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  • 8/11/2019 20100317161002374



    Osteology and synosteology1"A Joint united by dense fibrous tissue that permits a slight degree of movement is a:

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    A. Suture B. Syndesmosis C. Symphysis

    D. Synchondrosis E. Synostosis

    "!he intervertebral foramen is surrounded by the:

    A. "ertebral boby and vertebral arch

    B. "ertebral boby and pedicle of vertebral arch C. "ertebral boby and lamina of vertebral arch

    D. #edicle and lamina of vertebral arch

    E. Superior and inferior notches of each contiguous pair of vertebrae

    $"A %oint of the body that contains a broad#f&at disc of fibrocartilage 'ould be classified as


    A. Ball and soc(et %oint

    B. Suture

    C. Symphysis %oint

    D. )liding %oint

    E. *inge %oint

    +"!he sternal angle articulates on either side 'ith the :

    A . ,irst costal cartilage

    B. Sencond costal cartilage

    C. !hird costal cartilage

    D. ,ourth costal cartilage

    E. Si-th costal cartilage

    "!he highest point of the crest of the ilium is on a level passing through the :

    A . ,irst lumbar spinous process

    B. Sencond lumbar spinous process C. !hird lumbar spinous process

    D. ,ourth lumbar spinous process

    E. ,ifth ,irst lumbar spinous process

    /"!he ligaments0 'hich connect the laminae of ad%acent vertebrae0 are the :

    A. Anterior lonlongitudinal ligament

    B. #osterior lonlongitudinal ligament

    C. igmenta flava

    D. Supraspinal ligaments

    E. &nterspinal ligaments

    2"!he should %oint is capable of :

    A. ,le-ion and e-tension

    B. Adduction and abduction

    C. 3otation

    D. Circumduction

    E. All movement of the above

    4"!he movements of pronation and supination of forearm ta(e place at the :

    A . A elbo' %oint

    B. 3adio5carpal or 'rist %oint

    C. Elbo' and 'rist %oint D. 3adio5ulnar %oints

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    E. 3adio5ulnar and 'rist %oints

    6"7hich movements are possible at both the shoulder and elbo' %oint :

    A . Abduction and fle-ion

    B. Circumduction and fle-ion

    C. Circumduction and e-tension D. E-tention and fle-ion

    E. 3otation and fle-ion

    18"7hich types of %oint provide tria-ial movement 9

    A. *inge

    B. Ball and soc(et

    C. Saddle

    D. Condyloid

    E. one do

    11. 7hen standing in the Anatomical #osition the palms of the hands face :

    palms of the han;

    A. Anteriorly

    B. aterally

    C. lnar bursa

    1+. !he a-is of rotation ? pronation @supination at the distal radioulnar %oint is through the:

    A Capitate bone

    B. *ead of tha radius

    C. *ead of the ulna D. Styloid process of the radius

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    E. Styloid process of the ulna

    1. A t'o5year5old child 'ill not go to ta(e her nap. *er mother tightly holds her left hand as she

    leads her to the bedroom. 3efusing to go further0 the child suddenly attempts to %er( a'ay and

    then sits do'n screaming and holding her left elbo'. &n a attempt to calm her do'n her mother

    offers her a coo(ie0 but she cannot supinate her left hand to receive it. 7hich %oint 'asdislocated9

    A !he glenohumeral %oint

    B. !he humero5ulnar %oint

    C. !he humero5radial %oint

    D. !he pro-imal radio5ulnar %oint

    E. !he distal radio5ulnar %oint

    1/. ou are in the emergency room 'hen a student is brought in 'ith a shoulder in%ury sustained

    'hile playing touch football. &n comparing the symmetry of his t'o shoulders0 you notice a

    mar(ed elevation of the distal end of his clavicle 'ith respect to the acromion on the in%ured side.

    5ray e-am reveals a grade *& shoulder separation. &n order for this to have occurred0 'hich

    ligament must be torn9

    A. Coracoacromial

    B. Coracoclavicular

    C. Costoclavicular

    D. Superior glenohumeral

    E. !ransverse humeral

    12. A $5year5old child 'al(ing hand5in5hand 'ith her father screams in pain as he %er(s her

    uic(ly up onto the curb to dodge a speeding car. !he e-amining physician calls it a case of

    pulled elbo'0a dislocation sometimes seen in young children and caused by: F A. !he head of the radius slipping part 'ay out of the annular ligament

    B. !ear of the common e-tensor tendon

    C.. Stretching of the radioulnar interosseous membrane

    D. !ear of the ulnar collateral ligament

    14. &t 'as determined that a football player tore his coracoclavicular ligament. !his is an0 e-ample

    of a:

    A. #ulled elbo'

    B. 3otator cuff tear

    C. Separated shoulder

    D. Dislocated shoulder

    E. Colles fracture

    16. 7hile 'al(ing to class on an icy 'inter morning0 a student slips and falls on her outstretched

    hand. !he intense pain forces her to go td the emergency room. After 5rays of her 'rist are

    ta(en0 the attending says0 ou 'ere luc(y0 there is no CollesGnor scaphoid fractures0 but you have

    dislocated the middle carpal bone of the pro-imal ro'. 7hich bone 'as dislocated9

    A. Capitate

    B. unate


    D.!rapeHoid E. !riuetrum

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    8. !he fibrocartilagious structure 'hich deepens the shoulder soc(et is the:

    A.Articular capsule

    B. Articular carti&age

    C. )lenoid labrum

    D. ateral meniscusE. Superior glenohumeral ligament

    1. !he synovial cavity of the glenohumeral %oint communicates 'ith the subdeltoid

    ?subacromial bursa after the rupture of the:

    A. &nfraspinatus tendon


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    D. Lona orbicularis

    E. All of above

    $$. &n inMuries of the (nee0 :the medial meniscis is freuently torn because it is firmly attached to

    'hich struclure9

    A. Anterior cruciate &igamlentB. ,ibular collateral ligament

    C. !ibial collateral ligamlen

    D. #atellar ligament

    E. #atellar retinaculum

    $+. At the temporomandibular %oint ?!

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    E. Superficial fascia

    . !he trapeHius muscle is named on the basis of :

    A. Shape

    B. SiHe

    C. ocationD. Action

    E. =rientation

    $. 7hich muscle is involved in moving the vertebral column9

    A. Scalene

    B. Sacrospinalis

    C. Sartorius

    D. Diaphragm

    E. A and B

    +. A muscle that originates on both the spine of the scapula and the clavicle is the:

    A #ectoralis ma%or

    B. !rapeHius

    C. Deltoid

    D. Stemocleidomastoid

    E. Erector spine

    . All of the follo'ing muscles are both the adductor and medial rotator of the arm e-cept the:

    A. #ectoralis ma%or

    B. &nfraspinatus

    C. !eres ma%or

    D. Subscapularis E. latissimus dorsi

    /. 7hich muscle contributes to the rotator cuff9

    A. Deltoid

    B. atissimus dorsi

    C. #ectoralis minor

    D. Supraspinatus

    E. !eres ma%or

    2. A patient presented to his physician 'ith chronic shoulder pain. &t 'as noted that 'hen as(ed to

    abduct his arm0 he initially leaned laterally9and then straightened up. 7hen iodinated contrast

    'as in%ected into his shoulder %oint it 'as found to be in the subdeltoid bursa as 'ell as in the %oint

    cavity. 7hich structrure 'as damaged to produce the shoulder pain9

    A. Acromioclavicular ligament

    B. ong head of the biceps braehii muscle

    C. Subscapularis muscle

    D. Superior glenohumeral ligament

    E. Supraspinatus muscle

    4. Because the biceps braehii muscle fle-es the forearm 'hen it5contractsF most of the muscle lies.

    A. Anterior to the humerus

    B. #osterior to the humerus C. Anterior to the ulna and radius

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    D. #osterior to the ulna and radius

    E. Superior to the ulna and radius

    6. =ne of the motor components of the cervical ple-us0 the ansa cervicalis0 innervates all of the

    follo'ing muscles e-cept the:

    A. =mohyoid B. Sternohyoid G:

    C. Stemothyroid

    D. Stylohyoid

    E. !hyrohyoid

    18. A si-5year5old child0 'hose medical history includes a rather difficult birth0 has a permanently

    tilted head posture0 'ith the right ear near the right shoulder and the face turned up'ard and to

    the left. 7hich of the follo'ing muscles 'as very li(ely damaged during birth9

    A Anterior scalene

    B. =mohyoid

    C. Sternocleidomastoid

    D. !rapeHius

    E. #latysma

    11. 7hich of the follo'ing hyoid muscles is an important landmar( in both the anterior and poste5

    rior triangles of the nec(9

    A. )eniohyoid


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    E. E-tensor carpi radialisl brevis

    1. lf the musculocutaneous nerve is severed at its orgin from the brachial ple-us 0 fle-ion at

    the elbo' is greatly 'ea(ened but not abolished. 7hat muscle remains operative and can

    contribute to fle-ion9

    A. Brachialis B. Brachioradialis

    C Coracobrachialis

    D. ong head of biceps brachii

    E. Short head of biceps brachii

    1/. Development of Itennis elbo'?lateral epicondylitis involves the origin of 'hich muscle9

    A. Abductor pollicis longus

    B. Anconeus

    C. Brachioradialis

    D. E-tensor carpi radialis brevis

    E. !riceps brachii

    12. Several deficits in muscle functbon of the right upper limb 'ere noted#including inabillty to

    abduct the arm .!his 'as caused by denervation of 'hich muscle9

    A. Deltoid

    B. &nfraspinatus

    C. atissimus dorsi

    D. !eres minor

    E. !rapeHius

    14. ater0 'hile undergoing physical therapy because of his shoulder in%ury0 he comments that it

    is very painful 'hen his forearm is brought across his chest ?medial or internal rotation of thehumerus . ou deduce that the pain is due to stretching of the lateral ?e-ternal rotators of the

    shoulder. 7hich muscle 'as most li(ely the source of his pain9

    A. &nfraspinatus

    B. atissimus dorsi

    C. 3homboideus ma%or

    D. Supraspinatus

    E. !eres ma%or

    16. An elderly patient complains of shoulder and has difficulty abducting his arm. Arthroscopy is

    done in 'hich a dye is in%ected into the shoulder %oint and an 5ray ta(en. !he radiologist notes

    that the dye has lea(ed from the shoulder %oint into the subacromial bursa. 7hat tendon 'ould

    need to be ruptured for this to occer9

    A. Deltoid

    B. &nfraspinatus

    C. atissimus dorsi

    D. Supraspinatus

    E. !eres minor

    ,. atissimus dorsi

    8. 7hich movement 'ould fail in case of paralysis of the uadriceps femoris muscle9

