1 Maximální bodové hodnocení: 95 bodů Hranice úspěšnosti: 44 % 1 Základní informace k zadání zkoušky x Didaktický test obsahuje 64 úloh. x Časový limit pro řešení didaktického testu je uveden na záznamovém archu. x Povolené pomůcky: pouze psací potřeby. x U každé části je uvedena váha části/úlohy v bodech, např.: 10 bodů / 2 body znamená, že v celé části můžete získat nejvýše 10 bodů a za jednu správnou odpověď získáte 2 body. x U všech úloh je právě jedna odpověď správná. x Za nesprávnou nebo neuvedenou odpověď se neudělují záporné body. x Odpovědi pište do záznamového archu. x Poznámky si můžete dělat do testového sešitu, nebudou však předmětem hodnocení. x Nejednoznačný nebo nečitelný zápis odpovědi bude považován za chybné řešení. 2 Pravidla správného zápisu odpovědí x Odpovědi zaznamenávejte modře nebo černě píšící propisovací tužkou, která píše dostatečně silně a nepřerušovaně. x Hodnoceny budou pouze odpovědi uvedené v záznamovém archu. ANGLICKÝ JAZYK AJMZD20C0T01 DIDAKTICKÝ TEST – POSLECH, ČTENÍ A JAZYKOVÁ KOMPETENCE 2.1 Pokyny k uzavřeným úlohám x Odpověď, kterou považujete za správnou, zřetelně zakřížkujte v příslušném bílém poli záznamového archu, a to přesně z rohu do rohu dle obrázku. A B C D 4 x Pokud budete chtít následně zvolit jinou odpověď, pečlivě zabarvěte původně zakřížkované pole a zvolenou odpověď vyznačte křížkem do nového pole. A B C D 4 x Jakýkoli jiný způsob záznamu odpovědí a jejich oprav bude považován za nesprávnou odpověď. 2.2 Pokyny k otevřeným úlohám x Odpovědi pište čitelně do vyznačených bílých polí. 16 x Povoleno je psací i tiskací písmo a číslice. x Při psaní odpovědí rozlišujte velká a malá písmena. x V odpovědích použijte nejvýše 3 slova. Číselný údaj (ať už vyjádřený slovy, či číslicemi) se považuje za jedno slovo. x Pokud budete chtít následně zvolit jinou odpověď, pak původní odpověď přeškrtněte a novou odpověď zapište do stejného pole. Vaše odpověď nesmí přesáhnout hranice vyznačeného pole. TESTOVÝ SEŠIT NEOTVÍREJTE, POČKEJTE NA POKYN! Předmětem autorských práv Centra pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání Informace veřejně nepřístupná podle ustanovení § 80b zákona č. 561/2004 Sb.

DIDAKTICKÝ TEST – POSLECH, ČTENÍ A JAZYKOVÁ … · 10 Paul’s mum has had a good experience with people who repair things as a hobby. 11 Paul’s mum wants to spend a maximum

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Page 1: DIDAKTICKÝ TEST – POSLECH, ČTENÍ A JAZYKOVÁ … · 10 Paul’s mum has had a good experience with people who repair things as a hobby. 11 Paul’s mum wants to spend a maximum


Maximální bodové hodnocení: 95 bodů

Hranice úspěšnosti: 44 %

1 Základní informace k zadání zkoušky

Didaktický test obsahuje 64 úloh.

Časový limit pro řešení didaktického testu je uveden na záznamovém archu.

Povolené pomůcky: pouze psací potřeby.

U každé části je uvedena váha části/úlohy v bodech, např.:10 bodů / 2 body znamená, že v celé části můžete získat nejvýše 10 bodů a za jednu správnou odpověď získáte 2 body.

U všech úloh je právě jedna odpověď


Za nesprávnou nebo neuvedenou odpověď se neudělují záporné body.

Odpovědi pište do záznamového archu.

Poznámky si můžete dělat do testového sešitu, nebudou však předmětem hodnocení.

Nejednoznačný nebo nečitelný zápis

odpovědi bude považován za chybné


2 Pravidla správného zápisu odpovědí

Odpovědi zaznamenávejte modře nebo

černě píšící propisovací tužkou, která píše dostatečně silně a nepřerušovaně.

