ELECTROMAGNETIC PLANE WAVE E(z, t) = E o sin(kz - ωt)i B(z, t) = B o sin(kz - ωt)j where: ω/k must be c = (μ o ε o ) -1/2 and E o must be B o c note: c = 3.0x10 8 m/s = speed of light in vacuuo x electric field z y direction of magnetic propagation field note: The above represents the electromagnetic plane wave specified by the vector fields above as seen at t = 0.

4C Rayoptics Notes - Weebly€¦ · tance in optics. A wave front is a surface in an electromag-netic wave composed of all points for which the phase is the same. The example below

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Page 1: 4C Rayoptics Notes - Weebly€¦ · tance in optics. A wave front is a surface in an electromag-netic wave composed of all points for which the phase is the same. The example below


E(z, t) = Eosin(kz - ωt)iB(z, t) = Bosin(kz - ωt)j

where: ω/k must be c = (μoεo)-1/2

and Eo must be Boc

note: c = 3.0x108 m/s = speed of light in vacuuo

x electric



y direction ofmagnetic



note: The above represents the electromagnetic plane wavespecified by the vector fields above as seen at t = 0.

Page 2: 4C Rayoptics Notes - Weebly€¦ · tance in optics. A wave front is a surface in an electromag-netic wave composed of all points for which the phase is the same. The example below


The Poynting flux S = (1/μo)E x B for an electromagneticfield is a vector giving the direction of propagation and thetime rate at which electromagnetic energy passes throughunit area in the direction perpendicular to propagation. In theSI it has units of W/m2.

For a plane wave in which E(z, t) = Eosin(kz - ωt)i and B(z, t)= Bosin(kz - ωt)j

S(z, t) = εocEo2sin2(kz - ωt)k


Poynting flux



note: The above represents the electromagnetic plane wavespecified by the vector fields above as seen at t = 0.

The time average value of this vector anywhere is:

Save = (1/2)εocEo2k

Page 3: 4C Rayoptics Notes - Weebly€¦ · tance in optics. A wave front is a surface in an electromag-netic wave composed of all points for which the phase is the same. The example below


Plane wave electromagnetic radiation is one of the simplestsolutions to Maxwell's Equations. There are many more so-lutions (mathematically more complex) that are of impor-tance in optics. A wave front is a surface in an electromag-netic wave composed of all points for which the phase is thesame. The example below represents an electromagneticwave for which the wave fronts are not planar.

wave fronts




A ray is a line of alignment ofPoynting vectors in an elec-tromagnetic wave.

A beam is a parallel (or sub-parallel) bundle of rays in anelectromagnetic wave.

Page 4: 4C Rayoptics Notes - Weebly€¦ · tance in optics. A wave front is a surface in an electromag-netic wave composed of all points for which the phase is the same. The example below


The index of refraction (n) of a material is the ratio of thespeed of light in vacuuo (c) to the speed of light in thematerial (v).

n = c/v

Indices of refraction for any materials other than a vacuumwill be greater than unity.

material index of refraction n

vacuum 1.00air 1.00029carbon dioxide 1.00045ice 1.31water 1.33ethanol 1.36fluorite 1.43fused quartz 1.46glycerin 1.47polystyrene 1.49benzene 1.50crown glass 1.52sodium chloride 1.54flint glass 1.66aluminum oxide 1.67zircon 1.92diamond 2.42

Page 5: 4C Rayoptics Notes - Weebly€¦ · tance in optics. A wave front is a surface in an electromag-netic wave composed of all points for which the phase is the same. The example below


All points on a given wave frontare taken as point sources forthe production of spherical sec-ondary waves, called wavelets.These wavelets then propagateoutward through a medium witha speed that is characteristic ofthat medium. After some timeinterval has passed, the new po-sition of the wave front is thesurface that is tangent to thewavelets. Christiaan Huygens


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medium 1 medium 2 medium 3

vacuum diamond watern = 1.00 n = 2.42 n = 1.33

v = 3.00x108 m/s v = 1.24x108 m/s v = 2.25x108 m/sf = 5x1014 Hz f = 5x1014 Hz f = 5x1014 Hzλ = 600 nm λ = 248 nm λ = 450 nm

The wave relation v = fλλλλλ is valid in all three media above.The one quantity that cannot change upon passage ofthe wave from one medium into another is the frequency.Thus nλλλλλ is the same in all media.

