ان ب ه ز ب ی س ی و ن ه م ا رب بMatlab 1

برنامه نویسی به زبان Matlab

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برنامه نویسی به زبان Matlab. فهرست مراجع. آشنایی با Matlab. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Matlab1 2 Matlab . . Matlab . . . . . . . 3 Matlab (MATLAB) . Matlab . . Matlab ( ) . Matlab MATrix LABoratory . . Matlab .

4 Matlab Matlab . :x=0:0.01:10( y=sin(2*pi*10*x(plot(x,y Graphical User Interfaces C Matlab . Matlab .Matlab (The MathWorks) ... .

5 Matlab Matlab c (java) . Matlab Matlab ( ) . Matlab . - .

6 Matlab : Matlab Matlab Matlab Matlab Matlab Matlab Matlab Matlab Matlab Matlab Matlab Matlab 7 Matlab cd Matlab . java virtual machine . PLP cd . : - (product only) - help(help only) - help(documentation and product)8 Matlab

9 Matlab

10 Matlab

11 Matlab

12 Matlab

13 Matlab

14 Matlab





























43 ans . :a=2b= 2*3 + 5^2>> b= 31 31 . (_) .Matlab . ; . .

44 :

clear . who whose . . S1= 1 +2i> S2=3 1.5j>> S1+S2 abs angle .>> abs (s1)>> angle (s1)

forendIffunctionwhileswitchcasepersistentbreaktryelseelseifreturnglobalbreakcatchotherwise45 pi . real , imag .>> Real (1+2i)>> imag (3-1.5j)sqrt(x)inf , NaN , realmin , realmax epsFormat

46 format

47 format

48 format

49[] , () ; : + - * / \^ .* , `, a.*a ,./ ,.\ ,.^,.`

50imag : () () Xs:step:XendLinspace(x1,x2,n) , logspace(x1,x2,n) .`


ones(3,2) , ones(3)zeros(3,2) , zero(3)eg: k=pi ; A=ones(2,3)*keye(n) , eye(n,m)s=[1 2 3 4] ; a=diag(s) ;ss=diag(a)magic (n)rand(n,m) , randn(n,m)Randperm(n)

52 m


54 m Set pathRun ,f5 (save name var_name) (load name ) workspace file save workspace as.name)) workspace (load name)Input() , disp() (\n , s')55 m (function) Function output=function_name (input) : % H - (input ,.) - (disp, plot,) - ; -

56 if end . 1: a=input('please enter a number :');if a>5 b=a^2; disp('a^2 = ');disp(b);End== , ~= , >= , >, < ,=5 b=a^2; disp('a^2 = '); disp(b);else disp('too little');End 3:a=input('please enter a number : a = ');if a>=5 && a 1 eps = eps/2;endeps = eps*2 2:s=0n=0while s> Plot(x,sin(x),x,cos(x),.) plot .>> Plot([0 5 6 -1 0],[-1 0 3 2 -1]) grid on .>> plot (x,x.*sin(x))>> grid on semilogx .>> x=linspace (1,100,8);>> y=x/2;>> semilogx (x,y,'-o')65 .66r=input('please input the radius : \n');if r==0 break;endangle=linspace(0,2*pi,360);x=r*sin(angle);y=r*cos(angle);plot(x,y)xlabel('x')ylabel('y')title('circle')axis('equal')grid on semilogy .>> x = linspace (1,5);>> y = 2*exp(x);>> semilogy (x,y) , grid on- loglog .>> logspace (0,4);>> exp (-0.3*x);>> loglog (x,y) , grid on plotyy y .>> x = linspace (0,2*pi);>> plot (x , sin(x) ,x, exp(x)) , grid on>> >> plotyy (x , sin(x) ,x, exp(x)) , grid on67 polar ( r = f()) . r .>> theta = linspace(0,2*pi ) ;>> r = 2 * cos (2 * theta ) ;>> polar (theta , r)

68 - . . -ob --sr :dg .- +w*k x c vm ^y > > x=linspace (0,2*pi,31);>> y = sin(x);>> plot (x,y, -*r, x ,cos(x) ,ob--) 2:>> plot (x , sin(x) , dk)

.>> plot(x ,y ,string, property1 ,value1,..)

