A didactic proposal for DC circuits in Science (for General and Special Education) Nikolaos Nerantzis Physicist in Special Education, 4 th Junior High School of Stavroupoli (Thessaloniki) Lesson plan with integration of online Go-Lab laboratory and inquiry learning, (http://golab.ea.gr/) Thessaloniki 2014

A didactic proposal for DC circuits in Science for General ... · The present didactic proposal participated in 2014 Go-Lab’s contest and integrates the use an online Go-Lab laboratory

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A didactic proposal for DC circuits in Science (for General and Special Education)

Nikolaos Nerantzis Physicist in Special Education, 4th Junior High School of Stavroupoli (Thessaloniki)

Lesson plan with integration of online Go-Lab laboratory and inquiry learning, (http://golab.ea.gr/)

Thessaloniki 2014



Prologue 1

The Go-Lab Inquiry Cycle, Inquiry Learning & Prior knowledge 2


About the Lesson Plan 4


Orientation 6

Conceptualization 8

Investigation 8

Conclusion 11

Discussion 12

Suggested Tasks 12


Orientation 13

Conceptualization 14

Investigation 15

Conclusion 17

Discussion 18

Suggested Tasks 19


Orientation 20

Conceptualization 20

Investigation 22

Conclusion 22

Discussion 23

Suggested Tasks 23

Notes for the Teacher 24

Orientation 24

Conceptualization 27

Investigation 30

Conclusion 32

Discussion 34

Suggested Tasks 34

Selected Bibliography 35




A didactic proposal for simple DC circuits in Science

(for General and Special Education)



The present didactic proposal participated in 2014 Go-Lab’s contest and integrates the use an

online Go-Lab laboratory and the Go-Lab Inquiry Cycle (*1). The lesson plan is aimed at Junior High

Schools students, both General and Special Education, and it is divided into three parts: Introduction,

Didactic Scenario, Notes for the Teacher. It forms inquiry learning model with constructivism elements

and it is ….. two (2) didactical hours (*2). The scenario Includes: Online Lab, the Electricity lab (*3),

experiments with “low cost” materials, the use of smart-phone and/or tablet for initial and final wireless

recording students' responses (*4), the use energy chains and charts. The initial idea was to empasise the

dialogue of reality (experiments) and models (virtual laboratory) . As the use of models is very broad (*5)

and necessary in science, all students are invited to recognize the ideality of the model, while

understanding the limitations of such simulations in the display and interpretation of real world (*6).

Additionally, students will work in simple DC electrical circuits and they will extract relationships

between physical quantities. They will also recognize energy conversions and transfers. It is my strong

*1 http://golab.ea.gr/contest2014 & http://golab.ea.gr/contest2014/content/list-labs

*2 Teaching hour may be extended - clear for Special Education - depending on the learning maturity of the students and the

degree of familiarity to those practices. Each of the interventions proposed to be a two hours continuum plan.

*3 http://go-lab.gw.utwente.nl/sources/labs/ngElectricity/src/main/webapp/circuitSimulator.html

*4 ΠΙΕΡΡΑΤΟΣ Θ., ΤΣΑΚΜΑΚΗ Π., ΠΟΛΑΤΟΓΛΟΥ Χ., Αξιοποίηση και αποτίμηση διαδραστικής εκπαιδευτικής τεχνολογίας κατά τη

διδασκαλία του μοντέλου του ηλεκτρικού ρεύματος στη Φυσική της Γ΄ Γυμνασίου, 3ο Πανελλήνιο

Εκπαιδευτικό Συνέδριο Ημαθίας , http://hmathia14.ekped.gr/praktika14/fys_epist.html & ΠΙΕΡΡΑΤΟΣ Θ., Μελέτη διδακτικών δράσεων για τη διδακτική της Φυσικής μέσω καταγραφής και αποτίμησης, Διδακτορική Διατριβή, 2013,

http://invenio.lib.auth.gr/record/131146 .

*5 A.I.GINNIS, ,K.V.KOSTAS, C.G.POLITIS, P.D.KAKLIS, VELOS: A VR platform for ship-evacuation analysis, Computer-Aided Design 42 (2010)



Φυσικών Επιστημών για τα Δημοτικά σχολεία και Φυσικής για Α’ Γυμνασίου - Α’ Λυκείου για τα Γυμνάσια και Λύκεια της

Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας , pg. 10, 2010, ISBN: 978-9963-0-9115-7, http://www.moec.gov.cy/analytika_programmata/nea-

analytikaprogrammata/ektenes_programma_fysikesepisti mes.pdf

I've waited my hole life for these few atoms

to swim, synchronised, into tetrahedra […]

Jo Shapcott «The alchemist»


belief, that experiments with simple materials (*7) “weld” the scientific knowledge and understanding of

the scientific ideas to everyday life experience and the content of the scientific ideas respectively.

Students will work in groups with both the virtual laboratory and the "real" laboratory. These

experiments (*8) reinforce the learning benefits of teamwork models, of learning, of investigation, of

differentiated instruction and are a very important component in creating a positive climate in the

classroom. Finally, as optional, there is a third lesson plan using the “electrical circuit – traffic road”


The Go-Lab Inquiry Cycle, Inquiry Learning & Prior knowledge

Inquiry learning can been seen as an intentional process of diagnosis and problem solving, of

design an experiment, of searching for information, of hypotheses’ formulation, of models construction,

of discussion and superposition arguments etc. Inquiry learning aimes at students in pursuiting of

scientific procedures and practice of science in the context of scientific literacy. The central idea of the

inquiry learning is the formulation of educational, “simple” scientific questions related to the subject

……..(*9). In the contex of Go-Lab contest, we recommend the use of the Go-Lab Inquiry Cycle (*10).

