T W I " " ----- liili lOWPA INPOLIT _____ ^ American Federation o *. . bor W restles W ith ' » W munisfn; Speakefe That Same Will Kuii ganization;- Labor . ' Not Join Third 1 Movement Tliis Fall A.TI.ANTIC .CITV. N, J.. Oci : Tlio AniPrlcim PoilontiUm of wltl’ niKur polllicnl cutuijuIkiu (flil tl>roU(;h<)iil.'tlui roiinlry. Iiii kvci> llitiy frum Ililnl pnrty M montH. HurkltiK Imck to im <ilil iiol rcriiRliii; «o nlicn JlWlf wltli r nna thill Inlinr'H Inturoniii cun 1> lorvtKl by froodom from pnrl rilldtlon. Mill rujxirt of tho oxe board of ilio 'Toiluriitlcm coiivt oiitllncil II iioii'iinrlliuiit polltlcii "TliH PSceiiHvo cmincll 1>< ttinl nn u rcniill <<t Uh iioii>pu polH/e/iI. pulley. Ilia Uiwwhlti, llilnkplfcirty,. iiiovcniuntii liiin' provcil wiiittnil effort iinil liiji ' to llu ' lU'nini lo oli-vl ciiiiilliliiUi^ favornlilo roconlH." llu* rnport f •••K*prloiico, ihitrpforo, lnni!l: bor fflinl If 11 In to ln‘i Kiiirc pollilcnily it imiHt contlnun ti low Itn non>pnrtlMin jmlicy." .The, oxfciilivu Iwftrtl lircM f Untlon nf woniiiii >vorI(urii; ifi '• Daiiri) ol Wfleo iic»lr-ii, opiioNltIa coinminiinin. n (IcUiriiiincil Qcnlniit compan}' iinlbim mi<l iii omployerH iniiuriinco ' nmt nmi ownoriiliiii, CommrntinR nn iho <lcntli of _ liet Oompcri). ttio l<iCn pro«l(Jc « tlio fcilointlon. llin roi>ort tm wnil Iho "crulclal nvcnf of ihi yitnr. . * -Thnt nur movomont wUhstooi nhock," tho roporl romi. "rL-nd; to ijtoot tlio. lonii (inil hnil cnnt to mako auHtnlnoil prORronH aplenilld ndvnncomeoi. Ih Inltiiel " icrontcat text ihnl coiilil hu to tho loaaorahlp of our formor. . JrfenL" . ' Datn on mcmhODihlp hIidwoi foOerallnn now Iiah a pnlrt-up iwrnhlp.roll or2.S78.297. an Inc ----- eflS#18-«i»e#-Wlt--7eirf*' n 1; ' rimt Increiiiiu In *mqtnbor»l;lp Btnco mo. T4m rnporl ilovntPH much npn tbe nubjoct of commiinlHm. DOHENm ' LEASE CASE OPENS AGi! Elk IIIII* JfoTal on llrHpnro On ____ ______________.ODcncJ rn,l-.-a._L'ourt-of An « TorfnrJ Both I'nrtl,., Arr 1)I« fli-d >rith r^•M■lll( Derlilnn. SAN rilANCISCoT Oel. fi-j •' * drasslnK Into Iho-llmrllRhi tlip hi «r the I2Ik nillH navnl oil tp leanei to' K. I., Dohcny, linnrlnKi ' appeal from tho federal court v< In Lo* AHifoJe» openM hnro (odi tbe dltlrld court of oppenlH, Dohcny and iJin Pan-Anierlcar eroloiim compinlon ln»l the fc court luU. Ib which thc Kovern altempled to''hrcak. tbe leojir*. tJaled dnrlnK the recline of Albi ; __ _ Poll as dei:rctar>' of the Interior, .............eral.Jutlso Pniil J. Mcrormlclc- .> that iho.loaaoa uad boen obtalnr . Iroud Tjut~that ihe I>oheny Init '' f«u»t te pMrcti-ii ;n.7ac.;ifs t)>- : ~ ^ jtfH m iM < m t:tg y d e f t l o tiTn rnt»if-Toa» the prbpertkrf?^ Dohtor and hln IntertvtH apn from tbe decininn cancrlllnB thc l< and tbr covFramenl appealed rroi > parmehc onler. ^ Pnodt Hasan homln Ihe Do ^ lecal corpa, whllo Altee Pomermi Owen J.-Roberta will Main arcu the KOToramcnt. JudBoa William B. CUbert. Wl —' , t ------- ------- Hr-Htwt-ann Frai»lc-Ji.-n«Ufcto hear tha £aio. ' . T hree-M eirSlgm --- --------------------------------B T R a a < f a t d « R ei ST. U)I8. >tUa. O ct 6-^Three were (Illn In' a. road aide reaort hare eariy tod*jr'in’what^polle« llevo ma^ have been tbo r»’-cp«nli * T^^^^iha'aialn tnen ware ki police chknetara lind nngstars ^ (be thInJ ha»aot bmi ldeoUn«t two IdeBfifW an» VitKtat Ooodle ; . D«a Hofftaim. siinHT JtAJlTBQCAia snoc] FELT Iir 800ra CAtirot L08 Ak'OEL^ Cal, OeL S.- y Anealea tod ^ aorrooadlBj^ dUea_ ^ “ tftday. Tha Joli iMtad appre*ln ly R*ald«U , arottiod Iren Utalr alaabert. ; . 7 b a a k e A '. c « M . d a r t D r a ‘‘<Ire t' t ralB «OBMar«l an OBI tV. pbanom^.fejr .Waatbtr op*rta : Ko mri^W'WM wpotUd. . IN ' F. : --------------------------- ------------ - ------- ijp Banloiis Merger M ||\ Violate Sherman j W Troist Law Is Th 1 h t ' ■' NOTCN.' Oct. fi—A I J * vatd Inniilry |h Ik'Imk lumli' li I I lorncyH of ili<> junttci' itepiirl II to il<il<‘rmliK- w hether ih« '■ Dtifj.oiHi linliluc roiupany mers Ihe Ki'nrrnl liiiUInK corpori T ^ A "coiuiin witliln till' Slioimiiii I ■ V 'f""t not, J . \ . II '''’'liiirn u wi'ok or llll to cou'ipli'ic Ihlfl Imiulry. off »ni<t loday. Slinllnr ImiiiirU-: iiKUaliy'.iuadf of nil hU uicr It wnn.pointed mil. lofLaf I Com- cut bnkliij: c.mciini lu tlic « AlgUe ,1 ,^. countrj'. um Or- ------------------ :.^™M0REWIBL1CI PURGEDINIDA :;S by citizensi II i»*ia b.‘ ______ )nrly nf- exeniiivo AspirflnU for Office Aid N i luvenlion. Ical-pro- Thoy Must Tako a Stoo holU'VCH fiomotKlng W orth W hilo; Of it injnriouil ImmigrnUon la Stressed. wlill . --------- ^ f'’"''"' (By II. A. I...\WSONl iiiilit 1!I- nojsi;, Idnln., Oct. C-,Tlin urccimfiil, .........J,, f,„., Kovcriior I *"'■ Htuio will huvo Kl pl«-<ii:c hItUH' ^ . rclnBinloliii;nt of thiv Hliilo (Icpa n or«nn- i,r lahor. iintiii^ mauiio- ,„„j „,„ti,;ticii. if tl .......... . 1/1 I . t>c«{rJc hi l<? h r JtffiKcrf corrt-cl Ih ihrouRh lliu mfilliiiii of ihiii « ml'll v,,'.. "’‘•'“I Ilu‘ pw plc helll'Vo .both i;mpio}m' cn,,i,ni cnn I.c Hiirncli-il lo Tin- fmii Ihnt for tho pnm four ,,Zi. drpnriiiivni hnii bi'oii clh.u now Kciiflrnity nicoKnizcil ns ilct /.‘."'‘'inJ. il'-trlMioninl to ibi- Mtiili.. |n thn thl) Innl |„g ,|nj nj,,ro hnn bci'li ll Il.l “'*>'• concerted effort in Orow too l IhiH dll' rcHDiirccH of lilnho, -„V, , , contJJiJoa, cluliij cIi- cIoih, ia li ontinui'd tHBlf ihlt I* hnn.'tliey point oul. cniiHod IU Rl’v cn ' nciKhborlnK lur tifflH. moved nlicad. With nuch ^ lonl cropH nii'UilB Mntu,lH pr» *0 mom- opllinHin. n rolwuud of proi Ineroima 1» nllffcnlns land valuvH. I t In ihs Ip mode buBincM. anil (hat lia» revonli Ibo iieopJu thal the rcnourccii of npnc’c to Bcratchod, and I proHpcrity In to ronlluue more and Kreatcr cnplinl lihouli) bi- It 10 comc tn tbin Mnlc. All three political pnrtlcH rcc IhiH condition, niul appnrcntly aro alive lu '.ho fact tlmi llji E . who anpiro tn KUburnntqrlal 1 vrliirh carry wKh ih<'m party I nhip, must, bo plodKinl to n <lc menl program for Idaho »hic: « d mmw clu'lo* the reinBtiftrmont nf ihi A -IM niUalonoer of ImnilKmllon, labc iM I 1 atatlHlKB. tbo conBlructlon of hiKVfn}'*. nnd aOvertlnlnK ilie b ___ _ ■— - r-aM P»PiH _\-eded.____ r, , The tact that Idnho han been I ono I* ,v„rtl for tbo pnnt fow yearn 1 Alipinlx carrylnj!-Oul_a£_a_Di'OKrnm_of DIxuillv kind hnB not been to iho bexi naw of Ibe Htnic. flay tboae , leadera. who are 'now convlncii i—Acnln "iiJbI *t«iP om, If U l« l< ['liiKtory posillon amonK olher w ln'>r»*^'on Uiirins the Unt iirflHlon ot tho t vofiIIpI laluro nn effort waa made to (odav (n thl* p«|cn_ relnainlod.. It J* a ^ Htllnilonnl oftico. created by thi Ican Pe- «>“ition of iho ntnto and ibo federal '" “not ho abollnhed. Bul thla emment "tUtitlonal provlnion wan aim i. ties^ ijy ‘he »“'*«'•»• of ‘ho locUlalui ilbvrt P. "lako n" aiffbprladoa .for Ifn’ lor, I*«d- Ipnanee. .Thin auloraaUcally I :k-riiIiHl chinmliwloner ot lmmli;ratIo ilne«l hy of Office. W lthoni •r«mutienitlQ InitXSSlH bU HcrvJceB, ho waa forced to Idaho han Blool bUII from ian < ipnealeit ntandpolnc Thero la h< le IfOBcH partinenl In tho male that han < rrom the 1l‘0 authority or the Umo (o ever Kwcr an Inquiry from oituide'c Dohsnv "tatP wl'h r*'Knrd to Idaho'n re»o -me anit oppportunlllefl. II Ih true tbatj rsue for of theao Inqulriea ore aaawerc^ 11 In hecauHo of the Individual tn' William of aome member ot aomo aiale d< Such a' Bituntion. declan the" . leader*. Ih becomlnK tntolerah for that rw on th y arc beblni anplre to political preferwrtJl i prosram lhal ta conitnicttve and ree tnen ^j|j greater advortlatnj; tr ir «nt* to Iha itato. li? ^ WamlB* Seal Out. enln* of ,j,j, fn»ea the won , KOna oul Ibol caodldnta* wbo L, 2.hTi- O'* POliUcal' lI*hU»tns to alrtka rkfva to •tand. baCDr* wltl OCES ^rlOQ* M oaldaratW aay iDEJtU partr lMdara. Thar aay tt waa a'ntftaha (hat tho laat lai S— lure CiUad to mako aa ap^reprt lea fatt for tho oOlca of coauotaatoeer oi E a. ta. alctali<m-aod_ihcrJir».c9nO<lee ixlnaU- in n b e n « t that leiUlaitJr* now war* that way aboot IL - It la polBtad oat by tha aana drtseh” en that Idaho abeaM lead out « nnoatua (oo« ro iA '» n « n a that will not irta. - I >— ' . .{Cmitattoa OB p a « r tr i ' ' Ar.T^ TWINFALI n Anti- IlDANOIND "JMISSIdN BU! pardnent .- i=iSlX,L)®L iru-!i"nnv Investigation Started, n.orRim, covcr Causc of Fire tiie'Ki-n- Destroyed,Catholi Ibe 'iar{:- sion Dormitory Ne( L ‘' w a i in Which Si: " “" Were Burned to D . . . . t.KWlSTO.N.' tilhho. Ocl, flIT U InvoollRuilnh wufl hein« in l.l l.f (la:^ In nil offoil in detenu I I I onusu of a tiro curly Hnniln InK whli-h'took iho llviti I a ItA . I'n.*’» /»t Jbc CaJholJc iJiJ«J/ III l i n ■•>'l>w»i. 12 mlU-n from her |iir ||| Tlio bnyu were burned t( »■ I I I W wb«a tire awept a wumleu ' • lurc iiHod tiN n (lormliory ^ puip szs '™ .'-'"""" '? brei-di .C; Anilrow Focariy lireod, 10; 'Kdwnrd 'tsw'ltsl' 1 NoUfiod dIan, R: Mux OMenberp, wli , 1 und t-awioncu Itunry. wlil Itona tor Anollier boy wnn nBiloiml> ilo; Neod ‘^Uorotc. viork of nunn or abor and " ‘' p '*’" offecied ibo rcBciio i auor anu Bd. \ , —:— ^ Snow and Rain Ii ilm m»- "Predicted for. N Z.S/1S . Central State. lepnrtiiiciil ---------- iTiilKrnilon • cilICAOli. Oct.'C—Snow a tor of llic Vlll vinit ibe Dprlhorn necllon ri-cily. II funxanc area wlthla the trr'j; llfi depnrl- „ix houra. iho fedoial wi-alliv llh pflople prnllolc'd today. I 10 Idaho. n„|„„ will ,.n neral I'O 'our ycHM soitilieniilcrn bi-cIIoiih Tuenilu’ :Io.icd, V Tuesday niKlit. lln- prciiiciliiii .IccWedly Di.e|,Icily |(„vor iiuniicralti thm dur- ,1,,^. Hiioptly In ibe plnliin re h llltle. i( ,i,p nortliweiii whon- Btoriii \ iKt'o been iHnued to eaille m ibo, rblH bH|| Jmvo llveiitock on tbe rii a Inloler- P ________ ; _______ ncd Idaho l*An«K«’« WIKli AM) UAVl ^nK BiatoH n i’JlN TO BK.tTlI I.N IH iich excdl- -------- r produclnj; , qijvd STONI:, Mieh., Oci, s«l rcolfni; Oacar Sundlluir, two dn proiporlty jewol, T, nnd Mlldrfti, C. and -•«, Uial In pi(j Mon. . DcnJamli), wcro bui H nw ' ot aeftt)f»iiJicri fire' dcHlroyed ih denied to |,ou,o near labulhi, twcnty-lv II of Idnho worthenHl of here. nd thot If Another non, John, 8, ciicap< >re people Up f„„n,| rcacblni; ibr II- Induced crack In the biiil'dlnK-bruiilihu coaln Ibnii fell on blii mnihcr'n reco(ciil/e -------------------------------------- ;— ntiy (hey, :Si So th^ .hicb In- iho com, labor and of bettor _ , IC Btaie. Few peonle ; paily-Times^iis-a-pa rn In tho forth just a few of t for-labor-alone-in-ti :«e pnrtj figurcS, but WC Hav< rT ‘ illlf} of what ifcosts to j . weHtern ’have their problemj is the “People’s Pai to-have being spenL These 'th eS’ fls a means of.getth iboreforo newspaper like The hln con- sional classes with c aiS?rVd wheels of industry t ftH 'm ajn. "more manufacturin itior^out -• wc should not allow Tition for of support or for anj t.to.Btea . ... Butsomeom «oiuuuoft ^ ^ F ^ - o u r - o i t ^ i 6 - o o n Ii" h o 'd I ^ and foremost the mc >0H e iib e r thc Dcv^paper. Foi Jc V X week for his regular rcao/ce- week. TUis is the re eV^Tui ^5.00 per.week dow I tni'eroat ^ejr various positio 0 depart- come from. The Timi ;he party ----- r - • T h i s .m o n c y 11 i"l*’‘"an*3 the butcher, thc Jsak ,M?d V ------------------- Thrcrftrtribut of tfiia eity-ond <roun and that in gciieral. W e are ttiwbcn. for a aelfish-purpose was in the minds of irord ^ D ay a ft^ a y this iu otm ‘ this citfm d county. , and'that the future i Scarcely surpassed b (Am » busines and profess ■v tDM ium.ond such ah infl It is the purpi . foreign and allow thi Tofcim- purpose of this.pape r presB Our-opinioD-vei public generally^.senf nwltha not'be. Sqm'etimes nptooty acc o u n t but m&kinic £ j^ ,. ReadoursecQ 1 r . S- B A ] '.LS, ID.AHO,.LfbND C fl I ft M Co-operation and U lflli Buildihg Is Ur^ei URNS.=3S"r tlon; nn£,»r<iiit(j;nK htif cti-oj inQT te :,,, I IJO If’ 'I'hal IH )ii III' Ihc H|ili’lt r>i ■. Tfith lnlemnil.in.il ninvci.iliu tho DlRcUtU'^ of Cbrfxi. . I'realdeot.iioldii' i'. In ib'rli ’d to Di<?- " " ‘'y Ihft'.nniHlftiicllni: toalui ' • I* IllO convr'ftlnn. lonflrii.eil .. ire W hich menm otit^iiii c.rtlc-. ii, tlml olic' M is- vvoliittonn;V or fundiiui.-ntai iJear Lap- conventIoI|>-.j|>uiilncnii, Sb: Boys ■. ........... . ; . P E p TERft & : -WP.ALLI ■#». iiiiiler . --------- ,. , 8«-eiiri1j’ t*i’« c I’uct Jlei-liui; bony Scy- Jneeii AllIiU uiuI (Mrniiiii- Ironchcaii. s«H»«rjitnili (ifrtuniK .'I irly, half Tertf, - ' Itsler. In* _____ wlttte,.M. • i.o a U t.V O .’} f!»*ll.-:.’r}.iii,l. • Or. wliltii. !l. MoolInR of.^n- nillcn In eiiiif imly-burn- , ,ih n'tjiiuln for&hn tifnt timn i>in world wnr,?. (loriminy'ii idai or wt. Jo- micccHtfnl today nt I. 10 o f oih- • ,vhnn full alji.enu.iil »uh r , . . , roiinrdlng oH:^»lch of ific pr ....... nociirlty pact (in'wnn illKcmmoi I Vnrlonn nrtlrlew of iiu- fori 8 . .. ItJK Hhluiilnnd piici woro iidijpii N orth wiilcb rcnerviilid ' Thill bniipy l»';j|iiulnu Ik n>i k- and rain o<I a Cennnn mk'cii»:< bccniu tlonn.ofthlA lilUlnlivo ,for ihe Hccntrily n>:ri trt'Kl thirtj’- ciimc reotn Ui»- I.iiiher (;«rcj-, Ilivr bureau — r^-,^c ----------- , Chilean Army Is in t'lTHnM"" • R e v o lt.a n d P la n almen nre . R eplace’ reulirtm of III warninwi Iujknos AIRKS. Oet, n,—Th ' men wiio imenlH o{- tho (niliraii nrmy impllcnied. In an atteini.ti'.l , denfKnod to rri'liicit <-x-l‘rr ll'i:iiTi'im AleiinandrI In .powur. nceordi ii#rwf ’ ' '•I'flcla' rciwrtn Irom iJjiuilliiK Htnrh Jny, ^ ci, fi—Mrn. I'UEHllYTKIttANS TO ItAlJ^P^ dniiKhteiH. FIFTKt^N .MILI.KIsV IMIL nd a uioiitU biirnca to WASIIINQTOW. D. C._Ocl ihelr fnm> Th l’re»bytcr1nn laynk'n'n'->«t (••two milea tee. hearted by Will H. ini'r pjutiinnxler EenernI; well ’aped, liiOHidon today to ‘ plan ralhii IbrouKh n'jlC.OOO.nno uliicb In in ticrvo ihiK nff i:\-~ lini.lB for 'the relircinrnt tin* cr'H body, 'PrpBhyterlnn inlnlHleni. _____ e People il TWIN FALLS PAYROLL le sense the full meaning and sig i>ayrollU3uilderJE_thig_comimimti: f these facts briefl.v. During the ,-the-city_Qf.Twini Faljs $3S,631.9f ive felt for a long time that our v c) publish a newsuajjer the size of ms and the smaller ones have the ^aper," yoii have a right in a sf^ns !se facts are nol bejng published ii Iting before the public something he Times and with a view to acq 1 our task from day to day to mei y turning. Thc cry. has gone up fr ring inoM tries” and"^this is righta 5W aijy oflhos'C industries we liav iny other i^ o n . • me says who gete all this cash an :0ncenied-iuuj>nvekjuii°wiiiin?^ta.pi most of this money is paid lor Ial ’’or example our highest paid cm ar wage and the other men ^boj^ regular printers' scale in our sho; own depending on the service ren tions. The total number of fami mies number 13. t is directly turned back into the ' aker, grocer, the druggist, the bai nitimrwhich^hA^tWMiVly-ncwM unty fa a»-BnanU ita'm Bad chayl^ re of the opinion that no one wc ise even if they could and yeti we df some in Twin Falls at an earli ) paper carries a stirring message Cy. Our readers’are wged thoug! e is pregnant with possibilities a : by any other part of 'this greit i issionaimen will'sifc'^own and f fi^uence I feel sure Qiat there, wil rpose and intent of The Tim ^ to th^publie nnerally to draw their per to think for the citizens of tl veiy-dearIy_anid;iQD3bJjJhrough mse fully that this paper is not 0 ^ our policy is too. independent f ag iboney is not tba p rim a l purp ^ n d article tomorrow. . IL Y , OCTOBEIi 1925. ged America: iTention y Ur geo II - Poll ill'-':; P ittsb ntaidl.- )im> Ibo •"<..d;iy. , AN MS ^ LIES Hr. ' iiiii-> • -'I'-'-i "ll ; h F'''^?9H ’^ Q S w 9I iii;..;;; "v"" .r ■ . H n'ai'lU'il -H------ : . — ............... .... , propom-il . illlod, . v> foHhroMi- lophil nmi ........... 1 <ir ••••.•'.•V.-p eoniiidi-r-. I' in \ n to _ t-prea^_ -The rcK- •my were U ,. .. ^ i'.l , revolt , .JVcflhWil " nrdlni: to . .• iltilKii !»-. ^ .• i»P' IMlM-AIl.S Hill. McKcrlinic i-.'lliL"l.. f/uujxiit-jicr. • Kjiou'. s llic rvojnii II o f lii.-iNcliiir^'O'i. Me oli;i 1!I1'2. .■ml li»» 'Vi'll. ____ May Knov LL BUILDERS ^ significance of 'The Twin Pal lity nnrl ttiproforo we wish to S( he past yoar The Times paiH oi L.93. W e arc not boasting of tli.e.s ir veailors'should“knowsometinn of this one. The larger, dailic their budget to meet but since tlii i}nse to know where your money I d in any boasting spirit but simpl ing of the cost of running a dail, icquaint the business and profe? neet this, payroll and still keep th from- the Twin Falls tract fo tand proper but on t))o olher han' iave to fall by the .wayside for lad and where is same distributed si t.pcesenfc'inom:of Uie tletoils.-Pirs labor in making ui> and printini employe now draws $49.50 pe ojgi^im draw regularly S‘13.50.pe ihop. The office men draw fmn rendered and thc skill required ii milies who secure their whole in he chQnn€ls-of-4>u6in«auindJielp: banker, the merchant, etc. rspappra makes toward the taxe: lltf not ha tniffflfl.atby tho plihlii would care to scraji this payrol vc understand that such a motivi arlier date in this city's historj’ tge for the constructive forces o lUgh discouragec^ to "Carrv’ on’ and opportunities which an U nation. If our cool, calculaUnt d figure the valuo of such a med jrill be but one conclusion. ■ {to print the news both local ant leir own'conclusions. It is not thi f this comraumV. W e w ill ex igh the editorial columns and thi t ra b s l^ iz e d - u ilhe uiid (am I t fo r th e b e st in te re sts o f d u r bajil irpose o'f this newspaper. T IM E in Legion C d to. Rema itics By C burg’s P ilot ^’iV- m ILL McKECHNlE L^l-.iss Cll' 111,- I’itMii' n v u '. lli-.i a v r P));ii' limv in (,'rl .l!ii’,Jjjvsl w.ni; rlunv,' c.r Iho I’i^l-liiiirli lii-liiii.'s in .1 ^ INMERE W llf li.e.=;e ling-. Confcrciicc-of. L.-D. S. ..Cbl iliw Opens in S.nlt Lftko Tabcrn ‘V is Crowd and S {ply Addresses. ailv SAI.T 1.AK1: CITI'. riiih, 0 .-1, - ,S''l. neo iioMT wf(( I'Ktal.lliili any li in eciiiTin-i with Iho iijilrltiinl In the “ ‘ ■'■•■TJ'ali'il by (illd lo man. Kpcaiior f llie firm dny'M •o.ijilnim of tlic nlii oUtb Ki'ini-anniial cnnforouce of and ' ’li'ireb of J.Mi., CUrinl of Ijillor .-.I, SnlnlH iloi'inrcil In d.-finlni: 1 eburcli';» iHlHiHlo 6n.rvi,iiition. ' iret ' ' iV. Jvtnn n!.IhcUiial Jif .lr,Vcynrn7I-|irriT7r«rriri.lany a . t(. •*'‘S nxitntlnn of «i.,.,-1,-h l.y npc.Mle G.-<i per Atborl Sniilb, A r.ill-for nt l.nul l.ntici voluni PCl ml,.plonnrle» to mnVo a sU mou-h.. mm Inniser inlnnfrin in (Jic f;nic.<l Sta a :- nml pariH of r.inad.Tnml .Mixiro: Imrlntimi of tbo f.ilnln lo ri't»'nl, in- otw-v the Divlno romnmn.liivnlH • pliclty nnd ibi'nl.y win i!i» i<-wa , of rlBbtonuin-nH .^mii eocinirl nn lIUS---- Ubo lrmi.ora1 wtlf.iro of H... pi-fl wore othrrtralurr;''~.rir»y nrrfnr .xes blic .T3ovai;y~Murde>t-Ca«o Will Be Solved So, 3 r j ’. KFtLS0.,»V.-a.nh.. Oet, r ^ T h e m ut > of "f Thomnn Dovrry. K^l^o p»lltor. In decalln trill hr made known in flie r on few dnyn. t.uke P. May. crlmlnolo; nro announced here lod«y. . Ho made no altempt to explain 1 ang ther hin remarkn and thr mynter] led* *■* helehtened by the ar of a mati In a conatrueilon cArap nine* froo) Ruxeor. Ore.. "In cont ■7/“ Tti* man. W. Thompaon. a tne W. J . Re««M>. wa* brotichl b e « f: AT- Eueoft" .veaiertay and lodxrd In ♦Wo' laveatleallon. Hits TH* Dotrry jnunler came at a I aniJ— whea tha tdliw -ofHb«-Oowata-Cc Xf Newa wa* invnlvad tn a local utloal nnut or onutnal btttaniMa. lh« th«Ofr vaa held bjcoaar that > ahooUav waa a direct ootsrowtb thU alttttUon. II),«I«’ U KATlIim OLD VOL.^Xiil. NO. .'i.'., Convention ain Out of Commandei S 'v c iu li’••Vnnuai C't^nviMUio I Ilf V \‘U'i';ui.-< (laUiurAn I Cotiinuniiii'r U rgi's Hu( (iii'.s III K i'c|i Oi'gainV-ulio I''i'iini I’dliiic.'^; Pro; i.K-m ( ’.M ilifl.w W ill E Sjicakri’. I n-,:\n V N. I.. i>. t. Tb- .Mlicr !i ..tl 11.11 1 I ...I'lm i.' llll jiciUV r, ........ . „>/ |,ullll,',., Jaii;. .\ h>.iiM,' M.ai.ih..: ......... . ml M I'li..^ .'..iiili ..ltn,..! ,n;u.mli,a c Sa . 111-. ........... I. I, I ,...,it.,i 11; 1), 1^ i '|. i.;ti, .• mu l)t;.ln R .h,l.-,;:.„i vMlli llniiiil.toiM ai.tdlillH HR -I I-ih;,. imin lr.„i,'rn V H 1.11:1 tl;, ji.itM.r,.,!- .juili^')i aitvstln B • "'li ...... I'lHl-.inniap :it tfi.' ta. n -ll-...... ll." ’'.ml I'l-alii. ••Till- vaiu 3 I'l ll..' |.-:l..ii I. la. ban.liiiu f.u..' K .......... ... ;f "Jl 11.0 .1 I*.-Ii.iiii rioiu civhi” .i.irl S '=■ ” W Til.' I ....... . c,'!,.tied wilii. M . p)-vt Dm) Hll- (i> ri.m H . tdi'i.' arti>lil<i. {i.r bandlliik; tb.. $,’> . M IIIMI,I,ml i.|iiliiumcii(' fimci Tor ilin R aM.'.I \,'irraii«'im d .u-|.haiin of ib BJ ....... . "ar W liiiiru liiiiaodlatoly, I* l'lilli..!.'i|.lila is Itl- iiul> city t » ,1 (, for f(i.' l-C^ <’i.iiM-!iciiiit ho fai A|.,l 11 |., I,a.;r.:.tiu„| b-ro that elt. ^ .mM .•i,t,.|i.,in ii„. i.i.nv..ntl,,n nex ij ll.^lit tnr .................................... • , ..l.l, -1.. I... I .ll.VWi )o i •• ,'.l«.i man .i.iiI.Mt ti,.t.verii -JM. H ISt.i.lIoT.l „r ,\'.>v Voii( rllv lind Jolil I It.a Miiliilc;! r.fciouOnnd, I o'l.MI.N. N.lii., Orl, ,'-,.-Kifiv Ihnn • ni.-l -1.11,Hi.-.'- alciuiM ririlnuii In tbol :-.iv.iy, v..-r.' -Ill band l-.day for tb< •.["iilir: of 111.' ,>ov.:illi nntlonnl eon viiiiK.n i)t III.' ,\niorJ.-an ».oi;|on. . Aimlii. r .".ti.iKii* .li'lcKnton Iind vlHlI ^ '> ,>■,u ,' , v{.-'. f/O tomorrow tor the rln 1' '>f I'l-..... . and ,Min. Voolhke win .Milii>ui;b In tbe main Ibe deloaalc . u,.ro haOtis too mnrh fiiti to bo imth . tid by M.riimn innticm. eonnlderabl' Ini.'r.Ti a'.tiu-hod tn what aeUon.th. 1. .:li)tiii:iiri'» nmy tnUe n n . i«i',Yerol or ir;<nlrnt|nnii'niid rrnllnnal {nntieH. v.'loiaii TJi.'rc H '.Iio MItrlirll affair .for In :itntii:o. <-ot,.ni-l Wni,*MlIcbeirB-dar ui-ii >.iit I,,:; )H ,J^},1JJ,B hin OH-JJ rank Jo laJl I , I. ll lln; wnr ilrnuruiient Ihat il* attl Itl .>11110. Ulll,, ml;,tlnn In "l.nnebrndi'il" htu - ino.l Uic liiia;;iiinllnn of n voitt num . • lu r nf i|„- louii.unnlron. Till' I'lirty and nklil. tlii^ fun.mnk ■' [In;; .■■'iKiin of tlio Ji' kIou. iniiy tirln* ii|i a I I'H.ilutloii deiiinndliiR endorse .... Ill nf .Mltolirll’n rkbt. Nn imiitioai .iinfciotu-oM of ony klnt , ai.' lirilul<-ii ,in tbo nutKolUK tr ip foi llj lll.l.' ai,' no tioiitloliinn.iibo^d. Onl] 111 lai ll.'ll’ tl) bll iitllclnl entnurncc am Ihry urr .Ma.>nr Ci'nernl Jobn A. I..«' IT in J'liii'. riiiiimaniiaiii of tho marluo corpi I 1\ ''' ’‘Pi'“ ^ 'o Ibe eonventlor Ti> awilil kM iik'U io trip a polilica: Churrh <"<i 'I'' onIiiii. Hio t r a i n , »l<inH th e tw< .Uliurcll j„_.^,„^p^„rnnte;-nnctnmit|-Tuitl-St }crnndc '-oiibi. ibem by detonrn arouoi (1(11 ' .'ihirH. The fMnnfer of tfl* fralr d SI.T- liniii IllO lialtiiiiore and Ohio lo ih< W;i1i;i><li III St. l/iu ii tuniliht will bl laaiir in tho ynrdn nboul a mile fron . . till' lil'pOt, •’ ;• ,\i Oniaha, Iho prenldeni will bo con ny iriKli froniod <vltli thb war voleraoa tn full I irnUiB ^i.rrnKlb and eurloillT'cnnuRh;'nf“ > niiori' nl ||,n,, wjim' n chonne In the aecrotarj iilnoiv- „f unr in due Io be matte. It la anllc- of the 11,nl In ihin atmosphere ho will lor Day jp,,j njo do»lre of tho American l..eslor i: Uinl (nr n'ppolulineni'or onn or their num- Tiiotjjpr, ll is poBnihlp that Ihelr nupport* rueci's* jne U»u. JiooutX*}'' Hanford MacNldor, "''•■‘■ ‘'nil lute Hrsinn cominand^r.'^ar-scftrfl broiid- ,,„r. Mr. CooIIiIrp It the flral proai- I.JiTl-jJ- t»n li*!rtrftir "ti.'thi' *■ 1- - - ___ -, —__ GootKw ' ____ =HRMiBfiULE 1 ISONJOPK pi-oplo y ___, ,1^ t.'r.U fJ I.tno from Ite&a ta KUnMlh KalU nad Honthmi Parlfle Op- , pn>T»4^uiK^irjh oc ------------------ Soon ivoUTU-tND. Or*.. t>ct: & ~0 no ot llip I’icseM rallrtktd iMlllaa ot tha munier »r>t *^an. t>rinj; rougbl her*; today r. In alt l>etween ihree of 4ba Kraal ndlroad :lie no*! ny/'iom* of )ha .CMOtfT..' ' . ioiosii.t. t.a'rjeni witb 'httaf cM«o' wara Uie n«bler* and-JtcAl'ftmtagjr aad aln rur- arKum<»«at*oi> -wara- lh a tr Mery of Yet tba caae had all-UM '.w lotinto e arre.1 of mnroatt T t«^'ey Amp 70 when nwd* would4e>««ybg!W ggr eooDec- during the ■M B anU v ton Md blocfc' Owg;wi^E!5».a>^ I. allaa Tba ^alaha -o(,-.tM(. JjW W BiiM fc tn from hare ft : a time OrvsoB. .Tba 0r<S» ^ Cffttn - A - i n b a U l a i X - O C i ^ i t ^ E l l S H I ^ H »cal po- asd