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When a light ray travels betweenany two points [P and Q], its path isthe one that makes the travel timea minimum with respect to smallvariations in path [local minimum]

Pierre de Fermat(1601-1665)

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Reflection is the absorption and subsequent emission oflight by means of complex electronic vibrations in theatoms of the reflecting medium.

incident normal reflectedray ray

θ1 θ1'

point of reflection

reflecting medium


θ1 = θ1'

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Reflection from an extremely planar surface in which thereflected rays are parallel. Also called regular reflec-tion.

reflecting medium

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Reflection from an irregular surface in which the reflectedrays are directionally randomized. Also called irregularreflection.

reflecting medium

Page 11: 4C Rayoptics Notes - Weebly€¦ · tance in optics. A wave front is a surface in an electromag-netic wave composed of all points for which the phase is the same. The example below


A beam of light traveling through air strikes the surfaceof a slab of ice at an angle of 30o measured from thehorizontal. What will be the angle made by the refractedray as measured from the horizontal?

airn = 1.00


icen = 1.31

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Assume that the slab of crown glass shown below has athickness of 4.0 cm. What would be the lateral displace-ment d of the beam shown passing through it?

airn = 1.00



n = 1.52

airn = 1.00 d

Page 13: 4C Rayoptics Notes - Weebly€¦ · tance in optics. A wave front is a surface in an electromag-netic wave composed of all points for which the phase is the same. The example below


A diamond cutter plans on shaping the lower portion ofthe diamond below so that the ray shown is totally inter-nally reflected at the diamond-air interface. What is thelargest value of α for which this can happen?

air n = 1.00

diamondn = 2.42

air n = 1.00


Page 14: 4C Rayoptics Notes - Weebly€¦ · tance in optics. A wave front is a surface in an electromag-netic wave composed of all points for which the phase is the same. The example below


The light conduit shown below is a cylindrical glass tubewith circular cross-section. The inner surface of it is coatedwith a thin layer of highly reflective aluminum whosereflection coefficient is .95.


lightray glass


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The fiber-optic light conduit shown below is an opticallyclear medium with circular cross-section and index ofrefraction n > 1.00. The reflection coefficient for each T.I.R.reflection is ~ 1.00.

airn = 1.00


lightray optical


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Dispersion is the phenomenon in which a medium whichhas a wavelength dependent index of refraction n(λ)causes light of different wavelengths passing through itto be: (1) refracted in different directions, or (2) travelwith different speeds. Dispersion is differential refrac-tion.

incident beam


dispersiveelement V

(e.g. glass prism)

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Below are graphs of index of refraction versus wave-length for the dispersive media: crown glass, acrylic, andfused quartz.



1.52 crown glass





1.47fused quartz


1.45400 450 500 550 600 650 700

wavelength λ (nm)


x of




Page 18: 4C Rayoptics Notes - Weebly€¦ · tance in optics. A wave front is a surface in an electromag-netic wave composed of all points for which the phase is the same. The example below


Find the angular width Δδ of the dispersed beam exitingthe triangular crown glass prism shown below. The inci-dent ray represents white light.