Hodnoceny budou pouze odpovědi

uvedené v záznamovém archu.



2.1 Pokyny k uzavřeným úlohám

Odpověď, kterou považujete za správnou, zřetelně zakřížkujte v příslušném bílém poli záznamového archu, a to přesně z rohu do rohu dle obrázku.



Pokud budete chtít následně zvolit jinou odpověď, pečlivě zabarvěte původně zakřížkované pole a zvolenou odpověď vyznačte křížkem do nového pole.



Jakýkoli jiný způsob záznamu odpovědí a jejich oprav bude považován za nesprávnou odpověď.

2.2 Pokyny k otevřeným úlohám

Odpovědi pište čitelně do vyznačených bílých polí.


Povoleno je psací i tiskací písmo a číslice.

Při psaní odpovědí rozlišujte velká a malá


V odpovědích použijte nejvýše 3 slova. Číselný údaj (ať už vyjádřený slovy, či číslicemi) se považuje za jedno slovo.

Pokud budete chtít následně zvolit jinou odpověď, pak původní odpověď přeškrtněte a novou odpověď zapište do stejného pole. Vaše odpověď nesmí přesáhnout hranice vyznačeného pole.


Předmětem autorských práv Centra pro zjišťování výsledků vzděláváníInformace veřejně nepřístupná podle ustanovení § 80b zákona č. 561/2004 Sb.

Page 2: DIDAKTICKÝ TEST – POSLECH, ČTENÍ A JAZYKOVÁ … · 10 Paul’s mum has had a good experience with people who repair things as a hobby. 11 Paul’s mum wants to spend a maximum


P O S L E C H1. ČÁST ÚLOHY 1–4 8 bodů / 2 body

Uslyšíte čtyři krátké nahrávky. Nejprve uslyšíte otázku a poté vyslechnete nahrávku. Na základě vyslechnutých nahrávek vyberte k úlohám 1–4 vždy jeden správný obrázek A–D.

1 What is David going to do tonight?

A) B)

C) D)

2 What did the woman eat at the food festival?

A) B)

C) D)

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3 Which postcard did the couple decide to send to Mary?

A) B)

C) D)

4 What is the man selling?

A) B)

C) D)

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P O S L E C H2. ČÁST ÚLOHY 5–12 8 bodů / 1 bod

Uslyšíte rozhovor mezi matkou a synem o problémech s počítačem. Na základě vyslechnuté nahrávky rozhodněte, zda jsou tvrzení v úlohách 5–12 pravdivá (P), nebo nepravdivá (N).


5 Paul came to visit his mum by bus.

6 Paul is surprised that his mum’s computer does not work properly.

7 The computer turned off while Paul’s mum was shopping online.

8 Paul’s mum agrees to finish her Internet activity by using Paul’s


9 Paul’s friend Jerry repairs computers as a hobby.

10 Paul’s mum has had a good experience with people who repair things

as a hobby.

11 Paul’s mum wants to spend a maximum of $300 on a new computer.

12 Paul’s mum says that a bus from her place goes to the shopping centre

every 15 minutes.

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P O S L E C H3. ČÁST ÚLOHY 13–20 16 bodů / 2 body

Uslyšíte průvodce v muzeu hovořit k turistům. Na základě vyslechnuté nahrávky odpovězte

v anglickém jazyce na otázky v úlohách 13–20. V odpovědích použijte nejvýše 3 slova. Čísla můžete zapisovat číslicemi.

Cobham House

13 What is the guide’s surname?


14 What activity can adults try in the house?


15 What century does the house furniture come from?

__________ century

16 What was the original function of the house?


17 What colour did the Barrett family paint the house when they moved in?


18 In what year did the Barrett family sell the house?


19 What local product made from plants can visitors taste in the gift shop?


20 At what time does the guided tour of the garden start?

at __________

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POSLECH4. ČÁST ÚLOHY 21–24 8 bodů / 2 body


Uslyšíte čtyři krátké nahrávky. Nejprve uslyšíte otázku a poté vyslechnete nahrávku. Na základě vyslechnutých nahrávek vyberte k úlohám 21–24 vždy jednu správnou odpověď A–D.