Ar.T^ liili - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES...T W I " "liili-----lOWPA INPOLIT _____^ A m e ric an F e d e ra

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Page 1: Ar.T^ liili - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES...T W I " "liili-----lOWPA INPOLIT _____^ A m e ric an F e d e ra

■ T WI " " -----


_____ ^

A m e r i c a n F e d e r a t i o n o — *. . b o r W r e s t l e s W i t h ' » W m u n i s f n ; S p e a k e f e

T h a t S a m e W i l l K u i i g a n i z a t i o n ; - L a b o r .

' N o t J o i n T h i r d 1 M o v e m e n t T l i i s F a l l

A.TI.ANTIC .CITV. N, J.. Oci : Tlio AniPrlcim PoilontiUm of

w ltl’ niKur polllicnl cutuijuIkiu (flil tl>roU(;h<)iil.'tlui ro iin lry . Iiii kvci> llitiy frum Ililnl pnrty

M montH.HurkltiK Imck to im <ilil iiol

rcriiRliii; «o nlicn JlW lf w ltli r nna thill Inlinr'H Inturoniii cun 1> lorvtKl by froodom from pnrl rilldtlon. Mill rujxirt of tho oxe board of ilio 'Toiluriitlcm coiivt oiitllncil II iioii'iinrlliuiit polltlcii

.» "TliH PSceiiHvo cmincll 1><• ttinl nn u rcniill <<t Uh iioii>pu

polH/e/iI. pulley. Ilia Uiwwhlti, llilnkplfcirty,. iiiovcniuntii liiin' provcil wiiittnil effort iinil liiji

' to llu ' lU'nini lo oli-vl ciiiiilliliiUi^ favornlilo roconlH." llu* rnport

f •••K*prloiico, ihitrpforo, lnni!l:bor fflinl If 11 In to ln‘i Kiiirc pollilcnily it imiHt contlnun ti low Itn non>pnrtlMin jmlicy."

.T h e , oxfciilivu Iwftrtl lircM f U ntlon nf woniiiii >vorI(urii; ifi

'• Daiiri) o l Wfleo iic»lr-ii, opiioNltIacoinminiinin. n (IcUiriiiincil Qcnlniit compan}' iinlbim mi<l iii omployerH iniiuriinco ' nmt nmi ownoriiliiii,

CommrntinR nn iho <lcntli of _ liet Oompcri). ttio l<iCn pro«l(Jc

« tlio fcilointlon. llin roi>ort tmwnil Iho "cru lc lal n v c n f of ihi

■ yitnr. . *-T hnt nu r movomont wUhstooi

nhock," tho roporl romi. "rL-nd; to ijtoot tlio. lonii (inil hnil cnnt to mako auHtnlnoil prORronH aplenilld ndvnncomeoi. Ih Inltiiel

" icrontcat tex t ih n l coiilil huto tho loaaorahlp of o u r formor.

. JrfenL" .' D atn on mcmhODihlp hIidwoi

foOerallnn now Iiah a pnlrt-up iw rnh lp .ro ll or2.S78.297. an Inc

----- e flS # 1 8 -« i» e# -W lt--7 e ir f* ' n 1;' r im t Increiiiiu In *mqtnbor»l;lp

Btnco m o .T4m rnporl ilovntPH m uch npn

tb e nubjoct of commiinlHm.


“ OPENS AGi!Elk IIIII* JfoTal o n llrHpnro On

____ ______________.ODcncJ rn ,l- .-a ._ L 'o u rt-o f An« TorfnrJ Both I 'n r tl,., A rr 1)I«

fli-d > rith r^•M■lll( D erlilnn.

SAN rilANCISCoT Oel. f i - j■ •' * drasslnK Into Iho-llmrllRhi tlip hi

«r the I2Ik nillH navnl oil tp leanei to' K. I., Dohcny, linnrlnKi

' appeal from tho federal court v<In Lo* AHifoJe» openM hnro (odi tb e d l t l r l d court of oppenlH,

Dohcny and iJin Pan-Anierlcar eroloiim compinlon ln»l th e fc court luU . Ib which thc Kovern a ltem pled to ''h rcak . tbe leojir*. tJaled dnrlnK th e recline of Albi

;__ • _ Poll a s dei:rctar>' o f th e In terior,.............e ra l.Ju tls o Pniil J . M crormlclc-

.> ■ th a t iho.loaaoa uad boen obtalnr. Iroud Tjut~that ih e I>oheny In i t

' ' f«u»t t e pM rcti-ii ;n .7 a c .;i fs t)>- :~ ^ jtfH miM <m t:tgydef t lo tiTn rnt»if-Toa»

the prbpertkrf?^D o h to r and hln IntertvtH apn

from tbe decininn cancrlllnB thc l< and tb r covFram enl appealed rroi

> parm ehc o n le r.^ P n o d t H asa n homln Ihe Do^ le ca l corpa, whllo Altee Pom erm i

Owen J .-R oberta will M a in arcu th e KOToramcnt.

JudBoa W illiam B. CUbert. Wl—', t ------- ------- H r-H tw t-a n n Frai»lc-Ji.-n«Ufcto

hear tha £aio. ' .

■ T h r e e - M e i r S l g m

--- --------------------------------B T R a a < f a t d « R e i

ST. U )I8 . > tU a. O c t 6-^Three w ere ( I l ln In' a. road aide reaort ha re eariy to d * jr 'in ’ w hat^polle« llevo m a^ have been tbo r» ’-cp«nli

* T ^ ^ ^ ^ i h a 'a i a l n tnen w are ki police c h k n e ta ra lind n n g s ta r s

• (be thInJ h a » a o t b m i ld e o U n « t• tw o IdeBfifW an» V itK ta t Ooodle

; . D«a Hoffta im .

s i i n H T J tA J lT B Q C A ia s n o c ] F E L T I ir 8 0 0 r a C A t i r o t

L 0 8 A k 'O E L ^ C a l, OeL S.- y Anealea t o d aorrooadlBj^ dUea_

“ tftday. T h a J o l i iM tad appre*ln ly R * a ld « U ,aro ttiod I r e n Utalr a la a b e r t .

; . 7 b a a k e A '. c « M .d a r t D r a ‘‘<Iret ' t ralB «O B M ar«l a n OBIt V . p b a n o m ^ .f e j r .W aa tb tr o p * r ta

: K o m ri^ W 'W M w p o tU d . .

I N ' F .:--------------------------- ------------ - -------

ijp B anloiis M erger M | | \ V iolate S herm an j W Troist L aw Is Th1 h t ' ■' NOTCN.' Oct. fi—AI J * vatd Inniilry |h Ik'Imk lumli' liI I lorncyH of ili<> junttci' itepiirlI I to il<il<‘rmliK- w hether ih« '■

■ • Dtifj.oiHi linliluc roiupany m ersIhe Ki'nrrnl liiiUInK corpori

T ^ A "coiuiin witliln till' Slioimiiii I ■ V 'f""t not,J . \ . II '''’'liiirn u wi'ok or l l l l to cou'ipli'ic Ihlfl Imiulry. off

»ni<t loday. S linllnr ImiiiirU-: iiKUaliy'.iuadf of n il hU uicr It wnn.pointed mil.

l o f L a fI C o m - cut bnkliij: c.mciini lu tlic «

A l g U e , 1, . countrj'.um Or- ------------------


:;S by citizensiII i»*ia b.‘ ______)nrly nf-exeniiivo A sp ir fln U f o r O ff ic e A i d N iluvenlion. ■Ical-pro- T h o y M u s t T a k o a S to o

holU'VCH fiom otK lng W o r th W h ilo ;

Of i tinjnriouil Im m ig rn U o n la S tre s se d .

wlill . ---------^ f '’" ''" ' (By II. A. I...\WSONliiiilit 1!I- n o js i ; , Idnln., Oct. C-,Tlinurccimfiil, .........J,, f,„., KovcriiorI *"'■ Htuio will huvo Kl pl«-<ii:c hItUH' . rclnBinloliii;nt of thiv Hliilo (Icpa

n or«nn- i,r lahor. iintiii^mauiio- ,„„j „,„ti,;ticii. if tl .......... .

1 / 1 I . t>c«{rJc hi l<? h r JtffiKcrf corrt-cl Ih ihrouRh lliu mfilliiiii of ihiii «

ml'll v,,'.. " ’‘•'“ I Ilu‘ p w p lc helll'Vo .bothi;mpio}m' cn,,i,ni cnn I.c Hiirncli-il lo

Tin- fmii Ihnt fo r tho pnm four,,Zi. d rpnriiiivn i hnii bi'oii clh.u

now Kciiflrnity nicoKnizcil ns ilct/.‘."'‘'inJ. il'-trlMioninl to ibi- Mtiili.. |n thnthl) Innl |„g ,|n j nj,,ro hnn bci'li ll

Il.l “ '*>'• concerted effort in Orowtoo l IhiH dll' rcHDiirccH of lilnho,-„V, , , contJJiJoa, cluliij cIi-cIoih, ia li ontinui'd

tHBlf ihlt I* hnn.'tliey point oul. cniiHodIU Rl’vcn' nciKhborlnKlur tifflH. moved nlicad. W ith nuch

^ lonl cropH nii'UilB Mntu,lH p r»

*0 mom- opllinHin. n rolw uud of p ro i Ineroima 1» nllffcnlns land valuvH. I t In i h sIp mode buBincM. anil (h a t lia» revonli

Ibo iieopJu th a l the rcnourccii of npnc’c to Bcratchod, and I

proHpcrity In to ron lluue more and Kreatcr cnplinl lihouli) bi- It10 comc tn tbin Mnlc.

All th ree politica l pnrtlcH rcc IhiH condition, niul appnrcntly aro alive lu '.ho fac t tlm i llji

E . who anpiro tn KUburnntqrlal 1 vrliirh c arry wKh ih<'m p a rty I nhip, must, bo plodKinl to n <lc

• m enl p rogram for Idaho »hic: « d mmw clu'lo* the reinBtiftrmont nf ihi

A - I M niUalonoer of ImnilKmllon, labc i M I 1 atatlHlKB. tbo conBlructlon of

hiKVfn}'*. nnd aOvertlnlnK ilie b___ _ ■— - r-aM P»PiH _\-eded.____

r, , T h e tact tha t Idnho han been I ono I* ,v„rtl for tbo pnnt fow yearn 1 Alipinlx carrylnj!-Oul_a£_a_Di'O Krnm_of

D Ixuillv kind hnB not been to iho bexi naw of Ibe Htnic. flay tboae

, leadera. who a re 'now convlncii i—Acnln "iiJbI *t«iP om, If U l« l<['liiKtory posillon amonK o lhe r w

ln'>r»* 'on U iirins the Unt iirflHlon o t thot vofiIIp I la lu ro nn effort waa m ade to(odav (n thl* p«|cn_ relnainlod.. I t J* a

^ Htllnilonnl oftico. c reated by thiIcan Pe- «> “ ition of iho ntnto and ibo

federal ' " “ not ho abollnhed. B ul thlaem m en t "tUtitlonal provlnion wan a im i . t i e s ^ ijy ‘he »“ '*«'•»• o f ‘ho locU laluiilbvrt P. " lako n" a iffbp rladoa .fo r I fn ’lor, I*«d- Ipnanee. .T hin auloraaU cally I:k-riiIiHl chinmliwloner o t lmm li;ratIoilne«l hy of Office. W lth o n i •r«mutienitlQInitXSSlH bU HcrvJceB, ho waa forced to

Idaho han Blool bUII from ian < ipnealeit n tandpolnc T hero la h<le IfOBcH partinen l In tho m ale th a t han < rrom the 1l‘0 au thority o r th e Umo (o ever

Kwcr an Inquiry from o itu id e 'c Dohsnv "tatP w l'h r*'Knrd to Idaho'n re»o

-m e anit oppportunlllefl. I I Ih tru e tba tj rsu e for of theao Inqulriea o re aaawerc^

11 In hecauHo of th e Individual tn' W illiam of aome mem ber o t aomo a ia le d<

Such a' Bituntion. d e c la n the" . leader*. Ih becomlnK tntolerah

for th a t r w o n t h y a rc beblni

anplre to political p referw rtJ l i p ro sram lh a l ta c o n itn ic ttv e and

ree tnen ^ j | j g rea te r advortlatnj;t r i r «n t* to Iha ita to . l i ? ^ W am lB * S e a l Out.enln* of , j , j , f n » e a th e w on, KOna oul Ibo l caodldnta* w boL, 2.hTi- O'* POliUcal' lI*hU»tns to a lrtka

rk fv a to •tan d . baCDr* wltlOCES ^rlOQ* M o a ld a r a tW aayiD E JtU p a r t r lM dara. T h a r aay t t

w aa a 'n t f t a h a ( h a t th o la a t lai S— l ur e CiUad to m ako a a a p ^rep rt

lea f a tt fo r th o oOlca o f coauotaatoeer oi E a. ta . a lcta li< m -aod_ihcrJir» .c9nO <lee ix lnaU - i n n b e n « t th a t le iU la itJr* now

w ar* th a t w ay abo o t IL -I t la polBtad o a t b y th a a a n a

d r ts e h ” e n th a t Idaho abeaM lead o u t « nnoatua (oo« r o i A '» n « n a th a t w ill not irta. - I ’ > — —

' . .{C m ita ttoa OB p a « r t r i

' '


n A nti- IlDANOIND"JMISSIdN BU!pardnen t . -

i=iSlX,L)®Liru-!i"nnv I n v e s t i g a t i o n S t a r t e d ,n.orR im , c o v c r C a u s c o f F i r e

tiie'Ki-n- D e s t r o y e d , C a t h o l iIbe 'iar{:- s i o n D o r m i t o r y N e ( L‘' w a i i n W h i c h S i :" “ " W e r e B u r n e d t o D

. . . . t.KWlSTO.N.' tilhho. Ocl,f l I T U InvoollRuilnh wufl hein« inl . l l . f (la:^ In nil offoil in detenu

I I I onusu of a tiro curly Hnniln InK w hli-h 'took iho llviti

I a I t A . I'n.*’» /»t Jbc CaJholJc iJiJ«J/III l i n ■•>'l>w»i. 12 mlU-n from her| i i r | | | Tlio bnyu were burned t(»■ I I I W wb«a t i r e awept a wumleu

' • lu rc iiHod tiN n (lormliory ^puip szs'™.'-'""""'?brei-di .C; Anilrow Focariy lireod, 10; 'Kdwnrd 'tsw'ltsl'

1 N o U fio d dIan, R: Mux OMenberp, wli , 1 und t-aw ioncu Itun ry . wlil

I to n a t o r Anollier boy wnn nBiloiml>

ilo ; N e o d ‘ Uorotc. viork of nunn ora b o r a n d " ‘' p '*’" offecied ibo rcBciio i a u o r a n u

Bd. \ , • —:— ^Snow and R ain I i

ilm m»- "Predicted for. N Z.S/1S . C en tra l S ta te .lepnrtiiiciil ----------iTiilKrnilon • c ilIC A O li. O ct.'C—Snow ator of llic V lll vinit ibe Dprlhorn necllonri-cily. II funxanc area wlthla the trr'j;llfi depnrl- „ix houra. iho fedoial wi-allivllh pflople prnllolc'd today.I 10 Idaho. n „ |„ „ will ,.n neral I'O 'o u r ycHM soitilieniilcrn bi-cIIoiih Tuenilu’ :Io.icd, V Tuesday niKlit. lln- prciiiciliiii.IccWedly Di.e|,Icily |(„vor iiuniicralti thm du r- ,1,,^. Hiioptly In ibe plnliin re

h llltle . i( ,i,p nortliweiii whon- Btoriii \ iK t'o been iHnued to eaille m

ibo, rblH bH|| Jmvo llveiitock on tbe rii a In loler- P ________ ;_______

ncd Idaho l*A n«K «’« W IKli AM) UAVl ^nK BiatoH n i ’JlN TO BK .tTlI I.N IHiich excdl- -------- rproduclnj; , q ijv d STONI:, Mieh., Oci, s«l rcolfni; O acar Sundlluir, two dn pro iporlty jew ol, T, nnd Mlldrfti, C. and -•«, Uial In pi(j Mon. . DcnJamli), wcro bui

H n w ' o t aeftt)f»iiJicri fire' dcHlroyed ih denied to |,ou ,o near labulhi, twcnty-lvII o f Idnho worthenHl of here.nd th o t If A nother non, John, 8, ciicap< >re people Up f„„n ,| rcacblni; ibr II- Induced crack In the biiil'dlnK-bruiilihu

coaln Ibnii fell on blii mnihcr'nre c o (c i i l / e -------------------------------------- ;—

ntiy (hey, —

:S i So th^.hicb In-

iho com, labor ando f bettor _ ,IC Btaie. F e w p e o n l e ;

— p a i l y - T i m e s ^ i i s - a - p a rn In tho f o r t h j u s t a f e w o f t

• f o r - l a b o r - a l o n e - i n - t i :«e p n rtj f i g u r c S , b u t W C H av< r T ‘ illlf} o f w h a t i f c o s t s t o j . weHtern ’ h a v e t h e i r p r o b l e m j

i s t h e “ P e o p l e ’s P a i to - h a v e b e i n g s p e n L T h e s e

' t h e S ’ f l s a m e a n s o f . g e t t h iboreforo n e w s p a p e r l i k e T h e hln con- s i o n a l c l a s s e s w i t h c a iS ? r V d w h e e l s o f i n d u s t r y t ftH 'm ajn . " m o r e m a n u f a c t u r i n i t i o r^ o u t -• w c s h o u l d n o t a l l o w Tition fo r o f s u p p o r t o r f o r a n j t . to .B te a . . . . B u t s o m e o m

«oiuuuoft ^ ^ F ^ - o u r - o i t ^ i 6 - o o n

Ii" h o 'd I ^ a n d f o r e m o s t t h e m c >0H e iib er t h c D c v ^ p a p e r . F o i Jc V X w e e k f o r h i s r e g u l a r r c a o /c e - w e e k . T U is i s t h e r e e V ^ T u i ^ 5 . 0 0 p e r . w e e k d o w I tni'eroat ^ e j r v a r i o u s p o s i t i o0 depart- c o m e f r o m . T h e T i m i;he p a rty ----- r - • T h i s . m o n c y 11i"l*’‘"an*3 t h e b u t c h e r , t h c J s a k,M?d V ------------------- T h r c r f t r t r i b u t

’ o f t f i i a e i t y - o n d < ro u n and th a t i n g c i i e r a l . W e a r e

tt iw b c n . f o r a a e l f i s h - p u r p o s e w a s i n t h e m i n d s o f

irord ^ D a y a f t ^ a y t h i s i u o t m ‘ t h i s c i t f m d c o u n t y .

, a n d ' t h a t t h e f u t u r e i S c a r c e l y s u r p a s s e d b

( A m » b u s i n e s a n d p r o f e s s ■v tD M i u m . o n d s u c h a h i n f l

I t i s t h e p u r p i . f o r e i g n a n d a l l o w t h i

T o fc im - p u r p o s e o f t h i s . p a p e r p r e s B O u r - o p in i o D - v e i

p u b l i c g e n e r a l l y ^ . s e n f n w l t h a n o t ' b e . S q m 'e t i m e s n p to o ty a c c o u n t b u t m & k i n ic

£ j ^ , . R e a d o u r s e c Q

1 r .

S - B A ]'.LS, ID .A HO ,.LfbN D C

fl I ft M Co-operation and U l f l l i Buildihg Is Ur^ei

U R N S . = 3 S " rtlon; nn£,»r<iiit(j;nK htif cti-ojinQT t e : , , ,

I I J O If’ 'I 'ha l IH )ii III' Ihc H|ili’lt r>i ■. Tfith lnlemnil.in.il ninvci.iliu

tho DlRcUtU'^ of Cbrfxi.. I'rea ldeo t.iio ld ii' i'. In ib 'rli

’ d t o Di<?- " " ‘'y Ihft'.nniHlftiicllni: toalui ' • I* IllO convr'ftlnn. lonflrii.eil ..i r e W h i c h menm o tit^ ii ii c.rtlc-. ii, tlml o l i c ' M i s - vvoliittonn;V or fundiiui.-ntai

i J e a r L a p - conventIoI|>-.j|>uiilncnii,S b : B o y s ■. ........... .

; . P E p TERft & : -WP.ALLI■#». iiiiiler . ---------,. , 8«-eiiri1j’ t*i’« c I’uct Jlei-liui;bony Scy- Jneeii AllIiU uiuI (Mrniiiii- Ironchcaii. s«H »«rjitnili (ifrtun iK .'Iirly, ha lf T e r t f , - 'Itsler. In* _____wlttte,.M . • i.oaU t.V O .’} f!»*ll.-:.’r}.iii,l. • Or.

wliltii. !l. MoolInR o f .^ n - nillcn In eiiiif imly-burn- , ,ih n'tjiiuln for&hn tifn t timn i>in

world w nr,? . (loriminy'ii idai or wt. Jo - micccHtfnl today nt I. 10 o f o ih- • ,vhnn full alji.enu .iil »uh r

, . . , roiinrdlng oH :^»lch o f ific p r ....... nociirlty pact (in'wnn illKcmmoi

I Vnrlonn nrtlrlew of iiu- fori8 . .. ItJK Hhluiilnnd piici woro iidijpii

N o r t h wiilcb rcnerviilid

' Thill bniipy l»';j|iiulnu Ik n>ik- and ra in o<I a Cennnn mk'cii»:< bccniutlonn.ofthlA lilUlnlivo ,for ihe Hccntrily n>:ritrt'Kl th ir tj’- ciimc reotn Ui»- I.iiiher (;«rcj-,Ilivr bureau — r^-,^c -----------, C hilean A rm y Is int'lTHnM"" • R evo lt.and P lanalm en n re . R e p l a c e ’

reulirtm of •III w arninw i Iu jk n o s AIRKS. Oet, n,—Th' men wiio imenlH o{- tho (n iliraii nrmy’ im pllcnied. In an atteini.ti'.l ,

denfKnod to rri'liicit <-x-l‘rrl l ' i : i iT i 'i m AleiinandrI In .pow ur. nceordi

ii# rw f ’ ' '•I'flcla' rciw rtn Irom iJjiuilliiKH tn rh Jny, ^

ci, fi—Mrn. I'UEHllYTKIttANS TO ItAlJ^P^ dniiKhteiH. FIFTKt^N .MILI.KIsV IMIL

nd a uioiitU —biirnca to WASIIINQTOW. D. C ._ O c l ih e lr fnm> Th l’ re»bytcr1nn laynk'n'n'->«t

(••two milea tee. hearted by Will H.ini'r pjutiinnxler EenernI; w ell

’aped, liiOHidon today to ‘ plan ralhii IbrouKh n'jlC.OOO.nno uliicb In in ticrvo ihiK nff i:\-~ lini.lB for 'the re lirc in rn t tin* cr'H body, 'PrpBhyterlnn inlnlHlen i. _____


le s e n s e t h e f u l l m e a n i n g a n d s i g i> a y r o l lU 3 u i ld e r J E _ t h ig _ c o m im im t i : f t h e s e f a c t s b r i e f l .v . D u r i n g t h e , - th e - c i t y _ Q f .T w in i F a l j s $ 3 S ,6 3 1 .9 f i v e f e l t f o r a l o n g t i m e t h a t o u r v c) p u b l i s h a n e w s u a j j e r t h e s i z e o f m s a n d t h e s m a l l e r o n e s h a v e t h e ^ a p e r , " y o i i h a v e a r i g h t i n a s f^ n s ! s e f a c t s a r e n o l b e j n g p u b l i s h e d ii I t i n g b e f o r e t h e p u b l i c s o m e t h i n g h e T i m e s a n d w i t h a v i e w t o a c q 1 o u r t a s k f r o m d a y t o d a y t o m e i y t u r n i n g . T h c c r y . h a s g o n e u p f r r i n g i n o M t r i e s ” a n d " ^ th is i s r i g h t a 5W a i j y o f l h o s 'C i n d u s t r i e s w e l i a v i n y o t h e r i ^ o n . • m e s a y s w h o g e t e a l l t h i s c a s h a n : 0 n c e n ie d - iu u j> n v e k ju i i ° w i i i i n ? ^ t a .p i m o s t o f t h i s m o n e y i s p a i d l o r I a l ’’o r e x a m p l e o u r h i g h e s t p a i d c m a r w a g e a n d t h e o t h e r m e n b o j ^ r e g u l a r p r i n t e r s ' s c a l e i n o u r s h o ;

o w n d e p e n d i n g o n t h e s e r v i c e r e n t i o n s . T h e t o t a l n u m b e r o f f a m i m ie s n u m b e r 1 3 .t i s d i r e c t l y t u r n e d b a c k i n t o t h e ' a k e r , g r o c e r , t h e d r u g g i s t , t h e b a i n i t i m r w h i c h ^ h A ^ t W M i V l y - n c w M u n ty fa a » -B n a n U i t a 'm B a d c h a y l ^ r e o f t h e o p i n i o n t h a t n o o n e w c is e e v e n i f t h e y c o u l d a n d y e t i w e d f s o m e i n T w i n F a l l s a t a n e a r l i ) p a p e r c a r r i e s a s t i r r i n g m e s s a g e Cy. O u r r e a d e r s ’ a r e w g e d th o u g ! e i s p r e g n a n t w i t h p o s s i b i l i t i e s a : b y a n y o t h e r p a r t o f ' t h i s g r e i t i i s s i o n a i m e n w i l l ' s i f c ' ^ o w n a n d f f i ^ u e n c e I f e e l s u r e Q i a t t h e r e , w i l r p o s e a n d i n t e n t o f T h e T i m ^ to t h ^ p u b l i e n n e r a l l y t o d r a w t h e i r p e r t o t h i n k f o r t h e c i t i z e n s o f tl v e i y - d e a r I y _ a n i d ; i Q D 3 b J j J h r o u g h m s e f u l l y t h a t t h i s p a p e r i s n o t 0 ^ o u r p o l i c y i s t o o . i n d e p e n d e n t f a g i b o n e y i s n o t t b a p r i m a l p u r p ^ n d a r t i c l e t o m o r r o w . .

