By Junaid Bayat ACCELERATED LEARNING & …accelerated-learning.co.za/educor/AL Student Advisor Training... · 1.Information (VAKOG) 2.Interpretation (meanings attached) 3.Intuition

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Recap – Workshop 1

6 Pillars of Study

Learning Process

Learning Styles

Identity Creation

Levels of Learning

Stages of Learning

Language Patterns

C.U.P Method

Power of Metaphors

Recap - Workshop 2

Effective Study Mind-set

Power of Thoughts

Conditioning of Words

Shift In Paradigm

Human Potential

How We Learn & Process

Shallow & Deep Processing

Workshop 3

Telephone Techniques

Power of Questions


Communication Model

Listening & Questions

Learning States

Study Time Control

1. Eliminate Distractions & Improve Your

Concentration On What Is Being Said

2. Locate Key Words, Phrases, And Ideas While


3. Cut Through Your Own Listening Biases

4. Interpret Body Language Clues (Breathing, Voice)

5. Ask Constructive, Nonthreatening Questions That

Elicit Real Information

6. Get Others To Listen To You

7. Master Your Listening Skills

1. Get Them in State

2. Get Confidence (Can You Remember a time)

3. Break Down Overwhelm

4. Focus On Immediate Action

5. Action Must Have TIME & PLACE

6. Get Commitment

7. Create Action Plan

8. Stress your Role FOR THEM (I’m Here For You

Every Step)

State or Value

1. Stated Ambiguously

2. Write Affirmations

3. Can Have it Now

4. No Steps

5. Infinite

6. Stated for self or others

Goal or Outcome

1. Stated Specifically

2. Write goals/outcomes

3. Time & Plan Involved

4. Steps Needed to get there

5. Measurable

6. Stated for self only

1. Orientation towards Solutions & Outcomes

2. Asking How questions instead of Why questions

3. See results as Feedback instead of Failure

4. Focus on Possibilities rather than Necessities

5. Attitude of Curiosity & Fascination instead of


1. Spiritual

2. Identity

3. Belief

4. Capability

5. Behaviour

6. Environmental

1.Information (VAKOG)

2.Interpretation (meanings attached)

3.Intuition (experience)

4.Intention (action for future)

1. Certainty

2. Variety

3. Significance

4. Love & Connection

5. Growth

6. Contribution

Positions we take 1st Position - Associated

2nd Position - Associated

3rd Position - Dissociated




Eliciting Any State Best states to anchor are naturally occurring states Next best are past, vivid & highly associated states Least best are constructed & created states

Can you remember a time when you were totally________________? Can you remember a specific time? As you go back to that time now…go right back to that time, float down into your body and see what you saw, hear what you heard and really feel the feelings of being totally___________________

Learning State Environment

1. External 2. Internal

Get In The “Zone” 1. Choose a Spot 2. Focus on Spot 3. Aaaaaaaaahhhhh 4. Fingers

Power Purpose (Over the Next 20 minutes, I


Creating A Study Plan To Produce Great Results

Watch Your Step!

10 Common Mistakes Students Make

1. Procrastinate

2. Distracted

3. No Time

4. Cramming

5. No Plan & Purpose

6. Forgetting Info Learnt

7. No Good Notes

8. No Ownership & Accountability

9. Negativity

10. Stress Due to Frustration & Expectation

Master Your Students Success

Upgrade Mindset Increase Productivity

Stress Free Preparation

Improve Performance

Study Success

Upgrading Mindset

Embrace & Work With Them

Get FULL Commitment

Step Up To Highest Self

You Can & You Will Do It

Create Vision Of Success

Get Them In FOCUS

Get Into Focus

Unclutter & Clear Mind

Mental Desk Clearing

Secondary Distraction

Focus On PLAN

Focus On Results

Accelerated Learning Student Support Success

Productivity Strategies To Increase Results

Study Productivity

Making Student Study Success Happen

Increase Study Productivity

Important vs. Urgent video

Create & Use a Plan

Set Daily Focus

Maximize Their Study Time

Give & Take Lots of Notes

Improve Their Memory

Create a Balance (Humour, Fun, Serious)

Know & Maximize Their Learning Style

Deep Process Everything Learnt

Listen Thrice As Much

Handle Stress Positively

Making Study A Success

Create Your Success Plan!

Give Them THEIR OWN Time Table

List Each Subject Exam Date

Calculate Number Of Days

Where am I Right Now?

Calculate Time You Need per Subject

Set Out Daily Focus

Create a Workable Revision Plan

Map Out My Time For Each Section

Chunk Up

Subjects & Time Subject Date Time L Time R

English P1

English P2

English P3

Afrikaans P1

Afrikaans P2

Maths P1

Maths P2

Business Studies

History P1

History P2

Geography P1

Geography P2

Economics P1

Economics P2



10pm – 11pm

11pm – 12am

12am – 1 am

Daily Focus!

