini. Thli ii«-n to <laio hnvn lic^on audnfnc-, -• . hn«-<-ver oiu>-im « H^lKji^roRrum of enfurcwnent: D raper Higlily Emotional A s,th« f<Hi«ont--ofrihi Jttdgc Announces j322.0«nj)00'.-nppr6pflatlnn inirmfbniilrnctloa p '‘ liiilldlnic', worki o r>-jirovl«lon - ■ft njo R0lnR.tA.w0rk for dryi " f,^*ldRlBlnl.ir», ilr’y rn'-^ .Mj'^TI. TPNlilunl! nrnjCTr SI : 1m ; of>lUlatH t HllppcrH hc&Idc th ...............Irriorj) I - I bod of'liur IlnK* JKatkcr II •Bho '1 .............. .. .................. .■ptilo nalii"*ho' .wo'iiiii- inko-tiio fiRht- lilRlicsl.cbiirt If ncccBHary. I'handlriR ilon'n'ltH dcclxlo’n to*, (]nr/lhft c'6tift;o'f appealK Hald MrK. Noo Imil- nor-ciilahli*licd Hnltlclcnt proof' lO.'^HnbBianilati Trr/a'<nvui'i!u. “ v"' .Slib had clalmnd^ihn Iwo.lIvcd.nHp.' . ilranBcmiRlnco.pt'inbcr. )D2*. and .. for' (libt^ rcaHon^'fiho' doiihtcd IiIh, ^ \ ' )•;• MEDICAL :• OFFICER , , SH.'OT TO DEATHji lSHINOTON>‘-(W )^r)r.;:V lc-|. mc<IIca1: offlecr : '-"of.flho ML',Alio.void •' inl'.‘hore,',:'wa«- sb n i, [a fl{hco',taday;. ' ' ' win'rest hflforc PlnnulnR nil'O'''’'®* 1 o reinrn lojhc.fonilli!hte...t*'P'" .7 -^' lipHo't. '-ho«^i ei-. fo r 'Mrii.‘ .UeyiioIilH linn ■alcd' lliot ulic'porhnps In',an .jciant mnthnr. , - Tho patt?-;left; lh|^-Norfolk' !s frim tho;cliy. to c; tmnlliig j onUEphVlani"^ Miiy. II-' 0-: iI)nn, &-.Co.. reported.'Kanrd'H rtaiiKhter iiinl jheriil Ldadii-.Upiiiiriff and ;-ProilaiinsC.doibiiei:'Alba;.;; .OUAYAQUliii-^Cililitor;;.(UP)'V^ whilb’ tho cnrtfldBO, ■|ho .oppbaijQ nldn of ..'Haw could Iho b n llc t. raiiRC MlRhtly downward-tliroiiBji- Snilihi bclo^'hli !t pans (hroutftr door »creen';..... » ............ Why - Wi^ 'ihorb no' hlbody trail • , Slyron-T. Ki'ibn. a hrofhVr-ln*_law,i fr<inv.Mho--spot",wlior«' Siiinii was; mul.Uho iiiVriy. -Mrn.-'Keynolflu’ woHj HboL"lo -lho .t>lacO'.whoro'-hu waH*.iuUeii-,-lo his. motor'-car-- liy-‘, hcrl ■piircra-ifr-tiir'fftrronnnnio-tm^ino-TniiicrriCDim'TirDrn-hcr-itirBctir , .tTlp.lo tboJidSPUal-wiiorc ho died hlii;1 iomp In WyonilnR.'an cxeluBkel — rdom ... .............. ......... ./-—.I.-... .AMELIA EARHART :iilti exotic.wife and| IhiR frlcnd.^Wnlkcn^'oat lu ajiotlier?. I v'.Thorfr.tnrol.pOBKlhle-'DJfplaHatloin ;'to‘. lh9,.-)iiHt-.twb 'i|iteiitlbo{i'‘iioti df ' «1opod-ln-tbr Pmdus' AViiit^ ■ Fails' To' Bet whoso* iiiiBhond! ' NejT. RocoVd''W hoinForced ■...nKlilor.^ot.AUrrd.'4n>lman.Jtnowul-' - . —: -------- :— ‘to :.Clnclniiatlans _aB_.u "mlddlln; *jib'rcH.iriiV atlor.noywfc7- . ~ - ~ ../Karliart.l )-tooi.:of:'lb'o;:bbd’-lnv-lho,vr«Mui p.. Vn<lin» ^- ,-j-oi\nB----.wp •'.rclBllve* ,w. -Today’s Gaines ^ i^ Y o i;k A 8 0 0 i OOxfrfi-.t 7 i _____ .iier(j’ ,vlodaW'‘ fo lo,put;dowh‘’,l1iojmdvoBieiit- . ... ';'-In..'Qiilto;-Xbi6nbu;ijir'r6ajAlbBi -ir^JJoltr--------- - ■■ ^AJ. -.Holniall,............... nioihcr-aiid nther'-rblnll. hcr/.ln.'.wninilon.S«lL'm when youn'R] ] Hey,iioldsfwn« -Blint (0 death. • i-r-Mbhyj-wa-i-iihlcldcd-] from ' quoa-, • ilotiorrlir>'or fdi/icrJ-po vW slny! — i-r... ........................ _______ ^Uiaior'irHl6rrTarr/Kttl.V:t6r: n' Te*nmony.-v(aa,to, thc'oftcct that lonK .period of. reciipuratlon. "■«,• falker,bnQ^LIbb>'.l^blmlin:Iloyn- v ^ h c .u-lir tiot.'roturn l« Koynolda. oldH;;,-both'.-under---Inflaciico- dt- Ihc' .broad'Mtalb of. the wealthy 11qiior.'.-carrlodUlia'--v;-oiindcd.yo»lir- neynoldB ; family .except on- i_l^ad-and-aiii!-7eriten:d< , JYncb'wltb'ihoHffldencor,: |y';Tc*llniony.iv(aa, to; f l)bi'und;.Qlhof,offlf*rfl.:wbrp’,arresJ-(t;:r//(^i!ti^ , iKil 'and'.oth'of. off1p«^ iwbrp’.arreat-. -I od;' 'riib.-.rubfcmont’.apparbntly':had l^'ue 'rbporciuiildririiirgHrb'fp1acea;;-:'i., t ■Larica“Atbd';rbi'i}JSay ; prcBldcnt bt.tlie/jeijubltq.' ' ' ' Condition of Evangelist ■S15SJ® ■jlNA'mOXAt LEA«rE ... !PTnwiXreHV.^'^;Vnoooi}07.°'>=r^7' ;ei&rtHrsu . I Endpjseitient of. Humori&t Rogers viiOKjlA*iwrA^ciTY' ........„,.H;tho'hnmorlBl,'ln'Iiiff:Mn?' - didncy; roh(Iie-peiiiDCiratto''n«tnl*: ...................... l|Mmiin-8l-IarB0- ^r..Tc'achor-noV«fii®(J<i'tlio'niim'Q^ Angeljas.oTempIesOrdered . tO Si. AK0ELK9,->f(UI>).Vii-^Irl<.•l. .Aliitce£Scmp1oi*fcPlier80ti^I.it(on £ waR^ln'^R i.BcrlouatcooOlticni today .follQWlhB4A.^Tclai>db.-LacebrdtDR-t< licr,rpl(}.Blplaii,-,.;Dr.-,Mwara.‘iH « n l lnKton^\v1 incimg.v^-v:-----.vt--:^-.;:-i\c fitUirBC»--tina'.lapMdJiilb R . S.' J:.' (tIP)—Amelia nitini,^..who . soared ;Off| oiflc cQnul.Dt C^ll I .. .;ccBBfuHy-by plano’-and readied iNcwark/nlrporl at J2:17 •• SI.'RDT.'tndny.;--; ’• ' 5lm-li'a.|JiiJon-forced lo'«tlgl>l-nl Iiin»t>unr^Oh|ni*-'thi« m o m ln e-lo j:el7mbro';fii6l,%therbliy; Blia^terlns her hopa for a imn-Btop" trip. -:. ' '.Tins. clapBcd: ilmo^.Tffaa 19 -houra 1(1 U'mlnutos.iaho tbereby.'faninfi LBCt' u'-now •rifbrd' for-tho'cbaat I .coaat-.jourB^y-.' . aiio-«oared.-«vcr-lhe airport...nt J2:I7.’P ..M .'^ lUIehtcd.lO.nilntiles later; -Frank Ulnwks'-, hail^inade; lljo ................... ;in.l7.^fioutiij IS'Sal: Jo:eo'a*v;jou'r'rioy'.ii •ro':'-bcat'-;;tlio H'awlW'.TCcohH:-nL'->hlcli'«I)d,>va8 iihooitii’K^l'ix^t'.aOrorlliAIcBs'ni’aide’.Ji b rilliant cfforl;.:.T-:v.=V/..V--:-’'-‘-; -''..-;-V;: -.Upon'-:lana[nit>tlBi.;'J*rhari 'Bald .................. .Hpiehdodih'rMklnB MrlklnK.'herihcad.when.Bhe.fcnnlea clt«^ii<ici?iivf/«crTiOQ.;.,cotuRiiMion. .’".ru-.r.— ....................... V -W .T ^ Mted~fo?rtHi)35^flndi^nferiaK^^ sj^SST*' fir. >vnH 1,1 Itho qmrt r Diaper hoard-. ,lint|,‘e Ji CLAliiJiS-' STAKED^V!*^' -AT-LAKE-RES^JIT^ belilK; k-tti.'-,' M,n ti„ blSii . hiibdred-clalnii'-SiodHitaV'ii^tl ■ivletod f Ruafd;.......... ilbyinc lio.r tailici-: ana wlui h n d ;“ ‘V '" " ^ “':*: !oiiKhi‘her hami In';ni»'rj:lnK«-..Vor ilUl ,')mi)i‘r 1 oiilr.nt:j>Pr, The womnli""^........... ------- -------- il iV;tlyor, «-e«-pl«B,;,|„„„ iTIcilTT;. ,, Draper v cotrrtr-! Uirdi'i'larLM' ho whh' IH'Ih 'ki <cnlericea,ror n,orlrnft«r•>vliicb\he ......... ^ \ is •bb'.rb»Qt«.'bo'mpiny;''~i^ i~ ..........V .•nfnoral'.i rleUt»^ Jt;nti*-.V-TV;^Efl i.pMre.| -. llkojy that -,~tno b t.. (iC ^t^'e: • vjiB .I’iiyilelans at'Sl^.Janje.s llirfipllaf today ..'imld.' Ho-Je<>!, had - a''Vlmbco' ror,'.rcc»voiT. nltJiongh; Iih- condl-L [loii.wii.-i ncrlonii. ,'y Mim^Bressb'd'ib J f l ^ - .T a k w ; , qWld--' ? rom • Soto'oj^'-J^^ «nvuitf;ui;v;jiiaYflWBT«d.^«n ___ i3^urt»r;r .......

01newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls...I. t{day . Jiy rclnforccineiUa . frnlii l«'ihaln coriip oC tlio ^'X-Me r c u r y so a r s 'M 'H e a t w ave VISITS GHICA*GO

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Page 1: 01newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls...I. t{day . Jiy rclnforccineiUa . frnlii l«'ihaln coriip oC tlio ^'X-Me r c u r y so a r s 'M 'H e a t w ave VISITS GHICA*GO

A Rceionol Ncwapaper. Serving Six Oountlca In Idaho .. ._ 0 iq ^ ( 4 I A l - . - ( ; ( jT r R T Y - - K lv \V S R A ; E I i : iU

C O N € » E S S A f I P K Q V E ^ : W E W ; E E L I E F M E A S U R E


^ et«raUHiindrW',_W.9JL^rHv^ J t l .F rom W e s t.to H e lp I n

- -i4>; B opU a

'■’^ X y O L D IE H S -A E M YS H O R T -B A T IO N S

u/biliif’ l.cdbux Roporta.;, S h ip .

iiw A ^ n x d fo N ( U P ) ''— .Tiifl — »lft#-or-tlic-U'Dlleilrain«eB-o.-iplrtr

•liy..»eloranfi xloiermljioy to -lilvoii* 8clt;on. th o Oiiilial ftroimilH iinlll

; . (inasTfciH juljourns wuii mrwiEtl'cn- I. t{day . Jiy rclnforccineiUa . frnlii l«'ihaln coriip oC tlio 'X-

M e r c u r y s o a r s ' M ' H e a t w a v eV IS IT S G H IC A *G O

Tli'p w’onlliiT tnrofiiKH'i' jire- (Ilcl6<l. Ilio nicrciiry >oiilii ko 'I" !)t! m-OtilciiRO.-wlilrh wniilil Cf)iinliJ 'i^o lU ln 'iiL icc 'm L rQ r-Jjily -ii-.citlnlilliilico in ISSII, niKl salil li , tufnlii RO hlBlier.

