1 行政院國家科學委員會八十八年度 專題計畫研究成果報告 專題計畫編號: NSC 88 - 2411 - H - 002 - 034 代表作名稱: 圖詩集文類與惠特尼之「圖詩選」 The Emblem Books and Geffrey Whitney's A Choice of Emblemes (1586) 作者:周樹華副教授 服務單位:國立台灣大學外國語文學系

行政院國家科學委員會八十八年度 專題計畫研究成果報告 專題計 …ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/10066/1/882411H002034.pdf · 這些圖像及象徵的意義皆來自Horapollo埃及圖像文字。希臘古典學者如Plato,

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Page 1: 行政院國家科學委員會八十八年度 專題計畫研究成果報告 專題計 …ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/10066/1/882411H002034.pdf · 這些圖像及象徵的意義皆來自Horapollo埃及圖像文字。希臘古典學者如Plato,


行政院國家科學委員會八十八年度專題計畫研究成果報告專題計畫編號: NSC 88 - 2411 - H - 002 - 034

代表作名稱: 圖詩集文類與惠特尼之「圖詩選」

The Emblem Books and Geffrey Whitney's A Choice of Emblemes (1586)



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(Andrea Alciati) 之「圖詩書」(Embelmatum liber) 所樹立的典範,考察圖詩文類


特尼 (Geffrey Whitney)「圖詩選」 A Choice of Emblemes (1586) 之結構;並探討





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Over the centuries the vast collection of emblem books has been an object of purelyantiquarian curiosity. Recently growing interest in verbal-pictorial art forms of theRenaissance calls for an reexamination of the long-neglected genre -- the Europeanemblem books in general and the English emblem books in particular. This projecthas been completed with two aims in mind. First, it tries to define briefly the genericfeatures of the emblem books using Andrea Alciati's Embelmatum liber as a model forillustration. Secondly, it provides an in-depth analysis of the first English Emblemwriter Geffrey Whitney's A Choice of Emblemes (1586) in terms of its structure andWhitney's appropriation of this European genre in writing his English politicalemblematic panegyrics.


emblem, impresa, Embelmatum liber, A Choice of Emblemes, Geffrey Whitney,Andrea Alciati, Sir Philip Sidney, Earl of Leicester, panegyrics, motto, epigram,hieroglyph

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六世紀圖詩集作家惠特尼 (Geffrey Whitney) 「圖詩選」A Choice of Emblemes

(1586) 中之讚頌詩 (Panegyrics)。

圖詩集 (emblem/emblem book) 文類乃歐洲大陸文藝復興時期極為流行

的跨藝術媒體文類之一。它是由文字 inscripti/subscription 與圖像 pictura 兩部

份組合而成 (word-image combination) ,是文字與圖像兩種不同的表現雙重媒體

之混合文類。文字又分成兩部份:含有寓意濃厚的短句格言 inscriptio (motto,

lemma) 及 subscriptio 長短不拘的詩文,或是四行警句詩或散文。三部份排列的



文字與圖像結合之形式 (Daly, 1979b, 10) (圖一)。


首先有學者認為「希臘選集」(The Greek Anthology) 中以詩繪圖的 ‘ekphrastic

epigrams’ 是早期圖詩形式只是名稱不同而已。從字原定義來看,‘epigram’ 意指

‘inscription’ 其用途付屬在希臘雕像或中世紀鑲嵌在壁畫上的文字,亦可算是在

文藝復興之前圖詩文類之一種呈現方式。蘇茲 (Pieter Sulzer)認為圖詩文類應是

由此形式發展而來 (Sulzer, 1970, 41)。另一來源應是文藝復興人文學者對古埃及

以圖指意 (pictures used as signs in writing) 發展出的圖畫文字或象形文字

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(hieroglyphics) 之熟悉與喜愛 (圖二)。


茲舉何拉波羅 (Horapollo) 之書 「何拉波羅象形文字集」 (The Hieroglyhics of

Horapollo)簡單說明。Horapollo (Horus, or Orus Apollo) 一字指埃及象形文字集

的作者,故該集也以 Horapollo 稱之。文藝復興圖詩集作家對何拉波羅的接觸,

來自 1505 年印刷出版的希臘文版本,1517 年翻譯成拉丁文,續印三十版(註一)

「何拉波羅象形文字集」 一書共有兩部,各含七十及一一九章,每章解說並建




To show the king as guardian in another way, they draw the serpent in a state of watchfulness. And instead of the name of the king, they draw a guard.Again, when they consider the king to be a cosmic ruler and wish to intimate this, they draw the serpent and in the middle they represent a great palace. And reasonably, for the place of the king‘s palace is the cosmos.

To show the people obedient to the king, they draw a bee. For alone of the animals, the bees have a king, whom the rest of the bees follow in a body, just as men obey their king. (I, 60-62, Horapollo, 84) (圖三)

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圖三 The King as Guardian, a Cosmic Ruler.



When they wish to depict the Universe, they draw a serpent devouring its own tail, marked with variegated scales. By the scales they suggest the stars in the heavens. This beast is the heaviest of animals, as the earth is heaviest [of elements]. It is the smoothest, like water. And, as each yearit sheds its skin, it [represents] old age. But as each season of the year

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returns successively, it grows young again. (I, 2, Horapollo, 57) (圖四)

德國文藝復興畫家 Albrecht Durer 運用埃及象形文字各種動物圖像表現麥思米倫

皇帝各種英勇豐功偉業:肖像中狗 ﹦王子、王冠﹦悲憫、獅子 ﹦英勇權力、老

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鷹 ﹦羅馬皇帝、空中露水 ﹦學識藝術、蛇纏權杖 ﹦主宰地球、公牛 ﹦ 曉勇

善戰、權球上的老鷹 ﹦光榮勝利、抬腳的鶴 ﹦警覺等(圖五)。

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這些圖像及象徵的意義皆來自 Horapollo 埃及圖像文字。希臘古典學者如 Plato,

Herodotus, Plutarch, Pliny, Plotinus, Lucan, Diodorus 對埃及圖像文字的興趣,不在

文字本身,而是此種表現象 (sign) 與意 (meaning) 之間的關聯。它附合柏拉圖



What interested the Greeks was not Egyptian writing at all; but from their own ‘Platonic’ interpretation of the relation between sign and meaning in Egyptian hieroglyphs, grew the idea of the existence of a true symbolic system of writing in which abstract notions and ideas could be expressed by means of concrete pictures of material objects. (Morseley, 19)



兩部圖像 (pictura) 及格言 (motto, inscriptio),後者有三部份。家族徽幟重點在

表達單一主題,闡述家族精神,圖詩則描述一般概念。英國史學家 William Cadem

在他的不列頓歷史著作中 Remaines of a Greater Worke (1605) 對家族徽幟

(impresa) 一字的描寫最清楚:

An Imprese (as the Italians call it) is a devise in picture with his Motte, or Word, borne by noble and learned personages, to notifie some particular conceit of their owne. (Remains Concerning Britain, 177)




的老鷹、鳳凰再生、火中的麒麟等 (Praz, 62, 69)。



Heckscher 及 Wirth 兩人,在 ‘Emblem, Emblembuch,’(1959)一文中提出名詞

lemma, icon (eikon), epigram 來描寫圖與詩合併之形式;後有 Albrecht Schone

(1968) 從形式觀點, 提出圖詩文類之三部結構 (three-part structure):以含視覺

效果 pictura (icon, imago)一詞描寫圖像;以 inscriptio/subscriptio 描寫文字部

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為主。這三部份媒介以再現 (representation) 、詮釋 (interpretation) 、 描述

(description) 及解說 (explanation) 方式來處理作者想要表達的主題:

One is probably more likely to do justice to the variety of forms if one characterize the emblem in the direction that its three-part structure corresponds to a dual functon of representation and interpretation, description and explanation. Inasmuch the inscriptio appears only as an object-related title, it can contribute to the representational function of the pictura as can the subscriptio. . . . On the other hand, the inscriptio can also participate in the interpretative function of the subscriptio, or that part of the subscriptio directed towards interpretation; through its sententious abbreviation the inscriptio can, in relation to the pictura, take on the character of an enigma that requires a solution in the subscriptio. Finally, in isolated instances the pictura itself can contribute to the epigram‘s interpretation of that which is depicted, when, for example, an action in the background of the picture with the same meaning helps to explain the senseof action in the foreground. (Schone, 21)

