Bioenergetics Measurement of Work, Power, and Energy Expenditure Chapter 3, 6

Bioenergetics Measurement of Work, Power, and Energy Expenditure Chapter 3, 6

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Page 1: Bioenergetics Measurement of Work, Power, and Energy Expenditure Chapter 3, 6

BioenergeticsMeasurement of Work, Power,

and Energy Expenditure

Chapter 3, 6

Page 2: Bioenergetics Measurement of Work, Power, and Energy Expenditure Chapter 3, 6

Bioenergetics• Muscle only has limited stores of ATP• Formation of ATP

– Phosphocreatine (PC) 磷酸肌酸 breakdown– Degradation of glucose and glycogen (glycolysis)– Oxidative formation of ATP

• Anaerobic pathways 無氧代謝– Do not involve O2

– PC breakdown and glycolysis• Aerobic pathways 有氧代謝

– Require O2

– Oxidative phosphorylation

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Anaerobic ATP Production

• ATP-PC system– Immediate source of ATP

– Onset of exercise, short-term high-intensity (<5 s)• Glycolysis 醣解作用

– Energy investment phase• Requires 2 ATP

– Energy generation phase• Produces ATP, NADH (carrier molecule), and pyruvate 丙酮酸

or lactate 乳酸

PC + ADP ATP + CCreatine kinase

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The Two Phases of Glycolysis

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Glycolysis: Energy Investment Phase

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Glycolysis: Energy Generation Phase

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Oxidation-Reduction Reactions• Oxidation

– Molecule accepts electrons (along with H+)

• Reduction– Molecule donates electrons

• Nicotinomide adenine dinucleotide (NAD)

• Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)


NAD + 2H+ NADH + H+

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Production of Lactic Acid (lactate)

• Normally, O2 is available in the mitochondria to accept H+ (and electrons) from NADH produced in glycolysis– In anaerobic pathways, O2 is not available

• H+ and electrons from NADH are accepted by pyruvic acid (pyruvate) to form lactic acid

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Conversion of Pyruvic Acid to Lactic Acid

• Recycling of NAD (NADH NAD)• So that glycolysis can continue• LDH: lactate dehydrogenase 乳酸去氫脢

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Aerobic ATP Production• Krebs cycle 克氏循環 (citric acid cycle, TCA

cycle, tricarboxylic acid cycle)– Completes the oxidation of substrates and

produces NADH and FADH to enter the electron transport chain

– O2 not involved• Electron transport chain

– Oxidative phosphorylation– Electrons removed from NADH/FADH are passed

along a series of carriers to produce ATP– H+ from NADH/FADH: accepted by O2 to form


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The Three Stages of Oxidative Phosphorylation

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The Krebs Cycle

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Relationship Between the Metabolism of Proteins, Fats, and Carbohydrates

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Bioenergetics of fats

• Triglycerides 三酸甘油酯– Glycerol + 3 fatty acids– Fatty acids converted to acetyl-CoA ( 乙輔酶 A)

through beta-oxidation– Glycerol can be converted to glycolysis

intermediates (phosphoglyceraldehyde) in liver, but only limited in muscle

– Glycerol is NOT an important direct muscle energy source during exercise

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Formation of ATP in the Electron Transport Chain

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The Chemiosmotic Hypothesis of ATP Formation

• Electron transport chain results in pumping of H+ ions across inner mitochondrial membrane– Results in H+ gradient across membrane

• Energy released to form ATP as H+ diffuse back across the membrane

• O2 accept H+ to form water• O2 is essential in this process

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The Chemiosmotic Hypothesis of ATP Formation

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Metabolic Process High-Energy Products

ATP from Oxidative Phosphorylation

ATP Subtotal

Glycolysis 2 ATP 2 NADH

— 6

2 (if anaerobic) 8 (if aerobic)

Pyruvic acid to acetyl-CoA

2 NADH 6 14

Krebs cycle 2 GTP 6 NADH 2 FADH

— 18 4

16 34 38

Grand Total


Aerobic ATP Tally

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Efficiency of Oxidative Phosphorylation

• Aerobic metabolism of one molecule of glucose– Yields 38 ATP

• Aerobic metabolism of one molecule of glycogen– Yields 39 ATP

• Overall efficiency of aerobic respiration is 40%– 60% of energy released as heat

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Control of Bioenergetics• Rate-limiting enzymes

– An enzyme that regulates the rate of a metabolic pathway

• Levels of ATP and ADP+Pi

– High levels of ATP inhibit ATP production– Low levels of ATP and high levels of ADP+Pi

stimulate ATP production

• Calcium may stimulate aerobic ATP production

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Action of Rate-Limiting Enzymes

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Control of Metabolic Pathways

Pathway Rate-Limiting Enzyme

Stimulators Inhibitors

ATP-PC system

Creatine kinase ADP ATP

Glycolysis Phosphofructokinase

AMP, ADP, Pi, pH

ATP, CP, citrate, pH

Krebs cycle Isocitrate dehydrogenase

ADP, Ca++, NAD


Electron transport chain

Cytochrome Oxidase


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Interaction Between Aerobic and Anaerobic ATP Production

