2012 Men's Tennis Guide

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2012 Navy Men's Tennis Media Guide

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DDaattee OOppppoonneenntt SSiittee TTiimmee

JJaannuuaarryy SSaatt.. 2211 SSaaiinntt FFrraanncciiss ((PPaa..)) TToossee FFaammiillyy TTeennnniiss CCeenntteerr 99 aa..mm..SSaatt.. 2288 SStt.. JJoosseepphh’’ss TToossee FFaammiillyy TTeennnniiss CCeenntteerr 1122 pp..mm..SSaatt.. 2288 SStt.. FFrraanncciiss ((NN..YY..)) TToossee FFaammiillyy TTeennnniiss CCeenntteerr 55 pp..mm..

FFeebbrruuaarryy WWeedd.. 11 PPeennnn TToossee FFaammiillyy TTeennnniiss CCeenntteerr 33::3300 pp..mm..SSaatt.. 44 VViillllaannoovvaa TToossee FFaammiillyy TTeennnniiss CCeenntteerr 1122 pp..mm..SSaatt.. 44 HHoowwaarrdd TToossee FFaammiillyy TTeennnniiss CCeenntteerr 55 pp..mm..Fri. 10 at North Carolina Chapel Hill, N.C. 3 p.m.SSuunn.. 1122 DDrreexxeell TToossee FFaammiillyy TTeennnniiss CCeenntteerr 1122 pp..mm..SSuunn.. 1122 MMoouunntt SStt.. MMaarryy’’ss TToossee FFaammiillyy TTeennnniiss CCeenntteerr 55 pp..mm..Sat. 18 at Furman Greenville, S.C. 12:30 p.m.Sun. 19 at William & Mary Williamsburg, Va. 8:30 a.m.FFrrii.. 2244 GGeeoorrggeettoowwnn TToossee FFaammiillyy TTeennnniiss CCeenntteerr 22::3300 pp..mm..SSaatt.. 2255 GGeeoorrggee MMaassoonn TToossee FFaammiillyy TTeennnniiss CCeenntteerr 1122 pp..mm..

MMaarrcchh SSaatt.. 33 DDeellaawwaarree TToossee FFaammiillyy TTeennnniiss CCeenntteerr 1122 pp..mm..SSaatt.. 33 CCooppppiinn SSttaattee TToossee FFaammiillyy TTeennnniiss CCeenntteerr 55 pp..mm..Sun. 4 at Old Dominion Norfolk, Va. 2 p.m.TTuuee.. 1133 MMoorrggaann SSttaattee TToossee FFaammiillyy TTeennnniiss CCeenntteerr 44 pp..mm..WWeedd.. 2211 GGeeoorrggee WWaasshhiinnggttoonn UU..SS.. NNaavvaall AAccaaddeemmyy 22::3300 pp..mm..Sat. 24 * at Colgate Hamilton, N.Y. 12 p.m.Sun. 25 * at Bucknell Lewisburg, Pa. 12 p.m.WWeedd.. 2288 RRiicchhmmoonndd UU..SS.. NNaavvaall AAccaaddeemmyy 22::3300 pp..mm..SSaatt.. 3311 LLaaffaayyeettttee UU..SS.. NNaavvaall AAccaaddeemmyy 1100 aa..mm..

AApprriill SSuunn.. 11 ** LLeehhiigghh UU..SS.. NNaavvaall AAccaaddeemmyy 22::3300 pp..mm..SSaatt.. 1144 ** AArrmmyy UU..SS.. NNaavvaall AAccaaddeemmyy 11 pp..mm..SSaatt.. 2211 UUMMBBCC UU..SS.. NNaavvaall AAccaaddeemmyy 1122 pp..mm..FFrrii.. 2277 aatt PPaattrriioott LLeeaagguuee TToouurrnnaammeenntt –– QQFF UU..SS.. NNaavvaall AAccaaddeemmyy AAllll DDaayySSaatt.. 2288 aatt PPaattrriioott LLeeaagguuee TToouurrnnaammeenntt –– SSFF UU..SS.. NNaavvaall AAccaaddeemmyy AAllll DDaayySSuunn.. 2299 aatt PPaattrriioott LLeeaagguuee TToouurrnnaammeenntt –– FF UU..SS.. NNaavvaall AAccaaddeemmyy AAllll DDaayy

MMaayy Fri. 11 at NCAA Tournament – First Round TBA TBASat. 12 at NCAA Tournament – Second Round TBA TBA

Schedule as of December 15 and subject to changeAll times Eastern* = Patriot League matchHHoommee OOuuttddoooorr SSiittee –––– UU..SS.. NNaavvaall AAccaaddeemmyyHHoommee IInnddoooorr SSiittee –––– TToossee FFaammiillyy TTeennnniiss CCeenntteerr

Table of ContentsQQuuiicckk FFaaccttss 1RRoosstteerr 2MMiiddsshhiippmmeenn BBiiooss 3-13CCooaacchhiinngg SSttaaffff 14-1622001111 SSeeaassoonn RReevviieeww 17-19YYeeaarr--bbyy--YYeeaarr RReeccoorrddss 20PPaattrriioott LLeeaagguuee TToouurrnnaammeenntt HHiissttoorryy 21TTeeaamm TTiittlleess // CCooaacchhiinngg HHiissttoorryy 22IInnddiivviidduuaall HHoonnoorrss 23-24DDuuaall MMaattcchh TToopp--2255 LLiissttss 25-26AArrmmyy--NNaavvyy SSeerriieess 26LLeetttteerrwwiinnnneerrss 27-28TTeennnniiss FFaacciilliittiieess 29-31PPaattrriioott LLeeaagguuee 32-33UUnniitteedd SSttaatteess NNaavvaall AAccaaddeemmyy 34-37DDiirreeccttoorr ooff AAtthhlleettiiccss CChheett GGllaaddcchhuukk 38-39BBeeaatt AArrmmyy!! 40-41AAnnnnaappoolliiss aanndd tthhee CChheessaappeeaakkee RReeggiioonn 42-43BBlluuee && GGoolldd 44

Navy FactsLLooccaattiioonn Annapolis, Md.FFoouunnddeedd October 10, 1845EEnnrroollllmmeenntt 4,400CCoonnffeerreennccee AAffffiilliiaattiioonn Patriot LeagueNNiicckknnaammeess Midshipmen, MidsCCoolloorrss Navy Blue (PMS 281) & Gold (PMS 4525)SSuuppeerriinntteennddeenntt Vice Adm. Michael H. Miller, USNDDiirreeccttoorr ooff AAtthhlleettiiccss Chet GladchukOOuuttddoooorr HHoommee FFaacciilliittyy USNA Tennis Courts IInnddoooorr HHoommee FFaacciilliittyy Tose Family Tennis Center

Coaching StaffHHeeaadd CCooaacchh John OfficerAAllmmaa MMaatteerr ((YYeeaarr)) Boston College (1979)YYeeaarr aatt NNaavvyy 27thRReeccoorrdd aatt NNaavvyy ((YYeeaarrss)) 409-273 (26)CCaarreeeerr RReeccoorrdd ((YYeeaarrss)) 424-299 (28)OOffffiiccee PPhhoonnee (410) 293-5589AAssssiissttaanntt CCooaacchh John MorelandAAllmmaa MMaatteerr ((YYeeaarr)) Washington College (1996)YYeeaarr aatt NNaavvyy 11thOOffffiiccee PPhhoonnee (410) 293-3436

Program HistoryFFiirrsstt YYeeaarr 1921-22OOvveerraallll RReeccoorrdd 1105-575-7 (90 Years)PPaattrriioott LLeeaagguuee TTiittlleess ((iinn 2200 yyeeaarrss)) 8

1996, ‘97, ‘98, ‘99, 2007, ‘08, ‘09, ‘10NNCCAAAA TToouurrnnaammeenntt AAppppeeaarraanncceess** ((WW--LL)) 5 (0-5)

1999, 2007, ‘08, ‘09, ‘10* –– Under team format established in 1977

Sports InformationTTeennnniiss CCoonnttaacctt Justin KischefskyOOffffiiccee (410) 293-8772EEmmaaiill [email protected] IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn FFaaxx (410) 293-8954WWeebb ssiittee www.navysports.comMMaaiilliinngg AAddddrreessss 566 Brownson Rd.

Annapolis, MD 21402

2012 Schedule

Media Guide CreditsThe 2012 Navy men’s tennis media guide was written and edited by Assistant Sports Information Director Justin Kischefsky.Cover design and interior template were created by the Navy sports information staff. Cover work by Mark Leddy.Photography by Phil Hoffmann, the USNA Photo Lab and the Annapolis & Anne Arundel County Conference & VisitorsBureau.

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2012 RosterNNaammee YYeeaarr 22001100--1111 SSiinngglleess // DDoouubblleess WW--LL CCaarreeeerr SSiinngglleess // DDoouubblleess WW--LL HHoommeettoowwnn HHiigghh SScchhoooollTyler Burnett Fr. 0-0 / 0-0 3-3 / 0-0 Fayetteville, Ga. Veritas Classical TrainingBlake Daniel Fr. 0-0 / 0-0 5-3 / 4-1 Overland Park, Kan. Home SchooledHeyward Drayton So. 11-8 / 14-9 11-8 / 18-9 Valley Forge, Pa. The Haverford SchoolNicholas Gutsche Jr. 16-18 / 12-16 38-27 / 30-23 Sarasota, Fla. Home SchooledChris Kenney So. 3-3 / 8-3 4-5 / 12-3 Westlake Village, Calif. Harvard-Westlake SchoolCalvin Mark Fr. 0-0 / 0-0 7-3 / 6-2 Union City, Calif. Fremont ChristianPeter McDonald Fr. 0-0 / 0-0 4-1 / 5-1 Chapel Hill, N.C. East Chapel HillMarcus Rebersak Sr. 17-13 / 13-13 39-63 / 24-27 Pittsburgh, Pa. Central CatholicMatt Richmond Jr. 12-9 / 0-0 25-22 / 4-2 Kalamazoo, Mich. Portage CentralAlex Sisk Fr. 0-0 / 0-0 0-0 / 0-0 Clarksville, Ind. Louisville Collegiate SchoolAnderson Walls Jr. 4-4 / 6-4 10-17 / 9-11 Alpharetta, Ga. Home Schooled

HHeeaadd CCooaacchh –– John Officer (Boston College ‘79), 27th SeasonAAssssiissttaanntt CCooaacchh –– John Moreland (Washington College ‘96), 11th SeasonVVoolluunntteeeerr AAssssiissttaanntt CCooaacchh – Jim Laitta (Eastern Kentucky ‘88), Second SeasonOOffffiicceerr RReepprreesseennttaattiivvee –– Lt. Cmdr. Wes Griffin, USNFFaaccuullttyy RReepprreesseennttaattiivvee –– Christine CopperTTeeaamm CCaappttaaiinn –– Marcus Rebersak

22001111 OOvveerraallll RReeccoorrdd 17-1122001111 PP..LL.. RReegguullaarr SSeeaassoonn RReeccoorrdd ((SSeeeedd)) 3-2 (#3)22001111 PP..LL.. TToouurrnnaammeenntt RReessuulltt 1-1 / Semifinals22001111 NNCCAAAA TToouurrnnaammeenntt RReessuulltt Did Not Advance22001111 AAttllaannttiicc RReeggiioonn RRaannkkiinngg Not Ranked22001111 NNaattiioonnaall RRaannkkiinngg Not Ranked

Team Information

2011 LetterwinnersRReettuurrnniinngg –– 44Heyward DraytonNicholas GutscheMarcus RebersakMatt Richmond

LLoosstt –– 44Nick BirgerOwen BullardMike EisenbergJeremy New

Additional 2011 PlayersRReettuurrnniinngg –– 22Chris KenneyAnderson Walls

LLoosstt –– 11Eddie Konrad

New 2012 PlayersNNeeww PPllaayyeerrss –– 55Tyler BurnettBlake DanielCalvin MarkPeter McDonaldAlex Sisk

Midshipmen by ClassCCllaassss ooff 22001122 –– 11Marcus Rebersak

CCllaassss ooff 22001133 –– 33Nicholas GutscheMatt RichmondAnderson Walls

CCllaassss ooff 22001144 –– 22Heyward DraytonChris Kenney

CCllaassss ooff 22001155 –– 55Tyler BurnettBlake DanielCalvin MarkPeter McDonaldAlex Sisk

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Year-by-Year Singles RecordsYYeeaarr FFaallll // DDuuaall AAllll MMaattcchheess PP..LL.. FFaallll // PP..LL.. DDuuaall AAllll PP..LL.. 22000088--0099 1-9 / 5-15 6-24 1-0 / 1-5 2-522000099--1100 2-6 / 11-16 13-22 0-0 / 5-3 5-322001100--1111 7-1 / 10-12 17-13 0-0 / 2-1 2-122001111 FFaallll 3-4 / 0-0 3-4 0-0 / 0-0 0-0CCaarreeeerr 13-20 / 26-43 39-63 1-0 / 8-9 9-9

Year-by-Year Doubles RecordsYYeeaarr FFaallll // DDuuaall AAllll MMaattcchheess PP..LL.. FFaallll // PP..LL.. DDuuaall AAllll PP..LL.. 22000088--0099 0-2 / 1-0 1-2 0-0 / 0-0 0-022000099--1100 3-2 / 5-5 8-7 0-0 / 1-1 1-122001100--1111 3-3 / 10-10 13-13 0-0 / 1-2 1-222001111 FFaallll 2-5 / 0-0 2-5 0-0 / 0-0 0-0CCaarreeeerr 8-12 / 16-15 24-27 0-0 / 2-3 2-3

Marcus RebersakSenior

Pittsburgh, Pa.2011-12 Team Captain

Academic Information� Is majoring in physics.� Named to the Commandant’s List for the 2009 fall semester.

Athletic Information22000088--0099 SSeeaassoonn� Among his losses during the fall campaign were defeats to players from nationally-rankedprograms Arkansas, Furman and North Carolina (two).

� Posted five of his six singles wins during the spring season.� All of his singles matches on the year were played in the top half of the lineup.

22000099--1100 SSeeaassoonn� Garnered Second-Team All-Patriot League honors.� Won his opening round singles match at the fall’s ITA Atlantic Regional.� Was 5-3 in singles during the spring season against Patriot League foes.� Played all of his matches at No. 2 singles.� 14 of his 34 matches on the year were extended to three sets (5-9 record).

22001100--1111 SSeeaassoonn� Led Navy with a 7-1 record in singles during the fall, while his doubles mark of 3-3 tied forsecond on the team.

� Selected as the Patriot League’s Player of the Month for October.� Won the No. 2 singles flight and the No. 3 doubles flight at the Navy Invitational.� Also won the No. 2 singles flight at the Navy Gold Invitational.� His lone singles loss was a 6-3, 7-6 (7-5) defeat to Maros Horny of Maryland in the round of64 at the ITA Atlantic Region Championship. Had previously won a three-set match at theevent in the opening round.

� Entered the spring season ranked No. 125 nationally.� Compiled a 10-12 record in singles during the spring season.� Posted a 7-3 record at No. 2 doubles during the spring campaign.

22001111 FFaallll SSeeaassoonn� Competed in both singles and doubles at the ITA Atlantic Regional. Received a first-roundsingles bye due to being seeded in the No. 17-32 positions and won an opening round dou-bles match with Calvin Mark.

� Played at both No. 1 singles and doubles at each of Navy’s fall invitationals.

High School / Personal� Graduated from Keystone Oaks High School.� Did not play for his high school’s tennis team. Instead competed on the USTA circuit.� His highest ranking on tennisrecruiting.net was No. 53 and was a 4-star recruit by the site.

2010 Second-Team All-Patriot League

CCooaacchh OOffffiicceerr SSaayyss::“Marcus has powerful groundstrokes with an excellent mid-court forehand. His serve ismuch improved. His kick second serve is a weapon. His volleys have also improved.Marcus has shown great leadership this fall leading the way every day in fitness. He willbe a solid No. 1 singles player.”

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Tyler BurnettFreshman

Fayetteville, Ga.

Athletic Information22001111 FFaallll SSeeaassoonn� Played No. 4 singles during the fall season.� Split the six singles matches that he played during the campaign. � Recorded singles wins over players from UMBC, Temple and St. Bonaventure.

High School / Personal� Graduated from Veritas Classic Training.� Was a two-time MVP on his high school’s tennis team.� His highest ranking on tennisrecruiting.net was No. 111 and was tabbed as a 4-star recruitby the site.

CCooaacchh OOffffiicceerr SSaayyss::“Tyler plays with a creative lefty flair. His weapon is his forehand. He is improving his volleysto be able to attack more. He grinds from the backcourt as well as anyone on the team. Hiskick serve is improving. He will have a very solid career at Navy.”

Year-by-Year Singles RecordsYYeeaarr FFaallll // DDuuaall AAllll MMaattcchheess PP..LL.. FFaallll // PP..LL.. DDuuaall AAllll PP..LL.. 22001111 FFaallll 3-3 / 0-0 3-3 0-0 / 0-0 0-0

Year-by-Year Doubles RecordsYYeeaarr FFaallll // DDuuaall AAllll MMaattcchheess PP..LL.. FFaallll // PP..LL.. DDuuaall AAllll PP..LL.. 22001111 FFaallll 0-0 / 0-0 0-0 0-0 / 0-0 0-0

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Blake DanielFreshman

Overland Park, Kan.

Athletic Information22001111 FFaallll SSeeaassoonn� Two of his three losses came in 10-point, third-set tiebreakers, and each were by just twopoints.

� Won the No. 5 singles flight at the Navy Gold Invitational.� Teamed with Nicholas Gutsche to win the No. 4 doubles flight at the Navy Gold Invitational.� Posted a 1-1 record in the qualifying draw of the ITA Atlantic Regional.� Recorded singles wins over players from Temple, Binghamton, UMBC and Georgetown.

High School / Personal� Was home schooled through Keystone National High School.� His highest ranking on tennisrecruiting.net was No. 113 and was tabbed as a 4-star recruitby the site.

CCooaacchh OOffffiicceerr SSaayyss::“Blake plays with a lot of passion and energy. He is a sparkplug for the team. He attacksvery well and can set up points from the baseline as well. He is constantly putting pressureon his opponents to come up with shots.”

Year-by-Year Singles RecordsYYeeaarr FFaallll // DDuuaall AAllll MMaattcchheess PP..LL.. FFaallll // PP..LL.. DDuuaall AAllll PP..LL.. 22001111 FFaallll 5-3 / 0-0 5-3 0-0 / 0-0 0-0

Year-by-Year Doubles RecordsYYeeaarr FFaallll // DDuuaall AAllll MMaattcchheess PP..LL.. FFaallll // PP..LL.. DDuuaall AAllll PP..LL.. 22001111 FFaallll 4-1 / 0-0 4-1 0-0 / 0-0 0-0

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Heyward DraytonSophomore

Valley Forge, Pa.

Academic Information� Is majoring in oceanography.

Athletic Information22001100--1111 SSeeaassoonn� Won the third-place match in the B singles flight at the Cornell Fall Invitational. � Also teamed with Chris Kenney to advance to the finals of the B doubles flight at the tourna-ment.

� Compiled a 9-5 record in singles during the spring season, which included a 5-0 record atNo. 6 singles.

� Posted a 14-9 record in doubles on the year.� Was 12-6 in spring dual doubles matches, with all but one of those wins coming at the No. 3flight.

22001111 FFaallll SSeeaassoonn� Combined with Chris Kenney to post a 4-0 record in doubles during the fall.

� This included a 3-0 record to win the No. 3 flight at the Navy Gold Invitational.

High School / Personal� Graduated from The Haverford School.� Garnered letters in tennis in each of his four years at the school.� Selected as the MVP of the team as both a junior and senior.� Earned a No. 9 junior ranking in the Middle States region.� His highest ranking on tennisrecruiting.net was No. 124 and was tabbed as a 4-star recruit by the site.

CCooaacchh OOffffiicceerr SSaayyss::“Heyward takes the ball on the rise. He has great command over his serve. He has the abili-ty to hit all the serves. His mid-court forehand is a weapon.”

Year-by-Year Singles RecordsYYeeaarr FFaallll // DDuuaall AAllll MMaattcchheess PP..LL.. FFaallll // PP..LL.. DDuuaall AAllll PP..LL.. 22001100--1111 2-3 / 9-5 11-8 1-0 / 2-4 3-422001111 FFaallll 0-0 / 0-0 0-0 0-0 / 0-0 0-0CCaarreeeerr 2-3 / 9-5 11-8 1-0 / 2-4 3-4

Year-by-Year Doubles RecordsYYeeaarr FFaallll // DDuuaall AAllll MMaattcchheess PP..LL.. FFaallll // PP..LL.. DDuuaall AAllll PP..LL.. 22001100--1111 2-3 / 12-6 14-9 0-0 / 3-3 3-322001111 FFaallll 4-0 / 0-0 4-0 0-0 / 0-0 0-0CCaarreeeerr 6-3 / 12-6 18-9 0-0 / 3-3 3-3

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Nicholas GutscheJunior

Sarasota, Fla.