蘇茲提出圖詩文類乃文字與圖像兩種藝術之結合,是一種混合文類 ’hybrid

genre‘ (Sulzer, 1968),文字與圖像各自獨立,無從屬關係。歸納學者之看法可得

一公式:圖詩文學 ﹦格言 + 圖像 ﹢警句詩或詩文 (emblem = lemma (motto) +

icon + epigram)。而圖詩集 emblem book 則是將許多單一圖詩收集成冊。


認的第一位圖詩集作家,義大利人奧西阿帝 Andrea Alciati/Alciatus/Alciato

(1492-1550)。其著作「圖詩書」Emblematum liber (Augsburg 1531) 以格言、圖、




Words indicate, things are indicated. However, things, too, can sometimes indicate, as for example the hieroglyphics in Horus and Chaeremon; and proceeding from this idea, we have also written a book in verse with the title Emblemata. (註三)



普羅米修士 Prometheus 為主題之系列圖詩為例,分析圖詩文類中格言、圖、為

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警句詩三者之間的(註四)。圖詩 102 首的格言 (motto) 部份是抽象的概念:

Quae supra nos, nihil ad nos. 「人間之上的事物與吾等無關」 (What is above us, is

no concern to us) (圖六)。




士;警句詩 (epigram) 則扼要說明他受罰的原因。

Prometheus, hanging for ever on his Caucasian rock, has his liver torn asunder by the claw of the holy bird [the eagle of Zeus], and would certainly wish in his disgust he had not made mankind. And, disgusted ith the men of clay, he curses the torch lit with the stolen fire. The beats of those far- seeing men who are keen to know the circumstances of heaven and the gods are gnawed by various worries.‘ (Moseley 譯, 44)


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達成娛與教的雙重效果。至於奧西阿帝如何描述他的作品,依據 Hessel Miedema


an emblem is an epigram in which something specific is described in such away as to give an additional meaning (“significet”) to a pleasant, butfortuitous fact or phenomenon; or in such a way that what is described comesto indicate something else and thereby itself acquires a pleasing moral.(Miedema, 241)


books in the strict sense, i.e. the tight three-part form introduced by Alciato’ 進而提

出圖詩集之事物與概念 ‘object and concept‘ 之關係,及三種表達模

式:’topological, hieroglyphic and allegorical‘ (Daly, 1979a, 80) 。曼寧 (John

Manning) 認為以格言、圖、詩 (tripartite structure) 三部結構界說圖詩文類過分

狹隘: ‘Any notion of the emblem conforming to a strict tripartite structure of motto,

picture and verse was something that later hardened into orthodoxy.’ (Manning, 1990,

93) ;學者大多接受德國學者對圖詩文類所研究之結果。

從文藝復興文字與視覺藝術互換,詩如畫畫如詩 ut pictura poesis 之理論

來看,圖詩文類是一種非常理想的表現方式:inscriptio 格言多為短簡抽象的概

念,應有道德寓意: ‘. . . the words of the Embleme may demonstrate things

universall, and hold the rank of morall precepts, which may as well serve for all the

world as for the proper author of the Embleme.’ (Henri Estienne, 10)。格言乍看之下

不知所云,似與圖像似無關。而圖像的內容,則須靠敘述 (narrative) 方式之詩

文 subscriptio 解釋,並歷清圖像與格言之間,意義上之關係。三者之間似乎存有

隱藏意義,如謎語一般,讓讀者捉摸不定,因而 subscriptio 又扮演解迷之功用:

‘Between the motto and the picture there existed a more or less hidden relationship in

meaning which the epigram illuminated.’ (Jons, 3)。因此三者彼此的關係是雙重

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描述,補充說明。圖像再現 (representation) 文字的語意,文字則詮釋

(interpretation) 圖像。文字與圖像互補,以突破彼此之限制,兩者關係密不可分,

故將比喻為靈魂與肉體:‘. . . the soul of the emblem, whose translator is the caption

[motto and epigram] and whose body is the picture or figure [pictura] itself.’ (Schone,



. . . the emblem places the picture that is to be interpreted ahead of the interpretation deriving from the subscriptio and requires the reader and viewer to accept the priority of the picture. (Schone, 26)

此種有順序之閱讀過程,格言、圖、詩三部份結構緊密 (‘tight’),在意義呈現上

是連續的,圖文彼此相互指涉、相輔相成;此種理想定義 ‘ideal-typical’ 受到質

疑。John Horden 指出圖與詩在意義呈現上彼此是有矛盾的:

Between picture and text there is often incompatibility, especially since so many emblem writers borrowed their plates from the works of others. Within the picture itself there can be discrepancies and ambiguities, and there may be conflicts of inherent and required meaning. (Horden, 71)

上述圖詩文類研究多為針對圖詩 emblem 一詞之描述,到底格言、圖、詩彼此關




如蕭茲 Scholz 所言:

How did a combination of an epigram and a woodcut as it was to be foundin the first edition of Emblemata, the Emblematum liber, as it is nowcommonly called, eventually turn into a composition, i.e., into a structured,bounded whole? How did what started out as a typographical arrangementon the level of parole eventually come to be viewed as textual on the level oflangue? How, in other words, did what started out as a one-timecombination of texts belonging to the genre of the epigram with ‘texts’belonging to the genre of illustration eventually become a definitional feature

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of a new genre called “emblem”? (Scholz, 1993, 151)

班雅明 Walter Benjamin 認為圖詩文學所表現的思想模式,實際上是切斷的

(‘discontinuity‘),文字與圖像彼此之關係是互相瓦解的 (’disintegration ‘),所謂整

體性,也只是表面的假象 (’false appearance of totality‘) (Benjamin, 1963, 194-


時又彼此衝突,傳統圖像的意義,可隨時變換以配合作家之需要 (Davidson, 5)。


隻咬著自己尾巴的蛇則又象徵永恆。海克曼 (John Heckman) 依據班雅明的理



Thus, the interpretation of a given emblem centers round the differencebetween the pictura and the subscriptio, between the signifie and thesignifiant, but never exclusively on either pole. The fundamentaldiscontinuity of the emblem means . . .that of disintegration, and that a groupof emblems is necessarily the story of a disintegration, of a fall away fromsome original, but never graspable, unity. (Heckman , 879)





昧,而圖像又過於清楚明顯,兩者各有缺陷:‘The image possesses signifying

elements not totally accounted for by the text; on the other hand, the text is not a

totally referential caption for the image.’ (Schwartz, 248) 須依靠另一種媒介,使語

意更為清楚。文藝復興文學中,經常出現以詩寫圖的手法 (ecphrasis);但圖詩文

學與詩寫圖又不同。馬羅 (Christopher Marlowe) 在其長詩「希蘿與利安得」

(Hero and Leander)運用詩寫圖手法,仔細描述希蘿衣袖上,繡著維納斯女神



目視雙重媒介 ‘bi-mediality‘ (Scholz, 1993, 155),文字與圖像以隱/顯 (concealing

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/unveiling; implicit/explicit) 過程表達寓意,向讀者爭取詮釋權威。文藝復興人文

大師易拉茲瑪斯 (Desiderius Erasmus) 提醒讀者閱讀時要注意正文中所含的表


You should observe in all your reading those things consisting of both a surface meaning and a hidden one -- comparable to body and spirit -- so that, indifferent to the merely literal sense, you may examine most keenly the hidden. Of this sort are the works of all poets and of the Platonists in philosophy. (Erasmus, 1963, 105)

讀者若要了解圖像所顯示 (elucidate/illuminate) 文字中隱藏的多層語意,必需熟

悉視象歷來之傳統 (iconography),再依據已有分享之知識 (shared knowledge),

形成一廣泛之資訊架構 ( frame of reference),如此可容易掌握圖詩作者試圖傳達



話、各種擬人化的善與惡 (‘Invidia’‘Concordia’)、動物象徵、圖輝。圖像多取材

自傳統視象,有象徵含意的動物及人物。希臘神話英雄 Hercules 的一生,代表人


‘the founder of cities’ 之盛名。此外他的故事也富於道德寓意:他一生面臨許多


種衝突觀念與生活方式中得到妥協,獲得永生。Hercules 面對兩位代表歡樂與美

德的女性,成為繪畫重要的題材。很多圖詩集作家喜愛以此為題描寫 Hercules


當然圖詩作家也預設閱讀其作品的理想讀者 (ideal reader):他們對圖詩


智益遊戲。其閱讀過程也向讀者/觀看者 (reader /viewer) 的視覺透視力、閱讀與


寇立 (Rosalie Colie) 從讀者反應觀點,指出圖詩文學的神祕性,正如所有隱密的


It is important to note how this tiny form mixed genres and even arts -- and how cryptic its parts were, implying how far more than was said. . . . The addition of figures to such abbreviated forms might have opened up the

