中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016 J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 79 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級 林智郁 (1) 羅玲玲 (2) 游適銘 (1) 林榮信 (1) (1) 國立宜蘭大學 (2) 中國文化大學 本研究目的在於探討超音波儀器(Carometec UltraFom 300),應用於肉豬屠體評級。試驗採 用來自雲林和彰化肉品市場之 100 頭肉豬,平均體重 122.47 kg SD = 7.37),經拍賣後運送 至雅勝冷凍食品股份有限公司進行屠宰,於屠體剖半後,在屠宰線上以 UltraFom 300,測量 左半邊屠體的倒數第 3-4 腰椎和最後肋距背線 7 公分位置之背脂厚度、腰眼深度及分析估 算屠體瘦肉率。結果顯示,利用兩個部位所得之預估瘦肉率與分切瘦肉率之相關係數,分別 0.324P 0.01)與 0.362P 0.01)。利用超音波量測最後助背厚度和屠體重,可解 74.8% 的瘦肉量預估差異。 關鍵語: 背脂厚度、肉豬屠體、超音波 Application of ultrasound for hog carcass evaluation C. Y. Lin (1) , L. L. Lo (2) , S. M. Yo and R. S. Lin (2) (1) Department of Biotechnology and Animal Science, National ILan University (2) Department of Animal Science, Chinese Culture University The aim of this study was to investigate the application of an ultrasound, Carometec UltraFom 300, for hog carcass evaluation. In this experiment, 100 hogs from Yunlin and Changhua auction markets with an average weight of 122.47 kg (SD = 7.37). Hogs were slaughtered in a commercial abattoir. An UltraFom 300 was used to measure the backfat thickness and loin muscle depth of the last 3-4 lumbar and the last rib at 7 cm off the middle line position for estimating carcass lean. The correlation coefficient between the dissected lean percentage and the lean percent prediction of two ultrasound detection points were 0.324 (P <0.01) and 0.362 (P <0.01), respectively. The utilization of carcass weight and the last rib backfat thickness by ultrasound as predictors to estimate carcass lean weight could explain 74.8% of variation. Key Words: Back fat thickness, Hog Carcass, Ultrasound

1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

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Page 1: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 79

1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級

林智郁(1) 羅玲玲(2) 游適銘(1) 林榮信(1)

(1)國立宜蘭大學 (2)中國文化大學

本研究目的在於探討超音波儀器(Carometec UltraFom 300),應用於肉豬屠體評級。試驗採

用來自雲林和彰化肉品市場之 100 頭肉豬,平均體重 122.47 kg(SD = 7.37),經拍賣後運送

至雅勝冷凍食品股份有限公司進行屠宰,於屠體剖半後,在屠宰線上以 UltraFom 300,測量

左半邊屠體的倒數第 3-4 腰椎和最後肋距背線 7 公分位置之背脂厚度、腰眼深度及分析估


為 0.324(P < 0.01)與 0.362(P < 0.01)。利用超音波量測最後助背厚度和屠體重,可解

釋 74.8% 的瘦肉量預估差異。

關鍵語: 背脂厚度、肉豬屠體、超音波

Application of ultrasound for hog carcass evaluation

C. Y. Lin(1), L. L. Lo(2), S. M. Yo and R. S. Lin(2)

(1)Department of Biotechnology and Animal Science, National ILan University(2)Department of Animal Science, Chinese Culture University

The aim of this study was to investigate the application of an ultrasound, Carometec UltraFom 300,

for hog carcass evaluation. In this experiment, 100 hogs from Yunlin and Changhua auction markets

with an average weight of 122.47 kg (SD = 7.37). Hogs were slaughtered in a commercial abattoir.

An UltraFom 300 was used to measure the backfat thickness and loin muscle depth of the last 3-4

lumbar and the last rib at 7 cm off the middle line position for estimating carcass lean. The

correlation coefficient between the dissected lean percentage and the lean percent prediction of two

ultrasound detection points were 0.324 (P <0.01) and 0.362 (P <0.01), respectively. The utilization

of carcass weight and the last rib backfat thickness by ultrasound as predictors to estimate carcass

lean weight could explain 74.8% of variation.

Key Words: Back fat thickness, Hog Carcass, Ultrasound

Page 2: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 201680

2. 固態厭氧消化與黑水虻蛆對於固態有機廢棄物的生物處理黃俊榕 蘇忠楨


依據聯合國糧農業組織統計,2050 年世界人口預計將達到 90 億,糧食產量必須提高 70%。為提高糧食的產量,畜牧產業現今都是用集約式的飼養方式,但是此種飼養方式會產生大量的動物糞便。雖然動物糞便目前被視為污染源,可是經厭氧消化及黑水虻生物處理可轉變成有經濟價值的產物,如沼氣及動物飼料添加物等。本研究之目的在於探討同時利用厭氧消化及黑水虻生物處理牛糞的可行性。然後建立厭氧消化之最佳參數及黑水虻的最適合餵食量。固態厭氧消化實驗是使用 2.5 公斤牛糞接種 2.5 公斤厭氧污泥,並進行 21 天的實驗。每天記錄產氣量及氣體組成,直到累計產氣量達到 34 至 45 公升為止。實驗結束後,利用烘乾磨碎且調整含水率至 75% 的沼渣餵食黑水虻幼蟲,黑水虻實驗是利用 400 隻黑水虻幼蟲進行 14 天的實驗,沼渣的餵食量分別為 25 與 50 mg/天/隻。實驗結束前、後測定乾基及其揮發性固體含量。實驗結果顯示,25mg 組別的乾基及揮發性固體的減少率分別為 10.2±0.3 與9.5±0.3%,而 50 mg 組別則分別為 9.1±2.1 及 8.9±1.9%。在生長方面,50 mg 組別的蟲子體增重為 110±9.8%,而 25 mg 組別則只有 56±4.6%。實驗結果證明,固態厭氧消化與黑水虻生物處理,對於處理牛糞具有相當大的潛力。


Biological treatment of solid organic waste by using anaerobic digestion and black solider fly larvae composting

C. Y. Wee and J. J. Su Department of Animal Science and Technology, National Taiwan University

According to Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations, the world’s population is expected to hit nine billion by year 2050. Food production must be increased by 70%. However, modern intensive livestock farming had caused the accumulation of considerable quantity of animal manure. Solid organic waste is potentially hazardous to the environment, however, if it is treated using biological treatment like anaerobic digestion and black soldier fly larvae composting, it could act as a valuable resource to generate valuable products like biogas and animal feed additive. The purpose of this experiment was to determine the feasibility of using both anaerobic digestion and black soldier fly larvae to treat manure properly. Optimal inoculation ratio of digestate for anaerobic digestion and feeding rate for black solider fly larvae were finally established. Cow manure (2.5kg) was applied to mesophilic (35oC) anaerobic digestion experiments and 2.5 kg of digestate from previous experiments was inoculated in the digester. Gas production and composition was measured and analyzed periodically. The cumulative biogas production was 34 to 45 L for 21days. After anaerobic digestion, the solid digestate was dried and grinded up to 20 mesh with 75% humidity for feeding 400 black soldier fly larvae in 14 days. The feeding experiment of two sets, both 25 and 50mg-dried digestate/larvae/d (25 mg and 50 mg digestate sets), were performed and dry matter (DM) as well as volatile solid (VS) reduction were determined periodically. The reduction of DM and VS were 10.2±0.3 and 9.5±0.3% by the group 25mg dried digestate/larvae/d set, respectively. Moreover, the reduction of DM and VS were 9.1±2.1 and 8.9±1.9% by the group 50mg-dried digestate/larvae/d set, respectively. Weight gain of larvae was increased by 110±9.8 and 56±4.6% for 50mg and 25 mg digestate sets, respectively. The result shows that anaerobic digestion and black soldier fly larvae composting are potential capable of converting solid organic waste into valuable product.

Key Words: Anaerobic digestion, Black soldier fly, Solid organic waste

Page 3: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 81

2. 固態厭氧消化與黑水虻蛆對於固態有機廢棄物的生物處理黃俊榕 蘇忠楨


依據聯合國糧農業組織統計,2050 年世界人口預計將達到 90 億,糧食產量必須提高 70%。為提高糧食的產量,畜牧產業現今都是用集約式的飼養方式,但是此種飼養方式會產生大量的動物糞便。雖然動物糞便目前被視為污染源,可是經厭氧消化及黑水虻生物處理可轉變成有經濟價值的產物,如沼氣及動物飼料添加物等。本研究之目的在於探討同時利用厭氧消化及黑水虻生物處理牛糞的可行性。然後建立厭氧消化之最佳參數及黑水虻的最適合餵食量。固態厭氧消化實驗是使用 2.5 公斤牛糞接種 2.5 公斤厭氧污泥,並進行 21 天的實驗。每天記錄產氣量及氣體組成,直到累計產氣量達到 34 至 45 公升為止。實驗結束後,利用烘乾磨碎且調整含水率至 75% 的沼渣餵食黑水虻幼蟲,黑水虻實驗是利用 400 隻黑水虻幼蟲進行 14 天的實驗,沼渣的餵食量分別為 25 與 50 mg/天/隻。實驗結束前、後測定乾基及其揮發性固體含量。實驗結果顯示,25mg 組別的乾基及揮發性固體的減少率分別為 10.2±0.3 與9.5±0.3%,而 50 mg 組別則分別為 9.1±2.1 及 8.9±1.9%。在生長方面,50 mg 組別的蟲子體增重為 110±9.8%,而 25 mg 組別則只有 56±4.6%。實驗結果證明,固態厭氧消化與黑水虻生物處理,對於處理牛糞具有相當大的潛力。


Biological treatment of solid organic waste by using anaerobic digestion and black solider fly larvae composting

C. Y. Wee and J. J. Su Department of Animal Science and Technology, National Taiwan University

According to Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations, the world’s population is expected to hit nine billion by year 2050. Food production must be increased by 70%. However, modern intensive livestock farming had caused the accumulation of considerable quantity of animal manure. Solid organic waste is potentially hazardous to the environment, however, if it is treated using biological treatment like anaerobic digestion and black soldier fly larvae composting, it could act as a valuable resource to generate valuable products like biogas and animal feed additive. The purpose of this experiment was to determine the feasibility of using both anaerobic digestion and black soldier fly larvae to treat manure properly. Optimal inoculation ratio of digestate for anaerobic digestion and feeding rate for black solider fly larvae were finally established. Cow manure (2.5kg) was applied to mesophilic (35oC) anaerobic digestion experiments and 2.5 kg of digestate from previous experiments was inoculated in the digester. Gas production and composition was measured and analyzed periodically. The cumulative biogas production was 34 to 45 L for 21days. After anaerobic digestion, the solid digestate was dried and grinded up to 20 mesh with 75% humidity for feeding 400 black soldier fly larvae in 14 days. The feeding experiment of two sets, both 25 and 50mg-dried digestate/larvae/d (25 mg and 50 mg digestate sets), were performed and dry matter (DM) as well as volatile solid (VS) reduction were determined periodically. The reduction of DM and VS were 10.2±0.3 and 9.5±0.3% by the group 25mg dried digestate/larvae/d set, respectively. Moreover, the reduction of DM and VS were 9.1±2.1 and 8.9±1.9% by the group 50mg-dried digestate/larvae/d set, respectively. Weight gain of larvae was increased by 110±9.8 and 56±4.6% for 50mg and 25 mg digestate sets, respectively. The result shows that anaerobic digestion and black soldier fly larvae composting are potential capable of converting solid organic waste into valuable product.

Key Words: Anaerobic digestion, Black soldier fly, Solid organic waste

3. 屠宰場污泥餅轉酯化產製生質柴油及粗甘油厭氧共消化之研究周佑峻 蘇忠楨


廢水處理系統所產生之污泥會隨著時間而逐漸沉積於槽底,然而,沉積過量的污泥會影響槽體的廢水處理效率。一般而言,過剩污泥之處理費用約佔廢水處理場總操作成本的 20~50%,然而,過去文獻指出生活污水污泥約含有 20%可溶性油脂或脂肪。因此,本研究的目的在於利用屠宰場污泥餅中的油脂產製生質柴油,並利用其副產物粗甘油與養牛廢水進行厭氧共消化,藉此提高廢水系統中沼氣的產氣率。實驗利用甲醇作為轉脂化過程中烷基的提供者,並分別添加總體積 2、4 及 8%的濃硫酸及鹽酸作為催化劑,分別反應 4、8、16 及 24 小時,以建立最佳的反應參數。結果顯示,在 8%濃硫酸反應 4 小時下,生質柴油產率約 3.18±0.05%;而在 8%鹽酸反應 24 小時下,生質柴油產率約 2.58±0.23%。本研究亦以 1 公升規模之試驗,模擬廢水處理場 30%污泥及 70%廢水之厭氧消化槽,額外添加 0.5%粗甘油於廢水中時,經過14 天的厭氧消化程序後其沼氣產量約為 1,291 mL,未添加粗甘油之沼氣產量為 1,190 mL。此外,額外添加 0.5%粗甘油組之化學需氧量去除率為 62.51%,無添加組則為 54.54%,顯示適量添加粗甘油可提高沼氣產量,且不會降低廢水系統之處理效率。


Research of biodiesel and biogas production by transesterification of slaughterhouse sludge cake and anaerobic co-digestion of crude glycerol

Y. C. Chou, and J.J. Su Department of Animal Science and Technology, National Taiwan University

Excessive sludge will accumulate in the bottom of wastewater treatment basins. Massive accumulation of sludge decrease the efficiency of wastewater treatment and disposal cost of excessive sludge is about 20 to 50 % of the total operation cost of wastewater treatment. The literature indicates that sewage sludge contains 20% of ether-soluble grease or fat, which is a great feedstock for producing biodiesel. The aim of the study is to produce biodiesel by sludge cake of slaughterhouse and utilize by-product of making biodiesel to produce biogas through anaerobic co-digestion. When sludge cake was trans-esterified with methanol as an alkyl donor, two kinds of catalyst (sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid) with three different concentrations (2, 4, and 8%, v/v) under four reaction periods (4, 8, 16 and 24 hours) were applied. Experimental results indicated that high biodiesel yield of 3.18±0.05 and 2.58±0.23% can be achieved with 8% (v/v) sulfuric acid for 4 h reaction and 8% (v/v) hydrochloric acid for 24 h reaction, respectively. The study also simulated in-situ anaerobic digester with a mixed feedstock of 30% sludge and 70% cow wastewater in 1-L digesters to evaluate efficiency of biogas production by adding crude glycerol to the digester. Biogas production of the set with 0.5% (v/v) crude glycerol addition (1,291 mL) was higher than that (1,190 mL) of which set without any crude glycerol addition in 14 d using 1-L digester for treating dairy cow wastewater. Additionally, removal efficiency of chemical oxygen demand (COD) by the set with 0.5% crude glycerol addition (62.51%) was higher than that (54.54%) of which set without any crude glycerol addition. Thus, experimental results showed that adding optimal amount of crude glycerol increased biogas production and promote COD removal efficiency of cow wastewater treatment.

Key Words: Biodiesel, Sludge, Anaerobic co-digestion

Page 4: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 201682

4. 鴨 EDNRB2 基因之變異性分析

林勤惟(1) 李賢雄(1) 劉秀洲(2) 陳銘正(1)

(1)國立宜蘭大學生物技術與動物科學系 (2)行政院農委會畜產試驗所宜蘭分所

土番鴨為台灣主要肉鴨品種,是公番鴨與白色改鴨之雜交後代,而白色改鴨為公北京鴨與母菜鴨之雜交一代。毛色為土番鴨之重要經濟性狀,經選拔北京鴨與白菜鴨後,能有效降低其後代土番鴨產生黑色羽毛,但土番鴨產生黑色羽毛之遺傳機制仍未明瞭。第二型內皮素受體B(Endothelin receptor B subtype 2, EDNRB2)基因,為 G 蛋白偶聯受體,對胚胎時期黑色素母細胞分化、遷移扮演重要角色,進而影響鳥類黑色羽毛之分布。本研究之目的乃應用高解析度熔點分析法(high resolution melting, HRM)與 DNA 定序法分析不同品種鴨隻 EDNRB2 基因外顯子(exon) 之變異性,並尋找各品種鴨之單股核苷酸多型性 (single nucleotide polymorphism, SNP),俾能評估其基因型與黑色羽毛之關係。試驗結果顯示,白色菜鴨與北京鴨 EDNRB2 基因序列之同質性為 98.9%;胺基酸序列同質性為 99.5%。我們發現白色菜鴨與北京鴨分別有 10 個與 1 個非同義(non-synonymous)SNP,這些 SNP 是否與土番鴨毛色遺傳有關,仍需進一步研究。

關鍵語:EDNRB2 基因、鴨隻羽色、單一核苷酸多型性

The EDNRB2 gene polymorphism analysis in ducks

C. W. Lin(1), H. H. Lee(1), H. C. Liu(2) and M. C. Chen(1)

(1)Department of Biotechnology and Animal Science, National I-lan University (2)I-Lan Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

Mule duck, the crossbred of Muscovy drake and Kaiya duck, is a common meat duck breed in Taiwan. The Kaiya duck is the crossbreeding of Pekin and White Tsaiya ducks. Plumage color is an important economic traits of mule ducks. The selection of Plumage color in Pekin and White Tsaiya ducks effectively reduce the appearance of black feathers in their mule offsprings. The genetic mechanisms controlling plumage color in mule duck is unknown. Endothelin receptor B subtype 2 (EDNRB2) gene encodes a seven-transmembrane domain G-protein-coupled receptor which plays an important role of melanoblast cells migration and differentiation, and the distribution of black feathers in birds. The aims of this study were to apply high resolution melting (HRM) and DNA sequencing to analysis of variability and examine the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of EDNRB2 gene in Pekin and Tsaiya ducks, and evaluate the relationship between these SNPs and plumage color in mule ducks. The results showed that Pekin and White Tsaiya ducks both exhibited 98.9% identity in DNA sequence of EDNRB2 gene, and exhibited 99.5% identity in amino acid sequence. We identified 10 and 1 nsSNPs (non-synonymous SNPs) in White Tsaiya and Pekin ducks. Further studies are required to test the influence of these SNPs on the plumage color of mule ducks.

Key Words: EDNRB2 gene, Ducks plumage color, Single nucleotide polymorphism

Page 5: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 83

4. 鴨 EDNRB2 基因之變異性分析

林勤惟(1) 李賢雄(1) 劉秀洲(2) 陳銘正(1)

(1)國立宜蘭大學生物技術與動物科學系 (2)行政院農委會畜產試驗所宜蘭分所

土番鴨為台灣主要肉鴨品種,是公番鴨與白色改鴨之雜交後代,而白色改鴨為公北京鴨與母菜鴨之雜交一代。毛色為土番鴨之重要經濟性狀,經選拔北京鴨與白菜鴨後,能有效降低其後代土番鴨產生黑色羽毛,但土番鴨產生黑色羽毛之遺傳機制仍未明瞭。第二型內皮素受體B(Endothelin receptor B subtype 2, EDNRB2)基因,為 G 蛋白偶聯受體,對胚胎時期黑色素母細胞分化、遷移扮演重要角色,進而影響鳥類黑色羽毛之分布。本研究之目的乃應用高解析度熔點分析法(high resolution melting, HRM)與 DNA 定序法分析不同品種鴨隻 EDNRB2 基因外顯子(exon) 之變異性,並尋找各品種鴨之單股核苷酸多型性 (single nucleotide polymorphism, SNP),俾能評估其基因型與黑色羽毛之關係。試驗結果顯示,白色菜鴨與北京鴨 EDNRB2 基因序列之同質性為 98.9%;胺基酸序列同質性為 99.5%。我們發現白色菜鴨與北京鴨分別有 10 個與 1 個非同義(non-synonymous)SNP,這些 SNP 是否與土番鴨毛色遺傳有關,仍需進一步研究。

關鍵語:EDNRB2 基因、鴨隻羽色、單一核苷酸多型性

The EDNRB2 gene polymorphism analysis in ducks

C. W. Lin(1), H. H. Lee(1), H. C. Liu(2) and M. C. Chen(1)

(1)Department of Biotechnology and Animal Science, National I-lan University (2)I-Lan Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

Mule duck, the crossbred of Muscovy drake and Kaiya duck, is a common meat duck breed in Taiwan. The Kaiya duck is the crossbreeding of Pekin and White Tsaiya ducks. Plumage color is an important economic traits of mule ducks. The selection of Plumage color in Pekin and White Tsaiya ducks effectively reduce the appearance of black feathers in their mule offsprings. The genetic mechanisms controlling plumage color in mule duck is unknown. Endothelin receptor B subtype 2 (EDNRB2) gene encodes a seven-transmembrane domain G-protein-coupled receptor which plays an important role of melanoblast cells migration and differentiation, and the distribution of black feathers in birds. The aims of this study were to apply high resolution melting (HRM) and DNA sequencing to analysis of variability and examine the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of EDNRB2 gene in Pekin and Tsaiya ducks, and evaluate the relationship between these SNPs and plumage color in mule ducks. The results showed that Pekin and White Tsaiya ducks both exhibited 98.9% identity in DNA sequence of EDNRB2 gene, and exhibited 99.5% identity in amino acid sequence. We identified 10 and 1 nsSNPs (non-synonymous SNPs) in White Tsaiya and Pekin ducks. Further studies are required to test the influence of these SNPs on the plumage color of mule ducks.

Key Words: EDNRB2 gene, Ducks plumage color, Single nucleotide polymorphism

5. 菜鴨微衛星標記應用於白色番鴨遺傳多樣性分析之探討

張怡穎 張惠斌 魏良原 劉秀洲




產無水禽小病毒抗體胚蛋以供疫苗製作。結果顯示,最少病原番鴨之 APT001、APT004、APT010 已完全固定,11 組標記中僅有 3 組標記具 3 個以上交替基因。11組微衛星標記共

觀察到 25 個交替基因,平均每基因座僅具有 2.3 個交替基因,其觀測異質度介於 0 到0.667,平均為 0.287,而期望異質度介於 0 到 0.729,平均為 0.331。與先前同樣利用此 11 組菜鴨微衞星標記進行遺傳分析之褐色菜鴨、白色菜鴨及五結黑色番鴨相較,以最少病原番

鴨具最低遺傳多樣性,11 組標記中僅有 6 組具中至高度多態性訊息含量,可用於此品系之




Study on genetic diversity of white Muscovy duck using Tsaiya duck specific microsatellite markers

Y. Y. Chang, W. P. Chang, L. Y. Wei and H. C. Liu Ilan Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The objective of this study was to investigate the availability of applying the Tsaiya duck specific microsatellite markers to the genetic diversity analysis of white Muscovy duck. Totally, 28 minimal disease Muscovy ducks, a line from White Muscovy duck LRI 1 selected for parvovirus-free embryonic egg production to produce vaccines, were analyzed in this study. The results showed that the markers, APT001, APT004 and APT010, had been fixed in minimal disease Muscovy ducks, and there were only three out of eleven markers which had more than or equal to 3 alleles. A total of 25 alleles were observed with 2.3 alleles per microsatellite locus in average. The average observed and expected heterozygosities of the markers were 0.287 (0~0.667) and 0.331 (0~0.729), respectively. Compare to the results from brown Tsaiya, white Tsaiya, and Wujie Black Muscovy, the genetic diversity of minimal disease Muscovy duck was the least. In total eleven markers, only six markers having medium to high polymorphism information content could be applied to the genetic diversity analysis of this line. This might results from the specific genetic structure of white Muscovy duck or after generations selected for particular traits. To confirm our assumption, more white Muscovy duck lines and microsatellite markers should be investigated.

Key Words: Genetic diversity, Microsatellite marker, White Muscovy duck

Page 6: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 201684

6. 臺灣土雞與洛島紅試驗品系雜交子二代免疫性狀全基因組關聯性分析

練慶儀(1) (2) (3) Michèle Tixier-Boichard(1) 吳詩雯(4) 陳志峰(2)

(1)法國國家農業科學研究院動物遺傳育種組,巴黎農業學院,巴黎薩克雷大學 (2)國立中興大學動物科學系 (3)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (4)國立自然科學博物館鳳凰谷鳥園

本研究旨在探掘在台灣氣候條件下,與免疫性狀相關聯之單一核苷酸多型性分子標記(SNP)。利用主成分分析從 9 個免疫性狀中萃取 4 個新變數(主成分 1:接踵後的免疫反應、主成分 2:綿羊紅血球初級免疫反應、主成分 3、4:不同抗原的初級抗體反應)進行分析。利用雞隻 60 K SNP 晶片針對由台灣土雞 L2 品系與洛島紅試驗品系 R-正逆雜交所得之 744 隻F2 代雞隻進行全基因組關聯性分析。利用通過高品質篩選之 41,188 個 SNP、多維尺度分析法及線性回歸分析法(固定效應:性別、批次,共變數:MDS、8 週齡體重)評估雞隻 F2 代族群結構及免疫性狀與雞隻全基因組間之關聯性。研究結果顯示,187 個 SNP 達 5% Bonferroni 全基因組顯著水準(P < 5.18x10-7)。另雞隻 4 號染色體上 31.4-34.5 Mb 區域上有大量達顯著水準的 SNP 被偵測出與雞隻接踵後的免疫反應有關。此區域在前人的研究中亦顯示與免疫性狀相關聯的數量性狀基因座區域重疊。此外,雞隻 28 號染色體及 Z 染色體上亦偵測出與雞隻初級免疫反應相關聯的 SNP 反應。


Genome-wide association study of immune traits in an F2 cross between Taiwan country chicken and an experimental line of Rhode Island Red layer

C. Y. Lien(1)(2)(3), M. Tixier-Boichard(1), S. W. Wu(4) and C. F. Chen(2)

(1)GABI INRA, AgroParisTech, Université Paris-Saclay (2)Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University (3)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

(4)Fonghuanggu Bird and Ecology Park, National Museum of Natural Science

The objective of this study is to detect SNP markers associated with a range of immune traits measured in Taiwan conditions. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to cluster 9 immune traits. Four principal components were considered, PCA1 for post-vaccinal immune response, PCA2 for primary immune response (SRBC), PCA3 and PCA4 for initial antibody levels to various antigens. Genome-wide association study was performed by using chicken 60K SNP chip in 744 F2 birds derived from a cross between Taiwan country chicken (L2) and an experimental line of Rhode Island Red layer (R-). A total of 41,188 SNPs reached a high quality control were used to assess F2 population structure by multidimensional scaling analysis. Linear regression analysis for the 4 PCA components of immune traits was performed with the fixed effect (sex, batch), the first MDS component and body weight at 8 weeks of age as covariates. A total of 187 SNPs reached 5% Bonferroni genome-wide significance (P < 5.18x10-7). A chromosome 4 region (31.4-34.5Mb) had a large number of significant SNPs for post-vaccinal immune response. This region was previously reported to harbor immune response QTLs. Furthermore, strong SNP effects on chicken chromosome 28 and Z were also found associated with the initial antibody levels.

Key Words: Chicken, Genome-wide association study, Immune

Page 7: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 85

6. 臺灣土雞與洛島紅試驗品系雜交子二代免疫性狀全基因組關聯性分析

練慶儀(1) (2) (3) Michèle Tixier-Boichard(1) 吳詩雯(4) 陳志峰(2)

(1)法國國家農業科學研究院動物遺傳育種組,巴黎農業學院,巴黎薩克雷大學 (2)國立中興大學動物科學系 (3)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (4)國立自然科學博物館鳳凰谷鳥園

本研究旨在探掘在台灣氣候條件下,與免疫性狀相關聯之單一核苷酸多型性分子標記(SNP)。利用主成分分析從 9 個免疫性狀中萃取 4 個新變數(主成分 1:接踵後的免疫反應、主成分 2:綿羊紅血球初級免疫反應、主成分 3、4:不同抗原的初級抗體反應)進行分析。利用雞隻 60 K SNP 晶片針對由台灣土雞 L2 品系與洛島紅試驗品系 R-正逆雜交所得之 744 隻F2 代雞隻進行全基因組關聯性分析。利用通過高品質篩選之 41,188 個 SNP、多維尺度分析法及線性回歸分析法(固定效應:性別、批次,共變數:MDS、8 週齡體重)評估雞隻 F2 代族群結構及免疫性狀與雞隻全基因組間之關聯性。研究結果顯示,187 個 SNP 達 5% Bonferroni 全基因組顯著水準(P < 5.18x10-7)。另雞隻 4 號染色體上 31.4-34.5 Mb 區域上有大量達顯著水準的 SNP 被偵測出與雞隻接踵後的免疫反應有關。此區域在前人的研究中亦顯示與免疫性狀相關聯的數量性狀基因座區域重疊。此外,雞隻 28 號染色體及 Z 染色體上亦偵測出與雞隻初級免疫反應相關聯的 SNP 反應。


Genome-wide association study of immune traits in an F2 cross between Taiwan country chicken and an experimental line of Rhode Island Red layer

C. Y. Lien(1)(2)(3), M. Tixier-Boichard(1), S. W. Wu(4) and C. F. Chen(2)

(1)GABI INRA, AgroParisTech, Université Paris-Saclay (2)Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University (3)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

(4)Fonghuanggu Bird and Ecology Park, National Museum of Natural Science

The objective of this study is to detect SNP markers associated with a range of immune traits measured in Taiwan conditions. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to cluster 9 immune traits. Four principal components were considered, PCA1 for post-vaccinal immune response, PCA2 for primary immune response (SRBC), PCA3 and PCA4 for initial antibody levels to various antigens. Genome-wide association study was performed by using chicken 60K SNP chip in 744 F2 birds derived from a cross between Taiwan country chicken (L2) and an experimental line of Rhode Island Red layer (R-). A total of 41,188 SNPs reached a high quality control were used to assess F2 population structure by multidimensional scaling analysis. Linear regression analysis for the 4 PCA components of immune traits was performed with the fixed effect (sex, batch), the first MDS component and body weight at 8 weeks of age as covariates. A total of 187 SNPs reached 5% Bonferroni genome-wide significance (P < 5.18x10-7). A chromosome 4 region (31.4-34.5Mb) had a large number of significant SNPs for post-vaccinal immune response. This region was previously reported to harbor immune response QTLs. Furthermore, strong SNP effects on chicken chromosome 28 and Z were also found associated with the initial antibody levels.

Key Words: Chicken, Genome-wide association study, Immune

7. 高畜黑豬與杜洛克正反雜交之生長與體型性狀探討

王漢昇(1) 李秀蘭(1) 黃憲榮(1) 許晉賓(1) 王治華(2) 林正鏞(1)

(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所高雄種畜繁殖場 (2)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所

高畜黑豬自命名完成後即進行品種之推廣,期望能發揮優良繁殖效能,然經業界之反應指出高畜黑豬尚有背脂厚及腰眼面積小等缺點,因此本研究以杜洛克(D)與高畜黑豬(K)進行正反雜交,並進行部分生長及體型資料之探討。資料包含 DK( ♀ ♂D x K )與 KD( ♀ ♂K x D )第一及第二世代,分別探討兩雜交方式在 70 日齡重、150 日齡重、180 日齡重(DK1 為 210 日齡重)、70 至 150 與 180 日齡 ADG、飼料轉換率(公豬)、150 與 180 日齡之背脂厚度、體長、前幅及後幅差異。結果顯示,在公豬方面,70 日齡重以 DK1 最高(P < 0.05)、70 至 180 日齡 ADG、150 日齡及 180 日齡平均背脂及 150 日齡前幅以 KD1 較 DK2 高(P < 0.05)、飼料轉換率以 KD2 較 DK1 好(P < 0.05),其餘性狀無顯著差異(P > 0.05);在女豬方面,70 日齡重以 DK1 最好 KD2 最差,150 日齡及 180 日齡體長以 KD2 較短(P < 0.05)而 180 日齡前福則以 KD2 最寬(P < 0.05),其餘性狀無顯著差異(P > 0.05)。藉由分析正反雜交之公豬與女豬生長與體型性狀表現,可發現在第一世代表現較好,而在第二世代後正反雜交之生長與體型性並無明顯差異。


Studies on growth performance and body conformation of Duroc x KHAPS black pigs reciprocal crosses

H. S. Wang(1), H. L. Li(1), H. J. Huang(1), C. B. Hsu(1), C. H. Wang(2) and C. Y. Lin(1)

(1)Kaohsiung Animal Propagation Station, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (2) Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

After Kaohsiung Animal Propagation Station black pigs (KHAPS black pigs) were approved certification of new breed, we started to promote as a well prolific maternal line. However, they still had some drawbacks such as thicker backfat, smaller loin eye area, etc. Therefore, we try to improve the weakness by reciprocal crosses from Duroc (D) and KHAPS black pigs(K). This study was conducted to analyze and discuss the test data including weight at 70 days (W70), weight at 150 days (W150), weight at 180 days (210 days in DK1) (W180, W210), average daily gain (ADG) from 70 to 150 days, ADG from 70 to 180 days, 150 and 180 days average backfat thickness (BF), feed conversion ratio (FCR, in boars), body length (BL), hip width (HW) and shoulder width (SW).

♀ ♂ ♀ ♂Data includes the first two generations of DK (D x K ) and KD (K x D ). In boars, the results showed that W70 was higher in DK1 (P < 0.05). ADG from 70 to 180 days, 150 days and 180 days BF and 150 days SW in KD1 were higher than DK2 (P < 0.05). FCR in KD2 was better than DK1 (P < 0.05). The other traits were not significantly different (P > 0.05). In gilts, W70 was higher in DK1 (P < 0.05). 150 days and 180 days BL were shorter in KD2 but 180 days SW was wider in KD2 (P < 0.05). The other traits were not significantly different (P > 0.05). Through analyzing growth performance and body conformation of Duroc x KHAPS black pigs reciprocal crosses, we could find there were better performance in first generation. But there were no significantly different in second generation.

Key Words: Duroc, KHAPS black pigs, Reciprocal crosses

Page 8: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 201686

8. 加壓浮除法對乳牛場廢水處理效率與沼氣產量之影響

鄭閔謙 蕭庭訓 蕭宗法 程梅萍行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所

乳牛糞便與廢水中含大量懸浮不可溶之纖維質,常造成廢水處理上之困難。因此,本研究為評估加壓浮除法對養牛廢水處理效率之影響。試驗一為分別將加壓浮除系統設置於三段式廢水處理系統之固液分離單元後、厭氣處理單元後及好氣處理單元後,測定其對各階段處理水化學需氧量(COD)及懸浮固體物(SS)之去除效率。試驗二將加壓浮除系統設置於固液分離單元後,分別將浮除前與浮除後之養牛廢水注入至厭氧處理模型槽,再以溢流方式至好氣處理模型槽,連續 60 日。測定浮除前、後、並比較兩者於厭氣處理後及好氣處理後之水中COD 與 SS 差異及厭氣處理槽之沼氣產量。試驗一結果顯示,加壓浮除法對固液分離後之COD 與 SS 去除效率最佳,分別為 56.2 與 50.8%;對厭氣處理後之養牛廢水中 COD 與SS 之去除率分別為 4.28 與 8.80%;對好氣後之養牛廢水中 COD 與 SS 之去除率分別為4.63 與 13.7%。試驗二結果顯示,固液分離後之養牛廢水經加壓浮除後,可去除廢水中 49.8 與 55.8% 之 COD 與 SS,此處理水質經厭氣處理後,其處理水中之 COD 與 SS 濃度分別比未經浮除者低 51.5 與 83.2%。處理水再經好氣處理後之放流水中 COD 與 SS 濃度分別比未經浮除者低 41.0 與 62.7%。而厭氣處理槽之沼氣產量經浮除者比未經浮除者低 69.7%。綜上所述,加壓浮除法可以大幅降低固液分離後之養牛廢水中 COD、SS 及沼氣產生量,因此對其後續處理後之放流水質與畜牧業溫室氣體排放皆有大幅度改善。


Effect on dissolved air flotation in dairy wastewater treatment and biogas production

M. C. Cheng, T. H. Hsiao, T. F. Shiao, and M. P. Cheng Livestock Research Institute, COA

Dairy cattle are herbivorous animal, so there is large amount of suspended fiber in its manure and wastewater. Some fiber cannot be removed with the solid-liquid separator and precipitated in wastewater treatment system. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of applying a dissolved air flotation system (DAF) on the efficiency of dairy cattle wastewater treatment system by on-site experiments with continuous flow. The DAF was set up behind the solid-liquid separation (ASL), anaerobic digestion (AAD), aerobic treatment (AOT)processes,respectively, then there move efficiency of DAF for different stage of dairy cattle wastewater was determined in trial I. The DAF was set up after ASL process, then the COD and SS of influents and effluents of DAF, AAD, and AOT were analyzed and record of biogas gas production - in trial II, and the data were compared to those of treatments without DAF. The results of trial I revealed that the removal efficiency of COD and SS on ASL was 56.2 and 50.8%, respectively. The removal efficiency of COD and SS on AAD was 4.28 and 8.80%, respectively. The removal efficiency of COD and SS on AOT was 4.63 and 13.7%, respectively. The results of trial II revealed that the removal efficiency of COD and SS of DAF were 49.8 and 55.8%, respectively. The COD and SS concentrations of AAD effluent with DAF were lower than those without DAF at 51.5 and 83.2%,respectively. The COD and SS concentrations of AOT effluent with DAF were lower than those without DAF at 41.0 and 62.7%, respectively. The biogas production of AAD with DAF were lower than those without DAF at 69.7%. In conclusion, DAF could be applied to reduce the COD and SS of dairy wastewater after solid-liquid separation, so the discharge water quality could be improved by the following treatment and reduces green house gas emission on AAD.

Key Words: Dairy cattle, Dissolved air flotation, Wastewater treatment

Page 9: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 87

8. 加壓浮除法對乳牛場廢水處理效率與沼氣產量之影響

鄭閔謙 蕭庭訓 蕭宗法 程梅萍行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所

乳牛糞便與廢水中含大量懸浮不可溶之纖維質,常造成廢水處理上之困難。因此,本研究為評估加壓浮除法對養牛廢水處理效率之影響。試驗一為分別將加壓浮除系統設置於三段式廢水處理系統之固液分離單元後、厭氣處理單元後及好氣處理單元後,測定其對各階段處理水化學需氧量(COD)及懸浮固體物(SS)之去除效率。試驗二將加壓浮除系統設置於固液分離單元後,分別將浮除前與浮除後之養牛廢水注入至厭氧處理模型槽,再以溢流方式至好氣處理模型槽,連續 60 日。測定浮除前、後、並比較兩者於厭氣處理後及好氣處理後之水中COD 與 SS 差異及厭氣處理槽之沼氣產量。試驗一結果顯示,加壓浮除法對固液分離後之COD 與 SS 去除效率最佳,分別為 56.2 與 50.8%;對厭氣處理後之養牛廢水中 COD 與SS 之去除率分別為 4.28 與 8.80%;對好氣後之養牛廢水中 COD 與 SS 之去除率分別為4.63 與 13.7%。試驗二結果顯示,固液分離後之養牛廢水經加壓浮除後,可去除廢水中 49.8 與 55.8% 之 COD 與 SS,此處理水質經厭氣處理後,其處理水中之 COD 與 SS 濃度分別比未經浮除者低 51.5 與 83.2%。處理水再經好氣處理後之放流水中 COD 與 SS 濃度分別比未經浮除者低 41.0 與 62.7%。而厭氣處理槽之沼氣產量經浮除者比未經浮除者低 69.7%。綜上所述,加壓浮除法可以大幅降低固液分離後之養牛廢水中 COD、SS 及沼氣產生量,因此對其後續處理後之放流水質與畜牧業溫室氣體排放皆有大幅度改善。


Effect on dissolved air flotation in dairy wastewater treatment and biogas production

M. C. Cheng, T. H. Hsiao, T. F. Shiao, and M. P. Cheng Livestock Research Institute, COA

Dairy cattle are herbivorous animal, so there is large amount of suspended fiber in its manure and wastewater. Some fiber cannot be removed with the solid-liquid separator and precipitated in wastewater treatment system. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of applying a dissolved air flotation system (DAF) on the efficiency of dairy cattle wastewater treatment system by on-site experiments with continuous flow. The DAF was set up behind the solid-liquid separation (ASL), anaerobic digestion (AAD), aerobic treatment (AOT)processes,respectively, then there move efficiency of DAF for different stage of dairy cattle wastewater was determined in trial I. The DAF was set up after ASL process, then the COD and SS of influents and effluents of DAF, AAD, and AOT were analyzed and record of biogas gas production - in trial II, and the data were compared to those of treatments without DAF. The results of trial I revealed that the removal efficiency of COD and SS on ASL was 56.2 and 50.8%, respectively. The removal efficiency of COD and SS on AAD was 4.28 and 8.80%, respectively. The removal efficiency of COD and SS on AOT was 4.63 and 13.7%, respectively. The results of trial II revealed that the removal efficiency of COD and SS of DAF were 49.8 and 55.8%, respectively. The COD and SS concentrations of AAD effluent with DAF were lower than those without DAF at 51.5 and 83.2%,respectively. The COD and SS concentrations of AOT effluent with DAF were lower than those without DAF at 41.0 and 62.7%, respectively. The biogas production of AAD with DAF were lower than those without DAF at 69.7%. In conclusion, DAF could be applied to reduce the COD and SS of dairy wastewater after solid-liquid separation, so the discharge water quality could be improved by the following treatment and reduces green house gas emission on AAD.

Key Words: Dairy cattle, Dissolved air flotation, Wastewater treatment

9. 應用次世代基因定序分析乳牛瘤胃微生物菌相

何尚哲(1) 許佳憲(1) 莊士德(2) 陳明汝(1)



乳牛瘤胃中的關鍵微生物。實驗中利用胃管抽取乳牛瘤胃液 500 mL,共計 5 頭,隨後將瘤

胃液樣品冷凍及乾燥後,保存於 -20°C 冰箱。接著各樣品以玻璃撞擊法萃取去氧核糖核酸

(DNA),並分析 DNA 中 16S 核醣體核醣核酸(16S ribosomal RNA),18S 核醣體核醣核

酸(18S ribosomal RNA)及內轉錄基因間隔區 1(internal transcribed spacer 1)之基因序列,


generation sequencing),結果顯示不同生理狀態會影響乳牛瘤胃菌相分布,其中又以原蟲組成



Ruminal microbiota analysis in dairy cattle using next generation sequencing technology

S. T. Ho(1), C. J. Hsu(1), S. T. Chuang(2) and M. J. Chen(1)

(1)Department of Animal Science and Technology, National Taiwan University (2)Department of Veterinary Medicine, National Chung Hsing University

The purpose of this study was to identify the potential microbes related to health of dairy cattle

through investigation of the ruminal microbiota of dairy cattle under different physiological

conditions. Thus, we collected 500 mL of rumen fluids (n =5) via stomach tube from each cattle.

The samples were immediately frozen, freeze-dried and stored in -20 oC freezer until analyzed. For

microbiota analysis, the total DNA was extracted by the beads-beating method. Then, the next

generation sequencing technology was conducted to analyzed the ruminal microbiota including

bacteria & archaea, ciliate protozoal and fungi through DNA sequence of 16S ribosomal (r) RNA,

18S rRNA and internal transcribed spacer 1, respectively. Results indicated that the physical

condition could affect the ruminal microbiota of dairy cow, especially in protozoal communities.

Key Words: Microbiota, Next generation sequencing technology, Ruminal fluid

Page 10: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 201688

10. 陽離子抗菌胜肽對公豬精子品質之影響

翁齊宏 陳威戎 陳銘正




豬之生殖系統。陽離子抗菌胜肽(antimicrobial peptide, AMP)對細菌親和力強,穩定性高、不


公豬稀釋精液對精子品質之影響。本試驗使用美洲擬鰈魚抗菌胜肽 Pleurocidin(PLE)及人工

合成之 Q4 抗菌胜肽,分別於含 256 g/mlμ gentamicin 之稀釋精液中各添加 0、10、25、50及 100 g/mlμ 之濃度,置於 17℃ 冰箱中保存 72 小時後再檢測稀釋精液之精子品質。試驗

結果顯示,兩種 AMP 添加 25 g/ml μ 以上都對精子有不利之影響,惟添加 10 g/mlμ AMP 對保存 72 小時稀釋精液之精子活力、凝集程度、頭巾完整性及粒線體功能性皆與 0 g/ml μ

者無顯著差異,僅 10 g/mlμ PLE 組顯著降低精子之存活率(77.6% ± 2.3 vs. 68.2% ± 2.9)。綜上所述,陽離子抗菌胜肽濃度小於 10 g/ml μ 對公豬精子無毒性,有潛力可添加於公豬精



Effects of cationic antimicrobial peptide on boar sperm quality

W. Z. Wong, W. J. Chen and M. C. Chen Department of Biotechnology and Animal Science, National Ilan University

Antibiotics should be added to boar semen extender to increase semen storage time and reduce pathogens proliferation. Although antibiotics easily cause the resistance, boar semen without antibiotics will cause sperm quality decline, artificial insemination fail, and even harm sow reproductive system. The cationic antimicrobial peptide (AMP) has high affinity to bacterial, more stable and little resistance, so it has potential to replace antibiotic. The object of this study was to evaluate the effects of cationic antimicrobial peptide on boar sperm quality. We supplemented with pleurocidin (PLE) that derived from the and artificial synthesize Q4 AMP in boar extended semen. The extended boar semen contained with 256 g/ml gentamicin wμ as supplemented with 0, 10, 25, 50 and 100 g/ml AMP, respectively and stored at 17μ ℃ for 72 hours. The results showed that the two AMPs were supplemented with more than 25 g/ml had negative effects on boar sperm quality. μBut the semen added less than 10 μg/ml AMP was no significant difference with 0 μg/ml group in sperm motility, agglutination, acrosome integrity, and mitochondria function. However the semen that supplemented with 10 g/ml PLE decreased sperm viability significantly. In conclusion, the μextended semen supplemented with less than 10 g/ml cationic antimicrobial peptides had no μtoxicity to boar sperm. The AMPs were potential candidates to replace or reduce the antibiotics.

Key Word: Boar semen, Cationic antimicrobial peptide

Page 11: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 89

10. 陽離子抗菌胜肽對公豬精子品質之影響

翁齊宏 陳威戎 陳銘正




豬之生殖系統。陽離子抗菌胜肽(antimicrobial peptide, AMP)對細菌親和力強,穩定性高、不


公豬稀釋精液對精子品質之影響。本試驗使用美洲擬鰈魚抗菌胜肽 Pleurocidin(PLE)及人工

合成之 Q4 抗菌胜肽,分別於含 256 g/mlμ gentamicin 之稀釋精液中各添加 0、10、25、50及 100 g/mlμ 之濃度,置於 17℃ 冰箱中保存 72 小時後再檢測稀釋精液之精子品質。試驗

結果顯示,兩種 AMP 添加 25 g/ml μ 以上都對精子有不利之影響,惟添加 10 g/mlμ AMP 對保存 72 小時稀釋精液之精子活力、凝集程度、頭巾完整性及粒線體功能性皆與 0 g/ml μ

者無顯著差異,僅 10 g/mlμ PLE 組顯著降低精子之存活率(77.6% ± 2.3 vs. 68.2% ± 2.9)。綜上所述,陽離子抗菌胜肽濃度小於 10 g/ml μ 對公豬精子無毒性,有潛力可添加於公豬精



Effects of cationic antimicrobial peptide on boar sperm quality

W. Z. Wong, W. J. Chen and M. C. Chen Department of Biotechnology and Animal Science, National Ilan University

Antibiotics should be added to boar semen extender to increase semen storage time and reduce pathogens proliferation. Although antibiotics easily cause the resistance, boar semen without antibiotics will cause sperm quality decline, artificial insemination fail, and even harm sow reproductive system. The cationic antimicrobial peptide (AMP) has high affinity to bacterial, more stable and little resistance, so it has potential to replace antibiotic. The object of this study was to evaluate the effects of cationic antimicrobial peptide on boar sperm quality. We supplemented with pleurocidin (PLE) that derived from the and artificial synthesize Q4 AMP in boar extended semen. The extended boar semen contained with 256 g/ml gentamicin wμ as supplemented with 0, 10, 25, 50 and 100 g/ml AMP, respectively and stored at 17μ ℃ for 72 hours. The results showed that the two AMPs were supplemented with more than 25 g/ml had negative effects on boar sperm quality. μBut the semen added less than 10 μg/ml AMP was no significant difference with 0 μg/ml group in sperm motility, agglutination, acrosome integrity, and mitochondria function. However the semen that supplemented with 10 g/ml PLE decreased sperm viability significantly. In conclusion, the μextended semen supplemented with less than 10 g/ml cationic antimicrobial peptides had no μtoxicity to boar sperm. The AMPs were potential candidates to replace or reduce the antibiotics.

Key Word: Boar semen, Cationic antimicrobial peptide

11. 飼料添加富硒裂褶菌發酵物以及魚油對蛋雞生產性能之影響

姜家榆(1) 劉哲綸(2) 邱一鳴(2) 李德南(1)

(1)國立宜蘭大學生物技術與動物科學系 (2)國立宜蘭大學食品科學系

n-3 系列的多元不飽和脂肪酸(n3-poly unsaturated fatty acids, n3-PUFA)和硒(selenium, Se)為禽畜和人類必需營養,可藉由蛋雞飼料供應魚油和有機硒以蓄積至雞蛋並對消費者有益,本研究旨在探討飼料添加不同油脂來源以及不同硒形式對蛋雞產蛋性能及蛋品質之影響。試驗選用 384 隻 60 週齡海蘭褐殼蛋雞,飼於上置巢箱且鋪有粗糠之水泥地面,採 2 × 2 複因子設計,油脂來源為添加 3.5% 沙拉油或魚油以及硒形式為添加 0.15 mg/kg Na2SeO3(SS)或 0.50 mg/kg 強化硒之裂褶菌發酵物(Se-enriched Schizophyllum commune culture, Se-SCC),每處理 4 重複,試驗期 12 週, 4 週為一期,測定生產性能與蛋品質。結果顯示,Se-SCC 組較 SS 組降低全期之蛋重(P < 0.01),且魚油組之蛋重在試驗各期及全期均顯著較沙拉油組為低(P < 0.05)。魚油可較沙拉油提升全期室溫儲存 10 天之霍氏單位(Haugu unit)(P < 0.05),油脂來源與硒形式交互影響第三期新鮮蛋蛋殼強度(P < 0.01),而以魚油配合添加Se-SCC 有最高的蛋殼強度。總結說明,魚油較沙拉油降低蛋重與提升蛋品質,且若配合使用Se-SCC 則可改善蛋殼強度,蛋中的 n3-PUFA 和硒濃度則需更進一步的研究。


Effects of diet supplemented with selenium-enriched schizophyllum commune culture and fish oil on production performance in layers

C. Y. Chiang (1), Z. L. Liu (2), E. M. Chiu(2) and D. N. Lee(1)

(1) Department of Biotechnology and Animal Science, National Ilan University (2)Department of Food Science, National Ilan University

The n-3 poly unsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) and selenium (Se) are essential nutrients in poultry and human, and matter quality of feed or food. Thus, supplementation of fish oil (higher in PUFA) and organic selenium to layer diet is believed shall enrich such nutrients in eggs and benefit for consumers. The study was conducted to explore dietary supplemented with the different sources of oil and different forms of selenium on production performance and egg quality in laying hens. A total of 384 Hy-Line 60-week-old laying hens was fed on floor with set nests. Experimental treatments were randomly allocated in a 2 × 2 factorial experiment. The factors were the 3.5% oil (soybean oil or fish oil) and Se (0.15 mg/kg Se from sodium selenite (SS) or 0.50 mg/kg Se from Se-enriched Schizophyllum commune culture (Se-SCC)) sources. There were 4 replicates of 4 dietary treatments. Production performance and egg quality were measured every 4 weeks and lasted 12 weeks. Results showed that no significant interaction was observed between oil sources and Se forms in egg weight. However, the egg weight of Se-SCC when compared to SS was significantly decreased (P < 0.01), and the egg weight of fish oil when compared to soybean oil was significantly decreased (P < 0.05). Fish oil increased the Haugu unit of eggs stored at room temperature for 10 days in the whole period (P < 0.05). Fresh egg shell strength was affected by the oil sources and Se forms interactively on the third period (P < 0.01), and the Se-SCC- fish oil group gave the best performance. In conclusion, diet supplemented with fish oil decreased egg weight and increased egg quality. The diet added fish oil and combined with Se-SCC could improved the shell strength. The n3-PUFA and Se concentration in egg need further investigations.

Key Words: Fish oil, Selenium, Layers

Page 12: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 201690

12. 急性熱緊迫對 L2 品系台灣土雞下視丘蛋白質表現之影響

涂瑋霖(1) 鄭淳予(1) 陳朝榮(2)(3) 詹鴻霖(4)(5) 陳志峰(1) 陳欣欣(1) 唐品琦(1) 李淵百(1)

陳洵一(1) 黃三元(1)

(1)國立中興大學動物科學系 (2)中國醫藥大學蛋白質體核心實驗室 (3)中國醫藥大學中西醫結合研究所 (4)國立清華大學生物資訊與結構生物研究所 (5)國立清華大學醫學科學系

本研究之目的為探討急性熱緊迫對 L2 品系台灣土雞母雞下視丘蛋白質表現之影響。12 隻30 週齡母雞分成四組:熱緊迫處理組以 36°C 處理 4 小時後分別在 25°C 恢復 0、2 及 6 小時、對照組則維持於 25°C。雞隻於各時間點犧牲採下視丘供蛋白質分析。二維差異凝膠電泳分析結果顯示在熱緊迫處理後,雞隻下視丘有 134 個蛋白質點之表現具顯著差異,蛋白質身份鑑定後可知其屬於 118 種不同蛋白質。在差異表現蛋白質中磷酸丙糖異構酶、磷酸激酶、丙酮酸激酶、阿爾法-烯醇化酶、肝醣磷解酶、磷酸變位酶、L-乳酸脫輕酶等蛋白質在熱緊迫處理後表現上升,而 6-磷酸葡萄糖酸內酯酶蛋白質在熱緊迫處理後表現下降。由本研究之結果可知 L2 品系台灣土雞母雞下視丘細胞在急性熱緊迫後以碳水化合物作為主要的能量來源。


Effect of acute heat stress on the protein expression in hypothalamus of L2 strain Taiwan country chickens

W. L. Tu(1), C. Y. Cheng (1), C. J. Chen(2)(3), H. L. Chan(4)(5), C. F. Chen(1) , H. H. Chen(1) , P. C. Tang(1), Y. P. Lee(1) , S. E. Chen(1) and S. Y. Huang(1)

(1)Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University (2)Proteomics Core Laboratory, Department of Medical Research, China Medical University

Hospital(3)Graduate Institute of Integrated Medicine, China Medical University

(4)Institute of Bioinformatics and Structural Biology, National Tsing Hua University (5)Department of Medical Sciences, National Tsing Hua University

The purpose of this study was to investigate the change of protein expression in the hypothalamus of a layer-type L2 strain Taiwan country chickens after acute heat stress. Twelve 30-wk-old hens were allocated to 4 groups. Three heat–stressed groups were subjected to acute heat stress at 36°C for 4 hr without recovery, with 2 hr of recovery, and with 6 hr of recovery. The control group was maintained at 25°C. Hypothalamus samples were collected for protein expression analysis at each time point. Two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis revealed that there were 134 protein spots differentially expressed in the hypothalamus after acute heat stress. Peptide mass fingerprinting showed that these spots belongs to 118 different proteins. The upregulation of triosephosphate isomerase (TPI1), phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK), pyruvate kinase (PKM), alpha-enolase (ENO1), glycogen phosphorylase, brain form (PYGB), phosphoglucomutase (PGM1), and L-lactate dehydrogenase A chain (LDHA) and the downregulation of 6-phosphogluconolactonase (PGLS) after acute heat stress indicated that the hypothalamic cells use carbohydrate as the energy source after acute heat stress in L2 strain Taiwan country chickens.

Key Words: Acute heat stress, Hypothalamus, Protein expression

Page 13: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 91

12. 急性熱緊迫對 L2 品系台灣土雞下視丘蛋白質表現之影響

涂瑋霖(1) 鄭淳予(1) 陳朝榮(2)(3) 詹鴻霖(4)(5) 陳志峰(1) 陳欣欣(1) 唐品琦(1) 李淵百(1)

陳洵一(1) 黃三元(1)

(1)國立中興大學動物科學系 (2)中國醫藥大學蛋白質體核心實驗室 (3)中國醫藥大學中西醫結合研究所 (4)國立清華大學生物資訊與結構生物研究所 (5)國立清華大學醫學科學系

本研究之目的為探討急性熱緊迫對 L2 品系台灣土雞母雞下視丘蛋白質表現之影響。12 隻30 週齡母雞分成四組:熱緊迫處理組以 36°C 處理 4 小時後分別在 25°C 恢復 0、2 及 6 小時、對照組則維持於 25°C。雞隻於各時間點犧牲採下視丘供蛋白質分析。二維差異凝膠電泳分析結果顯示在熱緊迫處理後,雞隻下視丘有 134 個蛋白質點之表現具顯著差異,蛋白質身份鑑定後可知其屬於 118 種不同蛋白質。在差異表現蛋白質中磷酸丙糖異構酶、磷酸激酶、丙酮酸激酶、阿爾法-烯醇化酶、肝醣磷解酶、磷酸變位酶、L-乳酸脫輕酶等蛋白質在熱緊迫處理後表現上升,而 6-磷酸葡萄糖酸內酯酶蛋白質在熱緊迫處理後表現下降。由本研究之結果可知 L2 品系台灣土雞母雞下視丘細胞在急性熱緊迫後以碳水化合物作為主要的能量來源。


Effect of acute heat stress on the protein expression in hypothalamus of L2 strain Taiwan country chickens

W. L. Tu(1), C. Y. Cheng (1), C. J. Chen(2)(3), H. L. Chan(4)(5), C. F. Chen(1) , H. H. Chen(1) , P. C. Tang(1), Y. P. Lee(1) , S. E. Chen(1) and S. Y. Huang(1)

(1)Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University (2)Proteomics Core Laboratory, Department of Medical Research, China Medical University

Hospital(3)Graduate Institute of Integrated Medicine, China Medical University

(4)Institute of Bioinformatics and Structural Biology, National Tsing Hua University (5)Department of Medical Sciences, National Tsing Hua University

The purpose of this study was to investigate the change of protein expression in the hypothalamus of a layer-type L2 strain Taiwan country chickens after acute heat stress. Twelve 30-wk-old hens were allocated to 4 groups. Three heat–stressed groups were subjected to acute heat stress at 36°C for 4 hr without recovery, with 2 hr of recovery, and with 6 hr of recovery. The control group was maintained at 25°C. Hypothalamus samples were collected for protein expression analysis at each time point. Two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis revealed that there were 134 protein spots differentially expressed in the hypothalamus after acute heat stress. Peptide mass fingerprinting showed that these spots belongs to 118 different proteins. The upregulation of triosephosphate isomerase (TPI1), phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK), pyruvate kinase (PKM), alpha-enolase (ENO1), glycogen phosphorylase, brain form (PYGB), phosphoglucomutase (PGM1), and L-lactate dehydrogenase A chain (LDHA) and the downregulation of 6-phosphogluconolactonase (PGLS) after acute heat stress indicated that the hypothalamic cells use carbohydrate as the energy source after acute heat stress in L2 strain Taiwan country chickens.

Key Words: Acute heat stress, Hypothalamus, Protein expression

13. 輔脂蛋白 apo-VLDLII 轉殖及表達

鍾正玗 陳洵一國立中興大學動物科學系


運輸到生長中的濾泡形成蛋黃。血液中 VLDL 顆粒含有大量的輔脂蛋白 (apo-VLDLII)。

研究上推斷 apo-VLDLII 是造成母雞 VLDL 顆粒變小的原因,較小的 VLDL 顆粒才能穿透

鞘膜層(theca layer)與顆粒層(granulosa layer)間基底膜(basal lamina)抵達卵黃膜,被卵黃

膜攝入沉積形成蛋黃。實驗採集產蛋母雞的肝臟組織,萃取 RNA 以反轉錄聚合酶鏈式反應

(RT-PCR)將肝臟組織中 apo-VLDLII mRNA 以引子大量擴增,電泳確認產物大小約 580 條

帶位置,純化膠內 cDNA 轉入大腸桿菌載體做基因轉殖,萃取出載體後定序,結果與 NCBI


後轉入 3T3 細胞執行過度表達(over expression),收集到的培養液中運用 Western blot 分析

細胞表現蛋白。結果顯示: apo- VLDLII 會被分泌出,未來將以 primary chicken hepatocytes 進



Molecular cloning and overexpression of apolipoprotein-VLDLII gene

C. Y. Chung and S. E. Chen Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University

During laying stage, VLDL are massively secreted from the liver into the circulation and finally

reach the ovary, where they are taken up by growing follicles to form yolk. Circulating VLDL are

abundant with apolipoprotein-VLDLII (apo- VLDLII) only during laying stage, and thus it is

regarded to function as a stabilizer leading to a smaller VLDL particle diameter to facilitate the

VLDL penetration through the basal lamina between theca and granulosa layer to reach oolema and

thereby taken up by the growing follicles for yolk formation. In the study, ttotal RNA were isolated

from the liver for RT-PCR procedure for cDNA synrhesis. The cDNA were then amplified by

specific primers and a 580 base pair amplicon was obtained. The amplicon was confirmed for

sequencing.. The fragement was then subclond into a expression vector tagged with Hexo-His and

then transfected into 3T3 cells for overexpression. Western blot analysis with the culture medium

showed a strong signal, suggesting apo-VLDLII is expressed and secreted into the medium. Primary

chicken hepatocytes will be used for further functional studies in the future.

Key Words: Apolipoprotein VLDL-II, Lipoprotein, Particle diameter size, Yolk

Page 14: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 201692

14. 飼料中添加厚朴對白肉種雞先天免疫之影響

林珮祺 陳洵一


厚朴(Magnoliae, MAG)為一種中草藥材,源自於木蘭科植物。在小鼠臨床試驗已證明厚朴可


與異嗜球功能之影響。實驗分為四個組別,分別為限飼組、任飼組、任飼加 0.1% 厚朴(0.1%

MAG)組與任飼加 0.4% 厚朴(0.4% MAG)組,為期 16 週。結果顯示 6 至 8 週限飼組單

核球與異嗜球呼吸爆發顯著高於任飼組(P < 0.05),而在 15 至 16 週 0.1% MAG 組與

0.4% MAG 組單核球呼吸爆發顯著高於任飼組(P < 0.05),0.4% MAG 組異嗜球呼吸爆發顯

著高於任飼組及 0.1% MAG 組 (P < 0.05),兩階段各組間吞噬作用則無差異。


Effect of Magnoliae as a feed additive on immunity in broiler breeders

P. C. Lin and S. E. Chen Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University

Magnoliae (MAG) powder is an herbal material from Magnoliaceae. In clinical trials have

demonstrated that Magnoliae may a good remedy to treat inflammatory diseases. The study was

designed to examine the effect of Magnoliae powder as a feed additive on the functions of

monocytes and heterophils in broiler breeder hens. Hens were divided into 4 groups, feed restriction

(R), ad libitum (Ad), ad libitum with 0.1% MAG and 0.4% MAG for a feeding trial up to 16 weeks.

Results showed that respiratory burst of monocytes and heterophils of R-hens were higher than

those of Ad-hens during 6 and 8 weeks of the trail. Ad+0.1% MAG and 0.4% MAG group

exhibited higher respiratory burst than Ad-hens, and Ad+0.4% MAG group had higher heterophil

respiratory burst response than Ad+0.1% MAG group during 15 and 16 weeks. No differences in

phagocytosis were observed among groups at the middle and end time point.

Key Words: Innate immunity, Magnoliae, Phagocytosis, Respiratory burst

Page 15: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 93

14. 飼料中添加厚朴對白肉種雞先天免疫之影響

林珮祺 陳洵一


厚朴(Magnoliae, MAG)為一種中草藥材,源自於木蘭科植物。在小鼠臨床試驗已證明厚朴可


與異嗜球功能之影響。實驗分為四個組別,分別為限飼組、任飼組、任飼加 0.1% 厚朴(0.1%

MAG)組與任飼加 0.4% 厚朴(0.4% MAG)組,為期 16 週。結果顯示 6 至 8 週限飼組單

核球與異嗜球呼吸爆發顯著高於任飼組(P < 0.05),而在 15 至 16 週 0.1% MAG 組與

0.4% MAG 組單核球呼吸爆發顯著高於任飼組(P < 0.05),0.4% MAG 組異嗜球呼吸爆發顯

著高於任飼組及 0.1% MAG 組 (P < 0.05),兩階段各組間吞噬作用則無差異。


Effect of Magnoliae as a feed additive on immunity in broiler breeders

P. C. Lin and S. E. Chen Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University

Magnoliae (MAG) powder is an herbal material from Magnoliaceae. In clinical trials have

demonstrated that Magnoliae may a good remedy to treat inflammatory diseases. The study was

designed to examine the effect of Magnoliae powder as a feed additive on the functions of

monocytes and heterophils in broiler breeder hens. Hens were divided into 4 groups, feed restriction

(R), ad libitum (Ad), ad libitum with 0.1% MAG and 0.4% MAG for a feeding trial up to 16 weeks.

Results showed that respiratory burst of monocytes and heterophils of R-hens were higher than

those of Ad-hens during 6 and 8 weeks of the trail. Ad+0.1% MAG and 0.4% MAG group

exhibited higher respiratory burst than Ad-hens, and Ad+0.4% MAG group had higher heterophil

respiratory burst response than Ad+0.1% MAG group during 15 and 16 weeks. No differences in

phagocytosis were observed among groups at the middle and end time point.

Key Words: Innate immunity, Magnoliae, Phagocytosis, Respiratory burst

15. 伏馬鐮孢毒素對初代培養鴨胚纖維母細胞之毒性

藍珊金(1) 范揚廣(1) 朱志成(1,2,3,4) 江信毅(1)

(1)國立中興大學動物科學系 (2)中國醫藥大學生物醫學研究所(3)中國醫藥大學附設醫院醫學研究部 (4)亞洲大學生物資訊與醫學工程

伏馬鐮孢毒素(FB1)為 Fusarium verticillioides 與 Fusarium proliferatum 所產生之真菌次級代謝產物。FB1 普遍存於受黴菌汙染玉米中,而玉米又為動物飼料中主要原料之一,因此易造成動物暴露於 FB1 的影響。目前 FB1 已被證實會導致大、小鼠與人類肝癌及腎臟癌的發生,但對家(水)禽之影響所知甚少。本試驗乃藉由檢視細胞培養對 FB1 耐受性之影響,作為未來檢測 FB1 於鴨胚細胞毒性之篩選模式。評估方式乃以 methylthiazoltetrazolium(MTT)於 24、48 及 72 h 中檢測含不同濃度 FB1(0.5-10 g mlμ -1)初代鴨胚纖維母細胞(DEF)之活力與其半致死劑量。結果顯示,初代 DEF 之活力隨著 FB1 增加而下降,且過量之 FB1 顯著誘發DEF 死亡(P < 0.0001);其於 24、48 及 72 h 之半致死劑量分別為 5.54,、5.44 及 4.91 gμml-1。由以上結果推斷初代 DEF 對 FB1 之敏感性極高,未來期望以此 in vitro 模式作為評估 in vivo 胚發育相關試驗的基礎。


Cytotoxicity of fumonisin B1 mycotoxin in the primary culture of duck embryonic fibroblasts

C. Lumsangkul(1), Y. K. Fan(1), J. C. Ju(1,2,3,4) and H. I. Chiang(1)

(1) Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University (2) Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences, China Medical University,

(3)Medical Research Department, China Medical University Hospital (4) Department of Bioinformatics and Medical Engineering, Asia University

Fumonisin B1 (FB1) is a fungal secondary metabolite produced by Fusarium verticillioides and Fusarium proliferatum, which occur mainly in corn, wheat and other cereals. Corn is one of the primary components of animal feeds, and therefore, animal may have a high risk of exposure to FB1.FB1 has been demonstrated to cause liver and kidney cancers in rats, mice and humans. In avian species, such as waterfowls, the evidence of FB1 toxicity has not been well-documented. Therefore, the present study was aimed to use the cell culture model to assess in vitro cytotoxicity as a screening tool of FB1 toxicity in duck embryos. Fresh duck embryonic fibroblasts (DEF) were harvested to assess cell viability and the IC50 values after exposure to various concentrations (0.5 to 10 g mlμ –1, for 24, 48 and 72 h, respectively) of FB1 evaluated by using the methylthiazoltetrazolium (MTT) assay. We found that primary DEFs challenged with FB1

mycotoxin treatments showed reduction in cell viability as the concentration of FB1 increased, and overdose of FB1 induced the death of DEF cells (P<0.0001). The estimated IC50 for FB1 in primary DEFs after 24, 48 and 72 h of incubation were 5.54, 5.44 and 4.91 g mlμ –1, respectively. We conclude that primary DEFs are sensitive to FB1 mycotoxins, which may serve as a quick and convenient tool for in vitro cytotoxicity assessment to predict in vivo toxicity of FB1 in duck embryos.

Key Words: Cytotoxicity, Duck (Anas platyrhynchos), Fumonisin B1, Primary embryonic fibroblasts

Page 16: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 201694

16. 大花咸豐草 90 天重複劑量亞慢性毒性試驗

鄒馥亘(1) 林娟如(1) 楊文欽(1) 張力天(2) 梁佑全(1)

(1)中央研究院農業生物科技研究中心 (2)國立中興大學獸醫學系



0%、0.5%、2.5%、5% 和 10% 之劑量,分別添加於小鼠飼料中,並連續餵食 13 週進行亞



異性,除飲食中含有 10% 大花咸豐草之組別,在體重與攝食量相較於其他組別為低外;整

體而言,大花咸豐草 90 天重複劑量於實驗小鼠之亞慢性毒性試驗結果顯示,飼料中含有 5% 以下的草本大花咸豐草對於小鼠並無任何副作用產生。


Subchronic toxicity study of Bidens pilosa in mice

F. S. Chou(1), C. J. Lin(1), W. C. Yang(1), L. T. Chang(2) and Y. C. Liang(1)

(1)Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. (2)Department of Veterinary Medicine, National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan.

Bidens pilosa (BP) is an edible Asteraceae plant found worldwide that has traditionally been used as a food and medicine without noticeable side effects. However, to date no long-term toxicity study of BP has been conducted in animals. In this study, 13-week oral toxicity of BP at doses of 0%, 0.5%, 2.5%, 5% and 10% of food was investigated in mice. Mortality, body weight, organ weight, food intake, water consumption, hematology, serum biochemistry, urinalysis, genotoxicity and organ histopathology of animals of both sexes were analyzed. No significant difference in the parameters analyzed was observed in the control and all BP-fed groups except that body weight and food intake in mice fed with 10% BP were significantly less than those in mice of any other group. Collectively, the data demonstrate that Bidens pilosa has no adverse effects in mice at dose of 5% or less of food.

Key Words: Bidens pilosa, Subchronic toxicity

Page 17: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 95

16. 大花咸豐草 90 天重複劑量亞慢性毒性試驗

鄒馥亘(1) 林娟如(1) 楊文欽(1) 張力天(2) 梁佑全(1)

(1)中央研究院農業生物科技研究中心 (2)國立中興大學獸醫學系



0%、0.5%、2.5%、5% 和 10% 之劑量,分別添加於小鼠飼料中,並連續餵食 13 週進行亞



異性,除飲食中含有 10% 大花咸豐草之組別,在體重與攝食量相較於其他組別為低外;整

體而言,大花咸豐草 90 天重複劑量於實驗小鼠之亞慢性毒性試驗結果顯示,飼料中含有 5% 以下的草本大花咸豐草對於小鼠並無任何副作用產生。


Subchronic toxicity study of Bidens pilosa in mice

F. S. Chou(1), C. J. Lin(1), W. C. Yang(1), L. T. Chang(2) and Y. C. Liang(1)

(1)Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. (2)Department of Veterinary Medicine, National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan.

Bidens pilosa (BP) is an edible Asteraceae plant found worldwide that has traditionally been used as a food and medicine without noticeable side effects. However, to date no long-term toxicity study of BP has been conducted in animals. In this study, 13-week oral toxicity of BP at doses of 0%, 0.5%, 2.5%, 5% and 10% of food was investigated in mice. Mortality, body weight, organ weight, food intake, water consumption, hematology, serum biochemistry, urinalysis, genotoxicity and organ histopathology of animals of both sexes were analyzed. No significant difference in the parameters analyzed was observed in the control and all BP-fed groups except that body weight and food intake in mice fed with 10% BP were significantly less than those in mice of any other group. Collectively, the data demonstrate that Bidens pilosa has no adverse effects in mice at dose of 5% or less of food.

Key Words: Bidens pilosa, Subchronic toxicity

17. 添加 Lactobacillus formosensis S215T 對半乾盤固草與尼羅草青貯料發酵品質之影響

楊倩如(1) 范耕榛(2) 李滋泰(1) 余碧(1)

(1)國立中興大學動物科學系 (2)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所

本試驗為評估具產酸與抑菌能力之同質乳酸菌菌株(Lactobacillus formosensis S215T)接種至國產牧草調製青貯料,探討對青貯料品質的影響。試驗以半乾盤固草(A254,35.13% DM)與半乾尼羅草(Acroceras macrum,28.75% DM)為處理對象,分別接種 109 cfu L. formosensisS215T 菌液/kg 牧草,製成膠膜捆包(300-400 公斤/捆),並以未接菌者為對照組。青貯 32 天後之結果顯示,接種乳酸菌處理組之兩種青貯料其 pH 值顯著低於對照組,有效抑制酵母菌與大腸桿菌群(P < 0.05),並提升 Flieg's score(P < 0.05),以感官品評分析顯示具酸香味與無發霉之現象。半乾尼羅草青貯料接種乳酸菌之處理組具有效降低氨態氮濃度與提升乳酸含量(P < 0.05)。曝氣穩定度顯示於開封的第 2 與第 4 天,接種乳酸菌之半乾盤固草青貯料,其酵母菌菌數顯著低於對照組(P < 0.05);而接種乳酸菌之半乾尼羅草青貯料於開封後延遲至第 5 天,其 pH 與酵母菌數仍顯著低於對照組 (P < 0.05)。顯示有接菌之處理組可提升曝氣穩定性且以尼羅草之效果更佳。由此顯示 L. formosensis S215T 接種於半乾盤固草與尼羅草青貯料,可有效提升青貯料之發酵品質與曝氣穩定性。

關鍵語:Lactobacillus formosensis S215T、半乾盤固草青貯料、半乾尼羅草青貯料

Effect of Lactobacillus formosensis S215T inoculants on wilted pangola grass silage and nilegrass silage quality

C. J. Yang(1), G. J. Fan(2), T. T. Lee(1) and B. Yu(1)

(1)Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University (2)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

The objective of this study to evaluate the effects of wilted nilegrass silage and pangola grass silage inoculated Lactobacillus formosensis S215T under field condition on silage quality. Wilted pangola grass (A254, 35.13% DM) and wilted nilegrass (Acroceras macrum,28.75% DM) were ensiled with or without inoculation of 109 cfu/kg L. formosensis S215T. All forage packaged in large-round bales (300-400kg/bale). Results showed that both silage inoculated L. formosensis S215T could decreased silage pH, inhibited the yeast and coliform bacteria, improve Flieg's score (P < 0.05) and sensory evaluation score after ensiling for 32 days. Wilted nilegrass silage inoculated L.formosensis S215T underwent a more lactic acid and decreased ammonia nitrogen content (P < 0.05) compared with control nilegrass silage. Under aerobic conditions, both treated silages showed lower yeasts count after silo opening for 2 days and 4 days (P < 0.05) and wilted nilegrass silage inoculant L. formosensis S215T could decreased silage pH and yeast after silo opening for 5 days (P < 0.05). In conclusion, inoculation of L. formosensis S215T in the wilted pangola grass silage and nilegrass silage can improve silage quality and aerobic stability.

Key Words: Lactobacillus formosensis S215T, Wilted pangola grass silage, Wilted nilegrass silage

Page 18: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 201696

18. 飼糧添加蝦紅素或其副產物對蛋雞產蛋後期蛋黃顏色、產蛋性能及蛋品質之影響

林京儒 田文宇 陳志榮 吳錫勳國立屏東科技大學動物科學與畜產系

本試驗旨在探討飼糧添加蝦紅素(astaxanthin)或其副產物對蛋雞產蛋後期蛋黃顏色、產蛋性能及蛋品質之影響。試驗一:選取 90 週齡之白色龍門蛋雞 50 隻及褐色龍門蛋雞 30 隻逢機分飼於 5 個處理組,分別為基礎飼糧組(A)和基礎飼糧添加 5% 浮萍(B)、5% 浮萍和10 ppm 蝦紅素(C)、10 ppm 蝦紅素(D)及 10 ppm 卡洛肥紅(carophyll)(E)。每日記錄產蛋、蛋重及剩料以計算採食量、產蛋率及產蛋量。試驗期間每週測定蛋黃顏色及蛋品質。試驗二:選取 65 週齡褐色龍門蛋雞 64 隻逢機分飼於 4 個處理組,分別為基礎飼糧組和基礎飼糧添加 6、8 及 10 ppm 蝦紅素副產物。測定項目同試驗一。試驗一結果顯示,添加色素之組別均顯著提高蛋黃紅色度(redness)(P < 0.05),其中又以 E 組為最高,此外,餵飼浮萍可顯著提高蛋黃黃色度(P < 0.05)。蝦紅素之添加對產蛋率與蛋品質並無顯著影響。試驗二結果顯示,隨蝦紅素副產物添加量之增加,蛋黃紅色度及羅氏比色傘評分亦隨之顯著提高(P < 0.05),但不影響產蛋率及蛋品質。綜上所述,飼糧添加蝦紅素或其副產物可顯著提高蛋黃紅色度且不影響產蛋率及蛋品質。

關鍵語: 蝦紅素、蛋雞、蛋黃顏色

The effects of dietary supplementation with astaxanthin or its by-products on yolk color, egg production, and egg quality of laying hens

during late laying period

J. R. Lin, W. Y. Tian, Z. R. Chen and H. H. Wu Department of Animal Science, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

The objective of this experiment was to examine the effects of dietary supplementation with astaxanthin or its by-products on yolk color, egg production and egg quality of laying hens during late laying period. In experiment 1, fifty Lohmann white laying hens and thirty Lohmann brown laying hens at 90 weeks of age were randomly allocated into 5 groups. Treatments were Basal diet (A), Basal diet supplementation with 5% duckweed (B), 5% duckweed and 10 ppm astaxanthin (C), 10 ppm astaxanthin (D) and 10 ppm carophyll (E), respectively. Egg production, egg weight and feed refusal were recorded daily for the calculation of feed intake, egg production and egg mass production. Yolk color and egg quality were determined every week during the experimental period. In experiment 2, sixty four Lohmann brown laying hens at 65 weeks of age were randomly allocated into 4 groups. Treatments were Basal diet, Basal diet supplementation with 6, 8 and 10 ppm astaxanthin by-product. Measurements were similar to experiment 1. The results of exp. 1 showed, dietary supplementation with pigments increased the redness of yolk color significantly (P< 0.05), and group E had the highest value. In addition, Feeding duckweed significantly increased the yellowness of yolk color (P < 0.05). The supplementation of astaxanthin showed no significant effects on egg production rate and egg quality. The results of exp. 2 showed, the redness of yolk and Roche color fan score were significantly increased (P < 0.05) with the levels of astaxanthin by-product supplementation, but no significant effects on egg production rate and egg quality. In conclusion, dietary supplementation with astaxanthin or its by-products significantly increase the redness of yolk color without affecting egg production rate and egg quality.

Key Words: Astaxanthin, Laying hen, Yolk color

Page 19: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 97

18. 飼糧添加蝦紅素或其副產物對蛋雞產蛋後期蛋黃顏色、產蛋性能及蛋品質之影響

林京儒 田文宇 陳志榮 吳錫勳國立屏東科技大學動物科學與畜產系

本試驗旨在探討飼糧添加蝦紅素(astaxanthin)或其副產物對蛋雞產蛋後期蛋黃顏色、產蛋性能及蛋品質之影響。試驗一:選取 90 週齡之白色龍門蛋雞 50 隻及褐色龍門蛋雞 30 隻逢機分飼於 5 個處理組,分別為基礎飼糧組(A)和基礎飼糧添加 5% 浮萍(B)、5% 浮萍和10 ppm 蝦紅素(C)、10 ppm 蝦紅素(D)及 10 ppm 卡洛肥紅(carophyll)(E)。每日記錄產蛋、蛋重及剩料以計算採食量、產蛋率及產蛋量。試驗期間每週測定蛋黃顏色及蛋品質。試驗二:選取 65 週齡褐色龍門蛋雞 64 隻逢機分飼於 4 個處理組,分別為基礎飼糧組和基礎飼糧添加 6、8 及 10 ppm 蝦紅素副產物。測定項目同試驗一。試驗一結果顯示,添加色素之組別均顯著提高蛋黃紅色度(redness)(P < 0.05),其中又以 E 組為最高,此外,餵飼浮萍可顯著提高蛋黃黃色度(P < 0.05)。蝦紅素之添加對產蛋率與蛋品質並無顯著影響。試驗二結果顯示,隨蝦紅素副產物添加量之增加,蛋黃紅色度及羅氏比色傘評分亦隨之顯著提高(P < 0.05),但不影響產蛋率及蛋品質。綜上所述,飼糧添加蝦紅素或其副產物可顯著提高蛋黃紅色度且不影響產蛋率及蛋品質。

關鍵語: 蝦紅素、蛋雞、蛋黃顏色

The effects of dietary supplementation with astaxanthin or its by-products on yolk color, egg production, and egg quality of laying hens

during late laying period

J. R. Lin, W. Y. Tian, Z. R. Chen and H. H. Wu Department of Animal Science, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

The objective of this experiment was to examine the effects of dietary supplementation with astaxanthin or its by-products on yolk color, egg production and egg quality of laying hens during late laying period. In experiment 1, fifty Lohmann white laying hens and thirty Lohmann brown laying hens at 90 weeks of age were randomly allocated into 5 groups. Treatments were Basal diet (A), Basal diet supplementation with 5% duckweed (B), 5% duckweed and 10 ppm astaxanthin (C), 10 ppm astaxanthin (D) and 10 ppm carophyll (E), respectively. Egg production, egg weight and feed refusal were recorded daily for the calculation of feed intake, egg production and egg mass production. Yolk color and egg quality were determined every week during the experimental period. In experiment 2, sixty four Lohmann brown laying hens at 65 weeks of age were randomly allocated into 4 groups. Treatments were Basal diet, Basal diet supplementation with 6, 8 and 10 ppm astaxanthin by-product. Measurements were similar to experiment 1. The results of exp. 1 showed, dietary supplementation with pigments increased the redness of yolk color significantly (P< 0.05), and group E had the highest value. In addition, Feeding duckweed significantly increased the yellowness of yolk color (P < 0.05). The supplementation of astaxanthin showed no significant effects on egg production rate and egg quality. The results of exp. 2 showed, the redness of yolk and Roche color fan score were significantly increased (P < 0.05) with the levels of astaxanthin by-product supplementation, but no significant effects on egg production rate and egg quality. In conclusion, dietary supplementation with astaxanthin or its by-products significantly increase the redness of yolk color without affecting egg production rate and egg quality.

Key Words: Astaxanthin, Laying hen, Yolk color

19. 接種好氣性微生物於禽畜糞堆肥之效果探討

李佳穎 李滋泰 余碧



驗資材為牛糞、雞糞及廢棄太空菇包,並分為三組,分別為對照組(control)、接種 0.1%商

業菌組(commercial)及接種 0.1% 混合菌組(mix),混和菌組為可產纖維素酶之絲狀菌、

Trichoderma 及 Bacillus 與可轉換氮之硝化菌。堆肥期間每日監測溫度及氨氣濃度,在堆體


達到 68℃ 並且高溫期時間可延長 2 天,可顯著的殺死病原菌,在第 20 天大腸桿菌數已低

於 102 CFU/g。在堆肥期間混合菌組也顯著降低氨氣(NH3)濃度(P < 0.05),而總氮之損失

較對照組降低 1.3%。在種子發芽率(Germination Rate)混合菌組與商業菌組顯著大於對照組

(P < 0.05)。但在 pH 值、C/N 比及有機質降解率三組皆無顯著差異(P > 0.05)。本研究顯



Effectiveness of inoculation with aerobic microorganism on animal manure composts

C. Y. Lee, T. T. Lee and B. Yu Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University

The purpose of this study was to explore the physical and chemical characteristics of animal manure in compost inoculated with aerobic microorganisms. The cattle manure, poultry manure, and mushroom sawdust wastes were used as the raw materials. The experimental design included three treatments: control, 0.1% commercial agent (Commercial ) and 0.1% mixed microbe (Mix), mixed microbe were comprised the production of cellulase by fungus、Trichoderma and Bacillus and Nitrifying bacteria that can conduct nitrification. Temperature and ammonia concentration were monitored every day, and all heaps were collected and turned after decreasing of temperature. The results showed that temperature of the Mix group higher than both Control and Commercial group, it could reach 68℃. Moreover, Mix group prolonged the thermophilic stage for 2 days, which can significantly kill pathogens, the amount of Coliform has been lower than102 CFU/g in first 20 days. Mix group was significantly reduced ammonia concentration(P < 0.05)while total nitrogen loss was less 1.3% than that of control. The germination rate in Mix group and Commercial group were significantly higher than that in Control(P < 0.05). But there was no significant difference between groups for pH, C/N ratio and degradation rate of organic matter(P > 0.05). This study showed that inoculated aerobic microorganisms could impact of animal manure’s physical and chemical characteristics.

Key Words: Aerobic microorganism, Animal manure, Compost

Page 20: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 201698

20. 飼糧添加益生菌與中草藥組合產品對離乳仔豬生長性能、糞便指數、腸道菌相及小腸組織學之影響

董珈瑄 李滋泰 余碧



指數、腸道菌相及小腸組織學等之影響。選取場內 320 頭三品種之四週齡離乳仔豬(初始體

重為 8.44 kg)進行試驗,逢機分至四組,分別為對照組、10 ppm 抗生素組(Flavomycin)、0.25%中草藥與益生菌組合產品(0.25% 組)及 0.125% 中草藥與益生菌組合產品(0.125% 組),


性能,試驗第 10 天犧牲豬隻進行小腸絨毛測定。結果顯示四組間體增重、採食量及飼料效

率皆無顯著差異,0.25% 組糞便指數在第三、四週顯著低於對照組(P < 0.05),且下痢發生

率從第二至四週顯著低於對照組(P < 0.01),另外腸桿菌、大腸桿菌群菌數在第二週顯著低

於對照組(P < 0.05),仔豬絨毛高度在十二指腸、空迴腸前段、中段及後段皆顯著高於對照

組(P < 0.05),而絨毛/腺窩比值在十二指腸及空迴腸中段亦顯著大於對照組(P < 0.05)。綜

合上述顯示添加組合產品 0.25% 對離乳仔豬改善糞便指數、降低下痢發生率與維護腸道健康



Supplement of probiotics and Chinese herbs product in diet on growth performance, fecal score, fecal microflora and small intestinal morphology in weaned pigs

C. H. Tung, T. T. Lee and B. Yu Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of probiotics and Chinese herbs product (PHC) on growth performance, fecal score, fecal microflora and small intestinal morphology in weaned pigs. three hundred and twenty weanling pigs were randomly assigned into four dietary groups: control, antibiotics (10ppm Flavomycin), 0.25% PCH, 0.125% PCH treatments for 4 weeks. The results showed that growth performance no significantly different among the groups, however, 0.25%PCH group have lower fecal score than control group (P < 0.05) at the 3rd and 4th week, and the incidence of diarrhea was significantly lower in the 0.25%PCH group than the control from the 2nd to 4th week. On fecal microflora, 0.25% PCH group significantly decreased Enterobacter and Coliform count at the 2nd week. In addition, the group of 0.25% PCH exhibited a significant increase in villous high and villous high/crypt depth ratio when compared with control group. In conclusion, addition of 0.25% PCH group not only improved fecal score and reduce the incidence of diarrhea, but also maintain intestinal health in weaned pigs.

Key Words: Probiotics, Chinese herbs, Weaned pigs

Page 21: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 99

20. 飼糧添加益生菌與中草藥組合產品對離乳仔豬生長性能、糞便指數、腸道菌相及小腸組織學之影響

董珈瑄 李滋泰 余碧



指數、腸道菌相及小腸組織學等之影響。選取場內 320 頭三品種之四週齡離乳仔豬(初始體

重為 8.44 kg)進行試驗,逢機分至四組,分別為對照組、10 ppm 抗生素組(Flavomycin)、0.25%中草藥與益生菌組合產品(0.25% 組)及 0.125% 中草藥與益生菌組合產品(0.125% 組),


性能,試驗第 10 天犧牲豬隻進行小腸絨毛測定。結果顯示四組間體增重、採食量及飼料效

率皆無顯著差異,0.25% 組糞便指數在第三、四週顯著低於對照組(P < 0.05),且下痢發生

率從第二至四週顯著低於對照組(P < 0.01),另外腸桿菌、大腸桿菌群菌數在第二週顯著低

於對照組(P < 0.05),仔豬絨毛高度在十二指腸、空迴腸前段、中段及後段皆顯著高於對照

組(P < 0.05),而絨毛/腺窩比值在十二指腸及空迴腸中段亦顯著大於對照組(P < 0.05)。綜

合上述顯示添加組合產品 0.25% 對離乳仔豬改善糞便指數、降低下痢發生率與維護腸道健康



Supplement of probiotics and Chinese herbs product in diet on growth performance, fecal score, fecal microflora and small intestinal morphology in weaned pigs

C. H. Tung, T. T. Lee and B. Yu Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of probiotics and Chinese herbs product (PHC) on growth performance, fecal score, fecal microflora and small intestinal morphology in weaned pigs. three hundred and twenty weanling pigs were randomly assigned into four dietary groups: control, antibiotics (10ppm Flavomycin), 0.25% PCH, 0.125% PCH treatments for 4 weeks. The results showed that growth performance no significantly different among the groups, however, 0.25%PCH group have lower fecal score than control group (P < 0.05) at the 3rd and 4th week, and the incidence of diarrhea was significantly lower in the 0.25%PCH group than the control from the 2nd to 4th week. On fecal microflora, 0.25% PCH group significantly decreased Enterobacter and Coliform count at the 2nd week. In addition, the group of 0.25% PCH exhibited a significant increase in villous high and villous high/crypt depth ratio when compared with control group. In conclusion, addition of 0.25% PCH group not only improved fecal score and reduce the incidence of diarrhea, but also maintain intestinal health in weaned pigs.

Key Words: Probiotics, Chinese herbs, Weaned pigs

21. 餵飼發酵大豆殼/菇蒂頭對於懷孕母豬糞便與繁殖性狀之影響

闕雅鈴 余碧 李滋泰


本試驗使用大豆殼及菇蒂頭並以 Aureobasidium pullulans SH-218 進行固態發酵,利用大豆殼


同時提升仔豬健康。試驗以 12 頭懷孕母豬(Yorkshire x Landrace),分成三個處理組,分別


分娩前 4 週至仔豬離乳。結果顯示發酵大豆殼/菇蒂頭處理組之母豬懷孕期間其糞便中大腸

桿菌群(8.57 Log CFU/g)顯著低於空白組(8.89 Log CFU/g)。哺乳期間母豬糞便中乳酸菌(9.09

Log CFU/g)則顯著高於空白組(8.75 Log CFU/g)。發酵大豆殼/菇蒂頭處理組之仔豬出生體重

顯著高於空白組及正對照組(分別為 1.35、1.20 和 1.18 kg) 且離乳率顯著高於空白組(P <




Effects of feeding fermented soybean hulls and pleurotus eryngii stalk residue on reproductive performance and faeces properties in farrowing sow

Y. L. Cyue, B. Yu and T. T. Lee Department of Animal Science, Chung Hsing University

The purpose of this study is to apply soybean hulls and Pleurotus eryngii stalk residue (PESR)

fermented with Aureobasidium pullulans SH-218. In animal trial, 12 farrowing sow (Yorkshire x

Landrace) were random allocated into three treatments including a control, commercial fiber

product and fermented soybean hulls/PESR group. Trial is dived into late gestation periods and

lactation periods. The results showed that the fermented soybean hulls/PESR group have

significantly lower coliform count (8.57 Log CFU/g) than control group (8.89 Log CFU/g) and have

significantly higher lactic acid bacteria count (9.09 Log CFU/g) than control group (8.75 Log

CFU/g). The fermented soybean hulls/PESR group have higher piglets body weight at day 0 than

control and commercial fiber product group (1.35, 1.20 and 1.18 kg, respectively) and have higher

the survival rate of piglets than control group (P < 0.05). In conclusion, this study showed that

fermented soybean hulls/PESR can improve the intestinal activity in sows and also can improve

piglets’ health.

Key Words: Constipation, Farrowing sow, Soybean hulls

Page 22: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016100

22. 以枯草桿菌及酵母菌固態發酵麩皮對於肉雞生長及腸道性狀之影響

張哲綸(1) 鄧博允(1) 張伸彰(2) 余碧(1) 李滋泰(1)

(1)國立中興大學動物科學系 (2)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所彰化種畜繁殖場

本試驗目的在於探討以枯草桿菌及酵母菌固態發酵麩皮對肉雞生長及腸道性狀之影響。試驗以 240 隻公肉雞逢機分成對照組(內含 10% 麩皮)及三個試驗組:(1)枯草桿菌發酵麩皮組(FWBA);(2)酵母菌發酵麩皮組(FWSC);(3)枯草桿菌與酵母菌混合發酵麩皮組(FWBA+SC)。試驗為期 35 日。以枯草桿菌固態發酵處理可降低麩皮中之中洗纖維及酸洗纖維含量,且於 SDS-PAGE 分析結果顯示可大量降低麩皮中之高分子蛋白質。肉雞試驗結果顯示,FWBA 組及 FWBA+SC 組較對照組有明顯較高之飼料效率。腸道性狀結果顯示,FWBA 組有較高之迴腸中乳酸菌數,FWBA 組與 FWSC 組有較高之迴腸乳酸濃度,而FWSC 組的腸道絨毛高度顯著較對照組為高。綜上所述,枯草桿菌固態發酵麩皮有助於改善腸道內菌相及增加腸道中乳酸濃度之效果,且配合酵母菌發酵處理,亦能提高肉雞之飼料效率。


Effects of solid-state fermented wheat bran by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens andSaccharomyces cerevisiae on growth performance and intestinal characteristics in

broiler chickens

C. L. Chang(1), P. Y. Teng(1), S. C. Chang(2), B. Yu(1) and T. T. Lee(1)

(1)Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University. (2)Changhua Animal Propagation Station, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture.

This study evaluated the effects of 10% solid-state fermentation (SSF) wheat bran by Bacillus amyloliquefaceins (BA) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (SC), in broiler diets, on growth performance and intestinal characteristics of broiler chickens. A total of two hundred and forty male broilers were randomly allocated into control group(basal diet with 10% WB)and three testing groups: 1). Basal diet with 10% fermented WB by BA (FWBA). 2). Basal diet with 10% fermented WB by SC (FWSC), and 3). Basal diet with 10% fermented WB by BA and SC (FWBA+SC), each group was fed for 35 d. The SDS-PAGE results showed that SSF with BA and SC could substantially degrade proteins in the WB, and SSF with BA, could also reduced the NDF and ADF content in the WB. Results demonstrated that replacement of WB with FWBA and FWBA+SC improved FCR compared to the control group. Moreover, the FWBA group significantly enhanced the lactic acid bacteria count in the ileum. Compared with the control group, the FWBA and FWSC groups, showed significantly increased ileal lactic acid levels, and in the FWSC group, the ileum villus height was significantly increased. In conclusion, a 10% FWBA replacement in the diet could improve growth performance in broilers by ameliorate health status, modulating intestinal microbiota and increasing lactic acid in the ileum.

Key Words: Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Broilers, Solid-state fermentation

Page 23: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 101

22. 以枯草桿菌及酵母菌固態發酵麩皮對於肉雞生長及腸道性狀之影響

張哲綸(1) 鄧博允(1) 張伸彰(2) 余碧(1) 李滋泰(1)

(1)國立中興大學動物科學系 (2)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所彰化種畜繁殖場

本試驗目的在於探討以枯草桿菌及酵母菌固態發酵麩皮對肉雞生長及腸道性狀之影響。試驗以 240 隻公肉雞逢機分成對照組(內含 10% 麩皮)及三個試驗組:(1)枯草桿菌發酵麩皮組(FWBA);(2)酵母菌發酵麩皮組(FWSC);(3)枯草桿菌與酵母菌混合發酵麩皮組(FWBA+SC)。試驗為期 35 日。以枯草桿菌固態發酵處理可降低麩皮中之中洗纖維及酸洗纖維含量,且於 SDS-PAGE 分析結果顯示可大量降低麩皮中之高分子蛋白質。肉雞試驗結果顯示,FWBA 組及 FWBA+SC 組較對照組有明顯較高之飼料效率。腸道性狀結果顯示,FWBA 組有較高之迴腸中乳酸菌數,FWBA 組與 FWSC 組有較高之迴腸乳酸濃度,而FWSC 組的腸道絨毛高度顯著較對照組為高。綜上所述,枯草桿菌固態發酵麩皮有助於改善腸道內菌相及增加腸道中乳酸濃度之效果,且配合酵母菌發酵處理,亦能提高肉雞之飼料效率。


Effects of solid-state fermented wheat bran by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens andSaccharomyces cerevisiae on growth performance and intestinal characteristics in

broiler chickens

C. L. Chang(1), P. Y. Teng(1), S. C. Chang(2), B. Yu(1) and T. T. Lee(1)

(1)Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University. (2)Changhua Animal Propagation Station, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture.

This study evaluated the effects of 10% solid-state fermentation (SSF) wheat bran by Bacillus amyloliquefaceins (BA) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (SC), in broiler diets, on growth performance and intestinal characteristics of broiler chickens. A total of two hundred and forty male broilers were randomly allocated into control group(basal diet with 10% WB)and three testing groups: 1). Basal diet with 10% fermented WB by BA (FWBA). 2). Basal diet with 10% fermented WB by SC (FWSC), and 3). Basal diet with 10% fermented WB by BA and SC (FWBA+SC), each group was fed for 35 d. The SDS-PAGE results showed that SSF with BA and SC could substantially degrade proteins in the WB, and SSF with BA, could also reduced the NDF and ADF content in the WB. Results demonstrated that replacement of WB with FWBA and FWBA+SC improved FCR compared to the control group. Moreover, the FWBA group significantly enhanced the lactic acid bacteria count in the ileum. Compared with the control group, the FWBA and FWSC groups, showed significantly increased ileal lactic acid levels, and in the FWSC group, the ileum villus height was significantly increased. In conclusion, a 10% FWBA replacement in the diet could improve growth performance in broilers by ameliorate health status, modulating intestinal microbiota and increasing lactic acid in the ileum.

