Anaemia Presentation MNH

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  • 8/2/2019 Anaemia Presentation MNH


    Anaemia defined as a decrease in circulating RBC mass; theusual criteria being


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    1 :Deficiency of nutrients(Iron, Folic acid,

    Vitamin B12, Pyridoxine and Vitamin C)necessary for haemopoeisis.

    2: Depression of bone marrow:

    This is caused by toxins eg drugs used inchemotherapy,radiation therapy, diseases of the

    bone marrow of unknown origin( eg idiopathic

    aplastic anaemia,leukaemia) reduced production

    or responsiveness to erythropoietin ( chronicrenal failure, rheumatoid arthritis, acquired

    immunodeficiency disease).

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    ` Direct injury to the blood vessels.

    ` Acute blood loss most commonly occurs in the

    gastrointestinal (GI)tract(gastritis due to alcohol or

    NSAIDS,diverticulosis,or peptic or gastric ulcerdisease)and may be accompanied by epigastric

    symptoms, nausea and vomiting or diarrhea.

    ` Worm infestation(hookworm infestation)

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    This has many causes including

    haemoglobinopathies such as sickle cell anaemia,

    adverse reactions to drugs and inappropriate

    immune reactions.

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    ` A systemic approach to anemiais best at

    narrowing down the diagnosis and guiding the

    diagnostic workup.

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    ` The history and physical exam play key roles in

    approaching anemia.` Patient may be asymptomatic,but at the Hb

    level30%) but pt may have

    symptoms of fatigue,malaise,dizzness,syncope or


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    Common signs & symptoms of anemia

    ` Pallor

    ` Tachycardia

    ` Hypotention

    ` Dizzness

    ` Tinnitus

    ` Headache

    ` Loss of concentration

    ` Fatigue

    ` Weakness

    ` Atrophic gastritis

    ` Angular cheilosis` Koilonychias(spoon nails)

    ` Brittle nails

    ` Reduced exercise toletance

    ` Dyspnoea on exertion

    ` Heart failure in more severe anemia

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    Total body content in a 70kg man is 4gm.Sixty five% of which circulates in blood as haemoglobin.

    About half the remainder is stored in the

    liver,spleen and bone marrow as ferritin and


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    The iron in these molecules is

    available for fresh haemoglobinsynthesis.

    The rest which is not available for

    haemoglobin synthesis is present inmyoglobin, cytochrome and various


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    Daily iron requirement in men is15mg, in growing children and

    menstruating women is 15mg.

    In pregnancy it is two to ten times thisamount.

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    Iron in meat is present as haem

    which is absorbable, and about 20-40% of haem iron is available for


    Non haem iron in food is mainly inferric state and this needs to be

    converted to ferrous iron for


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    Ascorbic acid stimulates iron

    absorption partly by forming solubleiron ascorbate chelates and partly

    reducing ferric iron to the more

    soluble ferrous form.Tetracycline forms an insoluble iron

    chelate resulting in impaired uptake

    of both substances.

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    Iron stores:

    Iron is stored in two forms thesoluble ferritin and insoluble


    The precursor of ferritin is apoferritin.Apoferritn takes up ferrous iron,

    oxidises it and deposits the ferric iron

    in its core. In this form it constitutes ferritin.

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    Small amounts of iron leave the bodythrough desquamation (peeling off )

    of the mucosal cells containing

    ferritin.Even smaller amounts leave in the

    bile, sweat and urine.

    A total of about 1mg is lost daily.

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    Several salts are available for oral use. Ferroussulphate the main one but also Ferroussulphate, ferrous gluconate and Ferrous fumerate.

    Parenteral preparations: Iron dextran for i.m. & i.v.Iron sorbitol for i.m. only.

    These are used in malabsorption syndromes andin patients who have undergone surgicalprocedures or those who have inflammatoryconditions involving the gastrointestinal tract.

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    Clinical uses:

    To treat iron deficiency anaemia which can be

    caused by:-

    Chronic blood loss (menorrhagia,hookworm or

    colon cancer).

    Increased demand (pregnancy and early infancy).

    Inadequate dietary intake.

    Inadequate absorption (following gastrectomy).

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    Unwanted effects:

    Nausea abdominal cramps and diarrhoea.Acute toxicity:

    Severe necrotising gastritis,withvomiting,haemorrhage followed by circulatorycollapse.