A.hni wind i t r ^ tlip /fboiiftJ a- Mii'nK «i«i 1nTilOiiKii)K •lixcdmr^rl. ThoilHamlH Ilcirkr.l in- ------ in d pnrk#.

wim prointpi'il tor ln>• -tomorrow. ' Tcimicni-

ilMppcd-III tho Ddr 'holaa-miii ilioHvciitlior'lM'ACtllnK ■<!QOIcr~l«'' n 'orlliorn' WiHMiitiltr,• 0)1(1 nbriljorn-'MlclilRnii. • .I'Vnm-• CUlcaRn' lioulhwaril, hbwcvcr., Ili.c iib'licRi wcouior or-lliff yciir wui

' In prbfll'ecl. . ‘ ' •

D i f i S i i

' Mil (0 tlm Ti>0 \iicn wlio Iia<l KiX'tii (tie nlRlit on tlio jiDvcmontH'< iin<1

~iasov (ilin iu~ 'ino r cftpliol—. Ins.

...YetK JVnnft<l_s“ Tlif caipttol’n BprliikHni?-ii>'Bt«hr nu ptiC Jn operuUoti' ofirly.'.niiil

men ■whovhinl-’'Hlept. on‘ iliu [nn « c ru forced to re tire lu ilic pinnienls. ot- th9 Hll'Bot':liBHvepii

.. llie.Ciplfol'-artil •Ihc.vlilirary .ot cJWfMB. .Tho ,vfltornti« - iwcro

> wtised.ln ailvaoco'Ko none bf.lht'm ■ .iMi iIrcn«Uoclrfl(i!Hie-»iirln1ilcv«. nrilered : this brOBil ' rnwti ■ lH’ llic


. ...u llfo rn la.-................ . ........—;— Wiiiiriifl 't l io ’nieli'Mootl .niilc!)}-: !ii

■ ' llnvXtoro-tftKd wnk-ilii* Jiito' tlip OrcRoii 'rtdn: ' ■ 'i-';; '- '

. /Heiinit Kn/Hoiiio''':_lIAan 'L.'i^Qiix;.tlioVfa'ii«>>p' .....• Kw: ot. MurUintian lirooilllucs-, lolil' lliA TttornnB. Tii} liad; oTilnlttcil IT.

•^JAO'lx.SCX. t < ' t i n . . >- M CTiLNi:.M."Xoer:'oi-jiempiiiRr’>- chiiTKVil liVn- IniKlmnil, Duim

lop. Hplscopiil- ropinr, hue l.liyBlcally at.an'lonc.l Her Imil : rcncUeit : hiicV ii n».nu. • Rplrltiinl. pnVWllon llinl lio ii loii/or 'c iirc J 'fo r Tirilily [piirKUlii

iciij’Jil n divorce toiluy...... clrciili. court of nppcalx licre

rofiiapd la'Kranl'U-Kopardilon.

' Kcttliiini; - of_Mtmptili*.^.dl«nil«Hcd Hio '‘illvbi-ci 'lini’ In' iliuncJA' " ' ‘

■.’.WIiDU-flio cftHc'tlhil caiiic'Up-'forl iVlnl Jti. ‘McmpliW Kovef-nlj monili*.]

iro.ttroclcirnn(l'on*wlilc tiUon-j

rhlulfron.l .[rortt Inniic.U, .

= rn )o o > T i iin r7 iF 7 iH n 5 rw J j ' • , 0M iioimdH'.addllloBntMiatl-liccJt, iir- r ^ ^ w c d Tor nnd 'were'; oh', thp-wny I ■ ■ i?8m Xow Vflfk liy irUnk^uccomi>-

mlcdiby a-KHarcl Ot'cMlchlgn;

= lnK h ln 'Io n s Rray-imtr and.• iplnfhlM- flo i- ii |- :> d :f l^ r: ^ - - .

•Imillorcd tlib. ini'niirf^Bnt>--,ln ill- . Mplial 5Jini|i.>,. .

‘'atcccKs lil'Jua'i aliolUjhcr etn5uica.-'^Vou'hlt, liM n' Iho ..

. )itt nlBlit; .nna .'m i.'fO lt-Jtfln lUo iloac iiicpH. yoiilenlny:;'.Kcep It

“ m j'yv(ii;jI'■ i!iit'30iir..uoinre'."“ , ' ;;M(oy,'.f«il.rln.’.rcdrliB[ide*l':MaHno'

immnamtinf; 'tlio' Orflgoa.'.'dlvlHloi), '. ihichVJoitio<l .Ihb ;ctmfbrn,la-;ufni>-

;; jrfiler<!ay:,oinl-VcJfllric^-Joda^'nfici^

-•'OiirJdciy.'lii.a ptttccftir.relitlv'(Cq'MIn«ied oa

. . nniiWer 'tb'ilib diarBCH flf Mri ;.V<M>-il|ftlVhcr\ Imulianil no lonscrl- . r . .•tTnrcl.. for o a rlb li^p u rH u U B ^tfr •lio lm.1 roiictied r^ lilsh • rtrnKlT: o f .A r jv l i ,^ ln ;a 1

'MiiBirlcH in.tfift nrct-.:

S p g : M i i K T * | ^ a -


I - Joker^^fr

Of Uv Si Gongressmen


H o u s e B - p s t e s t o

;£ roductio ii^ iuu fie low _-A o tu fil- ; N eeds On Basis Of

Pimt. Ton^Vpnrii . ..

({Jiipji-istil I IIW A SH IN G TO N , ( U P ) X a joker iiiu

B U IL D IN G A N D ST E E L -■ -S U P P E R - H ^ V Y .L O S S

Eco.nomJsia blftim U pU irn ^ e iir ■ --If•,.An^erica^8^.M aiDlain , - -

•New 'N dccssitics’’ ' ' .

iij- u in iA iU ) C fiiu n L K V .

((’.Vyrliflit, lfl:i^;‘|jV'Vnt!Vil'l*TMt<V ' .MOW -VOHK;'^tUP)- - - I'rfliltic-

lldii in iir.iny ot.,.iVliicrlcn’H InR imIiixiriOH Uoii ilioppiHl in luich

far liolnw’ llie aclnal ii

in«lM< Itiiil the .UD ■1)« far awi

SocIoIorIhU uro o <i n n II j ilsi(;nL.tlinl tlic jicoplo will n uln ilioKO nrtlcIoH <lm( vrvrp

[clawlflort iiH “luxurlOii."'. 8jiarp';ilr('Ilo('

. A iHcaHnro of ilui liuHliiciia, '


•|,M *ri:i[

•ii^Hrii’'i’r r." ) .O u tlin e C am p n ip i SlniloH y In<lisf()V- B n t l l e ^ D efea t E ffo rts

e r e d w h ic h s e r v o s t o ^ i i r o t e c - t - C o n ^ n ’c s s n i f n ’s w i v e s , . o f Anii-ProhibitioniBtB -dau 'trlU ei-s/sbns and ol^T^ix 'tai.lves tVom llu- full * ------force o f th e ' new economy- and pav reduction I jiw . a n t i .s a l o o n -l b a q u b

T he en tire House, mejfi.f - ; \ — -----------^ ; d jreo to rs GAi;riERbers’hip is\i-evising its pay­roll- in yaccordii^ce \vitii th’e ' new- - e c o n o m y ‘act.B u t - CongressiTien, fixed th e law so th^y colild -fiOfll-gentl.v M'itJi j-eiatives.

One ni i d‘d 1 e w estern Congi'essm an lias even in? tre a se d his w ife’s siilary.

TOBLOGKMi; H o o v e r 'A p p r o v a f - |!

ariniKUts;' t-'iilrtclall!! of.'tlii'nii liauKi-H wlll.Uc'rcii.irlu.l liilcir.- Dcuplio ilii' Kionn uronscil- Uv

?l'^nt llnllcd PrvH’i >t>ii1ilic-nilnn-Ilf ctiillH ‘ conccrnlnR ilm way tl;v

illy p;ivroII W kM iiponitiCOORI ■....... IikIiiIr

D r. P .- S c o tt M cB ride Dcc|ave.n_____P re s id e n t 's • P ro g ra m :.-. ‘•N ot-100 P e r Cent*’ :


aiiiiib',, P o r i n e r ^ r y , ’- In tro . r:::'.:idiices_Resoliitton. P e r .

• S n lu .o f In tox icants .

R eijuced -P rog ram o f B uilding I n c l u d e d . . , ,

I n - R e v i a e d P l a n " - ; : - ^ !

r e l y 01 l o a n s

- -W ASHINGTON,— The_ne.>v_draft. o f tli^_. -

______ 22,000,boo. uneniploy*- j — m e n 't r e l i e f h i l l \ y a s

•i><. . i n _^.i;it.>r (m! b y - t h e H o u s e t d d a y — ^- iwTih rccfinl tirenking .leg- ■j'i",';.' "‘ !'lsjaii\'e s p e e d . •,'.|.V ilM.I Til.- 11i.li-.. >riii. ivu,. 2!*iijo 4I1. ’'< 1 ’I’’" ' 11 KlmllsrI.' / u n j i - ^ Mliim iiiri .

I.U1 ri!ll0K on n 'tcopr'

Officers Probe “Mystery of Death-GuDL s. Libl?y Holman Reti rns to Childhood Home

,1 OuililhiK (ranfrnctiil(InRota-intbna)'

....... lHiliKirlcii.-nlonei:tlie-rbom in u-|ilcli.amlili RcynoldHAl)0iit” it-iii5ni'ic‘r~ b f: wnn irtinL. rniicJ-tu .iiim .inoMKi'ilNi?



Hpl'rllual pcrfcotio)!, Ilio ____ .St.. .\lBry.'n'_Epliicon^._crtUicOral., Mempliln, TilMdcd'IiB loved-IilB wlfnl

■■ ■ HCcnrillnB to iho'dtc-

■fii or iiu ............ .,li(llf>of Olid’>11; liclo'.^ 'What ^'a'n

iiccwBao' .lo-'-keop. thb,'Aji'orlcnn pebjao HniiBlIwl wIlh cAi>cnllah '

'-of Uio ,1lircc,'«ioppeil,' , j.woa.poH—lyltiK lirfroni..6f;thc (l.ijrtr.

, ThaLlH JiiBt one o t sovoraj’pnizl- nfe- fiirtK-rfti'palcd:ln-Hccrct. tcsll- imny In ,thc InvcntlRnllon .-.{ib- ol<- pliicil I0llu^ liy- tlii!_V.i!(l«L:Ur.ci‘8.