*7 http://4myfiles.wordpress.com/2013/06/05/peiramata-me-apla-ylika

*8 ΠΑΝ. ΚΟΥΜΑΡΑΣ, "Οδηγός για την πειραματική διδασκαλία της Φυσικής", σελ. 24-27, Eκδ. Χριστοδουλίδη, ISBN 960-8183-21-


*9 Ν. ΠΑΠΑΣΤΑΜΑΤΙΟΥ, Οδηγίες στους καθηγητές δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης για τη χρήση της διερευνητικής μεθόδου και

υποστηρικτικό υλικό, pg. 9 and 10, http://www.pi-schools.gr/programs/pathway/index.php?ep=5, Αθήνα 2011


Students work in groups of 4 or 5 (*11) in the school lab or in the classroom or, even, at an

appropriate point in the yard area (temporary laboratory *12). The materials for activities can be

provided by the teacher or by the students. Although there is not "obvious" risks we propose to take

security measures (e.g., gloves, laboratory goggles). Students will use P/C, interactive whiteboard,

projector, or alternatively, student notebook and personal smartphone/tablet. Students are urged to

work with worksheets knowing the concepts presented in the Table below. Note that at the beginning of

every school year takes place an initial evaluation and then refresher courses with "starting point" the

…….conquered the previous year. Special attention is given to energy (*13) regarding the correct

vocabulary, the mechanisms (work, heat) and the forms of energy. For this purpose we propose

materials, like posters *14, as well a (distinguished) Worksheet for PhET "Energy Forms and Changes"

applet (*15).

Concept Prior knowledge Class Means & Materials

Mass / Energy

matter, density, atoms, periodic table, forms of

energy, mechanisms of energy (work - heat), correct

vocabulary, energy diagrams


>> didactic material from the Minidtry of


(see http://ebooks.edu.gr/2013/allcourses.php)

>> informal material

>> experiments with “low-cost” materilas

(see http//:4myfiles.wordpress.com)

Motion / Field displacement, velocity, acceleration, force,

interactiοn, action-reaction


electric charge, electric current, electric circuit C΄

*10 http://golab.ea.gr/contest2014/content/lesson-plan-template .

*11 See Note for the Teacher Ι

*12 Ν M. BRAUND, M. REISS (Edt.), Learning Science Outside the Classroom, RoutledgeFalme, 2004, ISBN 0-203-47629-8

*13 TIBERGHIEN, MICHAEL, BAKER, DEVI, BRNA, Modelling students' construction of energy models in physics, from http://ses.telecom-


*14 http://4myfiles.wordpress.com/2013/06/07/energeia

*15 http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/energy-forms-and-changes



Right below the lesson plan template is presented, using Go-Lab standards (*16). The concerned

teacher must, inparallel, also see “Notes for the teacher” (page…..). An important factor in what will our

students learn, is the type of work that students must carry out and will be assessed. The aim is to give,

meaningful them, questions and activities for evaluation ….., beyond the scientific content, these

questions and activities will assessed and other student’s skills (*17). Exploring a knowledge actively,

critically, creatively, questions can be "open" (*18) encouraging students to reach out through their own

knowledge the scientific targets.

In closing I would like to note that the students have to be persuaded to the value, the

correctness and usefulnes of learning objectives and educational articles to follow and engage through

intrinsic motivation. There may be questions about whether the younger generations have a higher IQ

than the previous (in a certain contexts *19), however, we should bear in mind that the majority of

young people - our students - come in contact with a plethora of "multidimensional" stimuli and hobbies

in a younger age and in 'more democratically' contexts. This intensifies the student’s alienation from the

greek school environment - with the rigorous academic speech and the obsession to individual progress

and success.

*16 http://golab.ea.gr/contest2014/content/lesson-plan-template

*17 ΠΑΝ. ΚΟΥΜΑΡΑΣ, "Οδηγός για την πειραματική διδασκαλία της Φυσικής", σελ. 68, Eκδ. Χριστοδουλίδη, ISBN 960-8183-21-9

*18 P. LEVY, P. LAMERAS, P. MCKINNEY, N. FORD, PATHWAY, D2.1 The Features of Inquiry Learning: theory, research and practice,

Table 1, σελ. 5 , http://www.pathwayuk.org.uk/what-is-ibse.html

*19 the Flynn effect, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligence_quotient



Lesson Plan “Simple DC Electric Circuits ”

About the Lesson Plan Title: Simple DC Electric Circuits Editor: Nikolaos Nerantzis, Physicist in Secondary Special Education Brief Description: The proposal consists of two didactic teaching interventions. The first is about DC electrical circuits DC and energy. The second is about the investigations of the factors related to ohm resistance. Please see also the "Notes to the teacher." Subject Domain: Electric DC Circuits, Ohm’s Resistance, Ohm's Law, Electrical Energy Key Words: electric circuits, DC, Ohm’s resistance, Ohm's Law, Energy, energy conversion, storage & transport, energy diagrams, analogies. Language: English Age Range: 11-14+ Didactical Hours: 4 didactic hour (2+2) & 1 optional Educational Objectives: Right below you can see the didactic objectives of this proposal according the revised Bloom taxonomy. By the objectives you can see in which didactic objectives (page ….) is associated.



