/ , r . The Com bined ( fW iE CLOSE OF BI FIND6 TR< ‘I H i P . OEBSATION OP SEVBEEST J PIOHTINO^OP THE WAE .. PIN D SA IJ^B’LIKES IK- ^ ta o t bave OKE POIHT- HiNDEiraTOODEOIsiVB- ut. LYOHKOKED . mUe ------------ bob B j WILLIAU PHH.TP 8IUUS •(United Pros BUU Comspoodent) Ji O T H THE BBITISH M t. .. .MIES' IN FLANDEES, IpriP dow 30.—rHindenboTg haa had one of tbe, worst days sinco the com- ncoi inencomeot of his offensive. —; Aftcp repeated onslaugtU throughout yesterday and -far into'.tho night, tbo m li^ lines aro intact, save between Monta US “^ydo Park^corner,^^ whefo tbe situation is eomowhat'ob- scure. - - U odU Boof^ nad Noir (two miles ' weit of Moat-EemnBl) are well namod. | On thelt tlopu the GsnBana lie tblelc, weltering; ia'tbotr own bloodT-* grnB* •ome talimonial to ProBcb tenacity. | • ■yield li'TBrrlbleaiglit- , ’ ; ' •’ (Th*»IV«o)i,,wotd “ Eonge” meapa red or Uoodyj *>Nol_r"_ foul or^^oTxir EN ! Ufc) - PnHier nbrtb/Aronnd Voorm»- ^ -Mele -(lee# than two* miles aonth of - n . Tprea) tbe flat lieldi are full of terrible m alghta. Hero Brititb dlvlaiona.caaght tho Btormorp with artillery and naehini 0 ffon fire, deelmatlog the enemy, w^o fought well a&d with eonra^ Thb G forma bere aro itrown fith eadaTers. ' . O m nt Ptlnct Losea SeavUjr On the whole’lt haa ^ n »"da7 _of . -hearr. l o ^ iot toown-.Prinee- Boj^ • L' 'TpHeht witboQt iommeDmate gain. The tJennaa-edmmand iranta tho ' . „i. , Flandera Ulla hocatue thoy com- mahd tho lunoundlDg pIalns.'.The : German politiciani want Tproa, bo- Sign canae they hhyo the abnird Idea gf •J that fts occupation ^11 have a mor* al effect on the alUee. Hlndenbnrg , ' • ia rSady to laerlflce hit legions' for thia double purpose. ' ' ‘ ' .tIfe f ' Thorfr is «a«on .to M love that addl- o t/.' tlonal Anstrlan howltrors aro In action, p^]g ' Oas shells, high ezploalve/nad long dis* | . Unee jJrojoeUlea nre raining on tho and back areas. The Tillage of »h0T ^otre (two nllos northwest' of Meter* been on) is in flames. ' C pace Bneay 8nred.Up. A. lbl> ll u b M , 11 lk.a»«bllQl i f l h j Gormans are holdings tbo'erosa roads ,v , which they eaptnred Monday, aa * mag* nlfleent IW d i eoootor attaek retook :J»cro-and fte.Loere hoiplce. putting , the encmy,.ln i nasty pocket • - rranco-Brillih troops adranced their , , line to Nnt read In the valley between "1 Monta Kcmmpl ui Bcherpexborg. , In tl AtUeks-aad' coonUr 'attacks ar« oe* , (OonUnced on Pago 8.) vonct •' ■■ ^ t lug t I J*A1B WBATHBB PBHDIOTHD -1 lonljM u a ITnJooaiJ il "J lit pr.dl.Uta tt 11. <# .pltulltm wc«Hm b™«» 1 tftuBiiha JU, „o„h, ti„„b ;'»» • the local ttlot^one exehanae. Hlah* ost tempexatarelere yesterday w u recorded at t o'clock p. n , whoa the mercury reached 05 degrees.. .. __PA wiwest was « de^ba at 8 o 'clock flro ' war ALLIED DEFENSE COI TO THE BRAVE By OAflL D. OBOAT glo ii (Doited Press Staff Correspondent) tho i WASmWO'rON, Apdl 80.—Actually powe fighUog with their baeks to the wall, big | tho British and Preneh In Randeia aro Th making a defense comparable to tho Amei bravest In history, anay men here said long today. That they wUl b« able te halt of fo the 1)oehe befois Tpres appeared to ez* emy. - perta u somewhat d o u b t^ bnt In any ■ It eTont .he win get thla Tfmtage point trani anly-at the price of thousasda ef wasted plans ; llvai. • ' yet I Anay med tald that the Tjpraa stng- will 1 1 Circulation of the Daily, ai M ' FA LACKEST m ioop« OF al: WAVE AFTER GERMANS M( & em y Forced Into P tion by Deadly Fire Fierce Onslaughts o( en. Steadily Through T ilB defeat'admlhlstered In-Tianders u by the combined British and t< Preach has compelled the Gomans to re»o;t to another “ breathing spell.'' Tho eneagr opeaed tho battle early ^ riHterdaj wltb os Intense bombardment oi >B practically the entire northern front. Uter eevoM hours' preparation,' the nfantry was seat forward on the ten-. | ' nile Une between Metoren aad ZUle* )oke. 4 Befnae to Oive aa Inch All day and' far into the Hlght th» li lermans .haeked and buffeted at tbe ai iHled positloiv* The British, mowing di lown wave after wavo of the attack- oi □g farces, refused to give an inch, w UtoTreneh, forcod to yield eomo ground A icnr Locre, launched counter attacks ti: liir f WLETE SAySiPOIIT 1 ’' ' iHEMY EXHAUBTED ON Tl NOBTHM PSONf-M. ■■ TfOES BY FEENOH S^O- OEBSFITL-FnBH BAOK OEEMANS IN PIOAEDY EABT OF BfiETOKNEUX / LONDON, A pril' 30.—The Armans have been completely ( iUt«d in tbeir despcrBto a ^ c k a a wido front in Flanders, d©- Ri i^ed to fbrco tho'eyacaation g„, r Yprea. . Field Marshal Hiiig’s report (day said that the nortbem batr _P^ fe front is “ comparaUvely qni- ' ;/.' followiiig*tbe “ heavy Mi ulsb' inflicted oa the onen^y cei csterday and last night,” and mt lowing tbat thc enemy l^s ed een oxbaasted hy tbe tenilpc ph ICO, and enei^pes.' /inj •Not only has he been stopped,,Haig qH' Id, bnt tho rrench etieeeMfully »un- r attacked near Locrc, restoring al( lolr positions.' ' I In Picardy tho Brillsh.-pnahed tho. * “■ frmans back slfghtly east ot'Viiltti^ “ roionaonx,- . _ C --LocTBlarrfflicliHaiuU ' "Tbe whole villago-of Locre remains tho hands, of the French,” Field ^ Idhhal'Haig onnounced .today. , “ East of Villera-Brotonneux, wo ad*, incod our line slightly. ' ^ "Tbe northern battlo fwnt, follow- ‘"I g tbo heavy repalso inflicted on the T lomy yesterday and.last night, is com- got iratlvcly, quiet nffuMCssful Ften.eh conntor. attacks Bni . tho neighborhood of Lecro yesterday £ 'ternoon and ovening drove the enemy prei om tbo remainder of tho gronnd which __ I bad gained in tho momlng.; A nnm* ^ ir-of prisoners were taken.” Artillery H rt VIotot . PARIS, April 80.—Violent arUUery ro was reported today by tha Froneb ar offlco oa b..th sides of the Avro (Continued pn Pago £.) j dmparable : rEST IN.H1ST0RV ; 0 is one of ^#'^oi?iioilon« ' 10 war. It Is using up ao mnch man ' awer that, replacement of tw p ^ U a , problem. - - j This roplacemj)at is largely up 'to ^ merica, which ia conntod on, in tho ^ ng ron, to fnmlsb a preponderance ^ ! forces which wil} overwhelm tho en- j ny. It is known that th* American troop j aniport haa been beyond original ^ an*, bnt that the nutxlmum b u not , It b«m Till, It ta III be touched In tha next fn r weeka. ^ and W eekly N ews is Grijale TWIN FALLS, IDABO, TUB AY FOR GER LLIED NATiOP ^WAVE OF J /lOWEDDQWN' Period of Recupera- e of Allied Troops'r-^ of Early Hours Weak- ;h Day’s Fighting. ubtll they had'regained^ all'the tm l- tory. ^ I TodayEalganBooneed.Chiittlieadrth* * era,battle front w u "conparatlvoly qnibt'/ Tfina-tho' most desperate u* sault launched by the Oemans In'aier* oral days had failed. T he bombardment of British poti* tions betwcon Lons and A rru yeeter- v day, which w u conducted simultaneous- ly with tho cannonading in Flaadera, failed to develop any infantry action- AH'b WeU la Ficardj ' Tho allies appear to retain tha ialtia* live In Picardy,- as Is shown by E alg’s annguncement tbat the British yesta^ A day advanced tholr Uncs slightly '8 » t „ of. Villcra-BMtonnoux. This village, ™ which is about, o l^ t mliea east' of tT Amiens, baa cbaoged bands sovoral \\ , ht RUSS iiW : sTRiet I ilK I TEOTSKy PLAN FOE DHt ■■vee SAl im jT M -sisE- ^ yiOE ADOPTH) 'S exeo dtive obuHoiiL a t ;* MOSOOW^LD OFHOra ' / OALLED' a OAIK ____ lui . . . '1 •By JOSEPH' 8HAPLEK • - • - mi (United Press Staff Correspondent)-. G. PETEOQEAD, AprlK 24.- BuBsta is preparing in tbe most Jac Berioiifi mannw to re-enter tie war, so far as possible under the O' present cir<!umstanccs. U The pan-bikutivo council at Moscow, on tbo eve, of the re- ceipt of tho “ forty-second ulU- matum” from Germany, adopt- ed War Commissioner Trotsky’s , plan of universal military train- ing for all men froip-IlG to 40 and conscription of all workers Bl and peasants ] Those oot belonging to these classcs will be forced to train but will,oot be ' TalieSlhtfl'fte army until necessary, . j Old spccf^lsta in military apparatus aad the best general.; officers luive al* read/ been eallod into service ond tbo elecUve eommlttoe systems In tho army r have boen abolished, only tbe clvITcom- ^ missarhs boing retained.. .. ^ The new plflH'-i^'isxpectad to yleld'Ji • 't large army within ten montha. p The 6 |^ ^ tlo a charges that the soviet ..2 govemmoot is aiming at ita owa-prcs- '' I ervation, rather than tha defease df c Bussla.' 'I* British, Amerieao tnd Japanese ro- ^ preseHUtlvea atUadad the meeting. All . ^ (ConOnued oa Pago 2.) --------- ' -. ----------- '" t oaci ^ 80 OLOBR BUT— There Is no cloud of gloom hong- Uo lag ovor the Dally Kewa premises lag to<Uy because the May 1st 1000- der - -aaB^bcr campaign feU EIOUT wir short Tbo Newa regafds tbe shew ««n1 ing made u magnificent in every np sense aad thanka eroryono ineloded arc . in.the ; actual bona f^'do subiuribors that it is ablo to-roeord at pfess time . ' onthelastday'of AprU—tho eighth day of which caleildar month saw the first dally newspaper published- ^ la this section. - gtn The gala of 08 subscriben in the past 2< boara is a record-breaker, i and reflects the hssrty welcome Shi which the DaUy Newa la receiving, reg aler Thart That of Any Othei m iL rUBSDAT, APBIL' sP, 1818. B^ANS .IN HIS ►NS more : TH> lUBiRilS' -nuiR l E E p I- ' thiety aaoTB exohak^ r ED BETWEEN S. B. 0 ^- ' OHA AND OTK. DIVEE- . SINGLE SHELL EESPOH- - ' BIBLE FOE OABITALTIEB ; GALLANT FIOHT (By United ftesa.) WASHINGTON, A^ril 30.- A^E. Edwards, Augusta, Ga., member of tlio gun crew, and two members of tbo ship’s crowj were killed March 21, when tbe q American steamship Chincba had a running figbt with a large ^ em y sub'marino. The U-boat, after thirty shota , bnd been exchanged, was forced to submerge, the navy depart- •' ment announced. The €Wncha ' had her' , first experience witb U-bont« when she was attacked | January 18. , i T(e submarino' was sighted on tbe i aiim oon of March SI, uya the navy t depbtment statement, and about two < miaiitea later both the Chincba aad the dlvei^ began firing. The fourth U-boat Bl sbot'struck tbo Cblneba aft.and klUed Ednvda and. the. two membera of the |ilpja crew. •-•. ................................................ 'X- » tiro:jpcon»l« T 9 1 W J I . u Arnold, chiefvbbatswalD's maU : ( IimhBrg9;roi(.'.tbo..tiiniid'gw^'.said the lubnK^e wu o^>.la^ type, having ^ tiro 'eonnlcg towerS'atfC'fiountlng two ' five-inch guna. . • .-•i.*,-® . The first oncount'or on-JaBuary 16, described by E. E. Nordqulst, who w u F then in charge of 'tho armed 'guard, .* lasted about an .hour. 'The men who'slghtod the submarine and are .mentioned in tbe reporta are; " ^ B. JB. Jfprdquist, Superior, Wlscooslni ^ Elmet'-D. Arnold, Cariael, tnd.j AOca * Seth Edwards, killed, Augusti; Gk; aad Ja^ Wolmau, Cutalls^ Ohio. ^0 STilflMNTS IN THE MAKING 1 INPETROGRAD: .r EDMOEB OF MONAEOHIBT PLOTBOENEODTBYPE- OULIAEIIIEB : OF PEEB^ — ENT BITUAllbN ; s W By ED L KEEK t (United Press Staff Correipondont) ,.g LONDON, April 30.—The only scrap of newa toadlng to beat, «iit 'the.lufaora of-».Bassl_an conntor-,. »■ lerolutloiiso'far la the report ftom '' * ..Zurich regarding tho umt of M .r .-t' Pntiloff and Baroo Toa Dem Bnaa* • , b chb-Baddenhausen’a atraoge win- . - - “ Iei*to,.0«nena:VonMlrbach. ' - ^ A Zurich dispatch saya it Is learned from Potrbgrad that M. Putlloff, pres- ident of tbe international W k at '^ch- ni, Gradsky bsis been arrested >ott a chargo of financing a monarchist cop* ter revolution. Pntiloff Is said io have escaped. ' . ® ' . Oaimana Waat Beport ‘ Tho British admiralty h u made pub- j. Uo * wireless dispatch fron Borlln aUt* lag thatBus«he-naddoabaasen,thonn- “ de^Mc^etary.for foreign affairs, seat a A | wlreleaa ’to Mlrbacb, tho new Garman “ ambauador to Bossia, aaking Urn ttf reporfr*concemlng tho rumors of a mon- arcUst restoratlon/in Petrograd. m . ■Bttsscho-HaddoDhausen said he had received a letter from Petrograd, dated April '18, stating that a monarehlit t*d proclamation w u Imminent and that pot Michael. Bodrianko, Micl}sol,iA]«i8«, ser Alexander Outchkoff and .Paul Mllhi- i koff wero in Petrograd. These four i t w en Identified wjth tho Kerensky re; gob glme. ' VT Woald Help tba Hffli Ovi Authorities agree, In view of Joaeph Shaplen's dispatch to the United Pr«ss regarding Trotsky's.attempt to reorgaa* ™ (Ctentinned on Page B.) ' up ler Two Newspapers in Twii W m S T O R Y O F T I [A N H O L D IN G B?EIN(} WHEAT YIELDS ' I , WILL EXCEED ESTIMATES I ' ' (By UnlUd Press.) - WASHW(JTON, .April 30.^rb« , I spring wheat yields should increase . [ twenty to thirty'percent over es-^ timotes.recently made by tbe agri* • cdture department, food adminis- tration tolegrapblc records indlcat* ed today. , , ' The winUr wheat crop probably '. will .bo a t le u t 140,000,000 bushels ' In excess of the forecast, officials sUted. CLAIM SUBMABINE ' KEED OH LIFE BOATS Q (By United Press) LOin)ON, AprU SO.-^everat of- , the X- M- 0. A, men from the Brit- iih steamer Oronsa, which w u tor podood Sunday, declared today tbat the eubmarine fired on tbe 'life . boats. Tbe 110 puieogers, many of whom wero Amerlcau, were all ttved. Three of tho crew are miss- ing. The ship sank in ton' minutes. The Oronsa w u a twin screw steel steamer of 8076 tons, built la '( 1900. She. w u owned by the Patjr*' -' • fie Steam Navigation company ami (}, - was 'registersd in Liverpool. GEBMANB OF VIENKA h TO BTEENOTHEN TffiB t), (Br TJnltri Pr.il,)' ' re BOME,''ApriI 80.—Qorman' antl^ , n[ Slav (lomonstratlons in Austria, In ' „j, - ^ o r of a more strict union with mi 'Oo?JViny, nre continuing, according. ; to advices received hero today. ^ at During a m us meeting of Vien* nil neso' Gormans, Eerr Pattai said yr that tho "compromise peace days . aro over." Tbe meeting passed n ^ rosolution opposing any eoscessiou • Wl to tho Siav.s and declaring agoiaat til a union of.tbo'Slav regions: . 1 BEDAWvraTEGUAiroq. S IN SEBIOUSi^TmO - - •;--'(BrUnlted Pr«s)-.::':"'“ :• -..COPEiraApBliAjirHJ^-^ -^r ■..gnat^'srln>\he','eaplnr« orVffiofft ? killed or took prisoner.neariy 0000 red guards who attempted to b re ^ euj throngh ^.o'Unes; accordlng-toU mj ^.,dlspa^b,r^^ved from Vau today, jm, ' Other rod guard forces are r»- oy, ported fleeing la'westero CorviJa - and western Trentsva. Viborg Is' tbe capital of n Ffo*”:, .. nlsh province, altuated on tbe bay ~ , l. of VIb'org, 75 mUes northwest of Petrograd - / .. JJ OODNTEE EEVOLUtlON S ■AOAmST PEACE PACT --------- Par - • -(Bt United Press.) - tbo STOCKHOLM, April 80.-rTho "counter revolution” In Petrograd' h u pronolinced the Brest-Lltovsk peace pact,"nnacceptable'-and h u d?piMdod a neV treaty by which ^stbonla will remain under.BussIan rule, aceording to the Afon Biada - ' which declares It learned this from ^ •Finnish sources. . Iln* . ' ~ r -__'. mln FAMOUS EXPLOEEE IS NOW AT FOET YUKON Sg; _______ jB r Unlna Pm i.) ............. , . NEW V.OBK, April ,30..^yill.f«t ^ Stefanuoii, tbo explorer, greatly ’ weakened by a two-month alege of ^ Uphold fover, h u arrived at Fort Takon, Aluka, according to a ^ o * BB gram received here.« '• He said that bo made the trip "ncrou the mountalu U Ul mtk* eaed condKlon because be feared . .L tbat he wu''suffering from typhoid listJ ..fsr'er and that an opctUos BdgU . m be nocMsaiy at once. ' 2,4t LIBEETY LOAN KOW - ’ " i IN HOME BTEETOH i.>t (By United Pren) - - - 588 WASHINOTON, Ap'ril 80/—Uro- It 1 four days more to go after today, nor tho third Liberty Loan total reach- tot] ed ^,418,448,000 this aorntag. T .-.^-ijlTs- w u -a n . increaso- over tho ,pf i official report Isit night of 1180,* ce? 140,000.,- _ . om ACTION OF POLICE CAUSE OFNEAR , flABON om r, Io»«, April ro^E i-’-lT el.tement' b u subsided here somewhat today, following a nearriot at tho do* pot lato yesterday when 46 aeleetiVa ij service non departed for Camp Dodg^. wbj A crowd of 2,000 people had gathered iff at the depot to bid the aoldier boys abl gobd-bye. 'When ths band struck up - 1 VTbo Stars and Stripes" Nels Oliver hat Oversea, one of the departing'aoldle^ Ma tiad his right arm about hia mother's sen neck, whUo his airter g n ^ d , Ua loft Th< hand- • • _ - ma: . Max Oorman, chief o ^ Ile o , tushod o(f: up to Jversoa, demanding to know wSy rea- rin Falls County ' ^ PsnmrxvEOBBTfl ,-:i m WAR THEIR OWN OEIHEM JirSEKP® QUICK BLOWiOTO '’b r : HUN ATTACK BETOBE . YPBES INDICATES WAN- .- ING OF GElaMAN UOB- ALE AND STBENGT^ OBOWNFBINOELOm . By J. W. T. MASON<i._, (United Press-War Expert) Z: NEW tOEKj April 30.-The ^ German check before 'Ypres tbe mbst-dedslvo 8ctba<i;!\rpnr:-.. Hindcnburg bos auffered-eince parato^ for anow^aior offen-'" sivo against tbo channel'ports. - Tbo ability of the alllos to with-.. Htuiid-tlio shock ot the German .' massed attacks, without calling. upon tbeir. reserves has now [)ccn demonstrated. Eindenbnrg ivill try perhaps two or three times moro to break throogh. If,-however, the nsrthem front helda rut^ aa.it hudfiBe.ia tho pu^M hooi^ < Iho' Oeman army most ^gln'.ita.pro*' »ss ot reeupention,/ae«j wlthl dafoii ' . kt k long dlstoaeo'fron tbO'iiUasB^. ' ' i ...... :^T]i.o.qi>ij^,t«n9lnaU'eo of yoftedaf'• :■ usanit on the outer defpueb'of Tpm lemowtmtesimoro ih 4n-.anj;.other « • :urrence of the' p u t flvo weeka th a t; [Undenburg fears the approach'of «x; iaustion of bis offehslva power.: . itber time'sioco tho’Oermaa tdraneos legan h u Hindonburg,dlreetod tao ces- ' aUon of a largo scale attack befi^ . puu eligbt advastage h u Iwen won.- :hia~ tim'i’lbe Obrmau wera baltod is ; beir traeka and the effoet-on Teutb&ie . aorale must bo immediate. Oetieralvoti Lrmla, commaniler bf (bo defeated Ger nan forces, succeeded General-von . ■ . Uuck early in the wal- when the Utter ru removed after his famous drive to 'aris overran itself and coqtrjbuted.to’-'"^ be Oerman ropiilsb at the battle of the Jariie.' vTbff'tradltioo of-defeat to rhicH Von Armin sBCceeded’h u now.;..'', eon empbasited before Tpres, tad hli r j wn removal may shortiy W oxeinted'if he allies) Un<s eontinae to hold. ' .' ' Oritldm II jhoiriBg The cHtlcIsma of Hlndenbnrg in Ber in>.wfaich have begun amobg'-a daring ilnority because'of Us.slanghtor'iot lermaa man poWer will new hart i» . . roulng-weight' Hlndenburg eannot fford to stand lUU. "When t h a t eondl> f Ion Is forced on him, tbe fact of Gar aany'a ultimata defeat m uStj^m ^ls* ' - rouingly evident to the Oermaa p«o> le. . : lEITISH CASUALTIES . AEE EUNKINO HIOH •^ -S u u i tMMitf Sta published during April 'showed 1,- 83 officera klBed, 4,841 wounded,'aad ,460 missing; 8,160 mea rounded, and 614 ' The-tctal .of 68^00 easualtiea U the . irgest since January, when they were ^ ■-. 4,088.. The March caswJUea ^ 88 asd the Febfuary ciioalttea 10.401 t Is bellered thkt-a«lthBi.tbc Ib n h or AprU. caaijal^ UrtaMaehdad oUl reanltlng-from tbff O'erinar 4rl«.'''?V'r Tbe fignre ^iren, 814 mlasin2,.Irenl - . f all proporUon to the number a OB- e;a reported missing and may bo an rror In cabling. T i' i: CHIEF IS Ft RIOT AT DEPOT : I? aid not romovo' hla.^at’W Utf.tha-'"7 )and played .the national anthem. A t'. .' be Bomb time he la aaid to have atraet )veT«op twico ia the face.' Tbe crowd rushed.'at'-Qorman and n a only throogh tho atslatanee of Sh'er^' tt Marsh and -deputiea, that 'h# w * iblo to escape.. . ' - The crowd then marked t« tt* eity u' laU, where a m asa'ae^ng w u ltdd. >-{(' layoT T. A..Pottor .addreM lens, urging them to;.*Tol4 ’TlaliBi)V.'-5^ nid n>ay«r n ld ha had. 4emind«3;Oo>--:^r^ uan'a reslgnatloa,' u d . d l i p l ^ '. . t t t ^ 9 i^flew'a atar,' to pron.'tU I ti« ead^'redgued.' ■ '

f W iE M' FA miLWnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_… · PINDSAIJ^B’LIKES IK- ^ tao t bave OKE POIHT- HiNDEiraTOODEOIsiVB- ut. LYOHKOKED . mUe

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/ , r . T h e C o m b i n e d (

f W i E


‘ I H i P


.. P IN D S A IJ ^ B ’ LIKES IK- ^ t a o t b a v e OKE P O IH T - H i N D E i r a T O O D E O I s i V B - u t .

