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  • 8/12/2019 2012 26/52


    Stefano Mirtis

    facebook wall



    timeline archive:

    a personal collectionof curiosities

    Stefano Mirtis

    facebook wallhttps://www.facebook.com/stefano.mirti.3

  • 8/12/2019 2012 26/52


    Stefanos facebook timeline 26/52 2012

    Akademie Schloss Solitude

    Martin Knll and His UrbanHealth Games

    In Stuttgart I've met a lot of interesting peopledoing all kind of very fascinating researches. Oneof my favorites is Martin Knoll and his researchesand works on the field of "Urban Health Games".Very nice and very smart (both the lad and theresearch).

    Here you get to know more: http://www.schreitcity.de /

    In the image above: "Sweet Blood" installation,2007.

  • 8/12/2019 2012 26/52


    Stefanos facebook timeline 26/52 2012

    Akademie Schloss Solitude

    Sybille Neumeyer

    So, I was in the Swebian forest and I've met allthese people. Between the various gentlemen (andgentleladies) I had the chance to talk with, one ofthe most interesting was ms Sybille Neumeyer , agreat designer and a fantastic collector!

    Unfortunately her website doesn't record all thethings she collects, plays, fiddles with (imagine acabinet of curios ities as big as her wh ole life), butyou get some info: http://sybilleneumeyer.de/

    In German, the whole thing is labeled (by her) as:"Labor fr Formforschung und Fantasie". Hopefullymore will follow...

  • 8/12/2019 2012 26/52


    Stefanos facebook timeline 26/52 2012

    Akademie Schloss Solitude

    The Improvisational Violinist

    Nice dinner with Simone Mahrenholz (fancyphilosopher at the crossover between art,creativity and hard-core philosophy) and StephenNachmanovitch, an improvisational violinist +writer + lots of other things

    Here some more about mr. Nachmanovitch: http://www.freepl ay.com/Top/ind ex.m0.html

    And here you can hear his violin-basedimprovisations: http://www.youtub e.com/Xtempori

  • 8/12/2019 2012 26/52


    Stefanos facebook timeline 26/52 2012

    Warsaw, Poland

    Cool Lads

    There is only one player who is a little strongerthan me -- Messi. All the others are behind me.(Mario Balotelli)

    Silvio Berlusconi says he (Antonio Cassano) is thebest Italian talent. Hes wrong or he doesnt knowBalotelli.(Mario Balotelli)

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    Stefanos facebook timeline 26/52 2012


    Ms Pan Gu made me noticing that Mario Balotelli isin first instance a cosplayer. Basically, beforebeing the forward of Italian national footballteam, he is (Kimitake

    Salamander), from "Yondemasuyo, Azazel-san" (anon-going manga by Yasuhisa Kubo, and a Spring2011 anime series from studio Production I.G).

    Balotelli is always in bad mood and angry, because

    his character is like this, not because of any otherreason.

    Isn't this fantastic? To have a black Italiansuperhero, and who is a cosplay from Japanese

    Demons do exist. They arepowerful, malicious,vindictive and... ...welcomeinto cosplay...

  • 8/12/2019 2012 26/52


    Stefanos facebook timeline 26/52 2012

    Minneapolis, MN, United States

    Eyeo Festival

    manga. I love this global mix where football,cosplay and manga get to be one thing.

    Here the links you need to get deeper in thesubject.Some more images of the manga series: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/

    Here the official website: http://kc.kodansha.co.jp/azazel/ + http://kc.kodansha.co.jp/azazel/character/

    Here an abstract in English on this special world:http://tvtropes.org/.../pmw.../M anga/YondemasuYoAza zelsan

    And here an introduction to cosplay: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosplay

  • 8/12/2019 2012 26/52


    Stefanos facebook timeline 26/52 2012

    Akademie Schloss Solitude

    A Nice Week

    I've spent most of the week at Schloss Solitude, toget to know the designers who are working thereand trying to see how to make a fantastic show

    (out of their work) in November. Very nice stay,very nice people. I liked it a lot.

    Thanxthanx to Jean-Baptiste Joly for having thisincredible patience and strenght to run the whole

    show (now, for some 20 years...)

    ...an incredible group of creative coders, data vizpros, designers and artists

    Here the link to the festival website: http://eyeofestival.com/

    Thanx to Molly Wright Steenson .

  • 8/12/2019 2012 26/52


    Stefanos facebook timeline 26/52 2012



    From the website: http://kimasendorf.com/sumedicina/


    --------------------------------Data Fiction (2010)--------------------------------

    H1N1 originated in the laboratory of Sumedicina.Sumedicina is on e of the bigges t vaccinemanufacturers in the world.

    This fiction could be true. If media hypes are

    More at: http://www.akademie-solitude.de/index.php?lang_choose=1...

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    Stefanos facebook timeline 26/52 2012

    generated to boost the sale of vaccines, this couldbe the next step.We created a data fiction to tell the story of John,an employee of Sumedicina.


