1 www.ogwaexpo.com 11 th Oil & Gas Exhibition & Conference Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre Muscat, Sultanate of Oman ﻣﺴﻘﻂ- ﻋﻤﺎن1397 ﻓﺮوردﯾﻦ8 اﻟﻰ6 ﻣﺴﻘﻂ- ﻣﺮﮐﺰ ﻧﻤﺎﯾﺸﮕﺎﻫﻰ ﺑﯿﻦ اﻟﻤﻠﻠﻰ ﻋﻤﺎن- @ - 26-28 MARCH 2018 ﺗﺤﺖ ﺣﻤﺎﯾﺖ وﯾﮋه وزارت ﻧﻔﺖ و ﮔﺎز ﻋﻤﺎن و ﮔﺎز ﻧﻔﺖ ﺑﯿﻦ اﻟﻤﻠﻠﻰ ﻫﻤﯿﻦ ﻧﻤﺎﯾﺸﮕﺎه ﯾﺎزدUer e auspi Min of Oil & G . از آن ﺷﺮﮐﺖ ﻣﺤﺘﺮم ﺟﻬﺖ ﻣﺸﺎرﮐﺖ در اﯾﻦ ﻧﻤﺎﯾﺸﮕﺎه دﻋﻮت ﺑﻪ ﻋﻤﻞ ﻣﻰ آورد ﻣﺴﻘﻂ- ﺑﯿﻦ اﻟﻤﻠﻠﯽ ﻧﻔﺖ و ﮔﺎز ﮐﺸﻮر ﻋﻤﺎن( ﮐﻨﻔﺮاﻧﺲ) ﯾﺎزدهﻤﯿﻦ ﻧﻤﺎﯾﺸﮕﺎﻩ: ﻋﻨﻮان ﻧﻤﺎﯾﺸﮕﺎه: ﺗﺎرﯾﺦ ﺑﺮﮔﺰارى: ﻣﺤﻞ ﺑﺮﮔﺰارى: ﺑﺮﮔﺰار ﮐﻨﻨﺪه ﺑﺎ ﺳﻼم هﺎی ﻫﻤﺎﯾﻰ ﺗﻮﻟﯿﺪ ﮐﻨﻨﺪﮔﺎن و ﺷﺮﮐﺖ ﻋﻨﻮان ﻣﺠﺮى ﺑﺰرﮔﺘﺮﯾﻦ ﮔﺮد ، ﻣﻔﺘﺨﺮ اﺳﺖ ﮐﻪ ﺑﻪ ﺳﺘﺎد اﺟﺮاﯾﯽ ﻧﻤﺎﯾﺸﮕﺎﻩ ﻩﺎی ﺑﯿﻦ اﻟﻤﻠﻠﯽ اﺣﺘﺮاﻣﺎ درﻧﻤﺎﯾﺸﮕﺎهOMAN EXPO ، ﺑﻪ ﺻﻮرت ﺳﺎﻻﻧﻪ و ﻧﻤﺎﯾﻨﺪه اﻧﺤﺼﺎرى ﺷﺮﮐﺖ ﻣﺴﻘﻂ- ﻋﻤﺎن در ﻧﻔﺖ و ﮔﺎز و ﭘﺘﺮوﺷﯿﻤﯽ ﺗﺠﺎرى ﻓﻌﺎل ﺻﻨﺎﯾﻊOGWA 2018 1397 ﻓﺮوردﯾﻦ8 اﻟﻰ6 ﻣﺴﻘﻂ- ﻣﺮﮐﺰ ﻧﻤﺎﯾﺸﮕﺎﻫﻰ ﺑﯿﻦ اﻟﻤﻠﻠﻰ ﻋﻤﺎنOman Convention & Exhibition Centre Muscat, Sultanate of Oman - @ - 26-28 MARCH 2018 و ﻟﺰوم ﺣﻀﻮر ﭘﺮرﻧﮓ اﯾﺮان در ﺑﺎزار ﻣﺴﺘﻌﺪ ﻋﻤﺎن ﺑﺎ ﺗﻮﺟﻪ ﺑﻪ ﺗﺠﺮﺑﻪ ﻣﻮﻓﻖ ﻓﺮوش ﮔﺴﺘﺮده ﺷﺮﮐﺖ ﻫﺎى اﯾﺮاﻧﻰ در ﺳﺎل ﮔﺬﺷﺘﻪ در ﭘﯿﺸﻨﻬﺎد ﻣﻰ ﺷﻮد ﺷﻤﺎ ﻧﯿﺰ در ﺟﻤﻊ ﻫﯿﺎت اﻋﺰاﻣﻰ اﯾﺮاﻧﻰ و در ﮐﻨﺎر ﺳﺎﯾﺮ ﻏﺮﻓﻪ داران در ﻧﻤﺎﯾﺸﮕﺎه ﻓﻮق ﺣﻀﻮر ﺷﺎﯾﺴﺘﻪ اى داﺷﺘﻪ ﺑﺎﺷﯿﺪ. ﻓﻮق ﮐﺸﻮر ﻣﺨﺘﻠﻒ22 دار ازﻏﺮﻓﻪ286 ﺑﺎزدﯾﺪ ﮐﻨﻨﺪه ﺗﺨﺼﺼﻰ ﺗﺠﺎرى11654 ﻣﺘﺮ ﻣﺮﺑﻊ14500 : ﻣﺴﺎﺣﺖ ﮐﻞ ﻧﻤﺎﯾﺸﮕﺎه: اﻃﻼﻋﺎت دورﻩ ﻗﺒﻠﯽEXHIBITION ORGANISERS CONFERENCE ORGANISERS Society of Petroleum Engineers Uer e auspi Min of Oil & G ﺟﻬﺖ ﮐﺴﺐ اﻃﻼﻋﺎت ﺑﯿﺸﺘﺮ ﺑﺎ ﺷﻤﺎره ﻫﺎى زﯾﺮ ﺗﻤﺎس ﺣﺎﺻﻞ ﻓﺮﻣﺎﯾﯿﺪ ﮐﺎرﺷﻨﺎس ﺷﻤﺎ در اﻣﻮر ﺛﺒﺖ ﻧﺎم ﺗﻠﻔﻦ ﺛﺎﺑﺖ داﺧﻠﻰ: : ﻓﮑﺲ : ﺗﻠﻔﻦ ﻫﻤﺮاه : اﯾﻤﯿﻞ: 22 11,654 14,500 m 2 286 ﺑﺎزدﯾﺪ ﮐﻨﻨﺪﻩ ﻣﺤﻠﯽ و ﺑﯿﻦ اﻟﻤﻠﻠﯽ ﮐﺸﻮرهﺎی ﺷﺮﮐﺖ ﮐﻨﻨﺪﻩ ﮐﻤﭙﺎﻧﯽ هﺎی ﺷﺮﮐﺖ ﮐﻨﻨﺪﻩ ﻓﻀﺎی ﻧﻤﺎﯾﺸﮕﺎهﯽ ﺳﺘﺎد اﺟﺮاﯾﯽ ﻧﻤﺎﯾﺸﮕﺎﻩ ﻃﺒﻘﻪ ﺳﻮم- 6 ﭘﻼك- ﺧﯿﺎﺑﺎن ﺑﻮﺳﺘﺎن- ﺑﻠﻮار دادﻣﺎن- ﻣﯿﺪان ﺻﻨﻌﺖ- ﺗﻬﺮان021- 89783003 ﻓﮑﺲ :021 021- 42917200 ﺗﻠﻔﻦ : ﻣﺠﺘﻤﻊ ﺻﯿﺎد- 18 ﺻﯿﺎد- ﺑﻠﻮار ﺻﯿﺎد ﺷﯿﺮازى- ﻣﺸﻬﺪ1

