Systematic Anato my Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingd ao University 1 C. The Cerebellum ( 小 小) 1.Location: in the posterior cra 2.Relationship: anteroinferior: attached to the by cerebellar peduncles ( 小小 posterosuperior: tentorium cereb 3. External feature lateral: left & right cerebellar ( 小小小小 ) median: cerebellar vermis ( 小小小 )

C. The Cerebellum ( 小脑 )

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C. The Cerebellum ( 小脑 ). Location: in the posterior cranial fossa. Relationship: anteroinferior: attached to the brain stem by cerebellar peduncles ( 小脑脚 ) posterosuperior: tentorium cerebelli ( 小脑幕 ) 3.  External feature lateral: left & right cerebellar hemispheres - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: C. The Cerebellum ( 小脑 )

Systematic Anatomy Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University 1

C. The Cerebellum ( 小脑 )1. Location: in the posterior cranial fossa.2. Relationship: anteroinferior: attached to the brain stem by cerebellar peduncles ( 小脑脚 ) posterosuperior: tentorium cerebelli ( 小脑幕 )

3. External feature lateral: left & right cerebellar hemispheres ( 小脑半球 ) median: cerebellar vermis ( 小脑蚓 )

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Systematic Anatomy Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University 2

C. The Cerebellum ( 小脑 ) 3. External features

Subdivision by fissures anterior lobe ( 前叶 ) primary fissure ( 原裂 ) posterior lobe ( 后叶 ) tonsil of cerebellum ( 小脑扁桃体 ) posterolateral fissure ( 后外侧裂 ) flocculonodular lobe ( 绒球小结叶 ) corpus of cerebellum ( 小脑体 ) = anterior lobe + posterior lobe

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Systematic Anatomy Dept of Anatomy, Medical College, Qingdao University 3

C. The Cerebellum ( 小脑 ) 3. External features Subdivisions

Anatomical( 解剖 )

Functions( 功能 )

Phylogenetic( 种系发生 )

Connection( 联系 )

Anterior lobe( 前叶 )

Muscle tone & synergy of muscle ( 肌张力 ,肌协调 ) Motor execution ( 运动执行 )


( 旧小脑 )

Spino-cerebellum( 脊髓小脑 )

posterolateral fissure ( 前外侧裂 )

Posterior lobe ( 后叶 )

Coordination of muscles

Motor planning( 协调运动 )( 运动计划 )

Flocculo-nodular lobe

( 绒球小结叶 )

Maintaining equilibrium coordinating eye movements

( 保持平衡 , 协调眼运动 )


( 原小脑 )

Vestibulo-Cerebellum( 前庭小脑 )

Cerebro-cerebellum( 大脑小脑 )

Neocerebellum( 新小脑 )

primary fissure ( 原裂 )cerebellar vermis ( 小脑蚓部 )

intermediate hemisphere ( 半球中间部 )lateral portion of hemisphere

( 半球外侧部 )

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C. The Cerebellum ( 小脑 )

a. Vermis of cerebellum ( 小脑蚓部 )

b. Intermediate hemisphere ( 半球中间部 ) a + b = paleocerebellum

c. Lateral hemisphere ( 半球外侧部 )

neocerebellumd. Flocculonodular lobe ( 绒球小结叶 ) archicerebellum

c bc



dC. The Cerebellum ( 小脑 )


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4. Internal structure 1) cerebellar cortex (小脑皮质 ) a. molecular layer (分子层 ) b. Purkinje cell layer (梨状细胞层 ) c. granular layer (颗粒层 )

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a. molecular layer ( 分子层 ) stellate cells ( 星形细胞 ) 抑制

性 basket cells ( 蓝细胞 )) 抑制性b. Purkinje cell layer ( 梨状细胞层 ) c. granular layer ( 颗粒层 ) granule cells ( 颗粒细胞 ) 4.6-1010

Golgi cells 抑制性 mossy fibers ( 苔藓纤维 ) cerebellar glomerulus ( 小脑小

球 )

C. The Cerebellum ( 小脑 )

Spinal cord, pontine nuclei, RF.