2 x 90 Min Sessions EVERY Day

2 Sessions Daily

2 x 90 Min Sessions

1st Session from 6pm – 7:30pm

2nd Session from 9pm – 10:30pm

4pm – 6pm Rest & Revitalize

Daily Focus Plan

Use Template Mark Out All Exam Dates Mark Rest & Sleep Time Schedule Chill Time Use Different Colours Calculate Time For Each subject Calculate Number of Days Only 2 Subjects Per Day Take 1 Hour To Review Everything Finish All Prep A Week Before

Exam/Test Plan Points

Accelerated Learning

Improving Performance To Get Better Grades

Study Performance

Stay Ahead of

Your Game

7 Bedtime Secrets 4 Exams

1. Review & Revise 1 hour before bed

2. Disconnect – Light – Tech- Memory

3. Mental Plan & Visualize Exam Success

4. Exercise – Work Out Days Work – Tiredness

5. Shower – Improve Blood Circulation

6. Reflect on Day Positives - Progress

7. Positive Affirmations + Winning Attitude

Improve Study Performance

Get Your Students To :

Exercise Daily

Wake Up Early

Eat Healthy

Sleep Well

Mental Exercise

Drink Lots of Water

Manage Stress Positively


Manage State

Winning Attitude

Tips on Overcoming Procrastination Set Priorities

NOT: I don’t know where to begin, so I can’t begin at all, or I have to work on everything!

INSTEAD: I’ll focus on this essay because it is the first assignment due, and its worth 40% of my grade.

Break the task down into little pieces

NOT: I’m overwhelmed because this paper has to be 5 pages

and has to follow guidelines.

INSTEAD: I don’t have to do the whole project at once. I can do my research this week and start my draft next week.

Set up small, specific goals

NOT: I have to finish this set book review by Week 9.

INSTEAD: If I write two chapters a week, I’ll have my draft done by week 6.

Tips on Overcoming Procrastination…cont Use A Time Schedule

NOT: I have to take a week out of work to finish this project.

INSTEAD: I can use these times to work on my paper: Monday 7-8, Tuesday 5-6, and Saturday 8-12.

Learn How To Use Distributed Time NOT: I will study for this paper all night the night before.

INSTEAD: I will start from tonight and do little over the

time until exams.

Optimize Your Chances For Success NOT: I’ll write this paper at home.

INSTEAD: I’ll write this paper in the library, away from my TV.

Tips on Overcoming


Just Get Started – Just Do It

NOT: I cant write this project until I feel inspired.

INSTEAD: I’ll write what comes to mind now and revise it later.

Look At What You Have Accomplished And Reward Yourself

NOT: I’ve hardly made a dent in all that I have to do.

INSTEAD: I’ve finished my draft. I think I’ll take Saturday to go out with my friends.

Double Time

NOT: It’s too much. I’ll never get it done.

INSTEAD: Use travel time, time to do chores and sleeping time to listen to notes or read a few pages and even make notes .

Let Them Visualize Their Success Keep Them Moving Forward One Step At A Time

Anchors Ability to anchor a state in a person at any time in any modality

Definition : linking 2 states neurologically in an intense associated peak state by a specific stimulus

Process :

4 Steps to Successful Anchoring (RACE)

1. RECALL past experience in vivid peak state

2. ANCHOR (Create) a specific stimulus at the peak

3. CHANGE the persons state

4. EVOKE the state – set of anchor


5 Keys to Successful Anchoring (I-TURN)

1. INTENSITY of the experience

2. TIMING of the anchor

3. UNIQUENESS of the anchor

4. REPLICATION of the stimulus

5. NUMBER of times

Collapsing unresourceful/negative anchors

Setting resourceful anchors

Future pace anchors

Chaining & Collapsing Anchors


Set The following Anchors – 15 Mins

A time when you felt totally powerful

A time when you felt totally loved

A time when you felt highly confident

A time when you felt vibrant & really energetic

A time you felt deeply motivated

A time when you felt down laughing

A time when you felt highly successful

Key Roles & States

Vital Roles :

1. Creator

2. Leader

3. Warrior

4. Lover

5. Genius

6. Magician

Take Away From Session

What Have You Learnt?

Raise Your Standard

Now I am The VOICE

I Will Lead Not Follow

I Will Believe Not Doubt

I Will Create Not Destroy

I AM A Force For GOOD

I Am A Success

I Am A Leader Defy The Odds

Set A New Standard


Q & A, Feedback & Comments

The Beginning of The

New YOU!!

Questions ???

Share Your Experience

Tell Others About Your


Post on FB &BBM

Feedback - Questions

Keep In Touch

Email : [email protected]

Cell : 083 786 9657

Twitter : Jbayat

Facebook : Junaid Bayat

Skype : Junaidba

Office : 086 7227 526

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