1397 ﻦﯾدروﺮﻓ 8 ﻰﻟا 6 زﺎﮔ و ﺖﻔﻧ - rokhdadnama.com · Also, the Oman Oil Refineries and Petroleum Industries Company (Orpic) launched the groundbreaking

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Page 1: 1397 ﻦﯾدروﺮﻓ 8 ﻰﻟا 6 زﺎﮔ و ﺖﻔﻧ - rokhdadnama.com · Also, the Oman Oil Refineries and Petroleum Industries Company (Orpic) launched the groundbreaking



11th Oil & Gas Exhibition & Conference

Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

عمان - مسقط

1397 فروردین الى 8 6مرکز نمایشگاهى بین المللى عمان - مسقط

-@ - 26-28 MARCH 2018

تحت حمایت ویژه وزارت نفت و گاز عمان

و گاز

نفتهمین نمایشگاه بین المللى


Under the auspices of

Ministry of Oil & Gas

از آن شرکت محترم جهت مشارکت در این نمایشگاه دعوت به عمل مى آورد .

یازدهمین نمایشگاه ( کنفرانس ) بین المللی نفت و گاز کشور عمان - مسقط عنوان نمایشگاه :

تاریخ برگزارى :

: محل برگزارى

برگزار کننده :

با سلام احتراما ستاد اجرایی نمایشگاه های بین المللی ، مفتخر است که به عنوان مجرى بزرگترین گرد همایى تولید کنندگان و شرکت های

تجارى فعال صنایع نفت و گاز و پتروشیمی درعمان - مسقط ، به صورت سالانه و نماینده انحصارى شرکتOMAN EXPO درنمایشگاه

OGWA 2018

1397 فروردین الى 8 6 Oman Convention & Exhibition Centreمرکز نمایشگاهى بین المللى عمان - مسقط

Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

-@ - 26-28 MARCH 2018

با توجه به تجربه موفق فروش گسترده شرکت هاى ایرانى در سال گذشته در عمان و لزوم حضور پررنگ ایران در بازار مستعد

فوق پیشنهاد مى شود شما نیز در جمع هیات اعزامى ایرانى و در کنار سایر غرفه داران در نمایشگاه فوق حضور شایسته اى داشته باشید.