L Y O H K O K E D■ . mUe

------------ bobB j W ILLIAU PHH.TP 8 IU U S

•(United P r o s BUU C om spoodent) J i

O T H T H E B B I T I S H M t .

. . .M I E S ' I N F L A N D E E S , I p r i P dow

30 .—r H in d e n b o T g h a a h a d o n e o f

t b e , w o r s t d a y s s in c o t h e c o m - ncoi

■ in e n c o m e o t o f h i s o f f e n s iv e . — ;

A f t c p r e p e a t e d o n s l a u g t U th r o u g h o u t y e s t e r d a y a n d - f a r i n t o ' . t h o n i g h t , t b o m l i ^ l i n e s a r o i n t a c t , s a v e b e tw e e n M o n ta

US “ ^ y d o P a r k ^ c o rn e r ,^ ^ w h e f o t b e s i t u a t i o n i s e o m o w h a t 'o b ­s c u r e . - • • — -

U odU Boof^ nad Noir (tw o miles ' w eit o f Moat-EemnBl) are well namod. | On th e lt tlo p u the GsnBana lie tblelc, weltering; ia 'tb o t r own bloodT-* grnB*•ome ta lim on ia l to ProBcb tenacity . |

• ■ y ie ld li 'T B rrlb le a ig li t- , ’ ; ' •’

(Th*»IV«o)i,,wotd “ Eonge” meapa red or Uoodyj *>Nol_r"_ foul or^^oTxir E N ! Ufc) - P n H ie r nbrtb/A ronnd Voorm»- ^

-Mele -(lee# than two* miles aonth of - n . Tprea) tbe f la t lie ld i are fu ll o f te rrible m

alghta. Hero Brititb dlvlaiona.caaght tho Btormorp with artillery and n a eh in i 0 ffon fire, deelmatlog th e enemy, w^o fought well a&d w ith e o n r a ^ Thb G form a bere aro itrow n f i t h eadaTers.

' . O m n t P t ln c t Losea SeavUjr

On the whole’ l t haa ^ n »"da7 _of . -hearr. l o ^ io t toown-.Prinee- Boj^ • L '

'T p H e h t witboQt iom m eD m ate gain.■ The tJennaa-edmmand iran ta th o ' . „ i .

, Flandera U lla hocatue thoy com- mahd tho lunoundlDg pIaln s .'.T he : German politiciani w ant Tproa, bo- S ig n

■ canae they hhyo the abn ird Idea g f •J th a t fts occupation ^11 have a mor*a l e ffec t on the alUee. Hlndenbnrg ,

' • ia rSady to laerlflce h it legions' fo rthia double purpose. ' ' ‘ ' .tIfe f

' Thorfr is «a«on .to M lo v e th a t addl- o t / . 'tlonal Anstrlan howltrors aro In action, p ^ ]g

' Oas shells, high ezploalve/nad long dis* | . Unee jJrojoeUlea nre raining on tho

and back areas. The Tillage of »h0T^ o t r e (two nllos northw est' of Meter* be enon) is in flames. ' C p a c e

B neay 8n red .U p .

A. lbl> ll u b M , 11 lk.a»«bllQl i f lh jGormans are holdings tbo 'ero sa roads ,v , which they eaptnred Monday, aa * mag* nlfleen t I W d i eoootor a ttaek retook

:J » c ro -a n d fte .L o e re hoiplce. putting , the encmy,.ln i nasty pocket • •- rranco-B rillih troops adranced the ir ,, line to N n t read In the valley between " 1

Monta Kcmmpl u i Bcherpexborg. , In tl A tU eks-aad ' coonUr 'a ttacks ar« oe*

, (OonUnced on Pago 8.) vonct

■ • ' ■■ t lug t • I J*A1B WBATHBB PBHDIOTHD - 1

lonljM u a ITnJooaiJ il "J l i t pr.dl.Uta t t 11.<# .p ltu lltm wc«Hm b™ «»

1 • tf tu B iih a JU, „ o „ h , t i „ „ b ; '» »• the local ttlot^one exehanae. Hlah* ost tem pexatarelere yesterday w u recorded a t t o 'c lock p. n , whoa the mercury reached 05 degrees.. .. __PA w iw est was « d e ^ b a a t 8 o 'clock flro '



By OAflL D. OBOAT • glo ii (Doited Press S taff Correspondent) tho i WASmW O'rON, A p d l 80.—Actually powe

fighU og w ith the ir baeks to the w all, b ig | tho British and Preneh In R andeia aro Th m aking a defense comparable to tho Amei b ravest In history, a n a y men here said long today. T hat they wUl b« able te ha lt of fo th e 1)oehe befois Tpres appeared to ez* emy.

- perta u somewhat d o u b t ^ b n t In any ■ I t eTont .he w in get thla Tfmtage point tran i anly-a t the price of thousasda e f wasted plans

; llva i. • ' y e t I■ A nay med ta ld th a t the Tjpraa s tn g - will 1

1 C i r c u l a t i o n o f t h e D a i l y , a i

M' FALACKEST m io o p « OF a l :


& em y Forced Into P tion by Deadly Fire Fierce Onslaughts o( en. Steadily Through

T i lB defeat'adm lhlstered In-Tianders u by the combined B ritish and t<

Preach has compelled the G om ans to re»o;t to another “ breathing sp e ll. ' '

Tho eneagr opeaed tho b a ttle early ^ riH terdaj w ltb o s Intense bombardment oi >B practically the entire northern front. U te r eevoM hours' p repa ra tion ,' the n fan try w as se a t forward on th e ten-. | ' nile Une between Metoren aad ZUle* )oke. 4

Befnae to Oive a a Inch A ll day and' fa r into th e Hlght th » li

lerm ans .haeked and buffeted a t tbe ai iHled positloiv* The British, mowing di lown wave a f te r wavo o f the a ttack- oi □g farces, refused to give an inch, w UtoTreneh, forcod to yield eomo ground A icnr Locre, launched counter a ttacks ti:


1 ’ ' '


LONDON, A p ril ' 30.—The ■ Armans have been completely ( iUt«d in tbeir despcrBto a ^ c k a a wido front in Flanders, d©- Ri i^ed to fbrco tho'eyacaation g„, r Yprea. .Field Marshal Hiiig’s report

(day said that the nortbem batr _P fe front is “ comparaUvely qni- ' ;/.' followiiig*tbe “ heavy Mi ulsb' inflicted oa the onen^y cei csterday and last night,” and mt lowing tbat thc enemy l^ s ed een oxbaasted hy tbe tenilpc ph ICO, and enei^pes.' / i n j•Not only has he been stopped,,H aig q H' Id, bn t tho rre n ch etieeeMfully » u n - r a ttacked near Locrc, restoring al( lolr positio n s.' • ' IIn Picardy tho Brillsh.-pnahed tho. * “ ■ frmans back slfghtly east o t'V iiltt i^ “ ro ionaonx ,- . _ C

--L ocT B larrfflicliH aiuU '" T b e whole villago-of Locre remains

tho hands, o f the F rench,” Field ^ Idhhal'H aig onnounced .today. ,“ E ast of Villera-Brotonneux, wo a d * , incod our line slightly. ' ^" T b e northern battlo fw n t , follow- ‘" I g tbo heavy repalso inflicted on the T lomy yesterday and .last n igh t, is com- got iratlvcly, qu ie tnffuMCssful Ften.eh conntor. a ttacks Bni . tho neighborhood o f Lecro yesterday £ 'ternoon and ovening drove the enemy preiom tbo remainder of tho gronnd which __I bad gained in tho m o m ln g .; A nnm* ir-o f prisoners were taken .”

■ A rtillery H r t V Io to t . PARIS, April 80.—V iolent arUUery ro was reported today by th a Froneb a r offlco oa b..th sides of the Avro

(Continued pn Pago £.) j

d m p a r a b l e ■ :rEST IN.H1ST0RV ;0 is one of ^ # '^ o i? iio ilo n « '10 w ar. I t Is using up ao mnch man ' awer th a t, replacement o f t w p ^ U a ,

problem. - - j This roplacemj)at is la rgely up ' t o ^

merica, which ia conntod on, in tho n g ron, to fnm lsb a preponderance ^! forces which wil} overwhelm tho en- j ny.I t is known th a t th* American troop j an ipo rt haa been beyond original ^an*, bn t th a t th e nutxlmum b u no t , I t b«m T il l , I t taIII be touched In tha nex t f n r weeka. ^

a n d W e e k l y N e w s i s G r i j a l e



WAVE OF J /lOWEDDQWN'Period of Recupera- e of Allied Troops'r-^ of Early Hours Weak- ;h Day’s Fighting.

ubtll they had 'regained^ a l l 'th e tm l - to ry . ^ I

T odayEalganB ooneed.Chiittlieadrth* * e ra ,b a tt le fro n t w u "conpara tlvo ly q n ib t'/ T fina-tho ' most desperate u * sault launched by the O em ans In'aier* oral days had failed.

T h e bombardment o f British poti* tions betwcon Lons and A r r u yeeter- v day, which w u conducted simultaneous­ly w ith tho cannonading in Flaadera, failed to develop any in fan try action-

AH'b WeU la F ic a rd j 'Tho allies appear to reta in tha ialtia*

live In Picardy,- as Is shown by E a lg ’s annguncement tb a t the British y esta^ A day advanced tholr Uncs slightly '8 » t „ of. Villcra-BMtonnoux. This village, ™ which is about, o l ^ t mliea east' o f tT Amiens, baa cbaoged bands sovoral \ \

, htRUSSiiW :sTRiet Ii l K I

TEOTSKy PLAN FOE D H t ■■ v e e SAl i m j T M - s i s E - ^

y i O E A D O P T H ) ' S

e x e o d t i v e o b u H o i i L a t ; *

M O S O O W ^ L D O F H O r a '

/ O A L L E D 'a O A I K____ lui

. . . '1 •By JO SEPH ' 8H A PLEK • - • - m i

(United Press S ta f f Correspondent)-. G.

PETEOQEAD, AprlK 2 4 .- BuBsta is preparing in tbe most Jac

Berioiifi mannw to re-enter tie war, so far as possible under the O ' present cir<!umstanccs. U

The pan-bikutivo council at Moscow, on tbo eve, of the re­ceipt of tho “ forty-second ulU- matum” from Germany, adopt­ed W ar Commissioner Trotsky’s , plan of universal military train­ing for all men froip-IlG to 40 and conscription of all workers B l and peasants ]

Those oot belonging to these classcswill be forced to tra in b u t w ill,oot be 'T alieS lh tfl'fte arm y u n til necessary, . j

Old spccf^lsta in m ilita ry apparatus aad the best general.; o fficers luive al* r e a d / been eallod in to service ond tboelecUve eommlttoe systems In tho army rhave boen abolished, only tbe clvITcom- ^missarhs boing retained.. .. ^

The new plflH'-i^'isxpectad to yleld'Ji • ' tlarge army w ithin ten montha. p

The 6 |^ ^ t l o a charges th a t the soviet ..2govemmoot is aim ing a t ita owa-prcs- ' ' Iervation, ra the r th a n th a defease d f cBussla.' ' I *

British, Amerieao tn d Japanese ro- ^ preseHUtlvea a tU adad th e meeting. All

. (ConOnued o a Pago 2.)

---------—' - . ----------- ' " t oaci


There Is no cloud o f gloom hong- Uola g ovor the D ally Kewa premises lagto<Uy because th e M ay 1 st 1000- der

- - a a B ^ b c r cam paign feU EIOUT wirsh o r t Tbo Newa regafds tbe shew ««n1ing made u m agnificent in every n psense aad thanka eroryono ineloded arc

. in .the ;

actual bona f^'do subiuribors tha t i t is ablo to-roeord a t pfess time . ' o n th e la s td a y 'o f AprU—tho eighth day of which caleildar month saw the f irs t da lly newspaper published- ^ la th is section. ’ - gtn

The gala o f 08 subscriben in the past 2< boara is a record-breaker, i and reflects th e h s s r ty welcome Shi which th e DaUy Newa la receiving, reg

a l e r T h a r t T h a t o f A n y O t h e i

m iLrUBSDAT, A P B IL 'sP, 1818.

B^ANS .IN HIS ►NS m ore: TH>


l E E pI- '

t h i e t y a a o T B e x o h a k ^ ■ r ED BETWEEN S. B. 0 ^ - ' OHA AND OTK. D IV E E - . SINGLE SHELL EESPOH- - ' BIBLE FOE OABITALTIEB ; G A L L A N T FIOHT

(By United f te sa .)

WASHINGTON, A^ril 30 .- A ^E. Edwards, Augusta, Ga., member of tlio gun crew, and two members of tbo ship’s crowj ■ were killed March 21, when tbe q American steamship Chincba had a running figbt with a large ^em y sub'marino.

The U-boat, after thirty shota , bnd been exchanged, was forced to submerge, the navy depart- •' ment announced. The €Wncha ' had her' , first experience witb U-bont« when she was attacked | January 18. , i

T (e submarino' was sighted on tbe i a i im o o n of M arch SI, u y a the navy t depb tm en t statem ent, and about two < miaiitea la ter both the Chincba aad the dlvei^ began firing. The fourth U-boat Bl sbo t's truck tbo Cblneba a ft.a n d klUed E d n v d a and. the. two membera of the| i l p j a crew. •-•. ................................................'X - » tiro :jpcon» l« T 9 1 W J I . u

Arnold, chiefvbbatswalD's maU : ( Iim hBrg9;roi(.'.tbo..tiiniid'gw^'.said the ■ lu b n K ^ e w u o ^ > . l a ^ type, having tiro 'eonnlcg towerS'atfC 'fiountlng two ' five-inch guna. . • ■ • .-•i.*,-®. The f irs t oncount'or on-JaB uary 16, described by E . E. Nordqulst, who w u F then in charge of 'tho armed 'guard, .* lasted about an . hour.

'T he men w ho'slghtod the submarine and are .mentioned in tbe reporta a re; " ^ B. JB. Jfprdquist, Superior, Wlscooslni ^ Elmet'-D. Arnold, Cariael, tn d .j AOca * Seth Edwards, killed, Augusti; G k ; aad J a ^ Wolmau, Cutalls^ Ohio. ^ 0

S T i l f l M N T S IN THE MAKING 1




By ED L K EEK t(United Press S ta ff Correipondont) ,.g LONDON, A pril 30.—The only scrap of newa toadlng to beat, «iit

'th e .lu fao ra of-».B assl_an c o n n to r- , . »■ le ro lu tlo iiso 'fa r la th e report ftom '' *

..Zurich regarding th o u m t o f M .r . - t ' ■ P n tilo ff and Baroo Toa Dem Bnaa* • , b

chb-Baddenhausen’a atraoge w in - . - - “ Iei* to ,.0«nena:V onM lrbach. ' - ^

A Zurich dispatch saya i t Is learned from Potrbgrad th a t M. Putlloff, pres­ident o f tbe in ternational W k a t '^ch - n i, Gradsky bsis been arrested >ott a chargo of financing a monarchist cop* te r revolution. Pn tiloff Is said io have escaped. ' • ’ . ®'

. Oaimana W aat Beport •‘ Tho British adm iralty h u made pub- j. Uo * wireless dispatch fro n Borlln aUt* lag tha tB u s« h e -n ad d o ab aasen ,th o n n - “ ■ de^M c^etary.for foreign affairs, s e a t a A | wlreleaa ’to Mlrbacb, tho new Garman “ am bauador to Bossia, aaking Urn ttf reporfr*concemlng tho rumors of a mon- a rcU st restoratlon/in Petrograd. m. ■Bttsscho-HaddoDhausen said he had received a le tte r from Petrograd, dated A pril '18, sta ting th a t a m onarehlit t*d proclamation w u Imminent and th a t pot Michael. Bodrianko, M icl}sol,iA ]«i8«, se r A lexander Outchkoff and .Paul Mllhi- i k o ff wero in Petrograd. These four i t w e n Identified w jth tho Kerensky re; gob glme. ' VT

W oald Help tb a Hffli OviA uthorities agree, In view of Joaeph

Shaplen 's dispatch to the United Pr«ss regarding Trotsky 's.a ttem pt to reorgaa* ™

(Ctentinned on Page B.) ' up

ler Tw o Newspapers in Twii

W mS T O R Y O F T I

[ A N H O L D I N G


' ' ■ (By UnlUd Press.) -WASHW(JTON, .April 3 0 .^ rb « ,

I spring w heat yields should increase .[ tw enty to th ir ty 'p e rc e n t over e s - ^

tim otes.recently made by tbe agri* • c d tu re department, food adminis­tration tolegrapblc records indlcat* ed today. , ,

' The winUr wheat crop probably '. w ill .bo a t le u t 140,000,000 bushels '

In excess of the forecast, officials sU ted.


(By United Press)LOin)ON, AprU SO.-^everat of-

, the X- M- 0. A, men from the Brit- iih steam er Oronsa, which w u t o r podood Sunday, declared today tb a t the eubmarine fired on tbe 'l ife

. boats. Tbe 110 puieogers, many of whom wero Amerlcau, were all ttv e d . Three of tho crew are miss­ing. The ship sank in ton' minutes.

The Oronsa w u a twin screw steel steamer of 8076 tons, bu ilt l a '( 1900. She. w u owned by the Patjr*' - ' • fie Steam Navigation company ami (},

- was 'registersd in Liverpool.


( B r T Jn ltr i P r . i l , ) ' ' r e BOME,''ApriI 80.—Qorman' a n tl^ , n [

Slav (lomonstratlons in Austria, In ' „ j,- ^ o r of a more stric t union w ith mi

'Oo?JViny, nre continuing, according. ;to advices received hero today. ^ a t

D uring a m u s meeting of Vien* nilneso' Gormans, E err Pa tta i said y r th a t tho "compromise peace days .aro o v e r ." Tbe meeting passed n ^rosolution opposing any eoscessiou • Wlto tho Siav.s and declaring agoiaat t i la union o f.tb o 'S lav regions: . 1

B E D A W v ra T E G U A iro q . S IN S E B IO U S i^ T m O

- - • ; - - ' ( B r U n l t e d P r « s ) - . : : ' : " '“ :• - ..C O P E ira A p B liA jirH J^ -^ -^r

■..gnat^'srln>\he','eaplnr« o rV ff io fft ? killed or took prisoner.neariy 0000 red guards who attempted to b r e ^ euj throngh ^ .o 'U nes; a ccord lng-toU m j

^ .,d lsp a ^ b ,r^ ^ v ed from V a u today, jm, ' O ther rod guard forces are r»- oy, ported fleeing la 'w es te ro CorviJa

- and w estern T rentsva.