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2) cerebellar (central) nuclei ( 小脑核 )

fastigial nucleus ( 顶核 )

globose nucleus

( 球状核 )

cortex of archicerebellum

( 原小脑皮质 )


( 前庭核 )

( 脊髓小脑束 )→cortex of

paleocerebellum( 旧小脑皮质 )




nucleus ( 拴状核 ) [dysequilibrium 平衡失调 ]

C. The Cerebellum ( 小脑 )

Archicerebellum( 原小脑 )

小脑下脚 vestibular

nuclei ( 前庭核 )


sup. cerebel.peduncle( 小脑上脚 )

red nucleus( 红核 )

[ataxia 共济失调 ]

Intermediate hemisphere( 半球中间部 )

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C. The Cerebellum ( 小脑 )

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neocerebellar cortex

( 新小脑皮质 )

dentate nucleus( 齿状核 )

thalamus( 丘脑腹外侧核 )


pontine neuc.

( 脑桥核 )

( 小脑上脚 )

sup. cerebellarpeduncle

[dysmetria 辨距不良 ][dysdiadochokinesia 轮替运动障碍 ]

[syndrome of neocerebellum 新小脑综合征 ]

red nuc.( 红核 )

C. The Cerebellum ( 小脑 )

Neocerebellar Cortex ( 新小脑皮质 )

[intentional tremor 意向性震颤 ]


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3) cerebellar peduncles ( 小脑脚 ) . peduncle tracts afferent/efferent

dorsal spinocerebellar tract ( 脊髓小脑后束 ) A

olivocerebellar tract ( 橄榄小脑束 ) A

inferior arcuatocerebellar tract ( 弓状小脑束 ) A

(下脚) reticulocerebellar tract ( 网状小脑束 ) A

direct and secondary vestibulocerebellar tracts ( 前庭小脑束 ) A

. cerebellovestibular tracts ( 小脑前庭束 ) E .

middle ( 中脚 ) pontocerebellar tracts ( 脑桥小脑束 ) A .

ventral spinocerebellar tract ( 脊髓小脑前束 ) A

superior trigeminocerebellar tract ( 三叉小脑束 ) A

( 上脚 ) tectocerebellar tract ( 顶盖小脑束 ) A

dentatorubrothalamic tract ( 齿状红核丘脑束 ) E

C. The Cerebellum ( 小脑 )

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C. The Cerebellum ( 小脑 )

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• Summary of the cerebellumThree sagittal divisions; vermis & two hemisphere.Three transverse divisions: anterior, posterior &

flocculonodular lobes.Three phylogenetic subdivisions: archio-, paleo- &

neocerebellum.Three layers of cortex: molecular, Purkinje cell, & granular.Three pairs of midline nuclei: fastigial nucleus, interpositus

(emboliform and globose nuclei), & dentate nucleus.Three pairs of peduncles: inferior, middle, & superior.Three major decussations:

C. The Cerebellum ( 小脑 )

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D. The Diencephalon ( 间脑 )

1.Location: Between brain stem and cerebrum. The median cavity is the third ventricle.

2.Relationships:3. Divisions: a. dorsal thalamus (thalamus) ( 背侧丘脑 ) b. metathalamus ( 后丘脑 ) c. epithalamus ( 上丘脑 ) d. subthalamus ( 底丘脑 ) e. hypothalamus ( 下丘脑 )

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1) dorsal thalamus (thalamus) ( 背侧丘脑 ) Subdivision: a. median nuclei ( 中线核 ) b. medial nuclei ( 内侧核群 ) c. internal medullary lamina ( 内髓板 ) Y-shape anterior nuclei ( 前核群 ) locate in the bifurcation

of the IML intralaminar nuclei ( 板内核 ) locate in the IML d. lateral nuclei ( 外侧核群 ) e. external medullary lamina ( 外髓板 ) f. reticular nucleus ( 网状核 )

D. The Diencephalon ( 间脑 )

a b c d e


ab c


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D. The Diencephalon ( 间脑 )Phylogenic subdivision of the dorsal thalamus (1) nonspecific thalamic nuclei (非特异性核团 ) (archithalamus 古丘脑 ) a. nuclei median nuclei (中线核 ): intermediate mass (丘脑间粘合 ) intralaminar nuclei (板内核 ) reticular nucleus (网状核 ) b. connection afferent: ← 嗅脑 , 脑干网状结构 , 下丘脑 , 纹状体 . efferent: → cerebral cortex c. function: maintaining awakening status for vital activity (维持清醒状态 ).