Summarize gained knowledge and Respond to questions (Opinion)

List materials for the realization experiment (Opinion)

Respond to online questionnaires (Opinion)

Describe phenomena through energy’s glossary

Handle tools "simple materials", computer, smartphone / tablet for completing the educational activity

List electrical circuit elements in photographs. Conceptual

Construct table that will rank players with certain criteria

Describe phenomena in electrical circuits

Determine the relationship to analogue Procedural

Match factors with certain criteria

Carry out an experiment according teacher’s instructions

Carry out online experiment according teacher’s instructions

Carry out current and voltage measurements

Derive mathematical relationships between quantities

Communicate opinions and results

Expose arguments for one position Metacognitive

Judge the scientific results obtained from the measurements

Adopt the distinction between "models" and "reality"

Adopt proper scientific perspective on the phenomena of simple electrical circuits

Use the knowledge gained by in everyday life

Judge the scientific accuracy of your work

Reflect individual’s & group’s work

Reflect the way of thinking and learning

Adopt the correct scientific terms

To apply the knowledge captured in everyday situations



Guided science inquiry Electricity Lab (online)

Experiments with low-cost materials Energy Circuits

Orientation * Students are divided into groups of 4 or 5 (**Α1). The teacher gives instructions on each step of the didactic procedure. Add material to the "ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS" Table and to the Storyline (**Α2). * Short commentary on the material and a brief resumption of previous knowledge. Connect your smartphone/tablet (**Α3) to the appropriate course / teacher and answer the following three quizes. activity #1

Α. As they walk onto the power lines, Superman or Senator Barrows is right

1) … Senator, in «real world» they’ll be electrocuted 2) … Superman, the electric current will have no effect on them 3) … neither of them. Both of them are wrong 4) … I don’t know

**Α1 see Notes for the Teacher Ι

**Α2 see Notes for the Teacher ΙΙ

**Α3 see Notes for the Teacher ΙΙΙ


Β. In a “simple” electric circuit, the resistor…

1) … transforms/converts energy 2) … transfers energy 3) … it stores a bit amount of energy 4) … does nothing!

C. In the battle between Spiderman and Electro there are a few scientific errors…

1) … in the first image (from the left) 2) … in the second image (from the left) 3) … in the third image (from the left) 4) … not any scientific error can been found in the images above

In your group, decide which of you will work on the virtual lab Electricity Lab (team “V”) and which the "real" laboratory (team “R”). You can also choose a "coordinator". Teams “V” click here http://goo.gl/uNDmvX. It is Electricity Lab’s web shortened (**Α4) page. Explore and play with the Lab. Teams “R”, identify the objects in the box on your workbench (**Α5). * Teacher comments on the distribution of quiz answers.

**Α4 see Notes for the Teacher ΙV

**Α5 see Notes for the Teacher VI


Conceptualization Sub-phase 1: Question Please complete the table below, answering the question "Can you tell which element of an electric circuit transfers, convers or storages energy?" (** Α6) Sub-phase 2: Hypothesis

Circuit’s element Energy role Comments





Investigation Teams “R” choose resistors, measure them with a multimeter and record their ohmic resistance (**Α7). Also choose batteries (sources), 1,5 V, 4,5 V and 9V, and switches. Do proceed in the design and implementation of your electrical circuits. activity #2

* Students are encouraged to use branches and nodes. Teacher can give two or three examples (here with no switch):

**Α6 see Notes for the Teacher X **Α7 see Notes for the Teacher VI and XII


In your circuit’s sketch put points of references (**Α8), for example:

Teams “R” give circuit sketch (with the values of the elements) to Teams “V”. Team “V” will implement the circuit and adjust resistor’s values (**Α9) e.t.c.. activity #2

Sub-phase 1: Exploration Teams “R” AND “V” must construct “CIRCUIT’s POLYGON” (**Α10). Between benchmarks write the values of ΔV. (See the example below with arbitrary values) (**Α11). activity #3

Sub-phase 2: Experimentation

**Α8 see Notes for the Teacher XIII **Α9 see Notes for the Teacher V **Α10 see Notes for the Teacher ΧVI **Α11 see Notes for the Teacher ΧΙV and ΧV


Sub-phase 3: Data interpretation

activity #4

Search for “paths” with zero algebra sum. List the “roads” and make diagrams like above :

for every “step” is ΔV = 5 V :

“negative 5V” downwards, “positive 5V” upwards


C +5V

-15V A B +10V

* From this diagram teacher can bring out & connect the energy role of each circuit’s element (**Α12).

activity #5

At this point, Team “R” and Team “V” compare your measurements. List the “paths” you choose and write down your comments and your observations. You may form a hypothesis on something you observe (**13).

** Α12 see Notes for the Teacher ΧVII ** Α13 see Notes for the Teacher ΧVIII



Discuss with your classmates and your Team and modify (where needed) the table below …

Circuit’s Element

Energy role Comments





Write down your conclusions…

Να συζητήσετε μέσα στην ομάδα τις απαντήσεις που δώσατε στα κουίζ στην αρχή του μαθήματος. Προσπαθήστε να «πείσετε» τους συμμαθητές σας για την ορθότητα της δική σας απάντησης (εφόσον εξακολουθείτε να την υποστηρίζετε!) Discuss within the group (**Α14) the answers you gave to the quiz at the beginning of the course. Try to "convince" your peers of the correctness of your answer (if you still support it!) Use your smartphones/tablets re-answer the three quizzes. * Teacher "reveals" the correct answers

Superman vs Senator Barrows

Spiderman vs Physics

Write down your conclusions…

** Α14 see Notes for the Teacher ΧIX


Discussion Sub-phase 1: Communication In the classroom (**Α13) exchange information, arguments and conclusions on your results. Let us describe each step of experimentation and revisit the distinction, if any, between model and reality.

Export your final conclusions and record them. You can record also any comments, corrections, suggestions. Sub-phase 2: Reflection

Consider the progress of your research. Would you characterize it as "successful" or have some objections. Give roughly two to three reasons for your opinion. You can also write down your remarks and suggestions for a future research. * Suggested Tasks 1. Make the energy chain of your circuit and an energy chain of a real life phenomenon 2. Search the bibliography (library, google) and report "models" of various areas of science. 3. Make a brief presentation (e.g. a Prezi, a PowerPoint, a poster) which will be posted on the school’s website. 4. Answer the last part of your worksheet (**15):

What did I find interesting in this inquiry?

What was difficult for me in this inquiry?

What were the steps I followed in this inquiry?

Am I satisfied by my performance?

Am I satisfied by my group performance?