Viborg Is' tbe capital of n Ffo*” :,.. nlsh province, altuated on tbe bay ~ , l .

of VIb'org, 75 mUes northwest of Petrogra d - / . . J J


--------- Par- • -(B t United Press.) - tbo

STOCKHOLM, April 80.-rTho • "coun te r revolution” In Petrograd ' h u pronolinced the Brest-Lltovsk peace pact,"nnaccep tab le '-an d h u d?piMdod a n e V trea ty by which ^ stbonla will remain under.BussIan rule, aceording to the Afon B iada - ' which declares I t learned this from ^

•Finnish sources. . Iln* . ' ~ r -__'. mln


_______ j B r U n ln a P m i .) ............., . NEW V.OBK, April ,3 0 ..^ y ill.f« t ^

Stefanuoii, tbo explorer, g rea tly ’ weakened by a two-month alege of ^ Uphold fover, h u arrived a t Fort T akon, A lu k a , according to a ^ o * B B gram received here.«'• H e said th a t bo made the tr ip "ncrou the m oun ta lu U U l m tk * eaed condKlon because be feared . .L tb a t h e w u ''su ffering from typhoid listJ

. .f s r 'e r and th a t an o p c tU o s BdgU . m be nocMsaiy a t once. ' 2,4t


(By United P re n ) - - - 588WASHINOTON, Ap'ril 80/—Uro- I t 1

four days more to go a fte r today, northo th ird L iberty Loan to ta l reach- tot]ed ^,418,448,000 th is aorn tag . T

.-.^-ijlTs- w u - a n . increaso- over tho ,pf iofficial report I s i t n ight of 1180,* ce?140,000.,- _ . • om


, flABON o m r , Io»«, April r o ^ E i - ’ -lT el.tement' b u subsided here somewhat today, following a n e a rrio t a t tho do* p o t la to yesterday when 46 aeleetiVa ij service n o n departed for Camp Dodg^. wbj

A crowd of 2,000 people had gathered if f a t the depot to bid the aoldier boys abl gobd-bye. 'W hen th s band struck up - 1 VTbo S tars and S tripes" Nels Oliver ha t Oversea, one of the departing 'ao ld le^ M a tiad h is r ig h t arm about hia m o ther's sen neck, whUo his airter g n ^ d , Ua lo f t Th< hand- • • • _ - ma:. M ax Oorman, chief o ^ I l e o , tushod o(f:

up to Jve rsoa , demanding to know wSy rea-

rin Falls County ' ^

PsnmrxvEOBBTfl ,-:i




By J . W. T. MASON<i._,(United Press-W ar Expert) Z:

NEW tO EK j April 30 .-T he German check before 'Ypres tbe mbst-dedslvo 8ctba<i;!\rpnr:-.. Hindcnburg bos auffered-eince

p a ra to ^ for an o w ^aio r o ffe n - '" sivo against tbo channel'ports. - Tbo ability of the alllos to w ith-.. Htuiid-tlio shock ot the German .' massed attacks, without calling. upon tbeir. reserves has now [)ccn demonstrated. Eindenbnrg ivill try perhaps two or three times moro to break throogh.

If,-how ever, the n srthem fro n t helda ru t^ aa.it hud fiB e .ia tho p u ^ M h o o i^ < Iho' O em an arm y most ^ g ln '.i ta .p ro * '» s s o t ree u p e n tio n ,/a e « j wlthl d a fo ii ' . kt k long d lstoaeo 'fron tbO 'iiUasB^. ' ' i

. . . . . .

:^T]i.o.qi>ij^,t«n9lnaU'eo o f y o f te d a f '• :■ u sa n it on the outer d e fp u e b 'o f T p m lem ow tm tesim oro i h 4n-.anj;.other « • • :urrence of the' p u t flvo weeka t h a t ; [Undenburg fea rs the approach 'o f «x; iaustion of b is offehslva power.: .itber tim e'sioco tho’ Oermaa td ran e o s legan h u Hindonburg,dlreetod tao ces- ' aUon o f a largo scale a ttac k b e f i ^ . p u u eligbt advastage h u Iwen w o n .- :hia~ tim 'i’lb e O brm au wera baltod i s ; beir traeka and the effoet-on Teutb&ie . aorale m ust bo immediate. Oetieralvoti Lrmla, commaniler bf (bo defeated G er nan forces, succeeded G enera l-von . ■. U uck early in the wal- when the U tte r r u removed a fte r his famous drive to 'a ris overran itse lf and coqtrjbu ted .to ’-'"^ be Oerman ropiilsb a t the battle o f the Jariie.' vT bff'trad ltioo o f -d e fe a t to • rhicH Von Armin sBCceeded’h u now.;..'', eon empbasited before Tpres, ta d h li r j wn removal may shortiy W oxein ted 'if he a llies) Un<s eontinae to hold.' . ' ' O r i tld m I I jh o iriB g The cHtlcIsma of H lndenbnrg in B e r

in>.wfaich have begun amobg'-a daring ilnority because 'o f U s.s la n g h to r 'io t lermaa m an poWer w ill new h a r t i » . . r o u ln g - w e ig h t ' H lndenburg eannot f fo rd to stand lUU. "When th a t eondl> f Ion Is forced on him, tbe fac t of G ar aany 'a ultim ata defeat m u S t j ^ m ^ l s * ' - ro u in g ly evident to th e Oermaa p«o> le. • . ■ :

l E I T I S H C A S U A L T I E S .A E E E U N K I N O H I O H

• ^ - S u u i tM M itfSta published during April 'showed 1,- 83 officera klBed, 4,841 w ounded,'aad ,460 missing; 8,160 mea ■ ’rounded, and 614 'T h e-tc ta l .of 68^00 easualtiea U the .

irges t since January, when they were ^ ■-. 4,088.. The M arch caswJUea ^88 a s d the Febfuary c iioalttea 10.401 t Is bellered thk t-a« lthB i.tbc I b n h or A prU. c a a ija l^ U rtaM aehdad oUl reanltlng-from tbff O 'erinar 4rl« .'''?V 'r T be fignre ^ iren, 814 mlasin2, . I r e n l - .

f a ll proporUon to the number a OB- e;a reported missing and m ay bo an rror In cabling. T i '

i: CHIEF IS Ft RIOT AT DEPOT :I? a id no t romovo' h la .^ a t ’W U tf.th a -'"7 )and played .the national anthem. A t ' . . ' b e Bomb tim e he la aaid to have a tra e t )veT«op twico ia th e face.'

Tbe crowd rushed.'at'-Qorman and n a only throogh tho atslatanee of Sh'er^' t t M arsh and -deputiea, th a t 'h# w * iblo to e scape .. . ' -

The crowd then m arked t« t t * e ity u' laU, where a m a s a 'a e ^ n g w u ltd d . >-{(' layoT T. A ..Po tto r .a d d re M lens, urging them to;.*Tol4 ’TlaliBi)V.'-5^ nid n>ay«r n l d ha had. 4emind«3;Oo>--:^r^ uan 'a reslgnatloa,' u d . d l i p l ^ ' . . t t t ^ 9 i^flew 'a atar,' to p r o n . 'tU I ti« ead^ 'redgued .' ■ '

Page 2: f W iE M' FA miLWnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_… · PINDSAIJ^B’LIKES IK- ^ tao t bave OKE POIHT- HiNDEiraTOODEOIsiVB- ut. LYOHKOKED . mUe

[■'-I’ ' P A O a 'X T O ,, •

[1 5U S A D E f i S S A Y A O Q T JIE S O

E N O E I N P A S S A Q E O i

i O V E B U A I T B I L L I S U S I


! ■ S D P P O 'e T . T o ! E N M E G l

•*•1 P E E S I D E N T m P O W E E ilA i • • ■ . . •n ( . . T

I i l i ' • . ' • ■ ‘Dy I* 0. ^^ABTIN■ . '-■ ...'(United l‘iou BtaH CorrMiiomlcnl)'

I # . ' - ’■ ■ W lS l i l N G T O N , 'A p r i l 3 0 . -ij ' W i t h t h e p a sg flg c b y t l i o s o i i a t

| p | o f thei O v c r in M ‘ .“ e ra p o w e r in g !I Hi b ill ', a e lw u j -c u t v i c to r y f o r P r e f

o i , ‘ id q i i t .W ils o n , K e p u b j ic a n a toI . / d a y declR jH jd th e y b r tv e y le ld o

: k ’’ t b e l r n q f l t g r o n n d . .I tV A i tho'm casuro proccodod to - t t

, i r - - • 'hoB ie toJoy, whoro It will bo piiMO I ■ ■' Mttaoot 5ong dobottB o i 05

I po*ltlon,. Ropubllcttn loadori inilitalo .•r--," ■ th o / would fight-tbrough'th# 'Bum m c

I OJ ' and cominiK w inter beforo granlliig fm ' ther broad and unipoclfled pow on t

i M tho pretidoBt. Sonator a«lUngor, mli I f ority leader, doelarod.tw o adm lo lttn I 1 . tio ir- 'inca<urc»-tb ttt BUlhoridog th

' jfovom nent. to commandoer real an ■ t ■■ pBr#9M lT >«porty nocoaiary' an

5 ' th a t nu thoridng tho govorniflontio bn)I 9 f ill or storo pracUe&lIy all grnins aa

I / i r a pr’o d u e tw m tu t no t bo pressed b. I tho. SoffioerAts. . , - I : ' ■ . A n a B u y AU-.Wint«r

-1 :: . ' " j ' l f 'Uio majority- in s l i l j 'f ln - th e s , I b ills ,” aaid Oalllnger, " y o u m sy a i we'

V. . leod homo fo r yonr winter clothci, b< j| • caoso coogress will sU y rig h t bor# n i

Ul tho n u t scsalon In Deeomber.'' .Tbe.D cm ocratie margin of control !

•o'sUm In bo th boiiics th a t O allinger' -waTnloR wa» takoo »6ri9U»Jy by Demo eratlo loaders who already bavo pIo4 under'w ay for an aralcablo.agreamcn on. the two bills In qucntion, aa well a othor legislation.

....... • H O N BBPUL8B ' OOM PM TE’' ' -

I j ' (Continued from Pago 1.)

[ In tho Noyon seetor and south of thOUo. P atro ls brought-in IB 'prUonon

0 «niian'-*ttack* falled-on tho rigb

'I n nppcK Alsae^JiBaemyTjImtfflffiWWB taken thani. • ' -

B w y/A galn PABIB, AprU no4-Tho long rang.

. — bombardment o f Paris <was eontlnuoi ' t o J a y ; ' : ^ ' .

N eailag Bobutopol -r siV-'i--- .ZU IU S^t •April 30.—Tho Oermans art

Sebastopol, tho VUans ' ' '" l{«lU iipost aaaomieed.

Sebastopol Is an 'im porUot B laek »ul / ... p o r t,,o n th e Boothwcstom tip of th t . ' ' Crimean peninsula, SOO mllea soutbeasl

' o f O dom .--A sitiC S B I Oo to

. LONDON, AprU SO.>-AU American woonded In France will, in th e fo to n ,

. be brought to England, I t w u learned hero today.

A 3000 bed boiplta] la L iverpool Js In charge of the Amorlean Bod Cross w ith a sta f f of American physIeIans.o£9

' _ V --"tlltiondnnta. This is designed to relieve : ■ .. tho'bos'p ltal congestion b Traoeo.

B T R A N O B 'B T m m _

- j ' • • ' ■ (Contl^nod f r r a P a g d llO r ; • •

; ' l u a Bnsslan army, th a t Qermany wouM ; b« groatly intorestod in s tirr ing up trou­

ble la Petrograd—possibly going so far u t o back tho'njonarehista. Tho kaiser

> may « T n ;lt tT e « f iiig o r io -the m ess.,- The proaeace o f allied ropresonUtlves

a t th# Moscow o w tln g tends to con- a' . f i r a r«ceot repo rti th a t T ie taky w u I <>cosUng around to tho side o f the al-

ll t a ” w h lA la t i o m ta l lauoT aU o'tew i from Soasla In li loog time.

i A M E E I O A N O A S U A L T K S I W I T H T H E O A N A D tA N S

(B y United- -Apri^ Id -- ioiw g.A iD orieaBa kre mentioned In tty

• ' d a y 'i easna lty lU ts:^ ■ Wonndod: l i e o t A . 0 . Kemmls, Sand-

.-point, Idaho; and D . Dobao'n, Tnmor,. , - M e ilt . -

O L m L A N D s i o i r S T O P I S H E A D Y T O E N L I S T

' (B y United Preaa.)■ ST . LOUIS, Mo., April BO.~Bay Ohap.

n a o , Clevetand shortstop, today oxpoct­od permlaslon from his d ra lfb o a rd Id

;. . Illlbols to Join the navy. Tho s t t r In- •d la ft ,T m 'ita d y to o d is t a t once.

A T T E M P T T o ' s W P: U S E O F S P I T B A U ,

(B y U n l t^ Prcss.1 CHICAQO, April 30.—American as-

foclatloa ompires and manager* o t t. hero today to 'la y plans f(ir preventing. UIO of the fp ltb a n and other freak do-

. Urerifta. A ISB flno fo r tbo firs t of- ' , te w , foippetloa thereafter, was Prcs-

■ ideal H lckey’a prescription for taming • pltchera. , The Basodatloo race starts

I ^ tomorrow.

: ■ : - | -

B U B O L A B I S O B A N T E I )

P E O B A T i p N T O .E S L I f i

( B r U o ln a i W ) • ' aA.N DIEGO, Cal., April 3 0 .-S o t

• ting n natlon-wldo prccodcnt, Qlsi Duncan, 18, aon of a w ealthy mln log man o f Doulder, Colo-, b u beet graulod probation bofo todoy b> Judgo Lewis of tho a ilpcrbr, court a fte r pleadlttg. guilty to a burg lao

I n - chargo. Thc probalion w ugran te i! m with-tUo-undorstandlng th a t Oonet I I I ■ nl r . N. Strong, commander a l Cami I W ,Koarnqy,,.woulJ porm it tbe:yoao{

man to enlist in tho army. .

o n . D U B L I N L O E D M A Y O EP O S T P O H E S H I S V I S l

o m ■ (By United Press)lo A DUBLIN, April 30.—Tbo lor< rr.T . mayor of Dublin b u rocclvqd a let

te r regarding bis nppllcatlon for.i ,GE |>0Mi>0r t to 'A m erica, sta ting tho , _ ( j Foreign Socrctory Balfour will givi ‘“ 0 Iho.ironttcr his "close n tten tioa .'

- ■ A 'Dnblln dispatch roeenfly sali • th a t the lord mayor, who intcndei

- \ to como to America In tho iiitorei i t ) ' of tlio Ir l ib antl-conscriptlonlsti

_bad changed his mind and decldc< infA bis p ro jec t . ,

f ig i; g r a o o w ^ s h S t o b yrefl- flBEIOTJS EIOTIT

/1^1 • ' . (By. Uolt«d Press.)COPENUAOEN, April • 3 0 . - /

food famine In C acow li caUHinj tbo ntsst sc rlo u riots, tho "Vor w acrtsdeclarcs.

» ®P; Beporta that' Jows aro hoarfllni food resulted in mobs plundcriuj

nmer - ,io ,c 8 and kllllDg soveral citlzon: f t " ' who attem ptod to calm them.

■* No oho is ollowcd on tho streeta fte r soven o'c lock io thc ovenlnD

stra- . , ____ *• •tho 6r{teow Is a . d t y In Qallcia aoi an J formerly wha tho capital of Poland and I t hha a popalatlon of about 100,OOC

buy, . . . • ,to d CHINESE BANDITS


- . i S f ’Uoll<d ... .‘WASHINOTON, A p il 30.—,Ai3

well 'dltional*advices conQorning the res cuo of 0 . A. Kyle, PortlaDd,. Ore

fnn- C hinese 'baadlts sold today they had g ivodliln

j , up w ithout ransom ,after they hai .J J ,, beea worn oo t by nUllCaiy, pursoll

and had bC'on promised amnesty..

I z u w j g t t a y a n 'm i n i s t e r -S i DIES IN WASmNOTO

(B y ’un l& d P r tsT )- . .-i W A811IN0T0N, Aprfl fld.—Brn

gown** M inister Carlos <lo Pens 2*Saa'ft.-»-i>oi.pita\ boro to>\ay a f tn

0 b rief illncM.- the Ho WM a pall bcarar a t tho fun

sers- e ral o f Chilean M ln lst« r^ ld o n a t( Ig b t '^ •bo-'d iod suddenly two w ^K s ago. W ^ a ’Pena liocamo ill tho samo day.



H * TBIK OS BALAKOB th o . oast

AMSTERDAM, April 3 0 .^ o o r Bernhard, Gorman publleisti w riting

;a a th« VoMlieho^ZoltaBg, declarea: o n , ' ,"G ennany demands from Holland ned firs t, th e r ig h t tb lond w ar matori

. over tho U m bnrg railway .to Antwcr [ Ji second, th e r ig h t to send foodsjnffs'if OSS transmission from Antwerp, and tbli Iff? renewal of trea ties rela tive to the Ii eve porta'tiofi*of «aod and ^ V e L " * ‘ •

Bom bard a i d th a t Germany told H< land thore eonid be bo departure fre lbe*o dem anda^that, 'OS H olland hi jio lded ta 'A nglo-A m orlcaa pressuro,'

. ... regard.,to shipping, she, m nst now y lr ^ to Q en n a ay |" lo m « k o things balance. uM . , ...........ou- W OniiD INCREASE J " ! OP AMERICAN ABMIE

(B y U nltad P r m ) . ves W ASmNQTON, April.80.—Bille wc on- introduced In the senate today provi >nu log for U rg trlu crea su In tl^o Amorici ■I*, army. Senator Poindexter Introdne<

»wi ono providing fo r 1^00,000 addition r a n fo r tb« natloftal anoy.

Senator B«ed, Missouri, also Intr dnced a b ill an thorldng the arm y to I

I jg incroasod up to 8,000,000. ‘


“ (B y U d te T p rp ss .)„ JEFFEESO N OITY, Mo., April 30.- jjj, Xonophooo P.-W llfloy,-chairm an of U

' I'Joction board of St. Louis, arrived hei today to roeclvo hls appointment to U United S ta te s senate, sDCceedlng tli

_ lato Senator W illiam J . 8 to n ^ Qovo sT nor Gardner'announccd la s t n ight thi

Wilfley had been tended the appoln ment' and had aecoptod.

ict- BU88ZA NOW STBIVINOla . ■ ------------

I d. (Oontlnned from Pago 1.)

parties agreed th a t R n iiia 's slogan no< I*: ’ _•

“ Return to t h i w ar u soon u poj J i slblo.'’

E ither tha l, o r Russia m utt becom tbe object o f coBtentioa apd.d lvialoi fo r tho other powers.. I f tho. alllcT bold un til next spring

“B Rossia will bo ablo lo itr ik o w ith ne« fresh roQlIona—and the dooni of Ger many will be sealed^

,3g A dvortlso^ In tho Classified cohmni t« of_Tho Nowa. A snre w ay to sell yoni


t“ ^ , ; T W D J F A i ;

m . ■

Sot* - - . r 3le» .. 'tnin-

I C O Ainei- , . . amp ■ .

. . sISIT ‘

All that’s Sv.‘ at reduced-gi 3 25% less liiaEi ^below w hat;

for. ' 'We are : because ouir’i

ip you l^oVi/ ng anywhere ar<

iriug * 'zoos

reeta- - -


res-Ore- — ■ ' ■baa-t ln i - • —I. I I I . .


i C i l M E R Ri t e r . .



j n C • . ■ n iv VHAN-K .J. TAYLOB l U u (United l'ro»s S ta ff Corrcspondont;

WITH T ilB AMBBIOAK ABMY : IX)»RA1NE.—Tbo ono hundred a fourth rcgimoDt and 122 Manaocbusc

lA iE meu rocclvcd 'the crolx do guorrO'Ar . 2t( ou a fli lls ld o -a few .miles from 'i

Iti'ncbcs, for' b rave ry nnd valor In •I'iV.v; I '« l"ng tho; :German:i a ttack on Ap

mont wood^’tT ou l'sec to r),.,du ring t loorgo threo days begiunlug Aprii-,10,. ng in This was tho f i r s t Am6rlcafi’'rc.

ment t9 rcccivo the Froneli war cto and— All tbo Irndltlona of Bunker Hill, Ia >torisl ingtou and Concord woro upheld by t w c ij! wodern “ minnto mon.'^ la iot I t w u An inspiring sigh t u th|s^< th ird , tiro regim ent, during tho corcmo't e Im ' foraietl three sides of a square, leavl

• vacant,spaces fo r tb c lr fallen comrad' 1 H oi' Spangled Banner

Tho regim ental‘ band played, “ T ‘ S tar Spangled B anner" and the *'Mi

“ selllalae.” Tho crow cs wero pinned ■ tho mon by French and American goni al officers, wb'o'^sbook tho hsjid of ea

■ recipient. Tho en tire regimont th' marched by the hlllcrcsl, w ith tho ba; playing and Old Glory waving.

', '^ t 's th e 'b e s t f lag In th e worl W l ” exclaimed a youpg Uoutoiianl.

rovld- tre&ch<' so f a r u A m ericans.w ero concemc

but the dnU-boom of tir it lsh and 0< tlonal Cualshod a f itt in g obliga

for tho im prouivo ceremony.,Intro- general, whllo plnnl)fAhn on* the m en'a tonics, spoke” cach of them.

. -r* ln t8 .ftc ffl.B x e ttc fn e n t;I '.- ' ‘Smll9, J t > , nothing. agtOnst yon, ( O B dougiiboy; " Tho'‘t t i n w

-' so cxcited ho fa io ted . ■’ '• 'Rov. J . B .-D csyallca o f Worcester,

30.— chaplai;), w u ainong .those, docbrets f tho Tie carried some wonndcd mea ba< bero under, shell fire . ' ■ ■

0 tho Tho c itation read: ............. • -the “ Thia regim ent ahowed during tl

o ve r-battles o f M arch ID ,. 12 and 13 tl th a t greatest, audacity , ftnd a flno sp irit <

loint- sacriflco. ' • ^ ,“ Bnbjectod to ve ry violent bor

hordmcnts and a ttacked by ve ry -It portant G erm aa forces, I t sneeeeded I cherklng '• dangeroni ndvanco and • r

____ took posltiont a t th e po in t o t bayoninow ■^Igoroni energy, tak ing prlsone;

and a few denoUahed trenches fro: poj'. which i t had fa llen back In the first a

saulL” V


rlog, ---------new, (By U nlU d Pross.1 'Oor- WASHINOTON, April SO .-F iftj

e ight c u u a ltle s , 'lis ted by tbe w ar d< pnrtm eot today, showed two deaths ii

m u action, two from accident, s ix from dif ronr caso, five severely wounded, <2 sUghtl;

woande4 and ono m lw lng la atUon.

