Bonding in Solids: Metals, Insulators, & Semiconductors CHEM 107 T. Hughbanks Delocalized bonding in Solids Think of a pure solid as a single, very large “molecule.” Use our bonding pictures to try to understand properties. metals vs. nonmetals

Bonding in Solids: Metals, Insulators, & Semiconductorschem107.chem.tamu.edu/hughbanks/slides/class_14_2.pdf · Bonding in Solids: Metals, Insulators, & Semiconductors CHEM 107 T

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Bonding in Solids: Metals, Insulators, &

SemiconductorsCHEM 107

T. Hughbanks

Delocalized bonding in Solids

■ Think of a pure solid as a single, very large “molecule.”

■ Use our bonding pictures to try to understand properties.

■ metals vs. nonmetals

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Sodium: 3s1








■ As we add atoms, energy levels get closer together.

■ With one electron per atom, bonding orbitals always filled, antibonding always empty.



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Solid Sodium




■ For a bulk solid, n is very large (1023...)■ Spaces between levels vanish, forming

a continuous “band” of energy levels.




Band Diagram








Page 4: Bonding in Solids: Metals, Insulators, & Semiconductorschem107.chem.tamu.edu/hughbanks/slides/class_14_2.pdf · Bonding in Solids: Metals, Insulators, & Semiconductors CHEM 107 T

So why is sodium a metal?■ Bonding half (“bottom”) of band is filled

up to the nonbonding point with two electrons per orbital.

■ Antibonding half (“top”) is empty.■ Availability of empty delocalized

orbitals at low energies allows electrons to move through the crystal, conducting electricity.

■ Same ideas for thermal conductivity.

Tungsten Half-filled 5d band

&half-filled 6s band

Page 5: Bonding in Solids: Metals, Insulators, & Semiconductorschem107.chem.tamu.edu/hughbanks/slides/class_14_2.pdf · Bonding in Solids: Metals, Insulators, & Semiconductors CHEM 107 T

Interaction of metals with light?

■ Metals are shiny and opaque.☛ Absorb and re-emit light of many colors

■ Continuous energy levels, so nearly any wavelength can be absorbed or emitted.


■  Look at bonding in same way, try to explain differences between metals and insulators.

■ Diamond: excellent electrical insulator, transparent, etc.

■ Diamond is pure carbon, tetrahedral geometry: sp3 hybrids, σ bonds

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The Structure of Diamondone “cell”

The Structure of Diamondfour cells

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Bonding in Diamond (pure sp3 carbon)

■ Pick one carbon atom and look at its bonds to four neighbor atoms.

■ Mix 4 sp3 orbitals from central atom with one sp3 orbital from each of the other 4.

■ Get 8 new orbitals, 4 bonding and 4 antibonding.

■ Bonding orbitals filled, antibonding empty.


Why an insulator?■ A “band gap” exists between the filled

and unfilled orbitals.■ The gap is big; the bonding (and

antibonding) interactions are strong.

Filled “valence band”

Empty “conduction band”

Band gap energy

sp3-sp3 antibonding

sp3-sp3 bonding

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X(element) → X(g) (atom)

Measuring the Band Gap










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Insulators■ With a large band gap, a lot of energy

is needed to promote an electron.■ Visible light photons too low in energy,

so diamond is transparent.■ Electrons can’t readily move through

material, so no electrical conductivity.■ Similar idea for the thermal

conductivity - at normal T, only low energy excitation possible.


■ Small band gaps - properties are in some ways intermediate between those of metals and insulators

■ Often “doped” with a small amount of a second element to provide either electrons or “holes” as charge carriers.

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Si and Ge look the same as Diamond (w / longer bonds)

Diamond, Silicon, & SiC

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Semiconductors■  If the band gap becomes small enough,

some conductivity can be achieved.■ Band gaps:

● diamond: 580 kJ/mol●  silicon: 105 kJ/mol● germanium: 64 kJ/mol

■ Pure Si or Ge can conduct at high T or if exposed to light.


■ Energy from heat, light, etc.■ When electrons have been promoted,

the material will begin to conduct.

Add energy

promote e–’sEner


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Band Diagrams





Doped Semiconductors

■ Pure elemental semiconductors (Si, Ge, etc.) can only be used for devices where light or heat can be supplied to promote electrons.

■ Most useful devices are made using “doped” semiconductors.

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n-Type Semiconductors

■  Initially, valence band is full, conduction band is empty

Add one e–

pure silicon



■ An added e– must go in conduction band

n-Type Semiconductors

■  In a real material, we can’t add just one electron.

■ Extent of conductivity depends on # of electrons added.

Add e–’s

pure silicon



Page 14: Bonding in Solids: Metals, Insulators, & Semiconductorschem107.chem.tamu.edu/hughbanks/slides/class_14_2.pdf · Bonding in Solids: Metals, Insulators, & Semiconductors CHEM 107 T

n-Type Semiconductors■ The added electrons can be promoted

easily, so they can serve as charge carriers.

■ How can we add electrons to Si?☛ “Dope” with phosphorus. An electron

is “left-over” after forming Si-P bonds.■ Typical n-type devices contain on the

order of 0.00001% P (100 ppb).

Phosphorus doped into Si


The “left-over” electron easily escapes the positively-charged P atom and can roam through the silicon.

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p-Type Semiconductors

■  Initially, valence band is full, conduction band is empty

■ Removing e– leaves a “hole” in valence band

Remove one e–

pure silicon



p-Type Semiconductors

■ As for n-type, can’t really remove just one e–.

■ Number of electrons removed determines conductivity.

Remove e–’s

pure silicon



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p-Type Semiconductors■ The holes allow promotion of electrons

within the valence band, so they serve as charge carriers.

■ How can we remove electrons from Si?☛ “Dope” with aluminum. Formation of

Al-Si bonds “steals” an electron from Si.■ Small “impurity” levels, as for n-type. ■ Properties of n & p type differ slightly.

Most devices contain combinations of both.

Aluminum doped into Si


A “hole” in the bonding electrons of the silicon is created in order to satisfy the Al atom ‘octet’. The hole easily escapes the negatively charged Al atom and roams through the silicon.

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Diamonds can be doped!

Colors in diamonds are due to impurity doping.

Graphite is a 2-Dimensional Net

Stacking of Layers — Only DispersionForces BetweenLayers

A Single graphene Layer (side view) — Strong CovalentBonds within Each Layer (sp2 carbon)

335 pm

141.5 pm

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Graphite - Delocalized π Bonding

etc. etc.


What is the C–C bond order in


C–C single-bond, benzene,

double bond and triple bond lengths)

C60 — A new Form of Carbon

Ball-and-stick model

the dominant “resonance structure”

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C60 — Intermolecular PackingThere are strong covalent bonds within each C60 “buckyball”. The C60 molecules are bound to each other by weaker dispersion forces

Carbon; Properties■  Diamond: Transparent, extremely hard,

melting point > 3000 ˚C, electrical insulator, insoluble in all solvents (unless carbon reacts)

■  Graphite: Black (shiny), extremely soft. melting point > 3000 ˚C, electrical conductor, insoluble in all solvents (unless carbon reacts)

■  C60: Black, very soft, sublimes at 500 ˚C, electrical semiconductor, dissolves in nonpolar solvents to form purple solutions

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Phase Diagram for Carbon