Axion cold dark matter: status after Planck and BICEP2 Eleonora Di Valentino, 1 Elena Giusarma, 1 Massimiliano Lattanzi, 2 Alessandro Melchiorri, 1 and Olga Mena 3 1 Physics Department and INFN, Universit` a di Roma “La Sapienza”, Ple Aldo Moro 2, 00185, Rome, Italy 2 Dipartimento di Fisica e Science della Terra, Universit`a di Ferrara and INFN, sezione di Ferrara, Polo Scientifico e Tecnologico - Edficio C Via Saragat, 1, I-44122 Ferrara Italy 3 IFIC, Universidad de Valencia-CSIC, 46071, Valencia, Spain We investigate the axion dark matter scenario (ADM), in which axions account for all of the dark matter in the Universe, in light of the most recent cosmological data. In particular, we use the Planck temperature data, complemented by WMAP E-polarization measurements, as well as the recent BICEP2 observations of B-modes. Baryon Acoustic Oscillation data, including those from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey, are also considered in the numerical analyses. We find that, in the minimal ADM scenario, the full dataset implies that the axion mass ma = 82.2 ± 1.1 μeV (corresponding to the Peccei-Quinn symmetry being broken at a scale fa = (7.54 ± 0.10) × 10 10 GeV), or ma = 76.6 ± 2.6 μeV (fa = (8.08 ± 0.27) × 10 10 GeV) when we allow for a non- standard effective number of relativistic species N eff . We also find a 2σ preference for N eff > 3.046. The limit on the sum of neutrino masses is mν < 0.25 eV at 95% CL for N eff =3.046, or mν < 0.47 eV when N eff is a free parameter. Considering extended scenarios where either the dark energy equation-of-state parameter w, the tensor spectral index nt or the running of the scalar index dns/d ln k are allowed to vary does not change significantly the axion mass-energy density constraints. However, in the case of the full dataset exploited here, there is a preference for a non-zero tensor index or scalar running, driven by the different tensor amplitudes implied by the Planck and BICEP2 observations. Dark matter axions with mass in the 70 - 80 μeV range can, in principle, be detected by looking for axion-to-photon conversion occurring inside a tunable microwave cavity permeated by a high- intensity magnetic field, and operating at a frequency ν 20 GHz. This is out of the reach of current experiments like ADMX (limited to a maximum frequency of a few GHzs), but is, on the other hand, within the reach of the upcoming ADMX-HF experiment, that will explore the 4 - 40 GHz frequency range and then being sensitive to axions masses up to 150 μeV. PACS numbers: 98.80.-k 95.85.Sz, 98.70.Vc, 98.80.Cq I. INTRODUCTION In the past few years, a great deal of observational evidence has accumulated in support of the ΛCDM cos- mological model, that is to date regarded as the ”stan- dard model” of cosmology. One of the great puzzles re- lated to the ΛCDM model, however, is the nature of the dark matter (DM) component that, according to the re- cent Planck observations [1–3], makes up roughly 27% of the total matter-energy content of the Universe. A well-motivated DM candidate is the axion, that was first proposed by Peccei and Quinn [4] to explain the strong CP problem, i.e., the absence of CP violation in strong interactions. Here we consider the hypothesis that the axion ac- counts for all the DM present in the Universe. We put this ”axion dark matter” (ADM) scenario under scrutiny using the most recent cosmological data, in particular the observations of cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature [1–3] and polarization anisotropies (includ- ing the recent BICEP2 detection of B-mode polarization [5, 6]) and of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) [7–11]. The ADM model has also been revisited by other au- thors [12, 13] in light of BICEP2 data, and our analyses in the minimal ΛCDM scenario agree with these previ- ous works. However, in order to assess the robustness of the cosmological constraints presented in the literature, as well as the tension between BICEP2 and Planck mea- surements of the tensor-to scalar ratio, here we also con- sider extensions of the simplest ADM model. The effects of additional relativistic degrees of freedom, of neutrino masses, of a dark energy equation-of-state parameter and of a free-tensor spectral index are carefully explored. The paper is structured as follows. Section II intro- duces axions in cosmology and derives the excluded sce- narios after BICEP2 data. Section III describes the anal- ysis method and the data used to analyse the ADM mod- els that survive after applying BICEP2 bounds on grav- itational waves and Planck isocurvature constraints. In Sec. IV we present our main results and we draw our conclusions in Sec. V. II. AXION COSMOLOGY In order to solve the strong CP problem dynamically, Peccei and Quinn postulated the existence of a new global U (1) (quasi-) symmetry, often denoted U (1) PQ , that is spontaneously broken at the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) scale f a . The spontaneous breaking of the PQ symmetry gener- ates a pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson, the axion, which can be copiously produced in the universe’s early stages, both via thermal and non-thermal processes. Thermal axions with sub-eV masses contribute to the hot dark arXiv:1405.1860v1 [astro-ph.CO] 8 May 2014


