Digital Health Revolution From Hospital-Based to Patient-Centered Mobile Health 일시 : 2016년 9월 30일 (금) 09:00 ~ 17:10 장소 : 분당서울대학교병원 헬스케어혁신파크 대강당 주최 : 대한의료정보학회 주관 : 분당서울대학교병원 환자중심의 의료 환경

Digital Health Revolution - mHEALTH SYMPOSIUM 16 · PDF file분당서울대학교병원의 모바일헬스 경험과 ... 를 통해 다른 나라들보다 더 빠 르게 의료 디지털화의

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  • Digital Health RevolutionFrom Hospital-Based to Patient-Centered Mobile Health

    : 2016 9 30 () 09:00 ~ 17:10


    : :

  • ? .


    83% .

    , ,




    . , ,

    , .


    , , ,




  • 3

    Room Location

    Digital Health RevolutionFrom Hospital-Based to Patient-Centered Mobile Health

  • 4


    Digital Health RevolutionFrom Hospital-Based to Patient-Centered Mobile Health

    09:00 - 09:20

    09:20 - 09:25

    09:25 - 09:30

    09:30 - 09:50

    10:50 - 11:10

    11:10 - 11:30

    11:30 - 11:50

    11:50 - 12:10

    12:10 - 13:40

    09:50 - 10:40

    10:40 - 10:50



    : ,

    Symposium 1 mHealth

    Special Keynote

    Keynote Speech 1 : ,








    Scripps Translational Science Institute Dr. Steven Steinhubl

    Keynote Speech 2 : Transforming Medicine through Mobile Health in US


  • 5

    " "

    13:40 - 14:00

    14:00 - 14:20

    14:20 - 14:40

    14:40 - 15:00

    15:20 - 15:40

    15:40 - 16:00

    16:00 - 16:20

    16:20 - 16:40

    16:40 - 16:50

    16:50 - 17:10

    : ,

    : ,

    Symposium 2 mHealth

    Symposium 3 Data Platform and ICT in mHealth

    Changing Landscape of Diabetes Care with mHealth Technology

    Health Navi, Health Map and Health Bank

    Patient/Consumer Centered m-healthcare: Experiences of Health-On Service

    Strategic Technology Trends for Next Generation of Healthcare

    Connected Care & Health Informatics (Digital Transformation in Healthcare)

    Healcerion Mobile Platform in mHealth

    Keynote Speech 3 :

    (APAMI )










    Philips Healthcare


    15:00 - 15:20 Break

  • 6


    Moderator & Speaker

    Digital Health RevolutionFrom Hospital-Based to Patient-Centered Mobile Health

  • 7


    (Youn Choi)

    (Gartner Executive Programs) (Executive

    Partner) (CIO)


    CRM, ERP, SCM, 20

    . 13 , , , , IT

    - .

    (Oracle) - , ,



    (Priceline.com) (CTO)

    . , , ,

    , , IT





    Philips healthcare


    Dr. Steven SteinhublScripps Translational

    Science Institute

    ( )


    (, ,


    1995. 02. , ()

    2003. 02. , ()

    2012. 02. , ()

    l )

    l ) /

    l ) u-health center

    l )

    l ) Chief Privacy Officer

    l )

    l )

    l ) Fellow, International Society for Quality in Healthcare (ISQUA)

  • 8


    Digital Health RevolutionFrom Hospital-Based to Patient-Centered Mobile Health





    CU Medical Systems, Inc.

  • 9

    Keynote Speech 1 : ,

    Digital Health RevolutionFrom Hospital-Based to Patient-Centered Mobile Health


    IT BT mHealth


    , 7




    . ,


    , , (value) .

    , .

    73 76 (25) 2020 18

    , .