** Α15 see APPENDIX Α (από το “Εφαρμοσμένη Διδακτική των Φυσικών Επιστημών” του κου Μ. Σκουμιού, Π.Τ.Δ.Ε., Παν. Αιγαίου, Ρόδος 2011, http://www.rhodes.aegean.gr/ptde/labs/lab-fe/downloads/tepaes/SHMEIWSEIS_ TEPAES_EDFE_B_FASH.pdf)



Open inquiry Experiments with low-cost materials

Orientation * Προσανατολισμός * Students are divided into groups of 4 or 5. The teacher gives instructions on each step of the didactic procedure (**Β1). Add material to the "ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS" Table and to the Storyline (**Β2). * Short commentary on the material and a brief resumption of previous knowledge. * Teacher distributes integrated circuits, e.g. computers’ motherboards and tell students to recognize the resistances (there is a letter ‘R’ on them) and their values (**Β3). activity #6

**Β1 see Notes for the Teacher I **Β2 see Notes for the Teacher ΙΙ **Β3 Photos are from 1. www.computerhope.com/jargon/r/resistor.htm, 2. www.alksoft.com/5300_overclock.html, 3. www.davidkirkaldy.com/tag/michael-hyatt and 4. www.shutterstock.com/pic-9193864/stock-photo-close-up-of-micro-circuit-resistors-and-chip-of-a-motherboard.html - see Notes for the Teacher V ,






Conceptualization * Teacher tells the students how they will construct their experimental setup and how they are gonna take measurements (**B4). Sub-phase 1: Question Complete the following table, answering the question: "What factors do you think can affect the resistance of a conductor?» * We list the factors. e.g. size, color, day, material, spot/place on the circuit, number of batteries etc. None factor is deleted and, depending on the number of available groups, each group is assigned with one of the factor listed. Start of the factors ‘length' and 'number of batteries’ as for these factors can be implemented a virtual laboratory with Electricity Lab, in parallel with the "real" laboratory (**Β5) Sub-phase 2: Hypothesis In the following Table fill the «How ?» column . * In question «How ?» students must write down hypothesis like this one: “if we increase the # of the batteries

then the resistance will be decreased ” (# of batteries resistance)

Which factors are affect the resistance ?

How ?


**Β4 see Notes for the Teacher VII **Β5 see Notes for the Teacher ΧI






Investigation Sub-phase 1: Exploration

Sub-phase 2: Experimentation In your group, decide which experiment will investigate. You can also choose a "coordinator". activity #7

Καταστρώστε το πείραμα: τι θα περιλαμβάνει η διάταξη, τί υλικά χρειάζεστε, σχεδιάστε το και υλοποιείστε το. Use the worksheet below (**Β6).


Class …………………… , Date ……………………………… Group …..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Planning the Investigation

What I am about to investigate? ………………………………………………………………………………………………

What do I think about? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Why do I believe this? …………………………………………………………..………………………………………………... …………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………


What I’m gonna to do in order to investigate? ………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………


**Β6 see APPENDIX A (από το “Εφαρμοσμένη Διδακτική των Φυσικών Επιστημών” του κου Μ. Σκουμιού, Π.Τ.Δ.Ε., Παν. Αιγαίου, Ρόδος 2011, http://www.rhodes.aegean.gr/ptde/labs/lab-fe/downloads/tepaes /SHMEIWSEIS_TEPAES_EDFE_B_FASH.pdf)

{give a title to your investigation}


Which factor do I change? ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. Which factors do I keep unchanged/constant? ……………………………………………………………….

What quantity do I measure ………………………………………………………………………………………………

What materials will I use ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Which experiment/activity do I suggest. Make a sketch/draw ! ……………………………

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Making the investigation activity #8

What steps do I follow?…………………………………………………………………………………

Measurements/Observations/Logs ………………………………………………………………………………………………


Factor to be considered


Resistance’s measurements


1 2 3 4 … … …

Sub-phase 3: Data interpretation


After measurements / data collection make the chart below: activity #9

Describe what did you see/observe. Can you see a mathematic relation between the quantities (π.χ. depending amounts, amounts inversely proportional?

Can you proposed a mathematical relation(ship) between data (π.χ. R= 0.5 A )

Conclusion Within your group discuss the hole process of your investigation and write your comments.

What are your findings from your research? What we found was is what you expected? Yes or No? Why? Write down your conclusions.

Factor to be considered




Discussion Sub-phase 1: Communication In the classroom απόψεις, exchange information, arguments and conclusions on your results. Let us describe each step of experimentation and revisit the distinction, if any, between model and reality.

Export your final conclusions and record them. You can record also any comments, corrections, suggestions Let us now "rate" the factors examined in the current experiment. Give three stars in the most important and one star to factor that did not affect (according to data) the ohmic resistance. activity #10

length # of batteries color

διατομή current day

size … …

temperature … …

Sub-phase 2: Reflection

Consider the progress of your research. Would you characterize it as "successful" or have some objections. Give roughly two to three reasons for your opinion. You can also write down your remarks and suggestions for a future research.


* Suggested Tasks 1. Construct a real/online lab for other factors ….. 2. Make a brief presentation (e.g. a Prezi, a PowerPoint, a poster) which will be posted on the school’s website. 3. Answer the online questioner at http://... 4. Answer the last part of your worksheet:

What did i find interesting in this inquiry?

What was difficult for me in this inquiry?

What was the steps I followed in this inquiry?

Am I satisfied by my performance?

Am I satisfied by my group performance?



Guided science inquiry Analogies

Orientation * Students are divided into groups of 4 or 5. Add material to the "ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS" Table and to the Storyline. * Short commentary on the material and a brief resumption of previous knowledge

Conceptualization * Teacher announces that the class will work on analogies (**C1) * Teacher refers to the rest el. current/circuit analogies (**C2) and presents the poster’s analogy

* Teacher outlines the "basic theory" for the proportions and the table below, e.g. for hydrologic analog circuit (**C3).