    A. Adduction at the hipB. E-tension at the hip

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    C. E-tension at the (nee

    D. ,le-ion at the (nee


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    C. Supraspinatus

    D. !eres ma%or

    E. !rapeHius

    2. !he rotator cuff is composed of all the follo'ing muscles E!CE"#:

    A. &nfraspinatus B. Subscapula

    C. Supraspinatus

    D. !eres ma%or

    E. !eres minor

    4. 7hich muscle is the strongest medial rotator of the arm9

    A. Coracobrachialis

    B. &ntraspinatus

    C. Subscapularis

    D. Supraspinatus

    E. !eres minor

    6. &n the lumbar region0 tuberculosis may to spread from the vertebrae into an ad%acent muscle to

    produce an abscess. #us from the abscess may travel 'ithin the fascial sheath surrounding the

    affected muscle. A patient presents 'ith pus surfacing in the superomedial part of the thigh. !o

    'hich muscle did the tuberculosis most li(ely spread 9

    A. &nternal obliue

    B. =bturator internus

    C. #soas ma%or

    D.Nuadratus lumborus

    E. 3ectus abdominus$8. After being thro'n from a motorcycle moving at high spread0 a 1/5 year5old female 'as found

    to have a paralyHed right pectoralis ma%or muscle. 7hich set of movements at the shoulder %oint

    'ould be found greatly 'ea(ened9

    A. Abduction and e-tension

    B. Abduction and lateral rotation

    N Adduction and fle-ion

    D. ateral rotation and e-tension

    E. All of the above


    1.A 2.A 3.E 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.E 8.A 9.D 10.C 11.C 12.A 13.D 14.B 15.A 16.D 17.A

    18.A 19.D 20.C 21.D 22.E 23.B 24.B 25.A 26.C 27.D 28.C 29.C 30.C


    D$gest$%e syste&1. !he terminal ?end portion of the small intestine is the:

    A. &leum

    B. Cecum

    C. Duodenum

    D. Je%unum E. Ascending colon

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    A. Dorsum of the tongue

    B. >vula

    C. #alatine tonsil

    D. Epiglottis

    E. #apilla of parotid duct18. 7hich of the follo'ing is =! found 'ithin the hepatoduodenal ligament9

    A. #ortal vein

    B. ,ibroblasts


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    B. &t begins in capillaries and ends in hepatic sinusoids 9

    C. &t usually drains only the alimentary canal

    D. &t carries deo-ygenated blood

    E. &t has clinically important anatomoses 'ith the systemic venous system

    12. 7hich of the follo'ing is !3>E concerning the duodenum9 A. &t is completely retroperitoneal

    B. &ts nd part isQanterior to the hepatic fle-ure

    C. &ts $rd part is anterior to the path of the superior mesenteric artery

    D. &ts $rd part crosses anterior to the body of the first lumbar vertebra

    E. &ts %unction 'ith the %e%unum is stabiliHed by a fibromuscular band

    14. !he inferior mesenteric artery:

    A. *as only retroperitoneal branches

    B. Carries a ple-us of vagal nerve fibers along its surface

    C. Branches from the aorta posterior to the nec( of the pancreas

    D. *as a right colic branch that courses anterior to the inferior vena cava

    E. )ives rise to sigmoidal and superior rectal arteries

    16. !he large intestine:

    A. *as a right ?hepatic fle-ure that is normally higher than the left ?splenic fle-ure

    B. *as a mesentery suspending only the transverse colon

    C. Can be found in all four abdominal uadrants

    D. &s longer than the small intestine

    E. *as numerous plicae on its inner surface

    8. !he appendi-:

    A. ac(s an outer longitudinal muscle layer B. ies in the retroperitoneal space at

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    C. Becomes intraperitoneal at the hepatoduodenal ligament

    D. *as its head in contact 'ith the hilus of the right (idney

    E. &s usually located at the level of the + vertebra

    +. !he cecum:

    A. E-hibits a complete longitudinal muscle layer 3 *as a lumen characteriHed by the opening of the vermiform appendi-

    C. &s suspended on the transverse mesocolon

    D. &s in the left iliac fossa

    E. 3eceives its main arterial supply from the middle colic artery

    . 7hich of the follo'ing statements about the internal iliac system of arteries is ,ASE9

    A. !he posterior division of the internal iliac artery gives rise to parietal branches only

    B. !he anterior division of the internal iliac artery gives rise to the umbilical artery

    C. !he uterine and vaginal arteries may branch from a common trun(

    D. !he internal pudendal artery e-its the pelvis by passing through the lesser sciatic foramen

    E. !he inferior vesical artery supplies both the bladder and the prostate gland in the male

    /. 7hich of the follo'ing statements about the rectum is ,ASE9

    A. !he lo'er third of the rectum is entirely retroperitoneal

    B. By digital e-amination of the rectum in the male0 the prostate can be palpated through the

    anterior 'all of the rectum

    C. !he inner surface of the rectum has three transverse rectal folds on the posterior 'all

    D. !he muscle layers of the 'all of the rectum are under control of the autonomic nervous


    E. "eins in the 'all of the rectum from a clinically important communication bet'een the

    portal and caval venous system2. Concerning the anal sphincters:

    A. !he internal anal sphincter is a thic(ened portion of the inner longitudinal layer of

    smooth muscle of the anal canal

    B. !he superficial portion of the e-ternal anal sphincter is innervated by inferior rectal

    branches of the pudendal nerve

    C. !he deep portion of the e-ternal anal sphincter is fusiform in structure

    D. !he subcutaneous portion of the e-ternal anal sphincter is the largest portion of the e-5

    ternal anal sphincter

    E. !he puborectalis muscle does not usually contact any of the anal sphincters

    4. A patient 'as diagnosed 'ith bleeding ulcer of the lesser curvature of the stomach. 7hich

    artery is most li(ely involved9

    A. )astroduodenal

    B. eft gastric

    C. eft gastro5omental ?epiploic

    D. 3ight gastro5omental ?epiploic

    E. Short gastrics

    6. &n order to do a vagotomy ?section of vagal

    nerve trun(s to reduce the secretion of acid by cells of the stomach mucosa in patients 'ith

    peptic ulcers0 one needs to cut the gastric branches and retain vagal innervation to otherabdominal organs.

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    7here 'ould a surgeon loo( for these branches in relation to the stomach9

    A. Along the gastroepiploic vessels

    B. Along the greater curvature

    C. Along the lesser curvature

    D. &n the base of the omental apron E. &n the gastrocolic ligament

    $8. 7hile performing a splenectomy ?removal of the spleen follo'ing an automobile accident0

    the surgeons 'ere especially attentive to locate and preserve the tail of the pancreas0 'hich is

    closely associated 'ith the spleen. !his they found in the.

    A. )astrocolic ligament

    B. )astrospenic ligament

    C. #hrenicocolic ligament

    D. Splenorenal ligament

    E. !ransverse mesocolon

    $1. 7hich of the follo'ing structures does not lie at least partially in the retroperitoneum9

    A. Adrenal gland

    B. Duodenum

    C. Oidney

    D. #ancreas

    E. Spleen

    $. A /85year5old male e-ecutive 'ho had a his of a chronic duodenal ulcer 'as admitted to the

    E3 e-hibiting signs of a severe internal hemorhage. *e 'as uic(ly diagnosed 'ith perforation

    of the posterior 'all of the first part of duodenum and erosion of an artery behind it by the gastric

    e-pel. !he artery is most li(ely the: A. Common hepatic

    B. )astroduodenal

    C. eft gastric

    D. #roper hepatic

    E. Superior mesenteric

    $$. An ulcer near the pyloroduodenal %unction perforated and eroded a large artery immediately

    posterior to the duodenum. !he ligation of the eroded vessel at its origin 'ould EAS! affect

    arterial supply to the:

    A. ,irst part of the duodenum

    B. Second part of the duodenum

    C. )reater curvature of the stomach

    D. *ead of the pancreas

    E. !ail of the pancreas

    $+. ou are observing an operation to remove the left suprarenal gland. !o e-pose the gland. !o

    e-pose the gland the surgeon mobiliHes the descending colon by cutting along its lateral

    attachment to the body 'all and dissecting medial'ard in the fusion fascia behind it. Suddenly the

    operative field is filled 'ith blood. !he surgeon realiHes he has failed to cut a mesenteric

    attachment bet'een the left colic fle-ure and another organ. As a result of the traction0 the surface

    of the organ tore. 7hich organ 'as in%ured9A. Duodenum

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    B. Oidney

    C. iver

    D. Spleen

    E. Suprarenal gland

    $. A patient 'as admitted 'ith symptoms of an upper bo'el obstruction. >pon C! e-amination0it 'as found that the third ?transverse portion of the duodenum 'as compressed by a large vessel

    causing the obstruction. !he vessel involved is most li(ely to be the :

    A. &nferior mesenteric artery

    B. Superior mesenteric artery

    C. &nferior mesenteric vein

    D. #ortal vein

    E. Splenic vein

    $/. During emergency surgery0 it 'as found that a chronic gastric ulcer had perforated the

    posterior 'all of the stomach and eroded a large artery running immediately posterior to the

    stomach. !he artery is the :

    A. )astroduodenal

    B. Common hepatic

    C. eft gastroepiploic

    D. Splenic

    E. Superior mesenteric

    $2. 3egarding the ndportion of the duodenum0 all are correct E!CE"#:

    A. &t is crossed by the transverse colon

    B. &t is thin 'alled and circular folds are absent in is interior

    C. &t has the opening for the common bile duct and pancreatic duct on its posteromedial 'all D. &t is secondarily retroperitoneal

    E. Both the gastroduodenal and superior mesenteric arteries supply it

    $4. &n order to approach the area posterior to the stomach0 a surgeon decided to go through the

    lesser omentum. Before incising the mesentery she 'as careful to find and preserve a nerve lying

    in the upper portion of the hepatogastric ligament0 i.e.0 the :