U M D A lL Y C T W a

M A Y D A ^

i T S aS p e c i a l O f f e i

’s new aiid late in prices. . Many of t im re^iar and ,\vii t you could expect re selling more spr f’s are prettier, beti ight atrthis store ii iround. Just try y

Ih tM e i“A nother PacKi

I T I SHOOTS HIS W IFE AND~I I COMMITS SUICHP I I (B y U nited P reu .VI H - “ April 30 .-P o llco to.I I I aro investigating the 'm urde r o f M k i t i * •loho'^oO anoK tho sulcldo of 1 I D L husband, .Lieutenant McQanna, U. Si' l i l t B -rfound dead ro 'th c lr Brooklyn boi

, . T heir Iff months old son, w ith whilcC anna played for an hour bof'

r a rn shOoting h is w ife, was w ith tho -l^Ji •“ ...A ao to he le ft .iU to d McCanna I ■ O f ta lked th ings ovor and tho wlfo li

^ r t W ke kill her.LIOM . A a unknown “ Lennlo” is blamed i g tho double sbootlng.^



r IH E B A im n N O D BA SnO A O H (

Apro! A S M A T D AT OBLEBBATiOM ■ig tho • • ■ — • ,

■'feel' ' WASHINGTON, April 3 0 r -W u h li , * ' ton today listened for & possible M

I ■ day storm behind tho Teuton lines. * I’.v tho Particularly In Austria, laborbrt,.*!

dents, Slovaks and. OM fbrtKrlatonod ill en r c m ra te r „ In the history of tho wnr. savlnff ®iplo“ * tle dispatihes wero u a n n iriuW “ £®riy fo r Indication of tho outbres

AsnatCTdam offitltd cables doelaio do onstratfons of growing In tensity a

* ‘ Tbe proceeding a t Prague aad many itnde t "M ar- have boen arrested, several killed, ai led on th a t tho fooling 'agaioat the G om a goocr- u incroasiogly bitter, f each The food a itnatlon in A uH rla thres

then o u to cause a sympathetic demonitr I band Hon of the popnlaco for any.atlom pti

uprising, (ho cab les-uy . world, A'Tiessimistlo expose o f the food si ant- uatlon there h u been mode by the pre nches, Ident o f the 'A u itr lan food bttnura;-ia; emed, one o fficia l- diplomatic dispatch ' r 1 O cr-B om o. : , — iligato . ■------, , O E R M A N .O A V A L R Y O N

Ik” to -■ b o e d e e o f h o l l a n i

(By United Press) •AMSTERDAM, April flO.-Oormi

yon,-” cavalry h u beon_ot>eorvcd, a l'E ssehe a ^ a cc o rd in g '.^ ■••tepc.Tti to il'• .• f ro m 'B o x m d u l Iter, a ^ e b o n ^ i s ■a-''B«)gliitieotioma tov ratad.' o n 'i& ':Q (a iaO |l;9 e lg S ^ o rae r,-1 8 u ll baek dlroctlj- north o f Antwerp. Boxonda

. j^ fiv o jnllcs d irectly nerth of Esscho

g the F R E N C H S O P I A L i M S

' r t ; K E E P O N W O R K I N lr l t o f •' _ _ _(B y Uoited Preas.) •

bom- PA RIS, A prll.lO ,-T ho Soeialiat pa T -Ita- t y .h u docidad a o t to hold any M ay da ed la demonstration, b u t to keep w o rk in g ., d • re- “ Wc »ro now In tho m idst of n irn' yonct fom idab la offen iU e, by w hich Gotbh loners Imporlalism la seeking a crashing t1 from tory, almllar to t h a t ^ c e d .on th e em

st as- f ro n t ,”, doclarcs a m anifesto issnod b p a rty loader*. •

S T A N D A R D O I L C O . M U S T - ' 3 E S E X P L A I N I T S M E T H O D !

(By U nited Press) •^ fty - WASHINGTON, Ap^ll 3 0 .- A form i r dc- complaint charging illegal trade mett is in ods designed to s tifle competition wa 1 dix- issued o(rftlnit the Indiana Standard 01 jhtly company by tho federal trade eommli a. sloa today. . '


j r i h g s a t B o o i

1 Spring Coats an these coats were

dth this further re( :t to get much in )rmg garments tha ;tter fitting and le is the cheapest pl your next bill and

rc a n tiHage from Bobtli

0 ' L IB 'T H iq E

I I D E ((^nU ouod from I’ago 1.)

today curring w ith hellish -regu lp ity in : ' Mrs. “ "1 plalna around Ypres.»f her Preali Troopa W orn Down

S. N. Von A rm ln 'p o t In about flvo f r homo, divisions (C0,000 m eal todoy. .Tot whom fholr freshness w u considerably wi boforo off.^ l i c i . The alliofl everywhere clnimed gr a ha<l execution. Tho B ritish tfonty-fU0 had Forty-ninth and Twonty-firat dlvlal

, repu lscd ;a t le u t , te n a ttaeka. 1 ed for T w enty-fifth alone ' h ad ' amaahod


■ p B L ishbg .

1 R E G IS T E R E D

I JERSEi, and mans

£ Bolll, TIIIIF!i sit- pres-

T • «Complete dispersioa of <

land br(<d JerseyB..

- S . H . K ^ y l c r o f T w l n F a

rman C I). Irwin of-Kimberly■ n few grades.

I « O O W S , AChen. ^ ,

.These three herds have [N(j herds in Buhl Pioneer Tc

yenrs. Sold on those recor


LONOH AT 11:30. SAjen it

d by

T P T1 1 1 k l

A U O nO N E H B S-O O L. J . W. 1 w u ■ 'P - 0- W A M E B S, FU ei, Idaho.

1 Oil O L B E E -a . HAMMBZ^ Boh

. 'rC E B D A Y ;^ B lL 3 0 ,1 9 l8 .

' I ; - ' ,


nd Suits on. sale rp.riced origin^y., ■ ;ductibn they ^ nferior garments an ever before--- ess money. Do )lace to trade of d see.

lie C o .h’s”


— r . (B y U nlU d Prosi.) >’ ‘he liULW AUKEE, April 30.-Coloncl J.

U. M inor’s plan fo r a L iberty Bcsd battlo between J c u W illard w d iVcd

fresh h'a lton w u echoed today when Pr»- Poday niotor 'T om Androwa offered’ 00 pet. w o n cen t.o f the gross receipts lo bo paid Id

'L ib erty Bonds, fo r a Bennii) Leonard- g rea t Charllo W hite bout hero in May or J u u

S JPOa BXOBiMOMrtlrfnttaii ta“ r " money. Onr w ork II like yonr m d a e j- , the b e s t Twin Falla News.'

'd op r^ tha -C la«IfIod:-A di;-_____ T . ‘ '

R l !O F

i i P U R E B R E D

i C A H I E

silay, May 2 [BHEAD ■ ' . ;

f 0 . E. I^ug'B Imported and Is-

''alls c o n s i^ 6 bead,

ly c o n a ig n B 2 rgflistered cowa a n d

M O S T L Y F R E S Hve contained: i m d been leading rc8tin g , i^ c ia t lo i i for laat two orda sale day.


a l e AT 12 O'CLOCK BHAEP.

: m. HUOHEB, to r e r t OroT«, Oregon; OOL.

nU, Id a io .

Page 3: f W iE M' FA miLWnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_… · PINDSAIJ^B’LIKES IK- ^ tao t bave OKE POIHT- HiNDEiraTOODEOIsiVB- ut. LYOHKOKED . mUe

T D E 3 D A Y , A P B I I i 3 0 , 1 9 1 6 . ■’



O O M M I T T E E a s k s F O B B i d T

T U B N O U T W H E N L A E Q - !,

E B T O O i m N O E H T / y E T ^

O & L L E D E H T S A I H B >'■ : ■ - - P

— — : it

■ D e p a r t o r o t h i s o v e n in g - o f a t(

c o i i t i n g e n t o f f o r t y m e n Icav - ^

, i n g - T w in F a l l s .u D d q r ' th e sec- {j ; b o d 'f id e c t iv fi '- s e r v i c e - c a l l - t o m

e n t e r t l l f t - n a t io n a l a r m y t r a i n - i< i n g c a m p f t t A m e r i c a n L a k o , ^

■ W o a W n g to n , i f l . t o 'b o t h e occa - B iou ’l o r o n o t h o r f a ro u 'D ll d c ra - j, o n s t r a t i o n i n w h ic h t b e T w in n F a l l f l • b a u d , • D im M c C o o k p o s t Q . ,A . E . , a n d c l t i z e a s |;o u o ta l |y

a r o t o t a k o p a r t . . k' w « n t B ig m n io a t pi

Tho coDtiPgont leaving tbis ovaa- ai iDff U the lirg e a l th a t lias ye t been nt called from Twin PnJls county Into the tt

' ronk i of tbe national army. Tho com- Snittee in ehorgo of the farewell ilpmoa- T ■iratlon arraogomotiU \ t npccU^ly aox- w ioua tha t thero shall bo ,a Inrgo turn- ai

. out o f cJtlMOa to b id 'tho mon /arowotl vr and Oo«l»pccd. Tlid^ iriombors of 'the w

' ' cBflllngent, tORetbcr w ith tho banil an.l,^^ ''accom panying organlzalioQn, will «■ ■

.. nernblo a t 0 o'cloclt a t the Intersection of Main avenuo and Siioxhonc atreot, i><

. aod, ioMciwinff a sboTl band ccmcert, tfil] march from th a t point to tlio Je[ioL

Two Oo O nt of Tom . Included In tho contlnRent n;o two jj

■ W b ' who are leaviBjf a t this timo In . advance of the time a t which' they

would bo called according to tbe ir order y num ben. Tboy aro going 'bow ufliler penttitaion g ran to l by tho local board

• in. accordance w ith their own reqn«t*.Ono of the men thu i going in Herman ot

T. S tevoni o f Murtaugb, who -wUI-en- • tra in a t Bnrley w ith hl» brother, How­a rd P.’ SteTOJn', who i» regularly sum- _ moned nnder th e soeond call. Tho other i l Emil Edlioo Jordan of Twin Fall*. | |

Some E n train Bliewhere 'A number of tho registrants from

Twin Falls eounty summoned under .Uils O' call will leave from otber point*, while several 'r e '^ t r a s t s in other districts will learo w ith th e contingent from this

. county. Among thoso o t Twin Faltn ,c o u n ^ who.will loave from other polatji » e Ja a o a A rthur Coleman from H ailey, ^ r i a Peterson from Benson, Ncbrask*, le Lemuel U ar tin A lley f ro n Bethany, M luonrl, Louia H enry Peters froni

- S a lt Lako, Victor J . Bio.em from Domn- go, .Colomdo, C m ett Strong from Aipci., Colorado, Louis Boille Taddikeo from B aton Bouge, .Louisiana, E arl Bobert fi' Clark from Grand Island, Nebraska, C artii L. Sm ith from Eureka, Califor* nia, D ew itt Eam idell from Seattle. »

O oroty JM egatlon JTh'oie o f T ^ in F a lls county regis-

tron ts who aro to leave from Twin Falla » aro Reuben BchlffAinn, Twin Falls; Emil Editoh Jordan, Twin Pallsi Rolan j , B. P ren tice, Hollister; Clifford Gooch, j ,

' 'B ublj Samnel Loelcwood Banford, Twin Falla; Oscar W. 0 . Lindan, Buhl; Qaylc ||, Sherman B oulle, Twin Fallii; Lyman John B yttlng. Hngennftn; Merle Eii

’ gene Boady, Tw in Falls ; H enry Fre<l £ Qrleshaher, Bobl; W esler W ililun Wor-

. ley, Rogenon; .William Ginapp, Buhl;. Jam ei H arle j' Btlllwell,- Twin Falls;

F rod U ila r, l i r i a F a lli ; Byron Francis Decker, Twin Fa lls ; Oscar Prough, Twin .

, F a lli ; Harold A. Jo.;iei,'~Bogeno&;: L«- roy McBride, -TUmberly} A rthur Lary '. H arper, H ansen; Lestor StanJoy Run- sell, Bahl; William Thomaa Tate, Kim- ^ berly; Joseph H enry Koeo, Kimberly; L loyd HHb, Tw in F a lli) Elmer Roy Hensley, Twin F a lli ; G rant E dgar Knn- klo, Twin F a lb ; Curtis-Jam es Decker, ®

. . T w i n i : ^ «

n m A l t e m a t e a J J a a i e d • " Z Named u alternates to fiU any va' P

cancies th a t may occur in the ranks of J. ^ c o n t i n g e n t are Joseph Andrews, '5

\ Tw in Falls ; H erman Frederick Kuhn, C f H ansen; Ashley Oliver Perr>*, Pueblo, I. i Co^; ChaMei Edwin Dudley, Hollister. I; : Begiatraata from other M istricti who F

conf*"- ^? gent are M cnel Edward Bahling of I



A l l R o y a l A r c h M i

t o b e p r e s e n t a t a d

. o u r D e p u t y G r a n d I

g i v e n T h u r s d a y , ^

p . m . , a t t h e M a s o h i

. e d b y w o r k i n t h e F

^ ' A


■By ra E D s ; FEB0 U8ON (United P rcfs S ta f f Correspondent)

I W ITH TH B A ilE R rC A N ABITY NEAR L U N E V IL L E ^ It w ai pwbably

I q d e t lu .yovit to w a today. , ;li spring nrtlpcd w ith /a b rlfih f a smll* a t .hoqo

. as she did h e ro , 'tb e 'lu a w u shlDing.\ Thero wns ft longing to on the sunny

side o f tho bouic, o t «wit Into tho cooo- ‘ try , and itro tch ou t fo r a “ sun b a th ."I You probably w en t to church in the

bionlDg. O r pou ib ly yoa spent ^ e entire day oa tbo first- motor rido and picnic luoeh In tbo open. A t oU events it was Sunday and a quiot day.

I t waa a qn ie t day in ii’.eertaro littl« town, Dcstlod a t tbe baao'of a hill noar . Lunovllle; too. Amorlcnns were there,

Just as they oro in j*oitr town. I f you live .In Ohio you probably know boir monylof thorn.' B u t tho streets of this torfn have to be cleaned periodically of brieks, stones and m ortar blown cu t o( tho walls o f tho boDses by Qerman sho)]i. A khaki clod l>oy fror^Colum- bus snt a t a switch-board in a .e'tumblcit and crumbling building puttlnf{.thT?ugh calls fo r ' “ D ayton,” ‘"C inc fnna tl," "Z anesv illr, ''Y onngstow n,’V “ Obllli- cotbe,*’ and a ijoren other placci you know about. Tho_ ca lli fo r .various points a u ^ a i battalion headquarter*, a rtillery positions and w bat no t are mado In code. E acb post has therefore taken tho name of aome town a t hom<).

The crookod it r e e t i were full o f mon. Thoro wcro no women or children. It ■was about a o'clocW. Tbo U nited Prcw Butotnobile biimpod its way over whnt vrni oncs.a impoth streo t to near wlmi was onrM he !‘ public'iriuaro.’ '

I, “ IW Jo,” g reo ttd a U arlon boy, ‘.'you'ro ju s t about in titn o fo r th o after, noon entertalninent. Thoy havo'bM-ti popping them around close for the In-*' half .houT and a to beginning to get tienrcr tho tow n.” . , '

F rcqucnt^bcII t jo n t i could.bo hoard n o t 'fa r nwa^*. A French band kicked its way through th e d a t t up to tho nquAfp. Initrum enta woro unlimbered and a concert wns soon under way. Frcncli and A m erican so ld lcn crowded about. , '

‘*Zoo-oo-o(h—W hang,” a shell could Ue heard coming and then let loose ju it on the edge o f town.

The band d id n ’t misa a note. "Zoe-e-o-o, .w hom bang,” another

R t J P Z E T H O N O E S P I V E ^ R E O B U I T S F O B A B M 7


Honoring five yoong men who n-c' acceptcd for en listm ent by P rivate C. 8 . Halfis o f tho Twin F a lls nrray recru'*.- iog sta tion n t lluport. Inst week, a n i who w rre tran iforrod 'tjirough tho local station to S a lt Lake Sunday ovening, the BuperC-Oonmorcial club Saturday evening entnrtaincd tbe rcem its a t ft smoker, a fte r which thoyw oro guetts of honor a t a danco whoro a purse amonnt- ing to (32 was.coMected and given tb tbem nnd they worb' prcM nted vritb red, whito and bluo badgel donated by the Oolden Rulo storo and made by Mrs. C. A. McMabbn nad Mrs. 8 . Fftkrell. Tho badgei wero presented by Miss Rogolla Gibson. . ... . .... ' .-

Tho re tru its wero George A. Smith. J sy L . Sm ilb, CbelsetiO^. BVanion-and John Dcsantle, who en ter tho coast a r­tillery, aci^Isaae Churchyard, wbo joioa the motor "truck service.

B E I T I S H O A S U A L T I E Sm N A V A L B A I D

(By V nllod P re n ) , LONDON, April 29.—Tho toU i B rit­

ish casualties resu lting from la st week's raid on tho Gorman naval bases, a t Zee- brORKo and Ostend woro 183 killed; 10 missing and 384 wounded, according to sn official atatom ont by the admiralty.

, - •(.FOB EXCHANGE—Job printing for

money. Onr w o rk 'Ir lik o your money— tbe best. Tw in Fnirr-N ew i.

Buhl, registered a t Cimarron, Kansui; Jennings B ryan Andorson, Great Fnll", '.Montana; ChMles A lexander Ritchie, Chicago; R e i "Charlton K eller, Lowla-

I, lon, Idaho; Russel F . Bell, Covington,•. Inciinna; Joseph Arnold H otto of TwliS } Falls, registered a t W ichita, Kansas;,• Alex Mcduno o t Bohl, legiitered f Dunn Cenlor, N orth Dakota. ,


Vlasons are invited dinner in honor o f ' -

J High Priest to be May 2nd at 6:30 ,

mic Temple, follow-.! Royal A rch d ^ e e .

: - T C T


- shell.^ This time ju st a coup l^o f blocks ) away.' Dust aTd bricks fiew into tho r v a ir abovo 'tbo top i ,of .tho ahattered >ly houses. Then they, began arriving H' >ng llttio moTo Togiiluly. P a r t o t ft wall n^o would cave in hero ond the tired ruins Bg. o f another building would.bo atirrcd.up ny there. Tho itroe ts began to clear. Ev- iD> trybody tto o d -n p closo to tbo bonse I.” w a lirra th e r tb a a .in tho middlo of the the s tre e t Tho band was s till p laybg .

. A littlo F ronchnan hustled down to •’" lho com er ot the iqnaro, A bora Ibe

music of the. band loondod tho ihrill notes of a buglo, raised to bis lips.

* “ Avion,” was tho word passed from one, end o t.th o village to the other.

-oJ A Germiin airplane had crossed.the lines and wns over tlio town. Sbelli<

bj, wore stlli dropping a ro u n d -an d tho f,l Roche aviator might mid a eollectlori

of bombs. . . .lan . . “ Defter .ge t A'^ur. niachlno under im- coveri or you* .M f;hj!~bavo'.'io 'triilk leil 'home;” a.lvIied n-aergcant from Olsvc- igh la n d .' The driver waa signalled to fot- I,” low tho sergeant’s advico and hoaded ill. for w hat wns lo ft of n stable. Tha band 'OU finished 4 h o itolection i t was playing, ms hut by this Umo the audience was out r t, of s ig h t Then came long moments of ire waiting.' Hesds v e re poked from door- )i« ways ond windows and everybody stole nn. a-look into the sky for tho Bocho. A' :n. French piiuio sppeored and 'tbo enemy i t scurried away. Another Wort from .thr

DM bugle, mt “ All d e a r .”ml .The band , struck up again, .gbflls

ooiitlnued to fall, litit a fte r a listen al 5y, llm sound o t tho explosions to locate er. tliem lho atidienco began to gather ‘4'ti again. Tho shelling continued for an T*- hour. The U. P . automobile waa back- {Ot f .\ fiDW the staUfc A boy from T o lp ^

. asked tha t he be bronght some plug ird cut tbo next day. Then o a f '- o f '. the ;ed town a twisting road p a s r tc a v lly cam- ;ho ouflagtd gnn tmplaecmonts, and back red to the main highway heavy w ith the ay. traffic o f war. Soon tho sound o f tb e jed guns became muffled and then conld , no longer be bcaid. P ron tb faim ei* Did wcro plowing the ir fields. In the vll- list Inges children were playing in the

streets. Mothers snt in tho doorways• watching over them. I t w as Banday

jer nnd a quiet day.





a n n u Al PBOQEAM ...”

tal ■ __ _____ •

j y ’ The first annual concert given by tho ft combined higb school gleo eluiu, direct-

of od i>y M i» Jessie SImnson nnd tbo' Or- chestrn under the direction of Ljnder, will tako plaeo in tho higb school auditorium on Friday ovealng,

‘ 'M . r i D ,^ . I t is planned by Principal C- H. Dow- ,

man to mako tho concert a permsseat - feature of tho grjidustlon exercise* nml promises to bo a promloent oddition.

Liberty Ohoms Does Oood Work [ir. . Splendid work h as boen' done b}' both . [oa organir^tions this year tn d much credit j

la due tho directors wboso untiring of- , forts liAvo accomplished ■ much. The ; Liberty Chorusj a p a rt of tbo gieo'ciub, which has taken p a rt in mnny of tho

D patriotic rallies both in Twin Falls and tho rural distrlets,’ has dono commend­able ATork and has mol with' a great

.](. deal' o f favo r-as bas tbo Male Quar- | totto which has assisted tho “ chorus.”

(Q. . Tho costuinos o f red and white worn ' j(] by tho g lri.vo ia lis ts 'is a plodsiog'feft' (Q ture and makes a charming group color ty. scheme. '• ‘

a tnden t Mnslclans (ot ■ Tho orchestra, though not a* well r— known-pubjiely as tho abovo orgnnlra-

*' tions has' proven Itself a m ost desirable p a rt of 'the muslcnl institution. Tho

—- work under way fo r tho coming concert “ i will bo appreciated by a ll of Twin F a lls’ II"' mnsle lovers. The enrolled nionihers m

tbo orgnBizatloO' this semester nro '}»■ Mildred Ainabury, Ruth Bellville, Em- on, ily Bryant, W inifred Brundige, ^Ister

Briggs, Vera Cook, H elen. Cockmn, u*; Bessio Cairncross, Ola Davis, Mildred "* Elrod, Mnry Garell, E lfrieda Fix, I^r-

ona Oates, Merle Olavin, Ruth Harvey, ^ Edith Hendersoo, E fflo Henderson, ^ Faonie Ilumphroy, Mildred Holman, ^ Lillian Jbhnson, Clara Johnson,. Mary

Jobnstoa, Norma Maekey, Annabeiio McMaslcr, Elenor Munson, Prisriiln Munson, Mario O ro , Ino’t Puckett, M v boi Petlijohn, LoroJn T^jtiler, Ulon Reod, Gwendolyn Rees, L ila Siggins, Viola Skiilman, Laura* Sly, Lnnetla Smith, Florenco Smith,. Mildred Tracy, Ida Van Flock, O ctavla WllilamBsn, MatUo Williams,. CO’stnl Kelley, Helen Spangler, p la n ls tj 'B o th Coburn, Frank Beer, Dean Hiekelw nite, Lynn Stewaz:, WHbm Bte&ni*, 'Vernon Coleman, An­drew Porcboem, Glen Wilkinson, Owau Watson, William Buck, Jam es Woo<I. Emil Bollr, M arvin Carlson, Melvin Clear, E rnest Cole; Jam w C rist, LeRoy in rnrbert, -Ralph VenMa^’Pcrcy W at­son, Jess Roberts and John Burhannan.