**C1 see Notes for the Teacher IIX **C2 see Notes for the Teacher IX **C3 http://4myfiles.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/serres-2013.pdf


Water cycle (**C4) electric circuit & Analogy’s Table





charges (e-)



el. current

grounds of height because of… gasoline

potential difference

potential difference




traffic light

start, stop




batterys, capacitors

Sub-phase 1: Question Sub-phase 2: Hypothesis

**C4 picture from el.wikipedia.org.


Investigation Sub-phase 1: Exploration Look at your material and implement and/or draw your analogies. activity #11

Fill the Table (**C5).. activity #12

Traffic road

Electric circuit




Sub-phase 2: Experimentation

Conclusion Within your group discuss the whole process of your investigation and write your comments.

What are your findings from your research? What we found was is what you expected? Yes or No? Why? Write down your conclusions

**C5 see Notes for the Teacher XΧΙ


Discussion Sub-phase 1: Communication In the classroom (**Α13) exchange information, arguments and conclusions on your results. Let us describe each step of experimentation and revisit the analogies and the “weak points” of them.

Export your final conclusions and record them. You can record also any comments, corrections, suggestions. Sub-phase 2: Reflection

Consider the progress of your research. Would you characterize it as "successful" or have some objections. Give roughly two to three reasons for your opinion. You can also write down your remarks and suggestions for a future research. * Suggested Tasks 1. a) Investigation of the other analogies b) Make suggestion for new analogies (not listed above) c) Discover the “weak points” an analogy 2. Make a brief presentation (e.g. a Prezi, a PowerPoint, a poster) which will be posted on the school’s website. 3. Answer the last part of your worksheet:

What did i find interesting in this inquiry?

What was difficult for me in this inquiry?

What was the steps I followed in this inquiry?

Am I satisfied by my performance?

Am I satisfied by my group performance?

4. Search in the literature/bibliography/google and report "other" uses the words "current" and "flow" (**C6) .

**C6 see Notes for the Teacher XΧΙΙ


Notes for the Teacher “Simple DC Circuits ”


Note: Inevitably the present teaching proposal is classified in ICT (Information and Communication) practice. In a society where new technologies aggressively occupy space (**T1) in a wide range of human activities, skills that are inherent in the application and understanding of the computer, "smart" appliances and virtual of laboratories (**T2) should be empowered. As part of this proposal can be integrated and used material from “meta- book” (in greek) (**T3), from photodentro (in greek) (**T4), from PhET (**T5) or from the archive of Educational Television (**T6), both in the initial phase (Orientation) and during the phase of 'extension' of the knowledge.

Ι. Students into Groups (1st 2nd 3rd didactical hour)

In Special Education, classes has a few (5-7) stu-

dents, so 2 or 3 groups will be formed. In general, the groups in a classroom can be determined taking into account the relationships and/or the special educational needs of students or may be determined by the instructor or bye following, proposed, random method: when entering students in the classroom, the teacher -standing in the door- handing cards with numbers [1], [2], [3]....... and students are guided to the corresponding workbench where the sign is [Group 1] [Group 2] [Group 3] .......

**T1 Bring Your Own Device = Β.Υ.Ο.D. see a) 10 BYOD Classroom Experiments (and What We’ve Learned From Them So Far), http://www.onlineuniversities.com/blog/ 2012/07/10-byod-classroom-experiments-and-what-weve-learned-from-them-so-far/, b) BYOD in Education, A report for Australia and New Zealand, Nine Conversations for Successful BYOD Decision Making Joseph Sweeney • IBRS • November 2012, c) hp.com/networking/BYOD,

**T2 In Special Education, the software use strongly depends (positively or negatively) from the skills of the students.

**T3 Ν. ΠΑΠΑΣΤΑΜΑΤΙΟΥ, Οδηγίες στους καθηγητές δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης για τη χρήση της διερευνητικής μεθόδου και

υποστηρικτικό υλικό, σελ. 57 και εξής - ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ, http://www.pi-schools.gr/programs/pathway/index.php?ep=5, Αθήνα 2011 & Χ.


πολυµεσικού βιβλίου φυσικής, 4ο Συνέδριο ΕΤΠΕ, Οι ΤΠΕ στην Εκπαίδευση, 29/09 – 03/10/2004, Παν/µιο Αθηνών

**T4 http://photodentro.edu.gr/lor/

**T5 http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/energy-forms-and-changes

**T6 http://www.edutv.gr/deyterobathmia/ilektronikoi-ypologistes-yliko-hardware



ΙΙ. Reference Table "ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS." (1st 2nd 3rd didactical hour)

At appropriate places of the classroom we can place Tables/Posters with material, photographs and

scientific phenomena, concept maps, observations of students, keywords etc. (**T7). These Tables/Posters act as advance organizers, visualizing concepts, relations, mathematical formulas, etc.

Also, regarding the Storyline proposed we can call students to put photographs of important scientists, artists, politicians, events, building a cross thematic approach.. The story (When? what year? In which country?) the geography (how was the state borders which Member**T8), the art and the music (contemporary composers? Hear a musical piece**T9), etc., are useful tools for students to connect science to everyday’s life.

ΙΙΙ. Wireless recording responses to closed questions via smartphone /tablet (1st didactical hour)

For the "initial" and "final" wireless recording οf students' responses to closed questions (**T10) we can

be exploited applications such as (apps**T11): Socrative 2.0, Socrative Teacher & Student and Classroom Clicker - EnClicker. This activity promotes active learning and "successfully merges" with the peer teaching / peer instruction aiming at maximizing the students’ involvement and consolidation, to a greater extent concepts. The idea of comics in science comes from James Kakalios’ book: The Physics of Superheroes (p. 205). The "Superman" strip gives a good opportunity to (re)discussed issues of security (**T12) and first aid.