    A. Celiac branch of the anterior vagal trun(

    B. Celiac branch of the posterior vagal trun(

    C. )reater splanchnic branch to the right suprarenal gland

    D. *epatic branch of the anterior vagal trun(

    E. *epatic branch of the posterior vagal trun(

    $6. 7hich of the follo'ing is 'O#in contact 'ith the spleen9

    A. Colon

    B. Diaphragm

    C. Duodenum

    D. #ancreas

    E. Stomach

    +8. !he fundus of the stomach receives its arterial supply from the:

    A. Common hepatic

    B. &nferior phrenic C. eft gastroepiploic

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    D. 3ight gastric

    E. Splenic

    +1. During an emergency splenectomy0 the surgeon accidentally tore the gastrosplenic ligament

    and its contents. !he artery ?ies li(ely to be damaged in this event is ?are the:

    A. eft gastric B. Splenic

    C. Short gastric


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    E. gallbladder fossa and right triangular ligament

    +/. =rally ingested contrast medium opening all of the follo'ing structures ECE#! the:

    A. Colon

    B. Duodenum

    C. Esophagus D. )all bladder

    E. Stomach

    +2. !o stop hemorrhaging from a ruptured spleen0 it 'as necessary to temporarily ligate the

    splenic artery near the celiac trun(. 7hich structure of the blood supply is least li(ely to be

    affected by the ligation9

    A. Duodenum

    B. )reater omentum

    C. Body of pancreas

    D. !ail of pancreas

    E. Stomach

    +4. A 85year5old female patient 'ith severe %aundice 'as diagnosed 'ith pancreatic cancer5 ou

    suspect that the tumor is located in5'hich portion of the pancreas9

    A. *ead

    B. ec(

    C. Body

    D. !ail

    E. >ncinate process

    +6. A patient 'as admitted 'ith symptoms of bo'el obstruction. ,urther e-amination revealed

    that the obstruction 'as caused by the nutcrac(er li(e compression of the bo'el bet'een thesuperior mesenteric artery and the aorta. !he compressed bo'el is most li(ely the:

    A. Duodenum

    B. Je%unum

    C. &leum

    D. Ascending colon

    E !ransverse colon

    8. ou are observing a laparoscope cholecystectomy. !he surgeon states that he is ne-t going to

    e-pose the cystic artery in order to staple across it. *e as(s you 'here he should loo( for it. ou

    reply0 &n the triangle of Calot . 7hat structures form this triangle and are the (eys to finding the


    A. Common hepatic duct0 liver and cystic duct

    B. Cystic duct0 right hepatic artery and right hepatic duct

    C. )all bladder5 liver and common bile duct

    D. eft hepatic duct0 liver and cystic duct

    E. 3ight branch of portal vein0 liver and common bile duct

    Answer1.A 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.D 6. E 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.C 11.D 12.E 13.E 14.A 15.D 16.C 17.E 18.E

    19.C 20.E 2l.C 22.D 23.B 24.B 25.D 26.C 27.B 28.B 29.C 30.D 31.E 32.B 33.E 34.D

    35.B 36.D 37.B 38.D 39.C 40.E 41.C 42.B 43.B 44.B 45.C 46.D 47.A 48.A 49.A 50.A

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    $. !he portion of the pharyn- that contains the palatine and lingual tonsils is the:

    A. aryngopharyn-

    B. =ropharyn-

    C. asopharyn-

    D. Esophageopharyn- E. aryngeal cavity

    +. !he visceral pleura is (no'n as the:

    A. Costal pleura

    B. Diaphragmatic pleura

    C. #ulmonary #leura


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    18. 7hich of the follo'ing structures does not drain into the region inferior to the middle nasal



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    A. Costal pleura

    B. Cupola

    C. *ilar reflection

    D. pper from middle lobe

    1. A $5yeai5old man 'as stabbed in the bac( 'ith a (nife that %ust nic(ed his left lung half'ay

    bet'een its ape- and diaphragmatic surface. 7hich part of the lung 'as most li(ely in%ured9

    A. *ilum

    B. &nferior lobe

    C. ingula


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    D. 3ight main bronchus

    E. !erminal bronchiole of right lung0 lo'er lobe

    $. A 245year5old female presented 'ith edema of the left upper limb due to poor venous return.

    E-amination revealed an aneurysm of the ascending aorta that 'as impinging on a large vein lying

    immediately anterosuperior to it0 most li(ely the: A. AHygos v.

    B. &nternal thoracic v.

    C. eft brachiocephalic v.

    D. eft superior intercostal v.

    E. 3ight brachiocephalic v.

    +. 7hich statement is true about the right lung9

    A. &t is slightly smaller than the left lung

    B. &t has a lingular segmental bronchus

    C. &t occupies the right most portion of the mediastinum

    D. &ts upper lobar bronchus lies behind and above the right pulmonary artery

    E. &t has the right phrenic nerve passing posterior to the lung root

    . During a surgical procedure in the vicinity of the descending aorta0 a surgeon accidentally

    cuts the first aortic intercostal arteries. 7hich of the follo'ing structures might be deprived of its

    main source of blood supply9

    A. ,irst posterior intercostal space

    B. ,irst anterior intercostal space

    C. eft bronchus

    D. 3ight bronchus

    E. ,ibrous pericardium/. !he first rib articulates 'ith the sternum in close pro-imity to the:

    A. ipple

    B. 3oot of the lung

    C. Sternal angle

    D. Stemoclavicular %oint

    E. iphoid process

    2. A sic( person0 lying supine in bed0 aspirates ?breathes in some fluid into their lungs 'hile

    s'allo'ing. &t 'ould most li(ely end up in 'hich of the follo'ing bronchopulmonary segments.

    A. Anterior segmental bronchus of right superior lobe


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    B. !he upper lobe from the lingula

    C. !he lo'er lobe from both the middle and upper lobes

    D. !he lo'er lobe from the middle lobe

    E. !he middle lobe from the upper lobe

    $. A $5year5old man comes to you complaining that he canGt stop crying0 i.e. tears regularlyrun do'n the right side of his face. ou suspect that one of the lacrimal ducts on the right side of

    the face is bloc(ed. ou loo( into an endoscope to see if the nasolacrimal duct is bloc(ed. &nto

    'hich part of the nasal cavity 'ould you loo( to see the opening of the duct9

    A. *iatus semilunaris

    B. &nferior meatus


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    *r$nogen$tal syste&1. A surgeon approaching the anterior aspect of the left (idney 'ould encounter all of the

    follo'ing structures ECE#! the:

    A. Splenorenal ligament

    B. 3enal fascia

    C. !ail of the pancreas

    D. eft colic fle-ure

    E. Second part of the duodenum

    . !he right renal artery:

    A. Arises from the abdominal aorta near the level of the inferior mesenteric artery

    B. #asses posterior to the inferior vena cava

    C. Supplies the only arterial branches to the right suprarenal gland

    D. &s shorter than the left renal artery

    E. &s the usual source of the right testicular ?or ovarian artery$. !he suprarenal glands:

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    A. Are not essential for life

    B. *ave a corte- and medulla 9

    C. Are drained by the inferior phrenic vein

    D. Are enclosed in the capsule of the (idney

    E. Do not have lymphatics+. A surgeon approaching the posterior aspect of the right (idney 'ould encounter all of the

    follo'ing structures ECE#! the:

    A. 1thrib

    B. Central tendon of the diaphragm

    C. Nuadratus lumborum muscle

    D. &liohypogastric nerve

    E. #erirenal fat

    . A C! scan reveals a large tumor in the Superior pole of the right (idneyF surgical removal of

    the (idney is reuired. 7hat other organ ? s are 'ithin the renal fascia9

    A. Spleen and tail of the pancreas

    B. Suprarenal gland and inferior Suprarenal artery

    C. $rdpart of the duodenum

    D. #soas ma%or and uadatus lumborum muscles

    E. one of the above is correct

    /. ymphatic vessels from the (idney and perirenal fat mainly drain:

    A. Along the renal vessels to lumbar lymph nodes

    B. Along the ureter to pelvic lymph nodes

    C. !o'ard the posterior abdominal 'all

    D. !o'ard the bare area of the liver and its lymph nodes E. one of the above is correct

    2. Concerning the renal arteries:

    A. !he right renal artery is longer than the left

    B. Each gives off an inferior suprarenal artery

    C. !hey are enclosed in renal fascia and surrounded 'ith perirenal fat

    D. Each separates into branches 'hich enter the renal sinus both anterior and posterior to the

    renal pelvis

    E. All of the above are correct

    4. 7hich of the follo'ing is =! found in the renal sinus9

    A. #elvis of the ureter

    B. Branches of the renal vein

    C. #erirenal fat

    D. Autonomic nerve fibers

    E. #arietal peritoneum

    6. !he renal pelvis is:

    A. A funnel5shaped tube0 'ide above andG narro' belo'

    B. ,ormed by the %unction of t'o or three ma%or renal calyces

    C. Situated partly inside the renal sinus

    D. Situated partly outside the renal sinus E. All the above are true

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    E. *as the a-is of its cervical canal aligned 'ith the a-is of the vaginal canal

    12. &n the female0 the ureters:

    A. Enter the superior surface of the urinary bladder

    B. Course along the anterior 'all of the vagina

    C. Are in contact 'ith peritoneum throughout their e-tent D. Border the posterior aspect of the ovarian fossa

    E. 3eceive their blood supply solely from the ovarian arteries

    14. Concerning the urinary bladder:

    A. &t is covered by peritoneum on all surfaces

    B. &ts 'all is traversed tangentially by the ureters

    C. &t includes an area called the trigone in its posteroinferior 'all

    D. All of the above are correct

    E. =nly B and C are correct

    16. !he pararenal fat in the (idney bed is an elaboration of:

    A. #eritoneum

    B. E-traperitoneal connective tissue

    C. !ransversalis fascia

    D. ,usion fascia

    E. All of above

    8. All the follo'ing statements about the male genital organs are true e-cept that:

    A. !he testis are t'o glandular organs

    B. !he epididymis consists of the head0 body and tail

    C. !he ductus deferens traverses the inguinal canal

    D. !he e%acculatory duct open into the urinary bladder E. !he prostate is around the commencement of the urethra

    1. !he deep dorsal vein of the penis ?clitoris:

    A. #asses bet'een the arcuate pubic and transverse perineal ligaments

    B. &s a tributary of the internal pudendal vein

    C. &s a tributary of the internal iliac vein

    D. &s a tributary of the e-ternal pudendal vein

    E. &s located in the corpus spongiosum

    . !he pudendal nerve:

    A. Arises from spinal cord levels 0 S10 S

    B. Contains no sensory nerve fibers

    C. )ives rise to the middle rectal nerve

    D. Continues as the dorsal nerve of the penis ?clitoris

    E. >sually gives rise to the anterior scrotal nerve in the male

    $. Concerning the penis0 the:

    A. 3oot ?fi-ed portion of the penis is attached to the perineal membrane and ischiopubic rami

    B. Corpus spongiosum is found dorsal to the corpora cavemosa

    C. !unica albuginea is a thic(ened layer of connective tissue surrounding the ischiocavemosus

    muscles 9


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    +. A 165year5old male suffers a tear to the psoas ma%or muscle during the course of a football

    game. A scar0 'hich formed on the medial part of the belly of the muscle0 involved an ad%acent

    nerve0 immediately medial to the muscle. !he nerve is called the:

    A. ,emoral

    B. )enitofemoral C. &liohypogastric

    D. &lioguinal

    E. =bturator

    . !he male pelvis tends to differ from the female pelvis in that the male pelvis often has a:

    A. arger pelvic inlet

    B. Smaller subpubic angle

    C. Straighter sacral curvature

    D. arger pelvic outlet

    E. 3ounder pelvic inlet

    /. After agreeing to have no more children0 a man and his 'ife decided he should have a

    vasectomy. 7hat structure 'ould then be surgically ligated9

    A. Ductus deferens

    B. E%aculatory duct

    C. Epididymis

    D. ,ossa navicularis

    E. Seminal vesicle

    2. 7hich structure does =! form part of the boundary defining the trigone of the bladder9

    A. &nteruteric crest

    B. eft ureteric orifice C. 3ight ureteric orifice .

    D. >rachus

    E. >rethral orifice

    4. 7hich structure is found only in males9

    A. Anterior recess of ischoianal fossa

    B. )enital hiatus

    C. &schiocavemosus muscle

    D. 3ectovesical pouch

    E. Sphincter urethrae muscle

    6. !he prostate is often imaged using an ultrasound translation placed in 'hich location9

    A. #enis

    B. #erineum

    C. 3ectum

    D. >rethra

    E. >rinary bladder

    $8. !he prostate gland:

    A. Contains upper@middle and lo'er lobes

    B. Encircles the urethra

    C. &s 'ell imaged radiologically using an intravenous urogram D. &s e-traperitoneal

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    E. BandD

    $1. During a vasectomy0 the ductus deferens is ligated in the superior part of the scrotum. !'o

    months follo'ing this steriliHation procedure0 the subseuent e%aculate contains:

    A. #rostatic fluid only

    B. Seminal fluid and prostatic fluid C. Sperm only

    D. Sperm and seminal fluid

    E. Sperm0 seminal fluid0 and prostatic fluid

    $. An elderly male patient presents 'ith dysuria and urgency. ou suspect benign prostatic

    hypertrophy 'hich has caused an enlargement of the:

    A. &nterureteric crest

    B. #rostatic utricle

    C. Seminal collicus

    D. Sphincter urethrae

    E. >vula

    $$. An elderly patient notices red blood in his stool. As part of his e-amination0 you insert a

    proctoscope ?sigmoidoscope through his anal canal. As you pass the scope superiorly through

    the rectum0 the most prominent features to be seen are:

    A. ongitudinal muscle bands

    B. !enia coli

    C. !ransverse rectal folds

    D. 3ectovesical pouches

    E. *austra

    $+. An elderly patient is having difficulty in voiding ?urinating. *e complains that after voiding0he still feels as though he needs to go again. ou suspect that this patient suffers from benign

    prostatic hypertrophy0 'hich has caused enlargement of the RR of the bladder.

    A. Seminal colliculus

    B. &nterureteric crest

    C. Ampulla

    D. !rigone

    E. >vula

    $. !he part of the male reproductive tract 'hich carries only semen 'ithin the prostate gland is


    A. #rostatic urethra


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    $2. !he suspensory ligament of the ovaryF

    A. Connects the ovary to the uterus

    B. &s continuous 'ith the round ligament

    C. #asses inferior to the ureter

    D. Contains the ovarian artery and vein E. &s firmly attached to the bifurcation of the aorta

    $4. !he duct of the greater vestibular gland opens:

    A. At the posterior5lateral edge of the introitus of the vagina

    B. Just superior to the hymen

    C. At the posterior labial commissure

    D. Bet'een the labium minus and labium ma%us

    E. Bet'een the introitus and the urethra

    $6. Anterior e-tensions of the labia minima meet in the midline to form theF

    A. terien lumen

    E. Cervical canal

    +$. 7hich structure is outlined 'ith contrast on a C! using intraperitoneal contrast material9

    A. =vary

    B. #rostate

    C. 3ectum

    D. Seminal vesicles

    E. "agina++. 7hich of the follo'ing is considered a part of the broad ligament9

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    A. terosacral ligament+. A gynecologist e-amines a 25year5old 'oman. >pon rectal e-amination0 a firm structure0

    directly in front of the rectum in the midline0 is palpated through the anterior 'all of the rectum.

    !his structure is the:

    A. Bladder

    B. Body of uterus

    C. Cervi- of uterus

    D. #ubic symphysis

    E. "agina

    +/. !he most inferior e-tent of the peritoneal cavity in the female is theF

    A0 #ararectal fossa

    B. #aravesical fossa

    C. 3ectouteime pouch

    D. 3ectovesical pouch

    E. "esicouterine pouch

    +2. During a hysterectomy and an oophorectomy0 the uterine and ovarian vessels must beligated.

    !hese vessels can be found in v"hich ligaments9

    A. Broad and proper ovarian

    B. Broad and suspensory

    C. 3ound and proper ovarian D. 3ound and suspensory

    E. Suspensory and proper ovarian

    +4. During a hysterectomy0 care must be ta(en in ligation of the uterine vessels because they cross

    the superiorly.

    A. >reter

    B. 3ound ligament of uterus

    C. =varian artery

    D. umbosacral trun(

    E. &nferior hypogastric ple-us

    +6. ,ollo'ing pregnancy and delivery0 a $5year5old 'oman continued to have problems 'ith

    urinary incontinence0 'hich developed during pregnancy. *er obstetrician counseled her to

    strengthen the muscle bordering the vagina and urethra0 increasing its tone and e-erting pressure

    on the urethra0 !his physical therapy 'as soon adeuate to restore urinary continence. 7hat

    muscle 'as strengthened9

    A. Coccygeus

    B. &schiocavemosus

    C. =bturator &ntemus

    D. #iriformis

    E. #uborectalis8. After giving birth0 a patient complains of urinary stress incontinence characteriHed by

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    dribbling of urine 'ith an increase in intra5abdominal pressure. *er physician suspects in%ury to

    the pelvic floor during delivery0G 'hich may have altered the position of the nec( of bladder and

    the urethra. 7hich muscle 'as most li(ely damaged during the vaginal delivery9

    A. Bulbospongiosus

    B. Coccygeus C. evator ani

    D. =bturator intemus

    E. #iriformis

    1. !he vestibular bulbs@bulb of the corpus spongiosum are firmly attached to theF

    A. &nferior fascia ofurogenital diaphragm

    B. Sacrotuberous ligament

    C. &schiopubic rami

    D. #ubic symphysis

    E. &schial tuberosities

    . A structure 'hich ta(es the form of a hood anterosuperior to the clitoris:

    A. ,renulum of clitoris

    B. abia ma%ora

    C. abia minora

    D. #repuce

    E. All of the above

    $. A structure 'hich is homologous to the male scrotum:

    A. abia minora

    B. abia ma%ora

    C. )lans D. Shaft of corpus cavernosum

    E. All of the above

    +. !he part of the internal lining of the uterus 'hich is shed during menstruation is the:

    A. Endometrium


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    51.A 52.D 53.B 54.A 55.C


    Card$o%as+,lar syste&1. !hese are branches of abdominal aorta ECE#!:

    A. !he middle suprarenal arteries

    B. !he celiac trun(

    C. !he renal arteries

    D. !he uterine arteries

    E. !he ovarian arteries

    . !hese are structure in right atrium#ECE#r! :

    A. ,ossa ovalis

    B. =rifice of the coronary sinus

    C. "alve of the inferior vena cava

    D. !rabeculae carneae

    E. Crista terminalis

    $. !he left atrium:

    A. &s situated on the left side of right atrium

    B. ,orms the left border of the heart

    C. #ro%ects for'ards to form the left auricle

    D. !here are no pectinate muscle in the left atrium E. Communicates posterioinferiorly 'ith the left ventricle

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    +. !he blood supply of the lateral 'all of left ventricle is mainly from:

    A. !he anterior interventricular artery

    B. !he main trun( of left coronary

    C. !he circumfle- branch

    D. !he main trun( of right coronary E. !he posterior interventricular artery

    . 7 hen the left atrium is enlarged 'hich structure 'ill be compressed first9

    A. !rachea

    B. &nferior vena cava

    C. "agus nerve

    D. Esophagus

    E. Aortic arch

    /. !hese are structures in left ventricle ECE#!:


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    E. !he septomarginal trabecula carries the conduction impulse across the membranous

    portion of lhe interventricular septum

    14. A deficiency in blood flo' to the heartGs sinuatrial node 'ould probably result from bloc(ing

    blood flo' through 'hich of the follo'ing9A. Anterior interventricular artery

    B. Circumfle- artery

    C. 3ight coronary artery

    D. 3ight marginal artery

    E. #osterior interventricular artery

    16. !he interventricular septum :

    A. *as bolh muscular and membranous parts

    B. 3eceives its only arterial supply from the posterior interventricular artery

    C. &s concave on the right side 'hen vie'ed in cross section

    D. Does not have a papillary muscle attached to it

    E. &s lined 'ith visceral pericardium

    8. A pediatric surgeon repairing a patent ?open forameen oval must be a'are that the sinoatrial

    node is located :