286غرفه دار از22 کشور مختلف

11654بازدید کننده تخصصى تجارى

مساحت کل نمایشگاه : 14500 متر مربع

اطلاعات دوره قبلی :



Society of Petroleum Engineers

Under the auspices of

Ministry of Oil & Gas

جهت کسب اطلاعات بیشتر با شماره هاى زیر تماس حاصل فرمایید

کارشناس شما در امور ثبت نام

داخلى تلفن ثابت ::

: فکس : :ایمیلتلفن همراه

22 11,654 14,500 m2 286بازدید کننده

محلی و بین المللی کشورهای

شرکت کننده کمپانی های

فضای نمایشگاهیشرکت کننده

ستاد اجرایی نمایشگاه

تهران - میدان صنعت - بلوار دادمان - خیابان بوستان - پلاك 6 - طبقه سوم021- 89783003 : فکس 021021- 42917200 تلفن :

1مشهد - بلوار صیاد شیرازى - صیاد 18 - مجتمع صیاد

Page 2: 1397 ﻦﯾدروﺮﻓ 8 ﻰﻟا 6 زﺎﮔ و ﺖﻔﻧ - rokhdadnama.com · Also, the Oman Oil Refineries and Petroleum Industries Company (Orpic) launched the groundbreaking



Society of Petroleum Engineers


11th Oil & Gas Exhibition & Conference

Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

یازدهمین نمایشگاه بین المللى

نفت و گاز (کنفرانس)

عمان - مسقط

1397فروردین6 الى 8مرکز نمایشگاهى بین المللى عمان - مسقط

-@ - 26-28 MARCH 2018

Under the auspices of

Ministry of Oil & Gas

تحت حمایت ویژه وزارت نفت و گاز عمان

Under the auspices of

Ministry of Oil & Gas

فضاى کل نمایشگاه

14,500square meters

286تعداد غرفه داران

141غرفه دارانبین المللى

145غرفه داران


تعداد کشورهاى22شرکت کننده

Heads of Oil Companies

Representativesof Construction


Representativesof Environmental


Specialists from the Oil & Gas Industry

Representatives ofGovernment Institutions

Managers andEmployees ofEnergy Companies

Service Companies

Business Executives

Visitor Profile

• Accessories• Actuators• Artificial lift equipment• Cable –power, control, and

instrumentation cables• Cargo/ Cargo handling

equipment and services• Down hole equipment• Drilling / Drilling vessels /

platforms / completionservices

• Electrical systems andtransmission equipment

• Enhanced recovery systems• Exploration and production• Fasteners• Filtration systems• Flexible pipes• Floating production storage

vessels• Heat exchanger / transfer• Construction and repair /

Contracting services• Consultants

• Control systems / Corrosion/ Abrasion control

• Coiled tubulars• Communication equipment

and services• Compressor equipment and

services• Connecting and fittings• Land transportation and

services• Lighting equipment• Mechanical systems• Monitoring and ransformation• Power generation / Power

supply• Process equipment and

services• Production equipment /

services /system valves• Production vessels / platform• Technical, laboratory and

computer services• Tools• Training

• Transportation andcommunication

• Treatment systems• Tubular equipments /

services / pipings• Valves and actuators• Waste disposal• Hydraulic systems• Injection equipment /

services / pumps• Instruments and control• Stimulation products /

services• Storage systems• Oil and gas transport• Pipeline systems and

equipment• Pollution and spill control /

clean up• Pump equipment and

services• Research and development

موضوعات نمایشگاهى




بخش نفت و گاز در کشور عمان طی چند سال گذشته دچار تغییرات فراوانی شده است .پیشرفت های تکنولوژیکی

باعث اکتشاف منابع جدید نفت و گازدر عمان شده است .با توجه به این پیشرفت ها ، OGWA، پلتفرمی جامع

برای تامین کنندگان تجهیزات نفتی، ،فروشندگان متخصص متخصصان صنعت نفت و گاز ،پیمانکاران اکتشاف

واستخراج ،پردازش ،ذخیره سازی و حمل ونقل این صنعت بزرگ ایجاد نموده است تا با ارائه آخرین محصولات

خدمات و فناوری های خود .جمع شوند گرد هم

: :تهران - میدان صنعت - بلوار دادمان - خیابان بوستان - پلاك 6 - طبقه سوم

فکس 89783003 -021 021021- 42917200 تلفن

2مشهد - بلوار صیاد شیرازى - صیاد 18 - مجتمع صیاد

Page 3: 1397 ﻦﯾدروﺮﻓ 8 ﻰﻟا 6 زﺎﮔ و ﺖﻔﻧ - rokhdadnama.com · Also, the Oman Oil Refineries and Petroleum Industries Company (Orpic) launched the groundbreaking



11th Oil & Gas Exhibition & Conference

Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

یازدهمین نمایشگاه بین و گاز(کنفرانس)


عمان - مسقط

1397 فروردین الى 8 6مرکز نمایشگاهى بین المللى عمان - مسقط

-@ - 26-28 MARCH 2018

تحت حمایت ویژه وزارت نفت و گاز عمان

Under the auspices of

Ministry of Oil & Gas

how Do ExhibiToRS RaTE ThE QUaliTy of ThE viSiToRS?








how Do ExhibiToRS RaTE ThE ExhibiTion ovERall?