&UI4 Q oirto tto 'F irs t tenor, B arton 7 a n Tassel; see*

ond tenor, Dean M ickelw iito; baritoao, Donald daycom b; b a n , Gilbert I'ouug- cr; aojoist, Panl MeKinley, tenor. ‘

.Idborty Ohonu Sopmeos—Loralne - p a t i i e r , Lorena

Gates, Uerle Glavin, A lfrieda F U ; a ltos-M ildred Holman, E dith Hender- lea, Mabel PetUJobn; to a o rs -P a o l Me-

y Kinley, Borton Von Tassel, Dean Mick-

t a D A U Y N E W S ' .

E ■' j " ...

clij ^ jjp o /lda»ethe ^

j f E H S H M S i S Stbe

[<iiK .tho - -

ion - a E v

mdng, — . . out

"1; A Four-Fi ..............

III. ; ' T ' H E N c v

■ 1 a i r . u n u !

ier i t ifi-jexC C p tio l

jY. i t i s l o w l i u n g

5d0 ‘ 'lueibf ' , • M a n y l i t t l c to u c h c

c x p c c te ^ o n ili ti t o u Uo b e e n g iv e n th e ro a d stbe is lo w e r . T h e w in d“I'’ ■ lo w e r a n d s la n t in g ,rll* n k i s h n e s s h u b c e nlhe s te e r in g c o lu m n . - T h

p a r t i j r c s h a v c m a d e t m o s t s t r ik in g c ar.

“ T h c r c a r s c i i t - r a c a s iw id e — o v e r th r e e a n d

■ T h e r e i s t w o i n c h e s m i T th a n , f o rm e r ly . ' T h i

ro .BI

G O O D I N (bo OOODINct-) f . ■“ ' ' " . c . •gb iiinrrni'i niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir ig, ' 4 . , . ^ , ,

P E E N O H O E H E B A L O B D E E .,1 L A U D S 'A M E E I O A N B C T J B ._L -■

(B y U nited.Press) t WITH -rtlE AMEIIICA^} ARMIE8 '

,jl IN NORTHERN FR A NC E.-Tbe fol- ‘ , lowing general order was iiiued April '

, l ’ 28 by tho French ganetoi .commanding '' jjj tlio forf('.H in thn t sector from which the . ' Americans departed for Picardy: '

I .'.'A m erican troops arc leaving for 1 battle. O fficers, non'commlisioo'ed of-

flrers nnd soldiers o t the ------ army■ corps salflto the ir brothers in arms,,, who»o bravery thoy hovi' adm(rod. Thoy

■ congratulato thom on lielng nbout to wtUo In tbo bnttlo of nations tho f i n t

ior I'^Se of tho history of tho "Sons of tho , w Great nepubllc,'who havc come to fight

on the soil o f Franco for tbo triumph o fliW rty ,’ -TW* page will 1)0 glnfioHs.” '

ell . . • ■«*• OSTttOM TO DIBOONTINUB ’ llle • i j i w TO I5NTBE 8BBVI0E

J miIro a . W. OelTom w»l tn in tb« business of his law office over to Judge Jako Slianli nlioBt the. firat of Juno lo enlist in tho nrmy, says tlie Bubl Hor- , aid. Ile will probably ealljt in the ma-

‘'o- rinos. .le r Mr. Ostrom is am ong^he lis t o f reg-.

istranis in Twin Palls county, and wa» rod placed in Class having filed no ox- 'Or- emptlon einlms, though lie will cnllsi ey, beforo h li numhor. is called. A t tho on, present rate o f drawing, i t would hard- “n. ly bo reached this year, though Mr. Os- try Irom snys th a t he is going away u ‘lio soon a« his bnsiaess matters are nd- illa justed. .■Iv Jndgo Jake Shank will take care-of loa tho law business for Ostrom & Green ns, during the ir absence. Mr. Shank was tla tho firs t attorney to opea an of/ieo in cy, T w ln 'Polls county, and Is well known in , over tho entire eounty. . lon »ink REAL ESTATE TRANBFBBS

. .. , . . . .- April 2C \n- H. O; Monyon to A. B. Bcholton, ♦!,- ran 400,1 C and 6 b 2, Munyon stilidivlslon, 0.1. Filer.i»in J- W. HnriUn to' R. E. i’erslnger. $1, tov NB BE and BE N E 31-9-18. at- L- A. Snyder to ('. Berkley, ♦!, 1 0 , an. Snyder t r a c t

' I I E. n a c k o tt to B. ».'|DooIey, |BDO. .. . . 8 Y IS-IM O. ,

C. A. Ilumphroy to J . P. A nlagton, *1, 1 1 b .l0 7 ,j:w in Falla.'- ,

J . F . Arrington to C. A. Humphrey, (1, p a rt i 13 and 14 b I, Higbhind View addition, Tw in Falls.

jna ________ ^ __________ix;ler- o b n ite , Ralph Cobnm ; bane*—Pdnald ie - Clayeombe, WiUiam Buck and Gilbert ck- Yonnger.

^ d v a n e e d S n ^ i n o e r i .

Passenger Roads Marmon Comfc

fc\v.5cri« iMarnion four-passen^ lusual roadster m many ways. Fi :ionally roomy and tom foftablc. ng, easily handfcd and.tijfnsTn a ;

:hc$ that are'not, medium size can i o u r in g g , r - h 5 V(:-------c o n

n d s h i d d i s d s o s o m a n y to M .1,

• A h a v c b c t n t t t a iM g iv e n to th e P a s s C T g c r a r . r h c s c s l i g h t etc- , 'L c th is r o a d s t e r a T h e F o u r - P a s

the .same advani * other Marmon r

iasurcs inchcs. -' Those who wa ndSne-half feet, should not fail t( morcknccroom stcr. You will b rhrce pi-ople of . . appearance atid c

■Inch jV fieitbdie— 1100 Pounds Li\



t Collie Got Name From ,‘'Col!>.." | ciillic's. nmne tti'iN'iirf*-tu, .bo

„ ;nhraudcd- In mystery, Imt llicrt* mcci'j b I lo lie n fnlrly renHoniilili' roundntlim i

8 'for suppoKlng tliul It Is fnm i " c o ir i |. n r “collar,” on ncconnt of tho brorni i H u'lilto murk .nround the ni'ck-wlilcli Is - J Rocn liif tlnrm njority o t these dogs. ■0 __T —— ,, „ L

malio'sljfeaItil ' ' " u

: D d n 'fFo rg e tllif. A hoinele-ss boy^wits recoi 1- Q{«I tlou’t you think lie \v‘oiil

wmetliing to eat iind «onie do ‘ an«w(>rc(l,' ‘ btit SOMEBODY.


. The CHILDIIEN'S HOM 1- , dren from Twin Falls in 1917

years. Twin Falls has Gonfc J- ca«sc.s and wc are jilstly pron

o«t.‘?tnnding one for Jdaho’fl hm

= K in illyH e l ; HomelessB,

1, Tlie Rtntc siiperintendciit,g son Hotel Tlic trarcliiig ma' will bo iu the city later in the

o* ‘ ■ for any asBislAnce portaining-

. MAKE A IL OHBOKS P A Y / - OH ILD BSN'8 H O lfE F o b l N G AN

w... . B ^ 8 Y DOLLAB IB OHKIEE;


p a o b t : ^ ; '

' i n g . ' r I

j I '

; .1ster With ..1

j c r - r o a d s t c r ' i s ' " > ■ ‘ n | |

F o r o n e t h i n g ' ' - " ; ' g

. F o r a n o t h e r , K

a s h u r t r a d iu s ; - •• V !

n o c c u p y th e r e a r s e a t. • ' ‘ j l •

jm f o r t a n d r o o m in e s s ; - H iv.

;ts t h a t h a v c a t t r a c t e d ' ' |;1

a r m o n T o u r in g C a rs . H ’ 'mm.a in c d i n - J i m P o u r - - ' | . "[v l :

'a s s c n g c r* I io a d s te rh a s •;n ta g c s o f fe re d b y a l l joth^

m o d e ls . ' j j ’'®;;

v a n t £1 a r o P th is ty p e f “t o s e e th i s ' n e w r o a d - ,b e d e l ig h te d \v ith i t s ~ L — J :

1 c o m ff l t t . •

ligh ter j o J i t

- I "

* ■ I m *''niiimnm iiiun,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinimiTiiiir^| s b o n te

------------- ~ ~ «rs,o I4V. Clftj"

Coquette's Sad. Ending. - iiugstft:'' Tlio llfo of-n coqucltc I* vcr; ■ thn t of n drunkurd o r opium- — nml IlH end Is Hio niuio—tbo u t t f t e ^ t e t tinctlon of lii|i.01oct, of cbcc rfm nder rs*. of gcniTdUs feeling, nnd of Bclf-r o r phonl.. —Mrs. Janiesnu. ' ’

ClasslfiBdi work all th e ^ m t.

"p td slto i:r T . - r - ™ , - , _ - -n-rr m

M M mlie Home L i l ®

lo n lly a s k e d '‘3 t . t h e r e

n l l l t e i l s o in e \) (^ .i- ib .-g W d .

:lo tlio8 ? ” “ H o d o e s ,” tl i l ”

Y .F O R Q O T ." ■ ■■

. . , t e s a r aM E liiLs c a r e d - f o r i n o r j M 8 2 W . ' *«P

7 t h a n I n a l l th e i^ c v lo t i i^ ' ^ ,

i 6 g r e a t t h in g s fD r a l l ■*

i n d b f h e r ; X e t t h i s y e a i L . '

I hom elc.s .s. ’■ - 4 B . fc T . Bag.

ilp M a l l e ' s ® 1 C l i i l i l r e i i ^ ^t , D r . F i e s h e r , in a t th t t N E O U B -

i i i t r o n , M r s . A n n a Y .

10 w e e k . ' S h e m a y b o p r iu i

ig - to h e r w o rk .


.E D U P BY THH BTAI?IO N . “ THB BBS* 8 0 0 - t ^ V . '

Page 4: f W iE M' FA miLWnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_… · PINDSAIJ^B’LIKES IK- ^ tao t bave OKE POIHT- HiNDEiraTOODEOIsiVB- ut. LYOHKOKED . mUe

i p A o i r o u B

Lp.TWIN:WUS DAILY HEWSt"utiitoy O o, m e , t t T w in '

TtOM, Idabo

■ - Aa indqw adent afternoon DBWtpai»eT iciiiU io td e tery d a j except

■ i S ,

: T O D A Y ’S H E W S , t o d a y h

' ' ' ' ________ thoB. A . • _____ JoblU lioT t i l lJO H N 0 . HABVEY______ Nowi Edlto> flniin . iL , 8 IH 8 __________ ______ Manager, Ho*

Telephone,32 . :

SUSSOEIPTION EATBfl , fcad " - - lU n O u ile r • H

♦5.00------- — Ono y e a r -------— ’{ f j ? willIS.OD ■ - 6 a o n tb i — > 13.00 _ ~

_____ _ S .m o a th i------ Z ^ - 9 W )^ • JSO _______1 noB th ,--------------- « .00 5'^"]

A dvertlilng Bate* npoo tppU catlen.

E nU red « aecQoil-elatt o a tte r 'A p H l J j l? ' - 8, « W , a t the po itoffleo a t Tw in Pall», i J ; , ...H aho, onder tbe A et o f M arch 3 ^ W 9 .

•' ^ ------ - If t]; ' ' ■ «par

JE H P IO IT O E S , J '- •‘■'■flbmd rem artoU o.petf'p Irt^ Eo- flm t

ropeib i'^ r^V 'fedne rV a '^eU s'cK T eo to w ini tbo world tboM .^dayi;’ T h a t , of the Amerlean lo ld le j '^ ^ .th ^ h i^ ^ ^ ‘jjpjjjo£. t t e .torpedoed ' fnaean la dnglng

' doT re gff 'from here, boyi, tho•wbere do wfl,go from .T ero -- '’ ^ t h e y

■ got-.ready^ to/j^t.ln to__the,^>oiif^ m o it '■ ^m 'K e rememhefod a* one 'o f tbe.rlch*

eat se m t la 'th e erown of A m edeaa mao- ' I f___ - ^■ ~ - - S w ~ t i - - d iv ~ n r - '^ ie ~ U n k e S '^ ^ ^ eorreipondent deieribe# the, e n try ; jof i s ip A serie an s in to tbo figh ting tone '"in To jTMUrday’t oewi budget: rCDie A m u le an i ' entiM ^o-^lD to the

I t r i£ pa rtly by ra il a'nd partly by en ol oarchlng.

Tbe troopa were la tbe h lgbeit aplrlta icoagbflut Thoy cheered tb i Tiling- n from, tbe ir fre igh t eara an d .fla t c a n Xp>

f t they paaaed through tb e to w u . ^ U - H g U te t w u .m o a a U d on f la t eata, kop t H e m rapplied w ltb hot " a lu m ."■ i M y l n g tb»-traln a f te r two day i and Boiln

of tid ing , tbe y -m o ^^ ed to Um to ee ^ B b lU ta t lo n area, wbere ' tbey wore ” ^ b c M J L ln Tillagoa a u d 'eh a U ^^ ^ .

i r T W tye tb r n 'l t t y * , . j a ^ K i b e g a a tb e ^ a re b 'd f teai’e b e r to 'th e ta lne

' ' o''>7^ K ^ i w t t n g U iw g ljT H la g e a d tg ta g , y**^,

H ail, the Q aag'a AH H e r e . ' '^ H g e a o o n f la g ^ g n u rolled u r o i s Bel ^ ^ ^ i d n a fo r tb e fVnt Umo. field^ ■ e ' D a r c h ' ^ made In i ta g e r 'o f ^ ■ 1 5 to ^ .m ile a J t aay ,'tbo^m en ^ ^ w g In b a m i, anywbcre, a t <

^ ^ ■ M o a re tbe p le tare i which will live. . ^ H b o n e l y aeenei w ith th^ bumaB

th e llgbta and ibadow a-of tv e iy to be ^ H f e , eomnonplaee i f you -will, b a t m nks ^ ^ B t n d in tim a ^ and gripping In tbeir ^ H - m t u n l p t e . Tbo' baclsToond, ^ K i m e / f o r . 'tbo 'itag lD g of g rea t lauw i ^ ^ B j n i t b eyond .. . . home

' . ' tz u t

TH B Q E B H IN ?L A N Icy m^ ^ B g n i a r onanim lty of opinion Ii to

among foA lgn 'coneipondenU Qennan plan of aetloa fo r the -

^ ^ H t« , ,p , r e m t _ .Q A e ,« a d all'B groe ^ ^ ^ ■ H o o a 'n n 'p r q f i e r l t ig - r o r s 'f l n n l ^ ^ ^ ^ m y wQl etake a ll on o u g rea t ^ ^ ^ ^ M f o r e . ' t b e -prom lisd help of w o ^ ’ ^ ^ ■ m a 'U r i t i U e * . ',A11 ayail»^Ie T r ^ t

been draw a f ro o i '( ^ r a a n 'ifverywhere. O e ^ n y j J i

^ ^ ^ I n e f i h e e 'o D o ' tb ird of lier. man B k i g d a a dM l^ve v k to ty ovpr fc&M

^ ^ ^ » e » < q n e i l b a ^ . i W r c ^ jK o t Y p m , leU b

^ ^ ^ ^ L j e n i ; ' . poablb l7 ''rt 'e '’cbaaDol iib . ' ^ ^ ■ a l i , perhaps the fa ll o f PATla.

is^ ^ ^ H a y in human UTdi A -priee ^ ^ ^ H a r d l y lx> reekdnoa la tbe or- Mtiidf ^ ^ ■ i 't tr^lV uizodw ftifan . A sd ^ ^ ^ ^ H im p U ib o d any of th u s eads _ _ ^ ^ ^ A e price j-tbere ii 'e tU l tbe ^ ^ ^ ^ ■ A m e i i t a a fiii'Tys, t b t w vV ts

B tatei abd t ^ rci^ureo^ ready ^ ^ ^ H b e trained leUSen' of the ao lf.'

I i U no t-im pow lU e 'tba t (U l lo r t ahonld happea. ^

^ ^ ^ ^ w o o l d be a b itte r oae, b u t poop], i tn g g le woTild be b o f b c rtd

iflOTitable. I f i t takes la it, ^ ^ ^ ■ . t o do the work, Oermony

U buman rlgbt* aad are to e o a tin c o 'to oh-

' lu ' tiu

U e n Dlvidea. wonld hfiTo you be-

^ ^ ^ ^ ■ ( c a t l o D re tta oa tb« ac- ^ ^ ^ ^ ■ ' p o Q b d t . ablClngs and

tb e cspitalift,''aM ll- ^ ^ ^ ^ ■ d l e m e o , and peace fo r ^ ^ ^ ^ K f i y d s e y A u tr a l ia a

_ t u g h

T H £ U l l i i i | ;C irl(itti;‘‘r tii iE r tr rP ii" H

— ---------------------:-------------- :— %^AflBPAT.T. d o p e ,

(Ed. Note—T bli ia tho f l n t o f a lerlk* o l a itltlM otf tbe vmIom4 major Uc cBjpic buebflUTfeami; - .A t tb ia tim e ,9C janboU l i tho all im portant lub jee t of A ,be iportiag world, therefore tbe io a r <o ,Icl» ibonld be in te ra tln g to aH )

S y Ont B uebaU B x p « t . ■»> Tlie Now Y ork 'Q ianta have s ta rto J no

ho icoioa wltb a ' s tring o f vletorlci. tb f i l l uiually meani tha t tho clnb will nc 'Iniih a t tho bottom of the rcportoiro. W( lowever, equipped w ith tbo Polo “ 'roiindi, the k r g t i t number of fn m of bo my c ity , and McQraw'e ab ility to ar- « ;ue tbo umpi out of declilpns, they mny ,wi cad tho loftgoe for lorai! tim e. o^

Heine Zimmerman ond L orry Doylo tb Till Badoubtedly b it bard and win w( Dtraygamcf, prorlded tboy don’t jjo t tr; ;nnc8d by-lbe umps. •

Tho team 's g reste it d lia Jvoa tage ll h a t I t Is compoMd alm o it'en tlre ly of M >layora"of Tou^ide doieent. This fac t Icl T H lu tlm ulatftbo p lay irt on'oppoalng eama to do tbeir w on t to make Amcr- U> ea lafo fo r the Amorlcasi. Howevrr, f tbo Q laati eostinuo to 'in r e s t tbclr 'ia< pare eaih In Liberty Bondi, they moy f f ie t tb li defect. • - - —I f tbo team can w in 'a s .m any gam ei Jo:

s i t d id last year i t will b e tb e pefi- ,yc a n t wlnaer,.'tb{it, li, if »o other team, rii rlai more tbaa It-'d^et^ an

• ...... ■ tnA fter revolutions and conntor;re_vi|}B- tie

idtii/- BoliheViU mle, -sopariits' peace Ini 'Itb Qermany, tbe lo ii of Poland and pe 10 U k n lc e ,' and C onaek . up rliing i, :uu la i l back wb'ero I t w u March 1, tal 9I7;v ./'O ft\8g iB , plK 5gln, goiys agin, in ianegan.” , ,.«l

■—. '■ ■> , . tb' I f mob rlo ti YoQtlDue' to.contlnno, tbe .'un

lm laiitratlo,n:m ay ha re to appolb t a thi jEljApmltistrator. . -eoi

iiran iT O T O L nT L B P B IT B aV E ? *5 To have t a w ait a large p a r t of 6at- rday evening In a barber shop.

.“ W bat b u happened to tho o. f . per* in‘;^rito -got-eiciteil wjieoever be saw jv I o irp la n o t" queries J . 0 . E .W tfll u y bo ll “ a i ru p la th e a i r . " j J '


Xpebllnkiknowky, Bnssla,- A pril 30, TT (Special)—I h v e been a tn a d e d In Is 'p laco for two days ow ing to th e ' f f lc u ltj of finding a tra in bound fo r ^ Jtrograd. The newly-formed O rder of lilroad ra p le y e i b u been called in- I aottlon a t .Mokow for th e pu ipow , ’ ratify ing tbo separate peaco trea ty , ’ Ub O erm uy , and u a re m it tbore0 v e ^ few t r a l u moTing. . ' **? l.d o nb rknow bow long J m ay be do- laed bere, bn t I bope It w U l'b o 'fo r ^ >ly a short time, u this tow s, is s S diry dellgbtfnl place in which to itay .9u m ay bavem rm lsed tb a t f ro m ,tb e , ime. - 'Before leaving b ie » O erman’ nrmy ? ” !ld beadquartet* I A rt Qeneral von . idondorff. TheyicalWilm tho “ brainii .> *

tho arm y s t a f f ' - I t ' s lu re ba rd onInderibur^r^d Uoekoawn- '

, • for

• ■ • ' S' :Much Nutrition in Barley. ^ 'vo'

Although barley has bci'ti u s ^ ch ief ' berfor browing nnd iiialling, It la know n tobe highly nutritious. I ts food vaino 7< r

nks pmcUcnlly the oniue a s tb n t 'o f tenle n t T bo p w rt ba tloys la aoopa and notcereal form oro widely u sed i b u l Pjy

a 'b a r le y ' a e a r 'a h b u ld - 't e r - 'b e t te r^ forown. I t can be readily gronnd (tt inmo In bond m il ls . . And,, anyw here Tbia t wbole w heat flour or«, com m eal be?Q.bo used, w ith one cxceptlon.ibar> ver r meal will be foood a pe rfec tly sat* &'actory anbsUtote. thn

....■ s :-

> ..M a ld a HinV‘I t la now moce'tlian a « n t a i 7 alnoe sinj r S n ii llB h 'iin n jfO D ^ tin lt*ly,-(iB d >^’lh c batfle of M alda o r e f U b e t,r tn c h . .Napoleon had^rowed’to edP^ n,j, e r 81dly,.niM for th a t pnrpoee th o h „ t n ^ -p u sh ^ OQ 'lDto O alabrla, a n d q |;

r i lo make extensive p n p a ra tio n s . bqq th e English forcca fG t.tf i# d&. ciaanf Btelly prepared to deal ft Wow

tho malDland. A force o f 6,000 (]»□ n - ian d e d Ifr'lhD bay o£ e t Sm pbo- .„ a ft<.4Dd thoJjBttalloQS o f tb e F rench1 before tbe bayoDcta .o t tb o Brtt> fnti l ' Napoleon's bopca w ere ab atte red . a -stroke . B ut the “daU y4irtifl*r^

im K U bore-travcllng iBlo I-oadon, *“ ® w ay o ftb 6 B d g w a rd ro a d ,m T B f« ah

eta o s h e passes by M alda HUI and ilda Vale, the d rijln o f th e nam *. ^ O btlatlaa Science Monltcs. ^

■ wai_ .............. .. , , • - — the

-W hen th e 'U u flh Is o n 'Y d u ............People ore co t very much lacU ned ^

lacgh a t tho girl who I j a lw ays ady to Join In tbo laogh agnU ut b e ^If. I t la tho ooo'w ho a s ^ c a a irs trem endous aupcrlority, a b d tcem a feel herse lf ln falllbl^ w bo ooeda to _ a f r ^ d of making a oUp. B re n If ^ '

ople laugh a t tbo glri w bo la n g h i a t _ raiOf, there la e lw ayi a 'tendetoea* it, a kindU neas'that takM e n t a ll

e atlng. Leam to cnioy a Joke oo o rac lt-^Jich im ge. • ) c »

'Bpolled the '‘0 e « l T blng. . ^ Bobby had ft bnd hab it o f w a t to g op tho middle of the filglit t a d «rylB* J nntU y until one of hia piarentf w onld ^ Ok him to sleep a p to .. . O na o lg b t bblo began to ’ ctjr and h is B other, id to b e r husband: “D e t r , you’d tte r w alk tbe baby." ITatber g m m . “3 d a n d baby howled . and finally m l ) k e o p s o b b lo 8 ly : '7 e s ,d e a r : I f ln k 0 had be tter walk the baby.” A fte r . H s hia bablt-w oj DO longer Hjdolged. th e .