Key Words: Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Broilers, Solid-state fermentation

23. 角蛋白酶添加在不同能量濃度白肉雞飼糧對其生長成績之影響

翁瑞奇 吳惠如國立屏東科技大學 動物科學與畜產系


響。試驗採用愛拔益加商業品種白肉雞 640 羽逢機分配到 4 個處理組,每個處理組四個重

複,每個重複 40 羽公母混養於 1.8 m * 2.1 m 的欄中;所有雞隻飼養於同棟水簾式畜舍中,

試驗期間環境溫度介於 32~30℃。在 1 至 3 週餵飼 CP 23%,4 到 5 週餵飼 CP 21%,兩

階段能量濃度相同。低能量組為為 3150 Kcal/Kg,高能量組為為 3300 Kcal/Kg;0.1% 商用

角蛋白酶(Bacillus licheniformis PWD-1)依試驗添加在不同能量濃度的飼糧中,飼養比較 5

週的生長成績。試驗處理分別為:處理 1:低能量對照組,處理 2:低能量加角蛋白酶,處

理 3:高能量對照組,處理 4:高能量加角蛋白酶。試驗結果顯示,依處理順序五週的攝食

量分別為:3.47、3.59、4.06、4.13 公斤(P = 0.01);結束的體重分別為:1.92、2.02、2.17、

2.16 公斤(P = 0.019)。能量濃度為主要影響生長的因素,高環境溫度單獨添加外源性角蛋



Effect of keratinase to different energy density diets on the growth performance in broiler

R. C. Weng and H. R. Wu Department of Animal Science, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

The study was to investigate the effects of exogenous keratinase and energy levels on the growth

performance of broiler under high ambient temperatures. 640 AA broilers were randomly allocated

to 4 feeding treatments of 4 replicates. There were 40 birds kept in a 1.8m * 2.1m floor feeding pen

of which ambient temperature was between 32 ~ 30 ℃. In 1-3 weeks feeds containing CP23%, 4-5

weeks was CP21%, two stages energy level are the same. Energy levels were 3150 and 3300 Kcal /

Kg feed. 0.1% commercial angle protease (Bacillus licheniformis PWD-1) was added to the diets of

different energy levels. Treatment 1: low energy control group, Treatment 2: low energy with

keratinase, Treatment 3: high energy control group, Treatment 4: high energy with keratinase. The

results showed that overall feed intake: 3.47, 3.59, 4.06 and 4.13 kg (P = 0.01); body weight:1.92,

2.02, 2.17 and 2.16 kg (P = 0.019). Energy density as the main factors influencing the growth,

exogenous keratinase in low energy density diet may improve the feed intake and weight gain.

Key Words: Energy level, Broiler, High ambient temperature, Keratinase

Page 24: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016102

24. 不同水分發酵之高蛋白產物對白肉雞生長性狀之影響

林知潁 林志學 林昱誠 吳鎮佑 蕭雅齡 張慕慈 陳國隆



與黃豆粉為基質,分別調整水分至 45、50 及 55%,利用 Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Da16(Da16)進行好氧固態發酵 2 天,經烘乾粉碎後即為高蛋白發酵產物。各水分發酵組之 pH 值在發酵

24 小時為 6.22-6.61、40 小時升至 7.26-7.35、48 小時降至 6.95-7.06。各發酵組之水分均在

發酵 48 小時降至 34.37-37.26%。以 160 隻 0 日齡 ROSS 308 雄性白肉雞逢機分置於飼糧

中分別添加 3.5%:未發酵組、水分 45、50 及 55% 發酵之高蛋白發酵產物組,每處理組四

重複,飼料與飲水採任食,試驗期 35 天。結果顯示發酵組全期之體增重及採食量均高於未

發酵組,其中水分 50% 組均達到顯著(P < 0.05),並改善 6.70% 體增重。在屠體性狀方面,

各組間則均無顯著差異(P > 0.05)。綜上所述,發酵組對雞隻生長性狀均具有改善效果,其

中以水分 50% 組最佳。


Effects of different moisture content in high protein product on broilers growth performance

J. Y. Lin, Z. S. Lin, Y. C. Lin, J. Y. Wu, Y. L. Hsiao, M. T. Chang and K. L. Chen. Department of Animail Science, National Chaiyi University

The purpose of this experiment was to investigate the effects of different moisture content of high protein product on broilers growth performance. Solid-state fermentation was carried out by using Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Da16 (Da16) with feather meal and soybean meal as the substrate and adjusted moisture in 45%, 50%, and 55%. Aerobic fermentation was carried out for 2 days. Then drying and crushing, and it was a high-protein fermentation product. The fermentation groups were fermented for 24 hours at pH 6.22-6.61, 7.26-7.35 for 40 hours and 6.95-7.06 for 48 hours. While in the moisture were decreased to 34.37% -37.26% for 24 hours. One hundred and sixty 0-day male broilers ROSS 308 were allocated randomly into control and adding 3.5% high protein fermentation products which moisture were 45%, 50%, and 55%. There were four replicates in each treatment. Feed and water were fed ad libitum for 35 days experiment. The results showed that fermentation groups of body weight gain and feed intake were higher than control at 0-5 weeks, especially the group which moisture was 50% were all appeared significant different (P < 0.05), and improved weight gain 6.70%. While in carcasses, there were no significant differences (P > 0.05). The results showed that the fermentation groups could improve the growth performance of broilers, most of all the group which moisture was 50%.

Key Words: Broiler, Moisture, Solid-state fermentation

Page 25: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 103

24. 不同水分發酵之高蛋白產物對白肉雞生長性狀之影響

林知潁 林志學 林昱誠 吳鎮佑 蕭雅齡 張慕慈 陳國隆



與黃豆粉為基質,分別調整水分至 45、50 及 55%,利用 Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Da16(Da16)進行好氧固態發酵 2 天,經烘乾粉碎後即為高蛋白發酵產物。各水分發酵組之 pH 值在發酵

24 小時為 6.22-6.61、40 小時升至 7.26-7.35、48 小時降至 6.95-7.06。各發酵組之水分均在

發酵 48 小時降至 34.37-37.26%。以 160 隻 0 日齡 ROSS 308 雄性白肉雞逢機分置於飼糧

中分別添加 3.5%:未發酵組、水分 45、50 及 55% 發酵之高蛋白發酵產物組,每處理組四

重複,飼料與飲水採任食,試驗期 35 天。結果顯示發酵組全期之體增重及採食量均高於未

發酵組,其中水分 50% 組均達到顯著(P < 0.05),並改善 6.70% 體增重。在屠體性狀方面,

各組間則均無顯著差異(P > 0.05)。綜上所述,發酵組對雞隻生長性狀均具有改善效果,其

中以水分 50% 組最佳。


Effects of different moisture content in high protein product on broilers growth performance

J. Y. Lin, Z. S. Lin, Y. C. Lin, J. Y. Wu, Y. L. Hsiao, M. T. Chang and K. L. Chen. Department of Animail Science, National Chaiyi University

The purpose of this experiment was to investigate the effects of different moisture content of high protein product on broilers growth performance. Solid-state fermentation was carried out by using Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Da16 (Da16) with feather meal and soybean meal as the substrate and adjusted moisture in 45%, 50%, and 55%. Aerobic fermentation was carried out for 2 days. Then drying and crushing, and it was a high-protein fermentation product. The fermentation groups were fermented for 24 hours at pH 6.22-6.61, 7.26-7.35 for 40 hours and 6.95-7.06 for 48 hours. While in the moisture were decreased to 34.37% -37.26% for 24 hours. One hundred and sixty 0-day male broilers ROSS 308 were allocated randomly into control and adding 3.5% high protein fermentation products which moisture were 45%, 50%, and 55%. There were four replicates in each treatment. Feed and water were fed ad libitum for 35 days experiment. The results showed that fermentation groups of body weight gain and feed intake were higher than control at 0-5 weeks, especially the group which moisture was 50% were all appeared significant different (P < 0.05), and improved weight gain 6.70%. While in carcasses, there were no significant differences (P > 0.05). The results showed that the fermentation groups could improve the growth performance of broilers, most of all the group which moisture was 50%.

Key Words: Broiler, Moisture, Solid-state fermentation

25. 建立鮮乳攙偽物之鑑定平台

張馨文(1) 徐丞志(2) 陳明汝(1)

(1)國立臺灣大學動物科學技術學系 (2)國立台灣大學化學系



維電泳分析牛乳中的蛋白質,再利用 2D 電腦影像軟體 ImageMaster 2D Platinum 7.0 分析比








關鍵語: 攙偽、熱處理、還原乳

Construction of a platform for the identifying adulteration in fresh milk

H. W. Chang(1), C. C. Hsu(2) and M. J. Chen(1)

(1)Department of Animal Science and technology, National Taiwan University (2)Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan University

In the present study, we integrated analytical methods to construct a platform using the profile of

milk components as a marker for the identifying adulteration and different types of heating

treatment in liquid milk to protect the consumers from misleading labelling. First, six types of

samples, including raw milk, different heat treatments of fresh milk and reconstituted milk, were

used to establish an analyzing platform. Proteins were analyzed by two-dimensional gel

electrophoresis followed by mass spectrometry (MS) analysis. Additionally, the milk derivatives

were also examined by desorption electrospray ionization-MS. We distinguished the differences

among different heat treatments through these analytical methods and established a platform. After

setting up the platform, the commercial products are investigating to confirm the effectiveness of

this platform. The traditional fluorescence of advanced Maillard products and soluble tryptophane

(FAST) methods and the content of furosine and lactulose are also used as comparison. Through

construction of this milk detection platform, not only could provide detection of liquid dairy

products to assure the food safety, but also construct a database as a reference for the international


Key Words: Adulteration, Thermal treatment, Reconstituted milk

Page 26: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016104

26. 蒙古傳統發酵乳製品:Airag 及 Tarag 中分離乳酸菌之益生菌潛力研究

黃千讓 渡辺幸一 陳明汝國立臺灣大學動物科學技術學系

蒙古遊牧民族製作傳統發酵乳 Airag(發酵馬乳)以及 Tarag(發酵的牛、羊、犛牛乳)已經


菌多樣性。經由 RAPD 以及 ERIC-PCR 的方法,我們從五個樣品中分離出了 110 個分離菌

落,並歸類為 40 株菌株。在 16S rRNA 以及 housekeeping(pheS and rpoA)基因的基礎下,

這些菌株被歸類為 3 個屬之中的 8 個菌種:Lactobacillus crustorum (6 株), Lactobacillus diolivorans(1 株), Lactobacillus kefiri(24 株), Lactobacillus paracasei(2 株), Lactobacillusplantarum subsp. plantarum(1 株), Lactococcus lactis(1 株), Leuconostoc lactis(4 株), and

Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides(1 株)。為了篩選潛力益生菌菌株,我們做了一些簡單的試

驗,包括 EPS 胞外多醣體的生產測試、對於低 pH 的酸度環境以及膽鹽環境之生存試驗,



The investigation of potential probiotic activities of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Airag and Tarag, traditional fermented milk products of Mongolia

C. J. Huang, K. Watanabe and M. J. Chen Department of Animal Science and Technology, National Taiwan University

The nomadic people in Mongolia have been producing traditional fermented milk products such as

Airag (fermented mare’s milk) and Tarag (fermented milk of cows, goats and yaks) for hundreds of

years. We used culture-and molecular-based methods to investigate the diversity of lactic acid

bacteria (LAB) of these fermented milks, and to explore the beneficial LAB strains as probiotics. A

total of 110 isolates in five samples was categorized into 40 different strains by the RAPD and

ERIC-PCR methods. Based on the 16S rRNA and housekeeping (pheS and rpoA) gene sequences,

40 strains were identified as belonging to 8 species in 3 genera: Lactobacillus crustorum (6 strains),

Lactobacillus diolivorans (1 strain), Lactobacillus kefiri (24 strains), Lactobacillus paracasei (2strains), Lactobacillus plantarum subsp. plantarum (1 strain), Lactococcus lactis (1 strain),

Leuconostoc lactis (4 strains), and Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides (1 strain). For screening of

the probiotic potential strains, we performed the preliminary tests; EPS production, tolerance to low

pH and bile acid, and selected 9 candidates for the further characterization.

Key Words: Lactic acid bacteria, Probiotic, Traditional fermented milk products

Page 27: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 105

26. 蒙古傳統發酵乳製品:Airag 及 Tarag 中分離乳酸菌之益生菌潛力研究

黃千讓 渡辺幸一 陳明汝國立臺灣大學動物科學技術學系

蒙古遊牧民族製作傳統發酵乳 Airag(發酵馬乳)以及 Tarag(發酵的牛、羊、犛牛乳)已經


菌多樣性。經由 RAPD 以及 ERIC-PCR 的方法,我們從五個樣品中分離出了 110 個分離菌

落,並歸類為 40 株菌株。在 16S rRNA 以及 housekeeping(pheS and rpoA)基因的基礎下,

這些菌株被歸類為 3 個屬之中的 8 個菌種:Lactobacillus crustorum (6 株), Lactobacillus diolivorans(1 株), Lactobacillus kefiri(24 株), Lactobacillus paracasei(2 株), Lactobacillusplantarum subsp. plantarum(1 株), Lactococcus lactis(1 株), Leuconostoc lactis(4 株), and

Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides(1 株)。為了篩選潛力益生菌菌株,我們做了一些簡單的試

驗,包括 EPS 胞外多醣體的生產測試、對於低 pH 的酸度環境以及膽鹽環境之生存試驗,



The investigation of potential probiotic activities of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Airag and Tarag, traditional fermented milk products of Mongolia

C. J. Huang, K. Watanabe and M. J. Chen Department of Animal Science and Technology, National Taiwan University

The nomadic people in Mongolia have been producing traditional fermented milk products such as

Airag (fermented mare’s milk) and Tarag (fermented milk of cows, goats and yaks) for hundreds of

years. We used culture-and molecular-based methods to investigate the diversity of lactic acid

bacteria (LAB) of these fermented milks, and to explore the beneficial LAB strains as probiotics. A

total of 110 isolates in five samples was categorized into 40 different strains by the RAPD and

ERIC-PCR methods. Based on the 16S rRNA and housekeeping (pheS and rpoA) gene sequences,

40 strains were identified as belonging to 8 species in 3 genera: Lactobacillus crustorum (6 strains),

Lactobacillus diolivorans (1 strain), Lactobacillus kefiri (24 strains), Lactobacillus paracasei (2strains), Lactobacillus plantarum subsp. plantarum (1 strain), Lactococcus lactis (1 strain),

Leuconostoc lactis (4 strains), and Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides (1 strain). For screening of

the probiotic potential strains, we performed the preliminary tests; EPS production, tolerance to low

pH and bile acid, and selected 9 candidates for the further characterization.

Key Words: Lactic acid bacteria, Probiotic, Traditional fermented milk products

27. 腸道益生菌之抗病毒活性

許琇涵(1) 劉嚞睿(1) (2)

(1)國立臺灣大學動物科學技術學系 (2)國立臺灣大學生物科技研究所

本試驗利用 SBV 病毒(Sindbis virus)感染 BHK 細胞(baby hamster kidney cell)作為細胞



種不同時間點之攻毒處理:(1)加入預處理組於 BHK 細胞,再加入 SBV 做攻毒;(2)同時

加入預處理組與 SBV;(3)加入 SBV 於 BHK 細胞做攻毒後,再加入預處理組。並檢測具






Antiviral activities of intestinal probiotics

H. H. Hsu(1) and J. R. Liu(1)(2)

(1)Department of Animal Science and Technology, National Taiwan University (2)Institute of Biotechnology, National Taiwan University

The aim of this study is to examine the potential antiviral activity of lactic acid bacteria (LAB)

using the Sindbis virus (SBV) infected baby hamster kidney (BHK) cell model. LAB was isolated

from the pre-weaned piglet and 10-day-old infant feces. Isolated strains were subsequently

extracted for its extracellular medium, intracellular extract and cell wall pellet as the pre-treatment.

BHK cells monolayer was prepared, and different dose of pre-treated LAB was added into cells

environment before, during or after different time course of SBV infection. To clarify the

mechanism of virus inhibition of pre-treated LAB, cell viability, virus proliferation and expression

of interferon (IFN)-signaling genes were analyzed. In addition, we investigated the probiotic

characteristics of effective antiviral LAB including acid tolerance, bile tolerance, pathogens

inhibition, antibiotic sensitivity and adhesion ability toward Caco-2 cell. In this study, we

demonstrate the capabilities of potential LAB in inhibiting the IFN-sensitive SBV, elucidate the

mechanisms of inhibition and further the LAB is capable to use as probiotic.

Key Words: Antivirus, Probiotics, Lactic acid bacteria

Page 28: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016106

28. 開發克弗爾微生物與水果丁之固定化發酵系統

黃可沁(1) 王聖耀(2) 陳明汝(1)

(1)國立台灣大學動物科學技術學系 (2)國立台灣大學農業試驗場


發酵的新式乳酸菌元。將分離自台灣克弗爾粒的乳酸菌株 Lactococcus lactis HL4, Leuconostocmesenteroids HL3, Lactobacillus kefiri HL2 和 Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens HL1 與甘蔗丁於牛

乳中進行固定化 24 小時,結果顯示甘蔗丁上固定化菌數達 8.63 ± 0.3 log CFU/g, 菌群分佈

依序為 84.5 ± 5.2%, 12.3 ± 2.5% 和 3.2 ± 3.0%,其中 Lb. kefiranofaciens HL1 無法偵測。爾

後將乳酸菌株固定化之甘蔗丁置入牛乳中進行連續發酵 28 次,期間測得發酵乳 pH 值 4.6 - 5.1, 酸度 0.55% - 0.72%,菌數皆大於 8.0 log CFU/mL。而在第 0,14 和 28 次發酵後進行





A novel immobilized cell system involving kefir microorganisms and fruit pieces

K. S. Ng(1), S. Y. Wang(2) and M. J. Chen (1)

(1)Department of Animal Science and Technology, National Taiwan University (2)Experimental Farm, National Taiwan University

The purpose of this study was to develop a novel immobilized cell system involving kefir microorganisms and fruit pieces. The lactic acid bacteria isolated from Taiwanese kefir grains including Lactococcus lactis HL4, Leuconostoc mesenteroids HL3, Lactobacillus kefiri HL2 and Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens HL1 were inoculated in milk with sugar cane pieces and cultivated at 24 hours for immobilization. The results showed that the immobilized cell counts on the pieces could achieve 8.63 ± 0.3 log CFU/g after 24 hours cultivation. The microbial distribution of Lactococcus lactis HL4, Leuconostoc mesenteroids HL3 and Lactobacillus kefiri HL2 was 84.5 ± 5.2%, 12.3 ± 2.5% and 3.2 ± 3.0% respectively while Lb. kefiranofaciens HL1 was not detected. After that, the cell-immobilized pieces were used for 28 successive fermentations in milk. The fermented milks produced were within the pH range 4.6 - 5.1, acidity 0.55% - 0.72% and bacterial counts greater than 8.0 log CFU/mL. During the 0th, 14th and 28th batches of fermentation, the sugar cane pieces were observed with Scanning Electron Microscopy to verify the conditions of immobilized cells and maintenance of its outward structure. In a word, the biofilm usage in immobilized cell system with fruit pieces as supporter creates a new way for probiotics consumption.

Key Words: Kefir microorganisms, Biofilm, Immobilize

Page 29: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 107

28. 開發克弗爾微生物與水果丁之固定化發酵系統

黃可沁(1) 王聖耀(2) 陳明汝(1)

(1)國立台灣大學動物科學技術學系 (2)國立台灣大學農業試驗場


發酵的新式乳酸菌元。將分離自台灣克弗爾粒的乳酸菌株 Lactococcus lactis HL4, Leuconostocmesenteroids HL3, Lactobacillus kefiri HL2 和 Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens HL1 與甘蔗丁於牛

乳中進行固定化 24 小時,結果顯示甘蔗丁上固定化菌數達 8.63 ± 0.3 log CFU/g, 菌群分佈

依序為 84.5 ± 5.2%, 12.3 ± 2.5% 和 3.2 ± 3.0%,其中 Lb. kefiranofaciens HL1 無法偵測。爾

後將乳酸菌株固定化之甘蔗丁置入牛乳中進行連續發酵 28 次,期間測得發酵乳 pH 值 4.6 - 5.1, 酸度 0.55% - 0.72%,菌數皆大於 8.0 log CFU/mL。而在第 0,14 和 28 次發酵後進行





A novel immobilized cell system involving kefir microorganisms and fruit pieces

K. S. Ng(1), S. Y. Wang(2) and M. J. Chen (1)

(1)Department of Animal Science and Technology, National Taiwan University (2)Experimental Farm, National Taiwan University

The purpose of this study was to develop a novel immobilized cell system involving kefir microorganisms and fruit pieces. The lactic acid bacteria isolated from Taiwanese kefir grains including Lactococcus lactis HL4, Leuconostoc mesenteroids HL3, Lactobacillus kefiri HL2 and Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens HL1 were inoculated in milk with sugar cane pieces and cultivated at 24 hours for immobilization. The results showed that the immobilized cell counts on the pieces could achieve 8.63 ± 0.3 log CFU/g after 24 hours cultivation. The microbial distribution of Lactococcus lactis HL4, Leuconostoc mesenteroids HL3 and Lactobacillus kefiri HL2 was 84.5 ± 5.2%, 12.3 ± 2.5% and 3.2 ± 3.0% respectively while Lb. kefiranofaciens HL1 was not detected. After that, the cell-immobilized pieces were used for 28 successive fermentations in milk. The fermented milks produced were within the pH range 4.6 - 5.1, acidity 0.55% - 0.72% and bacterial counts greater than 8.0 log CFU/mL. During the 0th, 14th and 28th batches of fermentation, the sugar cane pieces were observed with Scanning Electron Microscopy to verify the conditions of immobilized cells and maintenance of its outward structure. In a word, the biofilm usage in immobilized cell system with fruit pieces as supporter creates a new way for probiotics consumption.

Key Words: Kefir microorganisms, Biofilm, Immobilize

29. 探討益生菌 Lactobacillus kefiri 抗高血糖作用的可能機制

黃舜瑜(1) 陳明汝(1)


本實驗室過去的研究發現,給予 streptozotocin(STZ)誘發糖尿病之 C57BL/6 小鼠適量

Lactobacillus kefiri,可以減緩其高血糖症之相關症狀。因此,本研究擬探討 Lb. kefiri 減緩高

血糖症之可能機制。結果顯示與 Lb. kefiri 共培養之 Caco-2 細胞在跨膜電阻值以及緊密結合

蛋白基因表現量均顯著高於控制組(P < 0.05)。此外,給予菌株之處理組亦發現其可以促進

樹突細胞成熟並顯著提升 Interleukin-10 之分泌量(P < 0.05)。總結這些實驗結果,我們認為 Lb.

kefiri 可能透過提高腸道黏膜完整性以及調節免疫作用進而減緩高血糖症之相關症狀。

關鍵語:腸道黏膜完整性、免疫調節作用、Lactobacillus kefiri

Investigation of possible mechanisms involved in anti-diabetic effect of probiotic Lactobacillus kefiri

S. Y. Huang(1) and M. J. Chen(1)

(1)Department of Animal Science and Technology, National Taiwan University

Previous study in our lab showed that administration of Lactobacillus kefiri could ameliorate

streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes in C57BL/6 mice. Thus, in the present study, we investigated

the possible mechanisms involved in its anti-diabetes effect. We found that Lb. kefiri treatment

could increase the transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) value and gene expression of tight

junction protein on Caco-2 cells (P < 0.05). Besides, Lb. kefiri could also promote dendritic cells

(DC) maturation and enhanced Interleukin-10 production (P < 0.05). In summary, the possible

mechanisms of Lb. kefiri ameliorating hyperglycemia might involve in its capability to enhance

intestinal integrity and regulate immune response through DC.

Key Words: Intestinal integrity, Immune-regulatory effect, Lactobacillus kefiri

Page 30: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016108

30. 添加安定劑於羊乳中經高壓滅菌釜滅菌後對其熱安定性之影響

尤圓圓 林美貞國立屏東科技大學動物科學與畜產系

台灣夏季羊乳供過於求,羊乳因熱安定性差無法應用超高溫瞬間(ultra-high temperature, UHT)滅菌法製成保久羊乳延長保存期限。故本研究探討添加安定劑(stabilizer)增加羊乳之熱安

定性,製成保久羊乳,以期於冬季時製成羊乳加工產品。試驗中生羊乳添加 0.05-0.11%混合

磷酸鈉(blend of sodium phosphates, Na)及混合鈉鉀磷酸鹽(blend of sodium and potassium phosphates, Sp),使用高壓滅菌釜模擬 UHT 條件(135℃, 4 s)進行滅菌,以探討羊乳之熱

安定性,並擬將最適添加比例之安定劑應用於 UHT 保久羊乳。試驗結果顯示,羊乳之pH值


下降之趨勢。於羊乳中添加 0.05-0.09% Na 及 Sp 組別經加熱處理後皆無產生凝固之現象,

其中以添加 0.08-0.09% Na 及 Sp 組別之沉澱物含量顯著低於其他組別,加熱後沉澱物含量

越低表示其熱安定性愈佳且穩定;未添加安定劑羊乳與添加 0.10-0.11% Na 及 Sp 組別則於

加熱後皆有凝固之現象。綜合上述,於羊乳中添加 0.08-0.09% Na 及 Sp 為製成高壓滅菌羊



Addition of stabilizers on heat stability of autoclave-sterilized goat milk

Y. Y. Yuan and M. J. Lin Department of Animal Science, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

Low heat stability of goat milk limited the application of ultra-high temperature (UHT) sterilization on producing sterilized UHT goat milk from excess goat milk in summer for producing goat dairy products in winter in Taiwan. Therefore, this study aimed to add stabilizers in goat milk to increase the heat stability for producing UHT sterilized goat milk preserved for making goat dairy products in winter. The amounts of 0.05-0.11% blend of sodium phosphates (Na) and blend of sodium and potassium phosphates (Sp) were added in raw goat milk before sterilization using autoclave at 135 4 sec to investigate the optimal a℃ ddition of stabilizers addition. Results showed that pH and ethanol stability increased but ion calcium concentration decreased while the amount of stabilizers in goat milk increased. After autoclave treatment, no coagulation was found in sample with both 0.05-0.09% Na and Sp additions. Sediment contents of the addition of both 0.08-0.09% Na and Sp were significantly lower than other treatments, which indicated higher heat stability and more stable. Goat milk without stabilizers addition and with 0.10-0.11% Na and Sp additions were coagulated after autoclave treatment. In summary, the optimum addition levels of stabilizers Na and Sp in goat milk for 135 4 sec autoclave treatment was 0.08℃ -0.09%.

Key Words: Goat milk, Heat stability, Sediment

Page 31: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 109

30. 添加安定劑於羊乳中經高壓滅菌釜滅菌後對其熱安定性之影響

尤圓圓 林美貞國立屏東科技大學動物科學與畜產系

台灣夏季羊乳供過於求,羊乳因熱安定性差無法應用超高溫瞬間(ultra-high temperature, UHT)滅菌法製成保久羊乳延長保存期限。故本研究探討添加安定劑(stabilizer)增加羊乳之熱安

定性,製成保久羊乳,以期於冬季時製成羊乳加工產品。試驗中生羊乳添加 0.05-0.11%混合

磷酸鈉(blend of sodium phosphates, Na)及混合鈉鉀磷酸鹽(blend of sodium and potassium phosphates, Sp),使用高壓滅菌釜模擬 UHT 條件(135℃, 4 s)進行滅菌,以探討羊乳之熱

安定性,並擬將最適添加比例之安定劑應用於 UHT 保久羊乳。試驗結果顯示,羊乳之pH值


下降之趨勢。於羊乳中添加 0.05-0.09% Na 及 Sp 組別經加熱處理後皆無產生凝固之現象,

其中以添加 0.08-0.09% Na 及 Sp 組別之沉澱物含量顯著低於其他組別,加熱後沉澱物含量

越低表示其熱安定性愈佳且穩定;未添加安定劑羊乳與添加 0.10-0.11% Na 及 Sp 組別則於

加熱後皆有凝固之現象。綜合上述,於羊乳中添加 0.08-0.09% Na 及 Sp 為製成高壓滅菌羊



Addition of stabilizers on heat stability of autoclave-sterilized goat milk

Y. Y. Yuan and M. J. Lin Department of Animal Science, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

Low heat stability of goat milk limited the application of ultra-high temperature (UHT) sterilization on producing sterilized UHT goat milk from excess goat milk in summer for producing goat dairy products in winter in Taiwan. Therefore, this study aimed to add stabilizers in goat milk to increase the heat stability for producing UHT sterilized goat milk preserved for making goat dairy products in winter. The amounts of 0.05-0.11% blend of sodium phosphates (Na) and blend of sodium and potassium phosphates (Sp) were added in raw goat milk before sterilization using autoclave at 135 4 sec to investigate the optimal a℃ ddition of stabilizers addition. Results showed that pH and ethanol stability increased but ion calcium concentration decreased while the amount of stabilizers in goat milk increased. After autoclave treatment, no coagulation was found in sample with both 0.05-0.09% Na and Sp additions. Sediment contents of the addition of both 0.08-0.09% Na and Sp were significantly lower than other treatments, which indicated higher heat stability and more stable. Goat milk without stabilizers addition and with 0.10-0.11% Na and Sp additions were coagulated after autoclave treatment. In summary, the optimum addition levels of stabilizers Na and Sp in goat milk for 135 4 sec autoclave treatment was 0.08℃ -0.09%.

Key Words: Goat milk, Heat stability, Sediment

31. 高蛋白質骨骼強健發酵乳之開發

黃琬淳 李欣樺 王聖耀 陳明汝






規格每份 250 毫升,經過營養成分分析,每 100 毫升熱量為 73 大卡、蛋白質為 4.1 克。





Development of a novel high protein yogurt drink with bone strength effect

W. C. Huang, H. H. Lee, S. Y. Wang and M. J. Chen

Department of Animal Science and Technology, National Taiwan University

In this study, we aim to develop a kind of milk product that could prevent the elderly from

osteoarthritis and sarcopenia. Glucosamine and whey protein was added in the milk product which

was full of calcium. Due to the fact that the flavor of glucosamine was not so well, we used

microcapsule technique to fix this problem. The microcapsules were made of gellan gum and

sodium alginate. Different from the general calcium chloride capsulation solution which would

become a waste problem, we used yogurt drink instead. The volume of our product is 250mL. Per

100 mL of the product contains 73 calories of energy and 4.1g of protein. The result of the duo-trio

test showed that even the glucosamine microcapsule was broken by chewing it, the flavor of the

product did not have significantly differences. In addition, chewing microcapsules could have

positive effects on the teeth of the elderly. Our product is very creative because there is no such

functional product in the market now, so we think that it has a lot of potential and value.

Key Words: Glucosamine, Microcapsule, Whey protein, Yogurt drink

Page 32: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016110

32. 水禽羽毛角蛋白之萃取與特性探討

陳雪羚 王翰聰中國文化大學動物科學系

本研究旨在釐清水禽羽毛部位及脂質對角蛋白水解生產程序之影響,以尋求其於角蛋白生產利用之前處理需求。不同含脂率的水禽羽毛以 0.5% 商用清潔劑進行洗滌,另比較外加 0.5% 商用脂肪酶(Lipolase 100L)對羽毛脂肪移除的效果。結果顯示,高脂(含脂率高於 3%)與低脂水禽羽毛(含脂率低於 1.0%)於洗滌流程外加脂肪酶可提升脂肪移除率,而羽毛含脂率降至 1%以下方能降低對角蛋白萃取的干擾。本試驗另將水禽羽毛分做羽枝及羽軸,同時比較脫脂與否對萃取角蛋白程序的影響。結果顯示羽枝溶解率較羽軸為高,而脫脂能增進羽軸溶解率(74% 提升至 91%)。萃取之角蛋白溶液續以透析袋、中空纖維膜及離心濃縮管分別進行脫鹽濃縮,成品經膠體過濾管柱純化,再以蛋白質膠體電泳分析。所測得之蛋白質分子量集中於 10 kDa 上下,而大於 100 kDa 之分子較常出現於羽軸樣品,脫脂與否於蛋白質分子量分佈無顯著差異,使用濃縮管與其他脫鹽方法相比,所獲之大分子蛋白質出現率較低。本研究顯示以化學法萃取角蛋白時,脫脂有助於提升羽毛溶解率,而採用不同水禽羽毛部位及脫鹽程序會影響獲取之蛋白質分子量。


The extraction and property investigation of feather keratin from waterfowls

S. S. Chen and H. T. Wang Department of Animal Science, Chinese Culture University

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different segments and fat contents of waterfowl feathers on preparation of keratin hydrolysate to establish its pretreating requirements. Waterfowl feathers containing different levels of fat were washed by a commercial detergent of 0.5%, and were treated with an addition of 0.5% commercial lipase (Lipolase 100L) in comparison. Results showed that the inclusion of commercial lipase during washing could enhance the removal of fat contents for both high-fat (fat > 3%) and low-fat (fat < 1.0%) feathers. Fat content should be lower than 1% to reduce its interference in keratin extraction. Waterfowl feathers were divided into barbs and quills and applied with or without defatting procedures prior to chemical extraction. The extraction results indicated that the dissolving rate of feather barbs were higher than quills. Defatting improved the dissolving rate of quills from 74% to 91%. The obtained keratin solution was further desalted by tubular membrane, hollow fiber or centrifugal filter. Samples were then purified by fast protein liquid chromatography and analyzed by gel electrophoresis. Proteins from waterfowl feathers mainly possessed a molecular weight around 10 kDa, while protein mass above 100 kDa appeared mostly in quills. Defatting pretreatment showed no effect on the distribution of protein mass. In addition, larger mass proteins were frequently absent from samples achieved by centrifugal filters compared to other desalting methods. In conclusion, the defatting pretreatment could enhance the dissolving rate of waterfowl feather in process of keratin extraction. Different feather segments and desalting methods also altered the properties of keratin obtained from waterfowl feathers.

Key Words: Defatting, Keratin, Waterfowl feathers

Page 33: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 111

32. 水禽羽毛角蛋白之萃取與特性探討

陳雪羚 王翰聰中國文化大學動物科學系

本研究旨在釐清水禽羽毛部位及脂質對角蛋白水解生產程序之影響,以尋求其於角蛋白生產利用之前處理需求。不同含脂率的水禽羽毛以 0.5% 商用清潔劑進行洗滌,另比較外加 0.5% 商用脂肪酶(Lipolase 100L)對羽毛脂肪移除的效果。結果顯示,高脂(含脂率高於 3%)與低脂水禽羽毛(含脂率低於 1.0%)於洗滌流程外加脂肪酶可提升脂肪移除率,而羽毛含脂率降至 1%以下方能降低對角蛋白萃取的干擾。本試驗另將水禽羽毛分做羽枝及羽軸,同時比較脫脂與否對萃取角蛋白程序的影響。結果顯示羽枝溶解率較羽軸為高,而脫脂能增進羽軸溶解率(74% 提升至 91%)。萃取之角蛋白溶液續以透析袋、中空纖維膜及離心濃縮管分別進行脫鹽濃縮,成品經膠體過濾管柱純化,再以蛋白質膠體電泳分析。所測得之蛋白質分子量集中於 10 kDa 上下,而大於 100 kDa 之分子較常出現於羽軸樣品,脫脂與否於蛋白質分子量分佈無顯著差異,使用濃縮管與其他脫鹽方法相比,所獲之大分子蛋白質出現率較低。本研究顯示以化學法萃取角蛋白時,脫脂有助於提升羽毛溶解率,而採用不同水禽羽毛部位及脫鹽程序會影響獲取之蛋白質分子量。


The extraction and property investigation of feather keratin from waterfowls

S. S. Chen and H. T. Wang Department of Animal Science, Chinese Culture University

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different segments and fat contents of waterfowl feathers on preparation of keratin hydrolysate to establish its pretreating requirements. Waterfowl feathers containing different levels of fat were washed by a commercial detergent of 0.5%, and were treated with an addition of 0.5% commercial lipase (Lipolase 100L) in comparison. Results showed that the inclusion of commercial lipase during washing could enhance the removal of fat contents for both high-fat (fat > 3%) and low-fat (fat < 1.0%) feathers. Fat content should be lower than 1% to reduce its interference in keratin extraction. Waterfowl feathers were divided into barbs and quills and applied with or without defatting procedures prior to chemical extraction. The extraction results indicated that the dissolving rate of feather barbs were higher than quills. Defatting improved the dissolving rate of quills from 74% to 91%. The obtained keratin solution was further desalted by tubular membrane, hollow fiber or centrifugal filter. Samples were then purified by fast protein liquid chromatography and analyzed by gel electrophoresis. Proteins from waterfowl feathers mainly possessed a molecular weight around 10 kDa, while protein mass above 100 kDa appeared mostly in quills. Defatting pretreatment showed no effect on the distribution of protein mass. In addition, larger mass proteins were frequently absent from samples achieved by centrifugal filters compared to other desalting methods. In conclusion, the defatting pretreatment could enhance the dissolving rate of waterfowl feather in process of keratin extraction. Different feather segments and desalting methods also altered the properties of keratin obtained from waterfowl feathers.

Key Words: Defatting, Keratin, Waterfowl feathers

33. 飼糧中脂質來源對離乳仔豬生長成績的影響

吳昇修 吳惠如 翁瑞奇


本研究之目的乃在探討離乳仔豬飼糧中採用大豆油、豬油或混成油作為乳脂肪中油酸替代來源時對其生長成績的影響。平均體重 7.9+1.36 公斤離乳仔豬 96 頭逢機分配到四個餵飼處理組,每個處理組有 3 個重複欄,每個重複欄圈養 8 頭 28~30 日齡離乳仔豬。餵飼處理組分別為:處理一:外加 6% 豬油組(9L),處理二:外加 6% 大豆油組(9S),處理三:9L 及9S 以等重量混合(9L + 9S),處理四:9L 及 9S 分別放置於同欄內兩只飼料桶(9L/9S)。基礎飼糧採用玉米及脫殼大豆粕為主要原料,依試驗設計將不同油脂添加到基礎飼糧中,所有飼糧均不使用任何動物性蛋白質原料。試驗維持四週,試驗結束後將所有資料進行統計分析比較仔豬攝食量、體增重、不同脂肪喜好性、飼料利用效率等生長成績。結果顯示豬隻結束時體重依處理順序分別為 16.59、15.20、16.49 及 15.74 公斤(P = 0.037);飼料轉換率分別為 1.65、1.79、1.69、1.78(P < 0.05)。單純餵飼豬油組的體增重最多飼料轉換率最佳,很可能因為豬油的油酸含量較接近乳脂肪的油酸含量而且能量濃度也比大豆油高。綜合以上結果,仔豬離乳時會依照離乳前採食經驗來選擇離乳後脂肪需求量及類別。


Effect of dietary fat sources on performance of piglets at weaning

S. H. Wu, H. R. Wu and R. C. Weng Department of Animal Science, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the interplay of dietary lipid sources and feeding regime in the transition from sow milk to solid food of abruptly weaned piglets. 96 weaned piglets with an average of 7.9+1.36 kg initial body weight were randomly allocated to four feeding treatments; each treatment has 3 repeats of 8 piglets per pen. Treatment 1: Lard was added at 6% level to a 3% crude fat corn-soybean meal basal diet (9L). Treatment 2: Soybean oil was added at 6% level to a 3% crude fat corn-soybean meal basal diet (9S). Treatment 3: 9L and 9S were mixed together in a 1:1 ratio and the mixture was offered ad libitum from two separate troughs. Treatment 4: Simultaneously presentation of 9L and 9S separately in two individual troughs in a pen. None of the diets use any animal protein origin protein. The experiment lasts for four weeks. Results show that average body weight were 16.59, 15.20, 16.49 and 15.74 kg (P = 0.037), feed conversion ratio was 1.65, 1.79, 1.69, 1.78 (P < 0.05). 9L piglets tended to have the heaviest body weight and the best feed conversion ratio. These may probably because of the oleic acid contenting ratio of lard is similar to that of sow milk fat and Lard has higher energy density than soybean oil. In summary, piglets can select and adjust suitable lipid sources. After abrupt weaning, they still have dependence on high oleic acid lipids as found in sow milk.

Key Words: Dietary fat, Performance, Piglet, Weaning

Page 34: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016112

34. 飼糧中纖維來源對母豬繁殖成績之影響

蔡旺修 吳惠如 翁瑞奇



豬生長成績的影響。32 頭經產母豬逢機分配到二個飼料處理組。處理一:使用麩皮,處理二:

使用大豆殼調製成懷孕期及哺乳期飼糧;懷孕期麩皮或大豆殼添加量為 20%,哺乳期添加量

為 12.5%。懷孕期飼糧均調節成 16% CP,3300 Kcal DE/Kg,0.8% Lys;哺乳期飼糧均調節

成 17.5% CP,3400 Kcal DE/Kg,0.9% Lys。仔豬出生後各組調節成每窩 10 頭並於 29 日齡

時離乳。麩皮組的仔豬平均窩仔數及出生窩重分別為 11.25 頭及 14.64 公斤遠低於豆殼組的

13.43 頭及 18.07 公斤(P < 0.05)。哺乳期間,麩皮組母豬平均每日只攝取 3.83 公斤哺乳

期飼糧,豆殼組的母豬平均每日攝取 4.7 公斤哺乳期飼糧(P < 0.05);哺乳期間麩皮組的母

豬平均損失 1.5公 厘背脂肪厚度,豆殼組的母豬平均損失 2.33 公釐的背脂肪厚度。調節後,

豆殼組仔豬平均離乳體重 7.04 公斤,麩皮組仔豬平均離乳體重 6.41 公斤(P < 0.05)。綜合



Effect of dietary fiber on sow reproduction performances

W. H. Tsai, H. R. Wu and R. C. Weng Department of Animal Science, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

The purpose of this study was to explore the impact on reproduction performance as a sow dietary

fiber source used wheat bran or soyba hulls. 32 sows were randomly allocated to two dietary

treatments. Treatment 1 was using wheat bran and treatment 2 was using soya hulls as the dietary

fiber to formulate diets during pregnancy and lactation. The dosing ratios were 20 % in pregnancy

diets and 12.5% in lactation diets. Pregnancy diets were adjusted to 16% CP, 3300 Kcal DE / Kg,

0.8% Lys and lactation diets were adjusted to 17.5% CP, 3400 Kcal DE / Kg, 0.9% Lys. After birth,

litter sizes were adjusted to 10 piglets and were weaned at 29 days old. The wheat bran sows had an

average litter size of 11.25 piglets and 14.64 kg at farrowing, which were much lower than the soya

hulls sows had 13.43 piglets and 18.07 kg (P < 0.05). During lactation, wheat bran sows had an

average daily feed intake of 3.83 kg, but soya hulls sows had an average daily feed intake of 4.7 kg

(P < 0.05). After adjustment, soya hulls piglets were weaned with 7.04 kg, which were heavier than

wheat bran piglets with 6.41 (P < 0.05). In conclusion, soya hulls could be used as one of the diet

fiber sources for pregnant and lactating sows.

Key Words: Fiber, Reproduction performance, Sow

Page 35: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 113

34. 飼糧中纖維來源對母豬繁殖成績之影響

蔡旺修 吳惠如 翁瑞奇



豬生長成績的影響。32 頭經產母豬逢機分配到二個飼料處理組。處理一:使用麩皮,處理二:

使用大豆殼調製成懷孕期及哺乳期飼糧;懷孕期麩皮或大豆殼添加量為 20%,哺乳期添加量

為 12.5%。懷孕期飼糧均調節成 16% CP,3300 Kcal DE/Kg,0.8% Lys;哺乳期飼糧均調節

成 17.5% CP,3400 Kcal DE/Kg,0.9% Lys。仔豬出生後各組調節成每窩 10 頭並於 29 日齡

時離乳。麩皮組的仔豬平均窩仔數及出生窩重分別為 11.25 頭及 14.64 公斤遠低於豆殼組的

13.43 頭及 18.07 公斤(P < 0.05)。哺乳期間,麩皮組母豬平均每日只攝取 3.83 公斤哺乳

期飼糧,豆殼組的母豬平均每日攝取 4.7 公斤哺乳期飼糧(P < 0.05);哺乳期間麩皮組的母

豬平均損失 1.5公 厘背脂肪厚度,豆殼組的母豬平均損失 2.33 公釐的背脂肪厚度。調節後,

豆殼組仔豬平均離乳體重 7.04 公斤,麩皮組仔豬平均離乳體重 6.41 公斤(P < 0.05)。綜合



Effect of dietary fiber on sow reproduction performances

W. H. Tsai, H. R. Wu and R. C. Weng Department of Animal Science, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

The purpose of this study was to explore the impact on reproduction performance as a sow dietary

fiber source used wheat bran or soyba hulls. 32 sows were randomly allocated to two dietary

treatments. Treatment 1 was using wheat bran and treatment 2 was using soya hulls as the dietary

fiber to formulate diets during pregnancy and lactation. The dosing ratios were 20 % in pregnancy

diets and 12.5% in lactation diets. Pregnancy diets were adjusted to 16% CP, 3300 Kcal DE / Kg,

0.8% Lys and lactation diets were adjusted to 17.5% CP, 3400 Kcal DE / Kg, 0.9% Lys. After birth,

litter sizes were adjusted to 10 piglets and were weaned at 29 days old. The wheat bran sows had an

average litter size of 11.25 piglets and 14.64 kg at farrowing, which were much lower than the soya

hulls sows had 13.43 piglets and 18.07 kg (P < 0.05). During lactation, wheat bran sows had an

average daily feed intake of 3.83 kg, but soya hulls sows had an average daily feed intake of 4.7 kg

(P < 0.05). After adjustment, soya hulls piglets were weaned with 7.04 kg, which were heavier than

wheat bran piglets with 6.41 (P < 0.05). In conclusion, soya hulls could be used as one of the diet

fiber sources for pregnant and lactating sows.

Key Words: Fiber, Reproduction performance, Sow

35. 臺灣綠蜂膠對間質幹細胞分化為脂肪細胞之影響

陳映朱 乃育昕 陳裕文 游玉祥




液誘導分化 2 天,再以含有臺灣綠蜂膠和胰島素之生長培養液處理 2 天,隨後用一般生長

培養液處理 4 天,每處理組 3 重複,分化結束後,測定細胞內脂肪油滴含量、葡萄糖代謝

與脂肪細胞分化標的基因之 mRNA 表現量。結果顯示:小鼠間質幹細胞在分化為脂肪細胞

過程中,臺灣綠蜂膠的添加能顯著促進細胞內脂肪油滴含量(P < 0.05)。基因表現方面,臺

灣綠蜂膠顯著提升葡萄糖代謝與脂肪細胞分化標的基因之 mRNA 表現量(P < 0.05)。試驗




The effects of Taiwan green propolis on adipogenesis of mesenchymal stem cells

Y. C. Chen, Y. S. Nai, Y. W. Chen and Y. H. Yu Department of Biotechnology and Animal Science, National Ilan University

The purpose of this experiment was to determine the effects of Taiwan green propolis on adipogenesis of mesenchymal stem cells and evaluate the potential of Taiwan green propolis on lipid metabolism in animals. Confluent mouse mesenchymal stem cells (C3H10T1/2) were treated with adipogenic induction medium containing Taiwan green propolis for 2 days. After 2 days, the cells were maintained in growth medium containing Taiwan green propolis and insulin. Two days later, cells were cultured in growth medium for 4 day with a medium change every 2 day. There were three replicates in each treatment. After 8 day of culture, cells on the plates were stained with Oil-Red O to measure the degree of adipocyte differentiation. Cellular RNA was extracted to determine the mRNA concentrations for several genes, including glucose metabolism and adipogenic marker genes. The results showed that Taiwan green propolis significantly enhanced adipocyte differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells after 8-day adipogenic induction, which was accompanied by an increase in intracellular triglyceride content (P < 0.05), glucose metabolism (P< 0.05) and adipogenic marker gene expression (P < 0.05). The results showed that Taiwan green propolis promotes adipocyte differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells and may has a potential to regulate lipid metabolism in vivo.

Key Words: Adipocytes differentiation, Mesenchymal stem cells, Taiwan green propolis

Page 36: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016114

36. 發酵肉骨粉對生長豬生長性狀之影響

李越勝 王政偉 姜柏丞 吳鎮佑 陳國隆



長性狀是否有改善效果。於環境中篩選分解肉骨粉表現最佳之菌株共 5 株,並對肉骨粉進行

好氧固態發酵 2 天,菌數達 109 以上。於雞隻生長表現上最佳肉骨粉菌株為 Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Da16(Da16),再以好氧發酵 1 天製成發酵肉骨粉,添加於生長豬飼糧中。

將 120 隻體重 34 kg 生長豬公母各半,逢機分置於:飼糧中添加 0%、2.5% 納豆酵母粉及

分別取代 25、50 及 75% 納豆酵母粉之發酵肉骨粉處理組中,每處理三重複,飼料及飲水

採任食。結果顯示,在飼養 44 天後各處理組間採食量、體增重及飼料轉換率均無顯著差異

( P > 0.05),但以發酵肉骨粉取代 75% 納豆酵母粉之處理組,其體增重及飼料轉換率較對

照組分別改善 7 及 6%。且發酵肉骨粉成本較納豆酵母粉低,故極具實際應用於畜牧業之潛

力。綜上所述,生長豬飼糧中添加發酵肉骨粉可部分取代納豆酵母粉。 關鍵語:發酵肉骨粉、生長豬、納豆酵母粉

Effects of meat and bone meal on the growth performance of growing pigs

Y. S. Lee, C. W. Wang, B. C. Jiang, J. Y. Wu and K. L. Chen Department of Animal Science, Chia Yi University

The purpose of this study was to investigate replacing natto yeast meal by probiotic fermented meat and bone meal to improvement the growth performance of growing pigs. Totally the best five of Bacillus strains were screened by the performance on breaking down meat and bone meal in the environment. The meat and bone meal was aerobic solid fermented by the Bacillus strains for two days, and its colony-forming unit were over than 109. The best strain on chicken growth performance was Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Da16 ( Da16 ). The fermented meat and bone meal was made by aerobic fermentation for one day and added into growing pig feed. One hundred and twenty 34kg growing pigs were randomly assigned into five treatments: added with 0, 2.5% natto yeast meal and meat and bone meal treatments which were respectively replacing 25, 50, 75% natto yeast meal. Each treatment had 3 replicates. Feed and water were provided ad libitum. After 44 days experimental feeding, the results showed that there was no significant difference (P > 0.05) for weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion rate in treatments, while weight gain and feed conversion rate were 7 and 6% improving in the 75% replacing treatment compared with the control treatment, respectively. The cost of meat and bone meal was lower than natto yeast meal, having the potentially applicability in animal husbandry. In summary, the diets supplemented with fermented meat and bone meal could partly replace natto yeast meat in growing pig diets. Key Words: Fermented meat and bone, Growth performance, Natto yeast meat

Page 37: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 115

36. 發酵肉骨粉對生長豬生長性狀之影響

李越勝 王政偉 姜柏丞 吳鎮佑 陳國隆



長性狀是否有改善效果。於環境中篩選分解肉骨粉表現最佳之菌株共 5 株,並對肉骨粉進行

好氧固態發酵 2 天,菌數達 109 以上。於雞隻生長表現上最佳肉骨粉菌株為 Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Da16(Da16),再以好氧發酵 1 天製成發酵肉骨粉,添加於生長豬飼糧中。

將 120 隻體重 34 kg 生長豬公母各半,逢機分置於:飼糧中添加 0%、2.5% 納豆酵母粉及

分別取代 25、50 及 75% 納豆酵母粉之發酵肉骨粉處理組中,每處理三重複,飼料及飲水

採任食。結果顯示,在飼養 44 天後各處理組間採食量、體增重及飼料轉換率均無顯著差異

( P > 0.05),但以發酵肉骨粉取代 75% 納豆酵母粉之處理組,其體增重及飼料轉換率較對

照組分別改善 7 及 6%。且發酵肉骨粉成本較納豆酵母粉低,故極具實際應用於畜牧業之潛

力。綜上所述,生長豬飼糧中添加發酵肉骨粉可部分取代納豆酵母粉。 關鍵語:發酵肉骨粉、生長豬、納豆酵母粉

Effects of meat and bone meal on the growth performance of growing pigs

Y. S. Lee, C. W. Wang, B. C. Jiang, J. Y. Wu and K. L. Chen Department of Animal Science, Chia Yi University

The purpose of this study was to investigate replacing natto yeast meal by probiotic fermented meat and bone meal to improvement the growth performance of growing pigs. Totally the best five of Bacillus strains were screened by the performance on breaking down meat and bone meal in the environment. The meat and bone meal was aerobic solid fermented by the Bacillus strains for two days, and its colony-forming unit were over than 109. The best strain on chicken growth performance was Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Da16 ( Da16 ). The fermented meat and bone meal was made by aerobic fermentation for one day and added into growing pig feed. One hundred and twenty 34kg growing pigs were randomly assigned into five treatments: added with 0, 2.5% natto yeast meal and meat and bone meal treatments which were respectively replacing 25, 50, 75% natto yeast meal. Each treatment had 3 replicates. Feed and water were provided ad libitum. After 44 days experimental feeding, the results showed that there was no significant difference (P > 0.05) for weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion rate in treatments, while weight gain and feed conversion rate were 7 and 6% improving in the 75% replacing treatment compared with the control treatment, respectively. The cost of meat and bone meal was lower than natto yeast meal, having the potentially applicability in animal husbandry. In summary, the diets supplemented with fermented meat and bone meal could partly replace natto yeast meat in growing pig diets. Key Words: Fermented meat and bone, Growth performance, Natto yeast meat

37. 添加半胱胺對白肉雞生長性能和屠體品質之影響

胥欣霖 張灃礬 陳映朱 雷怡倩 李德南國立宜蘭大學生物技術與動物科學系

本試驗旨在探討飼料中添加半胱胺對白肉雞生長性能和屠體品質之影響。使用 160 隻商用白肉雞,以 2 × 2 複因子試驗設計進行試驗:處理分為性別(公雞和母雞)及有無添加半胱胺(D 0-24 60 mg/kg; D25-36 90 mg/kg)。每處理組重複 2 欄,每欄 20 隻。試驗共為 38 天,期間飼料與水均予任食,每 12 天更換一期飼料、秤取每欄體重及飼料採食量。試驗結束時,每欄逢機選取 2 隻雞,測定屠體品質及胸肌纖維直徑。結果顯示,飼糧添加半胱胺較對照組公雞和母雞體增重分別增加 30 和 22%(P < 0.01),且公雞體增重較母雞高。添加半胱胺於 0-24 天的飼料採食量顯著高於對照組(P < 0.01),但於 25-38 天期間沒有顯著差異,統合 0-38 天期間,半胱胺較對照組母雞和公雞之飼料採食量分別增加 23 和 30%。飼料處理與性別不影響全期之飼料效率(P > 0.05),其值約在 0.63-0.67 間。飼料處理顯著影響屠體胸肉率,其中添加半胱胺之母雞胸肉率較對照組提高 4.8%;而在公雞胸肉率則提高 1.6%。公雞較母雞分別提高屠宰率及降低腹脂率(P < 0.05),但不受飼料處理影響(P > 0.05)。飼料及性別皆顯著影響胸肌纖維直徑(P < 0.05),其中添加半胱胺的母雞胸肌纖維直徑較對照組提高 42%;而對公雞之胸肌纖維直徑則提高 60%。總結說明,添加半胱胺對公雞和母雞均可提升體增重及採食量,亦可經提升胸肌纖維直徑而增加胸肉率。 關鍵語:白肉雞、半胱胺、生長性能

Diet supplemented with cysteamine enhances the growth performance, and carcass quality of broilers

H. L. Hsu, F. F. Chang, I. C. Chen, Y. C. Lei and D. N. Lee Department of Biotechnology and Animal Science, National Ilan University

One-hundred and sixty broiler chicks were randomly allocated into a 2 × 2 factorial experiment with 2 replicates to determine the effects of diet supplemented with cysteamine (Cys) on the growth performance and carcass quality. The factors under study were the gender and supplementation (or absence) of Cys (60 mg/kg in day 0-24, and 90 mg/kg in day 25-38, respectively) in the diets. During the experimental period (38 days), feed and water were supplied ad libitum; feed was changed and body weight and feed intake per pen were weighed in every 12-14 days. Carcass characteristics and breast fiber diameter of 4 broilers in each treatment were measured. The results revealed that Cys supplementation increased (P < 0.01) average body gain by 30 and 22% in male and female chick, respectively. Diet supplemented with Cys increased (P < 0.01) during day 0-24, but no differences in day 25-38. In day 0-38, Cys supplementation increased the feed intake in male and female chick by 23 and 30%, respectively. In whole period the feed and sex were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in feed efficiency. The percentage of breast meat in Cys supplementation group was higher (P < 0.05) than that of control group, which increased 1.6 and 4.8% in the male and female groups. The percentage of carcass dressing in male was significantly higher than the female and the contrary gender effect in abdominal fat (P < 0.05). However, the percentage of carcass dressing and abdominal fat were not affected by Cys supplementation. The breast fiber diameter in diet with Cys group was higher than that of control group, which increased 42 and 60% in male and female, respectively. In conclusion, the diet with Cys could increase weight gain and feed intake, and consequently elevate the percentage of breast meat and muscle fiber diameter.

Key Words: Broilers, Cysteamine, Growth performance

Page 38: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016116

38. 臺灣水鹿粒線體遺傳結構與歷史族群動態研究

黃詩婷 李冠逸 朱有田




鹿粒線體 D-loop 序列之多型性,研究過去氣候變遷與地景因子對於水鹿遺傳結構與歷史族

群動態的影響。結果發現臺灣水鹿 D-loop 序列之親緣關係主要分為兩個遺傳類群,其單套







The study of the mitochondrial D-loop DNA sequences and the historical demography of Formosan sambar deer

S. T. Huang, K. Y. Li and Y. T. Ju Department of Animal Science and Technology, National Taiwan University

Taiwan’s diverse terrain and climate have leant themselves to an ideal model for animal genetic

structure study, which is influenced by the interaction of climate oscillations and topography factors.

Formosan sambar generally inhabits in intermediate-high altitude with seasonal vertical migration.

The polymorphism of mitochondrial D-loop DNA sequences was applied to study past

environmental factors which have shaped the genetic structure and historical demography of the

deer. Two major clades, highly agreed with latitudinal gradients inhabit. Isolation by distances

analysis shows the distance isolation is not the major factor causes of differentiation between the

two clades. However, the interaction of climate oscillation and the topography formed the barrier of

gene exchange during ice age, which leads to genetic differentiation of Formosan sambar. This

study provides an example of climate oscillation and topographical factor interaction modeling

large mammals in Taiwan. Further, the obtained genetic information in this study can serve as the

basis for the genetic tracing of Formosan sambar.

Key Words: Formosa sambar deer, Phylogeography

Page 39: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 117

38. 臺灣水鹿粒線體遺傳結構與歷史族群動態研究

黃詩婷 李冠逸 朱有田




鹿粒線體 D-loop 序列之多型性,研究過去氣候變遷與地景因子對於水鹿遺傳結構與歷史族

群動態的影響。結果發現臺灣水鹿 D-loop 序列之親緣關係主要分為兩個遺傳類群,其單套







The study of the mitochondrial D-loop DNA sequences and the historical demography of Formosan sambar deer

S. T. Huang, K. Y. Li and Y. T. Ju Department of Animal Science and Technology, National Taiwan University

Taiwan’s diverse terrain and climate have leant themselves to an ideal model for animal genetic

structure study, which is influenced by the interaction of climate oscillations and topography factors.

Formosan sambar generally inhabits in intermediate-high altitude with seasonal vertical migration.

The polymorphism of mitochondrial D-loop DNA sequences was applied to study past

environmental factors which have shaped the genetic structure and historical demography of the

deer. Two major clades, highly agreed with latitudinal gradients inhabit. Isolation by distances

analysis shows the distance isolation is not the major factor causes of differentiation between the

two clades. However, the interaction of climate oscillation and the topography formed the barrier of

gene exchange during ice age, which leads to genetic differentiation of Formosan sambar. This

study provides an example of climate oscillation and topographical factor interaction modeling

large mammals in Taiwan. Further, the obtained genetic information in this study can serve as the

basis for the genetic tracing of Formosan sambar.

Key Words: Formosa sambar deer, Phylogeography

39. 臺灣綠蜂膠延緩豬卵母細胞老化之可行性

葉俞函 柯翊淳 陳昊群 熊俐伃 陳裕文 陳銘正 國立宜蘭大學生物技術與動物科學系

本試驗之目的乃是應用豬卵母細胞體外培養系統探討台灣綠蜂膠延緩豬卵母細胞老化之可行性,試驗中以延長成熟培養時間模擬卵母細胞之老化。試驗一將豬卵丘卵母細胞複合體(cumulus oocyte complexes, COCs)分別成熟培養 46 小時(對照組)、54 小時(延長培養 8 小時)、62 小時(延長培養 16 小時)、70 小時(延長培養 24 小時)及 94 小時(延長培養48 小時)。結果顯示,四組延長培養時間卵母細胞之存活率及核成熟率皆無顯著差異;延長培養 48 小時者有自發致活現象。惟延長培養 16 小時以上之卵母細胞,其氧化活性物質(Reactive oxygen species, ROS)含量顯著高於對照組,且經電激活後之激活率與卵裂率皆顯著低於對照組。試驗二將 COCs 分別培養於含 0 µg/ml(0 X)、1 µg/ml(1 X)、10 µg/ml (10 X)、25 µg/ml(25 X)綠蜂膠之成熟培養液中培養 62 小時。結果顯示,1X 濃度之綠蜂膠可降低 ROS 含量,然而,10 X 以上濃度之綠蜂膠會增加 ROS 含量。綜上所述,延長培養 16 小時不影響卵母細胞存活率及成熟率,但會降低卵母細胞激活率及卵裂率,並增加細胞內ROS 含量;適當濃度之綠蜂膠可有效降低卵母細胞內 ROS 含量,但對其後續發育能力之影響仍待進一步之探討。


The possibility of Taiwanese green propolis protect porcine oocyte anti-aging

Y. H. Yeh, Y. C. Ko, H. C. Chen, L. Y. Hsiung, I. W. Chen and M. C. Chen Department of Biotechnology and Animal Science, National Ilan University

The object of this experiment was to evaluate the possibility of Taiwanese green propolis protect porcine oocyte anti-aging following in vitro culture. We imitated oocyte aging by extending culture time. In experiment 1, cumulus oocyte complexes (COCs) were cultured in maturation medium for 46 h (control)、54 h(extended culture for 8 h)、62 h(extended culture for 16 h)、70 h(extended culture for 24 h) and 94 h (extended culture for 48 h). The results showed that the viability and maturation rate of four extended groups were similar to the control oocytes. Furthermore, the oocytes which extended culture for 48 h would lead to spontaneously parthenogenetic activation. The reactive oxygen species (ROS) contents of oocytes cultured for more than 16 h were significantly higher than the control group. Beside, after the parthenogenetic activation, the activation and cleavage rates of porcine oocytes were significantly lower than the control group. In experiment 2, COCs were cultured in maturation medium supplemented with 0 µg/ml(0X)、1 µg/ml (1X)、10 µg/ml (10X)、25 µg/ml (25X) propolis. The results showed that the ROS content was significantly reduced by 1X proplis. However, the ROS content was increased by the concentration more than 10X propolics. In conclusion, the porcine oocytes extended culture for 16 h did not affected the viability and maturation rate, but decreased the activation and cleavage rate. The ROS content of oocytes extended cultured for more than 16 h were increased, however the appropriate concentration of propolis can reduced ROS content of oocytes. Further studies are required to test the effect of propolis on subsequently developmental capacity.

Key Words: Green propolis, Porcine oocyte, Aging

Page 40: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016118

40. 探討蓖麻葉片作為機能性飼料添加物之評估

蔡雅筑(1) 鄭皓騰(1) 吳登楨(2) 施佳宏(2) 李滋泰(1)

(1)中興大學動物科學系 (2)行政院農委會苗栗區農業改良場


鮮蓖麻葉以 50℃ 風乾,粉碎後以 95℃ 水萃。結果顯示,蓖麻葉水萃物之總酚類化合物含

量約 36.93 mg GAE(Galic Acid Equivalent)/g DW;總黃酮含量約 9.26 mg QE(quercertin

dihydrate equivalent)/g DW;亞鐵離子螯合能力在樣品濃度為 1 mg/ml 時約為 60.6%,在 15

mg/ml 有最高 100 % 之螯合能力;樣品之 DPPH 清除力在濃度為 1 mg/ml 時約為 56.4%;

樣品在濃度為 5 mg/ml 時之還原力約為 0.5 mg/ml 之 Vitamin C 的 89.8 %;在總抗氧化力

(TEAC)測試中,水萃物濃度為 0.7 mg/ml 與 Vitamin C 濃度為 0.06 mg/ml 時具有相同抗

氧化力。在雞隻周邊血液單核細胞免疫測試之結果中發現,10 mg/ml 蓖麻水萃物之一氧化氮

釋出量為控制組 PBS 之 4.6 倍,對照組 LPS 為樣本之 1.2 倍。在細胞存活率方面,蓖麻

水萃物濃度 0.5 mg/ml 至 10 mg/ml 時,存活率增加 25 %。由初步結果顯示,蓖麻葉具有抗




Evaluauion of Ricinus communis leaf as the functional feed additive

Y. Z. Tsai(1), H. T. Zheng(1), D. J. Wu(2) and C. H. Shih(2) and T. T. Lee(1)

(1)Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University; (2)Miaoli District Agricultural Research and Extension Station

This study was to evaluation the antioxidant activity and in-vitro immunity of Ricinus communis

leaf as a feed additive. The fresh leaves were dried weight at 50 , crushed and then extracted with ℃

water at 95 . Results showed that the ℃ total phenolic content of the aqueous leaf extracts of Ricinus

communis (RC) was 36.93 mg GAE/g DW. The flavonoid content was 9.26 mg QE/g DW.

Antioxidant activity assay, the ferrous chelating activity was about 60.6 % when RC concentration

at 1 mg/ml, and the highest was 100% at 15 mg/ml extracts. The DPPH scavenging activity was

56.4% at 1 mg/ml extracts. The reducing power at 5 mg/ml was about 89.8% equally to the 0.5

mg/ml of vitamin C. The TEAC value at 0.7 mg/ml had same antioxidant activity with the standard

vitamin C at 0.06 mg/ml. At immune cell (PBMC) assay for NO production, the 10 mg/ml RC was

4.6 times to the PBS, and the LPS was 1.2 times for the RC. At MTT cell proliferation, 0.5 mg/ml to

10 mg/ml RC proliferated 25 %. To sum up, Ricinus communis leaves had antioxidant capacity and

great immunity, proving it has great potential as feed additive by in vivo test in the future.

Key Words: Antioxidant, Feed additive, Phytogenics

Page 41: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

40. 探討蓖麻葉片作為機能性飼料添加物之評估

蔡雅筑(1) 鄭皓騰(1) 吳登楨(2) 施佳宏(2) 李滋泰(1)

(1)中興大學動物科學系 (2)行政院農委會苗栗區農業改良場


鮮蓖麻葉以 50℃ 風乾,粉碎後以 95℃ 水萃。結果顯示,蓖麻葉水萃物之總酚類化合物含

量約 36.93 mg GAE(Galic Acid Equivalent)/g DW;總黃酮含量約 9.26 mg QE(quercertin

dihydrate equivalent)/g DW;亞鐵離子螯合能力在樣品濃度為 1 mg/ml 時約為 60.6%,在 15

mg/ml 有最高 100 % 之螯合能力;樣品之 DPPH 清除力在濃度為 1 mg/ml 時約為 56.4%;

樣品在濃度為 5 mg/ml 時之還原力約為 0.5 mg/ml 之 Vitamin C 的 89.8 %;在總抗氧化力

(TEAC)測試中,水萃物濃度為 0.7 mg/ml 與 Vitamin C 濃度為 0.06 mg/ml 時具有相同抗

氧化力。在雞隻周邊血液單核細胞免疫測試之結果中發現,10 mg/ml 蓖麻水萃物之一氧化氮

釋出量為控制組 PBS 之 4.6 倍,對照組 LPS 為樣本之 1.2 倍。在細胞存活率方面,蓖麻

水萃物濃度 0.5 mg/ml 至 10 mg/ml 時,存活率增加 25 %。由初步結果顯示,蓖麻葉具有抗




Evaluauion of Ricinus communis leaf as the functional feed additive

Y. Z. Tsai(1), H. T. Zheng(1), D. J. Wu(2) and C. H. Shih(2) and T. T. Lee(1)

(1)Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University; (2)Miaoli District Agricultural Research and Extension Station

This study was to evaluation the antioxidant activity and in-vitro immunity of Ricinus communis

leaf as a feed additive. The fresh leaves were dried weight at 50 , crushed and then extracted with ℃

water at 95 . Results showed that the ℃ total phenolic content of the aqueous leaf extracts of Ricinus

communis (RC) was 36.93 mg GAE/g DW. The flavonoid content was 9.26 mg QE/g DW.

Antioxidant activity assay, the ferrous chelating activity was about 60.6 % when RC concentration

at 1 mg/ml, and the highest was 100% at 15 mg/ml extracts. The DPPH scavenging activity was

56.4% at 1 mg/ml extracts. The reducing power at 5 mg/ml was about 89.8% equally to the 0.5

mg/ml of vitamin C. The TEAC value at 0.7 mg/ml had same antioxidant activity with the standard

vitamin C at 0.06 mg/ml. At immune cell (PBMC) assay for NO production, the 10 mg/ml RC was

4.6 times to the PBS, and the LPS was 1.2 times for the RC. At MTT cell proliferation, 0.5 mg/ml to

10 mg/ml RC proliferated 25 %. To sum up, Ricinus communis leaves had antioxidant capacity and

great immunity, proving it has great potential as feed additive by in vivo test in the future.

Key Words: Antioxidant, Feed additive, Phytogenics


Page 42: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog
Page 43: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 119

41. 動物保健產業價值鏈之產業議題導向科技計畫先期作業規劃研究

陳翠妙(1) 劉建甫(1) 王治華(1) 李宜映(2) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)臺灣農業科技運籌管理學會


導向之研究重點形成機制。本計畫盤點近 5 年科技計畫並與牧業領域研究重點及農業施政項


參與單位/機關 13 個,研究人員 42 名,共同腦力激盪,討論動物保健產業之市場需求、生




導之健康一體(One Health)概念,並兼具提升高安全性動物保健產品之應用,期藉由本盤點

結果促使競爭計畫形成,建立我國指標農業典範及農產品安全體系。 關鍵語:動物綜合保健體系、畜牧試驗研究、價值鏈

Industry-oriented pilot study for research project - animal health industry value chain

T. M. Chen(1), C. F. Liu(1), C. H. Wang(1) and Y. Y. Lee(2)

(1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture; (2)Taiwan agricultural science Technology resources logistics management association

This study combines with the technology management platform in Council of Agriculture. The aims

of this project are establish R & D strategies and industry problem solving oriented mechanism to

develop cross-border logistics management skills and research issues analysis. This research

overview the research project in last 5 years, and try to screen the potential issue for livestock

industry. Held the consensus camp of animal health, there were 13 participating units / organs and

42 researchers join together to discuss and brain storming with animal health industry value chain.

Analyzing its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threatens. The consensus camp integrated

the research resources in cross-sectoral of industry, government, academia and research

organizations. Planning animal health and comprehensive management strategies, improve animal

health products and veterinary medicine industry chain. This topic fits the One Health concept of

the World Organization for Animal Health. It is hoped that integrated animal management topic

could promote the formulation of competitive research project, and establishment of benchmark of

agricultural safety model.

Key Words: Integrated animal health management, Livestock research, Value chain

Page 44: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016120

42. 臺灣地區肉牛產業青年農民經營管理能力及知能輔導效能分析- 以良牧牧場為例

王斌永 賴佑宜 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所

本研究主要在透過質性訪談探討臺灣地區從事肉牛產業青年農民的經營管理現況及未來展望,並用以建構青年農民在初進入農業經營時所需具備的農業經營能力及其相關檢核或鑑定策略。本研究採取半結構式問卷之質性研究方法,選取臺灣地區從事肉牛產業具代表性之青年農民進行個案深度訪談,藉由訪談其經驗進行經營管理能力及知能輔導效能分析。本研究之目的有三項:(1)針對臺灣地區肉牛產業青年農民經營管理能力進行調查分析;(2)建構青年農民經營管理能力及知能輔導效能分析;(3)提供青年農民產業經營管理資訊並提升競爭力。本次調查對象選定 2016 年第三屆百大青農之良牧牧場-陳建良先生為受訪對象,該牧場擁有超過 5,000 頭肉牛,除為目前國內最大之國產牛肉供應牧場之外,並正著手進行產業鏈整合,期待針對不同客群皆能提供安心優質牛肉。經本次調查發現,經營者所訂定的目標及策略運作將影響牧場經營管理走向,而飼養技術、財務管理及行銷則左右農企業運作模式。透過由百大青年農民計畫來強化鍵結能力,期許產銷履歷產業鏈之整合可以打響國產牛肉品牌。 關鍵語:肉牛產業、經營管理、青年農民

Research on management ability and knowledge counseling effectiveness analysis to young farmers in Taiwan beef cattle industry- A case study of

Liang Mu farm B. Y. Wang and Y. I. Lai

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan This study was made to explore the management ability of young farmers in Taiwan beef industry and for the construction of young farmers just join the agricultural operation should have ability of agricultural operation and its related core or identification strategies. This study adopted qualitative research methods of semi-structure questionnaire, selected Taiwan young farmers in the beef cattle industry, with interviews for their experiences, knowledges and abilities of management capability and counseling effectiveness analysis. There are three purposes for this study: (1) to investigate and analyze young farmers management capacity in Taiwan livestock industry; (2) to establish management capability classification knowledge and ability counseling effectiveness analysis for young farmers; (3) to provide operation information for young farmers and improve their competitiveness. This research chose Mr. Jian-Liang Chen from Liang Mu farm as the respondent. Mr. Chen won 2016 the 3rd hundreds of young farmers. His farm owns more than 5,000 heads of beef cattle, in addition to the largest farm to supply beef, and is embarking on chain integration, expected to provide relieved to have encountered high-quality beef for different customer groups. From the survey, we found that objectives and strategies of operation fixed by the operator will affect rangeland management trend, and feeding technique, financial management and marketing will influence agribusiness operation model as well. Through the program of hundreds of young farmers to strengthen the bonding ability, expectations of traceability chain integration could start domestic beef brand. Key Words: Beef cattle industry, Management, Young farmer

Page 45: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 121

42. 臺灣地區肉牛產業青年農民經營管理能力及知能輔導效能分析- 以良牧牧場為例

王斌永 賴佑宜 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所

本研究主要在透過質性訪談探討臺灣地區從事肉牛產業青年農民的經營管理現況及未來展望,並用以建構青年農民在初進入農業經營時所需具備的農業經營能力及其相關檢核或鑑定策略。本研究採取半結構式問卷之質性研究方法,選取臺灣地區從事肉牛產業具代表性之青年農民進行個案深度訪談,藉由訪談其經驗進行經營管理能力及知能輔導效能分析。本研究之目的有三項:(1)針對臺灣地區肉牛產業青年農民經營管理能力進行調查分析;(2)建構青年農民經營管理能力及知能輔導效能分析;(3)提供青年農民產業經營管理資訊並提升競爭力。本次調查對象選定 2016 年第三屆百大青農之良牧牧場-陳建良先生為受訪對象,該牧場擁有超過 5,000 頭肉牛,除為目前國內最大之國產牛肉供應牧場之外,並正著手進行產業鏈整合,期待針對不同客群皆能提供安心優質牛肉。經本次調查發現,經營者所訂定的目標及策略運作將影響牧場經營管理走向,而飼養技術、財務管理及行銷則左右農企業運作模式。透過由百大青年農民計畫來強化鍵結能力,期許產銷履歷產業鏈之整合可以打響國產牛肉品牌。 關鍵語:肉牛產業、經營管理、青年農民

Research on management ability and knowledge counseling effectiveness analysis to young farmers in Taiwan beef cattle industry- A case study of

Liang Mu farm B. Y. Wang and Y. I. Lai

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan This study was made to explore the management ability of young farmers in Taiwan beef industry and for the construction of young farmers just join the agricultural operation should have ability of agricultural operation and its related core or identification strategies. This study adopted qualitative research methods of semi-structure questionnaire, selected Taiwan young farmers in the beef cattle industry, with interviews for their experiences, knowledges and abilities of management capability and counseling effectiveness analysis. There are three purposes for this study: (1) to investigate and analyze young farmers management capacity in Taiwan livestock industry; (2) to establish management capability classification knowledge and ability counseling effectiveness analysis for young farmers; (3) to provide operation information for young farmers and improve their competitiveness. This research chose Mr. Jian-Liang Chen from Liang Mu farm as the respondent. Mr. Chen won 2016 the 3rd hundreds of young farmers. His farm owns more than 5,000 heads of beef cattle, in addition to the largest farm to supply beef, and is embarking on chain integration, expected to provide relieved to have encountered high-quality beef for different customer groups. From the survey, we found that objectives and strategies of operation fixed by the operator will affect rangeland management trend, and feeding technique, financial management and marketing will influence agribusiness operation model as well. Through the program of hundreds of young farmers to strengthen the bonding ability, expectations of traceability chain integration could start domestic beef brand. Key Words: Beef cattle industry, Management, Young farmer

43. 牛雞糞混合堆肥之評估

程梅萍 廖仁寶 蕭庭訓 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所

牛糞有機質含量高,雞糞之含氮量高,混合堆肥可能提升堆肥之品質,本試驗目的評估適當之牛雞糞混合比例。牛糞與雞糞以 1:0(A)、1:1(B)、3:1(C)三種比例進行批次送風堆肥處理,試驗期間測定其酸鹼值、電導度、含水率、灰分、有機質及全氮含量變化,並測定上部空間氣體氨氣及氧化亞氮濃度,以評估堆肥之氮損失。牛糞堆肥(A)期間 pH 值較穩定,添加雞糞則 pH 值先降後升,B、C 組分別在第 2 週及第 4 週達到最低 pH 值。牛糞堆肥氨氮揮發量極少,而添加雞糞者氨氮揮發量高,尤其是 B 組,在第 45 天氨氮揮發達最高,上部空間氣體氨氮濃度達 2000 mg/m3 以上。堆肥發酵期間各組水分及有機質呈減少趨勢,相對的灰分呈增高的趨勢。A、B、C 組乾物質損失率分別為 28.72、35.8 及 38.9 %,牛糞組乾物質損失率較低,雞糞乾物損失較多,而添加雞糞也會增加牛糞中有機物的分解。在氮損失方面氮,B 組全氮損失率最高為 54.77%,其次 C 組的 41.21%,牛糞堆肥的全氮損失僅 0.52%。牛糞堆肥化過程中,碳及氮損失都較低,且其堆肥成品全氮及有機質含量最高,添加雞糞無法提升其含氮量。 關鍵語:堆肥、牛糞、蛋雞糞

Evaluation on the co-composting of cow dung and layer manure

M. P. Cheng, R. B. Liaw and T. H. Hsiao Taiwan Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

The co-composting of cow dung with high organic matter content and layer manure with high may improve the quality of compost. This objective of this study is to assess the appropriate ratio of cow dung and layer manure for composting. The cow dung and layer manure mixied at 1:0 (A) 1:1 (B) and 3:1 (C) were composted in three aerated static piles. During the composting processes, samples were determined for pH, electrical conductivity, moisture content, ash content, organic matter and total nitrogen content, the upper space gases were determined for ammonia and nitrous oxide concentrations for evaluation of nitrogen losses. Cow dung compost (A) had more stable pH value, while adding layer manure decreased pH value at early stage, Pile B and C had the minimum pH values at the 2nd week and 4th week, respectively. Pile A with only cow dung has very low ammonia emission, while adding layer manure increased the ammonia emission, especially for pile B which developed the highest ammonia concentration at 2000 mg/m3 on the 45th day. The moisture and organic matter tended to decline during composting, while the ash showed an increasing trend. The dry matter loss rate of pile A, B and C were 28.72, 35.8 and 38.9%, respectively. Adding layer manure increased the decomposition of organic matter. The total nitrogen loss rate of pile B was 54.77%, followed by pile C at 41.21%, and that of pile A was only 0.52%. The carbon and nitrogen losses during the composting process of cow dung are low and total nitrogen and organic matter content of cow dung compost are relatively high, adding layer manure is unable to improve the quality of compost. Key Words: Composting, Cow dung, Layer manure

Page 46: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016122

44. 畜牧場廢水處理厭氧污泥特性分析

程梅萍 廖仁寶 蕭庭訓 洪靖琦 李春芳 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所





12 場養豬場及 5 場養牛場之三段式廢水處理效率,養豬場 COD、BOD、SS 去除率分別為 96.2、97.3 及 97.4%;總氮、磷去除率則為 33.7% 及 79.5%。養牛場 COD、BOD、SS 去除率分

別為 98.2、97.0 及 95.0 %;總氮、磷去除率則為 20.3% 及 87.7%。而其養豬場污泥水分含

量平均值為 89.1 – 94.3%,乾物質中總氮 2.76 – 3.52%、磷 4.36 – 6.39%、銅 348 – 823 mg/kg、鋅 3047 – 7126 mg/kg。養牛場污泥水分含量 95.8 – 98.4%,乾物質中總氮 2.36 – 2.38%、磷 0.87 – 1.34%、銅 66.4 – 215 mg/kg、鋅 805 – 1169 mg/kg。養牛場污泥氨氣揮發量較少,銅鋅

含量較低,較適合再利用。 關鍵語:厭氧消化、污泥、廢水處理

Investigation on the quality of anaerobic sludge from livestock wastewater treatment

M. P. Cheng, R. B. Liaw, T. H. Hsiao, C. C. Hong and C. F. Lee Taiwan Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

The anaerobic sludge is the by-product of livestock wastewater clarifying processes. The anaerobic sludge cumulated in the anaerobic tanks may cause the low removal efficiency. The nitrogen, phosphorus, and other nutrients in the anaerobic sludge can be applied in plant growth, while the high copper and zinc content is the limit of utilization in the soil. The water content of sludge is high and various, so the analysis of composition of sludge before evaluating the technology of sludge treatment is necessary. The purpose of this study is to investigate the composition of anaerobic sludge, and to find the suitable technology for swine and dairy farms in Taiwan. The results of investigation of three-step wastewater treatment systems of 12 swine farms and 5 dairy farms showed the COD, BOD, SS, TN and P removal rates were 96.2, 97.3, 97.4, 33.7 and 79.5% for the swine farms, while those were 98.2, 97.0, 95.0, 20.3 and 87.7% for the dairy farms。The moisture, TN, P, Cu and Zn contents of sludge were 89.1 - 94.3%, 2.76 - 3.52%, 4.36 - 6.39%, 348 - 823 mg/kg and 3047 - 7126 mg/kg for the swine farms, while those were 95.8 - 98.4%, 2.36 - 2.38%, 0.87-1.34%, 66.4 - 215 mg/kg and 805 - 1169 mg/kg for the dairy farms. The ammonia emission and heavy metal contents of the sludge of dairy farm were lower than those of the swine farm, so it’s more suitable for recycling. Key Words: Anaerobic digestion, Sludge, Wastewater treatment

Page 47: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 123

44. 畜牧場廢水處理厭氧污泥特性分析

程梅萍 廖仁寶 蕭庭訓 洪靖琦 李春芳 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所





12 場養豬場及 5 場養牛場之三段式廢水處理效率,養豬場 COD、BOD、SS 去除率分別為 96.2、97.3 及 97.4%;總氮、磷去除率則為 33.7% 及 79.5%。養牛場 COD、BOD、SS 去除率分

別為 98.2、97.0 及 95.0 %;總氮、磷去除率則為 20.3% 及 87.7%。而其養豬場污泥水分含

量平均值為 89.1 – 94.3%,乾物質中總氮 2.76 – 3.52%、磷 4.36 – 6.39%、銅 348 – 823 mg/kg、鋅 3047 – 7126 mg/kg。養牛場污泥水分含量 95.8 – 98.4%,乾物質中總氮 2.36 – 2.38%、磷 0.87 – 1.34%、銅 66.4 – 215 mg/kg、鋅 805 – 1169 mg/kg。養牛場污泥氨氣揮發量較少,銅鋅

含量較低,較適合再利用。 關鍵語:厭氧消化、污泥、廢水處理

Investigation on the quality of anaerobic sludge from livestock wastewater treatment

M. P. Cheng, R. B. Liaw, T. H. Hsiao, C. C. Hong and C. F. Lee Taiwan Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

The anaerobic sludge is the by-product of livestock wastewater clarifying processes. The anaerobic sludge cumulated in the anaerobic tanks may cause the low removal efficiency. The nitrogen, phosphorus, and other nutrients in the anaerobic sludge can be applied in plant growth, while the high copper and zinc content is the limit of utilization in the soil. The water content of sludge is high and various, so the analysis of composition of sludge before evaluating the technology of sludge treatment is necessary. The purpose of this study is to investigate the composition of anaerobic sludge, and to find the suitable technology for swine and dairy farms in Taiwan. The results of investigation of three-step wastewater treatment systems of 12 swine farms and 5 dairy farms showed the COD, BOD, SS, TN and P removal rates were 96.2, 97.3, 97.4, 33.7 and 79.5% for the swine farms, while those were 98.2, 97.0, 95.0, 20.3 and 87.7% for the dairy farms。The moisture, TN, P, Cu and Zn contents of sludge were 89.1 - 94.3%, 2.76 - 3.52%, 4.36 - 6.39%, 348 - 823 mg/kg and 3047 - 7126 mg/kg for the swine farms, while those were 95.8 - 98.4%, 2.36 - 2.38%, 0.87-1.34%, 66.4 - 215 mg/kg and 805 - 1169 mg/kg for the dairy farms. The ammonia emission and heavy metal contents of the sludge of dairy farm were lower than those of the swine farm, so it’s more suitable for recycling. Key Words: Anaerobic digestion, Sludge, Wastewater treatment

45. 牛糞固形物脫水效能及空氣污染物去除

蕭庭訓 蘇天明 陳水財 蕭宗法 程梅萍 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所


逕流式分離物及刮糞固形物在全時抽氣經 5 h 和 23.5 h 後之脫水效能分別為 3.33 和 9.92

h/kg、3.68 和 10.22 h/kg 及 4.72 和 10.13 h/kg,3 種牛糞固形物之脫水效能則以水車式分

離物較佳,且水車式及逕流式分離物採全時抽氣經 5 h 後固形物含水率可降至 70%。利用太

陽能塑膠乾燥房對逕流式分離物、水車式分離物與刮糞固形物在 7 和 24 h 之脫水計算脫水

效能分別為 0.38 和 0.81 h/kg、0.30 和 0.67 h/kg 與 0.33 和 0.87 h/kg,3 種牛糞固形物脫

水過程產生之氨氣,以洗滌設施在接觸時間為 2.97 秒時具顯著處理效果(P < 0.05),氨氣

及異味去除率分別為 41.3- 48.9% 及 28.0-53.6%。 關鍵語:牛糞固形物、脫水、洗滌設施

Study on the moisture removal of cow dung solids and air pollutants removal

T. H. Hsiao, T. M. Su, S. T. Chen, T. F. Shao and M. P. Cheng Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

A small scale dewater facility made of glass were applied to investigate it efficiency on drying of

cattle manure under full-time air suction. The results of dewatering test showed the dewatering

efficiencies of 5 hours were 3.33, 3.68, and 4.72 h/kg for the mechanical scraping cattle manure,

water wheel type and runoff-type solid-liquid separation residue, respectively, and those of 23.5

hours were 9.92, 10.22 and 10.13 h/kg, respectively. The dewatering efficiencies for the water

wheel type separation residue were better than others. The moisture contents of water wheel type

and runoff-type solid-liquid separation residues could be reduced to less than 70% in the dewatering

facility after 5 hours of air suction. The dewatering efficiencies of water wheel type runoff-type

solid-liquid separation residues and mechanical scraping cattle manure in a plastic drying house

were 0.38 and 0.30 and 0.33 h/kg after 7 hours, and those were 0.81, 0.67 and 0.87 h/kg after 24

hours. The ammonia and the odor removal rates of the exhausted gas from drying house were for

41.3 - 48.9% and 28.0 - 53.6% by the trickling filters with 2.97 seconds of gas contact time. Key Words: Cow dung solid, Dewater, Trickling filters

Page 48: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016124

46. 雞糞厭氧醱酵之沼氣產量評估

蕭庭訓 蘇天明 陳水財 蕭宗法 程梅萍 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所


再添加自來水調配 TS 含量為 0.5%、1%、2%、4% 及 8% 之雞糞廢水。5 組厭氣醱酵槽

有效容積各為 10 L,水力停留時間為 10 天,依分組每日操作排放、添加一次,評估處理效



試驗結果顯示 TS 含量為 0.5%、1%、2%、4% 及 8% 等組之雞糞廢水,經厭氧處理,對

COD 與 TS 去除率平均分別為 92.7%、92.3%、90.8%、55.8% 及 37.7% 與 96.4%、95.4

%、91.7%、74.2% 及 62.0%,沼氣產量平均分別為 308、312、335、279 及 144 mL/g TS/d。

所得結果顯示,TS 含量 2% 組,不但具有每 g 總固形物最高沼氣產量,在 COD 與 TS 的

去除率亦達 90% 以上,為可考慮的模式。 關鍵語:厭氧醱酵、沼氣、蛋雞糞

Estimation on biogas yield of anaerobic digestion of layer manure

T. H. Hsiao, T. M. Su, S. T. Chen, T. F. Shao and M. P. Cheng Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The aim of this study is to evaluate the biogas productivity of anaerobic digestion with layer manure.

The fresh layer litter was freshly collected for analyzing the total solids (TS) contents. Then, adding

appropriate amount of water to make TS 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 4%, and 8% of mixture as substrates of

digestion. The effective volume of anaerobic digester (AD) was 10 L, and the hydraulic retention

time was 10 days for each treatment. The effluents of the ADs were discharged and the ADs were

fed with substrates once a day. The efficiency of the AD was evaluated by effluents’ quality and

biogas production. The influents and effluents were analyzed for pH, chemical oxygen demand

(COD), biological oxygen demand (BOD), TS, and volatile suspended solid (VSS). The results

showed the COD removal rates were 92.7%, 92.3%, 90.8%, 55.8% and 37.7%, while the TS

removal rates were 96.4%, 95.4%, 91.7%, 74.2% and 62.0% for TS 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 4%, and 8%

treatments, respectively. Their biogas production rates were 308、312、335、279 and 144 mL/gTS/d.

In conclusion, the biogas production rate was the highest for the treatment of TS 2% and its COD

and TS removal rates were both above 90%, so it could be the best practice for consideration. Key Words: Anaerobic digestion, Biogas, Layer manure

Page 49: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 125

46. 雞糞厭氧醱酵之沼氣產量評估

蕭庭訓 蘇天明 陳水財 蕭宗法 程梅萍 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所


再添加自來水調配 TS 含量為 0.5%、1%、2%、4% 及 8% 之雞糞廢水。5 組厭氣醱酵槽

有效容積各為 10 L,水力停留時間為 10 天,依分組每日操作排放、添加一次,評估處理效



試驗結果顯示 TS 含量為 0.5%、1%、2%、4% 及 8% 等組之雞糞廢水,經厭氧處理,對

COD 與 TS 去除率平均分別為 92.7%、92.3%、90.8%、55.8% 及 37.7% 與 96.4%、95.4

%、91.7%、74.2% 及 62.0%,沼氣產量平均分別為 308、312、335、279 及 144 mL/g TS/d。

所得結果顯示,TS 含量 2% 組,不但具有每 g 總固形物最高沼氣產量,在 COD 與 TS 的

去除率亦達 90% 以上,為可考慮的模式。 關鍵語:厭氧醱酵、沼氣、蛋雞糞

Estimation on biogas yield of anaerobic digestion of layer manure

T. H. Hsiao, T. M. Su, S. T. Chen, T. F. Shao and M. P. Cheng Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The aim of this study is to evaluate the biogas productivity of anaerobic digestion with layer manure.

The fresh layer litter was freshly collected for analyzing the total solids (TS) contents. Then, adding

appropriate amount of water to make TS 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 4%, and 8% of mixture as substrates of

digestion. The effective volume of anaerobic digester (AD) was 10 L, and the hydraulic retention

time was 10 days for each treatment. The effluents of the ADs were discharged and the ADs were

fed with substrates once a day. The efficiency of the AD was evaluated by effluents’ quality and

biogas production. The influents and effluents were analyzed for pH, chemical oxygen demand

(COD), biological oxygen demand (BOD), TS, and volatile suspended solid (VSS). The results

showed the COD removal rates were 92.7%, 92.3%, 90.8%, 55.8% and 37.7%, while the TS

removal rates were 96.4%, 95.4%, 91.7%, 74.2% and 62.0% for TS 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 4%, and 8%

treatments, respectively. Their biogas production rates were 308、312、335、279 and 144 mL/gTS/d.

In conclusion, the biogas production rate was the highest for the treatment of TS 2% and its COD

and TS removal rates were both above 90%, so it could be the best practice for consideration. Key Words: Anaerobic digestion, Biogas, Layer manure

47. 不同濃度之養豬廢水處理

蘇天明 翁義翔 鍾承訓 紀泱竹 蕭庭訓 程梅萍 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所

本試驗旨在探討不同濃度的廢水經過三段式處理後,各處理階段之水質變化。試驗使用 12 頭

平均體重 52.9 – 110.8 kg 的 LD 生長肥育豬,飼養於代謝架上任飼,每日收集個別豬隻糞便

及尿液分別秤重後混合,依重量比調製糞尿:水 =1:1(A 組)、1:2.5(B 組)及 1:5

(C 組)等 3 種不同濃度廢水後,進行厭氧停留時間 10 天及好氧停留時間 1.5 天之三段

式處理。調查厭氣處理槽沼氣產量和污泥成分,以及各處理階段水質變化。結果 A 組沼氣

中甲烷濃度顯著地較 B 組和 C 組為高,污泥的總固形物、電導度和厭氣前槽與厭氣後槽的

銅與鋅濃度皆顯著地(P < 0.05)較 C 組高。各處理階段的 COD、BOD 和 SS 濃度皆以 A

組顯著較 B 組和 C 組為高,A 組的 COD、BOD 和 SS 濃度,以及 B 組的 COD 和 BOD

濃度無法達現行養豬廢水放流水標準。 關鍵語:生長肥育豬、水質、廢水處理

The wastewater treatment of different concentration wastewater of pigs

T. M. Su, Y. H. Weng, C. S. Chung, Y. C. Chi, T. H. Hsiao and M. P. Cheng Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The purpose of this study was to investigate the wastewater quality change at different stages of

different concentration wastewater through three-step treatment system. A total of 12 LD

grower-finisher pigs with a weight of 52.9 to 110.8 kg were fed ad libitum in individual metabolism

cages for daily collection and record of the feces and urine, respectively. Three different

concentrations of wastewater were made up by mixing manure and water at 1:1 (group A), 1:2.5

(group B) and 1:5 (group C) by weights, and three-step processes with 10 days of anaerobic

treatment and 1.5 days of aerobic treatment were conducted. The biogas quantity, sludge

composition of anaerobic treatment and wastewater qualities of different stages were measured. The

results showed that the methane concentration in biogas of group A was significantly higher than

those of groups B and C. The anaerobic sludge from 1st and 3rd anaerobic slots of group A had

higher (P < 0.05) total solids, electrical conductivity (EC) and significantly higher copper and zinc

concentrations compared with group C. The wastewater of group A had higher (P < 0.05)

concentrations of COD, BOD and SS than those of groups B and C, and significantly higher EC and

concentrations of copper and zinc than those of group C in all treatment stages. In conclusion, the

concentrations of COD, BOD and SS of effluent of group A and COD and BOD of effluent of group

B can not meet the discharge standard for pig industry. Key Words: Grower-finisher pig, Wastewater quality, Wastewater treatment

Page 50: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016126

48. 利用畜牧廢水培養綠藻

蘇天明 鄭閔謙 廖仁寶 翁義翔 蕭庭訓 程梅萍





球藻(Chlorella sp.)為標的藻種,輔以專一性培養基進行藻種分離,並以基因定序確認分離

株為綠球藻。以養豬廢水稀釋液培養之綠球藻,結果藻液中平均藻體濃度約 0.58 g/L,藻體

乾物質的粗蛋白質含量 40.45%,總磷含量 2.58%,估算每克藻體每分鐘可消耗約 2 mL CO2。

後續將進行綠球藻對廢水中氮磷去除之效果評估,以及綠球藻保存及大量培養方法之探討。 關鍵語:藻類、溫室氣體、畜牧廢水

Algae cultivation in the livestock wastewater

T. M. Su, M. C. Cheng, R. B. Liaw, Y. H. Weng, T. H. Hsiao and M. P. Cheng

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The purpose of this study was to develop the technology on nitrogen and phosphate removal and

greenhouse gas reduction by growing algae in the livestock wastewater, which benefits on reduction

of the impact of livestock wastewater on the environment. The objectives were to establish the

platform of algae cultivation, to analyze the nutrition compositions of algae and to evaluate the

carbon dioxide consumption during algae cultivation. Using the anaerobic and aerobic treated

wastewater from the pig farm and cow farm as algae sources to isolate algae in a selection medium

for Chlorella sp., a species of algae was isolated and identified as Chlorella sp. by DNA sequencing.

The Chlorella sp. was cultivated in the diluted pig wastewater, and the results showed that the

average concentration of Chlorella sp. was about 0.58 g/L in algae cultivate fluid. The crude protein

and total phosphorus contents of Chlorella sp. were 40.45% and 2.58% of dry matter, respectively.

The carbon dioxide consumption rate of Chlorella sp. was about 2 mL/min/g. The subsequent study

will focus on the nutrient removal rate from wastewater by algae cultivation, the technology on

Chlorella sp. isolate preservation and large scale cultivation. Key Words: Algae, Greenhouse gas, Livestock waste water

Page 51: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 127

48. 利用畜牧廢水培養綠藻

蘇天明 鄭閔謙 廖仁寶 翁義翔 蕭庭訓 程梅萍





球藻(Chlorella sp.)為標的藻種,輔以專一性培養基進行藻種分離,並以基因定序確認分離

株為綠球藻。以養豬廢水稀釋液培養之綠球藻,結果藻液中平均藻體濃度約 0.58 g/L,藻體

乾物質的粗蛋白質含量 40.45%,總磷含量 2.58%,估算每克藻體每分鐘可消耗約 2 mL CO2。

後續將進行綠球藻對廢水中氮磷去除之效果評估,以及綠球藻保存及大量培養方法之探討。 關鍵語:藻類、溫室氣體、畜牧廢水

Algae cultivation in the livestock wastewater

T. M. Su, M. C. Cheng, R. B. Liaw, Y. H. Weng, T. H. Hsiao and M. P. Cheng

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The purpose of this study was to develop the technology on nitrogen and phosphate removal and

greenhouse gas reduction by growing algae in the livestock wastewater, which benefits on reduction

of the impact of livestock wastewater on the environment. The objectives were to establish the

platform of algae cultivation, to analyze the nutrition compositions of algae and to evaluate the

carbon dioxide consumption during algae cultivation. Using the anaerobic and aerobic treated

wastewater from the pig farm and cow farm as algae sources to isolate algae in a selection medium

for Chlorella sp., a species of algae was isolated and identified as Chlorella sp. by DNA sequencing.