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emblem to a public potentially frustrated by its verbal tightness. . . the emblem might present a problem thrice made intricate and esoteric.(Colie, 73)


度空間的立體版面,文字與圖像兩種不同的媒體放在一封閉 (closure) 的空間,

因其不跨頁也不翻頁。讀者以肉眼面對雙重正文 ‘double “text“’ (Russell, 100) 遊




三部意義,其樂無窮。巴斯(Michael Bath)特以「極端歡樂」(‘jouissance’)一詞


The reading seems to involve a process of mystification followed by clarification; when the application of the picture to the motto has been recognised, we experience a brief jouissance of recognition. In reader-response terms it would appear that the emblem has not done its work until this moment of semantic closure has been fulfilled.’ (Bath, 1994, 73)




印刷成冊前文字作家、插畫藝術家、以及印刷家 (author/illustrator/printer) 三者







作者同意,便刪除或使用簡易插畫以節約成本。奧西阿帝的 「圖詩書」 出版之


版本眾多,第一版 (Augsburg 1531) 及第二版 (Paris, 1534) 中間差異甚大,而德


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奧西阿帝 1531 年版本是警句詩完成在先,後由印刷家史坦納 (Heinrich

Steyner) 依據警句詩內容,插入木刻圖像,形成目前格言、圖像、警句詩三部結






It would be more unfair, worthy reader, if you were to accuse us of lack of industry in these figures which are added to the present work, although we fully admit that both the authority of the most important author and the valuable nature of the book deserved more elegant illustrations. Weshould wish to present these illustrious inventions to you if you should set them before your eyes painted in the choicest possible manner and, as far as I know, we lacked nothing needed to achieve this. But since this would have involved not only considerable trouble (from which we do not at all shrink) but also high costs, you will realise that you would in turn have had to shoulder the cost of everything of this nature. This being the case, we thought it the best course, if, in passing, we made the meaning of the most worthy author plainer by means of somewhat crude signs, since the learned will [in any case] find it for themselves. In this we have tried to be of service to you if we should give you much pleasure at little cost. Farewell, and may you be content with our work. (Miedema, 242)



1534 年則另由溫徹爾 (Christian Wechel) 印刷出版商,利用現有的木刻




文藝復興偉大人文學者賓博 (Pietro Bembo) 一本,隨函提到他對兩個版本評



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I had written it [Augsburg edition] when I was still very young and after ithad become lost by some chance or other, it was published at Augsburg invery mutilated form; which caused me to refuse to acknowledge that child.However, now it has recently been published more faithfully in Paris by amore diligent craftsman, I have taken it back into my favour and presentedcopies to my best friends; and since you rank highly among them, I felt Icould not omit sending you one. Make allowances for the poems of a poorjurist or rather laugh, in the words of the ancient prover, at the ass playing tohimself on lyre. (Barni, Letters, letter 93, to Pietro Bembo, Pavia, 25February 1535, Miedema, 244-45)




I considered it my duty with a new edition both to render a service to the reading public and, as far as lies in my power, to wipe out the blame which has been directed at Master Alciati through the slovenliness of the previous edition. . . . Accordingly, he removed imperfections, which were everywhere very numerous, he remoulded and improved a great deal, and he also added a considerable number [of emblemata] so that only now has the book appeared on the author‘s own responsibility. For my part, I have striven to the utmost, in making the illustrations, of which they are really as large a number . . . that no one could justly accuse me of having shirked the least pains or expense. (Green, Fontes)






本之「整體性」(‘gestalt’)概念,來說明圖詩文學在語意、句法、視覺 (semantic/

syntactic/ perceptual)三種層次之特質:

... every three-part combination of motto, icon, and epigram occupies one single type page, thus allowing for a reading/viewing of the illustrated Emblemata in which those combinations of word and image are not only held together linguistically and by means of co-reference, but also by what the gestalt psychologists would call a “good gestalt.” Textual coherence, in other words, apart from being achieved linguistically, is now achieved perceptually as well. (Scholz, 1993, 152)

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這是 1531 年 (Augsburg) 版本所沒有的。學者後來對圖詩文類之定義,如戴雷之

‘tight three-part form’ 皆以 1534 年溫徹爾印刷之巴黎版本為準。英國圖詩集重要

作家惠特尼之「圖詩選」A Choice of Emblems (1586),皮謙(Henry Peacham)之

Minerva Britanna (1612) 惠帝(George Wither)之 Collection of Emblems

(1634/35),奎爾斯 (Francis Quarles) 之 Emblemes (1639),皆以巴黎版本為範本。







興趣,許多獻給她的禮物常採用圖詩集中出現的主題 (Freeman, 49-50)。重要的

作品大約集中在十六世紀至十七世紀中葉(以奧西阿帝 1531 年版為起點),1700

以前英國大約有五十本圖詩集出版,共印製約 1300 本左右(見附錄英國 1700


(Daly, 1988a, 1-60)。從事圖詩集創作的作家,皮謙在他圖詩集給讀者的序言中,


I have heere (kind Reader), sent abroad unto thy view, this volume of Emblemes, whether for greatnes of the chardge, or that the Invention is not ordinarie: a Subiect vey rare. For, except the collections of Master Whitney, and the translations of some one or two else beside, I know not an Englishman in our age, that hath published any work of this kind: they being (I doubt not) as ingenious, and happy in their inventions, as the best French or Italian of them all. (Minerva Britanna, 1612)



England can affoorde vs a perfect penman or good cutter‘ (Peacham, sig. Asvo) 因而

只好自己製作;惠特尼的圖像來自荷蘭出版家波來亭(Christophe Plantin)店中


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蒲騰漢(George Puttenham),在其文藝評論 「英國詩歌之藝術」 (The Art of

English Poesie) (1589) 一書內有「論圖形或圖像」(‘Of the device or embleme’)


. . . the vse and intent. . . is to insinuat some secret, wittie, morall and braue purpose presented to the beholder, either to recreate his eye, or please his phantasie, or examine his judgement, or occupie his braine or to manage hiswill either by hope or by dread, euery of which respectes be of no litle moment to the interest and ornament of the ciuill life: and therefore giue them no litle commendation. (Puttenham, 107)



「沒有太陽何有彩虹。」(Non sine sole iris),肖像中使用之象徵既女王是太陽,



圖七 Rainbow Portrait of Elizabeth I, Hatfield House.

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以圖像表現寓義方式,在女王出巡時也經常使用。1559 女王到倫敦視察時,負




是時間之女」(’I too am the daughter of Time’)。宮廷御用畫家 Hilliard 所畫的 The

Earl of Northumberland 肖像,畫中插有一格言:「夠了」 (‘Tinti’)。巴斯將此類

表現方式包括家族圖徽肖像 (impresa portrait)、裝飾藝術 (decorative arts)、比武

用之家族徽幟 (tournament impresa)、盾形紋徽 (heraldry) 等圖詩手法實用的例

子,歸類為「實用圖詩」(’applied emblems‘) (Bath, 1994, 10-17)。


而史本賽 (Edmund Spenser) 「牧羊人月令」(The Shepheardes Calender)可算

是圖詩集之變形;史本賽將格言 ‘Embleme’ 放在詩歌之後,順序依次為主題、


得自圖詩集靈感。在李爾王劇中 (King Lear, III.iv.74-75) 莎士比亞使用食魚鳥意

象,Arden 版本引惠特尼的圖詩 Quod in te est, prome. 來說明此鳥刺胸,以血餵

食幼鳥 (Choice, 87) (圖八)。


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在 Cymbeline 一劇中,莎士比亞誹謗意象與惠特尼圖詩 Invidiae descriptio. (「論

忌妒」) 所刻劃的忌妒類似:

No. ‘tis slander,Whose edge is sharper than the sword, whose tongueOutvenoms all the worms of Nile, whose breathRides on the posting winds, and doth belieAll corners of the world. Kings, queens, and states,Maids, matrons, nay, the secrets of the graveThis viperous slander enters. (Cymbeline, 3.4.34-40)

惠特尼圖中的老女人,口中吐著毒蛇,手持拐杖走遍,世界散佈謠言(Choice, 94)


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What hideous hagge with visage sterne appeares? Whose feeble limmes, can scarce the bodie staie:

This, Enuie is: leane, pale and full of years,Who with the blisse of other pines awaie. And what declares, her eating vipers broode? That poysoned thoughtes, bee euermore her foode. . . .

Whie lookes shee wronge? because shee woulde not see,An happie wight, which is to her a hell:What other partes within this furie bee?Her harte, with gall: her tonge, with stinges doth swell. And laste of all, her staffe with prickes aboundes: Which showes her wordes, wherewith the good shee woundes.