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(2)Specific thalamic nuclei ( 特异性核团 ) (paleothalamus 旧丘脑 ) a. nuclei ventral anterior nucleus ( 腹前核 ) ventral lateral nucleus ( 腹外侧核 ) ← 小脑齿状核 , 苍白球 , 黑质 → cerebral cortex (precentral gyrus 中央前回 )

ventral posterior nucleus ( 腹后核 ) i. ventral posterolateral nucleus ( 腹后外侧核 ) ← all senses of trunk ( 躯干全部感觉 ) ←spinothalamic tract, medial lemniscus

ii. ventral posteromedial nucleus ( 腹后内侧核 ) ← all senses of head ( 头部全部感觉 , 味觉 ) ←trigeminal lemniscus, 孤束核 →cerebral cortex (postcentral gyrus中央后回 ) [spontaneous pain 自发性痛疼 ]

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(3)Associate nuclei ( 联络性核团 ) (neothalamus 新丘脑 )

nuclei & connection: anterior nucleus( 前核群 ) ← 下丘脑乳头体 , ← 扣带回④⑤ → internal nuclei ( 内侧核群 ) lateral nuclei ( 外侧核群 ) lateral dorsal nucleus ( 背外侧核 ) lateral posterior nucleus ( 后外侧核 ) pulvinar ( 枕 )

D. The Diencephalon ( 间脑 )

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D. The Diencephalon ( 间脑 )

function: high neural activity ( 高级神经活动 ) ( 情感意识的辨别能力 , 学习记忆活动 )

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2) metathalamus ( 后丘脑 ) a. medial geniculate body ( 内侧膝状体 ): ← br

achium of inferior colliculus ( 下丘臂 ) ← acoustic 听觉

b. lateral geniculate body ( 外侧膝状体 ): ← optic tract ( 视束 ) ← visual 视觉

D. The Diencephalon ( 间脑 )

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D. The Diencephalon ( 间脑 )3) epithalamus ( 上丘脑 ) a. pineal body ( 松果体 ) 内分泌 b. habenular trigone ( 缰三角 ) 嗅觉 c. habenular commissure ( 缰连合 ) d. thalamic medullary stria ( 丘脑髓纹 ) e. posterior commissure ( 后连合 )

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D. The Diencephalon ( 间脑 ) 4) subthalamus ( 底丘脑 ) (v

entral thalamus 腹侧丘脑 )

锥体外系 5) hypothalamus ( 下丘脑 ) Location: beneath the hypothal

amic sulcus ( 下丘脑沟 )

a. optic chiasma ( 视交叉 ) b. optic tract ( 视束 )

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D. The Diencephalon ( 间脑 )c. mammillary body ( 乳头体 )

d. tuber cinereus ( 灰结节 )

e. infundibulum ( 漏斗 )

f. median eminence ( 正中隆起 )

g. infundibular process

( 漏斗突 )

h. hypophysis ( 垂体 )

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D. The Diencephalon ( 间脑 ) Nuclei of the hypothalamus ( 下丘脑核团 )

a. supraoptic nucleus ( 视上核 ) → supraoptico-

hypophyseal tract ( 视上垂体束 ) → vasopressin ( 加压素 )

b. paraventricular nucleus ( 室旁核 ) → paraventri-culohypophyseal tract ( 室旁垂体束 ) → oxytocin ( 催产素 )



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D. The Diencephalon ( 间脑 )c. tuberal nucleus (结节核 ) → tuberoinfundibular (-hypophyseal) tract

(结节漏斗 [垂体 ]束 ) d. infundibular nucleus

(漏斗核 )

e. mammillary nucleus

(乳头体核 )

f. suprachiasmatic

nucleus (交叉上核 )

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D. The Diencephalon ( 间脑 )Functions of the hypothalamus a. regulation of the viscera ( 内脏调节 ) (subcortical cen

ters of autonomic nervous system 皮质下植物性中枢 ): body temperature ( 体温 ), feeding (ingestion) ( 摄食 ), reproduction ( 生殖 ), balance of water ( 水平衡 ).

b. neurosecretory function ( 神经内分泌功能 ) c. biological clock ( 生物钟 ) 视交叉上核 d. emotion reaction ( 情绪反应 ) 与边缘系统密切联系

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D. The Diencephalon ( 间脑 )Sympathetic n.( 交感神经 ) (in the posterior and late

ral part): cardiac acceleration ( 心加速 ), BP↑ ( 血压升高 ), cessation of the gastrointestinal tract ( 胃肠道活动停止 ), dilatation of the pupil ( 瞳孔扩大 ), hyperglycemia ( 血糖升高 ).