ΙV. Electricity Lαb “short” URL (1st 2nd didactical hour)

In order to short out Electricity Lab’s URL (http://go-lab.gw.utwente.nl/sources/labs/ngElectricity/sr

cmain/webapp/circuitSimulator.html) we can use the http://goo.gl/ shortener. It is easier to read it and type it. The virtual Lab is the "model". It is a simple and easy online lab for, where someone can construct simple

**T7 You can see all the didactic material at http://4myfiles.wordpress.com/

**T8 Ιστορικός Άτλας, Εκδ. ΠΑΤΑΚΗ ISBN 960-16-0498-7 **T9 Galileo Galilei’s father, Vincenzo, as his brother Michelangolo, were musicians. Listening to music, watching the portrait and learning anecdotes, students 'humanize' and 'appropriate' a scientist, adopting a positive attitude apenti sciences. **T10 ΠΙΕΡΡΑΤΟΣ Θ., ΤΣΑΚΜΑΚΗ Π., ΠΟΛΑΤΟΓΛΟΥ Χ., Αξιοποίηση και αποτίμηση διαδραστικής εκπαιδευτικής τεχνολογίας κατά τη διδασκαλία του μοντέλου του ηλεκτρικού ρεύματος στη Φυσική της Γ΄ Γυμνασίου, 3ο Πανελλήνιο Εκπαιδευτικό Συνέδριο Ημαθίας , http://hmathia14.ekped.gr/praktika14/fys_epist.html & ΠΙΕΡΡΑΤΟΣ Θ., Μελέτη διδακτικών δράσεων για τη διδακτική της Φυσικής μέσω καταγραφής και αποτίμησης, Διδακτορική Διατριβή, 2013, http://invenio.lib.auth.gr/record/131146 **T11 https://play.google.com **T12 For electrocution see “chapter_50.pdf” from http://www.nwhc.usgs.gov/publications/field_manual/chapter_50.pdf , “caution_electrocution.pdf” from http://www.nabu.de/vogelschutz/caution_electrocution.pdf , “Electr&Ltn.pdf” from https://www.uic.edu/labs/lightninginjury/Electr&Ltn.pdf and “ESH377.pdf” from http://www.aps.anl.gov/Safety_and_Train ing/Training/ Courses/esh377/ESH377.pdf


electrical DC circuits, using sources (batteries 1.5V and 9V) and resistors (various prices). You can also take measurements with ammeter and voltmeter. Among other things, we used the possibility offered by the Electricity Lab in changing of resistors’ values.

Proposal: In the virtual laboratory Electricity Lab is proposed to develop the ability to use of inductor and capacitor. It would also be useful to "grow" and the ability to measure the magnetic field or using the compass.

V. Changing /Editing the value of Resistance in Electricity Lαb (1st 2nd didactic hour)

Once the Team “R” take resistance measurements,

gives these values to Team “V”. To change/edit of a resistor’s value in Electricity Lab we must 'double click' on it. Then we see the picture in the right. The selection of the first three columns are multiplied by the selection of the fourth column. For example, the resistance of the image is 126 1 = 126 Ω. ATTENTION! To change/edit of a resistor’s value in Electricity Lab by this way concerns only this online laboratory. Briefly, in "real life» (**T13) the first two lines give the first two digits, the third line is the multiplier power of 10 and fourth line (gold or silver) swirl the

tolerance of resistance (5% ή 10% respectively).

**Τ13 see the Decoding Resistance.pdf attached file


VI. Experiments with low cost materials (1st 2nd didactic hour)

The dimension of "reality" will be given from the construction of electrical circuits with low-cost,

everyday’s life materials (coins, screws, nails, spoon, knife, fork, aluminum cans, keys, paper clips, metal hanger, ... man, etc.) (**T14). These experiments have many advantages (**T15) to student such as: a) the use familiar, easy, "friendly", secure, low-cost, materials, b) the direct involvement and focus on the phenomenon, c) the direct connection to everyday’s life and the History of Science, etc.

Conceptualization Important Note: Any alternative / existing student' ideas are emerging during the phase of conceptualization (Question and / or Case) are not misunderstandings due to "bad" or incomplete information, but rather they are created by their own interpretative schemas (mental representations) on what is happening around them(**T16). So, these existing ideas must not be treated as errors, but as concepts we, along with our students’ active participation, have to modify, targeting the "current" scientifically sound knowledge (or "official" school version) (**T17) through the teaching process.

**Τ14 http://4myfiles.wordpress.com/2013/06/05/peiramata-me-apla-ylika **Τ15 ΠΑΝ. ΚΟΥΜΑΡΑΣ, "Οδηγός για την πειραματική διδασκαλία της Φυσικής", σελ. 24-27, Eκδ. Χριστοδουλίδη, ISBN 960-8183-21-9

**Τ16 Ν. ΠΑΠΑΣΤΑΜΑΤΙΟΥ, Οι ιδέες των μαθητών για τις έννοιες και τα φαινόμενα των φ.ε., www.slideshare.net/npapastam/ss-9126321 **Τ17 … and ... "functional" version. Electrons - for the High School - are ... waves or particles? Charged spheres or hyper-strings? Furthermore, in Physics’ book of B’ gymnasium heat refers (incorrectly) as a form of energy.


VII. Τhe project in Physical Science or creative experiments (2nd didactical hour)

Experiments with 'simple' materials have found excellent application in project in sciences or in so-

called "creative" experiments (**T18) . In short, students will decide “what” and “how”, aiming to adopt a strategy toward problems of life.

IΙX. On Analogies (**T19). (3rd didactical hour)

The use of analogies plays a vital role in the educational process in general and in particular to approach

and build concepts. It has proven to be a valuable and direct tool offering, for example, direct import of abstract concepts’ images (**T20). The analogies and the models are useful tools of thought, representing (not copying) a piece of reality. The successful use of analogies requires adequate preparation of the students (**T 21). In this

teaching proposal analogies used as an 'extension' of the knowledge. It is proposed the circuit motorway analogy. Allow me to mention that his analogy helped me to "enlighten" the successful operation of the "simple" circuit to a student on the autism spectrum I supported at inclusive educational class.