惠特尼 (Geffrey Whitney) 不是英國文學主流作家,但卻是圖詩文類的典

範作家。學者認為惠特尼之「圖詩選」 A Choice of Emblemes (1586) 為英國第一


多重在探討圖詩集之使用之材料來源、格言翻譯。董梅生 Mason Tung (‘Whitney’s

A Choice of Emblemes Revisited: A Comparative Study of the Manuscript and the

Printed Version,‘ 1976) 一文,是很典型研究圖詩文學的論文。他考據出惠特尼引

用及借取資料來源,如奧維德 (Ovid) 在「圖詩選」中出現 75 次 (Tung, 63),在


尼研究暫時擺脫傳統的研究方向。曼寧教授 (John Manning) 在 1989 年再版

的「圖詩選」介紹序言中,及 1990 年發表的文章 (’Whitney‘s Choice of Emblemes:

A Reassessment’) ,首次仔細探討「圖詩選」之整體結構;同時指出作品中帶有



倉庫 ‘storehouse of commonplaces’ (Freeman, 57) 之看法。曼寧比較「圖詩選」

手稿與印刷版之差異,發現惠特尼特別費心安排圖詩順序 (Manning, 1990, 187-

96) ,而他使用現有木刻圖像,也是因為經濟與時間緊迫之考量,本人極為同意


The exigencies of time, as much as money, compelled him to draw the bulk

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of his illustrative material from his printer‘s stocks. Yet occasionally Whitney could reap some slight advantage from this arrangement. The dislocation of an image from its original context will frequently surprise, particularly when it is applied to the current political situation, or to the purposes of particular gratulation. At times the effect can be subtly allusive. (Manning, 1990, 184)

「圖詩選」出版時刻,趕在其贊助人來斯特以 Captain General 之身分,統領英



Bagley, ‘Geffrey Whitney’s “Education” Emblems’)一文,討論「圖詩選」中與教



白時期流行之讚頌詩 (encomium, panegyric)。目前尚無學者探討這個問題。

惠特尼出生英格蘭北部位於棲茄爾郡 (Cheshire) 的納特蔚曲 (Nantwich)

城,曾在牛津、劍橋受教育。當時伊莉莎白女王身邊的紅人,來斯特伯爵 (Robert

Dudley, The Earl of Leicester) 是他的藝文贊助人 (patron) 。 1586 年來斯特以英


極具影響力的人文學者杜撒 (Janus Dousa) 父子為友,(「圖詩選」中有兩人的


1586 年初和杜撒之子同時進入萊頓大學 (Leyden University) 。何時回國不可

考,約於 1600 年卒於老家棲茄爾郡。

惠特尼 「圖詩選」完整書名 A Choice of Emblemes, and other devises, for

the moste parte gathered out of sundrie writers, Englished and Moralized. And divers

newly devised, by Geffrey Whitney 點出圖詩內容之來源廣泛,表示他博學;作品

文以載道之目的 (‘moralised‘);他的作品與歐陸圖詩文學不同,因以英文書寫

(’Englished‘) 但也包括英譯拉丁文。「圖詩選」所包括的圖詩不僅數量多,內容

更是多樣。 「圖詩選」有兩個版本,作者註明手抄本圖詩集是獻給來斯特伯爵

一人,時間大約在來斯特離開英國往荷蘭之前。印刷版本則於 1586 年由當時荷

蘭最水準波來亭 (Christophe Plantin) 經營的波來亭 (Plantin Press) 出版社印

製,在萊頓 (Leyden) 出版(註八)。惠特尼為確定印刷版本精確無誤,特別住

在出版社附近,以便隨時更正錯誤,並依詩文內容親自挑選插圖 (Dorsten, 123-

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27)。惠特尼用的插圖多來自法國與義大利, 247 首圖詩中,有 207 個圖像先後

曾被奧西阿帝、巴拉丁(Claudius Paradin)、鐘納司 (Hadrianus Junius)、 撒布古斯

(Joannes Sambucus) 等圖詩集作家使用過 (Tung, 1973-74, 17)。這正可說明為何


複使用(’re-use‘’re-cycle‘)之現象,在圖詩集創作上,是相當普遍的 (Daly, 1988a,



It constrains him in that he has to polarise the significance of a fixed design, within limits; it frees him in that as the design had become more and more familiar in his audience’s mind over the years he was able to assume a easier “core” response to it and is therefore able to apply it to his own specific purpose. (Moseley, 22)




248 首,247 首有木刻圖像、其中有 232 首受歐陸圖詩集之影響:87 首來自奧西

阿帝、 51 首取材自 Sambucus ,21 首取材自 Junius,僅有 16 首由惠特尼自己



讚頌詩,未嘗不是受了伊莉莎白時期藝文贊助制度 (literary patronage) 之影響。



圖與文之細節無法配合 (Tung, 1973-74, 16-7)。這不影響惠特尼個人的創新,而



An examination of what Whitney does with his continental models will showthat the process of adaptation is, essentially, no different from the typicalmeans whereby all emblems writers exercised their invention in a mediumwhich, almost by definition, worked wholly with received materials. (Bath,1994, 70)


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創新。奧西阿帝在 Gratiae. 圖詩中,試圖改變傳統繪畫中,希臘女神的形象,在

她們的腳上加翅膀,以使格言 ’his dat qui cito dat.’ 語意更清楚,也希望能建立


翻譯 (Choice, 139b) ‘Illicitum non sperandum’. (Do not hope for forbidden

things);也有直接引用奧西阿帝,但放在頁邊註疏部位 (Choice, 37);第 205 首



多細節。第一首格言 Te stante, virebo. 「只要您站穩,我就長青」 插圖曾先後


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鐘納司之格言: ’Principum opes, plebis adminicula.’ 意指一般概念 「百姓的支


The clinging ivy embaces with its wandering arms the pyramids, eternal monuments of the Egyptian kings. The needy people is supported by the strong power of its kings: and the stable strength of the mind grow for ever green. ( Moseley 譯, 83)


王,她又是英國國教宗教領袖;圖中的金字塔變成螺旋錐柱 ’spyre‘ 象徵君主,



詩歌「十字架之夢」(’The Dream of the Rood’) 中的樹幹:

A mightie Spyre, whose toppe dothe pierce the skie, An iuie greene imbraceth rounde about,And while it standes, the fame doth bloome on highe,But when it shrinkes, the iuie standes in dowt: The Piller great, our gratious Princes is: The baunche, the Churche: whoe speakes vnto hir this.

I, that of late with stormes was almoste spent,And brused sore with Tirants bluddie bloes,Whome fire, and sworde, with persecution rent,Am nowe sett free, and ouerlooke my foes, And whiles thow raignst, oh most renowmed Queene By thie supporte my blossome shall be greene.





給來斯特伯爵 (‘To the Right Honorable, my singvler good Lord and Maister,

Robert Earle of Leycester’)之獻詞(‘The Epistle Dedicatorie’)及獻給讀者 ‘To the

Reader’ (Choice, sig. **3v) 兩封信開始,以拉丁格言「吾等必須暫停」’interdum

requiescendum.‘ (something we must rest) (Choice, 103) 作為第一部結束;第二部

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則以雙關拉丁文警語 「時間結束一切」 ’tempus omnia terminat.‘ (Time ends all)

(Choice, 230) 結束;整部 「圖詩選」 再以拉丁文標題 Ad Illustrissimum Herocm

D. Robertum Dudlaeum, Comitem Leicestriae, Baronem de Denbigbe 獻給來斯特伯

爵的詩結束。在分析讚頌圖詩之前,必須先仔細說明惠特尼獻給讀者 ‘To the

Reader’ 信的重要內容。


讀圖詩時,眼睛與語意之互補功用:‘Eye of Sense, perceiving the physical picture,

and the Eye of Understanding its moral force.’ 如此既不會忽視圖像,也不會遺漏詩

文所傳達的道德教訓訊息。郝克思 (Henry Hawkins) 則點出詩是無聲畫、畫為有

聲詩之理論:‘eye wel and marke these silent Poesies, giue eare to these speaking

Pictures.’ (The Devout Hart, 1634)。惠特尼亦不例外,他以書信方式,向讀者說明



惠特尼作品書名已點出內容來源,出處甚多,有新有舊: ‘for the moste

parte gathered out of sundrie writers, Englished and moralized. And divers newly

devised’ 。在此惠特尼並不避諱其作品有些來自翻譯歐陸圖詩集,也不認為這會




Historicall, as representing the actes of some noble persons, being matter of historie. Naturall, as in expressing the natures of ceatures, for example, the love of the younge Storkes, to the oulde, or of suche like. Morall,pertaining to vertue and instruction of life, which is the chiefe of the three, and the other two maye bee in some sorte drawen into this head. For, all doe tende unto discipline, and morall preceptes of living.

