Aod Proj Sa 0554 to Verify

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  • 8/12/2019 Aod Proj Sa 0554 to Verify


    SUPPLEMENT335612405s4to ccrntract o.pB/535607041401t.22.09.r995Moscow January " r 2 0 1 4

    Article ISuhrject f the Surpplement

    1 1' 'Il^LeSTPPLIER shrallmanufacture nd deliver to the C]US'ION{ERoF'roject 5;61l't0 [Nasik-D-;ivisionL)speLrearts, ereinaftereferredo as ,EquiFrrnenr,,.t'or overhaulof Su-3crMtil air,:rah aggregatesnd systems n the nomenclature,qu.antitynrlat theprices ssetout 'a"ne" hereto.

    llhtl Joi't Stockc.mpany "_Rosoboronexprrft",oscow,Russian ederation,hr:reinalteref'erred' as i'h. -"SUPPLIER",on th. one hand,and corp,rati.n"l-Iindustelrt\erronautics,imited", angalore,'Republicf India,hereinaftereferr.edl' as the 'cLISl-oMIlR", otrl he otheihand., ndlointly hereina,fterefe..ecl' 's"liides", ave ,oncludedhisSupplementn hLeollow.ins:

    Article 2iT'irne-frames, ost lnd .fermsand Conditionsof Delivery2'1' llotal ::t l of-tLLe quipmento be supplied nder his supplement hallmetke 9> ,626.35)1.62(five ttillion s;ixhundred^twenty-sixhousandhreeh'ndre6anrd inety-s;evennd62lICil)) S Dol]lars.2..2. lquiprnent ;hal lhe del iveredbatchesn 20141 to the CUSTOMER by. one or severalE,luipnlentshall be delivered o the CLIST'OMERby, one batch or se:veralbatches',r,ritfLirn5 nronths rom the dateof transfl:rof'',.2"-i. rcluipnnenthall be siupplied n term$ "CIp - Mumbai,{irpor-t,,or irrcertaincasr3rlllon additionalagreement f the Sides,on terms ,CIp- OjharArrport:(l'Jrrsik)"n conforrnitywith INCOIIERMS 2000 ICC publicatiorLNo. 560, 19,99,R':'ision, I,a.ris') hen ransprorlingy charter lights.'rhe clateo[ the internationalAirway tiill shall be considered he dare of , t 'oe:llverv.J

  • 8/12/2019 Aod Proj Sa 0554 to Verify


    [,ackingT'he flrllov,ringmark.ingndexe'cluipmento bedelivere,J.

    - ---

    2Article3andMarking ndexin English hallbe put on each case of the

    [ - - - - - - - - - - - -1^ EXF,OR'I/ Con racr,{o.. B/53560704 4Ctdt.22.0g.995I )rupplerne'r3it:561240554_XXof Janua.y:__,,,2014I S{JPPLfER:SC R.osoboron.rrpon,,,I\zlosq:ow,tpI COlrlSI.lN'EE:EtALNasikOi'rsion/3561 rAirport f destiniati.n: umbai/Ojhar lr,lasikJ,ndiaI Cilse rlo,: {/BJDiLmenslLons/volume:cm/cub. mI Weip;ht:ks: l---*-----:_.-_- __Wlere:.A. ,seriai$, il ..*;B - totalquantity,of asesn thebatch:X)( -.pos. \o. asperAmex No.1 o this Supplement.

    r\rticle 4Termsof Paynnenf4'l ' I,eLyn:Lenlsorrthe quipmento bedelivered ereunderhallbeeffected rr,,he cLISTCI]\4IIR.' US Dortari; s o'.ws: rvrwu ruruL'rLrcrlratloeettected,4.L|,, l0 a,,'oof the toralcostof tjhe quiprnentgainsthis Supplementnakingtp 562'639'''t(; fir'e hundredsixty-trv'ohousandsiihundred and thirty-nine ano761100)ttJS D.llars shLallbe paid as an arclvance y bank remittance f aoresponclinl3 rn.unt in LIS Dollars by swrFT to Account of the SberbarLr

  • 8/12/2019 Aod Proj Sa 0554 to Verify


    3Thr: (lI-'S'foMFiR r;hall nform the SILPPLIERof the bank rransferwithin3ba'kinp;d'y'r; rom thLroffient t is effected.

    pridbfl|J'lfti];r:i3ffifi elatedo he emitrtanceftheadvanceaymentrralre4'1"2:" 0 9/o f the costof the equipme:ntgainsthis Supplemenr akinguLpi'063'751'i3(5fir"emillion sixty-thre. horrund $evenhundredand fifty-sev.en ndi(t/lc)0)'l'siD.ll'lrs shallbe paidby ithedocunnentaryrrevocable etlersof credit tcrreopenedl pon nstruction nd oia,;countof rhecusToMER by the State ]anll ofndia in lavou. o1' he SIJPPLIER vithin 30 day,s rom the date ol. receiprof theIJPPLIEIR'sotjLfications to readi'essof a resprectiveatcho1.he equipment .c,rlispar"charith,e validityp,eri,odf threemonths.4.'1.3,_efters f Creditshallbeopened,o hBamounts qual o 90%ooftiecostf respecrtiveatchesof the equipmentwhich will be communicatedry th,etJPPLIlllt to the cusToMllR in the notifica.tionssto readiness f the equrL'rro.tfor dir;patch.

