2008 ACA Special Report

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  • 8/9/2019 2008 ACA Special Report


    American Citizen Alliance


    March 15, 2008 A.D.


    With the 2008 primary season drawing to a close, it appears the Reagan

    revolution, as seen through conservative majorities in Congress and

    control of the White House (the last 5 of 7 elections), is now in retreat.

    Hopefully, McCains selection of a running mate will instill some the

    missing fervor needed to rally the conservative base. Regardless of who

    leads our government though, the next administration will face extreme

    challenges during the next four years. As such, this message provides

    assessment and references on key policy issues (that will affect every

    citizen), as well as recommended courses of action.

    Extreme Challenges

    Nuclear Proliferation

    With a barrel of crude now fetching over four times what it

    cost in 2001 (and no supply relief in sight), a phenomenal

    transfer of wealth continues to occur for regimes hostile to

    the U.S. and her allies.Sensing that American hegemony is

    on the wane and global dominance is shifting eastward,

    unprecedented levels of encroachment and militarization are occurring

    with impunity. Of particular concern are the expansionist moves and

    nuclear ambitions of Iran. Years of diplomatic sanctions have failed todeter the Shiite regimes march toward deployment of nuclear-tipped

    ICBMs. That said, given the bellicose posture that Ahmadinejad has also

    taken toward Israel, checking their nuclear proliferation may be had by

    simply meeting our funding commitments to the Jewish state.

    Economic Contraction

    As weve warned since 06, a major economic reconciliation

    is heading our way.While the Bush administration should

    be commended for 52-months of jobs growth and economic

    expansion since 02, reckless policies during the Greenspan

    era (e.g. insufficient oversight, record monetary expansion, currency

    devaluation, gaming interest rates, myriad asset bubbles, etc.) have

    aided and abetted the excesses of our financial services sector. And now

    that theres no longer a market for toxic derivatives (i.e. of over a trillion

    in securitized bad-debt leveraged at 30:1), we will see major hedge

    funds, bond insurers, and money center banks fail. Historically, credit

    contractions of this magnitude have been deflationary. Given these risks,

    adopting policy favorable to private enterprise will be crucial.

    2008 ACA Special Report

    In this report we cover:

    Extreme Challenges:

    The Next Four Years

    ACA Advocacy


    ACA Organizational


    Defense of Israel

    Climate Change

    Secular Indoctrination

    Anderson Cooper 360 Degree

    Extreme Challenges the Nex

    Four Years (CNN Transcript)

    Support Sanctions Against Iran

    Support Divestment from Iran

    Condemn Hamas Rocket


    Support Strong International

    Affairs Budget

    Support the #1 business lobby

    in the nation. Learn more.

  • 8/9/2019 2008 ACA Special Report


    American Citizen Alliance


    Why it matters

    With reduced capital investment, unemployment will rise, along with

    foreclosures, while property values continue to fall. And because the Fed

    will not be able to print its way out of recession (as this is about solvency,

    not liquidity), to raise adequate capital, America will be up for sale, and

    government spending faces draconian cuts (e.g. new entitlement

    programs, manned space flight, climate change subsidies, etc.). If its any

    consolation, recessions are part of the business cycle. Short of abolishing

    the Fed, eliminating fractional reserve lending, and adopting sound

    monetary policy (e.g. gold-backed dollar), they will continue to occur.

    Dubious Mandates

    Once the nation begins to focus on living within its means

    again a new level of scrutiny will be given to unnecessary

    growth in government spending.Two policy areas in

    particular that stand to benefit from some adult

    supervision are in the areas of energy and environmentalpolicy. Our decision to pursue corn-based ethanol for example, has

    proven to be both an inefficient and expensive alternative to petroleum.

    And the religious fervor that surrounds global warming appears to be

    unfounded. According to (non-partisan) experts, the Earths atmosphere

    and surface are warmed by solar radiation, with the greenhouse effect

    primarily caused by atmospheric water vapor; and other less-understood

    phenomena. Carbon dioxide and methane are also atmospheric gases,

    but neither warms the Earth significantly, and no greenhouse warming

    caused by them has ever been unequivocally observed. The warming and

    cooling of the Earth are correlated most closely with fluctuations in solar

    activity and entirely uncorrelatedwith human hydrocarbon use. So to

    suggest that a consensus exists to the contrary is categorically untrue.

