PENDAHULUAN 1.1. LATAR BELAKANG Tendon adalah jaringan fibrosa yang melekat otot ke tulang dalam tubuh manusia. Pasukan diterapkan pada tendon mungkin lebih dari 5 kali berat badan Anda. . Dalam beberapa kasus yang jarang terjadi, tendon dapat snap atau pecah . Kondisi yang membuat pecah lebih mungkin termasuk suntikan steroid ke dalam tendon, penyakit tertentu (seperti gout atau hiperparatiroidisme , dan memiliki golongan darah O). Meskipun terbilang jarang, sebuah pecah tendon bisa menjadi masalah serius dan dapat mengakibatkan mengerikan sakit dan cacat permanen jika tidak diobati. Setiap jenis pecah tendon memiliki tanda-tanda dan gejala sendiri dan bisa diobati baik operasi atau medis tergantung pada beratnya pecah dan kepercayaan dari ahli bedah . 1.2. RUMUSAN MASALAH 1. Definisi ruptur tendo? 2. Etiologi ruptur tendo? 3. Lokasi ruptur tendo? 4. Gejala klinis ruptur tendo? 5. Patofisiologi ruptur tendo? 6. Pemeriksaan diagnostic ruptur tendo? 7. Penatalaksanaan ruptur tendo? BAB II PEMBAHASAN 2.1. TENDON 2.1.1. Definisi tendon Tendon adalah pita jaringan fibrosa yang fleksibel terletak di bagian belakang pergelangan kaki yang menghubungkan otot betis dengan tulang tumit.. Tendon adalah struktur dalam tubuh yang menghubungkan otot ke tulang. Otot rangka dalam tubuh bertanggung jawab untuk menggerakkan tulang, sehingga memungkinkan untuk berjalan, melompat, angkat, dan bergerak dalam banyak cara. Ketika otot kontraksi, hal itu menarik pada tulang menyebabkan gerakan ini. Struktur yang memancarkan kekuatan kontraksi otot ke tulang disebut tendon.


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    Tendon adalah jaringan fibrosa yang melekat otot ke tulang dalam tubuh manusia. Pasukan

    diterapkan pada tendon mungkin lebih dari 5 kali berat badan Anda. . Dalam beberapa kasus

    yang jarang terjadi, tendon dapat snap atau pecah . Kondisi yang membuat pecah lebih mungkin

    termasuk suntikan steroid ke dalam tendon, penyakit tertentu (seperti gout atau

    hiperparatiroidisme , dan memiliki golongan darah O).

    Meskipun terbilang jarang, sebuah pecah tendon bisa menjadi masalah serius dan dapat

    mengakibatkan mengerikan sakit dan cacat permanen jika tidak diobati. Setiap jenis pecah

    tendon memiliki tanda-tanda dan gejala sendiri dan bisa diobati baik operasi atau medis

    tergantung pada beratnya pecah dan kepercayaan dari ahli bedah .


    1. Definisi ruptur tendo? 2. Etiologi ruptur tendo? 3. Lokasi ruptur tendo? 4. Gejala klinis ruptur tendo? 5. Patofisiologi ruptur tendo? 6. Pemeriksaan diagnostic ruptur tendo? 7. Penatalaksanaan ruptur tendo?

    BAB II


    2.1. TENDON

    2.1.1. Definisi tendon

    Tendon adalah pita jaringan fibrosa yang fleksibel terletak di bagian belakang pergelangan kaki

    yang menghubungkan otot betis dengan tulang tumit.. Tendon adalah struktur dalam tubuh yang

    menghubungkan otot ke tulang. Otot rangka dalam tubuh bertanggung jawab untuk

    menggerakkan tulang, sehingga memungkinkan untuk berjalan, melompat, angkat, dan bergerak

    dalam banyak cara. Ketika otot kontraksi, hal itu menarik pada tulang menyebabkan gerakan ini.

    Struktur yang memancarkan kekuatan kontraksi otot ke tulang disebut tendon.

  • 2.1.2. Fungsi tendon

    1. Membawa kekuatan tarik tendon dari otot ke tulang 2. membawa pasukan kompresi ketika membungkus tulang seperti katrol 3. Menekuk dan meregangkan (flex) semua sendi dan otot untuk menahan tulang. Tanpa

    tendon, otot-otot hanya akan menjadi sekumpulan besar di satu bidang dan tidak akan

    bisa bergerak.