21 Which ticket to Oxford did the man buy today?

A) a single ticket for £19.50B) a single ticket for £12.85C) a return ticket for £27.50D) a return ticket for £18.85

22 Why does the man want to move out of his flat?

A) because of its locationB) because of its sizeC) because it is noisyD) because it is dark

23 What does the woman say about her new colleague Peter?

A) He is shy.B) He is lazy.C) He is rude.D) He is untidy.

24 Why did Emma not finish her dessert at the Blue Restaurant yesterday?


A) she was already full.B) she found a fly in it.C) she had to leave.D) she disliked it.

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Č T E N Í A   J A Z Y KO VÁ KO M P E T E N C E5. ČÁST ÚLOHY 25–29 10 bodů / 2 body

Přečtěte si pět krátkých textů. Na základě informací v textech vyberte k úlohám 25–29 vždy jednu správnou odpověď A–D.

Baby Bear’s Visit

Yesterday Mr Volk was woken up in his upstairs bedroom by a strange noise coming from downstairs. When he got there, he saw a baby bear searching the kitchen cupboards. He discovered that the hungry animal had entered the house through an open window in the living room. In there, the bear had a cake left on the table. Then it went into the kitchen where it found rolls and beans. After leaving the ground floor in a complete mess, the animal left the house without ever noticing Mr Volk. The rest of Mr Volk’s family, who were sleeping upstairs, didn’t know what was going on. Mr Volk contacted the police, who later found the baby bear in the neighbours’ garden. The police called the zoo to ask if a baby bear had escaped from there, but the zoo said no. It was clear that the wild animal’s mother had died in the nearby mountains. However, the zoo showed interest in having the animal so the police transferred it there.

(www.metro.co.uk, upraveno)

25 What did the baby bear do?

A) It escaped from a zoo.B) It woke up the whole family.C) It ate something in the living room.D) It made the whole house very untidy.

Last week in Maransk, Russia, a kindergarten teacher was in the garden with some children when policemen arrived and asked her to count them. When she did, she found that two boys were missing. The teacher was in shock because she hadn’t noticed the boys weren’t there. She thought the policemen came to take her to the police station. But instead, they opened their car door and the two boys got out. The policemen informed the teacher that a driver had seen the boys all alone in front of a car shop. As it seemed strange, the driver took them to the police station. There, the boys told the policemen about a tunnel they had been preparing for a week and how they had escaped from the kindergarten through it. Then they walked to the place where the driver later saw them. The boys said that all they wanted to do there was to buy a car. Although the boys’ parents did not make any official complaint, the teacher lost her job anyway.

(www.theguardian.com, upraveno)

26 What is the best title for this article?

A) Kindergarten Teacher ArrestedB) Boys Left Kindergarten for a WeekC) Kindergarten Boys Found by PoliceD) Kindergarten Boys Ran Away to Go Shopping

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2015 was the most tragic year in the history of the highest mountain, Mount Everest. Eighteen people were killed there when an earthquake1 hit the area on April 25. Due to dangerous conditions, all climbers then left the mountain so nobody got to the top of it in 2015. The last time this had happened was in 1974. There was only one expedition on Mount Everest that year. It consisted of six people who were all killed on their way up by a large amount of snow falling down the mountain. In that expedition, there were five local guides who had reached the top many times before and one Frenchman. He wanted to be the first French climber to reach the top of Mount Everest but it took four more years for a Frenchman to get to the top.

(www.telegraph.co.uk, www.en.wikipedia.org, www.everesthistory.com; upraveno)1 earthquake: zemětřesení

27 How many people reached the top of Mount Everest in 1974 according to the text?

A) 0B) 1C) 5D) 6

My Fight With Headaches

blog by Laura McFlurryI woke up last Saturday morning with a headache. I got up thinking about what to do to stop it – a pill always helps but it’s not good for my stomach. So, Grandma suggested I try drinking herbal tea instead. The tea has always helped her. She made me a cup of it and I drank it. It tasted good but that was all. The pain didn’t disappear. So I asked my mum to give me a massage and she did. I was hopeful that a massage would definitely help stop my headache. To my surprise, it got worse! Trying to avoid taking a pill, I searched the Internet for help and found a series of pictures of head and neck exercises. After doing them properly I was feeling better each minute. I was excited. Although I hadn’t taken the pill, the headache was gone. What do you do when you have a headache?