The Chlorella sp. was cultivated in the diluted pig wastewater, and the results showed that the

average concentration of Chlorella sp. was about 0.58 g/L in algae cultivate fluid. The crude protein

and total phosphorus contents of Chlorella sp. were 40.45% and 2.58% of dry matter, respectively.

The carbon dioxide consumption rate of Chlorella sp. was about 2 mL/min/g. The subsequent study

will focus on the nutrient removal rate from wastewater by algae cultivation, the technology on

Chlorella sp. isolate preservation and large scale cultivation. Key Words: Algae, Greenhouse gas, Livestock waste water

49. 保種種雞雛白痢陽性率調查

蔡銘洋 洪哲明 劉曉龍 黃信忠 林義福 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所



行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所(以下簡稱本所)包括近親土雞台畜一號 7 號品系、近親土雞

台畜一號 11 號品系、近親土雞台畜一號 12 號品系、近親土雞台畜一號 9 號品系、龍門土


(系)為對象,計第 1 批 1,636 隻及第 2 批 1,542 隻,於選種前進行雛白痢全面篩檢。雞

隻經採血分離血清後,應用雛白痢診斷液作平板凝集試驗;分別以 25 uL 血清加入 25 uL 抗原混合後,於 1 分鐘內呈紫色顆粒狀凝集者為陽性反應,1 分鐘後未呈現凝集現象者為陰性

反應。檢測結果顯示第 1 批以無鱗雞 32.43%(12/37)陽性率最高,其次黑色絲羽烏骨雞 14.53%(25/172)次之,總陽性率 4.95%(81/1,636);第 2 批以近親土雞台畜一號 12 號品系陽

性率 9.84%(12/122)最高,藍殼烏骨雞 9.13%(19/208)次之,總陽性率 2.72%(42/1,542)。種雞經雛白痢篩選,可有效建立優質土雞衛生安全之生產模式。 關鍵語:雞、雛白痢、平板凝集試驗

Investigation on the positive rate of Pullorum disease in conservative breeder chickens

M. Y. Tsai, C. M. Hung, H. L. Liu, S. J. Huang and Y. F. Lin Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

Pullorum Disease (PD) is a poultry infectious disease caused by Salmonella. Infected chicks have enteritis and diarrhea syndrome and high mortality rate. Infected mature chickens have no syndrome and the carry of bacteria will transfer to chicks through breeder eggs. The study was to investigate the PD rate of breeder chicken of the Livestock Research Institute including Taishu no. 1 line 7, line 11, line 12 line 9, Lohmann native chicken, large-type silky chicken, black silky chicken, white silky chicken, blue shell silky chicken, scaleless chicken and Beijing fatty chicken. There were 1,636 birds in the first batch and 1,542 birds in the second batch. The serum were collected for plate agglutination test. Twenty five ul serum were mixed with 25 ul antigen. Purple agglutination within 1 minute was positive reaction. Otherwise it was negative reaction. The results indicated that the highest positive rate was scaleless chicken with 32.43% (12/37) and then the black silky chicken with 14.53% (25/172) in the first batch. Total positive rate was 4.95% (81/1,636). In the second batch, the highest positive rate was line 12 chicken with 9.84% (12/122) and then the blue shell silky chicken with 9.13% (19/208). Total positive rate was 2.72% (42/1,542). The results showed that the breeder were screened for Pullorum Disease, could be effectively established in the production of quality chicken health and safety. Key Words: Chicken, Pullorum disease, Plate agglutination test

Page 52: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016128

50. 保種種雞家禽流行性感冒抗體監測

蔡銘洋(1) 洪哲明(1) 劉曉龍(1) 黃信忠(1) 林義福(1) 陳燕萍(2) 鄭明珠(2) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)行政院農業委員會家畜衛生試驗所


體變化,本所於 104 年初因哨兵雞供應計畫,有一檢體被檢出呈微弱之新型 H5N2 高病原


集 4 棟禽舍(水簾舍、非開放舍、高床舍及育雛舍)種雞喉頭拭子、共洩腔拭子及血清共 120 支,分別進行聚合酶連鎖反應及血球凝集抑制試驗,檢測結果僅水簾舍檢出低病原舊型 H5N2 禽流感病毒核酸,另外血清 H5 抗體陽性率水簾舍 30-40%,非開放舍 96%,高床舍及育雛

舍皆為陰性,歷經 104 年 6 月至 11 月共 5 次檢測,病毒分離皆為陰性反應,水簾舍種雞

血清 H5 抗體陽性率從 90、90、100、60 及 100%,期間變化莫測,非開放舍種雞則從 100% 降至 0%,而高床舍種雞皆呈陰性反應。由此可知水簾舍種雞 H5 抗體持續呈現陽性反

應,但未檢出病毒,應是 H5 抗體力價足以保護種雞,使之不排毒,另高床舍種雞 H5 抗體


徑。 關鍵語:家禽流行性感冒、雞、血球凝集抑制試驗

Surveillance of avian influenza antibodies in conservative breeder chickens

M. Y. Tsai(1), C. M. Hung(1), H. L. Liu(1), S. J. Huang(1), Y. F. Lin(1), Y. P. Chen(2) and M. C. Cheng(2) (1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan;

(2)Animal Health Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The purpose of this experiment was to monitor Livestock Research Institute (LRI) the variation of avian influenza antibodies of conservative breeder poultry. Preventive elimination was conducted in early 2015 due to weak new type H5N2 HPAI virus in the guard chicken project. One hundred and twenty chicken throat swab cloaca swab were collected from four different chicken houses for the test of PCR and HI. The results showed that only water-pad house had old type H5N2 AI virus nucleic acid. In addition, there were 30-40% positive rate in water-pad house and 96% in non-open house for H5 antibody. High bed house and brooding house were negative. All the virus tests from June to November, 2015 were negative. Serum H5 antibody positive rates in water-pad house were 90, 90, 100, 60 and 100%, respectively. Non open house was decreased from 100% to 0%. All the tests from high bed house were negative. It indicated that water-pad house had positive reaction in H5 antibody but no virus was found. H5 antibody titers were supposed to protect breeder chickens from excretion of virus. The negative reaction of H5 antibody titers of high bed house could be due to the biosafety improvement which block the transfer of virus from water-pad house. Key Words: Avian influenza, Chicken, Hemagglutination inhibition test

Page 53: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 129

50. 保種種雞家禽流行性感冒抗體監測

蔡銘洋(1) 洪哲明(1) 劉曉龍(1) 黃信忠(1) 林義福(1) 陳燕萍(2) 鄭明珠(2) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)行政院農業委員會家畜衛生試驗所


體變化,本所於 104 年初因哨兵雞供應計畫,有一檢體被檢出呈微弱之新型 H5N2 高病原


集 4 棟禽舍(水簾舍、非開放舍、高床舍及育雛舍)種雞喉頭拭子、共洩腔拭子及血清共 120 支,分別進行聚合酶連鎖反應及血球凝集抑制試驗,檢測結果僅水簾舍檢出低病原舊型 H5N2 禽流感病毒核酸,另外血清 H5 抗體陽性率水簾舍 30-40%,非開放舍 96%,高床舍及育雛

舍皆為陰性,歷經 104 年 6 月至 11 月共 5 次檢測,病毒分離皆為陰性反應,水簾舍種雞

血清 H5 抗體陽性率從 90、90、100、60 及 100%,期間變化莫測,非開放舍種雞則從 100% 降至 0%,而高床舍種雞皆呈陰性反應。由此可知水簾舍種雞 H5 抗體持續呈現陽性反

應,但未檢出病毒,應是 H5 抗體力價足以保護種雞,使之不排毒,另高床舍種雞 H5 抗體


徑。 關鍵語:家禽流行性感冒、雞、血球凝集抑制試驗

Surveillance of avian influenza antibodies in conservative breeder chickens

M. Y. Tsai(1), C. M. Hung(1), H. L. Liu(1), S. J. Huang(1), Y. F. Lin(1), Y. P. Chen(2) and M. C. Cheng(2) (1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan;

(2)Animal Health Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The purpose of this experiment was to monitor Livestock Research Institute (LRI) the variation of avian influenza antibodies of conservative breeder poultry. Preventive elimination was conducted in early 2015 due to weak new type H5N2 HPAI virus in the guard chicken project. One hundred and twenty chicken throat swab cloaca swab were collected from four different chicken houses for the test of PCR and HI. The results showed that only water-pad house had old type H5N2 AI virus nucleic acid. In addition, there were 30-40% positive rate in water-pad house and 96% in non-open house for H5 antibody. High bed house and brooding house were negative. All the virus tests from June to November, 2015 were negative. Serum H5 antibody positive rates in water-pad house were 90, 90, 100, 60 and 100%, respectively. Non open house was decreased from 100% to 0%. All the tests from high bed house were negative. It indicated that water-pad house had positive reaction in H5 antibody but no virus was found. H5 antibody titers were supposed to protect breeder chickens from excretion of virus. The negative reaction of H5 antibody titers of high bed house could be due to the biosafety improvement which block the transfer of virus from water-pad house. Key Words: Avian influenza, Chicken, Hemagglutination inhibition test

51. 應用 RT-PCR 技術檢測家禽白血病病毒

蔡銘洋(1) 洪哲明(1) 劉曉龍(1) 黃信忠(1) 林義福(1) 蔡宜倫(2) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)國立屏東科技大學獸醫學院獸醫學系

家禽白血病是由反轉錄病毒所引起之雞隻骨髓球性腫瘤疾病。自 1997 至 1999 年間臺灣地


二次細菌感染及死亡率增加,對產業經濟影響甚鉅,據調查臺灣南部地區蛋雞場有 40%(8/20)

之盛行率。本試驗旨在以行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所(以下簡稱本所)近親土雞台畜一號 7

號品系、近親土雞台畜一號 11 號品系、近親土雞台畜一號 12 號品系、近親土雞台畜一號 9


北京油雞等品種(系)家禽共 24 隻之血液樣本及共洩腔拭子,分別以 RT-PCR 和 ELISA

(BioChek LLAG p27 ELISA)檢測白血病病毒抗原,經檢測結果均為陰性。由此次試驗結果


場應加強並落實生物安全措施,以避免病毒於禽場中持續傳播。 關鍵語:家禽白血病病毒、酵素免疫分析法、反轉錄聚合酶連鎖反應

Detection of avian leukemia virus by RT-PCR technique

M. Y. Tsai(1), C. M. Hung(1), H. L. Liu(1), S. J. Huang(1), Y. F. Lin(1) and Y. L. Tsai(2) (1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan ;

(2)Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

Poultry leukemia is caused by a retrovirus causing bone marrow tumor diseases in chicken. In

Taiwan, Poultry leukemia was increased causing anemia, dehydration, low production, high variety,

bacteria infection and high mortality from 1997 to 1999. According to the survey, the prevalence

was 40% (8/20) in layer farm of southern Taiwan. The study was to investigate the leukemia virus

of breeder chicken of the Livestock Research Institute by RT-PCR and ELISA (BioChek LLAG p27

ELISA) including Taishu no. 1 line 7, line 11, line 12 line 9, Lohmann native chicken, large-type

silky chicken, black silky chicken, white silky chicken, blue shell silky chicken, scaleless chicken

and Beijing fatty chicken. A total of 24 blood samples and cloaca swabs were used to detect

leukemia virus by RT-PCR and ELISA (BioChek LLAG p27 ELISA) technique. The results were

all negative. Although high prevalence was found in layer farm of southern Taiwan, the virus could

be existed in the feeding environment. Biosafety is necessary to prevent the spread of virus in farm. Key Words: Avian leukemia virus, Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction

Page 54: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016130

52. 消費者對具高動物福祉畜產品之意向分析研究

林義福 陳添福

行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 本研究從消費端分析消費者對動物福祉畜產品之認知、購買決策及接受度,作為畜產業者生



所 95 年 -98 年園丁訓練班學員,問卷調查份數為 1,083 份。問卷調查結果分析顯示,在動




型式(是否符合動物福祉),最不重要的是雞蛋品牌。以動物福祉方式生產雞蛋,價格高出 20% 以內為多數可接受範圍,購買豬肉或雞肉時,經常會注意飼養方式者最高。在動物福祉接受



的衝擊,也會大幅提高消費者負擔。 關鍵語:動物福祉、消費者、畜產品

Study on the consumption willing of consumer for animal welfare products

Y. F. Lin and T. F. Chen The Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

This study is to analyze the perception, purchase decision and acceptability of consumer on livestock products with animal welfare for the references of producers. Questionnaire survey was divided into three parts. Part 1was the basic information of interviewee. Part 2 was the perception of animal welfare. Part 3 was the purchase decision of animal welfare products. Part 4 was the acceptability of animal welfare. Interviewee was 1083 trainee members in LRI during 2006-2009. The result of survey indicated that the optimal feeding environment for laying hens was free range. For drug usage, most interviewee agreed that hens should be medicated when getting sick, while no residues should be detected. If drug residue was in compliance with the regulation, the production system was most important; the egg brand was the least important. The addition price within 20% was acceptable for welfare production eggs. Most interviewee notices feeding type when purchasing pork or chicken. For acceptability of animal welfare, most interviewee disagree no animal welfare for the cost and agree the ban on hens’ battery cages and sows’ narrow pens as EU. However, most interviewee agrees forced legislation on animal welfare will cause impact on livestock production and increase the burden of consumers. Key Words: Animal welfare, Consumer, Livestock products

Page 55: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 131

52. 消費者對具高動物福祉畜產品之意向分析研究

林義福 陳添福

行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 本研究從消費端分析消費者對動物福祉畜產品之認知、購買決策及接受度,作為畜產業者生



所 95 年 -98 年園丁訓練班學員,問卷調查份數為 1,083 份。問卷調查結果分析顯示,在動




型式(是否符合動物福祉),最不重要的是雞蛋品牌。以動物福祉方式生產雞蛋,價格高出 20% 以內為多數可接受範圍,購買豬肉或雞肉時,經常會注意飼養方式者最高。在動物福祉接受



的衝擊,也會大幅提高消費者負擔。 關鍵語:動物福祉、消費者、畜產品

Study on the consumption willing of consumer for animal welfare products

Y. F. Lin and T. F. Chen The Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

This study is to analyze the perception, purchase decision and acceptability of consumer on livestock products with animal welfare for the references of producers. Questionnaire survey was divided into three parts. Part 1was the basic information of interviewee. Part 2 was the perception of animal welfare. Part 3 was the purchase decision of animal welfare products. Part 4 was the acceptability of animal welfare. Interviewee was 1083 trainee members in LRI during 2006-2009. The result of survey indicated that the optimal feeding environment for laying hens was free range. For drug usage, most interviewee agreed that hens should be medicated when getting sick, while no residues should be detected. If drug residue was in compliance with the regulation, the production system was most important; the egg brand was the least important. The addition price within 20% was acceptable for welfare production eggs. Most interviewee notices feeding type when purchasing pork or chicken. For acceptability of animal welfare, most interviewee disagree no animal welfare for the cost and agree the ban on hens’ battery cages and sows’ narrow pens as EU. However, most interviewee agrees forced legislation on animal welfare will cause impact on livestock production and increase the burden of consumers. Key Words: Animal welfare, Consumer, Livestock products

53. 黑山羊引種澎湖異地保種之效能

呂明宗 廖曉涵 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所


異地分散保種效果。於 99-101 年分別自恆春分所及花蓮種畜繁殖場引種台灣黑山羊恆春品

系 13 頭(3 公、10 母)及花蓮吉安山羊 26 頭(4 公、22 母)。羊隻採公母分飼,公羊為全


及精料。結果顯示,引種羊隻已十分適應澎湖特殊之氣候,於 100-103 年經自然配種共生產

43 頭(23公、20母)恆春黑山羊及 36 頭(19公、17母)花蓮吉安山羊,其平均產仔率為 149%、

單胎率為 49%、雙胎率為 51%。102-104 年共推廣 20 頭恆春黑山羊與 12 頭花蓮吉安山羊,

期望能持續將種原推廣至養羊產銷班,以改善肉羊品種與品質,提升產業競爭力。 關鍵語:山羊、引種、分散保種

The efficiency of conservation of Taiwan black goat in Penghu

M. C. Lu and H. H. Liao

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

The purpose of this study is to decrease the risk of genetic resources, increase animal diversity and

utilization in Peng-Hu. We introduced 13 Taiwan black goat Hengchumg line (3 male and 10 female)

and 26 Ji-An goat (4 male and 22 female) from Hengchumg branch and Hualien animal propagation

station in 2010-2012, respectively. The goats with different gender were breed separately. The male

goats were full grazed, and the female goats were semi-grazed, except in gestation and lactation.

The diet composition was napier, pangola hay, alfalfa pellets and concentrate. Results show that

goats are healthy and accommodated well in the extraordinary atmospheric ambient of Peng-Hu. 43

Taiwan black goat Hengchumg line (23 male and 20 female) and 36 Ji-An goat (19 male and 17

female) were born in 2011-2014. The farrowing rate is 149% with 49% singleton and 51% twins.

We promoted 20 Taiwan black goat Hengchumg line and 12 Ji-An goat to local farmers in

2013-2015. We will keep promoting goats to local farmers to improve the species and meat quality

of goats. It will advantage sustainable development and make this industry more competitive. Key Words: Dispersion conserved, Goat, Introduce

Page 56: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016132

54. 臺灣黃牛異地保種之成效

呂明宗 廖曉涵 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所



值,期盼可達異地分散保種效能。103 年自恆春分所引種台灣黃牛 1 公 4 母(2 母懷孕),


下 1 公 1 母之仔牛;經適應性評估,104 年接著引種 10 頭母牛(5 頭懷孕),於年底產下

仔牛 5 頭(3 公、2 母)。105 年牛隻經自然配種產下 2 頭仔牛(1 公、1 母)。後續將由恆




及提升競爭力。 關鍵語:分散保種、引種、臺灣黃牛

The effect of Taiwan yellow cattle conserved in Penghu

M. C. Lu and H. H. Liao

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

This experiment were imported Taiwan Yellow Cattles form Heng-Chun Branch, Livestock

Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan to Peng-Hu archipelago, for the purpose

of cattle conservation and utilization, and the possibility of Taiwan Yellow Cattles in Peng-Hu

country. 1 male and 4 female (2 female pregnancy) were introduced in 2014, and their offspring (1

male and 1 female) were calved in 2015. 10 female (5 female pregnancy) were introduced in 2015,

and their offspring (3 male and 2 female) were calved in 2015. There were 2 offspring (1 male and 1

female) calved in 2016 by natural breeding. We will keep importing frozen semen for artificial

insemination, to increase genetic diversity and avoid inbreeding resulting in increased bad recessive

trait gene expression, leading to inbreeding depression, and improving the cattle industry in Penghu.

It will advantage sustainable development and make this industry more competitive. Key Words: Dispersion conserved, Introduce, Taiwan yellow cattle

Page 57: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 133

54. 臺灣黃牛異地保種之成效

呂明宗 廖曉涵 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所



值,期盼可達異地分散保種效能。103 年自恆春分所引種台灣黃牛 1 公 4 母(2 母懷孕),


下 1 公 1 母之仔牛;經適應性評估,104 年接著引種 10 頭母牛(5 頭懷孕),於年底產下

仔牛 5 頭(3 公、2 母)。105 年牛隻經自然配種產下 2 頭仔牛(1 公、1 母)。後續將由恆




及提升競爭力。 關鍵語:分散保種、引種、臺灣黃牛

The effect of Taiwan yellow cattle conserved in Penghu

M. C. Lu and H. H. Liao

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

This experiment were imported Taiwan Yellow Cattles form Heng-Chun Branch, Livestock

Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan to Peng-Hu archipelago, for the purpose

of cattle conservation and utilization, and the possibility of Taiwan Yellow Cattles in Peng-Hu

country. 1 male and 4 female (2 female pregnancy) were introduced in 2014, and their offspring (1

male and 1 female) were calved in 2015. 10 female (5 female pregnancy) were introduced in 2015,

and their offspring (3 male and 2 female) were calved in 2015. There were 2 offspring (1 male and 1

female) calved in 2016 by natural breeding. We will keep importing frozen semen for artificial

insemination, to increase genetic diversity and avoid inbreeding resulting in increased bad recessive

trait gene expression, leading to inbreeding depression, and improving the cattle industry in Penghu.

It will advantage sustainable development and make this industry more competitive. Key Words: Dispersion conserved, Introduce, Taiwan yellow cattle

55. 豐輝牧場紅羽土雞選育族群母雞產蛋性能檢定

林德育(1) 曾淑貞(2) 楊豐輝(3) 賴永裕(1) 蔡秀容(1) 吳明哲(1) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)中華醫事科技大學 (3)豐輝牧場

為了解豐輝牧場紅羽土雞選育族群之產蛋性能,分析該族群 G8 世代候選種母雞之產第 1

個蛋的日齡、達 280 日齡之產蛋紀錄,A 品系、B 品系及 C 品系分別有 68 隻、50 隻及 168

隻母雞,共 266 隻。母雞產第 1 枚蛋的日齡從 150 日齡到 210 日齡,母雞產第 1 枚蛋的

平均日齡為 185±13 天;母雞達 280 日齡產蛋數最少為 22 枚,最多可達 125 枚,母雞達

280 日齡平均產蛋數與平均產蛋率為 70.2±18.0 枚與 73.6±15.4%。不同品系母雞產第 1 枚

蛋的日齡與達 280 日齡產蛋數在品系間存在極顯著差異(P < 0.001)。在 A 品系、B 品系

及 C 品系母雞產第 1 枚蛋的日齡分別為 190±11 天、174±14 天及 186±10 天,達 280 日

齡產蛋數分別為 58.4±16.5 枚、76.2±21.9 枚及 73.5±14.5 枚。結果顯示,豐輝牧場紅羽土雞

選育族群母雞有良好的產蛋性能。 關鍵語:紅羽土雞、產蛋性能、檢定

Egg production performance test of red feather native chickens in Feng Hui breeding farm

D. Y. Lin(1), S. J. Tzeng(2), F. H. Yang(3), Y. Y. Lai(1), H. L. Tsai(1) and M. C. Wu(1)

(1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (2)Chung Hwa University of Medical Technology (3)Feng Hui Breeding Farm

To understand the egg production performance of red feather chickens in Feng Hui breeding farm.

Totally, 266 hens from 3 lines of current selection breeding flock including 68 hens of A line, 168

hens of C line and 50 hens of E line were carried out the age at first egg (AFE) and egg number up

to 280 days of age (EN280) test. The AFE of hens was ranged from 150 to 210 days, and the

average AFE of hens was 185±13 days. The EN280 of hens was ranged from 22 to 125 eggs, and

the average EN280 and egg production rate of hens were 70.2±18.0 eggs and 73.6±15.4%,

respectively. There were significant differences in the age at first egg(AFE) and egg number up to

40 weeks of age (EN40) were detected among the three lines (P <0.001). The average of AFE of

hens in A line, C line and E line were 190±11 days, 186±10 days and 174±14 days, respectively.

And the mean of EN280 of hens in A line, C line and E line were 58.4±16.5 eggs, 73.5±14.5 eggs

and 76.2±21.9 eggs, respectively. Our result shows the hens of red feather native chicken selection

flock in Feng Hui breeding farm could be provided with good egg production performance. Key Words: Red feather native chicken, Egg production performance, Test

Page 58: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016134

56. 雞糞墊料重複利用之白肉雞生產效能

徐王鮮(1) 蔡銘祝(1) 程梅萍(2) 蕭庭訓(2) (1)環球科技大學生物技術系 (2)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所



養雞場生產效能。結果顯示肉雞重複飼養於雞糞墊料在 1、2、3、4 及 5 批次間之平均出售

日齡、出售平均體重、平均飼料換肉率及平均育成率,分別介於 35.3 – 36.0 日、2.08 – 2.15 kg、1.48 – 1.50 及 95.5% – 97.6%,批次間均無差異顯著性(P > 0.05)。肉雞重複飼養於雞糞墊

料平均雞隻死亡數與死亡率以飼養第1週齡顯著高於飼養第 2、3、4、5 及 6 週齡(P < 0.05),進一步探討飼養批次、週齡及批次×週齡對死亡數與死亡率之交感效應,結果顯示批次間之死

亡數與死亡率無顯著性差異(P > 0.05),週齡間之死亡數與死亡率差異極顯著(P < 0.001),死亡數與死亡率在批次 × 週齡無交感效應(P > 0.05)。本研究結果顯示肉雞重複飼養於雞糞

墊料模式不影響養雞場之生產效能,可作為養雞業者參考之飼養模式之一。 關鍵語:雞糞墊料、生產效能、重複利用

Effect of reused broiler litter on broilers performance

W. H. Hsu(1), M. C. Tsai(1), T. H. Hsiao(2) and M. P. Cheng(2) (1)Institute of Biotechnology TransWorld University;

(2)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The recording tables of management, including the date of placing chicks, chick numbers of each batch, daily death numbers, feed consumption of stages, and out chicken date, and whole field sold feather number, the date and numbers of catching, total weight of catching, and the reuse times feeding of bedding materials were applied to assess the production effectiveness of a broiler farm. The results showed the periods of raising, the average weight per bird of catching, the average feed conversion rates and average fertility rates were 35.3-36.0 days, 2.08-2.15 kg, 1.48-1.50 and 95.5%-97.6%, respectively for the 1st to 5th batches of reused broiler litter as bedding materials. It showed no difference among batches (P > 0.05). The average death numbers and mortality rates of the first week were significantly higher than those of other week ages (P < 0.05). The statistic analysis of interaction among batches, week age and batch × week age on death numbers and mortality rates showed there were no significant difference on the death numbers and mortality rates among batches (P > 0.05), but those among week ages were significantly difference (P < 0.001). There were no interaction effects between batch and week age (P > 0.05). The results of this study showed the reused broiler litter did not affect the production efficiency of broiler farm, so the recycling of broiler litter as bedding material can be a management model for the poultry industry’s reference. Key Words: Litter, Production performance, Reuse

Page 59: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 135

56. 雞糞墊料重複利用之白肉雞生產效能

徐王鮮(1) 蔡銘祝(1) 程梅萍(2) 蕭庭訓(2) (1)環球科技大學生物技術系 (2)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所



養雞場生產效能。結果顯示肉雞重複飼養於雞糞墊料在 1、2、3、4 及 5 批次間之平均出售

日齡、出售平均體重、平均飼料換肉率及平均育成率,分別介於 35.3 – 36.0 日、2.08 – 2.15 kg、1.48 – 1.50 及 95.5% – 97.6%,批次間均無差異顯著性(P > 0.05)。肉雞重複飼養於雞糞墊

料平均雞隻死亡數與死亡率以飼養第1週齡顯著高於飼養第 2、3、4、5 及 6 週齡(P < 0.05),進一步探討飼養批次、週齡及批次×週齡對死亡數與死亡率之交感效應,結果顯示批次間之死

亡數與死亡率無顯著性差異(P > 0.05),週齡間之死亡數與死亡率差異極顯著(P < 0.001),死亡數與死亡率在批次 × 週齡無交感效應(P > 0.05)。本研究結果顯示肉雞重複飼養於雞糞

墊料模式不影響養雞場之生產效能,可作為養雞業者參考之飼養模式之一。 關鍵語:雞糞墊料、生產效能、重複利用

Effect of reused broiler litter on broilers performance

W. H. Hsu(1), M. C. Tsai(1), T. H. Hsiao(2) and M. P. Cheng(2) (1)Institute of Biotechnology TransWorld University;

(2)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The recording tables of management, including the date of placing chicks, chick numbers of each batch, daily death numbers, feed consumption of stages, and out chicken date, and whole field sold feather number, the date and numbers of catching, total weight of catching, and the reuse times feeding of bedding materials were applied to assess the production effectiveness of a broiler farm. The results showed the periods of raising, the average weight per bird of catching, the average feed conversion rates and average fertility rates were 35.3-36.0 days, 2.08-2.15 kg, 1.48-1.50 and 95.5%-97.6%, respectively for the 1st to 5th batches of reused broiler litter as bedding materials. It showed no difference among batches (P > 0.05). The average death numbers and mortality rates of the first week were significantly higher than those of other week ages (P < 0.05). The statistic analysis of interaction among batches, week age and batch × week age on death numbers and mortality rates showed there were no significant difference on the death numbers and mortality rates among batches (P > 0.05), but those among week ages were significantly difference (P < 0.001). There were no interaction effects between batch and week age (P > 0.05). The results of this study showed the reused broiler litter did not affect the production efficiency of broiler farm, so the recycling of broiler litter as bedding material can be a management model for the poultry industry’s reference. Key Words: Litter, Production performance, Reuse

57. 乳牛完全混合日糧飼料配方線性規劃系統(LTMR)之研發

陳志毅(1) 李國華(2) 陳宜鴻(2) 陳怡璇(2) 賈玉祥(2) (1)行政院農委會畜產試驗 (2)行政院農委會畜產試驗所新竹分所

應用電腦網路系統提供酪農進行乳牛營養配方試算,有利於乳牛群日糧平衡之精準管理,是酪農在牛群經營實務上重要的工具。新竹分所本著提昇產業生產技能,發展優質畜產生產資訊服務系統的原則,擴增原有「台灣乳牛雲端資訊(TDC)服務網」(網址:www.tlrihc.gov.tw)網頁功能內容,開發「乳牛完全混合日糧飼料配方線性規劃系統」(簡稱:LTMR 系統)(http://tmrsite.com.salal.arvixe.com/),系統內容包含「簡易版」、「教學」、「乳牛」、「原料」及「配方」等 5 項模組,使用流程是酪農先依據牛群產能狀況,進入「乳牛」功能選項,將牛隻性能設定適當分群作為配方計算之前置檔案,再以系統新增或自建原料等方式,建立屬於自己的原料資料庫,系統的原料關聯檔案係依據 NRC 乳牛營養需要量建議設計,內置達 72 種成分欄位,可供選擇的常用原料種類則內建有 226 種。在營養配方計算上,本系統提供 3 種配方試算(1)「常用配方」選項,收集 25 種台灣酪農最常使用之飼糧配方,提供初學者進行套餐式選擇,作為乳牛場進行飼料配方調製之參考(2)「最小成本配方試算」功能選項,採用線性規劃模式中之修正單純法(Revised simplex method)作為最小成本飼料配方規劃求解,兼顧乳牛營養需求與最小成本利益考量之平衡,適合乳牛場經營之精準管理(3)「原料營養成份試算」選項,以營養需求為考量原則,對於選定的原料分別進行用量的設定後,由系統計算原料營養成分需求比例。 關鍵語:試算系統、乳牛、飼料配方

Online linear programming of total mixed ration (LTMR) for dairy cattle

J. Y. Chen(1), K. H. Lee(2), I. H. Chen(2), I. S, Chen(2) and Y. S. Jea(2) (1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture;

(2)Hsin-Chu Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

It was beneficial to precision management of the total mixed ration for dairy cattle, if the dairy farmer using network system to calculate the feed formulation of dairy cow, it was also an important tool in management of the dairy cows. In order to promote the production technology in dairy industry and develop high quality information service system for animal products in the Hsin-Chu Branch, Livestock Research Institute.A system of the ‘Online linear programming of total mixed ration (LTMR) for dairy cattle’ was developed in the dairy cloud information service in Taiwan (TDC) (http://tmrsite.com.salal.arvixe.com/) of the Hsin-Chu Branch, Livestock Research Institute website. There were five module included ‘Easy version’,’ Teaching’, ’Dairy cow’, ’Row Material’ and ’Formula’ in the FTMR system. The process of apply was basic on the production performance of dairy cow to adapt grouping on the ’Dairy cow’ functional options, then a front file was formed prior to calculate feed formula, then we could establish a raw material file by system increased or creation voluntarily manner. The raw material relation file was designed that basic on ‘Nutrient Requirement Council’ suggestion, there were 72 ingredient field included and 226 raw species available choice. The methods of the feed formulation calculator were available in this system (1) ‘Common formula’ – there were 25 species usually used feed formula for farmer in Taiwan, it could be as reference at feed modulation. (2) ‘ Floor coast feed formulation calculator’ – The ‘Revised simplex method’ in the Linear program was used to plan solving, both nutrition demand of dairy cow and smallest coast benefit were balance considerable, that was suitable for precision management of cows for dairy farmer. (3) ‘Raw nutrition calculator’ – The nutrition demand was main considered in principle, we could set up variable raw apply quantity, then the nutrition demand ratio was calculated by computer. Key Words: Calculator system, Dairy cow, Feed formula

Page 60: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016136

58. 種豬全胎檢定測重性狀生物機電模組之研發

陳志毅 吳明哲 陳水財 賴永裕 林德育 廖仁寶 顏念慈 郭廷雍 陳佳萱 林秀蓮 行政院農委會畜產試驗所

種豬全胎檢定工作係應用產業技術發展台灣種豬產業的重要精進策略之一,本研究著重於種豬全胎檢定測重性狀檢測機具之研發,期藉由自動傳輸功能精準收集全胎檢定資料,來探討雄親遺傳穩定度與整齊度之育種優勢。種豬全胎檢定生物機電模組係透過 Arduino Mega 2560(核心機板)、PT580 Handheld Reader(手持讀取器)、Load Cell(荷重元件)與 RTC(Real time clock,時間記錄器) 等電子模組,取得種豬之耳號、體重、與時間等測量資料加以整合,顯示於 LCD(液晶螢幕)上,並儲存於 SD 卡(Secure Digital Memory Card,安全數位卡)中,當測重資料紀錄於 SD 卡後,即由機板內建動物重量管理程式,透過無線網路,快速上傳至畜產種原資料庫的對應儲存區,以利後續資料運算與應用。本模組與目前新型的德國 BOSCHE(編號 101-001 型)豬隻電子秤相較,兩者荷重元承重範圍同為 100 至 300 kg,均配備有 30 cm 的液晶顯示器,然而模組還具有藍芽連線及無線傳輸功能模組,可支援雲端物聯資料庫傳輸應用,亦附加 SD 卡備援儲存及鍵盤輔助輸入等功能,價格僅約 BOSCHE 電子秤 10 萬元的 1/3;另以 Handheld Reader 讀取豬隻 134.2 KHz 電子耳標後進行資料儲存測試,最高儲存量可達 7000 張,實測讀取距離有效範圍為 9 至 22 cm,本模組可改善傳統人工紀錄費力耗時的缺點,有效提升種豬場管理者的工作效率。 關鍵語:種豬、全胎檢定、測重性狀

The development of the bio-mechatronic module for the weighting traits of swine litter test

J. Y. Chen, M. C. Wu, S. T. Chen, Y. Y. Lai, D. Y. Lin, R. B. Liaw, N. T. Yen, T. Y. Guo, J. X. Chen and S. L. Lin

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

The breeding pigs litter test work was an important progress strategy for developing the industry breeding pigs by production technology. It was emphasized that development of tool module of weight tested for the full parity tested work of breeding pigs in this study. We could probe the stable degree of genetic and neat degree for boar by precision data collected from automatic transmission function. There were the Arduino Mega 2560 motherboard, the PT580 handheld reader, the load cell and the real time clock (RTC) chipset be included in the bio-mechatronic module for the weighting traits of breeding pigs litter test, when the ear tag of , body weight and time data be obtain, all of that data would displayed on LCD and the saved in SD card, then be transported to the “Animal Genetic Resources Information Network in Taiwan” website, it was favorable to application of data. Compared the Arduino module with the BOSCHE (101-001style) Electronic scales in Germany system, the same range of bear weight were 100 to 300kg and 30cm LCD attached , but this Arduino module still had Bluetooth connection and transmission automatically, the application of cloud database was supported, there were backup and key in additional function, however the price of this Arduino module was 1/3 of the BOSCHE. We tested the save capacity of the Handheld Reader read 134.2KHz for the ear tag of breeding pigs, the effective range of reading distance was 9 to 22cm. The transitional artificial data recorded defect could be improve by using the Arduino module, and elevated work effectiveness of the Supervisor for management breeding pigs. Key Words: Breeding pigs, Litter test, Weighting traits

Page 61: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 137

58. 種豬全胎檢定測重性狀生物機電模組之研發

陳志毅 吳明哲 陳水財 賴永裕 林德育 廖仁寶 顏念慈 郭廷雍 陳佳萱 林秀蓮 行政院農委會畜產試驗所

種豬全胎檢定工作係應用產業技術發展台灣種豬產業的重要精進策略之一,本研究著重於種豬全胎檢定測重性狀檢測機具之研發,期藉由自動傳輸功能精準收集全胎檢定資料,來探討雄親遺傳穩定度與整齊度之育種優勢。種豬全胎檢定生物機電模組係透過 Arduino Mega 2560(核心機板)、PT580 Handheld Reader(手持讀取器)、Load Cell(荷重元件)與 RTC(Real time clock,時間記錄器) 等電子模組,取得種豬之耳號、體重、與時間等測量資料加以整合,顯示於 LCD(液晶螢幕)上,並儲存於 SD 卡(Secure Digital Memory Card,安全數位卡)中,當測重資料紀錄於 SD 卡後,即由機板內建動物重量管理程式,透過無線網路,快速上傳至畜產種原資料庫的對應儲存區,以利後續資料運算與應用。本模組與目前新型的德國 BOSCHE(編號 101-001 型)豬隻電子秤相較,兩者荷重元承重範圍同為 100 至 300 kg,均配備有 30 cm 的液晶顯示器,然而模組還具有藍芽連線及無線傳輸功能模組,可支援雲端物聯資料庫傳輸應用,亦附加 SD 卡備援儲存及鍵盤輔助輸入等功能,價格僅約 BOSCHE 電子秤 10 萬元的 1/3;另以 Handheld Reader 讀取豬隻 134.2 KHz 電子耳標後進行資料儲存測試,最高儲存量可達 7000 張,實測讀取距離有效範圍為 9 至 22 cm,本模組可改善傳統人工紀錄費力耗時的缺點,有效提升種豬場管理者的工作效率。 關鍵語:種豬、全胎檢定、測重性狀

The development of the bio-mechatronic module for the weighting traits of swine litter test

J. Y. Chen, M. C. Wu, S. T. Chen, Y. Y. Lai, D. Y. Lin, R. B. Liaw, N. T. Yen, T. Y. Guo, J. X. Chen and S. L. Lin

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

The breeding pigs litter test work was an important progress strategy for developing the industry breeding pigs by production technology. It was emphasized that development of tool module of weight tested for the full parity tested work of breeding pigs in this study. We could probe the stable degree of genetic and neat degree for boar by precision data collected from automatic transmission function. There were the Arduino Mega 2560 motherboard, the PT580 handheld reader, the load cell and the real time clock (RTC) chipset be included in the bio-mechatronic module for the weighting traits of breeding pigs litter test, when the ear tag of , body weight and time data be obtain, all of that data would displayed on LCD and the saved in SD card, then be transported to the “Animal Genetic Resources Information Network in Taiwan” website, it was favorable to application of data. Compared the Arduino module with the BOSCHE (101-001style) Electronic scales in Germany system, the same range of bear weight were 100 to 300kg and 30cm LCD attached , but this Arduino module still had Bluetooth connection and transmission automatically, the application of cloud database was supported, there were backup and key in additional function, however the price of this Arduino module was 1/3 of the BOSCHE. We tested the save capacity of the Handheld Reader read 134.2KHz for the ear tag of breeding pigs, the effective range of reading distance was 9 to 22cm. The transitional artificial data recorded defect could be improve by using the Arduino module, and elevated work effectiveness of the Supervisor for management breeding pigs. Key Words: Breeding pigs, Litter test, Weighting traits

59. 優良乳種公牛精液生產與保存

趙俊炫(1) 陳一明(1) 陳宜鴻(1) 陳怡璇(1) 李佳馨(1) 李國華(1) 蕭宗法(3) 陳立人(3) 吳明哲(3) 賈玉祥(1)

(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所新竹分所 (2)行政院農業委員會 (3)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所







液相似,但精液冷藏保存 3 日其精子仍具有受孕力。初步結果以市售稀釋液 Biladyl 解凍後

精子存活較佳,可達 65% 以上解凍活力。結果顯示已改善相關製程。 關鍵語:公牛冷凍精液、荷蘭種公牛、公牛冷藏精液

Elite Holstein bull semen production and storage J. S. Chao(1), Y. M Chen(1), I. H. Chen(2), I. S. Chen(1), J. X. Lee(1), J. W. Shiao(1), K. H. Lee(1),

T. F. Shiao(3), L. R. Chen(3), M. C. Wu(3) and Y. S. Jea(1) (1)Hsinchu Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

(2)Council of Agriculture (3)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

By conducting management system and performance improvement plans for many years, farmers have been bred Holstein cattle with heat-resistant trait in Taiwan. It’s necessary to sustain and promote these offspring’s semen of elite cow with heat-resistant trait to accelerate the improvement of milk industry in Taiwan. The goal of the plan is to produce frozen semen from such elite bulls. We established welfare breeding and humanitarian semen-collecting technology including dairy bull breeding barn area with moving lines, fences and safety entrance design and animal traction and hold. We conducted semen-collecting procedure of bulls, and measured semen volume, concentration and vitality. Moreover, we investigated the effects of refrigeration and frozen-thaw for sperm motility. It was found that although the conception rate of refrigerated spermatozoa was similar as post-thawed frozen spermatozoa, but spermatozoa kept in 3 days refrigeration still have conception ability. Preliminary results shown that using a commercial extender Biladyl, the post-thawed frozen spermatozoa have better motility, above 65% motility. The results showed that the relevant manufacturing procedure have been improved. Key Words: Frozen spermatozoa, Holstein dairy bull, Refrigerated spermatozoa

Page 62: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016138

60. 農畜廢棄物資源化應用技術開發

梁世祥 蕭振文 賈玉祥




收集水虻幼蟲與殘餘物,取樣烘乾溫度設定 60℃,時間設定 48 小時,樣品送驗分析幼蟲營






Application technology development of waste resources of agriculture and livestock

S. H. Liang, J. W. Shiau and Y. S. Jea Hsinchu Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

Application of black soldier fly establish manure solids of solid-liquid separation process mixed

wine meal of farm animal waste optimum standard operating procedures, to achieve the best waste

disposal. Simultaneous byproducts nutritional composition, heavy metals, mycotoxins content,

amino acid composition, fatty acid composition and analysis of causative pathogen. And farm

animal waste before and after the evaluation process of the nutritional composition, the treated

product meets the health and safety of industrial applications.

Key Words: Agriculture resources, Biological conversion, Black soldier fly

Page 63: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 139

60. 農畜廢棄物資源化應用技術開發

梁世祥 蕭振文 賈玉祥




收集水虻幼蟲與殘餘物,取樣烘乾溫度設定 60℃,時間設定 48 小時,樣品送驗分析幼蟲營






Application technology development of waste resources of agriculture and livestock

S. H. Liang, J. W. Shiau and Y. S. Jea Hsinchu Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

Application of black soldier fly establish manure solids of solid-liquid separation process mixed

wine meal of farm animal waste optimum standard operating procedures, to achieve the best waste

disposal. Simultaneous byproducts nutritional composition, heavy metals, mycotoxins content,

amino acid composition, fatty acid composition and analysis of causative pathogen. And farm

animal waste before and after the evaluation process of the nutritional composition, the treated

product meets the health and safety of industrial applications.

Key Words: Agriculture resources, Biological conversion, Black soldier fly

61. 臺灣養鹿農戶經營記帳與效益分析

呂秀英 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所

本研究旨在輔導養鹿農戶養成記帳習慣,並根據記帳資料(103 年 1 月~103 年 12 月)分析養鹿之生產成本結構,分析比較不同規模、地區之效益並開發數位化軟體,最後提出建議。平均一頭鹿一年生產成本為 32,424.26 元,主要生產成本項目依序分別為勞力費 12,049.77 元(37.16%)、為飼料費 8,670.84 元(26.76%)、生產鹿折舊費 5,659.29 元(17.45%);平均一頭鹿一年直接生產成本為 22,750.12 元(70.16%),間接生產費用為 9,276.32 元(28.61%)。平均一頭鹿一年可獲淨收益 8,377.10 元,若自家勞力不計入生產成本,則可獲農場賺款 18,514.97 元;就地區別經營效益比較,平均每頭鹿之淨收益以中部地區最高,達 13,058.75 元,其次為南部 7,091.33 元。平均每兩鹿茸之淨收益仍以中部地區最高(289.68元),其次為北部地區(203.11元)。就規模別經營效益比較,依在養頭數分四種規模(< 50,51~100,101~150,151~200 頭),平均每頭鹿包含資本利息一年之生產費用,隨著規模擴大而遞減。平均每頭鹿一年之淨收益以(< 50 頭)最高,為 10,348.02 元,其次 51~200 頭為 8,327.42 元;就割茸鹿而言,小資金者可朝向割茸鹿頭數 31~60 頭經營,資金較大者可朝向 90 頭以上,61~90 頭者為不經濟規模,若欲降低生產成本必須擴大經營規模與提高產茸量,若能提高鹿茸自售比例將可提高收益。 關鍵語:鹿、生產成本、鹿茸

The analysis of the managerial accounting and benefit on the deer farms in Taiwan

S. Y. Leu Livestock Research Institute. Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The study aimed at analyzing the production structure and the managerial profits on the deer farms in Taiwan. Based on managerially recording accounts on the 25 deer farms in 2014, the gross production cost one year was NT$32,424.26 per head. The main components of the cost structure were labor cost (37.16%), feed cost (27.76%), the depreciation cost (17.45%) of stag and doe. The direct and indirect cost was NT$22750.12(27.16$), NT$9,276.32(28.61%) per head respectively. The net revenue per head was NT$8,377.10. If the home labor cost was excluded from the production cost, the deer farmer can get farm earnings (NT$18,514.97) per head. Comparison for the different districts on the deer farms in Taiwan, the highest net revenue was NT$13,058.75 per head in the middle Taiwan, secondly was NT$7,091.33 at the southern Taiwan. The highest net revenue per 37.5g of valet antlers was NT$289.68 at the middle Taiwan, secondly was NT$203.11 at the northern Taiwan. Comparison for the different sizes of deer farms, we differentiate four sizes based on feeding deers. Those were <50, 51~100, 101~150, 151~200 heads. The production costs including capital interests was decreasing accompany with the size enlarged. The highest of the net revenue per head of deer was NT$10,348.02, under the size of <50 heads, secondly was NT$8,327.42 under the size of 151~200 heads. Viewing from the producing valet antlers of deers, the size 31~60 heads was suggested under small capital. Oppositely having enough labors and capital, the size >90 heads of deers producing valet was suggested. The size 61~90 heads of deers producing valet was diseconomic. In order to reduce cost, farmers must enlarge scale and increase the ratio of self-selling the valet antlers to increase the revenue. Key word: Deer, Production cost, Valet antlers

Page 64: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016140

62. 畜試所珍貴種禽品種特點與生長性狀

黃信忠 劉曉龍 洪哲明 林義福 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所



赤褐羽和體型較大的黃羽顏色,其肉質及蛋白質佳而著稱,出雛體重為 33.4 ± 2.7 g, 16 週

體重為 1,413 ± 278 g;大型烏骨雞則為畜試白絲羽烏骨雞和肉雞配種後挑選體型較大者留種

選育而成,兼具畜試白絲羽烏骨雞的外表特徵及肉雞生長速度快等特性,其出雛體重為 37.4

± 5.2 g,10 週體重為 1,719 ± 257 g,16 週體重為 2,854 ± 362 g;無鱗雞因全身無毛、腳脛

無鱗片,在低溫生長效率較正常雞隻差,在 38℃ 環境下增重較多,飼效較好,屠體蛋白含

量多,脂肪少等特性。其出雛體重為 27.2 ±2.7 g,16 週體重為 1,018 ± 185 g。此三種雞隻品

種目前仍在畜試所進行保種繁殖,未來仍會持續保種並改良其生長性狀。 關鍵語:珍貴品種、特性、生長性狀

Characteristics and growth performance of precious chicken breeds of Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

S. J. Huang, H. K. Liu, C. M. Hung and Y. F. Lin

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

The study was to investigate the characteristics and growth performance of precious chicken breeds

of Livestock Research Institute including Beijing fatty chicken, large type silky chicken and

scaleless chicken. Beijing fatty chicken has characteristics of crest, hairy legs and beard with good

meat quality. There are two types of Beijing fatty chicken including small size red feather and big

size yellow feather. The body weights at hatch and 16 weeks of age were 33.4 ± 2.7 g and 413 ±

278 g, respectively. Large type silky chickens were selected form the cross of LRI white silky

chicken and broiler chicken. They have outward appearance of LRI white silky chicken and growth

performance of broiler chicken. The body weights at hatch, 10 and 16 weeks of age were 37.4 ± 5.2

g, 1,719 ± 257 g and 2,854 ± 362 g, respectively. Scaleless chicken has no feather and tibia scale.

The growth efficiency in low-temperature is lower than normal chickens. In the 38℃ environment,

its weight gain, feed efficiency and carcass are high and fat is low. The body weights at hatch and

16 weeks of age were 27.2 ±2.7 g and 1,018 ± 185 g, respectively. These three breeds of chickens

are reproduced under conservative program continually in Livestock Research Institute, Council of

Agriculture and it will continue to conservation and improve their growth performance.

Key Words: Characteristics, Growth performance, Precious breed

Page 65: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 141

62. 畜試所珍貴種禽品種特點與生長性狀

黃信忠 劉曉龍 洪哲明 林義福 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所



赤褐羽和體型較大的黃羽顏色,其肉質及蛋白質佳而著稱,出雛體重為 33.4 ± 2.7 g, 16 週

體重為 1,413 ± 278 g;大型烏骨雞則為畜試白絲羽烏骨雞和肉雞配種後挑選體型較大者留種

選育而成,兼具畜試白絲羽烏骨雞的外表特徵及肉雞生長速度快等特性,其出雛體重為 37.4

± 5.2 g,10 週體重為 1,719 ± 257 g,16 週體重為 2,854 ± 362 g;無鱗雞因全身無毛、腳脛

無鱗片,在低溫生長效率較正常雞隻差,在 38℃ 環境下增重較多,飼效較好,屠體蛋白含

量多,脂肪少等特性。其出雛體重為 27.2 ±2.7 g,16 週體重為 1,018 ± 185 g。此三種雞隻品

種目前仍在畜試所進行保種繁殖,未來仍會持續保種並改良其生長性狀。 關鍵語:珍貴品種、特性、生長性狀

Characteristics and growth performance of precious chicken breeds of Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

S. J. Huang, H. K. Liu, C. M. Hung and Y. F. Lin

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

The study was to investigate the characteristics and growth performance of precious chicken breeds

of Livestock Research Institute including Beijing fatty chicken, large type silky chicken and

scaleless chicken. Beijing fatty chicken has characteristics of crest, hairy legs and beard with good

meat quality. There are two types of Beijing fatty chicken including small size red feather and big

size yellow feather. The body weights at hatch and 16 weeks of age were 33.4 ± 2.7 g and 413 ±

278 g, respectively. Large type silky chickens were selected form the cross of LRI white silky

chicken and broiler chicken. They have outward appearance of LRI white silky chicken and growth

performance of broiler chicken. The body weights at hatch, 10 and 16 weeks of age were 37.4 ± 5.2

g, 1,719 ± 257 g and 2,854 ± 362 g, respectively. Scaleless chicken has no feather and tibia scale.

The growth efficiency in low-temperature is lower than normal chickens. In the 38℃ environment,

its weight gain, feed efficiency and carcass are high and fat is low. The body weights at hatch and

16 weeks of age were 27.2 ±2.7 g and 1,018 ± 185 g, respectively. These three breeds of chickens

are reproduced under conservative program continually in Livestock Research Institute, Council of

Agriculture and it will continue to conservation and improve their growth performance.

Key Words: Characteristics, Growth performance, Precious breed

63. 畜試所烏骨雞品種之生長性能測定

黃信忠 劉曉龍 洪哲明 林義福 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所

此試驗以畜產試驗所中的三種烏骨雞選育品種來作生產性能探討,此三種品種為: 畜試白絲

羽烏骨雞、黑羽烏骨雞及藍殼蛋烏骨雞。試驗飼料採任飼,並測量其族群出雛體重、10 週齡

體重、16 週齡體重。結果顯示,畜試白絲羽烏骨雞新世代族群出雛體重為 27.9 ± 2.0 g,10 週

體重為 740 ± 137 g,16 週體重為 1,137 ± 210 g;黑羽烏骨雞新世代族群則是出雛體重為 31.8

± 3.8 g,10 週體重為 868 ± 156 g,16 週體重為 1465 ± 275 g;藍殼蛋烏骨雞新世代族群出

雛體重為 31.8 ± 2.81 g,10 週體重為 787 ± 155 g,16 週體重為 1,258 ±288 g。此部份數據




Determination of the growth performance of silky chickens breeds in Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

S. J. Huang, H. K. Liu, C. M. Hung and Y. F. Lin

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

The experiment was to investigate the growth performance of LRI white silky chickens (SW), black

silky chickens (SB) and blue shell silky chickens (BSE). Feeds were provides ad libitum. Body

weights of the population at 0, 10 and 16 weeks of age were recorded. The results indicated that the

body weights of new generations at 0, 10 and 16 weeks of age were 27.9 ± 2.0 g, 740 ± 137 g and

1,137 ± 210g, respectively for SW; 31.8 ± 3.8 g, 868 ± 156g, 1,465 ± 275 g, respectively for SB and

31.8 ± 2.8 g, 787 ± 155 g, 1,258 ± 288 g, respectively for BSE. This data can be used as an

evaluation of production performance and used to compare with previous generations in order to

maintain the traits of silky breeds and to improve their performance.

Key Words: Silky chicken, Breed, Growth performance

Page 66: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016142

64. 智慧化監控乳牛健康管理系統之應用

李國華 王思涵 陳怡璇 陳一明 趙俊炫 賈玉祥 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所新竹分所

本試驗旨在應用可偵測乳牛瘤胃酸鹼值、溫度及反芻之感測系統進行智慧化監控乳牛健康。本試驗分為兩大部分,一為乳牛瘤胃溫度及酸鹼值偵測系統(WellCowTM),包括膠囊型瘤胃溫度及酸鹼值感測器、無線傳輸接收器及軟體,將膠囊投入至個別牛隻的瘤胃,此膠囊每 15 分鐘感測瘤胃之溫度與酸鹼值一次,在近牛隻瘤胃體表處使用無線傳輸接收器來收集牛隻每日瘤胃的體溫與酸鹼值變化以監控牛隻的健康。另一部分為乳牛反芻感測系統(DairymasterTM),包括頸掛式感測器、基第台收發天線、無線網路及雲端管理軟體,將頸掛式感測器配繫於個別牛隻的頸項,可感測牛隻反芻之行為資訊,再經無線傳輸方式至電腦或智慧型手機,即可得知每日反芻時間的變化以監控牛隻的健康。結果顯示,當泌乳牛餵食高精料(60%)時,瘤胃酸鹼值偵測系統會精準得到該牛隻全天的瘤胃酸鹼值為 pH 5.90 - 6.15 之間。當牛隻發情時,乳牛反芻感測系統可偵測到該牛隻當天反芻時間(下跌約 30%),即時預警以減少牛隻健康之惡化與損失。 關鍵語:乳牛、健康、反芻

Application of the management systems of wisdom monitoring dairy health

K. H. Lee, S. H. Wang, Y. H. Chen, Y. M. Chen, J. S. Chao and Y. S. Jea Hsinchu Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The purpose of this study was to apple the management systems of wisdom monitoring dairy health to detect the rumen pH/temperature and ruminating behavior on dairy cows. The rumen monitoring system (Well CowTM) was incorporating a pH/temperature bolus and wireless receiver. The bolus will log pH and temperature every 15 minutes. Data is retrieved from the bolus through the receiver using the mobile application. The mobile application will then transfer the retrieved data up to the web site without user intervention when a network connection (Wi-Fi with Internet) becomes visible to it. Another system was rumination monitoring system (DairymasterTM) that included monitor tag, basestation and software programs. The system was providing the manager important information on the health of each cow in the herd. The information recorded on the tag is wirelessly transferred to the internet via the basestation. These data were then interpreted by the software programs, and let managers can accurately get each cow of information on the rumination every day. The results showed that lactating dairy cows were fed with high concentrate (60%), and the rumen pH monitoring system would accurately determine the pH value of the rumen of the cow between pH 5.9 - 6.15. The cow rumination monitoring system detected the ruminant time (about -30%) of the day when the cow was in heat. Special treatment should be immediate warning of cattle, immediate treatment and improvement it. And, farmer can use to better manage the health and income of his herd. Key Words: Dairy cattle, Health, Rumination

Page 67: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 143

64. 智慧化監控乳牛健康管理系統之應用

李國華 王思涵 陳怡璇 陳一明 趙俊炫 賈玉祥 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所新竹分所

本試驗旨在應用可偵測乳牛瘤胃酸鹼值、溫度及反芻之感測系統進行智慧化監控乳牛健康。本試驗分為兩大部分,一為乳牛瘤胃溫度及酸鹼值偵測系統(WellCowTM),包括膠囊型瘤胃溫度及酸鹼值感測器、無線傳輸接收器及軟體,將膠囊投入至個別牛隻的瘤胃,此膠囊每 15 分鐘感測瘤胃之溫度與酸鹼值一次,在近牛隻瘤胃體表處使用無線傳輸接收器來收集牛隻每日瘤胃的體溫與酸鹼值變化以監控牛隻的健康。另一部分為乳牛反芻感測系統(DairymasterTM),包括頸掛式感測器、基第台收發天線、無線網路及雲端管理軟體,將頸掛式感測器配繫於個別牛隻的頸項,可感測牛隻反芻之行為資訊,再經無線傳輸方式至電腦或智慧型手機,即可得知每日反芻時間的變化以監控牛隻的健康。結果顯示,當泌乳牛餵食高精料(60%)時,瘤胃酸鹼值偵測系統會精準得到該牛隻全天的瘤胃酸鹼值為 pH 5.90 - 6.15 之間。當牛隻發情時,乳牛反芻感測系統可偵測到該牛隻當天反芻時間(下跌約 30%),即時預警以減少牛隻健康之惡化與損失。 關鍵語:乳牛、健康、反芻

Application of the management systems of wisdom monitoring dairy health

K. H. Lee, S. H. Wang, Y. H. Chen, Y. M. Chen, J. S. Chao and Y. S. Jea Hsinchu Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The purpose of this study was to apple the management systems of wisdom monitoring dairy health to detect the rumen pH/temperature and ruminating behavior on dairy cows. The rumen monitoring system (Well CowTM) was incorporating a pH/temperature bolus and wireless receiver. The bolus will log pH and temperature every 15 minutes. Data is retrieved from the bolus through the receiver using the mobile application. The mobile application will then transfer the retrieved data up to the web site without user intervention when a network connection (Wi-Fi with Internet) becomes visible to it. Another system was rumination monitoring system (DairymasterTM) that included monitor tag, basestation and software programs. The system was providing the manager important information on the health of each cow in the herd. The information recorded on the tag is wirelessly transferred to the internet via the basestation. These data were then interpreted by the software programs, and let managers can accurately get each cow of information on the rumination every day. The results showed that lactating dairy cows were fed with high concentrate (60%), and the rumen pH monitoring system would accurately determine the pH value of the rumen of the cow between pH 5.9 - 6.15. The cow rumination monitoring system detected the ruminant time (about -30%) of the day when the cow was in heat. Special treatment should be immediate warning of cattle, immediate treatment and improvement it. And, farmer can use to better manage the health and income of his herd. Key Words: Dairy cattle, Health, Rumination

65. 畜試黑豬一號及高畜黑豬正反交初產母豬繁殖性能

吳鈴彩 吳文峯 吳啟瑞 林進隆 蔡騰進 許晉賓 李恒夫 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所

過去 LYD 三品種生產模式,已經證實可以提升豬隻生產效率,此模式應可運用於黑毛豬的



性能。結果顯示,E×K 及 K×E 母豬初產的平均窩仔數分別為 5.50±3.54 與 10.14±2.67 頭;

活窩仔數為 4.00±1.41 與 9.43±3.15 頭;仔豬出生存活率為 72.73% 與 92.96%;出生體重

為 1.45±0.49 與 1.24±0.32 公斤;3 週齡體重為 5.46±2.72 與 4.36±1.58 公斤;3 週齡育成

率為 75.00% 與 92.59%。綜上所述,K×E 有較高的窩仔數與活窩仔數,但出生體重及三週

齡出生重則低於 E×K 者。


The reproductive performance of the reciprocal crossing of TLRI Black Pig No. 1 and KHAPS Black Pig

L. T. Wu, W. F. Wu, C. J. Wu, J. L. Lin, T. J. Tsai, C. B. Hsu and H. F. Lee

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan.

The three-way production model of LYD has been shown to enhance the production efficiency.

Such model should be applied to the black hog as well. The survival and production could be

improved through the heterosis to culture elite sows, then crossed with boar to produce black-hair

hog. In this study, the reproductive performance of the reciprocal crossing by TLRI black pig No.1

(E) and KHAPS black pig (K) was observed. These reproductive traits includes litter size at birth,

piglet born alive, survival rate at birth, body weight (BW) at birth, BW at 21 days of age, and

survival rate at 21 days of age. The results showed that litter size at birth, piglet born alive, and

survival rate at birth were 5.50±3.54, 4.00±1.41 and 72.73%, respectively in E×K, and 10.14±2.67,

9.43±3.15, 92.96% , respectively in K×E. The body weight (BW) at birth, BW at 21 days of age,

and survival rate at 21 days of age were, 1.45±0.49 kg, 5.46±2.72 kg and 75.00%, respectively in E

×K; and 1.24±0.32 kg, 4.36±1.58 kg and 92.59%, respectively in K×E. From above results, it

demonstrated that the litter size at birth, piglet born alive of K×E were higher than those of E×K,

however body weight at birth, BW at 21 days of age of piglet from K×E were lower than those from


Key Words: KHAPS Black Pig, TLRI Black Pig No. 1, Reproductive performance

Page 68: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016144

66. 臺灣水牛激卵濾泡素受體、排卵素受體及動情素受體 α 基因片


莊璧華(1) 陳若菁(2) 蘇安國(1)

(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所花蓮種畜繁殖場 (2)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所

本試驗針對 30 頭臺灣母水牛繁殖性狀相關基因激卵濾泡素受體(follicle stimulating hormone

receptor, FSHR)、排卵素受體(luteinizing hormone receptor, LHR)及動情素受體 α(estrogen

receptor- , Erα α)基因片段進行探討。試驗結果顯示,FSHR exon 10 基因(1,234 bo)於 304、

610及 617 bp 位置有 C/T 同類置換,母水牛具不同 304(C/C、T/T、C/T)基因型之產犢間

距及犢牛出生體重表現無顯著差異,具純合子 304C/C 基因型母水牛產公犢牛比例最高。LHR

exon 11(827bp)及 Er α 啟動子 exon C 基因(248 bp)於試驗族群中尚未發現S NP 點。


Monitoring the diversity of FSHR, LHR and ER α genes in Taiwan water buffalos

P. H. Chuang(1), J. C. Chen(2) and A. K. Su(1) (1)Hualien Animal Propagation Station, COA-TLRI.

(2)Livestock Research Institute , Council of Agriculture , Executive Yuan. R.O.C

The study was to investigate the polymorphisms of the follicle stimulating hormone receptor

(FSHR), luteinizing hormone receptor (LHR) and estrogen receptor- (Er ) genes of thirty female α α

Taiwan water buffalos. The results showed that the polymorphisms of FSHR exon 10 gene (1,234

bp) were located at 304 bp, 610bp and 617bp (all C>T transition). The effects of FSHR 304 C>T

polymorphism on calving interval of cows and birth weight of calves were not significant difference.

However, the buffalos with 304C/C gene type had the highest sex ratio of male calves. There were

no SNP found in LHR exon 11(827bp) and Er promoter exonc c gene (248bp) in the test water α


Key Words: Taiwan water buffalo, Follicle stimulating hormone receptor

Page 69: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 145

66. 臺灣水牛激卵濾泡素受體、排卵素受體及動情素受體 α 基因片


莊璧華(1) 陳若菁(2) 蘇安國(1)

(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所花蓮種畜繁殖場 (2)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所

本試驗針對 30 頭臺灣母水牛繁殖性狀相關基因激卵濾泡素受體(follicle stimulating hormone

receptor, FSHR)、排卵素受體(luteinizing hormone receptor, LHR)及動情素受體 α(estrogen

receptor- , Erα α)基因片段進行探討。試驗結果顯示,FSHR exon 10 基因(1,234 bo)於 304、

610及 617 bp 位置有 C/T 同類置換,母水牛具不同 304(C/C、T/T、C/T)基因型之產犢間

距及犢牛出生體重表現無顯著差異,具純合子 304C/C 基因型母水牛產公犢牛比例最高。LHR

exon 11(827bp)及 Er α 啟動子 exon C 基因(248 bp)於試驗族群中尚未發現S NP 點。


Monitoring the diversity of FSHR, LHR and ER α genes in Taiwan water buffalos

P. H. Chuang(1), J. C. Chen(2) and A. K. Su(1) (1)Hualien Animal Propagation Station, COA-TLRI.

(2)Livestock Research Institute , Council of Agriculture , Executive Yuan. R.O.C

The study was to investigate the polymorphisms of the follicle stimulating hormone receptor

(FSHR), luteinizing hormone receptor (LHR) and estrogen receptor- (Er ) genes of thirty female α α

Taiwan water buffalos. The results showed that the polymorphisms of FSHR exon 10 gene (1,234

bp) were located at 304 bp, 610bp and 617bp (all C>T transition). The effects of FSHR 304 C>T

polymorphism on calving interval of cows and birth weight of calves were not significant difference.

However, the buffalos with 304C/C gene type had the highest sex ratio of male calves. There were

no SNP found in LHR exon 11(827bp) and Er promoter exonc c gene (248bp) in the test water α


Key Words: Taiwan water buffalo, Follicle stimulating hormone receptor

67. 鬥雞種雞基因多樣性分析研究 —花蓮種畜繁殖場鬥雞種雞群基因多樣性分析

謝佳容(1) 林德育(2) 蘇安國(1)

(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所花蓮種畜繁殖場 (2)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所遺傳育種組

本研究將了解台灣各地區鬥雞族群的基因多樣性,而首先將著重於花蓮種畜繁殖場現有之鬥雞種雞族群,藉由微衛星標記分析來窺探鬥雞基因多樣性的樣貌。國際農糧組織(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2011)已建置了雞隻微衛星標記分析平台,作為分析雞隻基因多樣性的有力工具。在 22 組微衛星標記引子組分析本場42隻鬥雞種雞個體後,顯示此 22 組微衛星標記皆有多態型的基因型,且共檢測到 124 個對偶基因,平均每個基因座具有 5.64 個對偶基因。並且其期望異質度介於 0.251 至 0.887,平均為 0.574,觀測異質度則介於 0.095 至 0.952,平均為 0.524,多態性訊息含量介於 0.223 至 0.865,其平均為 0.519,而其中有 10 組微衛星標記組具有高多態性訊息含量(PIC > 0.5)。結果顯示,本試驗所選取之微衛星標記可展現本場現有之鬥雞種雞族群具有豐富的多態性訊息。最終可以此遺傳訊息來做為花蓮種畜繁殖場未來選種育種的基礎,改善鬥雞母生長整齊度不佳的問題。


The study of the gene diversity of fighting chickens in Hualien animal propagation station

C. J. Hsieh(1), D. Y. Lin(2) and A. K. Su(1)

(1)Hualien Animal Propagation Station, COA-TLRI. (2)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan. R.O.C

This study was conducted on elucidating the gene diversity of fighting chickens from different areas in Taiwan. Based on the well approved microsatellite markers from FAO, the gene diversity of fighting chickens in Hualien animal propagation station were be analyzed. In this study, a total forty two fighting chickens were be analyzed. The averages value of expected heterozygosity in this population ranged from 0.251 to 0.887 and had a mean value of 0.574. Meanwhile, the averages of observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.095 to 0.952 and had a mean value of 0.524. The polymorphic information contents (PIC) were also be estimated with a mean of 0.519 and ranged from 0.223 to 0.865. Ten microsatellite markers (45%) were highly informative (PIC>0.5). The results showed that the information from these twenty two microsatellite markers in this flock of fighting chickens could demonstrate they had a highly polymorphic gene diversity. Ultimately, this information will help us to understand the genetic background of fighting chickens and to solve the problem of growth inconsistent of game hens. Key Words:Fighting chickens, Gene diversity

Page 70: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016146

68. 懸吊式鏈條對離乳豬混養初期生長性能及行為之影響

李恒夫 吳文峯 吳鈴彩 尤妤榛 吳啟瑞 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所

離乳後不同窩別仔豬往往需要混養而發生打鬥行為,影響其生長與福祉。本試驗旨在比較單調高床保育欄或欄內加裝單組或雙組鏈條對離乳豬混養初期之打鬥行為及生長性能之影響。選取 54 頭畜試黑豬一號四週齡離乳仔豬,分至三處理組,分別為傳統高床(對照組)或設單組(單鏈條組)或雙組鏈條(雙鏈條組)之保育欄。每處理(欄)飼養來自二窩別,共 6 頭仔豬,每處理 3 重複。飼料及飲水採任食。以錄影-放影方式記錄及分析仔豬混養後 6 小時行為。混養後第一週及第二週記錄每頭仔豬體重及期間平均每日採食量。結果顯示,混養初期 6 小時內,無論打鬥、攝食及飲水等行為,各組間差異不顯著。生長性能方面,對照組、單鏈條組及雙鍊條組保育豬混養二週之平均日增重分別為 207.6、199.8 及 213.4 克;各組平均日攝食量分別為 393.2、363.4 及 414.2 克;而飼料效率分別為 0.53、0.56 及 0.51。本試驗於保育欄舍提供鏈條豐富化資材並不影響離乳仔豬混養初期之行為表現及二週之生長性能。 關鍵語:行為、打鬥、離乳豬 The effects of suspended chain on the growth performance and behaviour of grouping

weaned pigs

H. F. Lee, W. F. Wu, L. T. Wu, Y. J. Yu and C. J. Wu

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

Fighting always happens once the weaned pigs are regrouped after weaning, which may reduce the growth and welfare of pigs. The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of pen of bare wire-meshed floor with or without suspended chain on behaviour and growth performance of weaned pigs after regrouping. Fifty four TLRI Black Pig weaned pigs at four weeks old were allocated to pen of bare wire-meshed floor (control group) or pen of wire-meshed floor with one or two sets of suspended chains (OC and TC group, respectively). There were six pigs from two litters a pen and three replicates (pen) of each treatment for two weeks observation. Feed and water were available ad libitum. The behaviour within six hours after the regrouping was recorded by video and analysed by video playback. The body weight and feed intake were recorded on week 1 and 2 after regrouping. The results revealed that the fighting, feeding and drinking behaviour were not different amongst groups within six hours after regrouping. Two weeks after the regrouping, the daily weight gain of control, OC and TC group was 207.6, 199.8 and 213.4 g/d, respectively. The daily feed intake was 393.2, 363.4 and 414.2 g/d, respectively. Feed efficiency was 0.53, 0.56 and 0.51, respectively. Therefore the suspended chain in this study neither affected the behaviour during initial regrouping nor the growth performance after two weeks of regrouping. Key Words: Behaviour, Growth performance, Weaned pigs

Page 71: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 147

68. 懸吊式鏈條對離乳豬混養初期生長性能及行為之影響

李恒夫 吳文峯 吳鈴彩 尤妤榛 吳啟瑞 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所

離乳後不同窩別仔豬往往需要混養而發生打鬥行為,影響其生長與福祉。本試驗旨在比較單調高床保育欄或欄內加裝單組或雙組鏈條對離乳豬混養初期之打鬥行為及生長性能之影響。選取 54 頭畜試黑豬一號四週齡離乳仔豬,分至三處理組,分別為傳統高床(對照組)或設單組(單鏈條組)或雙組鏈條(雙鏈條組)之保育欄。每處理(欄)飼養來自二窩別,共 6 頭仔豬,每處理 3 重複。飼料及飲水採任食。以錄影-放影方式記錄及分析仔豬混養後 6 小時行為。混養後第一週及第二週記錄每頭仔豬體重及期間平均每日採食量。結果顯示,混養初期 6 小時內,無論打鬥、攝食及飲水等行為,各組間差異不顯著。生長性能方面,對照組、單鏈條組及雙鍊條組保育豬混養二週之平均日增重分別為 207.6、199.8 及 213.4 克;各組平均日攝食量分別為 393.2、363.4 及 414.2 克;而飼料效率分別為 0.53、0.56 及 0.51。本試驗於保育欄舍提供鏈條豐富化資材並不影響離乳仔豬混養初期之行為表現及二週之生長性能。 關鍵語:行為、打鬥、離乳豬 The effects of suspended chain on the growth performance and behaviour of grouping

weaned pigs

H. F. Lee, W. F. Wu, L. T. Wu, Y. J. Yu and C. J. Wu

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

Fighting always happens once the weaned pigs are regrouped after weaning, which may reduce the growth and welfare of pigs. The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of pen of bare wire-meshed floor with or without suspended chain on behaviour and growth performance of weaned pigs after regrouping. Fifty four TLRI Black Pig weaned pigs at four weeks old were allocated to pen of bare wire-meshed floor (control group) or pen of wire-meshed floor with one or two sets of suspended chains (OC and TC group, respectively). There were six pigs from two litters a pen and three replicates (pen) of each treatment for two weeks observation. Feed and water were available ad libitum. The behaviour within six hours after the regrouping was recorded by video and analysed by video playback. The body weight and feed intake were recorded on week 1 and 2 after regrouping. The results revealed that the fighting, feeding and drinking behaviour were not different amongst groups within six hours after regrouping. Two weeks after the regrouping, the daily weight gain of control, OC and TC group was 207.6, 199.8 and 213.4 g/d, respectively. The daily feed intake was 393.2, 363.4 and 414.2 g/d, respectively. Feed efficiency was 0.53, 0.56 and 0.51, respectively. Therefore the suspended chain in this study neither affected the behaviour during initial regrouping nor the growth performance after two weeks of regrouping. Key Words: Behaviour, Growth performance, Weaned pigs

69. 自活性污泥篩選具脂解活性之細菌

廖仁寶 陳若菁 蕭庭訓 程梅萍 吳明哲 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所



塗抹於選擇性培養基上,分別在 37°C 與 55°C 下過夜培養。在選擇性培養基上可發現一些


與冷凍保存。總共篩選出 9 株具脂解活性菌株,其中於 37°C 培養條件下篩得 5 株;在 55°C

培養條件下則篩得 4 株。進一步培養這 9 株菌,並萃取其 DNA 以進行分子鑑定。由 16S

rRNA 基因序列分析得知,此 9 株菌中,5 株為 Bacillus licheniformis、2 株為 Bacillus pumilus、1 株為 Bacillus subtilis 及另 1 株為 Bacillus mojavenis。其中 B. mojavenis 為較特



Isolation of lipolytic enzyme producing bacteria from activated sludge

R. B. Liaw, J. C. Chen, T. H. Hsiao, M. P. Cheng and M. C. Wu Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The purpose of this study was to screen for lipolytic enzyme producing bacteria from activated

sludge samples of livestock wastewater treatment facility, and these isolates were expected for

application in bioindustry. By conventional isolating protocol, the activated sludge samples were

diluted in series in sterile water and smeared on selective media. The media were grown at 37°C

and 55°C, respectively, overnight. Some isolates showed lipolytic activities with clear zones around

their colonies on the selective media, and these isolates were purified and preserved in a freezer. A

total of nine isolates were obtained, 5 isolates cultured at 37°C and 4 isolates cultured at 55°C.

Furthermore, the nine isolates were cultured for DNA extraction and molecular identification.

Based on the analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences, 5 isolates were identified as Bacilluslicheniformis, 2 isolates as Bacillus pumilus, others as Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus mojavenis,

respectively. Because B. mojavenis was a special one among these isolates, it was the first target for

future study.

Key Words: Activated sludge, Lipolytic activity, Selective medium

Page 72: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016148

70. 國產牛肉產銷履歷驗證之現況

李光復 楊深玄 王得吉 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所恆春分所

牛肉產銷履歷系統之建構,乃結合良好農業規範(Good Agriculture Practice,GAP)的實施及驗證,以及建立履歷追溯體系(traceability)兩種做法,前者旨在降低生產過程及產品之風險,後者之目的除在賦予產銷流程中所有參與者明確責任外,尚可作為一旦食安事件發生時,快速釐清責任並及時從市場中移除問題產品,降低該等事件對消費者的危害,也避免因為消費者的不安造成符合規範的生產者蒙受損失。藉由牛肉產銷資訊的公開化,除可確保消費者購買信心之外,肉牛生產業者亦可藉由產銷履歷驗證之施作,建立屬於自己的牛肉品牌。國產牛肉產銷履歷自民國 98 年第 1 家生產端業者通過驗證以來,參與家數至 103 年達最高峰,通過驗證業者包括生產端、屠宰端 3 家及分切端共計 16 家。截至去(104)年底止,尚有 13 家業者持續通過驗證(生產端 8 家、屠宰端 2 家、分切端 3 家),分別為生產端-屏東縣石基、和牧、義芳、王培元、高大牧場、嘉義縣楊鎵燡畜牧場 2 場、雲林縣芸彰牧場;屠宰端-台南市及雲林縣肉品市場;分切端-嘉義縣鈜景食品企業股份有限公司嘉義分公司、鈜景國產肉品專賣店、雲林縣芸彰企業社。 關鍵語:國產牛肉、產銷履歷驗證、追溯系統

Current status of domestic beef production and marketing labeling and certification G. F. Li, S. S. Yang and D. C. Wang

Hengchun Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The construction of beef production, marketing labeling and certification system is combined with the implementation of certification of Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) and the establishment of traceability system. The former aim is to reduce the risk of production processes and products, while the purpose of the latter is to give clear responsibilities of all participants during the production and marketing process. Once the food security incident occurred, the traceability system can be rapidly clarified the responsibility and remove the defective product from the market promptly to reduce the harm to consumers. Besides, it also avoid the trepidation caused by the consumers to result in a loss of producers who comply with the specifications. With the disclosure of beef production and marketing information, the purchasing confidence of consumers could be ensured, and beef cattle producers can also build their own beef brands. Since the first beef producer approved by the certification body in 2009, the number of participants reached its peak with a total of 16 in 2014 including production, slaughtering and cutting companies when domestic beef production and marketing labeling and certification was implemented. Till the end of 2015, there were 13 companies that continued to be certified, including 8 production, 2 slaughtering and 3cutting sites. Key Words: Domestic beef, Production and marketing labeling and certification, Traceability system

Page 73: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 149

70. 國產牛肉產銷履歷驗證之現況

李光復 楊深玄 王得吉 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所恆春分所

牛肉產銷履歷系統之建構,乃結合良好農業規範(Good Agriculture Practice,GAP)的實施及驗證,以及建立履歷追溯體系(traceability)兩種做法,前者旨在降低生產過程及產品之風險,後者之目的除在賦予產銷流程中所有參與者明確責任外,尚可作為一旦食安事件發生時,快速釐清責任並及時從市場中移除問題產品,降低該等事件對消費者的危害,也避免因為消費者的不安造成符合規範的生產者蒙受損失。藉由牛肉產銷資訊的公開化,除可確保消費者購買信心之外,肉牛生產業者亦可藉由產銷履歷驗證之施作,建立屬於自己的牛肉品牌。國產牛肉產銷履歷自民國 98 年第 1 家生產端業者通過驗證以來,參與家數至 103 年達最高峰,通過驗證業者包括生產端、屠宰端 3 家及分切端共計 16 家。截至去(104)年底止,尚有 13 家業者持續通過驗證(生產端 8 家、屠宰端 2 家、分切端 3 家),分別為生產端-屏東縣石基、和牧、義芳、王培元、高大牧場、嘉義縣楊鎵燡畜牧場 2 場、雲林縣芸彰牧場;屠宰端-台南市及雲林縣肉品市場;分切端-嘉義縣鈜景食品企業股份有限公司嘉義分公司、鈜景國產肉品專賣店、雲林縣芸彰企業社。 關鍵語:國產牛肉、產銷履歷驗證、追溯系統

Current status of domestic beef production and marketing labeling and certification G. F. Li, S. S. Yang and D. C. Wang

Hengchun Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The construction of beef production, marketing labeling and certification system is combined with the implementation of certification of Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) and the establishment of traceability system. The former aim is to reduce the risk of production processes and products, while the purpose of the latter is to give clear responsibilities of all participants during the production and marketing process. Once the food security incident occurred, the traceability system can be rapidly clarified the responsibility and remove the defective product from the market promptly to reduce the harm to consumers. Besides, it also avoid the trepidation caused by the consumers to result in a loss of producers who comply with the specifications. With the disclosure of beef production and marketing information, the purchasing confidence of consumers could be ensured, and beef cattle producers can also build their own beef brands. Since the first beef producer approved by the certification body in 2009, the number of participants reached its peak with a total of 16 in 2014 including production, slaughtering and cutting companies when domestic beef production and marketing labeling and certification was implemented. Till the end of 2015, there were 13 companies that continued to be certified, including 8 production, 2 slaughtering and 3cutting sites. Key Words: Domestic beef, Production and marketing labeling and certification, Traceability system

71. 鹿隻生長激素與骨形態發生蛋白基因之多態型與 產茸量相關性分析

梁筱梅(1)(2) 林德育(3) 康獻仁(1) 洪國翔(2) 林正鏞(1)

(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所高雄種畜繁殖場 (2)國立屏東科技大學生物資源所 (3)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所

本研究採集 58 隻 4 至 5 歲齡公台灣水鹿鹿茸血液並萃取其 DNA,利用 PCR-SSCP 技術

分析其生長激素(Growth Hormone, GH)及骨形態發生蛋白(Bone morphogenetic protein, BMP)

基因多態型與產茸量之相關性。GH 基因鑑定出 9 種基因型,以 GH07-AB 基因型產茸量

3,811.5±842.8 g 顯著最高(P < 0.05),GH09-BB 基因型產茸量 2,024.8±176.4 g 顯著最低(P

< 0.05)。BMP 基因鑑定出 7 種基因型,產茸量以 B2 基因型 2,093 g 顯著高於 B 1 基因型

806 g(P < 0.05)。將 BMP 與 GH 基因型組合分析結果顯示各組合基因型間並無顯著差異。

鹿隻年齡影響產茸能力,試驗將 4 至 5 歲鹿隻年齡作為固定因子,限縮分析樣本的數量,



Association of growth hormone and bone morphogenetic protein gene polymorphisms with weight of velvet antler in sambar deer

H. M. Liang (1)(2), D. Y. Lin(3), S. Z. Kahn(1), K. H. Hung(2) and C. Y. Lin(1)

(1) Kaohsiung Animal Propagation Station, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture (2) Graduate Institute of Bioresources, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

(3) Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

58 sambar deer development from 4-5 years were used for evaluating the association of Growth

Hormone (GH) and Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) gene polymorphisms with the weight of

velvet antler. Genotyping was performed by PCR-SSCP analysis. The results showed that GH and

BMP gene exhibited polymorphisms and indicated the presence of 9 genotypes and 7 genotypes,

respectively. The weight of velvet antler did not differ significantly among the combinative

genotypes might ascribe to the sample sizes was not enough.

Key Words: Bone morphogenetic protein, Growth hormone, Velvet antler

Page 74: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016150

72. 白色菜鴨受精持續性之選育

劉秀洲(1) 張怡穎(1) 黃振芳(2) 鄭裕信(2) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所宜蘭分所


本選育試驗旨在增加白色菜鴨於單次人工授精公番鴨混合精液後之受精蛋數,自 2006 年開始已進行 10 代。於白色菜鴨 26、29 及 32 週齡時,以 10-1 5 隻公番鴨混合精液 0.05 mL 舉行單次人工授精,收集種蛋 14 天,每隔 7 日入孵 1 批;每代進行系譜繁殖,以每隻檢定鴨隻種蛋入孵後第 7 天照蛋所得受精蛋數,經 BLUP 動物模式計算其育種價作為選拔指標。經 10 代選育檢定,受精蛋數分別為 4.86、4.20、4.78、5.10、5.68、5.50、5.72、5.94、6.37 及 6.36 枚;有效受精持續天數分別為 4.42、3.88、4.21、4.74、5.18、4.85、5.88、5.16、6.09 及 5.97 天;最長受精天數分別為 5.63、5.17、5.91、6.49、7.53、7.11、7.91、7.65、7.80 及 7.87 天;1 到 9 代之受精蛋數育種價分別為 0.06、0.06、0.70、1.22、1.81、2.35、2.96 、3.42 及 4.42。顯示以受精蛋數育種價作為選拔指標,其有效受精持續天數增加應屬可期待者。


Selection for the duration of fertility in White Tsaiya duck

H. C. Liu(1), Y. I. Chang(1), C. F. Huang(2) and Y. S. Cheng(2) (1)Ilan Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agricultural, Executive Yuan

(2) Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agricultural, Executive Yuan A 10-generation selection experiment has been conducted since 2006 with the aim of increasing the number of fertile eggs laid by the White Tsaiya duck after a single artificial insemination (AI) with pooled Muscovy semen. At 26, 29, and 32 weeks of age, the ducks were artificially inseminated with 0.05 mL of pooled semen from 10 to 15 Muscovy drakes of line 302 from Ilan Branch, LRI. After single AI, eggs were collected for a period of 14 days for incubation. Pedigree hatching was conducted in each generation and an individual recording system was used. The selection criterion was the breeding values of the BLUP animal model for the number of fertile eggs at candling at 7th day of incubation. After 10 generations of selection, fertilized egg at candling was 4.86, 4.20, 4.78, 5.10, 5.68, 5.50, 5.72,5.94, 6.37 and 6.36 eggs, respectively. The average duration of effective fertilization from G1 to G8 was 4.42, 3.88, 4.21, 4.74, 5.18, 4.85, 5.88,5.16, 6.09 and 5.97 days, respectively. The maximum duration of fertility from G1 to G8 was 5.63, 5.17, 5.91, 6.49, 7.53, 7.11, 7.91,7.65, 7.80 and 7.87 days, respectively. The breeding values of fertilized eggs from G1 to G9 was 0.06, 0.06, 0.70, 1.22, 1.81, 2.35, 2.96,3.42 and 4.42, respectively. So, a correlated response on increasing duration of effective fertilization is expected when selecting on breeding values of fertilized eggs.

Key Words: Duration of fertility, Selection, White Tsaiya duck

Page 75: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 151

72. 白色菜鴨受精持續性之選育

劉秀洲(1) 張怡穎(1) 黃振芳(2) 鄭裕信(2) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所宜蘭分所


本選育試驗旨在增加白色菜鴨於單次人工授精公番鴨混合精液後之受精蛋數,自 2006 年開始已進行 10 代。於白色菜鴨 26、29 及 32 週齡時,以 10-1 5 隻公番鴨混合精液 0.05 mL 舉行單次人工授精,收集種蛋 14 天,每隔 7 日入孵 1 批;每代進行系譜繁殖,以每隻檢定鴨隻種蛋入孵後第 7 天照蛋所得受精蛋數,經 BLUP 動物模式計算其育種價作為選拔指標。經 10 代選育檢定,受精蛋數分別為 4.86、4.20、4.78、5.10、5.68、5.50、5.72、5.94、6.37 及 6.36 枚;有效受精持續天數分別為 4.42、3.88、4.21、4.74、5.18、4.85、5.88、5.16、6.09 及 5.97 天;最長受精天數分別為 5.63、5.17、5.91、6.49、7.53、7.11、7.91、7.65、7.80 及 7.87 天;1 到 9 代之受精蛋數育種價分別為 0.06、0.06、0.70、1.22、1.81、2.35、2.96 、3.42 及 4.42。顯示以受精蛋數育種價作為選拔指標,其有效受精持續天數增加應屬可期待者。


Selection for the duration of fertility in White Tsaiya duck

H. C. Liu(1), Y. I. Chang(1), C. F. Huang(2) and Y. S. Cheng(2) (1)Ilan Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agricultural, Executive Yuan

(2) Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agricultural, Executive Yuan A 10-generation selection experiment has been conducted since 2006 with the aim of increasing the number of fertile eggs laid by the White Tsaiya duck after a single artificial insemination (AI) with pooled Muscovy semen. At 26, 29, and 32 weeks of age, the ducks were artificially inseminated with 0.05 mL of pooled semen from 10 to 15 Muscovy drakes of line 302 from Ilan Branch, LRI. After single AI, eggs were collected for a period of 14 days for incubation. Pedigree hatching was conducted in each generation and an individual recording system was used. The selection criterion was the breeding values of the BLUP animal model for the number of fertile eggs at candling at 7th day of incubation. After 10 generations of selection, fertilized egg at candling was 4.86, 4.20, 4.78, 5.10, 5.68, 5.50, 5.72,5.94, 6.37 and 6.36 eggs, respectively. The average duration of effective fertilization from G1 to G8 was 4.42, 3.88, 4.21, 4.74, 5.18, 4.85, 5.88,5.16, 6.09 and 5.97 days, respectively. The maximum duration of fertility from G1 to G8 was 5.63, 5.17, 5.91, 6.49, 7.53, 7.11, 7.91,7.65, 7.80 and 7.87 days, respectively. The breeding values of fertilized eggs from G1 to G9 was 0.06, 0.06, 0.70, 1.22, 1.81, 2.35, 2.96,3.42 and 4.42, respectively. So, a correlated response on increasing duration of effective fertilization is expected when selecting on breeding values of fertilized eggs.

Key Words: Duration of fertility, Selection, White Tsaiya duck

73. 102 至 104 年農民學院畜牧類訓練班訓練成效追蹤評核之研究

謝怡慧 練慶儀 張盛雄 陳添福 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所

The farmers’ academy (livestock) training effectiveness and tracking assessment from 2013 to 2015

Y. H. Hsieh, C. Y. Lien, S. S. Chang and T. F. Chen Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The livestock training center of farmer’s college held a series of training programs for solving the

problems of the aging rural population and the outflow of human resources. The purposes of the

training program would educate people who were interested in livestock industry, and solve the

problems for shortage of agricultural labor at this stage. In order to understand whether the finished

trainee can really get the professional capabilities through questionnaires, the questionnaire includes

production management, marketing management, human resource, financial management,

information management, social participation and agricultural policies whether capacity has

improved after participating in the training. The results show that almost 70% of the participants

agree that it can improve their abilities of production management and agricultural policies. The

study also investigated whether students can improve their business performance after the training.

The results showed more than 70% of the participants have improved in operating profit, product

price, survival rate, feed efficiency and work performance more than 50% of the participants have

improved in mortality, The results can be the future reference for planning the training courses for

farmers, and the other parameters can provide the competent authority as the focus of the

counseling plan for the future reference.

Key Words: Livestock, Training effectiveness





有所提升。研究結果顯示,近 70% 的學員表示同意訓練後可提升其生產管理能力及農業政

策能力。本研究亦調查學員在訓後是否能改善經營績效。結果顯示超過 70%學員表示訓練後

增加其經營利潤、產品銷售額、動物育成率、飼料效率以及工作績效。超過 50%學員表示訓




Page 76: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016152

74. 畜試紅豬夏季公豬精子體能表現

陳佳萱 蔡順福 郭廷雍 朱巧倩 吳明哲 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所




3 頭平均 2 歲齡 R6 代畜試紅豬針對臺灣夏季 7~9 月精子體能性狀進行檢測,試驗分析項目

與結果分別為精液量 240.00 ± 66.55、182.50 ± 38.41 與 177.58 ± 61.71 毫升、平均精液濃度 3.93 ± 9.2、3.24 ± 8.89 與 3.43 ± 1.45 億/毫升、平均總精子數 897 ± 164、571 ± 133 與 608 ± 216 億、活精子 89.67± 4.30、85.52 ± 10.08、75.51 ± 22.00 %、活精子且頭帽完整性 76.85 ± 6.14、69.86 ± 14.37 與 60.64 ± 20.82 %、活精子中粒線體破損率 17.33 ± 2.79、21.81 ± 19.68 與 19.29 ± 13.86 % 與活精子中染色體完整 93.48 ± 2.05、96.23 ± 1.58 與 87.28 ± 27.37 %。畜試

紅豬未飼養於水簾式豬舍,總體而言,精子體能表現優異,並未受夏季熱緊迫影響。 關鍵語:畜試紅豬、精子、夏季

Sperm quality of LRI Duroc boar in summer season

C. H. Chen, S. F. Tsai, T. Y. Kuo, C. C. Chu and M. C. Wu Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

An early prediction of semen quality by regular microscopic examination would help predicting donor sperm fertility ability thereby elevating the pregnancy rate of sows. It is not enough to accurately predict fertility ability of boar via the traditional semen assessment includes sperm concentration, vitality and morphology, and etc. Three R6 LRI Duroc boars at age of 2 years old (on average) were used in this study for assessment of semen quality in summer season (July, August, and September). All boars were not raised in wet pad and forced ventilation house. The results showed that respectively, in July, August and September, the semen volume was 240.00 ± 66.55, 182.50 ± 38.41 and 177.58 ± 61.71 mL; average semen density was 3.93 ± 9.2, 3.24 ± 8.89, 3.43 ± 1.45×108/mL; average sperm count was 897 ± 164, 571 ± 133 and 608 ± 216 ×108; percentage of live sperm was 89.67 ± 4.30, 85.52 ± 10.08 and 75.51 ± 22.00 %; percentage of live sperm with acrosome intact was 76.85 ± 6.14, 69.86 ± 14.37 and 60.64 ± 20.82 %; percentage of mitochondrial status was 17.33 ± 2.79, 21.81 ± 19.68 and 19.29 ± 13.86 %; and percentage of live sperm with normal structural chromosome was 93.48 ± 2.05, 96.23 ± 1.58 and 87.28 ± 27.37 %. These finding demonstrated that sperm quality of LRI Duroc boar not only did not influenced by summer heat stress, but even at high quality. Key Words: LRI Duroc Pig, Sperm, Summer

Page 77: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 153

74. 畜試紅豬夏季公豬精子體能表現

陳佳萱 蔡順福 郭廷雍 朱巧倩 吳明哲 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所




3 頭平均 2 歲齡 R6 代畜試紅豬針對臺灣夏季 7~9 月精子體能性狀進行檢測,試驗分析項目

與結果分別為精液量 240.00 ± 66.55、182.50 ± 38.41 與 177.58 ± 61.71 毫升、平均精液濃度 3.93 ± 9.2、3.24 ± 8.89 與 3.43 ± 1.45 億/毫升、平均總精子數 897 ± 164、571 ± 133 與 608 ± 216 億、活精子 89.67± 4.30、85.52 ± 10.08、75.51 ± 22.00 %、活精子且頭帽完整性 76.85 ± 6.14、69.86 ± 14.37 與 60.64 ± 20.82 %、活精子中粒線體破損率 17.33 ± 2.79、21.81 ± 19.68 與 19.29 ± 13.86 % 與活精子中染色體完整 93.48 ± 2.05、96.23 ± 1.58 與 87.28 ± 27.37 %。畜試

紅豬未飼養於水簾式豬舍,總體而言,精子體能表現優異,並未受夏季熱緊迫影響。 關鍵語:畜試紅豬、精子、夏季

Sperm quality of LRI Duroc boar in summer season

C. H. Chen, S. F. Tsai, T. Y. Kuo, C. C. Chu and M. C. Wu Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

An early prediction of semen quality by regular microscopic examination would help predicting donor sperm fertility ability thereby elevating the pregnancy rate of sows. It is not enough to accurately predict fertility ability of boar via the traditional semen assessment includes sperm concentration, vitality and morphology, and etc. Three R6 LRI Duroc boars at age of 2 years old (on average) were used in this study for assessment of semen quality in summer season (July, August, and September). All boars were not raised in wet pad and forced ventilation house. The results showed that respectively, in July, August and September, the semen volume was 240.00 ± 66.55, 182.50 ± 38.41 and 177.58 ± 61.71 mL; average semen density was 3.93 ± 9.2, 3.24 ± 8.89, 3.43 ± 1.45×108/mL; average sperm count was 897 ± 164, 571 ± 133 and 608 ± 216 ×108; percentage of live sperm was 89.67 ± 4.30, 85.52 ± 10.08 and 75.51 ± 22.00 %; percentage of live sperm with acrosome intact was 76.85 ± 6.14, 69.86 ± 14.37 and 60.64 ± 20.82 %; percentage of mitochondrial status was 17.33 ± 2.79, 21.81 ± 19.68 and 19.29 ± 13.86 %; and percentage of live sperm with normal structural chromosome was 93.48 ± 2.05, 96.23 ± 1.58 and 87.28 ± 27.37 %. These finding demonstrated that sperm quality of LRI Duroc boar not only did not influenced by summer heat stress, but even at high quality. Key Words: LRI Duroc Pig, Sperm, Summer

75. 應用多源基因體學方法自乳牛瘤胃篩選脂解酵素基因

廖仁寶 陳若菁 蔡新興 蕭宗法 吳明哲



瘤胃內容物以磁珠震盪方式萃取多源基因體 DNA,利用質體建構多源基因庫。結果篩選出 2

株具脂解活性的株系,經 DNA 定序、ORF 分析及序列比對後發現,此 2 株系的插入片段

具有 2 個完整脂解酵素基因(LipoR1、LipoR2)。LipoR1 基因長 1,155 bp,可轉譯出 384-aa

蛋白質;LipoR2 基因長 960 bp,可轉譯出 319-aa 蛋白質。2 個預測的脂解酵素胺基酸序列

經與資料庫比對分析後,發現與現有蛋白質比對最高分數者之相同性百分比分別為 39% 與

86%。依據Arpigny & Jaeger 之細菌脂解酵素分類,其中 LipoR1 屬於第一類,而 LipoR2 則



Use of metagenomic approach to screen for lipolytic genes from dairy cattle rumen

R. B. Liaw, J. C. Chen, S. S. Tsay, T. F. Shiao and M. C. Wu Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The purpose of this study was to construct a metagenomic library from dairy cattle rumen

microorganisms, and to screen for lipolytic genes using function-driven approach. The

metagenomic DNA was extracted from dairy cattle rumen contents using bead-beating method.