Parasympathetic n.( 副交感神经 ) (in the ant. part): heart rate↓( 心率下降 ), BP↓( 血压下降 ), salivation( 分泌唾液 ), increase of the gastrointestinal tract ( 胃肠道活动增加 ), contraction of the urinary bladder( 膀胱收缩 ).

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E. The Telencephalon ( 端脑 )1. External features

1) main division a. cerebral hemisphere ( 大脑半球 ) left side (dominant 优势 ): language ( 语言 ), c

alculate ( 计算 ), thought (thinking) ( 思维 ). right side (nondominant 非优势 ): stereo visua

l ( 立体视觉 ), music ( 音乐 ) and art ( 艺术 ).

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E. The Telencephalon ( 端脑 ) b. corpus callosum ( 胼胝体 )

c. cerebral longitudinal fissure ( 大脑纵裂 ) d. cerebral transverse fissure ( 大脑横裂 )

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E. The Telencephalon ( 端脑 )

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E. The Telencephalon ( 端脑 )

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E. The Telencephalon ( 端脑 ) e. lateral sulcus (fissure of Sylvius) (外侧沟 )

f. central sulcus (sulcus of Rolando) (中央沟 ) g. parietooccipital sulcus (顶枕沟 ) h. cingulate sulcus (扣带沟 ) i. preoccipital notch (枕前切迹 )

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E. The Telencephalon ( 端脑 )

2) lobes ( 分叶 ) a. frontal lobe ( 额叶 ) b. parietal lobe ( 顶叶 ) c. temporal lobe ( 颞叶 ) d. occipital lobe ( 枕叶 ) e. insula ( 岛叶 ) f. limbic lobe ( 边缘叶 ) g. rhinencephalon ( 嗅脑 )

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E. The Telencephalon ( 端脑 ) 3) frontal lobe ( 额叶 ) somatic motor, language, ju

dgment ( 判断 ), thought ( 思维 ), synthesis ( 综合 )

a. frontal pole ( 额极 ) b. precentral sulcus ( 中央前沟 )

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E. The Telencephalon ( 端脑 )c. precentral gyrus (Brodmann 4,6) ( 中央前回 ): p

rimary motor area 第 I 躯体运动区 随意运动 ant. part of paracentral lobule ( 中央旁小叶前部 ):

primary motor area (leg & foot) 随意运动

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Motor cortex (precentral gyrus)运动皮质 (中央前回 )

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E. The Telencephalon ( 端脑 ) d. superior frontal sulcus ( 额上沟 )

e. inferior frontal sulcus ( 额下沟 ) f. superior frontal gyrus ( 额上回 ) g. middle frontal gyrus: ( 额中回 )

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E. The Telencephalon ( 端脑 )

i. posterior part (Brodmann 8) : writing area of language (书写中枢 ) (in dominant hemisphere) [agraphia 失写症 ] [apraxia 失用症 ]

ii. middle part (Brodmann 8,9) : synergetic motor area of eyeballs (眼球协同运动 )

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E. The Telencephalon ( 端脑 ) h. inferior frontal gyrus ( 额下回 ): Broca’s

area (Brodmann 44,45) (in dominant hemisphere) motor speech area of language area ( 运动性语言中枢 )

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E. The Telencephalon ( 端脑 ) i. opercular part (frontal operculum)

( 岛盖部 ) ii. triangular part ( 三角部 ) [aphemia 运动性失语症 ]

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E. The Telencephalon ( 端脑 ) 4) parietal lobe ( 顶叶 ) somatic sensory ( 躯体感觉 ),

taste ( 味觉 ), language, synthesis ( 综合 ), analysis ( 分析 ), judgement ( 判断 )

a. postcentral sulcus ( 中央后沟 )

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E. The Telencephalon ( 端脑 )b. postcentral gyrus ( 中央后回 ): (Brodmann

3,1,2) primary somesthetic (general sensory) area 第 I 躯体感觉区

lower part (Brodmann 43) : equilibrium sense & taste area ( 平衡觉区 , 味觉区 )

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Somatosensory cortex (postcentral gyrus)躯体感觉皮质 (中央后回 )