Academic Information� Is majoring in systems engineering.� Was named to both the Superintendent’s and Commandant’s Lists for the 2009 fall and 2010spring terms. Also made two other appearances on the Commandant’s List.

� Named to the 2010 Patriot League Academic Honor Roll and earned 2010 ITA Scholar-Athlete honors.

Athletic Information22000099--1100 SSeeaassoonn� Received Second-Team All-Patriot League honors.� Tied for the team lead with 19 singles wins for the entire season, while his 18 wins led theMids during the spring campaign.

� Posted a 5-0 record in singles against Patriot League foes.� Compiled a 12-2 record at No. 5 singles.� Among his losses was a 10-point, third-set tiebreaker setback to Kyle Baker from No. 22North Carolina.

� Teamed with Owen Bullard for a 13-4 record at No. 1 doubles.� Selected as the Patriot League Player of the Month for March. Posted a combined record of14-3 in the month.

22001100--1111 SSeeaassoonn� Won the No. 5 singles flight at the Navy Invitational. Posted a 3-0 record at the tournamentwith wins over players from Niagara, St. Bonaventure and Temple. Lost just one set in thosethree matches.

� Posted a 16-18 record on the year in singles. This included a 6-2 record during the fall.� Was 11-10 at No. 2 doubles during the spring dual season.

22001111 FFaallll SSeeaassoonn� Won the No. 4 doubles flight (with Blake Daniel) at the Navy Gold Invitational.� The duo compiled a 4-1 record during the entire fall campaign.

High School / Personal� Was home schooled in association with Sarasota High School and Manatee CommunityCollege.

� Earned three letters as a member of the Sarasota High School tennis team.� Team won its regional title during his senior year. � His highest ranking on tennisrecruiting.net was No. 47 and was a 4-star recruit by the site.

2010 Second-Team All-Patriot League

2010 ITA Scholar-Athlete

CCooaacchh OOffffiicceerr SSaayyss::“Nick is a very hard worker. His backhand technically is his best shot. He can rally as well asattack off that side without any problem. He is always looking to improve and is a very goodteammate. I think Nick will have a great year.”

Year-by-Year Singles RecordsYYeeaarr FFaallll // DDuuaall AAllll MMaattcchheess PP..LL.. FFaallll // PP..LL.. DDuuaall AAllll PP..LL.. 22000099--1100 1-2 / 18-5 19-7 0-0 / 5-0 5-022001100--1111 6-2 / 10-16 16-18 0-0 / 1-5 1-522001111 FFaallll 3-2 / 0-0 3-2 0-0 / 0-0 0-0CCaarreeeerr 10-6 / 28-21 38-27 0-0 / 6-5 6-5

Year-by-Year Doubles RecordsYYeeaarr FFaallll // DDuuaall AAllll MMaattcchheess PP..LL.. FFaallll // PP..LL.. DDuuaall AAllll PP..LL.. 22000099--1100 1-0 / 13-6 14-6 0-0 / 6-2 6-222001100--1111 1-6 / 11-10 12-16 0-1 / 3-4 3-522001111 FFaallll 4-1 / 0-0 4-1 0-0 / 0-0 0-0CCaarreeeerr 6-7 / 24-16 30-23 0-1 / 9-6 9-7

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Chris KenneySophomore

Westlake Village, Calif.

Academic Information� Is majoring in economics.� Was named to both the Superintendent’s and Commandant’s Lists in each of his three com-pleted semesters.

Athletic Information22001100--1111 SSeeaassoonn� Won a straight-set singles match at No. 7 singles over Ken Mkrtchian from GeorgeWashington during the Navy Gold Invitational.

� Teamed with Heyward Drayton to reach the finals of the B flight in doubles at the Cornell FallInvitational.

� Won both of his singles matches during the spring dual season.� Also posted a 6-0 record in doubles during the spring campaign. All of those matches cameat the No. 3 flight.

22001111 FFaallll SSeeaassoonn� Posted a 4-0 record in doubles over the course of the fall season. Partnered with Heyward Drayton for all of his matches.

� Won the No. 4 doubles flight at the Navy Blue Invitational.� Won the No. 3 doubles flight at the Navy Gold Invitational.

High School / Personal� Graduated from Harvard-Westlake School.� Competed on the tennis and cross country teams at the school.� The tennis team reached the semifinal round of the state tournament in both 2008 and 2010.

� Tabbed as the team captain and team MVP of the tennis squad as a senior. Also was the 2008 and ‘09 team MVP in doubles.

� His highest ranking on tennisrecruiting.net was No. 168 and was a 3-star receruit by the site.

CCooaacchh OOffffiicceerr SSaayyss::“Chris has tremendous doubles skills. He has a very good kick serve as well as good bal-ance at the net. He has a great attiude and looks to improve daily.”

Year-by-Year Singles RecordsYYeeaarr FFaallll // DDuuaall AAllll MMaattcchheess PP..LL.. FFaallll // PP..LL.. DDuuaall AAllll PP..LL.. 22001100--1111 1-3 / 2-0 3-3 0-0 / 0-0 0-022001111 FFaallll 1-2 / 0-0 1-2 0-0 / 0-0 0-0CCaarreeeerr 2-5 / 2-0 4-5 0-0 / 0-0 0-0

Year-by-Year Doubles RecordsYYeeaarr FFaallll // DDuuaall AAllll MMaattcchheess PP..LL.. FFaallll // PP..LL.. DDuuaall AAllll PP..LL.. 22001100--1111 2-3 / 6-0 8-3 0-0 / 0-0 0-022001111 FFaallll 4-0 / 0-0 4-0 0-0 / 0-0 0-0CCaarreeeerr 6-3 / 6-0 12-3 0-0 / 0-0 0-0

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Calvin MarkFreshman

Union City, Calif.

Athletic Information22001111 FFaallll SSeeaassoonn� Led Navy in the fall with seven singles wins and seven doubles victories.� Posted a combined 5-1 record in winning the No. 3 singles and No. 2 doubles (with PeterMcDonald) flights at the Navy Gold Invitational.

� All of his singles wins were completed in straight sets, with two of his three losses coming inthree sets.

� Competed in both singles and doubles at the ITA Regional Championship.� Won both of his qualifying draw matches in singles to advance to the main draw, then wonhis opening round match at the event.

� In doubles, recorded a first-round win at the ITA Regional Championships with MarcusRebersak.

� Posted singles victories over players from Radford, Georgetown, UMBC and Temple.

High School / Personal� Graduated from Fremont Christian High School.� His highest ranking on tennisrecruiting.net was No. 27 and was tabbed as a 5-star recruit bythe site.

CCooaacchh OOffffiicceerr SSaayyss::“Calvin has a tremendous forehand and takes the ball very early. He is extremely fast andtakes advantage of everything that falls in the attack zone. He is a very hard worker in prac-tice. He gets better every day. Calvin showed what he is capable of by extending the No. 5seed at regionals to a long three-set match.”

Year-by-Year Singles RecordsYYeeaarr FFaallll // DDuuaall AAllll MMaattcchheess PP..LL.. FFaallll // PP..LL.. DDuuaall AAllll PP..LL.. 22001111 FFaallll 7-3 / 0-0 7-3 0-0 / 0-0 0-0

Year-by-Year Doubles RecordsYYeeaarr FFaallll // DDuuaall AAllll MMaattcchheess PP..LL.. FFaallll // PP..LL.. DDuuaall AAllll PP..LL.. 22001111 FFaallll 6-2 / 0-0 6-2 0-0 / 0-0 0-0

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Peter McDonaldFreshman

Chapel Hill, N.C.

Athletic Information22001111 FFaallll SSeeaassoonn� Compiled a combined record of 9-2 during the fall.� Won the No. 2 singles and No. 2 doubles (with Calvin Mark) flights at the Navy GoldInvitational.

� Posted singles victories over players from UMBC, Temple and Georgetown.� The lone loss of the fall for the doubles tandem was a 9-8 (7-5) setback. Dropped a com-bined 13 games in winning their five matches.

� Won a pair of 10-point, third-set tiebreakers in singles during the fall.

High School / Personal� Graduated from East Chapel Hill High School.� Competed on both the cross country and tennis teams at the school.� Earned all-conference, all-region and all-state honors in tennis in each of his four seasons.� Mother played tennis at Princeton.� His highest ranking on tennisrecruiting.net was No. 69 and was tabbed as a 4-star recruit bythe site.

CCooaacchh OOffffiicceerr SSaayyss::“Peter has a tough lefty serve with both a high-level slice and kick. He is able to move hisforehand around and can hurt you in mid-court with it. Peter has the ability to win pointsattacking as well as from the baseline. He shows great intensity and is already counted onfor leadership as a competitor.”

Year-by-Year Singles RecordsYYeeaarr FFaallll // DDuuaall AAllll MMaattcchheess PP..LL.. FFaallll // PP..LL.. DDuuaall AAllll PP..LL.. 22001111 FFaallll 4-1 / 0-0 4-1 0-0 / 0-0 0-0

Year-by-Year Doubles RecordsYYeeaarr FFaallll // DDuuaall AAllll MMaattcchheess PP..LL.. FFaallll // PP..LL.. DDuuaall AAllll PP..LL.. 22001111 FFaallll 5-1 / 0-0 5-1 0-0 / 0-0 0-0

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Matt RichmondJunior

Kalamazoo, Mich.

Academic Information� Is majoring in mechanical engineering.

Athletic Information22000099--1100 SSeeaassoonn� Compiled a 4-2 record in doubles during the fall season.� Posted a 7-5 record at No. 6 singles and a 9-7 overall record during the spring campaign.

22001100--1111 SSeeaassoonn� Won three of his four singles matches during the fall season.� Won the No. 6 singles flight title at the Navy Invitational. Did not drop a set in winning histwo matches at the event.

� Compiled a 9-8 singles record during the spring season, which included a 6-3 mark at No. 5 singles.

� Was 12-9 in singles for the entire year.

22001111 FFaallll SSeeaassoonn� Split the four singles matches he played during the fall season.� All four of his matches were played at the No. 7 flight.

High School / Personal� Graduated from Portage Central High School.� Competed on the tennis team at the school.� Garnered all-state accolades as a senior.� His highest ranking on tennisrecruiting.net was No. 95 and was a 4-star recruitby the site.

CCooaacchh OOffffiicceerr SSaayyss::“Matt puts in a great effort on a daily basis. He runs down every ball and is becoming morecomfortable at the net. Matt will gives us great depth.”

Year-by-Year Singles RecordsYYeeaarr FFaallll // DDuuaall AAllll MMaattcchheess PP..LL.. FFaallll // PP..LL.. DDuuaall AAllll PP..LL.. 22000099--1100 2-4 / 9-7 11-11 0-0 / 3-1 3-122001100--1111 3-1 / 9-8 12-9 0-0 / 4-2 4-222001111 FFaallll 2-2 / 0-0 2-2 0-0 / 0-0 0-0CCaarreeeerr 7-7 / 18-15 25-22 0-0 / 7-3 7-3

Year-by-Year Doubles RecordsYYeeaarr FFaallll // DDuuaall AAllll MMaattcchheess PP..LL.. FFaallll // PP..LL.. DDuuaall AAllll PP..LL.. 22000099--1100 4-2 / 0-0 4-2 0-0 / 0-0 0-022001100--1111 0-0 / 0-0 0-0 0-0 / 0-0 0-022001111 FFaallll 0-0 / 0-0 0-0 0-0 / 0-0 0-0CCaarreeeerr 4-2 / 0-0 4-2 0-0 / 0-0 0-0

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Alex SiskFreshman

Clarksville, Ind.

Academic Information� Was named to the Commandant’s and Dean’s Lists for the 2011 fall term.

Athletic Information22001111 FFaallll SSeeaassoonn� Did not compete in a match during the fall.

High School / Personal� Graduated from Louisville Collegiate School.� Was a member of the school’s tennis and cross country teams.� Served as the captain of the tennis team as a senior. Was tabbed as the team MVP at theend of the campaign.

� Both his father and sister played tennis at Indiana.� His highest ranking on tennisrecruiting.net was No. 790.

CCooaacchh OOffffiicceerr SSaayyss::“Alex is a very hard worker. He brings great energy to every practice. He is a good team-mate.”

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Anderson WallsJunior

Alpharetta, Ga.

Academic Information� Is majoring in information technology.

Athletic Information22000099--1100 SSeeaassoonn� Won his opening round singles match at the fall’s ITA Atlantic Regional.� Missed six weeks of the spring season due to a knee injury. � Ended the spring with a 4-7 record in singles, with the majority of his matches coming at No.3 singles.

22001100--1111 SSeeaassoonn� Won the lone doubles match he played during the fall, a 9-8 (7-1) win alongside ZachNicholson against a tandem from Georgetown at the Navy Gold Invitational.

� Posted a 4-4 record in singles and a 5-4 mark in doubles during the spring season.

22001111 FFaallll SSeeaassoonn� Posted a 1-4 record with Marcus Rebersak at No. 1 doubles.

High School / Personal� Was home schooled through Laurel Springs High School.� Was ranked #2 in the USTA Southern section.� His highest ranking on tennisrecruiting.net was No. 75 and was tabbed as a four-star recruit by the site.

CCooaacchh OOffffiicceerr SSaayyss::“Anderson has a good feel for how to set up points. He is equally comfortable attacking orgrinding. Anderson has played as high as No. 3 singles and will be counted on to be ready tocontribute.”

Year-by-Year Singles RecordsYYeeaarr FFaallll // DDuuaall AAllll MMaattcchheess PP..LL.. FFaallll // PP..LL.. DDuuaall AAllll PP..LL.. 22000099--1100 2-6 / 4-7 6-13 0-0 / 0-1 0-122001100--1111 0-0 / 4-4 4-4 0-0 / 0-0 0-022001111 FFaallll 0-0 / 0-0 0-0 0-0 / 0-0 0-0CCaarreeeerr 2-6 / 8-11 10-17 0-0 / 0-1 0-1

Year-by-Year Doubles RecordsYYeeaarr FFaallll // DDuuaall AAllll MMaattcchheess PP..LL.. FFaallll // PP..LL.. DDuuaall AAllll PP..LL.. 22000099--1100 2-3 / 0-0 2-3 0-0 / 0-0 0-022001100--1111 1-0 / 5-4 6-4 0-0 / 0-0 0-022001111 FFaallll 1-4 / 0-0 1-4 0-0 / 0-0 0-0CCaarreeeerr 4-7 / 5-4 9-11 0-0 / 0-0 0-0

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John OfficerHead Coach27th Season

Boston College ‘79

John Officer is in his 27th season as the headcoach of the Navy men’s tennis program. He has ledthe Mids to winning seasons in all but three of his 26seasons at the school, and is the winningest coach inschool history with his having compiled an overallrecord of 409-273.

Officer has guided Navy to seven NCAATournament appearances over his last 15 season.This includes a stretch of four appearances from2007-10. During that recent four-year span the Midsposted an overall record of 69-42 and a PatriotLeague mark of 27-1.

The Mids have totaled seven Patriot Leaguetitles and placed second at the league tournament fourtimes during Officer’s 19 seasons of coaching them inthe league. Four of those crowns were accrued from2007-10, with the additional titles coming in 1996, ‘97and ‘99. The seven league titles won by Officer is themost of any men’s tennis coach in Patriot League his-tory.

Navy players have totaled 25 All-Patriot Leaguehonors under the current format for selecting the all-league teams that was adopted in 2003. Included inthis tally were four all-league selections during the2010 season –– Owen Bullard, first team; JeremyNew, first team; Nicholas Gutsche, second team;Marcus Rebersak, second team –– and two during the2011 campaign –– Owen Bullard, first team; JeremyNew, second team.

The prior format utilized by the league saw 13 ofOfficer’s singles players and nine of his doubles teamsreceive all-league accolades.

Additionally, members of the Navy team havebeen selected as the Patriot League Player of the

Year on seven occasions, including Mitchell Koch andNate Nelms, who both received the honor twice, andOwen Bullard, who won the laurel last season.

Navy players also have been regulary recog-nized for their academic achievements. Nick Birgerwas selected as the Patriot League’s Scholar-Athleteof the Year for men’s tennis following the conclusionof the 2010 and ‘11 seasons, was the league’s overallmale schilar-athlete of the year as a senior and wasthe valedictorian of the USNA’s Class of 2011. Also,Navy players have accrued 49 placings onto thePatriot League Academic Honor Roll over the years.

Navy and Officer also enjoyed a great deal ofsuccess as a five-year member of the Colonial AthleticAssociation prior to joining the Patriot League. TheMids won CAA titles twice and placed no lower thanthird in the remaining three seasons.

On a national level, Navy attained its highestranking of No. 75 during the 2000 season and havereceived a regional ranking 10 times. Individually,Craig Moringiello and Mitch Koch earned top-100national rankings in 1991 and ‘99, respectively, whilethe duo and Chris Thompson totaled five regionalrankings in singles. Officer also has had four of hisdoubles tandems garner a regional ranking.

Officer himself is a six-time recipient of thePatriot League Coach-of-the-Year accolade. Heearned the laurel annually from 2007-10, as well as in1996 and ‘99. His tally is the most of any men’s ten-nis coach in league history.

Other recognition for Officer over his career hasincluded him being selected as the 1986 CAA Coachof the Year, as the USPTA Mid-Atlantic and NationalCoach of the Year in 1991, as the ITA Regional Coach

of the Year in 1991 and ‘99, and as the NavalAcademy Athletic Association’s Spring Season Coachof the Year in 1999 and 2007.

A native of Hanover, N.H., Officer graduatedfrom Boston College in 1979 (history) before earning aMaster’s Degree (education) from Boston University.He served as the head coach of tennis team at B.U.for two years before arriving on The Yard.

Along with his coaching duties at Navy, Officeralso is a Professor of Physical Education at theschool.

Outside of Navy, Officer has completed a 10-part series of tennis instructional videos, and recentlyauthored the book, Discovering Your Passion: ThePath of the Spiritual-Warrior.

He and his wife, Cathy, are the parents of fourdaughters.

1996, ‘99, 2007, ‘08, ‘09, ‘10 Patriot League Coach of the Year1996, ‘97, ‘99, 2007, ‘08, ‘09, ‘10 Patriot League Champions

YYeeaarr WW--LL CCoonnffeerreennccee PPoossttsseeaassoonn RReessuulltt1985 21-5 CAA Second Place11998866 1166--1100 CCAAAA CChhaammppiioonnss11998877 1177--66 CCAAAA CChhaammppiioonnss1988 15-10 CAA Third Place1989 18-9 CAA Second Place1990 15-14 no conference tournament1991 18-6 no conference tournament1992 13-9 Patriot League Second Place1993 12-11 Patriot League Third Place1994 11-17 Patriot League Third Place1995 14-14 Patriot League Finalist11999966 1166--1111 PPaattrriioott LLeeaagguuee CChhaammppiioonnss11999977 1188--1111 PPaattrriioott LLeeaagguuee CChhaammppiioonnss11999999 1188--88 PPaattrriioott LLeeaagguuee CChhaammppiioonnss2000 18-11 Patriot League Finalist2001 18-11 Patriot League Finalist2002 14-11 Patriot League Semifinalist2003 11-13 Patriot League Semifinalist2004 13-12 Patriot League Semifinalist2005 13-11 Patriot League Semifinalist2006 14-10 Patriot League Semifinalist22000077 1155--1111 PPaattrriioott LLeeaagguuee CChhaammppiioonnss22000088 2200--99 PPaattrriioott LLeeaagguuee CChhaammppiioonnss22000099 1188--88 PPaattrriioott LLeeaagguuee CChhaammppiioonnss22001100 1166--1144 PPaattrriioott LLeeaagguuee CChhaammppiioonnss2011 17-11 Patriot League Semifinalist2266 YYeeaarrss 440099--227733 NNiinnee LLeeaagguuee TTiittlleess

Officer Year-by-Year at Navy

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Charting OfficerMMoosstt NNaavvyy TTeennnniiss CCooaacchhiinngg VViiccttoorriieess11.. ��440099 JJoohhnn OOffffiicceerr ((2266 YYrrss..,, 11998855--9977,, ‘‘9999--pprreess..))2. 248 Bobby Bayliss (15 Yrs., 1970-84)

MMoosstt YYeeaarrss aass NNaavvyy TTeennnniiss HHeeaadd CCooaacchh11.. ��2266 JJoohhnn OOffffiicceerr ((11998855--9977,, ‘‘9999--pprreess..))2. 17 Arthur Hendrix (1939-43, ‘46-57)

MMoosstt NNaavvyy TTeennnniiss VViiccttoorriieess vvss.. AArrmmyy11.. ��2211 JJoohhnn OOffffiicceerr ((2255 YYrrss..,, 11998855--9977,, ‘‘9999--pprreess..))2. 15 Bobby Bayliss (15 Yrs., 1970-84)

MMoosstt PPaattrriioott LLeeaagguuee MMeenn’’ss TTeennnniiss TTiittlleess WWoonn bbyy HHeeaadd CCooaacchh ((11999900--pprreesseenntt))11.. ��77 JJoohhnn OOffffiicceerr,, NNaavvyy 2. 5 Steve Strome, Army

MMoosstt PPaattrriioott LLeeaagguuee MMeenn’’ss TTeennnniiss CCooaacchh--ooff--tthhee--YYeeaarr AAwwaarrddss ((11999933--pprreesseenntt))11.. ��66 JJoohhnn OOffffiicceerr,, NNaavvyy 2. 4 Steve Strome, Army

MMoosstt PPaattrriioott LLeeaagguuee TTiittlleess WWoonn bbyy aa UUSSNNAA CCooaacchh1. 8 Dick Purdy (W. Swimming)

8 Bill Roberts (M. Swimming3. ��77 JJoohhnn OOffffiicceerr

MMoosstt PPaattrriioott LLeeaagguuee CCooaacchh--ooff--tthhee--YYeeaarr AAwwaarrddss WWoonn bbyy UUSSNNAA CCooaacchheess1. 7 Pat Owen (M. Golf)2. ��66 JJoohhnn OOffffiicceerr

6 Dick Purdy (W. Swimming)

Officer’s Thoughts on the2012 Spring Season

“The team had an excellent fall while competing inthe two home invitationals as well as at the ITA AtlanticRegional. We feel we will be much improved from last sea-son, thanks to the addition of four highly-rated freshmen.They are projected to fill the Nos. 2-5 slots in our singleslineup.