    4'1'4' 'rlheterms an.cconditions f the Lettersof credit sherll e inL trict'irnlbrmitl'wittr he Formsrpecifiedn AnnexNr.o. hereto.Shotrld he termsancl onditions f theopenEd ettersof credit not corresponclto the terms and conclitionsof thisrSupplernent,he Letters of ctredit shall be:co'sidleredopened_nll;rupon introductionot' antendments rining the terms anclc'.nditionso1'the Lettrersrf credit iin line w'ith the terms and conrjitionsot, this;Sr'rpplemerrt,nd upon LC acceptance y the suPpLIER. In this case he vralidity.periodof'the Lett'ers l cr,:dit shallbe extenderdy the cusroME,R for the periodleclualo thr:perlodof acljusrl.mentf ttre ermseurdonditionsof the Lettersof (.rerjitin line wiLth]re ennseurd onditions f this Sr-rpplement.n this cirserhe period ,1,derlivery f'the ecluipment hall be also extenied by the sLrPpLIIlR for rhe sarneperiod.'+'1'5' I'h':Letters f Creditshallbeadvisiedo the SUPPLIER :rSWIFI-onlythmugh the Sberbank .f Rttssia,Moscow,pasrsing y otherRussianand/or or:eignbanks.PaymenLtsy the Letterrs f Creclit hallbe effectedagainstpresentationrf thefollowingdocurrrentso thesberbank.fRussia,Moscow:I' t]ne o|iginal iand wo copiesof the sl-4,pLIER's nvoice n US Dc,llarsindicating:- cclrst1'the upplie,Clquipmerrt;- rrnlrfl_u.trl.aid asan advance;- cosr: f'theequ,ipmr:nto bepa:id gainsthe Invoiceby, he Letterof Cre,Jit.2. Crne riginal Airwa.yBill;3. Oneoriginal Inrsiur:unceolicv:4. one c,riginLal peciication-ceitificate ,f,euality.T'heSitarreank oi' India shall grant to the Sberbank f,Russia,Moscor,vheright of'SWIF'f r:eimbursremento the StateBank of Inclia,New york Branch,Neu,York.To reiirnlburseaynrentsbythe L,etters f credit the StateBank of India shauauthorisehe lstateBank of'India, New York Branch,New york to pay swlF.r

  • 8/12/2019 Aod Proj Sa 0554 to Verify



    reimburserne'; laims of the Sberbank f Russia,Moscow within 3 bankingcla.ysontaininlgnforrnation hittall thedocuments r.S.nt.a by the SUPPLIERare n 1trll'nforrrity w'ith the tertns and condition, i,r m. Letiers of clredit, as .well iisrLdicati.p;'cr:ount o' oIt]re Sberbank f R,ussirr,oscow o which theam.unt.fhLeeimbursierler:rtcraimsrrould eremittea ;,iwrr'.Docurnettts resentedater tharn 1 daysfrrrmthe dateof their issuesrhall rerc:ceprtaLrlearithinhe _/C ralidity er.iod.D'cubleor;mail ldvisingoitir. Lettersof credit shallnot be pennitted.Alll barnik,hargesarLd ommis;sionselated o openingand executiono{.the"'etters f'(]rerlit n the terTitory f Irrdiashallbe borneby the cusroMER, andal l'ank harlg'35;'the te.rritory iRrrsia, aswell asexpensesf the reimbursing ankhallbe borneby the StupFT-fER.ommissioneesoi theRussianbank or acivisinlgf,the n:rarlyntr

  • 8/12/2019 Aod Proj Sa 0554 to Verify


    )I'lnpackin,g,sserxbly, nr;tallation,esting and crperation f the ecluipmento tret;uppliedinaccordanceith the equir...nt, of the echnical ocuments.The CLIST'OMITR hall not copy or reprqduce he .quip,o.nt and tec:hnicialdocumentationo be cileliv.erednder^thisSupplement, se the Itussian nventions,"l'mow-h0vz'1ancl thr:r sr:ientificand techni,;al esults, which erreused for theirproduction,asi ryellas shall not upgradeor mocliflithe equip_.n, to be sr.rppJliedttnder his Siuprplement,oth using^ gg..gates,assembliesand partsof Russ;ianprorcuction nrlusingaggregates,ssembliesandpartsof indigenoursroductionLrrnanuf-acture'd))/any ttrird party,without the prior written consJntof the SUpI,LItrllupon eceiprt f a respective ritten equestrormhe GIJSTOMER.The (luSlroMElt shallundertrikeo usr: he equipme't to be suppliedunde,rtiris supplemerLt or ttredeclared_pLrposes'ly and shall not re-exportor transfbrv"ithout c()l'llierrt f tl,LeR-ussian e

  • 8/12/2019 Aod Proj Sa 0554 to Verify


    llorrorH EHU 133s61240ss4KoHrpaKryJ\lb IB/535607041401r 22.09.f 95r,Mocxnal " rHBapt Al4 r.

    Orrcprtroe aKllxloH(lpHoe 6rqecrno "P'clco6opoH3Kcnopr". ocxna, pocclril-crca-rOe;(epallntt,HMeHyeMoe raJrbseffruev"IIOCI'ABIIII4K". c oAHofrcropoHr,l,rr Kollropauurr ".KnH4yg1ilH :poHa.fraKc IIztruTeA", f. EaHrilop, pecny6nrrna.hrr_l\\fl, IIMerlyeMa'fl I(ilJrbFleiirueu :3AKA3r{[,IK", c 4pyrofi cr()po.Hbr, oBr\{ecrEroIIMeHyeMueC'ropoHbl,3attJTIoqI4JrHacro.rlqeeAo[onHeHI,re Hr4xecJreAyrolueM;(lrarsq 1. Ilpegmer AolroJrHeHnq

    l'1, ilC)CTABttII4K I{3rorolrnr 14 rrocraBZr 3AKA3III,IK}' Ern o(jrex:ra3:t61110 r(ol4erJteHl {eFIaczrx,)anacHbre{acrpr,HMeHyeMbre lar,sgeriuena ,L,1rvryur,e-cllBo"' Allx O6erc[IeqeHllaailHTaJIbHofoeMoHTa fpefaroB I4czoreM canaoreraC,y-30MI{I4 B Holvtel{Knar)/pe,oJIHqecrBer rro rIeHaMcorJracHo lJpuoNeHzro N 1 r[]rr1cT0_rIIIeNr)'A OOOJIHeFIHT.(lrarss 2. cporc, cror{Mocrb r{ ycJroBrfl rrocraBK'

    2.1, ()6uturcrotr.tNroc:Tr,rocraB"rqeMofoto +racro{rrleMy orron]reHt4ro.r:Myrrle_crBa cocra.BJlter5.62t:5.39",7,62nxrr MHJIJIrrolioBrrecrbcorABaArIarbxecrb,fbrcfleIF,Iacra eBrlroc:ficeMr,w (i2ll00) Ao,,r,rapon IIIIA.2.2. )i4nry'rrlecrBoyre'r rocranrreHo3AKABqI,IKy onnofi uru[a.pTI,t-sML];,20 ,12.3.tr4vytlr3crBcry;rer ocraBJrqrbc.rril yctrroBrr-sxCIP - a3ponoprMr/v6afi,'I4JTH oTI,enbI{bI)( nyqatl{' lro AoIIoJTHI4TenbIIoMyorJlacoBaHumCtopoH, ntr)H e-lpeBo3Keilp]tet)HbItvtulrefrcaN/tl4HaycnoBr.r{x "CIP - a3poropr O:ap (Hacqx)i B cg-ri)'rBercrBnus 'L{Fil(OllEt,.MC2000", ny6.nvrr:aq4s exAyrupoa"oft roproeofi naL_.rarbrJ\b5r5(), 999r., Il[apraN,

    f{ar0'[ ro(]raBK[ HN{yI{ecTBa r{HraercJrA4Ta Me)KAyrrapo2lrroi[BaaHaKnaA-u,cfi. []rarss 3. YnarcoBnaH MapKHpoBKa