    A. ear the orifice of the mitral valve

    B. &n the crista termnalis near the opening of the superior vena cava

    C. &n the interatrial septum

    D. ln the moderator band

    E. Bet'een the opening of the inferior vena cava and the coronary sinus

    l. !he pectinate muscles are located 'ithin the heart:A. =n the anterior 'all of the atrium

    B. =n the interatrial septum

    C. &n the right ventricle

    D. =n the sinus venarum

    E. =n the right side of the interventricular septum

    . !he aortic semilunar valve :

    A. >sually has four cusps

    B. &s located anterior to the pulmonary

    C. 7hen closed0 prevents bac(flo' of blood into the left ventricle

    D. &s superior to the origin of the coronary arteries

    E. &s supported by chordae tendineae

    $. !he ape- of the heart is usually located deep to the :

    A. iphisternum

    B. thintercostals space about 4cm left of the midline

    C. Junction of the th costal cartilage 'ith the sternum

    D. 3ight +thintercostals space

    E. eft +thintercostals space ad%acent to the sternum

    +. !he thoracic aorta :

    A. &s the origin of all intercostals arteries B. Enters the abdomen behind the median arcuate ligament at the level of the 1lh thoracic

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    ventebra 'here it becomes the abdominal aorta

    C. Courses anterior to the esophagus

    D. Courses to the right of the midline

    E. *as only paired branches in the posterior mediastinum

    . 7hich of the follo'ing is ,ASE concerning the aHygos system of veins9 A. !he aHygos vein collects blood from right intercostals veins

    B. &n the thora-0 the aHygos vein usually ascends on the vertebral column to the right of the


    C. !he thoracic duct is bet'een the aorta and the aHygos vein

    D. !he hemiaHygos vein is formed by the %unction of the left ascending lumbar and subcostal


    E. !he aHygos vein is crossed anteriorly by the right posterior intercostal veins

    /. !he brachiocephalic veins are situated in the :

    A. Superior mediastinum

    B. Anterior mediastinum


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    E. Cutaneus Lone

    8. A /+5year5old 'oman 'as diagnosed as having carcinoma of the distal gastrointestinal tract.

    At surgery0 lymph nodes from the sacral0 internal iliac and inguinal lymph node groups 'ere

    removed and sent to pathology for study. =nly the superificial inguinal nodes contained cancerous

    cells. &n 'hich part of the )& tract 'as the tumor localiHed9 A. Cutaneous portion of anal canal

    B. Distal rectum


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    A. #ierces the Hygomatic bone

    B. !ransmits a nerve that is a branch of the ma-illary division of the trigeminal nerve ?"

    C. &s located directly posterior to the Hygomaticus ma%or muscle

    D. !ransmits an artery that is a branch of the ophthalmic artery

    E. one of the above. 7hich of the follo'ing nerves supplies the orbicularis oculi muscle9

    A. Lygomatic branch of the facial nerve

    B. !emporal branch of the facial nerve

    C. Buccal branch of the facial nerve

    D. &nfraorbital branch of the trigeminal nerve

    E. Both A and B supply branches to this muscle

    /. !he lateral 'all of the orbit:

    A. &s parallel to the median sagittal plane

    B. &s formed in part by the ma-illa

    C. &s the thinnest 'all of the orbit and is therefore susceptible to blo' out fractures

    D. &s formed in part by the Hygomatic bone

    E. &s the site of the superior orbital fissure

    2. Concerning the lacrimal apparatus:

    A. !he lacrimal gland is located superficial to the orbital septum.

    B. !he lacrimal ducts open at the superior con%unctival fomi-.

    C. !he lacrimal canaliculi open directly into the inferior meatus of the nasal cavity.

    D. Sensory fibers that supply the lacrimal gland travel in the ma-illary division of the trigeminal

    nerve ?"

    E. !he ma%or blood supply to the lacrimal gland is via the angular artery4. !he oculomotor nerve:

    A. Courses medial to the internal carotid artery in the cavernous sinus

    B. Contains preganglionic parasympathetic fibers that supply the lacrimal gland

    C. Supplies the motor innervation to the inferior obliue muscle

    D. *as a branch that travels through the anterior ethmoidal foramen

    E. Enters the orbit superior to the common annular tendon

    6. !he superior obliue muscle.

    A. !a(es origin from the common annular tendon

    B. &nserts into the superior posterior lateral surface of the eyeball

    C. &s located superior to the frontal nerve

    D. &s supplied by the oculomotor nerve

    E. 3uns para&lel to the lateral 'all of the orbit

    18. !he ciliary ganglion:

    A. &s normally located medial to the optic nerve

    B. &s the site of sympathetic nervous system synapses

    C. 3eceives preganglionic parasympathetic fibers that travel in the oculomotor nerve 45

    D. 3eceives preganglionic parasympathetic fibers that travel in the facial nerve 46

    E. &s the site of synapses that control secretion of the lacrimal gland

    11. Concerning the ear: A. #ain from the tympanic membrane are carried by cranial nerve 6

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    B. !he tensor tympani and stapedius muscles function to amplify sounds

    C. !he handle of the malleus covers the fenestra cochleae ?round 'indo'

    D. !he posterior cranial fossa lies superior to the tegmen tympani

    E. !he promontory is actually the basal turn of the cochlea

    1. All of the follo'ing are features of the medial 'all of the tympanic cavity ECE#! the: A. ,enestra vestibuli

    B. #rominence of the lateral semicircular canal

    C. #rominence of the facial nerve

    D. #yramidal eminence

    E. !ympanic ple-us

    1$. !he internal acoustic meatus houses 'hich cranial nerves9

    A. ,acial nerve

    B. !rigeminal nerve

    C. "estibulocochlear nerve

    D. A and B

    E. A and C

    1+.!he oval 'indo' is the site of attachment of 'hich middle ear bone 9


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    $/.ou are as(ed to chec( the integrity of the trochlear nerve in the right eye of a patient0 Starting

    'ith the eyes directed straight ahead#you 'ould have the patient loo(:

    A. &n'ard0 to'ard the nose and do'n'ard

    B. &n'ard0 to'ard the nose and up'ard

    C. !o'ard the nose in a horiHontal plane D. aterally in a horiHontal plane

    E. =ut'ard#a'ay from the nose and do'n'ard

    $2. !he ducts of the lacrirnal gland open into the:

    A. Superior forni- of the con%unctiva

    B. &nferior forni- of the con%unctiva

    C. acrimal puncta

    D. acrimal canaliculi

    E. acrimal la(e

    $4. Starting from a position gaHing straight ahead # to direct the gaHe do'n'ard0 the inferior

    rectus muscle must be active along 'ith the:

    A. Superior obliue

    B. &nferior obliue


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    D. Are sites of synapses of a-ons carrying impulses to the central nervous system

    E. one of the above

    . 7hich statement is !3>E about the deep bac( muscles9

    A. !he erector spinae fle-es ?bends anteriorly the vertebral column

    B. !hey are innervated by many levels of the spinal cord through dorsal primary ami C. &t is possible to perform a laminectomy 'ithout disturbing the deep bac( muscles

    D. &liocostalis is the most medial of the three columns of erector spinae muscles

    E. !he erector spinae muscles lie anterior to the vertebral transverse processes

    /. 7ith regard to the vertebral column:

    A. !he sacrum is formed from three fused vertebrae

    B. !he spinous process of a typical thoracic vertebra tends to be suare in shape

    C. !he spinous process of vertebra !r is called the vertebra prominens

    D. !he supraspinous ligament courses from one ad%acent lamina to another

    E. ordosis is an abnormal condition in 'hich there is an increase in the posterior concavity

    of the lumbar vertebral column

    2. Spinal dura mater:

    A. &s the periosteum of the vertebral canal

    B. &s tightly fused to the arachnoid

    C. E-tends along the spinal nerves as the endoneurium

    D. Encloses a sac 'hich e-tends inferiorly to the level of the second sacral vertebra

    E. &s a thin#delicate structure

    4. &ncluded among the structures 'ithin the vertebral canal at the appropriate level for a spinal tap

    are all of the follo'ing ECE#!:

    A. erve roots B. ,ilum terminale

    C. Denliculate ligaments

    D. "eins of the vertebral venous ple-us

    E. All of the above

    6. igaments that a needle 'ould normally pass through in reaching the vertebral canal include all

    of the follo'ing ECE#!:

    A. &nterspinous

    B. igamentum flavum

    C. Anterior longitudinal

    D. Supraspinous

    E. All of the above

    18. A patient has a virus that has infected the ventral horns of the spinal cord from !/ to the

    conus medullaris#damaging all of the neurons that reside there. !his condition 'ould result in

    all of the follo'ing conditions ECE#!:

    A. #aralysis of the posterior inferior serratus muscle

    B. &nability to rotate the lumbar vertebrae relative to the pelvis

    C. #aralysis of the lo'er portion of the trapeHius muscle

    D. &n time0 a reduction in the depth of the vertebral furro'

    E. oss of ability to e-tend the lumbar spine11. &f the anterior root of a spinal nerve 'ere cut0 'hat 'ould be the result in the tissue or region

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    that nerve supplies9

    A. Complete loss of movement

    B. Complete loss of sensation

    C. Complete loss of sensation and movement

    D. oss of neither sensation nor movement0 but only of autonomic control of blood vesselsand s'eat glands

    E. one of the above

    l. A collection of nerve cell bodies outside the central nervous system is refered to as a:

    A. )anglion

    B. *orn

    C. ucleus

    D. 7hite matter

    E. )ray matter

    1$. eurons that conduct impulses from the central nervous system to muscles or glands are

    referred to as:

    A. Afferent

    B. Association

    C. "oluntary

    D. Efferent

    E Sensory

    1+. A neuron that transmits a nerve impulse to the central nervous system is called a@an:


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    14. !he level of 18th thoracic segment of spinal cord corresponds 'ith.