28 What helped Laura to stop her headache last Saturday?

A) a pillB) herbal teaC) a massageD) certain exercises

Scorpio Horoscope For This Week

For the past few weeks, you have been in a good financial situation but that will change this week. You will either lose your wallet or buy something not worth the money. However, this week will be perfect for you and your partner as there won’t be any arguments between you. If you’re single, you will fall in love with someone you have known for a long time. Bad luck in love will be over! As for your job, great chances will finally come. Use them all! Don’t let bad luck from previous weeks stop you. Travelling won’t be a bad idea, either. Visit your relatives or just take a ride through the countryside. It’s not important which journey you set off on, you will be safe on the road.

(www.horoscope.com, pngimg.com; upraveno)

29 According to the article, what will Scorpios have this week?

They will have:A) bad luck at work.B) good luck in love.C) bad luck on the road.D) good luck with money.

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Č T E N Í A   J A Z Y KO VÁ KO M P E T E N C E6. ČÁST ÚLOHY 30–39 10 bodů / 1 bod

Přečtěte si tvrzení v úlohách 30–39 a informační text o kempu Grand Camp v Greenwoodském národním parku. Na základě informací v textu rozhodněte, zda jsou tvrzení pravdivá (P), nebo nepravdivá (N).


30 Grand Camp is the largest camp in Greenwood National Park.

31 You can rent camping equipment at The Grand Camp Shop.

32 You may take your dog with you to Grand Camp.

33 The owners of Grand Camp organise a fishing tour on Greenwood Lake

once a day.

34 It is necessary to make a reservation to stay at Grand Camp for both high

and low season.

35 Green Path is as long as Yellow Path.

36 For Green Path as well as for Yellow Path, there is an audio tour guide

available for free.

37 There are 17 dishwashing stations at Grand Camp.

38 You always need to pay 50 cents in cash to take a shower at Grand Camp.

39 The Grand Camp Restaurant is open 24 hours a day.

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GRAND CAMP in Greenwood National ParkBasic information

Grand Camp is one of the twelve places in Greenwood National Park where visitors can camp. Grand Camp is located at Greenwood Lake and there are 430 places where you can put up your tent or park your car. This number makes it the second largest camp in the Park. You will find more places for tents and cars in Greenwood National Park only at Bridge Bay Camp, north of Grand Camp.

At the entrance you will find The Grand Camp Shop where you can buy equipment you might need: tents, sleeping bags, camping cookers and so on. The shop also offers used camping items. You can use them during your stay here, after you pay a small fee. You must return them on departure.

Please note that there are strict rules regarding dogs in Greenwood National Park. They must not run free at any camp in the Park and taking them hiking in the Park with you is not recommended. However, if you do so, you mustn’t leave official hiking paths. We suggest that you leave your dog at home.

Greenwood Lake is a place where you can enjoy swimming and other activities. Fishing is also allowed. The camp owners arrange fishing tours so if you’re interested, come to the main building any morning at 5am, which is the only time of the day they set off for the tour. But if you miss the tour departure, feel free to go fishing by yourself any time you’d like. Remember to bring your fishing permit with you.

Grand Camp Seasons

High season (July 1–August 31) During this very busy season, it is impossible to get a place to camp without booking it first.

Low season (June 7–30, September 1–15) Although it isn’t a busy season, we still recommend that you make a reservation before your arrival. However, if you don’t, there’s still a good chance you will get a place to camp on arrival.

Most popular hiking paths

Green PathThe total length of the path is fifteen miles and it has two sections. It starts at Greenwood Lake and ends at Bridge Bay. First, a 5-mile long section leads through a beautiful forest. The second section is 10 miles long and runs along Bridge Lake. For $1.25, you can get a map of the area with places worth seeing. Audio tour guides are also offered, you pay no fee to borrow them.They will provide you with a rare insight into the fauna and flora you might see on this path.