歷史敘述,寫來自歷史及神話人物,如 Icarus, Sisyphus, Tantalus, Aeneas 背父離

特洛城 (Choice, 163);有許多取材自伊索寓言,如「狐狸與葡萄」 (Choice, 97);





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奧維德 (Ovid)、 賀瑞斯 (Horace)、維吉爾 (Virgil) 等人:

. . . First I noted the same in Latin, to helpe some of my acquaintaunce wheare this booke was imprinted (Leyden), who hauinge no taste in the Englishe tonge, yet weare earnestly addicted to the understandinge hereof.




153 頁頁邊註明曰:以下十二首圖詩來自伊索寓言 (Choice, 153),第 110 頁清楚

指明以下七首主題,皆書寫羅馬英雄戰爭英勇行為 (Choice, 110-17)。他也告知

讀者,重複出現的主題,是為加深善有善報,惡有惡報的道德訓育功用: ‘So with

manie reprehencions, wickednes is wounded, and sinne ashamed and giueth place

vnto vertue.’ 因而他認為格言及詩的含義,不可太過明顯,閱讀過程則是先融會


. . . some wittie deuise expressed with cunning woorkemanship, something obscure to be perceiued at the first, whereby, when with further consideration it is understood, it maie delight the behoulder.



他給來斯特伯爵的獻詞信中說:‘vnder plesaunte deuices, are profitable moralles . . .

for the wounding of wickednes, & extolling of vertue.’ 他向讀者保證,他的作品能


both pleasant and profitable . . . by the office of the eie, and the eare, the minde maye reape dooble delighte throughe holsome preceptes, shadowed with pleasant deuises: both fit for the vertuous, to their incoraging: and for the wicked, for their admonishing and amendment.


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圖詩文類之程度。荷蘭朋友已經相當熱中於此文類 ’earnestlie addicted to the

understandinge hereof.‘, 因此他必須進一步解說圖像 (icon)一詞,他依據希臘文


To set in, or to put in: properlie meant by suche figures, or workes, as are wrought in plate, or in stones in pauementes, or on the waules, or suche like, for the adorning of the place.



Janus 及格言 Respice, & prospice.「瞻前顧後」 (Look behind and ahead) 以文字與



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雙面神之出現,破除了學者認為「圖詩選」僅是一些零星圖詩收集成冊 (anthology)




反射前後兩部圖詩內容相互對照,曼寧將此現象稱之為 ‘mirroring effect’

(Manning, 1990, 193)。從文字指涉來看,雙面神向左頁看到格言 Interdum

requiescendum. 及兩首讚頌詩:一首讚美兩位貴族,另一首僅讚美來斯特一人 ‘In

Praise of the Righte Honorable my good Lorde, and Mister, the Earle of Leyster.’;向

右頁則看到格言 Tempus omnia terminat. 及 ‘To the honorable Sir Philipe Sidney,

Knight, Gouuernour of the Garrison, and towne of Vltshinge’ 是獻給席德尼的詩。惠



年青及年老的道得立(Dudley)家族: ‘Janus is obviously meant to be Leicester and

Sidney, the older and the younger Dudley.’ (Manning, 1990, 198)。這位羅馬神的傳


The two faces of Ianus . . . signifie the wisdome and graue intellect ofprudent princes, which besides that by their wise counsels they doe act thingspolitikely and discreetly, instantly, and for the time present, carrie likewise in themselues a fore-prouiding prescience to preuent, and thereby

to remedie succeeding mischeefs and ensuing daungers: for that with the one face before, and the other behind, they continually behold and view round

about them, recording things past, and premediating those likely to follow.(註九)

在刻劃雙面神圖像方面,惠特尼將來自 La Perriere 使用的傳統圖像,做了一些修


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圖十二 Guillaume de la Perriere, Theatre des bons engins (Paris,1540?)






The former parte, nowe paste, of this my booke, The seconde parte in order doth insue:Which, I beginne with Ianvs double looke,

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That as hee sees, the yeares both oulde, and newe, So, with regarde, I may these partes behoulde, Perusinge ofte, the newe, and eeke the oulde.

And if, that faulte within vs doe appeare,Within the yeare, that is alreadie donne,As Ianvs biddes vs alter with the yeare,And make amendes, within the yeare begonne, Euen so, my selfe suruayghinge what is past; With greater heede, may make in hande the laste.

This Image had his rites, and temple faire,And call‘d the God of warre, and peace, bicauseIn warres, hee warn‘de of peace not to dispaire:And warn‘de in peace, to practise martiall lawes: And furthermore, his lookes did teache this somme; To beare in minde, time past, and time to comme. (Choice, 108)


部認同;圖詩主題內容有舊/新,呼應書名 ‘other devises’/ ‘divers newly






含有深刻寓義的格言: Respice, & prospice = ‘To beare in minde, time past, and

time to comme.’ 而時間摧毀萬物的力量,是「圖詩選」最後一首圖詩的主題。


one can compare with Whitney in scale, all clearly showed themselves indebted to his

[Alciati] work and all follow the lines which he laid down.’ (Freeman, 61),但惠特尼

亦利用圖像文類,寫了數十首獻給朋友的讚美詩 ‘to certaine my frendes, to

whome either in dutie o frendship’。這些圖詩有些是獻給與來斯特同時期在荷蘭的

英國政治人物,其中最有名的就是他的姪子席德尼爵士 (Sir Philip Sidney);另有

一些圖詩是獻給他的親屬 (Choice, 88-94)。在有限的惠特尼「圖詩選」研究文獻


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本部份重點討論惠特尼獻給來斯特、席德尼、卡登 (R. Cotton Esquier) 等數首讚




惠特尼獻給卡登先生 (Richard Cotton, Esq.) (Choice, 200)(圖十三)



於舒拉布希兒郡 (Shropshire),康泊湖 (Cumbermere) 之居所,距惠特尼出生地


人的鄉愁。卡登先生到底是何許人國家傳記字典 (D.N.B.) 並無記載,不過依據

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杭特女士 (Kathryn Hunter) 之猜測可能是次要詩人羅傑卡登(Roger Cotton) (fl.

1596) 的親戚,羅傑卡登共有五兄弟皆為藝文贊助人 (Hunter, 440) 。這首圖詩


西阿帝的格言 Principia Clementia. (意旨「蜂王乃慈善的統治者」,改寫成 Patria

cuique char. 「寶貴的家鄉」 (To each a native land is dear),增加一層個人懷鄉的



The bees at lengthe retourne into their hiueWhen they haue suck‘d the sweete of Floras bloomes;

And with one minde their worke they doe contriue,And laden come with honie to their roomes: A worke of arte; and yet no arte of man, Can worke, this worke; these little creatures can.

This maister bee, within the midst bothe liue,In fairest roome, and most of stature is;And euerie one to him dothe reuerence giue,And in the hiue with him doe liue in blisse: Hee hath no stinge, yet none can doe him harme, For with their strengthe, the rest about him swarme.




(‘honey is a divine food which nourishes wisdom, a symbolic manifestation of the

sweetness of the Earth and the sap of life.’) (Chetwynd, 41)。惠特尼描寫卡登莊園內

的蜜蜂時,特別強調它們無刺,不會傷人 (如彌爾頓 (John Milton)的史詩 「失

樂園」(Paradise Lost)以無刺的玫瑰,來說明伊甸園無死亡),因而卡登莊園是


惠特尼有兩首圖詩寫愛神邱比特被蜜蜂刺傷的痛苦 ‘Fel in melle.’

(Choice, 147) 「蜂蜜中之毒藥」(圖十四)。

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Lo Cvpid here, the honie hyes to taste, On whome, the bees did straight extende their power:For whilst at will he did their labours waste,He founde that sweete, was sauced with the sower: And till that time hee thought no little things, Weare of suche force or armed so with stinges.

‘Fere simile ex Theocrito.’ 「狄奧克力多時代亦然」 (Choice, 148)(圖十五)




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Whilst Cvpid had desire to taste the honie sweete, And thrust his hand into the tree, a bee with him did meete.The boy no harme did doubt, vntill he felt the stinge:But after to his mother ranne, and ofte his handes did wringe.And cry’d to her for helpe, and toulde what hap befell:Howe that a little beast with pricke, did make his finger swell.Then Venvs smiling say’d, if that a little bee?Doe hurte so sore: thinke howe thou hurtst? That art a childe to see.For where the bee can pierce no further then the skinne:Thy dartes do giue so great a wounde, they pierce the harte within.