70 .

Linwidth MarkerEdgColor MarkerSize MarkerFaceColor 1 :x = -pi:pi/10:pi; y = tan(sin(x)) - sin(tan(x)); plot(x,y,'--rs','LineWidth',2,... 'MarkerEdgeColor','k',... 'MarkerFaceColor','g',... 'MarkerSize',10) 71 2:>> x = linspace(0,2*pi,31)>> plot(x,sin(x),-bs, 'LineWidth',2)

3:x = -pi:.1:pi; y = sin(x); plot(x,y) set(gca,'XTick',-pi:pi/2:pi) set(gca,'XTickLabel',{'-pi','-pi/2','0','pi/2','pi'})72 hold .>> x= linspace(0,2*pi,31)>> plot (x,sin(x) ,-bs)>> hold on>> plot(x ,cos (x), :ro)>> hold off .>> cx = (0:pi/4:pi)' + rand(5,1)*I;>> cy = sin(cx);>> plot(cx, cy, --^) ,grid on73 .>> t = linspace (0,2*pi,9);>> y = cos(t) + i*sin(2*t);>> plot (y ,b-o) ,xlabel, title , legend , ylabel .>> t = linspace (0,5);>> h = 30*t 0.5*9.81*t.^2;>> plot (t ,h ,b-o) ,grid on>> xlabel (time (s))>> ylabel (height (m))>> title ( h(t) = v0t - g t^2 , v0 = 30 m/s )

74 1:x=0:pi/100:2*pi;y1 = sin(x);y2 = sin(x - 0.25);y3 = sin(x - 0.5);plot(x,y1,x,y2,x,y3)legend('sin(x)' , 'sin(x-0.25)' ,'sin(x-0.5)') 2 :

plot (x,y1, 'c--*', x ,y2,'r-d', x,y3, 'k-.p')


76 axis . .x = 0:.025:pi/2;plot(x,tan(x),'-ro')axis([0 pi/2 0 5])

77 1:axis autoxlim ([0 2*pi])title( xlim( [0 2*pi] ) ') 2 : x=0:pi/100:2*pi;y = sin(x);plot(x,y)axis tightaxis equalaxis autoaxis squareaxis normalaxis normal tight offaxis on

78 . :area , bar , barh ,bar3 ,bar3h ,pie ,stemscatter ,.. 1 :Y = [1, 5, 3;3, 2, 7; 1, 5, 3; 2, 6, 1];area(Y)grid oncolormap summerset (gca,'Layer','top')title 'Stacked Area Plot'


80 2:t=linspace(0,2*pi,31);subplot(2, 1,1)area(t,sin(t),'facecolor','g'),axis tightsubplot(2,1,2)area(t',cos(t),'linewidth',2), axis tight

81 3: subplot(m,n,p) .(m n p)p = [5.2 3.6 1 9];subplot(2,2,1), pie(p)subplot(2,2,2), pie(p,p==max(p))subplot(2,2,3), pie3(p)subplot(2,2,4), pie3(p,[1 0 0 0])

82 x=linspace(0,2*pi,41);y=sin(x).^2.*exp(-0.2*x);plot(x,y), hold onstem(x,y,.)83

>> x=linspace(0,2*pi,9);>> subplot(2,2,1)>> bar(x,x.^2+1)>> subplot(2,2,2)>> barh(x,x.^2+1)>> subplot(2,2,3)>> bar3(x,x.^2+1)>> subplot(2,2,4)>> bar3h(x,x.^2+1)84

- Matlab . .

plot3 ezplot3 comet3 stem3 scatter385 t = 0:pi/50:10*pi;plot3(sin(t),cos(t),t)grid onaxis square