Yellow PathThis path starts at Grand Camp and finishes at the end of Greenwood Canyon. Please note that the last 5 miles of this 15-mile long path lead through the rough terrain of Greenwood Canyon. For just $10, special tours with an experienced guide can be arranged for hikers who choose the Yellow Path. Apart from this arrangement, audio tour guides are also offered.They cost half the price you’d pay for an experienced guide.


On arrival, you will receive a Camp Card which will allow you to use the camp facilities. There are 17 buildings at Grand Camp where you will always find toilets, showers and in most buildings a dishwashing station. To see which buildings have them, get a map of the camp.

Remember that a 5-minute shower a day is included in the price of your stay. If you wish to take a longer shower, just put in 50 cents and continue showering for 5 more minutes.

There are 3 places at which you can eat: the Grand Camp Snack Bar, the Grand Camp Burger Stall and the Grand Camp Restaurant. The bar and the stall are open from 12pm to 12am while the restaurant is never closed for the always hungry campers.

(www.yellowstone.com, upraveno)1 facility: sociální vybavení, zařízení

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Č T E N Í A   J A Z Y KO VÁ KO M P E T E N C E7. ČÁST ÚLOHY 40–44 10 bodů / 2 body

Přečtěte si článek o muži přezdívaném Grandpa Rainbow. Na základě informací v textu vyberte k úlohám 40–44 vždy jednu správnou odpověď A–D.

Grandpa Rainbow

In the Taiwanese city of Taichung, there is a place now called Rainbow Village. It has only one inhabitant – an 86-year-old former soldier called Grandpa Rainbow. But 10 years ago, he almost lost his home as the Taiwanese government wanted to destroy the village.

The village was built in 1949 as temporary housing for soldiers and their families. But over the years, the houses became permanent homes. The inhabitants didn’t take care of the houses so the houses became ugly. But the Taiwanese government couldn’t make the people improve the place. Over a period of time, the inhabitants moved out until it was only Grandpa Rainbow living there. The government realised the place could be better used. Although a company wanted to buy the area to build modern buildings there, the government decided to keep it. However, the government liked the idea of building modern buildings there. To do that they decided to destroy the village and to hire a company to build the buildings there. When archaeologists heard about the government’s decision, they asked if they could carry out archaeological research in the village before it was destroyed. The government agreed.

When Grandpa Rainbow heard that the government was planning to destroy his village, he became very sad. ‘This is the only home I’ve ever known’, he said. So to save the village, he bought cans of paint and started painting. He painted hundreds of colourful animals on the walls. On doors he painted the soldiers who used to live there. He painted green snakes on the pavements of the village. He painted hearts on the windows to show that the village was still alive. What began as a single yellow parrot on the wall of his house has grown into thousands of paintings. Soon, the village had become a real-life storybook.

One night, a student saw Grandpa Rainbow walking down the village street. After taking a few photos of Grandpa Rainbow’s art and listening to his story, the student shared it on social media and asked people to support Grandpa Rainbow. People were amazed at Grandpa Rainbow’s love for his village and wanted to help. Within a month, the government was inundated by thousands of e-mails from citizens. They demanded that the government save the old village. They also wanted the government to provide Grandpa Rainbow with a bigger pension1. With such a huge number of e-mails sent in such a short period of time, the government had no choice and agreed to both demands. Grandpa Rainbow could stay in his Rainbow Village.

But Grandpa Rainbow didn’t stop painting. ‘There are many things I can’t do anymore, but I can still paint’, he says. ‘Despite so many people coming to the village to admire my work, I’m lonely. Painting brings me fans but they don’t stay long enough to become my friends as well. However, I still enjoy painting because it brings me back to my childhood when I was happy and physically strong. It makes me remember things I used to enjoy before I became a soldier and my life changed. It’s not an activity I’d recommend to people my age, though, as my back starts hurting soon after I start painting. I know that what I do is unusual for retired soldiers to do in their free time. But I absolutely love it.’

1.25 million tourists with cameras visit Rainbow Village every year. Only a few manage to take a photo of Grandpa Rainbow himself as he is often in hospital now. His house is the number one thing everyone photographs. Nobody leaves the village without taking a photo of it. Sometimes somebody takes a photo of his cans of paint – most often along with his brush. Occasionally, art students visit the village. It’s Grandpa Rainbow’s largest painting on the pavement that attracts them the most. They paint their own copy of it and take it home with them.