    Chronic iron toxicity:

    Iron overload is caused by chronic haemolyticanaemia(eg thalassaemia,repeated bloodtransfusions.

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    This involves use of chelators eg

    desferrioxamine which forms a

    complex with ferric iron.

    The complex is excreted in urine.

    Deferipone is a new orally absorbed

    iron chelator for thalassaemia where

    desferrioxamine is contraindicated.

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    Folic acid and Vitamin B12:

    These are necessary for DNA

    synthesis and cell proliferation.

    Their actions are inter dependent.

    Deficiency of either vit.B12 or Folicacid results in Megaloblastic


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    The deficiency of these two vitamins

    affects tissues with a rapid cellturnover particullary bone marrow.

    Vitamin B12 deficiency also causes

    important disorders of nerves(peripheral neuropathy, dementia as

    well as subacute combined

    degeneration of the spinal cord).

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    Folic acid deficiency:

    This occurs in dietary deficiency,during

    pregnancy,increased demand as it occurs inchronic haemolysis (haemoglobinopathies).

    Vitamin B12 deficiency:

    Occurs in decreased absorption caused by a lack

    of intrinsic factor ( in patients with pernicious

    anaemia, resection of diseased ileum eg Crohns

    disease ).

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    Folic acid:

    Sources: Liver,green vegetables.

    Daily requirements: 200mcg.

    Actions: Dihydrofolate (FH2) and tetrahydrofolate

    (FH4) act as carriers and donors of methylgroups

    (1 carbon transfers )in a number of metabolic


    FH4 is essential for DNA synthesis as a cofactor in

    the synthesis of purines and pyrimidines.

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    Folates are important for the

    conversion of deoxyuridylatemonophosphate to deoxythymidylate

    monophosphate- the rate limiting in

    mammalian DNA synthesis andcatalysed by thymidylate synthetase.

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    Folate in food is in the form ofpolyglutamate.

    It is converted to monoglutamate for

    absorption and reconverted topolyglutamate the more active form in

    the tissues.

    Folate is absorbed in the ileum.

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    Methyl-FH4 is the form in which folateis usually carried in blood and which

    enters the cell. It is functionally inactive until it is

    demethylated in a vitamin B12

    dependent reaction.Methyl- FH4 is a poor substrate for

    polyglutamate formation.

    Adverse effects: There is a theoreticalrisk of precipitating neuropathy in anundiagnosed anaemia.

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    Vitamin B12 ( Hydroxocobalamin )

    Source: Meat,liver,eggs and diaryproducts.

    All cobalamins must be converted to

    methylcobalamin (methyl vit.B12 ) or 5-deoxydenosylcobalamin for activity.

    Daily requirement of vit B12 is 2 3


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    Absorption requires an intrisic factor. The stomach secretes large amounts

    of intrisic factor.

    The vitamin is stored in the liver(4mg).

    Def. symptoms will occur only 2- 4

    years after total gastrectomy.

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    1 Conversion of methyl- FH4 to FH4.

    2 Isomerisation of methylmalonyl-CoA to succinylCoA.

    Conversion of methyl-FH4 to FH4:

    The reaction involves both conversion of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (methyl-FH4) to FH4 andhomocysteine to methionine, and the enzymewhich accomplishes this is homocysteine-

    methionine methyl-transferase; the reactionrequires B12 as a cofactor and 5-methyltetrahydrofolate as a methyl donor.

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    It is thought that the 5-mehtyltetrahydrofolate

    donates the methyl group to B12, the cofactor.

    The methyl group is then transferred to

    homocysteine to form methionine.

    This vitamin B12 dependent reaction thus has a

    significant role in the generation of tetrahydrofolate

    from methyltetrahydrofolate.

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    Vitamin B12 deficiency results in the

    trapping of the inactive

    methyltetrahydrofolate form and the

    consequent depletion of all intracellular

    folate polyglutamate coenzymes (which

    are necessary for early stages of DNAsynthesis) since methyltetrahydrofolate

    is not converted to the polyglutamate

    form which is the active form of thecoenzyme.

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    The preferred substrate for

    polyglutamate synthesis isformyltetrahydrofolate, and the

    conversion of tetrahydrofolate to

    formyltetrahydrofolate requires aformate donor such as methionine.