Lo, natures force within these creatures small,Some, all the daye the honie home doe beare.And some, farre off on flowers freshe doe fall,Yet all at nighte vnto their home repaire: And euerie one, her proper hiue doth knowe, Althoughe there stande a thousande on a rowe.

A Comon-wealthe, by this, is right expreste:Bothe him, that rules, and those, that doe obaye:Or suche, as are the heads aboue the rest,Whome here, the Lorde in highe estate dothe staye: By whose supporte, the meaner sorte doe liue, And vnto them all reuerence dulie giue.

惠特尼將蜜蜂世界稱之為共和國 (‘A Comon-wealthe’),因蜂王與眾蜜蜂之間的


尼標明是來自 Pliny 自然歷史 (Natural History) 中對蜜蜂的詮釋。而卡登莊園中



Which when I waied: I call‘d vnto my mindeYour Cumberemaire, that fame so farre commendes:A Stately seat, whose like is harde to finde,Where mightie Iove the horne of plentie lendes: With fishe, and foule, and cattaile sondrie flockes,

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Where christall springes doe gushe out of the rockes.

There, fertile fields; there, meadowes large extende:There, store of grayne: with water, and with wood.And, in this place, your goulden time you spende,vnto your praise, and to your countries good: This is the hiue; your tennaunts, are the bees: And in the same, haue places by degrees.

在這兩段的描述中,有一些慣用的田園意象,是屬於莊園詩文類 (Country-House

Poem) 特有的:豐饒土地是一聚寶盆、田園牧場牛羊成群、河中有魚、田中有穀、

林中有水;這是人類尚未墮落之前黃金時代的景象 (‘goulden time’)。也許因為圖


而獻給卡登的圖詩 Patria cuique char. 是第一首英國莊園詩,剝奪了班強生 (Ben

Jonson) 書寫讚美席德尼莊園 (‘To Penshurst’) 的寶座:

Whitney’s A Choice of Emblemes, then, not only introduced the emblem intoEnglish but also imported the Renaissance revival of the country-house poem,an epideictic kind which was to be used by English poets from Jonsonthrough Marvell and Dryden to Pope and beyond. (Hunter, 440)



And as the bees, that farre and neare doe straye,And yet come home, when honie they haue founde:So, thoughe some men doe linger longe awaye,Yet loue they best their natiue countries grounde. And from the same, the more they absent bee, With more desire, they with the same to see.

Euen so my selfe; throughe absence manie a yeare,A straunger meere, where I did spend my prime.Nowe, parentes loue dothe hale mee by the eare,And sayeth, come home, deferre no longer time: Wherefore, when happe, some goulden honie bringes? I will retorne, and rest my wearie winges.


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(the reciprocity of man and nature)。這又與「圖詩選」第一部第六十五首,也是獻

給卡登的圖詩 Mutuum auxilium. 「互助」 (Choice, 65) (圖十六)





得以生存,人類世界亦是如此。這主題在圖詩 Mutuum auxilium.「互助」最為明

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The blynde, did beare the lame vppon his backe, The burthen, did directe the bearors waies:With mutuall helpe, they seru‘d eche others lacke,And euery one, their frendly league did praise: The lame lente eies, the blynde did lend his feete, And so they safe, did apsse both feelde, and streete.

Some lande aboundes, yet heathe the fame her wante,Some yeeldes her lacke, and wantes the others store: . . . (1-8)

So withoute poore, the ritche are like the lame:And withoute ritche, the poore are like the blynde:Let ritche lend eies, the poore hislegges wil frame,Thus shoulde yt bee. For so the Lorde assign’d, Whoe at the firste, for mutuall frendship sake, Not all gaue one, but did this difference make.

Whereby, with trade, and intercourse, in space,And borrowinge heare, and lendinge there agayne:Such loue, such truthe, such kyndnes, shoulde take place,That frendshipp, with societie should raigne: The prouerbe faieth, one man is deemed none, And life, is deathe, where men doo liue alone.

這首圖詩的拉丁文註疏最長,其中一小行註疏曰:‘adeo ut in proverbiam abierit,

homo homini Deus’ (Such is the necessity, for mutual help in human society. . . that,

as the proverb says, man becomes a God to man‘)。惠特尼可能藉此圖詩暗示卡登,





關係。註疏中聖經的典故 (Love thy neighbour as thyself) (Matthew, 22),使這首圖

詩又多了一層宗教的含義 (Bath, 1994, 79)。如此看來,惠特尼運用現有的蜜蜂圖



格言 Principia Clementia.「蜂王乃慈善的統治者」的原典,惠特尼可用來讚美卡


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神圖像:圖像左頁有兩首詩,一首獻給來斯特及沃瑞克伯爵 (The Earl of

Warwick);另一首僅獻給來斯特一人。圖像右頁是獻給席德尼爵士(‘To the

honorable Sir Philippe Sidney Knight, Gouvernous of the Garrison, and Towne of


旗徽大熊小熊星座象徵 (Ursa Major/Ursa Minor),讚美兩家貴族盛名遠播:

Two Beares there are, the greater, and the lesse, Well knowne to those that trauaile farre, and neare:Without whose sighte, the shipman failes by gesse,If that Sonne, or Monne, doe not appeare.They both doe showe, to th‘Equinoctiall line,And one, vnto th‘Antipodes doth shine.

These, haue their lighte from Phoebvs goulden raies,And all the worlde, by them receyueth good:Without whose helpe, no man mighte passe the seas,But euer stande in daunger of the flood; Oh blessed lightes, the worke of heauenly hande, You, millions saue from ruthe of rockes, and sande.

Two noble peeres, who both doe giue the beare,Two famous Earles, whose praise pierce the skye:Who both are plac‘d in honour sacred cheare,Whose worthie fame shall liue, and neuer dye: In Englishe courte doe spende their blessed daies: Of publique weale, two greate, and mightie staies.

And as those starres by Phoebvs lighte are seene,So, both these Earles haue honour, mighte, and power:From Phoebe brighte, our most renowmed Queene,Whose fame, no time, nor enuie can deuower: And vnder her, they showe to others lighte, And doe reioyce tenne thousand with their sighte. (1-24)



「太陽金色的光芒」(‘Phoebvs goulden raies’) 之意象顯示出另一隱藏的文本

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(subtext) 那就是對伊莉莎白女王讚美。他利用伊莉莎白女王的身體政治 (body

politic) –太陽 = 伊莉莎白女王、太陽光比喻女王擁有特屬男性的權力,照顧眾


傳,形成女王崇拜風 (cult of Elizabeth) 的一部份。因為女王是太陽 ( ‘Phoebvs

goulden raies’),只有在她永恆光芒照耀之下,大熊小熊星座方能發光。兩個家







特質,早在奧維德 Fasti (1. 165-68, 121-24, 277-82) 中已談及,惠特尼「圖詩選」

第 137, 203 首圖詩皆以航海為主題。這首圖詩是很典型的讚頌詩,詩人除讚美來




He that desires to passe the surging Seas, Because they are so wonderfull to see,And without skill, doth venture wheare hee please,While that the waues both caulme, and quiet bee, Weare better farre, to keepe him on the lande, Then for to take such enterprise in hande.

For, if hee lacke his compasse, and his carde;And arte therfore, to shape his course arighte:Or pylottes good, that daungers may regarde,When surge doth swell, and windes doe showe their might, Doth perrill life, throughe wanton wreckles will, And doth to late lamente his lacke of skill.

So, hee that should with will, bee stirr’d to wryte,Your noble actes, your giftes and vertues rare:If Pallas ayde hee lacks, for to indite,Hee should but haste his follie to declare. And wronge your righte, deseruinge Virgils penne, And Homers skill, if they weare here agayne.

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Then, best for such to take a longer pause,Then to attempte a thinge so farre vnfitte:For, they may knowe to write of such a cause,Beseemeth best, the fine, and rarest witte. Yet those that woulde, I wishe their learninge sutche, That as they shoulde, they mighte your vertues tutche.

第一部第三十八首圖詩是獻給席德尼爵士 (Choice, 38)(圖十七)。


奧西阿帝原來諷刺諂媚的格言 In adulari nescintem. 「不知如何諂媚的人」 (One

who does not know how to flatter),顯然是不適用於席德尼身上。惠特尼重寫一句

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新的格言,來讚美席德尼必能勝任他的官位:Non locus virum, sed vir locum ornat.