“Marcus Rebersak will play No. 1 for us and serve asteam captain. Marcus was ranked No. 125 on the ITAnational rankings last fall. This year, he defeated playersfrom St. Bonaventure, Georgetown and George Washington.In doubles, Marcus will play with Anderson Walls this springand together they posted a win over UMBC this fall. Marcusbeat Virginia Commonwealth at regionals in doubles withCalvin Mark.

“Leading the way for the freshmen will be PeterMcDonald, who posted a 4-1 record this fall with wins overGeorgetown, Temple and UMBC at No. 2 singles. CalvinMark will play No. 3 after going 7-3 on the fall. He compet-ed at the regional championship through his winning a pairof qualifying matches at the event, then went on to defeat aplayer from Radford during the main draw. He also wentthree sets with the No. 5 seed in the event (Maryland’sMarcos Horny), while he earlier beat players from UMBC,Temple and Georgetown.

“Tyler Burnett will hold down the No. 4 singles posi-tion. He went 3-3 on the fall defeating players from UMBCand Temple. Blake Daniel will play No. 5 singles. He went5-3 on the fall with wins over opponents from Temple,Georgetown, UMBC and Binghamton. Nick Gutsche, whoposted 20 wins at No. 6 two years ago as a freshman, willmove back down the lineup from No. 4 position last year toNo. 6 this spring. He posted wins over foes from Templeand UMBC this fall.

“We will have excellent depth this year. MattRichmond, who played No. 5 singles last year, will challengefor a singles slot. Heyward Drayton, who played No. 3 sin-gles last spring, also will challenge for a singles position.Heyward had a win over a player from Penn State last year.Chris Kenney is much improved, and Anderson Wallsplayed No. 3 singles as a freshman before having knee sur-gery. He looks to be recovered and will certainly give usgreat depth. Alex Sisk worked very hard to make the teamas a walk-on and pushes his teammates everyday in prac-tice.

“The doubles teams also look to be set. Rebersakand Walls will play No 1 and Mark and McDonald will playNo. 2. The latter duo posted a 5-1 record on the fall withwins over teams from Temple, UMBC and Georgetown.The third team will be either Daniel-Gutsche (4-1), with winsover teams from Temple and Georgetown, or Drayton-Kenney (4-0), with wins over teams from Georgetown,UMBC and Binghamton. Overall, the doubles play was verysolid this fall.

“The goals for the spring including our re-capturingthe league title, which we had won for four straight yearsbefore last year. We also are looking to establish ourselvesmore on the national scene.

“I have enjoyed coaching this team as much as any Ihave had. The guys work hard every day and look toimprove. Additionally, Marcus has done a good job of lead-ing this young team.”

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Support Staff

LLoorreettttaa LLaammaarrSport Administrator

BBeeccccaa GGrriizzzzaarrddStrength Coach

LLtt.. CCmmddrr.. WWeess GGrriiffffiinn,, UUSSNNOfficer Representative

CChhrriissttiinnee CCooppppeerrFaculty Representative

John MorelandAssistant Coach11th Season

Washington College ‘96

2009 ITA Northeast RegionAssistant Coach of the Year

John Moreland is in his 11th season as the lead assistant coach for the Navymen’s tennis program. The Mids have compiled a 151-110 dual match record dur-ing his 10 seasons, including a 100-63 mark over the last six years.

Moreland was selected as the 2009 ITA Northeast Region Coach of the Year.He helped guide the Mids that season to an 18-8 record and the third of the team’sfour straight NCAA Tournament appearances.

After graduating from Washington College (Chestertown, Md.) in 1996,Moreland immediately began his coaching career as a volunteer assistant coach atMarietta College (Marietta, Ohio). He would return to his alma mater in 1998 as anassistant coach for both tennis programs at the school. During his two years at theschool he coached two singles players and four doubles players who earned All-America honors, as well as a pair of ITA regional singles and doubles champions.

Moreland would serve as the head coach of the men’s and women’s teams atSt. Mary’s College for one season prior to arriving at Navy. He would coach theconference women’s rookie of the year during his lone campaign at St. Mary’s.

In addition to his Bachelor’s Degree from Washington College, he also earneda Master’s Degree from the school in 2004. Moreland married his wife, Kay, duringthe summer of 2011.

Jim LaittaVolunteer Assistant Coach

Second SeasonEastern Kentucky ‘88

The 2011-12 season will be Jim Laitta’s second as a volunteer assistantcoach with the program.

Laitta most recently served as an assistant coach at Ohio State during the2009-10 season. The Buckeyes compiled a 35-2 record on the year and advancedto the quarterfinal round of the NCAA Tournament where they lost to the eventualnational champions, USC.

Prior to his one-year stint in Columbus, Ohio, Laitta spent 19 seasons as ahead coach with the Maryland tennis programs. While coaching the men’s team forall 19 years in College Park, he also served as the head coach of the school’swomen’s team for his first 11 years at the school.

When he arrived in College Park, neither tennis program received any schol-arship funding. The women’s team became fully funded in his eighth season whilethe men’s program reached that level towards the end of his time at the school.Despite those limitations, Laitta led the women’s team to a trio of NCAATournament appearances and saw the men’s progarm earn national rankings ineach of his final three seasons.

A 1988 graduate of Eastern Kentucky, Laitta was the head coach of theMississippi State women’s team from 1988-90. His doubles tandem of ClairePollard and Jackie Holden won the 1989 NCAA national championship.

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Navy Record Breakdown17-11 OOvveerraallll RReeccoorrdd

14-1 HHoommee MMaattcchheess2-10 RRooaadd MMaattcchheess1-0 NNeeuuttrraall SSiittee MMaattcchheess

3-2 PPaattrriioott LLeeaagguuee RReegguullaarr SSeeaassoonn1-1 PPaattrriioott LLeeaagguuee TToouurrnnaammeenntt

13-7 vvss.. IITTAA AAttllaannttiicc RReeggiioonn OOppppoonneenntt

0-3 vvss.. NNaattiioonnaallllyy RRaannkkeedd OOppppoonneenntt0-0 vvss.. RReeggiioonnaallllyy RRaannkkeedd OOppppoonneenntt

17-11 DDoouubblleess PPooiinntt RReessuulltt ((22--ooff--33 ffoorrmmaatt))16-1 RReeccoorrdd wwhheenn WWiinnnniinngg DDoouubblleess PPooiinntt1-10 RReeccoorrdd wwhheenn LLoossiinngg DDoouubblleess PPooiinntt

3-2 RReeccoorrdd iinn MMaattcchheess wwiitthh 77--00 SSccoorree3-1 RReeccoorrdd iinn MMaattcchheess wwiitthh 66--11 SSccoorree6-3 RReeccoorrdd iinn MMaattcchheess wwiitthh 55--22 SSccoorree4-4 RReeccoorrdd iinn MMaattcchheess wwiitthh 44--33 SSccoorree

Schedule Key* - Patriot League match$ - Patriot League Tournament (Bethlehem, Pa.)% - Atlantic Region opponentHHoommee mmaattcchheess iinn bboolldd

2011 Season in Review

Match-by-Match ResultsSINGLES DOUBLES

DDaattee OOppppoonneenntt SSccoorree 11 22 33 44 55 66 11 22 33SSeepp.. 1100--1122 NNaavvyy IInnvviittaattiioonnaall NNoo TTeeaamm SSccoorriinnggOOcctt.. 88--1100 NNaavvyy GGoolldd IInnvviittaattiioonnaall NNoo TTeeaamm SSccoorriinnggOct. 20-24 ITA Atlantic Regional No Team ScoringOct. 29-31 Cornell Fall Invitational No Team Scoring

%% JJaann.. 2222 SSaaiinntt FFrraanncciiss ((PPaa..)) WW 66--11 WW WW WW LL WW WW LL WW WW%% JJaann.. 2299 SSaaiinntt JJoosseepphh’’ss WW 66--11 WW LL WW WW WW WW WW WW WW

JJaann.. 2299 SStt.. FFrraanncciiss ((NN..YY..)) WW 77--00 WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW%% FFeebb.. 55 VViillllaannoovvaa WW 66--11 WW LL WW WW WW WW LL WW WW%% FFeebb.. 55 HHoowwaarrdd WW 77--00 WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW

Feb. 8 at #19 North Carolina L 7-0 L L L L L L L W LFFeebb.. 1133 DDrreexxeell WW 66--11 WW WW WW WW LL WW WW WW WW

%% FFeebb.. 1133 MMoouunntt SStt.. MMaarryy’’ss WW 77--00 WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WWFeb. 19 at UNC Greensboro L 6-1 L L L L L L W W L

% Feb. 20 at #75 William & Mary L 7-0 L L L L L L L L LFeb. 23 at Penn L 7-0 L L L L L L L L L

% Feb. 26 at Old Dominion L 7-0 L L L L L L L L W%% FFeebb.. 2277 LLooyyoollaa WW 66--11 WW WW WW LL WW WW WW WW WW%% FFeebb.. 2277 MMoorrggaann SSttaattee WW 55--22 WW LL WW WW LL WW WW WW WW%% MMaarrcchh 55 DDeellaawwaarree WW 44--33 LL WW LL WW LL WW WW LL WW%% MMaarrcchh 55 CCooppppiinn SSttaattee WW 77--00 WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW% March 6 at UMBC L 4-0 L L L u u u W L L% March 13 at #70 Penn State L 6-1 L L L L W L L W L

March 17 at Bethune-Cookman W 5-2 L W W L W W W W W%% MMaarrcchh 2233 GGeeoorrggee WWaasshhiinnggttoonn LL 66--11 LL WW LL LL LL LL LL LL LL** MMaarrcchh 2266 CCoollggaattee WW 55--22 WW WW LL LL WW WW WW WW WW**%% MMaarrcchh 2277 BBuucckknneellll WW 44--33 WW WW LL LL LL WW WW WW LL*% April 2 at Lafayette W 6-1 W W W W W L W W W*% April 3 at Lehigh L 5-2 L W W L L L W L L%% AApprriill 66 GGeeoorrggeettoowwnn WW 44--33 WW LL WW LL WW WW WW LL LL* April 9 at Army L 4-3 W L W L L W W L L$% April 15 vs. Lafayette W 4-0 W W u u W u W L W$% April 16 at Lehigh L 4-3 W W L L W L W L L

NNaavvyy aatt tthhee 22001100 NNCCAAAA TToouurrnnaammeenntt..

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Doubles Statistics -- by IndividualPPllaayyeerr OOvveerraallll DDuuaall FFaallll PPLL 11 22 33 NNaatt.. RRaannkk RReegg.. RRaannkkNick Birger 22-15 20-8 2-7 5-0 20-8 --- --- 0-1 0-1Owen Bullard 21-13 20-7 1-6 5-0 20-7 --- --- 0-1 0-1Heyward Drayton 14-9 12-6 2-3 2-2 --- 1-0 11-6 0-0 0-0Mike Eisenberg 8-11 7-6 1-5 3-2 0-1 4-5 3-0 0-0 0-0Nicholas Gutsche 12-16 11-10 1-6 3-2 --- 11-10 --- 0-0 0-0Chris Kenney 8-3 6-0 2-3 0-0 --- --- 6-0 0-0 0-0Eddie Konrad 2-0 0-0 2-0 0-0 --- --- --- 0-0 0-0Jeremy New 12-10 9-7 3-3 2-3 --- 2-0 7-7 0-0 0-0Zach Nicholson 10-6 6-4 4-2 0-0 --- 6-4 --- 0-0 0-0Marcus Rebersak 13-13 10-10 3-3 0-1 --- 7-3 3-7 0-0 0-0Matt Richmond 4-2 0-0 4-2 0-0 --- --- --- 0-0 0-0Anderson Walls 6-4 5-4 1-0 0-0 --- 3-0 2-4 0-0 0-0TToottaallss 64-50 53-31 11-19 10-5 20-8 17-11 16-12 0-1 0-1PPeerrcceennttaaggee .561 .631 .367 .667 .714 .607 .571 .000 .000

Doubles Statistics -- by TeamPPllaayyeerr OOvveerraallll DDuuaall FFaallll PPLL 11 22 33 NNaatt.. RRaannkk RReegg.. RRaannkkBirger / Bullard 20-7 20-7 0-0 5-0 20-7 --- --- 0-1 0-1Birger / Eisenberg 1-6 0-1 1-5 0-0 0-1 --- --- 0-0 0-0Birger / Nicholson 1-2 0-0 1-2 0-0 --- --- --- 0-0 0-0Bullard / Gutsche 1-6 0-0 1-6 0-0 --- --- --- 0-0 0-0Drayton / Kenney 6-3 4-0 2-3 0-0 --- --- 4-0 0-0 0-0Drayton / New 7-5 7-5 0-0 2-2 --- 1-0 6-5 0-0 0-0Drayton / Rebersak 1-1 1-1 0-0 0-0 --- --- 1-1 0-0 0-0Eisenberg / Gutsche 3-5 3-5 0-0 3-2 --- 3-5 --- 0-0 0-0Eisenberg / Kenney 2-0 2-0 0-0 0-0 --- --- 2-0 0-0 0-0Eisenberg / New 2-0 2-0 0-0 0-0 --- 1-0 1-0 0-0 0-0Gutsche / Nicholson 5-3 5-3 0-0 0-0 --- 5-3 --- 0-0 0-0Gutsche / Rebersak 3-2 3-2 0-0 0-0 --- 3-2 --- 0-0 0-0Konrad / Nicholson 2-0 0-0 2-0 0-0 --- --- --- 0-0 0-0New / Rebersak 3-5 0-2 3-3 0-1 --- --- 0-2 0-0 0-0Nicholson / Rebersak 1-1 1-1 0-0 0-0 --- 1-1 --- 0-0 0-0Nicholson / Walls 1-0 0-0 1-0 0-0 --- --- --- 0-0 0-0Rebersak / Walls 5-4 5-4 0-0 0-0 --- 3-0 2-4 0-0 0-0TToottaallss 64-50 53-31 11-19 10-5 20-8 17-11 16-12 0-1 0-1PPeerrcceennttaaggee .561 .631 .367 .667 .714 .607 .571 .000 .000

Singles StatisticsPPllaayyeerr OOvveerraallll DDuuaall FFaallll PPLL 11 22 33 44 55 66 NNaatt.. RRaannkk RReegg.. RRaannkk 33--SSeett 77--TTiiee 1100--TTiieeNick Birger 7-5 5-3 2-2 3-2 --- --- --- 1-0 1-0 3-2 0-0 0-0 1-3 3-2 1-1Owen Bullard 18-18 17-11 1-7 4-1 17-11 --- --- --- --- --- 0-1 0-2 1-4 2-1 0-2Heyward Drayton 11-8 9-5 2-3 2-3 --- --- 2-1 0-3 2-1 5-0 0-0 0-0 4-0 2-5 1-0Mike Eisenberg 1-2 1-0 0-2 0-0 --- --- --- --- 1-0 --- 0-0 0-0 0-1 1-0 0-1Nicholas Gutsche 16-18 10-16 6-2 1-4 --- --- 2-2 4-7 4-7 --- 0-0 0-0 2-5 0-1 2-0Chris Kenney 3-3 2-0 1-3 0-0 --- --- --- --- --- 2-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-1 0-0Eddie Konrad 3-1 0-0 3-1 0-0 --- --- --- --- --- --- 0-0 0-0 0-2 0-3 0-0Jeremy New 20-12 16-8 4-4 5-0 --- 5-0 6-3 5-5 --- --- 0-0 0-1 8-2 3-2 4-2Zach Nicholson 11-11 6-6 5-5 0-0 --- 1-0 5-6 --- --- --- 0-0 0-0 2-3 0-2 2-2Marcus Rebersak 17-13 10-12 7-1 0-1 --- 10-12 --- --- --- --- 0-1 0-3 5-4 2-1 2-0Matt Richmond 12-9 9-8 3-1 2-2 --- --- --- 0-1 6-3 3-4 0-0 0-0 1-2 1-1 0-1Anderson Walls 4-4 4-4 0-0 0-0 --- --- --- --- 1-1 3-3 0-0 0-0 1-1 0-0 0-0TToottaallss 123-104 89-73 34-31 17-13 17-11 16-12 15-12 10-16 15-12 16-10 0-2 0-6 25-27 14-19 12-9PPeerrcceennttaaggee .543 .549 .523 .567 .607 .571 .556 .385 .556 .615 .000 .000 .481 .424 .571

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Patriot League Tournament SeedingsLLeeaagguuee OOvveerraallll

## TTeeaamm WW LL PPcctt.. WW LL PPcctt..1. Army 6 0 1.000 13 12 .5202. Lehigh 4 2 .667 15 7 .68233.. NNaavvyy 33 22 ..660000 1177 1111 ..6600774. Bucknell 3 2 .600 11 8 .5795. Colgate 1 4 .200 6 12 .3336. Lafayette 1 5 .167 5 11 .3137. Holy Cross 0 3 .000 2 10 .167

Patriot League Tournament ResultsBBeetthhlleehheemm,, PPaa.. ((LLeehhiigghh))

Patriot League HonorsFFiirrsstt TTeeaamm AAllll--PPaattrriioott LLeeaagguueeAsika Isoh, ArmyGary Kushnirovich, ArmyGregg Cohenca, BucknellLuke Gensburg, ColgateTroy List, LehighOOwweenn BBuullllaarrdd,, NNaavvyy

SSeeccoonndd TTeeaamm AAllll--PPaattrriioott LLeeaagguueeTripp Johnson, ArmyEvan Zimmer, BucknellDoug Gallagher, LafayetteColin Laffey, LehighMark Goldberg, LehighJJeerreemmyy NNeeww,, NNaavvyy

Individual Major AwardsPPllaayyeerr ooff tthhee YYeeaarr –––– OOwweenn BBuullllaarrdd,, NNaavvyyRRooookkiiee ooff tthhee YYeeaarr –––– Luke Gensburg, ColgateCCooaacchh ooff tthhee YYeeaarr –––– Jim Poling, ArmyTToouurrnnaammeenntt MMVVPP –––– Asika Isoh

& Gary Kushnirovich, ArmySScchhoollaarr--AAtthhlleettee ooff tthhee YYeeaarr –– NNiicckk BBiirrggeerr,, NNaavvyy

AArrmmyyAlex HollandChad LlewellynAllen XuBBuucckknneellllScott BernsteinGregg CohencaAnton KovicKelly MorqueKyle RosenEvan ZimmerCCoollggaatteeBobby BerkowitzPhilip BernasekConner FeuilleHHoollyy CCrroossssChris BrosnanTom CasavantChris DasKevin LeggioJeff MaadreAjeya Shekar

LLaaffaayyeetttteeDoug GallagherSinan IpekerKyle MacLellandAndrew MorrisMatthew SchepsMatt ShapiroLLeehhiigghhAndrew KrentzRyan KruegerColin LaffeyEdgards RauzaMatthew SavranCameron SilbertNNaavvyyNNiicckk BBiirrggeerrOOwweenn BBuullllaarrddMMiikkee EEiisseennbbeerrggCChhrriiss KKeennnneeyyEEddddiiee KKoonnrraadd

Student-athletes receive Patriot League AcademicHonor Roll recognition for attaining a minimum 3.20grade-point average during the 2011 spring semester.

Patriot League Academic Honor Roll

QQuuaarrtteerrffiinnaall MMaattcchheess#4 Bucknell def. #5 Colgate, 4-1##33 NNaavvyy def. #6 Lafayette, 4-0#2 Lehigh def. #7 Holy Cross, 4-0#1 Army –– Bye

SSeemmiiffiinnaall MMaattcchheess#1 Army def. #4 Bucknell, 4-2#2 Lehigh def. ##33 NNaavvyy, 4-3

CChhaammppiioonnsshhiipp MMaattcchh#1 Army def. #2 Lehigh, 4-2

NNaavvyy dduurriinngg tthhee 22001100 PPaattrriioott LLeeaagguuee TToouurrnnaammeenntt TTrroopphhyy pprreesseennttaattiioonn..