Then the metagenomic library was built with a plasmid system. As a result, two clones with

lipolytic activity were obtained. By DNA sequencing, ORF finding, and sequence comparing, a

total of 2 lipolytic genes (LipoR1 and LipoR2) were found. The lipoR1 gene was 1,155 bp,

encoding 384-aa protein; the lipoR2 gene was 960 bp, encoding 319-aa protein. Both proteins

showed 39% and 86% identity with the highest score to the closest in the protein database. Based on

the lipolytic enzyme classification proposed by Arpigny & Jaeger, LipoR1 was affiliated to Family

1, and LipoR2 maybe belonged to the new family.

Key Words: Lipolytic gene, Metagenomics, Rumen

Page 78: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016154

76. 候選小公牛遺傳缺陷基因型分析

廖仁寶 陳若菁 李國華 陳志毅 賈玉祥 吳明哲



血症、單譜症、脊椎畸形複合症及短脊椎綜合症。本研究自全國種牛場收集 28 頭候選小公

牛血樣,經 DNA 萃取與 5 項遺傳缺陷基因型檢測後發現,所有候選小公牛除 BS 基因型

有雜合型外,其餘 4 項遺傳缺陷基因型皆屬正常型,而 BS 雜合型的頻率則高達 10.71%。




Genotyping of genetic defects for young bull candidates

R. B. Liaw, J. C. Chen, K. H. Lee, J. Y. Chen, Y. S. Jea and M. C. Wu

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

This study was conducted to genotype frequencies of bovine genetic defects, including Bovine

Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency (BLAD), Deficiency of Uridine Monophosphate Synthase

(DUMPS), Citrullinemia (CITL), Complex Vertebral Malformation (CVM), and Brachyspina

Syndrome (BS), for young bull candidates. A total of 28 blood samples of young bull candidates

were obtained from breeding farms in Taiwan. The cattle DNA was extracted and tested for 5

genetic defects. The results showed that all the genotypes except BS were normal, and the BS

carrier frequency was as high as 10.71%. Through eliminating those bulls with genetic defects the

recessive lethal genes can be avoided transmitting to cattle population by AI with the semen

produced from those defective bulls. Therefore, the potential financial loss due to genetic defects

could be prevented for dairy industry.

Key Words: Genetic defect, Genotype, Young bull candidate

Page 79: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

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76. 候選小公牛遺傳缺陷基因型分析

廖仁寶 陳若菁 李國華 陳志毅 賈玉祥 吳明哲



血症、單譜症、脊椎畸形複合症及短脊椎綜合症。本研究自全國種牛場收集 28 頭候選小公

牛血樣,經 DNA 萃取與 5 項遺傳缺陷基因型檢測後發現,所有候選小公牛除 BS 基因型

有雜合型外,其餘 4 項遺傳缺陷基因型皆屬正常型,而 BS 雜合型的頻率則高達 10.71%。




Genotyping of genetic defects for young bull candidates

R. B. Liaw, J. C. Chen, K. H. Lee, J. Y. Chen, Y. S. Jea and M. C. Wu

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

This study was conducted to genotype frequencies of bovine genetic defects, including Bovine

Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency (BLAD), Deficiency of Uridine Monophosphate Synthase

(DUMPS), Citrullinemia (CITL), Complex Vertebral Malformation (CVM), and Brachyspina

Syndrome (BS), for young bull candidates. A total of 28 blood samples of young bull candidates

were obtained from breeding farms in Taiwan. The cattle DNA was extracted and tested for 5

genetic defects. The results showed that all the genotypes except BS were normal, and the BS

carrier frequency was as high as 10.71%. Through eliminating those bulls with genetic defects the

recessive lethal genes can be avoided transmitting to cattle population by AI with the semen

produced from those defective bulls. Therefore, the potential financial loss due to genetic defects

could be prevented for dairy industry.

Key Words: Genetic defect, Genotype, Young bull candidate

77. 模擬選配結合進口乳牛冷凍精液挑選適配公牛之應用

陳志毅(1) 李國華(2) 蕭振文(2) 吳明哲(1) 張菊犁(2) (1)行政院農委會畜產試驗所 (2)行政院農委會畜產試驗所新竹分所

應用台灣荷蘭乳牛模擬選配系統挑選適配公牛冷凍精液,作為乳牛性能遺傳改進或矯正配種,是 DHI 酪農戶的重要育種策略之一,從研究所獲得適配公牛群之遺傳性能資訊,可結合國內乳牛冷凍精液資料庫得知是否曾經進口等相關訊息。以 DHI 乳牛統一編號「99060201」為例,自台灣乳牛雲端資訊服務網(網址:www.tlri.gov.tw)的乳品質檢驗及近 10 個月乳量體細胞變化等數位報表得知,該乳牛為第 4 胎次,其近 6 次測乳平均 305-2X-ME 乳量(305MY)為 8362 ± 194 kg,體細胞分數(SCS)平均為 5.67 ± 0.94 分,屬於高產泌乳性能卻有潛在性乳房炎之困擾情形,若應用模擬選配系統,挑選 SCS 前 20% 及 305MY 前 50% 選拔強度的公牛等級,經電腦資料庫運算後,約有 15,439 頭適配公牛可供選擇,若再考量該乳牛體型中臀的角度(RA)性狀為低斜之因素,則曾進口之國家動物育種碼(NAAB)編號「007HO08778」的公牛為可能適合的選擇,經連結公牛遺傳評估模組查詢,該公牛乳產量預測傳遞能力(PTAM)為 352.9 kg,SCS 為 2.7 分,RA 之標準傳遞能力為 -1.7%,顯示選擇該精液配種可對乳母牛後裔在 305MY 之同期場平均多增加 352.9 kg,SCS 下降 2.7 分,同時矯正低斜臀角之同期平均約 1.7% 的預估遺傳改進量,透過模擬選配系統的應用,有利乳牛場對不同牛隻性能表現採取相對應的育種措施。 關鍵語:模擬選配、冷凍精液、公牛

Application of mating simulation system by linking the imported frozen semen database for selection of candidate dairy bulls

J. Y. Chen(1), K. H. Lee(2), J. W. Shiao(2), M. C. Wu(1) and C. L. Chan(2) (1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

(2)Hsin-Chu Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

It was important breeding strategy for dairy farmer by mating simulation system to choose adapted breeding bull and improve dairy production, these genetic information of the candidate dairy bulls from data editing would link the imported frozen semen database, then we could know more imported data. Took the DHI cow NO. of ‘99060201’ for instance, which was the fourth lactation and the latest six tested milk data, the mean of the 305-2X-ME milk yield (305MY) was 8362 ± 194 kg and the somatic cell count score was 5.67 ± 0.94, and the data source from 'Dairy cloud information service in Taiwan' web site (www.tlri.gov.tw). This dairy cow was likely some problem with high production milk yield with subclinical mastitis. If we used mating simulation system to choose 20% bull select intensity grade for the SCS and 50% for the MY, after the computer calculation, there were 15,439 bull were choose and we further assessed the cow with slope rump angle (RA), the ‘007HO08778’ bull of the NAAB code was considerable. We could find the 'Predicted Transmitting Abilities' for Milk yield (PTAM), the 'Predicted Transmitting Abilities' for SCS and the 'Standard Transmitting Abilities' for RA were 352.9 kg, 2.7 and -1.7% for this bull, respectively. That means we could predict the genetic improved volume were increase 352.9 kg, reduced 2.7 score for the SCS and then corrected 1.7% of the RA mean of same period for the offspring dairy cows, respectively. It was favorable for us to take corresponded breeding method for the different performance of dairy cattle by using the mating simulation system. Key Words: Mating simulation, Frozen semen, Bull

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78. 牧場擠乳機功能性檢查

陳一明(1) 陳怡璇(1) 楊耀焜(2) 蔡銘偉(2) 趙俊炫(1) 賈玉祥(1)

(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所新竹分所 (2)光泉牧場股份有限公司





衛生等等。初步檢測八場酪農戶擠乳機,其中擠乳座破裂者佔 33.3%、乳管破洞者為 22.2%、

脈動器異常合併低壓幫浦燃油汙染者佔 11.1%、清洗不乾淨者佔 11.1%、低壓平衡桶擋板不

密合者佔 11.1%。而檢驗正常者佔 11.1%。由數據顯示擠乳機功能異常確實容易導致牛隻體



Functional inspection of the milking machine in dairy farm

Y. M. Chen(1), Y. H. Chen(1), J. S. Chao,(1) Y. K. Yang(2), M. W. Tsai(2) and Y. S. Jia(1) (1)Hsin-Chu Branch Station, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

(2)Guangquan Ranching Co., Ltd

The purpose of this study is to investigate the reasons of mastitis and high somatic cell count (SCC)

caused by dysfunction of the milking machine. There are many kind of reasons to cause the

increasing of mastitis morbidity and high SCC, including the nutrition factors, the strass, or the

hygiene of milking. When the dairy farmers have the trouble about the high somatic cell count, they

would ask for examining. We detected 8 dairy farms with high SCC and we found the reasons were

the breast septum rupture (33.3%), milk tube with gap (22.2%), abnormal pulsator with unclean

low-pressure pump fuel (11.1%), dirty equipment (11.1%) or loose low-pressure balanced bucket

baffle (11.1%). Besides, close 11.1% of the dairy farms had normal milking machine, this condition

means there are another reason to high SCC. Results showed that dysfunction of the milking

machine would cause high SCC. We should inspect the function of the milking machine routinely to

avoid the high SCC and to improve milk quality and dairy cow health.

Key Words: High somatic cell count, Milking machine, Mastitis

Page 81: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 157

78. 牧場擠乳機功能性檢查

陳一明(1) 陳怡璇(1) 楊耀焜(2) 蔡銘偉(2) 趙俊炫(1) 賈玉祥(1)

(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所新竹分所 (2)光泉牧場股份有限公司





衛生等等。初步檢測八場酪農戶擠乳機,其中擠乳座破裂者佔 33.3%、乳管破洞者為 22.2%、

脈動器異常合併低壓幫浦燃油汙染者佔 11.1%、清洗不乾淨者佔 11.1%、低壓平衡桶擋板不

密合者佔 11.1%。而檢驗正常者佔 11.1%。由數據顯示擠乳機功能異常確實容易導致牛隻體



Functional inspection of the milking machine in dairy farm

Y. M. Chen(1), Y. H. Chen(1), J. S. Chao,(1) Y. K. Yang(2), M. W. Tsai(2) and Y. S. Jia(1) (1)Hsin-Chu Branch Station, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

(2)Guangquan Ranching Co., Ltd

The purpose of this study is to investigate the reasons of mastitis and high somatic cell count (SCC)

caused by dysfunction of the milking machine. There are many kind of reasons to cause the

increasing of mastitis morbidity and high SCC, including the nutrition factors, the strass, or the

hygiene of milking. When the dairy farmers have the trouble about the high somatic cell count, they

would ask for examining. We detected 8 dairy farms with high SCC and we found the reasons were

the breast septum rupture (33.3%), milk tube with gap (22.2%), abnormal pulsator with unclean

low-pressure pump fuel (11.1%), dirty equipment (11.1%) or loose low-pressure balanced bucket

baffle (11.1%). Besides, close 11.1% of the dairy farms had normal milking machine, this condition

means there are another reason to high SCC. Results showed that dysfunction of the milking

machine would cause high SCC. We should inspect the function of the milking machine routinely to

avoid the high SCC and to improve milk quality and dairy cow health.

Key Words: High somatic cell count, Milking machine, Mastitis

79. 豐輝牧場紅羽土雞選育族群近親係數分析

林德育(1) 曾淑貞(2) 賴永裕(1) 蔡秀容(1) 楊豐輝(3) 吳明哲(1) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)中華醫事科技大學 (3)豐輝牧場

豐輝牧場紅羽土雞選育族群係該場為進行種原固定,於 2010 年從原有紅羽土雞族群中以每個品系 1 公 40 母進行人工授精系譜繁殖來更新下一世代所建立之 4 個品系的閉鎖族群。選育過程中 B 品系與 D 品系因外觀與性能表現不佳分別於 2012 年與 2013 年與予全數淘汰。2014 年再從自家紅羽土雞族群中選留一批種雞建立 E 品系,同時引進 C 品系純系放量族群 31 隻母雞進入選育族群中。為瞭解該族群經 9 個世代選育後之各世代雞隻之近親係數,以 SAS 統計分析軟體來分析 2010 年至 2016 年的 13,690 筆雞隻系譜資料,其中 A 品系、C 品系及 E 品系分別有 4,453 筆、5,782 筆及 3,454 筆。A 個品系與 C 品系選育族群雞隻於 G2、G3、G4、G5、G6、G7、G8、G9 世代之近親係數平均與標準差分別為 0.1367±0.0106 與 0.1391±0.0396、0.2229±0.0367 與 0.2213±0.0927、0.3096±0.0118 與 0.3121±0.0220、0.3471±0.0474 與 0.3857±0.0154、0.4175±0.0123 與 0.4517±0.0515、0.4801±0.0106 與 0.5142±0.2482、0.5370±0.0113 與 0.1974±0.2482 及 0.5842±0.0171 與 0.2735±0.0243。E 品系選育族群雞隻於 G2、G3 及 G4 世代之近親係數平均與標準差分別為 0.1250±0.0178、0.1250±0 及 0.2496±0.0235。目前選育族群 2,331 隻雞隻之近親係數為 0.3755±0.1536。以半同胞配種進行種原固定,C 品系選育族群 G7 世代雞隻與 A 品系選育族群 G8 世代雞隻之平均近親係數皆達 0.5 以上。 關鍵語:近親係數、紅羽土雞、選育

Inbreeding coefficients of red feather native chicken selction flork in Feng Hui breeding farm

D. Y. Lin(1), S. J. Tzeng(2), Y. Y. Lai(1), H. L. Tasi(1) , F. H. Yang(3) and M. C. Wu(1)

(1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (2)Chung Hwa University of Medical Technology (3)Feng Hui Breeding Farm

Feng Hui red feather native chicken selection flock was established from the original flock. One roaster mating 40 hens per line to breeding next generation by AI pedigree reproduction. There were four lines in the selection flock. The B line and D line were eliminated for appearance and performance consideration in 2012 and 2013, respectively. A new E line was established from the original flock and 31 hen from C line pure line expansion flock were added into C line selection flock in 2014. We analyzed 13,690 records pedigree data including 4,453 records of A line, 5,782 records of C line and 3,454 records of E line collected from 2010 to 2016 by SAS statistical software. It shows the inbreeding coefficients of G2, G3, G4, G5, G6, G7, G8 and G9 generations in A line and C line were 0.1367±0.0106 and 0.1391±0.0396, 0.2229±0.0367 and 0.2213±0.0927, 0.3096±0.0118 and 0.3121±0.0220, 0.3471±0.0474 and 0.3857±0.0154, 0.4175±0.0123 and 0.4517±0.0515, 0.4801±0.0106 and 0.5142±0.2482, 0.5370±0.0113 and 0.1974±0.2482, and 0.5842±0.0171 and 0.2735±0.0243, respectively. The inbreeding coefficients of G2, G3 and G4 generations in E line were 0.1250±0.0178, 0.1250±0 and 0.2496±0.0235. The inbreeding coefficient of current flock with 2,331 birds was 0.3755±0.1536. Results showed the inbreeding coefficients of G7 in C line and G8 in A line reached more than 0.5 in the selection flock. Key Words: Inbreeding coefficient, Red feather native chicken, Selection

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80. 豐輝牧場紅羽土雞選育族群種蛋受精率與孵化率檢定

林德育(1) 曾淑貞(2) 楊豐輝(3) 賴永裕(1) 蔡秀容(1) 吳明哲(1) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)中華醫事科技大學 (3)豐輝牧場

為了解豐輝牧場紅羽土雞選育族群之種蛋受精率與孵化率,以該族群 G8 世代 3 個品系 152 隻 7 月齡種雞進行配種試驗。選用 54 隻 A 品系母雞、57 隻 C 品系母雞及 41 隻 E 品系母雞與其同一品系 1 隻公雞以人工授精進行純品系配種,每 5 天進行人工授精一次,種蛋於配種後第 3 天開始收集,種蛋每天收集一次,置於 16-17 ℃ 貯蛋室。每收集 10 天 的種蛋回溫後進行入孵一批,連續 3 批。入孵後第 8 天進行驗蛋,第 18 天移入發生機,第 21 天出雛。孵化機與發生機溫度分別為 100℉ 與 99℉。A、C 及 E 品系之平均種蛋受精率與受精蛋孵化率分別為 92.8% (956/1,036)與 86.6%(828/956)、91.0%(1,238/1,360)與 79.1%(979/ 1,238)及 90.2%(753/835)與 76.4%(575/753)。選育族群 3 個批次所有種蛋之平均種蛋受精率與受精蛋孵化率分別為 91.2% (2,947/3,231)與 80.8%(2,382/2,947)。比較種蛋受精率與受精蛋孵化率在批次間皆無顯著差異(P > 0.05),種蛋受精率在品系間亦無顯著差異(P = 0.088),然而受精蛋孵化率則在品系間存在顯著差異(P < 0.05),A 品系母雞之受精蛋孵化率顯著較 E 品系者佳。結果顯示,該場紅羽土雞選育族群平均種蛋受精率可達 90% 以上,受精蛋孵化率可達 80% 以上。 關鍵語:受精率、孵化率、紅羽土雞

Fertility and hatchability test of red feathered chicken selection flock in Feng Hui breeding farm

D. Y. Lin(1), S. J. Tzeng(2), F. H. Yang(3), Y. Y. Lai(1), H. L. Tsai(1) and M. C. Wu(1)

(1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture (2)Chung Hwa University of Medical Technology (3)Feng Hui Breeding Farm

To understand the fertility and hatchability of red feathered chickens selection flock in Feng Hui breeding farm. One hundred and fifty two hens including 54 hens of A line, 57 hens of C line and 41 hens of E line were used for fertility and hatchability test. All hens of each line were mated with 1 roaster of each line by pure line artificial insemination every 5-day. The hatching eggs were collected daily and stored at 16 ℃ for 10 days per batch before setting in incubator. Three continued batches of hatching eggs were carried out for this trial. The average fertility and hatchability of fertilized eggs were 92.8% (956/1,036) and 86.6% (828/956) in A line, 91.0% (1,238/1,360) and 79.1% (979/ 1,238) in C line, and 90.2% (753/835) and 76.4% (575/753) in E line, respectively. The average fertility and hatchability of fertilized eggs of all hatching eggs in this trial were 91.2% (2,947/3,231) and 80.8% (2,382/2,947). There were none significant differences in fertility and hatchability of fertilized eggs detected among the three batches and fertility detected among the three lines(P > 0.05). However, There was significant difference in the hatchability of fertilized eggs detected among the three lines (P > 0.05). The hatchability of fertilized eggs of A line was better than that of E line. Result shows the average fertility of the selection flock reached more than 90%, and the hatchability of fertilized eggs of the selection flock could reach more than 80% in Feng Hui breeding farm. Key Words: Fertility, Hatchability, Red feather native chicken

Page 83: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

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80. 豐輝牧場紅羽土雞選育族群種蛋受精率與孵化率檢定

林德育(1) 曾淑貞(2) 楊豐輝(3) 賴永裕(1) 蔡秀容(1) 吳明哲(1) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)中華醫事科技大學 (3)豐輝牧場

為了解豐輝牧場紅羽土雞選育族群之種蛋受精率與孵化率,以該族群 G8 世代 3 個品系 152 隻 7 月齡種雞進行配種試驗。選用 54 隻 A 品系母雞、57 隻 C 品系母雞及 41 隻 E 品系母雞與其同一品系 1 隻公雞以人工授精進行純品系配種,每 5 天進行人工授精一次,種蛋於配種後第 3 天開始收集,種蛋每天收集一次,置於 16-17 ℃ 貯蛋室。每收集 10 天 的種蛋回溫後進行入孵一批,連續 3 批。入孵後第 8 天進行驗蛋,第 18 天移入發生機,第 21 天出雛。孵化機與發生機溫度分別為 100℉ 與 99℉。A、C 及 E 品系之平均種蛋受精率與受精蛋孵化率分別為 92.8% (956/1,036)與 86.6%(828/956)、91.0%(1,238/1,360)與 79.1%(979/ 1,238)及 90.2%(753/835)與 76.4%(575/753)。選育族群 3 個批次所有種蛋之平均種蛋受精率與受精蛋孵化率分別為 91.2% (2,947/3,231)與 80.8%(2,382/2,947)。比較種蛋受精率與受精蛋孵化率在批次間皆無顯著差異(P > 0.05),種蛋受精率在品系間亦無顯著差異(P = 0.088),然而受精蛋孵化率則在品系間存在顯著差異(P < 0.05),A 品系母雞之受精蛋孵化率顯著較 E 品系者佳。結果顯示,該場紅羽土雞選育族群平均種蛋受精率可達 90% 以上,受精蛋孵化率可達 80% 以上。 關鍵語:受精率、孵化率、紅羽土雞

Fertility and hatchability test of red feathered chicken selection flock in Feng Hui breeding farm

D. Y. Lin(1), S. J. Tzeng(2), F. H. Yang(3), Y. Y. Lai(1), H. L. Tsai(1) and M. C. Wu(1)

(1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture (2)Chung Hwa University of Medical Technology (3)Feng Hui Breeding Farm

To understand the fertility and hatchability of red feathered chickens selection flock in Feng Hui breeding farm. One hundred and fifty two hens including 54 hens of A line, 57 hens of C line and 41 hens of E line were used for fertility and hatchability test. All hens of each line were mated with 1 roaster of each line by pure line artificial insemination every 5-day. The hatching eggs were collected daily and stored at 16 ℃ for 10 days per batch before setting in incubator. Three continued batches of hatching eggs were carried out for this trial. The average fertility and hatchability of fertilized eggs were 92.8% (956/1,036) and 86.6% (828/956) in A line, 91.0% (1,238/1,360) and 79.1% (979/ 1,238) in C line, and 90.2% (753/835) and 76.4% (575/753) in E line, respectively. The average fertility and hatchability of fertilized eggs of all hatching eggs in this trial were 91.2% (2,947/3,231) and 80.8% (2,382/2,947). There were none significant differences in fertility and hatchability of fertilized eggs detected among the three batches and fertility detected among the three lines(P > 0.05). However, There was significant difference in the hatchability of fertilized eggs detected among the three lines (P > 0.05). The hatchability of fertilized eggs of A line was better than that of E line. Result shows the average fertility of the selection flock reached more than 90%, and the hatchability of fertilized eggs of the selection flock could reach more than 80% in Feng Hui breeding farm. Key Words: Fertility, Hatchability, Red feather native chicken

81. 非開放式蛋鴨場廢水性狀調查

鄭智翔 蘇晉暉 林榮新 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所宜蘭分所



平飼與籠飼 2 種形式,設計問卷針對規模 6000 隻以上之非開放式蛋鴨場進行調查,並進行






採二階段活性污泥法或分批式處理槽進行養鴨廢水之處理。 關鍵語:蛋鴨場、廢水、活性污泥法

Investigation on the characteristics of wastewater from non-opening laying duck house

C. H. Cheng, C. H. Su and J. H. Lin

Ilan Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan The aim of this study was to investigate the raising type of non-opening laying duck house and establish the basic data of wastewater, hoping to use the data for designing wastewater treatment facilities and to enhance the environmental protection and sustainability. There were two different types of non-opening laying duck house, cage system and floor system. The questionnaire was designed to investigate the non-open duck house with a size of 6,000 ducks or more. The wastewater from the duck house were collected and analyzed. The results showed: duck in the cage system house, water was mainly used for duck drinking and duck house floor cleaning, while water apply to duck in floor system house was used for duck drinking, floor cleaning and duck bathing in the pond. The characteristics of wastewater vary greatly due to its used purpose. The water for floor cleaning was the most contaminated because of the duck manure and should be collected and treated separately from the wastewater of the pond. The wastewater from the cage system house was also highly contaminated by duck manure due to the high stocking density. It is suggested that the original wastewater storage tank should be set around the duck house for further treatments. Considering the cost of land and manpower of the duck house, the proposed two-stage activated sludge method or batch-activated sludge method was suggested. Key Words: Activated sludge method, Laying duck house, Wastewater

Page 84: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

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82. 無線射頻辨識技術應用於番鴨繁殖性能之監測

鄭智翔 蘇晉暉 魏良原 劉秀洲 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所宜蘭分所

本計畫目標為評估無線射頻辨識技術(Radio frequency identification, RFID)作為平飼番鴨繁

殖性能監測工具。計畫中建置番鴨產蛋監控模組設施,包含安裝 RFID 讀取器之巢箱、電子


示,巢箱中之天線可順利讀取距離 30 公分以內之電子標籤,透過後端之人機介面,可判定





Application of RFID in monitoring the reproduction traits of Muscovy duck

C. H. Cheng, C. H. Su, L. Y. Wei and H. C. Liu Ilan Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the efficiency of application of RFID techniques in

monitoring the reproduction traits of floor breeding Muscovy duck. An egg laying monitoring

module was developed including nest box with RFID antenna, RFID tags, HMI (human machine

interface) and egg-collecting facilities, and an ideal non-invasive attaching area of RFID tag leash

onto duck were also been evaluated. The results showed that the distance of the RFID reader could

successfully detect the RFID tag less than 30 cm. Therefore, the Muscovy ducks could be identified

through the backend HMI. For the evaluation of ideal RFID tags attaching area test, neck and wing

of the duck were not an ideal position for this non-invasive tags wearing. In addition, the height of

nest boxes should be considered to avoid reducing the frequency of ducks visit nest and therefore

increasing the probability of missing tag reading.

Key Words: Muscovy duck, Reproduction traits, RFID

Page 85: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

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82. 無線射頻辨識技術應用於番鴨繁殖性能之監測

鄭智翔 蘇晉暉 魏良原 劉秀洲 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所宜蘭分所

本計畫目標為評估無線射頻辨識技術(Radio frequency identification, RFID)作為平飼番鴨繁

殖性能監測工具。計畫中建置番鴨產蛋監控模組設施,包含安裝 RFID 讀取器之巢箱、電子


示,巢箱中之天線可順利讀取距離 30 公分以內之電子標籤,透過後端之人機介面,可判定





Application of RFID in monitoring the reproduction traits of Muscovy duck

C. H. Cheng, C. H. Su, L. Y. Wei and H. C. Liu Ilan Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the efficiency of application of RFID techniques in

monitoring the reproduction traits of floor breeding Muscovy duck. An egg laying monitoring

module was developed including nest box with RFID antenna, RFID tags, HMI (human machine

interface) and egg-collecting facilities, and an ideal non-invasive attaching area of RFID tag leash

onto duck were also been evaluated. The results showed that the distance of the RFID reader could

successfully detect the RFID tag less than 30 cm. Therefore, the Muscovy ducks could be identified

through the backend HMI. For the evaluation of ideal RFID tags attaching area test, neck and wing

of the duck were not an ideal position for this non-invasive tags wearing. In addition, the height of

nest boxes should be considered to avoid reducing the frequency of ducks visit nest and therefore

increasing the probability of missing tag reading.

Key Words: Muscovy duck, Reproduction traits, RFID

83. 以畜牧場曝氣池廢水作為沼氣脫硫洗滌水之研究

歐修汶(1) (2) 蕭宗法(1) 林義福(1) 周明顯(2) 張筱瑜(2) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)國立中山大學環境工程研究所



洗槽為一內徑 1.33 m 之塑膠桶,將沼氣曝氣管(2" PVC 管建構之長方形環,沿管周平均開

孔 1 mm,共計 536 孔,孔距 10 mm)置於槽底部,進氣量以流量計控制,槽內液面高度為 80

cm,試驗期間連續抽取水洗液入槽並溢流排出。試驗設定 50、100、150 與 200 LPM(L/min)

等 4 個沼氣曝氣量,每 10 分鐘紀錄水洗前後沼氣中硫化氫濃度、水洗液 pH 值及水洗液

進流量等,直至排氣硫化氫濃度與溢流水 pH 值變化穩定時即停止試驗。結果顯示,在進流

水洗液 pH 值 7.5-7.7、流量 23-25 LPM、進流沼氣硫化氫濃度 907±212 ppm 之條件下,槽

中洗滌水穩定 pH 值為 6.6-6.9,在曝氣量 50、100、150 與 200 LPM 時,平均硫化氫去除

率分別為 86.4、82.5、74.4 及 70.6 %。硫化氫去除率及水洗液 pH 隨曝氣量增加而降低,

建議可增加水洗液進流量以提高其 pH 值並藉以提升硫化氫去除率。


Removal of hydrogen sulfide in biogas by an aeration tank fed with aerating wastewater

H. W. Ou(1) (2), T. F. Hsiao(1), Y. F. Lin(1), M. S. Chou(2) and H. Y. Chang(2) (1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

(2)Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University

The aim of this research was to develop a simple aeration tank scrubber fed with aerating

wastewater for the removal of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in biogas. Effect of aeration rate on the H2S

removal was tested. A 2,000-L plastic tank of 1.33 m in inner diameter with a fixed water level of

80 cm and scrubbing liquid of around 1,100 L therein was used as the testing scrubber. A 2-inch

PVC perforated pipe formed to a rectangle shape was used to sparge the biogas into the tank liquid.

There are a total 536 1.0 mm-D holes with a constant pitch of 10 mm along the pipe and four holes

with 90-degree apart along the pipe perimeter. Results indicate that with influent liquid pH of

7.5-7.7 and flow rate of 23-25 LPM (L/min), influent biogas flow rates of 50-200 LPM and H2S

concentration of 907±212 ppm, effluent liquid pH stabilized in the range of 6.6-6.9. Average H2S

removal efficiencies were 86.4, 82.5, 74.4 and 70.6 %, respectively, for influent biogas rates of 50,

100, 150 and 200 LPM. The data imply that increasing water pH and influent rate should give a

better H2S removal performance from the biogas.

Key Words: Biogas, Hydrogen sulfide, Tank scrubber

Page 86: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016162

84. 基因轉殖隔離田間試驗場基因轉殖豬生長性能分析

徐紹欽(1) 許啟運(1) 游國政(1) 劉學陶(1) 曾勝義(1) 林尚民(1) 劉明薰(1) 蕭凱烜(1) 郭士逢(1) 楊天樹(2) 杜清富(1)


本研究分析農業科技研究院隔離田間試驗場自 94 年至 105 年間之豬隻(包含不同品系基因轉殖豬)生長資料,目的在了解其生長性能之變化差異,分析項目包括平均 8 周重、110 kg 檢定結束日齡及平均日增重等。資料中共分為基因轉殖豬 (transgenic, Tg)與非基因轉殖豬(Non-transgenic, NTg),Tg 豬又分為 hFIX (8-3 及 8-5)、Hirudin、HLA-DR、hDAF/HO-1 及 pLF等六個品系。檢定豬隻頭數 NTg 為 520 頭(149 公/371 母)、FIX/8-3 系為 260 頭(110 公/150 母)、FIX/8-5 系為 51 頭(32 公/19 母)、Hirudin 為 28 頭(4 公/14 母)、HLA-DR 為 23 頭(7 公/16 母) 、hDAF/HO-1 為 58 頭(21 公/37 母)、及 pLF 為 17 頭(6 公/11 母);其分析結果分別對應平均 8周重公豬為 20.3±0.4、20.8±0.4、24.1±0.8、18.5±2.4、17.7±1.2、12.4±0.6 與 19.1±1.6 kg 及母豬為 18.6±0.2、19.7±0.4、23.0±1.1、23.2±1.3、18.2±0.9、12.0±0.4 與 19.8±1.5 kg;110 kg 檢定結束日齡,公豬為 152.9±1.1、149.5±1.0、156.0±2.0、155.3±4.4、151.0±2.4、186.2±6.6 與162.7±2.5 日及母豬為 161.1±0.8、160.0±1.0、170.7±2.9、149.2±3.8、159.8±3.9、195.5±3.1 與167.3±4.8 日;在平均日增重,公豬為 996±9、1,002±8、920±22、969±79、1,062±26、912±34與 959±20 g 及母豬為 925±6、900±8、760±19、946±27、925±33、832±20 與 888±30 g。結果顯示 hDAF/HO-1 基因轉殖系不論公或母豬在 8 周重、110 kg 檢定結束日齡及平均日增重有較弱之現象(P < 0.05)。 關鍵語:生長性能、基因轉殖豬、基因轉殖家畜隔離田間試驗

The growth performance of genetic engineering pigs in transgenic animal testing


S. C. Hsu (1), C. Y. Hsu(1), C. Z. Yu(1), S. T. Liu(1), S. Y. Tseng(1), S. M. Lin(1), M. S. Liu(1) , K. S. Hsiao(1), S. F. Guo(1), T. S. Yang(2) and C. F. Tu(1)

Divisions of (1)Animal Technology and (2)Animal Production, Laboratories of Animal Technology, Agricultural Technology Research Institute.

This study analyzed the growth performance data of pigs collected from 2005 to 2016 in Transgenic Animal Testing Station of Agriculture Technology Research Institute to realize the trait variation. The variables included weight at 8 weeks, age at 110 kg of body weight, and average daily gain. The data were grouped by transgenic (Tg) types, including hFIX (8-3 and 8-5), Hirudin, hDAF/HO-1, HLA-DR and pLF, and Non-Tg (NTg). There were 520 NTg pigs (149 male/ 371 female) involved, plus 260 Tg FIX/8-3 (110 male/ 150 female), 51 Tg FIX/8-5 (32 male/ 19 female), 28 Tg Hirudin (4 male/ 14 female), 58 Tg hDAF/HO-1 (21 male/ 37 female), 23 Tg HLA-DR (7 male/ 16 female) and 17 Tg pLF (6 male/ 11 female). Results showed that 8th week average weight of males were 20.3±0.4, 20.8±0.4, 24.1±0.8, 18.5±2.4, 17.7±1.2, 12.4±0.6 and 19.1±1.6 kg and females were 18.6±0.2, 19.7±0.4, 23.0±1.1, 23.2±1.3, 18.2±0.9, 12.0±0.4 and 19.8±1.5 kg; days at 110 kg of body weight of males were 152.9±1.1, 149.5±1.0, 156.0±2.0, 155.3±4.4, 151.0±2.4, 186.2±6.6 and 162.7±2.5 days and of females were 161.1±0.8, 160.0±1.0, 170.7±2.9, 149.2±3.8, 159.8±3.9, 195.5±3.1 and 167.3±4.8 days; and average daily gain of males were 996±9, 1,002±8, 920±22, 969±79, 1,062±26, 912±34 and 959±20 g and of female were 925±6, 900±8, 760±19, 946±27, 925±33, 832±20 and 888±30 g, respectively. Results shown that both hDAF/HO-1 males and females were inferior in growth performance, indicated by 8th weeks body weight, days of 110 kg of body weight and average daily gain, when compared to NTg males and females (P < 0.05).

Key Words: Growth performance, Genetically engineered pig, Transgenic animal testing station

Page 87: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 163

84. 基因轉殖隔離田間試驗場基因轉殖豬生長性能分析

徐紹欽(1) 許啟運(1) 游國政(1) 劉學陶(1) 曾勝義(1) 林尚民(1) 劉明薰(1) 蕭凱烜(1) 郭士逢(1) 楊天樹(2) 杜清富(1)


本研究分析農業科技研究院隔離田間試驗場自 94 年至 105 年間之豬隻(包含不同品系基因轉殖豬)生長資料,目的在了解其生長性能之變化差異,分析項目包括平均 8 周重、110 kg 檢定結束日齡及平均日增重等。資料中共分為基因轉殖豬 (transgenic, Tg)與非基因轉殖豬(Non-transgenic, NTg),Tg 豬又分為 hFIX (8-3 及 8-5)、Hirudin、HLA-DR、hDAF/HO-1 及 pLF等六個品系。檢定豬隻頭數 NTg 為 520 頭(149 公/371 母)、FIX/8-3 系為 260 頭(110 公/150 母)、FIX/8-5 系為 51 頭(32 公/19 母)、Hirudin 為 28 頭(4 公/14 母)、HLA-DR 為 23 頭(7 公/16 母) 、hDAF/HO-1 為 58 頭(21 公/37 母)、及 pLF 為 17 頭(6 公/11 母);其分析結果分別對應平均 8周重公豬為 20.3±0.4、20.8±0.4、24.1±0.8、18.5±2.4、17.7±1.2、12.4±0.6 與 19.1±1.6 kg 及母豬為 18.6±0.2、19.7±0.4、23.0±1.1、23.2±1.3、18.2±0.9、12.0±0.4 與 19.8±1.5 kg;110 kg 檢定結束日齡,公豬為 152.9±1.1、149.5±1.0、156.0±2.0、155.3±4.4、151.0±2.4、186.2±6.6 與162.7±2.5 日及母豬為 161.1±0.8、160.0±1.0、170.7±2.9、149.2±3.8、159.8±3.9、195.5±3.1 與167.3±4.8 日;在平均日增重,公豬為 996±9、1,002±8、920±22、969±79、1,062±26、912±34與 959±20 g 及母豬為 925±6、900±8、760±19、946±27、925±33、832±20 與 888±30 g。結果顯示 hDAF/HO-1 基因轉殖系不論公或母豬在 8 周重、110 kg 檢定結束日齡及平均日增重有較弱之現象(P < 0.05)。 關鍵語:生長性能、基因轉殖豬、基因轉殖家畜隔離田間試驗

The growth performance of genetic engineering pigs in transgenic animal testing


S. C. Hsu (1), C. Y. Hsu(1), C. Z. Yu(1), S. T. Liu(1), S. Y. Tseng(1), S. M. Lin(1), M. S. Liu(1) , K. S. Hsiao(1), S. F. Guo(1), T. S. Yang(2) and C. F. Tu(1)

Divisions of (1)Animal Technology and (2)Animal Production, Laboratories of Animal Technology, Agricultural Technology Research Institute.

This study analyzed the growth performance data of pigs collected from 2005 to 2016 in Transgenic Animal Testing Station of Agriculture Technology Research Institute to realize the trait variation. The variables included weight at 8 weeks, age at 110 kg of body weight, and average daily gain. The data were grouped by transgenic (Tg) types, including hFIX (8-3 and 8-5), Hirudin, hDAF/HO-1, HLA-DR and pLF, and Non-Tg (NTg). There were 520 NTg pigs (149 male/ 371 female) involved, plus 260 Tg FIX/8-3 (110 male/ 150 female), 51 Tg FIX/8-5 (32 male/ 19 female), 28 Tg Hirudin (4 male/ 14 female), 58 Tg hDAF/HO-1 (21 male/ 37 female), 23 Tg HLA-DR (7 male/ 16 female) and 17 Tg pLF (6 male/ 11 female). Results showed that 8th week average weight of males were 20.3±0.4, 20.8±0.4, 24.1±0.8, 18.5±2.4, 17.7±1.2, 12.4±0.6 and 19.1±1.6 kg and females were 18.6±0.2, 19.7±0.4, 23.0±1.1, 23.2±1.3, 18.2±0.9, 12.0±0.4 and 19.8±1.5 kg; days at 110 kg of body weight of males were 152.9±1.1, 149.5±1.0, 156.0±2.0, 155.3±4.4, 151.0±2.4, 186.2±6.6 and 162.7±2.5 days and of females were 161.1±0.8, 160.0±1.0, 170.7±2.9, 149.2±3.8, 159.8±3.9, 195.5±3.1 and 167.3±4.8 days; and average daily gain of males were 996±9, 1,002±8, 920±22, 969±79, 1,062±26, 912±34 and 959±20 g and of female were 925±6, 900±8, 760±19, 946±27, 925±33, 832±20 and 888±30 g, respectively. Results shown that both hDAF/HO-1 males and females were inferior in growth performance, indicated by 8th weeks body weight, days of 110 kg of body weight and average daily gain, when compared to NTg males and females (P < 0.05).

Key Words: Growth performance, Genetically engineered pig, Transgenic animal testing station

85. 畜試白絲羽烏骨雞、黑羽烏骨雞、藍殼蛋烏骨雞、商用烏骨雞之異地孵化、育成與產蛋性能

洪哲明 蔡銘洋 林德育 黃信忠 劉曉龍 林義福 梁筱梅 康獻仁 林正鏞

行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 本試驗旨在收集畜試白絲羽烏骨雞、黑羽烏骨雞、藍殼蛋烏骨雞、商用烏骨雞異地孵化、育成與產蛋性能。每一品種(系)之種禽進行配種與收集種蛋,送至財團法人農業科技研究院進行異地孵化與檢疫。10 日齡雛雞運送至畜產試驗所高雄種畜繁殖場,進行異地復育;期間測定(1)孵化情形;(2)育成率;(3)產蛋性能。試驗結果顯示,畜試白絲羽烏骨雞、黑羽烏骨雞、藍殼蛋烏骨雞、商用烏骨雞之受精率分別為 47%、62%、63% 及 89%;入孵蛋孵化率分別為 37%、53%、54% 及 62%;在 16 週齡存活率則分別為 79%、98%、99% 及 95%。藍殼蛋烏骨雞在生第一顆蛋時雞日齡為 163±13 日顯著較其他品系長(P < 0.05);畜試白絲羽烏骨雞在生第一顆蛋至 40 週齡產蛋數為 100±15 枚顯著較其他品系多(P < 0.05);但在生第一顆蛋時雞體重(1176±102公克)、蛋重(28±5公克)、40 週齡體重(1413±156公克)、40 週齡蛋重(39±3公克)方面,均顯著較其他品系輕(P < 0.05)。 關鍵語:產蛋性能、孵化率、烏骨雞 Hatchability, livability and egg production performance of LRI white silky chicken, black silky chicken, blue shell silky chicken and commercial silky chicken in other


C. M. Hung, M. Y. Tsai, D. Y. Lin, S. J. Huang, H. L. Liu, Y. F. Lin, H. M. Liang, S.R. Kang and C. Y. Lin

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

The experiment was to investigate the hatchability, livability and egg production performance of LRI white silky chicken, black silky chicken, blue shell silky chicken and commercial silky chicken in other places. Breeder eggs were collected after insemination of each line of breeder chicken. The breeder eggs were delivered to Agricultural Technology Research Institute for hatching and quarantine. The chicks at 10 days of age were delivered to Kaohsiung Propagation Station-LRI for restoration in other place. Hatchability, livability and egg production performance were investigated. The results indicated that fertility of LRI white silky chicken, black silky chicken, blue shell silky chicken and commercial silky chicken were 47%, 62%, 63% and 89%, respectively. Hatchability were 37%, 53%, 54% and 62%, respectively. Livability at 16 weeks of age were 79%, 98%, 99% and 95%, respectively. Blue shell silky chicken had significantly longer first egg age (163 ± 13 days) than the other breeds (P < 0.05). White silky chicken had significantly higher egg production from the first egg to 40 weeks of age (100 ± 15 eggs) than the other breeds (P < 0.05). However, its body weight (1176 ± 102gm) and egg weight (28 ± 5 gm) at the first egg; body weight (1413 ± 156gm) and egg weight (39 ± 3gm) at 40 weeks of age were significantly lower than the other breeds (P < 0.05). Key Words: Egg production performance, Hatchability, Silky chicken

Page 88: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016164

86. 近親土雞台畜一號品系 7 號、9 號、11 號、12 號異地孵化情形與 產蛋性能之比較

洪哲明 蔡銘洋 林德育 黃信忠 林義福 黃惠娟 梁筱梅 康獻仁 林正鏞

行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 本試驗旨在比較近親土雞台畜一號品系 7 號、9 號、11 號、12 號異地孵化情形與產蛋性能


化與檢疫。10 日齡雛雞運送至畜產試驗所高雄種畜繁殖場,進行異地復育;期間測定(1)


7 號、9 號、11 號、12 號之受精率分別為 94%、80%、88% 及 86%;入孵蛋孵化率分別

為 80%、64%、77% 及 57%。在異地飼養之 40 週齡產蛋性能方面,近親土雞台畜一號品

系12號在生第一顆蛋時雞日齡為 150±7 日顯著較其他品系長(P < 0.05);近親土雞台畜一號

品系 11 號在生第一顆蛋至 40 週齡產蛋數為 65±20 枚顯著較其他品系少(P < 0.05);近親

土雞台畜一號品系 7 號在 40 週齡體重為 2670±343 公克顯著較其他品系重(P < 0.05)。

關鍵語:近親土雞台畜一號品系、孵化率、產蛋性能 Comparison of hatchability and egg production performance of LRI Taishu no. 1 line

7, 9, 11 and 12 chickens in other places

C. M. Hung, M. Y. Tsai, D. Y. Lin, S. J. Huang, Y. F. Lin, H. C. Huang, H. M. Liang, S. R. Kang and C. Y. Lin

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

The experiment was to investigate the hatchability and egg production performance of LRI Taishu

no. 1 line 7, 9, 11 and 12 chickens in other places. Breeder eggs were collected after insemination of

each line of breeder chicken. The breeder eggs were delivered to Agricultural Technology Research

Institute for hatching and quarantine. The chicks at 10 days of age were delivered to Kaohsiung

Propagation Station-LRI for restoration in other place. Hatchability and egg production

performance were investigated. The results indicated that fertility of LRI Taishu no. 1 line 7, 9, 11

and 12 chickens were 94%, 80%, 88% and 86%, respectively. Hatchability were 80%, 64%, 77%

and 57%, respectively. Livability at 16 weeks of age were 79%, 98%, 99% and 95%, respectively.

LRI Taishu no. 1 line 12 chicken had significantly longer first egg age (150 ± 7 days) than the other

breeds (P < 0.05). Egg production LRI Taishu no. 1 line 11 (65 ± 20 eggs) from the first egg to 40

weeks of age were significantly lower than the other lines (P < 0.05). Body weight of LRI Taishu no.

1 line 7 chicken (2,670 ± 343 gm) at 40 weeks of age were significantly larger than the other lines

(P < 0.05).

Key Words: LRI Taishu no. 1 chicken, Hatchability, Egg production performance

Page 89: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

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86. 近親土雞台畜一號品系 7 號、9 號、11 號、12 號異地孵化情形與 產蛋性能之比較

洪哲明 蔡銘洋 林德育 黃信忠 林義福 黃惠娟 梁筱梅 康獻仁 林正鏞

行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 本試驗旨在比較近親土雞台畜一號品系 7 號、9 號、11 號、12 號異地孵化情形與產蛋性能


化與檢疫。10 日齡雛雞運送至畜產試驗所高雄種畜繁殖場,進行異地復育;期間測定(1)


7 號、9 號、11 號、12 號之受精率分別為 94%、80%、88% 及 86%;入孵蛋孵化率分別

為 80%、64%、77% 及 57%。在異地飼養之 40 週齡產蛋性能方面,近親土雞台畜一號品

系12號在生第一顆蛋時雞日齡為 150±7 日顯著較其他品系長(P < 0.05);近親土雞台畜一號

品系 11 號在生第一顆蛋至 40 週齡產蛋數為 65±20 枚顯著較其他品系少(P < 0.05);近親

土雞台畜一號品系 7 號在 40 週齡體重為 2670±343 公克顯著較其他品系重(P < 0.05)。

關鍵語:近親土雞台畜一號品系、孵化率、產蛋性能 Comparison of hatchability and egg production performance of LRI Taishu no. 1 line

7, 9, 11 and 12 chickens in other places

C. M. Hung, M. Y. Tsai, D. Y. Lin, S. J. Huang, Y. F. Lin, H. C. Huang, H. M. Liang, S. R. Kang and C. Y. Lin

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

The experiment was to investigate the hatchability and egg production performance of LRI Taishu

no. 1 line 7, 9, 11 and 12 chickens in other places. Breeder eggs were collected after insemination of

each line of breeder chicken. The breeder eggs were delivered to Agricultural Technology Research

Institute for hatching and quarantine. The chicks at 10 days of age were delivered to Kaohsiung

Propagation Station-LRI for restoration in other place. Hatchability and egg production

performance were investigated. The results indicated that fertility of LRI Taishu no. 1 line 7, 9, 11

and 12 chickens were 94%, 80%, 88% and 86%, respectively. Hatchability were 80%, 64%, 77%

and 57%, respectively. Livability at 16 weeks of age were 79%, 98%, 99% and 95%, respectively.

LRI Taishu no. 1 line 12 chicken had significantly longer first egg age (150 ± 7 days) than the other

breeds (P < 0.05). Egg production LRI Taishu no. 1 line 11 (65 ± 20 eggs) from the first egg to 40

weeks of age were significantly lower than the other lines (P < 0.05). Body weight of LRI Taishu no.

1 line 7 chicken (2,670 ± 343 gm) at 40 weeks of age were significantly larger than the other lines

(P < 0.05).

Key Words: LRI Taishu no. 1 chicken, Hatchability, Egg production performance

87. 北京油雞、無鱗雞、龍門高產蛋品種異地孵化情形與產蛋性能之調查

洪哲明 蔡銘洋 林德育 黃信忠 劉曉龍 林義福 梁筱梅 康獻仁 林正鏞

行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 本試驗旨在調查北京油雞、無鱗雞、龍門高產蛋 2 品種之異地孵化情形與產蛋性能。每一品



產蛋性能。試驗結果顯示,北京油雞、無鱗雞、龍門高產蛋 CM 品種與 TCM 品種之受精

率分別為 51%、57%、85% 及 63%;入孵蛋孵化率分別為 37%、34%、68% 及 49%。北

京油雞在生第一顆蛋時雞日齡為 189±20 日顯著較其他品系長(P < 0.05);但在生第一顆蛋

至 40 週齡產蛋數(48±20 枚)及 40 週齡體重(2069±276 公克)方面,均顯著較其他品系差

(P < 0.05)。龍門高產蛋 CM 品種在生第一顆蛋時雞體重(1960±172 公克)與 40 週齡蛋重

(53±3 公克)均顯著較其他品系重(P < 0.05)。

關鍵語:北京油雞、無鱗雞、龍門雞 Investigation of hatchability and egg production performance of Beijing fatty chicken,

scaleless chicken and Lohmann chicken in other places

C. M. Hung, M. Y. Tsai, D. Y. Lin, S. J. Huang, H. L. Liu, Y. F. Lin, H. M. Liang, S.R. Kang and C. Y. Lin

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

The experiment was to investigate the hatchability and egg production performance of Beijing fatty

chicken, scaleless chicken and Lohmann chicken in other places. Breeder eggs were collected after

insemination of each line of breeder chicken. The breeder eggs were delivered to Agricultural

Technology Research Institute for hatching and quarantine. The chicks at 10 days of age were

delivered to Kaohsiung Propagation Station-LRI for restoration in other place. Hatchability and egg

production performance were investigated. The results indicated that fertility of Beijing fatty

chicken, scaleless chicken and Lohmann CM and TCM chickens were 51%, 57%, 85% and 63%,

respectively. Hatchability were 37%, 34%, 68% and 49%, respectively. Beijing fatty chicken had

significantly longer first egg age (189 ±20 days) than the other breeds (P < 0.05). However, its egg

production from the first egg to 40 weeks of age (48 ± 20 eggs) and body weight at 40 weeks of age

(2069 ± 276 gm)were significantly lower than the other breeds (P < 0.05). Lohmann CM chicken

had significantly higher body weight at the first egg (1960 ± 172 gm) and egg weight at 40 weeks of

age (53 ± 3 gm) than the other breeds.

Key Words: Beijing fatty chicken, Scaleless chicken, Lohmann chicken

Page 90: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016166

88. 養鵝場水池水質調查

蕭智彰 張伸彰 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所彰化種畜繁殖場



物理性狀包括 pH、導電度、溶解性硫化物濃度、氨氮、硝氮、磷酸鹽、硫酸鹽、硬度、總


果顯示,台南地區鵝場水池水質中 pH 值(8.1)顯著較高屏地區(7.5)高;中部地區鵝場水

池水質之硬度(551 mg/L)及硫酸鹽濃度(257 mg/L)顯著較各區為高。此調查資料顯示,養




Water quality of pool investigating of geese farms

C. C. Hsiao and S. C. Chang Changhua Animal Propagation Station, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture,

Executive Yuan

This study examined the physical and chemical properties, heavy metals, and microorganism profile

of pool water on geese farms. There were investigation two geese farms in North, Central, Tainan

and Kaohsiung-Pingtung.The physical and chemical properties included pH, electrical conductivity,

dissolved solid, NH3-N, NO3-N, PO4, SO4-2, hardness, TOC, chloride and potassium. Heavy metals

included iron, copper, SO4-2, Manganese, Plumbum and Zinc. The microorganism was Escherichia

coli in the pool. The result showed that the water pH value of Tainan (8.1) was higher than

Kaohsiung-Pingtung (7.5) significantly (P<0.05). The water hardness (551mg/L) and SO4-2

(257mg/L) of Central was higher than other area significantly (P<0.05). In addition, the

Escherichia coli were higher in geese farms pool of every area. There were showing a very high

degree of pollution. It is necessary to monitor the water quality of geese farms and provided geese

clean water to drink.

Key Words: Water quality, Investigating, Geese farms

Page 91: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 167

88. 養鵝場水池水質調查

蕭智彰 張伸彰 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所彰化種畜繁殖場



物理性狀包括 pH、導電度、溶解性硫化物濃度、氨氮、硝氮、磷酸鹽、硫酸鹽、硬度、總


果顯示,台南地區鵝場水池水質中 pH 值(8.1)顯著較高屏地區(7.5)高;中部地區鵝場水

池水質之硬度(551 mg/L)及硫酸鹽濃度(257 mg/L)顯著較各區為高。此調查資料顯示,養




Water quality of pool investigating of geese farms

C. C. Hsiao and S. C. Chang Changhua Animal Propagation Station, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture,

Executive Yuan

This study examined the physical and chemical properties, heavy metals, and microorganism profile

of pool water on geese farms. There were investigation two geese farms in North, Central, Tainan

and Kaohsiung-Pingtung.The physical and chemical properties included pH, electrical conductivity,

dissolved solid, NH3-N, NO3-N, PO4, SO4-2, hardness, TOC, chloride and potassium. Heavy metals

included iron, copper, SO4-2, Manganese, Plumbum and Zinc. The microorganism was Escherichia

coli in the pool. The result showed that the water pH value of Tainan (8.1) was higher than

Kaohsiung-Pingtung (7.5) significantly (P<0.05). The water hardness (551mg/L) and SO4-2

(257mg/L) of Central was higher than other area significantly (P<0.05). In addition, the

Escherichia coli were higher in geese farms pool of every area. There were showing a very high

degree of pollution. It is necessary to monitor the water quality of geese farms and provided geese

clean water to drink.

Key Words: Water quality, Investigating, Geese farms

89. 不同母系來源雜交黑豬豬其生長性能、屠體性狀及肌肉品質之影響

李秀蘭(1) (2) 王漢昇(1) 黃憲榮(1) (2) 張秀鑾(3) 沈朋志(3) 王治華(4) 林正鏞(1) 許晉賓(1) (1)畜產試驗所高雄種畜繁殖場 (2)國立屏東科技大學農學院生物資源研究所

(3)國立屏東科技大學動物科學與畜產學系 (4)畜產試驗所


含 75% 杜洛克比率之雜交黑豬 24 頭,其母系來源分別來自杜洛克(DK)及梅山豬(KD),

閹公豬及肉女豬各半,試驗豬隻從 70 日齡開始進行試驗,飼養至 180 日齡止。飼糧及飲水

採任食方式飼養。試驗結束後每組犧牲 12 頭進行屠體性狀調查。結果顯示,KD 之平均日

增重顯著(P < 0.05)較 DK 為佳,且背最長肌之色澤及感官品評之香氣、風味及嫩度評分

顯著(P < 0.05)較 DK 為深及佳。但屠體宰性狀於不同母系來源豬隻間並無顯著性差異。

本試驗結果顯示,生長性能(平均日增重)及屠肉之感官品評(香氣、風味及嫩度)以 KD 較 DK 為佳。 關鍵語:黑豬、屠體性狀、生長性能

The effect of growth performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality characteristics on the of pigs derived from different hybrids

H. L. Lee(1)(2), H. S. Wang(1), H. J. Huang(1) (2), H. L. Chang(3) , P. C. Shen(3), C. H. Wang(4)

C. Y. Lin (1) and C. B. Hsu(1) (1) Kaohsiung Animal Propagation Station, COA- LRI (2) Graduate Institute of Bioresources, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (3)Department of Animal Science, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (4) Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The objective of this study was to investigate the growth performances, carcass characteristics and meat quality characteristics of crossbred black pigs with various proportions of Duroc genetic background, including crossbred K (Meishan ♀ X Duroc ♂, 50% Duroc), DK (Duroc♀ X K♂, 75% Duroc) and KD (K♀ X Duroc ♂, 75% Duroc) pigs. Totally 24 black pigs, 12 (6 barrows and 6 gilts) for each crossbreed was used in the present study. Feed and water were provided ad libitum from 70 to 180 days of age before the pigs were slaughtered. The growth performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality characteristics were analyzed. Results indicated that KD had a significantly (P < 0.05) higher average daily gain (ADG) when compared to DK. The results showed that muscle color was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in KD. However, the KD while DK had the highest (P < 0.05) muscle sensory panel score of aroma, flavor and tenderness. In conclusion, the growth performance (ADG) and sensory evaluation (aroma, flavor and tenderness) of KD for the most good. Key Words: Black pig, Carcass characteristics, Growth performances

Page 92: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

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90. 臺灣努比亞山羊腦下垂體特異性轉錄因子與鈣蛋白酶抑制蛋白基因 DNA 序


顏念慈(1) 陳若菁(1) 陳芃諭(2) 馮堉慈(2) 陳水財(1) 林德育(1) 張秀鑾(2) 吳明哲(1)

(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)國立屏東科技大學動物科學與畜產系

本研究目的主要探討努比亞山羊腦下垂體特異性轉錄因子(pituitary specific transcription factor, POU1f1)與鈣蛋白酶抑制蛋白基因(Calpastatin, CAST)DNA 序列多態性,試驗設計兩組引子對可以增殖出 DNA 片段,再應用兩組適當引子進行定序。將試驗所得 POU1f1 之序列與 GenBank 編號 DQ826413 序列比對,結果發現 91 頭努比亞山羊之腦下垂體特異性轉錄因子基因位置 10-446 之序列共有 8 個位置發生變異,在序列位置 18-19 有 CT 置換成 TC。在位置 45-370 之間與比對序列有 3 處位置不同,在位置 48、102 及 365 處核苷酸分別有 T、G 及 T/G 型、G、T 及 G/T 型及 C、T 及 C/T 型。在位置 437-439 之間序列有 6 型序列。將試驗所得 CAST 之序列與 DQ414516 序列比對,結果發現 (1)174 頭努比亞山羊 CAST 基因位置 1-254 之序列共有 18 個位置發生變異,有 6 處同類置換,其中全部山羊 CAST 基因位置 157 有 G-A 同類置換。(2)在序列位置 60 後有 5'-GT 2 bp 的重複序列 0-6 個。(3)在位置 63 有 T 與 G 及 T/G 型。綜合以上結果顯示努比亞山羊 POU1f1 與 CAST 基因 DNA 序列分析可產生較多之多態性,可進一步應用於其經濟性能相關研究。 關鍵語:努比亞山羊、鈣蛋白酶抑制蛋白、腦下垂體特異性轉錄因子

Sequence polymorphism of pituitary specific transcription factor and calpastatin genes in Taiwan Nubian goat

N. T. Yen(1), J. C. Chen(1), P. Y. Chen(2), Y.T. Feng(2), S. T. Chen(1), D. Y. Lin(1),

H. L. Chang(2) and M. C. Wu(1) (1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (2)Department of Animal

Science, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

The aim of this study was to investigate the DNA sequence polymorphism of pituitary specific transcription factor (POU1f1) and Calpastatin (CAST) in Nubian goat. Two groups of primers were designed to amplify DNA fragments of Nubian goat and then applied two groups of appropriate primers to sequence. The sequence of POU1f1 was compared with the sequence of DQ826413 in GenBank. It was found that there were 8 site substitutions between positions 10-446 of the pituitary-specific transcription factor gene in 91 Nubian goats. And CT was replaced with TC at position 18-19. Three positions differed from the alignment sequence between positions 45-370. There were T, G, T/G; G, T, G/T and C, T, C/T nucleotide type at positions 48, 102 and 365, respectively. There were 6 sequence types at positions 437-439. The sequence of the CAST obtained was compared with the sequence of DQ414516, showed that (1) there were 18 site substitutions in the 254 bp fragment of CAST gene of 174 Nubian goats, six nucleotide variations were transition substitution, and position 157 of all goat CAST gene had G-A transition substitution. (2) There were 0-6 repeats of 5'-GT 2 bp after position 60. (3) At position 63, there were T, G and T / G nucleotide types. Based on the above results, it was found that the DNA sequence analysis of POU1f1 and CAST gene in Nubian goat could produce more polymorphism, which would be applied to Nubian goat economic performance related research. Key Words: Calpastatin, Nubian goat, Pituitary specific transcription factor

Page 93: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 169

90. 臺灣努比亞山羊腦下垂體特異性轉錄因子與鈣蛋白酶抑制蛋白基因 DNA 序


顏念慈(1) 陳若菁(1) 陳芃諭(2) 馮堉慈(2) 陳水財(1) 林德育(1) 張秀鑾(2) 吳明哲(1)

(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)國立屏東科技大學動物科學與畜產系

本研究目的主要探討努比亞山羊腦下垂體特異性轉錄因子(pituitary specific transcription factor, POU1f1)與鈣蛋白酶抑制蛋白基因(Calpastatin, CAST)DNA 序列多態性,試驗設計兩組引子對可以增殖出 DNA 片段,再應用兩組適當引子進行定序。將試驗所得 POU1f1 之序列與 GenBank 編號 DQ826413 序列比對,結果發現 91 頭努比亞山羊之腦下垂體特異性轉錄因子基因位置 10-446 之序列共有 8 個位置發生變異,在序列位置 18-19 有 CT 置換成 TC。在位置 45-370 之間與比對序列有 3 處位置不同,在位置 48、102 及 365 處核苷酸分別有 T、G 及 T/G 型、G、T 及 G/T 型及 C、T 及 C/T 型。在位置 437-439 之間序列有 6 型序列。將試驗所得 CAST 之序列與 DQ414516 序列比對,結果發現 (1)174 頭努比亞山羊 CAST 基因位置 1-254 之序列共有 18 個位置發生變異,有 6 處同類置換,其中全部山羊 CAST 基因位置 157 有 G-A 同類置換。(2)在序列位置 60 後有 5'-GT 2 bp 的重複序列 0-6 個。(3)在位置 63 有 T 與 G 及 T/G 型。綜合以上結果顯示努比亞山羊 POU1f1 與 CAST 基因 DNA 序列分析可產生較多之多態性,可進一步應用於其經濟性能相關研究。 關鍵語:努比亞山羊、鈣蛋白酶抑制蛋白、腦下垂體特異性轉錄因子

Sequence polymorphism of pituitary specific transcription factor and calpastatin genes in Taiwan Nubian goat

N. T. Yen(1), J. C. Chen(1), P. Y. Chen(2), Y.T. Feng(2), S. T. Chen(1), D. Y. Lin(1),

H. L. Chang(2) and M. C. Wu(1) (1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (2)Department of Animal

Science, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

The aim of this study was to investigate the DNA sequence polymorphism of pituitary specific transcription factor (POU1f1) and Calpastatin (CAST) in Nubian goat. Two groups of primers were designed to amplify DNA fragments of Nubian goat and then applied two groups of appropriate primers to sequence. The sequence of POU1f1 was compared with the sequence of DQ826413 in GenBank. It was found that there were 8 site substitutions between positions 10-446 of the pituitary-specific transcription factor gene in 91 Nubian goats. And CT was replaced with TC at position 18-19. Three positions differed from the alignment sequence between positions 45-370. There were T, G, T/G; G, T, G/T and C, T, C/T nucleotide type at positions 48, 102 and 365, respectively. There were 6 sequence types at positions 437-439. The sequence of the CAST obtained was compared with the sequence of DQ414516, showed that (1) there were 18 site substitutions in the 254 bp fragment of CAST gene of 174 Nubian goats, six nucleotide variations were transition substitution, and position 157 of all goat CAST gene had G-A transition substitution. (2) There were 0-6 repeats of 5'-GT 2 bp after position 60. (3) At position 63, there were T, G and T / G nucleotide types. Based on the above results, it was found that the DNA sequence analysis of POU1f1 and CAST gene in Nubian goat could produce more polymorphism, which would be applied to Nubian goat economic performance related research. Key Words: Calpastatin, Nubian goat, Pituitary specific transcription factor

91. 乳羊體型乳房評分系統

陳水財(1)(3) 蕭庭訓(2) 阮喜文(3) 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (1)技術服務組;(2)經營組



的重要指標。本研究主要以乳羊體型乳房線性評分法(linear appraisal)評估分數為 1-9 分,

進行羊隻體型評估,做為臺灣乳羊育種依據。本系統以 ASP.NET 程 式語言,結合 SQL 2008 資料庫撰寫簡易圖形化評分系統,方便現場評分員進行羊隻個體評分。本研究調查 5 家牧場

泌乳羊進行評分,4 項實際量測結果分別為身高(75.3±4.69 cm)、體長(74.3±4.1 cm)、胸圍

(88.3±5.3 cm)、乳頭長度(4.8±1.3 cm)。9 個線性評分項目結果為乳頭方向(4.3±0.6)、乳






The system of linear appraisal for dairy goats

S. T. Chen(1)(2), T. H. Hsiao(1) and S. W. Roan(2) (1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

(2)Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University

The appearance body conformation and udder structure of dairy goat is an important correlation between lactating ability and longevity of lactation. It is also an important indicator for dairy goat’s breeding. This study adopted 1-9 score of the linear appraisal method to assess dairy goat’s breeding. The simple graphical grade system was written with ASP.NET programming language and SQL 2008 database to facilitate scoring staff to goat individual score. This study investigated five farms to score dairy goats, The results of four measured items on dairy goats are body height 75.3±4.69 cm, body length 74.3±4.1 cm, chest girth 88.3±5.3 cm and teat length 4.8±1.3 cm, respectively. The results of nine items used the linear appraisal method showed that teat orientation, teat angle, teat form, fore udder, udder profile, udder floor position, rear udder, rear udder attachment and feet angle are 4.3±0.6, 4.9±0.6, 4.6±1.0, 3.8±1.3, 5.9±0.9, 5.6±1.1, 4.8±0.6, 4.7±1.0 and 5.9±0.9,

respectively. The use of portable scoring system could improve the learning curve and correctness of the grader, reduce data transcription error. In this study, morphological appraisal method has been used for phenotypic culling of dams as young candidate rams for descent verification work. Key Words: Breeding, Dairy goat, Linear appraisal

Page 94: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016170

92. 鹿飼料配方線性規化試算程式開發

陳水財(1) 梁筱梅(2) 康獻仁(2) 林正鏞(2) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所


本研究開發臺灣鹿隻專用最小成本飼料配方調製工具程式,鹿隻採食量與營養需求採用 NRC(2007)鹿隻不同生長階段、性別與品種等標準,結合臺灣常用芻料與飼料之營養成分表,應

用 SQL server 2008 資料庫結合微軟的線性規劃工具(Microsoft Solver Foundation on the .NET),農民點選調配原料種類,修改原料價格,可算出最低成本飼料配方組合與實際使



體 鹿 隻 的 營 養 評 估 , 做 為 鹿 隻 營 養 改 進 的 依 據 。 本 系 統 之 網 址 :

http://deer.tlri.gov.tw/deertw/deersys/ feeds_formulationlist.aspx,臺灣鹿園網,需經會員登錄後

即可開始使。 關鍵語:線性規劃、飼料配方、鹿

Online linear programming for formulation of deer feed

S. T. Chen(1), H. M. Liang(2), S. R. Kang(2) and J. Y. Lin(2) (1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

(2)Kaohsiung Animal propagation Station, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

In this study, we developed a linear programming for minimum cost formulation of deer feed in Taiwan. Feed intake amounts and requirements of various stages, genders and breeds of deer were mainly adopted from NRC (2007). Table of Taiwan feed nutrients is the commonly used forages and feed ingredients of Taiwan. Using the SQL Server 2008 database, minimum feed cost can be solved by linear programming tool of Microsoft Solver Foundation on the .NET platform from our system. Farmers can click to choose or modify the price of raw materials, and then to calculate at the lowest cost feed formulations with each distinct feed ingredient required. Nutritional assessment need adopt the feed intake amount of deer into account carefully which also might be influenced by the feed quality and palatability, the Nutritional assessment system is the actual deer’s diet reverser to calculate whether to gain the nutrient requirements of deer. That system could evaluate nutrient condition on individual or flock for deer, furthermore, that data provide farm as a basis for improved nutrition deer. The system URL: http://deer.tlri.gov.tw/deertw/deersys/Feeds_formulationlist.aspx, and entrance is from the member section of Taiwan deer park (http://deer.tlri.gov.tw/deertw/deersys /Deer_Login.aspx). Key Words: Linear programming, Feed formulation, Deer

Page 95: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 171

92. 鹿飼料配方線性規化試算程式開發

陳水財(1) 梁筱梅(2) 康獻仁(2) 林正鏞(2) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所


本研究開發臺灣鹿隻專用最小成本飼料配方調製工具程式,鹿隻採食量與營養需求採用 NRC(2007)鹿隻不同生長階段、性別與品種等標準,結合臺灣常用芻料與飼料之營養成分表,應

用 SQL server 2008 資料庫結合微軟的線性規劃工具(Microsoft Solver Foundation on the .NET),農民點選調配原料種類,修改原料價格,可算出最低成本飼料配方組合與實際使



體 鹿 隻 的 營 養 評 估 , 做 為 鹿 隻 營 養 改 進 的 依 據 。 本 系 統 之 網 址 :

http://deer.tlri.gov.tw/deertw/deersys/ feeds_formulationlist.aspx,臺灣鹿園網,需經會員登錄後

即可開始使。 關鍵語:線性規劃、飼料配方、鹿

Online linear programming for formulation of deer feed

S. T. Chen(1), H. M. Liang(2), S. R. Kang(2) and J. Y. Lin(2) (1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

(2)Kaohsiung Animal propagation Station, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

In this study, we developed a linear programming for minimum cost formulation of deer feed in Taiwan. Feed intake amounts and requirements of various stages, genders and breeds of deer were mainly adopted from NRC (2007). Table of Taiwan feed nutrients is the commonly used forages and feed ingredients of Taiwan. Using the SQL Server 2008 database, minimum feed cost can be solved by linear programming tool of Microsoft Solver Foundation on the .NET platform from our system. Farmers can click to choose or modify the price of raw materials, and then to calculate at the lowest cost feed formulations with each distinct feed ingredient required. Nutritional assessment need adopt the feed intake amount of deer into account carefully which also might be influenced by the feed quality and palatability, the Nutritional assessment system is the actual deer’s diet reverser to calculate whether to gain the nutrient requirements of deer. That system could evaluate nutrient condition on individual or flock for deer, furthermore, that data provide farm as a basis for improved nutrition deer. The system URL: http://deer.tlri.gov.tw/deertw/deersys/Feeds_formulationlist.aspx, and entrance is from the member section of Taiwan deer park (http://deer.tlri.gov.tw/deertw/deersys /Deer_Login.aspx). Key Words: Linear programming, Feed formulation, Deer

93. 線上草食動物簡易飼料營養與成本試算

陳水財(1) 梁筱梅(2) 康獻仁(2) 林正鏞(2) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所


本項推廣研究是開發一個簡易如同 Excel 的電子表格等動態網頁程式,目的是幫助試算台灣



飼料原料(最多 15 種)。當您更新電子表格中混合物的每個草料或飼料(公斤)的用量與金






Development of a simple active server page program for calculation of feed nutrients and cost of herbivorous livestock and poultry

S. T. Chen(1), H. M. Liang(2), S. R. Kang(2) and J. Y. Lin(2)

(1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (2)Kaohsiung Animal propagation Station, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture,

Executive Yuan

The purpose of this extension study is to develop a simple active server page program with

spreadsheet like appearance for calculation of feed nutrients and cost of herbivorous livestock of

Taiwan, including dairy cattle, cattle, goat, deer and rabbit. The table provided will contain a list of

commonly used grasses or feed ingredients for all kinds of herbivores in Taiwan. You can also add

your used forages or feed ingredients (up to 15 rows). As you update spreadsheet, the amount of

each forage or feed ingredients (kg), the program will calculates % TDN (energy), % CP (protein),

% Ca (calcium), % P (phosphorus) and cost per kilogram of the diet automatically after you press

the submit. By repeating the correction, you can manually correct the less costly rations that are

close to the ideal (not the least cost, depending on the forage or feed ingredients you provided). This

program ensures that you can control feed costs and nutritional requirements by simple iterative

trials for herbivorous livestock (http://deer.tlri.gov.tw/deertw/easycal.asp).

Key Words: Cost, Herbivorous livestock, Nutrition

Page 96: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016172

94. 鴨 MC1R 基因之變異性分析

凃毅辰(1) 李賢雄 劉秀洲(2) 陳銘正(1) (1)國立宜蘭大學生物技術與動物科學系 (2)行政院農委會畜產試驗所宜蘭分所

臺灣生產土番鴨主要鴨種為家鴨屬(Anas platyrhynchos)之北京鴨、菜鴨與棲鴨屬(Cairinamoschata)之番鴨。毛色為土番鴨重要之經濟性狀,改良毛色性狀為現今種鴨選拔之重點。

第一型黑色素皮質素受體(melanocortin 1 receptor, MC1R)基因在黑色素生成中扮演調節真

黑色素及偽黑色素生成之角色。本研究之目的乃應用高解析度熔點分析法(high resolution

melting, HRM)與 DNA 定序法分析不同品種鴨隻 MC1R 之單一外顯子(exon)之變異性,

並尋找各品種鴨之單股核苷酸多型性(single nucleotide polymorphism, SNP)。試驗結果顯示,

北京鴨與番鴨間 MC1R 基因外顯子之 DNA 同質性為 98.6%,胺基酸同質性為 98.1%;菜

鴨與番鴨間DNA同質性為 98.3 %,胺基酸同質性為 97.8%。在菜鴨北京鴨與番鴨種內分別發

現 3、2 與 3 個非同義(non-synonymous)SNP點,這些 SNP 點是否影響土番鴨之毛色性狀


關鍵語:高解析度熔點分析法、MC1R 基因、單股核苷酸多型性

Analysis of variability of MC1R gene in ducks

Y. C. Tu(1), H. H. Lee, H. C. Liu(2) and M. C. Chen(1) (1)Department of Biotechnology and Animal Science, National Ilan University

(2)Ilan Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

In Taiwan, the mule ducks are the progeny from a cross of two species with the Pekin or Tsaiya

ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) and Muscovy drakes (Cairina moschata). Plumage color is an

important economic trait of mule duck, so improving the plumage color trait is important for the

breeding. The melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R), which plays a major role for producing eumelanin

and pheomelanin which control the plumage color of birds. The aims of this study were to apply

high resolution melting (HRM) and DNA sequencing to analysis of variability and examine the

single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in MC1R gene exon 1 in different duck breeds. The results

showed that Pekin and Muscovy duck both exhibited 98.6% identity in DNA sequence of MC1R

gene exon 1, and exhibited 98.1% identity in amino acid sequence; Tsaiya and Muscovy duck both

exhibited 98.3% identity in DNA sequence, and exhibited 97.8% identity in amino acid sequence.

We identified 3, 2 and 3 nsSNPs (non-synonymous SNP) in Tsaiya, Pekin and Muscovy ducks.

Further studies are required to test the influence of these SNPs on the plumage color of mule ducks.

Key Word: High resolution melting, MC1R gene, Single nucleotide polymorphism

Page 97: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 173

94. 鴨 MC1R 基因之變異性分析

凃毅辰(1) 李賢雄 劉秀洲(2) 陳銘正(1) (1)國立宜蘭大學生物技術與動物科學系 (2)行政院農委會畜產試驗所宜蘭分所

臺灣生產土番鴨主要鴨種為家鴨屬(Anas platyrhynchos)之北京鴨、菜鴨與棲鴨屬(Cairinamoschata)之番鴨。毛色為土番鴨重要之經濟性狀,改良毛色性狀為現今種鴨選拔之重點。

第一型黑色素皮質素受體(melanocortin 1 receptor, MC1R)基因在黑色素生成中扮演調節真

黑色素及偽黑色素生成之角色。本研究之目的乃應用高解析度熔點分析法(high resolution

melting, HRM)與 DNA 定序法分析不同品種鴨隻 MC1R 之單一外顯子(exon)之變異性,

並尋找各品種鴨之單股核苷酸多型性(single nucleotide polymorphism, SNP)。試驗結果顯示,

北京鴨與番鴨間 MC1R 基因外顯子之 DNA 同質性為 98.6%,胺基酸同質性為 98.1%;菜

鴨與番鴨間DNA同質性為 98.3 %,胺基酸同質性為 97.8%。在菜鴨北京鴨與番鴨種內分別發

現 3、2 與 3 個非同義(non-synonymous)SNP點,這些 SNP 點是否影響土番鴨之毛色性狀


關鍵語:高解析度熔點分析法、MC1R 基因、單股核苷酸多型性

Analysis of variability of MC1R gene in ducks

Y. C. Tu(1), H. H. Lee, H. C. Liu(2) and M. C. Chen(1) (1)Department of Biotechnology and Animal Science, National Ilan University

(2)Ilan Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

In Taiwan, the mule ducks are the progeny from a cross of two species with the Pekin or Tsaiya

ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) and Muscovy drakes (Cairina moschata). Plumage color is an

important economic trait of mule duck, so improving the plumage color trait is important for the

breeding. The melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R), which plays a major role for producing eumelanin

and pheomelanin which control the plumage color of birds. The aims of this study were to apply

high resolution melting (HRM) and DNA sequencing to analysis of variability and examine the

single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in MC1R gene exon 1 in different duck breeds. The results

showed that Pekin and Muscovy duck both exhibited 98.6% identity in DNA sequence of MC1R

gene exon 1, and exhibited 98.1% identity in amino acid sequence; Tsaiya and Muscovy duck both

exhibited 98.3% identity in DNA sequence, and exhibited 97.8% identity in amino acid sequence.

We identified 3, 2 and 3 nsSNPs (non-synonymous SNP) in Tsaiya, Pekin and Muscovy ducks.

Further studies are required to test the influence of these SNPs on the plumage color of mule ducks.

Key Word: High resolution melting, MC1R gene, Single nucleotide polymorphism

95. 利用光學探針預估肉豬屠體瘦肉量

游適銘 林智郁 高宇 王玟 陳宜箴 林榮信 國立宜蘭大學生物技術與動物科學系


100 頭肉豬,並於屠宰作業線上以光學探針屠體評級儀器(Fat-O-Meat'er II),量測左半邊屠

體的倒數第 3-4 腰椎和最後肋距背中線 7 公分位置的背脂厚度、腰眼深度及屠體瘦肉率。

結果顯示,屠體重與倒數第 3-4 腰椎背脂厚度作為預估因子所導出的迴歸方程式,能客觀有

效地預估肉豬屠體的瘦肉量,其能解釋 82.3%的瘦肉量預估差異,而變異係數為 3.39%。


Optical probe used to predict hog carcass lean weight

S. M. Yo, C. Y. Lin, Y. Kao, W. Wang, Y. J. Chen and R. S. Lin Department of Biotechnology and Animal Science, National ILan University

The objective of this research is to study the optical probe (Fat-O-Meat'er II) used to estimate hog

carcass lean weight. In this experiment, 100 hogs were slaughtered in a commercial abattoir. A

Fat-O-Meat'er II was used to measure the backat thickness and loin muscle depth of the last 3rd -4th

lumber and the last rib at 7 cm off the middle line position. The carcass weight and the last 3rd -4th

lumber bachfat thickness used to serve as predictors for estimating carcass lean weight could

explain 82.3% of variation and the coefficient of variance was 3.39%.

Key Words: Backfat thickness, Carcass, Optical probe

Page 98: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016174

96. 開發 DHI 介接軟體於乳牛飼養管理系統

李佳馨(1) 陳宜鴻(2) 蕭振文(1) 賈玉祥(1) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所新竹分所 (2)行政院農業委員會

DHI 介接軟體(DHI transfer software)主要提供乳牛群性能改良(Dairy Herd Improvement, 以

下略稱 DHI)報表轉換為商用飼養管體系統匯入之文件檔案格式。本系統以 Microsoft Visual

Basic. NET 撰寫而成,界面設計採簡單易上手之面板為主,牛隻編號與 DHI 報表能同時呈

現於視窗中,以快速明瞭個別牛隻性能資料。首先,酪農選擇飼養管理系統之類別,再將 DHI

報表之 PDF 檔案以“開啟 DHI 檔案”方式或“拖曳”至視窗方式匯入程式。牛隻編號確認


案匯入至商業精準化管理系統中即可。此研究之目的能將 DHI 報表繁複之登打過程縮短約


關鍵語:DHI 介接軟體、乳牛群性能改良

Development of DHI transfer software in dairy cattle feeding and management system

J. X. Lee(1), I. H. Chen(2), C. W. Hsiao(1) and Y. S. Jea(1)

(1) Hsinchu Branch, Livestock Research Institute, COA (2) Council of Agriculture

DHI transfer software was major afford Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) report of file format that

transfer into commercial feeding and management system of document file format. This system was

written from Microsoft Visual Basic. NET program, the interface was designed to easy-use of

layout. It can show the cow’s number with DHI report in same windows, to understand of personal

cow‘s data. First, choice the management system of classification and open file thought two-way:

“open DHI file of button” or “drag file into the window”. After check cow’s number to point “start

transfer”. When transfer was finished, the file will show in the window. Finally, put the file into

commercial feeding and management system will be finished. The aim of this study DHI transfer

software can cut down 80 % time when farmer key in complicated DHI data in management system

by hand. Then, it can avoid mistaking of key in data.

Key Words: DHI transfer software, Dairy Herd Improvement

Page 99: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 175

96. 開發 DHI 介接軟體於乳牛飼養管理系統

李佳馨(1) 陳宜鴻(2) 蕭振文(1) 賈玉祥(1) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所新竹分所 (2)行政院農業委員會

DHI 介接軟體(DHI transfer software)主要提供乳牛群性能改良(Dairy Herd Improvement, 以

下略稱 DHI)報表轉換為商用飼養管體系統匯入之文件檔案格式。本系統以 Microsoft Visual

Basic. NET 撰寫而成,界面設計採簡單易上手之面板為主,牛隻編號與 DHI 報表能同時呈

現於視窗中,以快速明瞭個別牛隻性能資料。首先,酪農選擇飼養管理系統之類別,再將 DHI

報表之 PDF 檔案以“開啟 DHI 檔案”方式或“拖曳”至視窗方式匯入程式。牛隻編號確認


案匯入至商業精準化管理系統中即可。此研究之目的能將 DHI 報表繁複之登打過程縮短約


關鍵語:DHI 介接軟體、乳牛群性能改良

Development of DHI transfer software in dairy cattle feeding and management system

J. X. Lee(1), I. H. Chen(2), C. W. Hsiao(1) and Y. S. Jea(1)

(1) Hsinchu Branch, Livestock Research Institute, COA (2) Council of Agriculture

DHI transfer software was major afford Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) report of file format that

transfer into commercial feeding and management system of document file format. This system was

written from Microsoft Visual Basic. NET program, the interface was designed to easy-use of

layout. It can show the cow’s number with DHI report in same windows, to understand of personal

cow‘s data. First, choice the management system of classification and open file thought two-way:

“open DHI file of button” or “drag file into the window”. After check cow’s number to point “start

transfer”. When transfer was finished, the file will show in the window. Finally, put the file into

commercial feeding and management system will be finished. The aim of this study DHI transfer

software can cut down 80 % time when farmer key in complicated DHI data in management system

by hand. Then, it can avoid mistaking of key in data.

Key Words: DHI transfer software, Dairy Herd Improvement

97. 生長性能檢定合格種豬之體型評級與 XY 染色體之骨架基因關係研究

吳明哲(1) 陳美如(1) 廖仁寶(1) 賴永裕(1) 顏念慈(1) 林秀蓮(1) 蔡秀容(1)

林鴻霖(2) 王受鎔(2) 林正祥(2) 陳培梅(3) 陳中興(3) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)中央畜產會種豬檢定站 (3)行政院農業委員會畜牧處

杜洛克(D)、藍瑞斯(L)及約克夏(Y)豬種於新化檢定站進行生長性能檢定至體重 110Kg(母100Kg)或 160+7 日齡。本研究利用 201101 期至 201604 期等 42 期檢定豬隻,總計 4,713 頭血樣,包括 D 公 2,482 頭、D 母 201 頭、L 公 1,154 頭、L 母 313 頭、Y 公 466 頭與 Y 母 97 頭。分析微衛星標記 SY11(骨架基因)在 X 染色體 73cM 位置交替基因型,骨架基因之交替基因間鹼基數長短(bp)依序有 161~177bp 等 9 個交替基因。品種及性別差異上,使用拍賣成交頭數最多的兩種基因型(鹼基數)來標示,在 D 公是 175+0 及 171+0、D 母是 171+4 及 175+0、L 公是 171+0 及 167+0、L 母是 167+4 及 171+0、Y 公是 171+0 及 169+0 與 Y 母是 171+0 及 169+2。不分性別,骨架基因的交替基因在 D 品種以 175、171 及 167bp 居多;L 品種以 171 及 167bp居多;Y 品種以 171 及 169bp 居多。每期檢定合格種豬經體型評級,取各品種各性別之體型高大冠軍豬各一頭,總計 204 頭。體型高大冠軍豬性染色體的骨架基因交替基因型在 D、L、Y 品種分別為 175+0、171+0、171+0 居多,因此,應用基因條碼及體型資料作為品種內高大體型選拔品系選育用,有利於高大型種豬經濟性狀基因標記建置及選種。 關鍵語:種豬、遺傳標記、體型評級

Association analysis of conformation contest to skeletal integrity gene on chromosome X and Y from purebred pigs under growth performance test

M. C. Wu(1), M. L. Chen(1), R. B. Liao(1), Y. Y. Lai(1), N. T. Yen(1), H. L. Lin(1), H. L. Tsai(1),

H. R. Lin(2), H. L. Wang(2), C. H. Lin(2), P. M. Chen(3) and C. H. Chen(3) (1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture; (2)Swine Growth Performance Test Station,

National Animal Industry Foundation; (3)Animal Industry Division, Council of Agriculture Duroc (D), Yorkshire (Y) and Landrace (L) pigs were tested for growth performance at Hsinhua Station. The off-tested age was on the weight of 110kg (100kg for gilt) or by 160+7 days of age. A total of 4,713 pig blood samples was collected during the sum of 42 classes from class 201101 to class 201604, in which were 2,482 D boars, 201 D gilts, 1,154 L boars, 313 L gilts, 466 Y boars and 97 Y gilts. Genetic marker of SY11 on chromosome X located at 73cM was designated as the skeletal integrity gene. The variation of DNA fragment size of 9 fragments were 161~177bp with a 2bp difference in size. Analysis on allelic variants in various breed and gender by using a higher pig head sold in auction, there were 175+0 and 171+0 genotypes in D boars, 171+4 and 175+0 genotypes in D gilts, 171+0 and 167+0 genotypes in L boars, 167+4 and 171+0 genotypes in L gilts, 171+0 and 169+0 genotypes in Y boars, 171+0 and 169+2 genotypes in Y gilts. Major allelic variants of skeletal integrity gene regardless of gender were 175, 171 and 167bp in D, 171 and 167bp in L, and 171 and 169bp in Y, respectively. Conformation contest was carried out in each class to select objectively a champion of tall pig in each breed and each gender, hence, a total of 204 head of champion pig with a tall conformation was selected. The major allelic genotype for those of tall champion pigs were shown as 175+0, 171+0 and 171+0 in D, L and Y, respectively. Utilization of allelic variants of the skeletal integrity gene on sexual chromosome as gene barcodes with conformation data to select tall pig lines within breed, it could be beneficial to establish genomic databank on gene-linked economic trait for conformation selection of tall pig breeds. Key Words: Breeding pig, Genetic marker, Conformation contest

Page 100: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016176

98. 品種、季節與月齡對公豬精液品質之影響

蕭淞齡(1) 金悅祖(1) 楊天樹(1) 江柏輝(1) 湯司菁(1) 阮喜文(2) (1)財團法人農業科技研究院 (2)國立中興大學動物科學系

本研究之目的為討論品種、季節與月齡對精液品質的影響。人工授精已是普及的技術;母豬受孕率取決於操作技術與公豬精液,最終關係著豬場的營運成本。影響精液品質的因素包括品種、年齡及採精季節等,而精液品質則是以精液量、精子濃度、總精子數、活動力以及畸形率來判斷。精液品質亦能做為評估公豬繁殖能力是否良好的指標。研究收集了 63 頭杜洛克公豬精液 3578 劑,藍瑞斯公豬 24 頭 1478 劑與約克夏公豬 6 頭 447 劑,分析共 5512 劑採精資料顯示在精液量的部分,杜洛克、藍瑞斯與約克夏公豬其涼熱季的最高值於 35-40 月齡間;而且公豬對於熱的敏感度會隨著年齡上升。在總精子數的部分則是三個品種表現皆隨著月齡增加,直到 35-40 月齡達到高峰。綜合結果表示,三個品種表現皆會受到品種、季節與月齡的影響;公豬表現達到高峰約在 35-40 月齡,爾後表現開始下降。綜合精液量與總精子數的影響顯示,藍瑞斯公豬對夏季熱緊迫較敏感。每個品種公豬其涼季表現皆優於熱季,故使公豬舍保持在舒適的溫度非常重要。 關鍵語:種公豬、品種、精液品質

Effect of breed, season and month of age on semen quality characteristics of Landrace, Yorkshire and Duroc boars

S. L. Hsiao(1), Y.T. King(1) , T. S. Yang(1), P. H. Chiang(1), S. C. Tang(1) and S. W. Roan(2)

(1)Agricultural Technology Research Institute (2)Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University

The purpose of this study was designed to investigate the variations of semen quality characteristics of boars commercially used. Conception rate of sows depends on the artificial insemination skill and boar semen quality, and matters operating costs of farms. Factors affecting semen quality characteristics, such as semen volume, sperm concentration, total sperm count, activity and deformity rate, are breed, age and season chiefly. The study collected 3758 semen samples from 63 Duroc boars, 1478 from 24 Landrace and 447 from 6 of Yorkshire boars. Results of a total of 5512 samples revealed that semen quality characteristics peaked at 35 to 40 months of boar’s age, despite breed differences. Summer heat depressed characteristics measured and the heat stress effects was more evident when boars were more aged. The Landrace boars showed a more sensitivity to heat stress than other two breeds. It is concluded that although it is generally aware that boars should be kept under a cool condition but a special attention should be paid on Landrace boars since they are less tolerant to heat stress. Extra cares should be applied to all breeds from 2 years onward since semen quality is reaching it’s maximum. Key Word: Boar, Breed, Semen quality

Page 101: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 177

98. 品種、季節與月齡對公豬精液品質之影響

蕭淞齡(1) 金悅祖(1) 楊天樹(1) 江柏輝(1) 湯司菁(1) 阮喜文(2) (1)財團法人農業科技研究院 (2)國立中興大學動物科學系

本研究之目的為討論品種、季節與月齡對精液品質的影響。人工授精已是普及的技術;母豬受孕率取決於操作技術與公豬精液,最終關係著豬場的營運成本。影響精液品質的因素包括品種、年齡及採精季節等,而精液品質則是以精液量、精子濃度、總精子數、活動力以及畸形率來判斷。精液品質亦能做為評估公豬繁殖能力是否良好的指標。研究收集了 63 頭杜洛克公豬精液 3578 劑,藍瑞斯公豬 24 頭 1478 劑與約克夏公豬 6 頭 447 劑,分析共 5512 劑採精資料顯示在精液量的部分,杜洛克、藍瑞斯與約克夏公豬其涼熱季的最高值於 35-40 月齡間;而且公豬對於熱的敏感度會隨著年齡上升。在總精子數的部分則是三個品種表現皆隨著月齡增加,直到 35-40 月齡達到高峰。綜合結果表示,三個品種表現皆會受到品種、季節與月齡的影響;公豬表現達到高峰約在 35-40 月齡,爾後表現開始下降。綜合精液量與總精子數的影響顯示,藍瑞斯公豬對夏季熱緊迫較敏感。每個品種公豬其涼季表現皆優於熱季,故使公豬舍保持在舒適的溫度非常重要。 關鍵語:種公豬、品種、精液品質

Effect of breed, season and month of age on semen quality characteristics of Landrace, Yorkshire and Duroc boars

S. L. Hsiao(1), Y.T. King(1) , T. S. Yang(1), P. H. Chiang(1), S. C. Tang(1) and S. W. Roan(2)

(1)Agricultural Technology Research Institute (2)Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University

The purpose of this study was designed to investigate the variations of semen quality characteristics of boars commercially used. Conception rate of sows depends on the artificial insemination skill and boar semen quality, and matters operating costs of farms. Factors affecting semen quality characteristics, such as semen volume, sperm concentration, total sperm count, activity and deformity rate, are breed, age and season chiefly. The study collected 3758 semen samples from 63 Duroc boars, 1478 from 24 Landrace and 447 from 6 of Yorkshire boars. Results of a total of 5512 samples revealed that semen quality characteristics peaked at 35 to 40 months of boar’s age, despite breed differences. Summer heat depressed characteristics measured and the heat stress effects was more evident when boars were more aged. The Landrace boars showed a more sensitivity to heat stress than other two breeds. It is concluded that although it is generally aware that boars should be kept under a cool condition but a special attention should be paid on Landrace boars since they are less tolerant to heat stress. Extra cares should be applied to all breeds from 2 years onward since semen quality is reaching it’s maximum. Key Word: Boar, Breed, Semen quality

99. 2016 超音波技師訓練與認證

羅玲玲(1) 康雅淳(1) 林智郁(1)(2) 蔡政樵(3) 蔣庭加(1) 簡妙如(1) 柯仲恩(1) 葉欲巧(1) 吳家安(1)

陳靜宜(1) 黃俊源(1) 黃存后(4) 陳培梅(5)

(1)中國文化大學 (2)國立宜蘭大學 (3)大成長城公司(4)台畜公司(5)農委會

2016 年超音波技師訓練與認證 9 月於雲林縣褒忠鄉進行。來自種豬場、公司與學校共有 92 位參加研討會,其中有 41 位操作人員,經過筆試測驗;並連續兩天分別應用 A 模式(Renco Sono-Grader, Lean Meter, and TMAGO; 26 位)與 B 模式(Aloka SSD 500, 15 位)超音波儀器,檢測來自三個豬場純種藍瑞斯、約克夏、杜洛克品種之閹公豬與女豬 (Mean=99.9 kg, SD=8.2 kg)之背脂厚度。A 模式檢測人員檢測 30 頭第 4 肋、最後肋及最後腰椎部位,距背中線 6 cm 之背脂厚度並取平均值;B 模式人員則逢機檢測 20 頭第 10 肋腰脊橫切面長度 3/4 部位之脂肪厚度。豬隻於第二天運送至屏東市台畜公司進行屠宰,屠宰後分別測定上述相對部位之背脂厚度。相關分析結果 A 模式與 B 模式測定人員在超音波與屠體測定相關係數的範圍分別為 0.25 至 0.88;0.52 至 0.86,重複勢為 0.09 至 0.86;0.2 5 至 0.89,操作員相關為 0.24 至 0.91;0.58 至 0.91。依據場內檢定委員會超音波技師認證標準:超音波與屠體測定平均背脂厚度相關、重複勢及操作員間相關均為 0.8,本次 A 模式認證結果有 4 位操作者符合甲級標準(兩年認證一次)、7 位符合乙級標準(一年認證一次),合格率 42.31%;B 模式認證有 4 位操作者符合甲級標準、4 位符合乙級,合格率 53.33%。本計畫訓練養豬產業工作者超音波檢測活體背脂厚度方法,並認證場內檢定技師之技術。 關鍵語:背脂厚度、認證、超音波

2016 Ultrasound technician training and certification L. L. Lo(1), Y. C. Kang(1), C. Y. Lin(1)(2), C. C. Tsai(3) T. C. Chiang(1),M. J. Chien(1), C. E. Ko(1), Y. C. Ye(1),

J. A. Wu(1), J. Y. Chen(1) C. Y. Huang(1), T. H. Huang(4) and P. M. Chen(5) (1)Chinese Culture University,(2) National Ilan University T, (3)Dachan Great Wall Group,

(4)Taiwan Farm Industry Co. (5)Council of Agriculture Ultrasound technician training and certification program was conducted in Yunlin county in September 2016. Ninety-two participants from pig farms, companies, and universities were attend the meeting, and 41 of them took the written test and scanned the backfat thickness of Landrace, Yorkshire and Duroc purebred pigs (mean=99.9 kg, SD=8.2 kg) using A mode (Renco Sono-Grader, Lean Meter, and TMAGO, n = 26) and B mode (Aloka SSD 500, n = 15). A mode operators were scanned backfat of 30 pigs at the 4th, last rib, and last lumbar 6 cm off the midline, whereas B mode operators were measured fat thickness of 20 pigs at the 10th rib 3/4 of longissimus muscle. Pigs were then transported to Taiwan Farm Industry Company for slaughter, and the backfat thickness was measured at the same locations of the carcasses, respectively. Results of analysis showed that the correlation between ultrasound and carcass measured backfat thickness using A mode and B mode were ranged from 0.25 to 0.88; 0.52 to 0.86, repeatability ranged from 0.09 to 0.86; 0.25 to 0.89, and the correlation among the measurements of operators ranged from 0.24 to 0.91; 0.58 to 0.91, respectively. The criteria used to qualify an ultrasound technician are correlation between live and carcass measured average backfat (0.80); repeatability (0.80), and correlation among technicians (0.80). Four and seven A mode, four and four B mode operators were qualified for certification of A and B classes, which gave qualified rate of 42.31%, and 53.33%, respectively. The study provided the pork industry to train the pig producers using ultrasound to determine backfat on live pigs, in addition, certified the ability of on farm test technician using ultrasound device. Key Words: Backfat thickness, Certification, Ultrasound

