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  • Dipartimento Patrimonio, Architettura, Urbanistica

    UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI MEDITERRANEA DI REGGIO CALABRIA Subject Code 16603 Subject Name Urban Planning (Planning Lab. 1) Professor Prof. Concetta Fallanca Department: Patrimonio, Architettura e Urbanistica (PAU) Degree course: Scienze dellArchitettura Class: L-17 Type of educational activity: B - Caratterizzante Disciplinary Area: Progettazione urbanistica e pianificazione territoriale Scientific-Disciplinary Sector: ICAR/21 - Urbanistica Compulsory preliminary exams: Fondamenti di Urbanistica Course Year: Second Semester: First ECTS: 6 Hours: 60 Synthetic description: The course of Urbanistica is aimed at providing the students attending the second year of the Degree

    Course in Scienze dellArchitettura (L-17) with a basis of cultural reference about the great subjects of the

    town planning discipline, through the study of the topics which constitute its heritage, of its observation

    and intervention field, starting from its definition in light of the theoretical debate up to its most recent

    conceptual and instrumental evolutions.

    Acquisition of knowledge on: The course intends to identify the main points of view, the conceptual and technical tools town planning

    has built and uses and verifies its efficiency in relation to the exigencies of contemporary town.

    The educational path is divided into the main subjects of the town planning discipline, through the

    historical reading of the occurrences which have determined the birth of town and town planning, their

    evolution and the framework of the constituents of town planning knowledge: main theories and


    In the development of the educational contents, students will be engaged in a series of experimentations

    during which readings of good practices of the urban development and procedures of planning and

    design of the territory will be realized, which will regard opportunely chosen specific domains.

    The didactic offer mostly interests the laboratory. There is also, for particular students categories (full- or

    part-time workers or with particular needs), the possibility, through a suitable educational pact, of a

    particular form of blended learning in virtual classes with tutoring, through logging on the blog urbanistica- using the mailing list of the Course on the professors dedicated page.

    Evaluation method: The course includes the verification of the contents tackled during classes and investigated in the texts

    indicated in the bibliography. This learning verification, realized at the end of every module, consists in a

    multiple-choice questionnaire, other than the verification of the result of the planning path.

  • Dipartimento Patrimonio, Architettura, Urbanistica

    To be admitted to the exam, students must obtain a certificate certifying an attendance of at least 70% of

    calendar classes and will have to respect the included periodical deliveries with a good result.

    The exam will be based on the course contents, the subjects of didactic analysis and the experience of

    urban readings.

    Students independent work In an independent way the student will be engaged in the research of the urban development best

    practices from the point of view of environmental sustainability and in the acquisition of a critical thought

    through the bibliography, the chosen extracts and the websites which, during the activities, will implement

    the shared heritage in the Blog

    Detailed course program In line with the aims mentioned above, the course is divided into theoretical classes, communications,

    modules of didactic analysis and a design exercise about the best practices of urban development.

    The Course proposes itself to lead students to the understanding of urbanization processes in the

    contemporary era, to the interpretation of settling forms, to the identification of innovations in town

    planning, to the understanding of the current settling phenomena.

    The design exercise is aimed at sharpening the critical capability of urban phenomena, through the

    students proposal of interesting examples of good practices of the urban development from the point of

    view of the urban sustainability.

    Through theoretical and methodological analyses, urban readings will be developed and illustrated with

    design references relative to experiences of national and international, modern and contemporary town

    planning culture whose contents will be shared in the Blog and

    will contribute to expanding the already present numerous cases.

    In detail, the class division is as follows:

    1. Town. Evolution of urban morphogenesis

    1.1 The urban phenomenon

    Town in the history: town origin

    1.2 The urban form

    Urban models: town forms

    1.3 The complexity of contemporary town

    Contemporary town: net town compact town spread town

    2. Birth and evolution of the town planning discipline

    2.1 Town planning origins: an introduction to Pre-Town Planning

    Formation of the town planning discipline

    2.2 Theoretical foundations of the town planning discipline

    The consolidation of the subjects of town planning and the suburban domain: the years between the

    two wars

    2.3 Evolution of the town planning discipline

    The years of reconstruction: from the years after the Second World War to today

  • Dipartimento Patrimonio, Architettura, Urbanistica

    3. The evolution of planning tools through the experiences in Italy

    3.1 Form and contents of the town planning design and project

    3.2 Methodology of the plan process

    3.3 The evolution of the normative framework

    4. Methods and criteria for urban readings

    4.1 Relation and exchange spaces

    4.2 Living complex space

    The quality of living, the quality of settling cultures

    Perception and memory Endowments and supplies

    4.3 Space in urban mobility

    (Geographic, residential, working, social, etc.) Mobility

    Resources and main references Specific bibliographical indications will be provided during lessons. Chosen extracts and documents will be

    also available on the portal of the professors page about the Course and on the blog urbanistica-