    Fla rciuxAoerapr{oe Mecro roc,raBJrreMoroliynoutar MqpKr{poBKaHa ar{rruftcrov {3brKe:EXPORTContrircl'i.o.PE|/5S6074 40t dt.22.9.1q95Sup,prlrrnre,rrt33it61]t240554->lXf' January, ,,,20IzlSUP,PLI:lFi.:SC "Rosoborone;rsport",\4 s{,.ow,FCONtSiCil.lEEI AL,,t,trasikir,,i ion/35611 LAirportof',Cestiniltion:umbai/O,jharI'{asik),rrdiaCase'tro ,\/BDimensir:rns/volume:rn/cub. rn

    r4My[Iecrna6yler HaHeceHrJre--l-WsrelL'(g--_

  • 8/12/2019 Aod Proj Sa 0554 to Verify


    2]-Ae: A - ilopr:ltKoerrrl HoraepMecra;B - o6rl:r:e q[c.]To MecT B rraprr4a;XX - FIor,Ir--pro3prrlarl rro llpnno)KeHaro Jrll I x Hacroflr{eMy Ao1onHeHH.H).Crarrq 4. ycrosuq [Urare2na

    '1'1' flnrarexa 3a rMyuecrBrl' locraBJr.rreMoero Hacro.slqeMyAorrorr{eH'ro,5)'A)'r lpot4:3ll'cll'rbcir3,4,.K,,\3.II4K,N4r oor'upax CIIIA BcneAyrorleMopr{AKe:ll ' l lat %ooi5qe'ficroaMocruaMyuecrBa o HacrorrleM./AonorrreHzro,ro coc'raBJrror'62.t539,',/6nxrrcor rrrecrbllec{rABeT6rc.qrr2uec.rbcorpr{AqarbeB.qTb'/6110())4e;lnapoBCIUA, 6yly, orr,r"n.r"r aBaHcoM),reM6anxoncxor_olepeBoAaocrt''Etercrey'rout;eiic1'unarlB AonnapaxCIIrA no CBI4OT.yna cqer.oAoC6ep6anr:Pocr:aH",\4oc:xnu1"SWmf SABR.RU.MM), J\lb 90_Ct05./-610lJanl< few Y'rk lVfelllon,\[ew' 'ort B rronb3yc)Ao "poco6opoH3Kcnopr,,B reqe]Frr4e0 auezt c Aallbl ron'yr{elll4r: perc'r:aBr4reirer{3AKA3rIen

  • 8/12/2019 Aod Proj Sa 0554 to Verify


    ,f.B cnyuaeecJlnycjroBnqorKFrbrrbrx KKpeAr4Tr4BoBe6y41lncoorBerc'rBorlarbYCJIOBAJ{l\/f {a,C'rOgtIIlO lIrCtnOJIHeHHt, aKKpOAHTLIITbI CqHTaIOTCfl OUKpbITbIMI4 .[OJ]bI(OIrocJIeBHeceHl{.flllMrlleHltff,puno4tlrll4x ycnoBg{ aKKpeAI4THBCIEcooTBeTcTBlaevcJIOBasr'{l{ acTott[Je]-olrotlonHeHr4s.)4aKrlerrraaKKpelr{rrrBaTIOCITABIIIPIKO\4.l rlpHarol\4cp('K .4efrcrBl{t aKKpeAr{tfr4BoBy4er npolneBaftcq }I\K:A3r{I4KOIV{ua[epl'loA paBl{b.lli poKy'np[BeAeHI4q cnoB[fi aKKpeIHTHBoB coro,rBrcrBr4e]ycJrrf,-Bl4flMr,rrrilcro.,{ulero crrrolrHeHn;r.pox [ocraBKr.fiHMyIrIecrBaB 3ToMcnyqae ra,Kxe6yaer neper{e0errIOI[]T/\B]II4KOIIyI HayKa3aHHbrfiepno4..+. i;.,,\xxpre4arp'rbryayr aBr43oBaHrrIOCTABIIII4KyKrJqelpe3OA,(:) "O6ep6arrx Poccztr", MocKBa, MhHyr Ap)/rr4errHocrpaHnrre asnz.'errczc aKx:pe,qHrHBoByayr npor,r3Bo.qr'cfl rrporrrBO'AO "Cdep6ranr: occau",, 4ocxna cnetryroqzx AoKyMeHTots:[. o4Holo opr,rrr{F{arraAB./x ornfi c.neraIocrABIIIt4IGCIILA c yKa3arrneM tiHX: B AoJrnapatx- c't'or{MocTHloCTaBneHHOfoHMyrrlec,rBa;- c\rt\{Mt,I, [Jraq:HHofiaBaHcoM;- ci[o,r{Moc)TH,rM:)/UIeCTBa,lf,Alrexaqefo o[naTe tlo cqeT]/ c aKKpeAI4.ft4Ba.2. O4noro oprt:rr4HeuritBr4aHaLrcla4Hofi3. OArroroopprfr,rHrurilrpaxoBoro roJrr4ca,4. oAuoro opr4'Hanil c[erlncpHraquz-cepmz$nKaraaqecrBaState lank of Indiar:peAocras?rrAO "C6ep6anrPoccna",MocKBa.paBopan'r6ypcao (-lB[4rDTy'uerSlateBan]< f India,Now York Branch. Imo-I,iopli.IJ so:lr'IeuletFll4eJlia.rexefi aKKpeAHrHnoBtateBankof India yronHoMolr'rStateElankof Inclia,New York Branch,Hrro-fropKornaqnBarbB reqeHr4epe.x6arr-KoBcKl.lx1HeiiCBlt'IQ'' AO "C6ep6auxPoccl'H",N4ocrcsa.oAetr)xauHeoo6rqeHne roM, qro BcpnpeAcraBJreHHbreIOCTAIILI(ZI-K:()M Aoxlrl4gtttbl rlo.ttHo(lrblo oorBercrByrol ycnoBr4{MaKKpeiI[THBoB,4 r{oi\4epcg:eraOAO "C6ep6aHlcPrl,cc,Hrr",ocKBa,Ha rcoT'opufi yMMa pre6gnaH"" :,rnr,rru6rrrt repeBeAeHaroCB14