Page 102: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016178

100. 雞隻飼養於福祉導向的環境中生長與行為之觀察

葉欲巧 柯仲恩 魏強 羅玲玲 中國文化大學動物科學系

為了瞭解雞隻的攝食習性與雞隻於福祉導向環境下的生長性能,本研究以本地肉雞品系(畜試土雞台畜肉十三號)進行兩項實驗。實驗 1:將 88 隻不同性別的雞置入一底面積為 510 * 100 cm 的籠子,每隻雞由 1 日齡至 16 週齡約占有 580 cm2 的面積。在雞籠中共有三座棲架,水與飼料任食任飲。雞從 5 週齡到 16 週齡每週秤重。實驗 2:十隻公母混和的雞被隨機分配到兩個雞籠,而每隻雞的面積為 3,400 cm2。行為觀察紀錄分別在 9 至 15 週齡間每週的四個時段內(08:00-10:00, 10:00-12:00, 12:00-14:00 和 14:00-16:00)分別逢機抽樣 45 min,每週記錄 2 天。觀察雞隻行為分類如下:攝食,飲水,整羽,站立,蹲下,啄地,追逐和打鬥。於 16 週齡(上市)時,公雞與母雞的平均體重分別為 2,383 與 1,941 g。於 8 週齡到 14 週齡(P < 0.05)發現性別對體重的影響。平均每週增重在 9 週齡到 10 週齡達到最高峰,性別的差異表現於 6 至 7 週齡直到 10 至 11 週齡(P < 0.05)。試驗肉雞品系一天中花了 26% 的時間在蹲坐、19% 整羽、19% 站立、15% 移動、12% 啄地、6% 攝食及 3% 飲水。試驗雞隻花在追逐和打鬥的時間低於 1%。兩個實驗均未檢測到性別對體重的影響(P > 0.05),指出該肉雞品系在較大的空間中可能會降低競爭行為,因此兩性別表現了類似的生長性能。 關鍵語:行為、生長、本地雞隻

Observations of behavior and growth of chicken kept on welfare oriented environment

Y. Q. Ye, C. E. Ko, C. Wei, and L. L. Lo Department of Animal Science, Chinese Culture University

To understand the behavior and growth of chicken under a welfare oriented environment, a study using the local meat line chicken (TLRI Line 13) was conducted for two experiments. Experiment 1: Eighty-eight mixed gender chickens were kept in a 510*100 cm cage with space allowances of 580 sq cm per bird from day old to 16 wk of age. Three sets of perch was provided in the cage with water and feed drink and fed ad libitum. Chickens were weighed each wk from wk 5 to wk 16. Experiment 2: Ten mixed gender birds were randomly allotted into two cages with space allowances of 3,400 sq cm per bird. The activities were observed and from 9 to 15 wk of age. Each wk, 45 min of two days were randomly selected at 4 periods of time (08:40-09:30, 10:20-11:00, 12:30-13:10, and 14:30-15:10). The behavior of chicken was categorized as feeding, drinking, preening, locomotive, standing, crouching, pecking, chasing, and fighting. The body weight was 2,383 and 1941 g for male and female chicken at 16 wk of age (market age). Gender difference for body weight was found in wk 8 though wk 14 (P < 0.05). Average gain for each wk reached peak at wk 9 to wk 10, with gender difference found in wk 6 to wk 7 through wk 10 to wk 11 (P < 0.05). The local meat line chicken spent 26% of the day crouching, 19% preening, 19% standing, 15% moving, 12% pecking, and 9% eating and drinking. Less than 1% of the time spent in chasing and fighting observed in this study. Gender effect was not detected for body weight in the two experiments (P > 0.05). The meat line chicken might reduce the competition behavior in a larger space and thus revealed the similar growth performance between the two genders. Key Words: Behavior, Growth, Local chicken

Page 103: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 179

100. 雞隻飼養於福祉導向的環境中生長與行為之觀察

葉欲巧 柯仲恩 魏強 羅玲玲 中國文化大學動物科學系

為了瞭解雞隻的攝食習性與雞隻於福祉導向環境下的生長性能,本研究以本地肉雞品系(畜試土雞台畜肉十三號)進行兩項實驗。實驗 1:將 88 隻不同性別的雞置入一底面積為 510 * 100 cm 的籠子,每隻雞由 1 日齡至 16 週齡約占有 580 cm2 的面積。在雞籠中共有三座棲架,水與飼料任食任飲。雞從 5 週齡到 16 週齡每週秤重。實驗 2:十隻公母混和的雞被隨機分配到兩個雞籠,而每隻雞的面積為 3,400 cm2。行為觀察紀錄分別在 9 至 15 週齡間每週的四個時段內(08:00-10:00, 10:00-12:00, 12:00-14:00 和 14:00-16:00)分別逢機抽樣 45 min,每週記錄 2 天。觀察雞隻行為分類如下:攝食,飲水,整羽,站立,蹲下,啄地,追逐和打鬥。於 16 週齡(上市)時,公雞與母雞的平均體重分別為 2,383 與 1,941 g。於 8 週齡到 14 週齡(P < 0.05)發現性別對體重的影響。平均每週增重在 9 週齡到 10 週齡達到最高峰,性別的差異表現於 6 至 7 週齡直到 10 至 11 週齡(P < 0.05)。試驗肉雞品系一天中花了 26% 的時間在蹲坐、19% 整羽、19% 站立、15% 移動、12% 啄地、6% 攝食及 3% 飲水。試驗雞隻花在追逐和打鬥的時間低於 1%。兩個實驗均未檢測到性別對體重的影響(P > 0.05),指出該肉雞品系在較大的空間中可能會降低競爭行為,因此兩性別表現了類似的生長性能。 關鍵語:行為、生長、本地雞隻

Observations of behavior and growth of chicken kept on welfare oriented environment

Y. Q. Ye, C. E. Ko, C. Wei, and L. L. Lo Department of Animal Science, Chinese Culture University

To understand the behavior and growth of chicken under a welfare oriented environment, a study using the local meat line chicken (TLRI Line 13) was conducted for two experiments. Experiment 1: Eighty-eight mixed gender chickens were kept in a 510*100 cm cage with space allowances of 580 sq cm per bird from day old to 16 wk of age. Three sets of perch was provided in the cage with water and feed drink and fed ad libitum. Chickens were weighed each wk from wk 5 to wk 16. Experiment 2: Ten mixed gender birds were randomly allotted into two cages with space allowances of 3,400 sq cm per bird. The activities were observed and from 9 to 15 wk of age. Each wk, 45 min of two days were randomly selected at 4 periods of time (08:40-09:30, 10:20-11:00, 12:30-13:10, and 14:30-15:10). The behavior of chicken was categorized as feeding, drinking, preening, locomotive, standing, crouching, pecking, chasing, and fighting. The body weight was 2,383 and 1941 g for male and female chicken at 16 wk of age (market age). Gender difference for body weight was found in wk 8 though wk 14 (P < 0.05). Average gain for each wk reached peak at wk 9 to wk 10, with gender difference found in wk 6 to wk 7 through wk 10 to wk 11 (P < 0.05). The local meat line chicken spent 26% of the day crouching, 19% preening, 19% standing, 15% moving, 12% pecking, and 9% eating and drinking. Less than 1% of the time spent in chasing and fighting observed in this study. Gender effect was not detected for body weight in the two experiments (P > 0.05). The meat line chicken might reduce the competition behavior in a larger space and thus revealed the similar growth performance between the two genders. Key Words: Behavior, Growth, Local chicken

101. 伊比利、鹿兒島盤克夏及臺灣杜洛克腰脊肉之肉質與食用性狀


蔣庭加 程興豪 張鐵爐 羅玲玲 中國文化大學動物科學系

臺灣肉品業者於 2014 年間陸續進口了西班牙伊比利豬(Iberian, I)與日本鹿兒島盤克夏(Berkshire, B)等世界知名品牌豬肉來台販售。台灣杜洛克(Duroc, D)亦以肉質與食用品質(eating quality)為特色。本實驗針對台畜公司進口販售之伊比利豬(n=8)、鹿兒島盤克夏(n=8)與台灣的杜洛克(n=13)第 9 至最後肋之腰脊肉進行肉質與食用品質比較。試驗之腰脊肉在緩解凍後,測定性狀包括:一般物性、化學組成分析及官能品評等性狀。官能品評由有經驗的 10 位品評人員,分成兩組:青年組(40 歲以下)與資深組(40 歲以上)。結果顯示,主觀評分上,伊比利的顏色與大理石紋分數顯著高於杜洛克與盤克夏(P<0.05),杜洛克與盤克夏則無顯著的差異(P > 0.05)。在官能品評方面,資深組對伊比利豬的風味與總可接受度顯著高於杜洛克與盤克夏(P < 0.05);青年組對杜洛克的總可接受度評分顯著高於進口豬(P < 0.05)。分析各性狀與各組間官能品評之相關,資深組的結果顯示大理石紋與粗脂肪對官能品評的含汁性、風味與總可接受度有極顯著正相關(P < 0.01);而在青年組的結果顯示,堅實度、總可接受度與異味有顯著正相關(P < 0.05)。本試驗的結果顯示資深組與青年組對不同豬肉的品評標準不同,伊比利豬受資深組的喜愛,但青年組較喜歡臺灣杜洛克。本試驗結果可提供為行銷臺灣杜洛克之參考。 關鍵語:品種、食用品質、豬肉

Comparison of Iberian, Kagoshima Berkshire, and Taiwan Duroc pork loins for meat and eating quality

T. C. Chiang, H. H. Chen, T. L. Chang and L. L. Lo Department of Animal Science, Chinese Culture University

Meat packers of Taiwan have imported Spanish Iberian pork (Iberian, I) and Japanese Kagoshima Berkshire pork (Berkshire, B) and other world-famous brands pork to Taiwan since 2014. Taiwan Duroc is also famous on its meat quality and eating attributes. The objective of this study was to compare the meat and eating quality of Iberian, Kagoshima Berkshire, and Taiwan Duroc pork loins. A total of 33 loin sections from the 9th to last rib were used. The traits measured included general physical and chemical composition analysis, and sensory evaluation. Ten well trained panelists were divided into two groups: junior (below 40 years old) and senior (over 40 years old). For subjective scores, results showed that color and marbling scores were higher in loins of Iberian pigs than those of Duroc and Berkshire (P < 0.05). No differences were found between loins of Berkshire and Duroc (P > 0.05). As for the sensory evaluation, senior panelists found Iberian pork had higher flavor and overall acceptability scores than those of Duroc and Berkshire, whereas junior panelists found Duroc had higher overall acceptability score than those Iberian and Berkshire pork (P < 0.05). Marbling and intramuscular fat content were positively correlated with juiciness, flavor and overall acceptability for senior panelists. On the other hand, firmness score was associated with off flavor and overall acceptability for junior panelists. Results from this study showed different preferences on eating quality of pork loins between junior and senior panelists indicated that marketing strategies of different pork can be developed for junior and senior customers, respectively. Key Words: Breed, Eating quality, Pork

Page 104: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016180

102. 農業創新育成中心共通性輔導及專業訓練課程之研究 賴佑宜(1) 張峻瑋(2) 王斌永(1)

(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)財團法人農業科技研究院 農業創新育成中心,整合了農、畜、水、林等各領域資源,並結合後育成能量提供產業分析、專利加值等服務,本研究可區分成兩個研究構面:(一)專業經理人才培訓(二)進駐業者系列課程。專業經理人除落實輔導外,更扮演重要傳遞產業資訊之有效管道,因此,育成中心專業經理人應具備之職能成為重要課題,本研究旨在瞭解育成中心專業經理人所應具備之職能要求,以職能理論為基礎進行研究,蒐集專家學者意見,分別應用模糊德菲法(Fuzzy Delphi Method)及分析網路程序法(Analytic Network Process, ANP),依序為責任感、人際關係、邏輯思考能力、溝通協調能力、專業領域知識、策略分析能力及專案管理能力,建構育成中心專業經理人職能,再依此模式進行實証研究分析,建構一系列課程綱要。盤點創業所需技能,在知識學習上,建構產業分析、創業行銷、創新管理、研發管理、經營策略、創業理論等必備技能,強化創業能量,開設 3 年一循環育成系列講座課程,探討其成效,建立一個優質創業教育平台,以培養良好的創業學習環境,增進創業知識與能力的學習成效,為農業育成中心努力目標。 關鍵語:應用模糊德菲法、分析網路程序法

The research course of agricultural innovation incubation center in co- counseling and professional training

Y. I. Lai(1), C. W. Zhang(2) and B. Y. Wang(1)

(1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (2)Agricultural Technology Research Institute

Agricultural Innovation incubation Center integrate the resources of agriculture, forestry, fisheries and animal husbandry. Linking the capability of later incubating stage supply the service of industry analysis, patent bonus and etc. The research divided into two facets, (1) professional manager training, (2) a series of courses. Professional managers in addition to the implementation of counseling, but also play an important transmission industry information effective channels. The competence of professional managers in incubation centers has become an important issue. This study aims to understand the competence requirement of professional managers in incubation centers. Based on the basis of competence theory, this study collects expert opinions and adopts the fuzzy Delphi method and analytic network process (ANP). In sequence responsibility, interpersonal relationship, logical thinking ability, communication and coordination ,professional knowledge, strategic analysis and project management. Construction function of incubation center manager and a series of curriculum outline analysis, and following model of empirical analysis. Inventory the skills required for business, in knowledge learning of industry analysis, business marketing, innovation management, research and development, entrepreneurial theory. Strengthen the entrepreneurial energy, opening a three-year cycle of a series of lecture courses. To explore its effectiveness. As the agricultural breeding center to target of the establishment of a quality entrepreneurial education platform, in order to cultivate a good entrepreneurial learning environment, and improve the entrepreneurial knowledge and ability to learn the results. Key Words: Fuzzy delphi method, Analytic network process

Page 105: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 181

102. 農業創新育成中心共通性輔導及專業訓練課程之研究 賴佑宜(1) 張峻瑋(2) 王斌永(1)

(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)財團法人農業科技研究院 農業創新育成中心,整合了農、畜、水、林等各領域資源,並結合後育成能量提供產業分析、專利加值等服務,本研究可區分成兩個研究構面:(一)專業經理人才培訓(二)進駐業者系列課程。專業經理人除落實輔導外,更扮演重要傳遞產業資訊之有效管道,因此,育成中心專業經理人應具備之職能成為重要課題,本研究旨在瞭解育成中心專業經理人所應具備之職能要求,以職能理論為基礎進行研究,蒐集專家學者意見,分別應用模糊德菲法(Fuzzy Delphi Method)及分析網路程序法(Analytic Network Process, ANP),依序為責任感、人際關係、邏輯思考能力、溝通協調能力、專業領域知識、策略分析能力及專案管理能力,建構育成中心專業經理人職能,再依此模式進行實証研究分析,建構一系列課程綱要。盤點創業所需技能,在知識學習上,建構產業分析、創業行銷、創新管理、研發管理、經營策略、創業理論等必備技能,強化創業能量,開設 3 年一循環育成系列講座課程,探討其成效,建立一個優質創業教育平台,以培養良好的創業學習環境,增進創業知識與能力的學習成效,為農業育成中心努力目標。 關鍵語:應用模糊德菲法、分析網路程序法

The research course of agricultural innovation incubation center in co- counseling and professional training

Y. I. Lai(1), C. W. Zhang(2) and B. Y. Wang(1)

(1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (2)Agricultural Technology Research Institute

Agricultural Innovation incubation Center integrate the resources of agriculture, forestry, fisheries and animal husbandry. Linking the capability of later incubating stage supply the service of industry analysis, patent bonus and etc. The research divided into two facets, (1) professional manager training, (2) a series of courses. Professional managers in addition to the implementation of counseling, but also play an important transmission industry information effective channels. The competence of professional managers in incubation centers has become an important issue. This study aims to understand the competence requirement of professional managers in incubation centers. Based on the basis of competence theory, this study collects expert opinions and adopts the fuzzy Delphi method and analytic network process (ANP). In sequence responsibility, interpersonal relationship, logical thinking ability, communication and coordination ,professional knowledge, strategic analysis and project management. Construction function of incubation center manager and a series of curriculum outline analysis, and following model of empirical analysis. Inventory the skills required for business, in knowledge learning of industry analysis, business marketing, innovation management, research and development, entrepreneurial theory. Strengthen the entrepreneurial energy, opening a three-year cycle of a series of lecture courses. To explore its effectiveness. As the agricultural breeding center to target of the establishment of a quality entrepreneurial education platform, in order to cultivate a good entrepreneurial learning environment, and improve the entrepreneurial knowledge and ability to learn the results. Key Words: Fuzzy delphi method, Analytic network process

103. 農業創新育成中心聯合行銷推廣之探討

賴佑宜(1) 張峻瑋(2) 王斌永(1) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)財團法人農業科技研究院

隨著臺灣貿易自由化,農產品不僅面臨更大的競爭壓力,更加深農民對產業發展的隱憂。因應現代農業產銷環境之變化,如何加速調整產銷結構和強化國際競爭力,是農產品產業所必須面對的變革。行政院農業委員會所屬之 4 家創新育成中心(農業試驗所、林業試驗所、水產試驗所、畜產試驗所)及財團法人農業科技研究院創新育成中心為充分發揮服務能量、增進廠商與研究同仁合作交流之機會,同時展現進駐廠商經創新育成中心輔導之卓越成果,透過多元管道,協助業者進入資本市場,並整合行銷策略擴展銷售通路,建立品牌與顧客忠誠度,累積通路銷售能量而獲得長期利益,進而減緩衝擊。本研究藉由標準化問卷,以靜態、動態滿意度調查分析,探討進駐廠商對於聯合行銷推廣提供之各項軟硬體服務重視程度。結果顯示,85.3% 的參展廠商最重視交通位置、場地規劃以及媒體宣傳;於「硬體設施」服務,91.2% 的參展廠商最重視場地動線與指標,73.5% 的參展廠商最重視場地水電;於「軟體設施」服務,44.1% 的參展廠商最重視宣傳及廣告,35.3% 的參展廠商最重視服務態度。分析結果可直接作為未來聯合行銷推廣活動辦理改善之依據,並可間接了解農民、農企業對於我國農業產業發展之期待。 關鍵語:聯合行銷推廣、貿易自由化

The research course of agricultural innovation incubation center in joint marketing promotion

Y. I. Lai(1), C. W. Zhang(2) and B. Y. Wang(1) (1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

(2)Agricultural Technology Research Institute

With the liberalization of trade in Taiwan, agricultural products not only face greater competition pressure, more deep farmers worry about industrial development. How to accelerate the adjustment of production and marketing structure and strengthen the international competitiveness is the change that the agricultural products industry must face in response to the changes in the modern agricultural production and marketing environment. Four innovation incubation centers affiliated to the Executive Yuan Agriculture(Tari, Tfri, Tfrin and Tlri) and Agricultural Technology Research Institute. In order to give full service energy, and enhance the cooperation and exchange opportunities between the manufacturers and researchers. At the same time to show their outstanding achievements in counseling by the Innovation Incubation Center. Through multi-channel, help the industry to enter the capital market, and integrated marketing strategy to expand sales channels, the establishment of brand and customer loyalty, cumulative access to sales of energy and long-term interests, and then slow down the impact. the static and dynamic satisfaction survey was used to analyze the degree of importance of the hardware and software services provided by the stationing companies. The results showed that 85.3% of the exhibitors most attention to traffic location, site planning and media publicity. In the "hardware facilities" service, 91.2% of the exhibitors most attention to the site lines and indicators, 73.5% of the exhibitors most attention to site water and electricity. In the "soft facilities" service, 44.1% exhibitors most attention to publicity and advertising, 35.3% of the exhibitors the most attention to service attitude. The results can be directly used as a basis for future joint marketing promotion activities, and indirectly understand the farmers, agricultural enterprises for Taiwan's agricultural industry development expectations. Key Words: Joint marketing promotion, Liberalization of trade

Page 106: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016182

104. 乳牛場生乳碳足跡盤查

紀泱竹 程梅萍 蕭庭訓 張俊達 蕭宗法 范耕榛 李春芳 盧啟信 林正斌




計算 104 年 1-12 月每公斤生乳產生 1.34-1.87 kg 二氧化碳當量,其中影響單位生乳二氧化

碳排放之最主要因素為泌乳效率及耗能。養牛場 103 年全年度耗能所排放之二氧化碳當量為

44,803 公斤。青割玉米種植溫室氣體產量評估,氧化亞氮之產量與施用肥料種類相關性不高;

氧化亞氮排放係數為 0.27-3.94%,即所施用之氮肥中小於 4% 以氧化亞氮形式損失。此外,

乳牛飼糧使用高量副產物(32%)可有效降低溫室氣體的排放。以 100 噸容積之完全混合式直

立厭氧發酵處理養牛廢水,沼氣產量為 14.4-28.3 m3/day。以進流水質 TS 計算則單位沼氣產

量為 204-402 mL/g TS/d。


Evaluate the carbon footprint of dairy production in dairy farm

Y. C. Chi, M. P. Cheng, T. H. Hsiao, C. T. Chang, T. F. Shiao, G. J. Fan, C. F. Lee, C. H. Lu and J. B. Lin

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the carbon footprint of dairy production with the

management data of a dairy farm, and to integrate the research results on nutrition, management and

forage grass to complete the management model of greenhouse gas mitigation for the dairy farm.

The carbon footprints of the raw milk evaluated by the life cycle assessment were 1.34-1.87 kg CO2

equivalent from January to December, 2015. The most important factors on carbon footprints were

the milking efficiency and the energy consumption. The energy consumption of a dairy farm

evaluated were 44,803 kg CO2 equivalent from January to December, 2014. The results of planting

forage corn showed the amount of N2O emission from the soil was not related to the type of

fertilizers, and the N2O emission factors were 0.27-3.94%, which means less than 4% loss of

nitrogen fertilizer as N2O-N form. On the other hand, the milking cow fed with high quantity (32%)

of by-product can reduce methane emission per unit of feed. The biogas emission rate was

14.4-28.3 m3/day from the 100 tons of anaerobic digester of dairy wastewater. The specific biogas

production rate was 204-402 mL/g TS/d calculated by total solid added.

Key Words: Carbon footprint, Life-cycle assessment, Raw milk

Page 107: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 183

104. 乳牛場生乳碳足跡盤查

紀泱竹 程梅萍 蕭庭訓 張俊達 蕭宗法 范耕榛 李春芳 盧啟信 林正斌




計算 104 年 1-12 月每公斤生乳產生 1.34-1.87 kg 二氧化碳當量,其中影響單位生乳二氧化

碳排放之最主要因素為泌乳效率及耗能。養牛場 103 年全年度耗能所排放之二氧化碳當量為

44,803 公斤。青割玉米種植溫室氣體產量評估,氧化亞氮之產量與施用肥料種類相關性不高;

氧化亞氮排放係數為 0.27-3.94%,即所施用之氮肥中小於 4% 以氧化亞氮形式損失。此外,

乳牛飼糧使用高量副產物(32%)可有效降低溫室氣體的排放。以 100 噸容積之完全混合式直

立厭氧發酵處理養牛廢水,沼氣產量為 14.4-28.3 m3/day。以進流水質 TS 計算則單位沼氣產

量為 204-402 mL/g TS/d。


Evaluate the carbon footprint of dairy production in dairy farm

Y. C. Chi, M. P. Cheng, T. H. Hsiao, C. T. Chang, T. F. Shiao, G. J. Fan, C. F. Lee, C. H. Lu and J. B. Lin

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the carbon footprint of dairy production with the

management data of a dairy farm, and to integrate the research results on nutrition, management and

forage grass to complete the management model of greenhouse gas mitigation for the dairy farm.

The carbon footprints of the raw milk evaluated by the life cycle assessment were 1.34-1.87 kg CO2

equivalent from January to December, 2015. The most important factors on carbon footprints were

the milking efficiency and the energy consumption. The energy consumption of a dairy farm

evaluated were 44,803 kg CO2 equivalent from January to December, 2014. The results of planting

forage corn showed the amount of N2O emission from the soil was not related to the type of

fertilizers, and the N2O emission factors were 0.27-3.94%, which means less than 4% loss of

nitrogen fertilizer as N2O-N form. On the other hand, the milking cow fed with high quantity (32%)

of by-product can reduce methane emission per unit of feed. The biogas emission rate was

14.4-28.3 m3/day from the 100 tons of anaerobic digester of dairy wastewater. The specific biogas

production rate was 204-402 mL/g TS/d calculated by total solid added.

Key Words: Carbon footprint, Life-cycle assessment, Raw milk

105. 臺灣不同規模別之養豬頭數對沼氣產量之影響

鄭閔謙 李恒夫 程梅萍 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所


查臺灣北、中及南部 6 場熱季與凉季養豬場沼氣產量,並將其依規模別分為大(10,000 頭以上)、中(5,000-10,000 頭)及小(1,000 以下)。於厭氧處理槽設置沼氣收集管,以流量


流與出流水樣,並檢測其化學需氧量(Chemical Oxygen Demand, COD)、揮發性有機質(volatile solids, VS)及總氮(total nitrogen, TN)。結果顯示,不同規模別之養豬場對其厭氣處理槽中

之 COD、VS 及 TN 處理效率並無顯著之影響,但涼季之 COD、VS 及 TN 降解效率分別

比熱季低 14.3%、33.5% 及 12.6%。大、中及小之養豬場全年沼氣平均產量分別為 54.9、23.0 及 13.3 L/head/day。沼氣產量與厭氣處理槽之進流水中 VS 之相關係數為 0.204。沼氣產量

與在養頭數之相關係數為 0.686。綜上所述,臺灣養豬場之沼氣產量與養豬場規模成正比,此

可能與厭氣處理槽容積與廢水停留時間有關。 關鍵語:沼氣、豬

Effect of number of pigs on biogas production in Taiwan

M. C. Cheng, H. F. Lee and M. P. Cheng Livestock Research Institute, COA

The purpose of this study was to survey the biogas production of pig farm in Taiwan. Biogas production from six pig farms located in northern, central, and southern Taiwan was surveyed during hot and cool season. The pig farms was divided into three scales according to the raising number, i.e, big scale (> 10,000 heads), middle scale (5,000-10,000 heads) and small scale (< 1,000 heads). The biogas was collected by collection tube set up in anaerobic digester and the biogas production was measured by flow meter. The gas sample was analyzed for methane by gas chromatography-TCD. The influent and effluent of anaerobic digester was collected for the analysis of chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), volatile solids (VS) and total nitrogen (TN). Results revealed that the digestive efficiency of COD, VS and TN was not significant difference in anaerobic digester amongst different scale of pig farms, but the digestive efficiency of COD, VS and TN during hot season was 14.3%, 33.5% and 12.6% lower than cool season, respectively. The biogas production of big, middle and small scale were 54.9, 23.0 and 13.3 L/head/day, respectively. The correlation between biogas production and VS concentration was 0.204, and between biogas production and raising scale was 0.686. The correlations might due to the volume of anaerobic digester and retention time. Key Words: Biogas, Pig

Page 108: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016184

106. 涼季白肉雞場雞糞墊料產出量調查及成分分析

鍾承訓(1) 程梅萍(1) 吳錫勳(2) 蘇天明(1) 紀泱竹(1) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)國立屏東科技大學動物科學與畜產系


資料,以供產、官及學界參考運用。本次於涼季(10-3 月份)完成 9 戶白肉雞場資料調查,

結果顯示,涼季白肉雞全期雞糞墊料單位產量為 1.09 kg/bird/cycle;單位面積產量為 13.6

kg/m2/cycle;雞糞墊料含水率及單位乾物質產量分別為 36.5% 及 0.69 kg/bird/cycle。白肉雞

雞糞墊料之乾物質中有機質含量為 82.7%,總氮、磷及鉀平均值含量分別為 3.51、1.34 及

3.21%,銅及鋅含量平均值分別為 61.6 及 422 mg/kg,調查分析 17 件樣品中有 3 件(2 場)

白肉雞墊料中鋅含量已超過 500 mg/kg 之禽畜糞堆肥品目標準。


Investigation on the litter production and composition of the broiler farm in cool season

C. H. Chung(1), M. P. Cheng(1), H. H. Wu(2), T. M. Su(1) and Y. C. Chi(1) (1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

(2)Department of Animal Science, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

The object of this study was to estimate the mass production of poultry litter and its composition

from different broiler farms in Taiwan. The data of poultry litter obtained by weighting and sample

analysis can be useful information for farmers, government and academy. The quantities and quality

of litter of nine broiler farms were investigated in cool season (Oct - Mar). The results showed that

the amount of broiler litter generated were 1.09 kg/bird/cycle in cool season. Those were calculated

as 13.6 kg/m2/cycle by area. The moisture contents of broiler litter were 36.5%, so the amounts of

litter were 0.69 kg dry matter/bird/cycle. The average contents of organic matter, total nitrogen,

phosphorus and potassium in dry poultry litter were 82.7, 3.51, 1.34 and 3.21%, while those of

copper and zinc were 61.6 and 422 mg/kg, respectively. There were only 3 samples from 2 broiler

farm cannot meet the standard of zinc concentration with 500 mg/kg for the livestock manure

compost among 17 samples in this investigation.

Key Words: Broiler, Composition, Poultry litter

Page 109: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 185

106. 涼季白肉雞場雞糞墊料產出量調查及成分分析

鍾承訓(1) 程梅萍(1) 吳錫勳(2) 蘇天明(1) 紀泱竹(1) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)國立屏東科技大學動物科學與畜產系


資料,以供產、官及學界參考運用。本次於涼季(10-3 月份)完成 9 戶白肉雞場資料調查,

結果顯示,涼季白肉雞全期雞糞墊料單位產量為 1.09 kg/bird/cycle;單位面積產量為 13.6

kg/m2/cycle;雞糞墊料含水率及單位乾物質產量分別為 36.5% 及 0.69 kg/bird/cycle。白肉雞

雞糞墊料之乾物質中有機質含量為 82.7%,總氮、磷及鉀平均值含量分別為 3.51、1.34 及

3.21%,銅及鋅含量平均值分別為 61.6 及 422 mg/kg,調查分析 17 件樣品中有 3 件(2 場)

白肉雞墊料中鋅含量已超過 500 mg/kg 之禽畜糞堆肥品目標準。


Investigation on the litter production and composition of the broiler farm in cool season

C. H. Chung(1), M. P. Cheng(1), H. H. Wu(2), T. M. Su(1) and Y. C. Chi(1) (1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

(2)Department of Animal Science, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

The object of this study was to estimate the mass production of poultry litter and its composition

from different broiler farms in Taiwan. The data of poultry litter obtained by weighting and sample

analysis can be useful information for farmers, government and academy. The quantities and quality

of litter of nine broiler farms were investigated in cool season (Oct - Mar). The results showed that

the amount of broiler litter generated were 1.09 kg/bird/cycle in cool season. Those were calculated

as 13.6 kg/m2/cycle by area. The moisture contents of broiler litter were 36.5%, so the amounts of

litter were 0.69 kg dry matter/bird/cycle. The average contents of organic matter, total nitrogen,

phosphorus and potassium in dry poultry litter were 82.7, 3.51, 1.34 and 3.21%, while those of

copper and zinc were 61.6 and 422 mg/kg, respectively. There were only 3 samples from 2 broiler

farm cannot meet the standard of zinc concentration with 500 mg/kg for the livestock manure

compost among 17 samples in this investigation.

Key Words: Broiler, Composition, Poultry litter

107. 雞糞墊料舍內堆置處理條件之建立與安全性評估

鍾承訓(1) 程梅萍(1) 吳錫勳(2) 蘇天明(1) 紀泱竹(1) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)國立屏東科技大學動物科學與畜產系


隻之有色肉雞場,處理組採 2 × 2 複因子設計,分別在 2 種含水率(32% ± 2% 及 42% ± 2%)

與 2 種翻堆頻率(2 次及 3 次)下,以堆置高度 55 公分經 windrow 型式堆置處理 9 天,

每日記錄墊料堆中心與表層溫度,並於 d1、d3、d5、d7、d9 採樣分析雞糞墊料中病原菌數

量。試驗結果顯示,墊料堆中心及表層溫度皆能達到 55℃ 以上,並可持續維持超過 3 天,



達到殺菌之基本要件(55℃ 以上連續 3 天),且顯著降低內含之病原微生物數量。


Effect of different methods of in-house windrowing on the biosecurity of poultry litter

C. H. Chung(1), M. P. Cheng(1), H. H. Wu(2), T. M. Su(1) and Y. C. Chi(1) (1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

(2)Department of Animal Science, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology The experiment was conducted to study the effect of different methods of in-house windrowing on the biosecurity of poultry litter. The native chicken litter from previous flock was used as compositing materials. The treatment groups were designed as 2 × 2 factor experiment with two kinds of moisture content (32%± 2%, 42%± 2%) and two turning frequency (twice, three times) of compost piles. All the experiment groups were windrow composted in-house for 9 days at a depth of 55 cm. Temperatures of all the piles were monitored at core and surface of the pile by thermograph. The pathogenic microbes population of the samples collected from each pile on 1st, 3th

, 5th, 7th and 9th day were analyzed. The results showed that the core and surface temperature of the composting pile were above the sterilize temperature (55℃) for over three days for all of the treatment groups. The population of aerobic microbes, coliforms, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella, Campylobacter jejuni and Clostridium perfringens in the broiler litter significantly declined during the composting processes. In conclusion, the basic requirement for sterilization of broiler litter (> 55℃ for 3 days) can be reached by in-house windrow composting. The population of the pathogenic microbes in the broiler litter significantly declined during after the composting process. Key Words: Pathogenic microbes, Poultry litter, Windrow composting

Page 110: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016186

108. 牛糞基質作為杏鮑菇太空包介質之可行性

鄭閔謙(1) 蕭宗法(1) 李瑋菘(2) 程梅萍(1) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)行政院農業委員會農業試驗所




及 100%(M100),每包太空包栽培基質平均乾重 315 g,每個處理組 180 包。太空包接種

後,移入培養室(22℃ ± 1℃)經 45 天定溫培養,菌絲生長期間不照光。最後測定各處理組

之產量與計算生物效率(採收菇體之鮮重 ÷ 接種時之栽培基質乾重 × 100 %)。結果顯示,

M0 與 M25 處理組之杏鮑菇產量鮮種為分別為 254 與 277 g/包,顯著高於其他各組,而

M25 處理組之生物效率(85.4%)顯著高於其他各組,M100 處理組為最低(19.1%)。綜上

所述,牛糞基質取代太空包中之 25% 木屑可增加杏鮑菇產率,但如取代過多則會抑制其產



Feasibility of cattle manure as a growing medium for mushrooms (Pleurotus eryngii)

M. C. Cheng, T. F. Shiao, H. F. Lee and M. P. Cheng

Livestock Research Institute, COA

The cost of PP bag sawdust medium (PBSM) for mushrooms cultivation increases, while the cattle

manure contains large amount of fiber and nutrition for plants. Thus, the purpose of this study was

to evaluate the feasibility of using cattle manure as a substitute for PBSM. The replacement ratios

of cattle manure for PBSM were 0% (M0), 25% (M25), 50% (M50), 75% (M75) and 100% (M100)

in this study. The mushrooms in PP bags with 315 g of growing medium were cultivated for 45 days.

There were 180 replications in each treatment. The inoculated substrates were kept in a spawn

running room at 22 ℃ ± 1℃ under dark condition. The amounts of mushroom production were

recorded and biological efficiencies were calculated after harvesting. The results revealed that the

mushrooms fruiting bodies of M0 and M25 were 254 and 277 g/bag, respectively, which were

significantly higher than other treatments. The biological efficiency of M25 group was 85.4%,

which was significantly higher than other treatments. In conclusion, using cattle manure to replace

25% of sawdust in PBSM increases the production and biological efficiency of mushrooms, but

higher replacement rate decreases the production rate.

Key Words: Cattle manure, Mushroom (Pleurotus eryngii)

Page 111: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 187

108. 牛糞基質作為杏鮑菇太空包介質之可行性

鄭閔謙(1) 蕭宗法(1) 李瑋菘(2) 程梅萍(1) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)行政院農業委員會農業試驗所




及 100%(M100),每包太空包栽培基質平均乾重 315 g,每個處理組 180 包。太空包接種

後,移入培養室(22℃ ± 1℃)經 45 天定溫培養,菌絲生長期間不照光。最後測定各處理組

之產量與計算生物效率(採收菇體之鮮重 ÷ 接種時之栽培基質乾重 × 100 %)。結果顯示,

M0 與 M25 處理組之杏鮑菇產量鮮種為分別為 254 與 277 g/包,顯著高於其他各組,而

M25 處理組之生物效率(85.4%)顯著高於其他各組,M100 處理組為最低(19.1%)。綜上

所述,牛糞基質取代太空包中之 25% 木屑可增加杏鮑菇產率,但如取代過多則會抑制其產



Feasibility of cattle manure as a growing medium for mushrooms (Pleurotus eryngii)

M. C. Cheng, T. F. Shiao, H. F. Lee and M. P. Cheng

Livestock Research Institute, COA

The cost of PP bag sawdust medium (PBSM) for mushrooms cultivation increases, while the cattle

manure contains large amount of fiber and nutrition for plants. Thus, the purpose of this study was

to evaluate the feasibility of using cattle manure as a substitute for PBSM. The replacement ratios

of cattle manure for PBSM were 0% (M0), 25% (M25), 50% (M50), 75% (M75) and 100% (M100)

in this study. The mushrooms in PP bags with 315 g of growing medium were cultivated for 45 days.

There were 180 replications in each treatment. The inoculated substrates were kept in a spawn

running room at 22 ℃ ± 1℃ under dark condition. The amounts of mushroom production were

recorded and biological efficiencies were calculated after harvesting. The results revealed that the

mushrooms fruiting bodies of M0 and M25 were 254 and 277 g/bag, respectively, which were

significantly higher than other treatments. The biological efficiency of M25 group was 85.4%,

which was significantly higher than other treatments. In conclusion, using cattle manure to replace

25% of sawdust in PBSM increases the production and biological efficiency of mushrooms, but

higher replacement rate decreases the production rate.

Key Words: Cattle manure, Mushroom (Pleurotus eryngii)

109. D×K 黑豬前三世代的繁殖性狀、生長性能與基因型

許晉賓(1) 王漢昇(1) 李秀蘭(1) 黃憲榮(1) 林正鏞(1) 王治華(2) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所高雄種畜繁殖場 (2)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所


選育,評估雜交後裔第一代(DK1)、後裔互配所生之 DK2、DK3 代之母豬繁殖性能與後裔

進行生長性能,及進行基因型(多產基因、抗緊迫基因與高肉質基因)之篩選。DK1、DK2 及 DK3 代之母豬繁殖性能顯示,分娩總仔數與活仔數分別為 11.9、10.1 頭,11.2、9.7 頭,11.7、9.5 頭。三週齡窩仔數為 9.7、8.9 與 8.8 頭。仔豬出生與 3 週齡體重分別為 1.49、4.61 kg,1.42、4.36 kg,1.36、4.40 kg。仔豬全黑比例分別為 52.2%、76.2% 與 82.6%。後裔 DK2、DK3 及 DK4 代之生長性能顯示,公豬之 70 與 180 日齡體重分別為 22.9、104.8 kg,21.5、106.0 kg,21.6、109.0 kg;母豬則為 21.3、90.9 kg,20.6、97.8 kg,20.8、96.9 kg。各代公豬

與母豬之隻日增重(ADG)分別為 0.76、0.63,0.77、0.71,0.80、0.68。DK2、DK3 及 DK4代之多產基因型(MM)與 H-FABP 基因型(HH6)比例分別為 21、31 與 36% 及 26、34 與 20%。目前 DK4 代資料仍持續收集中。 關鍵語:黑豬、基因型、繁殖性狀

The reproductive traits, growth performance and genotype of the front three generations of D×K black pigs

C. B. Hsu(1), H. S. Wang(1), H. L. Lee(1), H. J. Huang(1), C. Y. Lin(1) and C. H. Wang(2)

(1)Kaohsiung Animal Propagation Station, Livestock Research Institute, COA (2)Livestock Research Institute, COA

To improve the body comformation and growth performance of black pigs, Duroc (D) sows were reciprocal crossed with KHAPS (K) black boars. The performance of DK1, DK2, and DK3 generations were evalated, and their progeny genotypes of prolific gene, anti-stress gene (CRC), and H-FABP gene were identified for selecting the breeds. The results showed that the litter size on birth and litter size born alive of DK1, DK2, and DK3 sows were 11.9, 10.1; 11.2, 9.7; 11.7, 9.5, and litter size on 3 week-old were 9.7, 8.9, and 8.8, respectively. The progeny body weights (BW) on birth and 3 w-old were1.49, 4.61 kg; 1.42, 4.36 kg; 1.36, 4.40 kg, and the percentages of black hair coat of progeny piglets were 52.2, 76.2, and 82.6%, respectively. In the growth performance, BW of boars on 70 and 180 d-old were 22.9, 104.8 kg; 21.5, 106.0 kg; 21.6, 109.0 kg, BW of gilts were 21.3, 90.9 kg; 20.6, 97.8 kg; 20.8, 96.9 kg, respectively. The average daily gains of boars and gilts were 0.76, 0.63; 0.77, 0.71; 0.80, 0.68. In the progeny genotype identification, the prolific genotype (MM) and H-FABP genotype (HH6) of DK2, DK3, and DK4 were 21, 31 and 36%, and 26, 34 and 20%, respectively. Currently the data collection of progeny DK4 is still ongoing. Key Words: Black pigs, Genotype, Reproductive traits

Page 112: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016188

110. 臺灣乳羊與肉羊埸山羊關節炎腦炎之研究調查

凃柏安(1)(2) 許佳憲(1)(3) 李淑慧(4) 丁詩同(3) 王佩華(1)

(1)國立臺灣大學動物科學技術學系 (2)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所恆春分所 (3)國立台灣大學生物資源暨農學院附設農業試驗場


山羊關節炎腦炎病毒(Caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus, CAEV)為反轉錄病毒中之慢病毒(lentvirus),屬於 Retroviridae 之 Lentivirnae 亞科,此病毒可感染山羊及綿羊等反芻動物。本試驗以開發之 Real-time PCR 檢測法進行核酸檢測,並與對照以血清樣本測定之傳統 ELISA 之結果對照,檢測山羊採樣檢體,以評估統計兩種檢測法的敏感度及特異性。試驗結果顯示,於 200 個未知 CAEV 感染情形的樣本中,以血清樣本進行的 ELISA 法可檢出 157 個陽性樣本及 43 個陰性樣本;而此 157 個陽性樣本,同時以 Real-time PCR 檢測法進行核酸檢測也可檢出相同的陽性結果,兩者的統計敏感度為 100%;但以 Real-time-PCR 檢測法則可檢出額外 7 頭陽性受感染山羊(即陽性結果有 164 頭),顯示 Real-time-PCR 檢測法(82.0%)較 ELISA 檢測法(78.5%)有顯著更高的陽性檢出率(P < 0.05)。整體而言,以 Real-time-PCR 檢測法進行檢測可獲得 96.5% 的統計準確度(與 ELISA 法相比)。以兩個不同方法進行檢測可獲得 McNemar's test 的係數為 0.89,顯示兩者檢測的結果一致性的程度非常高。 關鍵語:山羊關節炎腦炎病毒、酵素免疫分析法、即時定量 PCR

Field investigation for caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis Virus (CAEV) of milking and meat goat farms in Taiwan

P. A. Tu(1)(2), J. S. Shiu(2)(3), S. H. Lee(4), S. T. Ding(2) and P. H. Wang(2)

(1)Henchung Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

(2)Department of Animal Science and Technology, National Taiwan University (3)Agriculture Experiment Station, College of Bioresources and Agriculture, National Taiwan

University (4) National Institute for Animal Health, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

Caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV) is a member of the small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLV), belongs to the genus Lentivirus, family Retrovirdae. The virus is able to infect goats and occasionally sheep and other related ruminants. For evaluating the statistical sensitivity and specificity, the real-time PCR assay was applied in parallel with traditional ELISA assay in field samples. Among 200 samples with unknown CAEV status, 157 were identified as positive and 43 identified as negative for CAEV by the reference method using serological ELISA test. For the 157 ELISA-positive goats were also positive by real-time PCR results, indicating a statistical sensitivity of 100%, and meaning the statistical ability of the real-time PCR to identify correctly the true CAEV-positive goat tested is 100%. The CAEV detection by real-time PCR assay produced overall statistical accuracy of 96.5%. The real-time PCR assay (82.0%) had significantly higher CAEV-positive rate than ELISA (78.5%) (P < 0.05). The coefficient was 0.89, indicating very strong agreement between the two assays. Key Words: Caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV), ELISA, Real-time PCR

Page 113: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 189

110. 臺灣乳羊與肉羊埸山羊關節炎腦炎之研究調查

凃柏安(1)(2) 許佳憲(1)(3) 李淑慧(4) 丁詩同(3) 王佩華(1)

(1)國立臺灣大學動物科學技術學系 (2)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所恆春分所 (3)國立台灣大學生物資源暨農學院附設農業試驗場


山羊關節炎腦炎病毒(Caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus, CAEV)為反轉錄病毒中之慢病毒(lentvirus),屬於 Retroviridae 之 Lentivirnae 亞科,此病毒可感染山羊及綿羊等反芻動物。本試驗以開發之 Real-time PCR 檢測法進行核酸檢測,並與對照以血清樣本測定之傳統 ELISA 之結果對照,檢測山羊採樣檢體,以評估統計兩種檢測法的敏感度及特異性。試驗結果顯示,於 200 個未知 CAEV 感染情形的樣本中,以血清樣本進行的 ELISA 法可檢出 157 個陽性樣本及 43 個陰性樣本;而此 157 個陽性樣本,同時以 Real-time PCR 檢測法進行核酸檢測也可檢出相同的陽性結果,兩者的統計敏感度為 100%;但以 Real-time-PCR 檢測法則可檢出額外 7 頭陽性受感染山羊(即陽性結果有 164 頭),顯示 Real-time-PCR 檢測法(82.0%)較 ELISA 檢測法(78.5%)有顯著更高的陽性檢出率(P < 0.05)。整體而言,以 Real-time-PCR 檢測法進行檢測可獲得 96.5% 的統計準確度(與 ELISA 法相比)。以兩個不同方法進行檢測可獲得 McNemar's test 的係數為 0.89,顯示兩者檢測的結果一致性的程度非常高。 關鍵語:山羊關節炎腦炎病毒、酵素免疫分析法、即時定量 PCR

Field investigation for caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis Virus (CAEV) of milking and meat goat farms in Taiwan

P. A. Tu(1)(2), J. S. Shiu(2)(3), S. H. Lee(4), S. T. Ding(2) and P. H. Wang(2)

(1)Henchung Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

(2)Department of Animal Science and Technology, National Taiwan University (3)Agriculture Experiment Station, College of Bioresources and Agriculture, National Taiwan

University (4) National Institute for Animal Health, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

Caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV) is a member of the small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLV), belongs to the genus Lentivirus, family Retrovirdae. The virus is able to infect goats and occasionally sheep and other related ruminants. For evaluating the statistical sensitivity and specificity, the real-time PCR assay was applied in parallel with traditional ELISA assay in field samples. Among 200 samples with unknown CAEV status, 157 were identified as positive and 43 identified as negative for CAEV by the reference method using serological ELISA test. For the 157 ELISA-positive goats were also positive by real-time PCR results, indicating a statistical sensitivity of 100%, and meaning the statistical ability of the real-time PCR to identify correctly the true CAEV-positive goat tested is 100%. The CAEV detection by real-time PCR assay produced overall statistical accuracy of 96.5%. The real-time PCR assay (82.0%) had significantly higher CAEV-positive rate than ELISA (78.5%) (P < 0.05). The coefficient was 0.89, indicating very strong agreement between the two assays. Key Words: Caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV), ELISA, Real-time PCR

111. 發展即時聚合酶連鎖反應快速檢測荷蘭乳牛短脊椎綜合症基因

賴芳裕(1) 林彤(1) 凃柏安(1)(2) 陳怡璇(2) 許佳憲(1) 賈玉祥(2) 王佩華(1) (1)國立臺灣大學動物科學技術學系 (2)行政院農委會畜產試驗所新竹分所


遍布全球,經研究其突變發生在 Fanconi anemia complementation-group 1(FANCI)基因上有 3.3 kb 的缺失,隱性同合子會造成流產或死胎,基本上不會存活。此缺失基因以往是使用一般 PCR 方法檢測。本試驗旨在發展 TaqMan 即時聚合酶連鎖反應(real-time PCR)方法進行檢



驗所新竹分所採取的 40 頭荷蘭乳牛樣品,其結果共有 5 頭為雜合子,比例為 12.5%,與使

用一般 PCR 的檢測結果完全相符(100%),然而所費時間約為一般 PCR 的三分之一。另進

一步以 TaqMan 即時 PCR 檢測臺灣其他品種牛隻,包含台灣黃牛、婆羅門牛和臺灣水牛共 296 頭,並未發現隱性基因的存在(未發現雜合子基因型),結果顯示此種疾病可能僅發生在

荷蘭牛品種。 關鍵語:FANCI 基因、荷蘭乳牛、即時聚合酶連鎖反應

Development of a real-time PCR assay for rapid detection of brachyspina syndrome gene in Holstein cattle

F. Y. Lai(1), T. Lin(1), P. A. Tu(1)(2), Y. H. Chen(2), J. S. Shiu(1), Y. S. Jia(2) and P. H. Wang(1)

(1)Department of Animal Science and Technology, National Taiwan University (2)Hsin-Chu Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

Brachyspina syndrome (BS), a genetic disorder in the Holstein cattle, was spread all over the world nowadays. Its homozygous recessive causes abortion or stillborn calves. The causal mutation for BS was a 3.3-kb deletion in the bovine Fanconi anemia complementation-group 1 (FANCI) gene. The mutation fragment can be detected by general PCR assay. For rapid detection of BS gene in Holstein cattle, the TaqMan real time PCR assay was developed. Forward, reversed primers and florescence labeled probe for wild and mutation type were designed. A proper temperature cycle was achieved for Taq enzyme. 40 Holstein samples were from Taiwan University and Hsin-Chu Branch, Livestock Research Institute. The results showed that 5 heterozygous BS gene among samples (12.5%) were found, which totally match the results of general PCR assay. The time-consuming for TaqMan real-time PCR was roughly one-third of general PCR. In addition, the developed method was applied in broad samples from different cattle breeds. The heterozygotes were not detected in Taiwan yellow cattle, Braham and Taiwan water buffalo. Key Words: FANCI gene, Holstein cattle, Real-time PCR

Page 114: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016190

112. 牛糞尿厭氣廢水灑灌於青割玉米對土壤理化性質之影響

劉主欣(1) 盧啟信(2) 程梅萍(1) 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所(1)經營組 (2)飼料作物組

畜牧廢水富含有機質及植物所需要之養分,在中國及位於乾旱及半乾旱地區的國家早已廣泛使用廢水灌溉農作物,畜牧廢水再利用作為肥料,除可降低施肥成本,又可減少廢水好氣處理之能源消耗。本研究之目的旨在探討利用牛糞尿厭氣廢水灑灌於青割玉米墾丁一號區對土壤理化性質之影響。青割玉米墾丁一號區分為 3 個處理組,每處理組三重覆,分別為全厭氣水組(W1)、厭氣水及化學肥料組各 1/2 組(W1/2)及全化學肥料組(CK),每處理組之面積為 2.24 m2。每期作共灑灌厭氣水 2 次,每次依所測得廢水之總氮量計算灑灌量。玉米 3 個月採收一次,並採集 0-20 公分深處之表土分析。試驗結果顯示,W1 組、W1/2 組及 CK 組土壤 pH 背景值分別為 5.31、5.28、5.00,灑灌廢水後平均 pH 分別為 6.10、5.91、5.32;土壤 EC 背景值分別為 176、190、186 s/cmμ ,灑灌廢水後平均 EC 分別為 95.0、150、250

s/μ cm;土壤有機質含量背景值分別為 1.29、1.38、1.44%,灑灌廢水後平均有機質含量分別為 1.25、1.20、1.18%;土壤有效磷背景值分別為 26.1、25.5、26.2 mg/kg,灑灌廢水後平均有效磷含量分別為 57.5、71.8、84.9 mg/kg,土壤 Cu 背景值分別為 1.13、0.94、1.22 mg/kg,灑灌廢水後平均 Cu 含量分別為 0.97、0.88、0.95 mg/kg;土壤 Zn 背景值分別為 2.27、2.31、2.17 mg/kg,灑灌廢水後平均 Zn 含量分別為 7.67、9.12、6.45 mg/kg。綜上所述,利用牛糞尿厭氣廢水灑灌於青割玉米墾丁一號區會提高酸性土壤之 pH、降低土壤之 EC,且未造成 Cu 含量之累積,但增加有效磷及 Zn 含量,對於增加土壤有機質含量效益不大。 關鍵語:牛糞尿厭氣廢水、青割玉米、土壤 Effect of irrigation of dairy anaerobic wastewater on the soil properties of forage corn

C. H. Liu(1), C. H. Lu(2) and M. P. Cheng(1)

(1)Livestock Management Division of COA-LRI (2)Forage Crops Division of COA-LRI

Livestock wastewater is rich in organic matter and the nutrients which the plant needed. Wastewater has been widely used for agricultural irrigation in China and countries in arid and semi-arid areas. The reuse of wastewater as fertilizer can reduce the fertilizing cost and energy consumption in aerobic treatment of wastewater. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of irrigation of dairy anaerobic wastewater on the soil physical and chemical properties. Three treatments with 3 replicates were conducted on the field of forage corn. The treatments were as follow: irrigation dairy anaerobic wastewater (W1), half wastewater and half chemical fertilizers (W1/2), and all chemical fertilizers (CK). The area of every treatment was 2.24 m2, including 2 times of irrigate with dairy anaerobic wastewater during the treatments period. The quantities of anaerobic wastewater irrigated were calculated according the contents of total nitrogen in wastewater. Forage corn was harvested after 3 months. The soil samples were taken above the 20 cm surface soil. The results showed that the background of soil pH were 5.31, 5.28 and 5.00 for W1,W1/2 and CK, respectively, 176, 190 and 186 s/cmμ on EC, 1.29, 1.38 and 1.44% on organic matter, 26.1, 25.5 and 26.2 mg/kg on available phosphorus, 1.13, 0.94 and 1.22 mg/kg on copper and 2.27, 2.31 and 2.17 mg/kg on zinc. After irrigating with dairy anaerobic wastewater, the soil pH were 6.10, 5.91 and 5.32 for W1, W1/2 and CK, respectively, 95.0, 150 and 250 s/cmμ on EC, 1.25, 1.20 and 1.18% on organic matter, 57.5, 71.8 and 84.9 mg/kg on available phosphorus, 0.97, 0.88 and 0.95 mg/kg on copper and 7.67, 9.12 and 6.45 mg/kg on zinc. Based on the results, it showed that irrigating dairy anaerobic wastewater increased the pH of acid soil, decreased the EC and didn’t cause the accumulation of copper in soil, but increased the available phosphorus and zinc of soil. However, no significant increase was observed on the organic matter of soil after irrigating with dairy anaerobic wastewater. Key Words: Dairy anaerobic wastewater, Forage corn, Soil

Page 115: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 191

112. 牛糞尿厭氣廢水灑灌於青割玉米對土壤理化性質之影響

劉主欣(1) 盧啟信(2) 程梅萍(1) 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所(1)經營組 (2)飼料作物組

畜牧廢水富含有機質及植物所需要之養分,在中國及位於乾旱及半乾旱地區的國家早已廣泛使用廢水灌溉農作物,畜牧廢水再利用作為肥料,除可降低施肥成本,又可減少廢水好氣處理之能源消耗。本研究之目的旨在探討利用牛糞尿厭氣廢水灑灌於青割玉米墾丁一號區對土壤理化性質之影響。青割玉米墾丁一號區分為 3 個處理組,每處理組三重覆,分別為全厭氣水組(W1)、厭氣水及化學肥料組各 1/2 組(W1/2)及全化學肥料組(CK),每處理組之面積為 2.24 m2。每期作共灑灌厭氣水 2 次,每次依所測得廢水之總氮量計算灑灌量。玉米 3 個月採收一次,並採集 0-20 公分深處之表土分析。試驗結果顯示,W1 組、W1/2 組及 CK 組土壤 pH 背景值分別為 5.31、5.28、5.00,灑灌廢水後平均 pH 分別為 6.10、5.91、5.32;土壤 EC 背景值分別為 176、190、186 s/cmμ ,灑灌廢水後平均 EC 分別為 95.0、150、250

s/μ cm;土壤有機質含量背景值分別為 1.29、1.38、1.44%,灑灌廢水後平均有機質含量分別為 1.25、1.20、1.18%;土壤有效磷背景值分別為 26.1、25.5、26.2 mg/kg,灑灌廢水後平均有效磷含量分別為 57.5、71.8、84.9 mg/kg,土壤 Cu 背景值分別為 1.13、0.94、1.22 mg/kg,灑灌廢水後平均 Cu 含量分別為 0.97、0.88、0.95 mg/kg;土壤 Zn 背景值分別為 2.27、2.31、2.17 mg/kg,灑灌廢水後平均 Zn 含量分別為 7.67、9.12、6.45 mg/kg。綜上所述,利用牛糞尿厭氣廢水灑灌於青割玉米墾丁一號區會提高酸性土壤之 pH、降低土壤之 EC,且未造成 Cu 含量之累積,但增加有效磷及 Zn 含量,對於增加土壤有機質含量效益不大。 關鍵語:牛糞尿厭氣廢水、青割玉米、土壤 Effect of irrigation of dairy anaerobic wastewater on the soil properties of forage corn

C. H. Liu(1), C. H. Lu(2) and M. P. Cheng(1)

(1)Livestock Management Division of COA-LRI (2)Forage Crops Division of COA-LRI

Livestock wastewater is rich in organic matter and the nutrients which the plant needed. Wastewater has been widely used for agricultural irrigation in China and countries in arid and semi-arid areas. The reuse of wastewater as fertilizer can reduce the fertilizing cost and energy consumption in aerobic treatment of wastewater. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of irrigation of dairy anaerobic wastewater on the soil physical and chemical properties. Three treatments with 3 replicates were conducted on the field of forage corn. The treatments were as follow: irrigation dairy anaerobic wastewater (W1), half wastewater and half chemical fertilizers (W1/2), and all chemical fertilizers (CK). The area of every treatment was 2.24 m2, including 2 times of irrigate with dairy anaerobic wastewater during the treatments period. The quantities of anaerobic wastewater irrigated were calculated according the contents of total nitrogen in wastewater. Forage corn was harvested after 3 months. The soil samples were taken above the 20 cm surface soil. The results showed that the background of soil pH were 5.31, 5.28 and 5.00 for W1,W1/2 and CK, respectively, 176, 190 and 186 s/cmμ on EC, 1.29, 1.38 and 1.44% on organic matter, 26.1, 25.5 and 26.2 mg/kg on available phosphorus, 1.13, 0.94 and 1.22 mg/kg on copper and 2.27, 2.31 and 2.17 mg/kg on zinc. After irrigating with dairy anaerobic wastewater, the soil pH were 6.10, 5.91 and 5.32 for W1, W1/2 and CK, respectively, 95.0, 150 and 250 s/cmμ on EC, 1.25, 1.20 and 1.18% on organic matter, 57.5, 71.8 and 84.9 mg/kg on available phosphorus, 0.97, 0.88 and 0.95 mg/kg on copper and 7.67, 9.12 and 6.45 mg/kg on zinc. Based on the results, it showed that irrigating dairy anaerobic wastewater increased the pH of acid soil, decreased the EC and didn’t cause the accumulation of copper in soil, but increased the available phosphorus and zinc of soil. However, no significant increase was observed on the organic matter of soil after irrigating with dairy anaerobic wastewater. Key Words: Dairy anaerobic wastewater, Forage corn, Soil

113. 美系努比亞冷凍精液改良本地努比亞山羊生長性能研究

吳昇陽 章嘉潔 畜產試驗所台東種畜繁殖場



長性能並與同齡本地努比亞進行比较。測定離乳至 12 月齡項目為體重、體長、體高、胸圍

和日增重。結果顯示第一代種羊離乳後資料顯示,公畜在體長及胸圍呈明顯提高(P < 0.05),

母羊間 6 月齡體重、體高、胸圍和平均日增重呈明顯提高(P < 0.05),在 12 月齡母羊體

重、胸圍之間顯著提高(P < 0.05),公羊體長、體高顯著提高(P < 0.05);並保持良好的



Study on growth performance of American Nubian goat from the frozen semen by inbreed from Taiwan Nubian goat

S. Y. Wu and C. C. Chang

Taitung Animal Propagation Station, COA-TLRI

The Nubian has been used in many tropical countries to increase the meat production and improve

growth trait of local breeds. The purpose of this study was aimed to improve the growth

performance and carcass quality. Taiwan Nubian goats were artificial inseminated by the frozen

semen of American Nubian goat. Body weight, height, length, chest circumference and average

daily gain (kg/day) of the offspring (the first generation) were measured from its weaning to 12

month-old and compared with the indexes of the Taiwan Nubian goats at the same age. The results

showed that the male offspring had a significantly higher body length, chest circumference than that

of Taiwan Nubian goat at the weaning stages(P < 0.05). Nubian dams had a significantly higher

body weight, body length, chest circumference and average daily gain (kg/day) at the 6 months(P <

0.05).In the stage of 12 months, Nubian dams had a significantly higher body weight and chest

circumference(P < 0.05). Nubian bucks had a significantly higher body height, length.(P < 0.05).

All the generations had a good environmental adaptability. Therefore, the offspring had more

advantages in growth performance.

Key Words: Frozen semen, Growth performance, Nubian goat

Page 116: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016192

114. 蘭嶼豬血液生理指標檢測

章嘉潔 吳昇陽 朱賢斌



依據。用全自動血液分析儀測定小型豬血液的 8 項生理指標,對不同性別的血液測定值進行

分析與比較。試驗結果顯示,蘭嶼豬 3月齡雌、雄間統計差異顯著的血液生理指標,僅 RBC、

MCV 及 MCH 等指標(P < 0.05),其他各項指標雌、雄間均無顯著差異(P > 0.05),蘭嶼





Analysis of hematological parameters in lanyu pigs

C. C. Chang, S. Y. Wu and H. P. Chu Taitung Animal Propagation Station, COA-TLRI

This assay was aimed to determine the hematological parameters in Lanyu pigs, so as to provide the

basis for minipig as human disease models. Eight hematological parameters in Lanyu pigs were

measured using automatic hematological analyzer and the differences between sexes, age, and

species were analyzed. The results showed among the hematological parameters, only RBC, MCV

and MCH showed significant difference between male and female pigs in 3 month in Lanyu pig (P

< 0.05). There were no sex differences in the other parameters (P > 0.05). Some hematological

parameters in Lanyu pig were similar to those in Chinese experimental minipig and Gottingen

minipig. Throughout the comparison among three minipig breeds and between them and the human

reference values, Gottingen minipig, Chinese experimental minipig, the important information were

provided for the miniature pig utilized on the human medical study.

Key Words: Blood, Hematological parameter, Minipig

Page 117: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 193

114. 蘭嶼豬血液生理指標檢測

章嘉潔 吳昇陽 朱賢斌



依據。用全自動血液分析儀測定小型豬血液的 8 項生理指標,對不同性別的血液測定值進行

分析與比較。試驗結果顯示,蘭嶼豬 3月齡雌、雄間統計差異顯著的血液生理指標,僅 RBC、

MCV 及 MCH 等指標(P < 0.05),其他各項指標雌、雄間均無顯著差異(P > 0.05),蘭嶼





Analysis of hematological parameters in lanyu pigs

C. C. Chang, S. Y. Wu and H. P. Chu Taitung Animal Propagation Station, COA-TLRI

This assay was aimed to determine the hematological parameters in Lanyu pigs, so as to provide the

basis for minipig as human disease models. Eight hematological parameters in Lanyu pigs were

measured using automatic hematological analyzer and the differences between sexes, age, and

species were analyzed. The results showed among the hematological parameters, only RBC, MCV

and MCH showed significant difference between male and female pigs in 3 month in Lanyu pig (P

< 0.05). There were no sex differences in the other parameters (P > 0.05). Some hematological

parameters in Lanyu pig were similar to those in Chinese experimental minipig and Gottingen

minipig. Throughout the comparison among three minipig breeds and between them and the human

reference values, Gottingen minipig, Chinese experimental minipig, the important information were

provided for the miniature pig utilized on the human medical study.

Key Words: Blood, Hematological parameter, Minipig

115. 低鈣飼糧對蘭嶼豬骨質密度之影響

廖御靜 陳怡秀 傅清梅 康定傑 陳裕信 曲鳳翔 楊鎮榮



與客製化醫療之生醫用途。試驗係將蘭嶼豬卵巢移除並餵食鈣含量 0.5% 之低鈣飼糧,試驗

期 6 個月結束後左肢股骨測定骨質密度,右肢股骨測定骨灰分與鈣磷含量,以探討低鈣飼糧

對骨質密度之影響。試驗結果顯示,餵飼低鈣飼糧 6 個月之處理組體重較控制組重,且處理






The effects of low calcium diet on bone density in Lanyu pigs

Y. J. Liao, Y. S. Chen, C. M. Fu, T. C. Kang, Y. H. Chen, F. H. Chu and J. R. Yang Division of Physiology, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture,

Executive Yuan, Tainan, Taiwan

The purpose of this study was to establish the osteoporosis model in minipig for the medical

application of human disease model and patient-specific therapy. Ovariectomized Lanyu pigs were

fed with low-calcium diet (0.5% calcium) for 6 months, and then the left and right femur were

collected to measure bone mineral density and level of calcium/phosphorus, respectively. The

results showed that body weight in treatment group was heavier than that in control group, and

weight and length of femur and tibia/fibula were heavier and longer in treatment group. The ratio of

femur weight to body weight and tibia/fibula weight to body weight was lower in treatment group.

However, the ratio of trabecular volume to bone marrow cavity volume and level of bone ash,

calcium, and phosphorus showed no significant difference. The methods and results for

osteoporosis in minipigs can provide a reference on biomedical research in the future.

Key Words: Bone density, Lanyu pigs, Low calcium diet

Page 118: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016194

116. 丹參根作為皮膚外用保養品成份之功效分析

潘健群 鍾玉東 高增婷 周佑吉

財團法人農業科技研究院動物科技研究所 動物科技組 以不同地區栽培丹參根之萃取物對美妝保養品之相關功效進行評估。將種植於花蓮(H)和屏東(P)之丹參根經萃取後,其萃取產物進行生化與細胞試驗分析。以 DPPH、ABTS 試驗評估萃取物的抗氧化能力,結果顯示 H、P 萃取物皆具有劑量正相關清除氧化自由基能力,DPPH 試驗中 H、P 萃取物在 200 µg/mL 濃度分別有 71.9 % 與 77.3 % 之清除率,ABTS 試驗中則有 90.7 與 89.8 % 之清除率。為評估丹參根萃取物之抗老化功效,將萃取物處理彈力蛋白酶(elastase),結果顯示 H 萃取物在 200 µg/mL 濃度可抑制酵素活性(54 %)較 P 萃取物(23 %)高 2 倍以上。另外,將萃取物作用於 LPS 誘導處理之小鼠單核球細胞株 RAW 264.7 測定 NO 轉化物含量以評估是否有抗發炎功效,H 萃取物濃度 200 µg/mL 可抑制 21.5 % NO2

- 產生,有部份抗發炎之功效,P 萃取物則對細胞則無影響。以上實驗結果得知丹參根萃取物具有良好抗氧化功效。然而,抗老化及抗發炎作用即使相同製程,不同產地來源丹參根之萃取物其功效會有些許差異,因此運用於美妝保養品開發時,建議考慮植物生長環境對其萃取物成分功效之影響。 關鍵語:抗氧化、抗發炎、丹參根萃取物

Functional analysis of Salvia miltiorrihiza root extracts revealed the potential utilization for cosmetic products.

C. C. Pan, Y. T. Chung, T. T. Kao and Y. C. Chou

Animal Technology Laboratories, Division of Animal Technology, Agricultural Technology Research Institute

Salvia miltiorrihiza (S. miltiorrihiza) roots from different cultivating area were extracted to investigate their functional effects on the cosmetic application. These roots were collected from the local farms at Hualien (H) and Pingtung (P). Both extracts were conducted to biochemical analysis and cell-based functional assays to the comparison. The anti-oxidation property of extracts were determined by using DPPH and ABTS assay. The result showed both extracts were able to scavenge free radicals in the dose-dependent manner. Free radical reduction rates of H and P extracts at the concentration of 200 µg/mL were 71.9 % and 77.3 % in DPPH assay; 90.7 % and 89.8 % in ABTS assay, respectively. The anti-aging activities were evaluated by the experiment treating elastase with extracts. H extract at dose 200 µg/mL could inhibit 54 % elastase activity that was more than twice the effect of P extract (23 %). Furthermore, we also treated LPS induced mouse monocyte RAW 264.7 with extracts and then detected the amount of nitric oxide derivatives (NO2

-) in the culture medium to evaluate the anti-inflammatory effects of extracts. H extract at 200 µg/mL was demonstrated to decrease 21.5 % production of NO2

-, while P extract had effect very little. Taken together, S. miltiorrihiza root extracts had excellent benefit for anti-oxidation. However, these extracts prepared from different growing sites could imply to the different extent of functional activity. S. miltiorrihiza plant growth condition and environment might be considering to affect functional efficacy in cosmetic product development. Key Words:Anti-oxidation, Anti-aging, S. miltiorrihiza root extracts

Page 119: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 195

116. 丹參根作為皮膚外用保養品成份之功效分析

潘健群 鍾玉東 高增婷 周佑吉

財團法人農業科技研究院動物科技研究所 動物科技組 以不同地區栽培丹參根之萃取物對美妝保養品之相關功效進行評估。將種植於花蓮(H)和屏東(P)之丹參根經萃取後,其萃取產物進行生化與細胞試驗分析。以 DPPH、ABTS 試驗評估萃取物的抗氧化能力,結果顯示 H、P 萃取物皆具有劑量正相關清除氧化自由基能力,DPPH 試驗中 H、P 萃取物在 200 µg/mL 濃度分別有 71.9 % 與 77.3 % 之清除率,ABTS 試驗中則有 90.7 與 89.8 % 之清除率。為評估丹參根萃取物之抗老化功效,將萃取物處理彈力蛋白酶(elastase),結果顯示 H 萃取物在 200 µg/mL 濃度可抑制酵素活性(54 %)較 P 萃取物(23 %)高 2 倍以上。另外,將萃取物作用於 LPS 誘導處理之小鼠單核球細胞株 RAW 264.7 測定 NO 轉化物含量以評估是否有抗發炎功效,H 萃取物濃度 200 µg/mL 可抑制 21.5 % NO2

- 產生,有部份抗發炎之功效,P 萃取物則對細胞則無影響。以上實驗結果得知丹參根萃取物具有良好抗氧化功效。然而,抗老化及抗發炎作用即使相同製程,不同產地來源丹參根之萃取物其功效會有些許差異,因此運用於美妝保養品開發時,建議考慮植物生長環境對其萃取物成分功效之影響。 關鍵語:抗氧化、抗發炎、丹參根萃取物

Functional analysis of Salvia miltiorrihiza root extracts revealed the potential utilization for cosmetic products.

C. C. Pan, Y. T. Chung, T. T. Kao and Y. C. Chou

Animal Technology Laboratories, Division of Animal Technology, Agricultural Technology Research Institute

Salvia miltiorrihiza (S. miltiorrihiza) roots from different cultivating area were extracted to investigate their functional effects on the cosmetic application. These roots were collected from the local farms at Hualien (H) and Pingtung (P). Both extracts were conducted to biochemical analysis and cell-based functional assays to the comparison. The anti-oxidation property of extracts were determined by using DPPH and ABTS assay. The result showed both extracts were able to scavenge free radicals in the dose-dependent manner. Free radical reduction rates of H and P extracts at the concentration of 200 µg/mL were 71.9 % and 77.3 % in DPPH assay; 90.7 % and 89.8 % in ABTS assay, respectively. The anti-aging activities were evaluated by the experiment treating elastase with extracts. H extract at dose 200 µg/mL could inhibit 54 % elastase activity that was more than twice the effect of P extract (23 %). Furthermore, we also treated LPS induced mouse monocyte RAW 264.7 with extracts and then detected the amount of nitric oxide derivatives (NO2

-) in the culture medium to evaluate the anti-inflammatory effects of extracts. H extract at 200 µg/mL was demonstrated to decrease 21.5 % production of NO2

-, while P extract had effect very little. Taken together, S. miltiorrihiza root extracts had excellent benefit for anti-oxidation. However, these extracts prepared from different growing sites could imply to the different extent of functional activity. S. miltiorrihiza plant growth condition and environment might be considering to affect functional efficacy in cosmetic product development. Key Words:Anti-oxidation, Anti-aging, S. miltiorrihiza root extracts

117. 體外生產牛胚之玻璃化冷凍保存

蕭振文(1) 李佳馨(1) 趙俊炫(1) 凃柏安(1) 賈玉祥(1) 曲鳯翔(2) 陳裕信(2) 劉振發(2) 陳立人(2) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所新竹分所 (2)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所


技術之一。本試驗旨在探討以體外系統(in vitro production, IVP)生產之乳牛胚,應用玻璃化


取得牛卵巢,經消毒後以注射針筒吸取卵巢表面 2-6 mm 濾泡內之卵丘-卵母細胞複合體

(oocytecumulus complex, COC),選取卵丘細胞包被完整且品質較佳之一級卵母細胞,經過

約 24 小時的體外成熟、與乳用公牛精子進行 8 小時的體外授精後,進行體外培養,記錄發

育至各期別之牛胚,直到獲得發育至第 7 天的囊胚期牛胚,供胚冷凍研究之用。體外生產之

牛囊胚分別應用玻璃化冷凍法與慢速冷凍法進行牛胚冷凍保存,結果發現經 2 種方法冷凍之



際應用。 關鍵語:牛胚、冷凍保存、玻璃化

The cryopreservation of in vitro produced bovine embryos by vitrification method

J. W. Shiau,(1) J. X. Lee,(1) C. H. Chao,(1) P. A. Tu,(1) Y. S. Jea,(1) F. H. Chu,(2) Y. H. Chen,(2) J. F. Liou(2) and L. R. Chen (2)

(1)Hsin-chu Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (2) Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

Cryopreservation of bovine embryo have higher economic value and are important for dairy herd improvement. The purpose of this experiment was to determine whether the vitrification method is an suitable alternative to slow-rate freezing for cryopreserving bovine embryos. Cumulus-oocyte complexes (COC) from slaughterhouse ovaries were aspirated from 2 to 6 mm visible follicles and rinsed in a holding medium. Only the grade one COC were selected for in vitro maturation, in vitro fertilization with bull semen and in vitro culture. The embryo developed to different stage were monitoring and recorded on day 3 and 6. On day 7, blastocysts stage embryos were frozen either by vitrification method or traditional slow-rate freezing method. The results showed that there were not different in frozen thawed embryo recovery and quality between vitrification method or traditional slow-rate freezing method. Therefore, in vitro produced bovine embryos which cryopreservation by vitrification method could be an good alternative of traditional slow-rate freezing method for embryo frozen in field condition. Key Words: Bovine embryo, Cryopreservation, Vitrification

Page 120: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016196

118. 外源性助孕酮對荷蘭種泌乳牛熱季受胎率之影響

楊德威 蕭宗法 黃金山 蔡新興 張俊達 歐修汶 林義福 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所



道置入含有助孕酮的釋放裝置(controlled internal drug-release, CIDR),以檢測 CIDR 對乳

牛配種後受胎率之影響。試驗於熱季(4 – 8 月)進行,共選用 34 頭荷蘭種泌乳牛,飼養於

自由式牛舍,並接受肌肉注射PGF2α(500 gμ ),使牛隻發情同期化後,逢機分為處理組與

對照組。處理組牛隻於人工授精後 5 ± 1 天,於牛隻陰道置入 CIDR, 13 天後 CIDR 取出。

牛隻配種後 50 ± 5 天,進行直腸觸診懷孕檢查。試驗結果,泌乳牛處理組配種 7 頭懷孕 1 頭,

受胎率 14.3%(1/7);對照組 8 頭懷孕 2 頭,受胎率 25%(2/8)。試驗初步結果顯示,



Effects of exogenous progesterone on conception rate in hot season of Holstein lactating cows

D. W. Yang, T. F. Shiao, J. S. Hwang, S. S. Tsay, C. T. Chang, H. W. Ou and Y. F. Lin

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

High temperature and humidity in hot season result in significant heat stress for dairy cattle and thus

reduce fertility of dairy cows, might be associated with low plasma progesterone concentration. The

objective of this study was to investigate the effect of a controlled internal drug-release (CIDR) on

the conception rate of dairy cows after artificial insemination (AI) in the hot season. In the hot

season (April to August), 34 Holstein dairy cows were raised in a ventilated, spray free-stall barn

and intramuscularly injected with PGF2α (500 g of cloprostenol)μ . All experimental cows are

housed to synchronize estrous cycle and randomly assigned to control or treatment groups. Treated

cows received a CIDR insert on d 5 ± 1 post-AI for 13 d and pregnancy was confirmed by palpation

50 ± 5 d post-AI. Conception rates of treated group and control group were 14.3% (1/7) and 25%

(2/8), respectively. Preliminary results indicated that there was no significant difference in both

conception rate of control and treatment groups.

Key Words: Holstein dairy cow, Hot season, Progesterone

Page 121: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 197

118. 外源性助孕酮對荷蘭種泌乳牛熱季受胎率之影響

楊德威 蕭宗法 黃金山 蔡新興 張俊達 歐修汶 林義福 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所



道置入含有助孕酮的釋放裝置(controlled internal drug-release, CIDR),以檢測 CIDR 對乳

牛配種後受胎率之影響。試驗於熱季(4 – 8 月)進行,共選用 34 頭荷蘭種泌乳牛,飼養於

自由式牛舍,並接受肌肉注射PGF2α(500 gμ ),使牛隻發情同期化後,逢機分為處理組與

對照組。處理組牛隻於人工授精後 5 ± 1 天,於牛隻陰道置入 CIDR, 13 天後 CIDR 取出。

牛隻配種後 50 ± 5 天,進行直腸觸診懷孕檢查。試驗結果,泌乳牛處理組配種 7 頭懷孕 1 頭,

受胎率 14.3%(1/7);對照組 8 頭懷孕 2 頭,受胎率 25%(2/8)。試驗初步結果顯示,



Effects of exogenous progesterone on conception rate in hot season of Holstein lactating cows

D. W. Yang, T. F. Shiao, J. S. Hwang, S. S. Tsay, C. T. Chang, H. W. Ou and Y. F. Lin

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

High temperature and humidity in hot season result in significant heat stress for dairy cattle and thus

reduce fertility of dairy cows, might be associated with low plasma progesterone concentration. The

objective of this study was to investigate the effect of a controlled internal drug-release (CIDR) on

the conception rate of dairy cows after artificial insemination (AI) in the hot season. In the hot

season (April to August), 34 Holstein dairy cows were raised in a ventilated, spray free-stall barn

and intramuscularly injected with PGF2α (500 g of cloprostenol)μ . All experimental cows are

housed to synchronize estrous cycle and randomly assigned to control or treatment groups. Treated

cows received a CIDR insert on d 5 ± 1 post-AI for 13 d and pregnancy was confirmed by palpation

50 ± 5 d post-AI. Conception rates of treated group and control group were 14.3% (1/7) and 25%

(2/8), respectively. Preliminary results indicated that there was no significant difference in both

conception rate of control and treatment groups.

Key Words: Holstein dairy cow, Hot season, Progesterone

119. 稀釋後番鴨精液對改鴨受精率之影響

魏良原(1) 蘇晉暉(1) 張喬茵(1) 張惠斌(1) 張怡穎(1) 林育安(2) 劉秀洲(1)

(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所宜蘭分所 (2)國立宜蘭大學生物技術與動物科學系 試驗旨在探討以分所自行研發之稀釋液依不同比例稀釋番鴨精液後,對母改鴨受精率的影響。

試驗分別於雲林縣及嘉義縣各一家改鴨場進行,每 3 天採集番鴨精液一次,將精液混合與稀

釋液依不同比例稀釋後,對母改鴨施以人工授精,收集種蛋,每 4 天入孵一次,共計入孵種

蛋 5 批次,另以未稀釋的精液實施人工授精為對照組。雲林縣改鴨場的結果顯示處理後的番

鴨精液,注精於 40 週齡母改鴨,其對照組、12:2 組(新鮮精液:稀釋液)及 11.5 : 2.5 組之

受精率分別為 72.4 %、75.0 % 及 73.1 %,各組間無顯著差異;而 83 週齡母改鴨之對照組

及 12:2 組之受精率則分別為 65.0 % 及 65.6 %,二組間無顯著差異。嘉義縣改鴨場對照組

及 12:2 組之受精率分別為 82.1 % 及 82.2 %,二組間亦無顯著差異。田間試驗結果顯示,

自行研發之稀釋液至少可使用 12:2 的比例,將番鴨精液稀釋,而不影響母改鴨受精率。 關鍵語:稀釋液、番鴨、精液

Effects of diluted Muscovy semen on fertilization rate of Kaiya duck

L. Y. Wei(1), C. H. Su (1), C. Y. Chang(1), W. P. Chang(1), Y. Y. Chang(1), Y. A. Lin(2) and H. C. Liu (1)

(1)Ilan Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture. Executive Yuan (2)Department of Biotechnology and Animal Science, National Ilan University

This study was aimed to evaluate the effects of diluents developed by ourself on the fertilization rate of Kaiya ducks. The trials were conducted at each one Kaiya duck farm in Yunlin County and Chiayi County. Muscovy semen were collected every 3 days and diluted at a different ratio with self-made diluent for artificial insemination to Kaiya ducks. The collected eggs were incubated every 4 days for 5 batches after artificial insemination and the fertility rate was recorded. The eggs from the ducks that injected with undiluted fresh Muscovy semen were the control group. The results of farm in Yunlin County when the ducks were at 40 wks age: the fertilized rate of the control group, 12:2 group (fresh semen: dilution) and 11.5:2.5 group were 72.4 %, 75.0 % and 73.1 %, respectively and there was no significant difference between the groups. At 83 wks age, the fertilization rate of the control group and 12:2 group was 65.0% and 65.6% respectively, there was no significant difference between the two groups. The results of farm in Chiayi County when the ducks were at 40 wks age: the fertilization rate of the control group and 12:2 group was 82.1% and 82.2% respectively. There was no significant difference between the two groups. The results of the trial showed that Muscovy duck semen diluted with self-developed diluent in a ratio of 12:2 will not decrease the fertilization rate of Kaiya ducks. Key Words: Diluent, Muscovy, Semen

Page 122: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016198

120. 鴨眼罩對育成期番鴨羽毛評分之影響

張惠斌 張喬茵 魏良原 劉秀洲 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所宜蘭分所


番鴨於 4 週齡隨機分為二組,試驗組配戴眼罩,對照組則否,每組參試鴨隻皆為公、母鴨各

23 隻,共計 92 隻,試驗期間鴨隻飼養於密閉式高床飼養舍內。參試鴨隻自 5 週齡起,每

週記錄鴨隻羽毛評分,以羽毛評分來評估啄羽的程度,直至 9 週齡。羽毛評分等級為 1-4 分,


顯示試驗組公鴨的背部、翅部和尾部的羽毛評分分別為 3.74、4.0 和 3.8 分,母鴨則分別為

3.9、4.0 和 3.8 分;對照組公鴨分別為 2.78、3.43 和 3.17 分;母鴨則分別為 3.39、3.78 和

3.65。本試驗結果顯示,配戴鴨眼罩雖然可以降低育成期公鴨啄羽現象(P < 0.05),惟對母鴨



The effects of duck goggles on Muscovy duck feather score during the growing period

W. P. Chang, J. Y. Chang, L. Y. Wei and H. C. Liu Ilan Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of duck goggles on Muscovy duck’s feather

score during growing period, in order to decrease feather pecking. The experiment birds were

divided into two groups randomly at 4-weeks-old. Ducks with duck goggles were as treatment

group, and ducks without duck goggles were as control group. A total of 92 birds were used in this

experiment (23 male and 23 female in each group). All experimental ducks were raised on the wire

mesh floor in an enclosed chamber. The feather score were recorded weekly from 5 weeks of age to

9 weeks of age. The score was from 1 to 4 scales, the higher score means the duck feather fittest and

low frequency of feather pecking. Duck’s back, wing and tails feather were observed and scored.

The results showed the score of duck’s back, wing and tails feather of male ducks of treatment

group were 2.78, 3.43 and 3.17, respectively. And the score of the female ducks were 3.9, 4 and 3.8,

respectively. In control group, the score of male ducks were 2.78, 3.43 and 3.17, respectively., and

the female were 3.39, 3.78 and 3.65, respectively. These results showed the duck goggles can

decrease male Muscovy duck feather pecking during the growing period (P < 0.05) but no

significant difference was observed in female ducks between two groups.

Key Words: Feather pecking, Feather score, Muscovy duck

Page 123: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 199

120. 鴨眼罩對育成期番鴨羽毛評分之影響

張惠斌 張喬茵 魏良原 劉秀洲 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所宜蘭分所


番鴨於 4 週齡隨機分為二組,試驗組配戴眼罩,對照組則否,每組參試鴨隻皆為公、母鴨各

23 隻,共計 92 隻,試驗期間鴨隻飼養於密閉式高床飼養舍內。參試鴨隻自 5 週齡起,每

週記錄鴨隻羽毛評分,以羽毛評分來評估啄羽的程度,直至 9 週齡。羽毛評分等級為 1-4 分,


顯示試驗組公鴨的背部、翅部和尾部的羽毛評分分別為 3.74、4.0 和 3.8 分,母鴨則分別為

3.9、4.0 和 3.8 分;對照組公鴨分別為 2.78、3.43 和 3.17 分;母鴨則分別為 3.39、3.78 和

3.65。本試驗結果顯示,配戴鴨眼罩雖然可以降低育成期公鴨啄羽現象(P < 0.05),惟對母鴨



The effects of duck goggles on Muscovy duck feather score during the growing period

W. P. Chang, J. Y. Chang, L. Y. Wei and H. C. Liu Ilan Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of duck goggles on Muscovy duck’s feather

score during growing period, in order to decrease feather pecking. The experiment birds were

divided into two groups randomly at 4-weeks-old. Ducks with duck goggles were as treatment

group, and ducks without duck goggles were as control group. A total of 92 birds were used in this

experiment (23 male and 23 female in each group). All experimental ducks were raised on the wire

mesh floor in an enclosed chamber. The feather score were recorded weekly from 5 weeks of age to

9 weeks of age. The score was from 1 to 4 scales, the higher score means the duck feather fittest and

low frequency of feather pecking. Duck’s back, wing and tails feather were observed and scored.

The results showed the score of duck’s back, wing and tails feather of male ducks of treatment

group were 2.78, 3.43 and 3.17, respectively. And the score of the female ducks were 3.9, 4 and 3.8,

respectively. In control group, the score of male ducks were 2.78, 3.43 and 3.17, respectively., and

the female were 3.39, 3.78 and 3.65, respectively. These results showed the duck goggles can

decrease male Muscovy duck feather pecking during the growing period (P < 0.05) but no

significant difference was observed in female ducks between two groups.

Key Words: Feather pecking, Feather score, Muscovy duck

121. 臺灣水鹿鹿茸酒精萃取物之抗發炎功效

虞智鈞 何尚哲 陳明汝




處理老鼠巨噬細胞(RAW 264.7)後,加入脂多醣(lipopolysaccharide, LPS)誘發其發炎反應,

再以酵素連結免疫吸附分析法 (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, ELISA)分析細胞上清液

中前發炎相關細胞激素,包含介白素(interleukin, IL) -6 及 IL-1β之含量,並藉由 MTT assay


過的細胞可以顯著降低前發炎細胞激素 IL-6 及 IL-1β 之分泌 (P < 0.05)。此外,鹿茸酒




Anti-inflammatory effects of sambar velvet antler ethanol extract

C. C. Yu, S. T. Ho and M. J. Chen Department of Animal Science and Technology, National Taiwan University

The purpose of this study was to determine the anti-inflammatory effects of sambar velvet antler

(SVA) ethanol extract. Whole sambar velvet antler was lyophilized and grinded for extraction. With

pure ethanol (99%) as its solvent, SVA underwent two extraction methods: 1. Soaked in ethanol

then bathed in ultrasonic cleaner. 2. Soaked in ethanol then kept away from light. After extraction,

both extracts were co-cultured with RAW 264.7 before the cells were being induced of

inflammation with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin

(IL)-6 and IL-1 secreted were examined by ELISA assays on the supernatant of treated cells. The β

effect of the extracts on cell viability was also observed using MTT assay. The results showed that

the amounts of cytokines IL-6 and IL-1 secreted were both significantly reduced due to the β

addition of SVA extracts when compared to LPS treated groups (P<0.05). Cell viability was not

tampered by treatments of SVA extracts. In conclusion, SVA ethanol extracts reduced the secretion

of certain pro-inflammatory cytokines without decreasing cell viability in a murine cell model.

Key Words: Sambar deer, Deer antler, Inflammation

Page 124: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016200

122. 飼料中添加咸豐草抑制肥胖小鼠脂肪生成與累積

林娟如(1) 楊文欽(1) 張力天(2) 梁佑全(1) (1)中央研究院農業生物科技研究中心 (2)國立中興大學獸醫系

肥胖及其併發症一直是全球關注的重要議題,由於先前咸豐草毒性試驗中發現,其對 ICR 小鼠體重及血液參數並無長期(24 周)的影響,但體組成分析中卻發現,餵飼含咸豐草飼料顯

著降低粗脂肪含量並增加粗蛋白質含量。本研究以肥胖鼠(ob/ob mice)為實驗模式餵飼含咸



受體 γ(PPARγ)、C/EBP 轉錄因子家族與 Egr2 轉錄因子的 mRNA 與蛋白質表現皆被抑

制。若將咸豐草萃取物添加於分化中的脂肪細胞,結果顯示細胞中脂肪的累積顯著較少,且 Egr2、C/EBP 家族、PPARγ、脂肪細胞專一脂肪酸結合蛋白(aP2)和脂聯素(adiponectin)等基因與蛋白質的表現皆受到抑制。因此若飼料中添加咸豐草,其可能透過調節脂肪細胞中


物的飼養。 關鍵語:脂肪新生與累積、咸豐草、肥胖鼠

Bidens pilosa inhibit adipogenesis and lipid accumulation in obese mice

C. J. Lin(1), W. C. Yang(1), CL.T. Chang(2) and Y. C. Liang(1)

(1)Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center, Academia Sinica (2)Department of Veterinary Medicine, National Chung-Hsing University

Obesity and its complications are a major global health problem. In this study, we investigated the anti-obesity effect and mechanism of an edible plant, Bidens pilosa. We first assessed the long-term effect of Bidens pilosa on body composition, body weight, and blood parameters in ICR mice. We observed that it significantly decreased crude fat content and increased crude protein content in ICR mice. Next, we verified the anti-obesity effect of Bidens pilosa in ob/ob mice. It effectively and dose-dependently reduced fat content, adipocyte size and/or body weight in mice. Moreover, mechanistic studies showed that Bidens pilosa inhibited the expression of PPAR ,γ C/EBPs and Egr2 in adipose tissue. Finally, we examined the effect of Bidens pilosa extract on adipogenesis in adipocytes. We found that extract of Bidens pilosa significantly decreased the adipogenesis and lipid accumulation. This decrease was associated with the down-regulation of expression of Egr2, C/EBPs, PPAR , aP2 and adiponectin. In summary, thiγ s work demonstrated that Bidens pilosa suppressed adipogenesis and lipid content in animals via the down-regulation of the Egr2, C/EBPs and PPAR pathways, γ may suggesta novel application of Bidens pilosa in livestock industry. Key Words: Adipogenesis, Bidens pilosa, Obese (ob/ob) mouse

Page 125: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 201

122. 飼料中添加咸豐草抑制肥胖小鼠脂肪生成與累積

林娟如(1) 楊文欽(1) 張力天(2) 梁佑全(1) (1)中央研究院農業生物科技研究中心 (2)國立中興大學獸醫系

肥胖及其併發症一直是全球關注的重要議題,由於先前咸豐草毒性試驗中發現,其對 ICR 小鼠體重及血液參數並無長期(24 周)的影響,但體組成分析中卻發現,餵飼含咸豐草飼料顯

著降低粗脂肪含量並增加粗蛋白質含量。本研究以肥胖鼠(ob/ob mice)為實驗模式餵飼含咸



受體 γ(PPARγ)、C/EBP 轉錄因子家族與 Egr2 轉錄因子的 mRNA 與蛋白質表現皆被抑

制。若將咸豐草萃取物添加於分化中的脂肪細胞,結果顯示細胞中脂肪的累積顯著較少,且 Egr2、C/EBP 家族、PPARγ、脂肪細胞專一脂肪酸結合蛋白(aP2)和脂聯素(adiponectin)等基因與蛋白質的表現皆受到抑制。因此若飼料中添加咸豐草,其可能透過調節脂肪細胞中


物的飼養。 關鍵語:脂肪新生與累積、咸豐草、肥胖鼠

Bidens pilosa inhibit adipogenesis and lipid accumulation in obese mice

C. J. Lin(1), W. C. Yang(1), CL.T. Chang(2) and Y. C. Liang(1)

(1)Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center, Academia Sinica (2)Department of Veterinary Medicine, National Chung-Hsing University

Obesity and its complications are a major global health problem. In this study, we investigated the anti-obesity effect and mechanism of an edible plant, Bidens pilosa. We first assessed the long-term effect of Bidens pilosa on body composition, body weight, and blood parameters in ICR mice. We observed that it significantly decreased crude fat content and increased crude protein content in ICR mice. Next, we verified the anti-obesity effect of Bidens pilosa in ob/ob mice. It effectively and dose-dependently reduced fat content, adipocyte size and/or body weight in mice. Moreover, mechanistic studies showed that Bidens pilosa inhibited the expression of PPAR ,γ C/EBPs and Egr2 in adipose tissue. Finally, we examined the effect of Bidens pilosa extract on adipogenesis in adipocytes. We found that extract of Bidens pilosa significantly decreased the adipogenesis and lipid accumulation. This decrease was associated with the down-regulation of expression of Egr2, C/EBPs, PPAR , aP2 and adiponectin. In summary, thiγ s work demonstrated that Bidens pilosa suppressed adipogenesis and lipid content in animals via the down-regulation of the Egr2, C/EBPs and PPAR pathways, γ may suggesta novel application of Bidens pilosa in livestock industry. Key Words: Adipogenesis, Bidens pilosa, Obese (ob/ob) mouse

123. 雞胚源細胞之自我更新能力與多能性

郭曉芸 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所



Oct3/Oct4 免疫染色、端粒酶活性及基因表現試驗,另將雞胚源細胞培養於低血清與 N2 補

充液之培養液中,或轉染 MYOD 基因後進行神經相關基因 N-CAM 及肌肉相關基因

MYOD 之免疫染色試驗,以識別未分化之自我更新能力及分化之多能性。結果顯示,胚源細

胞具有鹼性磷酸酶活性、Oct3/Oct4 表現、端粒基因表現與端粒酶活性。另外,胚源細胞經

誘導具有 N-CAM 及 MYOD 之免疫染色表現。試驗結果可知胚源細胞經培養仍具未分化特



Self-renewal ability and pluripotency of chicken embryonic stem cell

H. Y. Kuo Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

This study was conducted to evaluate the self-renewal and pluripotency ability of chicken

embryonic stem cell. Chicken embryonic stem cells were derived from chicken blastoderm with

primary cultured system after fertilized chicken eggs were laid. After cultured for forty days,

chicken embryonic stem cells were collected and characterized for self-renewal ability with

alkaline phosphatase staining, immunostaining, telomerase activity, and gene expression. For

characterizing pluripotency, chicken embryonic stem cells were cultured in low fetal bovine

serum medium with N2 supplements or were transfected with MYOD gene. The results showed

that chicken embryonic stem cells were characterized to be positive in alkaline phosphatase

staining, Oct3/Oct4 by immunostaining, telomerase activity in both telomeric RNA and protein

levels. On the other hand, activities were also characterized to be positive in N-CAM and

MYOD by immunofluorescence assays. In conclusion, we evaluated the self-renewal and

pluripotency ability of chicken embryonic stem cells with undifferentiated characteristics and

they can be induced into differentiated cells.