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    Isomerization of methylmalonyl-CoA to succinyl-CoA

    Propionate is converted to succinate.

    Through this pathway cholesterol, odd chain fatty

    acids, some aminoacids and thymine may be usedfor energy production via the tricarboxylic acid

    cycle,or for gluconeogenesis.

    Vitamin B12 in the form of deoxyadenosyl cobalamin

    (ado-B12) is a cofactor in the reaction. In vitamin B12 def. states the reaction cannot occur

    and methylmalonylCoA accumulates.

    This distorts fatty fatty acid in neural tissue and may

    be the basis of neuropathy which occurs in vit. B12deficency.

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    Haematopoietic growth factors:

    1.Erythropoietin: Produced in juxtatubular cells inthe kidney and also in macrophages.

    Action:Erythropoietin stimulates committed erythroid

    progenitor cells to proliferate and generateerythrocytes.

    Two forms of recombinant human erythropoietin Epoetin alpha and Epoetin beta are available.

    These are clinically indistinguishable and arereferred to as Epoetin.

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    Epoietin can be given i.v., s.c. or i.p.,

    the response is greater after s.c.injection and fastest after i.v. injection.

    Clinical uses of epoetin:

    Anaemia of chronic renal failure.Anaemia during chemotherapy for


    Prevention of anaemia that occurs inpremature infants.

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    To increase the yield of autolgous

    blood before donation.Anaemia of AIDS (which is

    exacerbated by Zidovudine

    treatment).Anaemia of chronic inflammatory

    conditions such as rheumatoid


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    Unwanted effects:

    Transient influenza-like symptoms. Hypertension is common and can

    cause encephalopathy and headache,

    disorientation and sometimesconvulsions also occur.

    Iron deficiency can be induced as

    more iron is required for enhancederythropoiesis.

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    Blood viscosity increases as the

    haematocrit of the blood rises andincreasing the risk of thrombosis

    especially during dialysis.

    2 Colony stimulating factors:These stimulate the formation of

    maturing colonies of leucocytes in

    semi solid medium in vitro.

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    Colony stimulating factors not only stimulate

    particular committed progenitor cells to proliferate,

    but also cause irriversible differentiation. (a) Granulocyte colony stimulating factor(G-CSF)

    eg Filgrastim, Lenograstim.

    (b) Granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating

    factor (GM-CSF) eg Molgrasmostim is available foruse clinically.

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    GM-CSF stimulates the development

    of progenitors of neutrophils,monocytes, eosinophils and (undersome circumstances) megakaryocytesand erythrocytes.

    It also enhances the functional activityand survival of the mature cells.

    GM-CSF may increase the production

    of other cytokines.

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    G-CSF acts only on the neutrophil line

    increasing the proliferation and

    maturation of neutrophils.

    It also stimulates their release from

    bone marrow storage pools and

    enhancing their function.

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    GM-CSF and G-CSF are given s.c. ori.v. and both are well tolerated butbone pain occurs in 10-20% of pts.

    GM-CSF frequently produces fever,skin rashes, muscle pain and lethargy.There may be pain and reddening at

    the site of injection.

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    G-CSF has produced mild dysuria(rare) and

    reversible abnormalities in liver function tests.

    Vasculitis has been reported with long term use.With i.v. infusion a syndrome of flushing,

    hypotension, tachycardia, breathlessness, nausea

    and vomiting and arterial oxygen desaturation has

    occurred but can be reversed by oxygen and i.v.fluid administrtion.

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    Clinical uses of the colony-stimulating factors:

    CSFs are used in specialist centres.

    1. To reduce the severity and duration of

    neutropenia induced by cytotoxic drgs during:-

    -conventional anticancer chemotherapy

    -intensive courses of chemotherapy that

    damage haemopoietic tissue, necessitating

    autologous bone marrow rescue

    -following bone marrow transplant

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    2. To stimulate release into the

    circulation of progenitor cells, whichcan then be harvested and infused

    with, or instead of bone marrow cells

    after high-dose, intensivechemotherapy.

    3. To expand the number of harvested

    progenitor cells ex vivo before re-infusing them.

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    4. For persistent neutropenia in

    advanced HIV infection.5. They may have a role in treatment

    of aplastic anaemia.