I L Y, O C T O B E I i 1 9 2 5 .

g e d America:iTention — y

Ur geoI I - P o lli l l '- ' : ; P i t t s bn ta id l . - )im> Ibo

•"<..d;iy. ,



iiiii->• -'I'-'-i "ll ; h F ' ' '^ ? 9 H ’ Q S w 9 I

iii;..;;; "v""“ ■ . r ■ .H n'ai'lU'il ■ -H------ : .— ............... .... ,

propom-il . illlod, . v > •foHhroMi-

lophil nmi...........1 <ir ••••.•'.•V.-p

eoniiidi-r-. I '

in \n to _

t - p r e a ^ _ ‘-T h e rcK-•my were U , . .. ^i'.l , revolt ■ ,.JVcflhWil "nrdlni: to . .•iltilKii !»-. ^ .•

i» P ' ■IMlM-AIl.S

Hill. M cK crlin ic i-.'lliL"l.. f/u u jx iit-jic r . • K jio u '.s llic

rvo jn ii II o f lii.-iNcliiir^'O'i. Me oli;i

1!I1'2. .■ml li»» 'Vi'll. ____

M ay KnovLL BUILDERS ^s i g n i f i c a n c e o f ' T h e T w i n P a l l i t y n n r l t t i p r o f o r o w e w i s h t o S( h e p a s t y o a r T h e T i m e s p a iH o i L .9 3 . W e a r c n o t b o a s t i n g o f tli.e.s i r v e a i l o r s ' s h o u l d “ k n o w s o m e t i n n

o f t h i s o n e . T h e l a r g e r , d a i l i c t h e i r b u d g e t t o m e e t b u t s i n c e tl i i i} n se t o k n o w w h e r e y o u r m o n e y I d i n a n y b o a s t i n g s p i r i t b u t s i m p l i n g o f t h e c o s t o f r u n n i n g a d a i l , i c q u a i n t t h e b u s i n e s s a n d p r o f e ? n e e t t h i s , p a y r o l l a n d s t i l l k e e p th

f r o m - t h e T w i n F a l l s t r a c t f o t a n d p r o p e r b u t o n t) ) o o l h e r h a n ' i a v e t o f a l l b y t h e . w a y s i d e f o r l a d

a n d w h e r e i s s a m e d i s t r i b u t e d si t . p c e s e n f c 'i n o m : o f U ie t l e t o i l s . - P i r s l a b o r i n m a k i n g ui> a n d p r i n t i n i

e m p l o y e n o w d r a w s $ 4 9 . 5 0 p e o j g i ^ i m d r a w r e g u l a r l y S ‘1 3 .5 0 .p e i h o p . T h e o f f i c e m e n d r a w f m n r e n d e r e d a n d t h c s k i l l r e q u i r e d ii m i l i e s w h o s e c u r e t h e i r w h o l e i n

h e c h Q n n € l s - o f - 4 > u 6 i n « a u i n d J i e l p : b a n k e r , t h e m e r c h a n t , e t c . r s p a p p r a m a k e s t o w a r d t h e t a x e : l l t f n o t h a t n i f f f l f l . a t b y t h o p l i h l i i w o u l d c a r e t o s c r a j i t h i s p a y r o l v c u n d e r s t a n d t h a t s u c h a m o t i v i a r l i e r d a t e i n t h i s c i t y ' s h i s t o r j ’ t g e f o r t h e c o n s t r u c t i v e f o r c e s o lU g h d i s c o u r a g e c ^ t o " C a r r v ’ o n ’

a n d o p p o r t u n i t i e s w h i c h a n U n a t i o n . I f o u r c o o l , c a l c u l a U n t d f i g u r e t h e v a l u o o f s u c h a m e d j r i l l b e b u t o n e c o n c l u s i o n . ■{ t o p r i n t t h e n e w s b o t h l o c a l a n t l e i r o w n 'c o n c l u s i o n s . I t i s n o t th i f t h i s c o m r a u m V . W e w i l l e x i g h t h e e d i t o r i a l c o l u m n s a n d th i t r a b s l ^ i z e d - u i l h e u i i d ( a m I t f o r t h e b e s t i n t e r e s t s o f d u r b a j i l i r p o s e o 'f t h i s n e w s p a p e r .


in Legion C d to. R e m a i t i c s B y Cb u r g ’s P i l o t




L^l-.iss Cll' 111,- I’itM ii' n v u '. l l i - .i a v r

P));ii' limv in (,'rl .l!ii’,Jjjvsl w .n i;

r lu n v , ' c.r Iho I’i^ l- lii i ir l i l i i - l i i i i . 's in .1

^ INMERE Wllfli.e.=;eling-. Confcrciicc-of. L .-D . S. ..Cbli liw Opens in S.nlt Lftko Tabcrn

‘V is Crowd and S{ p ly A d d re s se s . •a ilv SAI.T 1.AK1: C IT I'. r iiih , 0 .-1,

- ,S ''l. neo iioMT wf(( I'Ktal.lliili any li in eciiiTin-i with Iho iijilrltiinl In

the “ ‘ ■'■•■TJ'ali'il by (illd lo man. Kpcaiior f llie firm dny'M •o.ijilnim of tlic nlii

oU tb Ki'ini-anniial cnnforouce of and ' ’li'ireb of J.M i., CUrinl of Ijillo r . - . I , SnlnlH iloi'inrcil In d.-finlni: 1

eburcli';» iHlHiHlo 6n .rvi,iiition. '

i r e t ' ' iV. Jvtnn n ! . IhcU iia l J if.lr,Vcynrn7I-|irriT7r«rriri.lany a . t(.

•*'‘S nxitntlnn of «i.,.,-1,-h l.y npc.Mle G.-<i p e r Atborl Sniilb,

A r .ill-fo r nt l.nul l.ntici voluni ■ PC l ml,.plonnrle» to mnVo a sU mou-h.. m m Inniser inlnnfrin in (Jic f;nic.<l Sta

a : - nml pariH of r.inad.T nm l .Mixiro: Imrlntimi of tbo f.ilnln lo ri't»'nl,

in- otw-v the Divlno romnmn.liivnlH• pliclty nnd ib i'n l.y w in i!i» i<-wa

, of rlBbtonuin-nH .^mii eocinirl nnlIU S---- U bo lrmi.ora1 w tlf.iro of H... pi-fl

w ore o th r r tra lu r r; ''~ .r i r» y n r r f n r

.xesbl ic .T3ovai;y~Murde>t-Ca«o

W ill Be Solved So,3 r j ’. KFtLS0.,»V.-a.nh.. Oet, r ^ T h e mut> o f " f Thomnn Dovrry. K^l^o p»lltor. In

„ decalln trill hr made know n in flie r on few dnyn. t.uke P. May. crlm lnolo; n r o announced here lod«y.. Ho m ade no altem pt to explain 1ang th e r hin rem arkn and th r mynter] le d * *■* helehtened by the a r

of a m ati In a conatrueilon cArap nine* froo) Ruxeor. Ore.. "In cont

■7 / “ T ti* m an . W. Thompaon. a tne W. J . Re««M>. wa* bro tich l b e « f: A T - Eueoft" .veaiertay and lodxrd In ♦Wo' laveatleallon.H its TH* D o t rry jn u n le r cam e a t a I a n iJ — w hea t ha td liw -ofHb«-Oowata-Cc

Xf Newa wa* invnlvad tn a local u tloa l n n u t or onu tna l btttan iM a. lh « th«O fr v a a held b j c o a a r th a t

> ahooUav waa a direc t ootsrow tb th U alttttU on.

I I) ,« I« ’ U KATlIim

OLD VOL.^Xiil. NO. .'i.'.,

Convention a in O u t o f C o m m a n d e i

• S ' v c i u l i ’ • •V n n u a i C 't^nviM U io I I lf V \‘U'i';ui.-< ( l a U i u r A n I C o t i i n u n i i i i ' r U r g i 's H u (

( iii '.s III K i 'c | i O i 'g a in V - u lio I ''i 'i in i I ’d l i i ic . '^ ; P r o ;

i.K -m ( ’.M il if l .w W i l l E S j i c a k r i ’.

I n - , : \n V N. I.. i>. t. T b- .Mlicr !i ..tl 11.11 1 I ...I'lm i.' llll jiciUV

r, ........ . „>/ |,ullll,',., Jaii;..\ h>.iiM,' M.ai.ih..: ......... . ml

M I'li..^ . '. .i i i l i ..ltn ,..! ,n ;u .m l i,a c

S a . 111-. ........... I. I, I ,...,it.,i 11; 1),1 ^ i ' | . i.;t i, .• mu l)t;.lnR .h,l.-,;:.„i vMlli llniiiil.toiM ai.tdlillHH R -I I - ih ;,. im in lr.„i,'rn VH 1.11:1 tl;, ji.itM.r,.,!- .juili^')i aitvstlnB • "'li ...... I'lH l-.inniap :it tfi.' ta.n -ll-...... ll." ’'.ml I'l-alii. ••Till- vaiu3 I'l ll..' |.-:l..ii I . la . ban .liiiu f.u..'

K .......... ... ■;f "Jl 11.0 .1 I*.-Ii.iiii rioiu civhi” .i.irl

S '=■ ”W Til.' I ....... . c,'!,.tied w ilii.M . p)-vt Dm ) Hll- (i> ri.mH . tdi'i.' arti>lil<i. {i.r bandlliik; tb.. $,’>.M IIIMI,I,ml i.|iiliiumcii(' fimci Tor ilinR aM.'.I \ , 'ir ra ii« 'im d .u-|.haiin of ibBJ ....... . " a r W liiiiru liiiiaodlatoly,I* l'lilli..!.'i|.lila is Itl- iiul> c ity t» ,1 (, for f(i.' l-C^ <’i.iiM-!iciiiit ho fai

A|.,l 11 |., I,a.;r.:.tiu„| b -ro that elt.^ .m M .• i,t,.|i.,in ii„ . i.i.nv..ntl,,n nex

i j ll.^lit tn r ....................................• , ..l.l, -1.. I... I .ll.VWi )o i

•• ,'.l«.i man .i.iiI.Mt ti,.t.verii -JM. HISt.i.lIoT.l „r ,\'.>v Voii( rllv lind Jolil I It.a Miiliilc;! r .fc iouO nnd,

I o'l.MI.N. N .lii., Orl, ,'-,.-Kifiv Ihnn• ni.-l -1.11,Hi.-.'- alciuiM ririlnuii In tbol :-.iv.iy, v..-r.' -Ill band l-.day for tb<• .["iilir: of 111.' ,>ov.:illi nntlonnl eon viiiiK.n i)t III.' ,\niorJ.-an ».oi;|on.

. Aimlii. r .".ti.iKii* .li'lcKnton Iind vlHlI ^ '>,>■ ,u , ' , v{.-'. f/O tomorrow tor the rln

1' '>f I'l-..... . and ,Min. V oolhke win

.Milii>ui;b In tbe main Ibe deloaalc . u,.ro haO tis too m nrh fiiti to bo imth

. t id by M.riimn innticm . eonnlderabl' Ini.'r.Ti a'.tiu-hod tn what aeUon.th. 1. .:li)tiii:iiri'» nmy tnUe n n . i«i',Yerol or ir;<nlrnt|nnii'niid rrnllnnal {nntieH.

v .'lo ia i i TJi.'rc H '.Iio MItrlirll affair .for In :itntii:o. <-ot,.ni-l Wni,*MlIcbeirB-dar

ui-ii >.iit I,,:; )H ,J },1JJ,B hin OH-JJ rank Jo laJl■ I , I. ll lln ; wnr ilrnuruiient Ihat il* attl Itl .>11110. Ulll,, ml;,tlnn In "l.nnebrndi'il" htu

- ino.l Uic liiia;;iiinllnn of n voitt num . • lu r nf i|„- louii.unnlron.

Till' I'lirty and n k lil . tlii fun.mnk ■ ' [In;; .■■'iKiin of tlio Ji'kIou. iniiy tirln*

ii|i a I I'H.ilutloii deiiinndliiR endorse.... Ill nf .Mltolirll’n rkb t.

Nn imiitioai .iinfciotu-oM of ony klnt , a i.' lirilul<-ii ,in tbo nutKolUK tr ip foi

l l j lll .l. ' a i,' no tioiitloliinn.iibo^d. Onl]

111 lai ll.'ll’ tl) b ll iitllclnl entnurncc am Ihry u rr .Ma.>nr Ci'nernl Jobn A. I..«'

IT in J'liii'. riiiiimaniiaiii of tho m arluo corpi I 1 \ ' ' ' ’‘Pi'“ ^ 'o Ibe eonventlor

Ti> awilil kM iik 'U io tr ip a polilica: C h u rrh < "<i' I ' 'onIiiii. Hio t r a in , »l<inH th e tw< .U liurcll j„_ .^ ,„ ^p ^ „rn n te ;-n n ctn m it|-T u itl-S t }crnndc '-oiibi. ibem by detonrn arouoi

(1(11' .'ihirH. The fM nnfer o f tfl* fra lr d SI.T- liniii IllO lia ltiiiiore and Ohio lo ih<

W;i1i;i><li III St. l / iu i i tuniliht will bl laaiir in tho ynrdn nboul a m ile fron

. . till' lil'pOt,•’ ;• ,\i Oniaha, Iho prenldeni will bo con

ny iriKli froniod <vltli thb w ar voleraoa tn full I irnUiB ^i.rrnKlb and e u rlo i llT 'c n n u R h ;'n f“ >niiori' nl ||,n,, w jim ' n chonne In the aecrotarj

iilnoiv- „f u n r in due Io be matte. I t la anllc-of the 11,nl In ihin atm osphere ho willlor Day jp,,j njo do»lre of tho A m erican l..eslori: Uinl (nr n 'ppolulineni'or onn or th e ir num-

T iiotjjpr, ll is poBnihlp th a t Ihelr nupport*rueci's* jne U»u. JiooutX*}'' H anford MacNldor,"''•■‘■‘'nil lute Hrsinn c o m in a n d ^ r . '^ a r - s c f tr f lbroiid- ,,„r. Mr. CooIIiIrp I t the f lra l proai-

I.JiTl-jJ- t» n li*!rtrftir" t i . ' th i ' *■ 1- - - ___ -, —__ ■GootKw ' ____

=HRMiBfiULE 1 IS ONJOPKpi-oplo y ___, , 1 ^ t . ' r . U f J

I.tno from Ite&a ta K U n M lh KalU nad H onthm i P a rlf le Op-

, pn > T » 4 ^ u iK ^ ir j h o c ------------------

Soon ivoUTU-tND. Or*.. t>ct: & ~ 0 no o tllip I’icseM rallrtktd iM lllaa o t tha

m unier »r> t *^an. t>rinj; rougbl h e r* ; today r. In a lt l>etween ihree of 4ba K raal n d lroad :lie no*! ny/'iom* o f )ha .CMOtfT..' ' . ioiosii.t. t.a 'r je n i witb 'h t ta f cM «o' w ara

Uie n«bler* a n d -J tc A l'f tm ta g jr aad aln ru r- arKum<»«at*oi> -w ara- l h a t r Mery of Yet tba caae had a l l - U M '.w lo t in to e arre .1 of m nroatt T t « ^ 'e y Amp 70 when nwd* w o u ld 4 e > « « y b g !W g g r eooDec- during th e ■ M B a n U v

t o n M d blocfc' O w g ;w i^ E ! 5 » .a > ^ I. allaa Tba ^alaha -o(,-.tM ( . J jW W B iiM fc tn from ha re f t

: a tim e OrvsoB. .Tba 0 r < S »^ Cffttn - A - i n b a U la iX - O C i ^ i t ^ E l l S H I ^ H»cal po- asd

Page 2: Ar.T^ liili - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES...T W I " "liili-----lOWPA INPOLIT _____^ A m e ric an F e d e ra

■ _________ ______.

m mPhone Sodoty to 82 — After

--------- --------I'nItiaK P a r t) —A ninsl nnltiiif nml

blKbly ctilurtnltilnK imriy won kIvcii Ii>Mr. Aild Mm. M ltdu-ll W. Hiiiit .Snlur- dfty ovvnlDK com nicninrutlne ilii lr . w oolrn uiinlvDrntiry. T h rroomn w ere t>iiiljDnk<-cl w llli tldwiTH.

' P lnocblo furnlMli.'d, ili.i ................. ....Ib« ovenlDK for the Jlv>- iiililirH o rjiliiy . er*. Tbo inllleii w ore bimd liitiilc, il--- •Icn s bdnK clovcrly ■•iiilirolUiTrd In , 'j-jw ool, to currvHpond wlOi (I......... .. for

' co lor Hcbimu of nlxk and wIiKr.^ M tho K am ca:\tni. Ralpli Mobhct won tfiu i„.in iBdloi' favor for IiIkIi Bcoro iind .Mm. iioni C harleii Caaoy iho coniolatlon. ihii fn- for v o r fo r hiKb ncoro for Jlio nii'ii IxIhk |<nii c ap tu rcd by -Mr, Cbarlu" Cancy. mul (|(,n,

' -low by ^Ir. K irk Uooil. A dvIlcioiiN h|>iii •banauot supper a l tlirec‘ lari:<t taiitck {.•[„„ w aa aorvcd. tbu flo ral dcoonitlonii. i1ii> Tiiet favo ra aod tbo n u t cupji curry io i; out 1)<hI tb e color nchcmo. Tho nu t cupx wcro ,|rnii A niiuneaiod w ith pink and wliltv wo«l fuUr

. . frinee . P ink taperii lU btw l rac li cov. con« n r and fum lxhod tbo illum ination for !•„, tb o repajit. Kacb Kiiwit rocc'lvwl ii ,i,.„ am all w oolen doll to r favor. A firr ibP ,,nr.' ■upper OR bou r of. danelnK wan c-n- . l joyed 'Id ,th)> ont<>n»lninvni bull uf tbii Iiocd apartm cnin . i,,.,,

Sa tu rd ay ovcnInK th o T rl-C club. compoaed Qf a nunibor o f p rotnlncnt , , a u b ^ e b a of Tw in h'allH, bold nn lul- tla tio a m eetlns a t tho bomotj of Mliiii AllMD D oolb and ■ MIkh .MarJArin

. W oods. Tho*c Inltlfttid woro MlKm-ii "7 * Iro no H tm it. I la t»cnrln. I'OKKy Wiill.M ary V lrjln la H art. Edlib Sklllm an, 'I ' Ilobyn r in c h , AJl<»-Tny}«r«rMl Mnrinn L '" ' B ra llaford. PolloVInK tho Initlnljon

........ csrom oD lci and atuntn a m idnight nup* ,po r w u Hcrvctl a t (ho bomo o f .Mlirn P a lr lc U Wllnon. Cov.-ni w cro Inld for flfto«n a t ono larK« imd ono <imaH Wblff. liach labl.. WlU. ci-nU.rM wiili bow ls o f f ru i t and flownrH. ChnrmlnK '* 2,?, Cblncae flcurea In Iho '<orm nf jihico co rda m arked ibo covrrH. Ij.'JJjJj.

• M rt. Fre<J T . DuboU nnd .Mr#. CbarlcB U art wcro tbo KUOHtB of .Mrs.R . IL Spnfford n i.lun rhoon Sntiirdn ,. f .T ” Mra. S tafford and Mm. Duboln nro ul<l C frlenda, bolh bavInK bi-on roHUIonm of N orrlaon . Illlnola. ^

KIMBElYNEWS if• - ' CO)Il'•• 1x0 niMr. ' and Mm. H enry K riiBor And '"'^*'‘1

'd a u x tb o r Elalo, M r.and M m.O iloKru*.v o r and 'dauK b to r Ruby and Mr. nnd clrln

• ' ' ATra: H onry Mlchaolln a n d 'n o n Ilnlpli ■. v e r o Suaday dinnor kuohI* of Mr. and

M rar. D arld Koonlff o f H annrn, ibo occasion beloit tbe blrtltday onnlvor- “ ‘‘o' M ryo fM ni.K oen lB . D inner wn« norv. I • d a t one iv'clock and BnrvoiJ cafo tcrla “ •ty lo . Boaldca tbo K im berly Ruonin th e re w ere preeont from H anaen .Mr.

' a n d .V ri.Davt(t Vftnderpoot, th o .Mliiiiea ' E la le and H elen Scbrupp, Mrn. Sblmp* now

k « and j r a c IJmery. '■r ro m .M urtauch , Ibcro-wort* Mr. nnd ~ ' 'f ' M n . Oco Fiscbor nnd d a u K b t^ L o in and Mr. nnd Mm. JeffcTBoVstiUKoon 5"®," a n d fam ily. • From Cden the ro wcro M r. and- Mrs. Oiicar Hadloclc nnd d a u fh ie ra , Llla. May and li:ilcn and Mra. F l l and non from Twflti Faltn.

Mr. hnd Mm. U D. M orr.ll nrrlvod Sunday from Provo, U lah. lo vlnlt w llh „„irii re la tlvea bero fo r n eoiiplo of wookn. *n,„ii M r. and Mm. M orrill aro woll Known h e re , havlnit llvo<l horo Bovoral yearn before m oving to Utah.

Mrs. J . U Shepard cn tcrta lnpd tbo rhimi m em bom of ibn K lpiberly U ridsn club

' and a faw p ib e r Kuonin on T hum day-------Afternoon^— T h.*-«H tb-j»rU «-for-bi(u* Tjfrrt-

aco rc wim »von by .Mm. O lonn Whltno>M d tho^cuont ^nrUc l.y M n. H 1-

hoctCM' ajulntod by. Minx .Mll'drod " y m Y elton. nerved a mont dellcloun th ree . coum e luneboon. p m n o pri-Jionl w ere I th e .Mendnmen. A. J . Wllnon. R. 0 . WlJaon, W. A. 1- .Slowr, G lonn W bll-

, ney. 0 . U lh)**. 11. i:. I’j t t e m , H . L.W eal. n . H. Di nion und Jnm ui N yeard oCX Im berly. Mrn. 1’. J . Faboy o f Mur-

— -tM ish a n d .Mm. Tuin M ]ora o f Salt lA k e City.

T b o Youne Motbom' club meetlntc w u , poitpone<l iiiiUi 'Ncivombor Clb 08 account o f no many of tbo tnembem belDC too buay to att.-nd.

T w o (Iru alariUH tliln . woelc bavo rottaed the communliy. AVo(lno*da>- w o m ln g .a i i w waa dlncoviTcd.ia Ibe

■ baaem ont of NoJile'B jitton-. Tho cauao w aa a d tfeetlvtf-Jlue nnd tbe fire

“BMEB m i r -

PBOi SllFE I--------- T a l « - w i t h a u t F e a r a s - I o l d _ _ S

---------------- i n - i S a y e i ^ a c k a g c -------- ^

^ W

Does not affect!/ the Heart "

tTBleM .yoa tbo -B ayer CTo»»"_ _ « t t J»a£k***—n f -o a _ ta b Ia U -y o u - a r c ------

n o t ' fvU iac the cenulne n a y e r A»> p l i ^ proved aafe by rallllona and p rM o lb e d by phytfetan* over r i 7 «ara (or

Coti* lUtaaehifN ra r ltla J .um bU o

■ .T ootbacbe Hheum atlnm N e o r a l f u r a in . Pain

' X tc b a ab ro k ea "n ay c r^ packace eo o ta lac- p to ro o d lr«ello t» . Handy

• t o M o r 12 U b ir ta cM t few «*ata. S r v ts l a U a lao aell bo tira o f 34 and

. . 3 M . _ 1

S K I:icr C P. M. Phone 78-^


.Tblii nfiornoon n flo r nrlinnl Iryonl;. or th« srlniul jiluy, whfi'h 1« to Im lUKorl i.<iiiM--tliuo lit .VovMiilii r, ur' lolni! Klvcn by .MIkh Kniiiiii. Thono iitu- lonio u lio nro In to ro n t.il‘nlKnoil . up o r Iho iryouin thlH-morninK. Mlmi Cnupi). wlio ill Ih r honil of Ih f KiiiOl!!;'. lopartm riil and w bo In iho iiiil>ll<; pi-uklni: irn rliiT . In t» cniioh Ibo |>lay.■'Iniit tr)iiH(B w»( b.' h.'lil nf (rW or 'uondny utlornnon In ibu niidlinrlutr- loHliI.-H the rnn.lldulo’B nbllliy, for ranmllc" I 'lirk , hl« i:rudon nnd fnllh- ullnoHn and effort will bo liik .ii Inio pnHldoraili[n. ' 't'nnnllHfnclory n 'po rln nro bolnrnont hln worli. T Iioko uro to nnlify •ih<t nront lui koI/ n« tJi<- Htciilojif o f poor 'o rk of tho i.iiiduni und will kIvo him ft’o w.'okn to liuiimvo In-foro Krud.’X re Klvon.Tho Plillnnhltnn n ifl Tburiuliiy noon

I III.- p n r k . ' Tho olccllim of ofricorn -----i r thi> ycnr wn« beld. ibc ri'nultn o t j— lilch nro^ pronldonl.-liiilh l)nrlln{;; ! Ic.'-pr.'Blili'nt, Mvolyt^ IlolHlor; nocre- iry . A ku.'A I ln r v o y n m p tronBiirer. — lliab .'th McCliiln. Tbu club docUlod Tl > hold lln r c n i ln r mtoilnKii on the Imld ml nn.l tb ir .l TIiurNdiiyir .if .-nob Junl lontb. Tlienc mooil'iiEB will bo hold :;:3Q I Ih .t 'p n rk iu< lonu ns thu wvnlhcr Ldn: < fiivorabl.', A cnblnul m.s'tInK w’ni. will ;lir><litl.>.l for ln.lny .liirInK III.- Iiineli occa nnr n t which tbo w nrk uf Mi.- oomlni:Kcnl y.Mir wnn'p lnniicd mid orKunlz.-d. }.>, fioni 2(1 R(rlB w ore pn-nunl. YorlTh.? Olrln n.-Borvc.club, wbloh con- ,j BIB of on ly fri-«liinan Klrln, moi hiirndny nflor He;hool In tbo tilch :honl nudllorliinii' Tlibi bolni; tho lr - ri-t moellnt; nioim w oro tuk .'n In or- inlziitlon by iho faculfy ndvlnonrr |H» .Mnrjory Sm ltb nnd MIhh Hoton Inlor. Tliff* followinK offlcorfl wc-ro t-ctod to hold offlco for ihn nchool ' -nr: pronld.vnt, K aihornn .U rno.l,CO proBliloni, Holi-n T nylor: nocro- J; ry, Klonnnr I lym u nnd tronsuror nrrlo l Dimlnp, T bo Girl ltr.-Hi-r,vo Mlo won Klvon 10 tb« Klrln to nicmnr- e nn It will bo uned lln nil coromnnlnl \ eellnKii. ,c» ,Noxt Thum day thn niiip TrInnKle ,, rlB w in hold u fnrninJ Inlllftllon ni-r- ' CO fo r lliolr frunhmim nnd nopbomorc , , rlH w ho aro new monibi-rn In tho ‘'*“1 irioua hiRh nchnol Y. W. C. A. orKuni- .tlonr. Tho OIrl Henorvo cliib iind tum i :iilophllon Klrln will ntt.-nd tbiH meol- 'T K In a body nloub w ith Uluo TrlnnKlc morl embern. m enTho HUb-Y meC T hurndny ovonInK vrtig 7:30 In Ihn pn-cfp ior'n nftlcA. Two

>w mombom wero volod In; Ibey e I.yon« Sm llh dn.l nii>-moiid Tuck.-r, tie niombom conducted ii 'vory Intor- “ 'JJJ llni; dIrcuHBlon of nehool nplrlt, dll " e memborK pftrllolpuHni;, A flcr tho Ibo iHlnonn inooUnK ibo boyn rollrod to atruc 0 KymnnBluin whoro th .y pinyod nour inkei ball for un honr. Tho proKrnm I'lioe ' tho noxt inooiimK will bi- In ohurit'o -• M’n liu r SlauKbtor.

ilckly .•xilln^ulnh.-d wiib only n pumi nail nmount of .liiniaKi'. T liurnday valui nmlnK a flro broho onl In tho bnno- ber i onl of the Chrlotinn oliurob. Thin — — an alno cuuno.l Iiy u .lot.'ct In lhe nnd < ilmney and wnu pul ntii ijulckly..wnh envoi 'actlcnlly no ilnmiiKo. U-n.liTho .Iji.lk-n' I’liiiio.T oluli will mool iho < rct-Thnrnrt.iy, c3ernr)rF~Slli—51— Iho — JTr }me of .Mm, /V. J. Wlln.in. wiih llio a 11 e«da tn e« - \V r-A rC » tn v r-:tr i> ,ijlo wo 1 B t~a

O R P H E U M - F r i d a y 1


I i

lU -«enrJ SealH > o w _ o p _ » i l ^ : ^ Bal E rrn ln c ot ( te Hho.


- - ^ 5 ^ 1 C A ,\T S C C 5 P VJ? & MW, o s AW 0/5Di.\A;P

■iJS^TyrE M *T T R J3S -O H k VjhAT a NI^MT

ViTnTMt ■eavss 1 ^ ) a vn L ■ •'

^ l ? 5ON*TTlEiie \ ^

< H0U55,NN\lCMV<aS \ J \

— :---------RECSNTVTDamaged


' . i

Crosses; Mark T


A* a- wamlntr to au io lili and pedtitria croiincH on It* nir«-vtt to mark the ipol*

• auw occiaonla. Heruconi H orry Bmllh.U ahow n^iplalnlng Iho <

I A N N O U N C E M E N T S j T

Tlio T w ontlolh C .m lury club wlH Imld-Ita flrn t roKulnr me.^tlnK n l tho | lunlnm oro Inn tom orrow ufl.irnnon al S:30 o’clock. An n.hlronH by .Mlnni k:dna.L. HwIkoI. id a h o vlidtlnK toiiuher,; win b.« tbo prliiclpul f.-aluro fur Ihu ticcuKlon.

KvntiKollst llnlph H, Hullnrd of Now k'ork C ity hnd 11 nplondl.l nltondnnce ] It llll) Sulvnilon Arm y I14II Iunl niKht.!IIn nubji-cl f.ir innlKliL will bc "'riio IiifUlol." Sorvlco will bo n l 8 o’cloijt.

Thero w ill bo tt nio.-llnK of tho Prim - ■OHO It.^K'knh IoiIko nt tbu Odd K.-I-, 1 own hnll Tuonday ovonliiK, Oclnb.-r ,!. Thoro. will bo Inlllatlon. All nivin- i.irB nro n-iiuoiitod tn bo pron.int, Vln-! tInK inoiiilierii o f tho order nn . wol-

W a y t o J u d g e A jg eA niovlns plcluro mim di-Ilgbta to *

cll of u prOpoHul th a l buppenud wbllo lu wiia UlrecllnB ono of h l i la tes t plc-’ urei. I t aeemn tliut a young w riter , md lold Ills buiirt u t thu feul o f tbe tfad lis wbnian nud bad been coldly um cd down.

•‘X’iThapa lf» boat, n ftc r oil." h e ro- narked, ucldly. "A fter a ll, a m an of wenty-tlvo would aoon lire of a wotnim vlio hovem oround ihtny-tw o.’*

■‘But I'u i not thjiC old," gnaped O io . poiann. ••WhBtcver led you to bellOTOhn t r m th m y - tw T jr '.....................................