86 plot3 plot :plot3(X1,Y1,Z1,...)plot3(X1,Y1,Z1,LineSpec,...)- x,y,z .close all,clc ,cleart = linspace(0,2*pi,41);x = -3*sin(t).*exp(-0.05*t);y = 3*cos(t).*exp(-0.05*t);z = 0.5*t;plot3(x,y,z,'linewidth',2)hold onstem3(x,y,z,'*r') % hold offgrid onaxis equalxlabel('x')ylabel('y')zlabel('z')

87 88

88 ezplot3 m .close xstr = '-3*sin(u)*exp(-0.1*u)';ystr = '2*cos(u)*exp(-0.1*u)';zstr = '0.3*u'ezplot3(xstr,ystr,zstr,[0 4*pi])axis equalxlabel('x'),ylabel('y') ,zlabel('z')

89 comet3 .comet3(z)comet3(x,y,z)comet3(x,y,z,p)comet3(axes_handle,...) 1:t = -10*pi:pi/250:10*pi; comet3((cos(2*t).^2).*sin(t),(sin(2*t).^2).*cos(t),t); 2:closeti = linspace(0,6*pi,5000);xi = -3*sin(ti).*exp(-0.05*ti);yi = 3*cos(ti).*exp(-0.05*ti);zi = 0.3*ti;comet3(xi,yi,zi)

90 Matlab - z . mesh , surf .[x,y] = meshgrid (-8:0.5:8);r = sqrt (x.^2 + y.^2) + eps;z = sin(r)./r;mesh(x,y,z)xlabel('x'),ylabel('y)zlabel('z'),title('mesh') . surf(x,y,z)

91 meshgrid . . .[x,y] = meshgrid (x) [x,y,z] = meshgrid(x,y,z)Peaks matlab .[x,y,z] = peaks(n) n 1: [x,y] = meshgrid(-3:0.1:3); z = x.^2 + y.^2; mesh(x,y,z) colormap(jet) xlabel('x'),ylabel('y') zlabel('z'), title('mesh plot for z = x^2 + y^2')92

93 [x,y,z] = peaks(40);colormap(hot)surf(x,y,z)xlabel('x'),ylabel('y')zlabel('z'), title ('surf')

- surf RGB . .- colorbar 94 [x,y,z] = peaks(50);surf(x,y,z)colorbarxlabel('x'),ylabel('y')zlabel('z'), title ('surf')

95 contour : ( ) z=f(x,y) . . :[x,y] = meshgrid(-3:0.1:3);z = x.^2 + y.^2;contour(x,y,z,15)colorbartitle('contour ploting for z=x2+y2 ')

96 [X,Y,Z] = peaks(30);surfc(X,Y,Z)colormap hsvaxis([-3 3 -3 3 -10 5])

- 4 . z=f(x,y) .Surfc () .. meshc . surfl .

97 [x,y] = meshgrid(-3:1/8:3);z = peaks(x,y);surfl(x,y,z);shading interpcolormap(winter);axis([-3 3 -3 3 -8 8])

- Shading interp .Shading flat .Shading faceted . shading interp .

98 1:[x,y] = meshgrid(-pi:0.1*pi:pi);z = x.*cos(y)/2;surf(x,y,z), axis equal ,title('surf')xlabel('x'),ylabel('y'),zlabel('z') 2:[x,y] = meshgrid(-pi:0.1*pi:pi);z = x.*cos(y)/2;subplot(1,2,1)surf(x,y,z), axis equal ,title('surf1')shading flatsubplot(1,2,2)surf(x,y,z), axis equal ,title('surf2')shading interp

99 3:[x,y]=meshgrid(-10:0.1:10);r = sqrt(x.^2 + y.^2)+eps;z = 4*sin(r)./r;surfl(x,y,z), axis equalshading interpcolormap copperxlabel('x'),ylabel('y')zlabel('z'), title ('surfl')

100 4:[x,y] = meshgrid(-3:1/8:3);z = peaks(x,y);surfl(x,y,z);shading interpcolormap(gray);axis([-3 3 -3 3 -8 8])