    Aa Vv., (1993), Il disegno degli spazi aperti, Casabella, n. 597-598 (n. doppio monogr.), gen-feb Ambrosini G. (2002), Strade e paesaggi. Letture e strumenti progettuali, Celid, Torino Ambrosini G., Berta M. (2005), Paesaggi a molte velocit, Melteni editore, Roma Amendola G., (2000) (a cura di), Scenari per la citt nel futuro prossimo venturo. Laterza, Roma-Bari Benevolo L. (2002), La citt nella storia d'Europa, Laterza Roma-Bari Bulgarelli V. (2004) (a cura di), Citt e ambiente tra storia e progetto. Repertorio di idee, esperienze e strumenti per una pianificazione urbana sostenibile, Franco Angeli editore, Milano Choay F. (1977), La citt. Utopie e realt, Einaudi, Torino Clementi A., Dematteis G., Palermo P.C. (1996), Le forme del territorio italiano, Laterza, RomaBari Colarossi P., Lange J. (1996), Tutte le isole di pietra. Ritratti di citt nella letteratura, Gangemi editore, Roma Collins G. (1968), Lo sviluppo della pianificazione lineare, Introduzione al testo di SORIA Y MATA (18821897) La citt lineare, e altri scritti, Il Saggiatore, Milano 1968 Cori B., Corna G., Pellegrini G,. Dematteis, P. Pierotti (1993). Geografia urbana. Utet, Milano Cullen G. (1976), Il paesaggio urbano. Morfologia e progettazione (1961), Calderini Bologna Cuneo P. (1986), Storia dellurbanistica. Il mondo islamico, Laterza, Roma-Bari De Carlo G. (1992), Gli spiriti dellarchitettura, Editori Riuniti, Roma Dupree H. (1987), Urban Transportation, The New Town Solution, Gower Publ., ldershot, UK Fallanca C., (2007) (a cura di), Luoghi dello scambio e citt del Mediterraneo. Storie,Culture, Progetti Vol. II, Iiriti Editore, Reggio Calabria Gabellini P. (2001),Tecniche urbanistiche, Carocci editore, Roma Geddes P.(1984), Citt in evoluzione, Il Saggiatore, Milano, (I edizione 1915) Gehl Jan, (1991), Vita in citt. Spazio urbano e relazioni sociali, Maggioli, Rimini Gravagnuolo B., (1997), La progettazione urbana in Europa.1750-1960. Storia e teorie, Laterza, Roma-Bari, Indovina F., Fregolent L., Savino M., (2005) (a cura di), Lesplosione della citt, Editrice Compositori, Bologna Jacobs A. B.(1993) Great Streets, MIT Press, Cambridge

  • Dipartimento Patrimonio, Architettura, Urbanistica

    Liverani M. e Bianchi A. (1986), Lorigine delle citt. Le prime comunit urbane del Vicino Oriente, Editori Riuniti, Roma Lynch K. (2006), L' immagine della citt, Marsilio, 2006 (I edizione 1960) Lynch K.(1990), Progettare la citt: la qualit della forma urbana, Etas Libri, Milano Maciocco G. (ed, 1991), Le dimensioni ambientali della pianificazione urbana, Franco Angeli, Milano Magnaghi A (1998), Il territorio dell'abitare. Lo sviluppo locale come alternativa strategica, Franco Angeli editore, Roma Magnaghi A. (1989), Ecopolis: per una citt di villaggi, Housing, n. 3, Clup, Milano Marshall S. (2005) Streets and Patterns, Spon Press, London Mumford L. (1963), La citt nella storia, Edizioni di Comunit, Milano (Etas Kompass, Milano 1967; Bompiani, Milano 1981) Mumford L. (1999), La cultura delle citt, Edizioni di comunit, Milano (I edizione 1938) Pavia R. (1997), Le paure dellurbanistica, Costa&Nolan, Genova Piroddi E.(2000), Le regole della ricomposizione urbana, Franco Angeli editore Scandurra E., Cellamare C., Bottaio P. (2001), Labirinti della citt contemporanea, Roma, Meltemi Secchi B. (2000), Prima lezione di urbanistica, Laterza, Roma-Bari Sica P.(1970), Limmagine della citt da Sparta a Las Vegas, Laterza, Roma-Bari Sitte C. (1990), Larte di costruire la citt, Jaca Book, Milano (I ed. Vallardi editore 1953) Zucconi G. (1989), La citt contesa. Dagli ingegneri sanitari agli urbanisti (1885-1942), Jaca Book, Milano Zucconi G. (1992), Sitte e i suoi interpreti, Franco Angeli editore Web (Il sito sui temi di Urbanistica e Pianificazione di Edoardo Salzano) (Il progetto della citt dispersa) (Citt e crisi globale. Clima, sviluppo e convivenza SIU XIII Conferenza Roma, 25-27 Febbraio 2010) (Corso di urbanistica II di Domenico Cecchini) (Il sito del prof. Franco Archibugi) (Diario di un urbanista. Bernardo Secchi, La forma della citt)