■ , ' TWlNfALI^S]

S c a l le d : h is b l u f f :2 ■ - :M By 8ADIB OLCOTT. - m i

V h i M l a i M M M i B n M A a i V \<Ceprrts». Jlll.WMllrnNtVipApM'tJBlsa.)

Mlas-Cberborougb had th e repota*. * tloa of b e tas th e moat p raa o w o M e»> ,9BBUe In tbe d t y . ^ w b ich -ihe U red.4 'man would bo seen to-be-a tteistlT e ^ to ber. would liccomo more a n d more' ^Itentiye, would send g lft» r-o f c o n n o w ithout intrlnaTc .TO lnfr-prlnclpally flowera, and erctybody w ould suppose th a t an engogencDt w as to b e an* ■ i nounced, when, presto I tbo gentlem an . would suddenly bo called^ aw ay. A t i any m te hia. a ttentions to M la a 'Clbe^ y boi9cgb w ould e rn e . T ben 1& t!ie course o f a few m onths o r a few

,weeks, h e would be replaced b y ao- other su ito r who woold procoed a long tho tam e to e s . N ot InfreQuently th e re , would.-bff aeveral of these gentlem en " trying to c lln b 'tb e ladder a t th e aam e ^ Ume. • f;

One morning when tho poetm aa call* ' M 08 usual a t b reakfast tim e, b e ‘ le ft a le tte r fo r Mias G b e rb o ro o ^OQ th e lell>hasd com er o t w b ld i w aa tbe offldal s tam p : "W iUetts a n d U s - ^ Ilo^A ttom eya s t Lew.” T h e y o m g ^ • itdy looked a t the stam p cnrlonaly, 1 thea opened aad read (he le t te r ;

"We a re In stw cted by onr client, H r. p, John FiMtwood, 'to bring su it a g a in s t pj ,yon lo t bttntb-of-prom lse d . n i a i - 'nj riage. H i^ ''c la lm f dam ages,-to . th e -rc amount o f )00,0Q0. W e 'w rite yon, tresd iig t l u t fho m a tte r m ay bo aet- tied ont of court, w ith ,a view to aTOld- 'g t lug lltlgi^on,~%0 d tb e conseqocnt ex- ' " pense." ' , . n ,

Membera o t th e fam ily w et« a t tbfe tb tab le,' b n t 'U l M Cberborough w as to In the habit of Keeping h e r ow n conn- Gi M l abont be r lovo atfolrs, ^ e tnckdd dc ,tbe le tte r In b e r b lo w . ^ th Q u t c o n - Fi m e n tln g o n lt W ben .sbebad lln labed .k t th o m e a la h o w e D tto h e i 'ro o m a n d h e r 'G i

-composure g a re w ay to a rap id ly beat- tb Ing h e a r t . • . • nc- I t was no t th a l abo judged tb e no te wl to bo serious lo t legal po in t o f view, b ;il In & gatiiQ of h e a r ts sho b a d been ol playing abe knew I t to b e a bold s tro k e th on the pa rt of be r opponent Sboknew to< th a t U r. Fleetwood wonld no t ta k e tb money trom he r oven If ahe had n o n e y of to pay. N or woald b e stoop to pp.n- th lah her fo r bavlng W him on to a p i ^ mi poaal, and then rclectcd h im .. H q w as du too good a sp o rttm aa a t the gam e fo r / t h a t But w bat did I t meauT 01101 iic ,w as the question. > A fter d o e consid- tm era tion abc dedded H w oa a M nll. nnd wi w rote tbo a tto n ey a th a t she hod never p r promised to m arry Mr. F le e ^ o o d , Vi therefore sSa owed him nothing. tin.

B ack came n le tte r trom them s ta t- <n< Ing th a t Mr. FlectWood h a d in h is pos. wl seiwlbn lo ttc rs .f ro o U lss OberborouRh tin « b k b wonld provft h is case. A t tbia W hs Cberborough winced. She w u Ho nStconHcIons'of having w ritten a lino .cu: toM r.Fleelw ood, b a t ahe w o s a o t sqre. Af On tbe retu rn o f d ifferent batches of le tje rs abo had w r i t^ n various suit- 'Vl ors, aho hnd been su rpriicd o t her nae lack of caution In expressing herself. < ' .M Iss Cherborongh d id n o t know whether U r. Fleetwood Jovod h e r or n o t; And sbo wos quUo su re th a t u v ' fo r bny real lovo fo r him she 'had kep t him In tho daric.;.,ThIs t h ^ t c n e d Jrult “ was llkc ly .|ln aomo way onknown to ber, ln(eq(]cd;'tQ dm w ou t an anaw er ' to th ls " ^ n tlo n . .Sbo w ro te-the law- yers aaylng tb a t If ahe had ever w rit- .Ael ten love le tte rs to t h d r client abo d id be no t ttroem ebr b a tin g done «o. T bo to- '] p ly w as.tb a t tin lc n some propo^MfP fornse ttlem ao tw asfo rtbccm lngw ltb* sol In a week su it w ould b o .^ m e n c e A coi Thla would Involro tbe pnbllcotlon of 6oi ■hei; le tte rs which Mr. Fleetwood wonld wb very mnch re g re t for

M iss CherborongVs w eak po in t w as thn t abe did |^ot know If theao lettcra exlBtpd o r w hether they w ere a gl- gantlc'bluir. I There' was something in ' I Mr. Fleetwood's (iDdodouB method tha t won he r,.and 'ro r-the Aral tim e In her lifo aho wair ready, to tumble to this singular wiolng. Bnt-fsoppoao. abo » » w v e In and_olfcred-to se ttle th o cose W< by ogreeiag to''fDlflIl h e r promlao to oni raarry ’tbp tilalntltr,,m ight ho.nof sting n ir h e r by s a jla g th a t tio bad changed bia dls m lndV A'ft'cr vftlnly try ing to find J y l i eome w oy-o 'n t’ of the . dUcm ma'^Rbo'<he wrote tho ottofneys th a t If Mr. Fleet- ^bi wood would abow h e r any w ritte n evi- fait dcnco th a t aho bad sold abe loved him *incl ond had pi^imlscd to b e b is wlfo aho bee w ould no t b rcak 'tbo pledge, b u t would \ fuIQll i t by m ^ l n g him. igg' A /o n a ld e ra b lc t lm o ^ la p s c d b ^ e e n w s: tbo sending of^tbla^^ettw ail'd th e r ^ akli p ly .' Tha delay m eant to ‘til s s Cber- evit borough th a t either Mr. Fleetwood had mot no such letters, o r th a t ho d id no t froi w ant lo m arry h e r . ' -But i f tbo g r a e ran waa worth th e playing U m eant th a t Ing th e plnloUff w aa try ing to w in tb e cep d e fe n d a n t ' hao

Finally th e a tto rneys w ro te th a t If w e U is s - O h ^ r o u g b wonld call a t tb e ir and ofllcea a t 'a n oppolnted tim e Mr. Fleet- iag wood woold convlAce her. o f tba Jus- >» tlce o f 'h la c a u s e .M I ta Oberborouitfi bef made Instoi^l rep ly 'to thla tb a t If the .pe« client bad anything to ahow her, she ^nli woold bo a t liome to h im fo r eny ite te ets) w ithin two daya. A fter thk l ahe wonld Am liavo nothliig to do-tn the m atter. .'upo

W llbln ao hour o f tb e recH pt o f this le tttr Mr. Fleetwood called cn Miss ‘f “ t Cherborongb. She received him w ith reserve. , , hini

"H ave you broogbt tho l e t t e r s r th a 1®* u k e d . . wetu .i.T -h a ta to t a U nafrom yotL"'- - ...... fo r

“ Then w bat bavo you to say for Fon tu lf in tb ls m ad T e n tn ro r 8

“T hat I love yoa a s m adly aa tho rea ln rew aam ad ."

•T aial'i tho w ay I w ith to b« lored." .T he engagement w as a sn rpdso to ^

lie aodal.w orid. '

f i DAILY ^ w a - •

T h e C b n / t o f a G e n i i D e s G r t e rWritten ip a./Wwito Offic

' Mo Participated In the ing and Pibgtng .ofBelgiari " ■

O n iV J h V tM K t tN u ,

(C hapter's.continued) • tciBut no one hnd 'time to b o ie r w ith •

them. Tbo t’rench wero making an- other stand oolslde tbo d ty lo ao opes field. Aa tbo enenfy vacated the town tho G ermankmado an e rro r^ b lc h eoit them bondreds of lives. Thoy bad oc- cuplc(| (ho entire, town so quickly tha t tho German artillery wbich sbd lad a . p a rt of the d t ^ did no t kppw o r th e chaoso In th e slluatlOB' and throw ' shells Into tbo tanks of tho Infantry. < F lnallyour soldiers were cospsU ed 'to give up aomo of th d r gains by the presinre of onr own ea w d l a^ tbe Preocb Ilro, bu t regained th is ground . aftern’ards. Strangely enough, 'th e h

' residence section previously mentioaed m .b a d not sum-red seriously. A ll-the K r..bousus flew tho Bed C ro u and were B 'owhI u temporary hospitals. t t

Uero It f f u . reported th a t Belgians W mutilated German so ld iers .' \7bether ^ tbls wero true, o t a rum or, almllar > to o then being w n ita n tly s ta rted by f l Gentian soldiers, 1 cannot soy, biil I W, do know th a t on Aogust 24. a lte r the vk French had retired . It wns maile ~W.

.jknovrn.'through, an arm y order tha t .1 = •G erm an'soldiers bad .been m u r d e r ^ >*-1 tbert.-and (hot the G erm an arm f'C bvd ' A oot leave tbe sceno of theso outrages V wliboul first avenging the victims. i;

i t w u 'o r d c t ^ by the commander. ^ ot tho anny to l e j d tbe remainder of | thc d ty and to ahow ,no mercy. As wo \- took a ilio rt rest fnim o u r pursuit of < tho euvmy.and lookedbackirard douds of smoko lo tb e eastw ard showed that thc order Imd been executed. A re- mainiog battery, o f nrllilery had re- ' duced tho d ty to aahes. u,,I Tho French bed mado a stand out- n,. lido the d ty and rcslited to tbo ut- foj tuoxt. but they wero outnumbered. I t j wns ilinply Isposslblo to resist (lit- preaiuro of tho German w ar liachlnu. (,,, IVhemtbo Q ennan columns^ with fixed liayooets, a ttacked to tha-accompani- ment of the ir bjood-curdllng yells whicli. llko .th d r steel, penetrated to

’ tho bone, ibey 'reiem bled In every re- pg, spect Americafl Indiana golng.lnto ae- dj-, tion. Illnging thetDscives w ith'blood- pj,

.c u l l in g yells ujwo th e ir enenflca ^ A fter a.lhreo-hpnr.,lljht many, Freach_;| ^b men-gave ttem sclves up a s p r iso n !^ ' qq, W ith uplifted., hnnds'. tbey, lou^ht ]qq mercy. .,|,e

At last, on tbo n lgbt of 'Auguat .23 vll! and 24, tbe'enemy'a' ranks weiv (brown we into Miifuslon and they retired slowly, hai

-I^w as In th e ^ rs t 'd c tn c h m c n t w h ia cpt p n rso i^ 'U itn r T o ,the righ t nnfl le lt ,kej of the /road , lo tin* Cold and ditches, Oo< were dead and wountled. . .. . .p ro

T be rcd 'pantalotm s' o f (he French | ahowed brightly on the ground. Thc ' we. fleld gray of tho Germans could hardly Thl be dlscem ed. ' ■ log

The distance bciw etn u s '^nd tho re- wh jf e a t ln g French’became fre a te r . Our thli -soldiers became happier over tho out- mej come of the battle and seemed (o fo^ 1 got th d r past bardPlilps. The corpses poi which mitid tbo roads nnd ditches were aro fo ri^ tten amid tlic Jokes, and songs our on overy llde . The men w ere already. I accpstomed to the horrors of war to n \ such on extent tha t they uncooceroed. wo ly walked over the corpses, not even mid consU trlng It neceuary to "make a cou slight dptour. Jioo

A t noon we-oalted and were served “«a: w ith dinner from tho Odd kitchens, woi We weru sun-ly hungry cnoogb and i f a oor canned lo u p .w u eaten with the btr. u tm ost rd lah . Mnny soldiers se t tb tir fl-at d ltbev on tbe bodies of dead bones ly ln g ^ b o u t and ate a s gayly as If wot

"they Avere a t home n t (heir own tables. L Tho few Uumau coipsea near our camp bar

failed to disturb tm ...O nIy-«stC r-w u ? * lacking, and after the d lnneronr th in t ? J became very acute, sven lortoroui.

We' aoon marched on. onder a bum- w Ingm ld-d^^jnin, tbe dn st’o f th s high- j:,, ' w ay lying thick on our' onlform s snd skin. .Now. no more ch eerfn lneu w u ~ evident anywhere. Our th ir s t became more onbeareble and we grew weaker from minute to minute. M any In our ^ ranks feU. u n a b lfto go fw U itr. Nolh- 7. * Ing remained for oor commander ex­cep t to halt, as h i did. not wlah to n - haust os all. As a r a n l t o f th is bait w e w ere le lt considerably In th e rear . and lost oor place among those porsu- ? la g -th e French. frie

•About four o 'clock we ttnally aaw t«X« before p i a village. In the certain ex- • « pe«Bflon o f , ge tting w ater there we 1“ ° ^n ld teoed onr pace. FnglUves and ^ e tapty o sn ltlo n columns -passed ds. Among them (here w u a farm wagon upon w hldi *e r* several d v r a i i pris- oners, apparently fran^tlrears . A -CathoBe priest was amoog them. Be, lik e the olhera, bad hU bands lied b ^ ^ hind him vrltb a rope. To o a r cortons ’ qnesUons u to w hat b t had done, we were lold th a t h# h a d Ind ted the ” 5 form ers to poison the w l e r In the ' “ 5 village. . , alM

S o o n w e tta d ie d tb e v m a g e a n d tltb e ^ firat well a t which we might have a itls- fled o o r fh lrst we found a seoU sd * po tted . H e drove n s.a w a y w ltb a ^ warning tha t the > a te r-w a s '^ lso o e d .

Disappointed I, k n d . (arrlbly embU-Nfc

* ^


tered, the soldiera cursed und gnashed

HoCursed and Gnashed Their Teeth. PUI

'• t l i cDiulr teeth . They hurried oi to th e to next w dl. .b u t everywhere sentlnds lo forbnde o u r taking refreshment. an,

lu au open space In the center of oui the village wns a big well from which cot there como w ater d e a r as crystal that- ma emptied into a big' trougtL Flvo sol- tlo: dicni stood guard here lo a te th a t n e dei ono drank . I was Just about to pro- ] ceed w ith n y comrades w hen'a large bel part Ilf m y company threw themselves to llko men possessed onto tho wdL I b e guards wero>completely overcome and, ^ greedy os animals, a ll the men drank, m They quenched th d r th ln l , but no t j ouo became III. - Tbe prieat, u 'w e 4 learned la t t f . was punished beeaose, j the offleers eald. the w ater In every ^ vlUftge had been poisoned, and we w erelo ld .tha t only by a happy chance - « had -tho l lv u of our soldlcis b ^ ~ d spared. J h e Ood of the Germans had .■ kept t ru e guard. It appeared, bu t (he ^ Ood of tbo Belgtaos was not there to protect h i s . . ■ •

In^moat o f the places \i« posted we were warned no t to use the water.This, o f course, had tbo effect of mak­ing the sd d le rs halo th'e peop|o from - whom they coold expect only deoth. In thla way (be vldous lu tln c ts fo f our > inen were .aroused. - ^

The w ater, o f course; w u nowhere poisoned. T hese lies were told to arouse ha tred of the B e lg la u among our soldiers.

Io the tK H lng . a l du»(i, we tta d je d a village cfist o f tbo Bcrtrlx. There wo found poisoned woter olso. In th e ^ middle of th e village wo ha'lted aad I ^ could see through front window of a ., house 'before which ! stood. lo a 'm ls - erable home of a /labo re r we saw a woman. She dun g to ber chlldrdx u If a fraid tbey would be torn atfoy from caii her. Boddaaly a atone - u large u a flsl w as throw n thmogti tha wlndtnv do« la lo th e toons and a Httlo girt v u plft'wounded o n ,Ib o H g b t^D d . • tha

In this village ne.w cra biflo'ted-to-r 'tb 'obam . W ith som e'<W ltii(l^ rw e n t to* .alp'ithe Tillage to bny food.- We' obtained 'iiC^ham .-bread and-w lne a t a.formbouse, abo bo i the people refoied any paym ent’ because they considered u t gnejU ;They only asked that we should noth u rt them.. We paid them neverthV ^l e u fo r everythlnc. Id Oerman money. , ,T h c i t . j s flverywhcro else we went, jwe found the population In mortal “ “ “te rro r ef p s , Th» people trembjed- U)!” whenever a Oennan so ld ie r 'c jts redtb d r h o m s . - celli

' • ' - . _ _ _ • ; been

CHAPTER III. -, . ’ -

— ' planFonr e f c s bad formed a d o w piyit

friendship. We had promised lo keep mat! together and help o a t ano lhet In v,-jdt e rery danger. So wa often vW ted the chcn bomes of dtlxens together and did oor best lo quiet thc harassed people we fle t and ta lk th tm oot o t fe a r of onr rorces. W ithout exception we fflund , r

peoplo friendly ond qiildk ‘to feelIn B, poUi

a>*l » • PM llj U i<r f r t t i i J l B 5 ," "” ™ ' . on l i t l r d o e n wllh d u lk .^ e r e live good, honest people, p letse p o re tb e a ," theie gratitude knew no

If to much bad blood existed .- w d If se many things w hld i led to the w n ta iy axecutloti of lonumerable B d- Tb 0 ^ t t w u becam e of the 't tls tru st lol* •n w a a llc a lly nourished oa the p a rt year i t the O ennan offleers. • ' Tho.

T bat n ight w e marched o a t 6 « be- ly 'n a * Joined by a 2l<en tlm etw m ortar yon » l te r y of th e foot artillery regiment year,

r e a l l y arrived. N ^ w ^ w t r s

T U E S D A Y , A P B I L 30. igiR.

-V kv'act os an auxlUary for this u t . . tery. blit we wero a ls o ^ ip « te d to btlo bring .these immense cannon Into a^ * floD. These guns w.ero In tw o sectloni. - ead i transported on a ' wsgon pulled - by alx h o r a ^ . These hortea, the en ijr ones used by foot im iie ry . a re sue- posed to be th e flnest a n d ^ o s t powe^• ful In the Oermnn army. i

Y et-ibeso .on lraa ls were Mldom on to expectations, so tb a t U w u a com­mon thing to ,detail from 70 to 80 men ' to assist In tron iportlng these tno^ “

.ta rs , ond long, heavy ropes wero ca> ried for,this,ptirpoie.- This happened most frequenUy whenever the goal imd (Q be taken o ? a highway and broi;gt>t Into o firing position.