40o n = 1.00




70o 70o

Page 19: 4C Rayoptics Notes - Weebly€¦ · tance in optics. A wave front is a surface in an electromag-netic wave composed of all points for which the phase is the same. The example below


A plane mirror is a portion of a planar surface with areflective coating. Plane mirrors are usually constructedby placing a reflective coating of a material (such asaluminum or silver) on the front or rear surface of aplanar slab of material (such as glass or plastic).

first-surface second-surfacemirror mirror

reflective reflectivecoating coating

Page 20: 4C Rayoptics Notes - Weebly€¦ · tance in optics. A wave front is a surface in an electromag-netic wave composed of all points for which the phase is the same. The example below


A plane mirror will always produce an image of an objectthat is: (1) as far behind the mirror as the object is infront of the mirror; (2) the same size as the object; (3)erect; and (4) virtual (located at a place where no rayspass).

object image

plane mirror

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A girl walks into a dance studio. The east and west wallsof the room are lined with plane mirrors. The girl is 15feet from the east wall and 25 feet from the west wall.Describe the location of the images that she would seeof herself (the distances that they appear to be from her)as she looked into both sets of mirrors.

Page 22: 4C Rayoptics Notes - Weebly€¦ · tance in optics. A wave front is a surface in an electromag-netic wave composed of all points for which the phase is the same. The example below


A spherical mirror is a portion of a spherical surfacewith a reflective coating. The spherical mirror is a con-cave (convex) spherical mirror if the reflective coating isapplied to the concave (convex) surface.


V F C optic axis

convex concavesurface surface

V = vertexF = focal pointC = center of curvaturer = radius of curvature

Page 23: 4C Rayoptics Notes - Weebly€¦ · tance in optics. A wave front is a surface in an electromag-netic wave composed of all points for which the phase is the same. The example below


A concave spherical mirror reflects incident rays froman object such that:


V F C optic axis

any incident ray passing through F is reflectedas a paraxial ray

any incident paraxial ray reflected is passedthrough F

any incident ray striking V is reflected with mir-ror symmetry about the optic axis

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A convex spherical mirror reflects incident rays froman object such that:


C F V optic axis

any incident ray directed toward F is reflectedsuch that the reflected ray is a paraxial ray

any incident paraxial ray is reflected such thatits back-projected ray passes through F

any incident ray striking V is reflected with mir-ror symmetry about the optic axis

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The four pieces of information considered to completelydefine an image (for our purposes) are: (1) How far is theimage from the mirror? (2) What side of the mirror isimage on? (3) What is the size of the image relative tothe object? (4) What is the orientation of the image? Allfour of these questions are answered by calculating twoquantities: the image distance (q) and the lateral magni-fication (M).





optic axis

q hi


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p (object distance) = the distance the object is in front ofthe mirror (sign is positive)

q (image distance) = the signed distance the image is infrom the mirror (if the image is in front [back] of themirror, the sign of q is positive [negative]).

f (focal length of the mirror) = the distance between thevertex and the focal point of the mirror

ho (object height) = lateral height of the object

hi (image height) = lateral height of the image

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The thin lens equation relates the distance that an objectis from a mirror (or lens) and the focal length of themirror (or lens) to the distance the image is located fromthe mirror (or lens).

1/f = 1/p + 1/q

other versions: q = pf/(p-f)

p = qf/(q-f)

f = pq/(p+q)

Page 28: 4C Rayoptics Notes - Weebly€¦ · tance in optics. A wave front is a surface in an electromag-netic wave composed of all points for which the phase is the same. The example below


A concave spherical mirror has a radius of curvature of30.0 centimeters. If an object is placed 45.0 centimetersin front of the mirror, describe the image that is formed.

Page 29: 4C Rayoptics Notes - Weebly€¦ · tance in optics. A wave front is a surface in an electromag-netic wave composed of all points for which the phase is the same. The example below


A spherical mirror is used to produce an image of anobject. When the object is placed 80.0 centimeters infront of the mirror, it is found that the mirror produces areal inverted image 100.0 centimeters in front of the mir-ror. What is the focal length of the mirror? Is the mirrora convex or concave mirror?

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Suppose you were to look into a convex spherical mirrorwhose radius of curvature was 2.00 meters. How faraway from you would your image appear to be if youwere 1.50 meters in front of the mirror? Describe theimage formed in this instance.