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E. The Telencephalon ( 端脑 )c. posterior part of paracentral lobule ( 中央

旁小叶后部 ): primary somesthetic area d. intraparietal (interparietal) sulcus ( 顶内沟 )e. superior parietal lobule ( 顶上小叶 )f. inferior parietal lobule ( 顶下小叶 )

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E. The Telencephalon ( 端脑 ) i. supramarginal gyrus ( 缘上回 ): (Brodmann 22,40) (Werni

cke’s area) auditory speech area ( 听觉性语言中枢 ) [sensory aphasia 感觉性失语症 ]

ii. angular gyrus ( 角回 ): (Brodmann 39) visual speech area ( 视觉性语言中枢 )(reading area)[alexia 失读症 ]

iii. precuneus (楔前叶 )

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E. The Telencephalon ( 端脑 )5) temporal lobe ( 颞叶 ): acoustic( 听觉 ), langua

ge ( 语言 ), memory( 记忆 ) a. temporal pole ( 颞极 ) b. superior temporal sulcus ( 颞上沟 ) c. inferior temporal sulcus ( 颞下沟 )

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E. The Telencephalon ( 端脑 ) d. superior temporal gyrus ( 颞上回 )

i. transverse temporal sulci ( 颞横沟 ) ii. transverse temporal gyri ( 颞横回 ): (Brodmann 4

1 ,42) acoustic area ( 听区 ) iii. temporal operculum ( 颞叶岛盖部 ): (Brodmann

22) auditory speech area ( 听觉性语言中枢 )

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E. The Telencephalon ( 端脑 )e. middle temporal gyrus ( 颞中回 )

f. inferior temporal gyrus ( 颞下回 )g. occipitotemporal sulcus ( 枕颞沟 )h. lateral occipitotemporal gyrus ( 枕颞外侧回 )i. medial occipitotemporal gyrus ( 枕颞内侧回 )

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E. The Telencephalon ( 端脑 ) 6) occipital lobe ( 枕叶 ) visual ( 视觉 ), synthesis

a. occipital pole ( 枕极 ) b. preoccipital notch (incisure) ( 枕前切迹 ) c. cuneus (楔叶 )

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E. The Telencephalon ( 端脑 )

d. calcarine sulcus (距状沟 ): (Brodmann 17) visual area (视区 ) [hemianopsia 偏盲 ]

e. lingual gyrus (舌回 )

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E. The Telencephalon ( 端脑 )7) limbic lobe (边缘叶 ): archicortex, paleocortex

emotion(情绪 ), behavior(行为 ), visceral move-ment(内脏运动 ) a. cingulate sulcus (扣带沟 ) b. cingulate gyrus (扣带回 ): (Brodmann 23,24) visceral regulating center (内脏调节中枢 ) c. callosal sulcus (胼胝体沟 )

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E. The Telencephalon ( 端脑 ) d. hippocampal sulcus (海马沟 )

e. collateral sulcus ( 侧副沟 ) f. parahippocampal gyrus (海马旁回 ) g. hippocampal formation (海马结构 ) i. hippocampal (海马 ) ii. dentate gyrus ( 齿状回 )

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E. The Telencephalon ( 端脑 )8) insular lobe ( 岛叶 ) (insula 脑岛 ) visceral sensor

y ( 内脏感觉 ) a. circular sulcus of insula ( 岛环状沟 ) b. central sulcus of insula ( 岛中央沟 ) c. insular gyri ( 岛回 ) i. short gyri of insula ( 岛短回 ) ii. long gyri of insula ( 岛长回 )

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E. The Telencephalon ( 端

脑 )9) rhinencephalon ( 嗅脑 ): archicortex ( 原皮质 ) sm

elling( 嗅觉 ), memory( 记忆 ) a. olfactory bulb ( 嗅球 ) b. olfactory tract ( 嗅束 ) c. olfactory trigone ( 嗅三角 ) d. anterior perforated substance ( 前穿质 ) e. hippocampus (海马 ): memory f. parahippocampal gyrus (海马旁回 ) g. dentate gyrus ( 齿状回 ) h. uncus (钩 ): (Brodmann 34) olfactory area ( 嗅觉区 )

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2. Limbic system ( 边缘系统 ) 1) constitution: a. limbic lobe ( 边缘叶 ) cingulate ( 扣带 ), parahippocampal gyri (海马旁回 ), uncus(钩 ), hippocampal formation (海马结构 ).

