Ch4 Revenue

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  • 8/13/2019 Ch4 Revenue


    Chapter 4 Revenue Recognition

    1. Objectives

    1.1 Define the meaning of revenue.

    1.2 Determine the measurement of revenue.

    1.3 Discuss the revenue recognition criteria for sale of goods.

    1.4 Explain the various types of service transactions and their criteria for revenue


    1.5 Discuss the revenue recognition criteria for interest, royalties and dividends.

    1.6 Descrie the disclosure re!uirements under "#$% 1&.

    % a l e o f

    ' o o d s

    ( e n d e r i n g

    o f % e r v i c e s

    ) n t e r e s t ,

    ( o y a l t i e s *

    D i v i d e n d s

    D i s c l o s u r e

    ) d e n t i f i c a t i o no f

    + r a n s a c t i o n

    e a s u r e m e n t

    D e f i n i t i o n


  • 8/13/2019 Ch4 Revenue


    2. Introduction

    2.1 $ccruals accounting is ased on the matching of costs with the revenue they

    generate. )t is crucially important under this convention that -e can estalish

    the point at -hich revenue may e recognised so that the correct treatment can

    e applied to the related costs. or example, the costs of producing an item of

    finished goods should e carried as an asset in the statement of financial

    position until such time as it is sold/ they should then e -ritten off as a

    charge to the trading account.

    2.2 Income, Revenue and ain

    0a Income is increases in economic benefits during the accountingperiod in the form of inflo-s or enhancements of assets or decreases of

    liailities that result in increases in e!uity, other than those relating to

    contriutions from e!uity participants.

    0 Revenue is defined as the gross inf!ow of economic benefits during

    the period arising in the course of the ordinary activities of an

    enterprise -hen those inflo-s resu!t in increases in e"uity, other

    than increasesrelating to contriutions from e"uity participants.

    0c ainsrepresent other items that meet the definition of income. 'ains

    represent increases in economic benefits and as such are no

    different in nature from revenue. "o-ever, they are often reported

    net of related expenses, e.g. net exchange gains, gain on disposa! of

    non#current assets. +hey also inc!ude unrea!i$ed gains, for example,

    arising from the revaluation of investment in securities.

    2.3 +his %tandard covers the follo-ing areas

    0a sale of goods

    0 rendering of services

    0c interest, royalties and dividends


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    %. &easurement of Revenue

    3.1 &easurement of Revenue

    0a (evenue should e measured at fair va!ue of the consideration

    received or receivab!e.

    0 'air va!ue ( ) is the amount for -hich an asset -ould eexchanged, or a liaility settled, et-een no-ledgeale, -illing

    parties in an arms length transaction.


    3.2 ased on the entity concept, revenue includes only the gross inf!ows of

    economic benefits received and receivab!e y the enterprise on its o-n


    3.3 $mounts collected on beha!f of third parties such as sales taxes are not

    counted. %imilarly, in an agency relationship, any amounts collected y an

    enterprise on ehalf of the principal are also not accounted for. (evenue is

    reduced y trade discounts and volume reates ut not reduced y suse!uent

    ad dets and sales returns.

    (*) +eferred payment of revenue

    3.4 hen the inflo- of cash or cash e!uivalents is deferred, the fair value of the

    consideration -ill e less than the nominal amount of cash received or

    receivale. +his happens -hen an enterprise provides interest free credit to the

    uyer or accepts a note receivale -hich is elo- the maret interest rate.

    %uch an arrangement in fact constitutes a financing transaction. +he fair

    va!ue of the considerationhas to e determined by discounting a!! future

    receipts at an imputed interest rate. +he difference between the fair va!ueand the nomina! amount of the consideration is recogni$ed as interest


    3.5 -RCI 1

    $7 8td ought a machine from 9:; 8td at

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    $7 8td any interest for the deferred payment. +he orro-ing rate at that

    time -as 1=>.


    7ompute the present value of the consideration and the interest income.


    (0) change of assets

    3.6 +he revised "#$% 16 specifies that exchange of items of property, plant and

    e!uipment, regard!ess of whether the assets are simi!ar , aremeasured at

    fair va!ue of the goods or services received , ad?usted y the amount of any

    cash or cash e!uivalents transferred.