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A 4-inch by 6-inch index card is placed in front of aconcave spherical mirror whose focal length is 18.0inches. The card is placed so that its long dimension liesalong the optic axis. The 4-inch edge nearest the mirroris located a distance of 24.0 inches from the vertex ofthe mirror. Describe the size and shape of the imageformed of the card.

Page 32: 4C Rayoptics Notes - Weebly€¦ · tance in optics. A wave front is a surface in an electromag-netic wave composed of all points for which the phase is the same. The example below


A converging lens is a lens that causes an incidentbeam of parallel rays to be converged through a point(called the focal point F). The focal length f of the lensis the positive distance between the midplane of the lensand the focal point.

F optic axis


basic types of converging spherical lenses

bi- plano- meniscusconvex convex positive

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A diverging lens is a lens that causes an incident beamof parallel rays to be diverged in such a way that theback-projected rays pass through a point (called the focalpoint F). The focal length f of the lens is the negativedistance between the midplane of the lens and the focalpoint.

F optic axis


basic types of diverging spherical lenses

bi- plano- meniscusconcave concave negative

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A lens is a transparent optical element that converges ordiverges a beam of parallel rays. A spherical lens is alens whose two surfaces are portions of spherical sur-faces. The radii of curvature of the two surfaces may bethe same, or different. A planar surface is considered tobe a spherical surface whose radius of curvature is infi-nite.

r2 r1r1

r2 = inf.

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Spherical aberration is an aberration in which not allparaxial rays are brought through the same focal point.All spherical simple lenses suffer from this. The effect isless pronounced the "thinner" the lens is. Typically,innermore paraxial rays have longer focal lengths thanoutermore paraxial rays.

optic axis

circleof least


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An aberration in which not all paraxial rays are broughtthrough the same focal point. All simple lenses made ofa single optical substance suffer from this. The effect isless pronounced the "thinner" the lens is, or the lessdispersive the substance is. For many materials, violetlight has a shorter focal length (higher n) than red light.



optic axis



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A compound lens used to correct chromatic aberration. Itusually consists of a converging crown glass lens incontact (cemented to) a diverging flint glass lens. Thechromatic aberration from each lens is used to "cancelout" the aberration from the combination. If two lensesare used, it is called a doublet. If three are used, it iscalled a triplet.

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A lens that utilizes annularstepped zones to reducebulk of optical medium(glass) in a lens, while main-taining its functionality.Greatly reduces the amountof material used in otherwiselarge, bulky lenses. Devel-oped by A. Fresnel (Frenchphysicist).

lighthouse Fresnel lenses

conventional Fresnellens lens

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The lens maker's formula is a formula that allows thecomputation of the focal length of a spherical lens given:(1) the signed radii of curvature of the spherical surfacesof the lens, (2) the index of refraction the lens, and (3) theindex of refraction of the medium in which the lens isimmersed. The formula specific to air being the medium inwhich the lens is immersed is:

f = R1R2



r2 = 20 cm r1 = 40 cm

air crown glassR1 = +40 cmR2 = -20 cm

f = (40 cm)(-20 cm)

(1.52 - 1)(-20 cm - 40 cm) = +25.6 cm

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The power P of a lens is the reciprocal of its focal length,which is typically expressed in diopters (reciprocal meters).The diopter is abbreviated D (1 D = m-1).

example: f = 80 cm

P = 1/(.8 m)

= +1.25 D

note: In terms of power, the lens maker's formula can beexpressed

P = (n - 1)[1/R1 - 1/R2]

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When stacked as shown, thin lenses L1 and L2, with focallengths f1 and f2 respectively, act as a single thin lenswhose focal length f12 is given by:

f12 = f1f2

(f1 + f2)

example:f1 = 25 cm f2 = -40 cm

L1 L2

f = (25 cm)(-40 cm)

(25 cm + -40 cm) = +66.7 cm