86% 2%




تعداد 11654 بازدیدکننده محلى و بین المللى

º Heads of oil companiesº Managers and employees of oil and gas companiesº Representatives of construction companiesº Engineers, technical managers, geologists, geodesists

º Individuals from service companiesº Representatives of governments institutionsº Operations and production managers of oil and gas companiesº Researchers and analystsº Consultants

º Architectsº Techniciansº Project Managersº Procurement Officers

how Do viSiToRS RaTE ThE ExhibiTion ovERall?



Excellent Average Neutral

DiD ThE ExhibiTion MEET viSiToRS’ ExpEcTaTionS?

Excellent Average


whaT aRE ThEiR REaSonS foR viSiTinG?


10152025303540 39%





Gathered information on new products and services

Met potential suppliers/business partners

Placed orders and/or signed deals

Interacted with industry professionals

Explored potential representation or partnerships

: چرا عمان . اطلاع در مورد پروژه های مهم نفت و گاز فعلی عمان و ارزیابی فرصت های بزرگ سرمایه گذاری •

جمع آوری اطلاعات در مورد محصولات جدید، خدمات، فن آوری ها و سیستم های فعلی در بازارهای محلی، منطقه ای و بین المللی. •

• .

کشف مسیرهای جدید برای فرصت های بزرگ کسب و کار و مشارکت های بالقوه.

بالا بردن سطح دانش و مهارت های حرفه ای و فنی خود در زمینه بخش های متفاوت این صنعت

مشارکت در بحث های سازنده با همتایان خود در این صنعت.

: . شرکت در یکی از معتبرترین نمایشگاه های نفت و گاز در خاورمیانه :تهران - میدان صنعت - بلوار دادمان - خیابان بوستان - پلاك 6 - طبقه سوم

فکس 89783003 -021 021021- 42917200 تلفن

مشهد - بلوار صیاد شیرازى - صیاد 18 - مجتمع صیاد

Page 4: 1397 ﻦﯾدروﺮﻓ 8 ﻰﻟا 6 زﺎﮔ و ﺖﻔﻧ - rokhdadnama.com · Also, the Oman Oil Refineries and Petroleum Industries Company (Orpic) launched the groundbreaking


11th Oil & Gas Exhibition & Conference

Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

یازدهمین نمایشگاه بین المللى

نفت و گاز (کنفرانس)

عمان - مسقط

1397فروردین6 الى 8مرکز نمایشگاهى بین المللى عمان - مسقط

-@- 26-28 MARCH 2018

تحت حمایت ویژه وزارت نفت و گاز عمان

Under the auspices of

Ministry of Oil & Gas

Industry Facts & Figures• Oil and gas make up about 87 per cent of Oman’s GDP.• Nominal and real GDP is seen to grow by 10.3 per cent and 2.6 per cent respectively, owing to

expected higher average oil prices and increase in production levels.• Oman currently produces about 970,000 barrels of oil per day.• Oman has over 18 trillion cubic meters of proven natural gas reserves.• The Oman government has allocated a spending budget of US$30.4 billion in 2017.• The sector is expected to attract between US$100 and 110 billion worth of investments in

exploration and production-related activities until 2022.• Oman is the largest non-OPEC crude oil producer in the Middle East.

Industry UpdatesOman’s Ministry of Oil & Gas is all set to roll out high-level regulations governing all facets of upstream hydrocarbon activities in the Sultanate.

• Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) signed a US$1.2bn contract to supply piping for itsdrilling operations through Duqm.

• Iran and Oman signed a renewed document of ‘general framework of agreement to build gasexport pipeline›.

• Oman Oil Company SAOC (OOC), the government’s energy and strategic investment arm, isplanning a combined capital investment in excess of $1 billion across its substantial portfoliosubsidiaries this year.

• Oman plans to offer shares in some state-owned downstream energy companies to the public,partly to raise money as low oil prices pressure its finances.

• In the upstream sector the government has partnered with (energy majors) BP (in Block 61) andOxy (Blocks 62 and 9). Also, the Oman Oil Refineries and Petroleum Industries Company(Orpic) launched the groundbreaking of its Natural Gas Liquids extraction plant in Fahud inthe Wilayat of Ibri — a unit that represents the upstream component (Package 3) of its $6.4billion Liwa Plastics Industrial Complex (LPIC) project. project will be the first-of-its-kind in theSultanate and will enable Oman to take the downstream plastics industry to the next level.

• On the downstream side, the Oman Oil Duqm Development Company, one of the verticalsof the wholly government owned strategic investment group Oman Oil Company, has unveiledplans for the establishment of a mammoth petrochemicals complex at the Duqm SpecialEconomic Zone (SEZ), featuring as many as 10 large-scale plants and involving severalbillions of dollars in investment.













