A Comparative Evaluation of Average Face on Holistic and Local Face Recognition Approaches Sanqiang Zhao, Xiaozheng Zhang, and Yongsheng Gao Pattern Recognition, 2008. ICPR 2008. 19th International Conference on 8-11 Dec. 2008 Page(s):1 - 4 授授授授 授授授授授授 授授授 授授授 授授授授 2009/11/23

A Comparative Evaluation of Average Face on Holistic and Local Face Recognition Approaches

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A Comparative Evaluation of Average Face on Holistic and Local Face Recognition Approaches. Sanqiang Zhao, Xiaozheng Zhang, and Yongsheng Gao Pattern Recognition, 2008. ICPR 2008. 19th International Conference on 8-11 Dec. 2008 Page(s):1 - 4. 授課教師:萬書言副教授 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: A Comparative Evaluation of Average Face on Holistic and Local Face  Recognition Approaches

A Comparative Evaluation of Average Face on Holistic and Local Face

Recognition ApproachesSanqiang Zhao, Xiaozheng Zhang, and Yongsheng Gao Pattern Recognition, 2008. ICPR 2008. 19th International Conference on8-11 Dec. 2008 Page(s):1 - 4


報告者:陳奕穎 報告日期:2009/11/23

Page 2: A Comparative Evaluation of Average Face on Holistic and Local Face  Recognition Approaches




Introduction Introduction

Average FaceAverage Face

Experimental settingsExperimental settings

Experimental resultsExperimental results



Page 3: A Comparative Evaluation of Average Face on Holistic and Local Face  Recognition Approaches



To reveal a published paper "100% Accuracy in

Automatic Face Recognition" which working


Perform the averaging process using pose-varied

synthetic images generated from 3D face database and

conduct a comparative study.

Two representative methods, i.e. Eigenface and

Local Binary Pattern (LBP) are employed to perform

the experiments.

Page 4: A Comparative Evaluation of Average Face on Holistic and Local Face  Recognition Approaches



Recently, psychological researchers from University

of Glasgow proposed an “Average Face” to improve

face recognition approaches.

Pose variation is confined within approximately ±30° to

make all feature points visible in the image.

Averaging the 20 images of each person can increase the

recognition accuracy from 54% to 100%.

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Average Face I

(a)Original face images labeled with 34 feature points.

(b)Fixed 34-point template.

(c)Face images after morphing.

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Average Face II

(a) Texture averaging.

(b) Shape averaging.

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Average Face III

(a) Average texture.

(b) Average shape.

(c) Average face from morphing.

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Eigenface Method

Eigenface Method 是利用主成分分析 (principal

component analysis ,PCA) 擷取臉部特徵,作為臉部辨識的方法。

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主成分分析(Principal Component Analysis,PCA) I

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主成分分析(Principal Component Analysis,PCA) II

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區域性二元化圖形 (local binary patterns , LBP) I

LBP 演算法是一種與灰階度無關的紋理分析演算法具有強大的辨識力。


LBP histogram

Page 12: A Comparative Evaluation of Average Face on Holistic and Local Face  Recognition Approaches


區域性二元化圖形 (local binary patterns , LBP) II

在 LBP 演算法裡 LBP8,1 是一個基本的運算。

Page 13: A Comparative Evaluation of Average Face on Holistic and Local Face  Recognition Approaches


Experimental settings I

Face database

Use the USF Human ID 3D database.

Synthetic 2D images of 50 people in the database.

For each person, the facial pose is varied by incrementing the

yaw angle (left-right) within ±30° range.

This yields a total of 61×50=3050 images.

Page 14: A Comparative Evaluation of Average Face on Holistic and Local Face  Recognition Approaches


Experimental settings II

Face database

All the images are normalized (in scale and rotation) and

cropped to 100×100 pixels based on the positions of two


Page 15: A Comparative Evaluation of Average Face on Holistic and Local Face  Recognition Approaches


Experimental settings II

Evaluation protocol

In our experiments, the face images of frontal view (i.e. yaw

angle is 0°) are used as the gallery set.

For the probe set, we randomly select 20 angles that are

evenly distributed within the pose range [-30°, +30°].

Eventually we get ten groups of probe sets of face images.

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Experimental results I

Eigenface results

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Experimental results II

LBP results

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Experimental results III

Comparative LBP results with 32 histogram bins on

the set of Group 1.

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Experimental results IV

Comparative LBP results with 10x10 sized sub

regions on the set of Group 1.

Page 20: A Comparative Evaluation of Average Face on Holistic and Local Face  Recognition Approaches


Conclusions I

Averaging makes subtle features diluted or vanished. The two

moles marked by the white boxes are indiscernible in the

average face.

Experimental results show that the average face does

not necessarily improve the performance of all face

recognition approaches.

Page 21: A Comparative Evaluation of Average Face on Holistic and Local Face  Recognition Approaches



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