Soon we arrived a t the d ty of Be^ trlx. We found -m anr h o u sa a f u ie right ond le ft o f u s burning briahtly. - p ie y had been s e r t f i r i , w e learaed.. ' bccause peraons In them had flred ca pasilng soldiers. l a fro n t e f one et tl)e ic.houses w as a ha lf-bnm ed'm as and woman w ith th e ir fifteen or tlx- loi-ii.yoar-old son. All were coytrtd • wlUi Btraw. A little -w ky farther o a threo more civilians wer? lying dead ' in. the >amo s tr e e t

As wo w ere m arching we tuddeoly jw lv e d an order ’to surround a certato houie a f th V le ft o f us. Our csptaln declared tb n t t th o t flred from U ut house hod’ klUed a soldier. None of ua h jd beard anyiblng, however. The houae from which the th o l w u alleged lo have been flred w as soon surround-' sd and hand grenades thrown Into It ' throngh tho E ndow s. In a mloate all Iho rooms w ere aflame. The a ir prta- sure from tho exploding g itoades w u <i> g rcn t.th a t f M t t In thE rb^pu flew rroin th e n h in r a .oral rooms were Crushed. . ,, "

A lm ott a t tho sam e tim e flW ‘Ians ran Into '(ho etrcots wJth r a l i ^ • iand t. They were se lied t l once and A led before tbe ofllcers, wbo eonsUtiited' themiiclvcs Immediately' Into a court- <. martial. Ten minutes la ter 'seatenee ‘ bad been executed, and five m en:lay , ‘ >n Uic ground with -eyes bandaged. ' riddled with bullets

In cacb c u e six 'of. our men w ire ' ihvaya called upon to a x ^ ^ one nan 's sentence. 1 u n sQtiy 't o u y Ihnt I waa ooe of the thirty. c«Ucd ipoii n t th is occaaion. The condemned sa n »Yho I t was our duty to shoot w u iliuiit fo n y yeara old, u l l and a tra lgh t Se never blinked aa the bandage w u put on. Ho was led (o the garden ef Jie house near by ond bis back placed to tlio bouse. A fter our captain said lo UK thiit i t was our duty to aim troe ind cud tbe trag’cdy'qnlekly, we look ; ju r poslUona six pacca la fron t « t U » . wndemned man. The^aergeaat-coto— naudlng'Ua previously gave us tn ltru ^Lions th a t w e were lo aboot the con- ' demned men through the b re a s t

Now .we form ed-lnto two rows, on# ‘ behind th e o ther. T he order < sounded to load and nlm and we eacb po t fire

Riddled W ith Bullela.

flrtridges into our-rifles. “P repare'to irtjtJ-the-nieii In the f ln t ro w .k n d l own and the aecond' row look th d r ilftcea. O w guns w ere now held ao baC the b.amils wer*. forw ard and li'e b u tu wero h ip bl«h. “Alm"Ton< lowly - wo aimed, bolding on r gom Ightiy w ith tho bu tU agaln tl otf boulders ond onr flngera on tho trif-

(To be Oontlnned.)

Dyaa From Lichen.T hb nso of lichens 'ns sources o f dye •o f Iong standlng.*'Th'b"ramou8 bin*

iJ purplff dyes o f Ihe E as t,-so f r^ . lenlly m entioned In h istory, w ere In - :1 probability cx traclcd from (ho Boe- Ilo U dien, which h^B In 'rcc cn t times Icn-extensively used Ip -P ra n ce for 0 gorgeous coJoradon of allks. Lichen res o re sccif^cd by pu lverlilng (ho on t body, term ed tho thnllos, and a p * ' • ylng oiknll to cx trncl iho coloBni a tter . ,Ono Hchcn dye, lltm ot. flod»Ide nppllc&UoQ In th e science of ic m ls ^ .

Alwaya Loek Happy.- JVhy do rb'iloffrapbs of woman a l^ . anc pilotB .^ilwnys .ahow .them com-,•ting for the 'irecord itt tho standing •ond g r io t — Plltaburgh O a tc tt^ • imes.

m d a TO OWNBEB O P L 0 T 8 j ar m x t a L l b

Tho a n a n a I ' . o l i a ^ - ^ * « p k * V «^------1* In T ifla H U s 'cam stefy t a w a r isie is due and pajrabla U t7 ^ le amonnt i l 18.59 to r saeh lot. -•; make yonr paym ent by tKat t i n t «10 wrlih yonr F « P « rtr o r e d to r tM ar. T W IN FA LLS QBMBTBBT

, ^ O U T I O N / - J i v * -

Page 5: f W iE M' FA miLWnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_… · PINDSAIJ^B’LIKES IK- ^ tao t bave OKE POIHT- HiNDEiraTOODEOIsiVB- ut. LYOHKOKED . mUe

/ poatos OF THE VM

X :

- —

» • 6 k ^ , / _

• • / ^a




; . ' The close Uiis-\\‘oek wi C find tho officcfl of the Reven

. reprcBohtatlvcH, of the depar .' luent of •ftRriciiUiiro ia Twi

■Fallfl county whicli hnvo bee distributed in tho pant betwee

. tho court bouHO and the Quihei building on Mnin-avenue nort] Kituatcd i!J coraniodlous nnd we fumlslied quarters in tho basi mont of the Corconui buildiii u t tlie conuT of Shosboiio strec luid ScQoiid nv(jnne soutli.,

Antliorlies^LeaM. . The c ouo ty fnm 'liO rcttu -orocoU '

romtniUeo a t itn mooting GaturOoy a Icrnoou authoritcd ' iho Icnslog of tl

i IIOW quarters fo r IhU -puriwio. TlI . move liaa bcen umlcr coneldoratioo f<

•• *omo -Umft.------:------------- --Id tho new (juartors thoro wlll-1

litua tod tho officci of Coority Agei Doo&Jd M cL can /and hi* roeonUy n

■ pointed oulB tant, A. D. Wlchor, tog jt or w ith tho*o of ill** Q ortrudo 'D e ccke, countjr-homo domon»tr«tlon agon nnd of Y . K. Srautt, county |)oya’ at Kirls’ elub Ica’dor.

In eonncctlon w ith tbo ofiieoa the will bo mnlntfllnod a r« it room fp rj \; non and a rosdinK room where govor mont buIletiBS and,ogriculturol porioi rola aro to bo found a t a ll't lm es . ' pool tnblo ho« boen ordorod to bo 1 gtnlled in the readinff room. .

P a n s B n ru n E udQ uarters il io new location will bo tlio bea

(jujkrteri fp r .the eoanty fa n a butts organliation, ‘and mocUngo of iU vai oua commlltcca aa well aa o f thoao i

. to rtjtod ' in tbo oeveral phaaoi o f 1 work will bo bcld-thcr? from timo"' time. ' .

Tho fau n omplojmenV btttoSM, T»hii the f)irm bureau has boon .oporatli w ith a high itogroo of succeu durii

. tbo jsarly apring acaJon, will bo oeeoi m odatod-ln theao roonu..

E««t Boom fo r Women“ Tbo rc i t room for womoUin tho fa t

bureau office* taVe* tho placo of tl ; ono th a t wa# opened bore aomo th r

years ago under tbo ouipicM- of tl fodCTotlon of rural women’s d a b i a: which has been turnod ovor roccnUy tho UIO of tho Rcil C rou rofflgoei' i lie f cemmittco.

FOB EX O H A N Q IW ob prlaUng f money. Our w ork ia 111m your mosey th e beat. Twin T allt Kawi.

Advertlae U U tbe Claaalfied eolun of The Kewa. Somebody wUI w tn t

‘ ‘ N o Q a d r i e r ,

S l a t f g h t e r

E v e r y b o d y "

Such w c r e ^ e orders of the Geman officers oa the Qiarch o! tbo Prussian troops through One whowitnessedthehornbledeeds describes them in

C o a f e s s i o n s o f a

G e r m a n i ) e s e M : e r

A rem arkab le sto ry by a ^oung P ^ i a n (^oer

'whose'consdcooe revolted ..'•ftlje atrodtiM and who

' ;inade his esbap'e to this country ^ tc r,th e battle of

. Mop8. DbaH s ^ s the ia* stallments i n . >.

, A t i i l i SO, 1 ^

a w L o o w s " ^

. w rW M S t.

MISSIONARY U N Io iT J GIVES l y E O C R f l iR A U B U B E B S 'O C .X O C A L OBGANI K \ 7 I0 K ,A T A N N trA L U C 6 im < ].l l W - t BOBIZB DIVEBTINO i r o n j f l

0 1 ^ Members of tho Womon's Miisior ,Union ol Tw in Palls, corapoacd ol

T O missionary aocloUes of 'th o lov

nun! nii'oUng Frldav in. tbo I’srish I IS .. Irf'-Uonale betwe'cn $2.'5 and *30 'oui

Iho Union treasury to the lied Oros Cost l a Qreater

will ^icj>orts from tbo various great llonol missionary organiinllon*,

. ifiven by roprosenUtive* from the 1' soelelies, abowod in overy cose tbal

Svin spite o f many othor calls fo r n jeen worthy causcs auch oa the Red Ci

veen '*• ^, . 'or auma have boon iclven fo r miss! >>cru horolofore. Greatly increased i irth, of cnrrylBg on m lislooary ' worlt' well muilc increased g iving seecasary. laHQ- \ ' U U ilosa oro V ltil iinc In bis address a t tho ovonlng scsa

reet ^I'rosbytcrlan ehurcb; cmphasirod fac t th a t missions oro a fundamoi principle o f tho Christian lifo—not

Dllvo oeeaslocal du ty b u t a constant nnd y nf. xcntiol necoasUy. “ Wbcnover f tho church has noglccted it* missionary

Tho ligation*, death has re su l te d / '0 fo r Brand said. “ Tho renl prloclples

which wo and 'our allies a r? fightin( ll-bQ aro 'tho snm6 prlnei;^sent for-whlch tho ehureb, tbo greatest d f np. oeratlc i ^ iu H o h ~ n ~ 1bo-Tvorlfl,-. igjth- “tood In a ll a g es /’ ho doclared. 'Den- ■ ' “ ‘BIiqwb W om aa's W ork In W ar gent, ••'Tho f td d m i.b y Mrs. J . E ..W klU ' and “ .Woman'a Work in Tills W a r" was

terestlog and clearly allowed work thcro each and oU to do. Kfrs. W. H . Si

In . her- chalk ta lk ' on A frica, pro vern- th a t A frica is iadeod tho " d a r k < riodf linen t, s&vo (n tbo lim ited areaa wl . A miflsionnry endeavors nro. bringing

>0 In- liffht of the co»pel.^A-Jittcilier of h 'ful ideas woro brought out fiTtbaTo tn^lo dlacusslon led by Mr*. W. E I

bead ' ' 'a m u B eau tiM momorinl* wero given vnri- ^ Smuts of tho ^rethodist

Ig Jq. cie, nni^ for. Mrs. Qeorgo Bristol of { UJ Pfcabyteriaa e^cJc, who havo b ao' la 'IikIJ’K >*“’’•

'Vbcnl'-solos wore sung by Mrs. 0 vblth ^^cMartin and Mias Carlaon. a tlng " O fflcon S leeted .uring Tho following officcm wero dec :com* for the enaulng yoor: President, J

Thomas ^ b e r ts o n ; f ira t vico-prosldi Mr*. T W estbrook; socond vlco pr .U at, U n . W imai» BaVet; Ih lid i

f tho J^°ba; fourth ith ree Mrs. H. Q. Bchndo; aecreti, , t , . Mrs. H orry Smith; treasurer, Mra.; '

* P E I S O N E E S T H R O K Q . S T E E E T S O F O A P I T J

, IX)NDON, April 30.—Tho Potrog f .T — correspondent o f tho Ports.Journal,

' an undated dispatch, reports th o t 8 > , iJqO ptUonoTS ar« tlirongiag tHo »tr<

lojjB, Of the Bnaslan eaplUJ.

EESU LTa O P H L B C n O N a .^____ . : ' >1K SOHOOL D'lSTEK■3 ^ ‘" I J e ^ t a recen tly received by

county auperlntendont show the foil ing rcs.ults.oI election* in school

tricts, held throngbout tho county April-lS:

Excclslor>-P. U . Strieker wos ole tniatco fo r the throo year terpi to cccd J. "L Earrla.

Ploskint View—M. A. Thomoti elected tm aU e fo r tho, three year t

_ * . to suaceeil V cm le Mdrgan.P* D is tr ic t .N i 09—Jack W. Camp l e waa elected tn u ta e for tho threo ; p s < term to sueeeed Bosf Rice, .and ^ tio W est T»«»-doeted ft nemVer of J s board to f ill the onerplred tenn

T. n . Brewer, ^ e il^ o d .

BAO0ALAUBBATB 7 0 S BOOEBi 'a Preliminary to eighth grade graC l tlon exerclsM la t t o m HooI a t Bt

eon, a baccolaureato lionnoa will b< il* llvcred cn S a o d i r e rsn ln g ,, M*y ’* Tbo ipcaker ia to be designated by

county sDporintesdoDt’a offlco in •y sponao to the reqoeil o f the teat cr ThogmdoftW onwteTcUM,w«UOioi gd on n ld o y cvoning, M ay 2<. .

. To Reduce.1 ‘ D lcl nnd o c rc ls e nro the only

cores" fS ro b cd ty . H cdaccUioomc®* of foK Blarchtfl In joM t diet.

■ jnerfM e tho nraonnt o f bulky nnd nqtrlHong Tcgctablcs. L et yoor c d sc s Inclilde ^tBlklQg ond variooi 8

i r oasUcfl cxcrd sei, e sp c d n lly -U, tr ln s lM n M r a ln n l . i r v m to '

play. -

I9m ....

l l T ~

I SUCIALIST PARTY“ MsnllEDIIFIWINIZA- • ---------tttA T J. A U S T E I A N M E M B E E g '

■ H A V E B I G D E M O N S T E


llEHNE, April 30.—Tho-AusUiau claliat purty ha* isaued a manifesto,

. , ,, which it dnelnre* i t I* " tlro d of a ' nnt or caused imiheosorable auf;

}ros» proletariat of a ll eountrlenccordin^; to ' ailvleoa received hare day.

oat do- "O n Moy day (May I is tho Ei na, « p«an labor day) we wlU domonstrat* 10 local favor of a gencrol peace and show tb a t in ruler* tha t tbo Auatrions do no t dei r most conjiiicat," sold tbo manifesto. ‘ ' '

Cross, "T lioy on ly 'w ant a tru ly tttncl ;h larg- to iy peace, baaed on a reconciliation ilssion* a ll notions.”led eost . Tho monifcato. c a lls .oa .a ll Sodal 'Ic' bas and trades imioniatk not to work i



ary ob- INTOBMATIOM BBPLIES TO I! ’» Dr. OHASQBSles fo r • *

NEW YOBK, April ao.-i-'Demand l i T m . Investigation of tho commlttoe iif-.hni inforaatlon.w aa.m ado by-Qoo.

’ \ - Crcul, It* chairman, in a letter oddn v.l to F rank P . Olasa of Blrmlnghl

^ president of tho American Newspaj t4t* OB Publishers Aasoclitlour whloii b«oa was in- |,ublic hero today. •)rk fo r Creel’s le tte r wa* wrlltcn I m in n . Scott to, charges ffl^do iJy Hopewell Bogi proved iiuaineas mnDOgcr 6L tho Cbicogo Du 'k con| Kows, in bis address last week as

whotc pieslilcnl.ol «J6 A. N. P . A. B ng the cr* referred to tho commltteo as O d p * . depnrlmcBt of the government,' on > round, ono linnd,'doollng out mislnformatl 0- Bar- nnii on tbo other w ithholding now*

til i t ha* readied _tbe public throt cn f-if tbo Uulktliis o f the-«B oray /' oswl s 1st 'elf- ri-ferred to '-'tho Incompetent aad < of th.) b ja l 'i 'e a d of the depaitfnont who |

I h « n rioa in our' unpreparedncss."J Tn hia le tte r to QIoss, Creel said:

'- 0 . 8 . . " I ' l n s l s t . ^ o t . t h o American Nei (lapec PuhlU hett AssoelaUoft le comp n l by overy 'd icta te 'of pa trio tlna

dccted Pfovu or dlf^w vo.tho charge* tba t 3 t, Mnu 0* Jt* president.'.’ . ..isidont .announced th a t ho I. p „ j |! wired Bogera on April 25, naking . ■J , l t c *uch an Inquiry.

'™ r.o ', 0 0 E N E U 1. E S T I E M I N .I . - O S B O A E D . O g T E A r

(By U nited Preaa.) CIlICAQO, A pril 30.—Corn ru

[ T A L ^*rm today en tho board of trado hi an effect of popr planting weatl

irogriid Oat* was featured by 4 quiek break •nnl, In May future* w ien there-waa much a It 850.- ing on a slight bulgo a t tho opcni strcota There wa* quick recovery. '

May oat* opened a t 70 M , nnchanfi broke sharply, then •advanced to 80 ‘ Juno oata waa np 8>6 on a la te open

:EIOTB Bt 781-8, mbaoqusnUy dropping,: ly tho Ju ly oats opened a t 781-4, o ff l-8j la follow- -aieed 7-8.) d di»- Provisions wore geneiFallyTtway; a ty on — .

, seven E d ip se i. elc'.to(. ^ roraanco o f old w nra might mi

*“®' much o t n year th n t nfcordod- sei flcUpacs Bolflr'nnd lunnr. Edipi countwl for much In the dim ye

i r term flghUng w as m en’s most Imp , ■ tnn t buslnpsfl. Y et no one who II1

amplidl jjj jjjQjj w ould linvc known tl 00 yo ir g<>pn ccllpsea. no pcrhi d W ort heavenly portcnta would hnve 0* orted Icsa than th e ir 'd u e Inflnenco orm of iiutmin supcratlttoa. ...... .... • •

- O rienU l Ruble*.The Orlcalol ruby conslsU of nc«

pure a lu m in a -1. c.. oxido o t oluraln

, 10 1 per c tn t o f oxide of Iron ond H ^ , 1, ■ ccnt of nny o th e r Bubstnncc. T h o : •in ro- KTtt'flty ^ t l i l s prcdoua stoni

, . liigbcr thna tlm t of many other gc . wnc'nK “ > Altimlnura.

roctnl. has. when com, n density I M : vrhc-n forged, or 2.07/o r only < third o f th a t o f forgwl etccl o f n foi

^ of th a t of allrcr. Tha rpclting poln ? nboat 1.300 dcgrccH^Fnlircnbdt.

. •

'S ’ S ' o p tlm litle T H oujh t ,I,, i ^ r . The to lee o f reason la moro to JS ^ rcgnnled than any prcacnt locUnat

' - * a T l « t l . . ) t i n l 4 .6 l S 5 S i c « t a” Can’t yoa ren t yoar Toomal

T w m r k

TU H"''1A .a t A S k O P . >

^ iH X .aO M E . G *W M tOM LW 0N \

V— v j r W H E R e

s t a K T Qi»

■ ■■

' p r i l l ^ :

P mT K ^ IC L A S ^ I f lE D

ADVERTISEMENTSiau So- L « —» ■ . - » —

OLABSIPIBD BATBBauffcr- One Insertion, per word ....................t r ie s ," Oao week, per w o rd -------------.are to- One month 1(20 lossrtloBS)------------1

MlnlninTn du rgo fOT «"y> Euro- ad,'16 cents. Ads most run fo r a i t s t la to ^ u period of time.™ PHOKH 32desire . .. -

wdiia- - POE SALE ■tion of ■"— -------------- --------------------------------

USBD OABS FOB SALS da lls ts 1010 CHEVROLET TOURINO CAk M»j. .. iBio s Ax o n T o im m ^ o a k .,!!.

1«10 PU lLM A K TO mtlK O OA*:' See ns for w ed cars,


r i O N CH E A P-O r trado forlon truck c t touring ear In A-1 coni lion, 4 room c'ottoge, electric ligh

) THB „ i,(o r of arangevlllo, Idaho. Addrt y .’ T. Benaon, Route 2, Rupert, Idal

mil fn r SALE—« WOO modtm bonJot; price right. Phono C03-JS

toe on p. o.‘ Box 573.Q oorgu ------------------------- -— ^ddross- pQi^ R B N T -F or housekeeping, t«

room apwlm ent furnished. Main a^ '">0 north, oppoalto poatofflce.

FOR SALE—Day horso, weight 123 ann ro r ^p rk ainglo or double; good saddle Bogera, 8 „ it at-Oalllbor’s bam.I Daily ______________ _______________as re- FOR B A L I^^ u re bred Bbode lslsi

,. Rog- Boil -oggs lo r ' setting, from easte as " a stock; order early. I’hoao 050-B. ‘B on tho ,

wa nn! 8A L B -3 ocres witb good liprovoments; Highland View addltlc h o „ m j t . k J . A .d ,«

FO E B A L B -JI l i r a i.n c k l u mil no B'o- | 20Q-per acre.

i ' ■■ __New?- . FOB 6 ALB-^Sggs for hatehlng: pu

smpeH* lired w u to W yandotte; alio pure br l i n W hite Leghorn} «1.00 per IS. V. 1 lit Mr. Pcribner, 1 mile east o( Twin Falla 1 ' * ■ E liiab e tt boulevard.

;» • y j .F o lT B A L lC T eam . wagon and b« ness; price H 2 5 ...M . Lorsen; Roi Creek, Idaho.

" I I w y ’s i m s0 horo, *

HO OM A B KB I^ (By B n ltiJ P im .) ' 'th ciliO A aO , A pia 31 .-T h« h o j m pcning. cloBod slgw, 6 cents ilgho r. T

117.85. Esllmatod totaonow, 24,WO, ■ Cattle dosod steady, 10 cents hlgb

80 7-8. Toptomorrow, 8,000.

*fT, i '8 - Sheep doaod weak, 10 to 115 cei 15‘“W lower. Top ♦10.70} lambs ,W tpO.,_J

tittiatcd tomarrftw, iSiWW. —-------- ^ . . , J ____

. NBW TOBK 8T 0 0 E 8 - m’akfl (B.r U aited Press.)

: seven ' NEW Y O RK ,'A pril 30 .-T bo st£rflnsM m arket opened higher tiday.

v ^ I^ethlehem Steel proferrod elgliU i'lm po^ Stadebaker giLied 10 lived ‘t* 30 3-4, and Marino p re fe rrn th a t aimllar ga in-a t 808-1

OONGEESSM ^ JOHNBOl neo on INJUEED BY ATJTOMOBn. „ (By United P ress .) , •

WASHINQTON, April aO ^B oprcinearly A lbert Johnson,' of W ashlngl

imlnnia ” '’Cfdy hut no t seriously brulInff hn t '" '‘oa knocked down by an ai“| f mobile in 'f ro a t of the W hito Hotlio s p c - ' ^ confined to hla bomeitono Is pbytielan sU ted.

B i f S l ® * H A i r a ., Wc dc»U® to ekp«ss oar s in e w g:

. Itudo for the many erpresslons o f i; fourth kindness ‘

nnint la landed to B* in our deep berearom In tbe death of onr boloved.mith'er 1 pnndm other, Mrs. Dorothy Vollmer.

JiIR. and MBS. EO. TltURNAU. . ^ MB; and M R a M. W. 0HEN8EHL1

0 to bo U B . nnd MRS: JL L. JAQEL& InaUon. m ISS MABHL THURNAU.

T i l K rir.: J o l D < p«rtra .l II >Iw ,' a t yonr eaO. u.:

A iU .8 D ^ ¥ in 5 W 8 . ,

H o w e v e i ' I t l o o h a l l h e 1^ I s E

> / T O m a p

• S S S u ^ 'g____ • I W H 6N WCj

------ ... FOR SALE ,f l " f o r S A L E -fo r tif ie d seed potatoe

• I have a limited quantity of certlfl

S N etted Qcm seed potatoes for 'sai David W. Knssons, Wendell, Idaho.