4CC Energy






50Masirah Oil Ltd


3CC Energy












62 OilOpen















65Government of Sultanate of Oman





100 050 100 Kilometers



Juzor ad Daymaniyyat



Juzor al Hallaniyyat

تهران - میدان صنعت - بلوار دادمان - خیابان بوستان - پلاك 6 - طبقه سوم021- 89783003 : فکس 021021- 42917200 تلفن :

4مشهد - بلوار صیاد شیرازى - صیاد 18 - مجتمع صیاد

Page 5: 1397 ﻦﯾدروﺮﻓ 8 ﻰﻟا 6 زﺎﮔ و ﺖﻔﻧ - rokhdadnama.com · Also, the Oman Oil Refineries and Petroleum Industries Company (Orpic) launched the groundbreaking



11th Oil & Gas Exhibition & Conference

Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

یازدهمین نمایشگاه بین و گاز(کنفرانس)


عمان - مسقط

1397 فروردین الى 8 6مرکز نمایشگاهى بین المللى عمان - مسقط

-@ - 26-28 MARCH 2018

تحت حمایت ویژه وزارت نفت و گاز عمان

Under the auspices of

Ministry of Oil & Gas














( Enhanced Oil Recovery) EOR کنفرانس های بین المللی

پیشرفت های تکنولوژیکی باعث اکتشاف منابع جدید نفت و گاز در عمان که تا پیش از این امکان پذیر نبود شده است . عمان

ابتکارات پیشگامانه ای در زمینه بهبود بازیافت نفت (EOR) را در پیش گرفته است. دولت تلاش خود را برای تشدید استفاده از

تکنیک های EOR دراستخراج ازمنابع گازی ومیدان های نفتی بزرگ خود گسترش می دهد. این رویکردی است که طی دهه

گذشته باعث کاهش هزینه تولید شده است.

با توجه به اهمیت این موضوع، برای اولین بار در تاریخ این صنعت یک کنفرانس بین المللی به طور اختصاصی به EOR اختصاص

یافته که در کنار نمایشگاه OGWA 2018 برگزار خواهد شد. در این کنفرانس بین المللی که با حضور بیش از شش کشور

برگزارخواهد شد، کارشناسان این صنعت ،دیدگاه ها و ارزیابی های صنایع نفتی و تاثیرات آن در سطوح ملی و بین المللی و

.مشارکت در تکنیک های EOR را به اشتراک می گذارند و در مورد طرح های EOR به مشورت می پردازند

تهران - میدان صنعت - بلوار دادمان - خیابان بوستان - پلاك 6 - طبقه سوم021- 89783003 : فکس 021021- 42917200 تلفن :

مشهد - بلوار صیاد شیرازى - صیاد 18 - مجتمع صیاد



Society of Petroleum Engineers

Under the auspices of

Ministry of Oil & Gas

Page 6: 1397 ﻦﯾدروﺮﻓ 8 ﻰﻟا 6 زﺎﮔ و ﺖﻔﻧ - rokhdadnama.com · Also, the Oman Oil Refineries and Petroleum Industries Company (Orpic) launched the groundbreaking


11th Oil & Gas Exhibition & Conference

Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

یازدهمین نمایشگاه بین المللى

نفت و گاز (کنفرانس)

عمان - مسقط

1397فروردین6 الى 8مرکز نمایشگاهى بین المللى عمان - مسقط

-@- 26-28 MARCH 2018

تحت حمایت ویژه وزارت نفت و گاز عمان

Under the auspices of

Ministry of Oil & Gas

A Look at OGWA 201622 11,654 10

show editionsto date

14,500 m2 286

مشخصات دوره قبلى نمایشگاه :

بازدید کنندهمحلی و بین المللی

کشورهایشرکت کننده

کمپانی هایفضای نمایشگاهیشرکت کننده


Oman Society for

Petroleum Services

º Automation, Processing Equipment & Servicesº Corrosion Protection and Insulation Equipmentº Drilling and Well Completionº Electronic Equipment and Servicesº Engineering, facilities, Constructionº Geosciencesº Government Departments, Trade Organisations and Professional Servicesº Health Safety and Environmentº Marine Equipment and Services

º Oil Exploration Companies (IOC/NOC)º Oil and Gas Equipmentº Integrated Oil and Gas Servicesº Oil and Gas Transportationº Oilfield Servicesº Pipelines - Construction, Technology, Maintenance and Repairs º Production Operationsº Reservoir Engineeringº Telecommunications and ITº Valves, Controls and Instrumentation

موضوعات نمایشگاه :

نفت و گاز حدود 87 درصد تولید ناخالص داخلی عمان را تشکیل می دهند

رشد تولید ناخالص داخلی و واقعی به ترتیب 10.3 درصد و 2.6 درصد به ترتیب به دلیل افزایش متوسط قیمت نفت و افزایش سطح تولید می باشد

عمان در حال حاضر حدود 970،000 بشکه نفت در روز تولید می کند

عمان بیش از 18 تریلیون متر مکعب ذخایر ثابت شده گاز طبیعی است

دولت عمان در سال 2017، بودجه مصارف 30.4 میلیارد دلاری را اختصاص داده است

انتظار می رود این بخش بین 100 تا 110 میلیارد دلار سرمایه گذاری در فعالیت های مربوط به اکتشاف و تولید تا سال 2022 جذب شود