“ Well, purhnpa you'ro not." adm ltU d bo young mnn, "but U certainly truck mo tha t you m u it bo sotuowliere our tho frcetlng polnL”—Los Angelea .’IlflCf.

F6 II SAU::—Cblld’H nnd mirine*' lUmpH nnd-oxfordn . nlten R* to S, a lues-to J3.C0, cIoalUK fo r U .‘J5. Dar- * r Shoo Co.—adv.

nd Ot'orKO TbompHon ni.nlHtnni honi- < iB OB. Mrn. W .M. Vnn Houton Ib the ea.ter a n d tbo BUbJocl In" A S tudy ofho ConBtttutlon,’;___________ 1_______ .-JTMl. W.“ Il. Rliob'co wnn hoiil.-iiB to

nf ln l1m iii-^ '-l“i '‘' “ - t ' a iu n c b e o n T hum day aflornoon.

y . E v e n i n g , Q c l . 9

i ’i i i ' ib c n H a .w a j i 'I p o t i p e 1- .

- _ A ^ U a W h ir i i | [ i id i . .

< s m n F!iuiA»t K j e g H — ^ 4bU0CCHCCKT

1 ^ .0 0 , P l u s T iuenalronT nea l i 'nf SOc; . _

iihoiT 7is a __________ __ . _r S tK V A T IU S s 'E lK L Y

s j l ^ K \ ' I [ G {U A ^• / (SUNN NEVD5 \

/ TnOOCKTTO -) A SOUL ^ { L E N O A tC H E R ? ^ALWA'

I ' _ J

IF Mc S i r 1rf, F ' t ' ^ JA.

, 1

' . T W I N F A i x s D A I L Y T i l

T x ^ f f i c D e a t S s " , -------------

triani, Indianapolis la painting white Mla whvre people have t>een killed In llh d f the accident prevention bureou Iio c ro s r to acboorchlldren.

----------------------------- — ^

,j • ■ ■ O a j B S B G W W f '

, Idnlio’H Plni-nt TUpbIfo ; TODAY AND TOMOBBOW

HERB AT LAST, THE PA.• 'MOnS COMEDIANS ,W eber:.•! win, I goU-three

kiDffS.Fields: Dot's no good; I got two quoens.

Weber: Dot’s righ t; two quoons beat threo kings any time.

' (>n-ftl .Serooii A tlrnrtlun '

A M a s t e r p i e c e

An ndapiatlon o f ' a BrtlltaQ t I tn iadnay nucceHn. fe ila r la tr- tbe HloKK'n In o mont l .n a b ie M d pop* u lur pononallU en.

- A L 8 0 - W alter Hier« OomedT

T E N D E R F £ E T ” .Latest Now* Weekly.

Added Attmctioa Hoaday l« g h f ■ •

T a t S a n i l e r i ’ "; ' C o t m t r y S t o r e

L'una) Conniry R tere M r e i t ISc and 30c___________

Coming—The Onsate*'t Show of Itfl .Kind b America

________ T h e Silver ]! T E R ( ^ y IW O N O e B H O w ' :NANONCrr v / t u s E X P E O O i IX U P Y S T - / T D S leC P W H E NA >‘‘«<S0NN5»

r i M E S

MWn e v e r

l e a v e i

» M T » r t B ^ » A L E 8 a

■ J o e - k S a y « :

, . I t iisiid to lie that poliCicH A a n d moonnhiuc. Eh, whalT



— O n thfe W ay!

—Bringing everything' to make'

._ jU p g h « j:a lo ro LThtllljLaaS J t f w t

pense that, will send an icy fio,

spise—C h i£ m ^ Jammed fall '..

that makes life wortb living I

------- ---------------

r L ining '

I kurrS S wHce^>^nrBV5^


H I ' ' ‘


r B y l r i‘ c a u s e i t i s a b s o l u t e !

e r f a i l s — h a s m b r e t h a n

e n i n g s t r e n g t h — i s a i vmum' B B W O R t D ' S O l i E A

W t N C P O M

t « V , T I M E S T H O S E O y A N T O t

CH HtrnliBi! iii^iI-ri'lli.WH, iAil. m iv


ApZft JU 2 Bl

[a p o l d



k o y o a h ^ y l 1------- ^ ^ ---------------

ar t Uir.b.1 By,.

finger np yoor E''»»lii8:

“ " 2 . 3 = 3 0 7

T ~ ■ ~r th n B fit fn r I to H i ta .f l i iM ^ i n W a ^

. ->

'O K tT A iO U G \ f - p j ^ M R S . a O H N \ FtCe-V(WHE JUSTOROtR£DA I«rso<joio<iy u j t o f s c o c e e i e s > wovaveME ANDMwrwrmooT OASKvrncce ( ^ sulttns mb- Hi56MOtONQ > H C M D o I H E V .^WHAT Ukk^^

D A Y . O C T O B E R 5 , 1925.

S t: e l y p u r e —

a n o r d i n a r y

I w a y s s u r e .



- — ^ -.......

iiiiwnda.VH il iH p r o h ib i t io n _

" . . ADMIS8 IO S1.MnUnpi-............ ...lOc and 20oKTenlnit..:....'........ 10c nnd 80e - —

llnfin . 2, 3 iso, 7 and 9

3 W

‘Step'llgiltl*’A FastComedy

i B ig B oehi o f F t m w i th L I Q E C O N L E Y

l E A L B E E T . N E W S [.A T E N E W S W E E K L Y

V- ^

— H ere

WednesdayD M I S 8 I 0 N 8 —---------- --------- W o - a a d . '4 0 , , - . . ________................ .........2 6 c a o d BOo

ihows at 7 and 9 P. M.

------- -------------------------------- d 4

^ -------------

— ^ B y ' f T a y l c r

) ( LO O K '<CJO ST. \. \ > T ooN o HIS a a « £ f ,* y ANOTHERff'S j r ' S ONLH TVJO U r

Page 3: Ar.T^ liili - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES...T W I " "liili-----lOWPA INPOLIT _____^ A m e ric an F e d e ra

' ' '• "


RUGK HARRISDY jn c N u y .,! . iP A iln iiL u

NKW YOUK, OCI. C -A flo r IJiicky lln rrlit hnil Biir|irl«cil llio .liunv'”*!* w orld |a s i }i^nr tiy wlnnliiK ■> })riiiiiiiiC and A WorWn iiotlrs. In IiIk tlriil yi'Jir as a mannKfr, no(in> ahw rvvn i bJi«

' . w ere no l HWaycil l>y Hi'nllnu'ni nul<l Hint Iliu younK Icitilcr of llic Wiuiliinp*

■(/ (on Senators won w ith ilio nJ<I or liicti am i tliQ Gouniifll of Ularko lifK dO i. tlx' ow ner o t tlic cliili.

In llio cIonlii».‘ (Itiyn or llie; |>i-niiiini raoo, wlipu llm 'SpnulorH von* wli1|i-

Into IiIkIi t*i'0« l 10 bout out tlic Now York Yankecn. G riffllli oreiii>U<l a box ncnr llio \VnHhliii;ion diinoiii iiiiil

. ' I t wnn tliouiilil tliat he waii Imvlnr; ati nnbtflclal nont w ltli the board of utrat-th'y- * ‘ ■

.‘‘HarriH illd Im w Aomo lu rk l:ml yonr. cfiimiuloti team Imrt l»Imvo (lomo incK. I lu t liiirhy { (nrrb hm tbc loaiii Iho wiiy h r waiiiod it n in and GrlffKli^dniii’l have a wonl lo ray alioiit It," n-velcraii officlBl., who bnn bu^n In octlvo cuntiict wllh tbc iiluyi'ni lo r ycofn, »aid rccrjjiJy:

‘.‘H arrbi la onn <tf Ibo im iartriit uml Knniciit \imuaKrrH I buvo hvoii in u cn-r if tr or tw enty y rn rn ." 'l io ..................I.“ I 'know , Irccniisu I tmpiionuil lo h(ftr | iKTvcral.conlrovcrxIcn, (hut lln rrln la i arid ha» been UA manaiEC^ of tho club 4

on BuviijU InFcnnloni.. ho did not ' iiHvo wordn Ifi^illlnK <Qr}rnih tlia l ho { Wlil tho boBii and th a t bla word w.’(i <

. t i l t laal vrord.^.Thc iilav ”"®."H know 1 HarcAt U ln a .r /o t c l 'l i iu iu / f . IZie ..

team and ovcr}oiu] knowa U.iiliio wbu lifrtn a place wj(cre l»o /:an iiciv mu^ i

'* '] hoctr whiit hapDviin on (fiO bench. i "IL n-un 'A lUtIo Incldunt In which ;

llflrrjH anacrtod hinini'ir J u t aeajioii ^ th a t mado a-io-viu manaKor o'( him nnd a-ftroat loahi of tho Scnntbm .' I t wan nlone In mid-iipiumn and -WRahlnKton ( wail Jual n aocond dlvlnion ball clnt>.- j

/ ^ h e - tcnm wiui' pnJoylnK u wlnnlni; 1 N «£rcnk o f /o u r o r «ivo ffdniea—which

wft» B o o ^ f n r W uihlnclon—w hn. GOiOae Ooalln nnd “Spark I’Iiik" ^Inl- 1 tlicwo so t Inlo a fiRht on tho bench.


■ . . . A T T H E . . .. THEAT mSL- i

'-1Vfc«KR'XM» V IK L D s 's n m B <1 • • , 0 > SC'UKKN A I -Oia'IIK l'M tl

I t ynu w ant lo taUKh. If you }|] w an t fo hnvo vfWrfly rocnlJcrf la mind tho cxclllnK. a ilr rin e . cvcntx or 11)17. ir yon find n 'p in co in your

_______„-hei\rt_Jpr_hiim»nnoaii nnd tho lovo ijth a t iH dovollon ln lUi blKli^'Ht aoiiiio cltbcn by no moanil mlua ''t'rln iid ly fiKncmlcH.V Ibo U foreo Molford which i>Ib tho foalurn tb la wetik a l tb o -O r- wpKoiiin theatre . ‘ ' lc

------- F n n gAI.I.%-nnv«- «cht»n1 nlm cB ^nl- -________ u r» lo t3.G0. cloMlng n t jl.gS . lla rlior _

#A aatlafled custom er » ■& u a e t - l>

101 an »avo rtl« tn t metiluiB. S

' A L i

T he f irs t tw o days of

_________ _ ------------

I w t e l a d m & d i h a t i f

t h e m u p t o _ B h o . w a ) a i

m | ^ a t t h e ; A ^ B R I C

T l *-y o

I f t ^ t h

• i B i *


OFTME^^World Series 1

Play; T liu T w in V 'nlis O aily T in ii '

{icrii-.H by iii(!Kn|iti<>iic fn n n Wio Ti H |ici'ial l«‘-asi‘il w iiv lia s I 'c ru cx tc Iiiil-k n n d tin : I 'ic ( il 'fii iin r Kimi

ll ' " 'i l l Kcut ( J frw r {» l!i<!^ jr ivc ii In ,till- fmiH itm iv d i r w l th. ' . l i f i«. to lis ti 'i i 1(>. l ln r t<

' iiy tin* licht Iiporl w i-ilors on r i- a l l i - i iry K iirri-)!, HjicrlH e d i to r

t in ' w o rk (if t'oviTinK tlu- w n rld li W n s h in ^ i n K tjirtlntf W fd iy .sd n y It n e e d n n y iii lro iliiu l io ii tn Kporl ] “■ wm-Ul si'ricH hc lia s coviTC'd f o r I

w ill lin n d ic i>lny f>y I 'fny ifcK'-rifi .. F r a n k U e lty , w linsi‘- i r p n t iii ' w ri to 'r iilsu r \U 'iu l s l iu f k - lh r o u i

Jiiiv iM i ( lu ily H|>(;('inl K lory on- 1 t h r v>r " lii

'' w ill. KO tn in a lu ' i i i i 't lu ’ 'I 'n i l i - d ", ll, w ill III’ i-mdlLMl llial. ( i r l l<l Inst d .-ffnl. n r th e (liinilN ’ lutU ll wjIs h a i l i 'd -b y Nport ’w rili 'r.s a.s '* ’ llu! linKi'lmll y r a r .

]'’nim w h o fo llo w ihosi; Uvo ,i til l ' liij; M'l-irH. K ium -sjlio Minv;.;il » iiiiiiis o f T lio -T k i’ncH.'‘ - i • 1 n • " ■ I;

• W atching the ,I S c i ^ b o a r d • ; j

I. YrJiH'rd.iy'H Iic ro - 'l la r ry Hclliimnn.r D etroit niitrioldvr, Kol nix Ulli* In nlii<’a ilinn i ui* nnd took ihv American leu* ,t> 4;iic-b.it(lnk' chaniidonHhlp nway fromI T fln Speaker. Tbo TlKora Inndvd s0 fourth ptncc by lakhiK a doubli; hofd- P <T from the Urownii u l 10 I linn

t l 10 C. •s - .................... - r r - r r __________................... In a ll old fnaliloni'd uliiKKln* matcb

1 thv W hllo Sox fli>iIi»od ihc Indlann 10 lo S. MoBin iilfilo II bifU’ ami won Ibc

’ AmerhTiin cbninplonnhlp with 13 iilol. j vn

" T hc VIrntcn illvldi'd a doiililo hrn 'i- .' c r w ith tbo Itrdn 4 lo 3 nnd 10 to i.

S c lin l tr s e rro r ajiolli^d n nbnioni fo r , Doiiobuu In tbo sccond canio.

‘ The Cnrda knocked fho Cuba down ' Into th e co llar by bcnIinR thorn 7 lo C.

IDAIIO MKXR'.V>‘ IS l l l ' . I ^ 'rO K X K U K ^'U I S O IU M O y

ICUGENE. O re , Oct. 5 - J o o A rlllo, ftUaa Mlko C arla. M oxkan constnic-

w here hn la w anlcd for alleKcd mur- . d r r . A rlllo would aa>‘ nolllInK' iilioiil - thu caiMf cxcept Ihnl hu won In iw c n i. ^

I SI,\IIY l'IC K F (H tu '«K T S O^K ' .1flLM«.V HOKTH 0»’ V U flV E ltrV > I , ______ t

1X)S A N aK U iS. Cnl., Oct. 5 . - i ' Uouutan Kiilrbunkii him IhHUi-d <(iiil < ' c laim ilcoda 'to hiti'W lfp, Mar>' I'ick* < ’ fo rd mill h(-r m other, Mrn. ('Im rlutio j

1‘lckford. *#or rommuiilty proporU ' , w orth o n t m illion dullam , ll wan learned lodny.

: ----Mtdmak-Btn-lm-Sludy----J■ — nVe«nt— payoUoloitle*!— f a t a haTc- j

shewn-Ibot'COUI'SO i iu d e a u Ocrxiialr j best w ^rk In (ho nildillo of tlio woek.— < Sclcnco Servlcc. ,

I—5— I

o f ou r Q U I T T I N G B U S I l

T r u t hi f I t o l d t h e E X A C T T R U

l a r g e r m a r k d o w n , t h a t I i

C C A N P E O P L E l i k e t o b e

o u . Q A N ' T ' f o o l A N O :

t h a n d w an t to save ACT1


r at the Timesinii'H UH iTMiiif w iJI Kjvo llll- woi'M

T im ca .w ii'ilo w , ( ilay h y p la y . (>ni‘ ;x tc n d u d \ l ' / tW I ’ittn lm i-ph hasidm ll 'u n u ' w ith .V ^ i'h o f Ih c Mn-cci-diiii; l!i<!, TiincfJ 'hjjiI nudu- w ill heth iu r n n y oi.l»-r Hcrvioi-. 'Iltc- | miIi-

r D 'p 'iftH Jiiid ’ th u n r e n d lUc s to ry ro c o rd .i to r o f tlio I 'n i tP d J’fciw 'M -ill d in - d r id snricK kumicm « l P i tts l in rK h m ut d n y . NoiVlH'r K n rri’l n o r IiIk w o rk rl piiK's ri'H iiorx. Thi-s is th o si.Nlli l .r Ih o l^ i i lo d IV css c lien l« . F i im - ll •rififio il o f wioft ffiimi’. in ta l io n 'uh a K im rltliiitf fcutAiri^ routrli. iH-tivioiis ^vorld-' ».■^^uril■K -will II' 111)!.s i’rii'H n tid , w iil o tilriliiil i* to • • h u lM a lk " n n d ••H idolichit*,” Ih n l I'd P re s s rc '|i(irt .-l i r l t y ’s .s lo ry on .W nlti-r .l« lm s o n ‘«I p jirk ili ir iin r ilic s e r ie s In s t y e n r. a.s otil! o f th e w ritill^ ; eln.s-sie.s n f

wo ni'-ii .w il l Kel •nil tin ; n e w s of ;;,^ilLiy i t h ii |i |ic n K 'l l in i i in h lliir col-

- ■ ( 1 3 ) S I A \ S '*n ' Whi«n a stm nffrr prhmiies io h t ^ on Bomeihlni: It la tlmo to

- Ilo who latijtbn l«nt lau^ha tcaat nnA ho wlio LiucbK Ural uauaUy haa

- - ft itct of Rpld teeth. ............J

If you want, iwojilo ,«o ktowI a t ''you mn1(o a ijono o t your lilad.

Slnco oy;*tcra w njc nlno jnJl« •Ilon jilccoi of ibeU- have (>ctn mla*

’ lokcn for iioarhi. • ^

. ' You cnn ^avo a eood tlmo b«intt- ’foollah If-you nel aenelbly about It.

Talk \ i cheap unless you arc dolnff !>• . tho 'talld .njjr'

Dnd lock ia utually cunaed for ^< l >y 'Juek while sood luck Is usually

iu k e n for emntciJ. r '0, ■ (CopyrlBht, m s . SEA Servico, Ine.)c- .......... ..Id ___________lO, ' ' • ' ‘r* Father o f M ail Service

U alU cuachca woru Introduced Into BngluDd ln -« iu y c n r 1784 by onu John ■I'uliiier of Uullu T h is worthy Rcnilu-

l’ m nn sufTcrtd wucJi Inconvonleuco from thu malt U-uvlnic Ijsndon on Mondny

- nnd no t rciiclJInt IJuth un lll Wudtie#.II day. l lo truviilcd th e country odvo* <• cullnn reform , und wuu.nui down n« n ■" boro. Mut U>i> nyatcm of flylntf malla ^ bo wus nblo-lB .iW B um (o inKod uoul

thu,dnya of railways. S till, It wna not Diudi b o lte r than tho ayaium of ttom au tnolla.-tia cifloblliihcd In Uic

~ Tlilrcl ccn lu rr . by B'JjJcJrit w-'cnis po*-

If Ilonic. from E nsland Itxthrw i o r four- Onya If rotaya o t Bntloplnit clinrloia

cuuld c o v c r .u thousund w iles n t 14 w iles n a hoer.


e t s a5INESS S A L E has, I feel,

lU T H i n m j p p a g e a d v e r t i

I w o u l d n o t g e t a s l a r g e

t e f o o l e d a n d t h a t w a s w

O L D H O S S J L Y . ^ ’ s e e m i

T U A L C A y U ' o n t h e t i l H

;;r , T>i'U I - • 'v '. - '" . - --ti 'i— - ^

. . T W I N


» SPfING SERIESli'‘ •'Tho ,1’ooJtf 6 f )M i'y Cn-i'k." iimilh- li- IT idory 'frn in 'D ili ' p im o f Ili:nry Ii. ,-v Grablim,, of.-TivIn ' Kulla, sippi-arii In

Mil! (Jtiobor minibflr of OiitOnpr l l i - <-rpaliun,'wp.ldi rooently puhllnhud ii

'I '' iinrnillvo-.by.-iho a'lutlo aa ibn r I'li- 1(1 (Illcd. "A D a ^ 'i i i Ullltnnnly Crei-k." rU Outdoor K ocrw tlon durlnn llui next , 1, finv monU is' .^Tlll rnn unvi-r-nl morn ,1 .o f Criiliain’s, ondloor i;lorlo!j. ami.ns

ilicm hulnic;-'?‘ln I’uriiiilt of tlio l«l;.h» •3»uWjI«. n

re ta lc ; '"I'tiu Bas<: Men." nnii "Mur- JM laili:b I.:iJ(i< lUld Dui'i;:.." All »l’>i , riithi-r loni: nnrnillvi'ii ilcmlljik- with

' hunllni; In i.oulii<.rn lilnho.. Ciili’ifrd ptlol(i;:ra|ih:i an> iini'il uii llluMrutionii for "Thc I'chiIm i.r itll<-y ,‘k Mri'k." Which, l:i n. nlory liriillni:

I,. wllh flKbInK ex[ic'rit-iioi!i In ll!ii;i-r- i- man Valley. Tbc piitiircii. which

Were ink tn by lb.- auihof. r.v .stl ■ till’ l'caii(y 'o f tfic iitn'atiiH Jt((ni<l la

(if thut Idcalliy. • ' ^ ')l- ■ .'(Iritliam Iiha ri'i.'.-iiily I..'i.n inacUi

n incnibor o f .Outdoor Ui'rr<.;iliim'ri___ Wlii-rc-lo-Cri • iitntf. In llilti i-;ii.;ii'iiy

!«’ will /Klvbc IrtIJJ'JillJ..-ni;d olhcrn ' confcrnini;' llic i.ri'tiiiii of liliiliu M lU " wbluh bo is mnrt famlllnr. •. .

L Thli Scptiynlior Inane •of Oiiliiiif,.jilibllnhi'd 111 ColiiinbjlK.'I)., i-i.ulainrci

S n flKhhiK iiUiry by Uraliiim. nilltlcil.' ’•Tbo T n iu t of W uroi tiin lliKa i:re rk .”? ' In the nenr h itn re Untlni: will pub- J llfh Ihe followlnK adilltlonn] iiloricrt I . l>y>Wit> "limo n iithor: •'Afli-«u„Siiw-

(oijW '.nrfnlnc,''‘".'’iiu(ic Itlver f)n7*kti," “? "A abootlnK T rip In ihu U m l T hai

r,i)d l^l^Kot.^ nnd - r r a l l l n i : . T hat Hint Culled, the 1'hcs»i>ul."

,an , Vho Sunday Caiilliil .V.nm of IteilHf, tmcl n valiiah),' lilnlorlail ■■iril-

. r lo by OniliitTTV <ili Tlock (’rn 'li Jliil, a t ' Uiu ’ ccli'briitrd I Indian c b aiac tc r of

tlio Tv.'hi l^'nlla eiiutilry.

■Jl* Couidn’t Be Fooled ■A lex 'h lld douied hlH drni [mir .of

irouaom, lind his'£Tamlinoi)ii-r wna pro­n g .. im d ln i; »hn d id j» t 'k in»w h ln i._____t. “It’a AleXi Brnmluioilior,'’"iiirmt(Iatcir

nirncstly, ,nff , "Oh, no l I f cnn'l bo Alox because

Ales wnam rom pers.- \••lllll It Ja Alex. KmndmoiUir, bo-

" V cnuso I WUB thuooyind saw moUior pi* /l.r in on tuc."

8.) ■ ~ :

i c m t o aVtRTfSBIENTSa,a I Illu- WANTl^O—Appio plekerii; S, K .h •om Neiibltl. 2%1 miles ennt on KlmbiTTj-IiJny Hoad. _________ _____________ "

• WA.S-TlilV-r.ii np'plf. ploKcra n t (*. ' i''®' A. lloblniion aiipU* orclm rd. : niilofi „ “ n. I'njjt; 1'.m ile : (i9^ : . n ( _Wa!iUin(:io:<j|

Qtll ^ '' ' --- *---------- *nn , FOR S A I.i;-T w 'o liolil'. ChrMponkc " ttin rclrlbvcr nnd Irinh ai’itc r. llolh welM^

trninoil. Call nt -46 llh nvi nuc north, p Uic -------------------------------------------------------- ('«•- ;.rWA>Tro-- H*t*rten««l-4KaUma4-tioo Tom 's •Ca tiv **■- • ___________ I

. F O n SAI.H-r(:tUna“ cl0Bl>t. huffei, r rofrlR^'m lor. dhilUK trd.lc nnd Grnfo- f,

H no^n.>^3ll P ou rilrtiiK l. (^ ik b c fo re

p f Fel, ge't a new m ark fq r Volur

rtisem ents i^ W e d n e s d a y , e response as if I boosted tl why B.^yRNyM m ade such

ms to gteat tnw

l i ^ p i

[ N F A T - L S D A I L Y T I M E S '

_ / •

‘ P IR A T E S ’ P IT

g i i g ys ' l l ^lc- ■ '

I ■.... .

L i H w t i- M I M g.cU>

i'ly '«'i 7rt '

I'. "••••

D . glb-I'''* ^

‘ ’ .’i‘-'l l.iisi s i- iti-h in - sn i.a l. i .n i '

•V .lr. II.- Wi.il hi i.-iimi-s ;im l 1, ,1 I "M.-vi-ii h e lli-r ^inil lla^ i.r.-n _liii;.,viy iii.- „i, o u t ill I'l'mil.lli ------------------------------- —

P o ta to and V tge tab le . M arket in Idaho J s

S tronger P ast .W eekci\ ”(^ ^ '> il7 M aiki't llcCU'w of Priiliii r

,aad Vo>;i-taliIii; l.y llic .ni'iwUment •' of AKrlcniliiii'.) Jl

IDAHO l-'Al.I.S. Iilabo, Ocl. n.— '( * Thu wock’H in:irli.-i tcuinrc »»« a ,

ti-iiili'ncy Itl hli;ln-r tirlcm foflnwiiin j— IV downward ircm l iif fully a niDiiili. c .. . l-'or tbc wlii))<- Ilhl of niiihi proOnctn, ,

Svxcupl pciii'bcii tb rro wiui-pritMj Knlnii y In aomo of thu Iradliti; marki'iii, I 'l iA

JIW.-I..I imJ/jloc/H^jmd L-;jl)b;.i;ir>,j mado nbarp m.ni’ral mlvanci'ii. ’riin ,, cim nsc of trirml nmy ,ln- only tin- .

"7 iinllal rebound a tliT ii lon« ili-tip. I t J K -lnccma rnlhi-r i-iirly for a MiiitalMcil „ '^Tininvo upward. Illit ili'innnil h:in Iiitu

Inrtlvo for iiiora^o nnd ei.m>iini|>iioii, f- . ^ LlKht . produc-Unn i-ui-iitiram'ii i-jrly

■ buylm:. Cooli-r w ralliiT Ih «i inarUi't allm ulant. Somo (nill.i and vi'k<'Ih-, i, le« nri' past (li'rlr bi lKhl anil imiiply

pr»«7ijrj,-i J.-i Il;:Jj|. t'djnlnni'd r.hlpmrnl-1 eontlliuc n ra r hl!;h point.. |„

,II bu l potiilocH ami Iiiiplrn Mipi'ly a ,j,, I, Kroat and lncrcar>liiK iihnru of (he )[

u J - Z _ __ I’«fafii_Sliliniu*uU.lliyn>-.______ .mjI Tho Kont-ral m arket Hltllatloii i’n

S ^ ^ t ho . la ri:L-_p0UxUi-i:timtuiiiliiK t t i iL : .^ '*• rr« differed llttlo troni (ho week !>i- a

fore. SIdpmenIa have Knlnod In vol- <i nmo. rapidly. nvur<ii;lnK clono (o loOU hi

4 E 3

J R j k j o ilume o f Goods Sold a t any

1 W ill Ply, and le f t thc A C T U A L P I th e price on th e tickets ar sh a H O W LING SUCCESS

^ t l e i n e n ElW peop le .

....-Yours , y ^S r . . ■ ■

S '


, =;

■ I !! ' ' . < ! ;;iJ t. . . Jj.), ^

^ s SI?V i l l f S x • "

• '-I

p i 1;:•Bh :,

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IL VDI3 ll

r .u 'itn i.in ;; III.- v .hu i-sI-i-- . w;c Kmil,1 lllll Illl'.'.-, 'I'l iiv ..'■•aM.l! 11.' M-.-ms ,•(iii.-.Ii-iiiii.iiliil ill l;i 'e |.iii;: 111- r ir ;i lc - . P<

- , • I;i• ______________________ _______ In

' T ^ L l a i ly . .Ii.l.bln;: .::it.-r. i.f i.in^l .-i

a raii>r<\>f [i {"-r pm *'[c l-on;'>«^.laiiil C rie ii M'MiiitaiiiM. mi ..|,

im .v..I a:-, hliih an J'J.Sr. lo f , , ' y.,rU I'lly, Ami.ni: ollu-r polii-

ri.i'K till- M.iiiii- (in-i-n ^^lIlnlalnH and t ,V.-«- Vork H/>!jn.J W'bllen aro malt. ,

lm: Ibi-lr api.i-aranc- In r lly nnirkt-L ildoliiMiuiii. Ill till, .middli- ui-«l. a . i.llnliN \vc-iil;ne;i!t waa nollccable,

— ilu.UKtK .N'lii'th. Vn llotind WhItcH ,fli il ra rlo t.iS u-ld to $l.U04i 2 In ChlcaKn, f K Mali.i irjValn nminianrti-il (np pric-u I- ot in Texa» clllc!i. TheI. i:--ncral U-vol la r.ce’lo J l atiovc lanl 11 vci.r.W lU-porO from \Vlneon«rn riilimale *^‘lhi' miirld-t aulUxiU J n r the r i iilrnl " part of lliv m ate 11:1 tie- bent In year".'■ A rri.axe waa reiluctd aoinewbat from „ ; tlml of in:’4 but tbo yield an<l <iimllly . ' of the eroj. a ie Koo-l and the iKil^ ‘ .loen ni-arl.v free fioiii dlM asr. Krowlli■ 'erackn nml olber Irmibl.-n, Aceorii- ‘' Iiw; to rcmo Ioral enllmaten 11 yji'l.l cif fn.m l,-i(i, l» UUO biiiibelH In likoTVcL.