... siilSlll tier vtl-ivH ■ ot ,'lhcrprloiis.- I.ll)l)y Holman Itcy ri-t'ltrrni*d'in-Iicr-clilldhooil-liftii <luy.-\\1 th her-he

:iihc iIpbItp» ihai


2-rAii .,iHldlUonai:;,»I,B?,Mp.O,OMv rporatliui (imd - to '.cxicnd loaoX ' r . i>bir-Mi|UlilaiInR . ..rnnntriictlbn-..,

aitk— ■ .......... '


nd _lho

• fJriTdter occtfllpnH" o /o ro a f J ii

fiiKOd tlio - InvciillKalo'rM.I foionir'K Jtiry A'lildi- rnlo‘I . lyonthtnl Iic lr 'to nilMlbn<t-''<tlo<I- at j lhb honilH, o f j i person or persons

.WJiy woroJilrs.ricy

...c Iriicic ilcmh-or lior y liii(.1iiiii(l;Smllh. killed nccor I coroiNr'fi Jijiry vorcllci, .li.v ■r>iv nr-pcri‘bii<un>lcni>\vii." II roTi'RT’oJpillfSMrtlilUK,

'aalfini.:.X_ C., aiiiliorllleH: the_piih«l ' llcily nud 'the RPlut Imd l.ikon their' rolir SIic illilll’l want to (ftC(5 Ihoj'”

TVPwn ppoirtc who Katliereil In

r.jinpporl. llu 'frim ltly >- hlH stnnil:."I’roaiilBnt llonvpr’ii i!cnlarntlon«; '• ___ inriini. Thliii«-n to <laio hnvn lic on audnfnc-, -• . hn«-<-ver oiu>-im «

H^lKji roRrum of enfurcwnent: D ra p e r H iglily E m otional A s ,th « f<Hi«ont--ofrihi J ttd g c A nnounces

j322.0«nj)00'.-nppr6pflatlnn — inirm fbniilrnctloa p '‘

liiilldlnic', w orki o

r>-jirovl«lon -■ft njo R0lnR.tA.w0 rk for dryi "

f,^*ldRlBlnl.ir», ilr’y rn'-^ .Mj'^TI.TPNlilunl! nrnjCTr SI

: 1m;

of>lUlatH t

HllppcrH hc&Idc th...............Irriorj) I -

I bod of'liur IlnK*JK atkcr

II •Bho '1 .............. .................... .■ptilo

nalii"*ho' .wo'iiiii- inko-tiio fiRht- lilRlicsl.cbiirt If ncccBHary. I'handlriR ilon'n'ltH dcclxlo’n to*,

(]nr/lh ft c'6tift;o'f appealK Hald MrK. Noo Imil- nor-ciilahli*licd Hnltlclcnt proof' lO.'^HnbBianilati Trr/a'<nvui'i!u. “ v " '.Slib had clalmnd^ihn Iwo.lIvcd.nHp.'

. ilranBcmiRlnco.pt'inbcr. )D2*. and .. fo r' (libt^ rcaHon^'fiho' doiihtcd IiIh,

\ ' )•;•

M ED ICA L :• O FFICE R , , S H . 'O T TO D EA TH jilSHINOTON>‘-(W )^ r)r .;:V lc - |.

mc<IIca1: offlecr : '-"of.flho M L',A lio.void •'

inl'.‘hore,',:'wa«- s b n i ,[a fl{hco',taday;. ' ' '

w in 'rest hflforc PlnnulnR nil'O'''’'®*1o reinrn lo jhc .fon illi!h te ...t* 'P '" .7 - '

lipHo't. '-ho«^i ei-. for 'Mrii.‘ .UeyiioIilH linn ■alcd' lliot ulic'porhnps In',an

.jc ian t mnthnr. ,- Tho patt?-;left; lh|^-Norfolk'

!s frim tho;cliy. to c;

tmnlliig j onUEphVlani"^

Miiy. II-' 0-: iI)nn, &-.Co.. reported.'Kanrd'H rtaiiKhter iiinl

jhe riil L dadii-.U piiiiriff a n d ;-ProilaiinsC .doibiiei:'A lba;.;;


whilb’ tho cnrtfldBO,■|ho .oppbaijQ nldn of .. 'H a w could Iho b n llc t. raiiRC MlRhtly dow nw ard-tliroiiBji- Snilihi

bclo^'hli!t pans ( h ro u t f tr door »creen';..... » ............Why - Wi^ 'ihorb no' hlbody trail • , Slyron-T. Ki'ibn. a hrofhVr-ln*_law,i

fr<inv.Mho--spot",wlior«' Siiinii was; mul.Uho iiiVriy. -Mrn.-'Keynolflu’ woHj HboL"lo -lho .t>lacO'.whoro'-hu waH*.iuUeii-,-lo his. m otor'-car-- liy-‘, hcrl ■piircra-ifr-tiir'fftrronnnnio-tm^ino-TniiicrriCDim'TirDrn-hcr-itirBctir ,.tTlp.lo tboJidSPUal-wiiorc ho died hlii;1iomp In WyonilnR.'an cxeluBkel

— rdom ... .............. .......... / - —.I .- . . .


:iilti exotic.wife and| IhiR frlcnd.^Wnlkcn^'oat lu ajiotlier?.I v'.Thorfr.tnrol.pOBKlhle-'DJfplaHatloin ;'to‘. lh9,.-)iiHt-.twb 'i|iteiitlbo{i'‘iioti df ' «1opod-ln-tbr

P m d u s ' A V i i i t ^ ■ F a i ls ' To' Bet whoso* iiiiBhond! ' NejT. R ocoV d''W hoinForced

■...nKlilor.^ot.AUrrd.'4n>lman.Jtnowul-' - . — :-------- :—‘to :.Clnclniiatlans _aB_.u "mlddlln;*jib'rcH.iriiV atlor.noywfc7- . ~ - ~ ../K arliart.l

)-tooi.:of:'lb'o;:bbd’-lnv-lho,vr«Muip.. Vn<lin» -,-j-oi\nB----.wp •'.rclBllve* ,w.

-T o d a y ’sGaines

^ i^ Y o i ;k A 8 0 0 i OOxfrfi-.t 7 i

_____ .iier(j’,vlodaW'‘folo,put;dowh‘’,l1iojmdvoBieiit- . . . . '; '-In..'Qiilto;-Xbi6nbu;ijir'r6ajAlbBi

-ir^JJoltr--------- - ■■AJ.

-.H olniall,...............nioihcr-aiid nther'-rblnll. hcr/.ln.'.wninilon.S«lL'm when youn'R]

] Hey,iioldsfwn« -Blint (0 death. • i-r-Mbhyj-wa-i-iihlcldcd-] from ' quoa-, • i lo tio rrlir> 'o r fdi/icrJ-po vW slny!

— i-r... ........................ _______ ^ U iaio r 'irH l6 rrT arr/K ttl.V :t6 r: n'Te*nmony.-v(aa,to, thc 'oftcct that lonK .period of. reciipuratlon. "■«,• falker,bnQ^LIbb>'.l^blmlin:Iloyn- v ^ h c .u-lir tiot.'roturn l« Koynolda.

oldH;;,-both'.-under---Inflaciico- dt- Ihc' .broad 'M talb of. the wealthy 11qiior.'.-carrlodUlia'--v;-oiindcd.yo»lir- neynoldB ; family .except on-

i_l ad-and-aiii!-7eriten:d< , JYncb'wltb'ihoHffldencor,: |y';Tc*llniony.iv(aa, to; f

l)bi'und;.Qlhof,offlf*rfl.:wbrp’,a rre sJ -(t;:r//(^ i! ti^, iKil 'and'.oth'of. off1p«^ iwbrp’.arreat-. -I od;' 'riib.-.rubfcmont’.apparbntly':had

l^'ue 'rbporciuiildririiirgHrb'fp1acea;;-:'i., t ■Larica“Atbd';rbi'i}JSay ; prcBldcnt bt.tlie/jeijubltq.' ' ' ' Condition of Evangelist


■jlNA'mOXAt L E A «rE ...

!PTnwiXreHV. ' ;Vnoooi}07.°'>=r 7'


. I Endpjse itien t of. Humori&t Rogers


........„,.H;tho'hnmorlBl,'ln'Iiiff:Mn?'- didncy; roh(Iie-peiiiDCiratto''n«tnl*: ...................... l|Mmiin-8l-IarB0-


■ Angeljas.oTempIesOrdered. tO Si. AK0ELK9,->f(UI>).Vii- Irl<.•l.

.Aliitce£Scmp1oi*fcPlier80ti^I.it(on £ waR^ln'^R i.BcrlouatcooOlticni today .follQWlhB4A.^Tclai>db.-LacebrdtDR-t< licr,rpl(}.Blplaii,-,.;Dr.-,Mwara.‘iH «nl lnKton^\v1 incimg.v^-v:-----.vt--:^-.;:-i\c

fitUirBC»--tina'.lapMdJiilb R

. S.' J:.' ( tIP )— Amelia nitini,^..who . soared ;Off| oiflc cQnul.Dt C^ll I

.. .;ccBBfuHy-by plano’-and readied iN cw ark/nlrporl at J2:17 •• SI.'RDT.'tndny.;--; ’• '

5lm-li'a.|JiiJon-forced lo'«tlgl>l-nl Iiin»t>unr^Oh|ni*-'thi« m om lne-lo

j:el7mbro';fii6l,%therbliy; Blia^terlns her hopa for a imn-Btop" trip. - :.' '.Tins. clapBcd: ilmo .Tffaa 19 -houra

1(1 U'mlnutos.iaho tbereby.'faninfi LBCt' u'-now •rifbrd' for-tho'cbaat I .coaat-.jourB^y-.'

. a iio-«oared.-«vcr-lhe airport...nt J2:I7.’P . .M . '^ lUIehtcd.lO.nilntiles later; -Frank Ulnwks'-, hail^inade; lljo

................... ;in.l7.^fioutiijIS 'Sal:


■ •ro':'-bcat'-;;tlioH'awlW'.TCcohH:-nL'->hlcli'«I)d,>va8 iihooitii’K^l'ix^t'.aOrorlliAIcBs'ni’aide’.Ji brilliant cfforl;.:.T-:v.=V/..V--:-’'-‘-; -''..-;-V;: -.Upon'-:lana[nit>tlBi.;'J*rhari 'Bald

.................. .Hpiehdodih'rMklnB

MrlklnK.'herihcad.when.Bhe.fcnnlea clt«^ii<ici?iivf/«crTiOQ.;.,cotuRiiMion. .’".ru-.r.—

.......................V - W . T

M ted~fo?rtH i)35^flndi^nferiaK ^^

s j ^ S S T * '

fir. >vnH 1,1 Itho qm rt r Diaper hoard-. ,lint|,‘e

Ji CLAliiJiS-' S T A K E D ^V !* ^ ' -A T -L A K E -R E S ^JIT ^

belilK; k-tti.'-,'

M,n ti„ b lS ii

. h iibd red-c laln ii'-S iodH itaV 'ii^ tl

■ivletod f Ruafd;..........ilbyinc lio.r tailici-: ana wlui hnd ;“ ‘V '" " ^ “':*: !oiiKhi‘her hami In';ni»'rj:lnK«-..VorilUl ,')mi)i‘r 1 oiilr.nt:j>Pr, The w omnli""^........... ’--------------- il iV ;tlyor, «-e«-pl«B,;,|„„„iTIcilTT;. ,,■ Draper v

cotrrtr-! Uirdi'i'larLM' ho whh' IH'Ih'ki <cnlericea,ror n,orlrnft«r•>vliicb\he

......... \

i s •bb'.rb»Qt«.'bo'mpiny;''~i^ i~ ..........V .•nfnoral'.i rleUt»^ Jt;nti*-.V-TV; Efli.pMre.| -. llkojy that -,~tnobt.. (iC t 'e: • vjiB

.I’iiyilelans at'Sl^.Janje.s llirfipllaf today ..'imld.' Ho-Je<>!, had - a''V lmbco' ror,'.rcc»voiT. nltJiongh; Iih- condl-L [loii.wii.-i ncrlonii. , 'y

Mim^Bressb'd'ib J f l^ - .T a k w ; , qWld--' ? ro m • S o to 'o j^ '-J^ ^


___i 3 ^ u r t » r ; r .......

Page 2: 01newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls...I. t{day . Jiy rclnforccineiUa . frnlii l«'ihaln coriip oC tlio ^'X-Me r c u r y so a r s 'M 'H e a t w ave VISITS GHICA*GO

rSwetonic,-Betts Yie^^oiv Ipurling Hojiors; A’s Prqp

,----Thrge in a Row to ftidians


-V irtual"O utca8,ta 0 • L a st.W in tg r Stalge

•■ G reat_C om ebacks

-G R O V E -P O m D E D 4

Vii:TT(K'itc'f<':it<'<l Hii> Hlf>wi .ilitrd li>- lliru

hrVSln f lTTl It Tin* NjT I ll w

Filif)iiio Pifflito r L ives U p^T 6]| N am e, S coring V ictory

I " ■niif'iciiiipiim n^ jiU ^ a 22c r l^ , ,o s - A N «

e« Jf. jT ih iiso n GiSMSME World f ie c o ^ ^ a y Falli

T o Pick- C h a llen g er

4 ‘»——fljirpilrt-

lly ;I li 'n ry ]\li-l,cnn)r«'T'li S in fr .(’nriTK]Kmili‘nt •

s in g io H andod . i N a t i o n C l a s h A t . . . ............. .......................... I S t a n f o r d