عمان بزرگترین تولید کننده نفت خام غیر اوپک در خاورمیانه است








Khazzan Natural Gas Project Liwa Plastics Industries Complex Project

Duqm Refinery & Petrochemical Complex Project

Project Cost: US$ 16 billion Project Cost: US$ 6.4 billion

Project Cost: US$ 6 billion

Rabab-Harweel Integrated Project Salalah LPG Extraction Project Fahud NGL Plant Project

Project Cost: US$ 4.5 billion

Combined Cost with Fahud NGL Project: US$ 3.6 billion Combined Cost with Salalah LPG Project: US$ 3.6 billion

Miraah Solar Project

Muscat-Sohar Product Pipeline Project Yibal Khuff Onplot Project

Project Cost: US$ 600 million Project Cost: US$ 320 million Project Cost: US$ 299 million

پروژه هاى نفت و گاز عمان :

: :تهران - میدان صنعت - بلوار دادمان - خیابان بوستان - پلاك 6 - طبقه سوم

فکس 89783003 -021 021021- 42917200 تلفن

6مشهد - بلوار صیاد شیرازى - صیاد 18 - مجتمع صیاد

Page 7: 1397 ﻦﯾدروﺮﻓ 8 ﻰﻟا 6 زﺎﮔ و ﺖﻔﻧ - rokhdadnama.com · Also, the Oman Oil Refineries and Petroleum Industries Company (Orpic) launched the groundbreaking



11th Oil & Gas Exhibition & Conference

Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

یازدهمین نمایشگاه بین و گاز(کنفرانس)


عمان - مسقط

1397 فروردین الى 8 6مرکز نمایشگاهى بین المللى عمان - مسقط

-@ - 26-28 MARCH 2018

تحت حمایت ویژه وزارت نفت و گاز عمان

Under the auspices of

Ministry of Oil & Gas

توضیحات تعداد قیمت ( دلار) شرح ردیف

1فضاى داخلى بدون تجهیزات

شامل: فضا، نظافت راهرو ها و امنیت سالن هر متر مربع $ 470 حداقل متراژ 18 متر مربع مى باشد

2 فضاىداخلی با تجهیزات

$ فضای بیرونی

هر متر مربع 530 حداقل متراژ 9 متر مربع مى باشد$

حداقل متراژ 30 متر مربع می باشد170هر متر مربع

: مشخصات غرفه هاى نمایشگاهى

Shell Scheme: US$ 530 / RO 200 (per square meter)

Space Only: US$ 470 / RO 180 (per square meter)

This consists only of bare floor space for those exhibitors who want to design and build their own stand.


: شاملدیواره های پنلی سفید رنگ

سردر غرفهموکت

دو عدد لامپیک عدد پریز برق 13 آمپریک میز و دو عدد صندلی


جانمایى بر اساس اولویت واریز وجه و پس از مشخص شدن گروه کالایى ، در ستاد اجرایى *** .

*** .


برگزاری نمایشگاه ، صورت خواهد گرفت

طبق قوانین نمایشگاهى ، مهر و امضاى این فرم به معناى ثبت نام قطعى مى باشد و مشارکت کنندگان محترم مى بایست هزینه غرفه ثبت نامى خود را طبق تاریخ هاى اعلام شده پرداخت نمایند

با توجه به اهمیت برگزارى صحیح نمایشگاه و پیش بینى هاى لازم در این راستا ، امکان کنسل کردن

.غرفه ، به هیچ عنوان امکان پذیر نخواهد بود

فکس : 89783003 -021 021021- 42917200تهران - میدان صنعت - بلوار دادمان - خیابان بوستان - پلاك 6 - طبقه سوم

تلفن :

مشهد - بلوار صیاد شیرازى - صیاد 18 - مجتمع صیاد



Society of Petroleum Engineers

Under the auspices of

Ministry of Oil & Gas

Omanexpo is the pioneer event management company in Oman and the Sultanate’s leading organizer of major trade shows, exhibitions and conferences. Its primary objectives are to effectively connect buyers and traders, promote business and trade involving local and international companies, and facilitate the introduction of new products, equipment and technologies into the market.

For more information, visit www.omanexpo.com

Page 8: 1397 ﻦﯾدروﺮﻓ 8 ﻰﻟا 6 زﺎﮔ و ﺖﻔﻧ - rokhdadnama.com · Also, the Oman Oil Refineries and Petroleum Industries Company (Orpic) launched the groundbreaking


Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre Muscat, Sultanate of Oman



Society of Petroleum Engineers

Company Name Contact Person


Office Address Mobile No.

