Abroma Augusta

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  • 7/25/2019 Abroma Augusta


    Home :: Abroma Augusta


    Schwabe News Volume 5 | Issue 10-12 | October - December 2014

    Abroma Augusta

    It is an Indian medicine and very frequently used in Ayurveda. The plant is available throughout the hotter parts of India, and to some areas of Sikkim, Khasia hills and Assam. Ahomoeopathic tincture is made from the leaves of the plant. Its homoeopathic proving has been done in India by the Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH). Someprovings have also been reported by Dr. D. N. Ray.

    In mother tincture, it is used for albuminurea, sleeplessness, diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, and debility. The root and the sap are uterine tonic and emmenagogue, with blackpepper given in congestive and neuralgic dysmenorrhoea, and amenorrhoea, either given a week before or during menstruation. It is a valuable substitute for Hydrastis, Viburnum andPulsatilla. There is a growing evidence for its hypoglycaemic effect both in vivo and in vitro. Following the proving, the drug was clinically verified in Q, 6C, 30C and 200C by CCRH.Symptoms given in the literature have been sufficiently verified on a good number of patients. During the verification trials, additional symptoms not attributed to the drug called newsymptoms are relieved. Below is the combined materia medica from the above reported proving, clinical verification and other available literature.

    MindIrritability of temper, ill-humour, depression, mind fretful and morose, easily excitable angry mood; dislike for active work, moody, weakness of the brain; contradiction unbearable;sleepless night, at times full of dreams of various things; forgetfulness; absent-minded.

    VertigoVertigo with empty feeling in head, with giddiness, worse lying down, standing, better rest.

    HeadEmpty feeling of the head, at times heaviness and discomfort; rolling of the head and vertigo; much giddiness; constant uneasiness of head; pain on the back of the head, tight feeling onthe side of the head; worse morning due to heaviness of head, better in open air, burning in vertex.

    EyesWea kne ss of vision, dull vision, puffiness of the lips, pain over both eyes, at times heaviness; inclination to close eyes; eyes get easily tired and watery; paleness of the conjunctiva;burning in eyes with vertigo, r edness and swelling of eyelids, worse night, better daytime.

    EarsShor tness of hearing; earache with buzzin g in ears, pain in the cars; sound in the ears; otorrhoea, thin, white pus discharge, thick, whitish, from right ear, thick, white, sticky.

    NoseSneezing several times, yellowish white nasal discharge with sneezing, water discharge from nose; coryza with cough and low grade fever; dryness of nose, the nostrils feel very dry withdesire to rub.

    MouthDryness of the mouth, almost constant, with desire for drinking large quantities of cold water; excessive thirst, drinking does not relieve it, tongue clean and very dry; whole of the buccalcavity is dry; speech very feeble and indistinct, frequent desire to drink liquids; insatiable thirst; lips dry and pale, rather bluish.

    ThroatDryness of the throat; difficulty of swallowing solids with feeling of suffocation; burning sensation; painfulness; drinking of liquids relieves throat symptoms temporarily.

    AppetiteUnnatural appetite, insatiable hunger; can eat again a little after eating a good meal, desire for sweets; burning thirst; nothing seems to satisfy the hunger.

    StomachHungry with faint feeling- desire for all kinds of food, sweets, acids, fish and meat, rice, bread; not satisfied with eating; not much dyspeptic symptoms, no cructation, no heat-burn, noacidity or fullness of the stomach, can eat at any hour; great relish for liquids, thirst for large quantity of water during fever, no dislike for solid food. Feeling of weakness when hungry;

    enjoys meal well. Frequent desire to eat; a feeling of emptiness of stomach, the food does seem to stay long in the stomach; nausea worse during menses.AbdomenFlatulence with heaviness of abdomen, distension of abdomen; pain in the abdomen during the peristalsis, free passage of flatus; colicky pain in abdomen, better passing stool; pain inumbilical region, pain in lower abdomen, worse walking.

    RectumConstipation, stool brown black, hard, dry, knotty and frothy. S tool passes with straining.

