LOGO “ Add your company slogan ” ททททท ทททททททททท (EVALUATION THEORY) ท.ทท.ททททททท ททท ททททททท (ท.ท.ททททททททททททททททททททท ททททท, ททททท) ททททททททททททททททททททททททททททททททททททททททททททททท

Evaluation Theory

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LOGO Add your company slogan

1 (Philosophy of Evaluation) (metaphysics)

(Epistemology) www.themegallery.com

Aristotle, Francis Bacon, Charles Darwin, John Dewey Sciencetific Method ()Rene Descartes Axioms John Locke, David Hume Immanuel Kant (intuitionism)Pierce, John Dewey, Schiller


(Utilitarianism) Tyler (1950) Provus (1971) Stufflebeam (1971) Stake (1975) Patton (1980, 1987) (Pluralism) 1 Scriven (1967) Stake (1967) Eisner (1975, 1979) , Guba Lincoln (1981)www.themegallery.com

(Subjectivism) (Naturalistic Approach) Stake, Eisner, Guba Lincoln, Patton (Objectivism) (Systematic Approach) Tyler, Cronbach, Rossi, Freeman, Wright, Levin www.themegallery.com

1. = (Thorndike and Hagen, 1969)2. = (Rossi, 1972, 1982) 3. = 8 Tyler (1932-1940)


4. = Cronbach (1963) Alkin(1969) Stufflebeam (1971) 5. = Stake (1967) (case study) 6. = Scriven (1967) Guba and Lincoln (1981) www.themegallery.com

Evaluation is not to prove but to improve.

(Stufflebeam , 1983)

(Theory) ( , 2551) ( ,2552)

(Evaluation) (social process) (objective) (goal) / = + (Evaluation) (Measurement) + (Judgment)

(Evaluation Theory ) (social process)

/..1. (.. 1600-1800) ()2. (.. 1801-1900) Rice

/..3. (.. 1901-1930) Thorndike 4. (.. 1931-1945)Ralph w. Tyler

/..5. (.. 1946-1957)Tyler (Educational Testing Service) ETS 6. (.. 1958-1972)

(accountability) - (cost-benefit) (quality assurance)

/..7. (.. 1973- )

Meta Evaluation (Joint Committee on Standard for Educational Evaluation, 1980 ) (Personnel Evaluation Standards)

Guba Lincoln (1989) 1) (Measurement - Oriented) 2) (Objective - Oriented) 3) (Judgment - Oriented) 4) (Negotiation - Oriented) 4 /

(Goal Based Evaluation) (Criterion - Referenced Evaluation) Tyler (1940)

(Goal Free Evaluation) + Needs Assessment Scriven (1973) Cronbach (1981)Stufflebeam (1971) The Purpose of Evaluation is Not to Prove but to Improve

Fourth Generation Evaluation)Guba Lincoln (1989)

SD ,SV, ND, NV 4 -

Assessment Assessment Evaluation Evaluation (Alternatives) Appraisal

(indicators) (criteria) 2 (Relative Criterion) (Absolute Criterion)

(criteria) 1.1 (Relative Criterion) 1.2 (Absolute Criterion) (Model)

3) (2552)

(standard) ,

-1. 2. 1. TruthValue or Social Utility2. 3. Conclusion-orientedDecision or Action-oriented4. Empirical and HistoricalEmpirical and Philosophical5. Pure-AppliedFormative-SummativeExperimentalInput-Process-OutputNon-Experimental6. Internal ValidityCredibilityExternal ValidityUtility7. Scientific knowledgeInformationGeneralizable conclusionSpecific conclusion

(A Theory of Evaluation Models)

TextText : Decision oriented V.S. Value oriented Approaches : Systematic V.S. Naturalistic Approaches Goal BasedGoal Free : ? :

1) : Decision VS. Value oriented Approaches (Decision Approach)1 (Value Approach) 2

1.1.1 (Decision oriented Evaluation)

1.2 (Value oriented Evaluation)

2. (Systematic Approach)1 (Naturalistic Approach) 2


(formal)(high structured)(singular)(objectivism)/ (informal)(low structured)(pluralistic)(subjectivism)/


I. (Objective)(Decision-oriented)(Value-oriented)II. (Methods)1.(Objectivism)2.(Subjectivism)1.(Systematic Approach)1.(Systematic Approach)1.(Systematic Approach)1.(Systematic Approach)Goal-based App.(Tyler,1950)Experimental App.(Cronbach,1963,1980,1982) System analysis(Ministry of DefenceUSA,1965)PERT(Cook,1966)CSE(Alkin,1969,1971)RFWA(Rossi;Freeman;Wright,1979) Cost-related Analysis(Levin,1983)Discrepancy App.(Provus,1971)CIPP(Stufflebeam et.al., 1971)Responsive App(Stake,1967,1975,1978)Transactional App.(Rippey,1973)Democratic App.(McDonald,1975)Illuminative App.(Parlett; Hamilton,1976)Creative App.(Patton,1981)Stakeholder-based App(Bryk,1983).UFA(Patton,1978,1986)Consumer-oriented App.(Scriven,1967)Goal-free App.(Scriven,1973)Training App.(Kirkpatrick,1978)Judicial App.(Owens,1973; Wolf,1979)Theory-based App.(Chen;Bickman,1990;Rogers,2000 )Value-added App.(Sander;Horn,1994; Webster,1995)Accreditation App.Criticism App.(Eisner,1975,1979)Effective App.(Cuba;Lincoln, 1981)Constructivist App.(Lincoln;Cuba,1985,1989)Empowerment App.(Fetterman,1994)Authentic App.(Cradler,1991; Koretz,, Barron,1996,1998)

Theory BasedModel Based /

Goal Based Evaluation Goal Free EvaluationGoal Based EvaluationGoal Free Evaluation Scriven

(inference) (Indicator)/(Criteria/Standard)(Empirical data)

Intrinsic Extrinsic Criteria Indicators Empirical


Intrinsic Extrinsic Criteria Indicator Empirical





(A Theory of Evaluation Utilization)

Alkin et al. (1988); Weiss (1998); Patton (2008); (Model) (Conceptual Use) (Legitimate Use) (Symbolic Use) (Instrumental Use)( ,2552)

(Evaluation Process)(Dissemination Strategies)(Evaluation Utilization)(Impact of Evaluation )/ ()()

(Evaluation Utilization)

(Conceptual Use)(Instrumental Use)(Impact of Evaluation )(Enlightenment)(Action)(Change)

Evaluation Theory Tree Revised (Alkin,2004)

(Apply of Evaluation)

Scriven 6 Big Six Program evaluationPersonnel evaluationPerformance evaluationProduct evaluationProposal evaluation Policy evaluation

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Michael Scriven

Theory Driven (Chen ) Scriven Chen (intervention) (mechanism)

(A Theory of Meta-Evaluation)

( 2550 : ., 2550) / /(Criteria) (Standard) / //Meta-Evaluation ( )

Stufflebeam (1999) The Joint Committee on Standard for Education Evaluation (1994) 4 1. (Utility) (7 )2. (Feasibility) (3 )3. (Propriety) (8 )4. (Accuracy) (12 )

. (2545). : . 8 : . . 2549. . . . 2551. . []. http://th.wikipedia.org/wiki/. 20 2551. .. 2542 . 2551. . []. http://rirs3.royin.go.th/dictionary.asp. 20 2551. . 2552. . 7. ; . . 2553. .5.; .

. 2540. .5.; . . 2525. . . .(...). .. . ; 2538. . . 7 (2) : 52-67.. . (2544). . (...) . (2552). 7: . : . . (2550). . : .