    4. Tendon yang menghubungkan otot dengan tulang. 5. Hal ini juga memungkinkan tendon untuk menyimpan dan memulihkan energi pada

    efisiensi yang tinggi. Sebagai contoh, selama langkah manusia, Achilles tendon

    peregangan sebagai dorsiflexes sendi pergelangan kaki. Pada bagian terakhir langkahnya,

    sebagai kaki plantar-flexes (jari-jari kaki menunjuk ke bawah), yang disimpan energi

    elastis dilepaskan. Lebih jauh, karena meregangkan tendon, otot dapat berfungsi dengan

    kurang atau bahkan tidak ada perubahan panjang, yang memungkinkan otot untuk

    menghasilkan kekuatan yang lebih besar.

    6. Ketika otot gastrocnemius (di betis) kontraksi (lebih pendek), tendon yang melekat dari otot ke tulang tumit (kalkaneus) bergerak.

    7. Sebagai memperpendek otot, tendon bergerak ketitik ke bawah kaki. Ini adalah tindakan yang memungkinkan seseorang untuk berdiri di ataskaki seseorang, berlari, melompat,

    berjalan normal, dan untuk naik dan turun tangga.


    Ruptur tendon adalah Robek, pecah atau terputusnya tendon.


    Empat daerah yang paling umum tempat terjadinya ruptur tendon

    2.3.1. Qudriceps

    Sebuah kelompok dari 4 otot, yang vastus lateralis, medialis vastus, intermedius vastus, dan

    rektus femoris, datang bersama-sama tepat di atas Anda tempurung lutut ( patella ) untuk

    membentuk tendon patella . Sering disebut quad, kelompok otot ini digunakan untuk

    memperpanjang kaki di lutut dan bantuan dalam berjalan, berlari , dan melompat.

    2.3.2. Achilles

  • Tendon Achilles berasal dari gabungan tiga otot yaitu gastrocnemius, soleus, dan otot plantaris.

    Pada manusia, letaknya tepat di bagian pergelangan kaki. Tendon Achilles adalah tendon tertebal

    dan terkuat pada tubuh manusia. Panjangnya sekitar 15 sentimeter, dimulai dari pertengahan

    tungkai bawah. Kemudian strukturnya kian mengumpul dan melekat pada bagian tengah-

    belakang tulang calcaneus. Tendon ini sangat penting untuk berjalan, berlari dan melompat

    secara normal. Cidera karena olahraga dan karena trauma pada tendon Achilles adalah biasa dan

    bisa menyebabkan kecacatan.

    2.3.3. Rotator cuff

    Rotator cuff terletak di bahu dan terdiri dari 4 otot: supraspinatus (yang umum tendon paling

    pecah), infraspinatus, teres minor, dan m. subskapularis. Kelompok otot ini berfungsi untuk

    mengangkat tangan ke samping, membantu memutar lengan, dan menjaga bahu keluar dari soket


    2.3.4. Bisep

    Otot bisep fungsi sebagai fleksor lengan dari siku. Otot ini membawa tangan ke arah bahu

    dengan menekuk siku.

    2.4. ETIOLOGI

    1. Penyakit tertentu, seperti arthritis dan diabetes 2. Obat-obatan, seperti kortikosteroid dan beberapa antibiotik yang dapat meningkatkan

    risiko pecah

    3. Cedera dalam olah raga, seperti melompat dan berputar pada olah raga badminton, tenis, basket dan sepak bola

    4. Trauma benda tajam atau tumpul pada bawah betis

    2.5. GEJALA

    1. Rasa sakit mendadak dan berat dapat dirasakan di bagian belakang pergelangan kaki atau betis

    2. Terlihat bengkak dan kaku serta tampak memar dan kelemahan 3. Sebuah kesenjangan atau depresi dapat dilihat di tendon sekitar 2 cm di atas tulang tumit 4. Tumit tidak dapat digerakan turun atau naik


    Kerusakan pada jaringan otot karena trauma langsung (impact) atau tidak langsung

    (overloading). Cedera ini terjadi akibat otot tertarik pada arah yang salah,kontraksi otot yang

  • berlebihan atau ketika terjadi kontraksi ,otot belum siap,terjadi pada bagian groin muscles (otot

    pada kunci paha),hamstring (otot paha bagian bawah),dan otot guadriceps. Fleksibilitas otot yang

    baik bisa menghindarkan daerah sekitar cedera memar dan membengkak.