(www.bbc.com, upraveno)1 pension: důchod (peníze)

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40 Why did the Taiwanese government want to destroy the place now called Rainbow


Because they wanted to:

A) build modern buildings there.B) sell the area to a building company.C) punish its inhabitants for making it ugly.D) carry out archaeological research there.

41 What was the first thing Grandpa Rainbow painted in his village?

A) a birdB) a heartC) a snakeD) a soldier

42 What does the word ‘inundate’ mean in the 4th paragraph?

A) zmodernizovatB) zprovoznitC) znásobitD) zahltit

43 What does Grandpa Rainbow say about painting?

A) It’s an easy way to make friends.B) It’s a good activity for old people.C) It’s a common hobby of retired soldiers.D) It’s a good way to bring back his memories.

44 What is most often photographed by tourists in Rainbow Village?

A) Grandpa RainbowB) Grandpa Rainbow’s houseC) Grandpa Rainbow’s cans of paintD) Grandpa Rainbow’s largest painting

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Č T E N Í A   J A Z Y KO VÁ KO M P E T E N C E8. ČÁST ÚLOHY 45–49 10 bodů / 2 body

Přečtěte si požadavky pěti lidí, kteří chtějí letět z Dublinu do Prahy za €50, a nabídky leteckých společností, které na této trase za tuto cenu létají. Na základě informací v textech přiřaďte k úlohám 45–49 vždy jednu nabídku A–G. Dvě nabídky jsou navíc a nebudou použity.

45 Liam _____

He wants to visit his friends who live in Prague. He wants to leave Dublin at the weekend in the morning. He wants to take a non-stop flight and he will have only a carry-on bag1 with him, no other luggage to check in.

46 Pádraig _____

He can’t leave Dublin at the weekend, so he’s only looking for weekday flights. He wants to leave in the morning and he wants to take a non-stop flight as he hates stop-overs2. He will have a carry-on bag1 and a 15-kg suitcase. He doesn’t want to pay any extra fees.

47 Ciara _____

She isn’t a morning person so she wants to fly to Prague in the afternoon at the weekend. She won’t have any other luggage besides her carry-on bag1. She dislikes stop-overs2 so she will only take a non-stop flight.

48 Aiden _____

He wants to take a flight to Prague on a weekday in the afternoon because he needs the morning to pack. He’ll have a carry-on bag1 and a 20-kg suitcase. He doesn’t want to pay any extra fees. He doesn’t mind a stop-over2.

49 Maire _____

She wants to leave Dublin for Prague at the weekend in the morning. She will have a carry-on bag1 and a 15-kg suitcase for which she refuses to pay any extra fee. She doesn’t care if it’s a non-stop flight.

1 carry-on bag: příruční zavazadlo2 stop-over: mezipřistání

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Shamrock Airlines (SA)

Fly to Prague with SA! SA are a low-cost airline and fly to Prague without a stop-over2 twice a week. Unless you need to leave at the weekend, fly with SA as they take off on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:40am and land in Prague at 1:10pm. For the price of €50, SA allow only carry-on bags1. If you have more luggage to check in, you’ll pay an extra fee. For more information and booking, go to www.shamrockairlines.ie.


Eblana Airlines (EA)

Do you hate stop-overs2? Then book your ticket with EA as EA fly to Prague non-stop. EA now fly to Prague on Saturdays and Sundays only. The departure time is always the same: 4:05pm. Scheduled arrival is at 6:30pm. For the price of €50, you can take a carry-on bag1 on board with you. You can also check in one more piece of luggage of up to 20 kg. www.eblanaairlines.ie


Baile Airways (BA)

For just €50 BA provide one flight a day from Dublin to Prague. That’s 7 flights a week to choose from! BA take off as early as 5:15am, a great time if you’re a morning person. You will land in Prague at 7:40am. If you dislike stop-overs2, don’t worry, BA fly to Prague non-stop. Carry-on bags1 only. Extra luggage means an extra fee. Questions? Call +353 1 402 1952.


