NOTE 1. (NOTA 17 century: Bacon is best known for his enthusiastic advocacy of the mastery of nature (M 3) The mastery of nature, he reasoned (Bacon) is a divine journey sanctioned by God and made necesarry by the fall from the garden of Eden. If innnocence was forever lost, still something of the harmonious balance between "man and nature" could be repassesed through man's beneficient dominion over nature. The mastery of nature is achieved through application of the "mechanical arts" which are in turn developed through the " inquisition of nature" (M3)) 2. Landscapes are important because they are the product of one of the most enduring sets of linkages: the relationships between the physical environment and human society. They are created by people through their engagement with the world around them. They are, then, social constructions, whether intentionally or unintentionally, but they need to be viewed within the context of their own natural and cultural histories in order to be properly understood (Whyte ,2002:7) 3. Gleick, J., Chaos: Making a New Science apud Kuehls , 1996:12 4. Apariția ideii de peisaj este strâns legată de importanța centrală care va fi atașată ilustrării, mapării, oglindirii, reprezentării lumii ca unicul mod demn de a o cunoaște. (Hirsch, 1995: 8) 5. Le Corbusier, Urbanisme, 1924 apud Ingold, 2007: 153 6. Relph, E., Rational Landscapes and Humanistic Geography , 1981: pg 104 apud Tilley, 1994:22 7. Odată ce sunt sentimentele umane sedimentate sunt curățate și este considerat a fi pur epifenomenal și irelevant, peisajul devine o suprafață sau un volum ca orice altul, deschis exploatării și întru


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1. (NOTA 17 century: Bacon is best known for his enthusiastic advocacy of the mastery of nature (M 3)

The mastery of nature, he reasoned (Bacon) is a divine journey sanctioned by God and made necesarry

by the fall from the garden of Eden. If innnocence was forever lost, still something of the harmonious

balance between "man and nature" could be repassesed through man's beneficient dominion over

nature. The mastery of nature is achieved through application of the "mechanical arts" which are in turn

developed through the " inquisition of nature" (M3))

2. Landscapes are important because they are the product of one of the most enduring sets of linkages: the relationships between the physical environment and human society. They are created by people through their engagement with the world around them. They are, then, social constructions, whether intentionally or unintentionally, but they need to be viewed within the context of their own natural and cultural histories in order to be properly understood (Whyte ,2002:7)

3. Gleick, J., Chaos: Making a New Science apud Kuehls , 1996:12

4. Apariția ideii de peisaj este strâns legată de importanța centrală care va fi atașată ilustrării, mapării, oglindirii, reprezentării lumii ca unicul mod demn de a o cunoaște. (Hirsch, 1995: 8)

5. Le Corbusier, Urbanisme, 1924 apud Ingold, 2007: 153

6. Relph, E., Rational Landscapes and Humanistic Geography , 1981: pg 104 apud Tilley, 1994:22

7. Odată ce sunt sentimentele umane sedimentate sunt curățate și este considerat a fi pur epifenomenal și irelevant, peisajul devine o suprafață sau un volum ca orice altul, deschis exploatării și întru totul omogen în valoarea sa de schimb potențială pentru orice proiect anume. Devine desanctificat, despărțit de oameni, mit și istorie, ceva pentru a fi controlat și folosit (Tilley, 1994: 21)

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I: Hirsch Eric, Landscape between space and place, în Hirsch Eric, Michael O'Hanlon, The Anthropology of Landscape Perspectives on Place and Space, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995

H1 Lowenthal David, Making a Pet of Nature, în Adams Paul C., Steven Hoelscher, Karen E. Till eds, Textures of Place Exploring Humanist Geographies, Minneapolis, London: University of Minnesota Press.

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