InrgcM lliroiik-


II Hie floor, It wil«i

-.Mmlixoii Sr)i inrt' llnn li'ii -wt'tiIt irtui■I'Jiiiu'. fl'>niii itr jiow rr I'l-nii.i ,indiiv-;i I'limlnnli.im iiiiii'iianii'iit I<1 M‘\v;.rlti',vV lu-,.v y\vi‘i}f!i) i-)ini]iiii( .IlHlli,.,

.'•.'.I'liiriiMiina iilly liav.' i II ih in lt nt ^

[Tuinrti’Tiiiry wer...................

nii5(l Hiiliiy Mr tt!o final Ob-niplrl Ir.vqulH In (;citiJill\i:llotl wllli llic Tm-|

■-tin the V iect.,.JuiIkijiK,fn)r,,,lloji.'trUb: otnclliim lioti ....... ...... ...jiiftciiuJir ’un.oob,- niul-'S/iinforB

ineWi ^ 1 lie 0

nyo"e Mnil'Lii. EVnnRloh/JlTJ’sflt-; i'uHc.l l*r<‘si SUH Cui:nis|joni]wiJ 'inliiy: "-'S j c a i.o aM 'O ,-(‘nllf.. Vllrrp

MIMri'il (n;i1ip) DlilrlUfnii, l i i i " l i ) ! ,v,.r>- liiclliatldu-VUwJw lliiil l),ill.i« T.;x,. Kjrl who Imf "«-U,„nrlcn'« irlicli. K lfirTTiur noinw.‘il slip « || try m « ». U)f| ii,|, ,ev-irnl Wnriil-s rPcortlH l:i tliel:Micol KliiRlc-liiuicldl, nrrlvfd t i . r - i ' ' ' ‘iillilK frtfin-tli.1 HoiiUiwcai

'''shlMmH^ln’ImrelK M ^^^^ t-n] ’7 ; " - 000'- l^ c n nOO-yTB’'li.(livl(liml ovcilis, nn.l is favor,-■! i<> ‘,C' i V " , I ,?h I'illiiU.irsU 220 OOO Mi) QOl-R M .■

n r iiT C ii.uiit (’. wiuS(»N

) ilcfwnt«. r - l*Inil«'s ('iiiin.lr

— —Hwf Ionic'*—t-xci-ll<-ii< ljuoyVil (ip (Ur, I'lraioH nii'iii a I'niifiilnirp. in;

’ icrilay I'Vnii tIi»nKli Sli'V

l A H T K R E n / Z

lyn.-. KtriiRKli'

Paul niicl 1.1 -Tfnyiior*TVoro i

- 7 . - atin

Jiilnrfi n

lyil Wiuxcr a'nd I‘lr 'w iiur

iTy'iJnlfril 'Prp-HKiiAXi'isrTT ^ im m v i/>

: iii(iun< < wiili II Ik. . . wiiii 1lu yconil hy-lw ciil Mil II V-'ViT hm lii’fiiltnrk,

nrTTiiS ........................ _____............. >'■'"■ I''*' T ' '’'S):(mV’K«Wr«! yoilIII.- iiliiiiiiialiiiii.jradif!! i wliuii-tlioy^V^li- ,1 , • 'larire wflli (li<> h

■llrallv. i l in I" Miii"7-*ml' Jnfi, i,™,,iit«i tiii™. i»':ii,o',ii,i,; i,„„d J,iiiP.lhnil <if IncnlPR- nmmn'iid nf till'

............................................ If you foil to K

aw l ■ l-olw

ralKhi vli'i . iinahloil lUo Plrntos

tlr»if iiliicc lead.. ' - Tlio Culm mixtc. Il tlirce nut nfj

■ ,1 Jb n r in (Heir Herlcs wIlli (lie tiravW,i

<' Sipft lilK-own'.gnmo wlicii lie RriirGili niiilli on-ii.Hli>Klo:)>y-Knj|l!>1iJ

VorVs • OlnnlB , r ;.*iivemli.-, place, clrojiiiIiiK M

,1 f^p tc 'ln rn ilio collar w ith ';

.......“ mnrRo''VfliWiifi’‘liflmc-rii;•I .iiltilli 'IniiliiK. KcorliiK. u in

. uliliil llii! (rurdluulH to con ■ Iibhlmi anil l>«al lUc Plilllles

(iriiu< I.iiscs (iainv III tlio Ainprlcan leni(i»'.

NlOW ytHtlC. I'nl^iSHl'M — Rum­my Slflii.'Xi-w.irk. idrow) I-'rlu Kloy. (Juriiinn)’: Siimlor Szbo. Hiiii- piry. tlirow Herlilo P'reeiimii, Nnw York; Sl.l Woaierlcli, iliiiiKnry, .Ic- VjHfrtiV(rTlnriIi'Wiic)<“ OUI/nwrtmr

n r. Fnnlcr. jour acprnOaljIn Fiiol filifclallNt for 10 rrH„ rcmo»ea fom i nnd Mllon»e» friun 2 l<‘e l lor »I..N nlls JrlniiiiPd iniiJ jo ii r feet inaniinKi't] fref. Arcli Hiijiii'irt w c. I.uciilJdn 3Iarl ‘ ‘ trie I tn k u r j.-

.VA'J'rONU, I.KACiirK ClnVx— • - ■ . - .-W. <U

I'liiabiirKl*ciiicHKii 35•Iloslnn ...... ............... i- 'iZ <ltfS l ^ b l l l n ...... ............... 33 -3 0 -:Plillaileliililii ........10. •Ilroriklyn . •.Vcw Y ork’....:.,,!.:.....L M ' i U 'C’hifiniiml .......i ....... ;ia «

.vjh ; i i k 'ax

Il HiiiiiKirt Vorkopiici«llo-E!cc-|


K i n g , Q iie e n a n d J a j i k - P o t s ,

inrnil all ilu- riiiiiliilnio* imi ■lan pnlrlac Vm o rr-n liilz nKaln« <llrli, (Jlltiuopy nunlnft KJil Scrum '(liili iiKnlli!-! f\Ii'>li mill, niiosli iKninsl Wnl-ils. ^h^nnprl* llicn iin'f vlmierK, until there In only iiiiiuati.RlanainK.-

. ‘^ I c m l l i l—In T liM ^1' Swfill.on Tirtixcf. liiil wlia't n.s'vfecl ? rV .rri.i)n « n rrw lifn “ |)ii[-Ii.;pfnc-

li-ol Jolin«lon n a y S ^ a tmirnntnwil K n il Kct.Tlic flmt so Ix Hclicdiilcrt

, , . ’o r wfcfc after next, and •will-pit Rr'illp f?pliunf, Ihc nimlilfi Wllteil

i>iii.llnr. [hIIIi rnnlinn Uzctiann, IfioUK'n-liiHhoil liax-licGU -from tlin

,;jHiisi|n« riiiintry. - ]' ihut win cornu I'liinlnatlono;

4 ' fi'ainrhik: Scliini’llni;, IxiilKlin ' ,] Wnllter, ,Haor,. l.cvlnaky, llamas.! 7 ne trlnf/. Corprt.i. Itnmagp, IUnki>.!4. iin j .na ifT a^---------•—f huHaJi, ftrjaj)

f t ]

I iIIrkIiir iliol

+iinllyT' an P i.. Ixi* Arii;i--I

t U rliiifli . . iro <liril<'nlty t

Kii»)' FlKlifh IVitnlwl _• J)<!S|ilto JolinMiun'.>i talk..

It IIS lilcliont II llio llhll.lliv inaxiniiin

- S i . -

r ri

101 A m ateu r Boxers E n te red in Tryouts F or O lym pic Games

SAN- KItANTiSro; (» !’) — One

in of thr cm I'tlic flniihtr: n XJIj-tnpIc- K

r 'o f.fn lrw ay nnil t . ' A merica's:i.\iiilanal Open li > n m i tll<l'hl8loril^ nrlllAli Oppi [ f ln .KtiKlanrt., r ,

- Imlliii liao prfricv"

DlilInK ilio Iroiiliy JiO won I n i to .t j u o ''t t io n i '■KroBli Mcnilov. Mrs: S itrazpuicjlaics.'(itid o il '

iiRhtp-nnyoni Hint acmn ciipliiroiVliiMr llini'tll*y>ci{. ir^ispaj-mtlon'oxcepl. f(


ViAVi (-v Mosn'— - •.AM:S'AWroF^V‘

Li'MpeR Rc.uMt>!w -.A r i VJAS A

g^ H eR '

ini' j'ijn(liililll!ll,“ u ibr to Titk b li ini nytlilnK lint a h s 1m v<-ry trying I

lli'H. TMIh la klH'H

PRSxinqfl:te llll-S


Hr Unite,1 l’reR>i. I-ARSAIC. N. J;-IJii5.y Jon (Ja

] S s E S S i & ^ ^ T - S i

.MfhWAUIJUhJ- —.’ AnBcl .crivlVlt, lira>,5' r«rto,nieft'wonMiy .folil; froiii Sammy. SlpiifiUlfcr; .'Tcrcellnii(r'.iriiil.;.(l). Cou-Iin)” ^Mdln An*

'■Jilpago, ilwlRloncil

..........................onn noo.•njpllt.tn l»» BPrtlOll, Hint tlin- Ikilli'rlns: IIll1l^PII

I'donilnnfi: In wliiniT>< Ji,|insi>ii, (i>:<l<!n and I. Sinarofir«-truck and: — •

(lolil siikIIiiiii. 1'aak-i‘A c.oiioIick iir<! >i .workliiK liiiinl In liiind to iirodii,' n» ..... . w(!itic/5 aH p(|Hr.Uilo.

.M niii.A llnirllou- ‘Tin. rnc<’ hctwecn '.'tils 'Ifi'n

KaMtnon. Stnuf.itil- n'lJHli. and W1I-;Hum Oiirr, llin Penn»yuu)iilft _jilni/i-^.,, .


V • ..n nno (iu:l oflo— J 8u.. . . . .1101 2llfi001— 4 9 iiTk'.H; llroivti, Cnnlwtll-. ai ■•t : MaUiiiP unil' HnrttiPlfr '

lacH.ty lie.ihg^.mnct’H iIiIbkp«i ;......cllnn'. Cnrr ile^chlod RmiUnaJi | w'In (he 1 -0 . •1-A rtiamplonntilp.i. lmti Wia'cirilliik' Tciliiilblocr of l^lnhffifilV^ " ^ Iiredleli.-- tlio - I’eiinHyJvftiiluri—wiMi

........000 102 022— if; . Holley.' l.lndi>vy;'.<)nij •Inlon and M.miinwiiTs "

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ jMtknt

la nuiili SiMird >. ] stcwnrt .....I FprrelKigThf l(m-tno1c,r dii.ili will tirlni: • „i,,. B

-------- ! iiijiplliiir t l io . creulinl fluid of _ _ _ ,• EAXnmy!''S -=''Rl’' '’‘'y U‘iil'’iiAiiiprlr:ui .Mprliitnr^ ever nmiiMiilili',1.1 • t. u'.i,, Bllililiio, knork<‘il o n t ' HHuIai Ini5t IK man will -irlvc fu r Hio) f:i,,si,i;iui! uler. IIK, MpxIco Cliy. (2). 'rrmvn "vi-orld's fiiKti’.-tt li '" '" '" I’liilii.ii'liililii

............................ ............. . .............. 111. V<’ ‘-H'iM'M tiii l HiiiliTU's:‘"'r- :inil ■

“PTJrifTTTlaiinilcrR. fW ','. CliirnK'i.



10 002— 7

1 iiinl ..S<lW< ll f

- i .

mil Iinndlod at (Mi<• sli<i'v>'ilj|_dv.:llniL\

ln<-Ii|A> <.liiTlmnrK, 2H,fi»r.Uaigiiiall

, riKiirvM, Di-: u.,i| \<rranBiilInntIc;,,^',‘ •II Cullfonila'-.flakli, nil.',<

to, due to lil« roliKlhtmil ,vtsHfn |i?i^tlmiTJnrnK“ ltilT5f

: .Sorrell and llavwiirtli; I (•..nt.otly.

