Bipolar eBook

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My bachelor's degree project is an exploration and experimentation around the photographic act, the genesis itself of the photographic image. Alternating from an analogical, a digital and a mixed approach to it.I've used my own and my step bro's bodies as a landscape, a map about the way how society defines and build our sense of what means to be a man, to be hetero, to interact with others being members of a gender and a role.There's a lot of influences behind these series of talbotypes: Georges Bataille, Rosalind Krauss, Joan Foncuberta and Walter Benjamin, Nan Goldin, Raoul Ubac, Man Ray, Tor Dahlin, Ivo Sedlacek and Carsten Witte among many others.The project's blog: http://bipolaryourmung.wordpress.com The project's website: http://goo.gl/1k4wI"This project called Bipolar: between analogical and digital, is an exercise proposed as a reaction to the mimetic properties that has been attributed to the photographic act on par with a personal acknowledgment of the expressive validity of the avant-garde experimental efforts (especially surrealist ones) regarding the expansion of the boundaries of the photographic image.It is an exploratory exercise based on visual theory, supported in speeches by others as a way to find my own voice. It is the fruit of the knowledge and concerns that I have accumulated over the course of my studies, from the interaction with teachers and peers as well as historical and cultural elements.All these roads eventually lead me to confront the surrealists consciously for the first time, especially the work of George Bataille and his concept of l’informe; idea that himself was reluctant to define, complex concept and in many ways indefinable but exciting for the same reasons.It is also a test of my ability to combine images produced and captured by digital and analog media framed by personal thoughts about my role as a man, especially in regard to the social construction of gender. A mapping of how I perceive the role of be a male through the register of the skin of my brother and mine.Within these broad parameters I have carried out theoretical and visual searches that have been the floor to find answers through trial and error, found and lost again, and learn in the process of doing, thinking , redo and rethink.In particular I found enriching the Joan Foncuberta's reflections about the role of photography in a postmodern society inundated with images, plus Rosalind Krauss has become a mainstay for my way of thinking about building images and vital to understanding the work of many artists before me.And finally, is a project conceived from the beginning in several layers (as the construction of social roles): one analogical (the salt prints, book and postals), other digital (the website and e-book) and one in constant development which is the explorations derivative from this first step (the blog of my ravenous photographic searchings).

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  • bipolar

    entre anlogico & digital

    between analogical & digital

    un ejercicio de experimentacin fotogrfica poran exercise of photographic experimentation by

    silvino gonzlez morales

  • Bipolar: entre anlogico y digital

    Un ejercicio de experimentacin fotogrfi ca

    Primera edicin, 2011

    Diseo: Silvino Gonzlez Morales

    Traduccin: Silvino Gonzlez Morales

    Correccin de estilo: Ivn Alfaro, MBA.

    Tutora: Omaira abada Rey

    Derechos exclusivos de esta edicin:

    Silvino Gonzlez Morales

    Bipolar: between anlogico y digital

    An exercise of photographic experimentation

    First edition, 2011

    Design: Silvino Gonzlez Morales

    Translation: Silvino Gonzlez Morales

    Style correction: Ivn Alfaro, MBA.

    Mentor: Omaira abada Rey

    All rights reserved of this edition:

    Silvino Gonzlez Morales

  • Este libro que nos ofrece el autor nos conduce a un recorrido esttico por la neo-

    figuracin con un gran detalle y abstraccion

    de formas y colores, utilizando la fotografia

    como huellas humanas y convirtindolas en


    This book the author offers takes us on an aes-thetic tour by the neofiguration with great detail

    and abstraction of shapes and colors, using

    photography as human fingerprints and turning

    them into landscapes.

    Omaira Abadia


  • Es imposible agradecer a todas las personas que de una

    u otra forma influenciaron este proyecto, a quienes

    falten en este listado les pido excusas.

    A mi familia por ser mi universo completo, la razn y

    el soporte que hace todo posible. Ser bipolar sera una

    enfermedad y no una condicin, una peculiaridad, si no

    fuera por su amor y apoyo.

    A Omaira, Zenaida y Heliumen por nutrirme y darme el

    mayor regalo que cualquier profesor puede dar: curio-

    sidad y la necesidad de siempre estar hambriento de

    conocimiento y por recordarme que ser bueno no es


    A Ivn y Gina porque a pesar de la distancia nunca han

    estado lejos y por creer en mi aun ms que yo mismo.

    A Jhon por acompaarme en mis bsquedas cuando na-

    die ms lo hace, a Jef por su constante apoyo, a Andrs

    Felipe por ser quien es, a Ceci.

    A Sebas.

