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  • 3rd International Conferences and Workshops on Basic and Applied Sciences 2010 ISBN: 978-979-19096-1-7


    Response of Rhizobium on Nitrogen Accumulation In Leaf by Jackbean Plant (Canavalia ensiformis l.)

    P. Laksitarahmi and T. Surtiningsih

    Department of Biology Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia

    e-mail: [email protected]


    The aim of this study was to know the response of Rhizobium bacteria on the leaf area, chlorophyll content a and b, N content in leaf of Jackbean (Canavalia ensiformis L.). This research is an experimental designed which is used Completely Randomize Design (CRD). The treatment in this experiment was giving the Rhizobium bacteria dosage 0, 10, 20, and 30 ml/plant, it was inoculated on planting hole of Jackbean plant. Data were analyzed by ANOVA, with Duncan test at level 5 %. The results of this research showed that the treatment of the Rhizobium bacteria dosage gave a significant difference (p

  • P. Laksitarahmi, Response of Rhizobium on Nitrogen Accumulation In Leaf By Jackbean Plant (Canavalia ensiformis l.)


    2008). Legume crops continues to increase its nitrogen content and N uptake in legume plants derived from the available N in the soil. While the nitrogen fixed by legume crops have three possibilities that nitrogen is used by the host plant itself, the nitrogen excreted from the nodules into the soil and used by other plants growing nearby (Sutejo, 1999; Mapegan, 2007). Jackbean plant is one of the legume family are considered able to replace the role of soybean as nutritional content is comparable with the soybeans. To improve the cultivation of Jackbean plant can be done with fertilizer. However, the current excessive use of chemical fertilizers can harm agriculture, the balance of nutrients in the soil to be disturbed, decreased quality of agricultural products, the presence of pests and diseases, and cause environmental pollution. One attempts to restore the fertility of agricultural land, get the production of healthy food and avoid harmful chemicals is to use biofertilizer with the addition of Rhizobium that can reduce the use of chemical fertilizers. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to determine the response of Rhizobium bacteria on the accumulation of nitrogen on leaf area, chlorophyll content a and b.

    2 Methodology

    The research was conducted in two places is the Laboratory of Microbiology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Airlangga University Surabaya and Agricultural Land in Surabaya. The research start from September 2010 until February 2011. Jackbean plant from the Laboratory of Food Biotechnology, Center for Genetic Resources of Agricultural Bogor. Isolate bacteria Rhizobium sp. from the Microbiology Laboratory, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology University Press. This research is experimental using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 replications per treatment. The treatment in this study were Rhizobium bacteria at doses of 0, 10, 20, and 30 mL / plants and plants inoculated at the hole the Jackbean plant. Plants allowed to grow until the age of four months.The parameters observed were leaf area growth, chlorophyll content, leaf N content. The analysis of leaf chlorophyll content using a spectrophotometer (Winstermans and Mots, 1965 at Purnobasuki, 2010).

    Pigments from leaves of the developing seedlings were extracted with 80% acetone and the amounts of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b were determined as described (Winstermans and Mots, 1965 at Purnobasuki, 2010).

    Chlorophyll a = (13,7 x OD665) (5,76 x OD649) Chlorophyll b = (25,8 x OD649) (7,7 x OD665) Where, A665 and A649 represent the optical density (OD) values at the respective wavelengths Measuring levels of N, generally by using the Kjeldahl method (Greenberg et al. 1989). The analysis of leaf using Sudarmaji (1989) method. Data were analyzed using ANOVA test and correlation test, if significant will be followed by Duncan's test of 5%.