• Energy to perform exercise comes from an interaction between aerobic and anaerobic pathways– 水龍頭 不是電燈開關

• Effect of duration and intensity– Short-term, high-intensity activities

• Greater contribution of anaerobic energy systems

– Long-term, low to moderate-intensity exercise• Majority of ATP produced from aerobic sources

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Units of Measure 單位

• Metric system– Used to express mass, length, and volume– Mass: gram (g)– Length: meter (m)– Volume: liter (L)

• System International (SI) units– Standardized terms for measurement of:

• Energy: joule (J) 能量 : 焦耳• Force: Newton (N) 力 : 牛頓• Work: joule (J) 做功 : 焦耳• Power: watt (W) 功率 : 瓦特

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Work and Power Defined

Work 功 作功

• Lifting a 5 kg weight up a distance of 2 mWork = force x distanceWork = 5 kg x 2 mWork = 10 kgm1 kgm = 9.8 joule1 joule = 0.24 calorie 卡

( 不是 Kcal 大卡 , 千卡 )

Power 功率

• Performing 2,000 kgm of work in 60 secondsPower = work timePower = 2,000 kgm 60 s Power = 33.3 kgm•s-1

1 kgm/s = 9.8 watt

Work = force x distance Power = work time

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Measurement of Work and Power• Ergometry: measurement of work output• Ergometer 測功儀 : apparatus or device used

to measure a specific type of work

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Measurement of Work and Power

• Bench step– Work = body weight (kg) x distance•step-1 x steps•min-1 x

minutes– Power = work minutes

• Cycle ergometer– Work = resistance (kg) x rev•min-1 x flywheel diameter (m)

x minutes– Power = work minutes

• Treadmill– Work = body weight (kg) x speed (m•min-1) x grade x

minutes– Power = work minutes

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Determination of Percent Grade on a Treadmill

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Measurement of Energy Expenditure

• Direct calorimetry– Measurement of heat production as an indication

of metabolic rate

• Indirect calorimetry– Measurement of oxygen consumption as an

estimate of resting metabolic rate

Foodstuff + O2 ATP + Heat Cell work Heat

Foodstuff + O2 Heat + CO2 + H2O

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Direct calorimetry chamber

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Indirect calorimetryClosed circuit method

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Indirect calorimetryOpen-Circuit Spirometry

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Douglas bags for gas analysis

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Breath-by-breath gas analyzer

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Estimation of Energy Expenditure• Energy cost of horizontal treadmill walking or

running– O2 requirement increases as a linear function of


• Expression of energy cost in METs– 1 MET = energy cost at rest, metabolic equivalent– 1 MET = 3.5 ml•kg-1•min-1

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Linear Relationship Between VO2 and Walking or Running Speed

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Calculation of Exercise Efficiency• Net efficiency

• Net efficiency of cycle ergometry– 15-27%

% net efficiency = x 100Energy expended above rest

Work output

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Upper limits of energy expenditure

• Well-trained athletes can expend ~1000 kcal/h for prolonged periods of time

• Up to 9000 kcal/d in Tour de France• More than 10,000 kcal/d in extreme long-

distance running• Energy requirements can be met by most

athletes, if well-planned (e.g. 20% CHO solution during exercise)

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Factors That Influence Exercise Efficiency

• Exercise work rate– Efficiency decreases as work rate increases– Energy expenditure increase out of proportion to the

work rate• Speed of movement

– There is an optimum speed of movement and any deviation reduces efficiency

– Optimum speed at power output– Low speed: inertia, repeated stop and start– High speed: friction

• Fiber composition of muscles– Higher efficiency in muscles with greater percentage of

slow fibers

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Net Efficiency During Arm Crank Ergometery

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Relationship Between Energy Expenditure and Work Rate

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Force-velocity relationshippower output-velocity relationship

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Effect of Speed of Movement of Net Efficiency

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Running Economy

• Not possible to calculate net efficiency of horizontal running

• Running Economy– Oxygen cost of running at given speed– Lower VO2 (ml•kg-1•min-1) indicates better running


• Gender difference in running economy– No difference at slow speeds– At “race pace” speeds, males may be more economical

that females

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Comparison of Running Economy Between Males and Females

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Estimate O2 requirement of treadmill running

• Horizontal:• VO2 (ml/kg/min) = 0.2 ml/kg/min/m/min x

speed (m/min)• Vertical:• VO2 (ml/kg/min) = 0.9 ml/kg/m/min x

vertical velocity (m/min)• = 0.9 ml/kg/m/min x speed (m/min) x grade

(%)• Total VO2 (ml/kg/min) = horizontal +

vertical + rest (3.5 ml/kg/min)

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Estimate energy consumption according to O2 requirement

• ml/kg/min x kg x min• 1 L O2 consumed = 5 kcal

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• 50 kg, 30 min• Speed: 12 km/hr, grade 1%• Speed: 200 m/min• H: 0.2 x 200 = 40• V: 0.9 x 200 x 0.01 = 1.8• Total: 40 + 1.8 + 3.5 = 45.3 ml/kg/min• Total O2: 45.3 x 50 x 30/1000 = ? L O2• Total energy: ? X 5 = Kcal