Key Words: Chicken, Embryonic stem cell, Pluripotency

Page 126: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016202

124. 葡萄糖胺與軟骨素在膠原蛋白誘發關節炎之大鼠動物模式 對骨骼保護之影響比較

林偉名 劉明薰 潘健群 高增婷 周佑吉 農業科技研究院動物科學研究所 動物科技組

探討葡萄糖胺 (Glucosamine, GA) 與市售健骨產品健骨樂 [主成分硫酸軟骨素 (Chondroitin sulfate, CS)] 對嚴重關節炎造成之骨損傷是否有減緩之功效。用膠原蛋白誘發關節炎之大鼠作為試驗動物模式進行比較,將含有 0.3 % GA 或 0.07 % CS 混合入飼料餵食 Wistar 大鼠,一周後進行膠原蛋白與佐劑混合之誘發劑在尾部皮下注射,隔周再追加一劑來誘發關節炎。此動物模式在各組間關節炎的發生率分別為對照組 67%,GA 組 83% 和 CS 組 67%,顯示有成功誘發關節炎。評估各組關節炎的嚴重程度,測量大鼠在誘發後不同時間點之腳掌紅腫程度與厚度變化,結果顯示 GA 及 CS 皆可降低腳掌腫脹的嚴重程度,在第 17 天觀察厚度較對照組少 43% (GA) 和 21% (CS)。另外,試驗末期以 X 光照射受影響腳掌分析骨骼與軟組織型態,結果顯示對比對照組 GA 較 CS 明顯能減緩骨損傷程度 18% 和 6%,但二者此時軟組織腫脹影響已不顯著。血清中發炎因子 CRP 及 TNF-α檢測以 ELISA 分析也無明顯差異。以上結果推論,葡萄糖胺與軟骨素成分對發炎免疫反應誘發之關節炎造成的骨損傷有減緩保護之功效,但其機制是抗發炎抑制骨侵蝕還是促進骨質再生需進一步探討。 關鍵語:葡萄糖胺、軟骨素、膠原蛋白誘發關節炎、骨骼保護 Comparison of the effects of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate on bone protection

by using collagen-induced arthritis rat model W. M. Lin, M. S. Liu, C. C. Pan, T. T. Kao and Y. C. Chou

Animal Technology Laboratories, Division of Animal Technology, Agricultural Technology Research Institute

The study was investigated the effects of glucosamine (GA) and chondroitin sulfate (CS) on mitigating arthritis caused bone injury. The collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) rat was performed the experiment. Briefly, Wistar rats were randomly grouped to feed chow with 0.3 % GA or 0.07 % CS and then started to induction by intradermal injection of the mixture of bovine type II collagen and incomplete adjuvant at the base of the tail. These rats were boosted once at seven days after the first injection. The arthritic symptoms were observed at day 10 on affected rats. The incidence of induced arthritis in control, GA, and CS were 67%, 83%, and 67%, respectively, suggesting the induction rate similar among each group. The degree of arthritic severity was evaluating on the extent of edema and the thickness of mid-foot in different days after injection. The results showed that GA and CS both can reduce the degree of edema, moreover the thickness was decreased 43% (GA) and 21% (CS) at day 17 after injection compared to control. At the end of the experiment, we examined the paws by X-ray radiography and then analyzed the changes of soft tissue and bone integrity. Compared to control rats, the bone erosion in the paws were decrease 18% (GA) and 6% (CS), but the soft tissues swelling were not difference. The pro-inflammatory factors such as C-reactive protein and tumor necrosis factor-alpha in the serum were detecting by ELISA also no differences. In conclusion, components with glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate were capable mitigating inflammatory arthritis-mediated bone erosion, whether the mechanism of bone damage reduction was through inhibiting inflammatory response or promoting new bone formation remains to be further study. Key words: Glucosamine, Chondroitin sulfate, Collagen-induced arthritis, Bone protection

Page 127: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 203

124. 葡萄糖胺與軟骨素在膠原蛋白誘發關節炎之大鼠動物模式 對骨骼保護之影響比較

林偉名 劉明薰 潘健群 高增婷 周佑吉 農業科技研究院動物科學研究所 動物科技組

探討葡萄糖胺 (Glucosamine, GA) 與市售健骨產品健骨樂 [主成分硫酸軟骨素 (Chondroitin sulfate, CS)] 對嚴重關節炎造成之骨損傷是否有減緩之功效。用膠原蛋白誘發關節炎之大鼠作為試驗動物模式進行比較,將含有 0.3 % GA 或 0.07 % CS 混合入飼料餵食 Wistar 大鼠,一周後進行膠原蛋白與佐劑混合之誘發劑在尾部皮下注射,隔周再追加一劑來誘發關節炎。此動物模式在各組間關節炎的發生率分別為對照組 67%,GA 組 83% 和 CS 組 67%,顯示有成功誘發關節炎。評估各組關節炎的嚴重程度,測量大鼠在誘發後不同時間點之腳掌紅腫程度與厚度變化,結果顯示 GA 及 CS 皆可降低腳掌腫脹的嚴重程度,在第 17 天觀察厚度較對照組少 43% (GA) 和 21% (CS)。另外,試驗末期以 X 光照射受影響腳掌分析骨骼與軟組織型態,結果顯示對比對照組 GA 較 CS 明顯能減緩骨損傷程度 18% 和 6%,但二者此時軟組織腫脹影響已不顯著。血清中發炎因子 CRP 及 TNF-α檢測以 ELISA 分析也無明顯差異。以上結果推論,葡萄糖胺與軟骨素成分對發炎免疫反應誘發之關節炎造成的骨損傷有減緩保護之功效,但其機制是抗發炎抑制骨侵蝕還是促進骨質再生需進一步探討。 關鍵語:葡萄糖胺、軟骨素、膠原蛋白誘發關節炎、骨骼保護 Comparison of the effects of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate on bone protection

by using collagen-induced arthritis rat model W. M. Lin, M. S. Liu, C. C. Pan, T. T. Kao and Y. C. Chou

Animal Technology Laboratories, Division of Animal Technology, Agricultural Technology Research Institute

The study was investigated the effects of glucosamine (GA) and chondroitin sulfate (CS) on mitigating arthritis caused bone injury. The collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) rat was performed the experiment. Briefly, Wistar rats were randomly grouped to feed chow with 0.3 % GA or 0.07 % CS and then started to induction by intradermal injection of the mixture of bovine type II collagen and incomplete adjuvant at the base of the tail. These rats were boosted once at seven days after the first injection. The arthritic symptoms were observed at day 10 on affected rats. The incidence of induced arthritis in control, GA, and CS were 67%, 83%, and 67%, respectively, suggesting the induction rate similar among each group. The degree of arthritic severity was evaluating on the extent of edema and the thickness of mid-foot in different days after injection. The results showed that GA and CS both can reduce the degree of edema, moreover the thickness was decreased 43% (GA) and 21% (CS) at day 17 after injection compared to control. At the end of the experiment, we examined the paws by X-ray radiography and then analyzed the changes of soft tissue and bone integrity. Compared to control rats, the bone erosion in the paws were decrease 18% (GA) and 6% (CS), but the soft tissues swelling were not difference. The pro-inflammatory factors such as C-reactive protein and tumor necrosis factor-alpha in the serum were detecting by ELISA also no differences. In conclusion, components with glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate were capable mitigating inflammatory arthritis-mediated bone erosion, whether the mechanism of bone damage reduction was through inhibiting inflammatory response or promoting new bone formation remains to be further study. Key words: Glucosamine, Chondroitin sulfate, Collagen-induced arthritis, Bone protection

125. 臺灣水鹿精液性別分選技術之建立

林信宏(1)(2) 曲鳳翔(3) 郭廷雍(3) 康獻仁(1) 林正鏞(1) 陳立人(3) 王治華(3)

沈朋志(4) 劉世賢(2) (1)農委會畜產試驗所高雄種畜繁殖場 (2)屏東科技大學獸醫系

(3)農委會畜產試驗所 (4)屏東科技大學動物科學與畜產系


TES base 稀釋液調整濃度為 2 億/mL 於 37℃ 下保存。分裝染色以 4 uL 之 81.2 mM

H33342/2 億/mL 、34℃、1 h 之條件下進行染色,完成染色程序後隔水降溫至 4℃,再以避

光條件下冷藏為最佳前處理條件。每次取 1 mL 含 1 億隻精子,在噴發壓力 50 PSI 每秒上

樣 40,000 隻精子情況下進行性別篩選,可回收單一性別分選精子 X 與 Y 精子各 6,000 隻

/秒以上,其性別正確率依框選範圍嚴謹度而有所變化 ,預估為 90% 以上。經染色處理後精

子品質評估結果顯示,水鹿精液經染色後之精液性狀,在精子存活率(83.5 vs. 80.8%)與活力

等級(5 vs. 4.6)方面兩組間均相似(P > 0.05)。但經流式細胞儀分選後之 X 與 Y 精子在精

子存活率(29.1 and 27.3%)與活力等級(2.9 and 2.8)方面均明顯降低(P<0.05)。


Establishment of semen sorting technique in Formosan sambar deer H. H. Lin(1)(2), F. H. Chu(3) , T. Y. Kuo(3), S. R. Kang(1), C. Y. Lin(1), C. H. Wang(3), L. R. Chen(3), P. C.

Shen(4) and S. S. Liu(2) (1)Kaohsiung Animal Propagation Station, COA, TLRI

(2)Department of Veterinary Medicine, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (3)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

(4)Department of Animal Science, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

The aim of this study was to evaluate the establishment of sperm sexing in Formosan sambar deer.

Semen was collected by electro-ejaculation from three Formosan sambar stags. Ejaculates were

diluted to a concentration of 2 x 108 sperm/mL using a modified TES medium and each sample

was incubates with either 81.2 mM H33342 for 60 min at 34℃. After 60 min of incubation, each 1

ml stained sample was diluted slowly with 1ml TES medium, containing 4% LDL to 1 x 108

sperm/mL. A high-speed cell sorter modified sorting and operating at 50 psi. The average sorting

rate for the X- or Y-bearing sperm was 6,000 sperm/s. The fluorescent dye was ignited by an

argonlaser running at 150mWand the cell population gateswere set during thesorting process so that

purities of greater than 90% X- or Y-chromosome-bearing sperm could be achieved. There were no

significantly differences in the post-stained sperm viability for the control(80.8 v.s 83.5%, P > 0.05).

The incidence of sperm viability after thawing was 80.8%, 29.1% and 27.3% for the control, X- and

Y- sorted sperm sample, respectively (P < 0.05).

Key Words: Formosan sambar deer, Flow cytometry, Sperm sexing

Page 128: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016204

126. 飼糧中添加發酵副產物對蛋雞產蛋性能、蛋品質及腸道型態之影響

吳思璇 李冠汶 葉旻衡 謝豪晃 國立屏東科技大學動物科學與畜產系

本試驗旨在探討添加發酵副產物(fermented by-product, Upro),對蛋雞產蛋性能、蛋品質及腸道型態之影響。試驗選用 18 週齡的單冠白色來航雞,兩個商用品系,分別為海蘭 W-36 及銀褐品系各 120 隻,共 240 隻蛋雞,採 5 個處理組,每處理各 4 個重複,每重複為 6 隻雞。皆採單獨籠飼,每日給予連續光照 16 小時。試驗飼糧分別為 BD(基礎飼糧)、FM1.5(含魚粉 1.5%)、FM3.0(含魚粉 3.0%)、Upro1.5(含發酵副產物 1.5%)及 Upro3.0(含發酵副產物 3.0%),調配成含等蛋白質等能量之飼糧。每 4 星期設為 1 週期(period),共進行 6 個週期。不同品系蛋雞每日每隻分別給予定量飼糧 105 及 120 g/hen/day。於隔日收集剩料並記錄產蛋,計算其採食量及產蛋率。每週期的第 25 日,採樣測定蛋內外部品質。於 46 週齡試驗結束後,以海蘭 W-36 品系每處理逢機選取 2 隻雞,進行腸道菌相及腸道絨毛高度與腺窩深度之檢測。試驗結果顯示,飼糧中添加 3.0% 發酵副產物組顯著較 3.0% 魚粉組,提升產蛋率及產蛋量。在蛋品質方面,以添加發酵副產物組較對照組,提升蛋白高度及蛋殼強度。腸道型態方面,以 Upro 1.5 及 3.0 處理組較其他處理組,顯著提升十二指腸及空腸絨毛高度,且具有降低空腸及迴腸部位大腸桿菌群數量之趨勢。因此,飼糧中添加發酵副產物(Upro),可提升蛋雞之產蛋率及產蛋量,且有較佳之雞蛋內外部品質,並能維持雞隻腸道健康,可作為取代魚粉之動物性蛋白質原料;適當的應用於蛋雞飼糧中,可達到降低飼料成本之目的。 關鍵語:產蛋性能、蛋品質、發酵副產物

Effects of dietary supplementation of fermented by-product on egg production, egg quality and intestinal morphology of laying hens

S. H. Wu, K. U. Li, M. H. Ye and H. H. Hsieh Department of Animal Science, National Ping Tung University of Science and Technology

The objectives of this experiment were to evaluate the effect of supplementation of fermented by-product on egg production, egg quality and intestinal morphology in laying hens. In this study a total of 240 laying hens at 18 weeks of age from two commercial strains Hy-line W-36 and Hy-line Sliver Brown. 120 birds of each strain, were randomly assigned to each of 5 treatment groups × 4 replicates experimental design with 6 birds in each replicate. The five treatment diets were BD (Corn-Soy basal diet), FM1.5 (with 1.5% fish meal), FM3.0 (with 3.0% fish meal), Upro1.5 (with 1.5% fermented by-product) and Upro3.0 (with 3.0% fermented by-product). All diets were formulated to be isocaloric and isonitrogenous. The experiment was carried out for 6 periods. During the experimental periods the W-36 and Silver brown hens were fed 105 and 120 g/hen/day individually. Eggs laid and feed consumption were recorded and calculated for feed intake and egg production rate. Egg quality was tested once every four weeks. After the trial, two birds from each treatment were randomly selected for gut microflora test and morphology determination. The results showed that the Upro 3.0 groups were significantly higher in egg production and feed intake. The Upro 1.5 and Upro 3.0 groups were better than control group on albumen height and eggshell strength. Moreover, the Upro 1.5 and Upro 3.0 groups were significantly increased in villus height of duodenum and jejunum, and the number of coliform in jejunum and rectum were reduced in all groups supplemented with Upro. The overall results indicated that fermented by-product (Upro) can increase egg production, egg quality and maintain intestinal health of laying hens. Hence, the replacement of fishmeal with Upro can be applied to laying hen diets with beneficial results and lower feed costs. Key Words: Egg production, Egg quality, Fermented by-product

Page 129: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 205

126. 飼糧中添加發酵副產物對蛋雞產蛋性能、蛋品質及腸道型態之影響

吳思璇 李冠汶 葉旻衡 謝豪晃 國立屏東科技大學動物科學與畜產系

本試驗旨在探討添加發酵副產物(fermented by-product, Upro),對蛋雞產蛋性能、蛋品質及腸道型態之影響。試驗選用 18 週齡的單冠白色來航雞,兩個商用品系,分別為海蘭 W-36 及銀褐品系各 120 隻,共 240 隻蛋雞,採 5 個處理組,每處理各 4 個重複,每重複為 6 隻雞。皆採單獨籠飼,每日給予連續光照 16 小時。試驗飼糧分別為 BD(基礎飼糧)、FM1.5(含魚粉 1.5%)、FM3.0(含魚粉 3.0%)、Upro1.5(含發酵副產物 1.5%)及 Upro3.0(含發酵副產物 3.0%),調配成含等蛋白質等能量之飼糧。每 4 星期設為 1 週期(period),共進行 6 個週期。不同品系蛋雞每日每隻分別給予定量飼糧 105 及 120 g/hen/day。於隔日收集剩料並記錄產蛋,計算其採食量及產蛋率。每週期的第 25 日,採樣測定蛋內外部品質。於 46 週齡試驗結束後,以海蘭 W-36 品系每處理逢機選取 2 隻雞,進行腸道菌相及腸道絨毛高度與腺窩深度之檢測。試驗結果顯示,飼糧中添加 3.0% 發酵副產物組顯著較 3.0% 魚粉組,提升產蛋率及產蛋量。在蛋品質方面,以添加發酵副產物組較對照組,提升蛋白高度及蛋殼強度。腸道型態方面,以 Upro 1.5 及 3.0 處理組較其他處理組,顯著提升十二指腸及空腸絨毛高度,且具有降低空腸及迴腸部位大腸桿菌群數量之趨勢。因此,飼糧中添加發酵副產物(Upro),可提升蛋雞之產蛋率及產蛋量,且有較佳之雞蛋內外部品質,並能維持雞隻腸道健康,可作為取代魚粉之動物性蛋白質原料;適當的應用於蛋雞飼糧中,可達到降低飼料成本之目的。 關鍵語:產蛋性能、蛋品質、發酵副產物

Effects of dietary supplementation of fermented by-product on egg production, egg quality and intestinal morphology of laying hens

S. H. Wu, K. U. Li, M. H. Ye and H. H. Hsieh Department of Animal Science, National Ping Tung University of Science and Technology

The objectives of this experiment were to evaluate the effect of supplementation of fermented by-product on egg production, egg quality and intestinal morphology in laying hens. In this study a total of 240 laying hens at 18 weeks of age from two commercial strains Hy-line W-36 and Hy-line Sliver Brown. 120 birds of each strain, were randomly assigned to each of 5 treatment groups × 4 replicates experimental design with 6 birds in each replicate. The five treatment diets were BD (Corn-Soy basal diet), FM1.5 (with 1.5% fish meal), FM3.0 (with 3.0% fish meal), Upro1.5 (with 1.5% fermented by-product) and Upro3.0 (with 3.0% fermented by-product). All diets were formulated to be isocaloric and isonitrogenous. The experiment was carried out for 6 periods. During the experimental periods the W-36 and Silver brown hens were fed 105 and 120 g/hen/day individually. Eggs laid and feed consumption were recorded and calculated for feed intake and egg production rate. Egg quality was tested once every four weeks. After the trial, two birds from each treatment were randomly selected for gut microflora test and morphology determination. The results showed that the Upro 3.0 groups were significantly higher in egg production and feed intake. The Upro 1.5 and Upro 3.0 groups were better than control group on albumen height and eggshell strength. Moreover, the Upro 1.5 and Upro 3.0 groups were significantly increased in villus height of duodenum and jejunum, and the number of coliform in jejunum and rectum were reduced in all groups supplemented with Upro. The overall results indicated that fermented by-product (Upro) can increase egg production, egg quality and maintain intestinal health of laying hens. Hence, the replacement of fishmeal with Upro can be applied to laying hen diets with beneficial results and lower feed costs. Key Words: Egg production, Egg quality, Fermented by-product

127. 添加發酵副產物及奈米鋅強化菇類多醣體混和液對紅羽土雞生長性能、屠


盧佩佳(1) 黃尚瑋(1) 陳彥廷(1) 蕭文湧(2) 謝豪晃(1)

(1)國立屏東科技大學動物科學與畜產系 (2)有立基生技股份有限公司

本試驗之目的旨在探討,添加發酵副產物(Upro)及奈米鋅強化菇類多醣體混和液(W)對紅羽土雞生長性能、屠體性狀及腸道型態之影響。選用一日齡公紅羽土雞 360 隻,逢機分配至 18 欄,每欄 20 隻。試驗使用三種飼糧,分別為:FM2.5 組(含魚粉 2.5%)、UP2.5 組(含Upro 2.5%)及 UPP2.5 組(含 Upro plus 2.5%),及飲水中有無添加奈米鋅強化菇類多醣體水劑(W),進行 3 × 2 之複因子試驗設計(FM2.5、FMW2.5、UP2.5、UPW2.5、UPP2.5、UPPW2.5)。試驗飼糧及飲水皆採任食,於 28、56 及 80 日齡,雞隻個別秤重,同時記錄每欄之飼料消耗量。於生長試驗結束後,每處理組逢機選取 6 隻與平均體重相近之雞隻犧牲,進行屠體性狀及腸道型態之測定。試驗結果顯示,UPP2.5 組及供給水劑組,顯著提升雞隻之平均體重及平均隻日增重;以 UP2.5 及 UPP2.5 組具有較佳之飼料轉換率(F/G)(P < 0.05)。在屠體性狀及腸道型態方面,供給水劑組顯著提高屠體率及腸道絨毛高度(P < 0.05)。整體而言,發酵副產物 Upro 可作為取代魚粉的蛋白質原料來源,並配合飲水中奈米鋅強化菇類多醣體混和液之添加,可改善土雞生長性能、屠體性狀及腸道型態,達到降低生產成本之目的。 關鍵語:土雞、生長性能、奈米鋅 Effect of supplementation of fermented byproduct and nano Zn enhanced mushroom

polysaccharides complex on growth performance, carcass traits, and intestinal properties of red native chicken

P. C. Lu(1), S. W. Huang(1), Y. T. Chen(1), W. Y. Hsiao(2) and H. H. Hsieh(1)

(1)Department of Animal Science, National Ping Tung University of Science and Technology (2)Ecologic Health Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of supplementation of fermented by-product (Upro) and nano Zn enhanced mushroom polysaccharides complex (W) on growth performance, carcass traits, and intestinal properties of red native chicken. Three hundred and sixty day-old male red native chickens were randomly allotted into 3 diets (fish meal, upro, upro plus) × 2 nano Zn enhanced mushroom polysaccharides complex (add or not add) × 2 replications experimental design (FM2.5, FMW2.5, UP2.5, UPW2.5, UPP2.5, UPPW2.5). Birds were weighed individually and feed consumption were recorded at 28, 56 and 80 days of age. Six birds from each treatment were randomly selected at the end of growth trial for carcass and intestinal properties test. The results showed that the UPP2.5 and W groups were significantly increased in body weight, and average daily gain; UP2.5 and UPP2.5 groups were significantly improved on feed conversion ratio (F/G) (P < 0.05). The carcass dressing percentage and villus height from W groups were higher than other groups (P < 0.05). Overall, the replacement of fish meal with Upro and nano Zn enhanced mushroom polysaccharides complex in chicken diets and water can save feed cost and improved growth performance, carcass traits, and intestinal properties. Key Words: Chicken, Growth performance, Nano Zn

Page 130: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016206

128. 飼糧中甘藷取代玉米對土番鴨生長性能之影響

林榮新(1) 蘇晉暉(1) 鄭智翔(1) 劉秀洲(1) 范耕榛(2) 黃振芳(2)

(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所宜蘭分所 (2)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所

本試驗旨在探討飼糧中甘藷取代玉米對土番鴨生長性能之影響。以 240 隻土番鴨於育雛室內

飼養滿 3 週齡後,逢機分成四處理組,試驗飼糧第一組為玉米及大豆粕飼糧(對照組),第

二至四組分別以甘藷取代對照組玉米用量之 15%、30% 及 45%,各組皆等蛋白質及等代謝

能,每處理組 3 重複,於室內鴨舍進行飼糧試驗,並測定鴨隻之生長性能。試驗結果顯示:

於活體重方面,在 12 週齡時飼糧中甘藷取代玉米 15% 組,其土番鴨之活體重為 2,772 g,顯著地較其他三組為重(P < 0.05)。在 3-12 週齡增重方面,飼糧中甘藷取代玉米 15% 組其

增重為 2,254 g,顯著地較對照組與取代玉米 45% 組為重之現象(P < 0.05)。於 12 週齡主

翼羽長度方面,飼糧中對照組之主翼羽長度顯著地較其他三組為短(P < 0.05)。由試驗結果

得知,飼糧中以甘藷取代玉米 15%,有助於土番鴨之活體重及增重。 關鍵語:生長性能、土番鴨、甘藷

Effect of dietary corn substitution with sweet potato on mule duck’s growth performances

J. H. Lin(1), C. H. Su(1), C. H. Cheng(1), H. C. Liu(1), G. J. Fan(2) and J. F. Huang(2)

(1)Ilan Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (2)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The purpose of this experiment was to determine the effects of feeding with diets containing different ratio of sweet potato on growth performance of mule ducks. Two hundred and forty mule ducks used in this experiment were raised in the brooding house from hatching to three weeks of age. After three weeks of age, the ducks were randomly allocated into four treatments: control and three isocaloric and isonitrogenous groups in which graded level (15%, 30% or 45%) sweet potato was in substitution for corn in control diet. There were three replicates in each treatment.. Experiment was conducted in the indoor duck house and growth performance traits were determined. The results indicated that in body weight, the treatment given diet contain 15% corn replaced by sweet potato showed significant heavier body weight of 2,772 g than other three treatments. In body weight gain, the treatment given diet contain 15% corn replaced by sweet potato showed significant higher body weight gain of 2,254 g than control and 45% substituted group in the period from 3 to 12 weeks of age. As for length of primary feathers, the control group had significantly shorter primary feathers than other three groups at 12 weeks of age(P < 0.05).The results indicated that feeding ducks with diet containing 15% corn replaced by sweet potato can improve mule ducks body weight and body weight gain. Key Words: Growth performance, Mule duck, Sweet potato

Page 131: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 207

128. 飼糧中甘藷取代玉米對土番鴨生長性能之影響

林榮新(1) 蘇晉暉(1) 鄭智翔(1) 劉秀洲(1) 范耕榛(2) 黃振芳(2)

(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所宜蘭分所 (2)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所

本試驗旨在探討飼糧中甘藷取代玉米對土番鴨生長性能之影響。以 240 隻土番鴨於育雛室內

飼養滿 3 週齡後,逢機分成四處理組,試驗飼糧第一組為玉米及大豆粕飼糧(對照組),第

二至四組分別以甘藷取代對照組玉米用量之 15%、30% 及 45%,各組皆等蛋白質及等代謝

能,每處理組 3 重複,於室內鴨舍進行飼糧試驗,並測定鴨隻之生長性能。試驗結果顯示:

於活體重方面,在 12 週齡時飼糧中甘藷取代玉米 15% 組,其土番鴨之活體重為 2,772 g,顯著地較其他三組為重(P < 0.05)。在 3-12 週齡增重方面,飼糧中甘藷取代玉米 15% 組其

增重為 2,254 g,顯著地較對照組與取代玉米 45% 組為重之現象(P < 0.05)。於 12 週齡主

翼羽長度方面,飼糧中對照組之主翼羽長度顯著地較其他三組為短(P < 0.05)。由試驗結果

得知,飼糧中以甘藷取代玉米 15%,有助於土番鴨之活體重及增重。 關鍵語:生長性能、土番鴨、甘藷

Effect of dietary corn substitution with sweet potato on mule duck’s growth performances

J. H. Lin(1), C. H. Su(1), C. H. Cheng(1), H. C. Liu(1), G. J. Fan(2) and J. F. Huang(2)

(1)Ilan Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (2)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The purpose of this experiment was to determine the effects of feeding with diets containing different ratio of sweet potato on growth performance of mule ducks. Two hundred and forty mule ducks used in this experiment were raised in the brooding house from hatching to three weeks of age. After three weeks of age, the ducks were randomly allocated into four treatments: control and three isocaloric and isonitrogenous groups in which graded level (15%, 30% or 45%) sweet potato was in substitution for corn in control diet. There were three replicates in each treatment.. Experiment was conducted in the indoor duck house and growth performance traits were determined. The results indicated that in body weight, the treatment given diet contain 15% corn replaced by sweet potato showed significant heavier body weight of 2,772 g than other three treatments. In body weight gain, the treatment given diet contain 15% corn replaced by sweet potato showed significant higher body weight gain of 2,254 g than control and 45% substituted group in the period from 3 to 12 weeks of age. As for length of primary feathers, the control group had significantly shorter primary feathers than other three groups at 12 weeks of age(P < 0.05).The results indicated that feeding ducks with diet containing 15% corn replaced by sweet potato can improve mule ducks body weight and body weight gain. Key Words: Growth performance, Mule duck, Sweet potato

129. 不同飼養環境對褐色菜鴨產蛋性能之影響

林榮新(1) 林育安(2) 蘇晉暉(1) 鄭智翔(1) 劉秀洲(1)

(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所宜蘭分所 (2)宜蘭大學生物技術與動物科學系

本試驗旨在探討不同飼養環境對褐色菜鴨產蛋性能之影響。蛋鴨飼養 80 天時逢機分組,分別飼養於 4 種不同飼養環境(分別為室內鴨舍不銹鋼網狀地面、室內鴨舍稻殼墊料地面、非開放式鴨舍水泥地面及非開放式鴨舍木條地面),每處理組三重複,每重複 20 隻,共 240 隻供試驗。試驗期間採自由飲水及任食。產蛋性能之試驗期間為 20 週齡起至 40 週齡止。試驗結果顯示:在全期(20 – 40 週齡)蛋重方面,非開放式鴨舍水泥地面組其平均蛋重為 63.0 g,有比其他三組重之趨勢。在全期平均產蛋率方面,各組間並無顯著差異,但非開放式鴨舍水泥地面組其平均產蛋率為 84.8%,有較其他三組平均產蛋率高之趨勢。在全期平均飼料換蛋率方面,各組間並無顯著差異,但非開放式鴨舍水泥地面組其平均飼料換蛋率為 2.56,有較其他三組平均飼料換蛋率佳之趨勢。考量蛋重、產蛋率與飼料換蛋率等各方面,以及平時目測觀察鴨隻,以飼養於非開放式鴨舍水泥地面之鴨隻較清潔,建議蛋鴨飼養於非開放式鴨舍水泥地面。 關鍵語:褐色菜鴨、產蛋性能、飼養環境

The effect of different rearing environment on laying performance of Brown Tsaiya duck

J. H. Lin(1), Y. A. Lin(2), C. H. Su(1), C. H. Cheng(1) and H. C. Liu(1)

(1)Ilan Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (2)Department of Biotechnology and Animal Science, National Ilan University

The purpose of this experiment was to investigate the effect of different rearing environments on laying performance of Brown Tsaiya ducks. After 80 days of age, Tsaiya ducks were allocated randomly into four different groups: indoor duck house with stainless steel mesh ground, indoor duck house with rice hull on ground, non-opening duck house with cement ground and non-opening duck house with slatted wood. There were three replicates in each treatment. Each replicate with 20 ducks, and a total of 240 ducks for this study. Feed and water were given ad libitum during the experiment. Ducks’ laying performance was determined from 20 to 40 weeks of age. The results indicated that the average egg weight of ducks reared in the non-opening duck house with cement ground was 63.0 g which heavier than other treatments But no significantly difference was observed on the laying performance. However, egg yield of 84.8% of ducks reared in non-opening duck house with cement ground tend to have higher laying performance than other treatments. For the feed conversion ratio, no difference was found among treatments. Nevertheless, ducks reared in non-opening duck house with cement ground tend to have better conversion ratio of 2.56 than other treatments. Considering the egg weight, laying rate, feed conversion ratio and the visual cleanness of ducks, ducks reared in non-opening duck house with cement ground is recommended. Key Words: Brown Tsaiya, Laying performance, Rearing environment

Page 132: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016208

130. 梅雨期間飼糧中補充維生素 C 與鐵對荷蘭泌乳牛泌乳與血液性狀之影響

張俊達 蕭宗法 楊德威 歐修汶 林義福 李春芳


本試驗探討梅雨季節期間於飼糧中補充維生素 E 與硒對荷蘭乳牛泌乳性能之影響。試驗採用

含 10 天變積期的完全逢機設計,將 24 頭泌乳中期荷蘭乳牛依體重、乳量、胎次與泌乳天

數逢機分成兩組,分別於基礎日糧中補充 0(對照組)及每天每頭補充 30 g 維生素 C 與 30 mg 鐵(試驗組)。梅雨季節期間溫溼度平均指數(Temperature-humidity index, THI)為 79.9 單位。試驗結果顯示,補充維生素 C 與鐵有增加泌乳效率(P = 0.16)之趨勢。乳成分部分,雖

然牛乳體細胞數未達顯著差異,但有降低 29.3% 體細胞數。血液生化反應部分,飼糧中補充

維生素 C 與鐵有提升血中葡萄糖(P = 0.13)、平均紅血球容積(P = 0.08)及平均紅血球血紅

素量(P = 0.04)之現象,其餘麩胺酸草酸轉胺酵素、肌酸激酶、乳酸脫氫酵素、cortisol 與血

色素等皆未受到影響。由上述結果得知,飼糧中補充維生素 C 與鐵有提高泌乳效率及增加

血中葡萄糖、平均紅血球容積及平均紅血球血紅素量之現象。 關鍵語:荷蘭泌乳牛、鐵、維生素 C Effects of dietary supplementation of vitamin C and iron on milking performance and

boold biochemical response of holstein lactating cows during the monsoon season

C. T. Chang, T. F. Shiao, D. W. Yang, H. W. Ou, C. H. Hsieh, I. F. Lin and C. F. Lee Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of dietary supplementation of vitamin C and iron on milking performance and blood biochemical response of Holstein lactating cows during the Mei-Yu season (April and May). A complete randomized design with 10 days covariate adjustment was adopted. A total of 24 Holstein lactating cows were assigned into two groups according to their body weight, milk yield, parity and days in milk. Cows received diets containing 0 (control) and 30g vitamin C and 3 mg iron a day per head for 20 days. Results showed that it was trend to adding vitamin C and iron increase milk efficiency (milk/DMI, P = 0.16). Diet with adding vitamin C and iron did not significantly affect milk SCC, but milk SCC decreased 29.3% by treatment. There was a trendy of increase with vitamin C and iron supplementation, compared with control in blood glucose (P = 0.13) and Mean corpuscular volume (P = 0.08), but other blood glutamate-pyruvate transaminase, Creatine kinase, and lactate dehydrogenase, cortisol, and hemoglobin were not affected by adding vitamin C and iron. It could be concluded that adding vitamin C and iron to the diet of dairy cows had a tendency to increase milk efficiency and blood glucose, MCV, and MCH during the Mei-Yu season. Key Words: Holstein lactating cows, Iron, Vitamin C

Page 133: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 209

130. 梅雨期間飼糧中補充維生素 C 與鐵對荷蘭泌乳牛泌乳與血液性狀之影響

張俊達 蕭宗法 楊德威 歐修汶 林義福 李春芳


本試驗探討梅雨季節期間於飼糧中補充維生素 E 與硒對荷蘭乳牛泌乳性能之影響。試驗採用

含 10 天變積期的完全逢機設計,將 24 頭泌乳中期荷蘭乳牛依體重、乳量、胎次與泌乳天

數逢機分成兩組,分別於基礎日糧中補充 0(對照組)及每天每頭補充 30 g 維生素 C 與 30 mg 鐵(試驗組)。梅雨季節期間溫溼度平均指數(Temperature-humidity index, THI)為 79.9 單位。試驗結果顯示,補充維生素 C 與鐵有增加泌乳效率(P = 0.16)之趨勢。乳成分部分,雖

然牛乳體細胞數未達顯著差異,但有降低 29.3% 體細胞數。血液生化反應部分,飼糧中補充

維生素 C 與鐵有提升血中葡萄糖(P = 0.13)、平均紅血球容積(P = 0.08)及平均紅血球血紅

素量(P = 0.04)之現象,其餘麩胺酸草酸轉胺酵素、肌酸激酶、乳酸脫氫酵素、cortisol 與血

色素等皆未受到影響。由上述結果得知,飼糧中補充維生素 C 與鐵有提高泌乳效率及增加

血中葡萄糖、平均紅血球容積及平均紅血球血紅素量之現象。 關鍵語:荷蘭泌乳牛、鐵、維生素 C Effects of dietary supplementation of vitamin C and iron on milking performance and

boold biochemical response of holstein lactating cows during the monsoon season

C. T. Chang, T. F. Shiao, D. W. Yang, H. W. Ou, C. H. Hsieh, I. F. Lin and C. F. Lee Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of dietary supplementation of vitamin C and iron on milking performance and blood biochemical response of Holstein lactating cows during the Mei-Yu season (April and May). A complete randomized design with 10 days covariate adjustment was adopted. A total of 24 Holstein lactating cows were assigned into two groups according to their body weight, milk yield, parity and days in milk. Cows received diets containing 0 (control) and 30g vitamin C and 3 mg iron a day per head for 20 days. Results showed that it was trend to adding vitamin C and iron increase milk efficiency (milk/DMI, P = 0.16). Diet with adding vitamin C and iron did not significantly affect milk SCC, but milk SCC decreased 29.3% by treatment. There was a trendy of increase with vitamin C and iron supplementation, compared with control in blood glucose (P = 0.13) and Mean corpuscular volume (P = 0.08), but other blood glutamate-pyruvate transaminase, Creatine kinase, and lactate dehydrogenase, cortisol, and hemoglobin were not affected by adding vitamin C and iron. It could be concluded that adding vitamin C and iron to the diet of dairy cows had a tendency to increase milk efficiency and blood glucose, MCV, and MCH during the Mei-Yu season. Key Words: Holstein lactating cows, Iron, Vitamin C

131. 休耕地銀合歡供作山羊飼養之規劃

呂明宗 廖曉涵 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所

澎湖地區廢耕地面積約 6,400 公頃,其中高達 84% 被銀合歡佔據,且持續擴大中。另外,



主,面積為 0.2 公頃之放牧地,並於外圍設置圍籬;另於 3 與 6 月分別採樣銀合歡,分析

營養成分。結果顯示銀合歡乾物率 87.4%、粗蛋白 23.5%、中洗纖維 36.4%、酸洗纖維 24.0%、

酸洗木質素 4.95% 及粗脂肪 3.31%。未來將放入山羊進行餵飼與適應性評估,並調查銀合



Strategy of planting leucaena leucocephala on fallow land for goat feeding

M. C. Lu and H. H. Liao

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

There are 6,400 hectare abandoned agricultural lands in Peng-Hu, and there are 5,376 hectare (84%)

land which has been occupied by Leucaena leucocephala. The increasing rate keeps rising. On the

other hand, the sources of forage are very rare which increases the feeding costs. The purpose of

this experiment is to build a pasture of Leucaena leucocephala for goat grazing. We choose a 0.2

hectare pasture, build fence in the periphery, and sampled Leucaena leucocephala in March and

June. Dry matter content of Leucaena leucocephala was 87.4% while crude protein, neutral

detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, acid detergent lignin and ether extract were 23.5%, 36.4%,

24.0%, 4.95% and 3.31%, respectively. We will evaluate the feeding value of Leucaena

leucocephala for meat goat, focus on the suitability and health status, and survey the clear area. The

utilization of Leucaena leucocephala as a forage is expected to reduce the feeding costs and

spreading of Leucaena leucocephala.

Key Words: Abandoned agricultural land, Goat, Leucaena leucocephala

Page 134: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016210

132. 施灌曝氣處理後牛糞尿廢水對盤固草產量與品質之影響

施意敏(1) 盧啟信(2) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所新竹分所 (2)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所

本研究主要探討經曝氣處理後牛糞尿廢水對盤固草產量與品質之影響。經曝氣處理後之廢水其 pH 值介於 8.27-8.55。以慣行施用化學肥料為對照組,廢水澆灌+化學肥料為處理組。盤固草試驗區約 3,167 m2,一年共施灌 278 公噸的廢水。澆灌曝氣處理後之廢水對土壤交換性(磷、鉀、鈣、鎂)與重金屬含量(鐵、錳、銅、鋅、鎘、鎳、鉻、鉛)並無顯著影響。盤固草全年乾物產量處理組為 30.6 公噸/公頃,對照組為 30.9 公噸/公頃,差異並不顯著,分析盤固草營養成分之變化,廢水澆灌區與對照組比較,盤固草植體營養成分中,磷、鉀、鈣、鎂則差異不顯著,僅粗蛋白質含量有較高的趨勢(5.25% vs. 4.59%)及(6.72% vs. 4.42%)。必須避免灌溉的廢水含有 Cu、Zn 的重金屬,其可能增加盤固草植體的 Cu、Zn 含量。根據本試驗結果,期建立曝氣處理後牛糞尿水在盤固草地的生產利用與施作模式。 關鍵語:乳牛曝氣廢水、牧草品質、牧草產量

Effects of irrigation of dairy aerobic wastewater on the forage yield and quality of pangolagrass (Digitaria decumbens)

Y. M. Shy(1) and C. H. Lu(2)

(1)Hsinchu Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (2)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of irrigation of dairy aerobic wastewater on the forage yield and quality of pangolagrass (Digitaria decumbens). The pH value of dairy aerobic wastewater was 8.27 - 8.55. The chemical fertilizers according usual practice were applied as control treatment (CK). The experimental treatment with the area of 3,167 m2 was irrigated with the amounts of 278 ton/year of dairy aerobic wastewater and applied the chemical fertilizers as CK. The effects of dairy aerobic wastewater irrigated to pangolagrass were not significantly difference on the contents of available P, exchangeable K, Ca and Mg and heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb) in soil. The dry matter yields of pangolagrass were 30.6 and 30.9 ton/ha/year for the treatment irrigated dairy aerobic wasterwater and CK, respectively. No significantly differences were observed for the contents of P, K, Ca and Mg of forage among treatments. However, the contents of crude protein for treatments applied dairy aerobic wasterwater were higher than those of CK (5.25% vs 4.59 % and 6.72% vs 4.42%). It must be avoid to irrigation wastewater included much heavy metals such as Cu and Zn which might increase the contents of Cu and Zn of pangolagrass. The results showed that it is available using dairy aerobic wastewater to make a friendly manage systems for production of pangolagrass. Key Words: Dairy aerobic waste water, Forage yield, Forage quality

Page 135: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 211

132. 施灌曝氣處理後牛糞尿廢水對盤固草產量與品質之影響

施意敏(1) 盧啟信(2) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所新竹分所 (2)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所

本研究主要探討經曝氣處理後牛糞尿廢水對盤固草產量與品質之影響。經曝氣處理後之廢水其 pH 值介於 8.27-8.55。以慣行施用化學肥料為對照組,廢水澆灌+化學肥料為處理組。盤固草試驗區約 3,167 m2,一年共施灌 278 公噸的廢水。澆灌曝氣處理後之廢水對土壤交換性(磷、鉀、鈣、鎂)與重金屬含量(鐵、錳、銅、鋅、鎘、鎳、鉻、鉛)並無顯著影響。盤固草全年乾物產量處理組為 30.6 公噸/公頃,對照組為 30.9 公噸/公頃,差異並不顯著,分析盤固草營養成分之變化,廢水澆灌區與對照組比較,盤固草植體營養成分中,磷、鉀、鈣、鎂則差異不顯著,僅粗蛋白質含量有較高的趨勢(5.25% vs. 4.59%)及(6.72% vs. 4.42%)。必須避免灌溉的廢水含有 Cu、Zn 的重金屬,其可能增加盤固草植體的 Cu、Zn 含量。根據本試驗結果,期建立曝氣處理後牛糞尿水在盤固草地的生產利用與施作模式。 關鍵語:乳牛曝氣廢水、牧草品質、牧草產量

Effects of irrigation of dairy aerobic wastewater on the forage yield and quality of pangolagrass (Digitaria decumbens)

Y. M. Shy(1) and C. H. Lu(2)

(1)Hsinchu Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (2)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of irrigation of dairy aerobic wastewater on the forage yield and quality of pangolagrass (Digitaria decumbens). The pH value of dairy aerobic wastewater was 8.27 - 8.55. The chemical fertilizers according usual practice were applied as control treatment (CK). The experimental treatment with the area of 3,167 m2 was irrigated with the amounts of 278 ton/year of dairy aerobic wastewater and applied the chemical fertilizers as CK. The effects of dairy aerobic wastewater irrigated to pangolagrass were not significantly difference on the contents of available P, exchangeable K, Ca and Mg and heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb) in soil. The dry matter yields of pangolagrass were 30.6 and 30.9 ton/ha/year for the treatment irrigated dairy aerobic wasterwater and CK, respectively. No significantly differences were observed for the contents of P, K, Ca and Mg of forage among treatments. However, the contents of crude protein for treatments applied dairy aerobic wasterwater were higher than those of CK (5.25% vs 4.59 % and 6.72% vs 4.42%). It must be avoid to irrigation wastewater included much heavy metals such as Cu and Zn which might increase the contents of Cu and Zn of pangolagrass. The results showed that it is available using dairy aerobic wastewater to make a friendly manage systems for production of pangolagrass. Key Words: Dairy aerobic waste water, Forage yield, Forage quality

133. 乳酸桿菌發酵大豆粕最適化條件之探討及應用

蘇立文 何翊嘉 何基瑞 鄭永祥 游玉祥


本試驗目的為利用微生物發酵技術,以大豆粕為主要原料,降解大豆粕中抗營養因子,同時產生大量的益生菌及代謝物等,以提升動物體對大豆蛋白的消化,吸收和利用。本研究分為二部分,試驗一、探討益生菌於不同起始水分、發酵溫度與天數對生產發酵大豆粕之最適化條件。試驗二、探討益生菌結合酵素發酵之交互作用,並測試發酵物之活菌數、pH 值、水分、還原糖、大豆寡糖、大豆球蛋白、乳酸含量與抑菌效果。結果顯示,益生菌結合酵素於初始水分 50% 及 37℃ 條件下發酵 2 天,和其他組別相比能降低抗營養因子、還原糖、pH 值並提高益生菌產量(P < 0.05),此外,乳酸桿菌結合酵素發酵能極顯著提高乳酸含量(P < 0.01)。發酵物具有抑制金黃色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)與大腸桿菌(Escherichia coli)之功效。綜合以上試驗說明,發酵大豆粕能降低抗營養因子含量、提升風味與營養價值,具有替代抗生素以促進動物生長性能之潛力。 關鍵語:益生菌、大豆粕、固態發酵

The optimal parameters of fermented soybean meal by Lactobacillus and their applications

L. W. Su, Y. J. Ho, C. J. Ho, Y. H. Cheng and Y. H. Yu

Department of Biotechnology and Animal Science, National Ilan University

This study investigated the potential of using probiotic in combination with soybean meal to degrade soybean anti-nutritional factors. Moreover, the fermented soybean meal contains the max number of probiotics and metabolites. To enhance digestion, absorption and utilization of soybean protein in animals. In the first experiment, the optimal parameters of fermented soybean meal by lactobacillus on different initial water contents, fermentation temperature and fermentation duration were tested. In the second experiment, enzyme was added in solid state substrates. Total viable count, pH value, water contents, reducing sugar contents, soybean oligosaccharides, lactic acid contents and antimicrobial activity were determined. Our results showed probiotics in combination with enzyme at 50% initial water contents culture at 37℃ for 2 days was able to degrade soybean anti-nutritional factors, the pH value, reducing sugar contents were significantly decreased (P < 0.05), and total viable count were significantly enhanced (P < 0.05). Furthermore, mixed culture was significantly increase the lactic acid levels than single culture (P < 0.01). The fermentation product has ability to against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. In conclusion, fermentation could degrade soybean anti-nutritional factors, increase the flavor and nutritive value, showing the potential of antibiotics alternative as feed additive to improve animal growth performance. Key Words: Probiotic, Soybean meal, Solid state fermentation

Page 136: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016212

134. 高粱酒糟飼糧對白肉雞生長性能及腸道性狀之影響

林炳宏(1) 陳耀庭(1) 駱子溥(1) 陳政文(1) 李欣玫(2) 許振忠(3) 王淑音(4) 陳盈豪(5)

(1)國立嘉義大學動物科學系 (2)國立金門大學食品科學系 (3)國立中興大學動物科學系 (4)中國文化大學動物科學系


本研究旨在探討飼糧中添加乾燥高粱酒糟(dried sorghum distillery residues, SDR) 對白肉雞生長性能及腸道性狀之影響。選取體重相近之 14 日齡白色肉雛雞(Arbor Acres)200 隻,逢機分成 5 個處理組,於同熱能與等蛋白之飼糧中分別添加 0、5、10、15 及 20% 之 SDR,每處理組 4 重複(欄),每欄 10 隻(公母各半),平飼飼養,飼料與水均採任食,試驗為期 23 天。試驗結果顯示,飼糧中添加 5% 及 10% SDR 處理組之雞隻有較高之體增重及結束活體重(P < 0.05),飼料轉換率以添加 20% SDR 組有顯著地較其他處理組為差(P < 0.05);添加 10 及 15% SDR 組有顯著提高雞隻砂囊、盲腸相對重量及空腸、廻腸與整段小腸的相對長度,而添加 20% SDR 組其肝臟相對重量則最輕(P < 0.05)。綜合以上結果,飼糧中添加 SDR 能改善白肉雞之體增重、結束時的活體重及促進雞隻腸道與消化器官的發育,而在同熱能與等蛋白之白肉雞飼糧中,SDR 之添加量可達 15%。 關鍵語:白肉雞、生長性能、高粱酒糟 Effects of dietary of sorghum distillery residues on growth performance and intestine

trait in broiler chickens

P. H. Lin(1), Y. T. Chen(1), Z. P. Luo(1), Z. W. Chen(1), S. M. Lee(2), J. C. Hsu(3), S. Y. Wang(4) and Y. H. Chen(5)

(1)Department of Animal Science, National Chiayi University (2)Department of Food Science, National Quemoy University

(3)Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University (4)Department of Animal Science, Chinese Culture University

(5)Department of Animal Science and Biotechnology, Tunghai University

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation of dried sorghum distillery residues (SDR) on growth performance and intestine trait in broiler chickens. Total two hundred 14-day-old Arbor Acres chicks were randomly allocated into five treatment groups with four replications, each replications were ten chicks (half of male and female), the dietary was isonitrogenous and isocaloric, including 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20% SDR. Feed and water were supplied ad libitum with floor feeding. The trial period was 23 days. Results showed that 5% and 10% SDR groups had significantly higher body weight gain and final average live weight, but the FCR of 20% SDR group was significantly worst than other groups in the whole trial period (P < 0.05). Dietary supplemented with 10% and 15% SDR had significantly increased the relative weight of gizzard and caecum, and the relative length of jejunal, ileum and small intestine (P < 0.05). But the 20% SDR group had the lightest relative weight of liver (P < 0.05). In conclusion, dietary supplementation of SDR had better body weight gain, final live weight and improved intestinal trait and digestive organs development in broilers, and the SDR can supplemented with 15% in isonitrogenous and isocaloric dietary of broiler chickens. Key Words: Broiler, Growth performance, Sorghum distillery residues

Page 137: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 213

134. 高粱酒糟飼糧對白肉雞生長性能及腸道性狀之影響

林炳宏(1) 陳耀庭(1) 駱子溥(1) 陳政文(1) 李欣玫(2) 許振忠(3) 王淑音(4) 陳盈豪(5)

(1)國立嘉義大學動物科學系 (2)國立金門大學食品科學系 (3)國立中興大學動物科學系 (4)中國文化大學動物科學系


本研究旨在探討飼糧中添加乾燥高粱酒糟(dried sorghum distillery residues, SDR) 對白肉雞生長性能及腸道性狀之影響。選取體重相近之 14 日齡白色肉雛雞(Arbor Acres)200 隻,逢機分成 5 個處理組,於同熱能與等蛋白之飼糧中分別添加 0、5、10、15 及 20% 之 SDR,每處理組 4 重複(欄),每欄 10 隻(公母各半),平飼飼養,飼料與水均採任食,試驗為期 23 天。試驗結果顯示,飼糧中添加 5% 及 10% SDR 處理組之雞隻有較高之體增重及結束活體重(P < 0.05),飼料轉換率以添加 20% SDR 組有顯著地較其他處理組為差(P < 0.05);添加 10 及 15% SDR 組有顯著提高雞隻砂囊、盲腸相對重量及空腸、廻腸與整段小腸的相對長度,而添加 20% SDR 組其肝臟相對重量則最輕(P < 0.05)。綜合以上結果,飼糧中添加 SDR 能改善白肉雞之體增重、結束時的活體重及促進雞隻腸道與消化器官的發育,而在同熱能與等蛋白之白肉雞飼糧中,SDR 之添加量可達 15%。 關鍵語:白肉雞、生長性能、高粱酒糟 Effects of dietary of sorghum distillery residues on growth performance and intestine

trait in broiler chickens

P. H. Lin(1), Y. T. Chen(1), Z. P. Luo(1), Z. W. Chen(1), S. M. Lee(2), J. C. Hsu(3), S. Y. Wang(4) and Y. H. Chen(5)

(1)Department of Animal Science, National Chiayi University (2)Department of Food Science, National Quemoy University

(3)Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University (4)Department of Animal Science, Chinese Culture University

(5)Department of Animal Science and Biotechnology, Tunghai University

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation of dried sorghum distillery residues (SDR) on growth performance and intestine trait in broiler chickens. Total two hundred 14-day-old Arbor Acres chicks were randomly allocated into five treatment groups with four replications, each replications were ten chicks (half of male and female), the dietary was isonitrogenous and isocaloric, including 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20% SDR. Feed and water were supplied ad libitum with floor feeding. The trial period was 23 days. Results showed that 5% and 10% SDR groups had significantly higher body weight gain and final average live weight, but the FCR of 20% SDR group was significantly worst than other groups in the whole trial period (P < 0.05). Dietary supplemented with 10% and 15% SDR had significantly increased the relative weight of gizzard and caecum, and the relative length of jejunal, ileum and small intestine (P < 0.05). But the 20% SDR group had the lightest relative weight of liver (P < 0.05). In conclusion, dietary supplementation of SDR had better body weight gain, final live weight and improved intestinal trait and digestive organs development in broilers, and the SDR can supplemented with 15% in isonitrogenous and isocaloric dietary of broiler chickens. Key Words: Broiler, Growth performance, Sorghum distillery residues

135. 複合型益生菌對保育豬血液性狀及糞中菌相之影響

駱子溥(1) 郭鴻志(2) 陳政文(1) 陳盈豪(3) 林炳宏(1) (1)國立嘉義大學動物科學系 (2)國立嘉義大學獸醫學系


本試驗旨在探討飼糧中添加複合型益生菌對保育豬血液性狀及糞中菌相之影響。選取 96 頭滿 5 週齡三品種(LYD)的保育仔豬,逢機分成 6 個處理組,分別於飼糧中添加 0、0.1%、0.2%、0.3%、0.1%(提高風味;PCP)之複合型益生菌(CP)及抗生素(200ppm Amoxicillin trihydrate),每處理組 4 重複(欄),每重複 4 頭(公母各半),採高床網狀地面飼養,飼料與水均採任食,試驗為期 8 週。試驗結果顯示,豬隻血液中白蛋白的濃度以對照組、0.3% CP 組、0.1% PCP 組及抗生素組最高,而添加 0.1% CP 組最低(P < 0.05);肌酸酐濃度以添加 0.1% PCP 組最高,0.2% CP 組最低(P < 0.05),至於總蛋白、球蛋白、血中尿素氮、尿酸、三酸甘油酯、膽固醇、鈣、磷、GOT、GPT、CPK 及 LDH 各處理組間並無差異。糞中菌相方面,保育仔豬糞中乳酸桿菌數以添加 0.3% CP 組最高,抗生素組最低(P < 0.05);大腸桿菌數、沙門氏桿菌數及產氣梭狀桿菌數,均以添加複合型益生菌各處理組有較對照組為低的趨勢。綜上所述,飼糧中添加複合型益生菌 0.1% 至 0.2%,對保育仔豬有提高乳酸桿菌數與降低大腸桿菌、沙門氏桿菌及產氣梭狀桿菌數,而對血液性狀並無不利之影響。 關鍵語:血液性狀、複合型益生菌、保育豬

Effects of complex probiotics on blood parametersand fecal microflora in weanling piglets

Z. P. Luo(1), H. C. Kuo(2), Z. W. Chen(1), Y. H. Chen(3) and P. H. Lin(1)

(1)Department of Animal Science, National Chiayi University (2)Department of Veterinary Medicine, National Chiayi University

(3)Department of Animal Science and Biotechnology, Tunghai University

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation of complex probiotics (CP) on blood parameters and fecal microflora in weanling piglets. Ninety-six 5 week old weanling piglets were randomly assigned to 6 treatment groups, and were fed diets supplemented with 0%, 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3% CP, 0.1% PCP and antibiotic (200ppm Amoxicillin trihydrate), respectively. Each treatment had 4 replicates (pen) with 4 piglets (half of male and female). Feed and water were supplied ad libitum with high bed mesh floor feeding. Experimental period were 8 weeks. Results indicated the control, 0.3% CP, 0.1% PCP and antibiotic groups that the concentration of albumin were significantly highest, and 0.1% CP group was the lowest (P < 0.05). The 0.1% PCP group had significantly higher concentration of creatinine than 0.2% PC group (P < 0.05). However, the total protein, globulin, blood urea nitrogen, uric acid, triglyceride, cholesterol, calcium, phosphorus, GOT, GPT, CPK and LDH had no significant difference among the groups. The count of Lactobacillus in feces at 0.3% CP group was significantly highest and antibiotic group was the lowest (P < 0.05). The count of coliforms, Salmonella and Clostridium in feces, all of CP groups had tendency lower than control group. In conclusion, dietary supplementation of 0.1% to 0.2% CP had increased the count of Lactobacillus and decreased count of coliforms, Salmonella and Clostridium,and had no adverse effects on blood parameters. Key Words: Blood parameters, Complex probiotics, Weanling piglets

Page 138: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016214

136. 提昇多年生牧草地土壤碳庫的栽培管理方法

盧啟信 張世融




降低氮肥的施用並提高多年生牧草地碳庫。研究顯示,每公頃盤固草及狼尾草地 30 公分以

上土壤總碳庫不足 30 公噸,且總體密度超過 1.30 g cm-3,顯示牧草地土壤嚴重壓實。多年生



組之產量為 100%,綠肥組及堆肥組之狼尾草台畜草二號及三號之產量指數約為 83-89%。土


鎂均較對照組為提高,而總體密度則趨於降低,EC 則趨於增加。堆肥施用或綠肥種植有增





Study on enriching the soil carbon stock of perennial pasture by forage management C. H. Lu and S. R. Chang

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The objectives of this study are to reduce the N fertilizer applied and enrich the soil carbon stock of

perennial pasture by forage management. The soil C stock above 30 cm of soil planted pangolagrass

and napiergrass were less than 30 t/ha. The bulk densities of soils of pangolagrass and napiergrass

were more than 1.30 g/cm3. It showed that the soil was compacted by machine operating in the

pasture for many years. The forage yields of napiergrass intercropped with the green manure or

applied the cattle manure, due to provide the relatively slow fertilizers, were slightly lower than that

of applying chemical fertilizer (CK). The forage yields index of CK was 100%,then the index of

napiergrass Tasi No2 and napiergrass Tasi No3 intercropped with the green manure or applied the

cattle manure, were approximately 83-89%. The soils with green manure or cattle manure on soil

organic matter, total nitrogen, available P, exchangeable K and Mg were higher than those of CK.

The results showed that napiergrass intercropped green manure or applied cattle manure may be

appropriate to reduce the amount of nitrogen fertilizer applied, without a lot of influence the forage


Key Words: Forage management Perennial pasture, Soil carbon stock

Page 139: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 215

136. 提昇多年生牧草地土壤碳庫的栽培管理方法

盧啟信 張世融




降低氮肥的施用並提高多年生牧草地碳庫。研究顯示,每公頃盤固草及狼尾草地 30 公分以

上土壤總碳庫不足 30 公噸,且總體密度超過 1.30 g cm-3,顯示牧草地土壤嚴重壓實。多年生



組之產量為 100%,綠肥組及堆肥組之狼尾草台畜草二號及三號之產量指數約為 83-89%。土


鎂均較對照組為提高,而總體密度則趨於降低,EC 則趨於增加。堆肥施用或綠肥種植有增





Study on enriching the soil carbon stock of perennial pasture by forage management C. H. Lu and S. R. Chang

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The objectives of this study are to reduce the N fertilizer applied and enrich the soil carbon stock of

perennial pasture by forage management. The soil C stock above 30 cm of soil planted pangolagrass

and napiergrass were less than 30 t/ha. The bulk densities of soils of pangolagrass and napiergrass

were more than 1.30 g/cm3. It showed that the soil was compacted by machine operating in the

pasture for many years. The forage yields of napiergrass intercropped with the green manure or

applied the cattle manure, due to provide the relatively slow fertilizers, were slightly lower than that

of applying chemical fertilizer (CK). The forage yields index of CK was 100%,then the index of

napiergrass Tasi No2 and napiergrass Tasi No3 intercropped with the green manure or applied the

cattle manure, were approximately 83-89%. The soils with green manure or cattle manure on soil

organic matter, total nitrogen, available P, exchangeable K and Mg were higher than those of CK.

The results showed that napiergrass intercropped green manure or applied cattle manure may be

appropriate to reduce the amount of nitrogen fertilizer applied, without a lot of influence the forage


Key Words: Forage management Perennial pasture, Soil carbon stock

137. 胡蘿蔔果渣青貯應用於乳牛飼糧之評估

王思涵(1) 吳鈴彩(2) 陳怡璇(1) 李國華(1) 賈玉祥(1) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所新竹分所



品質之影響。試驗進行 3 次,每次 21 日,每次使用 12 頭荷蘭泌乳牛,依體重、乳量、胎

次與泌乳天數逢機分成三組,依於基礎日糧中取代玉米青貯之比例(乾基)分為 0% 胡蘿蔔

果渣青貯、30% 胡蘿蔔果渣、70% 胡蘿蔔果渣。試驗基礎日糧成分組成依據NRC(2001) 對泌乳牛的推薦量配製,飼糧以等氮等能量為比較基礎。0% 胡蘿蔔果渣青貯(對照組)、30% 胡蘿蔔果渣及 70% 胡蘿蔔果渣組,各組間之乾物質採量為 19.08、21.91 及 20.74 公斤;

體重為 533、532 及 523 公斤;乳量為21.2、21.3 及 21.5 公斤;乳脂肪為 3.47、3.53 及 3.53%;乳蛋白質為 2.73、2.82 及 2.83%;乳醣 4.97、4.93 及 4.98%。綜合本次試驗結果

顯示,以胡蘿蔔果渣青貯取代泌乳牛飼糧中部分玉米青貯乾基之 30% 及 70%,並不會影響

乾物質採食量、體重、泌乳性能及乳品質,但 30% 及 70% 胡蘿蔔果渣青貯組於乾物質採


貯的選項之一。 關鍵語:胡蘿蔔果渣、乳牛、青貯

The proper utilization of carrot pomace silage in diets for dairy cattle

S. H. Wang(1), L. T. Wu(2), Y. H. Chen(1), K. H. Lee(1) and Y. S. Jea(1) (1)Hsinchu Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

(2)Animal Industry Division, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The exploit the available feed resources and their proper utilization, carrot pomace silage was added into diets for lactating cows to evaluate its effect on dry matter intake, body weight, lactation performance and milk quality of Holstein lactating cows. A total of 12 Holstein dairy cows were randomly assigned into three groups according to their body weight, milk yield, parity and days in milk. Carrot pomace silage was added into diets at 0% (control), 30% or 70% (dry matter basis) by substituting part of corn silage. Three diets were formulated to have similar protein and energy content (NRC, 2001). The results showed that control groups there were no difference between added with 30% and 70% carrot pomace silage on dry matter intake (19.08, 21.91 and 20.74 kg), body weight (533, 532 and 523 kg), daily milk yield (21.2, 21.3 and 21.5 kg), the concentrations of milk fat (3.47, 3.53 and 3.53%), milk protein (2.73, 2.82 and 2.83%), milk lactose (4.97, 4.93 and 4.98%). In summary, carrot pomace silage could be an available feedstuff to replace corn silage for lactating cows in Taiwan. Key Words: Carrot pomace, Dairy cattle, Silage

Page 140: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016216

138. 懷孕後期補充博落迴屬植生素添加物對經產母羊及 新生仔羊的影響

甘喬羽 龔采薇 楊价民 國立宜蘭大學生物技術與動物科學系


血液性狀的影響。將8隻經產懷孕母羊在預計分娩前 2 個月,個別分配至代謝籠架中飼養,


30:70。在分娩前 1 個月至母羊分娩,試驗組母羊補充植生素(0.04 g/kg 體重)混合於精料中。

結果顯示,補充植生素對懷孕母羊體重與血液性狀沒有影響。新生仔羊出生體重與 4 週齡體

重,在兩組之間沒有差異。懷孕母羊補充植生素,提高4週齡仔羊血漿白蛋白濃度(P < 0.05),

然而降低血漿天冬氨酸氨基轉移酶(AST)濃度(P < 0.05)。本研究試驗顯示,經產母羊懷孕



Effect of phytobiotic additive from Macleaya cordata in late gestation multiparous doe goats and their newborns

C. Y. Kan, T. W. Kung and C. M. Yang

Department of Biotechnology and Animal Science, Ilan University This study was conducted to uncover the effect of a phytobiotic on body weight and plasma

parameters in late gestation doe goats and their newborns. Two months before the mean predicted

kidding date, eight multiparous late gestation doe goats were randomly allotted into group CON or

EXP, based on body weight and feed intake, and individually fed within cages. Hay feeding was ad

libitum and concentrate to forage ratio was controlled at 30:70. Starting one month before the

kidding date, EXP group was supplemented (0.04 g/kg of body weight) with a phytobiotic additive

from Macleaya cordata mixed in concentrate. The results show that there was no difference

between groups for body weight and plasma parameters in doe goats. There was also no difference

in their newborns between groups for birth weight and body weight at 4 weeks. Doe goats

supplemented with phytobiotic increased kids plasma albumin (P < 0.05). However, Aspartate

Transaminase (AST) was decreased (P < 0.05). This research study indicated that multiparous doe

goats supplemented with phytobiotic in late gestation appeared to improve the nutrition and health

status in newborn kids.

Key Words: Multiparous gestation goats, Newborns, Phytobiotic

Page 141: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 217

138. 懷孕後期補充博落迴屬植生素添加物對經產母羊及 新生仔羊的影響

甘喬羽 龔采薇 楊价民 國立宜蘭大學生物技術與動物科學系


血液性狀的影響。將8隻經產懷孕母羊在預計分娩前 2 個月,個別分配至代謝籠架中飼養,


30:70。在分娩前 1 個月至母羊分娩,試驗組母羊補充植生素(0.04 g/kg 體重)混合於精料中。

結果顯示,補充植生素對懷孕母羊體重與血液性狀沒有影響。新生仔羊出生體重與 4 週齡體

重,在兩組之間沒有差異。懷孕母羊補充植生素,提高4週齡仔羊血漿白蛋白濃度(P < 0.05),

然而降低血漿天冬氨酸氨基轉移酶(AST)濃度(P < 0.05)。本研究試驗顯示,經產母羊懷孕



Effect of phytobiotic additive from Macleaya cordata in late gestation multiparous doe goats and their newborns

C. Y. Kan, T. W. Kung and C. M. Yang

Department of Biotechnology and Animal Science, Ilan University This study was conducted to uncover the effect of a phytobiotic on body weight and plasma

parameters in late gestation doe goats and their newborns. Two months before the mean predicted

kidding date, eight multiparous late gestation doe goats were randomly allotted into group CON or

EXP, based on body weight and feed intake, and individually fed within cages. Hay feeding was ad

libitum and concentrate to forage ratio was controlled at 30:70. Starting one month before the

kidding date, EXP group was supplemented (0.04 g/kg of body weight) with a phytobiotic additive

from Macleaya cordata mixed in concentrate. The results show that there was no difference

between groups for body weight and plasma parameters in doe goats. There was also no difference

in their newborns between groups for birth weight and body weight at 4 weeks. Doe goats

supplemented with phytobiotic increased kids plasma albumin (P < 0.05). However, Aspartate

Transaminase (AST) was decreased (P < 0.05). This research study indicated that multiparous doe

goats supplemented with phytobiotic in late gestation appeared to improve the nutrition and health

status in newborn kids.

Key Words: Multiparous gestation goats, Newborns, Phytobiotic

139. 畜禽有機資源物以水虻加值再利用技術

梁世祥 蕭振文 賈玉祥 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所新竹分所



量的水虻幼蟲處理,處理後過篩分離收集水虻幼蟲與殘餘物,取樣烘乾溫度設定 60℃,時間

設定 48 小時,樣品送驗分析,水虻幼蟲將進行營養組成、重金屬、黴菌毒素及人畜共通致病





The study of organic resources treated by black soldier fly recycling technology

S. H. Liang, J. W. Shiau and Y. S. Jea

Hsinchu Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

This project is aimed to assess the suitability to adopt the larvae of black soldier fly raised with

agriculturally organic resources as an alternative feedstuff for livestock. By establishing the

standard operation process, larvae and the residue organic fertilizer will be produced. Nutrition

compositions, heavy metal and mycotoxin content, and disease pathogen in larvae will be analyzed.

Residue fertilizer will be assessed to see if meets the compost criteria and the hygiene safety.

Key Words: Black soldier fly, Feedstuff, Organic resources

Page 142: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016218

140. 瘤胃活性酵母菌與精油添加劑之相容性評估

邱彥安(1) 張友義(2) 王翰聰(1) (1)中國文化大學動物科學系 (2)中國文化大學生物科技研究所

本試驗之目的在探討活性酵母菌製劑(Levucell SC,LSC)對瘤胃發酵之影響,並評估植物精油添加劑與酵母菌共同使用之添加相容性。第一階段試驗分別以每日每頭給予 0.5、1.0 及 1.5 克之添加水準下,進行體外產氣發酵測試。分析各處理組之產氣動力學與發酵產物,並計算各成分消化率與微生物蛋白質合成量。第二階段試驗以不同濃度之百里酚(thymol)、丁香油酚(eugenol)及芫荽油(coriander oil)進行 LSC 與三種精油相容性測試,以液態培養進行抑制性試驗,評估培養後存活酵母菌之活性與菌數。試驗結果顯示,LSC 添加量在 0.5 克/天/頭以上,即可提昇體外發酵之基質利用速度、產氣速度與微生物蛋白質合成量,而加入 LSC 可在丙酸產量不變下顯著提昇乙酸濃度。消化率結果與控制組相比,體外中洗纖維消化率(IVNDFD)提高約 15%-20%。精油相容性測試顯示,百里酚添加濃度達 50 mg/L 以上,其他精油在 200 mg/L 以上,會明顯抑制 LSC 之活性。精油組合測試也顯示精油對 LSC 之抑制有加成性,因此未來若與 LSC 共同添加,需注意掌握精油實際餵飼濃度以發揮最佳之效果。 關鍵語:活性酵母菌、精油、體外發酵

The evaluation of compatibility between rumen activity live yeast and essential oil additive

Y. A. Ciou(1) ,Y. Y. Chang(2) and H. C. Wang(1)

(1) Department of Animal Science, Chinese Culture University (2) Graduate Institute of Biotechnology, Chinese Culture University

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of activity live yeast (LSC) on rumen fermentation and evaluate the compatibility between LSC and essential oils (EOs) additive applied in dairy diet. The first experiment investigated the in vitro fermentation performance of LSC supplementation under 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 g/d/head. The gas production kinetic, fermentation products and in vitro digestibility of substrates were measured to evaluate the effect of LSC on rumen fermentation. Three essential oil including thymol, eugenol and coriander oil were applied in the second experiment to investigate the growth inhibition ability on LSC by broth incubation. It indicated that supplementation of LSC higher than 0.5 g/d/head improved the gas production, substrate fermentation and microbial protein synthesis. The LSC supplementation increased the acetate concentrate but showed on effect on propionate. The in vitro NDF digestibility increased 15-20% compared to the control group. The EOs test indicated that 50 mg/L of thymol or 200 mg/L of other EOs resulted significant inhibition of LSC activity. Furthermore, the synergism inhibition effect also showed in the EOs mixing test. It suggested that the EOs supplementation level should be consider when combining the LSC and EOs product in ruminant feeding. Key Words: Activity live yeast, Essential oil, In vitro fermentation

Page 143: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 219

140. 瘤胃活性酵母菌與精油添加劑之相容性評估

邱彥安(1) 張友義(2) 王翰聰(1) (1)中國文化大學動物科學系 (2)中國文化大學生物科技研究所

本試驗之目的在探討活性酵母菌製劑(Levucell SC,LSC)對瘤胃發酵之影響,並評估植物精油添加劑與酵母菌共同使用之添加相容性。第一階段試驗分別以每日每頭給予 0.5、1.0 及 1.5 克之添加水準下,進行體外產氣發酵測試。分析各處理組之產氣動力學與發酵產物,並計算各成分消化率與微生物蛋白質合成量。第二階段試驗以不同濃度之百里酚(thymol)、丁香油酚(eugenol)及芫荽油(coriander oil)進行 LSC 與三種精油相容性測試,以液態培養進行抑制性試驗,評估培養後存活酵母菌之活性與菌數。試驗結果顯示,LSC 添加量在 0.5 克/天/頭以上,即可提昇體外發酵之基質利用速度、產氣速度與微生物蛋白質合成量,而加入 LSC 可在丙酸產量不變下顯著提昇乙酸濃度。消化率結果與控制組相比,體外中洗纖維消化率(IVNDFD)提高約 15%-20%。精油相容性測試顯示,百里酚添加濃度達 50 mg/L 以上,其他精油在 200 mg/L 以上,會明顯抑制 LSC 之活性。精油組合測試也顯示精油對 LSC 之抑制有加成性,因此未來若與 LSC 共同添加,需注意掌握精油實際餵飼濃度以發揮最佳之效果。 關鍵語:活性酵母菌、精油、體外發酵

The evaluation of compatibility between rumen activity live yeast and essential oil additive

Y. A. Ciou(1) ,Y. Y. Chang(2) and H. C. Wang(1)

(1) Department of Animal Science, Chinese Culture University (2) Graduate Institute of Biotechnology, Chinese Culture University

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of activity live yeast (LSC) on rumen fermentation and evaluate the compatibility between LSC and essential oils (EOs) additive applied in dairy diet. The first experiment investigated the in vitro fermentation performance of LSC supplementation under 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 g/d/head. The gas production kinetic, fermentation products and in vitro digestibility of substrates were measured to evaluate the effect of LSC on rumen fermentation. Three essential oil including thymol, eugenol and coriander oil were applied in the second experiment to investigate the growth inhibition ability on LSC by broth incubation. It indicated that supplementation of LSC higher than 0.5 g/d/head improved the gas production, substrate fermentation and microbial protein synthesis. The LSC supplementation increased the acetate concentrate but showed on effect on propionate. The in vitro NDF digestibility increased 15-20% compared to the control group. The EOs test indicated that 50 mg/L of thymol or 200 mg/L of other EOs resulted significant inhibition of LSC activity. Furthermore, the synergism inhibition effect also showed in the EOs mixing test. It suggested that the EOs supplementation level should be consider when combining the LSC and EOs product in ruminant feeding. Key Words: Activity live yeast, Essential oil, In vitro fermentation

141. 不同蛋白質及能量比例之飼糧對鴕鳥幼雛生長性狀之影響

洪兮雯 莊璧華 蘇安國 行政院農委會畜產試驗所花蓮種畜繁殖場

本試驗旨在探討飼糧中含不同蛋白質及能量百分比對鴕鳥幼雛生長性狀之影響,以期訂定鴕鳥幼雛期之飼糧配方。16 隻鴕鳥幼雛逢機分為 4 處理組,分別給予 A 組(ME 2650 kcal/ kg, CP 14 %)、B 組(ME 2650 kcal/ kg, CP 17 %)、C 組(ME 2500 kcal/ kg, CP 14 %)及 D 組(ME 2500 kcal/ kg, CP 17 %)等飼糧,試驗期間飼糧與水採任食方式供應,幼雛飼養於採光充足的禽舍進行試驗。試驗期間為 3-10 週,每週測量鴕鳥幼雛個別體重及各組飼糧消耗量,以計算鴕鳥幼雛之採食量、增重、飼料轉換率。結果顯示,在採食量方面,除了第 5 週及第 6 週之外,以 B 組之平均採食量最高。在平均體重方面,自第 7 週開始,B組顯著重於其他組(P < 0.05),D組次之。A、B、C 及 D 組於試驗期間的飼料轉換率分別為 2.09、1.68、2.16 及 2.00,以 B 組最佳。由結果得知,鴕鳥幼雛採食 CP 17% 的飼糧組者,其生長性狀表現皆較採食 CP 14% 組別為佳,且ME越高生長效率越好。 關鍵語:鴕鳥、生長性狀、蛋白質、能量

The effects of feeding diets containing different ratio protein and energy on growth performance of juvenile ostriches

H. W. Hung, P. H. Chuang and A. K. Su

Hualien Animal Propagation Station, COA-LRI., Taiwan, R.O.C. This study was conducted to understand the effects of diets containing different protein and energy ratio on the growth performance of juvenile ostriches. Eventually, we expect to develop the optimized feeds formula for juvenile ostriches. Sixteen juvenile ostriches were divided into four groups randomly. There were A group (ME2650 kcal/kg, CP14 %), B group (ME2650 kcal/kg, CP 17 %), C group (ME 2500 kcal/kg, CP 14 %) and D group (ME2500 kcal/kg, CP 17 %) respectively. Four group of juvenile ostriches were be reared in good condition poultry house. During 3 to 10 weeks of age, the test was implemented and the body weight of birds and the consumption of feeds were recorded every week. Moreover, the feed intake, weight gain and feed conversion rate were calculated. The results showed that except the 5th and 6th week, the juvenile ostriches in group B had highest feed intake volume than that of in remnant groups. In the average of body weight, from 7th week, the juvenile ostriches in group B also had a significantly heavier body weight than that of in remnant groups (P < 0.05), and following by juvenile ostriches in group D. Furthermore, the feed conversion rate of juvenile ostriches were 2.09, 1.68, 2.16 and 2.00 to Group A, B, C and D, respectively. And group B had a best feed efficiency rate than that of in remnant groups. It seemed that the growth performance of juvenile ostriches consumed diet containing CP 17 % were better than that of bird eat CP 14% diet, and the higher ME in diet the better growth efficiency of juvenile ostriches. Key Words: Ostriches, Growth performance, Protein, Energy

Page 144: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016220

142. 不同芻料用高粱品系營養價值探討

張敏郎(1) 王紓愍(1) 廖麗貞(2) 陳嘉昇(1)

(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所恆春分所 (2)國立高雄師範大學生物科技系

本試驗以日本引進 4 個芻料用高粱品種(耐病雙收、元氣青刈、高產與蘇丹高粱),與恆春

分所選育的 2 個高莖型新品系 FSh001 與 FSh002,進行引種栽培觀察與營養價值探討。分

別於抽穗開花期、抽穗後 10 及 20 天等 3 個不同生育時期,刈割收穫後分析植體營養成分


廣的參考。試驗結果顯示,生育期間除選育之高莖型高粱品系 FSh001 其孕穗期較遲外(中

晚熟),其餘各品系均於發芽後約 55-60 天開花抽穗為早熟品系。2 個高莖型品系莖徑粗硬

且植株較高,有較佳產量,4 個日本品系莖稈則顯較纖細矮小且產量低。不同生育期植體營

養成分分析結果顯示,各品系之乾物率隨生育日數增加,以抽穗後 20 天約 24.5-28.8% 最高,品系間有明顯差異;粗蛋白含量則隨生育日數降低,於抽穗開花期最高約 8.8-10.5%,


最低分別為 28.6-31.2% 及 48.8-53.2%,同一生育期之品系間無差異。由試驗結果知,除選

育之高莖型高粱品系 FSh001 較晚熟外,其餘品種(系)均具早熟特性。基於產量與品質考量,

宜於抽穗開花後約 10 日收穫,可得較佳產量與營養價值,且可降低鳥害影響而減少損失。 關鍵語:芻料用高粱、收穫、營養價值

The study of nutritive value in newly forage sorghum varieties

M. L. Chang(1), S. M. Wang(1), L. J. Liao(2) and C. S. Chen(1)

(1)Heng-Chun Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (2)Department of Biotechnology, National Kaohsiung Normal University

Forage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is a crop with better drought tolerant and its feeding value is close to forage corn (Zea mays L.). The objective of this study was to evaluate the nutritive value for newly forage sorghum lines. There are 4 forage sorghum lines introduced from Japan and 2 varieties selected from Heng-Chun Branch as experiment materials. The results showed that the yield of 2 high-steam type forage sorghum lines were higher. The dry matter content of all forage sorghum lines increased with the days of growth. There was the highest content 24.5-28.8% at 20 days after heading and significant difference among sorghum lines. The content of crude protein (CP) of forage sorghum lines decreased with the days of growth. There was the highest content 8.8-10.5% at heading period. Based on the yield and quality considerations, it is appropriate to harvest time about 10 days after heading, and to obtain acceptable yields and best nutritional value in forage sorghum line. Key Words: Forage sorghum, Harvest, Nutritive value

Page 145: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 221

142. 不同芻料用高粱品系營養價值探討

張敏郎(1) 王紓愍(1) 廖麗貞(2) 陳嘉昇(1)

(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所恆春分所 (2)國立高雄師範大學生物科技系

本試驗以日本引進 4 個芻料用高粱品種(耐病雙收、元氣青刈、高產與蘇丹高粱),與恆春

分所選育的 2 個高莖型新品系 FSh001 與 FSh002,進行引種栽培觀察與營養價值探討。分

別於抽穗開花期、抽穗後 10 及 20 天等 3 個不同生育時期,刈割收穫後分析植體營養成分


廣的參考。試驗結果顯示,生育期間除選育之高莖型高粱品系 FSh001 其孕穗期較遲外(中

晚熟),其餘各品系均於發芽後約 55-60 天開花抽穗為早熟品系。2 個高莖型品系莖徑粗硬

且植株較高,有較佳產量,4 個日本品系莖稈則顯較纖細矮小且產量低。不同生育期植體營

養成分分析結果顯示,各品系之乾物率隨生育日數增加,以抽穗後 20 天約 24.5-28.8% 最高,品系間有明顯差異;粗蛋白含量則隨生育日數降低,於抽穗開花期最高約 8.8-10.5%,


最低分別為 28.6-31.2% 及 48.8-53.2%,同一生育期之品系間無差異。由試驗結果知,除選

育之高莖型高粱品系 FSh001 較晚熟外,其餘品種(系)均具早熟特性。基於產量與品質考量,

宜於抽穗開花後約 10 日收穫,可得較佳產量與營養價值,且可降低鳥害影響而減少損失。 關鍵語:芻料用高粱、收穫、營養價值

The study of nutritive value in newly forage sorghum varieties

M. L. Chang(1), S. M. Wang(1), L. J. Liao(2) and C. S. Chen(1)

(1)Heng-Chun Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (2)Department of Biotechnology, National Kaohsiung Normal University

Forage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is a crop with better drought tolerant and its feeding value is close to forage corn (Zea mays L.). The objective of this study was to evaluate the nutritive value for newly forage sorghum lines. There are 4 forage sorghum lines introduced from Japan and 2 varieties selected from Heng-Chun Branch as experiment materials. The results showed that the yield of 2 high-steam type forage sorghum lines were higher. The dry matter content of all forage sorghum lines increased with the days of growth. There was the highest content 24.5-28.8% at 20 days after heading and significant difference among sorghum lines. The content of crude protein (CP) of forage sorghum lines decreased with the days of growth. There was the highest content 8.8-10.5% at heading period. Based on the yield and quality considerations, it is appropriate to harvest time about 10 days after heading, and to obtain acceptable yields and best nutritional value in forage sorghum line. Key Words: Forage sorghum, Harvest, Nutritive value

143. 調製型割草機於乾草生產之利用評估

朱明宏 劉信宏 游翠凰 陳嘉昇 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所恆春分所

本研究之目的為利用調製型割草機刈割不同生長期之盤固草(Digitaria pentzii),評估其加快





刈割速度,使其每小時作業面積較圓盤型少 20%,每小時生產之乾草重量亦較圓盤型少 37%。


生產量分別較圓盤型高 38% 及 30%。調製型割草機能折斷草莖以加快盤固草乾燥速度,使


草之生產有所助益。 關鍵語:田間乾燥、乾草、調製型割草機

Evaluation of mower conditioner to use for hay production

M. H. Chu, H. H. Liu, T. H. Yu and C. S. Chen Hengchun Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

To evaluate the effect on speed drying and the efficiency of hay production, this study was conducted to use mower conditioner to mow different growth stage of pangola grass(Digitaria pentzii). The result showed that the mower conditioner could break the stem to make grass drying faster than it mowed by disc mower, so it would reach the harvest standard half to one day ahead of time. Mower conditioner was the disc mower combined flail type conditioner, it needed more engine power to operate than disc mower, so its fuel consumption was higher than disc mower when mowed the same area or yielded the same weight of hay. The prostrate grass stem limited the speed of mower conditioner in long grass field, so its mowing area and hay yield per hour were 20% and 37% less than disc mower, respectively. However, the speed of mower conditioner was not decelerate in short grass field, its wider mowing range could make the mowing area and hay yield per hour were 38% and 30% higher than disc mower, respectively. Mower conditioner could break stem to accelerate the drying speed of pangola grass, it could speed field curing to reach the harvest standard ahead of time. Besides, this additional conditioning process would not affect the hay quality; mower conditioner is beneficial for yielding high quality pangola grass hay. Key Words: Field curing, Hay, Mower conditioner

Page 146: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016222

144. 植物萃取物應用於防止山羊自體吮乳初探

周宜靜 葉瑞涵 楊深玄 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所恆春分所


驗方法,測試出山羊厭惡的植物萃取物,進而利用於防止山羊自體吮乳。每次試驗使用 4 隻體重相近之墾丁山羊,單獨欄位,乾草任食,適應期(12 天)每日早上 9 時提供 3 種含有

測試植物萃取液的精料及含有水分的對照組精料,各約 210 g,下午 3 時 30 分將精料回收。

試驗期(4 天)採用相同餵飼方法,紀錄餵飼 120 分鐘後的剩料重。第一次試驗使用釋迦葉

水淬液、苦蘋果防咬噴劑、樟樹精油及對照組,試驗結果顯示平均採食量別為 143、143、20 及 139 g,樟樹精油組的採食量明顯低於其他組;第二次試驗使用釋迦葉汁液、穿心蓮粉末、

左手香汁液及對照組,試驗結果顯示平均採食量依序分別為 79、169、119 及 180 g,釋迦


隻選擇食物的影響大於苦味。 關鍵語:自體吮乳、植物萃取物、山羊

Investigating the taste-deterrent effect of plant-extracts to eliminate self-sucking behavior of dairy goat

I. C. Chou, R. H. Yeh and S. S. Yang

Hengchung Branch, COA-LRI Self-sucking, defined as an animal sucking on its own teats, this abnormal behaviour occasionally observed in dairy goat, the goal of this study tends to use specific plant extract as goat repellent to eliminate self-sucking behaviour. The experiment was carried out by two parts of tests. In test one, control diet (mixed with water ) and three different extracts made from custard apple (water-extracted), bitter apple, and camphor oil were mixed with feed individually and gave to four goats which were raised in independent pens with pasture ad libitum. In twelve-day adapting period, all goats were gave the diet as the same as that of test-period. During four-day testing period, the intake was recorded after feeding 120 min. In test two, the identical treatment was enrolled on four goats except for giving another three different extracts made from custard apple (leaf juice), andrographis, and Cuban oregano(leaf juice). In test one, when feed mixed with camphor extract, the average intake after 120 min was significantly lower (20 g) than that of the other extract in any time. In test two, the lowest feed intake after 120 min could be founded when feed mixed with custard apple (leaf juice) (79 g). Because of the strongly-stimulating odor, extract from camphor shows the best goat-repellent effect among all plant extracts. Based on those results, suggesting that goat to choose food the smell more than the bitter taste. Key Words: Self-sucking, Plant extract, Goat

Page 147: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 223

144. 植物萃取物應用於防止山羊自體吮乳初探

周宜靜 葉瑞涵 楊深玄 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所恆春分所


驗方法,測試出山羊厭惡的植物萃取物,進而利用於防止山羊自體吮乳。每次試驗使用 4 隻體重相近之墾丁山羊,單獨欄位,乾草任食,適應期(12 天)每日早上 9 時提供 3 種含有

測試植物萃取液的精料及含有水分的對照組精料,各約 210 g,下午 3 時 30 分將精料回收。

試驗期(4 天)採用相同餵飼方法,紀錄餵飼 120 分鐘後的剩料重。第一次試驗使用釋迦葉

水淬液、苦蘋果防咬噴劑、樟樹精油及對照組,試驗結果顯示平均採食量別為 143、143、20 及 139 g,樟樹精油組的採食量明顯低於其他組;第二次試驗使用釋迦葉汁液、穿心蓮粉末、

左手香汁液及對照組,試驗結果顯示平均採食量依序分別為 79、169、119 及 180 g,釋迦


隻選擇食物的影響大於苦味。 關鍵語:自體吮乳、植物萃取物、山羊

Investigating the taste-deterrent effect of plant-extracts to eliminate self-sucking behavior of dairy goat

I. C. Chou, R. H. Yeh and S. S. Yang

Hengchung Branch, COA-LRI Self-sucking, defined as an animal sucking on its own teats, this abnormal behaviour occasionally observed in dairy goat, the goal of this study tends to use specific plant extract as goat repellent to eliminate self-sucking behaviour. The experiment was carried out by two parts of tests. In test one, control diet (mixed with water ) and three different extracts made from custard apple (water-extracted), bitter apple, and camphor oil were mixed with feed individually and gave to four goats which were raised in independent pens with pasture ad libitum. In twelve-day adapting period, all goats were gave the diet as the same as that of test-period. During four-day testing period, the intake was recorded after feeding 120 min. In test two, the identical treatment was enrolled on four goats except for giving another three different extracts made from custard apple (leaf juice), andrographis, and Cuban oregano(leaf juice). In test one, when feed mixed with camphor extract, the average intake after 120 min was significantly lower (20 g) than that of the other extract in any time. In test two, the lowest feed intake after 120 min could be founded when feed mixed with custard apple (leaf juice) (79 g). Because of the strongly-stimulating odor, extract from camphor shows the best goat-repellent effect among all plant extracts. Based on those results, suggesting that goat to choose food the smell more than the bitter taste. Key Words: Self-sucking, Plant extract, Goat

145. 評估不同來源凝結芽胞桿菌對左旋乳酸產生量的影響

劉芳爵 林幼君 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所


達到促進畜禽腸道健康與育成率的效果。試驗評估篩選自豬隻糞便 2 株(No. S7 與 S10)與牛隻瘤胃液 4 株(No. R3、R6、R8 與 R9)之凝結芽孢桿菌株之能力,此 6 菌株均具有產

孢、耐高溫、耐 2% 膽鹼與耐 pH 2 等特性。在麩皮固態發酵過程,接種溫度、水分、轉速

與發酵時間,分別設定在 37℃、45%、30 rpm 與 72 小時,菌數設定於 1 × 108 cfu/kg,將 6 株凝結芽孢桿,分別接種於固態發酵槽後,評估左旋乳酸的生產量。試驗結果,篩選自豬糞

便與牛隻瘤胃液之 6 株芽孢桿菌的左旋乳酸之產酸能力,分別為每 100 g 乾物達 0.23、0.28、8.08、6.88、9.25 與 4.71 g。綜合前述結果顯示,源自牛隻瘤胃液凝結芽孢桿菌株顯著高於

源自豬隻糞便(0.26 ± 0.04 vs. 7.23 ± 1.94 g/100 g),並以 No. R8 菌株產生左旋乳酸量最高。 關鍵語:凝結芽胞桿菌、左旋乳酸、固態發酵

Assessment the different sources of bacillus coagulans on the L-lactic acid productions

C. F. Liu and Y. C. Lin

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

Bacillus strains can hydrolyze hexose or pentose to produce L-lactic acid for animal feed as a source of organic acids from high-fiber feed ingredient by fermentation hydrolysis, to promote gut health and survival rate of farm animals. This experiment using 2 Bacillus coagulans strains (No. S7 and S10) were screened from pig feces and 4 Bacillus coagulans strains (No. R3, R6, R8 and R9) from rumen fluid, those of them possess several characters inclusion of sporulating capability, the resistance of high temperature and 2% bile salt and pH2 acidic solution. In solid-state fermentation process, sets reaction conditions at 37℃ temperature, 45% moisture content, 30 rpm shaking speed and 72 hours for fermentation, and respectively inoculated 6 Bacillus coagulans strains at the number of bacteria in 1 × 108 cfu/kg into the solid-state fermenter that filled with after crushed and sterilized wheat bran to assess capability of generating L-lactic acid. The results showed that screening from the rumen fluid and pig feces of 6 Bacillus coagulans strains to produce the amount of L-lactic acid were respectively 0.28, 0.23, 8.08, 6.88, 9.25 and 4.71 g/100g. Comprehensive foregoing results revealed that Bacillus coagulans strains derived from rumen fluid were significantly higher than from pig feces (0.26 ± 0.04 vs. 7.23 ± 1.94 g/100g), and No. R8 strain could produce the highest amount of L-lactic acid. Key Words: Bacillus coagulans, L-lactic acid, Solid-state fermentation

Page 148: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016224

146. 飼料中重金屬 - 砷、鎘、鉛及汞之檢驗

吳宗翰 張凱鈞 林志勳 財團法人農業科技研究院







於末端各式各樣禽畜產品的有害重金屬檢測,就顯得更為重要與有效率。本方法以 0.5 g 樣

品、65% 濃硝酸與雙氧水,按設定之微波消化條件,進行檢體消化。消化完成之檢體經稀釋,

以 ICP-MS 分析,可得檢量曲線之 R2 值皆大於 0.999,砷、汞的偵測極限為:10 ppb;鉛、

鎘的偵測極限為:1 ppb。


Determination of arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury in animal feed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry

T. H. Wu, K. C. Chang and J. S. Lin

Agricultural Technology Research Institute

The objectives of this study were to measure the concentrations of 4 toxic heavy metals (As, Cd, Pb

and Hg) in animal feed by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The rise of

environmental heavy metal level, such as arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg) and lead (Pb),

were resulted from the using or manufacture of pesticides and industrial pollution. The increasing of

these heavy metals level from environment may lead to the accumulation of heavy metals in animal

feed. Finally, cause the acute or chronic poisoning of consumer. The heavy metals in animal feed

were the major source to cause the accumulation of heavy metals in farm animals besides the

environmental heavy metals. So, it is more important and effective to control and montor the heavy

metal level in animal feed than to examine numerous animal products. Through this method, 0.5 g

samples were weight and microwave digested to prepared sample. Diluted samples were analyzed

by ICP-MS, the R2 value of calibration curves were all >0.999, the detection limits of arsenic and

mercury were 10 ppb; the detection limits of cadmium and lead were 1 ppb.

Key Words: Feed, Heavy metals, ICP-MS

Page 149: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 225

146. 飼料中重金屬 - 砷、鎘、鉛及汞之檢驗

吳宗翰 張凱鈞 林志勳 財團法人農業科技研究院







於末端各式各樣禽畜產品的有害重金屬檢測,就顯得更為重要與有效率。本方法以 0.5 g 樣

品、65% 濃硝酸與雙氧水,按設定之微波消化條件,進行檢體消化。消化完成之檢體經稀釋,

以 ICP-MS 分析,可得檢量曲線之 R2 值皆大於 0.999,砷、汞的偵測極限為:10 ppb;鉛、

鎘的偵測極限為:1 ppb。


Determination of arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury in animal feed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry

T. H. Wu, K. C. Chang and J. S. Lin

Agricultural Technology Research Institute

The objectives of this study were to measure the concentrations of 4 toxic heavy metals (As, Cd, Pb

and Hg) in animal feed by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The rise of

environmental heavy metal level, such as arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg) and lead (Pb),

were resulted from the using or manufacture of pesticides and industrial pollution. The increasing of

these heavy metals level from environment may lead to the accumulation of heavy metals in animal

feed. Finally, cause the acute or chronic poisoning of consumer. The heavy metals in animal feed

were the major source to cause the accumulation of heavy metals in farm animals besides the

environmental heavy metals. So, it is more important and effective to control and montor the heavy

metal level in animal feed than to examine numerous animal products. Through this method, 0.5 g

samples were weight and microwave digested to prepared sample. Diluted samples were analyzed

by ICP-MS, the R2 value of calibration curves were all >0.999, the detection limits of arsenic and

mercury were 10 ppb; the detection limits of cadmium and lead were 1 ppb.

Key Words: Feed, Heavy metals, ICP-MS

147. 以魚腥草萃取物為佐劑之豬生殖與呼吸綜合症疫苗對保育豬生長性能之影響

吳啟瑞 吳鈴彩 嚴世俊 李恒夫 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所


選取 5 週齡畜試黑豬一號保育豬 75 頭,依體重平均分成 5 處理組,分別為施打生理食鹽水

(對照組)、疫苗組和以疫苗與佐劑等比例配置,佐劑最終濃度分別為 200 ug/mL、400 ug/mL

及 800 ug/mL 組,每處理組 3 重複,飼糧和飲水任食。試驗開始第 1 天、第 3 週及第 6 週

測定豬隻之個別體重及各欄之飼料消耗量,以計算豬隻生長性能。結果顯示:800 ug/mL 組

第 0-42 天增重顯著高於 200 ug/mL、400 ug/mL 佐劑組(P < 0.05);對照組與疫苗組、佐劑

組相較無顯著差異。飼料效率方面 800 ug/mL 佐劑組(P < 0.05)亦顯著高於其他各組。故由



Effect of Houttuynia Cordata extract as adjuvant of reproductive and respiratory syndrome vaccine on growth performance on weaned pigs

C. J. Wu, L. T. Wu, S. C. Yen and L. F. Lee

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The aim of this experiment was to determine the effect of Houttuynia cordata extract as an adjuvant

on growth performance of weaned pigs. Seventy-five TLRI Black pig No.1 weaned pigs aged at

five weeks old were divided into five treatment groups according to body weight. The treatments

were normal saline (control group), vaccine group and control group thith three replicates each

treatment. The final concentration of the adjuvant was 200 ug/mL, 400 ug/mL and 800 ug/mL in the

vaccine and adjuvant. Feed and water were available ad libitum. The body weight of each pigs and

average feed intake were measured at day 1, week 3 and week 6 to determine growth performance.

The results showed that the weight gain in the 800 ug/mL group was significantly higher than that

in the 200 ug/mL and 400 ug/mL adjuvant groups (P < 0.05). There was no significant difference

between the control group and the vaccine group and adjuvant group. The feed efficiency was also

significantly higher in the 800 ug/mL adjuvant group (P <0.05) than in the other groups. Therefore,

from the test results, adding Houttuynia cordata extract for the vaccine adjuvant, could improve the

growth performance of pigs.

Key Words: Houttuynia Cordata, Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome, Weaned pigs

Page 150: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016226

148. 以魚腥草萃取物為佐劑之豬生殖與呼吸綜合症疫苗對保育豬免疫效果之影響

吳啟瑞 吳鈴彩 嚴世俊 李恒夫 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所


消長之影響。選取 5 週齡畜試黑豬一號保育豬 75 頭,依體重平均分成 5 處理組,分別為

施打生理食鹽水(對照組)、疫苗組和以疫苗與佐劑等比例配置,佐劑最終濃度分別為 200 ug/mL、400 ug/mL 及 800 ug/mL 組,每處理組 3 重複,試驗為期六週,飼糧和飲水任食。

於試驗開始第 1 天每頭每劑皆施打 2 毫升,並於試驗開始第 1 天及每 2 週採血檢測抗體

力價。結果顯示:免疫 14 天後,添加魚腥草佐劑組之抗體顯著高於疫苗組(P < 0.05),但


綜合症疫苗之佐劑,有助於提高疫苗對保育豬之保護效果。 關鍵語:魚腥草、豬生殖與呼吸綜合症、保育豬

Effect of Houttuynia Cordata extract as adjuvant in reproductive and respiratory syndrome vaccine on the immune efficacy of pigs

C. J. Wu, L. T. Wu, S. C. Yen and L. F. Lee

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Houttuynia cordata extract as an adjuvant in porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome vaccines on the titer of antibody titers after vaccination in pigs. Seventy-five TLRI Black pig No.1 weaned pigs aged at five weeks old were divided into five treatments according to body weight. The treatments were normal saline (control group), vaccine group and control group with three replicates each treatment. The final concentration of the adjuvant was 200 ug/mL, 400 ug/mL and 800 ug/mL in the vaccine and adjuvant. Feed and water were available ad libitum during the six weeks experiment. Each pig was vaccinated with 2 mL dose. Blood samples were taken from the first day, and every two weeks week. The results showed that after 14 days of immunization, the sera of the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome Houttuynia cordata adjuvant vaccine were diluted 500 times, and the specific antibodies could be produced by ELISA assay. After immunization, the antibody of Houttuynia cordata adjuvant vaccine groups was significant higher than the vaccine group (P <0.05). There was no significant difference between cordata adjuvant group and cordata adjuvant group. The results showed that Houttuynia cordata could be used as an adjuvant in the vaccination of pigs with respiratory syndrome, which could improve the protective effect of vaccine. Key Words: Houttuynia Cordata, Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome, Pigs

Page 151: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 227

148. 以魚腥草萃取物為佐劑之豬生殖與呼吸綜合症疫苗對保育豬免疫效果之影響

吳啟瑞 吳鈴彩 嚴世俊 李恒夫 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所


消長之影響。選取 5 週齡畜試黑豬一號保育豬 75 頭,依體重平均分成 5 處理組,分別為

施打生理食鹽水(對照組)、疫苗組和以疫苗與佐劑等比例配置,佐劑最終濃度分別為 200 ug/mL、400 ug/mL 及 800 ug/mL 組,每處理組 3 重複,試驗為期六週,飼糧和飲水任食。

於試驗開始第 1 天每頭每劑皆施打 2 毫升,並於試驗開始第 1 天及每 2 週採血檢測抗體

力價。結果顯示:免疫 14 天後,添加魚腥草佐劑組之抗體顯著高於疫苗組(P < 0.05),但


綜合症疫苗之佐劑,有助於提高疫苗對保育豬之保護效果。 關鍵語:魚腥草、豬生殖與呼吸綜合症、保育豬

Effect of Houttuynia Cordata extract as adjuvant in reproductive and respiratory syndrome vaccine on the immune efficacy of pigs

C. J. Wu, L. T. Wu, S. C. Yen and L. F. Lee

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Houttuynia cordata extract as an adjuvant in porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome vaccines on the titer of antibody titers after vaccination in pigs. Seventy-five TLRI Black pig No.1 weaned pigs aged at five weeks old were divided into five treatments according to body weight. The treatments were normal saline (control group), vaccine group and control group with three replicates each treatment. The final concentration of the adjuvant was 200 ug/mL, 400 ug/mL and 800 ug/mL in the vaccine and adjuvant. Feed and water were available ad libitum during the six weeks experiment. Each pig was vaccinated with 2 mL dose. Blood samples were taken from the first day, and every two weeks week. The results showed that after 14 days of immunization, the sera of the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome Houttuynia cordata adjuvant vaccine were diluted 500 times, and the specific antibodies could be produced by ELISA assay. After immunization, the antibody of Houttuynia cordata adjuvant vaccine groups was significant higher than the vaccine group (P <0.05). There was no significant difference between cordata adjuvant group and cordata adjuvant group. The results showed that Houttuynia cordata could be used as an adjuvant in the vaccination of pigs with respiratory syndrome, which could improve the protective effect of vaccine. Key Words: Houttuynia Cordata, Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome, Pigs

149. 飼糧中添加水虻對熱緊迫狀態下種公豬精液性狀之影響

林傳順 林怡君 馮啟倫 江柏輝



虻後,對處於熱緊迫狀態下種公豬精液品質的影響。試驗分成三組,將 9 頭種公豬隨機分成

對照組、低劑量組、高劑量組,各組 3 頭。每日飼糧中水虻添加量低劑量組為 0.5%,高劑

量組為 2.5%。試驗連續餵飼 90 天,且每週進行各頭種公豬之採精,並檢測各頭種公豬精液

樣品,進行精液性狀檢測項目,包括精液量、精液濃度、總精子數、pH 值、滲透壓;以及


態下,餵飼水虻可以有效提高種公豬的精液濃度(P < 0.05),進而提高精液的總精子數(P <




The effects of dietary soldier fly on boar semen characteristics in heat stress

C. S. Lin, I. C. Lin, C. L. Feng and B. H. Jiang Agricultural Technology Research Institute

Heat stress can compromise capacity of semen production and reproductive ability on boars in

summer. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of dietary soldier fly on boar semen

characteristics in heat stress. Nine boars were divided into three treatments, control group, low dose

group, high dose group, each group had three boars. Low dose group added 0.5% soldier fly, high

dose group added 2.5% soldier fly in daily feed of boars, respectively. The study period were ninety

days, each boars were collected semen every week. Semen in all groups were analyzed semen

volume, semen concentration, total number of sperm, pH value, osmotic pressure, sperm motility,

normal and abnormal sperm morphology rate. The results shown that dietary soldier fly could

effectively increase the semen concentration (P < 0.05) and total sperm number (P < 0.05) during

heat stress. Based on the results, it was shown that soldier fly intakes could improve the semen

quality of boars in heat stress.