    3.@ amp!e 1

    ree 7onstruction 8td contracted -ith Arinting 8td -here it -ill supply a fixed

    !uantity of -all paper to Arinting 8td and in return, Arinting 8td -ill deliver acertain amount of in as consideration. ree 7onstruction 8td should record

    revenue for the fair value of the in received.


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    4. a!e of oods

    4.1 Recognition of a!e of oods

    (evenue from the sale of goods should e recogniBed -hen all the follo-ing

    conditions have een satisfied

    0i the enterprise has transferred to the uyer the significant riss and

    rewards of ownershipof the goods/

    0ii the enterpriseretains neither continuing manageria! invo!vementto

    the degree usually associated -ith o-nership nor effective contro!

    over the goods sold/

    0iii the amount of revenuecan e measured re!iab!y/

    0iv it is probab!y that the economic benefits associated -ith thetransaction -ill f!ow to the enterprise/ and

    0v the costs incurred or to be incurredin respect of the transaction can

    e measured re!iab!y.

    4.2 +o assist -ith the decision of revenue recognition, the %tandard provides an

    appendix -ith various examples

    3ransactions Critica! vent

    1. Cill and hold sales Delivery is

    delayed, ut the uyer taes title

    and accepts illing.

    (evenue is recogniBed -hen the uyer taes

    title. (evenue is not recogniBed -hen there is

    simply an intention to ac!uire or manufacture

    the goods in time for delivery.

    2. 'oods shipped su?ect to


    a. )nstallation and inspection. (evenue is normally recogniBed -hen the

    uyer accepts delivery, and installation and

    inspection are complete.. Fn approval -hen the uyer

    has negotiated a limited right of


    )f there is uncertainty aout the possiility of

    return, revenue is recogniBed -hen the

    shipment has een formally accepted y the

    uyer or the goods have een delivered and

    the time period for re?ection has elapsed.

    c. 7onsignment sales under -hich

    the recipient 0uyer undertaes

    to sell the goods on ehalf of

    (evenue is recogniBed y the shipper -hen

    the goods are sold y the recipient to a third



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    the shipper 0seller.

    d. 7ash on delivery sales. (evenue is recogniBed -hen delivery is made

    and cash is received y the seller or its agent

    3. 8ay a-ay sales under -hich thegoods are delivered only -hen the

    uyer maes the final payment in a

    series of instalments.

    (evenue is recogniBed -hen the goods aredelivered

    4. Frders -hen payment is received

    in advance of delivery for goods

    not presently held in stocs.

    (evenue is recogniBed -hen the goods are


    5. %ales and repurchase agreements )n sustance, the seller has transferred the

    riss and re-ards of o-nership to the uyer

    and hence revenue is recogniBed.

    6. %ales to intermediate parties, e.g.

    distriutors, dealers, etc. for resale.

    (evenue is recogniBed -hen the riss and

    re-ards of o-nership have passed.

    @. %uscriptions to pulications and

    similar items.

    (evenue is recogniBed -hen the items

    involved are despacted.

    &. )nstallment sales, under -hich the

    consideration is receivale in


    (evenue attriutale to the sales price,

    exclusive of interest, is recogniBed at the date

    of sale.

    G. Aroperty of sales. (evenue is normally recogniBed -hen legal

    title passes to the uyer. )f the seller is

    oliged to perform any significant acts after

    the transfer of the e!uitale andHor legal title,

    revenue is recogniBed as the acts are


    . Rendering of ervices

    5.1 Recognition of Rendering of ervices

    hen the outcome of a transaction involving the rendering of services can e

    measured relialy, revenue associated -ith the transaction should e

    recogniBed y reference to the stage of completion of the transaction at the

    statement of financial position. +he outcome of a transaction can e estimated

    relialy -hen all the follo-ing conditions are satisfied

    0i the amount of revenuecan e measure re!iab!y/


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    0ii it is probab!e that the economic benefits associated -ith the

    transaction -ill f!ow to the enterprise/

    0iii the stage of comp!etionof the transaction at the statement of financial

    position date can e measured re!iab!y/ and0iv the costs incurred for the transaction and the costs to comp!ete the

    transaction can e measured re!iab!y.