    The Achilles tendon is the strongest and thickest tendon in the body, connecting the

    gastrocnemius, soleus and plantaris to the calcaneus. It is approximately 15 centimeters

    (5.9 inches) long and begins near the middle portion of the calf. Contraction of the gastrosoleus

    plantar flexes the foot, enabling such activities as walking, jumping, and running. The Achilles

    tendon receives its blood supply from its musculotendinous junction with the triceps surae and its

    innervation from the sural nerve and to a lesser degree from the tibial nerve.



    The Achilles tendon is most commonly injured by sudden plantarflexion or dorsiflexion of the

    ankle, or by forced dorsiflexion of the ankle outside its normal range of motion.

    Other mechanisms by which the Achilles can be torn involve sudden direct trauma to the tendon,

    or sudden activation of the Achilles after atrophy from prolonged periods of inactivity. Some

  • other common tears can occur from overuse while participating in intense sports. Twisting or

    jerking motions can also contribute to injury.

    Fluoroquinolone antibiotics, famously ciprofloxacin, are known to increase the risk of tendon

    rupture, particularly achilles.

    Risk factors

    People who commonly fall victim to Achilles rupture or tear include recreational athletes, people

    of old age, individuals with previous Achilles tendon tears or ruptures, previous tendon

    injections or quinolone use, extreme changes in training intensity or activity level, and

    participation in a new activity.

    Most cases of Achilles tendon rupture are traumatic sports injuries. The average age of patients is

    2940 years with a male-to-female ratio of nearly 20:1. Fluoroquinolone antibiotics, such as ciprofloxacin, and glucocorticoids have been linked with an increased risk of Achilles tendon

    rupture. Direct steroid injections into the tendon have also been linked to rupture.

    Quinolone has been associated with Achilles tendinitis and Achilles tendon ruptures for quite

    some time now. Quinolones are antibacterial agents that act at the level of DNA by inhibiting

    DNA Gyrase. DNA Gyrase is an enzyme used to unwind double stranded DNA which is

    essential to DNA Replication. Quinolone is specialized in the fact that it can attack bacterial

    DNA and prevent them from replicating by this process, and are frequently prescribed to elderly.

    Approximately 2% to 6% of all elderly people over the age of 60 that have had Achilles ruptures

    can be attributed to the use of quinolones.[1]


    Left Achilles tendon rupture

  • Achilles tendon rupture seen at sonography: discontinuity over several centimeters (red line). No

    fracture or avulsion (radiograph).

    Diagnosis is made by clinical history; typically people say it feels like being kicked or shot

    behind the ankle. Upon examination a gap may be felt just above the heel unless swelling has

    filled the gap and the Simmonds' test (aka Thompson test) will be positive; squeezing the calf

    muscles of the affected side while the patient lies prone, face down, with his feet hanging loose

    results in no movement (no passive plantarflexion) of the foot, while movement is expected with

    an intact Achilles tendon and should be observable upon manipulation of the uninvolved calf.

    Walking will usually be severely impaired, as the patient will be unable to step off the ground

    using the injured leg. The patient will also be unable to stand up on the toes of that leg, and

    pointing the foot downward (plantarflexion) will be impaired. Pain may be severe and swelling is


    An O'Brien test can also be performed which entails placing a sterile needle through the skin and

    into the tendon. If the needle hub moves in the opposite direction of the tendon and the same

    direction as the toes when the foot is moved up and down then the tendon is at least partially


    Sometimes an ultrasound scan may be required to clarify or confirm the diagnosis. MRI can also

    be used to confirm the diagnosis.


    Musculoskeletal ultrasonography can be used to determine the tendon thickness, character, and

    presence of a tear. It works by sending extremely high frequencies of sound through your body.

    Some of these sounds are reflected back off the spaces between interstitial fluid and soft tissue or

    bone. These reflected images can be analyzed and computed into an image. These images are

    captured in real time and can be very helpful in detecting movement of the tendon and

    visualising possible injuries or tears. This device makes it very easy to spot structural damages to

  • soft tissues, and consistent method of detecting this type of injury. This imaging modality is

    inexpensive, involves no ionizing radiation and, in the hands of skilled ultrasonographers, may

    be very reliable.