I'oniparod "Uliinm,' Kllff/SlI iliV fry-


(-l(iM, Ml' Imd in he, t{i>pnt nci half a nillllon liiickarooN Into Uox offli’e for till- Sliuckuy-Sclmii

lo r nnil tfrleads.'-M r. niid Mrs, JnniM C.mrtio .Ajrs._ Annii Grfffitli aro-cnjoj-lniii!* vlirit_»llli_j;r;I lio lrV ec e ............. ................... .... .SOUrlJ-.iii'O.'TliillliDr ttl^ lic ’ .Cnttdlo

»'3K!waTaE«nnd Mrii. \V. Jl. Trlolier In'

>ra»3o of llloir « m l itvOdlns:

........liiHt wc<>k. Oiiuilit were Jllsa aiatly« T rld in r .und^.'lIlM 'MImilij Triclior

.Clu.vton •;an<i. family flf. MioldokaJ

.itnfl Str«. Trloljcr wore tjiarrlcd In KalamaToo, In lSSO, July.4;

tho Hanio farm tlioy'-.plfroUascil li«tre 22 yflarfl'ogo.-- "• .• J ‘

M anager' o f M ill j.- -—-M ak es U tah T rip

I rorml.|iilil,- f(u-. M«r- n liiivhi); Irolil)!,^ ml nuiy liiiv.i

---- ---- ----------------B y G e o r g e C l « r l , ! f e .MiIk h(»rlinir nnd nuiy liiirn In I'dn^I jlHil liljni.flf wllli u-lnnlllK Hie "fto- / I f _ mtiprs, ill will,-I) liu Im u ii.T i(l.d ,‘ l l ^ P

lluvnrlle, |{.. WU1 imnfnirlillly,, f f f f .

jM' llnIt llii-< H'ltmili. •nil 2S JIK'II,]jtlop.il rlinm-'

n1.1-l.Tlc- rliilillilrfhH. tlio :,arrlvcil yesHTrlar. UPrompanlnl li>

__illir veteran I'nacli, Hi-rnli--Wfitfi'H— .-Tliey-will cuU;c.lUc.lryr -

1 IJ}<l[nll.il l-n!!ts ii;.niinj-JV.ilfi(;tUtjittLi

............ 'linmpliiM'•I'lWilnff fnt" .iwo #.......................lilli lii-onimi.- Of Ihf iirruy of starH.: l.oii-.(a-liii(,' «lnKlc,l in four irlpK. KscmUlml iiiidor ihi'lr coloni for Al .SlninuinH nmdo one Iiuniu.nm IP tltfiu fviMiiK. •- j;i'iid rw>^loiilAi-n In four times tlti,

SludiM Knslnniri-l’ri.Mpm ' m'l’onniins foi' llircu Tini.t. -, Avery iirniidaKO. prcHlOenl o f lh p ila>'k « » ”.l'n nlni;I<-i| lii fiva trios, ^Rierlcnii 01yniiilc-(;nmc« , : o i i i i n i i - n , n . - v

tvr.H .1,10 tn arilvo'indny;- lli» ' T erry Hltislcd.ln four trl.pfl M,lnijlncoH. jvllK/»>ti.,tci approve iico iin tln sT fn rCs lint--bf-offlclsH'foi''£Lo tria ls. . . . i ,

s , A & ’t r » t e !5& r ^ t ffi s K B i s a g i ^Irary Bclccilon for ilio -800.inelcrn, .M'3N.LS\’IU:K, WIs. (UP)'—

'Kammaii nnd .litilw ubh Have In- tlin-fjflrsl ilinc.Jn^U io liIalofy'Afslatcatlinl llie Slonfiinl ctiiinor-vi-ni aprfc-Cmiiity. a v,'Mnnn iR.caiidlitryout on ly for • ilio . -ino-iiictw-K. f«r «Ucrlff, She Ifi'CMrs;"W - • v ..„ I . . . , . . . . , I l r i i d f o r t t . ' w l f o of Uio ilU'tiTli*:{ltrnadp,:((v.'hiiR Ii<nlfi1cil lliai

Tlro_Stnnford-6inaiuiii r,Since lie 'liiiH' scrvsil t

VWcll, «o loiiR. Wall. I’ll le lH K nt tlio oWli liin i'i riln ncrofl#


;'unt.ess.0oPieff/«pe/lwo6 OF^,—

.TJJOPICAL WOOC «TH£*ISo -rrWoo^yFPHeoosaodmis r-wa.cii/ssTHffMT&.BUtv

, •..7i?.R Eff|M©HCWr-


• - . W O R K S H O E - ?

enlnK.;wlth I.6r I.UBT>3mr«, pa«n£a. '

OMI..TAU'fliVK.S A-VVAli))S - ^; »PHn..A:DHI,riirrA',(UPi,'— llhrry ■abKmn7tT1ir^nb"o1d."inr--l6ii'iirdriri.'.‘’

, iVr.:in:iirydook.lriitho^'iivBl'.U6t«o-: I-—bill )io In. Rllll ,yotinK-ot licttH.''A;'.- voldrnnH of- Ilib Civil -Wnr^ lio: J« ' r87-ypanr l(ini«onOj'-'liK3lf|IdM'

:fio.:w'onic(l lo.iiRO'lltH'monfly. loflitlp •yomiif.-ipcoplc,; w '.'lio ^utiilillk'' ■' j.tjrp^i;}iOlarBi)j|i!r', nl .'Ttjiiiplcl'

lit'?!.;WKATEve«--.;: ■•■ON

-BEES- D A N C E / ,

iHO M lllu ill M

estifiVeO.T&BP A .'" ..

, ---.'nwe Uinri.sliinywdiiui. ,


Page 3: 01newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls...I. t{day . Jiy rclnforccineiUa . frnlii l«'ihaln coriip oC tlio ^'X-Me r c u r y so a r s 'M 'H e a t w ave VISITS GHICA*GO


N^ws in Brief I lawl’ajtiieistliilil ^Voninii ’

Mm. N. f). Viiiidovor, .Hiilil. uii- liUiKwtiiii.n iiiujur HiirKlciil i>i>urif [doll • 111 IliQ TwUi KiiIIr < utmly

liiiiii / I, -Ji;- W llnoiyanii yomwl

. . -.i^’ Twill I'VllH. «vurt;’ illmnlsHOtli IfifcHiliiy froiii 'ilio cciiiiio- uoiicrjU Ihusjillul.

Plyoi’S |I ip s t3 6 ' .. D a y S i ' B e s c i i c d i l

i6 . 0, P , Chi'eftaiu ■ j T e le p h o n e ,-Oompariy.;;.

.MnrliliKi. K. I'VoHl. llii' lilliiili1iu I'bjiorioil le lliv iKillrli

vuikIIiik iiiiii'lilnc <>r I ... .ii'iir ilio Miirkelcrlii I'livciHiv uai'ft 'vii» Slolcti

O rop l oBS O m cd'by S hutdow n

r. ■ UuUlmatum

'WaW lu llii> fn in Kiill Omul Hfslcrfl ITHS e'SIH’CtCll lo iio >>uck l<iMi<;riUar llnic. Wjdnrsiliy, tol. low liis'rh . S l'huu r Mlmt><lunu

_ < ^ lin e . HMrrh npj^lnslltiitfcl 'fur llie0 )udlvs-«f ««o ilroHBlin? *ic.Ilms'^lviidB}. iiliflii nnil ThckcIh)-

. niornIi,i9; : I t n’liii slnfril ■>) •loliii AV. lrtm~mmiinnrTninitsrr.-

Ttin .lioiiril of cllrctKrrs 111 ..............................Inr iiioiiiUI)’ 8i-Ki.ii)ii Tiicsilny (llK;i Ilcnry Uniliiuii. cimsfil tlio iiiiillcr «f luriiliij; UirHlriiliiiiii liiliiii oi

•-HVit6r ”<jUT~ufniiV'“i)Tili'nr ilUflllKl('reo«"‘51l'tir“ Kl'Il-Iilli; inicli OjUDrCGliLlCH n9 Ibol iirrMcnicill.iilruiiliiM uliltuni Iiui'K

Wnlcr MciiimikI llri'nt .liiHl liott- iiuirli .l«j» Is ^iirriirccl

liy croiM,-r* pmtilfmiillnil,-It wus ' (iRrccd, mu ns.ililn |4ni)<l iif tlic

jil) crojM Vii'iRi', mill niu UriiuinU living un<'<‘<'()-

; liiKlS-''Krciil.'till' illr«cli)r» it*nueil - un "ulllmatiiiii, c»|ii:cblt>- dlruclcil , iip^n>f,K)vlmmcyii .In lliv cuniilH.'' 1) n X p'l I o: rcRiilailonii' forMildins : Awlmmlui;, Hid iirnvllco cbntluiicx• -to-ilio llKllilKCtl ln lll«nlly,rll'wm i

bui:~ ' - ’ •• •’ ■ .' -'■•Tl>p3iuiii(UaiWknrui!uliiBT“tiiG I prnctlcc.f- Bulili- Iroii 'loUuy, •‘■iiiia : w.nriis'parciilK iimi otliorii (liiil In

llic future tlij/iriK llic IrrjBiilloii Hcii-toil wlicn wiucr i« m miuli c rcn t. ..............

. lieiimml H will lie liiiiioMlDlc 1.) Imli islny litru tli.;y .................: Iho flow liiTiiuDcviir un>'n'll^rorliiiicUlii- Vi'uiilu woiiilurn »f xiiilliviii ' wWrh iiilKlil niiiic >n mviiiiliierK' liliilio.

iiiiiklni; lllcKtil iK<i-.<if iliv cuiial! iiyHlciii, -U iix '

"Wliilit llic niHiu! mililii iipinjiirj I'nilor

Page 4: 01newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls...I. t{day . Jiy rclnforccineiUa . frnlii l«'ihaln coriip oC tlio ^'X-Me r c u r y so a r s 'M 'H e a t w ave VISITS GHICA*GO

. W A SH St u b b s

T D A $ 0 KVKNING l^JMEg, T W IN ;F A L ia ; .rp j^ Q ^ is dtl6saay;iuli i§B988- i

■^HONB 38 ' y

By-Crarie I

riUTH5SJ<l”Wlr« '■•rrls* ()DU«d^r*M AidxUlton. r u l i " R u rM { i»

°*^CT*i5»l*0*TlHEu“ “ uBlAyHINU* W

BVHtCTIPTIOyM T^i:/^ C»rrl»r, I’ltjrm&U lo Advtoei

e . .