    5.2 hen the outcome of the transaction involving the rendering of services

    cannot be estimated re!iab!y, revenue should e recogni$ed on!y to the

    etent of the epensesrecogniBed that are recoverale.

    5.3 &ethods of &easuring the Revenue of Rendering of ervices

    0a 5ercentage of comp!etion method ith service industries, revenue

    is recogniBed y reference to the stage of completion of a transaction

    -hich is often referred to as the percentage of completion method.

    +he stage of completion of a transaction can e determined y various

    means depending on the nature of the transaction. +hese include

    0i surveys of -or performed/

    0ii services performed to date as a percentage of total services to

    e performed/

    0iii the proportion that costs incurred to date ear to the estimated

    total costs of the transaction.

    0 traight !ine basis hen services are performed y an indeterminate

    numer of acts over a specified period of time, revenue is recogniBed

    on a straight line asis over the specified period unless some other

    etter method is availale. or example, a fitness clu -hich provides

    unlimited use of its facilities to its memers offers a threeIyear

    memership suscription at a discount. or such memership fees,

    revenue should e recogniBed over the three year period on a straightI

    line asis.

    0c Comp!eted performance method hen a specific act is much more

    significant than any other acts, the recognition of revenue is postponed

    until the significant act is executed. or example, a moving company

    may pac, load, store and deliver goods to destinations designated y

    customers. +he act of delivery, the last of a series of acts, is so

    significant that revenue can only e recogniBed -hen delivery is


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    5.2 Examples from %tandard

    3ransactions Critica! vent

    1. )nstallation fees (evenue is recogniBed y reference to the

    stage of completion of the installation.

    2. %ervicing fees included in the price

    of the product

    +he identifiale amount included in the

    selling price, i.e. service fees, is deferred and

    recogniBed over the period during -hich the

    service is performed.

    3. $dvertising commissions edia commissions are recogniBed -hen the

    related advertisement or commercial appears

    efore the pulic.

    4. )nsurance agency commissions (evenue is recogniBed on the rene-al date of

    the policy provided that the agent -ill not e

    re!uired to perform further services.

    5. inancial services fees (ecognition of revenue for financial service

    fees depends on the purposes for -hich the

    fees are assessed and the asis of accounting

    for any associated financial instrument.6. $dmission fees (evenue from artistic performance, other

    special events is recogniBed -hen the event

    taes place.

    @. +uition fees (evenue is recogniBed over the period of


    &. )nitiation, entrance and

    memership fees

    )f fees permit only memership, the fee is

    memership fees. (ecognised as revenue

    -hen no significant uncertainty as to theircollectiility exists. )f fees include other

    services or facilities provided, revenue is

    recogniBed on a asis reflecting the timing,

    nature and value of the enefits provided.

    G. ranchise fees (evenue is recogniBed on a asis that reflects

    the purpose for -hich the fees are charged.

    1=. ees from the development of

    customiBed soft-are

    (evenue is recogniBed y reference to the

    stage of completion.


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    6. Interest, roya!ties and dividends

    6.1 +efinitions

    0a Interest is the charge for the use of cash or cash e!uivalents or

    amounts due to the entity.

    0 Roya!tiesare charges for the use of nonIcurrent assets of the entity,

    e.g. patents, computer soft-are and trademars.

    0c +ividendsare distriutions of profit to holders of e!uity investments,

    in proportion -ith their holdings, of each relevant class of capital.

    6.2 Recognition of Interest, Roya!ties and +ividends

    0a Interest is recognised on a time proportion basis that taes into

    account the effective yie!don the asset.

    0 Roya!tiesare recognised on an accrua!s basisin accordance -ith the

    sustance of the relevant agreement.

    0c +ividends are recognised -hen the shareho!der7s right to receive

    payment is estab!ished.

    8. +isc!osure Re"uirements

    @.1 $n enterprise should disclose

    a the accounting policies adopted for the recognition of revenue

    including the methods adopted to determine the stage of completion of

    transactions involving the rendering of services/

    0 the amount of each significant category of revenue recogniBed during

    the period including revenue arising from

    0i the sales of goods/

    0ii the rendering of services/

    0iii interest/

    0iv royalties/

    0v dividends/ and

    0c the amount of revenue arising from exchanges of goods or services in

    each significant category of revenue.