  • 8/12/2019 Aod Proj Sa 0554 to Verify


    4Bce 6asrcoBcKrleacxol(brH KoMrlccur4, IIKHa reppuTopr{td occHficNoft De-repaqut4, tilK H BHeee 3a. poAJreHr,repoKaAefrCIreuq KKpeAHTr{l]onyayr crTHece-HbrHa c,.{eT t'opoHbr, ur}ercrBeuuc,ft a poAJIeHHe.flocral;rcaI4M:/Iqecrrrray4el ilporr3Bollr.rTbcqoJrbKO rocne ronyr{eHlrq tl(f-ClTABtUt4f(OM aBar{coBoro lrrare.llKav rKpbrrr4r3AKA3I{I,IKOM iaKKpeAHTr.rBoBiIl OJIHOMOOTErCTBL|V1]l/CnOBrr-sMHacroq[Iefo ro[onHeHHq.B yr::lonnf,x tKKpreI[rr4BoBy4er yKa3alrocneAyroqee: "foxyMHl.r,r rrpli-eMJIeMbI Totv: r4Ae,KaK H.anpeAc.raBreHbr".B cly'tae ecJrtt4,u\KA3III4K a4ep)Kr4T'o[rJraryBaHcoBol]olJrarexar] coor-BercrBPIH ll, 4.1.1 Hacrosqero ,[o[onHeHuq,orKpbrrr4e KKpeAr4Tr4BoB,peAy-cMorpeHI{rIX{acrottul{M lonorueHneM, ulutw EHeceHr{e3MeHeHr4ftaxxpeAnTrdBB crporoM crlorBerc:t.Bul4 ycnoBrzt{Mr{Hacro-sfiIeroAononHeHraq IOCTAI]LIIZIKHMeeTIpaBOlpOAnI4Tb pOKrocrauKn 4MyrrlecTBaa IIepHoA3a,{epxKr4 rKpbrTr{taKKpeAI4T'HBroB"nu nqtvBeAeHuffclonaft aKKpegprrr4BoBcoorBercrBr4e Ilpu:ro-xieHneN,r\lb] rcHacrorfiilIeMy ononHeHr4ro.Vcr,oBaqaKKpeAZ:tfHBoByayr rtotrqr4rrernsrVHz$Hrlr4poBaHuuu lpetBr4JirMa o6rr'{asM Jr{ roKyrueHlapHbrx KKpeAHTr.rBOB""eAaKunr200'/ fo,Aa,ny6lrrxaqu-aN'fexgyHapop,rrofiopronofi rralarbr J\lb600 H "VHraSHrIr4poBaHHrrulpanu,rau .Me-x;AyHapoAHoil oprosoii: raJrarbr4ra uex6aHKotscKoro ana6ypca to AoKyMeHTap-HbIM KKpeI{pllrl{l}aM",e4,ilrqusi,2008oAa, ny6nlmaquq MexAyFrapoAHoftollronoffriura'r'br lb 72i;.

    5' IIICC'IABIIII4K: rapaHrnpyer 3AI(A3qI4Ky Kar{ecrBo rrocraBrr{er\,ror-oLrMy[[ecrBa o Fracror:ue:My ononr{eHr4ro Ter{QHr4eapaHTrrfiuorocpoKa,yKa]atFI_Horo n cepru([rl{Karax lutu Qoprr.rylxpax, o ue Solee 12 rvrecqrJeBAar},r crarroB-KWvIrr418 rr,relrqeB )Aarbl rIocraBI(H ZHAuro, B 3aBlrcrrMocru cr rofo, ranoti r.r:3'fr4x poKoB racTyrrHr aHe.llpu :lrorrr lolpit3yrdeBaerc_r,{ro rapaHrufrtHrrecpoKr,r6yA}'r ,AeftcreHreJrhHbrnpr4ycrrosur{co6rrcA,3Fr?Ls3AKA3r{I4KOM rpaBr4npa3rpy3Kr4,paHcloprr{por}KLr,xpaHeHHq, actIzlKoBKlII ,6opru, MoHTaxa,HctIbI[aHufl14 Kcrlnyara];Jr4ploc'TaBJrre-

    MO|O H\4y',ilIecltBil B CO'OTB,eTCTBr4r4r:pe6ona]lj.vflMlprTexHr4qecxofi,4oxyMeHTarll.{u.3,AKl|3t{I'[K ue 6y;lel Korlt,tpoBarb{JrrrBocnpor.r3BoAnTbocraBrrrMbrr3 c()-o'rBercrBI,IH rlacroqrqr4vf{ononneHueMHMy[{ecrBo H TexHqrrecKyro oK)/r\,{errrra-(tro, a raK)r(eHcnoJrbt3oBrrboccufirtKH :o6peTeHr4.fl,Hoy-xay" u ilpyrr4eHiryg:Ho_TexHl4tlecKlletr)e:]ynbrarbl,4crronb3yeMbrepH Hx r43r'oroBJTeHvtv.,raKxe ue 6yAerrrpoa3BoAH]bMoAepH:It3aI{Hro4Jrr4ro4r,r$nxar{HxoocraBrqeMoro rro Hacrorur(3vry/lono,rneHalroprNlyuleroTllarKirKc r4c[oJrb3oBaH]reN{fpefaroB, y3-rtroB 4eralefi por:-cuftcxo|o rtrlol{3}to.4cuBa.atcH acno.rrb3oBaHneMrperaroB, y3JroB geralefi codc.r-BeHHofo lp(tpl:3BoAcrllilI.I:Hpou3BoAcrBa perbefr cropoHu, 6e: [peABapHTeJrrh,HO-ro IIHcb.MeHHo,roorJIacu,{ IOCTAEiIII'IKA nocire rrocryrrneHnflcoornercrnyrorqerirnrr.rcbMerrrroiirpoc1611 z\l{A3YZKlt.