Key Words: Boar, Soldier fly, Semen quality

Page 152: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016228

150. 木黴菌發酵麩皮對肉雞生長性狀及腸道型態之影響

朱益霆(1) 羅朝村(2) 余碧(1) 李滋泰(1) (1)國立中興大學動物科學系 (2)國立虎尾科技大學生物科技系



動物試驗以 180 隻 1 日齡公 Ross 308 白肉雞隨機分配,處理組為基礎飼糧 (control)、基

礎飼糧以未發酵麩皮取代 10% (10% WB)、基礎飼糧以發酵麩皮取代 10%(10% FWB),

生長期(1-21日)之生長性狀結果顯示,10% FWB 處理組較對照組及 10% WB 處理組有較


果顯示處理組間無顯著差異。綜上所述,基礎飼糧以木黴菌發酵麩皮取代 10% 對於白肉雞



Effects of Trichoderma fermented wheat bran on growth performance, intestinal morphology and histological findings in broiler chickens

Y. T. Zhu(1), C. T. Lo(2), B. Yu(1) and T. T. Lee (1)

(1) Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University (2)Department of Biotechnology, National Formosa University

Trichoderma fermented wheat bran (FWB) was investigated with the purpose of evaluating its

influence on growth performance, intestinal morphology and the incidence of nonspecific

pathological lesions in broilers. During the fermentation course, the highest cellulase and xylanase

activities in FWB were achieved at day 4 and the reducing sugar content increased. One hundred

eighty commercial broiler chick males (Ross 308), 1 d of age, were randomly divided into three

groups: basal diet (control), replacement of 10% WB to basal diet (10% WB) or replacement of

10% FWB to basal diet (10% FWB). Results indicated that feed conversion ratio of 10% FWB was

significantly improved for the starter phase (1 to 21 d) compared to the other groups. Furthermore,

replacement of 10% FWB to the basal diet significantly increased villus height and the ratios of the

villus height to crypt depth at the ileum compared to the other groups. There were not significant

difference in gross pathological lesions among groups. In conclusion results of the present study

suggested that replacement of 10% FWB to the basal diet could have beneficial effects on growth

performance and intestinal morphology in broilers.

Key Words: Broiler, Trichoderma, Solid-state fermentation

Page 153: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 229

150. 木黴菌發酵麩皮對肉雞生長性狀及腸道型態之影響

朱益霆(1) 羅朝村(2) 余碧(1) 李滋泰(1) (1)國立中興大學動物科學系 (2)國立虎尾科技大學生物科技系



動物試驗以 180 隻 1 日齡公 Ross 308 白肉雞隨機分配,處理組為基礎飼糧 (control)、基

礎飼糧以未發酵麩皮取代 10% (10% WB)、基礎飼糧以發酵麩皮取代 10%(10% FWB),

生長期(1-21日)之生長性狀結果顯示,10% FWB 處理組較對照組及 10% WB 處理組有較


果顯示處理組間無顯著差異。綜上所述,基礎飼糧以木黴菌發酵麩皮取代 10% 對於白肉雞



Effects of Trichoderma fermented wheat bran on growth performance, intestinal morphology and histological findings in broiler chickens

Y. T. Zhu(1), C. T. Lo(2), B. Yu(1) and T. T. Lee (1)

(1) Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University (2)Department of Biotechnology, National Formosa University

Trichoderma fermented wheat bran (FWB) was investigated with the purpose of evaluating its

influence on growth performance, intestinal morphology and the incidence of nonspecific

pathological lesions in broilers. During the fermentation course, the highest cellulase and xylanase

activities in FWB were achieved at day 4 and the reducing sugar content increased. One hundred

eighty commercial broiler chick males (Ross 308), 1 d of age, were randomly divided into three

groups: basal diet (control), replacement of 10% WB to basal diet (10% WB) or replacement of

10% FWB to basal diet (10% FWB). Results indicated that feed conversion ratio of 10% FWB was

significantly improved for the starter phase (1 to 21 d) compared to the other groups. Furthermore,

replacement of 10% FWB to the basal diet significantly increased villus height and the ratios of the

villus height to crypt depth at the ileum compared to the other groups. There were not significant

difference in gross pathological lesions among groups. In conclusion results of the present study

suggested that replacement of 10% FWB to the basal diet could have beneficial effects on growth

performance and intestinal morphology in broilers.

Key Words: Broiler, Trichoderma, Solid-state fermentation

151. 飼養密度影響公火雞之飼料轉換率

王勝德(1) 王錦盟(1) 施柏齡(2) 蕭智彰(1) 林宗毅(1) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所彰化種畜繁殖場 (2)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所營養組


化場之 10 日齡 B.U.T. 6 公火雞 80 隻,經飼養至 68 日齡逢機留養 60 隻分為 16.9、20.4、

23.5 與 27.8 kg/m2 等 4 種飼養密度組,每組 3 欄、每欄 5 隻。結果顯示,四種飼養密度

對 68 至 150 日齡公火雞之體重、飼料採食量、體增重、飼料轉換率、足墊皮膚炎評分與屠

宰率均無顯著影響,惟第 6 飼養分期(107 至 128 日齡)及試驗全期(68 至 150 日齡)

之飼料轉換率與飼養密度間均具有直線迴歸關係,迴歸方程式分別為 y = 0.1000x + 2.4737, R2

= 0.51 及 y = 0.0381x + 2.3798, R2 = 0.49(x = 飼養密度,y = 飼料轉換率)。本試驗結論認為

在 16.9 至 27.8 kg/m2 之飼養密度範圍內,公火雞之飼料轉換率隨飼養密度之提高而變差。


Stocking density affected feed conversion ratio in meat-type tom turkeys

S. D. Wang(1), C. M. Wang(1), B. L. Shih(2), C. C. Hsiao(1) and C. Y. Lin(1) (1) Changhua Animal Propagation Station, LRI-COA (2) Nutrition Division, LRI-COA

This study was to investigate the effect of stocking density on growth performance, footpad

dermatitis score, and dressing percentage of meat-type tom turkeys. Eighty B.U.T. 6 male birds

were purchased from a commercial hatchery at 10 days of age. They were randomly allotted into 8

pens. After 68 days of age, 60 turkeys were allotted into 4 treatments, i.e. 16.9, 20.4, 23.5, and 27.8

kg per m2 of stocking density. There were 3 pens per treatment and 5 turkeys in each pen. No

significant effect between 16.9, 20.4, 23.5, and 27.8 kg/m2 of stocking density on body weight, feed

intake, body weight gain, and feed conversion ratio of turkeys in 68 to 150 days of age were

observed. Footpad dermatitis score and dressing percentage of birds were also not significantly

affected by the present stocking density. There was a regressive relation between the stocking

density and the feed conversion ratio both in the feeding duration from 107 to 128 days of age and

from 68 to 150 days of age. The regression equation was y = 0.1000x + 2.4737, R2 = 0.51 and y =

0.0381x + 2.3798, R2 = 0.49, respectively (x = stocking density, y = feed conversion ratio). The

results suggested that increased stocking density in range of 16.9 to 27.8 kg/m2 diminished feed

conversion ratio of meat-type tom turkeys.

Key Words: Footpad dermatitis score, Stocking density, Tom turkeys

Page 154: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016230

152. 飼養密度及飛機翼對白羅曼鵝羽毛重及血液性狀之影響

林旻蓉(1) 張伸彰(1) 賈玉祥(2) 李滋泰(3) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所彰化種畜繁殖場

(2)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所新竹分所 (3)國立中興大學動物科學系

本試驗旨在探討飼養密度、飼養模式、性別及具飛機翼與否對鵝隻之體重、羽毛重及血液性狀之影響。試驗採裂區設計(split-plot design),將鵝隻逢機分配於 3 種飼養密度(高、中及低飼養密度)× 2 種飼養模式(0 至 4 日齡飲水有無添加綜合維生素)之 6 種處理組,以欄為主區試驗單位,共 12 欄,每欄分 2 種性別(公及母鵝)× 2 種鵝隻(是否具飛機翼之鵝隻),以隻為裂區試驗單位。試驗結果顯示,14 週齡具飛機翼鵝隻於絕食 18 小時後,其體重有較正常翼者為重之趨勢。14 週齡具飛機翼鵝隻之左翼羽毛重顯著較正常翼者為輕。14 週齡公鵝之左翼羽毛重顯著較母鵝者為重。8 週齡公鵝之血清總膽固醇(cholesterol, CHOL)、高密度脂蛋白-膽固醇(high density lipoprotein-cholesterol, HDL-C)及低密度脂蛋白-膽固醇(low density lipoprotein-cholesterol)均顯著較母鵝者為高,且於 14 週齡公鵝之血清 CHOL 與 HDL-C 亦均顯著較母鵝者為高。綜上所述,鵝隻之飼養密度會影響其體重以及血清 CHOL 含量。 關鍵語:飛機翼、羽毛重、白羅曼鵝

Effects of stocking density and angel wing on feather weight and blood biochemical parameters in White Roman geese

M. J. Lin(1), S. C. Chang (1), Y. S. Jea(2) and T. T. Lee(3)

(1)Changhua Animal Propagation Station, COA-LRI (2)Hsinchu Branch, COA-LRI (3)Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University

This study was to investigate the effects of stocking density, supplementation of vitamins in drinking water, sex and angel wing (AW) on body weight, feather weight and blood biochemical parameters in White Roman geese. The experiment was conducted under a split-plot design which comprised of three stock densities and two vitamin supplement (yes or nil) regimes randomly assigned into 12 pens regarding as main-plots and two sex and two treatments (AW or normal wing) randomly assigned into 12 pens in each of the pens as sub-plots. The results showed that the birds in AW tended to have a higher eighteen hours feed-deprived body weight at 14 weeks old than those in normal wing (NW). The birds with AW had a significantly lighter feather weight in left wing at 14 weeks old than those in NW. The ganders had a significantly lighter feather weight in left wing at 14 weeks old than those in female geese. The ganders had a significantly higher cholesterol (CHOL), high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) and low density lipoprotein-cholesterol contents of serum at 8 week old than those in female geese, and the ganders also had a significantly higher CHOL and HDL-C contents of serum at 14 weeks old than those in the female geese. In conclusion, stocking density of White Roman geese could affect body weight and CHOL contents of serum. Key Words: Angel wing, Feather weight, White Roman geese

Page 155: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 231

152. 飼養密度及飛機翼對白羅曼鵝羽毛重及血液性狀之影響

林旻蓉(1) 張伸彰(1) 賈玉祥(2) 李滋泰(3) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所彰化種畜繁殖場

(2)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所新竹分所 (3)國立中興大學動物科學系

本試驗旨在探討飼養密度、飼養模式、性別及具飛機翼與否對鵝隻之體重、羽毛重及血液性狀之影響。試驗採裂區設計(split-plot design),將鵝隻逢機分配於 3 種飼養密度(高、中及低飼養密度)× 2 種飼養模式(0 至 4 日齡飲水有無添加綜合維生素)之 6 種處理組,以欄為主區試驗單位,共 12 欄,每欄分 2 種性別(公及母鵝)× 2 種鵝隻(是否具飛機翼之鵝隻),以隻為裂區試驗單位。試驗結果顯示,14 週齡具飛機翼鵝隻於絕食 18 小時後,其體重有較正常翼者為重之趨勢。14 週齡具飛機翼鵝隻之左翼羽毛重顯著較正常翼者為輕。14 週齡公鵝之左翼羽毛重顯著較母鵝者為重。8 週齡公鵝之血清總膽固醇(cholesterol, CHOL)、高密度脂蛋白-膽固醇(high density lipoprotein-cholesterol, HDL-C)及低密度脂蛋白-膽固醇(low density lipoprotein-cholesterol)均顯著較母鵝者為高,且於 14 週齡公鵝之血清 CHOL 與 HDL-C 亦均顯著較母鵝者為高。綜上所述,鵝隻之飼養密度會影響其體重以及血清 CHOL 含量。 關鍵語:飛機翼、羽毛重、白羅曼鵝

Effects of stocking density and angel wing on feather weight and blood biochemical parameters in White Roman geese

M. J. Lin(1), S. C. Chang (1), Y. S. Jea(2) and T. T. Lee(3)

(1)Changhua Animal Propagation Station, COA-LRI (2)Hsinchu Branch, COA-LRI (3)Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University

This study was to investigate the effects of stocking density, supplementation of vitamins in drinking water, sex and angel wing (AW) on body weight, feather weight and blood biochemical parameters in White Roman geese. The experiment was conducted under a split-plot design which comprised of three stock densities and two vitamin supplement (yes or nil) regimes randomly assigned into 12 pens regarding as main-plots and two sex and two treatments (AW or normal wing) randomly assigned into 12 pens in each of the pens as sub-plots. The results showed that the birds in AW tended to have a higher eighteen hours feed-deprived body weight at 14 weeks old than those in normal wing (NW). The birds with AW had a significantly lighter feather weight in left wing at 14 weeks old than those in NW. The ganders had a significantly lighter feather weight in left wing at 14 weeks old than those in female geese. The ganders had a significantly higher cholesterol (CHOL), high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) and low density lipoprotein-cholesterol contents of serum at 8 week old than those in female geese, and the ganders also had a significantly higher CHOL and HDL-C contents of serum at 14 weeks old than those in the female geese. In conclusion, stocking density of White Roman geese could affect body weight and CHOL contents of serum. Key Words: Angel wing, Feather weight, White Roman geese

153. 代乳粉添加不同發酵產物對哺乳仔羊生長性狀之影響

葉瑞涵 楊深玄 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所恆春分所

本研究旨在探討代乳粉中添加不同發酵產物對哺乳仔羊生長性狀之影響。以 56 頭哺乳仔羊逢機分置於對照組、發酵產物 A 組、B 組及 C 組。發酵產物添加量為 0.3%。每處理 5 重複(第 1-4 重複:3 隻羊/重複;第 5 重複:2 隻羊/重複)。試驗期 7 周。每日餵代乳品二餐,試驗 1- 4 周由 1,600 ml/日漸降低至 1,000 ml/ 日,試驗 5-7 周由 1,000 ml/日 漸降低至 300ml/ 日。教槽料給予任食,乾草於試驗後 4 周給予任食。結果顯示,各組羊隻生長性狀無顯著差異。離乳體重分別為 9.51±1.28、8.92±1.62、8.52±1.52、8.78±1.59 公斤;增重為 5.77±1.00、5.27±1.45、4.87±1.90、5.13±1.26 公斤;乾物質採食量為 9.06±1.34、8.00±2.02、7.48±2.26、7.72±1.99 公斤;飼料換肉率為 1.59±0.24、1.52±0.13、1.61±0.30、1.52±0.18(乾物質採食量/增重)。發酵產物 A 組試驗第 2-3 週及整個試驗期之下痢計分較其他組低。綜上所述,代乳粉中添加 0.3% 發酵產物 A、B 或 C 不影響哺乳仔羊生長性狀,但發酵產物 A 可改善下痢計分。 關鍵語:發酵產物、仔羊、代乳粉

The effect of adding different fermentation products in milk replacer on goat kids’ growth performance

R. H. Yeh and S. S. Yang Hengchung Branch, COA-LRI

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of adding different fermentation products in milk replacer on goat kids’ growth performance. Fifty-six goat kids were randomly assigned into control, adding 0.3% of fermentation product A, B or C in milk replacer, with 5 replicates within each group (replicate 1-4: 3 goat kids/pen; replicate 5: 2 goat kids/pen). Feeding trial was carried out for 7 weeks. The milk replacer fed twice a day. The milk replacer was fed from 1600 ml/day down to 1000 ml/day in the 1st–4th week, and then from 1000 ml/day down to 300 ml/day in the 5th–7th week. The prestarter feed was ad libitum, and the Bermuda hay was provided after the 4th week. The result showed that there was no significant difference in growth performance. The weaning weight were 9.51±1.28, 8.92±1.62, 8.52±1.52, 8.78±1.59 kg, respectively. The weight gain were 5.77±1.00, 5.27±1.45, 4.87±1.90, 5.13±1.26 kg, respectively. The feed intake (dry matter basis) were 9.06±1.34, 8.00±2.02, 7.48±2.26, 7.72±1.99 kg, respectively. The feed conversion ratio were 1.59±0.24, 1.52±0.13, 1.61±0.30, 1.52±0.18 (feed intake / weight gain), respectively. The diarrhea score in fermented product A group in the 2nd-3rd week and the whole experiment period were lower than other groups. In conclusion, adding 0.3% fermentation product A, B, or C in milk replacer had no significant effect on goat kids’ growth performance, but fermentation product A could improve diarrhea score. Key Words: Fermentation product, Goat kid, Milk replacer

Page 156: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016232

154. 乳酸桿菌 Pg4 與中藥草的抗病毒能力評估

饒宗璇(1) 劉嚞睿(1)(2) (1)國立臺灣大學動物科學技術學系 (2)國立臺灣大學生物科技研究所



動物或人體健康。本研究之目的為利用乳酸桿菌 Lactobacillus reuteri Pg4 和中藥草(茵陳蒿




草,並與乳酸桿菌 Pg4 一同對 BHK 細胞進行前處理,再以 SBV 進行感染,評估其抗病毒

活性,並進一步分析病毒感染的時間效應及干擾素 α 的下游基因 ISG56 表現。結果顯示,


力在畜牧生產之使用。 關鍵語:抗病毒、中藥草、乳酸桿菌

The antiviral effects of Lactobacillus reuteri Pg4 and Chinese herbal medicines

T. H. Rau(1) and J. R. Liu(1)(2) (1)Department of Animal Science and Technology, National Taiwan University

(2)Institute of Biotechnology, National Taiwan University

The main purpose of this study was to investigate the antiviral effect of Lactobacillus reuteri Pg4 as a probiotic supplement with Chinese herbal medicines (Yin Chen Hao Tang, Gardeniae fructus, Scutellariae radix, Coptidis rhizome, Isatidis radix, Chrysanthemi flos, Glycyrrhizae radix et rhizome, and Bupleuri radix). The study was divided into two parts. First, the water extracts of Chinese herbal medicines were evaluated their cytotoxicity assay and antiviral ability; and further, their bioactivities of active ingredients were estimated. Second, the antiviral activities of the L.reuteri Pg4 and Chinese herbal medicines were evaluated in the BHK cell model of Sindbis virus infection by flow cytometric analysis and time course assay. Furthermore, ISG 56 gene expression level of BHK cells with different treatment were determined by quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction analysis. We first determined effects of the Chinese herbal medicines on cell viability through MTT and the following herbs showed the strongest potency and also largest CC50: Gardeniae fructus, Glycyrrhizae radix et rhizome, and Isatidis radix. All of these Chinese herbal medicines extracts were considered active, and of interest for further investigation. Key Words: Antiviral activity, Chinese herbal medicines, Lactobacillus reuteri Pg4

Page 157: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 233

154. 乳酸桿菌 Pg4 與中藥草的抗病毒能力評估

饒宗璇(1) 劉嚞睿(1)(2) (1)國立臺灣大學動物科學技術學系 (2)國立臺灣大學生物科技研究所



動物或人體健康。本研究之目的為利用乳酸桿菌 Lactobacillus reuteri Pg4 和中藥草(茵陳蒿




草,並與乳酸桿菌 Pg4 一同對 BHK 細胞進行前處理,再以 SBV 進行感染,評估其抗病毒

活性,並進一步分析病毒感染的時間效應及干擾素 α 的下游基因 ISG56 表現。結果顯示,


力在畜牧生產之使用。 關鍵語:抗病毒、中藥草、乳酸桿菌

The antiviral effects of Lactobacillus reuteri Pg4 and Chinese herbal medicines

T. H. Rau(1) and J. R. Liu(1)(2) (1)Department of Animal Science and Technology, National Taiwan University

(2)Institute of Biotechnology, National Taiwan University

The main purpose of this study was to investigate the antiviral effect of Lactobacillus reuteri Pg4 as a probiotic supplement with Chinese herbal medicines (Yin Chen Hao Tang, Gardeniae fructus, Scutellariae radix, Coptidis rhizome, Isatidis radix, Chrysanthemi flos, Glycyrrhizae radix et rhizome, and Bupleuri radix). The study was divided into two parts. First, the water extracts of Chinese herbal medicines were evaluated their cytotoxicity assay and antiviral ability; and further, their bioactivities of active ingredients were estimated. Second, the antiviral activities of the L.reuteri Pg4 and Chinese herbal medicines were evaluated in the BHK cell model of Sindbis virus infection by flow cytometric analysis and time course assay. Furthermore, ISG 56 gene expression level of BHK cells with different treatment were determined by quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction analysis. We first determined effects of the Chinese herbal medicines on cell viability through MTT and the following herbs showed the strongest potency and also largest CC50: Gardeniae fructus, Glycyrrhizae radix et rhizome, and Isatidis radix. All of these Chinese herbal medicines extracts were considered active, and of interest for further investigation. Key Words: Antiviral activity, Chinese herbal medicines, Lactobacillus reuteri Pg4

155. 飼糧中添加巴西蘑菇培養基青貯料對泌乳牛泌乳性能之影響

陳怡璇(1) 王思涵(1) 陳一明(1) 吳鈴彩(2) 王紓愍(3) 賈玉祥(1) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所新竹分所 (2)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所產業組

(3)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所恆春分所 為達到資源循環再利用,利用盤固草取代木屑做為栽培巴西蘑菇之培養基,再將其調製成青貯料探討其在荷蘭泌乳牛飼糧中之可行性。將巴西蘑菇培養基、玉米粉及乳酸菌混合進行 60 天厭氧發酵,得乾物質 56.5%、pH 4.41 與青貯評分為 86 分之青貯料。試驗採用 17 天適應期,4 天採樣期之完全逢機設計,挑選 6 頭泌乳中期荷蘭乳牛平均分成兩組,每天每組餵飼基中餵飼含 0% 巴西蘑菇培養基青貯料(對照組)或 20% 巴西蘑菇培養基青貯料(試驗組)的 TMR 計 21 天,試驗重複一次。試驗結果顯示,兩組牛隻平均每日採食量分別為 132.2 與 112.6 公斤;平均泌乳量分別為 24.1 與 21.8 公斤;乳脂(3.95% 及 4.06%)、乳蛋白質(3.29% 及 3.10%)與無脂固行物濃度(8.88% 及 8.62%)、體細胞數(6.64 及 4.71)亦相近,且試驗組牛隻之牛乳含特殊風味。綜合試驗結果得知,或許可調整巴西蘑菇培養基青貯料之添加比例,以提高牛隻採食量與泌乳表現。期待巴西蘑菇培養基青貯料能成為國內酪農芻料另一新選擇,達資源循環再利用並降低飼糧成本之目標。 關鍵語:荷蘭乳牛、泌乳性能、巴西蘑菇培養基青貯料 Effect of dietary supplementation of Agaricus blazei Murill cultures silage on milking

performance of Holstein lactating cows

Y. H. Chen(1) , S. H. Wang(1), Y. M. Chen(1), L. T. Wu(2), S. M. Wang(3) and Y. S. Jia(1) (1)Hsin-Chu Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

(2)Animal Industry Division, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (3)Hengchun Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

To recycle the resources , this study was to evaluate the proper utilization of Agaricus blazei Murill cultures silage in diets for Holstein lactating cows. Pngolagrass of Agaricus blazei Murill cultures substituted sawdust. Agaricus blazei Murill cultures, corn flours and Lactobacillus was mixed to ensiled and resulted in 56.5% dry matter, pH 4.41 and the Flieg’s score of 86. A CRD test with 17 days of adaptation period and 4 days sampling period was adopted and repeat once. 6 Holstein lactating cows were assigned into two groups receiving diets containing 0 (control) or 20 (treatment) % of Agaricus blazei Murill cultures silage in TMR a day a group for 21 days. Results showed that the daily intakes of two groups reached 132.2 and 112.6 kg and daily milk yields were 24.1 and 21.8 kg, respectively. Milk fat (3.95% and 4.06%), protein (3.29% and 3.10%), SNF (8.88% and 8.62%), and SCC (6.64 and 4.71) contents were similar among groups. The milk of treatment cows had special fever. In conclusion, adjusting the proper ration of Agaricus blazei Murill cultures silage in diets would increase the intake and lactation performance in dairy cows. We were looking forward Agaricus blazei Murill cultures silage be a good alternative resource for substituting conventional feedstuffs for ruminants in future. Key Words: Holstein lactating cows, Milking performance, Agaricus blazei Murill culture silage

Page 158: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016234

156. 飼糧中添加不同含量濕高粱酒糟對黑羽土雞生長、血液性狀及 免疫力之影響

鄭慶安(1) 李欣玫(2) 時美(1) 林炳宏(3) 陳盈豪(1)

(1)東海大學畜產與生物科技學系 (2)國立金門大學食品科學系 (3)國立嘉義大學動物科學系

本研究之目的乃在探討飼糧中添加不同含量濕高粱酒糟對黑羽土雞生長、血液及免疫性狀之影響。將 7 週齡 192 隻雄黑羽土雞分成 4 組,分別餵飼商業飼料額外添加 0%、6%、12% 與 18% 之濕高粱酒糟,試驗期為 8 週,每日測量採食量與每週進行秤體重,並於雞隻 9 與 15 週齡時翼翅靜脈採血。結果顯示 6% 組平均體重與飼料效率顯著高於 18% 組,但與 0% 組無顯著差異(P < 0.05)。各處理組雞隻於 9 與 15 週齡採血之紅血球總數、血清三酸甘油酯與白蛋白濃度及血清 GOT、GPT 活性並無顯著差異。各處理組之 IgA、IgG 及 IgM 抗體濃度亦無顯著差異。綜合上述,在商業飼料中添加 6% 濕高粱酒糟不影響黑羽土雞健康,因此其具有開發雞飼料原料之潛力。 關鍵語:生長、黑羽土雞、高粱酒糟 Effect of adding wet sorghum distillery residue (SDR) in diet on growth performance,

blood traits and immunity in black-feather country cockerels

C. A. Cheng(1), J. H. Liu(1), M. Shih(1), P. H. Lin(3) and Y. H. Chen(1) (1) Department of Animal Science and Biotechnology, Tunghai University

(2) Department of Food Science, National Quemoy University (3) Department of Animal Science, National Chiayl University

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of adding wet sorghum distillery residue (SDR) in diet on growth performance, blood traits and immunity in black-feather country cockerels. One hundred and ninety-two 7-week-old Taiwan black-feather country cockerels were allocated to 4 treatments and fed commercial diets adding with 0%, 6%, 12%, and 18% SDR, respectively. The experiment lasted for 8 weeks. The feed intakes and body weights were recorded by every day and every week, separately. Blood were sampled with syringe from wing vein at 9 and 15 weeks of age. The results showed that average daily gain (ADG) and feed efficiency (FE) of 6% SDR groups significantly greater than that of 18% SDR groups, whereas, there were no significant differences for ADG and FE between 0% and 6% SDR group (P < 0.05). There were no significant differences in erythrocyte number, sera triglyceride and albumin concentration, as well as, sera glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT) and glutamyl pyruvic transpeptidase (GPT) activity among the treatments at 9 and 15 weeks of age. Moreover, the sera IgA, IgG and IgM antibody concentration of chicken are not significant differences among the treatments. In conclusion, commercial feed adding 6% wet SDR level does not affect the health of the black-feather country cockerels. Therefore, it is potential as a source of feed ingredient for chicken. Key Words: Growth, Muscovy, Sorghum distillery residue

Page 159: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 235

156. 飼糧中添加不同含量濕高粱酒糟對黑羽土雞生長、血液性狀及 免疫力之影響

鄭慶安(1) 李欣玫(2) 時美(1) 林炳宏(3) 陳盈豪(1)

(1)東海大學畜產與生物科技學系 (2)國立金門大學食品科學系 (3)國立嘉義大學動物科學系

本研究之目的乃在探討飼糧中添加不同含量濕高粱酒糟對黑羽土雞生長、血液及免疫性狀之影響。將 7 週齡 192 隻雄黑羽土雞分成 4 組,分別餵飼商業飼料額外添加 0%、6%、12% 與 18% 之濕高粱酒糟,試驗期為 8 週,每日測量採食量與每週進行秤體重,並於雞隻 9 與 15 週齡時翼翅靜脈採血。結果顯示 6% 組平均體重與飼料效率顯著高於 18% 組,但與 0% 組無顯著差異(P < 0.05)。各處理組雞隻於 9 與 15 週齡採血之紅血球總數、血清三酸甘油酯與白蛋白濃度及血清 GOT、GPT 活性並無顯著差異。各處理組之 IgA、IgG 及 IgM 抗體濃度亦無顯著差異。綜合上述,在商業飼料中添加 6% 濕高粱酒糟不影響黑羽土雞健康,因此其具有開發雞飼料原料之潛力。 關鍵語:生長、黑羽土雞、高粱酒糟 Effect of adding wet sorghum distillery residue (SDR) in diet on growth performance,

blood traits and immunity in black-feather country cockerels

C. A. Cheng(1), J. H. Liu(1), M. Shih(1), P. H. Lin(3) and Y. H. Chen(1) (1) Department of Animal Science and Biotechnology, Tunghai University

(2) Department of Food Science, National Quemoy University (3) Department of Animal Science, National Chiayl University

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of adding wet sorghum distillery residue (SDR) in diet on growth performance, blood traits and immunity in black-feather country cockerels. One hundred and ninety-two 7-week-old Taiwan black-feather country cockerels were allocated to 4 treatments and fed commercial diets adding with 0%, 6%, 12%, and 18% SDR, respectively. The experiment lasted for 8 weeks. The feed intakes and body weights were recorded by every day and every week, separately. Blood were sampled with syringe from wing vein at 9 and 15 weeks of age. The results showed that average daily gain (ADG) and feed efficiency (FE) of 6% SDR groups significantly greater than that of 18% SDR groups, whereas, there were no significant differences for ADG and FE between 0% and 6% SDR group (P < 0.05). There were no significant differences in erythrocyte number, sera triglyceride and albumin concentration, as well as, sera glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT) and glutamyl pyruvic transpeptidase (GPT) activity among the treatments at 9 and 15 weeks of age. Moreover, the sera IgA, IgG and IgM antibody concentration of chicken are not significant differences among the treatments. In conclusion, commercial feed adding 6% wet SDR level does not affect the health of the black-feather country cockerels. Therefore, it is potential as a source of feed ingredient for chicken. Key Words: Growth, Muscovy, Sorghum distillery residue

157. 飼糧添加甘藷簽與食品副產物對土雞生長及屠體性狀之影響

施柏齡 劉芳爵 范耕榛 李春芳 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所

為提高自產飼料資源之利用,本試驗採用 8 週齡畜試土雞 13 號共 396 隻,公母各半,依體

重分成 6 組,每組三重複,每重複 22 隻,試驗期 8~16 週齡。對照組飼糧以玉米–大豆粕

為主要原料,試驗組以含麩皮、高粱酒粕及甘藷簽(3:2:5 鮮重比)的副產物預混料,添加

為飼糧乾基的 10%、15%、20% 或 25%,第六組以鳳梨皮渣發酵物(麩皮、鳳梨皮渣及甘藷

簽,6:3:1 鮮重比)添加為飼糧乾基的 15%,飼糧均含 CP 17% 及 ME 2,900 kcal/kg。試驗

期間飼糧與飲水任食。試驗結束時每組犧牲 8 隻進行屠體性狀調查。試驗結果得知,土雞飼

料採食量於各處理組間相近;副產物預混料 25% 組及鳳梨皮渣發酵物組降低土雞增重及飼料

換肉率(P < 0.05)。飼糧添加副產物預混料或鳳梨皮渣發酵物並不會影響雞隻屠宰率、腹脂率、

胸肉皮膚紅色與黃色色澤,但可提高胸肉亮度(P < 0.05)。綜上所述,建議肥育期土雞飼糧中

可應用副產物預混料,並以 15% 為宜。


Effect of adding sweet potato chip and food by-products in diet on growth

performance and carcass traits of native chickens

B. L. Shih, F. C. Liu, G. J. Fan and C. F. Lee

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

To build up the proper utilization of locally-produced feed ingredients, a total of 396 8-wk-old

LRI-13 native chickens, half male half female, were assigned into six groups for 8-wk. A

corn-soybean meal basal diet was offered as control group. By-product mixture (wheat bran, sorghum

distiller’s grains and sweet potato chip, mixed at 3:2:5 fresh weight) were added into diet at 10%,

15%, 20% or 25% level. Another fermented mixture (wheat bran, pineapple pulp and sweet potato

chip, mixed at 6:3:1) were added at 15% in the 6th diet. All diets contained CP 17% and ME 2,900

kcal/kg. Feed and water were offered ad libitum. At the end of experiment, eight chickens each

treatment were sacrificed for measuring the carcass characteristics. Results showed that feed intake,

dressing percentage, abdominal fat percentages, red and yellow color of breast skin all were not

affected by diets. Chickens fed 25% by-product mixture or fermented mixture had poor weight gain

and feed conversion ratio (P < 0.05). But the lightness of breast meat from chickens fed two mixtures

was higher (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the proper addition level of by-product mixture for finishing

native chicken diets is recommended to be 15%.

Key Words: By-products, Growth performance, Native chicken

Page 160: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016236

158. 以實驗室方法評估不同食用菇廢棄培養基固態發酵稻稈之效果

范耕榛(1) 汪碧瑩(1) 李滋泰(2) 陳美杏(3) 李春芳(1) 余碧(2) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)國立中興大學 (3)行政院農業委員會農業試驗所






質素消失量/(半纖維素+纖維素消失量)*100%,8.0 - 13.2%)優於杏鮑菇、松山靈芝及珊瑚菇

的效率(-7.5 - 2.2%)。雖然稻稈發酵期延長至 56 日,有助於再增加其木質素的降解及發酵效

率 (17.35%),但發酵至 42 日即已有顯著改善之效果。另菇類培養基之接種量(5 - 40%)


飼養價值之方法。 關鍵語:食用菇廢棄培養基、稻稈、固態發酵

In vitro assessment of quality improvement of solid-state fermented rice straw by edible mushroom waste medium

G. J. Fan(1), B. Y. Wang(1), T. T. Lee(2), M. H. Chen(3), C. F. Lee(1) and B. Yu(2)

(1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (2)National Chung Hsing University (3)Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, COA

Rice straw is one of the most abundant fibrous crop residues in Taiwan. Edible fungi could secret lignocellulose enzymes with high potency. Its waste medium (WM) still keeps the mycelium growth and enzymes secretion. Pretreatment of rice straw by mushroom WM could be a feasible approach by delignification to increase the availability of rice straw as feed resource for ruminant. In this trial, rice straw was subject to solid-state fermentation with six mushroom WM. Quality improvement of fermented rice straw was determined by NDF, ADF, lignin, and in vitro dry matter digestibility. Results showed that Pleurotus ostreatus, Albino mutants of Pleurotus ostreatus, and Pleurotus Sapphire had the better fermentation efficiency (loss of lignin/(loss of hemicelluloses+cellulose)*100%) on rice straw compared with Pleurotus eryngii, Ganodermalucidum, and Pleurotus citrinopileatus Singer (8.0 - 13.2% vs. -7.5 - 2.2%). Although fermentation extended to 56 days could even increase the rice straw quality, the 42-d length effectively improved rice straw quality already. Moreover, the inocula amount (5 - 40%) would not affect the fermentation quality. In summary, solid-state fermentation by mushroom waste medium is an available method to promote the feeding value of rice straw. Key Words: Edible mushroom waste medium, Rice straw, Solid- state fermentation

Page 161: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 237

158. 以實驗室方法評估不同食用菇廢棄培養基固態發酵稻稈之效果

范耕榛(1) 汪碧瑩(1) 李滋泰(2) 陳美杏(3) 李春芳(1) 余碧(2) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)國立中興大學 (3)行政院農業委員會農業試驗所






質素消失量/(半纖維素+纖維素消失量)*100%,8.0 - 13.2%)優於杏鮑菇、松山靈芝及珊瑚菇

的效率(-7.5 - 2.2%)。雖然稻稈發酵期延長至 56 日,有助於再增加其木質素的降解及發酵效

率 (17.35%),但發酵至 42 日即已有顯著改善之效果。另菇類培養基之接種量(5 - 40%)


飼養價值之方法。 關鍵語:食用菇廢棄培養基、稻稈、固態發酵

In vitro assessment of quality improvement of solid-state fermented rice straw by edible mushroom waste medium

G. J. Fan(1), B. Y. Wang(1), T. T. Lee(2), M. H. Chen(3), C. F. Lee(1) and B. Yu(2)

(1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (2)National Chung Hsing University (3)Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, COA

Rice straw is one of the most abundant fibrous crop residues in Taiwan. Edible fungi could secret lignocellulose enzymes with high potency. Its waste medium (WM) still keeps the mycelium growth and enzymes secretion. Pretreatment of rice straw by mushroom WM could be a feasible approach by delignification to increase the availability of rice straw as feed resource for ruminant. In this trial, rice straw was subject to solid-state fermentation with six mushroom WM. Quality improvement of fermented rice straw was determined by NDF, ADF, lignin, and in vitro dry matter digestibility. Results showed that Pleurotus ostreatus, Albino mutants of Pleurotus ostreatus, and Pleurotus Sapphire had the better fermentation efficiency (loss of lignin/(loss of hemicelluloses+cellulose)*100%) on rice straw compared with Pleurotus eryngii, Ganodermalucidum, and Pleurotus citrinopileatus Singer (8.0 - 13.2% vs. -7.5 - 2.2%). Although fermentation extended to 56 days could even increase the rice straw quality, the 42-d length effectively improved rice straw quality already. Moreover, the inocula amount (5 - 40%) would not affect the fermentation quality. In summary, solid-state fermentation by mushroom waste medium is an available method to promote the feeding value of rice straw. Key Words: Edible mushroom waste medium, Rice straw, Solid- state fermentation

159. 秀珍菇廢棄培養基固態發酵稻稈對乳用閹公羊生長性能之影響

范耕榛(1) 蕭宗法(1) 余碧(2) 李春芳(1) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)國立中興大學

大部分食用菇來自白腐真菌,其能分泌木質纖維酵素。前期 in vitro 試驗結果顯示,6 種食用菇中以秀珍菇廢棄培養基對固態發酵稻稈之纖維分解效果較佳,可能提升發酵稻稈的飼料化應用。本次試驗即以秀珍菇廢棄培養基固態發酵稻稈 8 週備用。選取 30 頭平均體重 50.1 ± 6.6 kg 之撒能或阿爾拜因閹公羊,依日齡及體重逢機分為 3 組,每組 5 欄,每欄 2 頭,進行 77 日之增重試驗。對照組飼糧以盤固拉乾草占飼糧乾基 15% 為之,試驗組以發酵稻稈或稻稈取代對照組盤固拉草,另以 3 頭瘤胃開窗乾乳羊進行一個 3 × 3 拉丁方瘤胃消化試驗,每期 14 日,並於最後 2 日連續採集瘤胃內容物。試驗結果顯示,羊隻隻日乾物質採食量(分別為 1.38、1.53 及 1.20 kg,P < 0.05)及日增重(118、138 及 101 g,P < 0.05)皆以發酵稻稈組高於稻稈組;三組每日瘤胃 pH 加權平均相近(6.20、6.27 及 6.16)。綜上,經秀珍菇廢棄培養基固態發酵的稻稈可以做為良好的生長羊飼糧原料,推薦添加量可達飼糧乾基之 15%。 關鍵語:發酵稻稈、乳用生長羊、秀珍菇廢棄培養基

Effects of dietary addition of solid-state fermented rice straw by edible mushroom waste medium on growth performance of dairy goats

G. J. Fan(1), T. F. Shiao(1) C. F. Lee(1) and B. Yu(2)

(1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (2)National Chung Hsing University

Most of the edible mushrooms are from white rot fungi possessing lignocellulase activity. Previous in vitro study showed waste medium (WM) of Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom achieved the better quality improvement for rice straw among six mushroom varieties. In this study, rice straw solid-state fermented with Pleurotus ostreatus WM 8 wks was added into growing dairy goat diet to evaluate its feeding value. A total of 30 head of Saana and Alpine castrated ram with average body weight of 50.1 ± 6.6 kg were assigned into three groups for 77 days, 5 pens (2 head/pen) each group. Pangolagrass hay at 15% of diet dry matter was the control diet. By substituting pangolagrass hay, fermented or original rice straw was added into two trial diets. Ruminal digestion trial was conducted by three rumen-cannulated dry goats in a 3 x 3 latin square design with 14 days a period. At the end of each period, rumen samples were taken every one to three hrs. Results showed that fermented rice straw diet attributed the higher daily dry matter intakes (1.38, 1.53, and 1.20 kg, P < 0.05) and weight gain (118, 138, and 101 g, P < 0.05) than those from rice straw group. Diurnal rumen pH was not influenced by diet treatment (6.20, 6.27, and 6.16). In conclusion, fermented rice straw is a good alternative feed resource for growing goats and 15% in diet dry matter is recommended. Key Words: Fermented rice straw, Growing dairy goat, Pleurotus ostreatus waste medium

Page 162: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016238

160. 增加飼糧中副產物比例對瘤胃溫室氣體生成之影響(Rusitec)

李春芳(1) 王嘉惠(1) 黃俞臻(2) 范耕榛(1) 吳錫勳(2) 蕭宗法(1)

(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)國立屏東科技大學 在地飼料在地利用是一種減碳的環保飼養方法,本試驗目的在探討增加飼糧中自產副產物比



的 10%、20% 或 32%。試驗以瘤胃模擬系統(Rusitec)進行半連續式厭氧發酵 12 日。結果

顯示,三組飼糧之瘤胃 pH 值(平均 6.33)、飼糧 48 小時乾物質消化率(平均 85.1%)及瘤

胃微生物合成效率(g-微生物/g-有機物消失,平均 0.54)皆相近。三組每日發酵氣體量分別

為 2.65、2.53 及 2.50 L,隨著飼糧副產物比例的增加,甲烷及二氧化碳的日產量隨之減低,

與 10% 組比較,飼糧副產物增加到 20% 及 32%,可分別減低甲烷日產量 9% 與 22%;

也分別減少二氧化碳日產量 10% 與 13%,因此增加飼糧中副產物的使用,是有效降低牛隻



Effect of increasing dietary by-products level on enteric methane emission of dairy cattle (Rusitec)

C. F. Lee(1), C. H. Wang(1), Y. Z. Huang(2), G. J. Fan(1), H. H. Wu(2) and T. F. Shiao(1)

(1) Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (2) National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

Utilization of local feedstuff is one low-carbon feeding model and benefits the environment. It was

aimed to investigate the carbon saving effect when increasing the level of by-products in cattle diet.

Sorghum distiller’s grains, brewer’s grains, soybean hull pellet, and wheat bran were added into

diets at 10%, 20% or 32%, respectively, by substituting the imported bermudagrass and alfalfa hay

and corn. Diets were digested in the semi-continuous anaerobic fermentation system Rusitec

(Rumen simulation techniques) for 12 days. Results showed the pH (averaged 6.33), 48-hr dry

matter digestibility (averaged 85.1%) and microbial synthesis efficiency (g-microbe/g-organic

matter disappearance, averaged 0.54) were similar among diets. Daily gas productions were 2.65,

2.53 and 2.50 L, respectively. Following the increasing dietary level of by-products, emission of

rumen CH4 and CO2 decreased. Comparing to 10% by-products group, diets with 20% or 32%

by-products cut down the CH4 emission by 9% and 22%; cut down the CH4 emission by 10% and

13%. It was concluded increasing the utilization of by-products in diet is one of the effective way to

reduce the enteric greenhouse gas emission for cattle.

Key Words: By-product, Dairy cattle, Methane

Page 163: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 239

160. 增加飼糧中副產物比例對瘤胃溫室氣體生成之影響(Rusitec)

李春芳(1) 王嘉惠(1) 黃俞臻(2) 范耕榛(1) 吳錫勳(2) 蕭宗法(1)

(1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)國立屏東科技大學 在地飼料在地利用是一種減碳的環保飼養方法,本試驗目的在探討增加飼糧中自產副產物比



的 10%、20% 或 32%。試驗以瘤胃模擬系統(Rusitec)進行半連續式厭氧發酵 12 日。結果

顯示,三組飼糧之瘤胃 pH 值(平均 6.33)、飼糧 48 小時乾物質消化率(平均 85.1%)及瘤

胃微生物合成效率(g-微生物/g-有機物消失,平均 0.54)皆相近。三組每日發酵氣體量分別

為 2.65、2.53 及 2.50 L,隨著飼糧副產物比例的增加,甲烷及二氧化碳的日產量隨之減低,

與 10% 組比較,飼糧副產物增加到 20% 及 32%,可分別減低甲烷日產量 9% 與 22%;

也分別減少二氧化碳日產量 10% 與 13%,因此增加飼糧中副產物的使用,是有效降低牛隻



Effect of increasing dietary by-products level on enteric methane emission of dairy cattle (Rusitec)

C. F. Lee(1), C. H. Wang(1), Y. Z. Huang(2), G. J. Fan(1), H. H. Wu(2) and T. F. Shiao(1)

(1) Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (2) National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

Utilization of local feedstuff is one low-carbon feeding model and benefits the environment. It was

aimed to investigate the carbon saving effect when increasing the level of by-products in cattle diet.

Sorghum distiller’s grains, brewer’s grains, soybean hull pellet, and wheat bran were added into

diets at 10%, 20% or 32%, respectively, by substituting the imported bermudagrass and alfalfa hay

and corn. Diets were digested in the semi-continuous anaerobic fermentation system Rusitec

(Rumen simulation techniques) for 12 days. Results showed the pH (averaged 6.33), 48-hr dry

matter digestibility (averaged 85.1%) and microbial synthesis efficiency (g-microbe/g-organic

matter disappearance, averaged 0.54) were similar among diets. Daily gas productions were 2.65,

2.53 and 2.50 L, respectively. Following the increasing dietary level of by-products, emission of

rumen CH4 and CO2 decreased. Comparing to 10% by-products group, diets with 20% or 32%

by-products cut down the CH4 emission by 9% and 22%; cut down the CH4 emission by 10% and

13%. It was concluded increasing the utilization of by-products in diet is one of the effective way to

reduce the enteric greenhouse gas emission for cattle.

Key Words: By-product, Dairy cattle, Methane

161. 不同飼糧配方對褐色菜鴨夏季產蛋品質的影響

蘇晉暉 鄭智翔 林榮新 劉秀洲 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所宜蘭分所


調整,來舒緩夏季褐色菜鴨產蛋品質下降的情形。試驗共使用 144 隻褐色菜鴨,並將試驗鴨

隻分為四處理,分別為給予一般商用飼糧的對照組、提高 5%代謝能與粗蛋白質組、調整胺基

酸組成組及飼糧額外添加蛋白質分解酵素組。鴨隻 37 週齡時開始給予試驗飼糧並持續 10 週。






The effects of different diets of brown Tsaiya ducks on egg quality during summer season

C. H. Su, C. H. Cheng, J. H. Lin and H. C. Liu

Ilan Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of different diets of brown Tsaiya ducks on

egg quality during summer season. Hoping to alleviate the depressed egg quality during the summer

season. One hundred and forty four female ducks were assigned into four treatments, ducks fed with

commercial laying duck diet, commercial diet with raised nutrient concentration, commercial diet

with amino acid adjusted and commercial diet with additional protease respectively. Diets were

given at 37 weeks of age and lasted for 10 weeks. Eggs were collected biweekly and used for

qualities determination. Determined qualities included egg shape index, the ratio of thick and thin

egg white and water contain in the egg white. The results showed, there were no significant

difference on egg shape index, the ratio of thick and thin egg white and water contain in the egg

white among four treatments. The diet used in this experiment could not alleviate the depressed egg

quality during the summer season, the rearing environment and management improving is

suggested for alleviate the depressed egg quality during the summer season.

Key Words: Brown Tsaiya duck, Diets formulation, Egg quality

Page 164: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016240

162. 甜高粱不同收穫期對青貯品質之影響



甜高粱為蜀黍屬(Sorghum spp.)之ㄧ的栽培種,其莖稈富含高糖分、礦物質及水溶性碳水化

合物,可當良質的芻料。甜高粱以 4 個不同的收割期進行試驗,抽穗期的產量最高達每公頃

31.77 Mt/ha;水分含量也是抽穗期的 80% 最高;而糖度是抽穗後 10 天的最高達 11.7 度

(Brix0);青貯品質以抽穗期製作的最佳,Flieg,s point 達 92 分。因此,甜高粱在抽穗期收



The silage quality of sweet sorghum harvested at different stages of maturity

P. Y. Chen Forage Division, Livestock Research Institute

Sweet sorghum (Sorghum spp.) is a good feed crop contain sugar, minerals and water-soluble

carbohydrates of the stems.The sweet sorghum harvested at four stages of maturity. Foage yields

were greatest harvested at the early heading stage were 31.77 Mt/ha. Moisture of the early heading

stage was highest was 80%. Sweet sorghum was 11.7 Brix0 10 days after the early heading stage.

Foage yield and the silage quality of sweet sorghum harvested at the early heading stage was the


Key Words: Sweet sorghum, Silage

Page 165: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 241

162. 甜高粱不同收穫期對青貯品質之影響



甜高粱為蜀黍屬(Sorghum spp.)之ㄧ的栽培種,其莖稈富含高糖分、礦物質及水溶性碳水化

合物,可當良質的芻料。甜高粱以 4 個不同的收割期進行試驗,抽穗期的產量最高達每公頃

31.77 Mt/ha;水分含量也是抽穗期的 80% 最高;而糖度是抽穗後 10 天的最高達 11.7 度

(Brix0);青貯品質以抽穗期製作的最佳,Flieg,s point 達 92 分。因此,甜高粱在抽穗期收



The silage quality of sweet sorghum harvested at different stages of maturity

P. Y. Chen Forage Division, Livestock Research Institute

Sweet sorghum (Sorghum spp.) is a good feed crop contain sugar, minerals and water-soluble

carbohydrates of the stems.The sweet sorghum harvested at four stages of maturity. Foage yields

were greatest harvested at the early heading stage were 31.77 Mt/ha. Moisture of the early heading

stage was highest was 80%. Sweet sorghum was 11.7 Brix0 10 days after the early heading stage.

Foage yield and the silage quality of sweet sorghum harvested at the early heading stage was the


Key Words: Sweet sorghum, Silage

163. 不同濃度香椿水煮液對蛋雞生產性能及雞蛋品質之影響

李豫安(1) 王凱瑩(1) 林珈玄(1)(2) 楊承恩(1)(2) 顏佑霖(1)(2) 陳泰安(2) 高志杰(2)王淑音(1)(2)

(1)中國文化大學生物科技研究所 (2)中國文化大學動物科學系


在餵食蛋雞時之功效及飼養標準。選用 72 隻 58 週齡的海藍褐蛋雞,採用單因素試驗設計

將其分為 4 組,每組 3 重複,每重複 6 隻。香椿之水煮液直接加入飲水中令其完全飲用完

畢,每隻雞每日飲水中所含之香椿量分別調整為 0(對照組)、1.5 g、3 g 和 6 g,各組皆給




醇濃度在 17.8 mg/g-19.1 mg/g 之範圍,顯示各組間並無顯著差異,但飲用香椿水各組膽固醇

呈下降之趨勢。添加 1.5 g、3 g 和 6 g 香椿水雖於蛋殼厚度方面,與對照組相比,分別降低 7.3%、6.3% 及 9.1%(P < 0.05),但對於蛋殼強度,卻無顯著差異;各處理組之平均蛋重




The effects of Toona sinensis leave extract on egg production and egg quality of laying hens

Y. A. Lee(1), K. Y. Wang(1) C. H. Lin(1)(2), C. E. Yang(1)(2), Y. L. Yen(1)(2), T. A. Chen(2), C. J. Kao(2)

and S.Y. Wang(1)(2) (1)Graduate Institute of Biotechnology, Chinese Culture University

(2)Department of Animal Science Chinese Culture University

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of water extracts of Toona sinensis leave (TSL) on egg production and egg quality of the laying hens. A total of 72 Hyline brown layers, 58 weeks of age, were randomly allocated to 4 treatments with 3 replications of 6 birds each. Laying hens were fed with commercial feed and consumed water which was added with extracts solution from 0, 1.5g, 3g and 6g of Toona sinensis leave, respectively. Egg production, egg weight were recorded daily for 3 weeks. Results showed no treatment effect on laying rate, yolk color and the Haugh unit. Although no significant effect was observed in yolk cholesterol,but compared with control, cholesterol content of yolk has a decrease trend of 5.6% and 7.0% at 1.5g and 6g treatment, respectively. Compared with control, although eggshell thickness was significantly decreased by 7.3% , 6.3% and 9.1% at 1.5g, 3g and 6g treatment groups, respectively, nevertheless, eggshell strength seems not affected by the treatments. Egg weight was not different significantly but tends to be increased by 4.1%, 0.2% and 4.9%, respectively. In conclusion, TSL solution tends to decrease yolk cholesterol and increase egg size without affecting the shell strength yet slightly reduces the shell thickness. Key Words: Egg quality, Laying hen, Toona sinensis

Page 166: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016242

164. 益生菌與遠紅外線多層次震盪波活化石對蛋雞之產蛋性能影響

王凱瑩(1) 蔡淳恩(2) 林珈玄(1)(2) 楊承恩(1)(2) 顏佑霖(1)(2) 陳泰安(2) 高志杰(2) 王淑音(1)(2)

(1)中國文化大學生物科技研究所 (2)中國文化大學動物科學系

本研究擬探討於蛋雞飼料中添加益生菌(B. subtilis、B. licheniformis、B. circulans)及遠紅外


益生菌能用於肉雞以促進消化、抑制氨氣產生與刺激免疫系統等;FIMVAS 為一種經特殊高


孳生,能吸附飼料中的細菌或黴菌毒素,並具除臭之環保功能。試驗採用 120 隻 ISA 產蛋

雞分為 6 組,每組 20 隻,控制組(C)、依益生菌劑量添加分為 D:低劑量組(0.05%)、E:中劑量組(0.1%)與 F:高劑量組(0.2%);依 FIMVAS 劑量添加分為 G:低劑量組(0.1%)與 H:高劑量組(0.2%),試驗期間 20 週。結果顯示,試驗期間產蛋率、蛋品質、免疫與腸道菌


組(F)有較重之趨勢,而添加高劑量 FIMVAS 亦有此現象。


Effects of probiotics and far-infrared ray multi-echelon vibration wave activated stone on laying performance of laying hens

K. Y. Wang(1), C. E. Tsai(2), C. S. Lin(1)(2), T. Y. Yang(1)(2), Y. L. Yen(1)(2), T. A. Chen(2), C. C. Kao(2)

and S. Y. Wang(1)(2) (1)Graduate Institute of Biotechnology, Chinese Culture University

(2)Department of Animal Science Chinese Culture University The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of probiotic (mixture of B. subtilis, B.licheniformis, B. circulans) and Far-infrared Ray Multi-echelon Vibration Wave Activated Stone (FIMVAS ) on laying performance, egg quality, immunity and fecal flora of the laying hens. Probiotics can promote digestion, inhibit ammonia production and stimulate the immune system. FIMVAS is a micro-porous structure which can release far-infrared to help the growth of probiotics in the gut, adsorb bacteria or mycotoxins in feed and remove the odor from the environment. Total of 120 laying hens were randomly assigned to control group, 0.05% probiotic, 0.1% and 0.2%, 0.1% FIMVAS, 0.2% FIMVAS. Experiment lasts for 20 weeks. Results showed that no significant differents were found in laying rate, egg quality, immunity and fecal flora. However, the addition of probiotics at 0.1% and 0.2% and the addition of FIMVAS at 0.2% tend to increase the egg weight. Key Words: FIMVAS, Laying performance, Probiotics

Page 167: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 243

164. 益生菌與遠紅外線多層次震盪波活化石對蛋雞之產蛋性能影響

王凱瑩(1) 蔡淳恩(2) 林珈玄(1)(2) 楊承恩(1)(2) 顏佑霖(1)(2) 陳泰安(2) 高志杰(2) 王淑音(1)(2)

(1)中國文化大學生物科技研究所 (2)中國文化大學動物科學系

本研究擬探討於蛋雞飼料中添加益生菌(B. subtilis、B. licheniformis、B. circulans)及遠紅外


益生菌能用於肉雞以促進消化、抑制氨氣產生與刺激免疫系統等;FIMVAS 為一種經特殊高


孳生,能吸附飼料中的細菌或黴菌毒素,並具除臭之環保功能。試驗採用 120 隻 ISA 產蛋

雞分為 6 組,每組 20 隻,控制組(C)、依益生菌劑量添加分為 D:低劑量組(0.05%)、E:中劑量組(0.1%)與 F:高劑量組(0.2%);依 FIMVAS 劑量添加分為 G:低劑量組(0.1%)與 H:高劑量組(0.2%),試驗期間 20 週。結果顯示,試驗期間產蛋率、蛋品質、免疫與腸道菌


組(F)有較重之趨勢,而添加高劑量 FIMVAS 亦有此現象。


Effects of probiotics and far-infrared ray multi-echelon vibration wave activated stone on laying performance of laying hens

K. Y. Wang(1), C. E. Tsai(2), C. S. Lin(1)(2), T. Y. Yang(1)(2), Y. L. Yen(1)(2), T. A. Chen(2), C. C. Kao(2)

and S. Y. Wang(1)(2) (1)Graduate Institute of Biotechnology, Chinese Culture University

(2)Department of Animal Science Chinese Culture University The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of probiotic (mixture of B. subtilis, B.licheniformis, B. circulans) and Far-infrared Ray Multi-echelon Vibration Wave Activated Stone (FIMVAS ) on laying performance, egg quality, immunity and fecal flora of the laying hens. Probiotics can promote digestion, inhibit ammonia production and stimulate the immune system. FIMVAS is a micro-porous structure which can release far-infrared to help the growth of probiotics in the gut, adsorb bacteria or mycotoxins in feed and remove the odor from the environment. Total of 120 laying hens were randomly assigned to control group, 0.05% probiotic, 0.1% and 0.2%, 0.1% FIMVAS, 0.2% FIMVAS. Experiment lasts for 20 weeks. Results showed that no significant differents were found in laying rate, egg quality, immunity and fecal flora. However, the addition of probiotics at 0.1% and 0.2% and the addition of FIMVAS at 0.2% tend to increase the egg weight. Key Words: FIMVAS, Laying performance, Probiotics

165. 芽胞桿菌於玉米赤黴烯酮脫毒之應用

陳筱薇(1) 王翰聰(2) 楊岫秀(2) 邱彥安(2) 張友義(2) 許辰(1) 陳偉禎 (1) 徐濟泰(1)

(1)國立台灣大學動物科學技術學系 (2)中國文化大學動物科學系 本研究之目的為篩選出具有玉米赤黴烯酮(zearalenone,ZEA)脫毒能力且安全無虞之芽孢桿菌菌株。起始由土壤、污水、反芻動物瘤胃液與糞便及大豆發酵產品分離出共計 106 株細菌分離株進行 ZEA 脫毒測試,從中挑選出 16 株 ZEA 脫毒能力較強之細菌分離株。經分子鑑定後確認分離株均為 Bacillus spp.。排除會產生芽胞桿菌相關腸毒素之菌株後共得 7 株分離菌株與標準菌株 Bacillus subtilis(BCRC 17441)進行脫毒比較測試。利用 API 50 CHB 與 API ZYM 分析各菌株生化特性與可分泌之酵素種類。脫毒結果顯示,N11 與 27327 的脫毒能力最強,分別為 52.0%與 56.5%的脫毒率(P < 0.05),BCRC 17441 則為 51.9%。吸附 ZEA 的能力以 N2 效果最好,吸附率為 46.5%(P < 0.05),BCRC 17441 為 47.0% 之吸附率。降解 ZEA 的能力則以 C6 最佳,為 54.6% 降解率,BCRC 17441 為 31.0%。API 50 CHB 結果顯示,各菌株可利用的碳源不盡相同。API ZYM 分析結果,7 株分離芽孢桿菌可分泌具降解 ZEA 能力的酯酶。本研究所挑選對於動物安全無虞且具有 ZEA 脫毒能力之芽孢桿菌菌株,期望後續依菌株的 ZEA 脫毒特性而發展出不同的脫毒方式,用以解決 ZEA 飼糧污染問題。 關鍵語:芽孢桿菌、脫毒、玉米赤黴烯酮

The application of Bacillus strains on zearalenone detoxification

S. W. Chen(1), H. T. Wang (2), H. H. Yang(2), Y. Y. Chang(2), Y. A. Ciou (2), C. Syu(1), W. C. Chen(1) and J. T. Hsu(1)

(1)Department of Animal Science, Chinese Culture University (2)Department of Animal Science and Technology, National Taiwan University

The aim of this study is to select non-hazardous Bacillus strain with ZEA detoxification capability. We isolated 106 isolates from the soil, sewage, rumen fluid and feces of ruminants, and fermented soybean products to screen ZEA detoxification capability. Based on the screening result, 16 isolates have better ZEA detoxification capability than the others and through the genotyping confirmed to be members of Bacillus spp. To exclude the producing enterotoxins strains, 7 strains were carried on the analysis of its ZEA detoxification properties in comparison to the standard strain B. subtilis (BCRC 17441). Biochemical characteristics identification was obtained with API 50 CHB and API ZYM was use for the enzyme activity analysis. The results showed N11 and 27327 have the most powerful detoxification capability (P < 0.05); the detoxification rate are 52.0% and 56.5%, respectively, and the detoxification rate of BCRC 17441 is 51.9%. N2 has the best ZEA adsorption ability, the adsorption rate is 46.5% (P < 0.05). BCRC 17441 has 47.0% adsorption rate. C6 has the best ZEA degradation ability as 54.6% degradation rate. BCRC 17441 has 31.0% degradation rate. The API 50 CHB test results demonstrated that the carbon source can be used by each strain were not completely identical. The results of API ZYM indicated all Bacillus strains have the capability to secrete esterase to degrade ZEA. This study has selected non-hazardous Bacillus strains capable to detoxify ZEA. Suitable detoxification process will be developed for these strains to solve feed ZEA contamination problem. Key Words: Bacillus, Detoxification, Zearalenone

Page 168: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016244

166. 中藥渣與茶葉渣日糧飼餵山羊之可消化結構性碳水化合物

李采庭 杜亭逸 楊价民

國立宜蘭大學 生物技術與動物科學系

中藥渣及茶葉渣為同時具有高纖維質(中洗纖維:64%,58%)與高木質素(木質素:19.5%, 10.1%)的生物廢棄物,在經過高熱處理後,用於飼餵反芻動物具有促進纖維利用的潛力。試

驗一將乾燥中藥渣添加(25%)至精料中,評估在山羊之餵飼效果。使用 6 隻雜交種乳用山

羊(38.1 kg),限食餵給(乾物質採食量;體重 2.1%)基礎日糧(百慕達草稈:精料 = 45:55)。處理組羊隻(n=3)的精料,以中藥渣取代部分對照精料中的大宗原料,並且調整成為養分組

成相似。試驗設計採用完全逢機;羊隻適應期為 14 天,隨後 7 天收集全糞。試驗二方法同


到試驗處理影響。然而飼餵羊隻中藥渣或茶葉渣,顯著提高總腸道酸洗纖維消化率(P < 0.05),同時提高羊隻每公斤體重的可消化酸洗纖維攝取量(P < 0.05)。飼餵羊隻中藥渣對纖維素、


消化率(P < 0.05),然而半纖維素消化率顯著降低(P < 0.05)。 關鍵語:纖維利用、中藥渣、茶葉渣 Digestible structural carbohydrates in goats fed diets containing herb residue or spent

tea leaf

T. T. Lee, T. Y. Du, and C. M. J. Yang Department of Biotechnology and Animal Science, National I-Lan University

Herb residue and spent tea leaf are biological wastes high in both fiber (neutral detergent fiber: 64%, 58%) and lignin (lignin: 19.5%, 10.1%). Due to heat treatment, fiber utilization of the wastes may be enhanced by feeding to ruminants. Experiment 1 evaluated the effect of feeding herb residue. Goats were restrictedly fed (dry matter intake, 2% body weight) a basal diet (bermudagrass straw : concentrate = 45 : 55). Concentrate fed to treatment goats (n=3) included (25%) dried herb residue to replace commodity feed ingredients. The trail contained 14 days for adaptation by goats and 7 days for collection of total feces. The method of experiment 2 was the same as experiment 1. However, concentrate fed to treatment goats (n=3) included (31%) dried spent tea leaf to replace commodity feed ingredients. The results show no differences in neutral detergent fiber digestibility. However, higher (P < 0.05) total tract acid detergent fiber digestibility was found for goats fed herb residue or spent tea leaf. Also, digestible acid detergent fiber intake per kg of body weight was improved (P < 0.05). No differences in cellulose, hemicelluloses, and acid detergent lignin digestibility of goats fed herb residue. However, higher (P < 0.05) cellulose and acid detergent lignin digestibility was found for goats fed spent tea leaf, but lower (P < 0.05) hemicellulose digestibility. Key Words: Fiber utilization, Herb residue, Spent tea leaf

Page 169: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 245

166. 中藥渣與茶葉渣日糧飼餵山羊之可消化結構性碳水化合物

李采庭 杜亭逸 楊价民

國立宜蘭大學 生物技術與動物科學系

中藥渣及茶葉渣為同時具有高纖維質(中洗纖維:64%,58%)與高木質素(木質素:19.5%, 10.1%)的生物廢棄物,在經過高熱處理後,用於飼餵反芻動物具有促進纖維利用的潛力。試

驗一將乾燥中藥渣添加(25%)至精料中,評估在山羊之餵飼效果。使用 6 隻雜交種乳用山

羊(38.1 kg),限食餵給(乾物質採食量;體重 2.1%)基礎日糧(百慕達草稈:精料 = 45:55)。處理組羊隻(n=3)的精料,以中藥渣取代部分對照精料中的大宗原料,並且調整成為養分組

成相似。試驗設計採用完全逢機;羊隻適應期為 14 天,隨後 7 天收集全糞。試驗二方法同


到試驗處理影響。然而飼餵羊隻中藥渣或茶葉渣,顯著提高總腸道酸洗纖維消化率(P < 0.05),同時提高羊隻每公斤體重的可消化酸洗纖維攝取量(P < 0.05)。飼餵羊隻中藥渣對纖維素、


消化率(P < 0.05),然而半纖維素消化率顯著降低(P < 0.05)。 關鍵語:纖維利用、中藥渣、茶葉渣 Digestible structural carbohydrates in goats fed diets containing herb residue or spent

tea leaf

T. T. Lee, T. Y. Du, and C. M. J. Yang Department of Biotechnology and Animal Science, National I-Lan University

Herb residue and spent tea leaf are biological wastes high in both fiber (neutral detergent fiber: 64%, 58%) and lignin (lignin: 19.5%, 10.1%). Due to heat treatment, fiber utilization of the wastes may be enhanced by feeding to ruminants. Experiment 1 evaluated the effect of feeding herb residue. Goats were restrictedly fed (dry matter intake, 2% body weight) a basal diet (bermudagrass straw : concentrate = 45 : 55). Concentrate fed to treatment goats (n=3) included (25%) dried herb residue to replace commodity feed ingredients. The trail contained 14 days for adaptation by goats and 7 days for collection of total feces. The method of experiment 2 was the same as experiment 1. However, concentrate fed to treatment goats (n=3) included (31%) dried spent tea leaf to replace commodity feed ingredients. The results show no differences in neutral detergent fiber digestibility. However, higher (P < 0.05) total tract acid detergent fiber digestibility was found for goats fed herb residue or spent tea leaf. Also, digestible acid detergent fiber intake per kg of body weight was improved (P < 0.05). No differences in cellulose, hemicelluloses, and acid detergent lignin digestibility of goats fed herb residue. However, higher (P < 0.05) cellulose and acid detergent lignin digestibility was found for goats fed spent tea leaf, but lower (P < 0.05) hemicellulose digestibility. Key Words: Fiber utilization, Herb residue, Spent tea leaf

167. 飼料中揮發性鹽基態氮分析方法之探討

洪靖崎(1) 王欣湄(2) 李有田(2) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)中華醫事科技大學食品營養系

揮發性鹽基態氮(total volatile basic nitrogen, TVBN)可作為飼料魚粉新鮮度之指標。依據我國

國家標準 CNS2770-6 所訂定揮發性鹽基態氮之檢驗方法,這些物質在鹼性狀態為揮發性故

可被檢測。本試驗探討不同鹼性環境對揮發性鹽基態氮檢測之影響。收集 12 隻魚粉樣品,

依據 CNS2770-6 分析方法,於分析過程中添加 MgO 後,溶液 pH 值平均由 7.5 提高為

10.10。在蒸餾過程中分別添加 0 mL、60 mL、70 mL 及 80mL 0.1N 氫氧化鈉,溶液 pH 值

於 9.74-10.32、9.34-9.38、9.32-9.39、9.33-9.38 範圍之間,平均為 10.10、9.35、9.37、9.35,

蒸餾過程中添加 60-80 mL 0.1 N 氫氧化鈉,揮發性鹽基態濃度增加高 1.85-3.05 倍。本試驗

結果顯示,揮發性鹽基態氮分析過程中,添加 0.1 N 氫氧化鈉進行蒸餾,會降低 pH 值並增



Investigation of analysis method of total volatile basic nitrogen in feed

C. C. Hung(1), X. M. Wang(2) and Y. T. Li(2) (1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

(2)Department of Food Nutrition, Chung Hwa University of Medical Technology TVBN (total volatile basic nitrogen) concentration in fish meal was used as an index of freshness

quality. According to Chinese national standard (CNS) 2770-6 method (method of test for feeds:

determination of volatile basic nitrogen), these volatile substances can be detected in alkaline

conditions. Therefore, this study was to investigate the effects of TVBN concentration in different

alkaline environments during the CNS 2770-6 analysis process. Twelve fish meal samples were

collected, the pH value was increased from 7.5 to 10.10 after addition of MgO by CNS2770-6

method. In analysis process of distillation, 0 mL, 60 mL, 70 mL and 80 mL 0.1 N sodium hydroxide

were added respectively. The pH value of the test solution was 9.74-10.32, 9.34-9.38, 9.32-9.39 and

9.33-9.38, with the average of 10.10, 9.35, 9.37, 9.35. The concentrations of TVBN were increased

by 1.85-3.05 times by 60-80 mL 0.1N sodium hydroxide was added in the distillation process by

TVBN analysis. The results showed that the addition of sodium hydroxide in the TVBN analysis

process were decreased the pH of the test solution and were accompanied by an increase in the

concentration of TVBN.

Key Words: Analysis, Fish meal, Total volatile basic nitrogen

Page 170: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016246

168. 飼料中不同型態砷萃取方法之探討

洪靖崎 戴永萍 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所



率較高,分別為 99.07 及 97.09%。以微波消化萃取法搭配不同萃取溶液 Methanol/water(v:v

= 1:1、1:3、9:1)、EtOH/water(v:v = 1:1、1:3、 9:1)及 2% HNO3,分別進行飼料樣品砷型

態萃取,七種萃取溶液之回收率分別為 79.8%、79.1%、76.8%、78.5%、 83.4%、82.3% 及

127.26%,其中 2% HNO3萃取雖然有較高回收率,但是部分五價砷會被還原成三價砷。綜上

所述,HPLC 串聯 ICP-OES,以 Methanol/water(v:v = 1:1)及 EtOH/water(v:v = 1: 3),配



Extraction techniques for arsenic species in feed

C. C. Hung and Y. P. Tai Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The chemical and biological toxicity of arsenic is dependent on its chemical forms in which it exists.

The extraction of arsenic species present in feed was investigated using different extracting solvents,

and the concentration of each species was determined by HPLC–ICP-OES after ultrasonic or

microwave-assisted extraction. The results showed the recovery of total arsenic in feed with

microwave-assisted extraction was higher than ultrasonic-assisted extraction. The recoveries of total

arsenic were 99.07% and 97.09%, respectively. In addition, the concentrations of extracted total

arsenic species depended on the extracting solvents. The extraction ef�ciencies for arsenic species

with methanol/water (v:v = 1:1、1:3、9:1)、EtOH/water (v:v = 1:1、1:3、 9:1) and 2% HNO3 were

79.8%、79.1%、76.8%、78.5%、 83.4%、82.3% and 127.26%, respectively after microwave-assisted

digestion. However, when an extracting solvent was acidic (2% HNO3), the extraction ef�ciencies

for arsenic species were in good agreement, but a part of the As(V) was reduced to As(III) during

the acidic extraction process. Optimum conditions for the extraction of arsenic species from feed

samples are microwave-assisted extraction techniques using methanol/water (v:v = 1:1) or

EtOH/water (v:v = 1: 3).

Key Words: HPLC/ICPOES, Arsenic species, Extraction

Page 171: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 247

168. 飼料中不同型態砷萃取方法之探討

洪靖崎 戴永萍 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所



率較高,分別為 99.07 及 97.09%。以微波消化萃取法搭配不同萃取溶液 Methanol/water(v:v

= 1:1、1:3、9:1)、EtOH/water(v:v = 1:1、1:3、 9:1)及 2% HNO3,分別進行飼料樣品砷型

態萃取,七種萃取溶液之回收率分別為 79.8%、79.1%、76.8%、78.5%、 83.4%、82.3% 及

127.26%,其中 2% HNO3萃取雖然有較高回收率,但是部分五價砷會被還原成三價砷。綜上

所述,HPLC 串聯 ICP-OES,以 Methanol/water(v:v = 1:1)及 EtOH/water(v:v = 1: 3),配



Extraction techniques for arsenic species in feed

C. C. Hung and Y. P. Tai Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The chemical and biological toxicity of arsenic is dependent on its chemical forms in which it exists.

The extraction of arsenic species present in feed was investigated using different extracting solvents,

and the concentration of each species was determined by HPLC–ICP-OES after ultrasonic or

microwave-assisted extraction. The results showed the recovery of total arsenic in feed with

microwave-assisted extraction was higher than ultrasonic-assisted extraction. The recoveries of total

arsenic were 99.07% and 97.09%, respectively. In addition, the concentrations of extracted total

arsenic species depended on the extracting solvents. The extraction ef�ciencies for arsenic species

with methanol/water (v:v = 1:1、1:3、9:1)、EtOH/water (v:v = 1:1、1:3、 9:1) and 2% HNO3 were

79.8%、79.1%、76.8%、78.5%、 83.4%、82.3% and 127.26%, respectively after microwave-assisted

digestion. However, when an extracting solvent was acidic (2% HNO3), the extraction ef�ciencies

for arsenic species were in good agreement, but a part of the As(V) was reduced to As(III) during

the acidic extraction process. Optimum conditions for the extraction of arsenic species from feed

samples are microwave-assisted extraction techniques using methanol/water (v:v = 1:1) or

EtOH/water (v:v = 1: 3).

Key Words: HPLC/ICPOES, Arsenic species, Extraction

169. 應用突變品系水稻稻稈於乳牛芻料原料之營養成分評估

蔣欣汝(1) 磨亮瑋(1) Anuchart Sawasdee (2) 王強生(2) 江信毅(1) (1)國立中興大學動物科學系 (2)國立中興大學農藝學系



分牧草。本研究使用 33 種經化學突變之水稻株品系:SA 族群(秈稻)與 IRB 族群(稉稻),


成分分析(Principal Component Analysis, PCA)比較 33 種化學突變品系及其原生種,結果顯

示得含中洗纖維及蛋白質含量較高之 SA1380、SA1568、IRB1 及 IRB7 等品系具適合應用



關鍵語:副產物利用、泌乳牛、主成分分析 Nutrition evaluation of chemical mutant varieties of rice straw applied to dairy cattle


H. J. Chiang(1), L. W. Mo(1), Anuchart Sawasdee(2), C. S. Wang(2) and H. I. Chiang(1) (1)Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University

(2)Department of Agronomy, National Chung Hsing University

Rice is one of the major food in Taiwan. After harvesting, rice straw become the by-product and has

low economic value. The research sampled 33 chemical mutant varieties of rice in two groups: SA

(Indica rice) varieties and IRB (Japonica rice) varieties, which may have different effect on dairy

cattle nutrition. The research has analyzed rice straw nutrition and brittleness, then comprehensively

compare the results to its potential for application to dairy cattle nutrition. Results were organized

by principal component analysis (PCA) then was compared with the wild type. Results was

concluded to choose several varieties that have higher fiber and protein: SA1380, SA1568, IRB1

and IRB7 that may have potential to improve dairy cattle feeding, also could further evaluate these

varieties application to dairy cattle feeding and the effect on rumen fermentation and nutrition.

Key Words: By-product application, Dairy cattle, Principal component analysis

Page 172: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016248

170. 應用乳清中乳酸去氫酶於荷蘭泌乳牛乳房炎之檢測

磨亮瑋 王建鎧 江信毅 國立中興大學動物科學系


與治療費用提升導致經濟上的虧損。乳酸去氫酶(Lactate dehydrogenase activity, LDH)為發炎


乳酸去氫酶。檢測乳清中 LDH 活性可了解乳腺組織中實質細胞受損情形以利早期偵測非臨

床性乳房炎。本試驗選用 3 頭乳房健康與 3 頭罹患乳房炎之荷蘭泌乳牛,利用商業型試劑

盒檢測乳清中乳酸去氫酶活性,並對照使用加州乳房炎測試(California mastitis test; CMT)之

反應結果,CMT 以顏色變化與凝集程度來分成四個等級:陰性或微量反應、1 級、2 級與 3

級,級數越高表示體細胞數越多。結果顯示乳酸去氫酶活性與 CMT 結果呈顯著正相關性(P< 0.001),當 CMT 等級越高,其乳酸去氫酶活性越高。罹患乳房炎牛隻其乳酸去氫酶顯著

高於健康牛隻(0.03 vs. 0.002 U/mL)。


Mastitis diagnosis on Holstein cattle using lactate dehydrogenase activity in milk serum

L. W. Mo, C. K. Wang and H. I. Chiang

Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University

Bovine mastitis, a major disease affecting dairy cattle worldwide, has huge effects on farm

economics due to reduction in milk production and treatment costs. The aim of this study was to

confirm the correlation between lactate dehydrogenase activity (LDH) and somatic cell counts in

milk serum. Milk serum samples were sampled from quarters of 3 Holstein cows with high somatic

cell counts, as well as from 3 healthy control just before morning milking. The experimental

material was divided into four groups according to California mastitis test (CMT) result- 0=

negative or trace, 1= weak positive, 2 = distinct positive and 3 = strong positive. Higher score

represent higher somatic cell counts. LDH is inflammation-related enzyme. When cow were

suffering with mastitis, LDH was liberated form disintegrated leukocytes and the parenchymal cells

of the udder. LDH activity was determined by commercial kit. The result shows high positive

correlation between LDH and somatic cell counts (P < 0.001). The higher CMT score, the higher

LDH activity. The mean LDH activity is significantly higher in milk from clinical mastitis cow than

in healthy cow (0.03 vs. 0.002 U/mL).

Key Words: California mastitis test, Lactate dehydrogenase activity, Mastitis

Page 173: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 249

170. 應用乳清中乳酸去氫酶於荷蘭泌乳牛乳房炎之檢測

磨亮瑋 王建鎧 江信毅 國立中興大學動物科學系


與治療費用提升導致經濟上的虧損。乳酸去氫酶(Lactate dehydrogenase activity, LDH)為發炎


乳酸去氫酶。檢測乳清中 LDH 活性可了解乳腺組織中實質細胞受損情形以利早期偵測非臨

床性乳房炎。本試驗選用 3 頭乳房健康與 3 頭罹患乳房炎之荷蘭泌乳牛,利用商業型試劑

盒檢測乳清中乳酸去氫酶活性,並對照使用加州乳房炎測試(California mastitis test; CMT)之

反應結果,CMT 以顏色變化與凝集程度來分成四個等級:陰性或微量反應、1 級、2 級與 3

級,級數越高表示體細胞數越多。結果顯示乳酸去氫酶活性與 CMT 結果呈顯著正相關性(P< 0.001),當 CMT 等級越高,其乳酸去氫酶活性越高。罹患乳房炎牛隻其乳酸去氫酶顯著

高於健康牛隻(0.03 vs. 0.002 U/mL)。


Mastitis diagnosis on Holstein cattle using lactate dehydrogenase activity in milk serum

L. W. Mo, C. K. Wang and H. I. Chiang

Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University

Bovine mastitis, a major disease affecting dairy cattle worldwide, has huge effects on farm

economics due to reduction in milk production and treatment costs. The aim of this study was to

confirm the correlation between lactate dehydrogenase activity (LDH) and somatic cell counts in

milk serum. Milk serum samples were sampled from quarters of 3 Holstein cows with high somatic

cell counts, as well as from 3 healthy control just before morning milking. The experimental

material was divided into four groups according to California mastitis test (CMT) result- 0=

negative or trace, 1= weak positive, 2 = distinct positive and 3 = strong positive. Higher score

represent higher somatic cell counts. LDH is inflammation-related enzyme. When cow were

suffering with mastitis, LDH was liberated form disintegrated leukocytes and the parenchymal cells

of the udder. LDH activity was determined by commercial kit. The result shows high positive

correlation between LDH and somatic cell counts (P < 0.001). The higher CMT score, the higher

LDH activity. The mean LDH activity is significantly higher in milk from clinical mastitis cow than

in healthy cow (0.03 vs. 0.002 U/mL).

Key Words: California mastitis test, Lactate dehydrogenase activity, Mastitis

171. 餵飼菇類培養殘基青貯料對荷蘭閹公牛血液性狀之影響

明亮 范揚廣 江信毅 國立中興大學動物科學系

芻料提供反芻動物主要營養分來源,若將價格低廉之農業副產物如菇類培養殘基(Mushroom cultivation residue, MCR)應用於芻料原料則可降低飼糧成本。本試驗將探討餵飼菇類培養殘基

製備之青貯料(Mushroom cultivation residue silage, MCRS)對於荷蘭閹公牛血液性狀之影響。

試驗使用四種不同 MCR、尿素及青割玉米比例所製成之青貯料 ; 90:0:10(MCRS1)、89:1:10(MCRS2)、80:0:20 (MCRS3)、79:1:20(MCRS4),搭配控制組(No MCRS)芻料於五頭


正常範圍內:如總蛋白質(6.10-6.16 g/dL)、白蛋白(3.56-3.66 g/dL、麩胺草醋酸轉胺酶 (SGOT, 60.60-65.60 U/L)、麩胺丙酮酸轉胺酶 (SGPT, 20.00-20.80 U/L)、肌酸酐(1.14-1.15 mg/dL)、尿素氮(BUN, 12.60-13.80 mg/dL)、膽固醇 (166-175 mg/dL)、甘油三酯(19.80-24.00 mg/dL)、葡萄糖(76.80-83.80 mg/dL)、鈣(8.80-9.24 mg/dL)與磷 (8.70-9.30 mg/dL) 含量。此外,餵

飼 MCRS 飼糧之荷蘭閹公牛其血液性狀數值與控制組相比皆未出現顯著差異。綜合上述,

MCRS 可開發成為不影響荷蘭閹公牛健康之芻料替代來源。 關鍵語:菇類培養殘基青貯料、血液性狀、荷蘭閹公牛

Effects of mushroom cultivation residue silage on blood characteristics in Holstein steers

K. T. Rangubhet, Y. K. Fan, and H. I. Chiang

Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University Roughages are the primary source of nutrients for ruminant animal production but the cost of roughage has keep rising in the livestock husbandry. Feeding agricultural by-products such as mushroom cultivation residue (MCR) could reduce feed cost of cattle ration. In the current study, effects of mushroom cultivation residue silage (MCRS) on blood characteristics in Holstein beef cattle. Four different MCRS formulas were investigated by ensiling mushroom cultivation residue with urea and roughage corn at different rations as 90:0:10 (MCRS1), 89:1:10 (MCRS2), 80:0:20 (MCRS3), and 79:1:20 (MCRS4), respectively. Five Holstein steers were arranged with five forage treatments including four different formulas MCRS and a control group. The result revealed that Holstein steers fed with MCRS diet showed blood characteristics within normal range such as total protein (6.10 – 6.16 g/dL), albumin (3.56 – 3.66 g/dL), SGOT (60.60 – 65.60 U/L), SGPT (20.00 - 20.80 U/L), creatinine (1.14 - 1.15 mg/dL), BUN (12.60 – 13.80 mg/dL), cholesterol (166 – 175 mg/dL), triglyceride (19.80 – 24.00 mg/dL), glucose (76.80 – 83.80 mg/dL), calcium (8.80 – 9.24 mg/dL) and phosphorus (8.70 – 9.30 mg/dL), which were not significantly different from that of feeding the control diet. We concluded that MCRS could be used as forage source replacement in rations of Holstein steers without significantly altering animal health. Key Words: Mushroom cultivation residues silage, Blood characteristics, Holstein steer

Page 174: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016250

172. 建立即時定量 PCR 分析瘤胃微生物相對含量之分析方法

邱怡雯 江信毅 國立中興大學動物科學系


驗以逢機採樣的方式,每間隔二週經廔管採樣瘤胃開窗牛之瘤胃液 100 ml,以 1:1 之比例加

入甘油(Glycerol),並以 -20℃ 保存瘤胃微生物。使用商業套組進行瘤胃微生物核酸萃取,

經濃度序列稀釋(Serial dilution)後,利用即時定量 PCR(Real-time quantitative PCR, qPCR)


比較標準曲線與擴增效率(Amplification efficiency)後,挑選出適當之參考基因(Reference gene)

與目標基因 (Target gene)之引子組合,並經擴增循環數(Ct 值)與擴增效率(E 值)之相對


qPCR 技術可從不同分類層級了解瘤胃微生物的相對含量,並為一具高效率與參考性之瘤胃


關鍵語:瘤胃微生物、即時定量 PCR

Development of analytical methods for relative quantitative proportion of rumen microbes

Y. W. Chiu and H. I. Chiang

Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University This study was aimed to develop an analytical methods to analyze the relative quantitative ratio of

rumen microbes in ruminants effectively. The experimental process was randomly sampling the

100ml rumen fluid through cannula of fistulated cattle every two weeks, then added 1:1 volume of

glycerol to rumen fluid for preservation at -20 degree of Celsius. The analytical process was

through three consistent steps: DNA extraction, serial dilution, and real-time quantitative PCR

(qPCR). The results obtained from three repeat sampling showed that a robust linear standard curve

with high amplification efficiency (E) (95%-105%) could be constructed from qPCR by using

appropriate pairs of reference gene and target gene primers. Relative quantification of rumen

microorganisms (including bacteria, protozoa, or archaea) in a cattle’s rumen is feasible via the

computation of relative quantification with Ct values and E values. In brief, we have successfully

developed a simple analysis approach to estimate relative proportion of rumen microbes using

microbial DNA contents with qPCR, which can be a powerful and convenient tool to profile

microflora in rumen.

Key Words: Rumen microbes, qPCR

Page 175: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 251

172. 建立即時定量 PCR 分析瘤胃微生物相對含量之分析方法

邱怡雯 江信毅 國立中興大學動物科學系


驗以逢機採樣的方式,每間隔二週經廔管採樣瘤胃開窗牛之瘤胃液 100 ml,以 1:1 之比例加

入甘油(Glycerol),並以 -20℃ 保存瘤胃微生物。使用商業套組進行瘤胃微生物核酸萃取,

經濃度序列稀釋(Serial dilution)後,利用即時定量 PCR(Real-time quantitative PCR, qPCR)


比較標準曲線與擴增效率(Amplification efficiency)後,挑選出適當之參考基因(Reference gene)

與目標基因 (Target gene)之引子組合,並經擴增循環數(Ct 值)與擴增效率(E 值)之相對


qPCR 技術可從不同分類層級了解瘤胃微生物的相對含量,並為一具高效率與參考性之瘤胃


關鍵語:瘤胃微生物、即時定量 PCR

Development of analytical methods for relative quantitative proportion of rumen microbes

Y. W. Chiu and H. I. Chiang

Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University This study was aimed to develop an analytical methods to analyze the relative quantitative ratio of

rumen microbes in ruminants effectively. The experimental process was randomly sampling the

100ml rumen fluid through cannula of fistulated cattle every two weeks, then added 1:1 volume of

glycerol to rumen fluid for preservation at -20 degree of Celsius. The analytical process was

through three consistent steps: DNA extraction, serial dilution, and real-time quantitative PCR

(qPCR). The results obtained from three repeat sampling showed that a robust linear standard curve

with high amplification efficiency (E) (95%-105%) could be constructed from qPCR by using

appropriate pairs of reference gene and target gene primers. Relative quantification of rumen

microorganisms (including bacteria, protozoa, or archaea) in a cattle’s rumen is feasible via the

computation of relative quantification with Ct values and E values. In brief, we have successfully

developed a simple analysis approach to estimate relative proportion of rumen microbes using

microbial DNA contents with qPCR, which can be a powerful and convenient tool to profile

microflora in rumen.

Key Words: Rumen microbes, qPCR

173. 探討配合酵素及微生物製劑對蛋雞排泄物中臭味分子及菌相之影響

李柏毅(1) 羅朝村(2) 鄭旭辰(1) 余碧(1) 李滋泰(1) (1)國立中興大學 (2)國立虎尾科技大學






(100U/ml)噴灑,各處理組分別於 3 小時後進行第二階段微生物製劑之噴灑(CB1-4-1、Y2、

S9-1)。於第 0、3、6、12 及 24 小時採樣並測量氨及硫化氫之濃度,樣品則分析氨態氮濃

度、大腸桿菌菌數及 pH 值。結果顯示除了硫化氫外,所有處理組之氨氣及氨態氮含量隨著


抑制效果,而對於 pH 值之影響則不明顯。綜合上述,利用蛋白酵素及特定微生物製劑施行



Evaluation of reducing odor produced and microorganism by hens excreta with protease and probiotics

P. Y. Lee (1), C. T. Lo (2), H. C. Cheng(1), B. Yu (1) and T. T. Lee (1)

(1) National Chung Hsing University (2) National Formosa University The main reasons of odor produced by hens excreta are NH4 and H2S, which produced by

microorganism (Escherichia coli, E.coli) metabolize the nutrients in hens excreta. Those stenches

are resulted in air pollution, warm congesting as well as adversely affecting balance of ecological

environment. This study was demonstrated the protein enzyme(extraction from Pseudomonasaeruginosa, C2B3-1), Nitrifying bacteria (CB1-4-1), Bacillus subtilis (Y2), Trichoderma’s spore

solution(S9-1) as examination products to evaluate their effect of reducing NH4, H2S emission and

E.coli concentration of hen’s excreta. The experiment has two stage. First, using the protein enzyme

(100U/ml) sprayed on excreta surface. Then, each group using the examination products (CB1-4-1、

Y2、S9-1) sprayed on excreta surface after 3 hours. The values of NH4, H2S, NH4-N, pH and number

of E.coli were be analysis after the spray at 0, 3, 6, 12 and 24 hours. The results showed that the

NH4, NH4-N concentration and number of E.coli were decreased after spraying in all treatment

groups. In H2S and value of pH, there were no differences among all groups with control group. In

conclusion, two stage spraying with the protein enzyme and probiotics could potentially decrease

odor emission of hen’s excreta.