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    amination ty!e 9uestions

    9uestion 1

    0a )n accordance -ith "#$% 1& C(evenue,

    0i define Crevenue, and 02 mars

    0ii explain ho- revenue should e measured -hen goods are sold in

    exchange for dissimilar goods. 03 mars

    0 )n accordance -ith "#$% 1& C(evenue, discuss -hen and ho- revenue

    should e recogniBed in the follo-ing transactions.

    0i est $dvice 8td is a consulting firm that has received a t-oIyear

    engagement from a client. +he company -ill assign differing numers of

    personnel to the pro?ect depending on the pro?ects needs and the

    availaility of personnel. +he company maes periodic illings ased on

    the hours -ored y the personnel, plus 2=> profit. 04 mars

    0ii +he ar 8ost "ealth 7lu has t-o types of memerships oneIyear and

    t-oIyear. Each type of memership re!uires an initial fee as -ell as

    monthly fees for unlimited use of the clus facilities. 04 mars

    0iii rancisco 8td o-ns &=> and 2=> of the e!uity shareholdings in ed 8td

    and +ed 8td respectively. $ll three companies are unlisted and their

    accounting year ends 31 Decemer. Fn 1 $pril 2==1 and 15 $pril 2==1,

    final dividends in respect of the year ended 31 Decemer 2=== -ere

    declared and approved at the general meetings of ed 8td and +ed 8td

    respectively. 04 mars

    0$dapted "#$$+ Aaper @ inancial $ccounting )) Decemer 2==1 J6


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    9uestion 2

    "#$% 1& C(evenue re!uires revenue to e recognised -hen it is proale that future

    economic enefits -ill flo- to the enterprise and these enefits can e measured

    relialy. :ou are the accountant of $+ 8imited. :our ?unior ass you to explain the

    accounting treatments, according to the re!uirements of "#$% 1&, of the follo-ing

    t-o transactions

    0i Fn 1 Kanuary 2==4, $+ 8imited sold a machine for per annum.

    0ii $+ 8imited o-ns the right to a retail shop franchise. Fn 1 Kanuary 2==4 it sold

    the right to open a ne- outlet to r 8ee/ the franchise is for three years. $+

    8imited received an initial fee of 1 =.&G3

    2 =.@G@

    3 =.@12

    0@ mars

    0c Arepare ?ournal entries to record the revenue earned from the franchise in 2==4

    and 2==5. 06 mars

    0+otal 25 mars

    0$dapted "#$$+ Aaper @ $dvanced $ccounting Kune 2==4 71


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  • 8/13/2019 Ch4 Revenue


    9uestion %

    est-or 8imited, -hich is an entertainment programme producer and distriutor,

    has the follo-ing transactions occurred during the year ended 3= %eptemer 2==5

    01 est-or 8imited entered into a franchise agreement -ith 8ine 8imited and

    sold the right of a franchise to 8ine 8imited for a period of 4 years on 1 Fctoer

    2==4. est-or 8imited received an initial fee of

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    9uestion 4

    Meir 8imited sells furniture and fixtures from several retail outlets. )n previous years,

    the company has undertaen responsiility for fitting the furniture and fixtures in

    customers premises. 7ustomers pay for the furniture and fixtures at the time they are

    ordered. +he average length of time from customer ordering furniture and fixtures to

    its fitting is 1= days. &=> of the sales invoice value relates to the goods and 2=> of

    the fitting services for the furniture and fixtures.

    )n previous years, Meir 8imited had recogniBed sales revenue only -hen the

    furniture and fixtures had een successfully fitted as the rectification costs of any

    fitting error -ould e difficult to estimate. Fne of the directors of Meir 8imited, r.

    an, is proposing to recogniBe sales revenue -hen customers order and pay for the

    goods, rather than -hen they have een fitted.