Email Address

Telephone No. Website

Fax No. Products

A. Stand Requirements:

Type of Stand Cost per sqm Area (sqm) Amount (RO)

Shell Scheme (min 9 sqm) USD 530 | RO 200 X = Space Only (min 18 sqm) USD 470 | RO 180 X Outside Space (min 30 sqm) USD 170 | RO 65 X =

B. Event Catalogue Advertisement:Particulars Rate Particulars Rate




BOOK MARK USD 3120 | RO 1200


All Payments must be made by cheque in favour of Omanexpo LLC, or by bank transfers to: Bank Name: National Bank of Oman Account Name: Omanexpo LLC Account No: 1049 -114576 – 001 (RO) | 1049 -114576 – 002 (USD) Swift Code: NBO MOMRX

Exhibitor Declaration:

We hereby confirm our interest in exhibiting at OIL & GAS WEST ASIA 2018 and that we have read and we agree to all the Exhibition Terms and Condition of Contract. The signature of this Exhibition Space Contract and its receipt by Omanexpo LLC is deemed conclusive evidence of the Applicant’s agreement to pay the full fees due. The Contract may not be cancelled by the Applicant. The Applicant further acknowledges that Omanexpo LLC, having incurred expenses as a result of the contract, is not required to refund any of the fees and that Omanexpo LLC is also entitled to any unpaid amounts that may be owed by the Applicant to Omanexpo LLC.

Name Company Stamp


Signature Date


Total Amount Due USD | RO -- 50% initial payment due on signing of the contract

Invoice No. -- Balance 50% due by 30th OCTOBER 2017.

Exhibition Code (All contracts signed after 30th OCTOBER 2017 requires 100% settlement)

Authorization FOR OIL & GAS WEST ASIA 2018

Name Signature





Exhibitor Contact Details

Omanexpo - P.O. Box 20, P.C. 117, Sultanate of Oman

Tel: (+968) 2466 0124 | Fax: (+968) 2466 0125 / 2466 0126 | E-mail: [email protected] | www.omanexpo.com

11th Oil & Gas Exhibition & Conference

Stand No.: _______

جانمایى بر اساس اولویت واریز وجه و پس از مشخص شدن گروه کالایى ، در ستاد اجرایى برگزاری نمایشگاه ، صورت خواهد گرفت . طبق قوانین نمایشگاهى ، مهر و امضاى این فرم به معناى ثبت نام قطعى مى باشد و مشارکت کنندگان محترم مى بایست هزینه غرفه ثبت نامى خود را طبق تاریخ هاى اعلام شده پرداخت نمایند

.غرفه ، به هیچ عنوان امکان پذیر نخواهد بود با توجه به اهمیت برگزارى صحیح نمایشگاه و پیش بینى هاى لازم در این راستا ، امکان کنسل کردن




Page 9: 1397 ﻦﯾدروﺮﻓ 8 ﻰﻟا 6 زﺎﮔ و ﺖﻔﻧ - rokhdadnama.com · Also, the Oman Oil Refineries and Petroleum Industries Company (Orpic) launched the groundbreaking

1. In these conditions, the term Exhibitor means the signatory of this application and includes all participating employees or agents of such, and the term Exhibition means that described on the reverse hereof “The Organiser” means Omanexpo LLC.

2. When payments for space are not made when due, the organizers reserve the right to charge lossincurred by the organizer arising thereon.

3. Applications for space must contain details of the proposed exhibit and the names of othercompanies represented by the Exhibitor whose products are to be shown on or whose services are to be referred to on the stand. The Organiser reserves the right to refuse participation to anyExhibitor.

4. The charge for space is exclusive of any applicable local Government or exchange and will be subject to alteration in the event of any change therein. Anotice signed by the organizers and sent byrecorded delivery to the address on theapplications form shall be sufficient notice of such amendment to the contract which shall otherwise remain binding in all respects.

5. The organizers shall gave full power to determinein every respect the allocation of area and position of space and they shall be entitled for any to vary the general layout or the situation and area of anyparticular stand even if already allotted and the exhibitor shall accept such new allotment of space in substitution of that originally allotted.

6. However, the organizers should notify the Exhibitor prior to any change by minimum 7 days from the date of exhibition opening.

7. Upon the allocation of space, a contract shall arise between the organizers and the exhibitor in termsof these conditions subject to variation asmentioned as regards space allotted.

8. Every exhibitor shall occupy the space allotted tohim by 8:00 a.m. on the day prior to the opening of the exhibition.

9. In the event of any exhibitor committing an act of bankruptcy or if a limited company being wound up, the contract with him shall be determined and all monies already paid shall be retained by the organisers.

10. Exhibitors may not assign, sublet or grant license in respect of any part of the space allotted to themnor any advertisement of firms who are notbonafide exhibitors to be exhibited on any stand. Only those products, services and companiesmentioned on the application form may be incorporated in the stand.

11. Exhibitors will be totally responsible for the cost of restoring to its original condition any part of land or structure occupied by them which has been altered or damaged in any way.

12. Exhibitors shall be totally responsible for theobtaining of visas as may be required to enable them, their servants, agents, representatives, invitees or others to attend the exhibition and inno event shall there be any claim for damagers or otherwise against the organizers of any loss or expense relation thereto.