「官位不會帶給人尊貴,而是人使官位尊貴」 (The place does not bestow honour

on the man, but the man honours the place) 。奧西阿帝的圖詩的騎士統治者(Dura

ferum ut iubeat ferrelupata magis),為增加個人的權勢,壓迫百姓,用來描寫席





The trampinge steede, that champes the burnish’d bitte, Is mannag’d braue, with ryders for the nones:But, when the foole vppon his backe doth sette,He throwes him downe, and ofte doth bruse his bones: His corage feirce, dothe craue a better guide, And eke such forse, the foole shoulde not bestride.

By which is ment, that men of iudgement graue,Of learning, witte, and eeke of conscience cleare,In highe estate, are fitte theire seates to haue,And to be stall’d, in sacred iustice cheare: Wherein they rule, vnto theire endlesse fame, But fooles are foil’d, and throwne out of the same.



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德尼的讚詞,他大量引用羅馬英雄人物如 Romulus, Curtius, Posthumus, Manlius,

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Coriolanus, Dentatus, Torquatus, Claudius 諸人,用他們的光榮事蹟,來歌頌英國


Since best deserte, for valour of the minde, And prowes great, the Romanes did deserue; And sithe, the worlde might not their matches finde, In former times, as aucthors yet reserue:A fewe of them I meane for to recite,That valiaunt mindes maye haue therein delighte.

And but to tutche the naked names of some,As Romulus, that first the wall did laye:And so, from thence to nearer times to come,To Curtius boulde, that did the gulfe affaye: Or Cocles eeke, who did his foes withstande, Till bridge was broke, and armed swamme to lande.



最後一首圖詩 Tempus omnia terminat.「時間終止一切」是給來斯特的獻

詞 (Ad Illustrissimum Heroem D. Robertum Dudlaeum, Comitem Leicestriae,

Baronem de Denbighe, etc.) (圖十九)。

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The longest daye, in time resignes to nighte. The greatest oke, in time to duste doth turne.The Raven dies, the Egle failes of flighte.The Phoenix rare, in time her selfe doth burne. The princelie stagge at lengthe his race doth ronne And all must ende, that ever was begonne.

Euen so, I, here doe ende this simple booke,And offer it vnto your Lorshippes sighte:Which, if you shall receiue with pleasinge looke,I shall reioyce, and thinke my labour lighte. And pray the Lorde your honour to preserue, Our noble Queene, and countrie long to serue.



命 (Bath, 1982, 296) 。圖像中毫無生氣的枯樹及落日,皆表現死亡,可看出時間




寫的人物,留名青史,以為高貴的女王服務 (‘And pray the Lorde your honour to

preserue,/Our noble Queene, and countrie long to serue)。此處之不朽,又與「圖詩


. . . healthe, and wealthe, though they bee neuer so good, and so geat, determine with the bodie, and are subiecte vnto time; But honour, fame, renowme, and good reporte, doe triumphe ouer deathe, and make men liue for euer:where otherwise the greatest Princes, in shorte time are worne out of memories, and cleane forgotten. (**2v)




的學者,他呼籲研究圖詩文類的學者,應走出影響及探源(source hunting)的狹

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His unjustified reputation for historical priority and for innovation has deflected literary historians from closer consideration of what he has left us.So long as he was thought to be introducting the emblem genre into English, emphasis necessarily fell upon his ole as a translator, the range of his sources and borrowings, in short, upon his task as an anthologizer. In consequence the disparate and miscllaneous character of his work was brought intoundue prominence. Emphasis might now more profitably he directed towards the deliberate designs and purposes that lie behind the work, and towards the literary, political, religious and moral ideas that he sought to popularise and inculcate by means of his emblems. A Choice of Emblemesmay now be seen as a much more closely organized and deliberate piece of work than has hitherto been credited. (Manning, 1990, 156)




討惠特尼 「圖詩選」中與教育學習相關之主題一文後,首度考察「圖詩選」中

的讚美圖詩。僅以此文回應北愛爾蘭首都 Belfast 皇后大學,圖詩文學權威學者


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(註一):The Hieroglyphics of Horapollo, trans. George Boas (New York, Pantheon

Books, 1950).


(Peter Daly)教授之重要著作:Literature in the light of the Emblem, Structural

Parallels between the Emblem and Literature in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth

Centuries (Toronto University Press, Toronto, 1979), 3-72; Emblem Theory: Recent

German Contributions to the Characterization of the Emblem Genre,

(Nendeln/Liechtenstein: KTO Press, 1979)。 本文引用德文來自戴雷教授之英文譯

文:William S. Heckscher and Karl-August Wirth, ‘Emblem, Emblembuch,’

Reallexikon zur Deutschen Kunstgeschicht, vol. 5 (Stuttgart, 1959), cols. 85-228;

Holger Homann, Studien zur Emblematik des 16. Jahrhunderts (Utrecht, 1971);

Dietrich Walter Jons, “Das ‘Sinnen-Bild’”, Studien zur allegorischen Bildlichkeit bei

Andreas Gryphius (Stuttgart, 1966); Albrecht Schone, Emblematik und Drama im

Zeitalter des Barock, 2nd edition (Munchen, 1968); Dieter Sulzer, ‘Zu einer

Geschichte der Emblemtheorien,‘ Euphorion 64 (1970), 23-50; Dieter Sulzer ‘Poetik

synthetisierender Kunste und Interpretation der Emblematik,’Geist und Zeichen.

Festschrift fur Arthur Henkel zu seinem sechzigsten Geburtstag dargebracht von

Freunden un Schulern und Herausgegeben von Herbert Anton, Bernhard Gajek, Peter

Pfaff (Heidelbert, 1977), pp. 401-426.

(註三):D. Andreae Alciati ivrecons. clarissimi de verborum significatione libbri

qvatvor. Eiusdem, in tractatum eius argumenti ueterum Iureconsultorum,

commentaria (Lugduni, Gryphius, 1530), Utrecht, University Library L. fol. 220, 97.

引自 Miedema, 242.

(註四):奧西阿帝的版本很多,本文使用 Henry Green, Andrea Alciati and his

Books of Emblems (London, 1872) 版本,另參照 The Index Emblematicus, edited by

Peter M. Daly (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1985).





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圖詩集,見 Mario Praz, Studies in Seventeenth Century Imagery, 2nd edition (Rome,

1964), 46; Rosemary Freeman, English Emblem Books (London, 1948), 32, 56, 但以

出版年代來看,應是是帕瑪 (Thomas Palmer)1569 年出版的「二百首詩」 Two

Hundred Poosees (BL MS Sloane 3794, 1565)。此圖詩集亦是集獻給來斯特伯爵。

(註七):英荷兩地在這段時期 (1583-1600) 所出版的圖詩集,是研究圖詩文類

與當時英荷政治背景關係之重要課題。見 J.A. Van Dorsten, Poets, Patrons, and

Professors: Sir Philip Sidney, Daniel Rogers, and the Leiden Humanists(London,

Oxford University Press, 1962); Bart Westerweel, ed. Anglo-Dutch Relations in the

Field of Emblems (Leiden: Brill, 1997).

(註八):本文使用 1586 年複製版 facsimile edition(存於蘇格蘭格拉斯哥大學

University of Glasgow Stirling Maxwell Collection), Geffrey Whitney: A Choice of

Emblemes, Introduction by John Manning (Aldershot: Scolar Press, 1989), 以頁碼代

表個別圖詩;另參照 Henry Green, ed., Geffrey Whitney: A Choice of Emblemes

(London, 1866) 及 Peter M. Daly and Anthony Raspa, eds. ‘Geffrey Whitney, A

Choice of Emblems and Other Devises in Index Emblematicus: The English Emblem

Tradition, I (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1988). 惠特尼「圖詩選」有手抄

本 (Houghton Library (Selfmark MSTyp 14) 及印刷本兩種版本,本文以印刷版本



本的公開性 (public) ,而手稿僅供私人閱讀流傳較有隱私性 (private) 。某些過


與印刷版本之區分及功用,見 John Manning, ‘Unpublished and Unedited Emblems

by Geffrey Whitney: Further Evidence of the English Evidence of the English

Adaptation of Contimental Traditions,’ in The English Emblem and the Continental

Tradition, ed. Peter M. Daly (New York, AMS Press, 1988), 83-107; 及 A Choice of

Emblems: Geffrey Whitney, Introduction by John Manning,(Aldershot, Scolar Press,

1989) , 1-6.

(註九) Richard Linche, trans. The Fountaine of Ancient Fiction(London, 1599),

sig. D4v. 引自 Manning, 1990, 197-98.