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Year-by-Year RecordsYYeeaarr WW--LL CCoonnff.. PPllaaccee CCaappttaaiinn((ss)) CCooaacchh1922 3-5-2 –– Not Available Henry Sturdy1923 6-4 –– Not Available Henry Sturdy1924 7-3-1 –– Glen Hartwig Henry Sturdy1925 12-1 –– Bruce Kelley Henry Sturdy1926 11-2 –– Charles Lyman Henry Sturdy1927 6-1 –– Phillip Snyder Henry Sturdy1928 8-2 –– Jesse Young Henry Sturdy1929 8-3 –– James Farrin William Howard1930 8-3 –– Mecuin Halstead George Gaudet1931 9-2 –– Ed Robertson George Gaudet1932 9-3 –– Cliff Johnson George Gaudet1933 9-3 –– Cliff Johnson George Gaudet1934 10-3 –– Elliott Loughlin George Gaudet1935 12-1 –– Jack Mann George Gaudet1936 9-4 –– Jack Mann George Gaudet1937 3-8 –– John Noel George Gaudet1938 5-6 –– Art Grantham George Gaudet1939 6-5 –– Brink Bass Arthur Hendrix1940 9-4 –– Dave Marks Arthur Hendrix1941 10-4 –– Russ Blair Arthur Hendrix1942 12-2 –– Jack Williams Arthur Hendrix1943 14-0 –– Spreen Arthur Hendrix1944 13-0 –– Bill Kmetz James1945 10-1 –– Bud Edwards James1946 9-5 –– J.H. Doyle Arthur Hendrix1947 5-8 –– W.H. Jagoe Arthur Hendrix1948 3-12 –– L.V. Vogt Jr. Arthur Hendrix1949 9-5 –– L.V. Vogt Jr. Arthur Hendrix1950 11-5 –– J.W. Wills Jr. Arthur Hendrix1951 13-3 –– H.C. Goelzer Arthur Hendrix1952 10-3 –– E.G. Schultz Arthur Hendrix1953 9-6 –– Carleton Hoffner Arthur Hendrix1954 11-4 –– Ray Messinger Arthur Hendrix1955 9-5 –– Laurence Baldauf Arthur Hendrix1956 11-2 –– Reed Lewis Arthur Hendrix1957 13-3 –– Don Clark Arthur Hendrix1958 6-10 –– John Griffiths Robert Bender1959 7-7 –– Marvin Osburn Bill Bos1960 13-7-1 –– David Haughton Bill Bos1961 10-8-1 –– William Moore Bill Bos1962 13-5-1 –– Colin Fox Bill Bos1963 11-6 –– Lee Pekray Art Potter1964 11-6 –– Bob Teall Art Potter1965 6-10 –– John Owens Harvey Miller1966 7-4 –– John Williamson Harvey Miller1967 9-6 –– Bill Burns Jr., Wes Overton Harvey Miller1968 8-7-1 –– Lance Horne Harvey Miller1969 11-6 –– Robert Cowin Harvey Miller1970 10-7 –– George Galdorisi Bobby Bayliss1971 16-3 –– Bob Custer Bobby Bayliss1972 19-5 –– Gordon Perry Bobby Bayliss1973 17-5 –– Craig Dawson, Jim Bristow Bobby Bayliss1974 15-5 –– Kevin Miller Bobby Bayliss1975 17-6 –– Bob Phillips Bobby Bayliss1976 16-5 –– Mark Hoekstra Bobby Bayliss1977 15-6 –– Mark Jee Bobby Bayliss1978 16-9 –– Brad Baylor, Buddy Robinson Bobby Bayliss1979 18-3 –– Gene Miller Bobby Bayliss1980 19-5 –– Eric Giosa Bobby Bayliss1981 20-4 –– Craig Morrison Bobby Bayliss1982 22-3 –– Dave Andrews Bobby Bayliss1983 14-6 –– Bill Montford Bobby Bayliss1984 14-8 1 Bayly Taff Bobby Bayliss1985 21-5 2 Franz Wagner John Officer1986 16-10 1 David Jones John Officer

YYeeaarr WW--LL CCoonnff.. PPllaaccee CCaappttaaiinn((ss)) CCooaacchh1987 17-6 1 Mike Spanos John Officer1988 15-10 3 Jamie Moore John Officer1989 18-9 2 Rob Tibbs John Officer1990 15-14 –– Pat Walker John Officer1991 18-6 –– Craig Moringiello John Officer1992 13-9 2 Wayne Jang John Officer1993 12-11 3 Frank Bronson John Officer1994 11-17 3 Sean Quinn John Officer1995 14-14 2 John Sullivan John Officer1996 16-11 1 Jay Mihal John Officer1997 18-11 1 Jay Wicklund John Officer1998 14-9 1 Silas Bouyer Paul D’Amico1999 18-8 1 Dan Stahlschmidt John Officer2000 18-11 2 Spencer Wilcox John Officer2001 18-11 2 Ben Salomon John Officer2002 14-11 3* Cameron Lickle John Officer2003 11-13 3* Cameron Lickle John Officer2004 13-12 3* Ryan Osgood John Officer2005 13-11 3* Davy Lee John Officer2006 14-10 3* Matt Walton John Officer2007 15-11 1 Adrian Lai John Officer2008 20-9 1 Alex James John Officer2009 18-8 1 Jason Hill John Officer2010 16-14 1 Ramsey Lemaich John Officer2011 17-11 3* Nick Birger John Officer* reached semifinals of league tournamentConference Affliiations –– Eastern Intercollegiate Tennis League, 1940-98; Colonial Athletic Association, 1984-89; Patriot League, 1992-pres.

JJoohhnn OOffffiicceerr aanndd BBoobbbbyy BBaayylliissss ffoolllloowwiinngg NNoottrree DDaammee’’ss mmaattcchh aatt NNaavvyy iinn tthhee sspprriinnggooff 22001100.. TThhee dduuoo hhaavvee ccoommbbiinneedd ffoorr 665577 wwiinnss iinn 4411 yyeeaarrss ooff ccooaacchhiinngg aatt NNaavvyy..

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Navy’s Patriot League Tournament HistoryAll-Time Patriot League Tournament Results (18 seasons of head-to-head match tournament format)YYeeaarr SSiittee QQuuaarrtteerrffiinnaall ((88--00)) SSeemmiiffiinnaall ((1111--77)) FFiinnaall ((88--33))11999944 Hamilton, N.Y. #3 NNaavvyy 6, #6 Lafayette 1 #2 Colgate 5, #3 NNaavvyy 1 #3 NNaavvyy 5, #4 Lehigh 1 (3rd pl.)11999955 Bethlehem, Pa. #2 NNaavvyy 4, #7 Lafayette 0 #2 NNaavvyy 4, #3 Lehigh 0 #1 Army 4, #2 NNaavvyy 111999966 Lewisburg, Pa. #2 NNaavvyy 4, #7 Holy Cross 0 #2 NNaavvyy 4, #3 Colgate 0 #2 NNaavvyy 4, #1 Army 111999977 Hamilton, N.Y. #2 NNaavvyy 5, #7 Holy Cross 0 #2 NNaavvyy 4, #3 Colgate 0 #2 NNaavvyy 4, #1 Army 311999988 Bethlehem, Pa. BYE #1 NNaavvyy 6, #4 Colgate 1 #1 NNaavvyy 4, #2 Army 111999999 Annapolis, Md. No QF Round #1 NNaavvyy 7, #4 Bucknell 0 #1 NNaavvyy 5, #2 Army 122000000 West Point, N.Y. #2 NNaavvyy 4, #7 Holy Cross 0 #2 NNaavvyy 5, #3 Colgate 1 #1 Army 4, #2 NNaavvyy 222000011 Hamilton, N.Y. #2 NNaavvyy 4, #7 Holy Cross 0 #2 NNaavvyy 4, #3 Colgate 2 #1 Army 4, #2 NNaavvyy 122000022 Washington, D.C. No QF Round #2 Colgate 4, #3 NNaavvyy 3 ––22000033 Washington, D.C. No QF Round #2 Army 4, #3 NNaavvyy 1 ––22000044 Washington, D.C. No QF Round #1 American 4, #4 NNaavvyy 1 ––22000055 Washington, D.C. No QF Round #2 Army 4, #3 NNaavvyy 0 ––22000066 West Point, N.Y. No QF Round #2 American 4, #3 NNaavvyy 0 ––22000077 Annapolis, Md. BYE #1 NNaavvyy 4, #4 Bucknell 0 #1 NNaavvyy 4, #2 Army 022000088 Hamilton, N.Y. BYE #1 NNaavvyy 4, #5 Lafayette 0 #1 NNaavvyy 4, #2 Army 022000099 West Point, N.Y. BYE #1 NNaavvyy 4, #4 Bucknell 0 #1 NNaavvyy 4, #3 Army 122001100 Lewisburg, Pa. #2 NNaavvyy 4, #7 Holy Cross 0 #2 NNaavvyy 4, #3 Bucknell 0 #2 NNaavvyy 4, #1 Army 222001111 Bethlehem, Pa. #3 NNaavvyy 4, #6 Lafayette 0 #2 Lehigh 4, #3 NNaavvyy 3 ––

Navy vs. OpponentsOOppppoonneenntt vvss.. NNaavvyy WW--LL QQFF SSFF FF YYeeaarrss FFaacciinngg ((NNaavvyy WW--LL))AAmmeerriiccaann 2 0-2 –– 0-2 –– 04-SF-L 06-SF-LAArrmmyy 13 8-5 –– 0-2 8-3 95-F-L 96-F-W 97-F-W 98-F-W 99-F-W 00-F-L 01-F-L

03-SF-L 05-SF-L 07-F-W 08-F-W 09-F-W 10-F-WBBuucckknneellll 4 4-0 –– 4-0 –– 99-SF-W 07-SF-W 09-SF-W 10-SF-WCCoollggaattee 7 5-2 –– 5-2 –– 94-SF-L 96-SF-W 97-SF-W 98-SF-W 00-SF-W 01-SF-W 02-SF-LHHoollyy CCrroossss 5 5-0 5-0 –– –– 96-QF-W 97-QF-W 00-QF-W 01-QF-W 10-QF-WLLaaffaayyeettttee 4 4-0 3-0 1-0 –– 94-QF-W 95-QF-W 08-SF-W 11-QF-WLLeehhiigghh 3 2-1 –– 1-1 –– 94-3rd-W 95-SF-W 11-SF-LTToottaallss 3388 2288--1100 88--00 1111--77 88--33

Record by VenueHHoommee 4-0RRooaadd 5-4NNeeuuttrraall 19-6

AAnnnnaappoolliiss,, MMdd.. 4-0BBeetthhlleehheemm,, PPaa.. 5-2HHaammiillttoonn,, NN..YY.. 9-2LLeewwiissbbuurrgg,, PPaa.. 6-0WWaasshhiinnggttoonn,, DD..CC.. 0-4WWeesstt PPooiinntt,, NN..YY.. 4-2

Record as SeedSSeeeedd TTiimmeess WW--LL YYeeaarrss ((NNaavvyy WW--LL))##11 5 10-0 98 (2-0) 99 (2-0) 07 (2-0) 08 (2-0) 09 (2-0)##22 6 15-3 95 (2-1) 96 (3-0) 97 (3-0) 00 (2-1) 01 (2-1) 10 (3-0) 11 (1-1)##33 6 3-6 94 (2-1) 02 (0-1) 03 (0-1) 05 (0-1) 06 (0-1)##44 1 0-1 04 (0-1)##55 0 0-0 ––##66 0 0-0 ––##77 0 0-0 ––

Record vs. SeedSSeeeedd TTiimmeess WW--LL YYeeaarrss ((NNaavvyy WW--LL))##11 7 3-4 95 (0-1) 96 (1-0) 97 (1-0) 00 (0-1) 01 (0-1) 04 (0-1) 10 (1-0)##22 10 4-6 94 (0-1) 98 (1-0) 99 (1-0) 02 (0-1) 03 (0-1) 05 (0-1) 06 (0-1) 07 (1-0) 08 (1-0) 11 (0-1)##33 7 7-0 95 (1-0) 96 (1-0) 97 (1-0) 00 (1-0) 01 (1-0) 09 (1-0) 10 (1-0)##44 4 4-0 94 (1-0) 98 (1-0) 99 (1-0) 09 (1-0)##55 1 1-0 08 (1-0)##66 2 2-0 94 (1-0) 11 (1-0)##77 7 7-0 95 (1-0) 96 (1-0) 97 (1-0) 00 (1-0) 01 (1-0) 07 (1-0) 10 (1-0)

Record When ...FFaacciinngg BBeetttteerr SSeeeeddeedd TTeeaamm

AAllll MMaattcchheess QQFF SSFF FF3-10 0-0 0-7 3-3

FFaacciinngg WWoorrssee SSeeeeddeedd TTeeaammAAllll MMaattcchheess QQFF SSFF FF

25-0 8-0 11-0 5-0

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Team Titles and RankingsColonial Athletic Assoc. Titles - 3((55 yyeeaarrss:: 11998833--8844 -- 11998888--8899))1983-841985-861986-87

Top National Team RankingsRRaannkk YYeeaarr75 (mid-year) 2000

Top Region I Team RankingsRRaannkk YYeeaarr4 19917 19928 1988, ‘899 1990, ‘9911 200012 200813 200715 2009

Patriot League Titles - 8PPaattrriioott LLeeaagguuee ((2200 yyeeaarrss:: 11999922 -- pprreesseenntt))19961997199819992007200820082010

USPTA National Coach of the YearNNaammee YYeeaarrBobby Bayliss 1980JJoohhnn OOffffiicceerr 11999911

ITA Region Asst. Coach of the YearNNaammee YYeeaarrJJoohhnn MMoorreellaanndd 22000099

Conference Coach of the YearNNaammee YYeeaarrJJoohhnn OOffffiicceerr 11998866--8877 –– CCAAAAJJoohhnn OOffffiicceerr 11999966 ((ccoo)) –– PPaattrriioott LLeeaagguuee Paul D’Amico 1998 – Patriot LeagueJJoohhnn OOffffiicceerr 11999999 –– PPaattrriioott LLeeaagguueeJJoohhnn OOffffiicceerr 22000077 –– PPaattrriioott LLeeaagguueeJJoohhnn OOffffiicceerr 22000088 –– PPaattrriioott LLeeaagguuee JJoohhnn OOffffiicceerr 22000099 –– PPaattrriioott LLeeaagguuee JJoohhnn OOffffiicceerr 22001100 –– PPaattrriioott LLeeaagguuee

Coaching History & HonorsWilson ITCA/ITA Regional Coach of the YearNNaammee YYeeaarrJJoohhnn OOffffiicceerr 11999911JJoohhnn OOffffiicceerr 11999999

Navy Coaching HistoryNNaammee YYrrss.. SSeeaassoonnss WW--LL PPcctt.. vvss.. AArrmmyyHenry Sturdy 7 1922-28 53-18-3 .736 2-0William Howard 1 1929 8-3 .727 0-0George Gaudet 9 1930-38 74-33 .692 0-1James 2 1944-45 23-1 .958 1-0Arthur Hendrix 17 1939-43, ‘46-57 164-76 .683 10-7Robert Bender 1 1958 6-10 .375 1-0Bill Bos 4 1959-62 43-27-3 .610 3-1Art Potter 2 1963-64 22-12 .647 0-2Harvey Miller 5 1965-69 41-33-1 .553 1-4Bobby Bayliss 15 1970-84 248-80 .756 15-0Paul D’Amico 1 1998 14-9 .609 1-0JJoohhnn OOffffiicceerr 26 1985-97, ‘99-pres. 409-273 .600 21-17TToottaall 9900 11110055--557755--77 ..665577 5566--3322

NNaavvyy hhaass aaddvvaanncceedd ttoo tthhee NNCCAAAA TToouurrnnaammeenntt eeiigghhtt ttiimmeess oovveerr tthhee llaasstt 1166 yyeeaarrss.. TThhiiss iinncclluuddeess iinn bbootthh 22000077 ((aabboovvee lleefftt)) aanndd 22000088 ((rriigghhtt))..

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Individual Athletic Honors & AchievementsUS Open Champion ((UU..SS.. NNaattiioonnaall CChhaammppiioonn))NNaammee YYeeaarrJoe Hunt ’42 1943

NCAA Singles ChampionNNaammee YYeeaarrJoe Hunt '42 1941

Interservice Singles ChampionsNNaammee YYeeaarrCraig Dawson '73 1977, ‘78Curtis Dashiell '81 1981Mike Spanos '87 1987

ITA Region I/Rookie of the YearNNaammee YYeeaarrChris Thompson '92 1989

ITA Region I/Senior of the YearNNaammee YYeeaarrMitchell Koch ’00 2000

ITA Region I/Arthur AsheSportsmanship AwardNNaammee YYeeaarrMitchell Koch ’00 1999, 2000

ITA National Singles Ranking RRaannkk NNaammee YYeeaarr98 Craig Moringiello '91 199099 Mitchell Koch ’00 1999

Top Region I Singles RankingsRRaannkk NNaammee YYeeaarr1 Mitchell Koch '00 200010 Chris Thompson '92 198911 Chris Thompson '92 199111 Mitchell Koch ’00 199912 Craig Moringiello '91 1990

Top Region I Doubles RankingsRRaannkk NNaammee YYeeaarr4 Mitchell Koch ’00 / Jim McHugh ‘00 20006 Wayne Jang ‘92 / Pat Walker ‘90 19906 Mitchell Koch ‘00 / Tim Crawmer ‘99 19999 Wayne Jang ‘92 / Frank Bronson ‘94 199210 Mitchell Koch ‘00 / Tim Crawmer ‘99 1998

Conference Player of the Year((22000022 -- pprreesseenntt))NNaammee LLeeaagguuee YYeeaarrChris Thompson ‘92 CAA 1989Silas Bouyer ‘98 Patriot 1996Mitchell Koch ‘00 Patriot 1997, ‘99Silas Bouyer ‘98 Patriot 1998Nate Nelms ‘09 Patriot 2007, ‘09Owen Bullard ‘11 Patriot 2011

Conference Freshman of the Year((22000022 -- pprreesseenntt))NNaammee LLeeaagguuee YYeeaarrStanley Kahl ‘07 Patriot 2004Nate Nelms ‘09 Patriot 2006Ramsey Lemaich ‘10 Patriot 2007Owen Bullard ‘11 Patriot 2008

Conference Tournament MVPNNaammee LLeeaagguuee YYeeaarrSilas Bouyer '98 Patriot 1996, ‘98Mitchell Koch ‘00 Patriot 1997, ‘99Nate Nelms ‘09 Patriot 2007, ‘09Alex James ‘08 Patriot 2008Owen Bullard ‘11 Patriot 2010

All-Patriot League –– Singles((11999922 -- 22000022))NNaammee YYeeaarrJay Wicklund '97 1996Silas Bouyer '98 1996, '97, '98Tim Crawmer '99 1997, '98Mitchell Koch '00 1997, '98, '99, 2000Joe McCauley '00 2000Jim McHugh '00 1999, 2000Ben Salomon '01 2001Cameron Lickle '03 2001, '02

All-Patriot League –– Doubles((11999922 -- 22000022))NNaammee YYeeaarrDan Gordon '94 / John Sullivan '96 1994Silas Bouyer '98 / Jay Wicklund '97 1995Tim Crawmer '99 / Jay Wicklund '97 1996Silas Bouyer '98 / Mitchell Koch '00 1997Jim McHugh '00 / Jay Wicklund '97 1997Silas Bouyer '98 / Dan Stahlschmidt '98 1998Tim Crawmer '99 / Mitchell Koch '00 1998, '99Mitchell Koch '00 / Jim McHugh '00 2000Cameron Lickle '03 / Chris McGrath '03 2001Cameron Lickle '03 / Ryan Osgood '04 2002

All-Patriot League ((22000033 -- pprreesseenntt))NNaammee YYeeaarr // TTeeaammCameron Lickle ‘03 2003 - FirstRyan Osgood ‘04 2004 - SecondDavy Lee ‘05 2003 - First / 2005 - SecondBrandon Carter ‘06 2005 - FirstStanley Kahl ‘07 2004 - First / ‘07 - SecondAdrian Lai ‘07 2006 - Second / ‘07 - FirstJason Hill ‘09 2008 - First / ‘09 - FirstNate Nelms ‘09 ‘06 - First / ‘07 - First /

‘08 - First / ‘09 - FirstJohnny Waters ‘09 2007 - Second / ‘08 - First / ‘09 - FirstRamsey Lemaich ‘10 2009 - SecondOwen Bullard ‘11 2010 - First / ‘11 - FirstJeremy New ‘11 2010 - First / ‘11 - SecondMMaarrccuuss RReebbeerrssaakk ‘‘1122 22001100 -- SSeeccoonnddNNiicchhoollaass GGuuttsscchhee ‘‘1133 22001100 -- SSeeccoonndd

NNaattee NNeellmmss wwaass ttaabbbbeedd aass tthhee PPaattrriioott LLeeaagguueeTToouurrnnaammeenntt MMVVPP ttwwiiccee iinn hhiiss ccaarreeeerr..