    0a Explain ho- should revenue associated -ith the rendering of services

    transaction e recogniBed in accordance -ith "#$% 1& C(evenueN 06 mars

    0 Do you thin that 0i the existing accounting policy, 0ii the accounting policy

    proposed y r. an, or 0iii oth of them for recogniBing revenue isHare LF+

    correctN 0:ou should ignore the information given in part 0c -hen ans-ering

    this part 01= mars

    0c rom the next accounting year on-ard, Meir 8imited is going to change its

    trading practice y outsourcing the fitting of furniture and fixtures at customers

    premises to approved contractors ecause the cost involved in such fitting

    services -ill e less than maintaining a service team in the company for this

    purpose. Meir 8imited -ill pay a fixed account to the contractors for each ?o

    and the contractors -ill e responsile for the fitting of furniture and fixtures

    and also paying compensation for any errors in the fitting. "o- to recogniBeand measure sales revenue in the next accounting yearN 0G mars

    0:our ans-er should e in line -ith the re!uirements of Crame-or for the

    Areparation and Aresentation of inancial %tatements and "#$% 1&


    0+otal 25 mars

    0$dapted "#$$+ Aaper @ $dvanced $ccounting Kune 2==@ 73


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    it 8imited, -hich is engaged in manufacturing and selling of office e!uipments, has

    an accounting yearIend of 31 Decemer. Fn 1 Kanuary 2==@, it 8imited sold goods

    to a customer in four e!ual instalments of per annum.


    0a )n accordance -ith "#$% 1& (evenue, explain -hen and ho- to recognise the

    revenue from sale of goods. 0@ mars

    0 "#$% 1& states that Cif the entity retains significant riss of o-nership, the

    transaction is not a sale and revenue is not recognised. Arovide t-o examples

    of situations in -hich the entity may retain significant riss and re-ards of

    o-nership in the context of sale of goods. 02 mars

    0c Arepare ?ournal entries to record the transactions of instalment sales from years

    to 31 Decemer 2==@ to 2=1=. %ho- all your -orings. 016 mars

    0:our calculation should e rounded up to the nearest dollar.

    0+otal 25 mars

    0"#)$$+ Aaper @ inancial $ccounting Ailot Aaper 2==& 72

    9uestion 6

    "#$% 1& (evenue -as issued -ith a vie- to standardising the recognition and

    measurement of revenue. +he principles of the standard are ased around the concept

    of income that -as developed in the "#)7A$s rame-or for the Areparation and

    Aresentation of inancial %tatements.


    0a Explain ho- the "#)7A$s frame-or defines income and ho- this definitioncompares to the definition of revenue given in "#$% 1&. 04 mars

    0 Futline the re!uirements of "#$% 1& regarding the recognition and

    measurement of revenue from

    0i +he sale of goods/

    0ii +he rendering of services/

    0iii +he use of entity assets. 0G mars

    )ota prepares financial statements to 3= %eptemer each year. During the year ended

    3= %eptemer 2==5 )ota engaged in the follo-ing transactions


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    1. Fn 1 Fctoer 2==4 )ota sold a plot of land to a an for

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    05 mars

    0 #appa is an entity that prepares financial statements to 31 arch each year.

    During the year ended 31 arch 2=1= the follo-ing transactions occurred

    0i Fn 2G arch 2=1= #appa delivered t-o machines to a customer. Details

    relating to the machines are as follo-s

    achine 7onstruction cost )nvoiced price

    < , -hen the final

    purchaser paid Fmicron for them. +he invoiced value of these goods 0the

    price payale y the final purchaser -as

  • 8/13/2019 Ch4 Revenue


    maintenance. +he maret value of the property on 1 $pril 2==G -as

    deposit is re!uired on

    ooing and the alance of the holiday must e paid six -ees efore the travel date.

    )n previous years Aart-ay has recognised revenue 0and profit from the sale of its

    holidays at the date the holiday is actually taen. rom the eginning of Lovemer

    2==5, Aart-ay has made it a condition of ooing that all customers must have

    holiday cancellation insurance and as a result it is unliely that the outstanding

    alance of any holidays -ill e unpaid due to cancellation. )n preparing its financial

    statements to 31 Fctoer 2==6, the directors are proposing to change to recogniBing


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    revenue 0and related estimated costs at the date -hen a ooing is made. +he

    directors also feel that this change -ill help to negate the adverse effect of comparison

    -ith last years results 0year ended 31 Fctoer 2==5 -hich -ere etter than the

    current years.


    7omment on -hether Aart-ays proposal to change the timing of its recognition of its

    revenue is acceptale and -hether this -ould e a change of accounting policy.

    06 mars

    0$77$ 2.50"#' inancial (eporting Decemer 2==6 J500ii