________________ G Q O rT V A C A T lO N m v i j __

It is cuiTently rDixirlm! that'U u* summoW nt' 19;-$2 ' w ill'see only u very small Vrdiiclion in-Hk* ainnunl

r - -^ f -v a o a i i i )n ti^W jImk jn i iK i^ i :O j l i , i ln i^. ' I t is jjoinled m u ihal tou rist pxpcnditures in

_ and-19^0 w e re umI very t'ur luMtnv th e u verase.RegarcilesK o f wluit iliis fjU’t may mean ab'HU biisi-

-ness_pan(litioris i^cneraJly. how orer, ri is frood news fo r tw o rea.sf)ns. l''n r'one iliinjr. it m eans tha t tlir m illions o f <l<iliiu-s invvsittl \\\ sum m er vesovis. l\utt'ls

; , .an d the lilce will ji fa ir chance to m a k p 'a docoJii „ i*etiu-n th is y e a r ; for anotlier, it m eans th a t a ffj'eaL

niany- A n ie r ic an s .a re going: lo get- tiie physical tmd ' ■; mentaV lejuvena^^ w hich a vaeulion trij) afw ays

:-.^ .brings.--~ .-— - *------- —

'■ T H E B U D G ET GUI’-• —,-T he I'ctlei'jil governmont-st'emi^UH -ha-ve—met—iUsM' «•:. birdget-baj/incijig^jjrohlem fa irlysuctx-ssfu lly . * lt‘ i.si|

a little early to tell w hetirer or not the new taxes || w l l yield a ll they iir * supposed lo yielfl, lu it- it is'

- 'p robably th a t ea rly estm u(tes will not he very fu r (jCf.;A t any ra te , tl.tg.^jjrobletn-raised by ilie deficit w as'

^ Tmet~and~met~decisdvefy. :— ~ ^ h e rc remains;^ho^~everr~nnG"iro1nt~'on wlflch' ihe~

' t a x j l ^ c r is en titled to fepf-a bit o f a g n idge . The' -d e fic it w as m et la j^e ly bj- increasing ta x jitio n -a n d -

• 'ttot T?y d ecreasin g expenditureK. t h e econum v bill i - ......---------------- " • ................................. ii±itsLL

Tli.' lotnl (giilii Df fiii I'lli'uLiliiiii 111 tlii> 'jinxt I iiiiiniilUil lo 167 iiilllliiillllnii (liillnrs ii.H

sniiu- l..Th« la«l luillihiy WUH alxci I

The History of Twin Falls Tr^anaT!ounty


.^ -n f-r tim itr f rm in : ^=15=i3EA RSa^G Q :=l==27±3£E-iM ;SA^I. L'llur—iiomIuC _.y-(!Uiiuiiorti)ul-vlut>-tvuii-ori;uii*—■k ivliiiliiw nm'l Izcll iit tliC echoolhoiiic’Tiicadiiy. (rixii liiu iiafc*, li \rnn the InrRCM nod nioxl.oiirii* Cijinn wliii <>X-| vnl piilillo iiivulInK pvcr-licld In

■ n liiKKlar « x .; -I'wln R,Ms, P, I). Kimball wn« il i.ii..lv l.l« e^. i.ui.h- I'liKlrmiiii anil C. M. lll l l ., . t: Till- ii.l)ljury 1 noci'i'lary. On iiistlaii a liy.laVs ii|itll ilic iiexM (DiiimlilcJ Kim nppolnlcd iih rol-

' lain liiw^: II. R Altfii. J. .M. MiunVHll..>iiicLil"Kli. C.'ll. Uiianncl nnd

1. Ur. Tiumair O. ilnyil. H, T.-IEVrii- • illoii tii:iclp~!tii inJilrraa prcilIcUiit;

i KniMi rl' •lat!<. ;in iliil .Mohhih CIrun-'»—tirl—Urtifardr-AticnrHnlhrie, A.- K.—

•'. 'snrngnc-:--------

/"I), (). K.'-ttiir -HoficJuly II. All MnxoriH <> ailuiiil. .............

rT. rflvtd: iiBr<j=-llic

jr-.offR'c wuKorit al oililx Croin 8

1 C>0KU,VU|(. OlliHvoaovell luili <nj| for .i'Voiriii'iocy. 'Mtisit. ■wlio liku lo -hu l nr<--wiiil|ii{:.'

Iililllllr; I

iVaiii'lM'ct TliiirKilay fii'iiiiij:. . I Hiirk


a t i o n a I

W h i r l i g i g

K'll liir rri'«[ili'iil. r I'lir Vlr ; I’rP'iili'til. tiillt I'or lh<- -i-riiili

llhlCT.UN lias ..... hiililliii;I iimrr 'Iniiiu'lj Uiaii Ir [s .....

l’u»il..>*ni'ctj._iir • f»r lh<-

M- ilriill

You' May N ot Know,thcft

. \ iu n > r n n 'K i i v i i i .^.........icu kuiu lu ar unu»M'.w W .ItK III*) KIkIu )ral-, SmIlliV 1m':.iI

;;./a,;.;|.:l!laM ..!V '''k n rrim i,', iVaTof'lli " miS

. UhiM. fllulM. m .irU iM h.' 1..... Miulrr ,a.-|. .-ll'-.

......... ............. .

. ........ inaliTl.iI .MIsk

■ fslmved liarrilv 'n inra than Sllid.Ollll^nilfl)’bf the tedcft'al govVrnment. . .

P erhaps it is a little late to cry over spill milk. Nevertheless, th e n ex t C ongress wortT(l l)e well ail- vised i f it insisted on a fa r more drastic cu t-in k <iv- ernm ent expehditiu 'es than_Uij>j;umint_bill_calls-Iaii-iiii;.

• It Is n ev er easy to analyze a g re a t historical move 2 i t is 'in ............

SLENDERISING DRESSIlvyiiolilx' w'lrv

11 I0|. Ilinll Iir )fMI0U.r.9 I iTh Ktaiiils wiihoiil ruliicl I lli.il.llmllul]mi, I libna

iLiiiiliiiil. lliii-i:»uim Kfilil IJk :

m ent'w hile i progi'tss.' I t has to-be seen in .per-."JsiEyenljl”f — specti?6.-usualIv.-±o^he-gaxiged^rQin}rhT:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . .

1 S3, it is fa ir ly evident thal-'stuiie fa r-reach ing sh iftiqjy w ta k in g p lace in the political alignnienta-'of-the ■Democratic jTa'fty:------------^ ^ liiallur ciillrcl', Tin1' ■ 'C raditional^, the pj^'ty 'w a s a party, o f farniei-s _ii .

/•Ym3 iE T p eo p le n f W e 'sn u ill' towns! Iis's’trciigtK lay in the south a7id w«jst; it d istn isted industrialism , , , it,,

■ .b ig’busincK , high fin an c e ,'it , was ready to em brace • ■li.wi.T.iiiniiitur Hjimoo ' 4 -siich -panaccas '-asrthe“ free~silverTiinvem cnt,”it:lTlBTl iKmsni'ii mui (inni.TrnnM|iriM'.Mir,' ■__ to fif_antiquc Jeffei-sonianisni to • an industria lized"dem oci'acy ; • ’ — - , r«rr nir*'llna«rriilir ('luol'iitl'iii.'' ' recen t y eaiy, ’’bo^'cVer, it has included a n o th e r ; _!l' -

....... ............... " ■■Since __ v,.^,-bein to rn by a , conflic t betw een its’ two groups,' U’ith J .iini.

dustrial c

}• u lll iill lic’foi ' T ilt flry

ilTt:—llo w r r rn - tn ! i

liu I'cic XllT I k'illi ;iHiiril iKir-



tl<rn» fl

FrURj— ....... ........., r i i c '" ’ lliHr iK'tivill£;i„«01

.............................. :|ll-flinil»l lie

JliG.gQu'thtand Aveat allip.d. ngai,rist the industrial east.: In 1Q20, 19,24 a n d 1 9 2 8 -th e industrial east tri:

............uinj)hed, Cox w en t into the 19/TO caijipaign with' the. ajiproyal o f Ta'm niany. D av is ,\in 192 '1-'w as-h ighly

' acceptable to tbe e a s tv Rinith. in w';i>; <!»»-voi-y ■ prototypc o f the city nianj (h o .d a iT u ig o f tb e easte rn.sidew alks. :------- ‘v ' , ‘. ’

L .:.Nq\v' the p cncUjlum_)\its_sminLr-the-.Qthp>Nwav; -iJUooseYalt-i!ise.s^to-pQivcr llu-oMgh the sujj]jorf of. the -opposite \rtng?-- TaniinanyM a'()U t in the c(;ld; T he •men w hom th e usistei-h win,g niost w anted ^u'o in tbc

-M iiie-positioii— T he'\ve3tXiulisbTah'iri-(r.n^^'.again . ,-.i—• I t WQuid be in teresting ; to 'know whetheK 'tliis new

Jiscehdartcy is t a 'b e i)ennanenU ,, -P iijbab ly . rtniy the . 3c\-cn th fj0 n ^0 f-a '-s cvcnth m iu .u i ; j i .U , i j j jn .cnn\\’hilc,

~-ho\veve'lV lths^llst^)osslb lc-thara-lasting■ rcalit^m ei^T of io rces is 'b e g ln n in g that;w iJJ include bo th parties

" ■■ tn ite'pffppL. _ . ... ’’, .For, one, p a r ty canno t cfiange its cnmiHexiou w

' put catising a s im ila r sh if t’ in .the o ther party . ' i uu ; R ein ib licans:have.'the ir rural and ind iistria l w ings ; just u s the' D em ocrats Iiave. - \Vi 11 there, • evenltiallyi . I b ^ a fusion th a t m akes the division betw een the tw o

‘ViKilii Itii'V rdllldl ‘■locllo 1 \ -mil(! Ill' Seii.''"''i-nl‘>llvpK

^li-'liaUlli'aii. i l S u l ' Tlial. Is ivlim.-U.n.ii-lii (iii<l X.uiTS'Wiil.---------- -I. IIcillliii; «-iiilii niUMe' •*.'r..(iiial u.iiip|liM tlo„Lil'*ys,V.\M ':

Twq~ Word.soffvrtlvo''} ' "'■'•■'-y I 'll’l’y fll'lurtr

. .)llll! I..llUHaiUIU HOIII 'illoovoV- wii«.B» lian[>'I itilH |i.n-«!i.t:oDfcitni'(

b:iI(I i

pai-ties-far sharpei*:and cleilrer th a n it has been dur-'ing.the.pJist ,icIecatle?..-:^.,....L...r.i..

. ig.tpd early.to., tell,' ju s t now. ..T he’ conjing-cam -—i.i ■ P « > > g n ^ > l^ b a b 1 y ^ v iU -g Iv e ^ a tH c ‘tsb -;)a i- t-Tif~H i< n 5 w p i^ ■ --rl.Ilie vote, in N ovenibei-w ill helj) (^

•; V .'A hothM ;,good;o ld Ainei-ic'itn■ b b ^ i n 'h fe 'gone,’- by ii'.lifhei.'b6a'rd& - :W ith; seyer-a'l coUegQs anhCiuhcing ^hat :.';r:j^they:,'.wiU.ridt pern i broadcsists th is fa ll; it ^:>W U^)ecohieTinipD5STbI(rtb’-sitrhraunT lT tlT ^-a^iiD -^ ..rrS a tiu 'd a y aft'ernodns-'and ^wonder -w h a t i s ' ac tually

/.^jif4i:iiai)periing 'on th&,' grI(lh 'ori!^ ': r i _ — ____

? ^ f ty f e i^ l ia J l : f i^ e il - a g n i f ie M ^ ^fus. SoOn as th e ;‘*jii^rk’''i i ie a su re s

nonizoN TA i^J Am^UJ^SiJ...-; - . fiiietUon In. -•

tioni.rolKlcal pdrUcyof (lio u s : a . ^ :

iOjJaerilnBnciit.- •El Sli'nliiilcr' • •V T a cm Br**” - t4Run^ tSAiJorcd.- ISTovnJii’e. • lOBrnlded quirli

•ISFfth:'— —*3 Prealdcnr

Hbovor'scnm 2SttaatcDcd.'

^ m y —27 SlninlSi--d .lypo <3 Pcrililtor

measure.. . • 61 Brancif-----2SA iimoJto;-. . 62 Where I s '- SOVoil, . . •: .-China? •. SlPIcrcM wlth •SJSpoi;..

a .knife:34Prlrkly pe&i 3C Verb.88 U ry pers'on. lO V lolcD f-:--


' ■ v isT cniiclouf ;r™ KTasp. ' ‘ '


46 Hiae covorcd packa'se*; * TfTIny:-----

,Blvcn •• pacify.IS Suiss dinlcct. . ITUnll of,fori-is. iSCllnitilns r o i» ' 20 Shallow lnk««<' S3l'eru8"».,. • ' 34 Dacks of ... ,n.ck»29 Sun sod.

•333I6clT5fn". Klacler; ,

SSCate bctoro iv.

- ■ '■

-JllM aK.-liad a iNilllIcal.lircali lilin —li) Imve---Io ■l>ri>lilcni al thu-.vt imlKn IIS 11 .was-, for llio Per to riiirliil.rilie-jri;uf.-Iviui luroly III Ojiisri'aii.--.