    Every day he spends in the laboratory researchingviruses. His mission is to breed new virusesthrough mutation that are immune to the recentpreparations. John is the best in his field.Sumedicina spread their own mutated viruses, asthe only manufacturer , they already have there quired vaccines available.So far, all viruses were quite h armless.The new2KA6 virus is highly dangerous. John is tormentedby his conscience. He decides to destroy the virusand quit with Sumedicina. John escapes and ispursued by the Secret Service of Sumedicina. Johndisappears without a trace.


    Kim Asendorf & Jana Lange


    Thanx to Alica Horvathova for the link.

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    Stefanos facebook timeline 26/52 2012


    Thanks to Simona Galateo we have now anotherperson to go meet in our GranTour.

    Mr. Antonio Pascale. A fine scientist andintellectual and farmer and lots of other things.He is able to explain why most of cu rrent thinkingabout natural food, going b ack to tra ditions, etc.

    etc. is 100% crap.

    Here a link (in Italian) to a review of his last work"Pane e Pace" (Bread and Peace): http://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/.../pane-e.../319131/...

    Scienza e Sentimento(Science and Sentiment)

  • 8/12/2019 2012 26/52


    Stefanos facebook timeline 26/52 2012


    Hotel Servino

    Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmeringlight: my head grew heavy and my sight grewdim

    Most of people don't know it yet, but we know thatBeniamino Servino is opening up an hotel inCaserta (where he lives).

    The Servino Hotel. One horizontal sliding window,no garden on the roof, some dance to remember,some dance to forget.

    We'll go there soon, to meet Beniamino and hisother cool friend, Antonio Pascale (lots of coollads in this Caserta town...).

    Mirrors on the ceiling, the pink champagne on ice.And she said "We are all just prisoners here, of ourown device"...

  • 8/12/2019 2012 26/52


    Stefanos facebook timeline 26/52 2012

    Royal College Of Art

    Parallel Architecture

    Very nice project by James Thompson. "ParallelArchitectures" can be seen at Show RCA 2012(Battersea) until 1 July.

    Here the link: http://www.jamesthompson.info/

    And here how mr Thompson explains his work:

    "My work deals with our perception of space andits interpretation. My approach draws inspirationfrom the description of space in cubism and thepotential duality of space and time, composed ofparallel worl ds and higher dimensions t hat existalongside our own.

    Documentation is a key feature of my work, usedas a working methodology and an outcome itself,evidenced through the creation of a tools and asystems used to record, re-map and translate agiven space into something else."

  • 8/12/2019 2012 26/52


    Stefanos facebook timeline 26/52 2012

    Glenbrook North High School

    Spartans Connect

    If you are in education field, you might like thisarticle very much: Ryan Bretag: "Create Sparks,Ignite Passions, and Make Connections: SpartansConnect": http://www.ryanbretag.com/blog/?p=3238

    (via @ryanbretag @DanielPink, on Twitter)

  • 8/12/2019 2012 26/52


    Stefanos facebook timeline 26/52 2012


    In fork we trust.

    Superinteresting article on the history of forks:"The rise of the fork (knives and spoons areancient. But weve only been eating with forks fora few centuries)": http://www.slate.com/.../the_history_of_the_fork_when_we

    Here my choices from their gallery: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/

    In the image above: Alexander Calder's flatware,1936

    (a ll of this via @brainpicker on Twitter)

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    Stefanos facebook timeline 26/52 2012



    Kimokawaii, is a special Japanese word, made outof the strange mix of the ugly (kimoi) and cute(kawaii).

    Here it is used to describe these charactersbe long ing to "Kobito Dukan" series (it literallymeans "dwarf encyclo pedia"), a fantasti c projectby the Japanese illustra tor Toshitaka Nabata.

    Here you can watch a video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kCqkVOkDbE

    And here is their website: http://kobito-to-asobo.com/

    And here some more: http://www.japantrendshop.com/kobito-dukan-character

    (via @GreatDismal + @bruces, Twitter)

  • 8/12/2019 2012 26/52


    Stefanos facebook timeline 26/52 2012


    Barbie Galore

    This I quite like. Mariel Clayton's fabulous world(thanx to Gioia Guerzoni for the link).

    Here I made a little selection of different (cute)situations: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/

    And here is the link to ms Clayton website: http://www.thephotographymarielclayton.com/

    ps. image above is: Mariel Clayton, 12 months of ade ad Ken, (year unknown).

  • 8/12/2019 2012 26/52


    Stefanos facebook timeline 26/52 2012


    If you want to know where fashion is heading, youshould read this very interesting article by AmaliaAgathou: http://thenextweb.com/.../6-hot-digital-trends.../

    Image above: Oscar de la Renta, Pinterest live-pinning of his Bridal show, Spring 2012 collection.

    (via @Amalucky @susannalegrenzi @TheNextWeb,Twitter)

    Six Digital TrendsTransforming the FashionIndustry

  • 8/12/2019 2012 26/52


    Christ Church

    Would you tell me, please, which way I ought togo from here?

    That depends a good deal on where you want toget to, said the Cat.I dont much care where - said Alice.Then it doesnt matter w hich way you go, saidthe Cat.

    ---Great idea, here the link where you can see it the(digital) original and buy the special shirt: http://www.thinkgeek.com/tshir...


    (via @brainpicker on Twitter)

    Alice In Wonderland TransitMap