    A. !he body of th thoracic vertebra

    B. !he body of /th thoracic vertebra

    C. !he body of 2th5 thoracic vertebra

    D. !he body of 4th thoracic vertebra E. !he body of 18th thoracic vertebra

    16. 3ami communicantes:

    A5 Are branches of anterior primary rami of thoracic but not of cervical nerves

    B. Designated by the term 'hite are composed of a-ons of postganglionic neurons

    C. ,ormed by a-ons of preganglionic neurons are branches of ventral primary rami of thoracic

    spinal nerves

    D. Branch directly from ventral spinal nerve roots

    E. Are involved 'ith innervation of striated or s(eletal muscle

    8. A football player suffers a hemiated ?ruptured intervertebral dis( in his nec(. !he dis(

    compresses the spinal nerve e-iting through the intervertebral foramen bet'een the th and /th

    cervical vertebrae. 7hich spinal nerve is affected9

    A. C+

    B. C

    C. C/

    D. C2

    E. C4

    1. A man has a hemiated intervertebral dis( bet'een the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae. &f this

    dis( compresses the spinal nerve in the intervertebral foramen immediately posterior to this dis(0

    'hich spinal nerve 'ould be affected9A. $

    B. +


    D. S1

    E. S

    . Oyphosis is an accentuated or abnormal curvature of 'h%ch region of the spine9

    A. Cervicle

    B. !horacic

    C. umbar

    D. Sacral

    E. Coccygeal

    $.Both the dural sac and the subarachnoid space end at 'hich vertebral level9

    A. +


    C. S

    D. S1

    E. S+

    +.!he number of vertebrae and num ber of spinal cord segments are the same in each region

    ECE#!: A. Cervical

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    B. !horacic

    C. umbar

    D. Sacral

    E. All of the above

    .!he spinal cord is segmented li(e the vertebral column0 but it contrast to thevetebrae#there are only cord segments.

    A. 4

    B. 6

    C. $8

    D. $1

    E. $

    /. &n the lumbar spine0the + nerve root stleeve e-its:

    A. Above the pedicle of + and at the top of the intervertebral foramen

    B. Above the pedicle of +and at the bottom of the intervertebral foramen

    C. Belo' the pedicle of +and at the top of the intervertebral foramen

    D. Belo' the pedicle of +and at the bottom of the intervertebral foramen

    E. All of above

    2. 7hich structure does =! contain efferent autonomic nerve fibers9

    A. Dorsal ramus of C+

    B. Dorsal root of !/

    C. "entral root of !$

    D. "entral ramus of

    E. Dorsal ramus of C4

    4. &n an adult0 the conus medullaris of the spinal cord is normally positioned at 'hich vertebralbody levels:

    A. #ineal body

    B. Corpus callosum

    C. ateral ventricle

    D. Basal nuclei

    E. *ippocampus formation

    6. 'hich of the follo'ing is =! part of the cerebrum9

    A. #ineal body

    B. Corpus callosum

    C. ateral ventricle

    D. Basal nuclei

    E. *ippocampus formation

    $8. A neuron that transmits an impulse a'ay from the CS is ca&led a@an neuron:

    A. Association


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    B. #arietal lobe from the occipital lobe

    C. #arietal lobe from the temporal lobe

    D. =ccipital lobe from the cerebullum

    E. ,rontal lobe from the temporal lobe

    $. 3egarding the cranial nerves:A. !he optic nerve is accompanied by the ophthalmic artery through the optic canal

    B. !he cranial part of the accessory nerve is sensory to the mucosa of the pharyn-

    C. !he sigmoid venous sinus becomes the internal %ugular vein at the %ugular foramen

    D. !he oculomotor nerve transmits parasympathetic fibers to the lacrimal gland

    E. !he facial nerve transmits taste fibers from the posterior third of the tongue

    $$.*o' many lobes can the hemisphere of telencephalon be divided by the sulcus and an

    imaginary line9

    A. $

    B. /



    E. one of the above

    $+. 7hich of the follo'ing about limbic system is 'rong9

    A. Emotional e-pression and genesis#together 'ith visceral response to emotions

    B. Survival of individual and species

    C. Cognitive processes 'ith involved in memory

    D. "isceral brain

    E. one of the above

    $.7here is the somesthetic area9 A. Area $0 1 and of Brodmann>s map

    B. Area + and / of Brodmann>s map

    C. Area +1 and + of Brodmann>s map

    D. Area 1/ and 12 of Brodmann>s map

    E . Area 60 18 and 1 of Brodmann>s map

    $/.7here is the motor area9

    A. !he anterior 'all of the central sulcus and the anterior of the paracentral lobule on the

    medial surface of the hemisphere

    B. !he posterior 'all of the central sulcus and the poslerior of the paracentral lobule on the

    medial surface of the hemisphere

    C. !he superolateral surface and the posterior of the paracentral lobule on the medial surface

    of the hemisphere

    D. !he superolateral surface and the posterior of the anterior lobule on the medial surface of

    the hemisphere


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    E. one of the above

    $4. 7hich of the follo'ing is the basal nuclei9

    A. Corpus striatum

    B. Subthalamus

    C. !he reticular nucleus D. *abenular nuclei

    E. ateral geniculate nucleus

    $6. 7hich of the follo'ing about the corpus callosum is !3>E:

    A. &t can be divided into + parts: the rostrum0 genu0 body and splenium

    B. Belongs to the association fibers

    C. Belongs to the pro%ection fibers

    D. Connect and transmit nerve impulses bet'een gyri in the same hemisphere

    E. !he corpus capsule is connections bet'een the corte- and the subcortical structures

    +8. 7hich of the follo'ing about internal capsule is 'rong9

    A. &nternal capsule is connections bet'een the corte- and the subcortical structures

    B. &nternal capsule is a concentrated structure of the pro%ection fibers

    C. Consists of an anterior limb0 a genu0 and a posterior limb

    D. Belongs0 to the pro%ection fibers

    E. one of the above

    +1. 7hich of the follo'ing about the lateral ventricles is 'rong9

    A. !hey are roughly C5shaped cavities lined by ependymal epithelium

    B. !hey are in each cerebral hemisphere

    C. !hey filled 'ith cerebrospinal fluid

    D. Each lateral ventricle consists of a body in the region of the parietal lobe from 'hichanterior0 posterior and inferior horn

    E. one of the above

    +. !he visual area:

    A. Surrounds the calcarine sulcus on the medial surface of the frontal lobe

    B. !he visual area is in area +1 of Brodmann

    C. !he visual area is also called the striate area

    D. !he chief source of afferent fibers to area 12 is the medial geniculate nucleus of

    metathalamus by 'ay of the geniculocalcarine tract

    E. All of the above

    Answer1.C 2.C 3.C 4.E 5.B 6.E 7.D 8.C 9.C 10.C 11.A 12.A 13.D 14.B 15.B 16.A 17.B 18.C

    19.C 20.C 21.C 22.B 23.C 24.A 25.D 26.C 27.B 28.B 29.A 30.B 31.A 32.A 33.C 34.E

    35.A 36.A 37.E 38.A 39.A 40.E 41.E 42.C

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    E. !he sympathetic division is also called the thoracolumbar division

    1. !he sympathetic trun(:

    A. E-lends from the base of the s(ull to the tip of the coccy-

    B. &n the abdomen lac(s 'hite rami communicantes

    C. &n the nec( gives rise to branches of the direct visceral type 'hich innervate viscera in thethora-

    D. A and C are correct

    E. A#B and C are correct

    1$. !he follo'ing are all true regarding the spinal nerves ECE#!:

    A. !he dorsal primary ramus is both motor and sensory in function

    B. #ostganglionic sympathetic a-ons are present in the anterior primary rami of all spinal nerves

    C. !he eighth pair of thoracic nerves e-its bet'een thoracic vertebrae !4and !6

    D. !he thoracic nerves give rise to lateral cutaneous branches that enter the superficial fascia in

    the mid5a-illary line

    E. #reganglionic sympathetic a-ons are present in the ventral roots of all spinal nerves

    1+. !he follo'ing structures all receive motor innervation from the autonomic nervous system

    ECE#! the:

    A. !racheal musculature

    B. *eart musculature


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    nerve must be identified and preserved9

    A. Anterior vagal trun(

    B. left phrenic nerve

    C. left sympathetic trun(

    D. left pulmonary ple-us E. left recurrent laryngeal nerve

    16. Efferent supply to the striated muscle of the upper esophagus is by the nerves.

    A. #hrenic

    B. Sympathetic

    C. !horacic visceral

    D. 3ecurrent laryngeal

    E. E-ternal laryngeal

    8. !he patient is e-periencing visceral pain originating in the sigmoid colon. erve fibers that

    carry this sensation to the spinal cord pass through 'hich of the follo'ing9

    A.)enital branch of the genitofemoral nerve

    B. &lioinguinal nerve

    C. &liohypogastric nerve

    D. Sympathetic trun(

    E. "agus nerve

    1. !he sympathetic nervous system:

    A. &s 'idespread in its distribution

    B. *as postganglionic neurons 'hich may have their nerve cell bodies in the sympathetic


    C. Supplies gray rami communicans to anterior primary rami of all spinal nerves D. &rinervation abdominal viscera by branches that course through the thora-

    E. All of the above

    . !he sympathetic nervous system:

    A. *as postganglionic neurons 'hich may have their nerve cell bodies in the sympathetic


    B. Supplies 'hite rami communicans to anterior primary rami of all spinal nerves

    C. &nnervation all abdominal viscera by preganglionic nerves that arise 'ithin the abdomen

    D. &s also called the craniosacral division of the autonomic nervous system

    E. one of the above

    $. 7hich of the follo'ing is a ,ASE statement about the vagus nerve9

    A.&t is the tenth ? cranial nerve

    B &t contains preganglionic parasympathetic a-ons

    C. &t contributes to part of the cardiac and pulmonary ple-uses

    D. &t passes into the abdominal region in contact 'ith the esophagus

    E. &t slo's do'n the peristaltic contractions of the gut

    +. All of the follo'ing statements are true regarding the celiac ple-us of nerves ECE#!:

    A. &t is anatomically ad%acent to the celiac lymph nodes

    B. &t contains only postganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers

    C. &t supplies innervation to the liver and gall bladder D5 &t supplies innervation to the first part of the duodenum

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    C. =ptic ?CB

    D. !rigeminal ?C "

    E. !rochlear ?CE9

    $1. 7hile recovering from multiple dental e-tractions0 an elderly man e-perienced a radiating

    pain affecting the lo'er eyelid0 lateral side of the nose0 upper lip and over the Hygomatic andtemporal areas on the left side. 7hich nerve is involved in the patients perception of pain9