OOwweenn BBuullllaarrdd wwaass sseelleecctteedd aass tthhee MMVVPP ooff tthhee 22001100PPaattrriioott LLeeaagguuee TToouurrnnaammeenntt..

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CoSIDA Academic All-AmericanNNaammee YYeeaarrMitchell Koch ‘00 2000 / First Team

ITA National Scholar-Athlete NNaammee YYeeaarrRyan Osgood ‘04 2004Adrian Lai ‘07 2007Alex James ‘08 2007, ‘08Jason Hill ‘09 2008, ‘09Nick Birger ‘11 2008, ‘09, ‘10Owen Bullard ‘11 2010Eddie Konrad ‘12 2010NNiicchhoollaass GGuuttsscchhee ‘‘1133 22001100

Patriot League Scholar-Athlete of the Year (All Sports)NNaammee YYeeaarrNick Birger ‘11 2011

Patriot League Scholar-Athlete of the Year (Tennis)NNaammee YYeeaarrDan Gordon ‘94 1994Jason Hill ‘09 2009Nick Birger ‘11 2010, ‘11

Patriot League Academic Honor Roll NNaammee YYeeaarrAnthony Acosta '94 1993Dan Gordon '94 1993Jay Mihal '96 1995, '96Brandon Davis '97 1994Ryan Roberts '97 1995Mitchell Koch '00 1998, 2000Ben Salomon '01 2000, '01Mark Wadsworth '01 2001Chris McGrath '03 2001, '02, ‘03Ryan Osgood '04 2001, ‘02, ‘03, ‘04Davy Lee ‘05 2003, ‘04Daniel Huynh ‘06 2003Brandon Carter ‘06 2004, ‘06Stanley Kahl ‘07 2006Adrian Lai ‘07 2006, ‘07Alex James ‘08 2007, ‘08Luke Albi ‘09 2009Jason Hill ‘09 2006, ‘07, ‘08, ‘09Johnny Waters ‘09 2006, ‘07, ‘08Nick Birger ‘11 2008, ‘09, ‘10, ‘11Owen Bullard ‘11 2009, ‘10, ‘11NNiicchhoollaass GGuuttsscchhee ‘‘1133 22001100Eddie Konrad ‘12 2010, ‘11Christian Mineur ‘11 2010Mike Eisenberg ‘11 2011CChhrriiss KKeennnneeyy ‘‘1144 22001111

Individual Academic Honors & AchievementsIITTAA SScchhoollaarr--AAtthhlleetteess AAddrriiaann LLaaii((ttoopp)),, AAlleexx JJaammeess ((mmiiddddllee)) aanndd

JJaassoonn HHiillll ((bboottttoomm))..

NNiicckk BBiirrggeerr wwaass tthhee VVaalleeddiiccttoorriiaann ooff tthhee UUSSNNAA’’ss CCllaassss ooff 22001111..

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Navy Dual Match Top-25 ListsSinglesSSeeaassoonn VViiccttoorriieess1. 22 Graham Rogers, 19852. 21 Curtis Dashiell, 1981

21 Mike Dashiell, 198221 Mike Spanos, 198621 Mitch Koch, 1999

6. 20 Bob Phillips, 197220 Dave Andrews, 198220 Efren Mojica, 199120 Mitch Koch, 2000

10. 19 Jon Wall, 197819 Craig Morrison, 197919 Bill Mountford, 198219 Franz Wagner, 198219 Franz Wagner, 198519 Pat Walker, 198919 Wayne Jang, 199019 Tim Crawmer, 199619 Mitch Koch, 199719 Owen Bullard, 200819 Owen Bullard, 2009

21. 18 14 Times

CCaarreeeerr VViiccttoorriieess1. 76 Mitch Koch, 1997-20002. 70 Owen Bulllard, 2008-113. 69 Bob Phillips, 1972-75

69 Curtis Dashiell, 1978-8169 Mike Spanos, 1984-87

6. 66 Mike Dashiell, 1982-857. 64 Bradford Baylor, 1975-78

64 John Chandler, 1984-8764 Franz Wagner, 1982-85

10. 63 Dave Andrews, 1979-8263 Craig Morrison, 1978-81

12. 62 David Jones, 1983-8613. 61 Tim Crawmer, 1996-9914. 58 Pat Walker, 1987-9015. 57 Jon Wall, 1978-81

57 Wayne Jang, 1989-9217. 55 Mark Jee, 1974-7718. 53 Steve Merchant, 1974-77

53 Randy Kasamoto, 1979-8220. 52 Silas Bouyer, 1995-9821. 51 Graham Rogers, 1984-87

51 Nate Nelms, 2006-0923. 50 Bayly Taff, 1981-84

50 Chris Thompson, 1989-9250 Davy Lee, 2002-05

SSeeaassoonn WWiinn.. PPcctt.. ((MMiinn.. 1100 mmaattcchheess ppllaayyeedd))1. 100.0 Joe Hunt, 1941 (14-0)

100.0 Elston Wyatt, 1942 (14-0)100.0 Robert Crawford, 1943 (12-0)100.0 James Doyle Jr., 1944 (13-0)100.0 William Kmetz, 1944 (11-0)100.0 James Doyle Jr., 1945 (11-0)

7. 94.74 Bob Phillips, 1974 (18-1)8. 93.75 Hank Goelzer, 1950 (15-1)9. 92.86 Elston Wyatt, 1943 (13-1)

92.86 Jarold Edwards Jr., 1943 (13-1)11. 92.31 Jesse Gay, 1934 (12-1)

92.31 Jesse Gay, 1935 (12-1)92.31 John Noel, 1935 (12-1)92.31 Hardy Fowler, 1943 (12-1)92.31 Nicholas Norris Jr., 1944 (12-1)92.31 Robert Davis, 1944 (12-1)92.31 Don Clark, 1956 (12-1)

18. 91.67 Charles Loughlin, 1932 (11-1)91.67 Charles Loghlin, 1933 (11-1)91.67 Joe Hunt, 1940 (11-1)

21. 91.30 Mike Dashiell, 1982 (21-2)22. 90.91 Melvin Halstead, 1930 (10-1)

90.91 Charles Loughlin, 1931 (10-1)90.91 Nicholas Norris Jr., 1945 (10-1)90.91 Efren Mojica, 1991 (20-2)

CCaarreeeerr WWiinn.. PPcctt.. ((MMiinn.. 2200 mmaattcchheess ppllaayyeedd))1. 96.43 Elston Wyatt, 1942-43 (27-1)2. 96.15 Joe Hunt, 1940-41 (25-1)3. 92.31 Jesse Gay, 1933-35 (24-2)4. 92.00 Nicholas Norris Jr.,

1943-45 (23-2)5. 91.43 Charles Loughlin, 1931-33 (32-3)6. 90.48 George Huff, 1926-28 (19-2)7. 89.47 James Doyle Jr., 1944-46 (34-4)8. 87.10 Robert Davis, 1943-45 (27-4)9. 86.67 Mervin Halstead, 1928-30 (26-4)10. 84.85 Robert Crawford, 1943-45 (28-5)11. 84.62 Ernie Schultz, 1950-52 (22-4)12. 84.44 Hank Goelzer, 1949-51 (38-7)13. 84.21 Harold Edwards Jr.,

1943-45 (32-6)14. 83.33 Jim Brady, 1976-77 (25-5)15. 82.81 Randy Kasamoto,

1979-82 (53-11)16. 82.61 Lee Pekary, 1961-63 (38-8)17. 82.35 Charles Lyman, 1923-26 (28-6)18. 81.18 Bob Phillips, 1972-75 (69-16)19. 80.77 Hardy Fowler, 1942-43 (21-5)20. 80.00 William Howard Jr.,

1926-28 (24-6)80.00 Bennett Oelheim, 1935-36 (20-5)80.00 Tim Smeeton, 1987-89 (20-5)

23. 79.66 Mark Hoekstra, 1973-76 (47-12)24. 78.57 John Young, 1923-26 (22-6)

78.57 John Noel, 1934-36 (22-6)


SSeeaassoonn VViiccttoorriieess1. 24 Jim McHugh, 19972. 23 Jay Wicklund, 19973. 21 Jim McHugh, 2000

21 Alex James, 20085. 20 Jason Hill, 2008

20 Nick Birger, 201120 Owen Bullard, 2011

8. 19 Grant Corona, 200019 Ramsey Lemaich, 200819 Nick Birger, 2008

11. 18 Curtis Dashiell, 198118 Dan Stahlschmidt, 199618 Spencer Wilcox, 200018 Nate Nelms, 2008

15. 17 Kevin Ylinen, 197217 Kevin Ylinen, 197317 Bill Mountford, 198217 Graham Rogers, 198717 Mitch Koch, 200017 Chris McGrath, 200117 John Waters, 200817 Nick Birger, 200917 Nick Birger, 2010

24. 16 15 Times

CCaarreeeerr VViiccttoorriieess1. 73 Nick Birger, 2008-112. 63 Jim McHugh, 1997-20003. 61 Dan Stahlschmidt, 1996-994. 60 Graham Rogers, 1984-87

60 Rob Tibbs, 1986-8960 Ramsey Lemaich, 2007-10

7. 56 Mitch Koch, 1997-20008. 55 Dave Andrews, 1979-82

55 Tim Crawmer, 1996-9955 Jason Hill, 2006-09

11. 54 Randy Kasamoto, 1979-8254 Steve Merchant, 1974-7754 Bayly Taff, 1981-8454 John Waters, 2006-0954 Nate Nelms, 2006-09

16. 52 Franz Wagner, 1982-8552 Jay Wicklund, 1994-97

18. 51 Silas Bouyer, 1995-9851 Mark Jee, 1974-77

20. 50 Mark Hoekstra, 1973-7650 Bill Mountford, 1980-8320 Owen Bullard, 2008-11

22. 47 David Jones, 1983-8647 Joey McAuley, 1996-2000

24. 46 Craig Morrison, 1978-8146 Spencer Wilcox, 1997-200046 Chris McGrath, 2000-03

SSeeaassoonn WWiinn.. PPcctt.. ((MMiinn.. 1100 mmaattcchheess ppllaayyeedd))1. 100.0 William Howard Jr., 1928 (10-0)

100.0 James Farrin, 1928 (10-0)100.0 Charles Loughlin, 1932 (10-0)100.0 Clifford Johnson, 1932 (10-0)

5. 93.75 Mike Dashiell, 1985 (15-1)6. 92.86 Elston Wyatt, 1942 (13-1)

92.86 Lee Pekary, 1963 (13-1)8. 92.31 Joe Hunt, 1941 (12-1)

92.31 John Williams, 1941 (12-1)92.31 Hardy Fowler, 1942 (12-1)92.31 John Daniel, 1979 (12-1)92.31 Jim McHugh, 1997 (24-2)

13. 92.00 Jay Wicklund, 1997 (23-2)14. 91.67 John Mann, 1933 (11-1)

91.67 John Mann, 1935 (11-1)91.67 Manning Kimmell, 1935 (11-1)91.67 Nicholas Norris Jr., 1943 (11-1)91.67 James Doyle Jr., 1944 (11-1)91.67 John Rogers, 1944 (11-1)91.67 Carleton Hoffner, 1951 (11-1)91.67 Rick Lindsay, 1974 (11-1)91.67 Franz Wagner, 1985 (11-1)

23. 90.91 Harold Edwards Jr., 1945 (10-1)90.91 Chris McGrath, 2000 (10-1)

25. 90.00 Eight Times

CCaarreeeerr WWiinn.. PPcctt.. ((MMiinn.. 2200 mmaattcchheess ppllaayyeedd))1. 92.31 Harold Edwards Jr.,

1943-45 (24-2)2. 91.67 Elston Wyatt, 1942-43 (22-2)3. 90.01 Hardy Fowler, 1942-43 (20-2)4. 89.29 William Howard Jr.,

1926-28 (25-3)5. 88.89 John Mann, 1933-35 (32-4)

88.89 Rick Lindsay, 1972-75 (24-3)88.89 Charles Loughlin, 1931-33 (24-3)

8. 87.50 James Doyle Jr., 1944-46 (28-4)87.50 James Farrin, 1927-29 (21-3)

10. 86.36 Robert Davis, 1943-45 (19-3)86.36 John Williams, 1940-41 (19-3)

12. 85.71 Carleton Hoffner, 1951-53 (24-4)85.71 Joe Hunt, 1940-41 (18-3)

14. 85.29 John Daniel, 1977-79 (29-5)85.29 Manning Kimmel, 1933-35 (29-5)

16. 84.09 Craig Dawson, 1971-73 (37-7)17. 82.93 Kevin Ylinen, 1972-73 (34-7)18. 82.61 Mark Weisbart, 1975-76 (19-4)19. 80.85 Mike Dashiell, 1982-83 (38-9)20. 80.65 Don Clark, 1955-57 (25-6)21. 80.00 Franz Wagner, 1982-85 (52-13)

80.00 Vince LaCava, 1971-73 (24-6)23. 79.41 Ray Messinger, 1952-54 (27-7)24. 79.17 Frank Pinney, 1932-34 (19-5)

79.17 Edwin Young, 1926-28 (19-5)

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Singles & Doubles CombinedSSeeaassoonn VViiccttoorriieess1. 39 Curtis Dashiell, 19812. 38 Jim McHugh, 20003. 37 Mitch Koch, 2000

37 Alex James, 200837 Owen Bullard, 2011

6. 36 Bill Mountford, 198236 Jim McHugh, 199736 Mitch Koch, 1999

9. 35 Dave Andrews, 198235 Graham Rogers, 198535 Nate Nelms, 200835 Jason Hill, 2008

13. 34 Franz Wagner, 198234 Mike Spanos, 198534 Jason Hill, 2009

16. 33 Randy Kasamoto, 197933 Mike Dashiell, 198533 David Jones, 198533 Mike Spanos, 198633 Graham Rogers, 198633 Rob Tibbs, 198833 Tim Crawmer, 199733 Mitch Koch, 199733 Owen Bullard, 2009

25. 32 Three Times

CCaarreeeerr VViiccttoorriieess1. 132 Mitch Koch, 1997-20002. 120 Owen Bullard, 2008-113. 118 Dave Andrews, 1979-824. 116 Tim Crawmer, 1996-99

116 Franz Wagner, 1982-856. 112 Curtis Dashiell, 1978-817. 111 Jim McHugh, 1997-2000

111 Graham Rogers, 1984-879. 109 David Jones, 1983-86

109 Craig Morrison, 1978-81109 Mike Spanos, 1984-87

12. 107 Randy Kasamoto, 1979-82107 Steve Merchant, 1974-77

14. 106 Mark Jee, 1974-77106 Rob Tibbs, 1986-89

16. 105 Nate Nelms, 2006-0917. 104 Mike Dashiell, 1982-85

104 Bayly Taff, 1981-8419. 103 Silas Bouyer, 1995-98

103 John Chandler, 1984-87103 Jason Hill, 2006-09

22. 98 Ramsey Lemaich, 2007-1023. 97 Mark Hoekstra, 1973-76

97 Bob Phillips, 1972-7525. 96 Bradford Baylor, 1975-78

SSeeaassoonn WWiinn.. PPcctt.. ((MMiinn.. 2200 mmaattcchheess ppllaayyeedd))1. 100.0 Robert Crawford, 1943 (21-0)2. 96.43 Elston Wyatt, 1942 (27-1)3. 96.30 Joe Hunt, 1942 (26-1)4. 96.00 James Doyle Jr., 1944 24-1)5. 95.45 Charles Loughlin, 1932 (21-1)6. 95.00 James Doyle Jr., 1945 (19-1)

95.00 Harold Edwards Jr., 1943 (19-1)8. 91.67 Elston Wyatt, 1943 (22-2)9. 90.91 Don Clark, 1956 (20-2)

90.91 Mike Dashiell, 1982 (30-3)90.91 Robert Davis, 1944 (20-2)90.91 Hardy Fowler, 1943 (20-2)90.91 Clifford Johnson, 1932 (20-2)

14. 90.48 Charles Loughlin, 1933 (19-2)15. 90.00 James Farrin, 1928 (18-2)16. 87.50 Jesse Gay, 1935 (21-3)

87.50 John Noel, 1935 (21-3)18. 87.18 Franz Wagner, 1982 (34-5)19. 87.10 Jay Wicklund, 1997 (27-4)20. 86.96 Jim Brady, 1976 (20-3)21. 86.67 Curtis Dashiell, 1981 (39-6)22. 86.36 Harold Edwards Jr., 1944 (19-3)23. 86.11 Bob Phillips, 1972 (31-5)24. 85.71 Efren Mojica, 1991 (24-4)25. 85.19 Hank Goelzer, 1950 (23-4)

CCaarreeeerr WWiinn.. PPcctt.. ((MMiinn.. 3300 mmaattcchheess ppllaayyeedd))1. 94.23 Elston Wyatt, 1942-43 (49-3)2. 91.49 Joe Hunt, 1940-41 (43-4)3. 90.32 Charles Loughlin, 1931-33 (56-6)4. 88.57 James Doyle Jr., 1944-46 (62-8)5. 87.50 Harold Edwards Jr.,

1943-45 (56-8)6. 87.10 George Huff, 1926-28 (27-4)7. 86.79 Robert Davis, 1943-45 (46-7)8. 86.11 John Daniel, 1977-79 (31-5)9. 85.42 Hardy Fowler, 1942-43 (41-7)10. 84.91 Jesse Gay, 1933-5 (45-8)11. 84.48 William Howard Jr.,

1926-28 (49-9)12. 84.00 Nicholas Norris Jr.,

1943-45 (42-8)13. 82.93 Ernie Schultz, 1950-52 (34-7)

82.93 Kevin Ylinen, 1972-73 (34-7)15. 82.14 Mervin Halstead,

1928-30 (46-10)16. 81.58 Mark Weisbart, 1975-76 (31-7)17. 81.03 Robert Crawford,

1943-45 (47-11)18. 80.65 Douglas Aldrich, 1942-43 (25-6)

80.65 Vince Lacava, 1971-73 (25-6)20. 80.45 Randy Kasamoto,

1979-82 (107-26)21. 80.00 Craig Dawson, 1971-73 (84-21)

80.00 Manning Kimmel, 1933-35 (56-14)

80.00 James Farrin, 1927-29 (40-10)24. 79.69 Charles Lyman, 1923-26 (51-13)25. 79.51 Bob Phillips, 1972-75 (97-25)

DDaattee SSiittee SSccoorreeJune 2, 23 West Point Navy 5-4May 31, 24 Annapolis Navy 7-2May 28, 38 West Point Army 12-1May 27, 39 Annapolis Army 7-6June 1, 40 West Point Army 6-3May 31, 41 Annapolis Navy 7-2May 27, 42 West Point Army 5-4May 29, 43 Annapolis Navy 8-1May 27, 44 West Point Navy 5-41945 RainMay 25, 46 West Point Army 5-4May 24, 47 Annapolis Army 5-4May 29, 48 West Point Army 8-1May 28, 49 Annapolis Army 5-4May 27, 50 West Point Navy 8-1May 26, 51 Annapolis Navy 8-1May 24, 52 West Point Navy 8-1May 23, 53 Annapolis Navy 6-3May 29, 54 West Point Navy 8-1May 28, 55 Annapolis Navy 6-3May 26, 56 West Point Navy 8-1June 1, 57 Annapolis Navy 7-2May 31, 58 West Point Navy 5-4May 30, 59 Annapolis Navy 6-3

DDaattee SSiittee SSccoorreeJune 4, 60 West Point Navy 5-4June 3, 61 Annapolis Navy 8-1June 2, 62 West Point Army 6-3June 1, 63 Annapolis Army 5-4May 30, 64 West Point Army 6-3June 5, 65 Annapolis Army 6-3June 4, 66 West Point Army 5-4June 3, 67 Annapolis Navy 5-4June 1, 68 Annapolis Army 6-3May 30, 69 West Point Army 5-4May 30, 70 Annapolis Navy 6-3June 5, 71 West Point Navy 6-3June 3, 72 Annapolis Navy 7-2June 2, 73 West Point Navy 7-2June 1, 74 Annapolis Navy 7-2May 31, 75 West Point Navy 8-1May 29, 76 Annapolis Navy 8-1June 3, 77 West Point Navy 7-2June 3, 78 Annapolis Navy 7-2May 4, 79 West Point Navy 7-2May 2, 80 Annapolis Navy 8-1May 2, 81 West Point Navy 9-0May 1, 82 Annapolis Navy 7-2April 29, 83 West Point Navy 5-4

DDaattee SSiittee SSccoorreeMay 18, 84 Annapolis Navy 7-2May 17, 85 West Point Navy 8-1May 10, 86 Annapolis Navy 9-0April 26, 87 West Point Navy 6-3April 22, 88 Annapolis Navy 8-1May 6, 89 Princeton, N.J. Navy 7-2April 28, 90 Annapolis Navy 7-2April 25, 91 West Point Navy 6-3April 23, 92 Annapolis Army 6-3April 22, 93 West Point Navy 6-1April 20, 94 Annapolis Army 4-3April 22, 95 West Point Army 7-0April 29, 95 Bethlehem, Pa. (1) Army 4-1April 9, 96 Annapolis Army 4-3April 27, 96 Lewisburg, Pa. (1) Navy 4-1April 8, 97 West Point Army 4-3April 27, 97 Hamilton, N.Y. (1) Navy 4-3March 7, 98 Annapolis Navy 4-3April 25, 98 Bethlehem, Pa. (1) Navy 4-1Feb. 27, 99 West Point Navy 5-2April 25, 99 Annapolis (1) Navy 5-1April 1, 00 Annapolis Army 4-3April 29, 00 West Point (1) Army 4-2April 1, 01 West Point Army 5-2