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Penshurst 是第一首莊園詩,參見 William A. McClung, The Country House in

English Renaissance Poetry (Berkeley-Los Angeles, London, University of California

Press, 1977), 及 Don E. Wayne, Penshurst: The Semiotics of Place and the Poetics

of History (London, Methuen & Co., 1984).

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英國 1700 年前出版之圖詩集(不包括手抄本)

1569 Jan van der Noot, A Theatre for Worldings, London, Henry Bynneman.

1585 Samuel Daniel, The Worthy Tract of Paulus Jovius, London, Simon


1586 Geffrey Whitney, A Choice of Emblemes, Francis Raphelengius

for Christopher Plantin, Leiden.

1591 P.S., The Heroicall Devises of M. Claudius Paradin, London, William


1592 Andrew Willet, Sacrorum Emblematum Centuria Una, Cambridge, John


1593 Thomas Combe, The Theatre of Fine Devices, London, Richard Field.

(Second Edition 1614).

1594 1605 William Camden, Remaines of a Greater Worke Concerning Britaine,

G.E. for Simon Waterson. (Further editions 1614, 1623, 1639, 1635, 1637,

1657, 1674).

1608 Henry Peacham, Minerva Britanna, London, Walter Dight.

1618 H.G., The Mirror of Maiestie, London, William Jones.

1626 Thomas Jenner , London, Thomas Jenner.

1632 Jeremias Drexel, The Considerations of Drexelius upon Eternitie, London,

Nicholas Alsop. (Further editions 1636, 1658, 1661, 1672, 1694).

1633 Jeremias Drexel, The Christian Zodiac, Rouen , John Coustourier. (Second

edition 1647).

1633 Jeremias Drexel, Nicetas or the Triumph over Incontinencie, Rouen?


1633 Henry Hawkins, Partheneia Sacra, Rouen, John Goustourier.

1634 Henry Hawkins, The Devout Heart, Rouen, John Coustourier.

1635 Thomas Heywood, The Hierarchy of the Blessed Angells, London, Adam


1635 Francis Quarles, Emblemes, London, John Marriot. (Further editions 1635,

1639, 1643, 1658, 1600, 1663, 1669).

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1635 George Wither, A Collection of Emblemes, Robert Allot, John Grismond,

Robert Milbourne, Richrd Royston, H. Taunton.

1637 Thomas Heywood, Pleasant Dialogues and Dramma‘s. London, R. Hearne.

1638 Robert Farley, Lychnocausia sive moralia facum emblemata, London,

Michael Sparke Jr.

1638 Robert Farley, Kalendarium Humanae Vitae, London, William Hope.

1638 Francis Quarles, Hieroglyphikes of the Life of Man, M. Flesher for John

Marriot. Reprinted together with A Collection of Emblemes in all

subsequent editions listed above.

1640 Jeremias Drexel, The School of Patience, Cambridge, Roger Daniel.

1642 Jeremias Drexel, The Forerunner of Eternitie, London, John Sweeting.

1646 Thomas Blount, The Art of Making Devices, London, W.E. and J.G. (Further

editions 1650, 1655).

1647 Jeremias Drexel, The Hive of Devotion, London, R. Best. (Further edition

1676 entitled A Spiritual Repository).

1647 Christopher Harvey, Schola Cordis, or The Heart of itself gone away from

God. (Further editions 1664, 1647, 1676 entitled The School of Heart).

1648 Mildmay Fane, Qtia Sacra, London, Richard Cotes.

1656 Thomas Jenner, The Path of Life, London, Thomas Jenner.

1656 Thomas Jenner, The Ages of Sin, London, Thomas Jenner.

1658 John Hall, Emblems with Elegant Figures, London, Roger Daniel.

1665 E.M., Ashrea, London, William Place.

1673 Emblems Divine, Moral, Natural and Historical, London, William Miller

and Francis Haley.

1680 The Protestants Vade Mecum, London, Daniel Browne, Samuel Lee, Daniel


1680 John Quarles, Self-Conflict. (Further edition 1684 entitled Triumphant


1683 Philip Ayres, Emblemata Amatoria, London, R. Bentley and S. Tidmarsh.

1684 R.B., (pseudonym of Nathaniel Crouch) Delights for the Ingenious, London,

Nathaniel Crouch.

1686 Edmund Arwaker, Pia Desideria, London, Henry Bonwicke.

1686 John Bunyan, A Book for Boys and Girls, London, Nathaniel Ponder.

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1709 Cesare Ripa, Iconologia; or, Moral Emblems, by Caesar Ripa, London,

Pierce Tempest.

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Primary Sources

Alciato, Andrea (1530) De verborum significatione, Gryphius, Lyon.

--- (1531) Emblematum liber, Heynrich Steyner, Augsburg.

--- (1985) Andreas Alciatus: The Latin Emblems (Index Emblematicus), edited by P.

M. Daly, Toronto University Press.

--- (1872) Andrea Alciati and his Books of Emblems, edited by Henry Green,


Erasmus, Desiderius (1963) Enchiridiom, translated and edited by Raymond

Himelick, Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

-- (1975) Parabolae sive Similia, edited by J. C. Margolin, in Opera Omnia, vol. 5,

North Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam.

--- (1978) Parabolae sive Similia, translated by Craig Thomson, in The Collected

Works of Erasmus, vol. 23, Toronto University Press, Toronto.

--- (1982-91) Adagia, translated by R.A.B. Mynors, in The Collected Works of

Erasmus, vols. 31-3, Toronto University Press, Toronto.

Fraunce, Abraham (1588a) Insignium, Armorum, Emblematum, Hieroglyphicorum, et

Symbolum, quae ab Italis Imprese nominantur, explicatio, Thomas Orwin;

reprinted 1979, Garland Publishing, New York.

--- (1588b) The Arcadian Rhetorike, Thomas Orwin; reprinted 1950, edited by Ethel

Seaton, Basil Blackwell, Oxford.

Horapollo (1543) Orus Apollo de Aegypte de la signification des notes lyphiques,

Jacques Kerver, Paris.

--- (1950) The Hieroglyphics of Horapollo, translated by George Boas, Patheon

Books, New York (Bollingen Series 23).

Junius, Hadrianus (1565) Emblemata, Officina Plantiniana, Antwerp.

Palmer, Thomas (1988), The Emblems of Thomas Palmer: Two Hundred Poosies,

Sloane MS 3794 edited with an introduction and notes by John Manning, AMS

Press, New York (MS Oxford, Bodleian Library, Sloane 3794).

--- (1598-9) The Sprite of Trees and Herbes, MS London, British Library,


Paradin, Claude (1551) The Heroicall Devises of M. Claudius Paradin. . . Whereunto

are added the Lord Gabriel Symeons and others, William Kearney; reprinted

1984, Scholars‘ Facsimiles and Reprints, Delmar, NY.

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Puttenham, George (1589) The Arte of English Poesie, Richard Field; reprinted 1968,

Scolar Press, Menston, Yorkshire.

Ripa, Cesare (1593) Iconologia, Heirs of Gigliotti, Rome.

--- (1709) Iconologia; or, Moral Emblems, by Caesar Ripa, Pierce Tempest.

Sambucus, Joannes (1564) Emblemata, Platin, Antwerp.

Valeriano, Giovanni Pierio (1556) Hieroglyphica, sive de sacris Aegyptiorum

aliarumque gentium literis, Basel..

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Secondary Sources

Bagley, Ayes (1992) ‘Geffrey Whitney‘s “Education” Emblems,’Yearbook of

Interdisciplinary Studies 3: 118-131.

Barkan, Leonard (1986) The Gods Made Flesh, New Haven and London: Yale

University Press.

Bath, M. (1994) Speaking Pictures: English Emblem Books and Renaissance Culture,

Longman, London and New York.

Bath, M. (1982) ‘Whitney’s Concluding Emblem and the Legend of the Oldest

Animals,‘ Review of English Studies 33:295-6.

Bath, M., Manning, J. and Young, A.R., (1993) The Art of the Emblem: Essays in

Honor of Karl Josef Holtgen, AMS Press, New York.

Benjamin, Walter (1963) Ursprung Desdeutschen Trauerspiels, revised edition, Main,


Chetwynd, Tom (1982) Dictionary of Symbols, vol. 2, The Aquarian Press, London

Colie, R. L. The Resources of Kind, ed. Barbara K. Lewalski, The University of

California Press, Bekeley, Los Angeles and London.

Daly, P.M. (1979a) Emblem Theory: Recent German Contributions to the

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