North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Class Officer’s Association Training/Retreat Saturday, September 12, 2015

COA Training-PPT

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North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

Class Officer’s Association Training/Retreat

Saturday, September 12, 2015

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North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University


“It’s Too Early For All of This.”

Welcome Video-COA Training

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North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University


“What Advice Can A Little Child Give Me?!”

“Kid President’s Pep Talk About Teamwork and Leadership"

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North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University


What’s That Board You Represent….?!

1.  Come up with a nickname for your class council.

2.  Create a poster that showcases your new council nickname.

3.  As a unit, create a nickname for each person on your council.

You have 15 minutes to complete this activity...Go!

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North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University




Be sure to post to your campus story!

Post a picture/video of you and a member you don’t

know from COA. #SGATrainingSnapChatBreak

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North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University


“Allow Me to Re-Introduce Mys….COA!”

§  Poll Everywhere: “COA Is…”

§  COA Explanation

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…according to the Constitution.


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North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University


“So….In a Nutshell, COA is Basically…”

§  All members who serve on any class council of SGA (Fresh, Soph, Junior, Sr)

§  Report to COA Chairperson/Senior Class President as you would report to the SGA President

§  A resource to aid in successful programming §  Helpful for newcomers and Freshman

§  A programming sector of SGA §  Here to help you and is…



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North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University


“Alright, so who do I go to about concerns, approval of things, and/or questions?”

Using the chalkboard, as a council please list the chain of command to the best of your ability. Hold up your chalkboard when your council is finished. (Write the letters that correspond with each choice.)

a)  Executive Director of Student Activities (Dr. Buggs)

b)  SGA Class Advisor

c)  COA Chairperson (Arianna Allen)

d)  SGA President/Mister and Miss A&T (Austin Ogletree/Myja Gary and Jamal Averett)

e)  Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs (Dr. Pierce)

f)  Class President

You have three minutes to complete this activity. 9

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“Oh, okay! I get it now!” F, C, D, B, A, E

§  First, speak with your class president. Talk to and get approval from ANYTHING before discussing it with the next chain of command. It would be ideal for the class president to disseminate information to next chain of command.

§  If that does not work, contact your COA Chairperson. Upon getting approval of a request or if answers are not answered, consult with COA Chairperson (*Always CC your class president and COA Chairperson on ANY emails sent).

§  Then, you should reach out to your SGA President or other SGA Executive Board Member. If further consultation is needed, talk with an SGA Board member. All dialogue should be accompanied with COA chairperson and class president.

§  In the event that you still need assistance, consult with your class advisor/SGA advisor. Class Presidents should be the only immediate liaison between the council and the Advisor. If you have exhausted all options, please contact your class advisor. Your advisor should always be included on plans and events hosted by the council.

§  If you absolutely HAVE to, meet with the Exec. Director of Student Activities. You should not have to come in immediate contact with the Exec. Director of Student Activities. Your class advisor should be the immediate liaison between the class council and the Exec. Director of Student Activities.

§  Last but not least, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs will be your last result. You should not have any reason to directly discuss business regarding your class council unless all options listed above have been completely exhausted. 10

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“What’s My Role?”

1.  Group yourselves according to your position.

2.  As a group, come up with three-five responsibilities your position


3.  Text ARIANNAALLEN991 and the three to five responsibilities to 37607.

4.  Take a look at the constitution pages in your folder and reflect as a group…underline things that stood out to you about our position.

5.  Discuss questions and learn about other expectations your position may uphold according to the SGA Exec Board.


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Class President

§  Provide clear and concise communication between council members and SGA Exec Board

§  Attend COA Class President’s meetings

§  Report any problems or issues occurring within council to COA Chair in a timely fashion

§  Promote unity and leadership within COA and on councils

§  Respect your council members’ time

§  Keep council members updated and informed

§  Never feel like you’re doing someone else’s job on your council…DELEGATE!


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Class Vice President

§  Assist class president with any duties needed. §  Be accessible to president and council when


§  Follow up on duties delegated to and/or by president to ensure execution.

§  Provide


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Class Secretary §  Record clear and thorough minutes during council, class, and COA


§  Send minutes to council and SGA Secretary, Damian Jeffers at least 24-48 hours after meeting

§  Provide monthly updated calendar (via Google Docs or paper form) to council members with important dates, birthdays, etc. included.

§  Send ALL emails associated with the class. Emails should be sent out to class at least once a month.

§  Create email address for class and use actively. Update contacts upon receiving them.

§  Keep updated contact information for all council members

§  Follow up with SGA Secretary on space requests at least 15 days prior to event.

§  Carry 14

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Class Treasurer

§  Have at least one successful fundraiser a semester §  Follow up with SGA Treasurer, Diamond Womack on

total monies allotted to your class

§  Propose budgets or provide specific estimated cost of event in addition to proposals for events.


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Class Chief-of-Staff

§  Tend to any tasks needed by class president. §  Provide feedback and ensure all components of a

program are taken care of.

§  Assist in other areas of council as needed.


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Class Sergeant-at-Arms (formally known as Parliamentarian)

§  Keep a record of missed meetings and events of each council member to provide as requested. Monthly reports of missed meetings/events should be sent to SGA Sergeant at Arms Odom on the last calendar day of each month.

§  Enforce Robert’s Rule of Order during meetings. §  Keep track of time and relevance during meetings.

§  Ensure all members are tending to responsibilities delegated by class president.


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Class Historian §  Create eye-appealing flyers for respective council events in a timely


§  Utilize creative ways to advertise for events for your council.