DDaattee SSiittee SSccoorreeApril 22, 01 Hamilton, N.Y. (1) Army 4-1April 2, 02 Annapolis Navy 5-2April 13, 03 West Point Army 5-2April 18, 03 Wash., D.C. (2) Army 4-1March 27, 04Annapolis Army 5-2April 10, 05 West Point Army 4-3April 23, 05 Dumfries, Va. (2) Army 4-0April 22, 06 Annapolis Navy 4-3April 15, 07 West Point Navy 4-3April 23, 07 Annapolis (1) Navy 4-0April 19, 08 Annapolis Navy 4-3April 27, 08 Hamilton, N.Y. (1) Navy 4-0April 5, 09 West Point Navy 5-2April 19, 09 West Point (1) Navy 4-1April 11, 10 Annapolis Army 4-3April 25, 10 Williamsport, Pa. (1)Navy 4-2April 6, 11 West Point Army 4-3

1 - Patriot League Tournament (Final)2 - Patriot League Tournament (Semifinal)

OOvveerraallll SSeerriieess –– Navy leads, 56-32aatt NNaavvyy –– Navy leads, 27-12aatt AArrmmyy –– Navy leads, 23-16aatt NNeeuuttrraall SSiittee –– Navy leads, 6-4

The Army-Navy Series

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NNaammee CCllaassss YYeeaarr LLeetttteerr YYeeaarr((ss))

–– AA ––Acosta, Tony 1994 '93Aldrich, Douglas 1944 '42, '43Alevizos, Mark 1983 '82, '83Allen, David 1949 '48, '49Andersen, Kevin 1993 '90, '91Andrews, Dave 1982 ‘79, '80, '81, '82Armistead, Edwin 1984 '83Arnold, Jackson 1934 '34Ashworth III, Thomas 1956 '56Atkinson, Archibald 1934 '34

–– BB ––Baldauf Jr., Larry 1955 '53, '54, '55Barnes III, William 1948 '48Bass, Harry 1938 '37, '38Batcheller Jr., James 1941 '40Baylor, Bradford 1978 ‘75, '76, '77, '78Beall Jr., Sandy 1964 '62, '63Beard, David 1968 '66, '67, '68Bengston, Robert 1960 '60Benson Jr., Francis 1949 '49Bill Jr., David 1939 '37, '38, '39Birger, Nick 2011 '08, '09, '10 ‘11Birmingham, William 1924 '22Blair Jr., Edward 1941 '39, '40Bosl, Stewart 1942 '41Bouyer II, Silas 1998 ‘95, '96, '97, '98Brady, Jim 1979 '76, '77Bristow, Jim 1973 '71, '72, '73Bristow, Bill 1974 '74Bronson, Frank 1994 '91, '92, '93Buck, Sean 1983 '81Bullard, Owen 2011 '08, '09, '10, ‘11Bunker, John 1969 '67, '68, '69Burns Jr.. Bill 1967 '65, '66, '67Busko, Eric 1988 '88

–– CC ––Caldwell, Dwight 1966 '65Caldwell Jr., Turner 1935 '34Callaghan, William 1919 '16, '17, '18Carona, Grant 2001 '98, '99, '00Carson, Ralph 1952 '50, '51, '52Carter, Brandon 2006 ‘03, '04, '05, '06Casey, William 1944 '42Chandler, John 1987 ‘84, '85, '86, '87Chester, Robert 1968 '66, '67, '68Christian, Erica 2001 '99Clark, Don 1957 '55, '56, '57Coester, Steve 1963 '63Coleman III, Jim 1966 '65Cooper, Kathleen 1981 '81Coulson, James 1977 '77Cowin, Bob 1969 '67, '68, '69Crawford, Robert 1946 '43, '44, '45Crawmer, Tim 1999 ‘96, '97, '98, '99Culbreth, Martin 1990 '88Cummings Jr., Harold1971 '70Curtsinger, Delbert 1972 '72Custer, Bob 1971 '69, '70, '71

NNaammee CCllaassss YYeeaarr LLeetttteerr YYeeaarr((ss))

–– DD ––Dace, John 1983 ‘80, '81, '82, '83Daniel, John 1979 '78, '79Dashiell, Curtis 1981 ‘78, '79, '80, '81Dashiell, Mike 1985 ‘82, '83, '84, '85Davis, Brandon 1997 '94Davis Jr., Carroll 1998 '96Davis, Robert 1946 '43, '44, '45Davis, Walter 1964 '64Dawson, Craig 1973 '71, '72, '73Dawson, Cutler 1970 '69, '70Detrich, Bob 1979 '76, '77Dodson, Haley 2007 '04, '05Doyle Jr., James 1947 '44, '45, '46DDrraayyttoonn,, HHeeyywwaarrdd 22001144 ‘‘1111Dundics, Desi 1975 '72, '73, '74Durfos, Robert 1948 '47

–– EE ––Eaton Jr., George 1965 '65Edwards Jr., Harold 1946 '43, '44, '45Eisenberg, Mike 2011 ‘11Emery, Robert 1966 '65English, Josh 1993 '90Ennis, Robert 1948 '47Esch, Arthut 1940 '38, '39, '40Escobar, John 1984 '82

–– FF ––Farver, Richard 1967 '67Federici Jr., Fred 1957 '57Ferrer, Kenneth 1954 '53Fichter, Andrew 1999 '96Fionda, Quinn 1995 '92, '93Fisher, Frederick 1949 '46, '47Fisher, Zafar 2001 '99, '00Fishman, Horace 1949 '46, '47, '48Fite, Gavin 1988 '86, '88Fitzhugh, George 1922 '21, '22Fluegel, Frederick 1961 '59, '60, '61Foster, Festus 1919 '18Fowler, Hardy 1944 '42, '43Fox, Colin 1962 '60, '61, '62Franke, Richard 1951 '51Fulbright, Joseph 1969 '69Fulton, Garland 1912 '10, '11, '12

–– GG ––Gagnon, Jason 1991 '90Galdorisi, George 1970 '69, '70Gallagher, John 1955 '53Gallemore, James 1971 '71Gardiner III, Tom 1950 '48, '49, '50Gaskill, Richard 1954 '53, '54Gay Jr., Jesse 1935 '33, '34, '35Giosa, Eric 1980 '79, '80Glennon Jr., Harrison1937 '37Glutting, Joseph 1968 '68Godfrey, Vincent 1915 ‘12, '13, '14, '15Godfrey, William 1943 '41Goebel, Brian 1994 '93Goelzer, Hank 1951 '49, '50, '51Goggins Jr., William 1957 '55, '56, '57Gomez, Gabe 1987 '86

NNaammee CCllaassss YYeeaarr LLeetttteerr YYeeaarr((ss))Goodman, Shields 1937 '37Gordon, Dan 1994 ‘91, '92, '93, '94Gordon, Richard 1974 '74Gorsline Jr., Samuel 1945 '44Gower, Robert 1947 '46Graham, Corky 1964 '62, '63, '64Graham, Roy 1920 '18, '19Grantham, Emery 1937 '35, '36, '37Graves, Thomas 1987 '86Greenwood, Brian 1995 '92Griffiths, John 1958 '56, '57, '58GGuuttsscchhee,, NNiicckk 22001133 ''1100,, ‘‘1111

–– HH ––Haeberle, Frederick 1917 '15, '16, '17Hallenberg, Scott 1988 '85, '86, '88Hanson, Richard 1958 '56, '57, '58Hanvey Jr., Forrest 1957 '55, '56Harris, William 1959 '57, '58Harshman, Alberton 1923 ‘20, '21, '22, '23Hartwig, Glenn 1924 '22, '23, '24Hassler, Thomas 1959 '59Haughton, David 1960 '58, '59, '60Haynsworth, Don 1951 '49, '50, '51Hermstedt, Matthew 1989 '87, '89Hewitt III, John 1936 '36Hill, Jason 2009 '06, '07, '08, '09Hoekstra, Mark 1976 ‘73, '74, '75, '76Hoffner Jr., Carleton 1953 '51, '52Holmes, Steven 1985 '84, '85Hooks, Bennett 1946 '45Horne, Lance 1968 '66, '68Hoskins, John 1921 '20Howard III, William 1958 '56, '57Hunt, Joseph 1942 '40, '41Hunt, Ralph 1921 '19, '20Hunter, Gould 1936 '36Huynh, Daniel 2006 '03

–– II ––Ingersoll II, Royal 1934 '34

–– JJ ––Jacobsen, Samuel 1955 '54, '55Jagoe, William 1948 '46, '47James, Alex 2008 ‘05, '06, '07, '08Jang, Wayne 1992 ‘89, '90, '91, '92Jee, Mark 1977 ‘74, '75, '76, '77Johnson, Richard 1959 '57, '58Jones, Bryan 1997 '94Jones, David 1986 ‘83, '84, '85, '86Jones, James 1991 '88, '89Jones, Kyle 2008 '08Joy, Charles 1916 '16

–– KK ––Kahl, Stanley 2007 ‘04, '05, '06, '07Karabasz, Felix 1963 '61Kasamoto, Randy 1982 ‘79, '80, '81, '82Kaspers, Bob 1976 '73Keen Jr., Walter 1937 '37Kelley, Bruce 1925 '22, '24Ketchum, Dixwell 1920 '18, '19Kimmel, Manning 1935 '33, '34, '35

NNaammee CCllaassss YYeeaarr LLeetttteerr YYeeaarr((ss))Kirk, John 1941 '40Kirkland, Geoff 1964 '64Kirwan, John 1973 '73Kloter, John 1942 '41Kmetz, William 1945 '43, '44Koch, Mitchell 2000 ‘97, '98, '99, '00Konrad, Eddie 2012 '10Kratoville Jr., Russell 2007 '04Krause Jr., Steven 1979 '79Kruse, Paul 1992 '89, '90Kuneman, James 1963 '63

–– LL ––LaCava, Vince 1973 '71, '72Lai, Adrian 2007 ‘04, '05, '06, '07Laney, Robert 1939 '38, '39Lee, Davy 2005 ‘02, '03, '04, '05Leftwich Jr., William 1953 '52, '53Lemaich, Ramsey 2010 '07, '08, '09, '10Lewis, Reed 1956 '55, '56Lhamon, George 1939 '38, '39Lickle, Cameron 2003 '01, '02, '03Lindahl, John 1965 '64Lindsay, Rick 1975 '74Linebarger, John 1955 '55Lobdell, John 1943 '42Lott, Frederick 1922 '22Loughlin, Charles 1933 '33Lovett, Kent 1990 '87Lowrey, Searcy 1925 '24Lyman, Andrew 1940 '38Lyman, Charles 1926 '23, '24Lynch, Thomas 1956 '54, '55, '56

–– MM ––Mahorner, James 1954 '53, '54Malnati, Nathan 2007 '04, '05Mann, Hoyt 1936 '35, '36Mann, John 1935 '33, '34, '35Manning, William 1960 '60Marks, David 1940 '38, '39, '40Marshall, Heath 2003 '01Martin Jr., Elby 1936 '35, '36Mathews, J.C. 1939 '37, '38, '39Maxwell, Joseph 2003 '00McAfee, Robert 1933 '33McCauley, Joey 2000 ‘96, '97, '99, '00McClung Jr., Edgar 1934 '33, '34McGavack Jr., John 1951 '49, '50, '51McGrath, Chris 2003 ‘00, '01, '02, '03McHugh, Jim 2000 ‘97, '98, '99, '00McIver, Renwick 1921 '19, '20McPherson, James 1941 '39, '40McRae, David 1962 '62McVay, Charles 1920 '18, '19Merchant, Steve 1977 ‘74, '75, '76, '77Messinger, Ray 1954 '52, '53, '54Mihal, Jay 1996 '96Miller Jr., Eugene 1979 '77, '78, '79Miller, Kevin 1975 '72, '73, '74Miller, Robert 1940 '40Mills, Timothy 1980 '80Moeller, Walter 1925 '23, '24Mojica Jr., Efren 1993 '90, '91, '92Moldenhauer, Chip 2000 '98

All-Time Letterwinners (includes players and managers)

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NNaammee CCllaassss YYeeaarr LLeetttteerr YYeeaarr((ss))Moore, Jamie 1988 '87, '88Moore, Parkman 1937 '37Moore, Robert 1949 '49Moore Jr., William 1961 '59, '60, '61Moringiello, Craig 1991 '88, '90, '91Morrison, Craig 1981 ‘78, '79, '80, '81Moses, Tony 1991 '88, '91Mountford III, Bill 1983 ‘80, '81, '82, '83Mues, John 1997 '94, '95Mulligan, Graham 1942 '41Murphy Jr., Elbridge 1953 '52

–– NN ––Neely, Dave 1951 '50, '51Neiley, George 1914 '14Nelms, Nate 2009 '06, '07, '08, '09Nelson, Addis 1921 '20Nelson, John 1965 '64, '65New, Jeremy 2011 '10, ‘11Nicholson, Zach 2012 '10Noel Jr., John 1936 '35, '36Norris Jr., Nicholas 1946 '43, '44, '45

–– OO ––O'Brien, John 1969 '68, '69O'Malley, John 1941 '39, '40Oelheim, Bennett 1936 '35, '36Olin, Paul 1991 '88Organ, Jim 1952 '50, '51, '52Orren, Scott 1984 '84Osburn, Marvin 1959 '57, '58, '59Osgood, Ryan 2004 ‘01, '02, '03, '04Overton, Wes 1967 '65, '66, '67Owens, John 1965 '63, '64

–– PP ––Parmelee, Harold 1913 ‘10, '11, '12, '13Parsons Jr., Guy 1959 '59Pate Jr., Walter 1947 '46Patterson, George 1924 '24Pefley, Alfred 1925 '22, '24Pekary, Lee 1963 '61, '62, '63Perciballi, Drew 2006 '03, '04, '05Percy, Billips 1943 '42Perras Jr., Louis 1940 '39Perry, Gordon 1972 '70, '71Phillips, Bob 1975 ‘72, '73, '74, '75Pierce, Edwin 1938 '38Pillar, Samuel 1947 '46Pinney Jr., Frank 1934 '33, '34Pollard, Charles 1954 '52, '53Popham, William 1914 ‘11, '12, '13, '14Putnam, Frederick 1943 '41, '42

–– QQ ––Quinn, Thomas 1962 '61, '62Quinn, Sean 1994 '93

–– RR ––Radler, Bill 1980 '78Radtke, Norm 1964 '63, '64Randolph, Randolph 1917 ‘14, '15, '16, '17RReebbeerrssaakk,, MMaarrccuuss 22001122 ''0099,, ''1100,, ‘‘1111Redd, John 1966 '66Redden, Ralph 1954 '53, '54Reed Jr., Allen 1936 '36Reeve, William 1948 '47

NNaammee CCllaassss YYeeaarr LLeetttteerr YYeeaarr((ss))Replogle, Luther 1924 '21, '22RRiicchhmmoonndd,, MMaatttt 22001133 ''1100,, ‘‘1111Ricketts, Myron 1955 '53, '54Rike III, Harry 1959 '59Ritchie Jr., George 1950 '50Roberts, Ryan 1997 '94, '95Robinson, Walter 1978 ‘75, '76, '77, '78Rockey, Walter 1922 '22Rogers, Graham 1987 ‘84, '85, '86, '87Rogers, John 1946 '44Roman, Ace 1998 '95Ryan, Scott 1967 '65, '67

–– SS ––Sadler Jr., Rufus 1947 '46Saloman, Ben 2001 '00, '01Sampson, Harold 1911 '10Santiago, Geraldjames

1995 '93Scherer Jr., Lee 1943 '41, '42Schnetzler, Aaron 2003 '01, '02Schofield Jr., Albert 1948 '48Schulte Jr., Jean 1953 '53Schultz, Ernie 1952 '50, '51, '52Serwich II, Thomas 1970 '70Shaffran, S. J. 1954 '54Shaughnessy Jr., Jim2004 '01Shoup, Frank 1923 ‘20, '21, '22, '23Simmons, William 1924 '24Slocum, Harry 1919 '16, '17, '18Smeeton, Tim 1990 '87, '88, '89Smith, Hayden 1918 '18Smith, Jimmy 1952 '52Smith, Mark 1974 '72Smith, Scott 1985 '84Smoke, Jarrad 2010 '10Southerland Jr., Thomas

1953 '51, '52Spanos, Mike 1987 ‘84, '85, '86, '87Sperry, Mark 1915 '13, '15Sprague, Robert 1921 '20Spreen, Roger 1943 '41, '42Stahlschmidt, Dan 1999 ‘96, '97, '98, '99Starkey, Hayden 2010 '10Stell Jr., Ralph 1945 '44Stewart Jr., Jesse 1961 '61Stewart, Ray 1985 '82, '84Stiles, Clay 1971 '69, '70, '71Stockton, Jackson 1944 '43Storm, Marty 1996 '93Strasser, Mark 1978 '75, '78Strul, Gary 1975 '75Sullivan, John 1996 '93, '94, '95Swisher, Al 1972 '70, '71

–– TT ––Taff, Bayly 1984 ‘81, '82, '83, '84Teall, Bob 1964 '62, '63, '64Temple, Nicholas 1960 '58, '59, '60Ten Eyck, John 1920 '19Thompson, Chris 1992 ‘89, '90, '91, '92Thurston, Todd 2005 '02Tibbs, Rob 1989 ‘86, '87, '88, '89Tift Jr., Thomas 1949 '47, '48Tilles, Herbert 1947 '45, '46Tobin III, Isidore 1956 '56Tribout, David 1976 '76

NNaammee CCllaassss YYeeaarr LLeetttteerr YYeeaarr((ss))Turnblacer, Ted 1973 '71, '72, '73

–– UU ––Underwood, Herbert 1910 '10

–– VV ––Van Westendorp, Christian

1999 '97Vogt Jr., Leonard 1949 ‘46, '47, '48, '49Voulgaris, Phil 2004 '02

–– WW ––Wagner, Franz 1985 ‘82, '83, '84, '85Wagner, John 1990 '87Waidlich, John 1922 '20, '21, '22Walker, Alphonso 1992 '91Walker Jr., Francis 1935 '35Walker, Pat 1990 ‘87, '88, '89, '90Wall, Jon 1981 ‘78, '79, '80, '81WWaallllss,, AAnnddeerrssoonn 22001133 ''1100Walton, Matt 2006 '03, '04Ward, Frank 1923 '23Waters, John 2009 '06, '07, '08, '09Watt, Richard 1921 '19, '20Watters, John 1916 ‘13, '14, '15, '16Watts, George 1958 '58Weisbart, Mark 1978 '76Weisberger III, Joe 2005 '02Welsh, David 1950 '47Wesley Jr., Curtis 1993 '92Wheeler, Michael 1997 '94White, Kirk 1990 '87White, Laurence 1933 '33Wicklund IV, Jay 1997 ‘94, '95, '96, '97Wilcox, Spencer 2000 ‘97, '98, '99, '00Williams, John 1942 '40, '41Williams, Nate 1998 '95, '96, '97Williamson, John 1966 '65, '66Williamson, Victor 1944 '43Wills Jr., Jim 1950 '48, '49, '50Willsey, John 1960 '59, '60Winslow, Cameron 1924 '23, '24Woner, Charles 2009 '06, '08, '09Wood, Gerard 1915 '15Worthington, Joseph 1924 '24Wyatt, Elston 1944 '42, '43Wynne, Edward 1978 '78

–– YY ––Yates Jr., Richard 1992 '89Yeager, Harold 1922 '19, '20Ylinen, Kevin 1975 '72, '73Yoon, Laura 2008 '07Young, John 1926 '24

Four-YearLetterwinnersDave Andrews 1979-82Bradford Baylor 1975-78Nick Birger 2008-11Silas Bouyer II 1995-98Owen Bullard 2008-11Brandon Carter 2003-06John Chandler 1984-87Tim Crawmer 1996-99John Dace 1980-83Curtis Dashiell 1978-81Mike Dashiell 1982-85Vincent Godfrey 1912-15Dan Gordon 1991-94Alberton Harshman 1920-23Jason Hill 2006-09Mark Hoekstra 1973-76Alex James 2005-08Wayne Jang 1989-92Mark Jee 1975-77David Jones 1983-86Stanley Kahl 2004-07Randy Kasamoto 1979-82Mitchell Koch 1997-2000Adrian Lai 2004-07Davy Lee 2002-05Ramsey Lemaich 2007-10Joey McCauley 1996-2000Chris McGrath 2000-03Jim McHugh 1997-2000Steve Merchant 1974-77Craig Morrison 1978-81Bill Mountford III 1980-83Nate Nelms 2006-09Ryan Osgood 2001-04Harold Parmelee 1910-13Bob Phillips 1972-75William Popham 1911-14Randolph Randolph 1914-17Walter Robinson 1975-78Graham Rogers 1984-87Frank Shoup 1920-23Mike Spanos 1984-87Dan Stahlschmidt 1996-99Bayly Taff 1981-84Chris Thompson 1989-92Rob Tibbs 1986-89Leonard Vogt Jr. 1946-49Franz Wagner 1982-85Pat Walker 1987-90Jon Wall 1978-81John Waters 2006-09John Watters 1913-16Jay Wicklund IV 1994-97Spencer Wilcox 1997-2000

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The Naval Academy Athletic Association dedicatedthe Dyer Tennis Clubhouse in ceremonies held inNovember of 2000.

