燦燦燦燦燦燦燦 The Glorious and Grand iose Renaissance 董董董 董董董董董董董董董董董 董董董董董董董董董董董董董 「」 董董dgdel.nchu.edu.tw

燦爛的文藝復興 The Glorious and Grandiose Renaissance 董崇選 中山醫大應用外語系教授 「懂更懂學習英文網站」負責人 網址: dgdel.nchu.edu.tw

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Page 1: 燦爛的文藝復興 The Glorious and Grandiose Renaissance 董崇選 中山醫大應用外語系教授 「懂更懂學習英文網站」負責人 網址: dgdel.nchu.edu.tw

燦爛的文藝復興The Glorious and Grandiose



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Page 2: 燦爛的文藝復興 The Glorious and Grandiose Renaissance 董崇選 中山醫大應用外語系教授 「懂更懂學習英文網站」負責人 網址: dgdel.nchu.edu.tw

I. Renaissance 的含義 :– A French word meaning “rebirth”

Man and the World resurrected ( 復活 ).

– “How beauteous mankind is! Oh brave new world That has such people in it!” --The Tempest

“This goodly frame, the earth ... this most excellent canopy, the air, look you, this brave o’er-hanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire.”

“What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form, in moving, how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god!” --Hamlet

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II. Renaissance 的時空 :

– 1321 (Dante died) ~ 1600– the end of 14th C. to about 1600– 1350 ~ 1650– the Age of da Vinci, Cervantes, and Shakes

peare 達文西、塞凡提斯、莎士比亞– the Age of Protestant Reformation 宗教改革– the Age of Discovery 地理大發現– in Italy, France, Spain, England, Germany,

Holland, etc.

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III. Renaissance 的背景 1. Geographical Explorations:– The Polos, Dias, the Crusaders, Columbus,

da Gama, Magellan, etc. 馬可波羅、狄亞士、十字軍、哥倫布、 達迦

瑪、麥哲倫 等

2. Scientific Discoveries:– Newton, Galileo, Copernicus, Kepler


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III. Renaissance 的背景 :

3. Invention & Spread of Printing Johannes Gutenberg’s movable type: 古 頓保 發明 活字版 4. Fall of Constantinople The Turks, the Greek scholars

君士坦丁堡陷入土耳其人手中,希腊學者四散 5. Movement of Protestantism 新教徒 ( 抗議教徒 ) 之運動

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IV. Renaissance 的文藝 In Italy:

1. Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael ( 達文西、米開蘭基羅、拉斐爾 ) :

Mona Lisa, The Last Supper Pieta, David, Sybils, etc.2. Petrarch ( 佩脫拉克 ) : Sonnets to Laura3. Boccaccio ( 薄迦邱 ) : Decameron 《十日譚》 “Federigo’s Falcon”: Monna4. Pulci, Boiardo, Ariosto : Romantic epics

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Mona Lisa by da Vinci

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Da Vinci’s The Last Supper

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Michelangelo’s Pietà

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David by Michelangelo

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Sybils by Raphael

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IV. Renaissance 的文藝 :

In Italy

5. Machiavelli ( 馬基維利 ): The Prince 《王者》 the lion & the fox: 獅猛狐猾 6. Castiglione ( 卡斯提禮用 ): The Book of the Courti

er 《庭臣寶鑑》 7. Cellini ( 伽利尼 ) : Autobiography 自傳 8. Commedia dell’arte: 職業劇場 9. Tasso ( 塔索 ): Aminta, Jerusalem Delivered

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IV. Renaissance 的文藝 :

In Spain:

1. the picaresque novel : 浪漢小說 (Lazarillo de Tormes): picaro ( 惡棍、浪漢 )

2.Cervantes ( 塞凡提斯 ): 《唐.吉訶德》 (Don Quixote): chivalry ( 俠義、俠氣 )

3. Lope de Vega, Tirso de Molina, CalderÒn de la Barca

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IV. Renaissance 的文藝 :

In Northern Europe & France

1. 荷蘭 Erasmus ( 伊斯拉瑪斯 ): In Praise of Folly 《愚蠢頒》

2. 德國 Martin Luther ( 馬丁路德 ):

(95 theses at Wittenberg)

3. 法國 John Calvin ( 喀爾文 ): 《基督教機制》 The Institutes of the Christian Religion

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IV. Renaissance 的文藝 :

In Northern Europe and France

4. Villon ( 維龍 ) : The Ballade of Dead Ladies, etc. 敘事詩

5. Rabelais ( 拉伯雷 ): 《巨人傳》 (Gargantua and Pantagruel)

6. Montaigne ( 蒙田 ): Essays 散文集 7. Ronsard & others of the Pleiad: 七詩人

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IV. Renaissance 的文藝 :

In England:

1. More ( 摩爾 ): Utopia 《烏托邦》 2. Spenser ( 史賓塞 ): The Fairy Queen 《仙

后》 3. Lyly ( 李利 ): Eupheus 《優菲士》 4. Bacon ( 培根 ): Essays 論文集

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IV. Renaissance 的文藝 :

In England 5. Sidney ( 席德尼 ): Astrophel and Stella,

The Countess of Penbroke’s Arcadia

6. Marlowe ( 馬羅 ): Dr. Faustus 《浮士德博士》 7. Ben Jonson ( 姜生 ):

comedies of humor 性格喜劇 8. Shakespeare ( 莎士比亞 ): sonnets, plays

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V. Renaissance 的結論 – The Renaissance ushered Europe into a brand-new

world. ( 引領歐洲進入新世界 )

– The Renaissance bridges medieval and modern times. ( 銜接中古與現代 )

– The Renaissance is the revival of humanism, the rebirth of man’s questioning and questing spirit. ( 人文主義復活,再生探索求知精神 )

– The Renaissance reawakened individualism & secularism. ( 喚起個人主義與世俗主義 )

– The Renaissance restored the interest in classical Greek and Roman culture. ( 恢復對古典希羅文化之興趣 )