    UrinaryProfus urination both day and night; passage of urine, very large quantity every time; passes urine every two hours, of profuse quantity; desire to drink after urination, the mouth is dryand desire for drink; drink relieves thirst, drinks large quantity; the colour of urine is clear; a peculiar fishy odour with slight sediment turbid at times, passes from half pint to two pintsor more of clear urine at a time, polyuria, urine of high specific gravity containing sugar; glycosuria, diabetes mellitus; feels weak and exhausted almost each time he passes urine; passessome ten to fifteen pounds or more urine in 24 hours, passes urine frequently and large quantity of passes of urine frequently and large quantity of passage of urine relieves thebladder, increased flow of urine; urgent desire to pass urine; nocturnal enuresis; gets up at night to urinate several times; the quantity of urine more at night; frequency of urinationmore in the afternoon but the quantity passed is less; burning sensation at the mouth of the urethra.

    MaleFree flow of urine, rawness of the orifice of the urethra, soreness of the prepuce caused by the passage of excessive sugar in the urine; smarting and violent itching of the part; absenceof sexual desire, inability to coition, extreme exhaustion after coition; weakness of sexual organs, swelling of testes, hanging of the testes.

    FemaleCatamenia irregular, premature, too short or too long lasting; colicky pain in the lower abdomen during a day or two previous to the appearance of the menses; blood is dark, clotted,profuse or scanty and pale; vertigo, nausea, vomiting and at times hysterical spasm; it is useful both in dysmenorrhoea and amenorrhoea painful menses due to tending of the uterus,worse before menses; leucorrhoea, profuse of whitish, thin or watery discharges in thin, sickly looking young girls.

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    RespiratoryCoryza thin, watery cough dry, with pain in chest, cough worse in the evening and night; cough with purulent expectoration and pain in the chest. Cold air excites cough; expectoration isfree; coughing causes pain in the chest; side pain, has to hold his chest when coughing; bronchitis, broncho-pneumonia with with good deal of expectoration; the sputum is whitish,yellowish and lumpy. Hurried respiration, sinking feeling in the chest. Difficulty in breathing worse from exertion.

    ChestPain in chest (Pain on inspiration and coughing) worse evening, coughing, continues after coughing. Palpitation, worse movement, lying down. Pain in left side of chest.

    HeartWeakness of the heart with anxiety; great uneasiness of the cardiac region, palpitation, feeling of great weakness in the chest; worse on movement; hearts action regular, feeling faintishfeeling.


    Pain in the nape of neck worse morning. Dull aching pain in back. Worse after menses, movement, standing, better rest.ExtremitiesPain in both extremities, worse movement. Pain in both lower extremities, worse night, walking and pressure. Pain in joints, worse motion, as well as sometimes rest. Pain in knee jointworse walking, better rest. Stitching pain in knee joints, worse motion, better rest. Pain in legs, worse movement, night. Cramping pain in calf muscles, worse straightening the leg,movement, better rest. Burning in palms and soles.

    SleepDrowsiness without being able to sleep; sleeplessness, sleep disturbed; sleep better in the early part of morning, un-refreshing sleep.

    FeverDry heat over the whole body; slow fever with great thirst, worse at night; fever with headache and body ache with shivering, worse night.

    SkinDryness of the skin, scratching of the skin; burning of the skin, disturbing nights rest; many small boils, worse during summer months; carbuncle, carbuncular abscesses. Vesiculareruptions with tendency to suppuration. Ulceration on hands and feet. Abscess with itching. Small vesicular eruptions over whole body, suppurating and tender.


    Great uneasiness; languidity; feeling of extreme exhaustion, inability to do any active work, disinclination to work; inability of temper; great loss of flesh; burning sensation all aver thebody; frequent thirst for large quantities of water with dryness of the mouth; frequent profuse passage of urine, worse at night; sleeplessness or disturbed un-refreshing sleep.Menstruation painful and scanty or painful and profuse, pain on both side of the lower abdomen, hysteria in weak women with menstrual troubles; diabetes mellitus, weakness with lossof weight; pain in whole body worse by movement, better by lying down.

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