13. The organizers will not be responsible for the safety of any exhibit or property of any exhibitor, or any other person, for the loss of, or damage, or destruction to same, by theft, or fire, or other cause whatsoever, or for any loss or damage whatsoever sustained by any exhibitor, by reason of any defect in a building caused by fire, storm, tempest, lightning, national emergency, war, labour disputes, strikes or lockouts, civildisturbances, explosion, inevitable accident, force majeure, or any other cause not within the control of the organizers, whether ejusden generic or not,or for any loss or damage occasioned, if by reason of the happenings of any such events, the opening of the exhibition is prevented or postponed, or abandoned, or their own stand fittings, and fortheir proportion of the shell scheme stand, as the exhibitors are advised to cover themselves byinsurance in respect thereof to any extent available.

14. In no event shall the exhibitor have any claim for damages of any kind against the organizers in respect of ay loss or damage, consequential uponthe prevention, or postponement, or abandonment of the exhibition, by reason of happening or any of the events referred to incondition 12 or otherwise, or of the exhibitionbuilding becoming wholly or partially unavailablefor the holding of the exhibition for reasons beyond the organiser’s control.If, in the opinionthe organizers, by re-arraigning or postponement of the period of the exhibition, or by substitution of another hall, or building or any other reasonable manner, the exhibition can be carried through, the contracts for space shall be bindingupon the parties, except as to the size and position necessary shall be determined by the organizers.If the new allocated space is less than the agreed by50%, the Exhibitor has the right to reimburse up to 30% of the amount paid to organizers.

15. Stands must be properly manned and exhibitsdisplayed during all the time that the exhibition isopen to trade visitors and the public. No exhibitsmay be removed before the end of the exhibitionwithout the written permission of the organizers, which will only be given in exceptional circumstances.

16. Breach of contract and withdrawal by the exhibitor – without prejudice to the rights and remedies of the organizers in respect of anybreach of the contract on the part of the exhibitor,the organizers may at their discretion allow theexhibitor to withdraw from the exhibition subject to the following conditions:

a) The exhibitor must give a written notice to the organizers that he desires to withdraw.

b) Any such notification by the organizers to the exhibitor will constitute a cancellation of the contract subject to the payment by the exhibitorto the organizers of a consideration for release from the contract.

c) The amount of such payment will be specified in the organiser’s notification to the exhibitor and will be that proportion of the space rental payable under the contract specified in the second column below which appears the period date in the first column below upon which the organizers receive the notification from the exhibitor.

d) Upon payment of such amount to the organizers by the exhibitor (credit being given by the organizers for all rental already paid by the exhibitor), the contract shall be cancelled andneither party shall have any further claim against each other.

17. Particular attention is drawn to the relevant safety standards which must be strictly observed for anyexhibits involving lasers or radioactive materials,or materials which might provide noxious fumes or which make use of or display any other materialswhich may involve danger to the health or safety of any person. No such materials may be brought into the exhibition without prior agreement inwriting of the organizers and also the exhibitor orperson arising from the use or display of such materials. An exhibitor’s manual will be issued to the exhibitor containing detailed instructions for

the organization of the exhibition.Stand rentals may be paid for in Omani Rials or US$.

18. Claims: The organizers cannot accept any complaint or claim against them unless it issubmitted in writing to the address given on the previous page within two weeks of the closingdate of the exhibition. All claims and disputed shall be settled in Muscat in accordance with the law and customs of the Sultanate of Oman.

All communication should be addressed to:

P.O. Box 20, PC 117, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman Tel: +968 24660124 | Fax: +968 24660125 Email: [email protected] Website: www.omanexpo.com

Payment terms for Participation Fees OIL & GAS WEST ASIA 2018

Down payments should be paid within 15 days from signing the contract.

1. 50% due on signing the contract (Down payment - payable within 15 days of signing the contract).

2. 50% due by OCT 30, 2017.

3. Exhibitors registering after OCT 30, 2017 should pay the total cost of the stand or space reserved onreceipt of the corresponding invoice.

4. All additional facilities requested by the Exhibitor shall be paid for in advance.

5. No Exhibitor may remove the products and samples from his stand or space until all dues to the Organizers have been paid.

6. Payments shall be remitted net of any bank charges.

7. Bank detail is follows: All payment must be made bycheque in favour of Omanexpo LLC, or by bank transfer to:

Bank Name: National Bank of Oman, CBD Branch Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

Account Name: Omanexpo LLC

Account Number: 1049-114576-001 (RO), 1049-114576-002 (USD)

Swift Code: NBOMOMRX

I, hereby confirm that I have read and understood the terms and conditions mentioned in this contract:

SIGNATURE: _________________________________

NAME: ______________________________________

DESIGNATION: ______________________________

DATE: ______________________________________


Date of Receipt by Organizers of Notice of Withdrawals

Proportion of Space Rental Payable %

More than 6 months prior to the opening of the exhibition


6 months to 4 months prior to the opening of the exhibition


4 months to 2 months prior to the opening of the exhibition


Less than 2 months prior to the opening of the exhibition


Exhibition Terms and Conditions of Contract

Omanexpo - P.O. Box 20, P.C. 117, Sultanate of Oman

Tel: (+968) 2466 0124 | Fax: (+968) 2466 0125 / 2466 0126 | E-mail: [email protected] | www.omanexpo.com