    A Ivn, Santi, Tati, Gaga y Christian por ensearme a

    ver la fotografa con ojos inocentes. A los artistas que

    con sus experiencias y bsquedas han abierto el camino

    que yo he seguido dentro de mis intereses y lmites.

    It is impossible to thank to all the people who have

    influenced this project in one or another way. I give

    apologies to those I have not included here.

    To my family because they are my whole universe, the

    reason and support that makes everything possible for

    me. To have bipolar disorder will be an illness instead of

    a condition, a peculiarity, if I did not have their love and


    To Omaira, Zenaida and Heliumen for nurture me and

    give me the greatest gift any teacher can give: curiosity

    and the need to always be hungry for knowledge and

    for reminding me that being good is not enough.

    To Ivn and Gina because despite the distance they

    never have been far and have believed in me more than


    To Jhon for be my partner in my quests when nobody

    else wants to join me , to Jef for be my constant sup-

    port, to Andrs Felipe because he is a great man, to Ceci.

    To Sebas.

    To Ivn, Santi, Tati, Gaga y Christian for teach me how

    to see the photography through innocent eyes. To the

    artists who with their experiences and searching have

    opened the pathway Ive followed from my own inter-

    ests and limits.

  • A pap, mam, Nati y Bla.

    A los que ya no estn pero viven en el corazn.

    A los que sin importar la distancia siempre estn


    To dad, mom, Nati and Bla.

    To those who are no longer with us but always live in

    my heart.

    To those who without matter the distance are always


  • Este trabajo de grado, titulado Bipolar: entre analgico

    y digital es un ejercicio visual planteado como una

    reaccin al mimetismo que se le ha atribuido al acto

    fotogrfico a la par de un reconocimiento personal de

    la validez expresiva del esfuerzo experimental de las

    vanguardias (en especial el surrealismo) en cuanto a la

    expansin de los lmites de la imagen fotogrfica.

    Es un ejercicio de exploracin basado en la teora de

    la imagen. Soportado en los discursos de otros como

    medio para encontrar uno propio, es el fruto del cono-

    cimiento e inquietudes que se han ido acumulando a lo

    largo de la carrera a partir de la interaccin con profe-

    sores y compaeros as como elementos histricos y


    Esta suma de caminos termina conducindome al

    encuentro por primera vez de manera consciente con

    los surrealistas, en especial con George Bataille y su

    concepto de linforme; concepto que el mismo Bataile se

    neg a definir, complejo y de alguna forma indefinible,

    pero apasionante por esas mismas razones.

    This bachelors degree project called Bipolar: between

    analogical and digital is an exercise proposed as a

    reaction to the mimetic properties that has been at-

    tributed to the photographic act on par with a personal

    acknowledgment of the expressive validity of the

    avant-garde experimental efforts (especially surrealist

    ones) regarding the expansion of the boundaries of the

    photographic image.

    Is an exploration exercise based on visual theory, sup-

    ported in speeches by others as a way to find my own

    voice. It is the fruit of the knowledge and concerns

    that have accumulated over the course of my studies,

    from the interaction with teachers and peers as well as

    historical and cultural elements.

    All these roads eventually lead me to confront the

    surrealists consciously for the first time, especially the

    work of George Bataille and his concept of linforme;

    idea himself was reluctant to define, complex concept

    and in a many ways indefinable, but exciting for the

    same reasons.

  • La fotografa es un espejismo y las cmaras son


    de metaforsear.

    Photography is a mirage and the camera is a

    metamorphosing machine.

    Minor White

  • La fotografa es un medio muy nuevo aun y todo

    debe ser intentado ... la fotografa no tiene reglas.

    No es un deporte. Es el resultado el que cuenta, no

    importa cmo se hayaconseguido.

    Photography is still a very new medium and every-

    thing must be tried and dare... photography has no

    rules. It is not a sport. It is the result which counts, no

    matter how it is achieved.

    Bill Brandt

  • Este libro fue producido empleando las siguientes her-


    Cmara Nikon D5100

    Adobe Lightroom 3.5

    Adobe Photoshop CS4

    Adobe Acrobat X

    Las tipografas empleadas son Lisboa Sans e ITC Eras.

    La versin analgica, las piezas en papel salado, se han

    realizado sobre papeles Galgo y Fabriano.

    This book was produced using the next tools:

    Camera Nikon D5100

    Adobe Lightroom 3.5

    Adobe Photoshop CS4

    Adobe Acrobat X

    The typefaces employed are Lisboa Sans and ITC Eras.

    The analogical counterpart, the salted prints, have been

    made over Galgo and Fabriano papers.