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    1.MCV-mean volume of the red cells & normal range 80-96fl

    ` Microcytic ifMCV96fL

    ` Normocytic 80-96fL

    2.RDW -is reflection of availability in the size of RBC and

    with the proportional to the standard deviation of the


    ` An elevated RDWindicate increased variability of RBC

    size.3.MCH-describe the concetration of Hb in each cell.

    ` Elevation level indicate_spherocytes or


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    4.RETICULOCYTECOUNT-measures the % of

    immature RBC in the blood and reflect the bonemarrow(BM)response to anemia.(i.e.bone marrow

    response to anemia is to increase production of

    RBC there fore the R is increased).

    ` Normal R is ~1%` In anemia or blood loss BM should increse

    production ofRBC in proportion to loss of

    RBC,there fore 1% R count in anemia is


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    Calculated as R% actual Hct/normal Hct,and is

    important in determining if patients BM isresponding appropiately to the level of anemia.

    ` Normal 1.0-2.0

    ` RI2 with anemia-indicate hemolysis or loss of

    RBCs-laeding to inreased compeensatory

    production ofR(hypoproliferative anemia)

    6.PERIPHERAL SMEAR-Necessary part of innitial

    hematologic evaluation.shape,size,presence of

    inclusions,orientation of cells to each other.

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    ` Indicated in case of normocytic anemias with low

    R without identifiable cause or anemia associated

    with other cytopenias.` The biopsy may confirm myelophthisic process(i.e.

    presence of tear drop or fragmented

    cells,normoblasts,or immature WBCs on

    peripheral blood smear) in setting of pancytopenia

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    1.Mng of anemias with derceased RBC production.` Microcytic anemia

    ` Thalassemia

    ` Myelodysplastic syndrome

    ` Sideroblastic anemia` Macrocytic/megaloblastic anemia

    ` Anemia with chronic renal insuficiency

    ` Anemia of chronic disease

    ` Anemia in cancer patients

    ` Anemia associated with HIV infection

    ` Aplastic anemia

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    2.Anemia associated with incresed RBC destruction

    The anemia associated with increased

    erythropoiesis(elevated reticulocyte count).caused

    by bleeding(much more common) orHemolysis,and my exceed the capacity of bone

    marrow to correct Hb.

    ` Sicklecell disease

    ` G6PD Deficiency` Drug induced hemolytic anemia

    ` Miroangiopathic hemolytic anemia

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    3. Approach to transfussion therapy

    1.General principles

    ` Indication/containdication

    ` Manipulation of blood product` Procedure

    2.Special consideration


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    Indication/contraindicationRBC T is indicated to increase the oxygen-carrying capacity of

    blood in anemic patients.

    Transfusion threshold in general

    -Hb 7-8g/dl with no cardiac risk

    -Hb 10g/dl with Hx of coronary artery disease or risk of ischemia-all children with Hct12% or Hb 4g/dl

    -less severely anemic children with Hct 13-18% and Hb 4-6g/dl

    with ant of the following

    *clinical detectable dehydration

    *shoch*impared consciousness

    *deep and laboured breathing

    *Verry high malaria parasitemia>10% of RBC with parasite

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    1 unit of RBCs increases Hb level by 1g/dl in the average


    If cause of anemia iseasly treatable(e.g iron or folic acid

    deficiency) and no CVSor cardiopulmonary compromise

    is present,it is preferable to avoid transfusion.

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    Pretransfusion` dispensed for a pt.Type and screen procedure

    tests the recipients RBCs for the A,B & D(Rh)Ag

    and also screen the recipients serum for

    antibodies against other RBC Ag` Cross matching tests the Pts serum for antibodies

    against Ag on the donors RBCs is performed

    before specific unit of blood is dispensed for a pt.

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    Manipulation of blood product


    ` Prevent formation of platelet alloantibodies.

    2.Irradiation-eliminate immunological

    component.used in pt with imminocompromisedBM or organ transplant recipient,pt receiving direct

    donation from HLA matched donors or first

    degree relatives

    3.Washed RBCs .-rare indicated should beconsidered when in patient whom plasmaproteins

    may cause serious reaction.(Ig-deficient pt or

    other anaphylactic reaction)

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    1.Long term RBC transfusion therapy

    ` For >20 unts of RBC-Iron chelation therapy

    ` To epand RBC antigen pannel to decrease the risk

    of RBC alloimmunization and delayed hemolytic

    transfusion reaction.2.Emergency RBC therapy used only in situation in

    which massive blood loss has resulted in

    cardiovascular compromise-

    ` But volume expansion with NS should attemptedinitially.