    3rtKA,3(IHK odt:,v{3Tcr 4crroJlb3oBarbrocTaBnfleMoero Hzrcrof,rrleMy{onorr-H(:Huro aMytr{r3crBao.rlbKon 3aqBreHHbIXlentx u we 6y4er 6es coI'J'IacI4crrzrnepeA4BarrSopvanbHo r4.rrr{parruvecxHI.I()cTaBJI.tIeMLIelo Haorotlq:Mylono:rHeHHlo r4MyrrlecrBo,AoKytdeH'rarlHro Jrur H-rfoplraunl{' -uoHaMTpr31]brrMrpaHa.M4Jrv a3peruarb roJrb3oBarbcf4MnKaKnu6srTo HI46rtlo {ltruvecliLlMt Alrv ropr4,4ur{ecKnMII4rIaM, poMe tro,ltxFlocrHblx TI{u 14

  • 8/12/2019 Aod Proj Sa 0554 to Verify


    )crerlr4lJlr,rc:roBr3 pit)KAaHrpaHbr AKA3 II4KA, HaxoA_flrtHxcflHanyx6e y ilpa_Brrrerrb'rna liAI(A3tltr{Kr\.Peexcnoprvlrw[epe4aqy{opnranrHovnfi $arrravecK2 ocraBJreHHgr.oaNry_rlecrBzta'ru ztutpoPMarlnltlo HI4M'lperbnMrpaFraM JrH aKr.rnrrr ro HH6sr:ro$u-I4qecKHM'l'r[]''IopHlHqecKI{MHI{aM Trrx rpaH3AKA3[II4K naoxerocyuecrBrzrrbronbKo ) c"rt1rt1asloJtyqerlHrlorJlacasPoccptficriofiDe4epaqr4q,Ko'ropoe .pop.raru-ercs lloclr'/'Blrll'IKoM e coorBercr'"u c 3aKoHoAareJrbcrBolror:caircxoil@ere-parJavnocJlenocrylrJleFlt4toorBercrByrorqeftuzct,ueHHoftpoct6rr 3AKA3r{.A-KA.Flltxarc'oeoJIoxeHIIeHacroqrrleroloru

  • 8/12/2019 Aod Proj Sa 0554 to Verify


    f lpnnoxenneAnnex:

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    Jbacro 1Pa,ge|"rrum' - T-*;--lI nn I 3-r(e ] KoMrJrJ \ b l . N b I S e t

    l lauueHosauHeOtio3HaqeHreDenomirnationDesign,ation

    I{5ge.nrae: flepeuernr KlcMnreKroe Sl,lflcanlroreroB (jy_ 30MKt{

    I {ena 014 aea.s USDPrice2014pe runit n UIit)

    CyuuaSunr Il Nos I l temll.rt i c.Lei

    ICOMNJIJEKThN III.S PEM IB39oFtltA l0 vt34r"n:r'lil11.4 r(oMnJr: - 1 . 1 " . 1 4 . 0 0 c9 0 1 s E Tt " 1 . . 1 : L L , U . 0 0 . 9 0 1 K 3i t l . : 10K I?(;F:C}UPsIIT o.F sPTAN:C,IYtrIJIEKTtfll .qJLg pEM 839crHrA t_0 usmtlnfi i t 11.4 KOMnJTt L I . t 4 . 0 0 0 . 9 ( ) 2 s E T1 L 4 1 1 . 1 " { . 0 0 0 9 0 2 K 3' t l 1:1( lKI 'IIROUP sEiT o}. SPTAKOMnJTEIKT3t tr Ntfl pEM 839oHTA 10 msqt:,nuil 1:1.4 KOMnJT: : L 0 2 . 7 . 1 0 0 . 9 C [ _ s E T: r l _ . 1 0 2 . ? . 1 C r O .0 1 K 3t : I . L :10KpG.RO['PSET OF' SPTA3)I,111JIEKTlHn ,qJur I,EM 839,ot:t:u\ 10 wlrIE.finit 11 .4 KiCMnI7 . 0 i t7 . 1 0 0 . 9 0 2 s : E T1 , : 1 ,l _ 0 2 . , 7 ._ 0 0 . 0 2 K 3rl l l. : 10KP(]IITOUPSET OF SPTAX:(DITUIEKT I%N qJI5 PEM 839otrlri 10 t13w,nnil;.11.4 KOMnJI2 , 1 . 1 . u . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 s r t r) 1 7 . . 4 2 L t . . 0 0 r CO O O K gl L : 1-0KPGF:OUPSET oF SPTA

    , o6ecner{eHtter KanpeMoHtra.

    L 72 4 1 - 74 8 L 72 , + J _ 74 8

    1 7 2 4 I 7 . , 4 , 8 1 7 2 4 l . 7 . 4 8

    r _ ? 0 5 6 . 9 5 1 7 0 5 6 , t

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    3 0 3 4 6 3 . 0 3 0 3 4 { t 3 . 8 0


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  • 8/12/2019 Aod Proj Sa 0554 to Verify


    1 6 . 1 0 2 0 L 3[** T-"'*r I 3-Kel N , mI Nos l_ 9m1 3 : 1 0 : i i l t l t t I 1 4 3 5 6 5

    K,CIdnJIEK:Tr1n ,qJUrPEM 839OHTA10 A3TIETIT/M1.4 KOMNJI2 0 2 . u . 1 0 0 . 0 0 0 s E TL L . 4 2 0 2 . i 2 ._ 0 0 . o 0 K3t { 1 : 1 O K PG:ROUPSE'T OF SPTJ\K()h4nJrEKT3tn .qJIt PEM 839CI{IA 10 43IWII 4U }\y46 KOMflJT-(15 sET.Al/ ,46-05 CSqt I LOKp,Sllr)UP SEtt CrF SpT^FriKOl{nJrEKr 3u,n JIJrt PEM 839()I{TA 10 tlSAF,In.M K922 KOMflJTl [322 Kg t I 1 :10Kp SET(IR0UP SEU OF StpT.f,ICOI,{NJIEK:INN IUIjI PEM 839oFr:rA 10 gts4qlrr4,il 3369 lKOMnJr. . : r ) sET: l 3 19 - 3 9 l ( t g q 1 : 1 o K p(;FIOUPSET' OF SPTAKCD{nJrEK:C14tI flJL8 PEM 839oHtTA 10 u.s.nF.rl]li,it 82. r(oMnJr r 6 6 i . 7 5 6 - 0 1 I ] E Tt t4 ; ,2 .756-01-K3r l t : 10KI'GIRC,UP fiT OtF SPTAK:OMnJTEKTt1t1 Ir-S ,PEMt39,crHTA10 n3A]EIItil 4,766 r:oMnJII sirr47 66T KSq L r _OKpGROUPSET O}' SPTA.KOMnJIEKT'3r,1rlAIUI ltEM 839IDHTA 10 tAS4rir%ill 4052 K:OMnJr4062 .000 :Ks t 1 :10 I (p SET(llRrCUPSET OII SPTAKOr{nJrEKT 3[fr &n',. PEM 839oH:r,A 10 u:3ryir.J/ttl3i171 KOMnJT:3 '7 K3t{ .[ : 1.0Kp SE TGRO]['PSET OF' SPTAI,tt)}flIJIEKT :lnn, .qJUI E,EM839o.{:rj\ 10 .nsmrruil 58169 oMnJr.i:l sET6 1 3 6 9 AK 3 r { 1 : 1 0 K p,(iilROIJPSET OF SpTAl8i:()I\trtJIEKT l\f n NIg. F,EM g39()r{lllt 10 tiilt4E,rrrAn yI13 K()MnJI'i . ' : l SIST} ' l ' 1 . : | 7 - 3 K 3 q l _ : 1 O K pG|IIIC)UPSET OF SPTA