•• In Ibe pio.!iiMni: o f Hit-' norlli ren rta l i.ta tia anil In the ' jr.-.-lrn fr.ifllnc »<i"■ inin'Uve clurin;: the ueeli and pricu ‘ ili-oliiie:i v.i-ri- (Jle rule. .N'orthern’ Uonitd Whltei: i-loiiod a t }1.70ii^l.H0

■f. o. !)„ and Maho llu ra ln dropped

(•ohliler movement wiin rcporleil nn nearly over. Marln-lluK wan acllvo a nil at Ibe noain i: f. o, I.,. iHintnttmnH of Sl,fiOJ|.l.no tlu.ro waa beavy local

biiyini: of G reen Mountalnn for s to r- \

" S H i

ly salo ever hold in' Tw in F

PR IC ES on all m erchant and showed a BIG CUT. SS in t h ^ a R C U S BUSIN

^ l ^ P r o p l

i j t i r u ly , • • ____—i 'W .';B R O N A U G a , *

Bloom R eturns from . •Big Schoor M eeting

—soi>--rliiti.nil..ui K. D. Illoom Vi.tiack .......li.ila.v iK.m Ilolne, u h .r i- In- aiVf-iiile.l Ihr llir’ IUli: lit r lly ^Ilprrlnleiiili lltn,

I tri.l .... I S la l- .' lllll l ilil'-mlenl i:il/.U- :I.rih 1I1I.'.IIII1I, aoii w ll.l'.' r,» . ..rh.Kd .. '\ . .-iili>i-:. ................ . lr.»n. n leliiiini: to

|lh . . lil.;r.-....t..ll- 'I'll.- flrM M-v;.l..ll b,‘-.::an i'li'Uiy .A-niii;; and tlu' in .'illni;.iII.11<111<1<.I ail .lay Satii>ilay unlll ev<-- iiini;.

Tallu. IM'V liia.ie ntl ai'. T.''illi:d lliell ■ a i.p .ix i'il Ml.i.1.1 iy|..H. a lb- Il.'ll. M, iHil^i iiv, (iiKii.ii. iiiil/ilriil IK'- I I . m. l l l l i m |li« li.ai\ 1 valiilnalion for lllli.l ii'i-Oi: .'iiillli'a li'.i. text .boolia.

ii. t.Jiil. ami i.liii'i- li.iiii'i.. .‘Uiiii-riliU'ii-’ il.Dl W. li. .-<Mi'i!- I..Id al lumlii'Oli

I Iniial'iiii'.'l II.;' at 1 :i|tiil.nr>:li. Sciilln'adwhli'li 111- .............. . an a ilclecau-.

.\„i,.i::; lUi- !..»ii:. n prn.i-nl.'.l fn .m lliiti M’l'h.tii \MT-' Uulll. Iliiri.-y, ......... Nnnl.-'lly. fCiniM'll. Unuihfi;: iini'lllaiiMli.

ii 'c n lc r- i al l*r.M|iic. Inl.- a.lvanced'i-Ji'r I.......Ill Ihl'. vs.il.. lalUiu; mnro

i'lu>.|y Inu. line I'llli (li<' '' ( h e r M..1H1. in 1 lil'i.i.loi- m'i'Hoiu.. I.liilit in..^i'i:i.'iii III v.i-al- rn V-.rit l.eip-.'il i...ia thLiu a l 'J l . : ! ‘J. I'Jtli';. Ii>% ;.ll;',hlly liliilli'l.

Oiil'ilis yiriii.

l,.-V^'|.i'.^ll.m‘*ol’''tb e PM'Vloiij'i" wecK.» V..1I, Vi lli>v. %alli lli';i at Jii.J.'i '

|.I'I ll.ll |.i.iinU >.ack wen- nlKlbi- ly llll^l;ei' 11,an a week am. and Vr.c

1*11 n Ill.lll. Iliail III tbe name tim e , in in :i . In Mi'nlerii .New V.irk. yel-

• tn .;i ,...I Itl {^J-iiJ:’:. f. o. ll. .Mlil-

Wliile V iiit.iii'i tr.iin California and (II. iiiM.if.' hroiiKUt tl’l' {irU:i':ii;l Jl" .!.:;:.. Th.i u e.inlvalinl 'Of •' I7A ..•IK lit .Spalibih onil.nil arrived in .New l.ii l . elly dnvln;; llin week ’ ami nun.' Johblni: In eininuminK eeniT ly . at ll.iir.iir:: p.-r iTiile. .‘ blplllcnln In.'i. aM'ii 1,110 l a ra maklni; 11, dally ■av.....Kl- of ni-iirly lln", -New York,ManMie1im.ellti and Indiana weru llic luavii'i.t clilppLi:: iilalen wltli 2'.<r ' earn: 111', eara nnO IUS earn roaiicc- llvel.v.

.ip ide !llarl.i-l Flnu.I Till' niark.'t niilliink for applos s I’imiiiiiii'ii i.iirly brlulit. A flrni tnno ,.. ]ii'r\a.li'il' lily m arketa durliiK Ihu

I;i- J iM'i'li of .‘ cpli'ijiber Ihoujib Iriid-Ini; wit.n- 111)1 iieilvu. Northwuutorn -------I"<lia fancy boxed aiiplea ittrenKlll-

I .'Ill'll ril'.;liily al Khl|>plni: iKilntii, Jon-1, aliiaii;. and iloniei. llinntly $l.&0{p, 1,-r., ................1 J1.7&«r2 and . Dullcl-■- ouo i:.:ir.f|r;.Mi («>x. Sfovemenl of "<ai.j>1e« haii heen KalnliiK rapidly, tho >' li.ud tor. (ho M'veij-day* IhiIiik 66U1 '• earn aa eom|iari-il wKh -USB cara tho ,■I jirevloun wcci;:-'—

'*' T b o ’Tlmcji |9 u soaualsd for nem i " In Soutbem Idalio. . . ; • * * "


' HOOSIER FURN.^0. _:l ------ --------------- -------------1 ,t' ----------------------------------- . •

^ m lBuy Better Foxes a t Homo for

Lew MonDy, -—.....................Onr toVoii nra h is producem and

) nrn iiccllmnlod to Idaho. Call a l ,j Iloom . 7. Power n ids.. TwinI R-illn. to r parUoulars. You c aa -— -n rran T :e -(o -n co -« tn J-« l« * -& ix « « .---------a beforo buying.rH —---- - T.n. r«i TVrm«_______ __II Idaho Fur Farms, Iso. ^

i o p

r Falls

mdise, not marking,v- They also'ad'VTseifi-*

I N E ^ . : ; : : i ; | |

T in iE H

Page 4: Ar.T^ liili - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES...T W I " "liili-----lOWPA INPOLIT _____^ A m e ric an F e d e ra

~ T W r j H s ipR blU htd 9 r « 7 B v o a t^ K xcept I

Coop»W . T w in

■Btor*4 ftt Uk* Tw tn P alU Foatoft: PubllcaUoii.

A T w i i i F a l l s c o u n t y j u r }• u r d a y p r o n o u n c i n g a b n o k k e c i ! a n d f r o m t h e e v i d e n c e i t w o n

g o o d . B u t A ve r e a d j u s t . o t f t w m a n w h o d o c t o r e d t h e

w a s a l l o w e d t o j j o w i t h o u t e v . p e c u l i a r t h i n p a n d s t r i k e s in \

t o s t Q k e i n o t h o r p l a c e s . B u t w h o n j u s t i c e i s d e f e a t e d .

' C r a w f o r d JV lo o re o f B o is e . . • i n g b u s i n e s s i n T w i n F ; i J I s ci ■ *“ H e h a s n o w b o u g h t t h e S e c i f r i

- t im e a g o h e p u r c h a s e d a n i a j t F i r s t N a t i o n a l B a n k o f B u h l

m i s s i o n i* t* fu se d t o g r a n t h if ii . b a n k i n t h e w e s t - e n d c i t y , t;

o t h e r - b a r i k t h e r e S a tu r d a . s ^ a n ^ o f t h e C w o w e p i x ' s u i n e a n d ' o o f t h e b e s t I j a n k e i - s i n n j a h o - ;

~ h e g l a d t o w e lC o iiT e h i m i n t o ll ............. t r a c t ••

■c______________ o -

I t i s a p p a r e n t t h a t n o s h c o u l d h a v e a n y s h o w a g a i n s t h a v e t h e s e a i r c n i f t b e c o m e t m o r e s u r e l y t h a n - a n y n a v y lu e h e l l h a s d a r e d r i s k h i s p x is i t i f o u t o u r i n e f f e c t i v e n e s s . H e I w i l l p r o b a b l y b e 'd i s m i s s e d f w i l l n o t b e a n a n s w e r t o h i s a i r c r a f t a r c c r u d e a n d i n e f f i c e v e r y a i r s h i i ) w e h a v e i n t h e . a n s w e r t o c i t e h i m f o r c o n t e n b u t h e h a s o p e n i j d t h e w a y to c r a f t h a s b e c o m e s o t r e m e n d o

— _ b c - c o n s i d e r e d t h e fii-s t_ a i* n i o f P r o g r e s s i s b e i n g m a d e s o i*api< t o f r a n k l y a d m i t w h e n v a p i a n o o n e t h a t m e e t s t h e c h a l l e n g e o: c h c l l c a n s t a r t c o n g r e s s t o a c t c e r n t o w h a t t h e w a r d e p a r t m t


- . ^ .................... ' ( i ^ v ' Calvin,*T h e t i m e h a s c o m e f o r t h i

t i o n ’s e n o r m o u s w a s t i i g o , a l i k e e i t y , a n d f o r U io a n n u a l a p p e

• h u g e loss. - L a m in fo rm e d th; th e lo ss o f ap i)r()x iin a tc ly 15. ex c e e d in g $ 5 '18 ,()()0 ,(}0 () in val

i i n g ;th ev a re y e t m ore .sii.wli’j* d a r e d b y cr)m|i(?t(>nt autliorlLi a n y y e a r o f c)ur h is to rv .

T h i s w a s t e r 'o s i i lb ; f r o m t------------- s e n s e - o f - K h a u u u u u l - h u r x u iU - C u i ;

a n d o u g i i t U l la* j i r o v c iU i- t l . I--------------p T f> n ff tM 4 m n - iJ n x l - i . .f_ -m y p r o f t

t l i c f i i ’s t h a l f o f 192.") cxcM 't’d f i 1021. A s a r i ’.sulL o f c a r e f u l in w h e r e j w t l i e ab .> ;()h jte a s w e l l a t h i s c o u n t i - j ’ U - n d s t o i n c r e a s e . I

. l o s s e s i n c o m p a r a l > l c K u m p e a n * F o r . t h o m o .s t n i c e n t c o i n p a r a l

G r e a t B r iU i in a r e c a l c u l a t e d ’ p e r a n n u m , Avhil(> t h o s e o f t h e

' . ' i p p r o x i m a t e l y p e r c : i i ) i l i E u r o u e a n c o u i j t i i e s a r e s i m i l a r

•................ I t i.s h i g h l y d e s i n d d c l h ; i t ............. f o r m t h e c o n d i l i o n s w h i c h h a ’

d c . s t r u c t i n n o f t h e n a t i o n ; 1 t i m e p ; u i t i t l u i s l i iu -n o u s t im ; i r \ y e a r , d u r i n g w h t c h t i W n e c d '

— : —e m p h j i . s i i ; e d . - l l i s i m p .o r t a n t I u e < l.

• •. T l i c c c j o r o I . C a l v i n C o rtli* ; S t a t e s , r e c o m m e n ( J t h a t th (* w e t

- h e r - i t h , b e o b s o r \ - e d :us N a t i o n a• S tate and m unici|)al officials.

------------- H U th o r i t i e a a n d - a l l e i l tK ^ h 'i - a m l________ f o r t h e f u l l e s t c o o p e r f i t i f i n i n ii

• IS n e e a ' f n r ’C T iT n T ? s ^ T d > ^ n f - i{ t i o n , a s a j ) r a c t i c a l m e a s i u 'o o f


■Jn tlir D U lrlrt Cnnrl of th r I 'n ii r 'l fnr Itio D U lrlit iif Mahi.,

•R oulhrm nivlnlon. la th« ,\ta ttrr o f Ch.irlrs Sm ilti. J r..

U&nknipt.! You mrn h rrrliy nniiri.il, T lu i lh".

flr«t m r^tln s o f crr<Iti<.r< „t i.anW- ra p t v l l l hp Ikrid a t the nfflr,' ih r .

------------- u n d c n ln r^ l t l r f r r r r m Tw in ^C ogniy of Tw in |.‘an:i, Siati> o r w i J i i t '

• a t 2:30 o'c lock P. M. nn ThnriwUv. tlir ISlh (lar of OctotxT. I 't: :.; «urh m rrl-

' I n r w in t><> hrl<t fn r thn a ilo o n n cr of________ claim*. Bppolntmpnt of t n i n i f . an 'i

tiU B io»tloa~m JitUJUUI’l. -------- I ( 7*O t r r KINNKV.

R«fer«4i in OAnkruiit<;r.

r o a SA IX —W o n rti 'a purnpy ’an>l . oxfonU. Talu«a clonloc bi

1X15. B a r te r 8bo« Co> « 4 t.- fr

• FOOT 8P E C IA U 8T —:23 Shoahoa" " V t t L — b<Jt. >

■'i WANTED—T o «Iaaa a ad r e p a ir ro fir *’X o n i ^ B r tx « M*U1 W orU . . — aUr. “

l> o r i i _______________

D A I L Y T I M E S) t B uoda/ b7 U|« T U aH PQt)Uabia« tin y o iu , I d a h a

oftlco aa 8»cond a a a a iC a tu r U k on. At>rU U . XIU,

a r y r e l u m e d a v e r d i c t , l a t e S a t - t e e p e r g u i l t y o f e m b e z z l e m t n l o u l d s e e m t l i a t t h e i r j u d g m e n t List a f e w ( l a y s a g o a b o u t a n - l e l)o o lv S o f a c o r p o r a t i o n a n d e v t j n b e i n g t r i e d . J u s t i c e i s a n v e r y l i n u . s u a l p l a c e s a n d f a i l s lit s o n j i y n d i v i d u a l a l w a y s f a i i .s

t i s e ' i s ’ g o i n g . t o b e i n t h e b a n l v c f ) u n t y , a c c o r d i n g l o r e j j o r L s .

f r i t y S U i t e h a n k - o f B u l d . S o m e a j i * r i t y o f t i i e a s s e t s o f t h e o l d d b u t t h e S U i t e b a n k i n g c o i n - if ii l i c J i a r t e r t o . o p e n a t h i r d , t h e r e f o r e h e p u r c h a s e c l ^ a n - i n d w i l l c o n ! > o l i d a t e t h e ju s s e ts [ 'O p e r a t e s a m e . M o o r e i s o n e o - a n d t h e j j e o f j l e o f B u h l w i i iI l h a t s e c t i o n o f t h e I V i n F a l l s

s h i p t h a t nn ’g h t - s a i l t h c s e a s i s t a i i - s lu j ) a t U i c k . S o ] ) e r f e c t : t h u t t l i e .y d o m i n a t e t h e s e a h a s e v e r d o n e . C o l o n e l M i t -

i t i o n i n t h e s e r v i c e t o p o i n t i n g L* h a s b e e n d e m o t e d o n c e a n d

f r o m t ^ e s e r v i c e . B u t t h a t i s c h a r g e s . H e s a y s t i \ a t o u r f i c i e n t . H e p r o v e s b y n e a r l y l e . s e r v i c e . I t w i l l . n o t b e a n ; e n i p t . H e h a s ' t h e c o n t e n u i t .-0 l e t t h e t r u t h b e k n o w n . A i r - d o u s l y i m p o r t a n t t h a t i t m u s t o f d e f e n s e o f t h e g o v e r n m e n t , p i d l y t h a t t o ’k e e p u p \ y e o u g h t 10 i s o u t o f d a t e a n d s u b s t i t u t e ! o f t h i s h o u r . I f C o l o n e l M i t - i c t i o n h o n e e d g i v e l i t t l e c o n - m e n t m u s t s a y . . . •


n , C o n l i d g e ) ' ” . ‘t h e a n n i i a l r c s t u 'v e y o f t h e n a ­k e i n h u m a n l i f e a n d in p r o p - p e a l f o r t h e ’ l e . s s e n i n g o f th it> . h a t d u r i n g 1 0 2 1 f i r e s c a u . s e d [5.{){)() l i v e s , a n d o f p r o p e r t y /a lu » > . T h e f i g u r e s a r e . s t a r t - li’<‘n i t i s a d d e d t h a t t h i s i s d e - ■itie.s t h e g r e a t e s t f i r e l o s s in

II c n n d i ^ o n s w h i c h j u s t i f y a : u i L t h ( M r } . y ^ a t 'x j K t t t j ) l i t j i ) u l 5 l _

N o t o n l y w a s th e ,1 5 ) l i - l l o s s ‘iH M lititr \ ' i ^ a r . )> u t t h e l o s s f o r l e d t h a t f o r llu ? l i k e p e r i o d <if

i m |u i r i e s . 1 a m i n f o r m e d t h a i , 1 a s l l i e jK T c a ] ) i t i i f i r e h i s s o f e . f r o m y i ' a r t o y e a r , t l i e s a m e a n c - n i i t i t r i e s l e n d t o d p e r e a . s e . • a l) le p e r i o d s f i r e l o s s e s i n , I n t l i w D k u i $ 1 . 0 p e r c a j> iU i l e l i i i i l e d S t n t n i r a r e p laccH l-^ rt" l i t a . ( ’o i n p a r i s o n s w i t h o t h e r ' a r l y l o o n r i l i s c r e d i t . ,a t e v e r y e f f o i t b e m a d e t o £ 0 - l a v e m a d e n o .^ sH i le s o v a . s r a e a U l i . - T o t h i s e n d . f o r - a lo n t* . i r y l o s ( 4 - y 5 i d e a w e e k i n e a c h i d c if f i r e ( u 'e v e n t i o n - m a y b e t l h a t t h i s p r n c t i c ( r ' h e _ c o n t i n - ;

l i d p e , P r e s i i l e n t o f t h e U n i t e d ’v e e k l i e g i n n i n g S i u u l a y , O c t o - 'n a l F i r e P r e v e n t i o n W e e k . T o ,Is . c i v i c / j r g a n i a z t i o n s . s c h o o l |n d - o r g a n i i :c d .b a d i e ^ , - I - ; i} » M 't^ a l -* 1 i m p r o v i n g c o n d i t i o n s . T h e r e - l{ » t« ^ H « n e ip les -< > f-fi) iw -f* * i« U ‘«--o f n a t i o n a l e c o n o m y . |

D rri!: t). I’. MiKirmnn (q J . W. j|r->rhr:.li J I . I<'l t l , Mock lJn ro l[ \ iSrhfv.l ArUi r Nrv 1.' I

• |)«-rlr K -M W U l-to -U iU - T i) lo f • Ir.t r. i.tork T » in K.iii«.

IV. <l,^_^|_M rj.ct;.innrl U im l-rr <‘n. 'in r A. Wr{i|,. lot IS. M nrk ‘

S e e n F r o m tf» * C o a n l r y ,W hrn onr c v li a run of hard loe* {

or BifTtn ill»a»l»r o f M /i port o r ao-In- th* -ho ia f bl» r

frtead j Ltid BHjhtwra arv M S fr jrvady te h rtp to ib« H a lt of. tb»tr i,pow tr. W hpn en* a alD lU }nsa e f uardablp ta tbe d t j b* la dew s ja sd oct tbp rootDpot tila t^ n d t ar« «z- ptauit«tL-;-Ct>aUTln OiroB>cle. c

•V • •

i dcorvatcHr n snA o •

il i ' T>un- .1 Imt) nu-unt to Htnnd on' id; jjv- r lg lili; lu ll'll ttm t aim Iinil com

doivfl' cfln hjll on fior oivn nrrooRj. ««< tnlKlit cuiiyi hiiul: In tlio namo wny p o r l i i i p s ^ jioko Br):iio guli't mlrlli n'

1 ^ Uor ojpffta to ncrnmWe up tliu Slip, p<Ti^1lrlri, WI...I. u nmn cuiitfimiilulci

mnJriHnmj- fj« nm y n t n t l l »i-(jlo » l e ouco ivho'ii u'Jio, iiml wliy. Jibvi win 1(] mx Unfit to b» llnu.

".\o . I'm niit conilnic," I mIJ- ' , -Jenn locikod a t iiin for a iiitiiiii.>nt. Ir '■(I Murprlutt; tJjWJ utturvd nut iiDoHiei

word, b u t frnm I h t iiuncl nhu OrnuI hor woolen iiilttiin, iin<t QilHi‘d,Ucr line ^ nna'nnKt?m In tlm nir. Ono of.ilioix l e flncorf crooki^rl, w llh Uio knuckic liun' i}| to»'j]'rd a ir, and the ilnKPi* po^ iln t: lc

lior fnvu; llii-n,.wljli ii Illtlu svdiicilvt lllckor, aho b.ickWied wo in her. . . . t t wua too inucli. I Hiirung on in) •l«Hl ono aliut lU(o un arrow, to It!

,55 torsoi. ■ '” ••Ihn’l It wonderful. \v<inilorfuir~»h<

c t cxctiilnanL 'WMI this wIillu wlUli-rni'*- ; a *to J‘l"y t«i sliiiui In—i.IfU 'nl" Anil » alio liulloi'd n t thu tii]i o f Iu t vnlcit.

Only nn echo. In-iitlnK hiii'k frmii Uic i g linnlm of ihu Kiilly. uniiwort'il. Sw . w« (I nru ull nIonL—ulr>ui> In nil thu world.

Why didn't you hrlnu nio out^IuTu bu-

U' "Aro >-r>ii Kind lo bo ulono wlili ;_V JriiiiV I iiKlird. di-ini'lnB hor hnml lijin L iillne. ".Vm you t:hiil to liu IilT l-, uIouu, ‘ ‘ wllll m c rt- "Wliy, yM. You nru tny friend." r - “Only your frU-nd?" *'

'•Oh, »(>.>. Ihrrr-'H n pldcu wbr'ro prr- ■■ hnpB wo cnn alldo tIkUC ovur tho iiltcli t.i t She wsa on tho alcd In on Inxliint

o n d .l bi-blnil lior. 1 klcKcd U loo»t m il l ft (tunilu enmclilnif uound tlii

t"' ruoncra iiiitrii.'d Bcruping tbrousb tli« 1. anow; tbun, na tbcTpMHi Incn-flwd, lliB

■ound rogo lo a whlno whlcli nilnsln wllh th*i ru»h of n ir In our cnnf nn< Chc u p m r nnow In ou r fiio-*. Jpnii'« h<5oli wiTo JiiBt'nbuvo thu Hiiow* aur fnco, and when. na.lmiiix'DVd oncc ot

, twlcp. tboy dri)p|H-d. 100 low, ibuj ■boA-cred ua w Itb ilylni; Iry crynlnlii

J- rjiun, /tu c n t tfiC Diw Itfel ilrtni J . In mncb loo dw p—ton il r r p lo hu nc

cldi'nCiiI—llio a lrd irfinblL'd, tumiH alduwnyn. nnd wnityovi-r.

d Wc .llnpntnnKlrd «un.rlvo«. I.iuchlnc y but >r<j dJd tial h rifn ftlla lfly \^ lliiil/ tin i bill. I found ll ahflturisl Mimi In ihi

pilch «vln-r* wu nilKbt nlt on thn *lri )- wllh our hnl-lw tu ili.i (cri'iit drift wbll'

our fiirog ciiuxht thu nlaulliiK wnriiitl q f Ihe w a unil nup pym fuiilij rnner tbo flirld of tiny Tnlnlinw kIkuiiIn

a thrown up from llir rlpplo n t our frri {} J«-nn bnikp up Uwi cnmii'il rmnv win

1Uo“lirid"fni?-r~fiOi'l';tTn.-' rtn rn 'D nriP i '' b e r fro t In iljo ;>r>wil.-ry nioiim). lTr» •r etitly n too <nm« wliialing up thnniKb T IL ---------------------------=—, "Jenn. don’t" I crlrd. "ymi inkr mr

bnclc to fhosr old diijBl UV jindcr't atond rvurj-lhltia ihi-n: lh<'n ufiTythlns(» wm au|'pO»H tr> be Brtll'il.", Tho too aottlPd to i.llllnp«« In Ita■■ brj^rro'vlng; Jonn^a Brnnlllvr lips, mo0 alrtelrd to tl allllnpHa llnii atKl anrl.a “Tell IUP. Jpjin.*' J pn-pni'd nt Irn sih ; ^ '"wKy can’t wu jco buck; why cnn’t we

i t v t o 'C r nitnln—llkr t b n t r"W e hftvp nlw nyi lits-n Kr>od frh-ndV

Ibo m unnored. 'iJu » t U a irp a l

;i ; t b u i r"And ncl£bt>or«." aho cominupd.

hnve iilwnya born ffooil nrlgU'II bora. Prrhnpa th a t la tho troublb.'*(> ‘'JIoi**—t^ o frouWoT” - •

. "Well, Ifa llko UiU.” aho aald. nnd acalD tbe t»e hrcnn to s j r a t r In'Hlip anow.. -\V f‘>p knmvn cnch otbcr M

[) well, nnO no lone, th rm iKii't an jih ln s •—much—Irft t«i know. In tb rn-J Could

’ you atnriil ihc bon>dnm of a p«n»on [) Kho bn* no 'new tboUKbia. no niraiisa i) Irtma. no whim*—boihlne lha t you1 bnvcn^t n^rpndy aorim niTknowu a hun '■:* 'd r i‘< rnm M 'r' ‘ ------------------------------- —e "Tb^ro novor rtiuld bo boredom wlih^ T...t tn >,nvr vi'ii Wllh mr.

to J ^ n t on ynu. lo know you wer«_ rolor. Would bo rnoiigh for nir.“

•T or nl.out a 'vcrk. You'd swin Ur« of a fonat wllb do flavor ta lt-.^ J would, ftt nny rolo. . . . Oh, I ««>r It workinc out nirrs.ly . ' I don’t wnnt |o KoK’ilii. a«d Jaok nnd Slurjorip flavn bocn cTerythlas th ry could in rae. but ■In-ndy I can IM*fl lliein urttlloe dnwn to tb s ruulinc—Iho deadly routlnr. Oad cnouffb anywhere, bu t oa-««iTS<^

n ptnlripa. wllb th r lr lnolallon. tlip lr In*. BirTuilty — unbrarublc. I couldu’l

• atnnit ft." ____I a iudlrd b r r for a motnont la at-

, Ipncr. J t nD rn ls^ t know all ahnut mo;. I iiilcht havu no nrw th o u jh l i i>r»

Idrni. nrw whiina. bu t . I t w ai quite

••.«llU. tb rre »fp many couplr* oa thrm? pralrlra lU ta i happily. 1 »up-

I t Trnltirisl.-You auppoae" ahe rcp ja lrd . "T liafa

• r i f J . t Jl Juat auppoifltlon. . Nohody• k n o T ,i;_ t lu t la. tba potille iloeaa-l f k£ow. I tn t wiial ta th r lr bapplDrcit

An at-llke acceptioc* o t (b» rentlaa.> Itrrq^ifaat. w ork : dinner, w ork: «uf»

y ^ , w ork; a lr rp : br»akf.i*t—Ibp irb-'ir clrclo 6»rr aca lo . t couldn't ifnti.i t t j

EIGHBORS^T M i s m x r S U X A D

or 'TTie Coci/^ffOfSK:'- T M r u a / a s s r c A P E ^

. ■Mb’ronk; iboro’a no u»o prctpndliiK J could. r d M 'd r u a awny wllb aomo

{t>no. o „el”. - j e a n r . . .

‘'Y oi, 1 know w lm t you’re Iblnklns.‘ Rut It W0U14 brcnlt llio routlnr, any.

wnjr; It wouldn't b e Ibnt w ay I wnutd loso my HOUl; perbnii* Umt w ay I

’ lufRlif B.nvp IC." ^wna . "You’« a a trnn fd .ffr l; Jean."