\Vlielhor tlii. ilclit- lsjii(i wn +1 xtnlli'd-.nff. iialll iiflcr'IIiD tlccllOli1H now Illl3 (IllOStlllll. ' , . ' . •• JnHlilo InillcatidUK iirc lIiiK v lll

•1)0 tliu idiilency-of oiir policy froii c»ii -ln. We wlll 'late up tli.

i.uui_<niuHtloa wllh'cauh i)»l)uli nep arnlely wJicn Ihoy re<|tic>.i li. « ’. know - -


'fe-;vxti|Gdha'plhghas -b'eenm ~ ,f^!l}? ''? .’ J i 9 K i ^ i t l t l o e s n ^ l - t l ) e c o m e a s jrdpu^^^:|-%^=:other f e jJ e f a l^ f fe n s e B -^ ^ ^ ‘ .........................................

^^^■■It-Congressrreany--\van^:to--£et-’tlVe--bohii's:-a'nhvrb* ^ ‘:;KPlhoni.^t.'iiiiprht:ti-y:Rettms;.thft^x-.'!bl(ii^'^^

dcni noovcr. slWicd. .

. nvllTICAli — ,------. I’Inforlbr race .37Dlichci).

borsea: . - SSAByDsy... • ^2To dpmollsir." CPrctonac.'a .Vatlve melal. 43 paai. lndlan I V^faBclJltno. - I'rciS...... . ... .' Itironoun. , 4G Dlnsram.', . • 6 Containing : ■ 47 Opposite j>f In. ^ro iD lnc . ■ DO-Monclarr ■, P'TownrJ. , . • unit of Italy,rO njuat.-----------52x 00: - • - r /

.SSniell - . .„'!i4'Novel.. ,- . . . ___ ift.Uniff. ■ .To cfaaslly --*• . .

12 Scrvo-uiolor.. S9-Atiyncon.~

Is. t-cviiori«lljic' on'-lho lni.w rT.r • cuUlnB , Mr. • lloovor's iin, ytHu imihiltirhim to K.iropc- tu ont year. ■. Jll« ll<iii.s«f uro.wil'fnllowcil lilin UccauKu llioy ilioiiBliflio Imil the jiniuilcitr liullilcnl hUv uf ' lef i/in!>itlon n» iisunli

'.U U cliiakritDfn.'.nrKiiiiinit Ilniy_ciiii-ju i|_ |i'iar

.•_f!iy,()iii),(nnr^(,, U,u'. iiunei - • ’ ■niid'. (Ii-nj-.'li ...........

rrli;d pcriians, wlita, I>otli a ro >vnrklnK far the Kovenimcnt 'aiid tint In lilrliiK now viiniloyDii prof. roiire kIiiiiiIiI lie Klvcn lo persons - llii>r. (1i':in Uinso wIlli wlfcTpr llim- aiul nil Uu- [iovornaicnf iiayroll. AppMcatl'r.u of the miitrlcJ work- r ■inpvlHln'n lo 'ConRreM •wo'iiliK avu slrli'ken from ilio lipyfuirUlo''

ivlvcrfof niimcroiw repr«Mntatlvci».

ome L.eaguer«Go To Institute

iCouilInklliK'U coilcs.1

nil iiilH iMHiiu. Tlli-r . . lyiilly Iiy tlieir tIeIii

•hlro. relallvi'M., Tliey Inolf n cul

■ • X'-eil (iii/i|iiiltfii .lii.tliCKo'li;f'r<l tiiiu-.q' cutui'mlu;

coiilvlljiilloii* come Hlowly. Tlio :lirlfiy iiieinljtrB.aro irylriK ic .llwlr clcrfi'.lilrr Hllciwnllccic.

of JtciiilJict-. pi'liy .....vat -[n Ih'i! Iloiino Ives carry llils y<vir-R-i;lucilc4i ex.

,icn«es. l.\lariy i'i.Vlfc niid daiiKirtei wiu- hni - •-

.VOtlDS. iicoploiCiMiy.Mr. i.nil MniriK II! Coeoti^- or..'Slrii. Klnicr Platliera anil nov.

i ) , L. -Kendnll. ,pa«lor of'lho M0H1- mllMt fchurc ly Jerome, liiircj BOno

"-n*l"Tl;Trtnst1iiiiu iif U iu ^ I.cuf;iio 11 iiiltu . utilTvu '

K e t c l i i i m . ' . - - .Tliu'tiiorniiiKx, will he dcvoteil to

«:lnaH nvork.' wlillo' tlio aftornooiiK-' lint anil plMV- ' 0 piuoiica lu r ’

ley lirJi'cIp pay. lo r itaU' :iiiii|iiil|;n this Tuiir. . . • '

For u llniB-,Tliey'liait 11 do se ciill Ahun ilio- ccononiy.'Tiiir wiist liclni; :0n.-tril4'i;eil. ■niil .iiioHilicrH framed Uiujuw; Ko tliHf .th<.lr cliirlfS cornu

,iuuler -a BDOckirjtiiti-KbrjVv'Kacli' Coni?rex8nian hiiil,Uci-n «llowcd'*5^ | 00»7f r;clork- lr077.TUe--linv~£V

ihu ov.ciiliii;. KUKBlonVj

:...: HjoT'iviMixirii.ut - ‘s - rK ^ ;fA-a r h i.s-T; ■\vi.,;^(ttP)—

llukoll dipped lilii ii..... .........li) iv«toV:of BaHH liike wlillo flslj- iHi wfpoJo-jfrabbca lila Index • UKLTJaiiil.lnfllctcd'i

. - D r., iinjcnBi3-t'tlie'F<i^.1st' Is /n 'liio tlnp ci , louses.!' lIulli ifeKt’ 'rb/^-3B^fd(,|IS■r.

T H R IF T Y P E O f iL E iX l^ BUYING| MOXOH, CO, ysED/O.ARS ,'AS .FA’Sf AS lA y

uf'Hlc,-ri5-(Klvu toiii i|uH! iUr,cd1o[ifl 'foV fniik- IliiK- IliCHu dniHHcs.- . k .••A ll you h a v e to iIo^h.obtiUii ii THt(ern:;or-ttiJs-nin'ircUvo“ iiroli«


66‘MB iN,\;'tifiacailn bn.the new'y.^ I

.MIk5<K0, i|Xira' K"cd;.A' .woniierful 'valuo 'i!i2a.'6idijiiu.i)l'ie' c;b«vii''. v o r x : ' ^ « o a ......'■

l» ;tr) »-cii.l*..ini:,-.Jir,......dah» •.i;vciilnK .Tinic«. • •

MnOJy, I

' IMIJ Oiikluuil Scdnn,'".il(lo:l......... .. .■■lx^:'y^nujti.x;][lanoo'n ; ^-luw.J'Vr---------------------------------

^ 7 l o d .

y«HK r .. Ily .IniiiPB JWIulllii

i'l.AUa,\.N-.vn . ■ •, •■A liimi HlallntJvJtl AUthnrlly fiiiyf,

;liJitf:llift-iiKreciittnl-'-ahohidTfllnrt| 1 wnve of foreign l»uyluR of Amor-'

Jciin -.iirodiicib. h'orclBn'iiurchn'iicrs .iiud_t!xulc-iVuiorlc;in..f.anVer«,-(helr' c.infli|iiiieu:rciHoro.I.--niu..-ob«oKiiiilll<i».t .‘\<-i>rlli'nf. uiir'cMdi ' Fiil.

, .Illlnit-nt^irThliQ rr^diaiar-M Tm j

' - •m jin n itm ien t^ m u rkfd-ihn-itfit;i-oE-Uio Oj>iir«uilon una ItiaUiho

....it .f.«y rfeokB-miiy •BeniiaLlio.

;| ijricuii • l)U}'In(!. -will .dovetoii. iis-thq hm urkcln l;)»e.-'.i: ; , . ' v ., .:.;Tlip.'f.nii«uiini'.■iKroeini'iiijCforlK

..Tlle>. -V


lt^',Ci»'alMi;iii'iWll'<<;.lii he-moralJ

---------- liur. iiiiiiin -i.nlorcd liy .- jis - f rom

trH n tliF rn n n n irT x c c k »1ll iiox- IilM}-, W'lii|iiio ! JiKforo jiiii • r t'w ljc ' I

.o i i r ;|.i.ttcrii: ' Sitl»ni'H_:orilMi< I flir(>iiKh:tli«-iifiin.-.l-.Jinir(|y._WH„l[ I

:,4l!i31-l'>rU:c-o»i‘.^ " ,;lmv_4|illfia(:cl—_ ■',iy;liri'tiril DeJ.iixu '

•OincloBcdUJSo roVVullern .Sb.,.vlj$165.00

; ;,S’ow.;'Y'ai)tilah,-: :>Mn^*itio>.;-Cli(lck :i|ir.d r the iQlaut I’ariff.Hlylc iiewB, tflKcllicr. wIlIl -c o lo r :jiiipplomoftj, ran"7»ft\rrbi>-li^rt7nt-ti*n‘’ri!nMT(vlifi(i

Page 5: 01newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls...I. t{day . Jiy rclnforccineiUa . frnlii l«'ihaln coriip oC tlio ^'X-Me r c u r y so a r s 'M 'H e a t w ave VISITS GHICA*GO

~ W e 'd h fis^a y ’r 1 3 ; .19'82 • ■ - IDAHO' EVENINO TTMEg, TWlf^. EALLS, JDAHO'

W " A N T - A B_ _ s __i__• ________ i. A X J - r f ___ 1___ih rn n i/o in w a iin r

wii Ki I2-8S; Ion- fBiJcrK ilon 4I.2S: bull» U flown. CaltM r l|ilK JOU. fua- >ilo» xtci ' JGUESTSATIEND

; TVB„T]UpE. D ur or. #ell, All ifiBtls- -Of.; u s td - furoUu«;;.fltOTOg •a j- ro n ic s . Oct qiir'pricMi Phone

, S, t.o o n 'r Paint a p u n iltu r - '

srnrjo’. I.aiiUci - «niecti' o f ' Spaliu 'woulil nM’or rQcelvo. anyliiiily.Ins. WilllO'RiOVGB,'

O T E i p 3 q [ S i R f{Responsible' Business''Firms' and Professional O f f i c ; ^ f : T w i n : " ..

for Quick Reference.

■! : - A tJT P .T 0 P r ^ B 0 D y '. . 'y b H g 8 ’ t B 0 H 0 0 L 5 :A N D ' Qp T T .rQ g a

OTllTE'' o 'd 'o 'b ik < r~ d o ti5 o B ;,-Wc8lew,^J4ftko;..;tod^. ftatt

jf P L i n a B m o j A i r o E E A m o fn

.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Third At . Eiur .Plinno.ZBa!rOR 'i S A l iE ^ U tO ' DOOR' O U S S • .-.VWlna 'sUeJaa '&. Window. 01aa».

: No', cborcO’ for Botung^-uoon'fl 5-” P i I n t - f t --------- ------------

'. SH O E R g P A lR iN O '

v ra inE B o iL b-yo tm T S iiO B s t o tnsuro comfort, pliis woor. Now’

.:. ccbnonif prlcoa, :; TwJn , r a lU ' ,^5l>o9.-Ropdlf In&;:::i32 - etxo.^-'W.'