Key Words: Escherichia coli, Hens, NH4

Page 176: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016252

174. 飼糧添加二階段發酵飼料及納豆真菌發酵產物對仔豬生長及免疫性能影響

黃憲榮(1)(2) 許晉賓(1) 李秀蘭(1) 王漢昇(1) 林正鏞(1) 陳國隆(3) (1)畜產試驗所高雄種畜繁殖場 (2)屏東科技大學生物資源所 (3)嘉義大學動物科學系

本研究旨在探討飼糧添加二階段發酵飼料及納豆真菌發酵產物,對哺乳仔豬生長及免疫性能之影響。仔豬人工乳試驗選用 144 隻體重相近之 8 日齡高畜雜交(DK)黑豬,逢機分置於 6 處理組,即 5% 魚粉組、5% 發酵飼料組、4% 發酵飼料+ 0.1% 納豆真菌發酵產物組、3% 發酵飼料+ 0.2% 納豆真菌發酵產物組、商業人工乳 1 組及商業人工乳 2 組。全期試驗(第 8 天至離乳)結果顯示,3% 發酵飼料+ 0.2% 納豆真菌發酵產物組之日增重及飼料採食量表現最佳,其日增重顯著(P < 0.05)較 5% 發酵飼料組及商業人工乳 1 組為高;而飼料採食量則顯著(P < 0.05)較 5% 魚粉組、5% 發酵飼料組、4% 發酵飼料+ 0.1% 納豆真菌發酵產物組及商業人工乳 1 組為佳,且每公斤飼料成本較商業人工乳 1 組市售價格節省達 14.33元。仔豬離乳之血清免疫性能評估,血清干擾素-r 濃度以 3% 發酵飼料+ 0.2% 納豆真菌發酵產物組最高,顯著(P < 0.05)較 5% 魚粉組、5% 發酵飼料組及商業人工乳 1 組為高。血清 IgA、IgM 及 IgG 之濃度,於各處理組間無顯著差異。 關鍵語:生長免疫、仔豬、納豆真菌發酵產物

Effects of diets supplemented with two-phase fermented feedstuff and combinatory products fermented by bacillus natto with fungus on growth and immunity

performance of suckling piglets

H. J. Huang(1) (2), C. B. Hsu(1), H. L. Lee(1) , H. S. Wang(1) , C. Y. Lin(1) and K. L. Chen(3)

(1)Kaohsiung Animal Propagation Station, COA-LRI, (2)Department of of Bioresources, Pingtung Science and Technology University, (3)Department of Animal Science, Chiayi University

The study was conducted to determine the effects of two-stage fermented powder (TSFP) supplemented feed and combinatory products fermented by bacillus natto with fungus(CPFBF) on growth traits and immunity of growing Duroc x KHAPS (Kaohsiung Animal Propagation Station) black suckling piglets. Six different dietary treatments were formulated into iso-crude protein (lactation=20.5%) and iso-metabolic energy diets (ME = 3,400 kcal/kg). A total of 144 KHAPS piglets were randomly assigned into 5% FM, 5% TSFP, 0.4% TSFP +0.1% CPFBF, 0.3% TSFP +0.2% CPFBF, commercial artificial milk 1 and commercial artificial milk 2 groups. Our results of the growth performance (8-weaning) that the result showed, The 0.3% TSFP +0.2% CPFBF group was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than the 5% TSFP and commercial artificial milk 1 group on piglet ADG. The 0.3% TSFP+0.2% CPFBF group was significantly improved (P < 0.05) than the 5% FM, 5% TSFP, 4% TSFP+0.1% CPFBF, and commercial artificial milk 1 groups on piglet ADFI (average daily feed intake). Feed costs of representing commercial artificial milk 1 price in the market to save up to 14.33 yuan/kg. The immunity competence of serum results showed at weaning of piglets, the 0.3% TSFP+0.2% CPFBF group was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than the 5% FM, 5% TSFP and commercial artificial milk 1 groups on gamma interferon (IFN- ). There γwere no significant difference in IgA, IgM and IgG concentration. Key Words: Growth and immunity, Piglet, Bacillus natto and fungus fermented products

Page 177: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 253

174. 飼糧添加二階段發酵飼料及納豆真菌發酵產物對仔豬生長及免疫性能影響

黃憲榮(1)(2) 許晉賓(1) 李秀蘭(1) 王漢昇(1) 林正鏞(1) 陳國隆(3) (1)畜產試驗所高雄種畜繁殖場 (2)屏東科技大學生物資源所 (3)嘉義大學動物科學系

本研究旨在探討飼糧添加二階段發酵飼料及納豆真菌發酵產物,對哺乳仔豬生長及免疫性能之影響。仔豬人工乳試驗選用 144 隻體重相近之 8 日齡高畜雜交(DK)黑豬,逢機分置於 6 處理組,即 5% 魚粉組、5% 發酵飼料組、4% 發酵飼料+ 0.1% 納豆真菌發酵產物組、3% 發酵飼料+ 0.2% 納豆真菌發酵產物組、商業人工乳 1 組及商業人工乳 2 組。全期試驗(第 8 天至離乳)結果顯示,3% 發酵飼料+ 0.2% 納豆真菌發酵產物組之日增重及飼料採食量表現最佳,其日增重顯著(P < 0.05)較 5% 發酵飼料組及商業人工乳 1 組為高;而飼料採食量則顯著(P < 0.05)較 5% 魚粉組、5% 發酵飼料組、4% 發酵飼料+ 0.1% 納豆真菌發酵產物組及商業人工乳 1 組為佳,且每公斤飼料成本較商業人工乳 1 組市售價格節省達 14.33元。仔豬離乳之血清免疫性能評估,血清干擾素-r 濃度以 3% 發酵飼料+ 0.2% 納豆真菌發酵產物組最高,顯著(P < 0.05)較 5% 魚粉組、5% 發酵飼料組及商業人工乳 1 組為高。血清 IgA、IgM 及 IgG 之濃度,於各處理組間無顯著差異。 關鍵語:生長免疫、仔豬、納豆真菌發酵產物

Effects of diets supplemented with two-phase fermented feedstuff and combinatory products fermented by bacillus natto with fungus on growth and immunity

performance of suckling piglets

H. J. Huang(1) (2), C. B. Hsu(1), H. L. Lee(1) , H. S. Wang(1) , C. Y. Lin(1) and K. L. Chen(3)

(1)Kaohsiung Animal Propagation Station, COA-LRI, (2)Department of of Bioresources, Pingtung Science and Technology University, (3)Department of Animal Science, Chiayi University

The study was conducted to determine the effects of two-stage fermented powder (TSFP) supplemented feed and combinatory products fermented by bacillus natto with fungus(CPFBF) on growth traits and immunity of growing Duroc x KHAPS (Kaohsiung Animal Propagation Station) black suckling piglets. Six different dietary treatments were formulated into iso-crude protein (lactation=20.5%) and iso-metabolic energy diets (ME = 3,400 kcal/kg). A total of 144 KHAPS piglets were randomly assigned into 5% FM, 5% TSFP, 0.4% TSFP +0.1% CPFBF, 0.3% TSFP +0.2% CPFBF, commercial artificial milk 1 and commercial artificial milk 2 groups. Our results of the growth performance (8-weaning) that the result showed, The 0.3% TSFP +0.2% CPFBF group was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than the 5% TSFP and commercial artificial milk 1 group on piglet ADG. The 0.3% TSFP+0.2% CPFBF group was significantly improved (P < 0.05) than the 5% FM, 5% TSFP, 4% TSFP+0.1% CPFBF, and commercial artificial milk 1 groups on piglet ADFI (average daily feed intake). Feed costs of representing commercial artificial milk 1 price in the market to save up to 14.33 yuan/kg. The immunity competence of serum results showed at weaning of piglets, the 0.3% TSFP+0.2% CPFBF group was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than the 5% FM, 5% TSFP and commercial artificial milk 1 groups on gamma interferon (IFN- ). There γwere no significant difference in IgA, IgM and IgG concentration. Key Words: Growth and immunity, Piglet, Bacillus natto and fungus fermented products

175. 飼糧添加納豆真菌發酵產物對母豬生產及免疫性狀之影響

黃憲榮(1)(2) 許晉賓(1) 王漢昇(1) 李秀蘭(1) 林正鏞(1) 陳國隆(3) (1)畜產試驗所高雄種畜繁殖場 (2)屏東科技大學生物資源所 (3)嘉義大學動物科學系


40 隻懷孕母豬為試驗動物,逢機分置於 5 處理組,即飼糧中分別添加新開發之飼料添加劑

0%(對照組)、0.05%、0.1% 與 0.15% 及添加商業產品 0.15% 組。飼料與飲水採任食。在

等粗蛋白質及代謝能基礎下(懷孕期 CP=12.8%;ME=3,265 kcal/kg 及泌乳期 CP=17.5%;

ME=3,265 kcal/kg),懷孕期限食,泌乳期任食。試驗結果顯示,母豬泌乳期平均攝食量或失

重,以添加 0.15% 納豆真菌發酵產物組及 0.15 % 商業產品組較 0% 及 0.05% 納豆真菌發

酵產物組顯著為高或低(P < 0.05)。哺乳母豬之血清中干擾素-γ濃度以添加 0.15% 納豆真

菌發酵產物組及 0.15% 商業產品組顯著較 0% 及 0.05% 納豆真菌發酵產物組顯著為高(P

< 0.05)。綜上所述,在母豬飼糧中添加 0.15% 納豆真菌發酵產物可完全取代添加 0.15% 商


關鍵語:免疫、生產、母豬、納豆真菌發酵產物 Effects of diets supplemented with combinatory products fermented by bacillus natto

with fungus on production and immunity performance of sows

H. J. Huang(1) (2), C. B. Hsu(1), H. S. Wang(1), H. L. Lee(1), C. Y. Lin(1) and K. L. Chen(3)

(1)Kaohsiung Animal Propagation Station, COA-LRI, (2) Department of of Bioresources, Pingtung Science and Technology University, (3) Department of Animal Science, Chiayi University

The study was conducted to determine the effects of Combinatory Products Fermented by Bacillus

natto with Fungus(CPFBF) supplemented feed on production performance and immunity of Duroc

x KHAPS (Kaohsiung Animal Propagation Station) black sows. Five different dietary treatments

were formulated into iso-crude protein (gestation=12.8%; lactation=17.5%) and iso-metabolic

energy diets (ME = 3,265 kcal/kg). A total of 40 Duroc x KHAPS sows were randomly assigned

into 0, 0.05%, 0.10%, 0.15% CPFBF groups and commercial production group. The gestation

duration was provided restriction. The lactation duration was provided ad libitum. The results

showed that the 0.15% CPFBF and commercial production group were significantly higher (P <

0.05) than the 0% and 0.05% CPFBF on sow average daily intake and loss weight during lactation

period. The immunity competence of serum results showed at weaning of sows, the 0.15% CPFBF

and 0.15% commercial production group were significantly higher (P < 0.05) than the 0% and

0.05% CPFBF on gamma interferon (IFN- ). γ Summarized our current results indicate the diets

supplemented with added 0.15% CPFBF can completely replaced to 0.15% commercial production

can improve the reproduation performance and immunocompetence.

Key Words: Immunity, Reproduction, Sow, Bacillus natto and fungus fermented products

Page 178: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016254

176. 飼糧添加聚麩胺酸及不同鈣磷濃度對臺灣水鹿產茸性能及 血液生化值之影響

黃憲榮 林信宏 許晉賓 康獻仁 林正鏞 畜產試驗所高雄種畜繁殖場

本試驗旨在探討飼糧中額外添加聚麩胺酸(γ-poly-glutamic acid)及不同鈣磷濃度對臺灣水鹿

產茸性能及血液生化值之影響。以粗蛋白質 15% 及代謝能(2,400 kcal/kg)為基礎日糧再分

別添加聚麩胺酸及不同鈣磷濃度,其試驗日糧分別為 A 組為 0.6%鈣及 0.4%磷、B 組為 0.6% 鈣、0.4% 磷及 0.3% 聚麩胺酸及 C 組之 0.9% 鈣及 0.6% 磷。試驗日糧是以完全混合日

糧方式(TMR)配製,選用臺灣水鹿 12 頭,每處理 4 頭,產茸期任食。結果顯示,B 組(

0.6% 鈣、0.4% 磷及 0.3%聚麩胺酸) 其平均乾物質採食量(P = 0.09)及鹿茸產量(P = 0.10)較 A 組有增加趨勢;而鹿茸組成份中之鈣與灰分(P < 0.05)及血液生化值中之 γ-麩胺醯

轉胺酶與鈣含量也顯著較 A 組高(P < 0.05)。綜上所述,飼糧中額外添加聚麩胺酸可促進



Effects of diets supplemented with γ-PGA and different crude protein level on antlers production and blood biochemical values in Formosan sambar deer

H. J. Huang, H. H. Lin, C. B. Hsu, S. R. Kang and C. Y. Lin

Kaohsiung Animal Propagation Station, COA-LRI The study was conducted to determine the effects of total mixed ration (TMR) with supplemented with different calcium, phosphorus and r-PGA (γ-poly-glutamic acid) content on antlers production and biochemical values in Formosan sambar deer. Three different dietary treatments are formulated into iso-metabolic energy diets (CP15%; ME=2,400 kcal/kg). A total of 12 Formosan sambar deer are randomly assigned into A group (0.6% Ca and 0.4% P), B group (0.6% Ca, 0.4% P and 0.3% r-PGA) and C group (0.9% Ca and 0.6% P) of TMR. The feed during the antler development stage is provided ad libitum. The B group (0.6% Ca, 0.4% P and 0.3% r-PGA) had a higher trend to increase than the A group (0.6% Ca, 0.4% P) on average dry matter intake (P = 0.09) and antler production (P = 0.10). The B group (0.6% Ca, 0.4% P and 0.3% r-PGA) was higher (P < 0.05) than the A group (0.6% Ca, 0.4% P) on chemical composition of velvet antler (calcium and ash contents) and biochemical values (γ-glutamyl transaminase and calcium contents). There was no significant difference between the crude protein 15% (0.9% calcium and 0.6% phosphorus) and the other groups. Summarized our current results indicate the diets supplemented with r-PGA can significantly promote the calcium absorption of Formosan sambar deer and improve antler production tendency. Key Words: γ-PGA, Calcium, phosphorus, Formosan sambar deer

Page 179: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 255

176. 飼糧添加聚麩胺酸及不同鈣磷濃度對臺灣水鹿產茸性能及 血液生化值之影響

黃憲榮 林信宏 許晉賓 康獻仁 林正鏞 畜產試驗所高雄種畜繁殖場

本試驗旨在探討飼糧中額外添加聚麩胺酸(γ-poly-glutamic acid)及不同鈣磷濃度對臺灣水鹿

產茸性能及血液生化值之影響。以粗蛋白質 15% 及代謝能(2,400 kcal/kg)為基礎日糧再分

別添加聚麩胺酸及不同鈣磷濃度,其試驗日糧分別為 A 組為 0.6%鈣及 0.4%磷、B 組為 0.6% 鈣、0.4% 磷及 0.3% 聚麩胺酸及 C 組之 0.9% 鈣及 0.6% 磷。試驗日糧是以完全混合日

糧方式(TMR)配製,選用臺灣水鹿 12 頭,每處理 4 頭,產茸期任食。結果顯示,B 組(

0.6% 鈣、0.4% 磷及 0.3%聚麩胺酸) 其平均乾物質採食量(P = 0.09)及鹿茸產量(P = 0.10)較 A 組有增加趨勢;而鹿茸組成份中之鈣與灰分(P < 0.05)及血液生化值中之 γ-麩胺醯

轉胺酶與鈣含量也顯著較 A 組高(P < 0.05)。綜上所述,飼糧中額外添加聚麩胺酸可促進



Effects of diets supplemented with γ-PGA and different crude protein level on antlers production and blood biochemical values in Formosan sambar deer

H. J. Huang, H. H. Lin, C. B. Hsu, S. R. Kang and C. Y. Lin

Kaohsiung Animal Propagation Station, COA-LRI The study was conducted to determine the effects of total mixed ration (TMR) with supplemented with different calcium, phosphorus and r-PGA (γ-poly-glutamic acid) content on antlers production and biochemical values in Formosan sambar deer. Three different dietary treatments are formulated into iso-metabolic energy diets (CP15%; ME=2,400 kcal/kg). A total of 12 Formosan sambar deer are randomly assigned into A group (0.6% Ca and 0.4% P), B group (0.6% Ca, 0.4% P and 0.3% r-PGA) and C group (0.9% Ca and 0.6% P) of TMR. The feed during the antler development stage is provided ad libitum. The B group (0.6% Ca, 0.4% P and 0.3% r-PGA) had a higher trend to increase than the A group (0.6% Ca, 0.4% P) on average dry matter intake (P = 0.09) and antler production (P = 0.10). The B group (0.6% Ca, 0.4% P and 0.3% r-PGA) was higher (P < 0.05) than the A group (0.6% Ca, 0.4% P) on chemical composition of velvet antler (calcium and ash contents) and biochemical values (γ-glutamyl transaminase and calcium contents). There was no significant difference between the crude protein 15% (0.9% calcium and 0.6% phosphorus) and the other groups. Summarized our current results indicate the diets supplemented with r-PGA can significantly promote the calcium absorption of Formosan sambar deer and improve antler production tendency. Key Words: γ-PGA, Calcium, phosphorus, Formosan sambar deer

177. 於飼糧中添加甲硫胺酸螯合銅、鋅對白肉雞生長表現與排泄物中銅、鋅含量之影響

李昱成 魏恒巍 國立台灣大學動物科學技術學系


內銅鋅含量與銅鋅排泄量之影響,並比較此不同型式的銅鋅之可代謝率。總數 180 隻一日齡

之 Arbor Acres Plus 白肉雞,逢機分入 5 組,每組 6 欄,每欄 6 隻,分別餵飼不同銅鋅型式


酸螯合物或硫酸鹽添加了銅/鋅有機螯合物之建議用量(10 ppm 銅、40 ppm 鋅)或達到一般

無機鹽之商用推薦量(至 16 ppm 銅, 110 ppm 鋅)等四個處理組,實驗為期 35 天,採任飼、


照組之血漿鋅濃度顯著低於其他組別者(P < 0.05),但各組間在血漿銅濃度與肝臟之銅、鋅

濃度差異不顯著。另外,四個處理組的排泄物中銅、鋅濃度皆顯著高於負對照組者(P < 0.05),而排泄物的鋅濃度則隨著添加量之提高而顯著增加(P < 0.05),但甲硫胺酸螯合鋅之可代謝

率顯著(P < 0.05)高於硫酸鋅者。總而言之,於玉米-大豆粕飼糧中添加此兩種濃度之銅、


之可代謝率顯著高於硫酸鋅者。 關鍵語:有機螯合礦物質、銅鋅排泄量、白肉雞 The effect of dietary Cu/Zn-methionine chelate on the growth performance and fecal

Cu/Zn excretion of broiler Y. C. Lee and H. W. Wei

Department of Animal Science of Technology, National Taiwan University

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of copper- and zinc-methionine chelate, for replacing copper/zinc sulfate, on the growth performance, the deposition of copper/zinc in selected tissues and fecal Cu/Zn excretion of broiler chickens, then comparing the metabolisability of the different forms of mineral. A total of 180 one-day old broilers (Arbor Acres Plus) were allotted randomly to 5 groups with 6 replicate cages of 6 broilers. The chickens in each dietary treatment were fed with corn-soybean meal diets with different levels of copper/zinc by organic or inorganic supplement. In the group of negative control, the diet was without any extra copper/zinc supplement except for feedstuffs. For the other groups, broilers received a diet supplemented with either Cu/Zn-methionine chelate or Cu/Zn sulfate according to the recommendation of organic chelate (10 ppm of copper, 40 ppm of zinc ) or regular commercial recommendation (reaching the dietary level of 16 ppm of copper and 110 ppm of zinc), respectively. Water and feed were provided ad libitum in a whole 35-day period. The results showed that the different forms and levels of Cu/Zn supplement didn’t affect the weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion efficiency. The negative control group had lower (P<0.05) zinc concentration in plasma. However, there was no significant difference between each group in the Cu concentration in plasma and the Cu/Zn concentrations in liver. The Cu/Zn concentrations in feces of the negative control were significantly lower (P < 0.05) than those of the other groups, and an increase in the feces Zn concentration was observed due to a higher supplemental level (P < 0.05). The metabolisability of Zn-methionine chelate was significantly higher (P < 0.05) compared to zinc sulfate. In conclusion, the growth performance of broiler was not affected by different forms and levels of the Cu/Zn supplement, and the metabolisability of Zn-methionine chelate is higher than that of zinc sulfate. Key Words: Cu/Zn-methionine chelate, Metabolisability, Broiler

Page 180: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016256

178. 評估金針菇與杏鮑菇菇頭副產物之抗氧化力 施玉仁(1) 范耕榛(2) 陳美杏(3) 余碧(1) 李滋泰(1)

(1)國立中興大學動物科學系 (2)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (3)行政院農業委員會農業試驗所

金針菇與杏鮑菇為國內產量較高的食用菇類,而其菇頭副產物多作為堆肥或直接丟棄。本試驗係以金針菇及杏鮑菇之菇頭副產物進行體外抗氧化力的檢測比較,以評估其作為飼料添加物之潛力。以新鮮金針菇及杏鮑菇菇頭再 105℃ 進行乾燥二天並粉碎,再與水混和加熱至 95℃ 兩小時後過濾,將所得濾液進行抗氧化力分析。結果顯示,金針菇及杏鮑菇水萃物之總酚類化合物含量分別約為 8.2 mg GAE/g 與 4.4 mg GAE/g。抗氧化力評估指標亞鐵離子螯合能力在樣品濃度為 0.5 mg/mL 時,分別為 75 % 及 66 %。此兩種萃取物之 DPPH 清除力在濃度為 20 mg/mL 時,分別約為 54 % 及 47 %。還原力方面,兩種水萃物在濃度為 2.5 mg/mL 時約為同濃度之 BHT 的 70 % 及 51 %。綜合上述結果顯示,金針菇及杏鮑菇菇頭副產物均有具抗氧化能力之代謝產物,然而金針菇菇頭副產物在上述各項抗氧化力的檢測值均高於杏鮑菇菇頭副產物,往後將進一步以 in vivo 試驗實際評估於動物體內之抗氧化效果。 關鍵語:抗氧化力、金針菇、杏鮑菇 Evaluating antioxidant capacity of stalk residue by-product of Flammulina velutipes

and Pleurotus eryngii

Y. J. Shih(1), G. J. Fan(2), M. H. Chen (3), B. Yu(1) and T. T. Lee(1)

(1)Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University (2)Livestock Research Institute Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

(3)Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

Enoki mushroom (Flammulina velutipes) and king oyster mushroom (Pleurotus eryngii) are two kinds of edible fungi with high production in Taiwan. Their by-product, stalk residue, are commonly used as composter or discarded directly. This study is to evaluate the antioxidant activity ability of by-product of Flammulina velutipes and Pleurotus eryngii as its potential to being functional feed additive by a sequence of in vitro experiment. Fresh stalk residue of Flammulina velutipes and Pleurotus eryngii were prepared to dry at 105 ℃ for two days and crush. Then being extracted with RO water at 95 ℃ for two hours and filtered. The filtrate obtained from above step was used for analysis of its antioxidant capacity. The results presented that the total phenolic compounds were 8.2 and 4.4 mg GAE (gallic acid equivalent)/g dry weight for aqueous extracts of Flammulina velutipes and Pleurotus eryngii, respectively. The chelating capacity of Fe2+ was 75 % and 66 %, respectively, when the concentration of extracts was 0.5 mg/ml. The scavenging ability of DPPH free radical was 54% and 47% , respectively, when added 20 mg/mL of extracts. At the concentration of 2.5 mg/ml, the extracts have approximate 70% and 51% reducing power compared with the same concentration of BHT, respectively. Summarizing the above results indicated that both stalk residue of Flammulina velutipes and Pleurotus eryngii had metabolites with antioxidant ability. Besides, all the detection values of stalk residue of Flammulina velutipes were higher than those of Pleurotus eryngii in above antioxidant index. In the future, we will prove its antioxidant ability in animal by in vivo experiment. Key Words: Antioxidant, Flammulina velutipes, Pleurotus eryngii

Page 181: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 257

178. 評估金針菇與杏鮑菇菇頭副產物之抗氧化力 施玉仁(1) 范耕榛(2) 陳美杏(3) 余碧(1) 李滋泰(1)

(1)國立中興大學動物科學系 (2)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (3)行政院農業委員會農業試驗所

金針菇與杏鮑菇為國內產量較高的食用菇類,而其菇頭副產物多作為堆肥或直接丟棄。本試驗係以金針菇及杏鮑菇之菇頭副產物進行體外抗氧化力的檢測比較,以評估其作為飼料添加物之潛力。以新鮮金針菇及杏鮑菇菇頭再 105℃ 進行乾燥二天並粉碎,再與水混和加熱至 95℃ 兩小時後過濾,將所得濾液進行抗氧化力分析。結果顯示,金針菇及杏鮑菇水萃物之總酚類化合物含量分別約為 8.2 mg GAE/g 與 4.4 mg GAE/g。抗氧化力評估指標亞鐵離子螯合能力在樣品濃度為 0.5 mg/mL 時,分別為 75 % 及 66 %。此兩種萃取物之 DPPH 清除力在濃度為 20 mg/mL 時,分別約為 54 % 及 47 %。還原力方面,兩種水萃物在濃度為 2.5 mg/mL 時約為同濃度之 BHT 的 70 % 及 51 %。綜合上述結果顯示,金針菇及杏鮑菇菇頭副產物均有具抗氧化能力之代謝產物,然而金針菇菇頭副產物在上述各項抗氧化力的檢測值均高於杏鮑菇菇頭副產物,往後將進一步以 in vivo 試驗實際評估於動物體內之抗氧化效果。 關鍵語:抗氧化力、金針菇、杏鮑菇 Evaluating antioxidant capacity of stalk residue by-product of Flammulina velutipes

and Pleurotus eryngii

Y. J. Shih(1), G. J. Fan(2), M. H. Chen (3), B. Yu(1) and T. T. Lee(1)

(1)Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University (2)Livestock Research Institute Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

(3)Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

Enoki mushroom (Flammulina velutipes) and king oyster mushroom (Pleurotus eryngii) are two kinds of edible fungi with high production in Taiwan. Their by-product, stalk residue, are commonly used as composter or discarded directly. This study is to evaluate the antioxidant activity ability of by-product of Flammulina velutipes and Pleurotus eryngii as its potential to being functional feed additive by a sequence of in vitro experiment. Fresh stalk residue of Flammulina velutipes and Pleurotus eryngii were prepared to dry at 105 ℃ for two days and crush. Then being extracted with RO water at 95 ℃ for two hours and filtered. The filtrate obtained from above step was used for analysis of its antioxidant capacity. The results presented that the total phenolic compounds were 8.2 and 4.4 mg GAE (gallic acid equivalent)/g dry weight for aqueous extracts of Flammulina velutipes and Pleurotus eryngii, respectively. The chelating capacity of Fe2+ was 75 % and 66 %, respectively, when the concentration of extracts was 0.5 mg/ml. The scavenging ability of DPPH free radical was 54% and 47% , respectively, when added 20 mg/mL of extracts. At the concentration of 2.5 mg/ml, the extracts have approximate 70% and 51% reducing power compared with the same concentration of BHT, respectively. Summarizing the above results indicated that both stalk residue of Flammulina velutipes and Pleurotus eryngii had metabolites with antioxidant ability. Besides, all the detection values of stalk residue of Flammulina velutipes were higher than those of Pleurotus eryngii in above antioxidant index. In the future, we will prove its antioxidant ability in animal by in vivo experiment. Key Words: Antioxidant, Flammulina velutipes, Pleurotus eryngii

179. 中藥雞內金之儲藏與分析研究

倪千祥 李至上 翁曼語 劉美昀 潘歆韻 林亮全








膜含高量蛋白質(38.19 - 42.30%),為良好之蛋白質來源,酸鹼值為 3.42 - 3.51,色差值方

面 L* 值為 62.1 - 73;a* 值為 5.2 - 13.4;b* 值為 39.9 - 56.1,胺基酸組成中以谷胺酸




民收益之理想。 關鍵語:雞砂囊內膜、雞內金、儲藏分析

Study on storage and analysis of endothelium corneum gigeriae galli

C. H. Ni, C. S. Li, M. Y. Weng, M. Y. Liu, H. Y. Pan and L. C. Lin Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University

Chicken gizzard inner lining is a tough, abrasive membrane-like tissue, which could offer the grinding surface to help gizzard break down the chyme, it also prevents gizzard mucosa from damages caused by gastric acid, pepsin and foreign chemical and physical materials. It is also a traditional Chinese medicine called “Endothelium Corneum Gigeriae Galli” which could increase digestive ability of stomach. In Taiwan, broiler slaughter industry, 464 tons of chicken gizzard inner lining was produced but wasted, because this part was not to be eaten and there’s no particular research indicating the chemical composition in the lining. In this study, we selected the Taiwan broiler gizzard inner lining and used different storage conditions to proximate analysis, pH value, color value and amino acid composition analysis. The gizzard inner lining contain 38.19 - 42.3% of crude protein, indicating that it is a good protein resource. 3.42 - 3.51 of pH value. L* value (62.1 - 73), a* value (5.2 - 13.4) and b* value (39.9 - 56.1) of color value. It also contains 11.89% of glutamic acid, 11.09% of aspartic acid, and 0.6% of histidine. Fresh frozen for a week and rapid freezing for one month are the best storage conditions. The understanding of the gizzard inner lining characteristics is expected to help increasing its commercial value by designing proper processing methods, to decrease the environmental pollution, and to increase the profit of the industry. Key Words: Chicken gizzard inner lining, Endothelium corneum gigeriae galli, Storage analysis

Page 182: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016258

180. 豬眼角膜去細胞條件對核酸殘留和醣組成之影響

顏重河 彭書慧 劉明薰 許啟運 蕭凱烜 徐紹欽 杜清富



是必要的工作。分析動物來源的生物性支架中 DNA 殘餘量是評估去細胞程序效率和免疫毒

性風險的方法之一。我們利用分析不同的去細胞製程產物中的 DNA 殘餘量,來對製程去細

胞的效果作評價,並依此作為製程改良的憑據。在這項研究中,DNA 殘餘量是經由三個步驟,

包括蛋白酶 K 消化、DNA 的純化和螢光測定的方法來定量。經由評估各種去細胞製程產品

的 DNA 殘餘量,來調整製程中去細胞的條件,我們開發了可將豬眼角膜支架 DNA 含量降

到到原始材料的 14% 的去細胞製程,此支架並可保持完整細胞外基質的結構。製程開發過


關鍵語:豬眼角膜、DNA 殘餘量、唾液酸

The effects of residual DNA and glycosaminoglycan content in products from the various decellularization process

C. H. Yen, S. H. Peng., M. S. Liu, C. Y. Hsu, K. S. Hsiao, S. C. Hsu and C. F. Tu

Animal Technology Laboratories, Agricultural Technology Research Institute

To ensure biocompatibility of xenogenic biologic scaffold after implanting into humans, it is

mandatory to removal of cellular components, antigens and nucleic materials. Quantification of

residual DNA in animal-derived biological scaffold materials is one of technical specifications for

assessing decellularization process and immunotoxicity risk. In this study, a three-step method,

including proteinase K digestion, DNA purification and fluorescence assay, was designed for

residual DNA quantification. We improve the decellularization process by evaluating the residual

DNA content in the product from the various decellularized products. We developed the process to

product decellular pig corneas scaffold that reduced DNA content to 14 % of original materials and

maintained the structure of extracellular matrix. The sialic acids and glycosaminoglycans content

were monitored during the process development.

Key Words: Porcine cornea, Residual DNA, Sialic acids

Page 183: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 259

180. 豬眼角膜去細胞條件對核酸殘留和醣組成之影響

顏重河 彭書慧 劉明薰 許啟運 蕭凱烜 徐紹欽 杜清富



是必要的工作。分析動物來源的生物性支架中 DNA 殘餘量是評估去細胞程序效率和免疫毒

性風險的方法之一。我們利用分析不同的去細胞製程產物中的 DNA 殘餘量,來對製程去細

胞的效果作評價,並依此作為製程改良的憑據。在這項研究中,DNA 殘餘量是經由三個步驟,

包括蛋白酶 K 消化、DNA 的純化和螢光測定的方法來定量。經由評估各種去細胞製程產品

的 DNA 殘餘量,來調整製程中去細胞的條件,我們開發了可將豬眼角膜支架 DNA 含量降

到到原始材料的 14% 的去細胞製程,此支架並可保持完整細胞外基質的結構。製程開發過


關鍵語:豬眼角膜、DNA 殘餘量、唾液酸

The effects of residual DNA and glycosaminoglycan content in products from the various decellularization process

C. H. Yen, S. H. Peng., M. S. Liu, C. Y. Hsu, K. S. Hsiao, S. C. Hsu and C. F. Tu

Animal Technology Laboratories, Agricultural Technology Research Institute

To ensure biocompatibility of xenogenic biologic scaffold after implanting into humans, it is

mandatory to removal of cellular components, antigens and nucleic materials. Quantification of

residual DNA in animal-derived biological scaffold materials is one of technical specifications for

assessing decellularization process and immunotoxicity risk. In this study, a three-step method,

including proteinase K digestion, DNA purification and fluorescence assay, was designed for

residual DNA quantification. We improve the decellularization process by evaluating the residual

DNA content in the product from the various decellularized products. We developed the process to

product decellular pig corneas scaffold that reduced DNA content to 14 % of original materials and

maintained the structure of extracellular matrix. The sialic acids and glycosaminoglycans content

were monitored during the process development.

Key Words: Porcine cornea, Residual DNA, Sialic acids

181. 國產土番鴨肉品質及鮮度之探討

凃榮珍 郭廷雍 李孟儒 陳怡兆 陳文賢 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所

本試驗旨在探討國產冷藏期間土番鴨胸肉品質變化及建立鮮度檢測方法。選取國產土番鴨 50

隻進行商業量產屠宰作業,屠宰後取其去骨胸肉真空包裝於冷藏 4℃下保存 7 天,分析其

pH 值、肉色、k 值、氧化酸敗值、揮發性鹽基態氮及總生菌數等保存試驗。結果顯示樣品 pH

值及肉色紅色度值(a)無顯著差異,肉色亮度值(L)及黃色度值(b)在保存第 2 天起顯著增

加,氧化酸敗值、揮發性鹽基態氮含量及總生菌數隨著保存期間延長而增加,但在保存 7 天

期間內分別低於 0.4%、12.5% 及 5.0 log cfu/g,均符合原料肉品質規範。保存第 0、2、5 天

之鮮度值均在 20% 以下,維持良好鮮度,第 7 天則已超過 20%,顯示以鮮度值作為肉品



Evaluation of the meat quality and K value of domestic mule ducks

R. J. Tu, T. Y. Kuo, M. R. Lee, Y. C. Chen and W. S. Chen Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the meat quality and to establish a detection method

of K value for local mule ducks during storage at a chilled environment. Fifty of local mule duck

were selected and commercial slaughtered in the factory. Deboned breast meats were vacuum

packaged and stored under 4℃ for 7 days. The pH value, Hunter L, a, b values, K value,

thiobarbituric acid related substance (TBARS), volatile basic nitrogen (VBN) and total plate count

of meat samples were analyzed during the storage period. The results showed that pH value and

Hunter a value of the meats were not different significantly. The Hunter L and b values were

increasing slightly on the second day during the storage period. The total plate count, TBARS and

VBN contents of meats were lower than 5.0 log cfu/g, 0.4% and 12.5%, respectively. All of the

detected data were increasing with the extension of the preservation period, but they were met the

meat safety regulation. The K values of meat samples were less than 20% at 0, 2, 5 days during the

storage period. However, the K values of meats were over 20% at the 7th day of the storage period.

This study found that the K value could play the most important role in detecting the freshness of

meat quality.

Key Words: K value, Mule duck, Meat quality

Page 184: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016260

182. 納豆菌發酵牛乳製成冰淇淋之物理與抗氧性狀之研究

黃昱霖(1) 李奕璇(2) 林棟雍(2) (1)中國文化大學生物科技研究所 (2)中國文化大學動物科學系




討使用納豆菌發酵於牛乳中,發酵不同時間(0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 小時)添加於混料中(牛乳、

鮮奶油、砂糖、奶粉和安定劑(0.15% 羧甲基纖維素))攪凍製成冰淇淋,並測定第一滴水滴


行官能品評。結果顯示:當發酵時間至 21 小時抗氧化效果最高(DPPH 86% 螯合亞鐵 59%),

其後開始降低。而膨脹率與抗氧化結果相似,在 21 小時時膨脹率最大(60%),而膨脹率與

溶化速率成正相關,第一滴水滴落時間在 21 小時也為最短(623 秒),但在 28 小時後開始

上升(1174 秒)。上述結果顯示,納豆菌發酵於牛乳 21 小時在抗氧化效果為最佳,且膨脹


關鍵語:冰淇淋、枯草桿菌、安定劑 Effects of using natto bacteria fermented on physical and antioxidant properties in ice

cream processing

Y. L. Huang(1) , Y. X. Lie(2) and D. Y. Lin(2)

(1)Graduate Institute of Biotechnology (2) Department of Animal Science, Chinese Culture University

In recent years, Taiwan people's doubts and uncertainty in food safety are growing. Ice cream

processing need stabilizers to add body and slow melting time. Stabilizers mostly processed

chemically. There is little purely natural products used for ice cream processing. Natto mucus

produced by Bacillus subtilis fermentation consists of natural polysaccharides, suitable as a

stabilizer. The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of milk of B. subtilis fermentation at

different fermentation time (0,7,14,21,28,35 hrs ), added to the mixture ( milk, cream, sugar, milk

powder and stabilizers (0.15% carboxy methyl cellulose )), and stirred frozen into ice cream, to

determine the effects of first drip, melting rate, overrun rate, mass rate, antioxidant (DPPH, chelate

ferrous ) properties and sensory evaluation. Results showed that when the fermentation time to 21

hrs, highest antioxidant effect (DPPH 86% chelate ferrous 59%)were found. Results of overrun rate

were similar to those of antioxidant properties. Overrun rate reached the highest (60%) at 21 hrs. In

addition, overrun rate and melting rate are positively correlated. First drop dripping time at 21 hrs is

the lowest (623 sec), while it began to rise after 28 hrs of fermentation (1174 sec). Those results

showed that when B. subtilis fermentation in milk for 21 hrs, both antioxidant effect and overrun

rate are the best. However it dissolved relatively quickly.

Key Words: Ice cream, Natto, Stabilizer

Page 185: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 261

182. 納豆菌發酵牛乳製成冰淇淋之物理與抗氧性狀之研究

黃昱霖(1) 李奕璇(2) 林棟雍(2) (1)中國文化大學生物科技研究所 (2)中國文化大學動物科學系




討使用納豆菌發酵於牛乳中,發酵不同時間(0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 小時)添加於混料中(牛乳、

鮮奶油、砂糖、奶粉和安定劑(0.15% 羧甲基纖維素))攪凍製成冰淇淋,並測定第一滴水滴


行官能品評。結果顯示:當發酵時間至 21 小時抗氧化效果最高(DPPH 86% 螯合亞鐵 59%),

其後開始降低。而膨脹率與抗氧化結果相似,在 21 小時時膨脹率最大(60%),而膨脹率與

溶化速率成正相關,第一滴水滴落時間在 21 小時也為最短(623 秒),但在 28 小時後開始

上升(1174 秒)。上述結果顯示,納豆菌發酵於牛乳 21 小時在抗氧化效果為最佳,且膨脹


關鍵語:冰淇淋、枯草桿菌、安定劑 Effects of using natto bacteria fermented on physical and antioxidant properties in ice

cream processing

Y. L. Huang(1) , Y. X. Lie(2) and D. Y. Lin(2)

(1)Graduate Institute of Biotechnology (2) Department of Animal Science, Chinese Culture University

In recent years, Taiwan people's doubts and uncertainty in food safety are growing. Ice cream

processing need stabilizers to add body and slow melting time. Stabilizers mostly processed

chemically. There is little purely natural products used for ice cream processing. Natto mucus

produced by Bacillus subtilis fermentation consists of natural polysaccharides, suitable as a

stabilizer. The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of milk of B. subtilis fermentation at

different fermentation time (0,7,14,21,28,35 hrs ), added to the mixture ( milk, cream, sugar, milk

powder and stabilizers (0.15% carboxy methyl cellulose )), and stirred frozen into ice cream, to

determine the effects of first drip, melting rate, overrun rate, mass rate, antioxidant (DPPH, chelate

ferrous ) properties and sensory evaluation. Results showed that when the fermentation time to 21

hrs, highest antioxidant effect (DPPH 86% chelate ferrous 59%)were found. Results of overrun rate

were similar to those of antioxidant properties. Overrun rate reached the highest (60%) at 21 hrs. In

addition, overrun rate and melting rate are positively correlated. First drop dripping time at 21 hrs is

the lowest (623 sec), while it began to rise after 28 hrs of fermentation (1174 sec). Those results

showed that when B. subtilis fermentation in milk for 21 hrs, both antioxidant effect and overrun

rate are the best. However it dissolved relatively quickly.

Key Words: Ice cream, Natto, Stabilizer

183. 不同熱處理對牛奶中糠氨酸及乳酮糖之影響

許貴淵(1) 陳明汝(1) 王聖耀(1)(2) (1)國立臺灣大學動物科學技術學系 (2)國立臺灣大學附設農業試驗牧場

加熱殺菌為牛奶常見的殺菌方式,但其條件會造成梅納反應(Maillard Reaction)使牛奶營養


之含量,探討此兩物質與加熱關係。本實驗採用臺灣大學附設實驗牧場之生乳乳樣,以 63OC

30 分鐘、72OC 15 秒、81OC 30 秒以及滅菌(121OC 15 分鐘)後,利用高效能液相層析(High

Performance Liquid Chromatography; HPLC)測定糠氨酸之含量;以酵素法(enzymatic method)




Effect of Heat Treatments on levels of Furosine and Lactulose in Milk

K. Y. Hsu(1), M. J. Chen(1) and S. Y. Wang(1)(2) (1)National Taiwan University Department of Animal Science and Technology

(2)National Taiwan University Agricultural Experimental Farm

Heat processing was common treatment for milk pasteurization. However, heated milk is subject to

the Maillard reaction; lactose and lysine residues in milk proteins (mainly casein) are reactants. In

this study, the raw milk was heated with different heat temperatures and time, and determined the

contents of furosine and lactulose in milk samples. The aim of this study was to investigate

relationship between heat treatments and the contents of furosine and lactulose. The raw milk

samples form Experimental Farm of National Taiwan University were pasteurized at 63OC 30 min,

72OC 15 s, 81OC 30 s, and sterilization (121OC 15 min). The furosine and lactulose in milk samples

were then analyzed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and enzymatic method,

respectively. The result indicated that the levels of furosine and lactulose were increased with heat

intensity significantly.

Key Words: Furosine, Heat treatment, Lactulose

Page 186: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016262

184. 生乳中游離脂肪酸之檢測

蕭振文(1) 凃柏安(1) 李素珍(1) 鄭志明(1) 賈玉祥(1) 丁進來(2) 方清泉(2) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所新竹分所 (2)社團法人中華民國乳業協會

生乳中的乳脂肪受到許多因素影響而分解成為游離脂肪酸(free fatty acid, FFA)。乳中游離脂肪酸含量上升會降低乳脂肪含量,同時影響乾酪等乳製品之製程與風味,尤其是脂肪含量高的產品如乳油等,容易發生酸敗現象,致使產品風味變差、縮短乳製品使用與保存期限。由於生乳品質攸關乳製品之品質與保存期限,本試驗旨在建立生乳中游離脂肪酸含量、其與乳品質及使用期限之相關,探討個別乳牛生產之生乳中游離脂肪酸含量,做為生乳品質判定指標之一,同時供酪農乳牛飼養管理之重要參考。試驗之生乳樣品均採自參加乳牛群性能改良計畫(Dairy Herd Improvement, DHI)酪農飼養之乳牛,乳樣以快遞送至新竹分所牛乳檢驗室,應用乳成分測定儀(MilkoScan FT 型, FOSS 公司)測定生乳之游離脂肪酸,結果依 DHI 建議之標準 0.15mmol/100 g 的脂肪區分游離脂肪酸含量高低的不同牛群並統計各月份頻度分布,藉以瞭解個別牛乳中游離脂肪酸含量,供國內建立乳牛生乳游離脂肪酸含量之參考,並做為酪農飼養管理策略運用之依據。 關鍵語:檢測、游離脂肪酸、生乳

The detection of free fatty acids in raw milk of dairy cattle

J. W. Shiau,(1) P. A. Tu,(1) S. J. Lee,(1) C. M. Cheng,(1) Y. S. Jea,(1) J. L. Ding(2) and C. C. Fang (2) (1)Hsin-chu Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

(2)Dairy Association, Taiwan, R.O.C

The content of milk fat was affected by many factors and the degradation of milk fat would result the produce of free fatty acids. As contents of free fatty acids increased in the milk, not only the milk fat was affected, the quality and flavor of processed milk products such as butter, cream and cheese etc. were also changed. The purpose of this study was to detect the free fatty acid in raw milk to establish the basic data of free fatty acid profile in individual dairy cow and can be used as a tool by dairy farmers for dairy herd management. Raw milk samples obtained from individual dairy cattle of DHI participating farms. The milk samples were sent by express delivery to milk detection laboratory at Hsinchu Branch, Livestock Research Institute (LRI). The free fatty acids in raw milk were analyzed by automatic milk content analyzer (MilkoScan FT, FOSS). The resulting data of free fatty acid in raw milk were analyzed and grouping according to the individual cow and the months of the year. The profile of free fatty acids could further be used as the reference to evaluate the raw milk quality and provided dairy farmer the important information for managing and feeding of dairy herds. Key Words: Analysis, Free fatty acid, Raw milk

Page 187: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 263

184. 生乳中游離脂肪酸之檢測

蕭振文(1) 凃柏安(1) 李素珍(1) 鄭志明(1) 賈玉祥(1) 丁進來(2) 方清泉(2) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所新竹分所 (2)社團法人中華民國乳業協會

生乳中的乳脂肪受到許多因素影響而分解成為游離脂肪酸(free fatty acid, FFA)。乳中游離脂肪酸含量上升會降低乳脂肪含量,同時影響乾酪等乳製品之製程與風味,尤其是脂肪含量高的產品如乳油等,容易發生酸敗現象,致使產品風味變差、縮短乳製品使用與保存期限。由於生乳品質攸關乳製品之品質與保存期限,本試驗旨在建立生乳中游離脂肪酸含量、其與乳品質及使用期限之相關,探討個別乳牛生產之生乳中游離脂肪酸含量,做為生乳品質判定指標之一,同時供酪農乳牛飼養管理之重要參考。試驗之生乳樣品均採自參加乳牛群性能改良計畫(Dairy Herd Improvement, DHI)酪農飼養之乳牛,乳樣以快遞送至新竹分所牛乳檢驗室,應用乳成分測定儀(MilkoScan FT 型, FOSS 公司)測定生乳之游離脂肪酸,結果依 DHI 建議之標準 0.15mmol/100 g 的脂肪區分游離脂肪酸含量高低的不同牛群並統計各月份頻度分布,藉以瞭解個別牛乳中游離脂肪酸含量,供國內建立乳牛生乳游離脂肪酸含量之參考,並做為酪農飼養管理策略運用之依據。 關鍵語:檢測、游離脂肪酸、生乳

The detection of free fatty acids in raw milk of dairy cattle

J. W. Shiau,(1) P. A. Tu,(1) S. J. Lee,(1) C. M. Cheng,(1) Y. S. Jea,(1) J. L. Ding(2) and C. C. Fang (2) (1)Hsin-chu Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

(2)Dairy Association, Taiwan, R.O.C

The content of milk fat was affected by many factors and the degradation of milk fat would result the produce of free fatty acids. As contents of free fatty acids increased in the milk, not only the milk fat was affected, the quality and flavor of processed milk products such as butter, cream and cheese etc. were also changed. The purpose of this study was to detect the free fatty acid in raw milk to establish the basic data of free fatty acid profile in individual dairy cow and can be used as a tool by dairy farmers for dairy herd management. Raw milk samples obtained from individual dairy cattle of DHI participating farms. The milk samples were sent by express delivery to milk detection laboratory at Hsinchu Branch, Livestock Research Institute (LRI). The free fatty acids in raw milk were analyzed by automatic milk content analyzer (MilkoScan FT, FOSS). The resulting data of free fatty acid in raw milk were analyzed and grouping according to the individual cow and the months of the year. The profile of free fatty acids could further be used as the reference to evaluate the raw milk quality and provided dairy farmer the important information for managing and feeding of dairy herds. Key Words: Analysis, Free fatty acid, Raw milk

185. 酵素添加與氣泡洗滌模式於羽絨精洗流程優化之應用

白崇智(1) 許巧樺(2) 王翰聰(2)

(1)中國文化大學生物科技研究所 (2)中國文化大學動物科學系 本研究主要探討脂肪分解酵素與氣泡洗滌,在羽絨精洗流程中之使用順序,對於羽絨清洗效果的影響。由於不同來源羽絨原料毛油脂含量差異大,不當氧化可能造成產品異味問題。目前現場操作以大量清水及清潔劑來洗滌羽絨,用水量大同時也造成水污染之問題。本試驗利用少量脂肪分解酵素添加,搭配較低用水量及合適溫度,透過不同添加順序進行洗滌模式優化,以有效降低成本。第一階段試驗以 0.5 與 1% 之脂肪酶(Lipolase 100L),於清潔劑洗滌前後搭配添加,原料為高中低三種含脂量之羽絨,清洗後之羽絨成品,測定其殘留脂肪量與洗滌回收率進行比較。第二階段在洗清流程中,以氣泡搭配不同洗滌順序進行高脂原料毛洗滌測試。試驗結果顯示,清洗高含脂量(高於 3.0%)之羽絨原毛時,先以清潔劑第一次洗滌脫水後噴灑脂肪分解酵素,在 40℃ 下反應後之洗滌效果較佳,其脂肪移除率可達 70% 以上。在氣泡洗滌加入後,若於洗清階段全程使用氣泡處理,對於羽絨洗滌後的性狀損傷最小,且絨朵蓬鬆程度也較佳,但是回收率降低。大量洗滌結果顯示,以 0.5% 洗滌劑進行第一段清洗後,於 40℃ 加入 0.5% 脂肪酶反應後,進行第一次水洗,再以氣泡進行第二次水洗,可得到良好的脂肪移除率,並維持較佳之成品性狀與回收率(高於 75%)。 關鍵語:羽絨、酵素、氣泡洗滌

The application of enzyme supplementation order and bubble treatment on feather down washing process optimization

C. Z. Bai(1), C. H. Hsu(2) and H. T. Wang(2)

(1)The Graduate Institute of Biotechnology, Chinese Culture University (2)Department of Animal Science, Chinese Culture University

This study attempted to investigate the effect of lipase (Lipolase 100L) supplementation order and bubble treatment on feather down washing process. The different source raw feather down material contain different level of body and feather fat, it resulted in peculiar smell problems under undesirable oxidation. Normal washing process required large amount of water and detergent and brings a problem of water pollution. This study applied low level lipase with different supplementation order at suitable temperature and water loading, trying to find an optimal washing process for reducing the production cost. In the first stage, feather down with three fat levels were exanimated by two concentration of lipase (0.5 and 1.0%) with different supplementation order washing processes. The residual fat and recovery rate of feather down after each treatment was assayed to determine the fat removing ability. In the second stage, the bubble treatment was applied on high level fat feather down washing process. It indicated that added lipase at 40℃ after the detergent washing stage and spin dry resulted in the better washing efficiency to feather down with high fat content (fat > 3.0%). The fat removing rate could over 70% under this operation condition. When bubble treatment applied during all rinsing wash stages, it resulted in the minimal damage of feather down and also made higher fill-power performance. However, it sowed lower recovery rate of feather down after this treatment. The mass washing examination showed that applied 0.5% lipase under 0.5% detergent washing process at 40℃ then rinsing with bubble treatment at second time resulted in good fat removing ability, it also kept high washing recovery rate over 75%. Key Words: Feather down, Lipase, Bubble treatment

Page 188: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016264

186. 探討迷迭香萃取物及乾冰之應用對於延長富含 omega-3 脂肪酸雞肉筋蛋白保存之可能性

王昱筑 陳億乘


本研究擬針對先前開發之富含 omega-3 脂肪酸雞肉筋蛋白進行保存性試驗。由於 omega-3 脂肪酸易於加工過程或貯藏期間自氧化而造成產品品質劣變。因此,本研究目的為藉由(1)迷迭香萃取物對於富含 omega-3 脂肪酸油脂(亞麻籽油)之氧化安定能力及(2)迷迭香萃取

物結合乾冰之抗氧化柵欄技術之應用,以評估此方法對於延長富含 omega-3 脂肪酸之雞肉筋

蛋白保存之可能性。結果顯示以 80% 乙醇溶液使用超音波萃取 30 分鐘而得之迷迭香萃取

物不僅具較理想之多酚組成及較佳(P < 0.05)之抗氧化能力外,於加速氧化試驗(Schaal oven test, 60°C)中亦可提升亞麻籽油之氧化安定性,且其效果優於(P < 0.05)生育醇及 2,6-二第三

丁基對甲酚。進一步將 80% 迷迭香乙醇萃取物(RE)與乾冰(DI)結合應用於富含 omega-3 脂肪酸雞肉筋蛋白之貯藏試驗中,添加 DI 有助於提升產品之白色度及硬度(P < 0.05)而添

加RE則使產品具較高(P < 0.05)之omega-3及omega-6脂肪酸保留量。此外,於 14 天 4°C 貯藏試驗中,結合 RE 及 DI 添加之組別其初級氧化產物量最低(P < 0.05)且添加 RE 可有效

延緩(P < 0.05)次級氧化產物之生成。 關鍵語:迷迭香萃取物、乾冰、雞肉筋蛋白

A possibility of rosemary extract and dry ice on shelf-life prolongation of omega-3 fatty acid fortified chicken surimi

Y. Z. Wang and Y. C. Chen Department of Animal Science and Technology, National Taiwan University

In our previous study, an omega-3 fatty acid (flaxseed oil) fortified chicken surimi was succefully developed from spent hen breast protein. However, omega-3 fatty acids are prone to autoxidation during processing or storage, leading to quality deterioration. Therefore, in this study we aimed to investigate (1) oxidative stability of flaxseed oil with the addition of rosemary extract, and (2) a potential hurdle technology [rosemary extract and dry ice (DI)] on shelf life prolongation of chicken surimi fortified with flaxseed oil. Results showed that 80% ethanolic extract of rosemary from 30-min ultrasonic extraction (abbreviated as RE) not only possessed higher (P < 0.05) phenolic compounds and antioxidant abilities, but it effectively retarded lipid oxidation of flaxseed oil under Schaal oven test condition (60°C) compared to α-tocopherol or BHT. A further application of RE and DI on chicken surimi fortified with flaxseed oil was evaluated. DI addition increased (P < 0.05) whiteness values and hardness of products. Meanwhile, ω-3 and ω-6 fatty acids were greatly preserved in products with the addition of RE. During a 14-day storage at 4°C, products with the combined usage of RE and DI had the lowest (P < 0.05) primary oxidative substances, while RE exerted a better (P < 0.05) ability to inhibit the formation of malondialdehyde. Key Words: Rosemary extract, Dry ice, Chicken surimi

Page 189: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 265

186. 探討迷迭香萃取物及乾冰之應用對於延長富含 omega-3 脂肪酸雞肉筋蛋白保存之可能性

王昱筑 陳億乘


本研究擬針對先前開發之富含 omega-3 脂肪酸雞肉筋蛋白進行保存性試驗。由於 omega-3 脂肪酸易於加工過程或貯藏期間自氧化而造成產品品質劣變。因此,本研究目的為藉由(1)迷迭香萃取物對於富含 omega-3 脂肪酸油脂(亞麻籽油)之氧化安定能力及(2)迷迭香萃取

物結合乾冰之抗氧化柵欄技術之應用,以評估此方法對於延長富含 omega-3 脂肪酸之雞肉筋

蛋白保存之可能性。結果顯示以 80% 乙醇溶液使用超音波萃取 30 分鐘而得之迷迭香萃取

物不僅具較理想之多酚組成及較佳(P < 0.05)之抗氧化能力外,於加速氧化試驗(Schaal oven test, 60°C)中亦可提升亞麻籽油之氧化安定性,且其效果優於(P < 0.05)生育醇及 2,6-二第三

丁基對甲酚。進一步將 80% 迷迭香乙醇萃取物(RE)與乾冰(DI)結合應用於富含 omega-3 脂肪酸雞肉筋蛋白之貯藏試驗中,添加 DI 有助於提升產品之白色度及硬度(P < 0.05)而添

加RE則使產品具較高(P < 0.05)之omega-3及omega-6脂肪酸保留量。此外,於 14 天 4°C 貯藏試驗中,結合 RE 及 DI 添加之組別其初級氧化產物量最低(P < 0.05)且添加 RE 可有效

延緩(P < 0.05)次級氧化產物之生成。 關鍵語:迷迭香萃取物、乾冰、雞肉筋蛋白

A possibility of rosemary extract and dry ice on shelf-life prolongation of omega-3 fatty acid fortified chicken surimi

Y. Z. Wang and Y. C. Chen Department of Animal Science and Technology, National Taiwan University

In our previous study, an omega-3 fatty acid (flaxseed oil) fortified chicken surimi was succefully developed from spent hen breast protein. However, omega-3 fatty acids are prone to autoxidation during processing or storage, leading to quality deterioration. Therefore, in this study we aimed to investigate (1) oxidative stability of flaxseed oil with the addition of rosemary extract, and (2) a potential hurdle technology [rosemary extract and dry ice (DI)] on shelf life prolongation of chicken surimi fortified with flaxseed oil. Results showed that 80% ethanolic extract of rosemary from 30-min ultrasonic extraction (abbreviated as RE) not only possessed higher (P < 0.05) phenolic compounds and antioxidant abilities, but it effectively retarded lipid oxidation of flaxseed oil under Schaal oven test condition (60°C) compared to α-tocopherol or BHT. A further application of RE and DI on chicken surimi fortified with flaxseed oil was evaluated. DI addition increased (P < 0.05) whiteness values and hardness of products. Meanwhile, ω-3 and ω-6 fatty acids were greatly preserved in products with the addition of RE. During a 14-day storage at 4°C, products with the combined usage of RE and DI had the lowest (P < 0.05) primary oxidative substances, while RE exerted a better (P < 0.05) ability to inhibit the formation of malondialdehyde. Key Words: Rosemary extract, Dry ice, Chicken surimi

187. 粉圓態發酵乳製品包膜技術探討

李欣蓉 陳文賢 李孟儒 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所




當,可達 97%,經過蒸煮後,其硬度、黏度與咀嚼性皆較市售粉圓低,可能是因為市售粉圓


以氯化鈣當凝膠劑,建議 0.75% 褐藻酸鈉 + 0.1 M CaCl2 可符合期望產品之硬度與彈性。以

乳酸鈣當凝膠劑,可避免苦味與產品水洗稀釋問題,建議使用 1% 以上之褐藻酸鈉。簡易凝



The development of fermented dairy products treated with en-membrane technology

H. J. Lee, W. S. Chen and M. R. Lee Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

In this experiment, different kinds of en-membrane methods were used to make the Calpis in starch

pearls type. The analytical items were included the recovery yield, texture analysis, and the

palatability. The results showed that the products made from the starch gelatinization had high

hardness value, diluted flavor, and low recovery yield, so the starch gelatinization method could be

used in en-membrane the Calpis. As a coacervation, calcium lactate was better than calcium

chloride with sodium alginate. It could not only avoid the bitterness from calcium chloride, but also

avoid the diluted flavor. Preserve the calcium alginate beads in the fermented dairy product which

immobilized inside was a good method to keep the beads in shape.

Key Words: En-membrane, Fermentation, Dairy product, Starch pearls, Gelatinization

Page 190: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016266

188. 利用鹹鴨蛋白試製發酵調味醬汁之研究

陳怡兆 劉雅醇 凃榮珍 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所

本試驗目的以鹹鴨蛋白為原料開發調味醬汁產品。鹹鴨蛋白加入 1% 馬鈴薯粉經均質、加熱

成型、截碎後為試驗原料(SEWpd);試驗依菌元製麴程序以 5 個處理組進行,Treatment1:豆豉與糖混和活化後再加入 SEWpd 混合製麴 3 天;Treatment 2:豆豉、糖與 SEWpd 混合

製麴 3 天;Treatment 3:黃豆、糖與醬油麴混合培菌後再加入 SEWpd 混合製麴 3 天;

Treatment 4:黃豆與醬油麴混和培菌後再加入 SEWpd 混合製麴 3 天;Treatment 5(對照組):

黃豆與醬油麴混合製麴 3 天。結果顯示在 6 個月發酵期間,各組之醬汁酸度、酒精含量、

蛋白質及胺基態氮含量均隨發酵時間而增加,但蛋白質含量至第 5 週、酒精含量則至第 4 週開始下降;在鹹鴨蛋白液(SEWpd)添加組(Treatment1~4)中,以 Treatment 1 及 Treatment 2 之醬汁有較高的蛋白質及胺基態氮含量,其中 Treatment 1 的酸度及酒精含量較高,且風味

佳,顯示以豆豉為菌元對鹹鴨蛋白液製作醬汁有較佳的結果。 關鍵語:發酵、鹹鴨蛋白、調味醬汁 Study on the manufacture of seasoning sauce by fermentation using salted duck egg


Y. C. Chen, Y. C. Liu and R. J. Tu Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The objective of this study was conducted to develop a seasoning sauce with salted duck egg white. Salted duck egg white with 1% potato powder was as raw material (SEWpd) for test after homogenized, heating formed and breaking. The sauce culture processes included starter-culture and post-culture (added saline solution for 6 months soaking). There were 5 treatments in this experiment (depended on starter culture) as following. Treatment1: Douche with sugar was activated and then mixed SEWpd for for 3 days culture. Treatment2: Douche, sugar and SEWpd were mixed for 3 days culture. Treatment3: Soybeans, sugar and ComSS (commercial soya sauce starter) were pre-culture and then mixed SEWpd for 3 days culture. Treatment4: Soybeans with ComSS was pre-culture and then mixed SEWpd for 3 days culture. Treatment5 (control): Soybeans and ComSS were mixed for 3 days culture. Results showed the acidity, alcohol, crude protein and amino-nitrogen contents of all treatments were increased with fermentation time increasing (in 6 months). But the contents of crude protein and alcohol were decreased at the 5th and 4th month of fermentation, respectively. In SEWpd added treatments (treatment1-4), crude protein and amino-nitrogen of treatment1 and 2 were higher than others. Further, the acidity, alcohol and flavor of treament1 were best. Those showed that the douche as a starter for SEWpd season sauce development would get better results. Key Words: Fermentation, Salted duck egg white, Seasoning sauce

Page 191: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 267

188. 利用鹹鴨蛋白試製發酵調味醬汁之研究

陳怡兆 劉雅醇 凃榮珍 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所

本試驗目的以鹹鴨蛋白為原料開發調味醬汁產品。鹹鴨蛋白加入 1% 馬鈴薯粉經均質、加熱

成型、截碎後為試驗原料(SEWpd);試驗依菌元製麴程序以 5 個處理組進行,Treatment1:豆豉與糖混和活化後再加入 SEWpd 混合製麴 3 天;Treatment 2:豆豉、糖與 SEWpd 混合

製麴 3 天;Treatment 3:黃豆、糖與醬油麴混合培菌後再加入 SEWpd 混合製麴 3 天;

Treatment 4:黃豆與醬油麴混和培菌後再加入 SEWpd 混合製麴 3 天;Treatment 5(對照組):

黃豆與醬油麴混合製麴 3 天。結果顯示在 6 個月發酵期間,各組之醬汁酸度、酒精含量、

蛋白質及胺基態氮含量均隨發酵時間而增加,但蛋白質含量至第 5 週、酒精含量則至第 4 週開始下降;在鹹鴨蛋白液(SEWpd)添加組(Treatment1~4)中,以 Treatment 1 及 Treatment 2 之醬汁有較高的蛋白質及胺基態氮含量,其中 Treatment 1 的酸度及酒精含量較高,且風味

佳,顯示以豆豉為菌元對鹹鴨蛋白液製作醬汁有較佳的結果。 關鍵語:發酵、鹹鴨蛋白、調味醬汁 Study on the manufacture of seasoning sauce by fermentation using salted duck egg


Y. C. Chen, Y. C. Liu and R. J. Tu Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The objective of this study was conducted to develop a seasoning sauce with salted duck egg white. Salted duck egg white with 1% potato powder was as raw material (SEWpd) for test after homogenized, heating formed and breaking. The sauce culture processes included starter-culture and post-culture (added saline solution for 6 months soaking). There were 5 treatments in this experiment (depended on starter culture) as following. Treatment1: Douche with sugar was activated and then mixed SEWpd for for 3 days culture. Treatment2: Douche, sugar and SEWpd were mixed for 3 days culture. Treatment3: Soybeans, sugar and ComSS (commercial soya sauce starter) were pre-culture and then mixed SEWpd for 3 days culture. Treatment4: Soybeans with ComSS was pre-culture and then mixed SEWpd for 3 days culture. Treatment5 (control): Soybeans and ComSS were mixed for 3 days culture. Results showed the acidity, alcohol, crude protein and amino-nitrogen contents of all treatments were increased with fermentation time increasing (in 6 months). But the contents of crude protein and alcohol were decreased at the 5th and 4th month of fermentation, respectively. In SEWpd added treatments (treatment1-4), crude protein and amino-nitrogen of treatment1 and 2 were higher than others. Further, the acidity, alcohol and flavor of treament1 were best. Those showed that the douche as a starter for SEWpd season sauce development would get better results. Key Words: Fermentation, Salted duck egg white, Seasoning sauce

189. 國產牛肉滴牛肉精有效成分分析之研究

許宗賢(1)(2) 廖震元(1) 林志勳(1) (1)財團法人農業科技研究院 (2)國立嘉義大學




鐵、鋅及維生素 B12。結果顯示:滴牛肉精中所含之游離胺基酸總合與總支鏈胺基酸分別為

669.7 mg/100 mL 及 18.6 mg/100 mL 其含量僅次於雞精;而在肌肽含量部分滴牛肉精為 397

mg/100 mL 皆高於牛肉精、雞精與蜆精。另外,滴牛肉精之牛磺酸含量為 88.1 mg/100 g、鐵

含量為 4.53 mg/100 g、鋅 1.31 mg/100 g 及維生素 B12 含量為 3.02 mg/100 g,其含量皆高



Study on the effective ingredients of domestic beef extract

T. H. Hsu(1)(2), C. Y. Liao(1) and J. S. Lin(1) (1)Agricultural Technology Research Institute,

(2)National Chiayi University

The purpose of this experiment was to explore the effective ingredients of domestic beef extract,

and compare the differences in composition of market-related products (beef extract, chicken

extract, and clam extract). Domestic beef extract raw materials for the Taiwan yellow cattle, and in

the market to buy related products: beef extract, chicken extract and clams extract, analysis of the

products contained in the free amino acids, branch chain amino acids, taurine, carnosine, carnosine,

iron, zinc and vitamin B12. The results showed that content of free amino acid and branched chain

amino acid in domestic beef extract were 669.7mg/100mL and 18.6mg/100mL respectively, its

content after chicken extract. In the carnosine of domestic beef extract is 397mg/100mL are higher

than beef extract, chicken extract and clam extract. The content of taurine, iron, zinc and vitamin

B12 in domestic beef extract were 88.1mg/100g, 4.53mg/100g, 1.31mg/100g and 3.02mg/100g,

respectively, which is higher than that of the commercial beef extract, chicken extract and clam

extract. The results will help follow-up marketing and promotion of domestic beef extract.

Key Words: Branch chain amino acids, Free amino acids, Taiwan yellow cattle

Page 192: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016268

190. 生長肥育期飼糧中添加香椿葉粉末對三品種肉豬生長及屠體性狀之影響

林正鏞 張以恆 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所高雄種畜繁殖場

本試驗在探討於 LYD 三品種雜交肉豬生長肥育期之飼料中,添加不同比例香椿葉粉末,對

其生長性能及屠體性狀之影響。100 頭 LYD 三品種雜交肉豬進行二批次試驗,試驗分為五

組,每批次 50 頭,每組 10 公 10 母,共分為四種不同香椿葉粉末比例添加處理組(0.5%,

1%,1.5%,2%)與無添加之對照組(0%),達 120 公斤體重時進行屠體性狀調查。試驗


修正背脂厚度、腰眼面積等並無顯著影響,但添加 1.5% 香椿葉粉末組之腹脂率顯著低於對

照組(P < 0.05)。


Effect of dietary supplementation of Toona sinensis leaf powder on growth performance and carcass trait of LYD crossbred pigs in growing and finishing period

C. Y. Lin and I. H. Chang

Kaohsiung Animal Propagation Station, COA- LRI

The study was conducted to investigate the effect of dietary supplementation of different levels of

Toona sinensis leaf powder on growth performance and carcass trait meat composition of LYD

crossbred pig for growing and finishing period. One hundred healthy LYD crossbred pigs, average

body weight 16 kg, were used as experimental animals. Pigs were allocated into 5 treatments by

body weight and sexes and fed diets without or with supplementation of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0% of

Toona sinensis leaf powder until pigs were ended experimental at body weight 120 kg. Growth

performance and carcass trait were measured. Results showed that dietary supplementation of

different levels of Toona sinensis leaf powder did not affect gain weight, feed intake, feed

conversion rate, dressing percentage, carcass length, back fat thickness, lean percentage and loin

eye area. However, supplementation 1.5% of Toona sinensis leaf powder in growing and finishing

pig diet decreased belly fat rate (P < 0.05). In conclusion, dietary supplementation of different

levels of Toona sinensis leaf powder did not affect growth performance, but supplementation of

1.5% could decreased belly fat rate (P < 0.05) in growing and finishing pig.

Key Words: Growth performance and carcass trait, Pig, Toona sinensis leaf powder

Page 193: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 269

190. 生長肥育期飼糧中添加香椿葉粉末對三品種肉豬生長及屠體性狀之影響

林正鏞 張以恆 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所高雄種畜繁殖場

本試驗在探討於 LYD 三品種雜交肉豬生長肥育期之飼料中,添加不同比例香椿葉粉末,對

其生長性能及屠體性狀之影響。100 頭 LYD 三品種雜交肉豬進行二批次試驗,試驗分為五

組,每批次 50 頭,每組 10 公 10 母,共分為四種不同香椿葉粉末比例添加處理組(0.5%,

1%,1.5%,2%)與無添加之對照組(0%),達 120 公斤體重時進行屠體性狀調查。試驗


修正背脂厚度、腰眼面積等並無顯著影響,但添加 1.5% 香椿葉粉末組之腹脂率顯著低於對

照組(P < 0.05)。


Effect of dietary supplementation of Toona sinensis leaf powder on growth performance and carcass trait of LYD crossbred pigs in growing and finishing period

C. Y. Lin and I. H. Chang

Kaohsiung Animal Propagation Station, COA- LRI

The study was conducted to investigate the effect of dietary supplementation of different levels of

Toona sinensis leaf powder on growth performance and carcass trait meat composition of LYD

crossbred pig for growing and finishing period. One hundred healthy LYD crossbred pigs, average

body weight 16 kg, were used as experimental animals. Pigs were allocated into 5 treatments by

body weight and sexes and fed diets without or with supplementation of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0% of

Toona sinensis leaf powder until pigs were ended experimental at body weight 120 kg. Growth

performance and carcass trait were measured. Results showed that dietary supplementation of

different levels of Toona sinensis leaf powder did not affect gain weight, feed intake, feed

conversion rate, dressing percentage, carcass length, back fat thickness, lean percentage and loin

eye area. However, supplementation 1.5% of Toona sinensis leaf powder in growing and finishing

pig diet decreased belly fat rate (P < 0.05). In conclusion, dietary supplementation of different

levels of Toona sinensis leaf powder did not affect growth performance, but supplementation of

1.5% could decreased belly fat rate (P < 0.05) in growing and finishing pig.

Key Words: Growth performance and carcass trait, Pig, Toona sinensis leaf powder

191. 不同營養濃度對台灣紅羽土雞肌肉物理性質及感官品評之影響

林正鏞 梁桂容 康獻仁 李秀蘭


本研究在比較育雛期(0-4 週齡)、生長期(5-8 週齡)及肥育期(9-13 週齡)不同營養濃度對台灣紅羽土雞胸肉感官品評之差異。選用 432 隻健康且體重相近之出生雛雞,公母各半,逢機分至 4 處理組,即在育雛期、生長期及肥育期之營養濃度分別為土雞營養需要推薦組(standard)、中營養濃度組(middle)、高營養濃度組(high)及 NRC 肉雞營養需要推薦組,每處理 6 重複,每重複 18 隻,試驗為期 13 週。試驗期間飼糧與水供雞隻自由食用。試驗結果顯示,胸肉蒸煮失重以中營養濃度組顯著較 NRC 組土雞營養需要組或高營養濃度組為高(P < 0.05)﹔胸肉硬度及韌度以土雞營養需要推薦組顯著較高營養濃度組為高(P < 0.05)。高營養濃度組之胸肉香氣及風味感官品評顯著較中營養濃度組為低(P < 0.05)。胸肉顏色、咬感及總接受性之感官品評於各處理組間則無顯著差異。 關鍵語:營養濃度、肌肉物理性質和感官品評、商用紅羽土雞 Effect of various nutrient concentration on the muscle physical properties and sensory

panel scores for red-feathered Taiwan native chicken

C. Y. Lin, K. J. Liang, S. R. Kang and H. L. Lee Kaohsiung Animal Propagation Station, LRI, COA

An experiment was carried out to compare muscle sensory panel scores of various nutrient concentrations in the starter (0-4 weeks old), grower (5-8 weeks old) and finisher (9-13 weeks old) period for commercial red-feathered Taiwan native chicken. Four hundred and thirty-two healthy commercial red-feathered Taiwan native chickens at 0-day were used as experimental animals, with similar body weight, were selected and randomly assigned to among 4 treatment groups, which were allocated into 6 repeats with 18 chickens in each pen (409 × 192 cm). The treatments were as follows: standard diet, middle nutrient concentration diet, high nutrient concentration diet and NRC requirement diet of broiler for 13 weeks experimental period. Feed and water were provided and feeding was ad libitum for 13 weeks experimental period. The results showed that the breast muscle cooking loss in middle nutrient concentration diet group were significantly (P < 0.05) higher than that NRC requirement diet of broiler group or high nutrient concentration diet group. Also, the breast muscle firmness and toughness in standard diet group was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than that high nutrient concentration diet group. In addition, the breast muscle aroma and flavor for sensory panel scores in the high nutrient concentration diet group was significantly (P < 0.05) lower than that middle nutrient concentration diet group. However, the breast muscle colorless, chewing and overall acceptability for sensory panel scores were not affected by various nutrient concentrations treatments.

Key Words: Nutrient concentrations, Physical and panel scores, Red-feathered Taiwan native chicken

Page 194: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016270

192. 不同浸漬環境溫度對皮蛋製成率的影響

蘇晉暉 鄭智翔 林榮新 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所宜蘭分所


分別將皮蛋浸漬於三間人工氣候室內。浸漬條件的溫、濕度分別設定為民國 100 年度南部四

縣市 1 月、4 月與 7 月的平均溫、濕度。放置於 7 月份溫度的蛋浸漬 11 天,4 月份溫度的蛋

浸漬 14 天,而放置於 1 月份溫度的蛋則浸漬 17 天。試驗測量性狀包含皮蛋製成率、凝膠性

評分、蛋黃 pH 值及蛋白 pH 值。試驗結果顯示,較低的浸漬環境溫度,可提高皮蛋的製成率

與蛋黃 pH 值,對於凝膠性評分與蛋白 pH 值則無影響。


The influence of different pickling temperature on pidan processing yield

C. H. Su, C. H. Cheng and J. H. Lin Ilan Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The aim of this experiment was to determine the influence of different pickling temperature on

pidan processing yield. The duck eggs were pickled in three artificial climate chamber as three

treatments. The temperature and relative humidity setting of each chamber was the average in the

month of January, April and July in the four southern Taiwan counties in 2011 respectively. The

pickling period of eggs in January, April and July was 17, 14 and 11 days respectively. The traits

determined in this experiment included pidan processing yield, coagulation score, pH value in the

egg yolk and pH value in the egg white. The results indicated that lower pickling temperature could

improve pidan processing yield and pH value in the egg yolk, however, there were no significant

effects of pickling temperature on coagulation score and pH value in the egg white.

Key Words: Brown Tsaiya duck, Pidan quality, Temperature

Page 195: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 271

192. 不同浸漬環境溫度對皮蛋製成率的影響

蘇晉暉 鄭智翔 林榮新 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所宜蘭分所


分別將皮蛋浸漬於三間人工氣候室內。浸漬條件的溫、濕度分別設定為民國 100 年度南部四

縣市 1 月、4 月與 7 月的平均溫、濕度。放置於 7 月份溫度的蛋浸漬 11 天,4 月份溫度的蛋

浸漬 14 天,而放置於 1 月份溫度的蛋則浸漬 17 天。試驗測量性狀包含皮蛋製成率、凝膠性

評分、蛋黃 pH 值及蛋白 pH 值。試驗結果顯示,較低的浸漬環境溫度,可提高皮蛋的製成率

與蛋黃 pH 值,對於凝膠性評分與蛋白 pH 值則無影響。


The influence of different pickling temperature on pidan processing yield

C. H. Su, C. H. Cheng and J. H. Lin Ilan Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The aim of this experiment was to determine the influence of different pickling temperature on

pidan processing yield. The duck eggs were pickled in three artificial climate chamber as three

treatments. The temperature and relative humidity setting of each chamber was the average in the

month of January, April and July in the four southern Taiwan counties in 2011 respectively. The

pickling period of eggs in January, April and July was 17, 14 and 11 days respectively. The traits

determined in this experiment included pidan processing yield, coagulation score, pH value in the

egg yolk and pH value in the egg white. The results indicated that lower pickling temperature could

improve pidan processing yield and pH value in the egg yolk, however, there were no significant

effects of pickling temperature on coagulation score and pH value in the egg white.

Key Words: Brown Tsaiya duck, Pidan quality, Temperature

193. 加熱條件對羊乳成分特性及腸道細胞激素產生能力之影響

郭卿雲(1) 林幼君(1) 李欣蓉(1) 陳彥伯(2) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 (2)國立中興大學動物科學系

加熱處理是鮮乳的重要加工步驟,影響鮮乳的理化特性甚鉅。本研究以 63~100℃ 之加熱條

件,檢測對國產羊乳成分特性及腸道細胞激素產生能力之影響。加熱條件對羊乳之 pH 值及


響,生乳為 1.12%,加熱溫度愈高,則乳清蛋白變性愈多,63℃ 組乳清蛋白為 9.91%,72

℃ 組為 6.27~8.37%,85℃ 組為 3.22~3.99%,100℃ 組為 3.71~4.31%。生羊乳的總生菌數

為 5.5×106 CFU/mL,經 63~100℃ 加熱後,總生菌數約為 103 CFU/mL。隨著羊乳熱處理程

度的增加,刺激腸道上皮細胞 Caco-2 產生細胞趨化激素 CCL-20 之能力亦隨之下降,尤以



Effects of heat treatments on composition characteristics and intestinal chemokine production of goat milk

C. Y. Kuo(1), Y. C. Lin(1), H. J. Lee(1) and Y. B. Chen(2) (1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture

(2)Department of Animal Science, National ChungHsing University

Heat treatments are important processes that affect the quality of milk and especially the

physic-chemical properties. In this study, we investigated the effects of heat treatments on the

composition characteristics and intestinal cytokine production of domestic goat milk by 63~100 ℃

heating. The heating condition had no significant effect on the pH value and protein content of goat

milk, but there were significant differences in whey protein content and total bacteria count. Whey

protein content was affected by heating conditions, it was 1.12% in raw goat milk, the higher of

heating temperature, the more whey protein denaturation. Whey protein content was 9.91% in 63℃

treatments, 6.27~8.37% in 72℃ treatments, 3.22~3.99% in 85℃ treatments and 3.71~4.31% in

100℃ treatments. The total bacteria count of raw goat milk was 5.5×106 CFU/mL. After heating at

63~100℃, the total bacteria count of goat milk was 103 CFU/mL. With the heating temperature of

goat milk was increased, the ability to stimulate the production of CCL-20 of intestinal epithelial

cell Caco-2 was decreased, especially whey samples were obvious.

Key Words: Chemokine CCL-20, Goat milk, Heat treatments

Page 196: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016272

194. 不同種類植物油乳化液之物性分析

李孟儒 凃榮珍 李欣蓉 陳文賢 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所

本試驗旨在探討不同比例(6、8 和 10 倍)之玄米油、苦茶油、棕櫚油等植物油,分別與分

離大豆蛋白(1 倍)、水(8 倍)所形成之乳化漿體,其乳化穩定、色差、堅實度、稠度、

黏度等變化。試驗結果顯示,乳化液經 6000 x g、5 分鐘離心後,三種植物油之三種比例(共

9 個處理組)皆未分層,顯示乳化穩定性佳;色差方面,各處理組a值皆為負值,最低為苦茶

油組,隨添加比例增加分別為 -1.88、-2.15、-2.37;b 值(黃色度)最高為苦茶油組,隨添

加比例增加分別為 10.99、11.61、12.22;L 值(亮度)方面各處理組無明顯差異。利用物性

分析儀測定堅實度、稠度、凝聚性及黏度,皆以添加 10 倍棕櫚油組最高,分別為 714.86 g、

7448.64 g·sec、554.77 g、4631.81 g·sec。植物油不飽和脂肪酸比例較高,不同種類植物油亦





The physical properties analyzing in emulsified vegetable oil of different species

M. R. Lee, R. J. Tu, H. J. Lee and W. S. Chen

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

This experiment was conducted to analyzing the physical properties of emulsified vegetable oil

(rice bran oil, camellia oil and palm oil), such as emulsion stability, Lab value, firmness,

consistency and viscosity. The results showed all treatments had good emulsion stabilities after

centrifuging at 6000g and 5mins. The lowest a value was camellia oil treatment and decreased with

increasing oil proportion (-1.88, -2.15 and -2.37, respectively). The highest b value was 12.22 of

camellia oil treatment (10 times addition). The palm oil treatment with 10 times addition had the

highest value of firmness(714.86 g), consistency(7448.64 g ·sec), cohesiveness(554.77 g) and

viscosity (4631.81 g·sec). In conclusion, in order to avoid effecting the product during meat

processing, the emulsified vegetable oil need to have stable emulsion and appropriate firmness and


Key Words: Vegetable oil, Emulsion, Physical property

Page 197: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 273

194. 不同種類植物油乳化液之物性分析

李孟儒 凃榮珍 李欣蓉 陳文賢 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所

本試驗旨在探討不同比例(6、8 和 10 倍)之玄米油、苦茶油、棕櫚油等植物油,分別與分

離大豆蛋白(1 倍)、水(8 倍)所形成之乳化漿體,其乳化穩定、色差、堅實度、稠度、

黏度等變化。試驗結果顯示,乳化液經 6000 x g、5 分鐘離心後,三種植物油之三種比例(共

9 個處理組)皆未分層,顯示乳化穩定性佳;色差方面,各處理組a值皆為負值,最低為苦茶

油組,隨添加比例增加分別為 -1.88、-2.15、-2.37;b 值(黃色度)最高為苦茶油組,隨添

加比例增加分別為 10.99、11.61、12.22;L 值(亮度)方面各處理組無明顯差異。利用物性

分析儀測定堅實度、稠度、凝聚性及黏度,皆以添加 10 倍棕櫚油組最高,分別為 714.86 g、

7448.64 g·sec、554.77 g、4631.81 g·sec。植物油不飽和脂肪酸比例較高,不同種類植物油亦





The physical properties analyzing in emulsified vegetable oil of different species

M. R. Lee, R. J. Tu, H. J. Lee and W. S. Chen

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

This experiment was conducted to analyzing the physical properties of emulsified vegetable oil

(rice bran oil, camellia oil and palm oil), such as emulsion stability, Lab value, firmness,

consistency and viscosity. The results showed all treatments had good emulsion stabilities after

centrifuging at 6000g and 5mins. The lowest a value was camellia oil treatment and decreased with

increasing oil proportion (-1.88, -2.15 and -2.37, respectively). The highest b value was 12.22 of

camellia oil treatment (10 times addition). The palm oil treatment with 10 times addition had the

highest value of firmness(714.86 g), consistency(7448.64 g ·sec), cohesiveness(554.77 g) and

viscosity (4631.81 g·sec). In conclusion, in order to avoid effecting the product during meat

processing, the emulsified vegetable oil need to have stable emulsion and appropriate firmness and


Key Words: Vegetable oil, Emulsion, Physical property

195. 氫氧磷灰石與檸檬酸鈉對酪乳微過濾產物之影響

魏天恩(1) 張思靜(1) 曾育璿(1) 陳佑易(1) 胡子軒(1) 林幼君(2) 陳彥伯(1) (1)國立中興大學動物科學系 (2)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所



經乳油分離以及攪打製成酪乳,隨後冷凍乾燥為酪乳粉並回溶至 9%(w/v)進行實驗。重組

酪乳經 3,000 rpm 離心五分鐘去除脂肪,分配至 5% 氫氧磷灰石處理組、2% 檸檬酸鈉處理

組以及對照組進行過濾前處理,其中氫氧磷灰石處理組於室溫攪拌兩小時,再以 3,000 rpm 離心五分鐘移除氫氧磷灰石顆粒;檸檬酸鈉處理組則於 4℃ 反應至隔日。經前處理後,各處理

組與控制組以 RO 水四倍稀釋,使用孔徑 0.2 μm 之陶瓷濾膜以 43 psi 過膜壓力進行掃流


酸鈉之酪乳其濾出液可在 SDS-PAGE 觀察到酪蛋白條帶;而滯留物中乳脂肪球膜蛋白組成



濾酪蛋白之濾除,並且能夠滯留一定程度之磷脂,在酪乳磷脂成分濃縮方面具有應用潛力。 關鍵語:酪乳、微過濾、乳脂肪球膜

Effect of hydroxyapatite and sodium citrate on composition of retentate from buttermilk microfiltration

T. E. Wei(1), S. C. Chang(1), Y. H. Tzeng(1), Y. Y. Chen(1), Z. X. Hu(1), Y. C. Lin(2) and Y. P. Chen(1)

(1)Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University (2)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of hydroxyapatite and sodium citrate on the microfiltration composition from buttermilk. Raw milk was obtained from experimental farm of National Chung Hsing University and the cream was further separated following by churning into buttermilk. The freeze-dried buttermilk powder was reconstituted into 9% weight by volume and centrifuged in 3,000 rpm for 5 minutes to remove the remaining fat globules before used. Reconstituted buttermilk was divided into three experiment groups: (1) 5% hydroxyapatite stirring for 2 hour in room temperature, (2) 2% sodium citrate standing overnight in 4℃ and (3) untreated control. All the pretreated samples were four folds diluted and conducted through a 0.2 m μcrossflow ceramic microfiltration system under 43 psi transmembrane pressures with four diafiltration steps. The protein profile in SDS-PAGE was shown that the patterns of caseins could be observed in hydroxyapatite and sodium citrate pretreating permeates, while the patterns of milk fat globules membrane proteins were reserved in the retentates. Microfiltration showed the ability on retaining choline-contained phospholipids. Above all, the result showed that hydroxyapatite and sodium citrate could facilitate casein permeation during buttermilk microfiltration and showed the potential on retaining buttermilk-derived phospholipids. Key Words: Buttermilk, Microfiltration, Milk fat globule membrane

Page 198: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016274

196. 探討寡產雞萃取之滴雞精對少年期及壯年期小鼠抗疲勞能力之影響

張迪鈞 林亮全 國立中興大學動物科學系



ICR 公鼠 40 隻每十隻分為一組,共四組:正常組、寡產雞滴雞精高中低濃度組,而在壯年期

使用 12 月齡 ICR 公母鼠各 24 隻,分組同於青少年,每組 6 隻,正常組依體重管餵適量

蒸餾水,而滴雞精高中低濃度組濃度分別為:0.135 g/mL,0.27 g/mL 及 0.675 g/mL,依照老

鼠之體重,每克體重分別管餵 0.012 mL。飼養環境控制在 12 小時光照期/12 小時黑暗期之

週期循環,溫度則控制在 27 ± 2 °C,主要分為游泳測試及前肢抓握實驗兩部分,並測定血液




The effect of anti-fatigue in adolescence and post adolescence of mice by the dripped chicken essence extracted from spent hens

T. C. Chang and L. C. Lin Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University

Dripped chicken essence ( DCE) is made by a Chinese compendium and is a liquid nutritional

supplement with high quality of protein, amino acid and free fatty acid. The aim of this study is to

prove the effect of DCE of spent hens( SP) to reduce fatigue. At animal experiments, we have two

parts (1)Adolescence: We used 40 male six weeks old ICR mice in the experiment. (2) Post

adolescence: We used twenty-four 18 month male and twenty-four 18 month female mice.

Anti-fatigue effect was conducted by using mouse model, ICR were divided into 4 group: normal

and DCE of SP (0.135 g/mL, 0.27 g/mL and 0.675 g/mL). Each mouse was administrated orally by

different dosage according to its body weight (0.012 mL/g) every day. And did the test to know the

effect of anti-fatigue. The result show that, DCE supplementation decreased blood urea nitrogen,

lactate, creatinine and creatine kinase levels after physical challenge. And also increased the level of

glycogen and exercise performance by the result of swimming test that DCE really have great effect

on the functional of anti-fatigue.

Key Words: Anti-fatigue, Spent hen, Dripped chicken essence

Page 199: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 275

196. 探討寡產雞萃取之滴雞精對少年期及壯年期小鼠抗疲勞能力之影響

張迪鈞 林亮全 國立中興大學動物科學系



ICR 公鼠 40 隻每十隻分為一組,共四組:正常組、寡產雞滴雞精高中低濃度組,而在壯年期

使用 12 月齡 ICR 公母鼠各 24 隻,分組同於青少年,每組 6 隻,正常組依體重管餵適量

蒸餾水,而滴雞精高中低濃度組濃度分別為:0.135 g/mL,0.27 g/mL 及 0.675 g/mL,依照老

鼠之體重,每克體重分別管餵 0.012 mL。飼養環境控制在 12 小時光照期/12 小時黑暗期之

週期循環,溫度則控制在 27 ± 2 °C,主要分為游泳測試及前肢抓握實驗兩部分,並測定血液




The effect of anti-fatigue in adolescence and post adolescence of mice by the dripped chicken essence extracted from spent hens

T. C. Chang and L. C. Lin Department of Animal Science, National Chung Hsing University

Dripped chicken essence ( DCE) is made by a Chinese compendium and is a liquid nutritional

supplement with high quality of protein, amino acid and free fatty acid. The aim of this study is to

prove the effect of DCE of spent hens( SP) to reduce fatigue. At animal experiments, we have two

parts (1)Adolescence: We used 40 male six weeks old ICR mice in the experiment. (2) Post

adolescence: We used twenty-four 18 month male and twenty-four 18 month female mice.

Anti-fatigue effect was conducted by using mouse model, ICR were divided into 4 group: normal

and DCE of SP (0.135 g/mL, 0.27 g/mL and 0.675 g/mL). Each mouse was administrated orally by

different dosage according to its body weight (0.012 mL/g) every day. And did the test to know the

effect of anti-fatigue. The result show that, DCE supplementation decreased blood urea nitrogen,

lactate, creatinine and creatine kinase levels after physical challenge. And also increased the level of

glycogen and exercise performance by the result of swimming test that DCE really have great effect

on the functional of anti-fatigue.

Key Words: Anti-fatigue, Spent hen, Dripped chicken essence

197. Lactobacillus mali APS1 影響肥胖與血糖平衡的可能機制

林幼君(1)(2) 陳詠宗(2) 陳明汝(2) (1)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所


與肥胖相關的代謝性疾病如胰島素阻抗與第二型糖尿病,可透過調整腸道微生物而獲得改善。過去試驗中我們已知,糖水克弗爾分離菌株 Lactobacillus mali APS1(APS1)可改善肥胖、降

低體脂肪組成比例並改善胰島素阻抗。為探討 APS1 影響小鼠體重和血糖平衡的可能機制,

試驗選用 7 週齡 C57BL/6 品系雄性小鼠,以高脂飼糧餵食小鼠同時每日餵予 5x108CFU/mL

APS1 並於 12 週後進行犧牲,後續分析與代謝相關基因之表現。試驗結果發現,APS1 可

提升 Adipor2, Agrp, Bdnf 及 Cck 基因之表現,推測 APS1 可藉由增加小鼠體內脂肪酸氧化

作用與抑制食慾達到預防肥胖的作用。另外在血糖平衡部份,APS1 處理組亦顯著提升

MEK/ERKs 及 IRS1/2 胰島素訊息傳遞途徑中 Map2K1, Pik3ca, Pdx1 基因之表現量,推測

APS1 可能藉由活化胰島素訊息傳遞,增加周邊組織對胰島素的敏感性,改善小鼠因高脂飲


關鍵語:益生菌、肥胖、血糖平衡 Possible mechanisms of Lactobacillus mali APS1 on obesity and glucose homeostasis

in diet-induced obese mice

C. Y. Lin(1)(2), Y. C. Chen(2) and M. J. Chen(2) (1)Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

(2)Department of Animal Science and Technology, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

A number of studies demonstrated that microbial symbiosis has beneficial effects on alleviating

obesity-related disorders such as insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. In previously works,

Lactobacillus mali APS1 (APS1), isolated and identified from sugary kefir grains, have been proven

to possess on energy and glucose homeostasis in diet-induced obese mice. Here, we aimed to

identify possible mechanism of APS1 with preventing-obesity activities in vivo via adipogenic gene

assays by quantitative RT-PCR. In experimental design, 8 weeks old male C57BL/6 mice were

challenged with high-fat diet (HFD) and administrated with APS1 per day by gavage for 12 weeks.

The results showed an increased adipose tissue expression of Adipor2, Agrp, Bdnf and Cck in the

APS1 group compared with the HFD group. The preventing-obesity effect of APS1 is likely by

increase fatty acid oxidation and suppress appetite. About glucose balancing, APS1 also showed

significantly increased Map2K1, Pik3ca, Pdx1 expression to improve MEK/ERKs and IRS1/2

insulin signaling to reduce insulin resistance. In conclusion, the results in this study have provided

part of mechanism of APS1 on energy metabolism of obesity.

Key Words: Probiotics, Obesity, Glucose homeostasis

Page 200: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016276

198. Lactobacillus mucosae 發酵豆粉萃取物對於卵白蛋白致敏小鼠 免疫調控之影響

林幼君 劉芳爵 郭卿雲 陳文賢 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所

發酵豆粉富含營養價質與低成本的特性是常見的飼料原料,透過微生物發酵可改善豆粉中不良的特性與成分。為使發酵大豆蛋白產品訴求需具有高吸收率且改善過敏之特性,過去本所利用具有免疫調節能力的乳酸菌株 Lactobacillus mucosae x-4w-1 進行發酵豆粉之產製,發現可刺激小鼠巨噬細胞產生細胞激素,具有促進動物免疫功能的作用。為了解此發酵產品對動物免疫調節之作用,試驗更進一步於每日餵予 Lactobacillus mucosae x-4w-1 發酵豆粉萃取物(200 L mouseμ − 1)於雞卵白蛋白(ovalbumin , OVA)致敏小鼠(0.1mg OVA, 1g Al(OH)3/mL於第 0、14 天進行腹腔注射),並於第 28 天實犧牲後蒐集脾臟細胞測定 Th1/Th2 細胞激素,亦分析血清中 IgE 濃度。試驗結果發現 Lactobacillus mucosae x-4w-1 發酵豆粉萃取物可顯著提升小鼠脾臟細胞中 Th1 細胞激素(TNF-α, IL-6 及 IL-1β),並可降低血清中 IgE 濃度(P < 0.05),因此認為此發酵豆粉產品,後續可應用於開發具有免疫調節功能或抗過敏之動物飼料上。 關鍵語:發酵豆粉、Lactobacillus mucosae x-4w-1、免疫調節

Immunoregulatory effect of Lactobacillus mucosae fermented soybean meal extract on ovalbumin immunized mice

Y. C. Lin, F. C. Liu, C. Y. Kuo and W. S. Chen

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, Taiwan

Fermented soybean meal (FSBM) are known to have high acceptance in animal feeds because of low cost and high nutritional value with amino acid balance. Microbial fermentation using lactic acid bacteria has the capability to improve nutritional value of soybean meal by altering the native composition. In our previous study, products from the fermentation process of soybeans byLactobacillus mucosae x-4w-1 have been shown to possess immunomodulatory activities in vitro. In order to determine effect of immunostimulatory activities in vivo, 6-week-old BALB/c mice (n=10/group) were intraperitoneally immunized with 0.1 mg chicken ovalbumin (OVA) suspended in 1g/mL Al(OH)3 solution on days 0 and 14 and challenged intragastrically with PBS (200

Lmouseμ − 1) and FSBM extracts (200 Lmouseμ − 1), respectively, each day for 28 days. To determine cytokine production, the mice were sacrificed by cervical dislocation and splenocytes were harvested for culture on day 28. Results showed that oral administration of FSBM extract invivo significantly reduced the serum levels of total IgE and OVA-specific IgE. FSBM extract also significantly induced production of TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-1β in murine splenocytes (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the results depicted that FSBM fermented by Lactobacillus mucosae x-4w-1 could modulate immune response by inducing of Th1 cytokines in murine splenocytes and inhibiting IgE production. Key Words: Fermented soybean meal, Lactobacillus mucosae, Immunoregulatory

Page 201: 1. 超音波儀器應用於肉豬屠體評級Application of ultrasound for hog

中國畜牧學會會誌 45 (增刊 ),2016J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 45 (Suppl.), 2016 277

198. Lactobacillus mucosae 發酵豆粉萃取物對於卵白蛋白致敏小鼠 免疫調控之影響

林幼君 劉芳爵 郭卿雲 陳文賢 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所

發酵豆粉富含營養價質與低成本的特性是常見的飼料原料,透過微生物發酵可改善豆粉中不良的特性與成分。為使發酵大豆蛋白產品訴求需具有高吸收率且改善過敏之特性,過去本所利用具有免疫調節能力的乳酸菌株 Lactobacillus mucosae x-4w-1 進行發酵豆粉之產製,發現可刺激小鼠巨噬細胞產生細胞激素,具有促進動物免疫功能的作用。為了解此發酵產品對動物免疫調節之作用,試驗更進一步於每日餵予 Lactobacillus mucosae x-4w-1 發酵豆粉萃取物(200 L mouseμ − 1)於雞卵白蛋白(ovalbumin , OVA)致敏小鼠(0.1mg OVA, 1g Al(OH)3/mL於第 0、14 天進行腹腔注射),並於第 28 天實犧牲後蒐集脾臟細胞測定 Th1/Th2 細胞激素,亦分析血清中 IgE 濃度。試驗結果發現 Lactobacillus mucosae x-4w-1 發酵豆粉萃取物可顯著提升小鼠脾臟細胞中 Th1 細胞激素(TNF-α, IL-6 及 IL-1β),並可降低血清中 IgE 濃度(P < 0.05),因此認為此發酵豆粉產品,後續可應用於開發具有免疫調節功能或抗過敏之動物飼料上。 關鍵語:發酵豆粉、Lactobacillus mucosae x-4w-1、免疫調節

Immunoregulatory effect of Lactobacillus mucosae fermented soybean meal extract on ovalbumin immunized mice

Y. C. Lin, F. C. Liu, C. Y. Kuo and W. S. Chen

Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, Taiwan

Fermented soybean meal (FSBM) are known to have high acceptance in animal feeds because of low cost and high nutritional value with amino acid balance. Microbial fermentation using lactic acid bacteria has the capability to improve nutritional value of soybean meal by altering the native composition. In our previous study, products from the fermentation process of soybeans byLactobacillus mucosae x-4w-1 have been shown to possess immunomodulatory activities in vitro. In order to determine effect of immunostimulatory activities in vivo, 6-week-old BALB/c mice (n=10/group) were intraperitoneally immunized with 0.1 mg chicken ovalbumin (OVA) suspended in 1g/mL Al(OH)3 solution on days 0 and 14 and challenged intragastrically with PBS (200

Lmouseμ − 1) and FSBM extracts (200 Lmouseμ − 1), respectively, each day for 28 days. To determine cytokine production, the mice were sacrificed by cervical dislocation and splenocytes were harvested for culture on day 28. Results showed that oral administration of FSBM extract invivo significantly reduced the serum levels of total IgE and OVA-specific IgE. FSBM extract also significantly induced production of TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-1β in murine splenocytes (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the results depicted that FSBM fermented by Lactobacillus mucosae x-4w-1 could modulate immune response by inducing of Th1 cytokines in murine splenocytes and inhibiting IgE production. Key Words: Fermented soybean meal, Lactobacillus mucosae, Immunoregulatory

199. Lactobacillus mali APS1 對抗肝脂肪變性於高脂飼糧誘導肥胖大鼠

陳詠宗(1) 林幼君(1) (2) 陳明汝(1) (1)國立臺灣大學動物科學暨技術學系 (2)行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所


Lactobacillus mali APS1(APS1)已被證實可於動物實驗中抑制肥胖。本試驗使用七週齡之雄

性 SD 大鼠並給予高脂飼糧與餵食不同濃度之 APS1,試驗共進行十二週。結果顯示餵食

APS1 可降低血清中AST、ALT與血糖之含量。APS1 干預也可降低血清中胰島素含量與

HOMA 胰島素阻抗性指標。除此之外,APS1 干預可降低高脂飼糧誘導肥胖大鼠之肝臟脂質

累積並調節肝臟 SIRT1/PGC-1/SREBP-1 蛋白質活性表現。另外,APS1 干預可改變腸道菌

相,導致菌門 Bacteroidetes/Firmicutes 比例增加和與非酒精性脂肪肝相關細菌之比例減少,

例如,大腸桿菌。結論,APS1 干預於高脂飼糧誘導肥胖大鼠可藉由調節肝臟 SIRT1 蛋白質



關鍵語:Lactobacillus mali APS1、肝脂肪變性、腸道菌相 Lactobacillus mali APS1 protects against hepatic steatosis in high-fat diet-induced

obesity rat

Y. T. Chen (1), Y. C. Lin (1) (2) and M. J. Chen (1) (1)Department of Animal Science and Technology, National Taiwan University

(2)Livestock Research Institute Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan Recent studies have shown that obesity is the significant contribution for development

non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Lactobacillus mali APS1 (APS1), a probiotic strain

isolated from sugary kefir, had been demonstrated its obesity inhibition in vivo. In the present study,

7 weeks old male SD rats were challenged with high-fat diet and administrated with APS1 by

gavage for 12 weeks. The results showed that, in contrast with HF group, serum ALT and ALT, and

fasting glucose level in serum were reduced by APS1 intervention. APS1 intervention reduced

serum insulin level and HOMA-IR index. Moreover, APS1 intervention showed to reduce hepatic

lipid accumulation and regulators SIRT1/PGC-1/SREBP-1 protein expression in liver of HFD-fed

rat. Notably, APS1 intervention manipulated gut microbiota, resulting in increasing proportion of

Bacteroidetes/Firmicutes and reducing abundance level of NAFLD-associated bacteria in gut, such

as Escherichia coli. Taken together, these results indicated that APS1 intervention protected against

HFD-induced hepatic steatosis by regulating hepatic SIRT1 activation and manipulating specific

NAFLD-associated gut microbiota in HFD-fed rats. This study provided the scientific evidences

and showed the potential capabilities of APS1 on attenuation of NAFLD.

Key Words: Lactobacillus mali APS1, Hepatic steatosis, Gut microbiota