    ` If unmatched blood must be used,should be group

    O/Rh ve that have been screened for reactive


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    2.Pt who are unwilling to receive RBC

    transfussion(e.g Jehovas Witness)

    ` Epo is of benefit


    Use of orl and parenterol Iron

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    1.Transfusion-transmited infections

    ` HIV1/2,T-lymphotrophic virus type ,epatitis B&

    C,Syphilis and West Nile Virus.

    ` CMV transmision from RBC and Platelets

    transfusion is an important risk in

    immunocompromised patients.

    2.Hemolytic transfusion reaction

    ` Acute hemolytic reaction

    *Mgm-urine output mintained or equal to 7.5

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    1.Caused by either a primary or amnestic antibody

    response to specific RBC antigen or donor RBC

    .pt with IgA deficiency who receive IgA containing

    blood productMGN similar as acute.

    2.Nonhemolytic febrile transfusion(fevers & chils)

    ` Decrease incidence with leucoredused product

    ` The cause is release of cytokines from WBCs

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    ` Mng.

    ` Acetminophen and Prestorage leucoredused

    blood products.


    Pretretment with glucocorticoids and WBCs orvolume reduced platelets.

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    ` If volume overload is suspected esp in pts with

    CHC and cardiovascular overload he IV diuretics

    should be used.

    ` Transfusion related acute lung injury(TRALI)

    occurs 4hrs after BT


    Ant-human leucocyte antgen (HLA)or

    antgranulocyte antibodyDespite clinical or radiologic findings suggesting

    edema data indicate that diuretics have no role

    and may be detrimental.

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    ` More common to immunocompromised

    patientsdue to result of immunocompetent T

    lymphocyte(I pts who share HLA haplotype with

    HLA homozygous blood donors(esp close relative

    or members of inbred pop)

    ` Mortality >80%

    ` Irrariation of blood broduct it prevent the disease

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    Administration ofblood products >than the normal

    blood volume of pt over 24hrs

    ` Hypothermia


    Hypocalcemia(mgn calcium gluconate 10ml of10%)

    ` Hypercalaemia

    ` Hypokalaemia

    ` Bleeding complication

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    ` Oral iron therapy

    *ferrous sulphate

    *ferrous gluconate

    *ferrous fumarate

    *vit C` Parenterol iron therary

    *iron dextran

    *sodium ferric gluconate(ferrlecit)

    *iron sucrose(venofer)

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    ` No specific rx

    ` In sevse form of disease RBC transfusion

    ` Chelation therapy

    ` Splenectomy(.2units/mo)

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    ` 5-azathitidine

    ` Decitabine

    ` Immunosupresive therapy withantthymopacyte


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    ` Removal of possible offending agent

    ` pyridoxine

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    ` Replace the deficient factor

    ` Potasium suplements

    ` Folic acid

    ` Cyanocobalamin for vit B12 deficiency

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    Erythropoiesis stimulating agents(ESAs)

    ` Epoetin alfa

    ` Darbepoetin alfa

    The aboe also used in` Chemotherapy induced anemia

    ` Anemia associated with HIV infection(IV

    immunoglobulin G in suspected case of

    mycobacterium avium complex Dx established inbone marrow)

    ` Anemia of chronic dse

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    ` Discontiue suspected offending drug

    ` Immunosuppessive Rx with

    cyclosporin,glucocorticoids,antthymocyte globulin


    Stem cell transplant` RBC transfussion kept at minimum.But platelet

    transfussion recommended.

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    ` Transfusion has no role in RX of uncomplicated

    vaso-oclusive crises

    ` Hydroxyurea therapy(increase level of HbF)


    Acute chest syndrome-require aggressivetransfusion therapy including red cell exchange.

    ` Iron chelation therapy

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    ` Glucocorticoids

    ` IVIG less effective than ITP

    ` Splenectomy for steroid resistant

    ` Rituximab` Plasma exchange (for COLD IgM)

    ` RBC transfusion(for warm IgG) only in decreased

    oxygen carryng capacity.,6g/dl