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  • Axion cold dark matter: status after Planck and BICEP2

    Eleonora Di Valentino,1 Elena Giusarma,1 Massimiliano Lattanzi,2 Alessandro Melchiorri,1 and Olga Mena3

    1Physics Department and INFN, Universita di Roma La Sapienza, Ple Aldo Moro 2, 00185, Rome, Italy2Dipartimento di Fisica e Science della Terra, Universita di Ferrara and INFN,

    sezione di Ferrara, Polo Scientifico e Tecnologico - Edficio C Via Saragat, 1, I-44122 Ferrara Italy3IFIC, Universidad de Valencia-CSIC, 46071, Valencia, Spain

    We investigate the axion dark matter scenario (ADM), in which axions account for all of the darkmatter in the Universe, in light of the most recent cosmological data. In particular, we use thePlanck temperature data, complemented by WMAP E-polarization measurements, as well as therecent BICEP2 observations of B-modes. Baryon Acoustic Oscillation data, including those fromthe Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey, are also considered in the numerical analyses.

    We find that, in the minimal ADM scenario, the full dataset implies that the axion mass ma =82.2 1.1eV (corresponding to the Peccei-Quinn symmetry being broken at a scale fa = (7.540.10) 1010 GeV), or ma = 76.6 2.6eV (fa = (8.08 0.27) 1010 GeV) when we allow for a non-standard effective number of relativistic species Neff . We also find a 2 preference for Neff > 3.046.The limit on the sum of neutrino masses is

    m < 0.25 eV at 95% CL for Neff = 3.046, or

    m < 0.47 eV when Neff is a free parameter.Considering extended scenarios where either the dark energy equation-of-state parameter w, the

    tensor spectral index nt or the running of the scalar index dns/d ln k are allowed to vary does notchange significantly the axion mass-energy density constraints. However, in the case of the fulldataset exploited here, there is a preference for a non-zero tensor index or scalar running, driven bythe different tensor amplitudes implied by the Planck and BICEP2 observations.

    Dark matter axions with mass in the 70 80eV range can, in principle, be detected by lookingfor axion-to-photon conversion occurring inside a tunable microwave cavity permeated by a high-intensity magnetic field, and operating at a frequency ' 20 GHz. This is out of the reach ofcurrent experiments like ADMX (limited to a maximum frequency of a few GHzs), but is, on theother hand, within the reach of the upcoming ADMX-HF experiment, that will explore the 4 40GHz frequency range and then being sensitive to axions masses up to 150eV.

    PACS numbers: 98.80.-k 95.85.Sz, 98.70.Vc, 98.80.Cq


    In the past few years, a great deal of observationalevidence has accumulated in support of the CDM cos-mological model, that is to date regarded as the stan-dard model of cosmology. One of the great puzzles re-lated to the CDM model, however, is the nature of thedark matter (DM) component that, according to the re-cent Planck observations [13], makes up roughly 27%of the total matter-energy content of the Universe. Awell-motivated DM candidate is the axion, that was firstproposed by Peccei and Quinn [4] to explain the strongCP problem, i.e., the absence of CP violation in stronginteractions.

    Here we consider the hypothesis that the axion ac-counts for all the DM present in the Universe. We putthis axion dark matter (ADM) scenario under scrutinyusing the most recent cosmological data, in particularthe observations of cosmic microwave background (CMB)temperature [13] and polarization anisotropies (includ-ing the recent BICEP2 detection of B-mode polarization[5, 6]) and of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) [711].The ADM model has also been revisited by other au-thors [12, 13] in light of BICEP2 data, and our analysesin the minimal CDM scenario agree with these previ-ous works. However, in order to assess the robustness ofthe cosmological constraints presented in the literature,

    as well as the tension between BICEP2 and Planck mea-surements of the tensor-to scalar ratio, here we also con-sider extensions of the simplest ADM model. The effectsof additional relativistic degrees of freedom, of neutrinomasses, of a dark energy equation-of-state parameter andof a free-tensor spectral index are carefully explored.

    The paper is structured as follows. Section II intro-duces axions in cosmology and derives the excluded sce-narios after BICEP2 data. Section III describes the anal-ysis method and the data used to analyse the ADM mod-els that survive after applying BICEP2 bounds on grav-itational waves and Planck isocurvature constraints. InSec. IV we present our main results and we draw ourconclusions in Sec. V.