101 5:view([10 10])grid onhold onsurfl(peaks)shading interpcolormap copperhold off

view .View(az,el)defaut :Az=-37.5 , el=30o102 6: view [x,y,z] = peaks(30);subplot(2,2,1)mesh(x,y,z,'edgecolor','k')axis tight, xlabel('x'),ylabel('y'),zlabel('z')title(Default')subplot(2,2,2)mesh(x,y,z,'edgecolor','k')axis tight, xlabel('x'),ylabel('y'),zlabel('z')view(20,60)title('view(20,60)')subplot(2,2,3)mesh(x,y,z)axis tight, xlabel('x'),ylabel('y'),zlabel('z')view(210,20)title('view(210,20)')subplot(2,2,4)mesh(x,y,z)axis tight, xlabel('x'),ylabel('y'),zlabel('z')view(0,90)title('view(0,90)')

103 View : .[x,y,z]= peaks(30);mesh(x,y,z)view([4,4,4])

view(az,el)view([x,y,z]) view(2) az = 0, el = 90view(3) az = 37.5, el = 30az = 180; el = 90; View (az, el); 104 :ezplot('x','sin(x)')ezplot3('cos(x)','sin(x),sqrt(x))ezmesh((x^2+y^2))ezsurf('(x^2+y^2))

105 - cylinder [X,Y,Z] = cylinder[X,Y,Z] = cylinder(r)[X,Y,Z] = cylinder(r,n)cylinder(axes_handle,...)cylinder(...) 1:cylinderaxis squareh = findobj('Type','surface');set(h,'CData',rand(size(get(h,'CData')))) 2:

t = 0:pi/10:2*pi;[X,Y,Z] = cylinder(2+cos(t));surf(X,Y,Z)axis square106 sphere sphere sphere(n) [X,Y,Z] = sphere(n) ribbon ribbon(Y)ribbon(X,Y)ribbon(X,Y,width)ribbon(axes_handle,...)h = ribbon(...)rotaterotate(h,direction,alpha) rotate(...,origin)Moviegetframe107 1:h = surf(peaks(20));rotate(h,[1 0 0],180) 2:h = surf(peaks(20));zdir = [0 0 1];center = [10 10 0];rotate(h,zdir,45,center) 3 :[x,y] = meshgrid(-3:.5:3,-3:.1:3);z = peaks(x,y);ribbon(y,z)xlabel('X')ylabel('Y')zlabel('Z')colormap hsv

108 3:Z = peaks; surf(Z); axis tight% Record the moviefor j = 1:20 surf(sin(2*pi*j/20)*Z,Z) F(j) = getframe;end% Play the movie ten timesmovie(F,10)

109 danc_ribbon :function danc_ribbonj=1;for i=1:20 [x,y]=meshgrid(-3:0.5:3,-3:0.1:3); z=peaks(x,y); ribbon(y,z) light('Position',[i-10,i,i+10],'Style','infinite'); axis off; F(j)=getframe; rotate(ribbon(y,z),[1,0,0],180); light('Position',[i+10,i,i-10],'Style','infinite'); axis off; F(j+1)=getframe; j=j+2;end;movie(F,10);

110 :sphere_light_rotate function sphere_light_rotate()[x,y,z]=sphere(50);for i=1:250 h=surf(x,y,z); axis off rotate(h,[1,0,0],i+45); light('Position',[i-100,i,i+100],'color',[0.025*i,0.036*i,0.012*i]); F(i)=getframe;end;movie(F,20)111 . . :

fix floor ceil round mod rem 112

primes(n)n factor(n) n factorial(n) n gcd(A,B) A , B lcm(A,B)A , B Sqrt(n) n Sqrtm(a) aNthroot(m,n) n mPower(m,n)M n Pow2(n)2 n Exp(x) xLog ,log2,log10 logm(a) a- 113 SYMS Short-cut for constructing symbolic objects. SYMS arg1 arg2 ... is short-hand notation for arg1 = sym('arg1'); arg2 = sym('arg2'); ...syms x