The facility is named to honor the late Vice AdmiralGeorge Dyer (Academy Class of 1919) by his daugh-ter and her husband, Jo and Weston Burnett. Mr.Burnett is also an Academy graduate (‘43) and retiredwith the rank of Commander. The Burnett’s are long-time supporters of the Navy tennis program.

“This is a suitable facility for not only an excellenttennis team, but also a proper way to honor ViceAdmiral George Dyer,” said Mr. Burnett. “He was wellknown throughout Annapolis for his charitable works,and this will only add to his legacy.”

The building includes coaches offices, a racquetstringing room, locker rooms for both coaches andplayers, a lounge, a public address system and aviewing deck overlooking the courts.

“We greatly appreciate the generosity of the Burnettsto the Navy tennis program,” said then-Director ofAthletics, Jack Lengyel. “The Dyer Tennis Clubhouse willonly help to enhance and strengthen an already highlysuccessful program.”

“We are very grateful to the Dyer family for their contribu-tion to the Navy tennis program,” said Navy head coachJohn Officer. “The Dyer Tennis Clubhouse is one of thefinest facilities of its kind in the nation. It is a wonderfulbuilding the team will be able to enjoy for many years tocome.”

Dyer Tennis Clubhouse

8th Wing Tennis Courts

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The U.S. Naval Academy dedicated and opened the ToseFamily Tennis Center and the entire Thornton D. andElizabeth S. Hooper Brigade Sports Complex during thefall of 2007. The tennis portion of the facility, named afterMaurice (‘78) and Terri Tose and their family, features sixindoor and six outdoor tennis courts, with the indoor hardcourts encompassing some 49,000 square feet. The out-door courts include the Fluegel-Moore Tennis Stadium,named after Rick (‘61) and Donna Fluegel and Bill (‘61)and Sandra Moore, while one indoor court has been dedi-cated in the name of James (‘58) and Rosemary Adkins.

“Our new indoor tennis facility will be a tremendous addi-tion for our team training, as well as a draw for futurerecruits,” said Navy head coach John Officer. “The facilityis first class and already has to be considered one of thefinest in the country.”

Located across the Severn River and adjacent to theNaval Academy Golf Course, the 150,000-square foot facil-ity was privately funded and built at a cost of $18.5 mil-lion. In addition to the tennis wing of the complex, it alsoincludes hockey and rugby venues, an indoor hitting,chipping and putting facility for the golf team and clubmembers, a fitness center, a restaurant, the pro shop forthe golf course, athletic training rooms, numerous lockerrooms for all of the Navy and visiting teams, office spacefor the various coaches and meeting rooms for each ofthe programs.

�� Bill (‘61) and Sandra Moorewith Chet Gladchuk, Director ofAthletics, at the outdoor courtdedication on Sept. 25, 2009.

�� The dedication of the Hooper BrigadeSports Complex on Oct. 27, 2007.

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TToossee FFaammiillyy TTeennnniiss CCeenntteerr

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Now in its third decade as an all-sport conference combin-ing academic and athletic excellence, the Patriot Leaguesponsors championships in 23 men and women’s sports.Initially started as an NCAA Division I-AA football confer-ence in 1986, the Patriot League became an all-sport con-ference in 1990 and includes American, Army, Bucknell,Colgate, Holy Cross, Lafayette, Lehigh and Navy as fullmembers, and Fordham, Georgetown and MIT as associatemembers. These institutions are among the oldest andmost prestigious in the nation and their alumni have andcontinue to play leadership roles in shaping our country.

Since 1998, the Patriot League has ranked first each yearamong all Division I conferences awarding athletic aid inthe NCAA Graduation Rate Report. The League finishedat the top spot with nearly all of its teams reporting agraduation rate of 85 percent or higher in the most recentdata. In addition, 82 teams from Patriot League full-mem-ber institutions earned NCAA Academic PerformanceProgram Public Recognition Awards after posting aca-demic progress rate scores in the top 10 percent of allsquads in their respective sports.

The Patriot League’s mission is simple, to provide suc-cessful competitive athletic experiences while maintaininghigh academic standards, and to prepare its student-ath-letes to be leaders in society.

During the 2010-11 academic year, Patriot League student-athletes and teams have accomplished the following:

*Patriot League schools came in with glowing marks in thelatest release of the NCAA Academic Progress Rate, as 97percent of Patriot League teams came in at or above thenational Division I four-year average score of 970.

*Six different schools claimed multiple Patriot Leaguetitles, led by Navy with seven.

*Navy tennis standout Nick Birger was part of a selectgroup of student-athletes to receive a $7,500 postgraduatescholarship from the NCAA.

*11 student-athletes have been named Capital One/CoSIDAAcademic All-Americans, including Navy’s Sam Miller andAlex Foskett (men’s soccer), Nick Birger (men’s tennis),and Cody Rome (men’s track & field).

*55 Patriot League student-athletes have earned CapitalOne/CoSIDA Academic All-District honors, with 39 on thefirst team.

*The Navy trio of Olaf Olson, Mark Meyer and Justin Vagtsall competed at the NCAA Men’s Swimming and DivingChampionship.

�� Mac Anthony, Men’s SwimmingSwimmer of the Meet

�� Al Cantello, Men’s Cross CountryCoach of the Year

(Third-Consecutive Honor)

Navy baseball claimed the 2011 Patriot League Regular Season Championship,and then defeated Army in the Tournament Championship Series.

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TEAM TITLES• Men’s Cross Country• Women’s Basketball (regular season and tournament)• Men’s Swimming & Diving• Men’s Indoor Track & Field• Women’s Indoor Track & Field• Women’s Lacrosse• Baseball (regular season and tournament)

COACH OF THE YEAR• Al Cantello, Men’s Cross Country• Stefanie Pemper, Women’s Basketball• Bill Roberts, Men’s Swimming• Steve Cooksey, Men’s Indoor Track & Field• Carla Criste, Women’s Indoor Track & Field• Keith Puryear, Women’s Tennis• Paul Kostacopoulos, Baseball

PLAYER OF THE YEAR• Andrew Hanko, Men’s Cross Country• Mac Anthony, Men’s Swimming• Jess Palacio, Women’s Indoor Track & Field (runner)• Owen Bullard, Men’s Tennis• Jess Palacio, Women’s Outdoor Track & Field (runner)• Amanda Phelps, Women’s Outdoor Track & Field (field)• Jasmine DePompeo, Women’s Lacrosse (offensive)

ROOKIE OF THE YEAR• C.J. Elward, Men’s Cross Country• Jade Geif, Women’s Basketball• Zach Ingold, Men’s Swimming• Rheanna Vaughn, Women’s Swimming• J.J. Avila, Men’s Basketball• Tucker Hull, Men’s Lacrosse• David Hall, Golf• Taylor Cato, Baseball• Lauren Allam, Women’s Outdoor Tack & Field

SCHOLAR-ATHLETE OF THE YEAR• Peter Reilly, Golf• Laura Gorinski, Women’s Swimming & Diving• Cody Rome, Men’s Indoor Track & Field• Nick Birger, Men’s Tennis (and overall male)

TOURNAMENT MOST VALUABLE PLAYER• Jade Geif, Women’s Basketball• Jasmine DePompeo, Women’s Lacrosse

�� David Hall, Men’s GolfRookie of the Year

Jasmine DePompeo, Women’s LacrosseOffensive Player of the Year and

Patriot League Tournament Most Valuable Player

�� Jade Geif, Women’s BasketballRookie of the Year and

Patriot League Tournament MVP

�� Jess Palacio, Women’s Track & FieldIndoor and Outdoor Runner of the Meet

�� Nick Birger, Men’s TennisOverall Patriot League

Scholar-Athlete of the Year

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As the undergraduate college of the Naval service, theNaval Academy prepares young men and women tobecome professional officers and leaders in the U.S. Navyand Marine Corps. Naval Academy students are midship-men on active duty in the U.S. Navy. They attend the acad-emy for four years, graduating with bachelor of sciencedegrees and commissions as ensigns in the Navy or sec-ond lieutenants in the Marine Corps. Naval Academy grad-uates serve at least five years as Navy or Marine Corpsofficers.

Founded in 1845 by Secretary of the Navy GeorgeBancroft, the Academy started as the Naval School on 10acres of old Fort Severn in Annapolis with an originalclass of 55. In 1850 the Naval School became the UnitedStates Naval Academy. A new curriculum went into effectrequiring midshipmen to study at the Academy for fouryears and to train aboard ships each summer. Congressauthorized the Naval Academy to begin awarding bachelorof science degrees in 1933. Today, the Academy offers 23major fields of study, a wide variety of elective coursesand advanced study and research opportunities.

USNA MISSION STATEMENT“To develop midshipmen morally, mentally and physicallyand to imbue them with the highes t ideals of duty, honorand loyalty in order to graduate leaders who are dedicatedto a career of naval service and have potential for futuredeployment in mind and character to assume the highestresponsibilities of command, citizenship andgovernment.”

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USNA QUICK FACTSLocation ............................................................ Annapolis, Md.Founded .............................................................................. 1845Superintendent................ Vice Adm. Michael H. Miller, USNCommandant of Midshipmen... Capt. Robert E. Clark II, USNEnrollment.......................................................................... 4,400

CLASS OF 2015 FACTSEnrollment................................ 1,229 (993 men, 236 women)Applicants...................... 19,145 (14,652 men, 4,493 women)Class Rank in High School, Top 10%............................. 52%Class Rank in High School, Top 33%............................. 85%HS Participation, Student Body Leader ......................... 65%HS Participation, National Honor Society...................... 62%HS Participation, Varsity Athlete...................................... 90%HS Participation, Varsity Team Captain/Co-Captain .... 65%HS Participation, Community Service ............................ 88%

NAVY ASSIGNMENTSGraduates of the Naval Academy entering the Navy do soas ensigns and have the following service options avail-able to them:• Aviation -- pilot, flight officer• Nuclear Propulsion -- ships, submarines• Restricted Line and Staff Corps -- civil engineering,information warfare, cryptology, intelligence, mainte-nance, medicine, meteorology/oceanography, supply

• Special Operations -- explosive ordinance disposal,explosive ordinance management, mine countermea-sures, operational diving and salvage

• Navy SEALs• Surface Warfare -- conventional, nuclear powered• Submarines

MARINE CORPS ASSIGNMENTSGraduates enter the Marine Corps with a rank of secondlieutenant. Those officers entering the Marine Corps havethe choice of serving in one of the following fields:• Aviation -- air command and control, anti-air warfare,aviation maintenance, aviation supply, pilot, flight officer

• Ground -- armor, artillery, communications (information systems), engineering, financial manage-ment, infantry, logistics, military police

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From the first athletic competition played on the grid-iron in 1879 to Navy's recent triumphs, several events,people, rivalries and personalities have shaped theentire Naval Academy athletic program. Below is alook at just some of the history and traditions thatmake Navy one of the most storied programs in all ofcollegiate athletics.

ANCHORS AWEIGH"Anchors Aweigh" was written by Lt. CharlesZimmermann, Musical Director of the Naval Academy in1906, with the lyrics provided by Alfred H. Miles of theClass of 1906, as a fight song for the 1907 graduatingclass instead of the usual class march Zimmermannhad composed for previous classes. The song made itsdebut at the 1906 Army-Navy game, and when theMidshipmen won the game, the song became traditionalat this game. It gained national exposure in the 1920sand 1930s when it was heard on the radio and was in anumber of popular movies. In 1997 a one-hour documen-tary on the history of Navy football, titled "AnchorsAweigh for Honor and Glory", was produced by NFLFilms. The film was deemed a success by both critics andfans alike. Here are the words:

Stand Navy down the field,Sails set to the sky,

We'll never change our course,So Army you steer shy.Roll up the score, Navy,

Anchors Aweigh,Sail Navy down the field,

And sink the Army,Sink the Army Grey

BILL THE GOATThe first recorded use of a goat mascot for Navy athleticteams was in 1893 when an animal named El Cid (TheChief) was turned over to the Brigade by young officers ofthe USS New York. El Cid helped Navy to a 6-4 triumphover Army that year. Two cats, a dog, and a carrier pigeonhave also enjoyed brief reigns as the Navy mascot, butgoats have served without interruption since 1904. BillXXXIII and XXXIV are the current mascots. They are takencare of by 15 goathandlers made up of five midshipmenfrom the first, second and third classes. The goathandlersundergo rigorous training prior to handling Bill on thefield.

BLUE & GOLDThis song was written in 1923 by Cmdr. Roy DeS. Horn,USN (Ret.) with music composed by J.W. Crosley.Following every home athletic competition, the team facesits fans with their hands on their heart and sings the fol-lowing notes:-

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Now, colleges from sea to seaMay sing of colors true;

But who has better right than weTo hoist a symbol hue?

For sailors brave in battle fair,Since fighting days of old,

Have proved the sailor's right to wearThe Navy Blue and Gold

ENTERPRISE BELLFrom the bridge of the famed World War II aircraft carrier,

it has been a part of the Naval Academy traditionsince 1950. The late Admiral Harry W. Hill, thenSuperintendent, was instrumental in bringing the "E"Bell to Annapolis. It rings during special ceremonieswhen Navy scores a majority of victories over Army inany one of the three sports seasons. The bell alsorings during Commissioning Week for those teamsthat beat Army and have not participated in a previousbell-ringing during the academic year. The bell is sta-tioned in front of Bancroft Hall.

MIDSHIPMANThe word midshipman first appeared in English in the17th century in the form of the word midshipman todesignate those men who were stationed "amidships,"i.e. in the waist or middle portion of the vessel, while onduty. By 1687, however, the second 's' had beendropped to give the current form of the word.Midshipmen were originally boys, sometimes as youngas seven or eight, who were apprenticed to sea captainsto learn the sailor's trade.

In the early days of the American Navy, midshipmentrained aboard ship until they were eventually commis-sioned as ensigns. With the founding of the NavalAcademy in 1845, it became possible, as it still is, for amidshipman to enter the Navy directly from civilian life.The name of students at the Naval Academy changedseveral times between 1870 and 1902, when Congressrestored the original title of Midshipman, and it hasremained unchanged since.

TECUMSEHThe familiar Native American figurehead facing BancroftHall and Tecumseh Court has been an Annapolis residentsince 1866. Originally, the figurehead of the USS Delawarewas meant to portray Tamanend, the great chief of theDelawares. It developed that Tamanend was a lover ofpeace and did not strike the fancy of the Brigade. Lookingfor another name, Midshipmen referred to the figureheadas Powhatan and King Philip before finally settling onTecumseh, the fierce Shawnee chieftain who lived from1768-1813. The original wooden statue was replaced aftersome 50 years in the open weather by a durable bronzereplica, presented by the Class of 1891. It is considered agood-luck "mascot" for the midshipmen, who in timespast would throw pennies at it and offer left-handedsalutes whenever they wanted a 'favor', such as a sportswin over West Point, or spiritual help for examinations.These days it receives a fresh coat of war paint and isoften decorated in various themes during football weeksand other special occasions such as CommissioningWeek.

�� TThhee BBlluuee AAnnggeellss ppeerrffoorrmm aann aaiirr sshhooww aalloonngg tthheeSSeevveerrnn RRiivveerr oonn tthhee nnoorrtthheerrnn bbaannkk ooff tthhee AAccaaddeemmyy

eeaacchh sspprriinngg dduurriinngg CCoommmmiissssiioonniinngg WWeeeekk..

�� TThhee NNaavvyy ffoooottbbaallll tteeaamm ggaatthheerreeddffoorr tthhee ttrraaddiittiioonnaall ssiinnggiinngg ooff tthhee BBlluuee &&GGoolldd ffoolllloowwiinngg iittss wwiinn oovveerr AArrmmyy iinn22001100,, iittss nniinntthh--ccoonnsseeccuuttiivvee wwiinn oovveerr iittssrriivvaall.. BBeellooww:: TThhee mmeenn’’ss llaaccrroossssee tteeaammssaanngg aann eemmoottiioonnaall rreennddiittiioonn ooff BBlluuee &&GGoolldd ffoolllloowwiinngg iittss oovveerrttiimmee vviiccttoorryy oovveerr

rriivvaall JJoohhnnss HHooppkkiinnss iinn 22001100..

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In his 11th year as Director of Athletics,Chet Gladchuk has overseen a renaissance ofthe Naval Academy athletic program. Hisadministrative leadership has helped lead theprogram to one of the most successful periodsin school history.

In 2010-11, Navy won 63 percent of itscontests and claimed the overall series againstArmy for the 18th time in the last 19 years.Navy produced nine All-Americans, 11 confer-ence athletes of the year, nine conferencecoaches of the year and 11 conference champi-onships.

The Mids also excelled in the classroom,ranking No. 4 in the country in graduation ratefor student-athletes (among Football BowlSubdivision schools) and all 24 of Navy’s NCAAsponsored varsity sports rank above the nation-al average in the Academic Progress Report,including five teams with perfect scores. Navyhad five Academic All-Americans, four PatriotLeague Scholar Athletes of the Year and anNCAA Postgraduate Scholarship winner. Six ofthe top 15 Naval Academy graduates and 28 ofthe top 100 graduates in the Class of 2011 wereinvolved with varsity or club athletics.

The football team had another successfulseason in 2010, posting a 9-4 record and play-ing in a school-record eighth-consecutive bowlgame. The Mids beat Army for a series-recordninth-consecutive year and defeated NotreDame for the third time in four seasons.

Other teams who flourished in 2010-11included the women’s basketball team winningthe Patriot League Championship and advanc-ing to the NCAA Tournament for the first time inschool history; the rifle team placed seventh atthe NCAA Championship; the women’s lacrosseteam advanced to the NCAA Tournament for thesecond-straight season; intercollegiate sailingplaced ninth at the ICSA Nationals; the baseballteam won the Patriot League Regular Seasonand Tournament titles and participated in theNCAA Tournament for the first time since 2002;while the water polo, men’s cross country,men’s swimming & diving, men’s indoor track &field, women’s indoor track & field and women’srowing all won conference titles.

Gladchuk’s efforts have been recognizedon a national level as well, as the Division IAAthletic Directors Association named him the2005 Bobby Dodd Athletic Director of the Year.The award is presented in recognition of an ath-letic director’s support and commitment towardthe successful advancement of the department,most specifically in the sport of football.Additionally, he was recognized by theSecretary of the Navy for his contributions andservice to the Navy and the Naval Academywith the Superior Public Service Award to theDepartment of the Navy.

Gladchuk has been able to parlay Navy’sathletic success into an exclusive television dealwith CBS ports Network that has increased

Navy’s television exposure both in the UnitedStates and internationally. CBS SportsNetwork, the first 24-hour college sports net-work, televises every Navy home and selectneutral site football games (excluding NotreDame and Army which are televised nationallyby CBS), as well as other Midshipmen men'sand women's athletic events, original program-ming and documentaries centered on the sto-ried Navy athletic program. The long-term,multi-media agreement includes internetstreaming, broadband and video-on-demandrights and high definition rights. A major part ofthe agreement was that all home football gameswould be played on Saturday for the conven-ience of the Navy alumni. Navy sports are seenall over the world with the international distribu-tion of Navy programming, especially to thetroops serving abroad. Navy’s contract withCBS Sports Network runs through 2018.

Gladchuk has also added radio giantsWBAL (1090 AM) in Baltimore and WFED (1500AM, 1050 AM, 820 AM) in WashingtonD.C./Northern Virginia to Navy’s radio network.

WBAL Radio, which is also the home ofthe Ravens, is Maryland's dominant and mostpowerful radio station. Since 1925, generationsof Marylanders have turned to WBAL Radio fornews, weather, thought-provoking discussionsand sports. As Maryland's only 50,000-watt AMstation, WBAL's signal travels substantially fur-ther than any other station in the state.

WFED Radio, which is also the home ofthe Washington Nationals, is a 50,000-watt sta-tion that will air a minimum of 10 regular-seasonfootball games. WFED is your source for feder-al news covering both the Federal Government

and those who do business with the govern-ment.