    A. ,acial

    B. =phthalmic division of trigeminal

    C. )loss pharyngeal


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    E. !aste fibers to the posterior third of the tongue

    $2. !he cell bodies of the postganglionic parasympathetic neurons innervating the sublingual

    gland are found in 'hich of the follo'ing ganglia9

    A. Ciliary

    B. =tic C. Submandibular

    D. Superior cervical

    E. !rigeminal

    $4. 7hich of the follo'ing is a dorsal ramus of a spinal nerve9

    A. Supraclavicular n.

    B. !ransverse cervical n.

    C. )reat auricular n.

    D. )reater occipital n.

    E. esser occipital n.

    $6. Any irritation of the diaphragm ?e. g. infection tumor may create referred pain that seems ?to

    the patient to originate in the area atop the shoulder. !his is due to the fact that the phrenic nerve

    shares spinal segments 'ith 'hat cutaneous nerve in the shoulder region9

    A. Dorsal scapular

    B. esser occipital nerve

    C. ong thoracic nerve

    D. Supraclavicular nerve

    E. Suprascapular nerve

    +8. A person develops a primary tumor of the thyroid gland and0 among other symptoms0 drooping

    of the eyelid and constriction of the pupil on the right side of the eye are noted. 7hat nerve fibershave been interrupted by the tumor9

    A. #ostganglionic parasympathetic

    B. #ostganglionic sympathetic

    C. #reganglionic parasympathetic

    D. !he carotid nerve

    E. !he cervical sympathetic trun(

    +1. A 5year5old 'oman has difficulty 5'allo 'ing and freuently aspirates fluids 'hile

    drin(ing. She is diagnosed as having a s(ull base tumor occupying the space behind the %ugular

    foramen. &nvolvement of 'hich structure is responsible for the findings9

    A. Ansa cervicalis

    3 Cervical sympathetic trun(

    C. Accessory nerve

    D. *ypoglossal nerve

    E. "agus

    +. 7hile doing a postoperative physical on a patient 'ho has undergone carotid endarterectomy

    on the right side0 it 'as noted that the tongue deviated to'ard the right 'hen the patient 'as as(ed

    to point the tongue out'ard. 7hat nerve crossing the carotid artery must have been in%ured9

    A. )loss pharyngeal

    B. *ypoglossal C. &nferior alveolar

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    abdominal 'all. 7hich of these nerves lies immediately medial to the psoas ma%or muscle.

    A. ,emoral

    B. )enitofemoral

    C. &lioinguinal

    D. =bturator E. All of the above

    8. #reganglionic parasympathetic nerve fibers 'ithin the pelvic ?inferior hypogastric ple-us

    arise from S5+and enter the ple-us via:

    A. )ray rami communicantes

    B. *ypogastric nerves

    C. #elvic splanchnic nerves

    D. Sacral splanchnic nerves

    E. 7hite rami communicantes

    1. A caudal epidural bloc( is a form of regional anesthetic used in childbirth. 7ithin the sacral

    canal0 the anesthetic agent bathes the sacral spinal nerve roots 'hich 'ould anesthetiHe all of the

    follo'ing nerves ECE#!RR .

    A. #elvic splanchnic

    B. #udenda

    C. Sdorsal root

    D. Sacral splanchnic

    E. Sventral primary ramus

    . A patient presents complaining of bloodstained stools and the inability to completely empty his

    rectum. *e also has pain along the bac( of his thigh and 'ea(ness of the posterior thigh

    muscles. Digital e-amination reveals a tumor in the posterolateral 'all of the rectum. #ressure on'hat nerve ple-us could cause the pain in his lo'er limb9

    A. &nferior hypogastric

    B. &nferior mesenteric

    C. umbar

    D. Sacral

    E. Superior hypogastric

    $. !he pelvic splanchnic nerves primarily carry RRRRR to the RRRRR ple-us.

    A. #reganglionic parasympathetic RR superior hypogastric

    B. #reganglionic parasympathetic RR inferior hypogastric

    C. #ostganglionic parasympathetic RR superior hypogastric

    D. #ostganglionic sympathetic 9 superior hypogastric

    E. one of the above

    +. A +5year5old female patient complains of e-cessive s'eating on the right side of the face and

    nec( and in the right armpit region0 'here it leaves her clothing constantly stained 'ith moisture.

    &t is no' such a terrible social embarrassment that she has become 'ithdra'n and selfconscious.

    Since no medical treatment has proven effective0 she is considering surgical denervation of the

    s'eat glands in the affected areas. 7hich structure?s might be removed or cut in order to alleviate

    her condition9

    A. Cervicothoracic ?stellate ganglion B. Dorsal roots of cervical nerves

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    . 7hich of the follo'ing about muscle spindles is !3>E9

    A. SpecialiHed intrafusal muscle fibers enclosed in a C! capsule and innervated by gamma motor


    B. Stretching of the muscle stretches the muscle spindles sending sensory information bac( to the

    CSC. Spindle sensory fiber monitor changes in muscle length

    D. Brain regulates muscle tone by controlling gamma fibers

    E. All are correct

    /. 7hich of the follo'ing about sensory path'ays to the cerebellum is !3>E9


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    B. )reat cerebral vein


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    A. 1


    C. $

    D. +


    /. A patient is suspected of having bacterial meningitis. A lumbar puncture is performed to remove

    cerebroSpinalfnuid ?CS, for analysis. !he fluid 'ould be removed from the:

    A. Epidural space at the level of $

    B. &ntervertebral foramen at the level of

    C. Spinal canal at level of $

    D. Subdural space at the level of +

    E. Subarachnoid space at the level of +

    2. !he brain and spinal cord are enlclosed by three layers of membranes from outer to inner is:

    A. !he dura mater#the arachnoid0 the pia mater

    B. !he dura mater#the pia mater#the arachnoid

    C. !he pia mater#the arachnoid0 the dura mater

    D. !he pia mater#the dura mater0 the arachnoid

    E. !he arachnoid0 the pia mater#the dura mater

    4. 7hich of the follo'ing about the epidural space is 73=)9

    A. &t is a space bet'een the dura and the periosteum of the vertebral canal

    B. &t contains a uantity of loose areolar tissue

    C. &t contains lymphatic vessels and venous ple-uses

    D. !he spinal nerves on each side pass through it E. !here is cerebrospinal fluid bet'een the space

    6. !he cerebral dura mater:

    A. &t is the inner periosteum of the s(ull

    B. &t is in closely contain 'ith the calvaria

    C. &t is loosely attached at the base of s(ull

    D. Cerebrospinal fluid may lea( out from the nose or ear 'ith a fracture of the base of s(ull

    E. Sometimes0 it is also the arachnoid

    18. 7hat isnGt there in the cavernous sinuses9

    A. !he internal carotid artery

    B. !he internal %ugular vein

    C. Abducent nerve

    D. =culomotor nerve

    E. !rochlear nerve

    11. 7here are the main sources of cerebrospinal fluid90

    A. !he choroids ple-uses

    B. !he cerebral pia mater

    C. !he internal carotid artery

    D. !he internal %ugular vein

    E. !he vertebral artery1. !he direction of the blood flo' in the sinuses of dura mater is as follo's:

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    A. &nferior sagittal sinusRstraight transverse sinus Rconfluent of sinus Rinternal %ugular


    B. Cavernous sinus Rinferior petrosal sinus R internal %ugular vein

    C. Superior sagittal sinus Rinferior sagittal sinus Rinferior petrosal sinus Rinternal %ugular

    vein D. Sigmoid sinus R transverse sinus Rconfluent of sinus Rinternal %ugular vein

    E. Straight sinus R superior petrosal sinus Rinternal %ugular vein

    1$. !he anterior cerebral artery from:

    A. !he middle cerebral artery

    B. !he internal carotid artery

    C. !he vertebral artery

    D. !he facial artery

    E. !he anterior communicating artery

    1+. 7hich is correct about the middle cerebral artery9

    A. &t supply little of the dorsolateral surface of the cerebral hemisphere

    B. &t arises from the subclavian artery

    C. &t formed the cerebral arterial circle

    D. &t run horiHontally to the lateral sulcus

    E. &t do'n to the lateral sulcus

    1. 7hich is correct about the brain barrier9

    A. &ts function is to stable the environment surrounding the neurons

    B. &t composed of four parts

    C. &t is %ust in bet'een blood and neuron in the brain and spinal cord

    D. &t consists the capillary endothelium homogenous basement and neuroglial membrane E. All areas in brain have a blood5brain barrier

    1/. 7hich is 'rong about the vein of brain 9

    A. !he cerebral veins do not run together 'ith the arteries

    B. &t divided into superficial and deep groups

    C. !he superficial vein empty into the ad%acent of the pia mater

    D. !he superficial vein drain the blood from cerebral corte-

    E. !he deep vein empty into the straight sinus

    12. Concerning the cranial cavity :

    A. !he trigeminal nerve is motor to the muscles of mastication

    B. !he accessory nerve supplies the trapeHius muscle

    C. &nfection in the inferior orbital region may spread to the cavernous sinus

    D. !he circulus arteries connects the internal and e-ternal carotid arteries

    E. !he internal carotid artery and the trochlear nerve run through the cavernous sinus

    14. An infant 'as diagnosed as having hydrocephalus. &t 'as determined that there 'as a bloc(age

    in the ventricular system of the babyTs brain bet'een the third and fourth ventricles. !he bloc(age

    therefore must have involved:

    A. Central canal

    B. Cerebral aueduct

    C. ,oramen of usch(a ?lateral foramenD. ,oramen of

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    E. &ntervenricular foramen

    16. 7hile riding her bicycle on campus 'ithout a helmet a student is hit by a car and falls0 hitting

    her head on the pavement. She is brought to the Emergency 3oom in an unconscious state 'ith

    signs of a slosed head in%ury. !ests reveal blood in her cerebrospinal fluid ta(en from a spinal tap.