  • 10

    Keynote Speech 2 : Transforming Medicine through Mobile Health in US

    Special Keynote

    Dr. Steven Steinhubl Scripps Translational Science Institute

    Digital Health RevolutionFrom Hospital-Based to Patient-Centered Mobile Health

    Dr. Steinhubl is an Associate Professor of Genomic Medicine at The Scripps Research Institute, a cardiologist at

    Scripps Health, and the Director of Digital Medicine at the Scripps Translational Science Institute. He received his

    undergraduate training in chemical engineering at Purdue University, graduate training in physiology at Georgetown

    University, and his medical degree at St. Louis University. Steves internal medicine residency training was completed

    at David Grant Medical Center at Travis Air Force Base, California. Following residency, he was a staff internist at

    Elmendorf Air Force Base Hospital in Anchorage, Alaska. His cardiology and interventional cardiology fellowships

    were at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation where he was also Chief Cardiology Fellow. He leads the Digital Health

    Division of STSI that has a mission to guide innovation and the transformation of clinical research as well as clinical

    care that has been made possible through the availability of digital technologies. Dr. Steinhubls research activities

    have covered a broad range of topics in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular disease, the application of

    integrated systems-based approaches to the optimal identification, communication and treatment of individualized

    risk, and most recently the clinical implementation of mobile health technologies and associated data analytics. He

    has been the principal investigator or helped lead dozens of large-scale randomized trials.

  • 11

    Symposium 1. mHealth

    Digital Health RevolutionFrom Hospital-Based to Patient-Centered Mobile Health

    . 1990 CPOE

    (Computerized Physician Order Entry) , 2000 EMR (Electronic Medical Record),

    PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System)


    , ,

    . ,




    , .


    , .

    , , ,

    , .

    , CPOE Before and After

    , interaction behavior change,


    EMR , provider mHealth customer

    , . mHealth


  • 12

    (Experience and Perspective of Mobile Health at Asan Medical Center)

    Symposium 1. mHealth

    Digital Health RevolutionFrom Hospital-Based to Patient-Centered Mobile Health

    : 2009 .

    20 , , , .

    , , , , ,

    . ,


    2.0 .


  • 13

    Symposium 1. mHealth

    Digital Health RevolutionFrom Hospital-Based to Patient-Centered Mobile Health

    2003 , IT 2010

    HIMSS Analytics EMRAM Stage 7 IT .


    . , IT

    . , EMR/PACS

    PC ,



    . , Health4U Mobile

    Device .


  • 14

    Symposium 1. mHealth

    Digital Health RevolutionFrom Hospital-Based to Patient-Centered Mobile Health


    2015 . 1

    . 200

    . , , , ,

    , .


    2015 ,

    , . .

    30 , 50, 40


    , Activity tracker



  • 15

    Changing Landscape of Diabetes Care with mHealth technology

    Symposium 2. mHealth

    Digital Health RevolutionFrom Hospital-Based to Patient-Centered Mobile Health

    . . 1

    3-4 3 . 1 365 , 1

    12 . .

    . mHealth .

    , ,


    1 ,

    . mHealth


  • 16

    Health Navi, Health Map and Health Bank

    Symposium 2. mHealth

    Digital Health RevolutionFrom Hospital-Based to Patient-Centered Mobile Health

    , , , Utah

    Post-doctoral Fellowship , Research Fellow .

    , , .

    , ,

    , Games for Health Korea Forum founder .

    . (Patient Safety)

    : (2006), ?

    (2007), (2008) . Health Informatics

    : (2008), : ,

    : Step by Step Approach (2008), . (2013)


    Health Information Technology mHealth

    HIT .

    mHelath HIT .

    compliance gamification Game-care companion

    Robot-care .

    mobile health

    , .

  • 17

    Patient/consumer centered m-healthcare:Experiences of Health-On Service

    Symposium 2. mHealth

    Digital Health RevolutionFrom Hospital-Based to Patient-Centered Mobile Health



    Digital Healthcare ?

    Digital Healthcare, U(Ubiquitous) Healthcare, Smart Healthcare, And ...

    Healthcare Service

    Information Communication


    Continuous Convergence

    User Friendly






    Global Trends

    Policy/ Strategy

    Customer Sovereignty

    Population Aging

    1. Key Trends and Challenges

    Technology Innovation

    1. Key Trends and Challenges

    3. Next Steps

    1. Key Trends and Challenges

    2. Experience of Health-On Service


    The Constitution of WHO, 1948

    Health is a state of complete phy