    Why it matters

    Changing light bulbs, abandoning cheap and plentiful American coal

    reserves (and clean-coal technology), and shaking down the industrial

    sectors of our economy with cap and trade rackets will not affect the

    weather, just your wallet. Let me digress to mention that as an avid hiker

    and certified diver, I also believe that we should be good stewards of the

    environment. But when hucksters betray us and play on our fears (to

    quote Gore on Gore), we should see to it that they do some jail time. The

    mandates that would shackle our industrial base and the malinvestment

    this hoax has set in motion are unconscionable.

    Values Vigilance

    A week doesnt go by without a breaking news story

    recounting a new offensive against traditional values.

    Whether its a court challenge to a states defense of

    marriage act, or a board of education that attempts to

    institutionalize the secular indoctrination of the next

    generation, values voters are called to remain vigilant.

    Financial News Links:



    Financial Times

    The Economist

    RGE Monitor

    Dollar Collapse

    ACA Recommendation

    Please support the work of the

    Heartland Institute, a Chicago based

    think tank. Heartland's mission is to

    discover, develop, and promote free-

    market solutions to social and

    economic problems. The Heartland

    Institute is a national nonprofit

    research and education organization,

    and is not affiliated with any political

    party, business, or foundation.

    ACA Recommendation

    Please support the work of the Florid

    Family Policy Council, a non-profit,

    pro-life, pro-family, pro-marriage

    educational advocacy group

    associated with Focus on the Family.

    In 2008, the FFPC will bring the FL

    Marriage Amendment to the ballot.

    ACA Organization Updates

    Although our advocacy mix is

    changing, ACA will remain a private,

    for-profit organization devoted to

    civic engagement. Grateful for the

    opportunity to serve as a private

    citizen, ACAs Chairman will not be a

    candidate for Congress in 2008.

  • 8/9/2019 2008 ACA Special Report


    American Citizen Alliance


    Defense of Israel

    Apparently, second terms have a

    conciliatory affect on war-time

    commanders in chief.But in framing

    his legacy, President Bush has earned

    the dubious distinction of being

    labeled Mr. Palestine by the press.

    With shuttle diplomacy and official

    pronouncements that call for an end

    to the occupation the administration

    now requires the Israeli government

    make further concessions (despite

    the lessons of Gaza) with people

    committed to their destruction.

    Even more menacing, this diplomatic initiative is being taken on the heels

    of an abrupt about face regarding the threat posed from Irans nuclearambitions. Israeli intelligence analysts are only now connecting the dots

    on what appears to be a back channel quid pro quo between the U.S. and

    Iranian governmentsagain at the expense of Israels national security.

    Without attempting to second guess the broader goals of the Bush

    administrations foreign policy, it appears that securing our hard won

    gains in Iraq and mobilizing the moderate elements of the Arab world

    requires we further compromise our only democratic ally in the region.

    If its equality, freedom of passage, and economic opportunity that the so

    called Palestinian (Egyptian and Jordanian migrs) population wants,

    the Arab world need look no further than the Israeli-Arab citizens, who

    are vested with more rights than in any Islamic nation. But if the truth be

    known, its never been about self-determination or land for peace. A free

    and democratic Israel, thriving at the center of the Muslim world, refutes

    what Islam holds to be true, while affirming the tenants of Judaism. This

    is all part of the 4,000-year struggle between the offspring of Abraham,

    the control of Jerusalem and the claim to title of Gods chosen people.

    Unfortunately, the replacement theology that holds sway over mainline

    Christian denominations (including the belief system of our theologian in

    chief) places no significance on the unilateral and irrevocable covenants

    made with the Jews by the immutable Ancient of Days. As such, we side

    against Israel at our own peril. As attested by the prophets of old, in thelatter days a replanted Israel will be isolated, surrounded and under siege

    by her enemies. Indeed, the coming spring brings the threat of open war.