ΙX. The analogies (3rd didactical hour)

There are the following analogies for the electric current (**T22): electricity / thermal circuit model (where

the thermal energy is transferred between bodies), the hydraulic model (where the hydraulic fluid flow occurs due to pressure difference) and the mechanical model (where a set of discrete bodies moving en masse) in different variants. Sub-phase 1: Question

X. Energy Chains (**T23) (1st didactical hour)

Now, you’ll draw the Energy Chain for the Energy System you choose. The rules are:

**Τ18 https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_gLkWcBZu9ZdENBRG9PRzZGa0E/edit

**Τ19 http://4myfiles.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/serres-2013.pdf


Φυσικών Επιστημών, σελ. 336, Εκδ. Πατάκης, Αθήνα 2002, ISBN 960-16-0602-5

**Τ21 P.J. AUBUSSON, A.G. HARRISON, S.M. RITCHIE (Editors) Metaphor and Analogy in Science Education, pg.22, 75, 174, ISBN 978-1-

4020-3829-7 Springer 2006 & Γ. ΠΕΡΔΙΚΗΣ, Οι Αναλογίες στη Μάθηση και τη Διδασκαλία των Φυσικών Επιστημών, σελ. 14 και 73,

ISBN 960-631-539-8 Θεσσαλονίκη 2006

**22 Γ. ΠΕΡΔΙΚΗΣ, Οι Αναλογίες στη Μάθηση και τη Διδασκαλία των Φυσικών Επιστημών, σελ. 121, ISBN 960-631-539-8 Θεσσαλονίκη 2006 **23 see the attached Worksheet for energy drom http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/energy-forms-and-changes


1st . A complete energy chain starts and ends with a reservoir 2nd . In each indicate the corresponding object (or the objects) in the experiment 3rd . In each indicate the corresponding object (or the objects) in the experiment 4th . Under each arrow indicate the mode of transfer. If there are several modes of transfer use one arrow for each mode of transfer (between two rectangles).


Sub-phase 2: Hypothesis

XI. On factors: length, cross section, temperature (1st didactical hour)

In the virtual laboratory factors ‘length’ and ‘diameter’ can be investigated by connecting resistors "in

series" or "parallel" respectively. In "real" laboratory temperature factor can be investigated in two ways: a) to take measurements immediately on closing the switch and then at regular Δt or b) be immersing in the resistance in (deionized) water which is heated.


XII. Electrical resistance’s measurement in the "real" laboratory (1st 2nd didactical hour)

The students working on the “real” lab will choose resistors (measure and record the ohmic resistance of the

multimeter), choose sources (batteries 1,5 V, 4,5 V and 9V), choose switches and advance in design and implementation the experimental setup. See the poster below (** T).

ΧIΙΙ. Reference points in the electrical circuit (1st didactical hour)

Students have to place "adequate" number of reference points and identify all nodes. In the lesson plan I

include switches in the circuits, which would require to add one or two reference points (and the use of another polygons).


ΧIV. Measuring I in the 'virtual' laboratory (1st 2nd didactical hour)

Drag and place the "blue circled A" to the point that we wish to measure I. To the right we read the words of the ammeter

ΧV. Measuring ΔV in the 'virtual' laboratory (1st 2nd didactical hour)

Drag and place the "bordeaux circled -" and "red circled + " at points between which we want to measure the potential difference. To the right we read the words of the voltmeter.


Sub-phase 1: Exploration

ΧVΙ. Circuit’s Polygon (1st didactical hour)

The polygon is defined by the number of reference points. With this simple "transfer / transfer 'knowledge,

we intend to simplify the design and to allow the student to meet the challenge of the next activity. Here the polygon used in "parallel" with the 2nd Kirchhoff’s Law, but it is clear that it can be used (in ampere) in "parallel" with the 1st of Kirchhoff’s Law. Attached there is a pdf file with the "first" polygons - see APPENDIX B.

Sub-phase 2: Experimentation

Sub-phase 3: Data interpretation Note: When interpreting the data it is necessary to "make sense" of the data collected. We suggest our students how to handle the data collected (eg, graphs, formulas). We ask them to suggest additional ways on how they can make use of such data. They suggest various options, such as make.

ΧVII. Ενεργειακός ρόλος (1st didactical hour)

From this diagram teacher can easily bring out the energy role of each element in the circuit

ΧVIII. Deviations - Errors (1st didactical hour)

At this point, students are asked to recognize the reasons which lead to discrepancies and errors as between 'real' and 'virtual' and between the different values of "real" measurements.

Conclusion Note: In this phase should be taken into account if the students have made "mistakes" and if there are issues to be clarified in the previous stages. So we start a conversation to bring those “errors” back to attention.


XIΧ. Peer instruction

Debates and arguments among students (eg as part of the team) is something to encourage, as the

interaction among peers (peer instruction) has proven to contribute (**Τ24) to a deeper understanding of the concepts we negotiate, since all students are activated. This method consists in formulating a question, which originally answered each student alone. Then, students are asked to work in groups trying to convince each other of the correctness of his own answer. After this interaction between them, the students answer the same question again. A discussion followed and the revelation of the correct answer from the teacher and the justification.