— i Q o o m v ; ; . ' ; : ' ' .

w 1=3.0,p i i NO-; A w ajuN C B i^

^ ^ J lE iU '-E S T A T I

:WmfB;^ENNEy'KTATB. CpOl^ I Jns, Idft.-.todar.TJi'o'-sqro-cornarl :yi)Uwft^:.|i:8S0.V-~

_CJIAPTER,XL:*.': ••,■:•■ pI^EnivY,^llppc■|I the 'P lf 'jn lo till . oMn, elbsod ' Vio' ‘door •■#01

•irftlBhiencil .Tvllh^.a BlBh.', Hci ■hoiilODrs , aad ' a rm s' nehcd. know Blifl'flWutU not batib-oii cIcanlriB- di" .u l£ a ^ u t iL lu (^ ] n o lu ' . .L ."TBTBTtnnjCBH~aiiT}ooitcd.at'lfio“cloclt'a5d"i(h'nt It wa«.(ilm6«t t lm o lo i ilio-.toblol!: ' •'

plicrry. wag wearlne' hor i ris.-.,. U y was ' iv n

Bmca'rcd n lth 'dust but atis,dld o'oi th ttik-.W that.. ' I lc r 'h ftlr ; y n j. bid ilflo baniftth.a towol pinned on 'for ft.dust, cap 'ahd-tliaro wcro -Ltoch eroiidBM on bar ehcblis.'-From’Door

. ____0 apitrlmcnLwu.ld iplc:and apan>order but .Cbcrrr bereoll bad .neVtr b’e«n Icm puaontable Slia had clKQ.the oparlmcDt a tfaor )iEh . tlcanlDg. ahalioti ibo- rugs. iffoplTaDd ^dunlcd and: washed'the

Ihnii iba had'6jpcet«d.. -'.r. /,Cborrjf.;,op(!ncdab#>natcJc{iM''

and. spread cut «ho'-cloth. Usuall' ;«ha‘'tobk;pitas'to'.ni'a)['« Ibe-labli

iracllTO;'but'nTonlBht..dlabbfl.>ht vor Wflol-«n.carcleaEly: ■.• •• ••! • -

. Bho wM bick ttt tlio. klleton^iltf- rlhn tho^Btaw mada.f?o[n'.Ia»t.nl5h}’s Boof roiiBi wben Dah-f b r r wBoIrtd In tbo Jock.' Cherry dld-Bol 'lurffbUfcallca.-rThtt /p u n ? a n 1 r - fT ~ -

md; ^on8Bapor•.^■:A•■lnlnu^o -m ite jind.hfl-aioo^ In thb^doorwoy. "arciit' S«6U!?'> Dan ‘o*clalracd;‘"«(bal haio jombcen:doIn8.Jo.jrbur«6U n.lj^::.

rW byji^TOh, 1 Sucaa ,I forcot io t»kpJlhe,-ioW«l-oirrmy-hMa.'^-l'To .been elcanlne hoiiae.-. E»oryjhlog’e do_np:o»ccnt ,tb(i baiJjrobihjflndow.

5 ; g f f i ! ® 1 5 S S g S ' '

would havo. to' was ready oxcci glanced Into tin. . .Qnmo higher. ' . ------•• ■-■Haron't you nolBhtd yot,'DanJ“ aho asked. .

l lo waa rubbing.tbc vrtodow pana ihorlou»Jy. Cherry'•ateppcd for-

..drd." - •'Op*'thcro.“ 'aho -pointed. ■Thcro'Bln streak ibat-ISQ’t clean.'-

M c l a i .............................

Cberry disappeared lolo'tbodreei le room and returned Wllb lell-talo {

red linea'about her eyes. ’ Sbe anc Dan lardow n 'a t the uh la and .thL,

li. began.: Cbcrry.-If .sho bad' i;h< r iwa' Ttracloua self) would 0 looked altracllvO'tD splto- of.

hor 'eolled. torn .frock. Sb® co\iId i haro laughed.'and Dan'would, not 1

-W hat-W tll-I dort-------.--------■ r;Thcr« »ra»'0Bly Plnky lhe kltle

to coawlo.li'or and" Pinky wftB*it gagod <0 tearing up a paper sack. ^

ifflcer-' : i BueBff:you know' why. I 'ddn 't

h ira anyone-to-help wo! I t’s'bo-

, .'And ibaf# bMauB6 I. don't i onoi^bl'jlB 'that-tiT Tou nichi-a w o tl.-sa y lu v That’a w hat yau'r th iafclV lBn't t t r . r - r . "Oh. Dan. bow can you adcuaa mi

of such thlngsT- 'Do 1 0tbr.«0Dp1iLld ->bo'uc tnonliy? Don’t’l.do etorytblBg n tho world-to aaiot. r t o worked

a l ld a y - - ' - r , .- •.•Workedt---What-do -.yourthlnk-

I-Ta.been'doln?r It'you. rcalty:.bad, a day>,work oneovi

Tcara.abarted .In 'C hor^Is^eyca

ot. aca •lh«m. ’ flha'couta not.truat erw ir.to aptiifc.-■ -h'ad.noTC:They.-.had. t


... tired and hoth'-w'ero sirtTeflBr froB ':-norTCl".rVOi#‘. W(5H; tram

tho Di Bpoka.th^t.wora;:..^:

or tw'** u I make OT

B a t frlendllDcBg but they Wi ,ncecpl9d.-, CUerry« *anBwi

wero, pollla. Too pollloo ■•fhc was a IdQB/^merrat. of. allencB. Wblch/tho ,girl'was awaM 'tbat i fieal Ttm hbpoioaa. .Tha stow » ecfd-nnd;uiD-iaIad contained- too ^ c b talL She bad couiiled on tho plo-.lb-retrlc»o a.masl ot loft-owa. Cborry .ffas so mlterahla ibo-would not-baYUniotrccd-whal sho'Waa eat-’ Ing .If.lt had.not bccn.for.Oan. : : r ' -Wby,dlUn-t ho tell,.her ho w a*.,

hnttforttiinBB'THrh'. aaiat-.W hy.dldn't tia

hand.r.wllK.': h is; own-.ane^-.'say, ."Cherry. l;.waa-a beast ..but It,'bccauio.'rTi had ft:hard''d»y;V'Fot>' ;Alni»-’ein;i. BlTo';mo,',darlln6i;- ..Why.dldn’t-ha- talio Uor»Jo bls.aras aBdVnli.ibar to forget Ihoso 'cruerwordsr ' • 1. ._'Dap..rhttltps:dld':nono'-ot'theso thlnfB.-iro, ate; |liU« o t, tho:*food- iTba-.moaltwM.oTor atn'ost'jaB soba

a a a a t e a i s s g: barrlea'dc^..behlnd Ihl*; nowspapor.'< ^7fae>elrI;bBdjalmoBird()tlded.;«tU

, ^ ..,U :eam 9.rrd^dJM iD ,..near,’th6"daTCBpbrt'aiid tt bI'owM' abfl);,beneath;tha.tiarobipcDt’tinted', shadb..; ^b m tha ':''ih adow a ''« roB s '

KErfe'b~5 "a raw ^bleo' carno;.. :;-J5Ut 'yoii’re'^TeallcBsr. •.flrbiiila' ;Vall'_Mld.‘ '-.'.'Ja;' onythlos ■:,ii ‘b-aK,'

, -Pbim pV'-torak'.^-ThoM '#^Ing-wroDg.’,V.ho Mld.;„VNothlpB-.:«li all., .But. Drcfldaj t.can't.cd'nio'.bofB any :mora. I 'to" got to 's to p .-^ d ln f.

‘•Yqu^•(illiy.■.boyLv;Whkoo^^^M^^ro you;talk!of aliou tr., ..........

. Thb-youBg' nir-- :£d;that hls;(Me - tb W rd t


>iu auortiy.:;*i y. . v tv ; - ' .^-Cb'orrf'lformtvhet.poBo'. .->■ ■ ban.? »hb i»8ld.-,;!L tm 'ughtak 'iB lithl - fio,;:aomowhoro^««lhBr;:tblBicto-" nlPB>.-'-S«i:-t---.nii)Tl£:J^ftybM-»l: ^

t o & h M w l c e t ^

Tbq tOllo^lOK market qaQlaltoni ■ro corrected dally liytha Idaho Erenlng'Tlmos and reproseat tho

U U l!£^ .(ld^ccaid lJi£ ja_J

_________ _____________ Id 'L bs;.,AflKClps.

ilr . and. Mf*.- H. A..Ponnv-nlt 'f tro..•• J ^ y A T O jiia i^U k ^ irL N

Ted and ilii6--K optrjiavo'-fe((lii''i' >. l/os AtiBcJeB. ror-jlliQ^fatj;:or.-.i

BPYiftn r ntCE8pickioV:

SugaK-'hcot; cwL*;^.-;

H cary bens, Ibvui'aultry i r

i-lBht h ios, 'un^er. viiTbi'ri!Lcgliom hons,.3 lbs. on — B rollrfrs.'.'

. 'Decii:=E.-p. P fM «fto ,T # in .P allkBonk . anrt.'TruBi:; Co.r ;',?I5A87.98.<YdU ls-3 'und '4 and.’RUS^W'U.U^S.'V;^

'D c id -rJ /^ .iy f l/d M ro rd

S S l i S S fD a^r^P.'i P.-: .Varnoj^'^ to

Page 6: 01newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls...I. t{day . Jiy rclnforccineiUa . frnlii l«'ihaln coriip oC tlio ^'X-Me r c u r y so a r s 'M 'H e a t w ave VISITS GHICA*GO

. S c re e n ; A o f r;ess V^Vbrks. o r ' PlaysjCbllden.Moore Not

Worried Over Parts

. ' IfOI-I-YWOOD-In a lioiiim. In'- Ucl-AIr, mu______________

‘--H=rr-lliilo'Klrl-wlm-Kpciul«-iniiM-<if-Iier ’.llmo.iilnrInK tviinU am) xwlniriilnK

v l uiiiMiiJr. Kjiiirn mnnKiiilii wfmilorliiK ; '.,.'wIia't'»lio 'Is.aolHE.io ilo lo .c iir ii

IflD.tllftl <[iiHinf Ihp foiiiliir Vi'iir. ' '-■••Tlint HlHc s*rl !i>,<'ollcc‘ii Me

, • proud itoHHciiHor of n tnw Ions l - . .'flUircniilraci.whlcJi sii*anlccn lio r

v -.jOO.ODt) fo i-m e iiMi. lS nio»iliK.rO' - ((MrdlcHH o^liow mall)' iiiiiiiroti-sU(

, • ;'jiiiilii'ii. .0 ( coiirsci II iMil niiUo enrrcrt -tr

Oillpcii'iimi HUlP'Klrl.- Al- ’roiidy «lio liak-lici'irmsrr|piri.wlcc

•■'iiin.l >linh-.l.ooii, onp of 'ilic lil^ c u t -I- -Viiini^■ln-moilon-pl«iiro:lil»ior>-.'.; •

iJliii^lwIioiryoii *cr'tirr plnyttiB'JilI , y o u *cr ii I'li'.-.lior'liiitk’yni'di'.wjirro

you.ROi DiaiJlltln ttlrl' int»

liaKllmpn- for .a iiy

.............. .........................m.".jitTo;tnti». mp:.(m;j»DViiplftiih«:.l:Bfdn»ir In .tUc

■i;, .•. Y«rker..IH'Ticr-prMciit liiislmnO-^* 1 iv-'*!- lioilioii.i!.,-.flf«’W-^^^ui^oorrjilenM urM j-UldiVl ' ‘

Li^iiBUfluaUimilGH ■ lor Txiiiirof -i.k. « iI»ayi))no,U.iliiB_ilcfl:.ioVKorr>v.^ i

Eyerythmg Wa Flatwoii frNow \iicnny • wise .housewives are- Biviiig llicmselvcs ajioliday ev e ry 'w cek ;^ . send- jiJU their, laundry to us for TJirifly Service !

*• We .wash_ey_ervthing. 'We iron all .the, fintwork; W e return the'wearing apparel ready L o - iv o o :a r id - p u L ^ i v j iy .^ Q a M n d c E _ J u ^ f y j i a _ ^

are enjoying'a big jubilee! Give us;;a ring and give Thrifly a Trial — you’ll nevcf'.go' back 16-the ol(I, expensive w a y ; |......

The.; loltil cost of . home 'wnsiiing. plus lidme _ iroiv; iiiR the flUt work

Includes cost of . soap;

water, cool, and', electric ciirrent.'^plus upkeep - ana; interest' on .equipment in- .vestment. • ‘

A V B R A O E -B U N D L E : ' FA M IL Y O P 'P iV E

1 0 ,p o u n d s ;;'

L The cost; .of THRIIvTC. SERVICE '/forJ the;^amo.,b u h-d.lk-lr—.:;eve»^thlhg;

-.washed^ flat Work; it«ne^ I j h e i b u n d l e . r e - ^

A ■■

comes .back 16 you heaulifufly^'iTQnpd, readj/^fov, ill

chest of, drrtwefs'or li»icn-clpset.


wlllrWnllftfB T W i'ry ' wril prnllalilj-' iM'.lliO tlnil l i t ! '------ iY,:tllltU’t'!l!irfl-!S ihSs#S

M 0 1 W #................. ................... i«:-iiri„. .

ti .uiliii-iiiis ;of,i,Ju«ii._Ri-au-ford.-_IjmRi Uovo QU^'L^iMyu^Oront.' ' • ' '