    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used to discern incomplete ruptures from

    degeneration of the Achilles tendon, and MRI can also distinguish between paratenonitis,

    tendinosis, and bursitis. This technique uses a strong uniform magnetic field to align millions of

    protons running through the body. these protons are then bombarded with radio waves that knock

    some of them out of alignment. When these protons return they emit their own unique radio

    waves that can be analysed by a computer in 3D to create sharp cross sectional image of the area

    of interest. MRI can provide unparalleled contrast in soft tissue for an extremely high quality

    photograph making it easy for technicians to spot tears and other injuries.

    Radiography can also be used to indirectly identify achilles tears. Radiography uses X-rays to

    analyse the point of injury. This is not very effective at identifying injuries to soft tissue. X-rays

    are created when high energy electrons hit a metal source. X-ray images are acquired by utilising

    the different attenuation characteristics of dense (e.g. calcium in bone) and less dense (e.g.

    muscle) tissues when these rays pass through tissue and are captured on film. X-rays are

    generally exposed to optimise visualisation of dense objects such as bone while soft tissue

    remains relatively undifferentiated in the background. Radiography has little role in assessment

    of Achilles' tendon injury and is more useful for ruling out other injuries such as calcaneal



    Treatment options for an Achilles tendon rupture include surgical and non-surgical approaches.

    Among the medical profession opinions are divided what is to be preferred.

    Non-surgical management traditionally was selected for minor ruptures, less active patients, and

    those with medical conditions that prevent them from undergoing surgery. It traditionally

    consisted of restriction in a plaster cast for six to eight weeks with the foot pointed downwards

    (to oppose the ends of the ruptured tendon). But recent studies have produced superior results

    with much more rapid rehabilitation in fixed or hinged boots.

    Surgical repair of a ruptured Achilles tendon.

  • Some surgeons feel an early surgical repair of the tendon is beneficial. The surgical option was

    long thought to offer a significantly smaller risk of re-rupture compared to traditional non-

    operative management (5% vs 15%).[3]

    Of course, surgery imposes higher relative risks of

    perioperative mortality and morbidity e.g. infection including MRSA, bleeding, deep vein

    thrombosis, lingering anesthesia effects, etc.

    However, four recent studies have scientifically tested the benefits of surgery, using randomized

    streaming of patients into surgical and non-surgical protocols, and applying virtually identical

    (and aggressive) rehabilitation protocols to both types of patients. All four such studies

    completed to date have found only small, but statistically significant benefits from the surgery,

    separated from the other confounding variables. They have all produced reasonably comparable

    results in re-rupture rates (with each study adding a cautious note about small sample size, one

    study showing 12% re-rupture in non-surgical treatment versus 4% re-rupture in surgical

    treatment, which is statistically insignificant), strength, and range of motion, while most have

    reaffirmed the greater complication rate from surgery.[4][5][6][7]

    Two studies showed small, but

    statistically significant differences in plantarflexion strength. The surgical group had

    significantly better results in the heel-rise work, heel-rise height, concentric power, and hopping

    tests at the 6-month evaluation than did the nonsurgical group. However, at the 12-month

    evaluation, there was a significant between-groups difference only in the heel-rise work test.[8][9]

    The relative benefits of surgical and nonsurgical treatments remains a subject of debate; authors

    of studies are cautious about the preferred treatment.[10]

    It should be noted that in centers that do

    not have early range of motion rehabilitation available, surgical repair is preferred to decrease re-

    rupture rates.[11]


    There are two different types of surgeries; open surgery and percutaneous surgery.

    During an open surgery an incision is made in the back of the leg and the Achilles tendon is

    stitched together. In a complete or serious rupture the tendon of plantaris or another vestigial

    muscle is harvested and wrapped around the Achilles tendon, increasing the strength of the

    repaired tendon.[12]

    If the tissue quality is poor, e.g. the injury has been neglected, the surgeon

    might use a reinforcement mesh (collagen, Artelon or other degradable material).

    In percutaneous surgery, the surgeon makes several small incisions, rather than one large

    incision, and sews the tendon back together through the incision(s). Surgery may be delayed for

    about a week after the rupture to let the swelling go down.[13]

    For sedentary patients and those

    who have vasculopathy or risks for poor healing, percutaneous surgical repair may be a better

    treatment choice than open surgical repair.[14]