    In order to solve the strong CP problem dynamically,Peccei and Quinn postulated the existence of a new globalU(1) (quasi-) symmetry, often denoted U(1)PQ, that isspontaneously broken at the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) scale fa.The spontaneous breaking of the PQ symmetry gener-ates a pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson, the axion, whichcan be copiously produced in the universes early stages,both via thermal and non-thermal processes. Thermalaxions with sub-eV masses contribute to the hot dark





    v1 [




    ] 8




  • 2

    matter component of the universe, as neutrinos, and thecosmological limits on their properties have been recentlyupdated and presented in Refs. [14, 15].

    Here we focus on axion-like particles produced non-thermally, as they were postulated as natural candidatesfor the cold dark matter component [1620]. The historyof axions start at the PQ scale fa. For temperaturesbetween this scale and the QCD phase transition QCD,the axion is, for practical purposes, a massless particle.When the universes temperature approaches QCD, theaxion acquires a mass via instanton effects. The effectivepotential V for the axion field a(x) is generated throughnon-pertubative QCD effects [21] and, setting the coloranomaly N = 1, it may be written as

    V (a) = f2am2a(T )

    [1 cos



    )], (1)

    where the axion mass is a function of temperature. In-troducing the misalignment angle a/fa, the fieldevolves according to the Klein-Gordon equation on a flatFriedmann-Robertson-Walker background:

    + 3H +m2a(T ) = 0 , (2)

    where the axion temperature-dependent mass is [21]

    ma(T ) =

    {Cma(T = 0)(QCD/T )

    4 T & QCD

    ma(T = 0) T . QCD(3)

    where C ' 0.018 is a model dependent factor, seeRefs [21, 22], QCD ' 200 MeV and the zero-temperaturemass ma(T = 0) is related to the PQ scale:

    ma ' 6.2eV(

    fa1012 GeV

    )1. (4)

    The axion is effectively massless at T QCD, as it canbe seen from Eq. (3).

    The PQ symmetry breaking can occur before or afterinflation. If there was an inflationary period in the uni-verse after or during the PQ phase transition, there will

    exist, together with the standard adiabatic perturbationsgenerated by the inflaton field, axion isocurvature pertur-bations, associated to quantum fluctuations in the axionfield. In this scenario, i.e. when the condition

    fa >


    ), (5)

    is satisfied, the initial misalignment angle i should beidentical in the whole observable universe, with a vari-ance given by

    2 =(HI


    )2, (6)

    and corresponding to quantum fluctuations in the mass-less axion field

    2a =(HI2

    )2, (7)

    where HI is the value of the Hubble parameter duringinflation. These quantum fluctuations generate an axionisocurvature power spectrum

    a(k) = k3|2a|/22 =


    2i f2a . (8)

    The Planck data, combined with the 9-year polarizationdata from WMAP [23] constrain the primordial isocur-vature fraction (defined as the ratio of the isocurvatureperturbation spectrum to the sum of the adiabatic andisocurvature spectra) to be [24]

    iso < 0.039 , (9)

    at 95% CL and at a scale k = 0.05 Mpc1. This limitcan be used to exclude regions in the parameter space ofthe PQ scale and the scale of inflation HI , since they arerelated via

    HI = 0.96 107 GeV(iso0.04




    1011 GeV

    )0.408, (10)

    where a is the axion mass-energy density. In this sce-nario, in which the PQ symmetry is not restored afterinflation, and therefore the condition fa >



    and assuming that the dark matter is made of axions pro-duced by the misalignment mechanism [39], Planck datahas set a 95% CL upper bound on the energy scale of

    inflation [24]

    HI 0.87 107 GeV(

    fa1011 GeV

    )0.408. (11)

    Very recently the BICEP2 collaboration has reported6 evidence for the detection of primordial gravitationalwaves, with a tensor to scalar ratio r = 0.2+0.070.05, pointing

  • 3

    to inflationary energy scales of HI 1014 GeV [5, 6].These scale would require a value for fa which lies severalorders of magnitude above the Planck scale and conse-quently nullifies the axion scenario in which the PQ isbroken during inflation. We conclude that, if future CMBpolarisation experiments confirm the BICEP2 findings,the axion scenario in which the PQ symmetry is brokenduring inflation will be ruled out, at least in its simplestform. This conclusion could be circumvented in a morecomplicated scenario (see e.g. Ref. [25] for a proposal inthis direction) but we shall not consider this possibilityhere.

    There exists however another possible scenario inwhich the PQ symmetry is broken after inflation, i.e