b. amygdaloid body (杏仁体 ) c. hypothalamus ( 下丘脑 ) d. septal nuclei (隔核 ) 整合中枢 e. anterior nucleus of dorsal thalamus ( 背侧丘脑前核 ) f. tegmentum of midbrain ( 中脑被盖 ) Hippocampal (Papez) circuit (海马环路 ) 情感 , 学习 , 记忆 海马旁回→ 海马结构→ 乳头体→ 丘脑前核→ 扣带回→海马旁回

Limbic lobe ( 边缘叶 )

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2) functions: a. osphresis ( 嗅觉 )

b. visceral movement ( 内脏活动 )

c. emotion ( 情绪 )

d. sexual behavior ( 性行为 )

e. memory ( 记忆 )

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E. The Telencephalon ( 端脑 )3. Internal structure

1) cerebral cortex ( 大脑皮质 ) Ⅰ molecular (plexiform 丛状层 ) layer ( 分子层 ) Ⅱ external granular layer ( 外粒层 ) ← Ⅲ external pyramidal layer 外锥体层 ) ← Ⅳ internal granular layer ( 内粒层 ) thick in sensory c

ortex Ⅴ internal pyramidal (ganglionic) layer ( 内锥体层 ) → t

hick in motor cortex Ⅵ polymorphic layer (多形层 ) →[congenital dementia 先天性痴呆 ][senile dementia) 老年性痴呆 ]

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Different stains’ method Golgi Nissl Weigert Golgi & Nissl Golgi (Betz cell )

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E. The Telencephalon ( 端

脑 )2) basal ganglia (基底核 ) a. corpus striatum ( 纹状体 ) i. caudate nucleus (尾状核 ) head, body, tail. ( 新纹状体 ) ii. lentiform nucleus (豆状核 ): putamen (壳 ) ( 新纹状体 ) globus pallidus (苍白球 ) ( 旧纹状体 )


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Coronary section 1

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Coronary section 3Coronary section 2

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Coronary section 5Coronary section 4

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E. The Telencephalon ( 端脑 ) b. amygdaloid body (杏仁体 )

c. claustrum (屏状核 ) [Parkinson’s disease 帕金森氏病 , paralysis agitans 震颤麻痹 ] [chorea 舞蹈病 ] [bradykinesia 运动徐缓病 ] [mask-like face 面具脸 ]

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3) medullary substance ( 髓质 )

a. association fibers (system) ( 联络纤维 ):

i. arcuate fibers ( 弓状纤维 )

ii. superior longitudinal fasciculus ( 上纵束 )

iii. inferior longitudinal

fasciculus ( 下纵束 )

iv. cingulum ( 扣带 )

v. uncinate fasciculus

(钩束 )

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b. commissure fibers (system) ( 连合纤维 ) i. corpus callosum ( 胼胝体 ): (rostrum嘴 , gen

u 膝 , trunk 干 , splenium 压 ) neocortex ii. anterior commissure ( 前连合 ): archicortex

( 旧皮质 )

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iii. posterior commissure ( 后连合 )

iv. commissure of fornix (穹隆连合 ): paleocortex ( 原皮质 )

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c. projection fibers (system) (投射纤维 ):

i. internal capsule ( 内囊 ) anterior limb ( 前肢 ): frontopontine tract ( 额桥束 ) anterior thalamic radiation ( 丘脑前辐射 ) genu ( 膝 ): corticonuclear tract

( 皮质核束 )

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posterior limb ( 后肢 ): thalamolentiform part ( 丘脑豆核部 ): corticospinal tract ( 皮质脊髓束 ) central thalamic radiation ( 丘脑 中央辐射 ) [thalamocortical tract 丘脑皮质束 ]

corticorubral tract ( 皮质红核束 ) parieto-occipito-temporo- pontine tract ( 顶枕颞桥束 ) (corticopontine tract 皮质桥束 )

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retrolentiform part (豆核后部 ): optic radiation (geniculocalcarine tract 膝距束 ) ( 视辐

射 )

sublentiform part (豆核下部 ): acoustic radiation ( 听辐射 ) [hemiparalysis 偏瘫 ] [hemianopsia 偏盲 ] [hemilateral anesthesia 偏身感觉消失 ]

ii. external capsule ( 外囊 ) iii. extreme capsule (最外囊 )