••ywT A tlc r nil thw c ycnrsT I nm no Rlnil. Am long aa I am a^runffo you

'• will ho Inlorcsied Inr inc., Tbntrt tbn cmiihtn «•’»*• }■:::■■ ••^ r.rp .1 know nil u lc .a yuu. Ai„I 1 ....i- .'n 't

Ibio. houaokeepor for n to for thn

u 'a t “ " ' 'J * "' •, "Jenn !’• . '

.“SlioctilnK, Inn't k t Uut tn jt . Voa'i . you know tb a f* w liat hupppiis, nearly

J„y alwuysT I t iuukI hnpprii. unloM tbcro aru new points o t fntrront .nlwaya a rlii^- Ini;. 1 hnvu Hio nilKtortune to ililob, ' and ao I ao.i cIu-ku thjnffw Jn nflraocc, *

^ ' u i i i l try 10 nliluld yon from tlicm.” '• ••■ilio uilHforiuno to tlifiikl” ' t

"O f course. Ollionvlilu I could op. ‘■ 1,„ fopt Ihr os routine und Rrind on t niy J

a inJ^ii. tlw cri'adailll «f Ojrf# nienla a rid 1 " 1b '/ i i io r u l l i y —Idonl w ife nml inolbor. clc. (

/ r d run uwny from It ull.",n / i PU'iclfcd tb r «now with niy | .JrJ hool. never liear<I ron lulk Uke J, i Ihm. Jpnn.” I «pld a t li'nsih. "I didn’l i

’ ) think you thought—alonit ibosu line*. ' , Yon wouldn't n c iix e pm plc wbo run—

wbo illRfoKnrd th r lr iiiiirrlnso vow nf’• •’■J’bc nm t or w hirlj 1» lo lovn,’’ she

rl l l a lio ijiac k .' *'Wbon llml fnll*. nil falla.Why inuke ft mockory of I tT ' «• "Uut I would lo re you; alwaya—

0^.’ wftya. You would b itjo me tlie o n ly -rfbu only powdble a l a In the worid I"

tlio Slowly aho turnc8-lr<T (nee towftrd tjiff ta o ; alio had bw’n clvlnj: me an op- [Iwl I'om inlty fo r proDle mu<ly during tb ii nnd dlnlopic. Hi-r eyca found mlno; her in ’* Hp»Mn ib rn i «(.•»!« I *nw tbo r o » .gur- lonf bennty of lier cbUilhonil. \^bcnabe ^, or l‘»r volci wus.hm’ nnd trcmyloualii.y nnrt munlcnl. ,nln. "you dpnr l>o>'l"You tblnk ao .' A «ve only »•!«)» II wrr,. i r o e r Inc- T lir Inat wTn7K«>n>o " ’Hh a calch I'

ned l_n b rr brcutb, I tlini^l forwnrd and '' cIimppil’Tlpr hnnds In mine,

inc. "Vo.ii iiiciin ihiil? Ob, jcnn . If you , tilll llo. . . . .” ‘ • /,lh. "Yrs, 1 m rnn ll. Tbnt la tho crcni c Ord dlfliniliy. l l l-n’l true. You wouldn't hllo idvr IIIO Iihvnya. I wouldn't nlwnyaTlB- ^ lutli th.> only slrl.” . " ' "'’‘■■n y«iJ tivi/jJrl. - I awcnr I t l" ^

’'T hrn I miiM rrvrrae It. I wouldn't 1r>vr you abviiys. Vini wouldn't nlwnya |i

' I " ' bl- Ml......lly rnnn In ibe world.*:__________MPd xjj. Wllkll bnd gone poundingro»- M l Ilk.- ,i hu rtt balloon.iiKh -W liv r’ t di-mniirlud. /■^ --------"ri- nu- ;^ -y.oir " u lo ll lli. IW amiitlr -"'•* llr rn ii.r It la hciiiiidrd tfy tne -com er ■'•r- |.oHis nf rourir<.'ti. llrcniiae I conldn’l ilns IJ,,, ,),.j,nciJ M{> In nufb a —a j?naiurp.“

' ’'V.iu'il.lM! brrnklng oul—tow ard aec-l'» tli.n Two.-

loo, ■•Knink!“ I t wna h e r lum to ex-cliiliii. •. .. . __

'•'*5 •'>■<•», loii'nnl nrriinn Two. Io o ‘»e we dm,,.* aniii,- plnln tnlklng. Je an : nnw

Ifn my m rn. It 1« ^poof I'hnt b«« up- Ifl." f-ri 'ymir iiilinl—pul all tboac wild n<v

llonn 111 .yoor lioml. 1 t la Spoof thnl■ a l yoi] u rr ililiiklii;r nl.out, no l me. . t aii;v

■po«*‘ ynn think you cftUld n in rrj him. led. uil'l nol drop inio-^bto rou ilne ; yon eU ' -would hr Ira* nn o t . Dl 7oy put it. nn

T n o ihiiii on K onnacs. I’crbnpi Ihnt• Moiii.i be b.-Ht. n f lr r all. rrrlinp* If «nd you woru frncn l In on T >o. ynn nilRl^ Ihp br-iil; nu'l tuWAfiV r«tirt»‘i ' a r

*0 "Kr.ii.kl r ifan e don’t b r H nk lnd - ing and uofulr. . . . I ara tblaklng Illd niM.iii spouf. nnd ll la J u « hncauae bn •on Ir nol l...uiid.-d by aW lon T»tp. Yoo ISO uuil Jiirk nnd J n k ' t T ^ k he'a a green-* rou hnrti, und >ou play your allly little un ' trIrUM on him. bu t hla worl'CM tbp - — tTOnil'"Bnd” y oars~ K ” T‘r.urtrfli7~aoTr " llh JurL 'a la IV cnty-iw o, ftjfd Jakc'a I*—Tir. w linirvrr llla acctloo l«. llo 'a ao big. oro_ *u 1)1*1“ ~ ~

•'I orp. Spoof baa trBTcled more Jre Ihnn wp hfttc. l i e h a t a rm more of - J lh» world. U e haa met more I'cople.• r r Ancj-n.i be la b lg l 1 bet I grow mot« int onta to Ibe acre than he doei—you «vn a liou ld .F rr bla plow/Bg; looka like— iKit 'b .' gurM and be d - ^ ’ a» Jake aaya." wa *'QuIi« n a e lp g aD t'rrn u r t:: aalcablc nr- lo Jake, bnnlly to be exprc lrd from n v TOU. And yonr a rcu m rn t weold ba lr>In*' re*liillble—If I w ere an os.“ . lu’l "Yon're aliarp. »reo 't you? Well, -

acmelblng fo e a t.ia no t to be dr*pl»c<e' al- evra 'bybrg 'ppoplprm O B U 'attS .SP® ® ! - le ; Ktpo tbe aoul. which you a rr a fraid of rw loong on rou rtpco . will pick np and lie Irav r you oa Two. UDlrM yvq feed tba t__ ^ f r la Which I t IJrt^ jlial-'a wbat09 m e aoul liaelf U dolu about people i ^ o ~ sp- don't buatle fo r a Uvlag: It geta op and

lenvra tbetjj." •“-Cood for yotj!” cried Jeaa , •Too

'dy t n tr ta tlU ’ thiDklax- I h a r« foad rd “ 'I you Into It. N ^ jr-w h e re ara w e^ '••I -W p're a t Spoof. T ao t i f you could aa. lo re me for a ' week, and > to forerer.'*»P- “1 d idn 't'aay tba l.""Ir - . , .'» j .To K cOTllnort)

' T W I N F A L L S D A r

SOEMi: FBOK THE HAROLD L I — M a W .- '^ C O M I N a T O -I D A f iO - lE B

' m


>y- «


IV — — — 3ly j jo i r t : I 't 'm .x ’r r v v k (j i: i > • vro (ConUnucd trom Pugo 1.) ' ||^ provldo for llio mnliiioniineo n f prcii- *

un l c'on^tlruclcd roadn, bul build ftil* ^dillonni liigbwayH. They nny Umt i :.-j f,

• pam unl dopnrlm ciil of public workn i; ». nnd Btnla. fncbw iy 'ttrpmrtnioiH hnvu c , , ^nno aU tho t they ponnlbly could w llll -

Ibu money nt Iholr'oommiinil, lOKetlicr• w llh tbo ffldcrnl nld th a t In A i'n llnblc |

‘‘I b u t tlm t, Iboy declare. 1» no i miffl- ] ;C. d e n t.

T bo ntnt^ .nnw Ima practlcn lly cnm- 'y plctwl n i/c n iii< rtn d wvki lilcbwuy 16 ibrouBb Iho BMilborii nnjJ nortlio ru . i'c 'ooctlonB and a n^idJU nttr tioutli liliib-

: SKINNYllENa, ' ______

X- Thin Men - Run Down Men

>; Nervous MenZ You prolm bly 'know Uml Cod I.lver

Oll It* Iho Kronlost ficnii im iduror In tbo world.

'■ UecniiHn It^con ln inn ii«y;n .vllu- , mlnufl. Uinn iiii5 food you .ciili tiH,

! ' • Y ouIl ho Kind to know Hurt ♦•od Llvor Oll cornea lu \uiK«r contcd tub-

h Icln n u w ' ao If you rcnily w-nnl 10 ,< pu l l l t l o 2U |K)undii (if iwilld hcnllhy

nonh on your bonoft nnd tool w.dl Itnd nirunj; nnk Sclirnmiii-Jribnt.on Oriii; Slorrii fine., o r ..ny <lrnKi:lt>l,

• far a l«Ji ot Mcrox:^ CimI l;lvor OliII ComlKJUnd Tnhieln..'I Oidy 50 conlTt Ior fio labli-m nn-l 15- 1£—you ditn'l Knlii five iwiiindii lu UD

iliiyn your druKKl^'l In uulhorlr.od H> linnif you biiok thn tnoiii-y J’nii pnhl •

, for Ibclti. ' ’' t I t^ la l l 'l nnylhlliK iiuii>-iiiil Ior ;i ■n iwraoiiOo Kllln 10 liniimni In lilt iln>n.

■ O M .^ J iro y ’K. 11.1- orlKlii;il nml 7 K FnuiiT <~ro.rxivrr~ ii)rT r.b i i r r '^ n i lv r ~

tr y fc ’

" T N C R E A S E I - I a r y ) a r t t b i

" . ' p act F o rd C ■J A ll th e praci If c a r so univ( L — - m easu re , eve

*i?- and good -lo< n See y o u r ne

v% ' practicsU den : _______________________F O R

T C o u p e

r 6 2 o jU [, f . 0 . A O ttr i t / ^ V l f

/ - t W ^ K r■ f

t__________ \ • j b m i bll

a N. ^4 ^ ------------- -

1 ' H uH ohotit S 2 6 0 •> Jm tiD rm oM M taiU r i M

' ’ f . ‘ '

j V l t Y T I M E S ' ’ i ^lO


■ na

_ »<

-a m i. -1

? t - / ' ■ ' I . !

_ - ' - ' i

wny. ’I'hi-nu hlRliwayn linvv uznolloiii bntui bul itou^l mpro fuudti fu r innlh-

[I loimnci-. II ii» tKilniL.*ii out. I l nlHi) In |. ur«cd Ibftl Ib f nlnto nbould plneu lu / . KcJf /(( ft {mn(t{c)/i lo c'ltlior Itacd hhi* I ^ fncij, ibi'Ho biKhwnyK o r n l lennl trciit ' ” ihriQ Wllll oil no tlm t Ihoy will hr- “ cnmo practically duatiomi nnd will

j rUTS-SORES ^I ' ■ _ Cleanao th o ro o g h l7—then ,

W without mbblng, apply—

V I 5 s l | S!. . Ot4rjrMimcoJmr»Vt0iiriar<>

Salesme^h For Sl LeanisJiov

P i m p I )1 Arthur Reich, Drookiyn, N. V.,1 [j

wrilei!r “I wa* a »!c*man of. creami for '■ healine pitnpl«..Wctniifie». e tc , bm

when m y face broke out with bloiche*. pimple*, and blaekhcad* 1

1 tried one aalvc a fle r c:ini|i«r'w iib nb permanent reiults.

/ • "I found it a* impoitiblc to tell 1 ikin cream a* .a bal(!*heailed‘man find* telling hair tonie. . Finally I

I ' jltcided I would'Kave to 's a l .^ t Ihe cauie—the btood. I w ai a m ^ d to

1 find lhat wilhin a few d sy M fte r ' taking C arter * L ittle Liver Pill*, my I , »kin look on a new healthiul look.

btemithe* *taried 10 di«a[>pe3r and I re! I fell like a new per*on a ll arovnd pli

Now I know whal, to do when I have ut i_____ V pimply ikin. you b c t" ’Thi»_old Ec

ED values recen tly built in rcularly^noticeablein this a tt C oupe.ictical advantages w hich ha iversfUly p o p u W , a re her' iv e ry a d d e d Je a tu re gjviog ^ looks in add ition tc rrem ar nearest A u th o riz e d F o rd em onstration.RD M O T O R C O M P ^

, - D B T H O r r , M I C H I G A N ---------

N o I n c r e a s e i n P r \

- r » * r S « ; « . ; a o - F erm J ^ T l t r t i t r e c n o p t u c ^ A U p r k t s i

■N, •

5 I0 N D - \ .T , O O T O n jJ l r t C m s s . '

[• mnko beUcr nurfaco to r Ui'o bcav r I. iriivol thill In nnilclpillod w ith tho

rapid dove1o|iiriunt iif Ihn ouiomoblio. U uttcrlilcbw uyn nrn claliucti.to bo ^ a - ncnUai lo tlie fiitnrri' diwclopiffnnt 01 Iho Kiaio. ll It; clnlmtfd by 'm any o t Ihu pnrly leudi'ri<..bccniii)a of tho In-

• crenVlntf loiirliu l.rotel which they aay id a h o idmuld do flvcryihins Doaalblo 10 n iirn c i lo Ibbi ulAtu lyythu fUluro,

'‘S o c i e t y f ^ F a i l v r e a " . • - - I t la w aot o t dlllgenco ra th e r tbaa

w ant of m eaiu tbnt caiuea moat fall- u r« .—Alfred Mcrcior. ■

Muellei' Plpoicafl Funiaco . See Drl- n-o.Memr W orka.- . r-nc lr.

TImca W ant Ada O c t i 'n a iu l ta. -

$ 7 .6 5Round Trip-

From Twin Falls j ''October 9th

B U T T E,1 . M O N . T A N A J '

ri ■ \

j Oregon Short Line-|] (Unioft Pacific System) ’

I .Limit OdtohflT 12th

. ' Ask I.iirut a | | i>Im

f o r Fnrliu jr J.W *"” ’* ^

D. O'. BOySPhono 79 _____

Skin Cream awToCl^^Up

i reliable remedy. Ireaii lueh eonv ’I plainli in a lafe way. I t haa'beea e u»rd .all orer che world for 67 ytar*,,

C of-ialg ji-all-dn iggU it.-----------------------------

^ : : in to I ^ r d cars

a ttractive, com - , •

have m ade this_ • 1 lere in g rea te r g ^ m f d r t , i t y l e L _ _ — .v, larkable utility^.'d D eale r for a

P A N Y _______

I0 ^ ^ — - i —l a W P W f ' / »>^ V

P r i c e s .

F c r J » r S i Z m U 6 0 : c « s F . 0 . R , p t t r 9 U . , -

Page 5: Ar.T^ liili - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES...T W I " "liili-----lOWPA INPOLIT _____^ A m e ric an F e d e ra

^ ro K D A T . o c T o n r . n - : . , i r

I B n r i n e t s D i r e c t o r ]

A t t o r n e y ! ,

n . Sorneii, law yer, l i u . n bl* oriloe from 110 Mnln JVvc. o « r City Cafo. tc 338 SIoJa ’ N orth, over B arber Shoo Store.

P O R T m ^ M T H A U . LftV7«n>Clo* Boo>-Btor».__________

P., 0 . H iJ V - O T e r C lq t B o o t S

9 a n M R. X o tb w tll - - O rr Cb«t BO TH W BLl. A CIU PU A N

W oodi S l i l . R o b n a 6, 6. 7. f . ' i . B W B E I ^ I ^ j r 8W ^L B Y ->-A ttor

n m N iiUonel B a n k Bu^dlnj

■,W. L . DJJNN—L aw otflcos, Hooi \ tn d 4. gmlth»Rlce B ulld lns.

* . S h o e R e p a i r i n g

' nO TU i 8 H 0 B ' I ta p jJ B IN Q . M7>r«, Pr&p. 180 8nd Bt. 1

F IR S T CUSTOMER' In tho mor for b a ll BoloH will so l n pu lr oC b«r'-IiccU fr6«. TwIn'FVtlln SIioc palrlnK. J 3 2 Slioihono WciiL

'■ L o b tc A T ^ H O S E SH O E sT B ut n mind I v r l l l^ k u them to Sllm 's bavo tbem reblillL SUm'n Shoe ya lrlag. 1S3 BhoBbano SL So.

T r a n i f e r

• " ■ JO H K OLSON’S TItA NSFEB ■ .. P lionc 672W.

' - ' ' CROZIBR TRA N SFER C O M m Pbone 948. B to rtc * ^ d oratlo

. . . MoNICHOLa TRA N 8FBR * ^ 8 T AOS) CO.—O i!rbU « baalod <

• Phono 800. s ___________ .

•, WARSERO Y R A m r e i r f ^ T D R jC O .-^ o ra g f l end epeclal car

' ■blpinenU to-O elltom ltt. Phoae

^ C h i r o p r a c t o r *

' B. a W TA TT .Chlroin’ao to r

m » ta ATe. No. O ttlc e ,P l» a <

/ . DR. BUIiA 0 .. B A W Y lSOeUop^tblo Pb7Btclan

C n iu 1 u d 8, Q ea B onld in i ^ ^ a>»oe 16«0»W . Roa. i t

. M i t c e l l a n e o u i

Drcaaroaldng.* Phono C86J.

^ , • c i i r n o r o m s TDr . a: j . FOSTKU, r o o t Doctor.

aboMionc w oat. .

._ _ _ ^ _ _ I i f l I 3 B , f i t I D O E R _ S T A 3 tP < & I*R1 in i t ' Co., Bolfo, Idaho — Rui • tam ps, brodzo' onil. n e l s l el Inlui, sU tlo n o rr, etc.

^ TAlZX>RINQ-:Sullii to o rd e r from up. c ioan loc ,. P r e u ln s . Ropali A ll W otk 'tm naU m d. Bnlibol,

TftJIof. m SoiifMLoJR- Ptjono a MISS HANBBN—F fno drM sm akli

B poo laU ilncJa tU lo r«d .^osao8 . w ork suaqartoed . O var .Bootbi

- • ESIPLOYMBNT O P r iC B ^ O S 8. R ' Avo. S paalah Pool H all. Mane

V ictor Ocamlott.____________

CARPENTBR AND CONTRAC And re p s i r w ork la bulUlut : C bai. F lalw r. 241 a rd nTooue soP hone W W . ___________

E 7 B B P B C IlU S T --D r. W m. D. I BDlda. 90e. N ext doo r to Ot: Bnl*.

J n r m m u a i r m s B o u a a - i/ a lfc H obbeR a d e a . P e lu a n d F

ARMQDB^ <aaiA M ^BTATION- M ala SoQtb. T » ta l i i l a . Pbi 1548 and 107«. Seo oa i>etore i

^ tn e o re a a .. po u ltry o r ecga. w e come 'cm t a f te r yotir pon

______________ Open a a tm i l t r aJgbtT? a n tli ~ 6‘oTocE—C M UrUnqBrwood.----- -

P i i w . T M n i n g

' a T . LOQAlt ■A rtlatlo p la y er a a d p la so w orl

Box W l . ■ - Phone

a 0 . H U U j 10 y e a re ' B ^ e r le n e a .

' Phone »17J . P .. O.. Box 808.

T y p e w r i t e r ^

POBTAJILX A S D C ra K ACHU . • U l K aln S t N , T w ta F fJla.

Fqr Sale-MisceDanec " ' ‘ m o H O M w u r o ' a M i F i r i m

«Bd abadd I n e a . aouai fra lta . eb r roaea, Ttaae a a tf p e re sa la la . Bea

' i to e k to r lo w e a t. p rlcea . ■ Sa iea w anted. CaU loco* to f .e a . BUmb

# N uraeijea. P a ^ l y . Id ah o

_______________ FO R a A L E - 8 ac«a aaO tw ta o. :

, Orooods. 153 2nd A re . aooth.

X T O R 8 A U 0~ C athonc E ncre lopa -----------------------> n lU n b P M t. p h o t» e > l8 0 0 .^

* d e r b e aa h u lle r . H e a r r B a rb a ra . iQ odwta B idlac. R 1. T ^ a Falla.

' V rO R 8 A J A -C e e a « r « n te c ? ^ ta l ■ ^bMtn. n c a . beda. ap rtncK 'feab r •

rlaxaa. tm u . a ta. 8arfa£B ', pri t AU ta food eondltloa .

- : FO R S ^ ^ L a d ^ a I k M t ^ SJ tltr^ lo v ^ c h e a ^ ■ C elt a L l W

• , . f . FO R S M iB —Bine Soiaaefi ^

. to o School. W ate rs B aaeb; a k i^ RaadalL___________ . • '

? . FO R S A L B -1 8 R e m tq c t^ .P' . n a . N erer ba ea aaed . A ddreia-E

Boa <00. _________ ^• » FO r'^SA L B —40 Xt. a W laebaa

.Good cead itloo . Idkho B arber a 100 M ala e«M . . ■ - ■ ■


3 _BR1NGIN' I nr> • p THI'

“ = d . ■■ a n >N-

Jn Ave. _ ______ — ^111------ CK»_l_ F C R )i . f tr e r t^ R . O L ^ u : I

: B to n .

U p m tn J

- ■ : _____S-” V ilililBHloonal 3 ' .,1

10.' T.- » a a t ^

nornldK ■-— ^ I o t rub- ' .

hoo Ilo- •L '

P - ' T i iy i !5 i5— P o r S a l e - M i s e e l l a n e i

----------POR S A l.E -D a rn on lo t J l bll.‘ANT--* Aw . Wi-fl'L NoJa S la rr . 4 >4 > itlo s . Flofli of fClindr)' on ,Klinbcrl>' ^

AJilreiin K im berly. '__________

dally ~»fiJboo hullInK outfitTtlrHt daas ' ' illtlon. t2.000. o r wlU trailo tor '

r _ tornlti proim rly. A money makm llKi H cbl pnrty. W bnt bave you? .

“ 3lDkon*. 1700 .Olcnonltii nivtl.,' C dale. Cnl.-

■FOn SA U i-C oa< } pinno.------ {— collcnt tono an il uctlon. | l '

IxiKnn Munlc Co. •_______________

m>» 487 SALE—Com fortn nnd quIli ;---------- .M. 13. UdlcB" Aid. rhono 744W.

VOR SAU?—Sm iill IicaUnK n ilnx 40S 2ad avonuo went._1B4(M rubber cnne baltvrlc-n to r !''<

m .O S: DodKce. tlTJSS. OOicre let ^ porllon. PrPBt-O-Ulo Q altiiry Sla

325 Slionhono S t. So. Pbono C3.

” , PlcVInu now a l FarRo orchard.. . rntosh nnd Q raveniitlno 'ready.

• * lomes Boon. Pbono 466 o r call m- cbard. C. 0» F a rgo . Manttger.

FOR BAI,R — Che7p . nearly ■ i .n . *75.00 vflekcr baby bUKW. nt»o

bed nnrt WkI» chair . 3Sl Cth Avo. o r phono 991w.

•om 130 ----------------- --------------------------- -----____ . F o r R ent

FOR RENT—Furnliibcd apartiiklDs— chonp to rlRht p a rty w bo will108. All tho rum oco. • Pbonp 367J. SQ2.itha. ■■ ayenuq w ia t. __ .

8. Main . FOR RENT—F a rm n .''ir : C. Ootjn a se r . Phono 223. 114 Main No.

----- FOR RENT—Upntnlra roomB. 1ACTOR llRht and w ater furnlshod. • H.« ]la& Johnsoo. . 119 M ala E u t Pbonotnou lh . ■ ■ ' ——

FOR R E N T -B u lld ln c form erly---------- cupl<^ b y M utual Crciunery, 222D. Rey- Bhono SL W. Inqu lro Frlcdcnan's,Otldoo Shoahone SL 8.

F o ra lahad housokoopln* a p t “ * ■ tie n ta . Oaata Home, 40S M«»n a )N-~ W W cit. P boae 971._________

re eell- FO R RE N T — 2 . room fn ra t L. TclB. epartm ont, reaaoaable . Bang M ultry Apta. 6 th s tr e e t and Seooad «Vi tti i 30 » » » t-__________________ _________

, n iip ta, eom petely furaU hed for i bA iekoep lnc , one, tw o and t rooms eloee Ip . and low rmtee, weok o r m onth , - T he Oxford,

108 N. __________FOR RENT—G room fumlnh«d h

a ad canuso. <>u Sod avenue n IOS. Pboae g33 j. ^

: • W a n t e d - M i s c e l l a n g i

’em . WANTED—Good bra%7 net i IWmBae. Don S taffo rd .'R ; 5, K lo

H U f» >y- ______________________-WANT TO BUY—<5oo<1 8t*>

e o u a

plU JtT WANTED—T o buy hoc* and la ehrabe. C all 398. T w tn FalU Shoe ifcpali Best ofJeem ea WANTED—U e e d fa m ltu re . Sw Imberly Second H aad e tore . Phono 1295.

---------- W A N T E D -O aU and barley. •],0. Tda- F a l l ; Canal Co. Phone H 6 ..

WIH p a y caab fo r accond hamSIp , Call IM C aiU eford o r w rlle Ml«e epaedia .Tliomaa. ♦________________’

M rUaA hnm »hn1i1 fnrtUHireL raagee. raa s . D. a t a r E x ch a ac a D e p t T ^ VilWWr u - aOT Shoahoae S o o th .> p h o n e 406. tab les . -WAMXED->At « o e to r easb. i

b r oar* e a n . P b o n a 147W. J . B . K prJcee. O q m H M > m _________ ^

£ t W A ia C D -B a r le y . A. F . Un«i ______ 1 mU» a . 1 mUe W . So. P a rk f lro

> Sleox WANTED—Sew tag lo r aehool-1 ^rm . P h o a o c»SX.

" T / f l ORXDA; ’ P R O P B m r — W a la w a . lo a t u d a e r m a t i a e t » . l

j j a ^ — S t t u a t i o i i W a n t e d

[ W A N n » - 8 owtB*., m U lB ery. — s — re li ilB # c o a ts . E d ith W llllaau , r 'R M ? ^ A ^ « a Phoflo ? y . • ^ • Z a d r v a t s 9 o a l t ^ la---------«• o r b e a a tr p a r} o r . . T h o r o o i h l ^heater. U a e H la womaa*a a a d dbU dracH ■ S h ^ c o t t la s a a d a a rc e U la c , S I 4& M M .* *X

= = = ^ = = 5 ^

INGUEFATOTHi% I t , A, P i N e tH

5 ^ 7 <.'T OUT o r T O w t s f H O

i g s l v i ^neous Livestoek and Foi:

blk 114 KOIir.SAMC-W bltc Ix^ihorn i4 nillM Jnx fo^hfrolB, Larson Blrnln. 30 ly rond. om, 18c ll>. lli'iis, iiOu viicli. ________ 637114.

s in : i : i? f o r s a i . iv -.-w o bnf,.- hcaiS o t brud ti>r flule rJjjl

l u ' Jolm ’o '«l»o" 31U 3 Hub/, or W nrnt ’•. Olcn- - •_ _ _ ■ W ANTBD-r'Poultry o r o il klBi no. Kx- prlcea. H . 0 . H untor. Phone 9 I17C.00. _3AU:-TCbenliT wblto

________ kIIuit nnd fow bunrn. nomolullin by oprinK (tUtH. K. J . Malone.

67S-J-2._______ • _________

; Hiovo. F o r S a l e - R e a l

,r‘ r-orda. VoiTsALK: {fl prt>* 3 roojn plaflfcri^J hatm wIlU Stailoii. • Iflu nnd sbarvn In Klm Tar

19. , w ell. T r lc o .................... ..........“ ' 3 room bouBP. 2nd nvonu» noull.

nru. Me- 4 room bouno. 4lh nvenuo norti;?i" . 5 '■oojn Ijoubc, 3rd nvenuo iosII a t o r- • (now nnd, nioilonj) ........Z -.....

I aero tracL with C room liount •lv nnw “ “ 'I'O1*0 imbv City convi-nleiicl')*0. west ° "Plondid Horn.

turinii like rent ________ ........10 acre trac t, clono In 'o n pave_ road, Kood bouBo _______15 ucren, 2 mllen of Tw in Fall:

I. on gravelrd rond. KOod Innd-)artm ent 40 ncro*. 6 .room houne, blR banIII lend e lpctrlc Ucbtn nnd pr<*i»ui 3Q2 4th Vfutwr ayntcni, Ibcntcil on pn^

ed road w llhln 2 mllen .o t Twl ■■■>— ■ FallB. P rlco *270 per acre. O ottert. Roomtnir hoUno «toInir ,JCOtI I

1600 por month bunlnouii. Prii— ;------ cd for quick nalo a l ________». llc aU W o/bavo npm l o u r llmo nnd

■ "lEZlP* >0 Bocuro tlio bc«i buyn OOP 307- m a tk c t end bcl/ovtf wo can doJli -_V ' . . be»t valueti your monoy civn b ' ' • ' Ohn C l^ H -U E A l.S a COMPAria%. 227* T ejephono 20D. 116 Main ;_______ HttTltjK l e a Tw in F sUb, h a re. ed to aoll m y fou r room r

' homo, except beat. Bood roatdona p ar t- paved strooL otforod fo r a bi

a Arfc caab paym ent aad balanctf can ranxed. W rlto M rs. M. Chlnp, 1

--------- I O uater'A v«w-C61orado-Bpclnia,.

»n»t»hed FO R SAUK OR TRADli:—4 nnga lo^ ewnl-m odom houno In Uuhl, S aVenne from school o r cen tc r o f tow n,

«e ll.cheap or trado tor s o o J c t drgBB !>■ C. D„ Dox 800, Tw in F

o r U (b t ('O R S A L E -6 room 1 tbrei vrth 3 lota, doublo R a r a K ^ .^ »**s, by hpat. located a t 703 WoBt Mali ird, '428 o . F. il.' Petenion. IL 2. I

^ U T O U R W A -V ^

igoua /-------- ' - ■ —t workK tobut-. / v f j w f t - r ;

ackmanT ^ ^ { | i V

1 lambn. 2 ^>palrtaK. nBm lll

" S w e ^ . MtJP296;____(’. Tw in _ ' II

—o n . ^ ^ ^

406. * 'n i l l ' I v S S ^ i -lb. nsad

ktQcscrU f l i S t ..B togOrocery.

)«- ehH^ ■ ^

w a a M H ^ m S r a -am w BSfl^y- Wmr r . and

i i r a i S l I ' W H y V o m aj f e s ? ^ CAI

X •


U.NO T O T ^K G . ■ T W ^ O O ^ I ^ ‘b C L tR K . T O

I N T A D Sou ltry F o r S a le -E ea l Esta■rn Jirciil- F o r 10 dnyn offer, 4 ronjn b«mu'. 30 bro il- ’A oero lol JUBt out c.r < lly f.u- |!t(

Plionu on termn. Addrinn J . s . \Vii<li Tw lu I'^llB.__________ •

" “ 7 7 “ : : u a b g a i n p i u c k r \ e.v.sv t k i^ 11 0 " cholco lrrlKat«rd tnrmn nn<l b

rJjjijL c n a n n e h m ^ la Souib Jdabo wnl i:.vi irnur, W-i oroRoa ao ju lrtid tbrouKh morli

K forecloauro. Call o r w rite, i i . «. S tate U fo . Emjilro Block. IlotiMsJc] clnda. Top I — - J i- _ J

lO 903W. FO R SA l.n-rP r« 'ity nnxltrn 3 x houso. .C all a t <CK cth avcnuo ea

»o cholco p o j i B A L ^ U i:.KCKAN(5K-C p. ih o n ? Kood 80 o r moro cbok-o ID A.. 7 i

houBft eood bnm . iuIIoh S. ^ “ “ 7— Dolao. P . Vf. D allon, K. 4, llof.ii'.

FO R SA L S -M odom t room h ---------- ^ w llh ga raso . Pbono 992W.

lU 2 I ^ R S A IiE -3 rootti lioutK-. i:<«mP a rk cation, llehla'. batfi, Inwn. Kiiny ii"

....J 800 n- D. Joh n n o n .'Iiy Moln Kant. 1*1mih J 300 397. •m il JIOOO ------------— ------------; —•^“ V o o o ' . H e l p W a n t e d -

ouno**''^'’ LtW T—A sm all bimch of liiyn.____I 32g0 tu rn 10 T im es, otf Ire.

W A N TED -M lddle njfitd I#dy or — -)3i&o ow nab ouaek rop i'r lu boinn with t

• . cblldron. Can ko bomo nlKbtn. —•-"♦3760 giiiro 163 T h ird uv'cnuo nofth i

n d ”:»cboo ------------------------------------->am, . W A N T E D -A pplu pickorn. I'l »mro 610J13. ' •_________ •

rw ln ' WANTED—Applo p lekrm . II, J,KOrt. 1 -m ile-no rth , 1 mllo cant

[J fo W axhlnston nchooh______________

'*^*f,*1‘’600 work'^for tlirco nmbllnd liioney W*>- Ono 24 years o t a«e, pcrmn yn on ibo w ork. Advanccmont auro tor i oJlvop the roan. H c/erencM ’reQu]rMl. Appl n buy. B. Bosbears, I U E aa l .Main. ?ANY ■ —n Ave. E. WANTED—O lrl to r .pi-ncTal be

iveT ectd'

lonco and I N ^ o n e y - t o ~ X j o a n -

an b e ar^ «H PB R CENT MONEY FOR FJ p, 1229.N. LOAM S-Can get yon. the mone: ta .-C olo— » an -d ay s ..fro n i’-dB ta..of-.apnIlctt

■ — a A. R oblosoa., _-4 room — — — ■ J " , — 3 blocks MONEY TO L O A N -C lly or I

W ill F a rm loans 675i. C. E . Potter, r c n r . Ad- E sta te . l*boao 374. ' n Falln. ---------------- ;= ----- = ------ : ------- =----

----------T - o - g r a d e - ^N jo m a co TRADE-TW O pool tabl.-n (ta in , in - fg ,. loqu lro MC rnil!. Buhl. WoBt, Tw in Falls.