Since being introduced as the Academy's28th Director of Athletics on Sept. 4, 2001,Gladchuk has pressed forward on numerousfronts with energy and vision. From the hiring ofPaul Johnson and Ken Niumatalolo as headfootball coaches to the renovation of Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium, Gladchuk hasmade improvements in several key areas thatwill prove more success on the athletic fields foryears to come. Recent head coaching hiressuch as Bill Roberts in men’s swimming, JohnMorrison in women’s swimming, PaulKostacopoulos in baseball, Keith Puryear inwomen’s tennis, Cindy Timchal, the all-time win-ningest women’s lacrosse coach in NCAA histo-ry, Stefanie Pemper, one of the all-time win-ningest Division III women’s basketball coaches,Dave Brandt, the all-time winningest soccercoach in NCAA history, Larry Bock, the all-timewinningest coach in collegiate volleyball history,Ed DeChellis, the 2009 Big Ten BasketballCoach of the Year at Penn State, and men’slacrosse coach Rick Sowell, who was a two-time America East Coach of the Year.

During Gladchuk’s tenure at the NavalAcademy, he has seen the Midshipmen win 75conference titles, produce 137 All-Americansand 48 Academic All-Americans.

Gladchuk has also worked tirelessly tobring back school spirit, working in conjunctionwith school officials to encourage midshipmento attend events for all sports.

He has embraced the local community andalumni base, and is an often-requested speaker,visiting areas all over the country as he sharesthe vision of the Naval Academy and the NavalAcademy Athletic Association.

Gladchuk’s biggest impact on the NavalAcademy has been the $42 million renovation ofNavy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium whereunder his leadership the stadium was complete-ly refurbished over a four-year time frame. Theaddition of 6,500 permanent seats on the side-lines and in the end zones, 32 luxury boxes,dropping the field eight feet and moving thesidelines closer, two video scoreboards, amemorial plaza, upgraded restroom and con-cession areas, a perimeter walking path, newlighting, a new sound system, landscaping thegrounds and storm water management highlightthe list of renovations. Gladchuk has workedclosely with the city, county, state and neighbor-hood associations to ensure proper communica-tion and sensitivity to issues that benefit boththe NAAA and community at large. The NAAAwas awarded the Green Star award by formerAnnapolis Mayor Ellen Moyer for commitment tothe environment during the ongoing renovationof Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium.

Gladchuk and the NAAA have also teamedup with the Naval Academy Foundation to raiseover $75 million in private giving for facilities

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such as the Brigade Sports Complex (hockey and tennis), Max Bishop Stadium(baseball), varsity squash courts, various team locker rooms and a number of prac-tice facilities.

Other highlights during Gladchuk’s tenure at the Naval Academy include therecent renegotiation of the Army-Navy contract which resulted in over $46 million tothe two schools over the next eight years, scheduling Maryland, Notre Dame, OhioState and Army at M&T Bank Stadium in Baltimore to promote Navy football in thecommunity, negotiating the extension of the Navy-Notre Dame football game televi-sion contract with CBS through 2018 and negotiating bowl deals with the Houston,Emerald, Poinsettia, Meineke Car Care, EagleBank, Texas, Armed Forces andMilitary Bowls.

Gladchuk is heavily involved with NCAA and Patriot League committees. Herecently was selected to serve on the NCAA Leadership Council, which is one ofthe highest NCAA appointments an athletic director can realize. The council helpsset the Division I legislative agenda and advises the NCAA regarding major legisla-tive issues being considered. The primary responsibility of the council is to identifythose issues on the horizon that can impact Division I and intercollegiate athleticsas a whole and spends much of its time planning for the future of Division I andhelps set the course for the future. Gladchuk is also on the NACDA (NationalAssociation of Collegiate Athletic Directors) Executive Committee and has servedas the Chairman of the Executive Committee in the Patriot League and a memberof the NCAA Olympic Sport Liaison Committee.

Gladchuk came to the Naval Academy from the University of Houston, wherehe had been the Director of Athletics since July 18, 1997. Recognized as one ofthe nation’s top leaders in intercollegiate athletics management, he guided theCougars to 19 Conference USA Championships, while making significant strides inthe academic success of their student-athletes, gender equity and fiscal manage-ment.

Before Houston, Gladchuk was the Director of Intercollegiate Athletics,Intramurals and Recreation for seven years at his alma mater, Boston College.Under Gladchuk, Boston College emerged as one of the NCAA’s elite programs ofthe 1990s winning numerous Big East and NCAA Championships. The school’sgraduation rate for all student-athletes was over 90 percent and the Eagles won theCollege Football Association’s Academic Achievement Award for the highest gradu-ation rates among all Division I schools in three of his last five years at BostonCollege. Gladchuk led the Alumni Stadium expansion effort, which resulted in a$35 million improvement to the football stadium.

Prior to rejoining Boston College, Gladchuk served as AD at Tulane Universityfrom 1987-90. During his tenure, he directed the reinstatement of the Green Wavebasketball program to Division I status. In addition, he oversaw the construction ofnew facilities for the athletics administration as well as baseball, track and field andtennis teams after a $25 million athletics campaign was successfully completed.

From 1985-87, he served as Associate AD at Syracuse University, headingoperations, NCAA compliance, financial aid and facility operations.

Gladchuk lettered in football at Boston College and graduated with honors inbusiness management in 1973. He earned a master’s in sports administration fromthe University of Massachusetts-Amherst in 1974, where he began his career inintercollegiate athletics, including serving for seven years as Director of GeneralPhysical Education, Assistant and Associate Athletic Director for the university. Healso has served as Director of Athletics and head football coach for the NewHampton (Prep) School in New Hampshire prior to leaving for UMass.

He and his wife, Kathy, have four children: John, a graduate of LoyolaMarymount; Katie, a graduate of Boston College; Christie, a graduate of Trinity andJulie, a graduate of the University of North Carolina.

2010-11 Navy Athletics:A Year In Review

Overall Record301-174-8 (.631)

N-Star Record vs. Army11-11 (.500)

Overall Record vs. Army17-15 (.5531)

No. 4 in the Countryin Graduation Rate

9 All-Americans

11 Conference Championships

5 Academic All-Americans

9 Conference Coaches of the Year

National Honors* Football finished 36th in the nation in the final

Associated Press college football poll and played in aneighth-straight bowl game.

* Water polo finished the season ranked 15th in theCollegiate Water Polo Association Poll.

* Offshore sailing won the McMillan Cup, the big-boatnational championship for the New England and Mid-Atlantic districts.

* Wrestling finished 37th at the NCAA Championship.

* The women’s basketball team competed in the NCAATournament for the first time in program history.

* The men’s swimming & diving team qualified threeMidshipmen for the NCAA Championship.

* Rifle placed seventh at the NCAA Rifle Championship.

* Men’s gymnastics qualified two Midshipmen for theNCAA Championship.

* Women’s lacrosse advanced to the NCAA Tournamentfor a second-consecutive season.

* Intercollegiate sailing placed ninth at ICSA Nationals.

* Baseball earned its first trip to the NCAA Tournamentsince 2002 and made its ninth appearance in programhistory in the national tournament.

Harris Laning 1895 1910-12Arthur P. Fairchild ’01 1912-15Charles Earle Smith ’03 1915-17William F. Halsey Jr. ’04 1917-18Douglas L. Howard ’06 1918-23Byron McCandless ’05 1923-25Jonas H. Ingram ’07 1925-30Henry D. Cook Jr. ’03 1930-31John W. Wilcox Jr. ’05 1931-34Robert C. Giffen ’07 1934-37Ernest W. McKee ’08 1937-40Thomas S. King II ’11 1940-42Harvey E. Overesch ’15 1942Lyman S. Perry ’20 1942-43

John E. Whelchel ’20 1943-44Harles O. Humphreys ’22 1944-46Edmund B. Taylor ’25 1946-48Thomas J. Hamilton ’27 1948Henry H. Caldwell ’27 1949-51Ian C. Eddy ’30 1951-54Charles Elliott Loughlin ’33 1954-57Slade Cutter ’35 1957-59Asbury Coward ’38 1959-62William S. Busik ’43 1962-65Alan R. Cameron ’44 1965-68J. O. Coppedge ’47 1968-88Jack Lengyel 1988-2001Chet Gladchuk 2001-present

Past Athletic Directors

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At the Naval Academy, beating Army is important. Plebesyell “Beat Army!” in Bancroft Hall, “Beat Army!” is onevery weight in the Naval Academy weight rooms, andalums and fans alike scream “Beat Army!” at the end ofBlue & Gold, the Naval Academy’s alma mater.

Navy has dominated Army in all sports, posting a winningrecord against the Black Knights in 37 of the last 40 yearsand has not lost the N-Star series in 15-consecutive years.

23 of Navy’s 32 varsity sports have the potential to takepart in the Army-Navy rivalry each year.

The annual showdown between the two rivals in eachsport is deemed the Star Game with the players from thewinning team receiving a Star for their lettersweaters.For those sports that face Army multiple times in a sea-son, the Star Game is designated prior to the start of theyear.

ARMY–NAVY ALL-TIME SERIESAll-Time Army– Navy Record Navy leads..................................................... 934-711-39 (.566)

Army–Navy - The Last 15 Years (1996-97 to 2010-11)Overall Record vs. Army .............................. 289-171-6 (.627)Star-Game Record vs. Army........................ 215-108-6 (.663)

Army–Navy - The 2010-11 Season2010-11 Overall Record vs. Army....................... 17-15 (.531)2010-11 Star-Game Record vs. Army................. 11-11 (.500)

Navy’s 2010-11 Star Game VictoriesMen’s Soccer, Golf, Men’s Cross Country, Men’sSwimming & Diving, Women’s Swimming & Diving,Football, Women’s Indoor Track & Field, Gymnastics,Men’s Basketball, Wrestling, Women’s Outdoor Track &Field


FOOTBALLSenior quarterback Ricky Dobbs threw for 186 yards andtwo touchdowns and ran for a team-high 54 yards as Navydefeated Army for the ninth consecutive time, 31-17, atLincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia. Senior safetyWyatt Middleton gave Navy a 24-7 lead just before half-time when he returned a fumble 98 yards for a touch-down, marking the longest fumble return in Navy history.

MEN’S SOCCERMichael Rakoczy scored the only goal of the game in the60th minute and the Navy defense held strong as theMidshipmen recorded their second consecutive StarGame victory over the Black Knights.

GOLFJunior Tim Shield sank a 12-foot putt on the 15th hole ofthe West Point Golf Course as Navy won four of sevensingles matches and defeated Army, 6-5, to claim the Star.

MMiicchhaaeell RRaakkoocczzyy,,MMeenn‘‘ss SSoocccceerr

AAaarroonn KKaalliill,,WWrreessttlliinngg

Wyatt Middleton,Football

LLaauurraa GGoorriinnsskkii,,WWoommeenn‘‘ss SSwwiimmmmiinngg

MMaacc AAnntthhoonnyy,,MMeenn‘‘ss SSwwiimmmmiinngg

Jess P alacio,Women‘s Track & Field

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WWyyaatttt MMiiddddlleettoonn,,FFoooottbbaallll

JJeessss PP aallaacciioo,,WWoommeenn‘‘ss TTrraacckk && FFiieelldd

MEN’S CROSS COUNTRYBehind a dominant performance from senior AndrewHanko, Navy defeated Army, 20-41, for the 11th time in thelast 14 meetings. Hanko led the entire race and Navy run-ners took 10 of the top-12 spots.

MEN’S SWIMMING & DIVINGLuke Hoffer, Mac Anthony and Steve Dukleth all won mul-tiple events as the Midshipmen won their 20th-consecu-tive meeting with Army by defeating the Black Knights,246-54.

WOMEN’S SWIMMING & DIVINGSophomore Laura Gorinski set a Navy and Patriot Leaguerecord in the 200 breaststroke and was one of five Mids towin multiple events as Navy won its 22nd-consecutivedual meet over Army in convincing fashion, 240.5-59.5.

MEN’S BASKETBALLMark Veazey came off the bench to score 17 points andgrab nine rebounds and the Midshipmen held Army to just18-of-52 shooting as Navy defeated Army, 75-58, in a sold-out Alumni Hall. It marked the 27th time in the last 31 sea-sons Navy won the Star.

GYMNASTICSNavy won its third-consecutive Star Meet as it defeatedArmy, 324.1-322.8. Trailing going into the final event of theday, Andrew Faulk and Dylan Parrott tied for first place inthe high bar competition to give Navy the win.

WRESTLINGThe Midshipmen won seven of 10 bouts, including the lastfour, to secure a 24-9 victory over Army. Coach BruceBurnett improved to 11-0 against the Black Knights asNavy claimed its 11th-consecutive win over Army.

WOMEN’S INDOOR TRACK & FIELDNavy won 12 of 17 events as it won the indoor Star Meetfor the sixth-consecutive year with a 103.5-77.5 victoryover Army. Junior Jess Palacio, junior Amanda Phelpsand senior Ashley Bucholz each doubled in individualevents to pace the Mids.

WOMEN’S OUTDOOR TRACK & FIELDCompeting in a downpour at Ingram Field, Navy dominat-ed Army, 129-73, to complete its third-straightindoor/outdoor Star Meet sweep of the Black Knights. The56-point margin of victory was the largest for Navy in anindoor or outdoor Star Meet.

MMaarrkk VVeeaazzeeyy,,MMeenn‘‘ss BBaasskkeettbbaallll

TTiimm SShhiieelldd,,GGoollff

AAnnddrreeww HHaannkkoo,,MMeenn‘‘ss CCrroossss CCoouunnttrryy

AAnnddrreeww FFaauullkk,,GGyymmnnaassttiiccss

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�� TThhee AAnnnnaappoolliiss SSttaattee HHoouuse is the oldestiinn ccoonnttiinnuuoouuss lleeggiissllaattiivvee uussee in the country. Itwwaass hheerree wwhheerree GGeenneerraall GGeeoorge Washingtonrreessiiggnneedd hhiiss ccoommmmiissssiioonn iinn tthe ContinentalAArrmmyy,, aanndd wwhheerree tthhee TTrreeaattyy of Paris endingtthhee RReevvoolluuttiioonnaarryy WWaarr wwaass rratified.

�� BBaltimore‘s Inner Harbor is just 30 minutes fromAAnnnnaapolis. The City of Baltimore features Harborplace,tthhee MMaryland Science Center, the National Aquarium,BB&&OO Railroad Museum, American Visionary ArtMMuusseeum, and homes for both the MLB‘s BaltimoreOOrriioollees and the NFL‘s Baltimore Ravens

�� OOvveerr 8800 mmiilllliioonn ppoouunnddss ooff bblluuee ccrraabbwweerree hhaarrvveesstteedd iinn MMaarryyllaanndd iinn 22001100 TThheeMMaarryyllaanndd ccrraabb hhaarrvveesstt mmaakkeess uupp mmoorreetthhaann 5500 ppeerrcceenntt ooff tthhee aannnnuuaall UU..SS.. ccaattcchh..

Additional photography credit to www.VisitAnnapolis.org,www.VisitMaryland.org, and www.Baltimore.org.

The Naval Academy is located in historic Annapolis, thecapital of the State of Maryland. Annapolis was founded in1640 as Anne Arundel Town and later became the firstpeacetime capital city of the United States of America in1783.

Annapolis, named to honor Queen Anne of England, wasgranted a royal charter as a city in 1708. Annapolis canalso lay claim to having been a capital of the UnitedStates. From November 1783 to August 1784, theContinental Congress met in the State House. It was herethat they accepted George Washington’s resignation ascommander-in-chief and ratified the Treaty of Paris, whichended the Revolutionary War.

The colonial heritage of Annapolis is still evident as thecity boasts more buildings from the 1700s than any othercity in the country.

The heart of downtown Annapolis has also been designat-ed a National Historic District. Many fine examples ofcolonial architecture, including the State House,Hammond-Harwood House, Chase-Lloyd House and theWilliam Paca House and Gardens, are open to visitors.

In August, 2009, Annapolis was named a Top Ten finalistfor the International Award for Livable Communities, acompetition focused on creating livable communitiesthrough sound environmental practices.

Annapolis is located on the western shore of theChesapeake Bay, the largest estuary in the United States.The Chesapeake provides natural environs, sightseeing,sailing, fishing and more, helping Annapolis become thesailing capital of the world. The water-lover willalso revel in the fact that Maryland has nearly4,000 miles of shoreline – more than any otherstate.

Within 30 minutes of Annapolis lies bothWashington, D.C., and Baltimore, providing enter-tainment and sightseeing opportunities for resi-dents and tourists alike.

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� The Annapolis State Houussee iiss tthhee oollddeessttin continuous legislative usee iinn tthhee ccoouunnttrryy.. IIttwas here where General Geeoorrggee WWaasshhiinnggttoonnresigned his commission in tthhee CCoonnttiinneennttaallArmy, and where the Treatyy ooff PPaarriiss eennddiinnggthe Revolutionary War was rraattiiffiieedd..

� BBaallttiimmoorree‘‘ss IInnnneerr HHaarrbboorr iiss jjuusstt 3300 mmiinnuutteess ffrroommAnnaappoolliiss.. TThhee CCiittyy ooff BBaallttiimmoorree ffeeaattuurreess HHaarrbboorrppllaaccee,,the MMaarryyllaanndd SScciieennccee CCeenntteerr,, tthhee NNaattiioonnaall AAqquuaarriiuumm,,B&OO RRaaiillrrooaadd MMuusseeuumm,, AAmmeerriiccaann VViissiioonnaarryy AArrttMuseeuumm,, aanndd hhoommeess ffoorr bbootthh tthhee MMLLBB‘‘ss BBaallttiimmoorreeOriolleess aanndd tthhee NNFFLL‘‘ss BBaallttiimmoorree RRaavveennss

�� DDuurriinngg tthhee WWaarr ooff 11881122,, FFrraanncciiss SSccootttt KKeeyy wwiittnneesssseedd tthheebboommbbaarrddmmeenntt ooff FFoorrtt MMccHHeennrryy iinn BBaallttiimmoorree aanndd wwaass iinnssppiirreedd ttooppeenn tthhee wwoorrddss ttoo aa ppooeemm eennttiittlleedd ““ TThhee SSttaarr--SSppaanngglleeddBBaannnneerr,,”” wwhhiicchh eevveennttuuaallllyy bbeeccaammee tthhee nnaattiioonnaall aanntthheemm..

�� TThhee SSttaattee ooff MMaarryyllaanndd vvootteedd iinn 11778888 ttoo cceeddee llaanndd ttoo ffoorrmmtthhee DDiissttrriicctt ooff CCoolluummbbiiaa,, wwhhiicchh ssoooonn bbeeccaammee oouurr nnaattiioonn‘‘ss ccaappii--ttaall.. WWaasshhiinnggttoonn,, DD..CC..,, iiss llooccaatteedd 3300 mmiinnuutteess wweesstt ooff AAnnnnaappoolliiss..

�� PPiimmlliiccoo RRaaccee CCoouurrssee,, hhoommee oofftthhee PPrreeaakknneessss SSttaakkeess,, iiss llooccaatteeddiinn BBaallttiimmoorree.. TThhee hhoorrssee iinndduussttrryyccoonnttrriibbuutteess $$11..55 bbiilllliioonn aannnnuuaallllyyttoo tthhee ssttaattee‘‘ss eeccoonnoommyy.. TThheerree aarreeoovveerr 2200,,000000 hhoorrssee ffaarrmmss llooccaatteeddiinn MMaarryyllaanndd..

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We expect to win in everything we do – on and off thefield of competition. The Blue & Gold provides the supple-mental resources necessary to assistour coaches and Midshipmen to realis-tically pursue the highest level of suc-cess within the context of their physicalchallenges. We are an institution invest-ed in a mission that educates futureleaders in moral, mental and physicalexcellence. The Blue & Gold enables ourMidshipmen to pursue the highest goalspossible as members of varsity or juniorvarsity teams.

The Naval Academy Athletic Associationis a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organizationcharged with providing resources to sup-port 45 varsity and junior varsity pro-grams offered by the Naval Academy. TheNAAA operates with the guidance of theNaval Academy’s Board of Control, whosemembers report to the Superintendent ofthe United State Naval Academy.

Over 90 percent of funding support for theNAAA programs is through externalsources of revenue (i.e. Blue & Gold mem-berships, ticket sales, corporate sponsor-ship, television revenue, parking, etc.).Less than 10 percent of the operatingbudget for the varsity and junior varsityprograms is provided by the Academy viagovernment funding.

Therefore, the Blue & Gold membershipsare critical in providing our teams with thesupplemental dollars necessary to close the“resource gap” between the Naval Academyteams and our Division I competition. Yoursupport is critical to our continued success.

Membership in the Blue & Gold contributesto 120 years of supporting the Brigade ofMidshipmen and is the Margin of AthleticExcellence funding for all 45 teams!



Support Navy Athletics at the highest leveland receive our prime benefits.

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BBecoming a Blue & Gold member is thebest way to secure tickets to the games.Season ticket holders that are Blue &Gold members receive top priority whenit comes to location of seats.

CClub Level seats are assured to Admiral’s Row membersof the Blue & Gold. Admiral’s Row members are the onlyones assured of receiving Club Seats, and each memberat this level is entitled to purchase four (4) Club Levelseats to the game.

TAX INFORMATIONSince your membership includes an option to purchasetickets, 80 percent of your membership is tax deductible.Only the individual paying for the membership is eligibleto take the tax deduction. The Blue & Gold members willreceive a receipt for tax purposes at the end of the year.

MORE INFORMATIONFor more information, please visit www.NavySports.comor call (410) 293-8708.

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