XΧ. On 1st activity’s Table

Circuit’s element Energy role

battery reservoir

cables transfer

switch -

resistanve conversion

Superman vs Senator Barrows 1 - 0

Spiderman vs Physics 0 - 1

XΧΙ. On 3rd activity’s Table





charges (e-)



el. current

grounds of height because of… gasoline

potential difference

potential difference




traffic light

start, stop




batterys, capacitors

**24 ΠΙΕΡΡΑΤΟΣ Θ., ΤΣΑΚΜΑΚΗ Π., ΠΟΛΑΤΟΓΛΟΥ Χ., Αξιοποίηση και αποτίμηση διαδραστικής εκπαιδευτικής τεχνολογίας κατά τη διδασκαλία του

μοντέλου του ηλεκτρικού ρεύματος στη Φυσική της Γ΄ Γυμνασίου, 3ο Πανελλήνιο

Εκπαιδευτικό Συνέδριο Ημαθίας , http://hmathia14.ekped.gr/praktika14/fys_epist.html & ΠΙΕΡΡΑΤΟΣ Θ., Μελέτη διδακτικών δράσεων για τη διδακτική της Φυσικής μέσω καταγραφής και αποτίμησης, Διδακτορική Διατριβή, 2013, http://invenio.lib.auth.gr/record/131146


Discussion Note: The discussion is a process which describes, comment and evaluate a particular phase or, even, the whole process of investigation. At each step of the research cycle, debates raised with the help of questions addressed to students, motivating and provoking their curiosity. Sub-phase 1: Communication

Sub-phase 2: Reflection

* Suggested Tasks

ΧXII. On 4th Task

The words "flow" and "circuit" are widely used in our everyday language with metaphorical or literal meaning and many meanings.


Selected Bibliography

In English

G.S. Aikenhead, Science Education for Everyday Life, ISBN-10 0-8077-4634-7, Teachers

College Press, 2006

P.J. Aubusson, A.G. Harrison, S.M. Ritchie (Editors) Metaphor and Analogy in Science

Education, ISBN 978-1-4020-3829-7 Springer 2006

L.W. Dubeck, S.E. Moshier, J.E. Boss, Fantastic Voyages, Learning Science Through

Science Fiction Films, 2nd Ed., ISBN 0-387-00440-8, Springer 2004

J. Kakalios, The Physics of Superheros, 2nd Ed., ISBN 978-1-592-40508-4, Gotham Books


P. Levy, P. Lameras, P. McKinney, N. Ford, PATHWAY, D2.1 The Features of Inquiry

Learning: theory, research and practice, http://www.pathwayuk.org.uk/what-is-ibse.html

Eduardo de Campos Valadares , Physics , Fun and Beyond, Pearson education Inc.,

ISBN 0-13-185673-1.

Walberg, S.J. Paik, Effective educational practices, μετάφραση: Dr. D. Mauroskoufis, INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF EDUCATION, INERNATIΟNAL BUREAU OF EDUCATION – IBE, UNESCO, EDUCATIONAL

PRACTICES SERIES – No 3, 2000, www.ibe.unesco.org

H.D Young, R.A Freedman, UNIVERSITY PHYSICS, 11th (International) Edition, Addison-

Wesley, ISBN 0-8053-8684-X

A. Zohar, Y.J. Dori (Ed.), Metacognition in Science Education, ISBN 978-94-007-2131-9,

Springer 2012


In Greek

Σ. Βοσνιάδου, Πώς μαθαίνουν οι μαθητές, ΔΙΕΘΝΗΣ ΑΚΑΔΗΜΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΣΗΣ ΔΙΕΘΝΕΣ

ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΣΗΣ ΤΗΣ UNESCO, Ιούνιος 2001, www.ibe.unesco.org

Π. Κουμαράς, "Οδηγός για την πειραματική διδασκαλία της Φυσικής", Eκδ.

Χριστοδουλίδη, ISBN 960-8183-21-9

Ν. Νεράντζης, «Μία διδακτική πρόταση για την εισαγωγή στις έννοιες «ροή

ενέργειας», «κύμα» , «ταλάντωση» και «διαταραχή» στις Φυσικές Επιστήμες στην Ειδική

Αγωγή & Εκπαίδευση», http://4myfiles.wordpress.com/2013/09/26/iep-1/

Σ. Παντελιάδου, Μαθησιακές Δυσκολίες και Εκπαιδευτική Πράξη, Εκδ.: Ελληνικά

Γράμματα στ΄ έκδοση 2000.

Σ. Παντελιάδου, Α. Πατσιοδήμου, Γ. Μπότσας, (Επιμ.) Οι Μαθησιακές Δυσκολίες στη

δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση, Βόλος 2004.

Ν. Παπασταματίου, Οδηγίες στους καθηγητές δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης για τη

χρήση της διερευνητικής μεθόδου και υποστηρικτικό υλικό, ανάκτηση από http://www.pi-

schools.gr/programs/pathway/index.php?ep=5, Αθήνα 2011

Γ. Περδίκης, Οι Αναλογίες στη Μάθηση και τη Διδασκαλία των Φυσικών Επιστημών,

ISBN 960-631-539-8 Θεσσαλονίκη 2006

Θ. Πιερράτος, Μελέτη διδακτικών δράσεων για τη διδακτική της Φυσικής μέσω

καταγραφής και αποτίμησης, Διδακτορική Διατριβή, 2013,

http://invenio.lib.auth.gr/record/131146 .

Χ. Ραγιαδάκος, Βασικά χαρακτηριστικά της Διερευνητικής Μεθόδου στη μάθηση και

τη διδασκαλία, Αθήνα 2011, ανάκτηση από την ιστοσελίδα http://www.pi-


ΦΥΣΙΚΗ Β΄ & Γ΄ Γυμνασίου, Παιδαγωγικό Ινστιτούτο

APPENDIX A – Worksheet


Class …………………… , Date ………………………………

Group …..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Educational Objectives

{You may present the Educational Objectives of the lesson}

Planning the Investigation

What I am about to investigate?

What do I think about?

Why do I believe this?

What I’m gonna to do in order to investigate?

Which factor do I change?

Which factors do I keep unchanged/constant?

What quantity do I measure

What materials will I use?

Which experiment/activity do I suggest? Make a sketch/draw !

Making the investigation

What steps do I follow?


{give a title to your investigation}



What are your findings from your research?

What we found was is what you expected? Yes or No? Why?

Evaluation - Metacognition

What did i find interesting in this inquiry?

What was difficult for me in this inquiry?

What was the steps I followed in this inquiry?

Am I satisfied by my performance?

Am I satisfied by my group performance?

Suggested Tasks