Green Airways (GA)

GA fly to Prague three times a week. GA take off on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 1:40pm. On Mondays and Thursdays GA fly non-stop, on Saturdays GA fly with a stop-over2 in London. The flights are €50 if you only have a carry-on bag1. Be prepared to pay extra if you need to check in another piece of luggage. Info line +353 1 324 1489.


Cathair Airlines (CA)

If you don’t mind a stop-over2 in Munich, then book your flight to Prague with CA now for just €50! CA flights depart on Saturdays and Sundays at 9:20am, landing in Munich two and a half hours later: at 11:50am. CA land in Prague at 1:15pm. Besides carry-on bags1, one more piece of luggage is included in the price of the ticket. The weight limit is 20 kg. Visit www.cathairairlines.ie or call our info desk +353 1 185 4406.


Irish Sky Airlines (ISA)

ISA flights leave on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. At the moment no weekend flights are available. The departure time is 10:50am, arrival at 1:20pm. All 4 flights are non-stop and a carry-on bag1 plus one more piece of luggage per person are included in the price of €50 on all of them. The weight limit of the second piece of luggage is 20 kg. www.isa.ie


Lián Airways (LA)

Fly to Prague with LA! LA fly twice a week: every Monday at 8:20am and 3:35pm. Both flights are with a stop-over2 in Brussels. LA don’t fly non-stop at the moment. For the price of €50, LA allow two pieces of luggage: a carry-on bag1 and a suitcase with a maximum weight of 20 kg. You won’t be charged extra for having two pieces of luggage with you. www.lianairways.ie

Flying to Prague Flying to Prague for €50for €50

(commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Airplane_clipart.svg, CZVV)1 carry-on bag: příruční zavazadlo2 stop-over: mezipřistání

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Č T E N Í A   J A Z Y KO VÁ KO M P E T E N C E9. ČÁST ÚLOHY 50–64 15 bodů / 1 bod

Přečtěte si článek o závodech dronů. Na základě textu vyberte k úlohám 50–64 vždy jednu správnou odpověď A–C.

Drone Racing – Sport of the Future?

Drones are not just small toys. Nowadays, they are also professional

machines that can be used for (50) _________ purposes. They can be

used to transport goods, take pictures and for many (51) _________

things, but the latest trend is to use them in sports. Drone racing began in Australia in 2013.

Since then it (52) _________ an extremely popular sport. In fact, the sport is (53) _________

popular that many people believe it is one of the sports of the future.

The sport is exciting for the competitors and very attractive to both the public and the media,

US television channels are especially interested (54) _________ drone racing. Races are

also recorded and uploaded to various websites, for example YouTube, where the videos

(55) _________ over and over again.

Drone races take (56) _________ either outdoors in big stadiums, or indoors in old factories

and sports arenas. (57) _________ the race, pilots fly their drones through gates and around

flags at speeds of over a hundred miles (58) _________ hour. To win a race, a pilot must

complete a course as fast as possible and also reach the finish line with the best score.

Competitions are usually short because the battery time of drones (59) _________.

Drones (60) _________ in competitions are called quads1. Competitors use light and powerful

quads which (61) _________ to fly at a high speed. Every drone has a camera attached to it so

that spectators can also see the flights on a big screen. (62) _________ drone racing started

only a few years ago, there are already international competitions. In professional leagues,

drone pilots compete for thousands of dollars.

It doesn’t (63) _________ whether you are a professional or amateur competitor, you are

responsible for any accident your drone may cause. If a drone (64) _________ a person or an

animal, it can cause painful injuries. Despite the fact that racing with drones is fun, it can also

be quite a dangerous sport.

(www.english-online.at, singularityhub.com, cs.wikipedia.org; upraveno)

1 quad = quadrotor: bezpilotní vrtulník se čtyřmi rotory, tzv. čtyřtulka

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50 A) a lot B) several C) much

51 A) another B) others C) other

52 A) has become B) became C) becomes

53 A) as B) such C) so

54 A) on B) in C) about

55 A) watch B) watched C) are watched

56 A) place B) part C) care

57 A) While B) During C) On

58 A) a B) an C) —

59 A) limited B) are limiting C) is limited

60 A) are used B) used C) used to

61 A) are able B) would C) could

62 A) However B) In spite C) Although

63 A) care B) mind C) matter

64 A) will hit B) hit C) hits