At Animal Land

AtAt AnimalAnimal LandLand News for animals Word bank Oral Quiz Short dialogs Activities at a zoo Homework

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Page 2: AtAt AnimalAnimal LandLand News for animals Word bank Oral Quiz Short dialogs Activities at a zoo Homework

News for animals

Word bank

Oral Quiz Short dialogs

Activities at a zoo


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Shen zhen safari Park

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We are elder brother and little sister. 瑞瑞 珍珍


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Zhao Yunhua took the rare photograph in Shenzhen Safari Park last weekend.

It's not unusual for tigers and lions to breed in safari parks - but it is seldom caught

on film.This year, two tigons - the product of a male tiger and a lioness –

and three ligers –the cub of a male lion and female tiger - have been born in

the park. The five offspring are all growing up healthily,

reports Shenzhen Evening Post.


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News from Shen zhen newspapers

Not long time ago, two new animals were born 出生 in shenzhen safari Park.Their father is a tiger, mother is a lion.Do you know their names ?I guess you are interested in them.They are Tigons ( 虎狮 ) . ( liger 狮虎)

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1.What other animals can you see in the zoo?

2. Do you think it is good for animals to live in a zoo? Why or why not ?

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1.Each group chooses 选 photos a/ b/ c/ d/ e/ f;2.Next fast remember them;3.Then write the animal names on the blackboard .


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cat dog pig horse cow sheep giraffe

elephant tiger lion bear zebra gorilla wolf fox hippo panda deer goose 鹅 monkey crocodile 鳄鱼 camel 骆驼 kangaroo 袋鼠

天鹅 swan 海豚 dolphin peacock 孔雀

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Discussion 讨论

Is it good for animals to live in a zoo? Why or why not ?


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I think so.It is good to stay in the zoo. Because we can watch them and play with them easily.Some animals are dangerous. They will hurt people.Some animals have no enough food in the forest. they will die out like dinosaurs.We must look after animals.

For 正方

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I don’t think so.It is bad to live in the zoo. They are tired with animal shows.

They should live in the forest. They lose their nature. They cannot look for food for themselves.They are not free.They feel unhappy/ sad.

Against 反方

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Which animal lives only in China?

Which is the biggest animal on land 陆地 ?

Which animal lives in water?

Which animal eats grass?



dolphin hippo duck swan crocodile

cow deer sheep rabbit horse

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Group work

Each group has a zoo made by cards and the group talk about the zoo happily.

Fill in 填写 the forms

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Pairwork:A: What animals do you like?B: I like …A: why?B: Because…It is … It has…It eats… It can ….What about you?

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Pair work

Talk about some activities at the zoo if timeis enough.

Otherwise let’s finish them next class.

Some pairs are prepared to perform some.

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英语中,当谈个人出生的属相时,表达为What animal sign were you born under ?你属什么?I was born in the year of the Cock . Mine is the Cock. 我属鸡。

十二生肖的 12 种动物在汉语中只有一个:鼠 Rat 牛 Ox 虎 Tiger 兔 Hare 龙 Dragon 蛇 Snake 马 Horse 羊 Sheep 猴 Monkey 鸡 Cock 狗 Dog 猪 Boar

Further information

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Tracy: When were you born?Ivan : In the Year of the Dog.Tracy: What does that mean?Ivan : Oh, That's one of the twelve Chinese horoscope animals. I was born in 1970.Tracy: That's interesting. I was born in 1971. What animal am I?Ivan : You're a pig!

Oral practice in pairs

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The dog is man's best friend. He can do many things for us. He can protect our homes.He can guide the blind. He is loyal to his master and never asks for a pay raise.   The dog has also made many contributions to English. For example, if there were nodogs, how could a husband tell his wife her cooking tastes like dog food? How could theweatherman say, "It's raining cats and dogs?" So the next time a dog lifts a leg to yourbicycle, don't kick him. Bend down and say, "Take your time."

Reading comprehension

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Of all the animals of the Chinese horoscope, the dog really stands out. Which other animal can compare to the dog? The horse? No, he's always horsing around. The monkey? No,he's always monkeying around.  The dog is a loyal companion. He makes us feel safe. He helps us keep thieves out of our homes. The dog has also helped us with our English. For example, if there were no dogs, how could people complain about leading a dog's life? And how could the weatherman say, "it's raining cats and dogs?"The dog is truly man's best friend. So the next time a dog lifts a leg to your car,don't get angry. Just let it obey the call of nature.

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cock, roosterhen






duckling goose鹅


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female panda (母熊猫), she wolf (母狼)

也可用 male 和 female 或 she 再加上原名。如:

male leopard (公豹)

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动物是人类的朋友,它们都和人类共同生活在地球上,所以在人类语言中有很多是动物有关的,请你们看一看这些有趣的句子吧! 1. What a stupid man (驴) ! 真是个傻瓜! 2. Kate is busy as a bee (蜜蜂) . 凯特是个大忙人。 3. You dirty rat (老鼠) ! 你这卑鄙的小人! 4. I'm hungry as a wolf! 我要饿死了! 5. What a turkey! 真是个草包!

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Let’s begin a riddle game.

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1.I have long arms and legs. I live in trees. I am very good at running and climbing.

2. I have many teeth.I can hide in thewater. I can swim very fast. I am a crocodile.

3. I am very tall. I can run fast. I sleep standing up. I am ….

4. I am a big cat. I have a mane. I can roar. I am a… .

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7.They are white and black. They like eating leaves of bamboos.8.It is good at catching mice.9.It is tall. People like riding it because it runs very fast.

5.I am very strong. I am very heavy. I use my trunk to help me drink water.

6.I am long.I can slither and slide. I can hiss. I am a ….