    Diagnosis is of torn cerebral veins as they pass from the brain to the superior sagittal sinus. ,rom'hich of the follo'ing 'as the bloody fluid ta(en9

    A. Cavernous sinus

    B. Epidural space

    C. Subarachnoid space

    D. Subdural space

    E. "ertebral venous ple-us

    8. Bloc(age of the flo' of cerebrospinal fluid ?CS, 'ithin the cerebral aueduct?of Sylvius

    normally 'ould result in the enlargement of all of the follo'ing ventricular spaces e-cept the:

    A. ,ourth ventricle

    B. &nterventricular foramen?of

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    A. Basilic

    B. Cephalic

    C. Dorsal scapular

    D. &nternal vertebral venous ple-us

    E. !ransverse cervical

    Answer1.E 2.E 3.B 4.B 5.D 6.E 7.A 8.E 9.D 10.B 11.A 12.B 13.B 14.D 15.A 16.C 17.C

    18.B 19.C 20.A 21.C 22.C 23.E 24.D


    -*A#' #E-#


    "'OE'CA#*(E E!"A'A#O'?UV9


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    E. eft and right phrenic nerve descends along its t'o sides

    14. 7hich structure is defect in anatomy at inguinal hernia:

    A. Aponeurosis of obliuus abdominis

    B. !ransversalis fascia

    C. =bliuus internus abdominis and transverses abdominisD. #eritoneum and fat

    E. one of above

    16.*epatoduodenal ligament is include:

    A. #ortal vein

    B. *epatic vein

    C. Common hepatic vein

    D. Superior mesenteric artery

    E. )astroduodenal artery

    8. 7hich structure pass through the carpal canal .

    A. >lnar artery

    B. >lnar artery and ulnar nerve

    C. 3adial artery

    D. !endon of e-tensor carpi radialis longus and f&e-or carpi ulnaris

    E. one of above

    1. 7hich structure is =! composed of the parotid gland:

    A. Sheafh of carotid artery

    B. )lossopharyngeal nerve

    C. Digastric

    D. Stylohyoid E. Accessory nerve

    . 7hich structure is composed of the uadrangular space in posterior 'all of a-illa:

    A. Subscapularis#teres ma%or0 teres minor and surgical nec( of the humerus

    B. Subscapularis#teres ma%or0 teres minor 0 surgical nec( of the humerus and long head of

    triceps brachii

    C. !eres minor 0 teres ma%or0 long head of triceps brachii0 surgical nec( of the humerus

    D. !eres ma%or0 long head of triceps brachii0 surgical nec( of the humerus#subscapularis

    E. one of above

    $. !he sternal angle level lies at level of :

    A. Superior lobar bronchus of right lung

    B. Bet'een the +thand the ththoracic vertebral body

    C. AHygos vein arch

    D. !he origin of the arch of aorta

    E. *oriHontal fissure of right lung

    +. scalene space lies:

    A. Anterior space of scalenus

    B. Superior part of ndrib

    C. Bet'een scalenus anterior and scalenus medius

    D. Bet'een scalenus posterior and scalenus medius E. &nferior part of subclavian vein

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    C. Arched fibers of oblius internus abdominis and transversesabdomuus

    D. =blius mternus abdominis and con%oined tendon

    E. !ransversalis fascia and con%oinaed tendon

    $1.Anterior 'all of inguinal canal

    $.#osterior 'all of inguinal canal$$#Suprerior 'all of inguinal canal

    A. Arcuate line

    B. ina semilunaris

    C. #ectineal ligament

    D. acunar ligament

    E. &nguinal ligament

    $+. !'o layers of sheath of rectus abdominis in lateral side of rectus abdominis form:

    $. #osterior part of sheath of rectus abdominis belo' the umbilicus form:

    $/. &nternal part fibrous inguinal ligament form:

    A. #ylorus part of stomach

    B. Superior part of duodenum

    C. Descending part of duodenum

    D. *oriHontal part of duodenum

    E. Duodeno%e%unal fle-ure

    $2. Suspensory ligament of duodenum is fi-ed

    $4. Common bile duct is often connect to

    $6. Superior mesenteric arteries and veins cross

    A. ,alciform ligament of liver


  • 8/11/2019 20100317161002374


    space.!he site 'hich the needle enters into in pleurotomy is RRRRR intercostal space.

    4. E-ternal spermatic fascia is eual to RRRRR in the layer of abdominal 'all. &nternal spermatic

    fascia is eual to RRRRR in the layer of abdominal 'all.

    6. Difference bet'een indirect and direct inguinal hernias in structure of anatomy and clinical is .

    &ndirect inguinal hernias is formed by .Direct inguinal hernias is formed by.

    18. ,ascia of (idney from lateral to medial is respectively .

    11. *epatoduodenal ligament containsRRRRR0 RRRRRR0 RRRRRRR.

    1. !he urine of e-travasation 'hen bulb of urethra in%ured floats Along RRR 0 R0 RRRRRR0

    RRRRR to inferior part of abdomen.

    EZ[\]^ _`a7


    1. 3elate briefly the blood supply of thyroid gland. 7hich nerve 'ill be easily in%ured 'hen

    thyroid gland artery ligated in thyroidectomy 9 7hich layer of fascia in the thyroid gland form the

    suspensory ligaments of thyroid gland and 'hich structure the gland attach to9 7hat is the

    applying in clinic9

    . 7hat important structures be e-isted in front of the male or female rectum9 7hat structures 'ill

    be palpated by a retal digital e-amination in male and in female9


    "'OE'CA#*(E E!"A'A#O'

    l. !he deep fascia of the &eg is greatly strengthened to form a broad band0 'hich bridges across the

    interval bet'een the calcaneus#and the medial mallelous#called the fle-or retinaculum. !he

    fle-or retinaculum together 'ith the cacaneus form the malleolar canal. !he structure in it from

    posterior to lateral is: the tendon of the tibialis posteriior0 the tendon of the fle-or digitorumlongus#the posterior tibial nerve and posterior tibial veins and artery0 and the tendon of the fle-or

    hallucis longus.

    . &t is formed by the prolongation of the facia lining the abdomen ?transverse facia and iliac facia

    posteriorly. &t is a funnel shape facia tube encloses the femoral vessels0 the femoral canal and

    inguinal lymph nodes. !he femoral sheath is covered distally by the fascia &ata #and ends about

    +cm inferior to the inguinal ligament#'here it is fused 'ith the adventitia of the femoral vessels.

    $. &t is also callee. !he omental bursa &t lies behind the stomach0 the lesser omenum and the

    caudate lobe of the liver. !he omental bursa communicates 'ith the greater sac through the

    epiploic foramen.

    +. Calot triangle is formed by the cystic duet0 common hepatic duct and the inferior surface of the

    liver. &t is the remar( of the cystic artery in the operation.

    . !he lesser sciatic foramen is enriched by the sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligaments and the

    lesser sciatic notch. &t is the passage'ay bet'een the gluteal region and the perineum for the nerve

    of obturator internus0 the internal pudental artery and vein and pudental nerve.


    . Coose te +orre+t answer ;ro& ;ollow$ng +o$+es

    1.A .B $.C +.D .D /.B 2.E 4.A 6.D l8.E 11.D l.D 1$.E 1+.E l.A 1/.B 12.E 14.C 16.A 8.E

    l.C .C $.B +.C .D /.A 2.A 4.E 6.C $8.E $l.B $.E $$.C $+.B $.A $/.D $2.E $4.C

    $6.D +8.D +l.C +.C

    . $ll te

  • 8/11/2019 20100317161002374


  • 8/11/2019 20100317161002374


    the male 'ith the triangular portion of the fundus of the bladder0 the vesiculae Seminoles0 and

    ductus deferentes0 and more anteriorly 'ith the posterior surface of the prostateF in the female0

    'ith the posterior 'all of the vagina. !he base of bladder0 prostate0 ampulla of deferent of sarum

    and coccy- posteriorly0 the uterine tube0 ovary0 ischial spine and tuberosity laterally can be

    palpatedby a rectal digital e-amination in female.


    B$l$ng,al test o; syste&at$+ anato&y1

    fghih 0.5 j20 j

    &. ,ill the blan( ?=.G+8

    1. klmn 8/oFpjq? ? L? rsj#tuvwq? x

    . /yFz{|}? .

    $. P~J? ? ? L? x

    +. M

  • 8/11/2019 20100317161002374


    E. lnfraglottic cavity

    $. ttF

    A. L

    B. L

    C. L D. L

    E. L

    +. sfk

    A. p}&t

    B. p}t










    /"!he intervertebral foramen is surrounded by the

    A. "ertebral body and vertebral arch

    B. "ertebral body and pedicle of vertebral arch

    C. "ertebral body and lamina of vertebral arch

    D. #edicle and lamina of vertebral arch E. Superior and inferior vertebral notches of each contiguous pair of vertebrae


    A"$%t&'()F: 1@$*

    B"$%t&'()F: 1@$*

    C"+%t&'()F: 1@$*

    D"+%t&'()F: 1@$*

    E"u%t&()F:$ 1@$*


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  • 8/11/2019 20100317161002374


  • 8/11/2019 20100317161002374



    E"!FcnC #cnW



  • 8/11/2019 20100317161002374


    B. &nfraspinatus

    C. Suprasoinatus

    D.atissimus dorsi

    E. Erector spine

    $.@mFBC A.










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  • 8/11/2019 20100317161002374


  • 8/11/2019 20100317161002374


    1}~ H +0x



    $ "1-#= 3 t PoPo P t




  • 8/11/2019 20100317161002374



    B$l$ng,al test o; syste&at$+ anato&y2

    fgh?ih 8.j# $8j

    1"!F`C? ? ? x

    "? ? ? ? (BmM#CmF:##

    R##M@ + -y}#tFq? ? #Fq?

    ? #MF +-y}F@Fx

    $"N!F&? L? #&? L? x

    +"1n $-# 1 }? #\:4 lcm# }? #\:

    4 cm# $ }? #\:fb +8cm#1F-F


    "1jq +sj#>q? ? ? ? #:BFs} #x

    /"Fn? ? ? ? ? ? L? x

    2", $j}? ? ? #$j}? ? #x


  • 8/11/2019 20100317161002374






    C"$/ D"+/


















    D"+ E"









    B " MN





  • 8/11/2019 20100317161002374






    E"KMN:Z111"!he base of the heart

    A",aces for'ard to the right

    B",ormed by the right atrium

    C",ormed by the left atrium mainly

    D",ormed by the right atrium and ventricle

    E",ormed by the left atrium and ventricle