    Israels predicament however, merely sets the stage for a supernatural

    display of power on their behalf, where the God of the Jews basks in the

    glory of His redemptive plan. Its obvious which side of history comes

    with a blessing or a curse for America. Choose wisely Mr. President.

    For Historical Perspective:

    Freedom Center presents

    What Really Happened?

    Intelligence Commentary:

    Bush Embarks on Saudi-Brokered

    Deal with Tehran

    Bush Drops Military Option,

    Tehran Slams Door on Diplomacy

    Iran and Israel Poised for Possible

    Military Clash over Mughniyehs


    New Developments:

    Damascus Seizes on Mughniyeh

    Killing for Lebanon Comeback

    Al Qaeda Readies Dual-track

    Offensive in Iraq and Gaza

    Hamas backers Saudi Arabia and

    Tehran Step into Gaza Crisis

    The Iranian Nuclear Threat:

    FM vows Iran will not retreat in

    nuclear standoff

    Excerpts from IAEA resolution on


    Report: Iran carried out nuke


    Top official says Iran to pursuenuclear strategy at all costs

    Iran nears bomb production with

    nuclear trigger capacity:

    opposition group

  • 8/9/2019 2008 ACA Special Report


    American Citizen Alliance


    Climate Change

    Ever wonder why alarmists

    prefer the term climate

    change to global warming

    these days? Perhaps its

    tied to this winters record

    low temperatures and new

    forecasts of global cooling.

    Its been a while since snow has gathered in the Middle East capitols, or

    sub-zero temperatures brought China to a standstill. And what are we to

    conclude about the increasing density of the ice-pack at the South Pole?

    These are just a few contrary instances of natural phenomena occurring

    worldwide, refuting the notion that global warming is a pending crisis.

    Why it Matters

    According to the Heartland Institute, global warming is the biggestenvironmental issue of our time. Its political and economic impact will be

    larger than those associated with any other government initiative. Thats

    why I find it so troubling when the fundamental basis for all of the alarm

    (i.e. CO2 /temperature order, CO2 % impact, etc.) cannot be validated!

    Public policies being proposed at the international, national, and state

    levels in the name of stopping global warming would result in massive

    wealth transfer and increases in the size and power of the state. To

    reduce emissions, governments would have to raise energy costs directly

    with taxes, or indirectly with mandates and subsidies.

    Even modest reductions in greenhouse gas emissions are estimated to

    cost the average U.S. household a cool $3,372 per year, while destroying

    2.4 million jobs. Never mind that electricity prices would also double, and

    manufacturers would move more factories to places such as China and

    India that have cheaper energy and fewer environmental regulations.

    Global warming isnt just a scientific issue; its also apolitical issue. Each

    of us, as citizens and voters, must decide how much power to surrender

    to governments and environmental advocacy groups in exchange for

    vague promises of reducing a small and hypothetical risk that wouldnt

    emerge until a century from now. But are we really in need of rescue?

    Think about itweve declared a war on poverty, a war on drugs, and a

    war on terrorbut can you recall a time when governments declared

    war on anything that didnt also result in more of the same (in addition

    to persistent growth in bureaucracy)? Citizens, its your freedom and

    money that hang in the balance. It should be your choice.

    For more information visit theHeartland Institute.

    What scientists are saying

    Over 400 prominent scientists

    from more than two dozen

    countries recently voiced

    significant objections to major

    aspects of the so-called

    "consensus" on man-made

    global warming.

    These scientists, many of

    whom are current and former

    participants in the UN IPCC

    (Intergovernmental Panel on

    Climate Change), criticized the

    climate claims made by the UN

    IPCC and former Vice Presiden

    Al Gore. Read the results for

    yourself by visiting the U.S.

    Senate website. See:Senate Report

    Debunks "Consensus"

    Other Recommended Articles

    Scientists meet in NYC to

    challenge Gore, U.N.

    Climate Panel on Hot Seat

    The Virtues of Atmospheric

    Carbon Dioxide

    The High Cost of Higher MPG


    The Energy Bill: The Death of

    Small Government


    Stop 'Cap and Trade'

    Br-r-r! Where did global

    warming go?

  • 8/9/2019 2008 ACA Special Report
