CHEMPHYSCHEM 2000, No. 1 WILEY-VCH-Verlag GmbH, D-69451 Weinheim, 2000 1439-4235/00/01/01 $ 17.50+.50/0 57 Electroweak Quantum Chemistry of Alanine: Parity Violation in Gas and Condensed Phases** Robert Berger [a] and Martin Quack* [a] KEYWORDS : ab initio calculations ´ amino acids ´ chirality The discovery of parity violation in nuclear physics [1, 2] has led to the understanding that left- and right-handed enantiomers of chiral molecules are not energetically equivalent but differ by a ªparity-violating energy differenceº, DE pv . It was concluded rather quickly that this inequivalence might even have affected the evolution of biopolymers. [3, 4] By virtue of quantitative calcula- tions based on an early theoretical approach by Hegstrom, Rein, and Sandars (single determinant excitation-restricted Hartree ± Fock, SDE-RHF), [5] it has repeatedly been claimed that L- enantiomers of amino acids are more stable than their D- counterparts. [6, 7] Frequently, the suggestion has been added that this might account for the preferred occurrence of L-amino acids in natural proteins. [8] While this line of reasoning can be questioned on many grounds, [9, 10] even the starting point of these computed energy differences was fundamentally chal- lenged recently. [11] Indeed, it was discovered on the basis of new theoretical approaches (configuration interaction singles, CIS) that the parity-violating energy difference is in general much larger (typically up to one to two orders of magnitude) than previously calculated and that, furthermore, DE pv can be represented as a trace of a tensor, that is the sum of three terms with different signs. From this result, it was concluded that all earlier SDE-RHF calculations on DE pv of chiral molecules must be questioned both with respect to absolute magnitude and sign. [11, 12] Recent work using different approaches has confirmed the general trends of these results. [13±17] Recently, we have greatly improved the systematic approach towards electroweak quantum chemistry, that is, quantum chemical calculations which include the parity-violating weak nuclear forces in the framework of the unified electroweak theory of the standard model, [18±20] by introducing the multi- configuration linear response (MC-LR) approach to parity violation. [21, 22] This approach has confirmed the order of magnitude increase and has, at the same time, led to a deeper understanding of the results, to allow for systematic improve- ments, tests, and estimates of reliability. We use our new approach here in a study of parity-violating effects in alanine. Alanine (Figure 1) has been repeatedly used as a prototype for parity violation in a-amino acids. Mason and Tranter [6, 23] used the SDE-RHF approach to find that the zwitterionic form of L-alanine is stabilized with respect to D-alanine. Kikuchi and Wang [24, 25] questioned their results, by arguing that the conformation chosen by Mason and Tranter is according to theoretical studies but not the preferred one in aqueous solutions. However, they also found L-alanine to be more stable than the D-form by calculations using special minimal basis sets. Bakasov et al., [11, 12] on the one hand, provided support for Mason and Tranter's results by an extensive basis set study but, on the other hand, rejected all earlier SDE-RHF results (including those of Mason and Figure 1. Structure of the zwitterionic form of L-alanine (corresponding to the minimum in Figure 3). The interplane angle a is indicated. Tranter, as well as Kikuchi et al.) and found much larger values for DE pv using CIS-RHF methods as discussed above. Somewhat similar results were obtained by Zanasi and Lazzeretti, [14, 15] who drew, however, different conclusions. Finally, Laerdahl et al. [16, 17] have most recently demonstrated that relativistic corrections on DE pv are small for molecules containing only atoms of the first rows of the periodic table (including also neutral alanine in the gas phase). A new study of DE pv in alanine seems appropriate for several reasons: 1) Except for reference [24] , all previous studies used a conformation of the carboxylato group, which was postulated to be favored in water, but this assumption was neither based on experimental observations nor on theoretical calculations. 2) The calculations have been performed on the zwitterionic forms of the amino acids in vacuo at their presumably ªpreferredº conformations in water, although it is well known for glycine, the smallest a-amino acid, that the zwitterionic form does not correspond to an equilibrium structure in vacuo if one uses basis sets which are flexible enough for a realistic description of this molecule. Laerdahl et al. studied gaseous, neutral alanine (including complexes with a single H 2 O mole- cule), which presumably is of less relevance to biochemistry. [17] 3) Previous studies aimed at the prediction of the parity- violating potential for L-alanine in water but disregarded any solvent effects except for a modified equilibrium structure. It is well known, for instance, for the calculation of NMR shifts, that an adjusted equilibrium structure is not sufficient to account for [a] Prof. Dr. M. Quack, Dr. R. Berger Laboratorium für Physikalische Chemie ETH Zürich (Zentrum) 8092 Zürich (Switzerland) Fax: ( 41) 1-632-10-21 E-mail : [email protected] [**] Our work is supported financially by ETH Zürich (including C4 and CSCS) and the Schweizerischer Nationalfonds. Substantial help from and discussions with Jürgen Stohner and Greg Tschumper are gratefully acknowledged.

Electroweak Quantum Chemistry of Alanine: Parity Violation in Gas and Condensed Phases

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