§  Take pictures and keep flyers from events hosted by council. §  Keep class social media UPDATED AND ACTIVE. Treat it like it is


§  Contact Jamal Robinson, SCC Historian for template for flyer requests.


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Class King and Queen

§  Host community service that will benefit the class at least once a month.

§  Keep clear line of communication between your class president and the Mister and Miss A&T.

§  Represent your class in the best way possible (Act with your class in mind.)



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“…but my position holds more weight than that one!”

“Your SGA Advisor just informed you of an SGA Reconstruction plan that the University will soon be

adopting. The plan requires of only four positions on each class council as opposed to the original nine. She lets you make the decision as to which four positions you are going to retain. As a group, take seven minutes to decide which

positions you are going to keep in order from most important to least important.”

*If you are a member of the SGA Exec Board, please leave do not participate in this activity.*


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Be sure to post to your campus story!

Post a picture/video any notes

you’ve taken all morning. #SGATrainingSnapChatBreak

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“What else is asked of me as a SGA and COA member?”

§  COA Meetings: Mandatory COA meetings presided by the COA Chairperson will be held once a month. (approx. one week after the monthly class meeting)

§  SGA/COA Related Events: COA members should treat other COA and SGA events as it were their own. Attend as many events as possible for to support SGA.

§  Button-Up and Badge Purchase: All COA must have the same button-up polo and badge to be worn as a unit for class meetings and other appearances. The bundle price for all three items are $30/per member.

§  Class Meetings: All COA members are required to attend all monthly class meetings. All class meeting Run of Shows/Powerpoints should be sent and approved by COA Chairperson at least one week before class meeting.

» Debrief should occur immediately following class meeting adjournment. » Class Meeting Dates for Fall Semester: Sept. 9, Oct. 7, Nov. 11


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“I’m a student leader…now what?!?!

§  Campus Etiquette: Watch your behavior and interactions in class and with professors, what you do around campus, and at parties/off-campus. You represent your entire class of #NCAT__, so the spotlight is now on you!

§  Social Media Etiquette: Be mindful of your posts (i.e. language, content, etc.) as you are now a student leader and your whole class is not only looking up to you…but some are waiting to report your page and take your position.

»  Utilize the #AggiesDo hashtag as much as possible. »  Do not engage in external negative comments about NCAT. »  Do not comment/repost/like/respond to fight videos or any other videos reflecting

negative behaviors on campus.


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“What do I do with my full email inbox?” §  Respond to emails (especially faculty/administrators) within 24-48 hours….ALWAYS!

§  Create a signature for your email account (if you have not already) §  NEVER address a professional by their first name via email (i.e. Ms. Crystal Williams

should be addressed as Ms. Williams)

§  NEVER use slang in an email!

§  ALWAYS greet the recipient before proceeding with email

§  ALWAYS CC the COA Chairperson and Class President on any emails sent about class council events, etc.

§  ALWAYS thank the recipient at the end of the email

§  ALWAYS keep in mind that your email etiquette is a full representation of you and Student Gov’t Assoc.


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“How do I get people to come to our events?” (Advertisement)

§  GET CREATIVE. Think outside the box. What would make you want to come to your event?

§  GOT THE POSITION, KEEP THE POSITION. Think about what you did to win you votes. How did you get your face out there? The same thing applies to program advertisement.

§  GET YOUR FACE OUT THERE. Talk to people. Don’t be afraid to go up to people in the Dome to announce your event or to get up and announce your event before/after class.

§  FLYERS. It’s okay if you don’t have Adobe Photoshop! Use websites like postermywall.com and other websites.

»  Your flyer/advertisement materials should be approved by your class president, COA Chair, SGA Pres, and Class Advisor at least 10 days before the event. (events should be promoted at least 10 days before event).

»  Flyers promoting events hosted by SGA should always say: •  “Student Government Association: The Ogletree Administration Presents…” going

across the top of the flyer and “Sponsored by the ______ Class Council” across the bottom.

•  Please contact Soph Clas Chief-of Staff, Erin Cagler for more information on how to make a quick flyer.

*Please Note: Historians should be the only council members creating flyers. Failure to fulfill position expectations could result to impeachment.* 25

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“Whew, that was a lot to take in!”

BREAK: I have provided you all with chips and water, please help yourself.

Please be back in training in 15 minutes.

Take this time to network, take a nap, use the bathroom…whatever you want!

J 26

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“15 Seconds of Winning” §  Get with your council and create a creative 15-

second video for Instagram.

§  The video should be a “music video” with original lyrics to represent your class.

§  GET CREATIVE AS POSSIBLE! §  Which ever council gets the most likes on the video

wins the competition and will receive a prize. Only one video per council will be recognized.


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“What are the council meetings supposed to look like?”

§  You should meet at least weekly/bi-weekly with your class council. §  As a COA member, you are required to attend all council meetings unless

approved by class president.

§  Council meetings should be conducted honoring “Robert’s Rule of Order”.

§  President should send out meeting agenda no later than 24 hours prior to meeting.

§  Council meetings should be held in a professional setting (i.e. library study rooms, Moore Gym Student Union Lobby Conf Area or Conf Room)


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www.ncat.edu 29

Class T-Shirt Information and Order Tutorial

29 Class T-Shirts Link

•  ALL orders will be shipped to NCATSU •  Shirts should be ready to pick up the second

week of October •  DEADLINE: September 22nd

•  No Refunds!

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…and the winner isssssssss……


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Questions, Comments, Concerns…

Next COA Meeting:

Thursday, Septmeber 30, 2015 Time and Location: TBD