    9 7 9 5 . 3 0

    2 2 3 5 9 4 7 4

    5 0 7 5 . ' 7 5

    L 3 4 L 7 . 4 6

    4 r _ 0 5 . 0 5

    5 9 L 5 . 8 1 5

    3 8 7 9 L . 8 8

    7 0 7 0 . 1 6

    l _ . 8 1 5 0 . 2 L

    z . 447 L89t 4i 8

    5 0 7 6 . ? 5

    L 3 4 1 7 . 4 6

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    T 4

    I 2

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    J . J

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    1 .

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    2 .

    flocrr. -eo(epero)Quantity

    t{eHa 01,4aEA. USDPrice201,{ rerunit n UiSD

    L 5 I 5 t . J O J J , 5 l l ? A l ? q

  • 8/12/2019 Aod Proj Sa 0554 to Verify


  • 8/12/2019 Aod Proj Sa 0554 to Verify


    l - 5 . l - 0 . 2 0 1 : l1 . 3 : 1 0 : 3 0 T L I I 1 4 3 5 6 5

    '.25' 2 i

    ',\"*r\ I-b"of-"ffi;f--- H;irr.,roaaH'rei rrr ] 3-Ke / KoNtrJrI o6o3HaqeHreI "\b I "N | Set DenominationI Ngs l gq_t___ Designation1r .5 , , 1

    3 l _ 1 . . 5 5

    1 8 9 6 i . 0 9

    s 1 9 . 3 0

    2 s 4 4 3 , 4 6

    2 5 8 0 0 . 3 9

    97 l_3 , 5

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    Jtucr' 4P.Lq:CyuruaS u m

    : 2 3 0 86 2

    1 . 2 4 66 4

    s 6 8 8 . 2 7

    r 0 3 8 . 6 0

    I 2 ' 7277 3 ,0

    2 5 , 9 0 0 . 3 9

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    8 3 9KOMNJISE T

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    4 .


    5 .

    L .

    t .

    t .

    flogr. rc-no(4cero)Qqant i ty

    I {eHa2014 aEA.B U ]DPr ice2014peruni t in USD

    3 3 ? 3 8 5 5 . 7 3 1 1 5 5 7 . 1 9

  • 8/12/2019 Aod Proj Sa 0554 to Verify


    J\b noKOMn"tSe t

    l 0 : 3 0 T u L l 4 3 5 6 5HaulreHoeauueO6oguaqenHeDenominat ion

    KoaE1 4CUM

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    ",*,rU" SE'f OF SPTAKOrt4tlJIEKT iln .qJr' PEM 839crflA 10 tiA3wIIt4U gSgA KOMflJIr . - : 2 . - 00 sET9 l l 9 A T - 2 - : 1 0 0K 3 9 l _ :1 0Kl?,3III3UPSE:P cIF SPTA:(ol,fiulEKf 3z:n IJI' PEM 839r)HitA lcr nSwnnu gggA ,KOMnJI' I - . : 2 - 2 5 s E TI tB : )AT-2 - i l K3 t I 1 : i . 0K:?(]ROUP SET OF SPTAICO ,{flJIEK IHn IJI' PEM i839()FrltA 10 ?ts4E,nnil 989A lKOMnJr'.1-ti, ,32 ISET ) t l A T - 2 - 3 i 2 K 3 q t : L 0 KII(IFIOUPSEl' OF SPTAIIo}fIIJIEKT 3ffn .qJLgPEM 839OH|I]A.10 Vt3AlEJrVril 89A r(OMnJrT- i t 50 r iET r l x A T - 2 - 5 0 K g q : L O KI)C;R,OUP SET O:F SPTA

    :r4 34 , 1 .

    1I .: '5

    1 .6

    z -8l

    1 .

    L 4 9 8 0 2

    3 5 8 t r 3 9

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    [eHa 2014 aea. e USit)Price2014;reruni t in USD

  • 8/12/2019 Aod Proj Sa 0554 to Verify


    --m";_[*- d;i"*roBaHueKolun,r O6o3uaqeu[eSet Denomination

    1 3 : 1 0 : 3 0 T I , 1 [ 1 4 3 5 6 5

    I(:OMNJIEKTNN TJI.flPEM839oHrA 10 USEEfiVn 89A KOMnJTT - 2 - 5 0 s E T9 { r lA I - 2 - 5 0 K g t I 1 : L 0 KElGiI]IOUP IiT OF SPTAK:QMNJIEKII'NN NIg. PEM 839crFrTA10 r(s,wrwlit 989A KOMnJTr - 2 - 7 0 s E T9 r A T - 2 , - 7 0 K g r { 1 : 1 0 KPGF].OUP E'I r1p gpla