} T ” -

------ V . / 0 - \ 1 3 0 6 kAAO A u r r e f i\ / K iia K rC P A W L tR S U E F T

‘ . - p u e n .F O O M .F iS H iM . a w. '7 iM QN iva’ u M -T MTO

' / C’ K JA nV , < a 0 6 « 6W E.-U. SI / € P R ia E C rw E K is » t< 3 r r a .8 f ic

— \- Y g tf H A v b A M - J W T ^ fit-

KTS, ^:a o e o f - m e N p a r t e d o ^ c a m ^ .

m g : • \ ' '

) P^RO l^N MU ■ V.»LC#\'aC, HA.-VG -b

H - VVATEft W .n 'V TP===— • 'T

| - | - [ - /

r B R I N G3ta,te M isceiraneoua.1111.' nno NJl’HICIC TO TKKSI’AHSJiltS ' f!«oo,iiii Any iieniou , IrcHpaniilnK 'o r li' 'li'ilinaii, u|i(in ofir (ami _or Iratw will

proti.'Viitc!.----------- Albi-rt Tnilillli.'n. .TKRn.S ' A lbert iJiddlkrn.

'jl'M U're *7*t"\NT .NOW—O ur Inl uuiilliy IaorlKaKO clntli. diit/odll. tulln; rrocun nnd .

id a b o <|(lll'.bii1l»ii'. Tb<<<Ki will bloixn I*rJ<labo. iiprliiK and ur<' no l in a clnnn witb

3 room * *''•''*1* bulbs forced In Krorrnbouncs. «(fi(fir. an<l iiui an Iho m nrkrl

nioilii'r-liulbn. KlmlxTly NurullIv—Oil a Pli.niL- .|C. Klinli<T,iy.'Mnlio.

4 S ^ 'w ' LAI>Il';a‘ TAM,0RtT.O nlid d7 i(hc Ilfll maklntf. .Mr*. 0 . O. .Morklo. 2i’S — !------1 nv/.-nuu north.'^.

“* SAV1-: .MONEY on «bot Kim nlTc ------^ W c r n v r ' n Uci’a lr Sliop. IT> .MaIno

y irvnii* r .r t >in roKrln.J ym ir i iu n r hla 1. inioiio D on't tbrow llicm nway. Wi-rner'n

, __ pnir Sbop. 215 .Mnln uimt.

L ost and Found. T . LOST—Iliiocb of. kcyn In |ioiito( i>«' K'l- or on Main avwum.^ulurrtny uft.-rni

. . . F inder plcnne Icav.' a l Tlnicii otilci

LOST—riiill <hg. antiwi'm lo . ni.i.uS*5.Uoir. V. T. Comi™, KS; .t!;;

l-lUUNU—A larKO Alrc.bile doc._______________________

FOUND—Lloonno plato No. tO- I .J . n i l ,- T in . . . l.|il .ll.h lt ,|, Co. ^ cant o t I X S T -P r o m llaoBon ntock ynn _ _ _ _ _ whiln fnco red cote, brandrnj <ji;ar inbltloua clrc lo T . Reward. Ray McKlnt rm anvnt .I’hono 17. Kimberly, Idu.

m i\v . F o r S a le-A utom obil--------- ^ FOR SA l-»-;D od(!0 toiirlnR cI bouiici Good condition. .L io n e l A. Dean.

' 2nd nvenuo wcaL '

7 ^ " “ FOR SALK OR TRA D L'-H ud 1 • Bupcr nl*. Cood condition. Box------------ KImberiy. ________■! o a ^ r ^ FOR SALB OR T IU D E —Toui lUcatloa,. e a r nood conriltloa. Eflulppejl »

Tn'ubb‘er^"and-A Iim lU »-|fTBastns-i------------ tcm. 406 2nd avenue weal.ir f a r m ---------- ------------------------------------- Ter, Real • f A o * C i g a r - B o x O d c r._______ OH ebtsiiied from MWdoJt o t

cslan tM wood used In the mans] ' t5 re ~cif~c lia r 'b -6tB t B ll BWa OfS J

I Philippine chemUte on cheaper inil nvc" woods to give tli»m tb a t d |

box odor.—Science Service.

^ ^ B y W ilUan

* • •_ -1 ' • ' • ' '

' V ’

' BYGEORJ' W lU l.‘'^ 0 0 ' ' . 4 .

£ -iOWE, ICC ' I ' 'T TO MY /—J ________ ^ •;>'

^.'zV. ' r t e

— -

l l f l i i :

T H E L B U— DAILY J Mr liiinl- * _

tj'f iv iiK .iT fiU.vF.H r t .v 'r r r r c .t f i r j iiti.v iin t»F T iU D i: m r

' ' . tITlIKU lilt.VI.NS l ll io 'p i’

ly byn. ClIH^ACO. Oct. f..—(iraln fiitii nd Jon- Vorlii'd. t.i a iiiKi'd- cIo:»' on i I nt'Xt boanl of IriicUt t.iiliiy. Wln-iit nii /Ub till! iiiiliiiliiiillal KiiluH. tViriPiiiiu;.'.! wli m-H lunl outii , madu thv uminl frii.'lln: <.’i im fo r,tb .r b.'ttvr.rn(*fli.‘ii lli'liiti'd nbort (-ovi-rlni: booiil

wbi-at Ilder ii. iiild-<l(i>' Hliiitiii. Kn______ Ibe laari to ml.|.m'i.t.|i)n. huUji

dreim- " ' ‘f" »ellvv. .Sirenmb ni'rl •’"S Clb " '“ '‘■dc miirketii, l)lK[mtcii..!i fr

tb .' niirtbwi-Bt Kiild t;aiiuilliui cn ■■ bad reiirli.'d a li-vi'I iiio!<t u ltract

nbeliri.’ to fori-lcnerii. Tbla uiiii iKirtlii Ino nnt. iinliHiaiitliiti-il. by liiiproved Inijulr

■ from iibroiid. ’ blatlcR. -rra.lliii; (ii corn wan narrow . 1

.-r'n K e._f,„„ i ,ir„[> wnn uttrlinil.'d l.i lu _______ tudllni:.

OaiH Inclined lo follow Ute l.\ i Ini: crreiil._ _ _ _ l'r«/»lii|«(in f to«’<T.

■•rnooii « IIIIA T —r i r T »■■«• I3r,% la? is :. , in.

— :------ Der. old lIH '.i i:if! in:!:>; 131lo . tlu- .May now 1.1C!4 m ' . i i;j« i:i:, Klm- May ol.l i : i s ^ iuc% 134% i:ti

CORN—----- :— Dcc............ 78 79 rOK. Uox Mny ....... ■ «2>4 HUH » l»4 »

OAT.'}—f n .o u ' i>ec...................... :i'JSi n-iM 3i

May ....... 4;i ’h i 4'.i, 41_ _ _ „ I-,\U11-

’Oct............. 1660 icr,o lean i^inator. j^yg__Doc............ RO’4 fil 7DTi K

----- Mny ........ iO'/i S7>4 S6 !T

- PORTL.tlsil" IVHK.tT.- a r POHTI.ANU. Ore.. Oct. h —Hi

an 12-> white. »1.23: noft.w blle. IT 29; we crn wlillc J 1.2H: bard w lnler. Jl.l

- nortbern niirlnK. t l . 2^ wenivrn rUurfBon 11.1’S.ox 104, —

n i r r . u i o r . i s K (3R.VIN.-------- CHICAOO. Del. Corn—No,rourlng yollow; none; .No. 2 yollow 81 . j j l j ^ g 2 \ic : So. .7 yellow. S0i4O82e; J

r"yclIowr~S05ri;n%-crT^O.—T,—ypllt______ 79J?79Hc; No. C y.-Uow. 78{f7l)e: 1

• . 2 mixed,.KlAS2c; No. 3 mixed. KIV ir 8 lH c ; No, i mlxi-d. 7l)iii&J<o>Ac: Jo f tbo 6 mixed, 79c; .No, o nilx«-d, 7Cc; : iDOfae- - wblto. K m 4f»2!4c: No. 3 wb issa-tw- 8M 4»6W 4<u-.N o-*_w M u_-;ai46toT ~ No. S wblle. 78Hc., Ontn—No. 2 wblle. 3 9 ff4 0 'ic : ; ' “ «•*' 3 wbllo. 38% i039% c: .No, 4 xvh

38*4©3«%ic: a tandnrd, 3-sr.— — • Uyo-iSam plo Kradr. 71c.

Barley—&SQ76C.B i ro t T im othy-»7© 7.76.

C lover-i:0© 27.76 .

OMAHA £lVF.STOrK. .OMAHA. Nob.. Oct. 6 —Cnltl.

Recelpla. 27.000; m arket nlent yearltofeB, 87.7S014.71?; M».ers. 86 C iS : cow* flod hcJ/cr*. 82.86®-.!

, Blockers and .tccdnrn, 83.C0O10.1 ! . calv<*a. $4011.60: bullnvjuid »ta

83.7601,60; w M iem ran lo rn , 81 lO.OO. / / .

H or* — Rocelpts 6«)D; marl-------- s t t i a r t i n t J e - l o w e r : biirtf--of nni

|10.76O12.2£;; top. J12,<ff"Sbe<-p — Recelptn. 12.600; m afl

ateady; yearllnsa. I I O I I I ; wetbe 87.C0OR.60: lamba. 813.60015.4 ewra, 850J-&0.

n i i c A o o p R o n rC B .'CHICAOO. I l l , OcL 6 .- B u tte r : Ji

------ - cc tplB. tt:<80T c w w eryidarda. 4sc; f lr a u , 44H 04fiK c : b( onda. 41043c.- £ c s a : Recelpta.' 13-OS); ,ordlna:

. . - ' 28034c; flrsta. 40O44e; e n ra a , 5 7 7 7 ^ T " ln».- - W ^ e | A lussta

Poultry — R e c e t^ . 18 c a r s ; foe L808*«; ducka, U 0 2 S c : xeeoe, IS

' tpH nga. tS H c ; .tu rk e y s .-:o c : roo era, U H t . h

POTATOES.CinCAOO. O c t E.—RecelpU . 3

c a rs ; W lscoaaln and Mlnneac round w hites. 8L 8S08: K taaese Red R iver Cfclos.

P O B T L A .^ LITB 8T0CK .PORTLAND. O res O c t CatUe

R see lpu . 9016; toaa o f m a rk e t fai s teady; s te e r s . - BMdinm. f« .7$0

— — oam8W ft.-t&fl»«<.76:— e e a a e r i - « c su e ta . » 4 0 S J « : be lters, aw dlt a ad e o n a o a . -8UM >S.7S: caaae a ad ea tta rs . ILSOOLXS: M la . ea Data aad to lo c a a . t3 » 4 : e a l« « . Bi

« J ' .

, ’Frni


c u t s Ut-l FcaT„..c St-vict;, li.c.

'Jo -s^ ............ .

J Y E R S -

I M E t REPORTSfUM'iri i l ’(>: nl.-tmclilcr iiU:». 812<P

l"li Vl; ..... . 1.IKI utiK-kern. »l:?pjU.2G.iiiM'i'ii- Sl'i'cii — Hi'i'i'lM*. r.llti; iimrkiit.

‘ ..li'iidy tn Kiri.ni:; Im.ibi., (i4 pmmdn , , , V d.iwn., Iiii'illiini to eUoico. J ll ff f ia ; n fh.” IlJe.lJllW lind i.')julcc.

, rial'll.2 fi; i-iilli' und coiunionii. alt ■ J '-i '-l" ; . "etlierK. JKffHJ.76:T tl iu i l •*<«’ •

„«,„,od Idaho P o ta to M arketl-'nim (M nrket Newn Si'rvlc.-, U n ited 'S ta les

luWti'il U i'P artm cni of Akriciillul-c.)nprf'ii.l • ---------!i fnun IDAHO KALI>5. I.fabo. . Ocl. 3.—

i;nilii I)..nmnd i.nd tradriu; nl.nv, nmriiel ractlvr- „i..iidy. lli.'.‘n c i tn b.> M il;. iij*i'kcil .rtliilly iiiic-ko.l riiriilK, No, I. t. A-JiTiiu)rli;ri canb tra rk tt.2U; wn;;onloiiilii itiiiib

ll) Krow.Tii. very f.-w iit'lcii. J 1.16; *•. Tlie Mii'k.d riiiiKi'di, U. S. .Vti, i . <:arlap6n I lom; f, <1. b. eanb 'irnck , Calltoriil.i pnck,

' e mnHily,tl.GO; bu lk ; wuKOdlondH'cunh ' l.M.I- to crnworii }l.26Q)l,30. C ar nliorl-

I1KC be.ivlly ’ rurtidllnK nhlpmenln. SintU' niHKcta koIhk Into U'n)jx>rary

(.•|n»f. utoruKo.C lllt'A flO : 1 Colorndo. 1 N')brp.-»l:n.

, infiTi 4 Norlb Dakota. 1 Soulh Dakota, .U 13fl \Vlncnn«lnr l~ W yom in if-arrived ; 33H );i7?i rj;rn cn track IncludlnK broken; aup- i;iG»i jdlcH tnodcrato; l^ciil demand end

IrndluK Hlow; oulalde dem and and 77 trudlnK niodernto; , m arkot . firm ;. »!?*■ ■rnick nnlea carlotn outwel&lit; WU-

connln and Mlnnenolu U. 8 . No. I, 39Vj Hiickcd .round whlloa 81.8001.90; fow

. 43% fancy Wlnconnln 82; W laconiin bulk round w Iillen 'U . S. No. 1, 81.760

1C47 »l.90;> fuw fnncy nbado h lsh e r; Mla» nraolA Rod R iver Otiloa, Uj

1(530. S. No. 1. 1 c n r .82.50. . . ^FOIU WORTH: 6 Colomdo, 4 Id?-

fit bo nrrlved; 11, car* diverted ; 8 ears jreTi on track unbroken; auppllos liberal:

demand and trn d ln c . alow ; m arket w eak; lirokara carto ta ' eoies. Fort

- H a r d W orth banln: Idabo aacked ■ m rals . wcKi- II. & No, 1. venUlated cara very few J1.2(l; i*nl.'« J2.2002!30; Colorado aacked

■11 red' white vnrlellea and brow n beautlee. IJ. S. .No. 1. voniJlalcd cars, $2,300

■*LOS ANGELES: 6 Cnllforata. 14 No, I Idnbo arrived ; 4 c ars d iverted : 84

earn on track unbroken; 26 care on :c; .Nl). track broken. Salcn F riday : Demand ypllow r •*l«>W’ -nn.rk»4-alli;UUy_jMulkoti_tt«CK. lc ; No, nnlen carlo t outw elsbL Stockton

imckcd Ions wbltoa. moBtly $ t6 0 O ic : .No, 2.CI); poorer, 8S-36O2.60; Idabo aack- lc ; No. ed niaartn , Caldwell d la trlct, 'fl.SOO

w bli.\ 2.10. E antem Idaho aacked rusaets,

m .Kir rc ; Nn. Idiibo arrived; 16 C alltom la . S

Klilie. W aalilnxton a rrived by bo a t; s oars on (rack un brokeo; 2 e a rs on, track broken; suppllea heavy ; dem and and trad lnc Blow; m a rk e t d u ll; Calitor- iiU nnckcd lo n g whltpa. U B. NO. l , ' 82^^1602.25. few. - fa n ^ ' ahade hlgtier. (irandod. I2.3S; poorer. fl.tO O a ; So. 2'a uncbanxed. W aablagton aad ted

!„llt(._ ne tted eema, repacked, 8M 6O LS0; Heady: 'ew 82.60; poorer low aa 88.SS. Idaho . 86.60 no aalea reported . ,07 .^0 ; NOTE; Itallroada notified rdeelT< J10.76: e r r a ll c ars m uat be ultloaded with*

ataxn, in 48 boors sfte r« be ing -epo tted o r , 8 5 0 aold a t publlo aucUoo.

^ i m i N F A L L S MARKETS " !B m ir a n n c B s

» 5.<0 , nean*.^recJeaa«l. aackad. u ta t - .W J #. H ors, heavy ------- ■ ------• ■ e ^ ^

H ot*, hu tch er --------- -----------U ^ O U s

& - r - = - ^ | a i: eec- ~

dinary, ^

fowl* .|., .~| || . .1, I

i s s s ? — t z = i = i 5 :

1 . 3 Ma e a o u . ' a . ■. . t c f l iTnrfcays, ta o a ■» .■ ■•».■ un ^ « ^ ||.

Wft 1

. fally

.7 (0 1 :I- - a a d

« M a o

k a ^ . j t

Page 6: Ar.T^ liili - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES...T W I " "liili-----lOWPA INPOLIT _____^ A m e ric an F e d e ra


, IIHE COURT--------- V

■" F i l e r M nn W h o S w o re J t c S aw

D e p u ty S h e r i f f O onvcrsingr

\vlU i J u r y ' W h ile C as6 W aa On

la B e in g T r ie d on C r im in a l '

,C h a rg e . ' ' . _ |

TJio <-;isc- (If 111*' f'Uili- S;. ; li-nn ,I 'a ll ', i-liiin;r(I \t iili t" < jm y in '

' ni'clloii with nil lltv l In i Ik* '

lllll HOU. i ’aiil I'n lr. <'iin;li ll'll nl r‘i.1 ' ili'Kl-i'n lairKUVy. fnr inUn ry I

• o f IllO Col.lrn Kill.', «.l:i . ilill .1 . llll::' ni.im liii;. Youn:: ]’n '. ' i!-jil..|

• . IK.'W Uiul mill y |:p ';;rJ.l, ll.' l.'T jn if^ l i

**lri uffliliivll;!' !!»• -.lil. r l-nh' iiH.1 i • IH'O claiiKlili’iH juw>i-- Ihnl iIj.-v .. ('lmrl<-«*i;. ,I.iu.'ii. il.'i.iily r.liiTlff, . .ni-

VUTHU n lill the Jury iii< li, wi nl ii> i.n|i-- ' |»-r .in III.’ .-v< Him; »r Alnr.-h i:C, : Inn '- '

' iy li.'fdr.' I I'llil i i l j i> « viT.ll.'i. 'riii'v I’r.'ltoriil.'ii itiU Iiil.’i- .111 111. ' ' w1litn !i |.

\ tilund wli-'ii iirr.'i'li'il, f.'i- (ill. i:c'l p n - il Jlir)-. Wllll.' Ihi'y llill um ..in .'iry InIllO nfflrllivll:. M ttlih-h .lili.ir .........WIIH liavi' iiilUr.l, ll.'il I 'n l.. V

'■ nnotlMT l'l.11 nf Si.'iilniii rm .', ifM ifi..! I;tlm l Jon.'ii M llc.l'i.) |{iil]>li i'ln li. i'ln). \Jitl.l 8 . II. Clriiv.'H.'lil.- liiK.T Jury fnr." i: m nn. liiiilfii'il ilmi ili .y ualk.'iJ . i.. j;M Jirr, 'I'lii'y Hny J.ui.':. .r.i^f.i'Il iii.'ntri'iit .wlillo tli.-y u .T i' .111 lli.-li' ;tto r iipix t ; tiuit Criiv.'ii t.al.l "II.'llv, li

- . •C^iiiirll.-," mill l,linl J .ui.-h wuIIc.I '.hi iriieninH (ill-.m ri'.'t wiilioni i.ii',i\.'i iiii. <iTli.'y imy ilicy liiiil nn i7inv. i-wiii iii Iji nu rh nil liml n.'i f.n lli In lli.- ntfI.liujM fln.l llmt lii.-;.lu l.’iii.'lll nf I'nl.-, ;iii.l l.i.i

'tiiiiiliy wnii talH«, ' . ill'J . \y. T n y lw Ix .-i/iil T in .

• n c r K, ilai-kiiiiiii .l.;r.iuUm:. ^ ■'..Mt'iiilnin.'K Muiiil.' r .n in .T nml l:ii1;i

Unrlnn. .JaiiKtiH.Tii nf ili.- .l.'t. inlinii, " ’ ' tiiiV). l)c.‘n nrrpKt.'il nn i.iinllur . li:ir.'. :

fo r iliiHr nffi.liivliii. All Ini.li.l tlmi Un’y lolil llll’ Iniili,


. BY THE m iS:

IV nnltx of F nun Oni' r.iiiH ii'ii Y i-nn I« l>mti.I.'.1 II) Ktitliil.-H ..1 IJn h o i Di'fpnoc Allnmi-}>i ll.it.1 UN- ttiirtlitii IIMnot n l.nn-i M.v nnrl ilni. ‘ i>iisli.in<'iil I.l H.- VHiil ill rn»i'.

C .invlrlnl nf'.'iiilii-j'/lom. ni In iln- num o f tH .ll'S tu m t Ou- lil.’ihn -r Co.. n i S;>tnr.liiy nlKlii l.y n j,n v " o r hln i>.'oi-<. Jny J. i.<.ii(i.' « n i |.< ;'; nnntonr.'.i hy Jii.li;.' \V, A. lliili.. r..-lc v. D_:no Ttu-Hilay inoriilii!?. '.'^t.'iihiin * I,;

ilicnli' tliaCiiii nii|i.'ii1 nmy lie l:ik<~n.Th.- I’. iinl:).

■ T il.' i..'nnliv llu- . iiih.-.-.'lln;' llio ninoiiiit 1nvrffv. ll lu llil'i . '; i '. I ' ' frniil on.' in II vcnni In lli.' i>.'ii,i.'!'..

• T ill' Klnlnlr- III i.tnli <:i'n "l.\^ I n ' i l , . v lcilm llf th .‘. |>ui'l.>lnlnr Is nil !|' nnl 1>r rnriin rndnn r. a.I.c i '‘

•'Kv.-ry p<'r....Ji r-iin.J ^-iilliy ..f " ________l.m l.'nionl 1- imnlHlial.l.' In il..- ni.'iiti. i

t i l . 'V nin.'I lial In c-nihi'/./l. rl."■An:iitii.-nli< of n tlorii.yn in i|.. .

li»v .' I.xi 10 Un< fiifi'r.nn- iIk.i 1. | . , ' probnfiln llinl. In n.MllInn lr> ili,' n .n:,! '.'

. fonnnl flnlm s f.>r i . l i ia i f i i r i ■ i r.ntii . . In fiucli cjOif.n. 111.: n ttn n ii)-. fni il..

• (Icfrnxr. may nni>r-al :un1 I'lii-” . iv.' '' •c laim nrKil.'.l -H it.'- 'Im. ol Hi.- riln. : '.'I'

■•of molioll f.ir ;in .lii-.tnn l.'.l l,nnmoly. tha t th .t.rr lin .' in..>.ii, tf :^n>, ronK tllu tn i la r.'.'ny l.v nl<l.on ibrrlclncnl- T h .' Mafni.' .l.f in lir 1'” ' «-mJn*Tl)i'mrlil In I.rl. f an.l i.'a.I ' l:i>i-

'ImzIvRK'lil in (Im- frrin-hil. ni ..............llc n of Jiroiu'iiy l.y n i -.m ,

-U Jfi Iiilril«l>‘.l.*' t'T ll^ .l.'flnlllnii llf la•^-.n^ I- lll.'i> '..

J.r lrf nnrl ru«.Ir.; .- iJ irc c n y H lh .' f.'tnnl..::;; :.Ir:,ll„ •. ’l,'

tnk lnc . r a r ry ln -. ira.lln-: nr . l i i i : • j 'i '

V o ilier." '

ll.W .V V IIJ.IO N A l'l 'ltlll'IM M I ll I ', "n i |{ JIAKlHM i M » :'llil tU I,''^ ) ''

■WASljlN'fiTov. l>. r . Ct.i .-.T lm mini of-ir.r.o.nin. m,.-> ;

___ ___ n in l 111- lllii' M .'iiinrlal .-rfno<-l:iIli'n li-':,. t.'.l.M fn: ;

l.tillillnt; a inrm orlal >i..tiili ........... .Ohio.

W ork on lan.l-.raT>>- r.air!.i.ii, : Hr,'.:__ . n iithnrl;.-'t Iiy lli.' i r i ) . i . . . li- :in '

itnmrin.itrTy^ ,

KOU SA lK M . n'n' .U. .H.rwi tp Jfi.ii.l v.iln.-i, r l.. !;i : f.T J . ' i '. i f ” an.l. W .s;. -IlnrtH-r Sh.." Co. a.lv. f |

' n««<I TImcn W *nt Aft». |

- SPRING FlOWERINe BULBS'J n s t r c '- iv o r i .hit K.i II Hiilli '

O n i .- r a m i n n - . .f f . 'rJ i ic tli.« .7 3 n H t l in e tim i hn>. .-v.t ...... .. , '

..a ll' in* T w ill R J K . T a l ip s , :H y a c in th s . N a rc ix s iu , C ro c u s 'n n .l C h in ese L U ies h u k i n il I.,- :jitn iit.'.! non- l<> l>l.iori <m t.' ■ "

tn c n H v sj'riii;:* . [ r' ' I tm n tlf j Y.ior (ip .nn.U n l i l i 'r a r t j

SprinjT V1..w<T« • : I\ ___ S'"*! I'<r l*rirr- l-i'.t. J-V. D a rro w Bros. Seed &

Supply Co.


' s i x / ' ' ■

YaiyM ii;i> In M.iIn. '. l'r.iiV H,..ii:.n M>"

. l!.ii: .• f.ir li M .11 . . r a l ......'a u i . i , ‘

_ I Uin:; 1 |. St*..... -A...... i: l"|.I.' ........... lh" M...■:r.|..^ : i a n - ^l"im i..ry 1.. pv ..... . m a f.'w <l:i', ..

- - . . r>i ir n i i i rlnu l'r..in (l|ii'riili.ni Mi .1.

K. I,..n^ 'I .M ,.ll.i ........... .."I in f ." ..; annj.. ialti>n .11 Ih- . 'I i . 'ra l l,.r.|,iial.

W Ii.'t 'liit-rhii.'i' I.l.'.;.iv.- -j:,iri l !* S ; .|. '

18T M .il' 'i iant.''.l a li.Vii-.r t.i u . . l 's .j '- . In «"■ ______

llij lliu- " i ’ i''ivi ' ' ' I ' ' , I / ' ' - '

;; . M ill iiri'.'l M rii. lm-.. l>. iinli i..„• sirii. l a l.lli!.III.;-. 1 1 .............. t,. im . . ii '„ I-'..mill anil l-'IIHi . ' i i " ! ' . r.n S ....n .l ,

a i.liu i- ......III. Uiiv :;i;;iii.il Sal nr.l.;-,.!11 Hill I..'.I al.nni Jl;-i.ii.

a i;..lil.''i>-^Tr11ii.in.. i;.> .i;,ni.;< A. W ai-! II I .l i>*<iiilav. ti.M.iKh ,1. M. Mill.llll A '

5 . . / . ."hi...... I 1h ^ f ln t , ; i r Joa.I . ..I.! (^fi.lrii b.'ll.-lriii-..n;.l.l.;i I.; I.n:i A li:;-’

• I.nl I. |l . ' .-r ‘- l '- r iu I'i.r.Unri. 1!.- ,lnll.:i, U lllr Tayh.l- aii'l I '.'.l W.i I i:i;i;,. I V i’.iiiiiK '.i Sninlav ..m 'iiIii;; aiiTt n I h i>,

1.. Ih.- Slaiil.'} III1..I11 .-ininiiy ..ii a ;• ii.-. i- l.iiiil. Tli. r I'-i'l '.11.' .[.■••r. I

ll.ils.' VKil..rs Mv, un.l ,\li:i, 1.. ,V.!. Wvininl i i i i lv . l Smi.lav .-v.-nin:: im ni.'I l:r.h'.’ ).>■ vli'll Mr... Vi'viaii.r.'. in.iih' i , |. \ ln .. -lain. . ,M, Wall, al i;.:: I 'i ' i i r

.- ;tan:: « a:i i.ni nn iil Ui<- ih-|.'<l lortay :» ,, , Ulk.' .'a r .' of III.- la r:;.' i . l i l^ .-n i-s ,..f ..

. <liiioli:i l.lni |..il,'il... s ;'ir.vif!n hhij.ji. .! Ill 'I Iar;;.' itnaiil ll k ':i'ik.

i T in . Tiirx iSllllill- Tvii, i'-r>i(l:l, ..t;T- .Itlx.'ll l.y 1. 1.. M..U.11 Itml lln- r>lh->'

. l.y II ....... niiTii.il 'llnn-i.'ii. .'i.n>.' ini.....n ia .'l Sa tn t.iay ............. . in lh .' t . : i r.<r III.' I'iiy hall, .inim; n.im.' iltima::<- '

i ‘;.JurhI.Ik-i- N1II1-.J • Tli. r.' u r.' iii.r.-,

J.J.I nn n vn ,l;ln '; 111 Ilarl.hi:;.' ilnw; i..'- I'..lillll:; It. W. II. llllrlti.m, wIi.i l:i i!. - |',-............ lihi lnl.-r.'r.t:i i|n-r.'. .V ;'...nl ‘Mill., in Ihl- Jnil.i,.i,;.'-N, v;ni,i |.rn |V -.11.',> l>: r i'iin ri.'.l Tli.- i;iH..r:i ...... lh.- ”r n i l ...... . 1-i.i.ii.i.nh's ur,- hnlliliv.'. • .

Aiiirrj nil ,SiitiiriiiJii}-T;. II. Sail.-.' iin.l I..'l» M .'M hhI.t llf lainhyrly «v. i.. iiiHi'i'li'.l 111 111.- h.1111.- o f H.-v, J, i;ili..ll J;Hllmi. Ill i n ? 'r . iii ir uv.'iim- iiw i, ni.10 i.'riiKk SHi>ir<liiy. I'V.iilni;. - Th.-y ["W.TI- in 'i'.nni.aiiM >'>' d n lll i- C niy lui.i•HIhh A lynl.' iVjinlllKlnn.. Tli.' riai; " r.-r. ninny >i«u jih.'.I. Mr. nn.l V:m. Sail.'.' ivlll laahc- lli .'lr hnin.' li.'ar Kim. In-rli-y. _ _ _ fc .