    3 Result

    Tabel 1: Effect of Microbial Consortium on vegetative growth in leaves of Jackbean (C. enisiformis)

    Description: R0-: non inoculated with Rhizobium, R10: inoculated with Rhizobium 10 mL/plant, R20: inoculated with Rhizobium 20 mL/plant, R30: inoculated with Rhizobium 30 mL/plant and the R0 + (control negative) chemically fertilized control plant (5 g/plant). Different letters in the same line significant different at

  • 3rd International Conferences and Workshops on Basic and Applied Sciences 2010 ISBN: 978-979-19096-1-7


    chlorophyll and the one that plays a role in photosynthesis, so the nitrogen in the leaves also increased (Rostini et al, 2003). The increating of leaf area between treatment because there was enough nutrients, especially nitrogen to be absorbed quite a lot of plants that can affect plant growth, especially for leaf formation. Leaf area also affects the process of photosynthesis (Taiz and Zeiger, 1991; Sangeetha, V and Thevanathan, R. 2010). Therefore, increased leaf area also increased the chlorophyll content. So that the process of photosynthesis will increase plant growth and productivity.

    3.2 Chlorophyll Content Based on the results of analysis using ANAVA test (

  • P. Laksitarahmi, Response of Rhizobium on Nitrogen Accumulation In Leaf By Jackbean Plant (Canavalia ensiformis l.)


    Based on table 2, the correlation coefficient is indicated by a number between -1 to 1. If the value of the correlation coefficient of 0 indicates no linear relationship between two variables. If there are asterisks (**) indicates a positive correlation relationship. It turns out that showed a positive correlation relationship of leaf area were positively correlated to the levels of chlorophyll b and chlorophyll a correlated positively to chlorophyll b. Leaf area correlated with chlorophyll b, this is presumably because the leaf area as one of the parameters of leaf growth measurement serves as a receiver of light and photosynthesis instrument. Increasing leaf area will allow an increase in broad areas of light capture. Increased leaf area of plants in an effort to streamline the capture of light energy for photosynthesis normally at low light intensity conditions. Plant leaf surface area also affects the process of photosynthesis. This is because the leaf area is an attempt to capture light energy to photosynthesis under conditions of low light intensity (Taiz and Zeiger, 1991; Zeiny, 2007). Plant growth are closely related to the absorbed nutrients from the soil, including elements of N. Where in the chlorophyll b as a light receiver which will be ditrasfer to the reaction center. Therefore between chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b are correlated, this is because the chlorophyll b tasked to transfer the light on the reaction center and the reaction center chlorophyll is contained in a, where the green pigment chlorophyll as the leaves serves to absorb energy from sunlight and used in the process of photosynthesis, causing the plant vegetative growth lentils better sword. Elevated levels of chlorophyll a and b is a testament to the ability of plants to grow lentils kondisis under low light (Talaat and Abdallah. 2008), this also agrees with research Djukri and Bambang (2003). On leaf area and the high amount of chlorophyll which will cause the process of photosynthesis going well. The larger the leaf area of plants is receiving sunlight will also larger, therefore the leaf area correlated with higher levels of chlorophyll. With a high leaf area, then the light will be more readily accepted by the leaves well. Thus, the leaf is an important organ of plants that play a role in the process of photosynthesis because the chlorophyll content in it. Chlorophyll has a role as a catcher device sunlight energy in photosynthesis to produce ATP and NADPH and energy sources used to perform formation fotosintat is light (Tambekar et al, 2009; Fahrudin, 2009). With the increasing levels of chlorophyll can be a sensitive indicator of plant physiological conditions that affect plant growth lentils sword. This is because more and more ammonia in the leaves of N2 conversion by microbes so the more chlorophyll is formed (Sangeetha and Thevanathan, 2010). Closely related to plant growth nutrients absorbed from the

    soil, including nitrogen element. Nitrogen hooks closely with the synthesis of chlorophyll and synthesis of proteins and enzymes. Enzyme (rubisco) acts as a catalyst in the fixation of CO2 that plants need for photosynthesis. Decreased levels of nitrogen affect the photosynthesis of plants is also good over the content of chlorophyll and photosynthetic enzymes fotosintat is formed, will further reduce the dried weight Jackbean plants (Salisbury and Ross, 1992; Djukri and Bambang, 2003).

    4 Conclusions

    From the results of this study, it can be concluded that giving a bacterial Rhizobium in bacterial concentration 20 mL gave the highest results for the leaf area (31,673,56 ) dan chlorophyll content b (10,690,66 mg/g ). Between leaf area, chlorophyll a, and chlorophyll b showed that positive correlation, except N content in leaf did not differ significantly.


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