    KC,MflJIE:K:| iln .qLS pEM 839oHTA 10 lzS.qEJrr4rz89A KOMnJTT - 2 - 8 0 s E T9 8 9 A T - t 2 - 8 0K g r { L : L 0 KEGROUP SET OF SPTAKOMflJIEI( ]3r{n IIJLE PEI'{ 839oHTA 1(l u3)\E|rnil rTHT KOMnJI-3 sETr I H T - 3 r $ q L : L O K pG,ROUPJE'TOF SPTAKISMNIEI(T 3'1N Iu,I PEM 839oiHTA 10 )ASIIEIrVtilAUH_ KOMnJT8 0 s E T$IH -80 I (3q 1 : , tOKpG]RCUPSE'T OF SPTAKO:ytnJIEriI'37n .qJIt PEM 839cHrA 10 tASAF.JtUilMKnT KOMnJT- 9 ) 3 s E TlUIC.lT- Cl3 KSrq l_: _OKp,gltr)UP SiE:t CrF SpTA:KOIT.ffUIEBITZn .ULS pEM 839')IltA 1Cr tlSl.F,ttvit 3uH_ KOMnJI,{ t(l sET:3rll{-4 5C tCgtl l_ LOKp(;ROUP SIEI] OF SPTA(04nJIEK:T 3t4n IIJIT PEM 839oFr:lA 10 ,t34E,nvil srlHr lKOMnJr'- .0 ISETi) t (Hf-L0 t{J3r{ :LoKp(]FIOUPSE'T OF SPTAICO}fiJIEK:T3NN I.JIfl, PEM 1339oHrltA 10 l7r34:Err^it nT_ ICoMnJIia=t- V1 ljETI 'n:r : -29-1tztK.3r{ 1 : 1OKp(IR.C}UPSE:I' OF SPTA

    Jlucr 6P.rgeCyuuaS u m

    4 t13

    3 3 9 , 3 1

    L 3 3 : 1 , 0

    1 4 3 6 . 5 3

    1 2 8 8 9 r4 3

    2 0 0 0 5 . 5 5

    73 6 3 4

    1 3 4 6 0 . 4 5

    l _841 r l7

    : t 3 3 1 . 1 0

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    [ena 2014 aEN.B UIJI)Pr ice201,1 erunit in LISD

    5rC a z I 4 9 0 6 0 . t 3 4 9 0 6 0 . 3

  • 8/12/2019 Aod Proj Sa 0554 to Verify


    J\b noKOMN.' I

    Se t

    :1C l 130 I I4U1 .4 , :3565HaflrueHosaHlleC)6o:Ha.reHueDenominat ionDresignation

    K:C)MNJIEK:I'MN .UJI.gPEM 839C,tilTA 10 U3WJJVU Epgy KOMflJTLl .sBo- L ssrEP3y115l3,O- K:St{ _: _0KE )GROUP J]]T I)F SPTAKC),MnJIE:il1fhn .qJIrI pEM 839oHTA 1Ct t SAEILIiU EKHA KOMnJT11.58 sETEK:HAL1.5I3gq 1: L0KpGA:OUPSIIT oF SPTAKCIMNIEIK ] I,{n IIJI.EPEM 839OHTA 1(:I UillEfiUU NTC- KOMNJISOOEM SETnTC- S0l lEiM (3q L: i_OKpGROUP JIIT OF SPTAKTI.MIIJIEI(1] tm .4JUI pEM 839o.HTA 20 ,n3llF-fifii1 By-5 KOMnJIE sETB:t'- 6E IGI'q l" : 2OKpGIRiOUP JE,TOF SPTAK0IfiJIEKT, 3iln IJLg PEM 839cHrrA 20 l4sltEJrr4r4 _1 KOMnJTB- , t K3 l l [ : 2 OKp sETGITOUP iEilTCIF SPTAKO}'{NJIETITZIN JII.q PEM 839,)I{':tA 1Cr t4SIiF.ItUVlMI-5 KOMnJIC r:l SE TI t f i - 500C I I i 1 r l_OKprSIt()UPSlElt 0F SPTAI(OI.dNJIEK:'IUN ME PEM 839()FIllrA20 I[3AEII:,/IU ooA,3 ]KOMnJI.- .ir\ ]SET(FC)i : t3-LA.

  • 8/12/2019 Aod Proj Sa 0554 to Verify


    "\l;i{t; }"r",,-st ii"-_ f---1il,M;"o"a,r,,.I f ln I 3-rce KoMnJr 1 r)i5otHaqeHueI Jtr I Set I DerronrinarionL XpS_. trm_ __ _ _l__ Designation

    1 6 ; 1 0 2 0 1 3 1 3 : 1 0 : 3 C r T L . I I ]t 4 i 3 S 6 5

    6 , C 6 4

    5 : L

    6 12,

    6 { '

    5 9 1,4

    ' 10

    7 tt ,

    7 2'.l

    rc(f,MnJrEtx:lr]Hn ,uJrr PEM 839oIJTA 1.0 Ui:IF,XUU HrM_ KOMnJI,l r3 SETI { i IM-400 K3q 1 :10KpG.ROUPSI3T OF SPTAIC()MnJIE|K:|nn ,qLS PEM 839ol:{TA 210 nslE,fii n cnT_ KOMnJTo , 'L sETC I I T - O , 1 K g q l : 2 0 K pG]I.OUPSI'T OF SPTAF:.0MnJIEKlt3r4n .qJur PEM 839or.rTA 10 uSEE,ItVlil MK3_ KOMnJI203A SETlI(tB-20:1.p, 3q 1 : L0KpGII|IOUP ,E:TOF SPTAK:OTtrIJIEK'I' .'4rI IT.S PEM 839c,titTA 10 nSEErII/lr/l gUHr KOMnJI_4t sET3, i l :Hr-40 K3,t I 1:10KpGTIOUPSIIT t]F SPTAKC)'MflJIE.K1Iiln IJtq pEM 939oHtTA 2,0 nqqF,ITAn MnK_ KOMnJI2 snrMn:K-2 l i l lq :L :20KpGR.OUP SIIT OF SPTAKCTMIIJIEK::I r{n .qJlff pEM 839oHTA 20 nSllF.nnil cqM_ KOMnJT1 - 0 , 6 5 s E Tc q l M - L - 0 ,5 5 K 3 r t r _ : 2 0 K

    ",*OU' IJE'r OF SPTAKOpInJIEtiI'3iln trJtq PEM 839cr{lrA 20 tiA3llF.[tr[il KOMnJT3r{:t{-- 1., 15 Kgq 1 : 20K SE T,=r,.,OU"SiE:f CrF SPTA](OII4NfiEKT hN IUuI PEM 839()H::tA 2Cr tls4qrltlil CqM_ KOMnJI.L- . : "12 5 sst( l \ 0 d - 1 - - 1 , i |5 K s l I t : 2 0 K)(JI$UP SET OF SPTAI('OI,fiJTEKT hn IJr.s PEM 1339oHrltA 20 vlBnEIIrAil CqM_ KOMnJT: - - 0 , 9 5 s E T( l r t ? l l - 1 - 0 "8 5 , K g r J : 2 0 Ki,*.,u, sE,r, ,FsprA

    1 .



    1 .

    1 .