....... l i’l >iiiii*-Uli.i-— N il l.y .‘;< 'nn t-;’|Iiia..i.r;. NiVoii. [••ranir, 'riinm;ili, 11.11 "/mil i:vain., ............... . . 'i .».M'.I lu .n l.Miiii’n (liii.'h In llii'lr hll;.' .-^aiiinl.iy , ••v.ilin',! i.n .S m ai.'li.'.l I., lii.' Wali.-. j ’’; Ii-ni.ni lann ..i .t ' lu o mli.M w.-. l,T ^ .l l, ....... ......... l.v ",1. T. Snih.hiiiy. ami .la.-li .Shi.itil. V.i- " il.iii'i ....... iwr.- mill. T h.' i-riiit.r.tl'. l» .,. |iO h .' I1....H'. IO ..... ,Wi.. u.iii;.! *■''• ■ u l l^ i - . « a ll;- y ir . i.-ry .-|n„', . ' '

i'l.U.'.' Il.'.'.iril ill Til., r.'im rt ut , .•iii.f It. i:. i.i 'k h i.in fiii.iM r.i i;..-

ti- I: I..I ira f f lr violalinmi. mIx . f..r

T T T iT ^ T lk ^ r .v .^ .'-S ^ H iv .'. 'i^.1:1,1 ll.li. vMurmiif., fi\.. M r..I lii't;! . l.lll. M \ Ihi;;:. Uill.ii. .I!l. i.i.-.iN fill III..lu.l, :i: ciaiu'.- b a lb MM1.-.I. i : ; i ;I'l ........... "’ '■'•■'•■I. t.iu r ..i,^ --.i..l. n ll -

- t r r^ t r T im r - r n rn ? itn ;rm ? l(^ n m T -T 'r ^

1.11.1..111.Snl.'--[iijiincllr.il i.-riX'.'.lii; :'. "............. Ihln im .m lni; l,u<O ii.rn .y I'’'U-. I.. li.iNii In iii.li.iif nf K.lMur.i J . a- " '.I I an.l,Mlf.' I.l >ii..|. th.- :a li ' l.y Sli. i- ' Iff '.iT-r. I'-mc-li of n Tofik nbark nmi ;in iiiiiri. I. vU'.l nn l.y K, i'o;.|il.-al ntnl ' " 11. m > lliiyn.', a.'.-i.r.llni: 1.1 m1i:ii ili- v . hilni t-i 1..- llll' n.n.llli..u.. ..r .V '.h i>I.1 iinnli:^::.-. ’j .n - .rn I'ialm-. ih : t u i^ ' nn.il:'aa..'M 'ii» mill un.l \o 1d atl.lTh:.!il iMiri tinV1.'ii.to(»l lh a l 11 M.nilil not l> ,

t.nili.'riins J la i. ' .....1 Cr.iu.1 —-H'h.-

llir I,lllt^:;:n . I,ilr<'h. All : ...i lh > .. r.: ^ l:.l:.'T, nn.l n,:.ii> ha.l lo Maml iiT r 'lh .'

Ull.l nU;;:j''- riin.n iv:ri il. jlvi-i.-.l i.. aII.IH .I..I ,..ii: :i.:..l ln ti al ih.. |.,iih .r :.n ....... hv i l . l . H. <•. \V .".t.n .l..if ..f |

M I'lvin.i.ilii. .Many ,w r.- |ll.•^.'nl li.irn nui.i, f l.^w r an.l i:,l.-n.

i .M r . . . •/.-■ /--r/u . .-(.M r.^ > f- .H. . i'iil.t .'I.vir.:' : ! nr I'iir= ir» n -g t - tt r -M l> ' ......1 a .ullrniim n v l l l |... h.-l.l

II..M ............... . I ..’. I... k in ­.l.;,.I .If IIH. . . |! ,un.nl>, nn.l Mill h- 'M iv.'i.'.l I., a J'.ilii n n .'iiii;; of lln-

TU. uVi.:h''r '.'alui5 . i . i i " 'T l . . '' i i i . '. 'iin :

RADIO FA'NST u W e S T e s t e d

FREEx!ir--nnly «nlM“ l- . I c r In sniillf- •

rn l.l-.i.o, \SV .-ir.- Ii.'n.l.iii.irtprs for IIAIJIOS anil MVl-l’I . l i a .

The ZENITJHn il l ..n l.r.rrf.irm n a j lUidlci la I A n rH m .

3rAK»: r.S rnovn i t . -

BILL HEtM• ^ h r I .I i r lla .lio ]l<>iilpr~

O pp..s!|r C li; H a ll----- l‘b»Bi> SO. <

V- . . : , •

I .Boys and C Money ByT)i.' 'I 'l. ill l-'n il. n .i i lv T in

>'<-•«> l - ilK .......... .... lli.' T u• III i . ;i r l i. 'ii liir u n i . 1." ..II -i k Ii ;

I,; T u in K glls C n u l i lv ” ML-lt n- "■ .................. . 1 ■i .i:>i"i>i-ii- I ' - i i l ' -

; it ll.-,,I. i-irr-. n r m i r ur .iin ii.i-- /........... " 'i l l m.i.l.v 1.. nii.v . 'n .j i ml.l.-s,, .‘1". I i i - . i l l i - r u'..i'.l-. u .-.

■ iii'iv.. n|- lh .. t;in iili i)r m ui n irr: w iti.'h .............. Ill.l u-.'iliiii; nov.

.Ii:- II]. mill-.- .-in-.'lv u i i l ......... .!'!■ IIU-.1. T i l l - . ' n r i i . I . ' . ....... I l.lll I

iih itn K ii-li'.li m ..l iw i- ...............I m 'lj .’l . 'i ....... I in .l I..' iv t'.'v .’i in .

I...V. n .l t-'irl-; -.In.ul.I I .ili.' a .lv ; . 11- -S in .'.' l! irn - n. lili.'l.v I..'

u '.' n>- u'..illit tji iKli'J'l 111.- n i } im i(t'lil I-. (Jii. - n ; , '. - '; jii;

; ^ .la i 'i 'i 'i 'i i t In .l- u m . ' a M'.i'.v all.,1- ‘ I'lll' t!i.' I'irst .lit..........A ' U 'l' \M)I ,'ll.‘.. . ' i i . l l . I l lu - ..■>' '.'iiU ill th is w av , h ' aii.v l,...v .

n -ivr Inilll ivnl-.l:. ..|i " W lml ill ' 1.. T u 'ili I '-nils" r.i' s.','IIII.;, ••

V.i K iinn inv .V .ir tl.ir'il. '-Il.i-.v i.. ir i ." . ill Sr,m l),'I'll -l.liih ..." T il.'-.sii::;rrsilv .'. i l i . r . ' a r a ...........

■ I ioii"li iii.,r.- mr...... llian t i v ..I,.'I .........ll 1.1 I..- iia i.l l . .r .-iii li n.

'■ U lhir.l l.v .'..I'llji.'i'-lll in .im! '"•j T i.\i i- :s ii''^________

I' u lll I... lill.lrT III.. n.l..|.l.'.',i i.f’ lli.' ia--.mil.... I n ri;anl/«i|.iu . . Tti. r.' I:i nn . x-

' ' ....... im .'iliii; ..f III. l-ar.-iii-T.'a.'l.-' ' . r'li ui.ll...’lall.Ill llllil iifli'iiinoii. In lin'" .M ill llllil lln- CIOH.I III 'i ll.' I .'ll.ilil

::hniiiil llol I,.- iar:;.', ii-iviil I,.' H ull.'I 1.1 III)' .................. . lun . II wa;i :;(.il. .l I..-.lay. • • _

Jtniin.f I fiiT .(.V.iiiI; <'ar(.-;- Ki.y A ll.n » . i . . |..>iiml *.».-r In ih .' l..li-1'iil .li,.lrl,'i .-nml Ihin all.'ni.ii.n i,y IJ. S. (•..mnii..:.l<.n.r II. I-:. 1'..m'-

, ..n ' iiwf.-r $1(11111 l,..mi. - Tii..y i.i.'.i.l- .ll 11.11 j;iiilly. T ..r .lii.;oM J,5 I^ i:li.'ii l.y W, W. I‘l.'lc..|(. i ,i i . | '/f ? ‘ll. llii:i.y. 'I'li.'y a i. ' i'hnii:.'.l mIIIi luuim ; i. H

" l ailoliH ..f inoniivllllir' III /io l...... of■; Un- V.iiMca.i Ji.'l- . ' '

'■ .Mill Kriiiii} - Th.'‘ l':i,..l.'la f.inili- Hr.- iiirl |.'rl<liiy''rv.'iiinu.iiL Ilu- linin.. nf lli.,lr uliiii-.lliiii Caiiil Simiiiu-i,.. S.'Vi’ii i;irlii ri'I.rirI.iii fnr iii.;ia>l.<'i'*

I plilfi, Tfio«<' fircni'Ht m ’fi' Murmin'l , l l r n y , l.^.iili..' l.;i»r«'n.'i-. Clriii;.. .Sinn.

III.TI.. I.ll1lan Vlrh'-rn. I.iii'll.' uinl \ Iniih.'l Mc<!rnry. Khlrli')’ lll ll v,ii,i

il vi.;ii.ir.

'• i'inrrl.'.l i i)n r ,7 « in ~ r i~ f iiT 11. i-iir- i.r-ti nf Ihh. clly anil llniinl.' (imin

• .If S ail l.akn <-iiy ».T.- niarrl.'il 1l.ii., all.Tiinoii l.y |-rnh:ili- Jii.li'.n J, I.,, liiNlKln, j

'1 ' 'V u i l l s 111...rcr -Alllll.' r . :irl liii.'.'ll ' hy h .'r ........ . Wolf.' ...: Wliklllr..• I Ihl:. a ri.'n in..ii ,ni..l fr.r liiwil.'.' fl.-rn ; Wllllitin I h n h i;h -rli.I .'rn .'lly ami .ll;it.'::ri..l .il m .ir.la;.."

\ rh li.ii.':i. rr.m iniinlly S 'ff^m a'l-l,i.< |.. . 'i ly Ull.l . '..1 :i iin.nih iiliimniy. <

. i’.al.l U ii.iiii.' Mil.:- n i : i r .; Inll.' I'nlrfl. ...Illlly .•.rfiH-tHitinrli'ltt.

ua 'i ill'.'h:i''::..,l from t h r hn'jijl.il

; ih .n '" f .n ' ‘:Viii.!-n'i!!'lt'll,''''aJ^l'''’l : '‘' ’'in.M j

r " - r r ^ - : n ; r . ; ; ^ : ; .......... i |• n '." 'h ." " lh " " ' . '' .n l ’r l ’" lh - ‘ 'u il' l r Z t

', ,,ti\iT!i rr i. i fir.-t.ll. 'jiTi . 'ifMrT.,',_:;r.'M:niaii A.I.Hm' h T Snillir iii :i ('.Ii1imilii!.':i1h>ll i.'i'.'iv. il I jn in 'll.'.'r;;.'II .Mi'Cinlv, ..... . Til.- n.m -

. n.l;:r.lnn 111 r.',i|.,iu;.. lo i.-.iu. .1 l...i,i . T.'«.i.i •inil..,til|.-. an.l ,.ii,.t .. |. . ami I. ] , |. 'o n la lK i" . fm m lh .^ , . t : . l . ' :in.i %

I . rl i.h.ijiiii; an .;inrr';.'ii.-y la".' on '

: T iv o i , i i ,M : i i " i7 r K y :v , i i i i i v S ~\

S Ill il.'^DS \ l i l i : s . (I.V- r.' I . l.rin-.: • (.1. M.nl:.. .11 .1:,, in .-.'i.'hralIr.l; nf lin ' : . . .n m i . .n l i i r j „r tii.' . Uy of ||. , ari.., t

, A r^ n ili ; . . :.l:v r n .k .t .'« |.l .-i ..l |

X " ■ N E IE q u i p p c y d w i t h H i g h c

P r i c e d $ 5 0 0 . 0 0

--------------- -— ^ N o t - ^ m p l e l

HARVIE S l7 ~ " T

S im p le in C o n s t ru t io n —;A bsoln t.c ly

T lir a .I l l 'l l o f III............ ,r u-.. in lr . a | | , , | r ih . ' v|i,,.v .'i ir .- a r ,___ Jl.'.r^ .> M ..rk ' i'•n r a m i iTlT'T^.'^nii-.: tli.-ni.li.i lls i j is t a« f:lvt ;,s 11:,-V ....... .o f .': ir .I.'MII 1.. tin- a \ > i - .ii .i l i iv .if x ,.;ir r . ; r >)Tini,-s N...IV'. ll hol.-.- I.r , I n l l . in .tl i in ;; 1*.viin iii.' I 'l i r i- .—Wc can put thei

Stepken CyliiidfAUTO PARTS FOR A

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Girls. Make ! Writing Mew I

r in i. s l ia . il" .';.j.',i I.. ..:'-.-r .'iihIi I'.ir ' T u in i'‘nlK iim -i. I’.v :l .i - m.- in.'uii ' ll i i i l 'j . '. 'i - . J-. '• .\ 'c ,'i,'iili :ii-a l r n i p . ill . ■ • I I . I ,,.,111 li,i'.!l,.'ls , 'f In'ini-, \v.‘,','I ,’ ' ..I- " l l . i u m aiiv lMi"i:i'i ' <il' .•nrn, ;V r.nw,, ,.;ii')ii'ij];H Jiin i.. '. ' Tin- ,I sii.'l. :u .,m ;nr l>."^l'. l - ’ii i ,- v.;i,'.'Ni..-. l.-.'i tlm t ih .'i '.' i-; Tf :- r ra i <].'nl o f ii:i-:-iilliil-;ii -.,'. 'l in n s i .r .l i i i- . v .m il tv , ■ov. mi.l tli is is an .'I 'l 'i.i' | . . .'oiui.'i-l ,:.''-ii".iliiir.ilivi-. iliilil Ul- lii ir . ' in i,li'' I.1 ll" \ . 'i 'v I.mu- Imi i - n tn .' :.tni-.v ill I" Illy .............■ Ml.' I'.ii'.T , T Ii. 'm' ' •_'ilh^it am i mnii.v n f I'li.' ru ra l '.-ll.iy l :!ilM iiiia '-'.' lli is ..ir .-r. ■. it..' niii.'i. ili ij.li .'.ili .in ill till's ,' '.l .ir i.'^ 'n i! " o|- pnviii;,' lo r III.' I'ii'si sinr.v . 'j i i i i i i •M.iiiJi .l„»i,".-’ t-r..)i. I f l l l l '. , ' • , ,

a ........ ........ I ; i . . i i . ' , . - . ' n ^ . ' v .ilL i.iiy ;

. ..rr. r 1.1 f’,.' h i- li ............I l,oy.: iiii.i IV .„ ' 'j ir l u i l l w r i i - iiii " 's a y ..f in .r ' ■- lln^ i;lm .1.1.Klin i lr ii lv - W ill.,,\1. nn ••■nn^ .ViJvaiitiiu.-s III l l i ^ r r . i f / , ', ! ; ;

., ( i. 't -Moi'i- .\im m i'a t'n ,;iiik ' iii.in.s. i li.^s.' l;.s | lii,.-.. •;iii,,ii'.'1- ill-.' im.T.-ly,.-r I.r n t'h .'is a m i l ln - " u-,;iL.ilrii,u- | ,,l,..rl il.'ii.- m r-niiriiinl ;iln .i.-, T h .' - I 1„ . w.s iirm r , r . ." " a v i .i l l ....... . I

n.lu'i' in il.is . i l l l r . '. I KS {•I’l ' . I . I S i l lN 'i n i ' . i | ’.\N V .

i i [ are"baoly'~ ^HURi m FORO i

tm AcraiiciI . I - 1 . . . j I.'II -I’lirU .VII Ilriil*.',! ‘ ifs Car Tnl..'<

Tiir.',- raiiuiurrsi'ls U hrn 11 Hits lii 'a i.'l >i'iir Shosiniiii-: .\i> .iti.lic.s In

■ A ll-'llri.Vrn.

l-.irir y .,:in ';"jv ..i.i.' V .’i, ' li:nllv Inni::.'.1 :.|i.| 1,'rrlhly ikiIi.'Ii iii> when , ' ti..' ■•mil r a r In 'Ml,I .h lii.'V Wii.-

...J .lih ln .: ,h i:.'ii III.- ::i.i..'l four mil.!:. t h i ' :.l.l.' r.f .............. . ini'l in rn .'.l ,.Krl' III,,'.- lin,I',:. ,',;itlni; an.l .-Cll:|Jl/\-^

,.,i In;; lh.' .«'.'iili;inlii, 'I'h.' cjF/fi. ".............. I .M!'.s i:va S. in-ral. Ml .i-Vlr- ,rilli.I ll.;y:irn. Ho;.u.- I'hth.Ii'ilKpii . ' (111.1 N.'I,hi JI;;\1h.

ir- ''i'l i.' . . . r M,i;i liiiii:' .I 'rlinl l.y .Minian la .i ...........I u lio ir- now in Ih.' i.nu-ill. l.iliii, limi Mil.) Ml. 'ilrlvini: h.'nl.h'1.. llnr.i... r in iii . 'i i '. 'n . (inlni; n |. Ilill.

|Ml:.i. .-•-II.'.n l ..I.'r-.'.l ii;i ill., r-i,- nr-l - Im .tiI at ;i hi 1. : II.-. (Ill I'.'Uchllu

.'11 [111.- I..ti, ............... f-ll II Hlichllr.. Ij.'ll v.iil.'li .1 ......... 1 a tl.'nlloil Illl.l.m n -a iliril lu ,>i. i. I,..ini; no 'xioiv n,:J,;: rioioi. ) I.- lila , ..MH Ih.- 'h l .l 111..

ir" '.::'n lim n in '! " ''a vwiu^'hi'lrr ,1.. I.,an/! on III, I.: I Mlirr,- lh.> party

IM I III. J..:; il l;i IhilUKht thh.v.a,: lh.' ;.:;i.: ... r:in;i.' Of lh.)

" 'ii ';.:: ' -'...l iimrt.H m f i i r , . ral yr.,l.',,|;,y niO.' i ,. I.) ll.li.- .Mr, ihixi.ia- h...ii.. r.il .1 M '1 .^llh hh, ,r.ilkK, II..

“ l7aiV :.nn^T<“ i : ’ “ i.7i7.'iiI7.i;il.. 'fomim'iTF1,1 [t.i.U 111" I,:i.':. ,:hntilii.n.' un.l afl-1.. . r i . . . .il I,:.,-; I.i . rl hr-ri' r s r .-p l Mr. 1 " t i l . . 'l 'i Ml:., u .l . : ken home In hl»

aAep for Salen;-^ t Iil-t-,1;

. u i l l : . r | [ ^ i , i .nillU l)1Mli:IU'<J -


;;; Ray McKinster[ ., Plioi'o 17

' I K im b erly , Id a lio

— : — " - ■

W ' C A ' I T "

I or Low ^^resRure Tires 10 to $5000.00 Is lete-W-ithout-a— ------- — —

TABELIZER7 0 PER S E T ^ 1I—S im j ih 'in A c tio n — B u t ;ly E f f ic ie n t•I U"i..-Iii u h i 't i Mill llil 11 liiim p sh...‘'li ft.im r .'.ii 'liiii'.' llll- l..'(ly <if

u i i l i til., sp ring’s on v n iir 1. 'i'li.y iii.'.-t n il rn .n l Voiiiii. imp a ii.i w ith .m l iv ii ic tli . ' i.i 'ih ' i - . r . i .- .irn v in i: tl.a ': iin1iir .n l-f l,-\- N .i v ira i .s n r r :,l.l, 's t .. I 'm i k .T 1*1 u’.'t ..111 ..f ..n l.-r . O n ly llir.'i-

hem on in less than 30 minutes.

l6f Grinding Co.ALL MAKES 01^CABS ^

Pioae 33.epieffStep*’

T W m F A L L S ' D A I L Y 1



\ . . i i ^..I^ln<'^rl.ll iin liis lr ' i.n n l.ari;.- Sriili- (l>ii'iis III Mumirii .S|irlic"., .

i \U i.'r.' iliiif .'illlli.ii Kull...... T r.,111I Will il.- I 'ln rn l uu Miirki-'. In .Sn- I S l/i lf’i: Jmiiii'iiM- :uMlrrii t'lrinl

in l'.imi>li'l,-.l.

i;.':l. n-<Ki' Mil. :' r.f iiilnhgv_ -| rniit,> ra l: ..I f.ir , <it:mi.'r.'liil m i i .>,>.'.-:i riliirl

ri',.:,niail O.iiii.-.. tl. May;., Mn- nv,n.'f, "• .'Ahn Mil-. In Ihl.-: I'll'-, n .. :'i:i;..l il,jl

.1 iwii'l I',.'I.Inn:;. M f.'. t mIiI.- an.l•::K f.'.'t .1. |.|> ill.:; Jl.:M h. . ll IhllMh. .l, I,',. unri I-. ............... . fiv.' im-hr-.i Ihlrli i..:n i. ' i..itlnin uml r.l.lrii, V.'ut. r Mill hrI ilrm .l.li l W ..lll.'a,la... J.!

• N.'-,l V. ;,r ti...i...an fh.h « ili rai .-.f i,I • ( ..r roiiKn. irhiJ ;.mf.<.«-<. T>,i»..,i'.-.ir ff;liiiif a liillii»ii M.I'.' ii,h,..il. « f .hd .i .

' ;;iiii.n.|,| h:l^.< h..-n Mihi in [ilahn. Cat- iforni.i Jiii.l (lli :;.ill. . 'I'lil;: will iriiv.- ,]|

: -’III'...... , i:m 111.' Or.'»..n .‘<horl i,ln.' Inn, .v,] ,..nlli:.'l .-.l •f>ir iMi,,..in tl:.h f.ir r , r \ l ~ :y .a r fr.r ilij-.Un.'r;, a ifl ihin will ;.h- ;'i...rh i.i'iu-li.ally a ll Ifn r<iirj.tn...I .Mr, .Mu.1,1 I,, .-niifhl.'l.l dial lln: Snn,- : I'Kii talji*: ni'U y. a r .'an I.. ..1.1,

I M odern W oodm en j P r e p a r i n g f o r j ■ Suprem e .Officer

. ' IM.'niilv.^^i.i'.'iiaiall.-iia n r r h .'l in^

. iiia.h' hy Ih r .M..,l,'rii Won.liiit-n of I Ai.i.'rh'ii I., tr . '. 'l Siir.r.'iii,. A.iv.iral.'I n :.l|.h .l.ihiir:.iii nf l.iliroln. N ihr.. ill il flitlm : iiinnmir nn ih .' n r ra ihin nf hi-* vLsli lr. T mIii l-'all'i .in ll<’"iili.'i II. Th.Ti' will h r a hii; .'lan i a.lniilir.n al Iliat lilll.' an.l a nli.-ii'iatii .liuurr lhat It hi c.vj.i <1. .1 ly lll /irninn' a ll ih.- I'tn.l ■im'ii.'.- f.|i' nh h 'h .l.'tiUin;" of ih.'iI'h ill.. III'.- nnl.'il.'

• A i,|ii.-n.^l.I'|.io:;i'iiin I.". tn-Iii:; worl:-;I .'rl onl an .l'lh .: r.r'.'iiiil.m will I'.,, a rr'.l)

Ir l lp i " ’"'f',',' o f 'lh .; .M.. W. |

. hi:i hriihi.'ii hnl nlh.'rwi,:,. i:(.'lllni:i ‘ iih.n:; » . l i . I . .Mi:;, S.'hP.'ai ill lli . ''. .n ly ono now'.

Ill III- h.ni.llMl h.T,;. II wai. -f.'nn'.l ; al fjr»l lhal i:h.' llu.l iiiltf.-roil .lull-1 'i;ri'.iuii In l/rniil Injiirh'!.' 1ml Ihlt, In 1

. Ih<.iii;lil Iniint.lialil.' now- anil iilio' u lil llli.'ly r.’in rn lhl,i I'v.'iiini; m! h r r hniM.-. nv.-r TnmV <-nf.'. w Ik to ' h .’r iiinllK-r cniiiliictK roonm. i

^ yOO T KI'KC’fA M S T -S i'i ' .'?Iio?rHoiir’- u d v , -

W A N TF.ll-Tn .’li'.'.n nn.l rcpuir yonr fu riiiic '. Ilrl/.rn .Mi’lal Workn. — iiilv.

i b r II/ c a n i

M / " y ^ t i ^ M n y t n B G i T f • M I ' in g p rin cip le is ni B o f n n y o th e r w :

S ' c ip le U m t y o u w ou ld nc B p o ssib le . S o w c suggea

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T e s t th e M.'iyf.’tg In rh b m e 7 1 jj 'y d iir~ o \v n wo

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«-:.i> 25 inch«Hujre. 9 A il Bii

5 C.-iM al'jmlniim wiinjer. t u h— c « n ' t a4ju«l.niJ. »j/p.rof.»»TlI, t:ani ffn:

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9 R ca*onsfor ^ ‘ World

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f.liFOROiOflE,.il^fi’iirltj S lulr ihniliins; li.Mi'*.- I’nr-

I’ilil’.r.l h) llni<.l- Cul.llllIM M'il.i —- » i i | / ('liiiiiui- Ils Num.-- ns linii- •“

'' <-al.r.li Casliti.r ll.-I.i I.IK.- I'..'llln>v.J ill lluhl I 'irst .V.ili.iiNii. . '

Aniirimi.’oin.’iil 1;, ni;i.l.’ .lh a l ih .’•■i.l'l.Hiy Sli.t.' hank nf llnhl. ivllh (ill II;. :i,..n.1i. nnrl nhiiriitloiin.' li:i» h.’.’n Iiili’rn i,.'..r l.y (’r;i»f.ir,i .M.wir.-, I,i'.’:.|,|.’iil ..f Ih r l’'lr.>t .N'lilhmal Ihiilii l> or lihihri. Ma;. marl.' Sallir.lay ,'V.'. j, nlna In lh .' u .- i - .n .l rllv . Tiio S.'- j,

tl:.h.'.'l !,l''|-;,:.ri‘,.fi'.r.i ‘ iv il iy ^ 'a r l ' J . Millrr in. i>n'.%hi.'at au.I J.Hin N..I.1.' s. I.:., .’aiihh r. Iml wuh la l.'r iii.ivr:.! lo Ihlhl.^- II ha.l a r-:i|illa1 i.Irx'li of D

I,I'll, Till' iia’M.' v.’ili Ih- , han|;r-.l In Ihr Unlll Stai.. h.inl;. wilii .t. II. KarkiT. <'..«hh.r,;S..iii,- llliu- acn Crriwfni.l ^loor.-

HI1.I hi.’. iih..n-’hil,"i .hnn:.'hl i,r;n’ll<-nil^ all Ihr llMirI:i nf lllr ih'f.lIK’l KIrsI .VnUnnal hank ;inil uniHii'd for n ■“

AnnoiinG• W c a rc p lcnacd tq . a n n o u n c e thr

Casey PartB ra n c h n to re n t F i le r and_^we v /ill

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AUTOM OE,’W e w ill e n d e a v o r to n e rv e tlje peo]

th c sa m e e ff ic ie n t a n d th n ro u g h n e a

W e so lic it th o b u s in e ss o f th o F i l f r i e n d s to g iv e i

Musgrav('P I L E B

I V O t i l f l l lm o t d e c !bTnronm w H slt- M o re ho u rew iv e ais nfi “fu r ohend th n n n n y o th e r w nahw asliinR p r in -^ b u y U icm b e c a u se 'th

1 n o t be liev e I t ’ i ts e lf to th e m r ig h t;ge3t y o u d iare- h om es.

C fJl U3 n n d w e I v l a y t a a G y r . ' i f o a :

: in y o u r own y o u r home to d o n w oy , ia “ cftm*— f " — w !V cre“'yoTl'T frJV o r n il o t h e r y o u r .c lf in y o u r o w n

:iotselI jtn e lf to o t i n w a s!i. T h e r 'd o n o t k e c p i t . c^ 'tion w h n tc v c r .

te m i ,* { h - iO ' - T ' ^ l i i ' lJ i I Iriih the ’ L J li ,* ? !—w s T e tB P

Ifin* it- >

tn e ta i I jI O i S E s B Q L E ^ B•f. Selfin*. In- fl ' ' mrrn>)i.n ■■ t i

erthip I "|«ii.Miii|^|mi^

—— —V - _ JL• ^ ity. lhe Gtt

.. it tm iltU r >i!h ClMulii-Motor Muchn

m fom P W ash eiCW H H CAST i lA tM IN U M T U B ^


I AXERI^.AN ELK CTlU r COW rAXT- - If E«.t->^nioBc S2. ’ TW W KALL.1, IDA

I i ; <1.irr< In lfa^ la lc m o a a U la(jfrafM m >Ta:«]ier> rx c ln i l t r l r .

CE s jx b ^ T i S F A c n q : ? c u a i u s t e e d


rharliT ml u iitalti .hank. TIio otiito hank .:oiinnlH!iioii<-r ilcnlod (iio liuil- lion oil Ihl; Kroiinil tlm t.tw o hankn' in lliiiii w rn : .'noiiisli: It wiw ro-' linrK’il nl thn l Ume tlmt Mf. Mooro i.oiihf jimlmhfj- n(i|ily fo r inrmhKloii In <-’lIahll^h n iiiiti.miii han 't In llm v iM-i.l <-inl motuniollii. '

-31. r. Mii.MfK’ ' l':xi>.'’rl iili.li.> liini'r. rnnn S alt U k n • City. nl. IVrrliiii llo'.vl.

Miir-ilnr l ’l|i.-li-nii Kiirnucii. See Hrl- ' •.>l.’lal Workn._______________- iir lv .

L O STl l l l l ' in iliiti .r liiitf, l ln rk lirnw n

lijiily v.-illi w liiti ' HpotN. lt-n lln 'r lllll! I.i-iis^ n i l l i i r w ilh wniill im .ll.K 'li. wii.s liiKt |a-i'ii <nt . h iu liw iiy .-il.iiiit l l i re i ' iiiili-s • so u tli nl* Si.iiili I’lirk ,

Reward for Infornmtion as to Whereabout

—Phono 112—

---- ---------------------------- 1— >

■' -k, . . , '

G e m e n t!thnt wo have pnvchofled tho

rker Co’s.v/ill continiio..to Imndle ft Qen.’,f Hardware


and OVERLAND O BiLES . .people of thia commuinty witli mess 03 hav^ our prodocegsors.

Filer public nnd ask nil our *0 tis A call.

lie Bros.P H O N E 100


w h oi d e \ves buy Moy tags' %ifnsher— nn d they ^e'the Moy tag sells %ght fn- U icir own %

we will bring a foam Waslicr to lo n wash for you• n f f ^ t e s t T i t ' - f o r — ...........................3wn way, on your . rhere is no obll-


- L '

I CrrkfocRi ■ 'IS \i*chreciic. ■ , W

Ask to s te t t u S tw Maytag iron«r, too ,

9 r

in A n o fI. wiiiBR'JUjUjry f

^ Ix. I:

O ND.W ; ■()|•TOlt^:l^ n,