    5 4 s 4 . 9 0

    L4L57 '7

    1 6 3 6 . 9 7

    3 9 t 7 , , 2 9

    L 9 2 ' , t 9 4

    2 0 6 C r0 9

    2 0 5 0 . 0 9

    2 0 5 0 . 0 9

    ' I 4 1 q ? " q

    r 6 3 6 . 9 7

    : t 9 t 7 2 9

    1 .92 '794

    2 0 5 0 . 0 9

    2 0 6 0 . 0 9

    2 0 5 0 .C r

    1 .

    flqcr. rc-so(Dcero)Quantity

    I {eHa2014 aea. e USDPrice2014perunit in IJSD

    PageCvn**---lSum I_____Jlltcr 8

    t 6 3 e i 4 7 0

    I 5 I 2 0 5 0 . 0 9 : 1 r 1 6 0 . 0 9

  • 8/12/2019 Aod Proj Sa 0554 to Verify


    1 6 . 1 0 . 2 0 1 3 1 3 : 1 0 : . 3 0 ' I h U . 4 : 3 5 6 5 Jlzcr 9Perge:'" --lm l___l

    J\b no3-Ket1I tem

    J\ noKOMNJ]Set

    Hi l l rMeuosaHueC)6otsaqeuueDerrominat ionignat ion

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    L .59

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    lIocr. rc-eo(ncero)Quantity

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  • 8/12/2019 Aod Proj Sa 0554 to Verify


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    93 r_L9

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    Cyr'ruaAmount no np%noxeH%K)per annex


    flocr, rc-so(Bcero)Qpantitv

  • 8/12/2019 Aod Proj Sa 0554 to Verify


    LT]TTT]ROF GUARANTEEIn accordance vith the terms and condit:ions f Supplement1335611240:i54

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    ,,\NNEXNo. 3 IIPI'IJIOXEHI4Elb 3toSupplernent3.1 : ;611240: ;54 KAononHeHuro335611210554dt . 0 l 2014 or .012014to ClontractqPB/5-i,,i6Cr70440ldl.Seotermber211".199: i KKoHrpaKryePB/:i360704140.lor "22"ceHrr6pr 995 .Si\MIFT-7c)O

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    2A: L,,'C3 r l Date/ ) : Preadvisedn: Preadv/

    4 0 A type f L /C ( x ) Irrevooable3 l D Datr: &;Place f [rxpiry Date: YYN,{MDD) Place:Moscow50 Nanre,& r\ddress f ther ruligq{5 ) Nanre*& z\dclr,essf theIleneli:, ian1 JSC Rosoboronexport",oscow,Russia

    3 2 B(-.lur:ency,4.mountof Credit( ln Figures worls).[ 'errnr;: _(_--_) usDCIP Mumbaii0iharNasik)39 ABrll \/ariations n l,/C .Amrorr\dd tir:nalArnts P'ermitted4Ia Clrcrlit \vili ab,levith The Sberbank f Russia.Moscow SWIITT:SABR R.U lN4)Clrcrl i t \v:ri labe by (x)Payment: t i )Negotiat ion: ) Acceptarlce: )De1'Payment

    213- r PartialShipme ts Permined 437 TranshipmerLts PerrnittedAiroorl44P ShrLgrmentsrorn Any CIS poft/airporl 448 Shipment o MumLrai,O ihar \as ik41t?. I-,asl ihiprnent alerY)1N'I]VDD)

    45,{Der;;r ipt ion f Goods:Equipment nderSupplement335611240554t.January__" 201ultoC.lorrtra,ctfs PI]/5 560704 401 lt.Septernbr "22" 19\)5

    46,\ Dor:umentse uired Cond.):I . Ctne riginaland wo copies f invoices ndicating he ollowing:- totalccstof theequipme.nt:- arnount aid n advance;- 90 ol\of total valueof ecluipmenteliveredo bepaidagainst nLvoicender he L/Cl:i l .. Ctne riginalc,f lre Air Waybill.ji. Ctne riginalc'f he Insurance olicy.4. Ctrre riginalspecification-cr:ft i f icatef quality.47,\. , l \dd tional Corrditionsl . Doubleand nailadvising renotpennitted,2. Reimb,ursingank:Statr: ankof India,New York Branch,New York.3. For re,imbursementf the paymentsunder the L/C the State Bank of India. sliallauthorise rheStateBanlkof India, n"ew York Branch.Ner.vYork to honour SWI.FTreimbursernentlaimsc,f he Sberbank f Russia,Moscow with the value

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    -----;hi.h rrrr:""tr oi.l"u"-rt" to U" trrt.S.."O Uy SWfnf -----l4, This Oredit s sub.jecto Unilbrm Custort' lsnd Practiceor Documentary rt:dit 1007|revision) nternational]hamberof CoqrmercePublicationNo. 600, as rvell to "lCC IUnifbr:mRules tbr Bilnk-to Bank REimbursements nder DocumentaryCredits"l(P'ubl icat iono.725, 008,Paris) I5. D()cuntentsreacceptablen the orm hEy represented. ISpt :c t l [ .t an1 hargesrelA l l Bank chargese la ted o the open ing nd cxecur i , rni theto l:]eneficiarl/ 's\/c lLettersof Credit nside he territoryof Indiashallbe bornebv theI

    lApp l i cant nd a l l bank ing harges n r l re er r i ro ry t ' Russ iz rsIlwe lL l s charges f the re imburs inganksha l lbe borneb1 theI Beneficiary.The charges elatecl o the extensionc,f th,: lL/Clval idiry shal l be b,rrneby the Side whoseactions ,- 'd o theIjnecessiry f this extension. l l Bank clrargcs n the r.eri t , : rr of II India,as well as the, harges f the Sberbank f RussiaM,rscou,II on advisingamendftrentsf the termsand conditions f the I_/Clrelated o thenecessityo bring hem rrconlormir lwith the e, : r 'sIland condit ions f t l te present upplemerrthal lbe borre bir theII Apl l l icanr in case such arnendmentsare due. to theII__ lApp l i canr /App l i cannsa l tk .lJt:);tlrnelltso be I Documents resentedater han2l days nonr hedateoi issue re IPresented I to beacceptedvithin he periodof validityof the L/c. I_ _ _ _ r _ _ _ lL I ' (d r t o beaJvrsedo helThc Sberbankf 'Russ ia . oscou SWlFT:SABRRU MM) |I3eneficiarylrrough | |rB_ [) ._ |