FOR SA L B-H oasehold good*. 6 T hird avenue e a s t

6e OIL STOCK FOB SA L E ^Lono 8 t __16c itock now belog ndvoKise^ and su

Deavcr, Col., and tho cast o t Dc its tod you can buy from o e a t IH e

ahare; pays O ^o r cent cach 3 moat or 24 per cent dividend a year. This

, n good InvcstmeoL •••^7rito P . 0 . Bi — ^ 20, Twin Fall*. Phone 407-W.

____ j^OR aA I.E -W o.hoT o several secoihond oloctrlo motors, from % lo horsepower. Qeo. M. Dow. •

CAls. — -■ fl;_ FOR SA L B -N eorly now six cyllnd iv.'' soven passenger car fo r solo; price n(

$1076; will soU for I1I7B; an octu , saving of >500; r a r has obout |1

worth of- extras. E . B. Ripley, Fih _____ Idaho.

for 'a W R 8 A W -M n ro 10 yen7s~oij, v :.ondl- UOO Iba. Vj oHo w est on sta te hlg Igh ti/ wny. liny llughes-f r 'o m ------------- , ______________

IdrcBs STOCK iX)R BALI->-Oklaboitjflliu, Hnnais Oil * Refinery Co. stock; p>i_____ We per share. P a r vnluo le ; price abense ^‘ ^o s May 17 100 por cent; compai J J Of havo good lease* In Oklahoma ond Ks_____^ b proven fldd ji; now d rilll ln g jli. . .__ w d l; liuy tb ts -an^ mako money befc

tn o - tho nilvoneo. Phono 407-W or P. nro- Box 26, Twin Falls.

FOR 8AL13 O n E A P -P o w e7 “spr»3ifli-n. mounted on wheels; oil in g0Qi.*hs]

ddior.FOH., SALE—Soconil hnnd store

~ — ~ Filer, idaho, doing a good business. A dreas B o r 300, P iler, I<iaho. _

■Ii«» l-o il S A lB -O B oa lo u u l o n l . . . I'____ nalo a t ono cent per pound; oi'cdlej • „ . stock for bome use; also potatoes' ItloD.' Anchor Hny, Q rdn i F t ' C o^ 240 S U th AVo. W est, phono I ____ Freo delivering w ithin tbe d ty Iiml

FOB SALE—Two Fords, ono Uaxwi and ono Reo;, seo our used c o n bafo

____ r buying; ono bonepowcr olectrie mot

C and a ir compressor. Johnson,Auto Sal _ ‘0 o,, m to 2 :i4 ;S h o ih ^ > « ,U ^

Us on * F O R JA L E OR B R N T ^ O ocres'r' nrroH in alfalfa; houio and pa rtly fea

— —, cd; (Jli miles sonthcast of Wondell; <|i bar- pu'r n'crD;.(300 coah, bal.inco easy te'm

Itock will Invest tho ♦•■iOO In L iberty Uon-: Qeorgo Hoffman,..Irrome, 'Idaho.

tli rMnlitTi iM - l - t - ^ - TrTnTi it«T»Tiiti c“ i n 1 I- * * *"i' i


T - JP K lin iN R -H . E . Bodio, Mr. a:

Mrs. J . B. nichey, B upertj P . V. Mi mar- tin , Bdso ; Mr. aad M rs. 0 . W, Brai Top dtotter,.B lackfoot; W anda Woo^, Ji

)00. liidgc; Sherman Qnmm, B dU ; S . Igber. Rice, Portland; Edw. P ah l, Dnlbth; natod Derg, Duluth; W. &' Berger, Pocatet

John M. Cannon, Boise; B. 8 . Hes cents S a lt Lake; Tom McKenna, Jos. 'Omi

Salt I^ko ; D. C. Brown, W. H . Wolai ^ '■ Bolso; R. B . '8hepw d, WendeD) 0.

Cockorille, W enddl; D, R Macklnto Salt Lake; E . L . Bttrbridgo,'Feeatel

. J.- A. Kincaid, Poca td lo j Wm. K n Rtack Boiso; W. T . 'Veorie, Jerom o; J.

S tede , S a lt Lnko; 0 . M. K oatlng, 6 L ake; Lam bert N . Erpeldlns , Wendi

J B. Rush and family, Bolsa fen e d HOQEB8ON-7J . H . S t r s o s f . ' H.

Coles, J . B. MeKlnster. Jossoy, W. Rasmnsaen, B. & lB yan . Salt T . 0 . Crew*,. Seattle: W. H . Ooodri S a lt Lake^ T . H . O w dhao, PortU '

SlLE r . n . Skillea, Buhl; P . J . Pierce, ome; W. IT. Zrotbler, S t. P an l; Bot I>- Alien, C indnnali; J . W. Baxter,

. - I . ! ’ tlnloo, Ore.; J . E . Gaines, Portland] S ’,' Irving, N ow ark,.N . .T.j F rank Bi

Qtt®” "** 0- “ ■ NeUoa. B i r ! ! . - ortfln; Jack Craig, H aasen ; J . T . Vol - i A : H cary Grieshot, Buhl;_W . H . NoU

S. Baah and family, Boise; Mis* B. . ' K iddle, San Diego; 0 . M. Brfiwn, £

shone; Lowell '^ In e h o s tc r , Shoshc A Pcroy Qoslett, N am pa; Bon Moral if W B . M urtaugh; John Olawab'n, P lU r; A •as « . Kingswald, City; C hrist Jensen, .

ome; Wm. H ibbard, NaU J . Jea iea t t t a d T. Brown, Potatello. ,

ner. • ' T •T wd

ItLEN. BlBy Dean had a Ylog nam ed Bl O ne morning hla xnothcr cptoed f ro n t dbor a sd osked a Uttlo ndgh! boy If ho tu d seen Billy, meaning 1

always son. The boy .asked. “D o jo n mi . BlUy Deflin o r f iU ly 'd o g r .

F a t h e r t h a t W u i b o t o p l e d I - '

T V W r s o M a ^MOUPLACje." OOoM Je ‘N V B N T O ^ ^ — V -----^«vf«e, ' _____ _S _w N K o a s i i o T l N - - '\ x x . , . 'L X iC O i5


^ i '

IOR YOU|®,“ J FOR B B N T -IO acres p lo w e d i 'n w

Uolllslcr. Seo H. M. Sims, News office.

FO B B E N T -6 everal farins. EdWia Q12 Domman^ 206 Seventh avenue ' oorth.,

e i S W A N T E D .

Dc a MONEY WANTED—Wo have loans 4e a fo r p rivate moriej? t s follows! •MOO oa inths 40 acres; 11250 on 20 .au«^ '‘ff years .a t lis Is 8 per cent, f i r s t 'm ortga^ ';' also SDOO’bb B or 2 corner lots and bnlldlng o t 10 per

. cent, valuatloa 40 to SO per cent. OoU------ or wrlto Ripley ft Timm, the Beales*

Inters, F iler, Idaho. •lo 5 _____________ • ■ ■ .

WANTED—T o 're n t , by two yonng Indies, largo fro n t’Tooni furnished; prlv>. ilego of ge tting broakfost. AddrSU B., caTO o l N ew s..____________

™,“! i n P O S I T l b i f W M T B D

_ W ANTED-^Man and wife w ith ehU-j , w t. 'Iron w ao t .plOfo on farm' w here' sep-; algb- tvralo bouse Is fuTalthoil, -where tioth

parties can w ork; man A -I farm er; wo> — . limn good cook. J . A., care of News.omo, --------------- :------------------ ----------------------price WANTEI>*rA position as bookkeeper sad - and stenographer. Box 120, Twin Falls.pnny I. - ' — I. !■' , I-

i l r i t H E L P W A M T E D

WANTED^Mra ullh tn m lo h.ul ■ d i r t Phono 480-W or « m o to , 310.

_ _ _ Roao ai'iinue, finstlown.

h* p " •- WANTED—A girl or woman fo r gen- orol housework; no wothing. CiJl a t ' oneo a t home o f Mrs. H al 0 .' Bios, 185

0 a t N|ntfa avenue north .— / j

L 0 8 T ^

< for L O S T -6 trayed ..o r' stolenj da^l( bay llent horse about 1000 peuds^,m aae abont 0 s a t {a, long, small sore o n ^ g h t shonlder, Feed brand B ar A ; abont 0 o r 10 years old;' I f seen 0^ heard of notify W. 0 1 ^ ; mil*. Smith, P ilor, Idaho, Clover pnmplng sta-'

' L O S r-B o ro rity pin; gold key set w ith diamond* and peaHs. pnder.,!*:,.'

’••O' torn to H M ," care of .N e w t or phoaa 119 for liberal reword. ' ! ’ • • *

' i i i ‘— L_____

a : ■ , ■ . X'm a; FOUND—Bing of keys en pole Uae^ >uds. road between F iler and Twin TaUsV.Oall'

. j a t .offlee. •


X s u a m s a a o a m B A T B 8 :

„«„T (his Insaitlsn , p«z Une -------------- lOe^ \ One week, p e r line —-------------------S5«

One monlh, p e t U ne ----------- ------- :-7Bc...... -■ . : - F E O N B .» l

Jar- ' 7, —

I : P U B L I O A O O O X T ira A H T fl ,

J. 0: O SOOOD-Uffleo wlibl Deleo-Ught Co.j Phone 603.

0. b ! ^ ~ ■tosh, D E B I Q N E E

M l* 2 £ S r jB iS D B " £ '3 5 A t 6 N —a ! ABd drsism aU a^;. Phbae 22 8 J. W

. Salt Seeoad avenue north.

tL E. A T T O E N E Y S !

‘y. 0 ■ 8 W EELEY 4 SWEELBY LlJie; •drich, NOBTH a 9TEPHAN, B. k T . Bdg. Jaad ; —,. , , 1.-1, J e ^ TH B liAXXi BBBVIOS'tobert going eas t d o su -L ------ : 9i30 * .b .r, Jr., Moll w est doses--------- ; . l l ] i 0 ,a .»ad; B. MaU going eas t doses---------- 6 j* 5 p .« .Bald- Moll going we*t dose*— ;------8i80p.a».Bor- M all to ^ U l s t s r doses---------UiOO a .

irnJiM Qenoral D ellvery^O pen veekdajV •d « S m - t o 6 p . » . V p p e n flnnday^ ;

B . T . -------- — ........................ .................. ..., s h o - m I B O E L L A N B O U S r •ihone; _____tiW l, ■ ju re OIL- SKKJB-B«j iaij l n j ta

4 good eompanlta a l f i r s t prleel'MOOC ' hoys 1000 shsros L o n e 'B tir OT Ofc, «». I* JOOO shares O pportunity OU Oa;^WOO

sham -O klahom a A X a n s ts .011. Oo.^-^ BOOO shoirea Tankee:.:W IU njtl*L<^‘0 « i

BUlT. to t a y Into.rtl g w d ^ c s p t^ 'i J S l iM iBa theghbor - l ' l ’ ' ■■ ■Vii"i- - ■■'■"I »*■ ' Jg b e r . FOB, B Z O aA N U i^ -Jo b n r l p U B t ^mcari a e n e y .V O a r m r k to l ^ ^ i r f tW

. the .tP«la;»aD s.K m ,.^v '.;;v^^^^

. - ■ PAOB.nyB,

Page 6: f W iE M' FA miLWnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_… · PINDSAIJ^B’LIKES IK- ^ tao t bave OKE POIHT- HiNDEiraTOODEOIsiVB- ut. LYOHKOKED . mUe



Tho a iH iiiiU y Ymt t l inicmbcrK of thc Amerieao li)xp<d i t i o n a i y forcoa T t i e s d a y , ^ p o r t i n g t l i c d e a t h o f S c r ^ c a i

■ William B. 'K napp, iDdicatc ' tit'at units of wfadt was t!ic So(

o n d I d a h o r e g i m e n t o f i u f tm t r

' o r e i n t h o f o r o f r o u t s tc m m in th e a d v a n c e o f t h e Q o m a n s i

; I ^ c e .' -K o iDdiestioa of tho n s i t to wUc

, the Serffeaot K n ^ p who w u klllod wi

a afim ber ifbu t i t i l koown t h t f W U liia B. E n t ; o f Athol, Idaho, v h o vu '< S(urtorm i. te r sei-geiint of the . Id tlio regimso w«nt w ltb oaiU o f th a t o r g u la t lo to I W e e .

Otflcittl k B a n n e e a e n t s s ^ e b / tii v « r ' dep trtm oot io roUtlvM ,of ih deatb or io jo r r n a n io ibe piped tionarjr M rrk o m tu t be depeaded apo

reveal tbeir.-. id e a titj ' opaeloilvel; C ap ta in 'A llea, comaaBdor of iho la j p l r eoaipany o f ibe Idaho regim eot, i an noele o ^ 8« rgeai)t Knapp.-


^ ■ " B T i r K t i ^ T x o - o n r s =t b o h w


H ■ ' B . M. M u m y of BU H ap, Uootani ateel bridge oo^oeer, bj^ vriro Uoada. advUed E . J . Fia'eb,' aec re tarj of th Eonoen bridgv eofflmiailoo, ib a t hs wll aeeept tbe o ffer n a d e by the eoamli l lo s fo{ U l M rrleea l a ^ e e U a ; plaa

^ H . aad ipeetfieaUoaa fo r tbo apan irUei bave been occepiod aod a j tupervlaioi

^ ■ :«nglnM r In respoet to eonstm etion o th e bridge. H o a ta te d th a t ho wout< arrive here abo rt!/ before ib e time o

^ | . , f t w a r d l a K eoatraeU o a U av SS, » t « u H . Her If d e i i r n l . .

T he p ro p o tu aeeepted h y U r . Uttrra; p rov ldet tb a t h e ib a li receive four pe < e a t o t ib e aam ia rM U d ia tb e brldff la pa/iaentr fo r h ls aervIcM in eboeUai

^ B : : ^ b riagti aad u .g n p e rv lM r of oo« ^ r i t r a e l l o n . ------------------------



H The e o a a tr / botao o f ' U r. andi Ura H U B. Oonrtaajr, aouUi o f Filer, w ai thi H 's e a a e . o f • p r tttj r weddiog Batordav H : when ihe lr dasKfater, Uiaa B ertha Coort H - i t y , teacher o f tbo Elmwood k boo l, b» H . ' m e tho bHds o f Edw ard S o /d e r ol H Bogeraon. Tho y oang 'cw p lo wiU n a k t■ th e ir homo on a ranch l a iho Bhoahoa*■ taalo .

H ' ’ A KNQTOOEBtBSTB..... 4

1 .t . I■ T he 'S a lm on Social d u b will meet■ U Ute bomo of Mrfc Tem p Windle, oa■ ih n r a a a j , U a y 2.

s u m H A V . O O M M O aiO IT O■Walter a Seoftea of B uh ir Baturday

fpaU fled a t 'P o t t D odge,-tow a, fo r cem aiation aa aoeoad nontenant o f la* to n tiy , atcoTdlag to w ord roeelvea from W aabinfftoa.

SiSiiIN tT lllt E S -


S P I E S A m ) M unn PLO SIV E . OOMI

; “ The Thing We Lofe,” i Kathlyn Williams pictbre,

. that thos6 brilliant yoang b ; ' wiUi patriotism in ita hfghes

, HOT A y■■ E odaey ’SliM idM (Wallat® BoW

. daughter o f the President o f the ; ; v U e h Bodney U V leo-Prw ldent hb -'i: atroAgly «a(i>irar w bea iho a£tloa of : t ho oa tb teak o t tb o European w ar.. W bea U argaro i?! fa tb w pledfoa

^ t i o u , Bodney retssM io anW t an .. .iv lo le ^ cao p a lg a flfa ln st U e prbc


• :, '. ,lB o w b« la Sraw a ' in to a loTtiWo whole onalU on p lan t and bow he i

i la tw c a o d ju a t in tlm o bj•-T d tlM a e f Oeraum p u o a ta g e who t u U a adopttoL im aluk va iC.tala th a t ^ . . p a s In a ll t t o g re i4 la n d

; g V A W ) * V l U * - T W O A (

L o c a l B r i e f s

[ I Hasocs Xo luJtiatfr—W ork in tbo 1 degree of UaM nry if ibe oecMlon fc

J T apodal mooting of TwJn. PoUa .lo< n I A. F . * A. M., oa Wedneaday eVenl

VldU ng W eet E ad S ih o o l* -! I , B rittom art W olfe,-county auperlnU

cut, la epoadiog the week Tialtlng y .T ^ Bchoola of the wcat ood of iho cou

including thoao a t C u tloford , Palrvl OP Northviow andD I*irict,N o.C!>.

Boflff'BappUea to :^ g H tra ra -C lc in tbe office of the connty auditor ^ buiy U onday mailing out aupplios io

t h 6 regU tran recently appoiotcd in ibo i era] preclncta of tho county. Bogla:

^ tloa i» to begin on Baturday n e x t

5 0 ^ ■ Betninod Frpm W p —Membera atC 8 the, liigh achool faculty , Pi A. Sm

and George Deamaa, retnm ed Sun. evening from Pocatd io , whero thoy ieaded a confcrenco of ieaehen in c ited In aumeieT voeatlo ial w otk

B i n atudenia.

;y"ei ' 'W ill W e i ^ e Family—i r K r n i w >. * 7*”

' , in practice of h li profeaaion a i an loracy b « e , wlU bo joined on Bator

“ PP liy Mr#. Hackman and fam ily, who tom lng from ihe lr form er home ,ln '

“ “ *» ginla. They will make th d r bomo itio a a tenne north.

tiie To Organlao F an n Bnreaa Branc ihe A. o ; Wicher,- aaslilant county ag<

pedl- aod Miw Oortmdo Danecko, cou npoa home domonatratloa agent, will addi vely. a meeting a t A rioalaa C ity Thurad lap* a t which tim e It la oxpectod a bra

>tr ^ organization o f the county fa r is bur tr ill 4»«-fotmed. .

Clnb L aadw H e t f r -U lu Z. F a y F O l f lor of Boiae, aaaiatont a ta te b o y a 't

glrJa ' d u ^ leader, arrived bore todaj » I . apend .the .balaaoo-oM he 'W eek-la-r BEN wiil> P . A. Bmnts, county e

leader; U lia Brittom art W olfe, eon (uperlDtendent, aad the se re ra l e leader* throughout_iho county.

o t o O u y O oilttm -TI,o t e . l W , 0 , T . 1* offering prixcs to the f if th , ab aeventh and e ighth gfade . fo r th o - l

imu- ga ' ‘n t . B i m i t t l E ffects o f N coUca.” Tho p r lu s are o ffered ei

Wch grade, 1175 fo r the f ira t and 75c fo r BMund. Thla week ia beSng doTolod

* w the eontesi nnd mneh In terest la c w W dcat^iiaong-ihe papHs.

car- B x f i ^ to B U y -R o v . Orvls T . j denon o f th e 'lo c a l B aptist ehttrch

rrny eipocied bomo W ednesday a fte r apo per log two weeks a t Camp Lpwls, ia I

Idgo Intereet o f .ih o .y . U . t t - A . - H e-v king spend ju s t t in y enongh hero to con- range his business prepara toiy io - - iun iin f. to -tho-eam p^for aa"Ind«fln


r t a S a d O n a O fflda l O cm ln g -L Arae,4loW topreseaU tlve of Red Or divisional headquariora a t Seattle,

^ to bo hero Tneaday to address « me ing of memben of iho official boj o f tbe Tw in F a lls connty jihap ie r a

J. o f the aorem l branches, which ia to

**'* ’

J « e y 'B » * ! c n to M o e t-A meeii o f tho Jersey CatUe BreedeM M soc ilon..w lll be. hold W ednesday ovaal

‘“ ® In the Oommerclal d n b rooms a fB n Bocauso of ih e preaence o f a largo no ber of bidders expected to a ttend t sale o f da iry 4 to sk a t th a <3. E . Lo

T farm on the nex t' dny, l l is expect T that^ th a meotlng w in l>o a a unm na ^ Interesting aAd p ro fitab le one.

i««t A ^ C o m a m a l t y D l a a ^ - M is s G .trado Denecko, connty homp demonst; tion agent, and F . A. B a n t^ conn boy?: and gW s» clnb leader, wore t epeakera a t a c o m a o a l^ dinner glv Snnday In tho school honae in th e I

“ y como d l i i r lc t O ther representaUvea foi; farm bnrean actlviUes in -a t to n d a i la* wero Donald U e ^ n j e e n tty agaa t, a

rom W. P . Alworth, prosldent o f th e eont farm buroan.

m MS - « B i 6 IIII W W pp h e T H m a s w e i o v e ” - rm O N PAOTOBIES-EX. BIBiNATiONa THAT

' t h e l a t e s t W a l l a c e a n d ir e ^ i f l .o n o o f U ie a t r o n g c a t t h i n g s ; B t m h a v e o ? c r d o n e . I t d e a l s l e a t f o m . '

1 W AB n o r t m aIoW> .la e n p M d t9 U argare t Konwood, he Konwood SCannfnttnrlng Comtoaay, of , hlmscU. Both Sodney and M argaret aw of tho story coBmoncos, which is o t abont

ar.goa bis p lan t to t i e manufacinro of mu- a n a r e a l^ b l s j io i l t lo n . Be Also s ta rts a rocednro^aad a g u n a t a ll w ar In genenU.x o ' t e b b i b l e ! K-

Mo plot of th e Oerman agents io wreck a 10 narrowly oaeapos eonmittlDg tho.aitroc- > by one wbpUy fine and loyal American to h u boen atandlng firm by tho 'land of ia t will lottsh InU oa tdy every abjgle bn-




STORE GRA!- M is s


EESULXINO FBOM TI .c,„k, DfOpABEDAOEBAOEir woro ■ ■ ■ ■ ..................I io tho ' ,boaov- Increase by 30,000 acres

the plantings of wheat in, Ttj Falls county, which were 60^

)cra of acres in 1917, and which will Smut* 90^24 acres liis' year, coup)

Junday difficultiefl in crop I In te r - consequent upon the demo.t k for of war upoo traffic facilities, i

Tolve problems o t marketi and-storagfl-which the com

n S executive co.mman at- tee Is undertaking to cope wi itnrday by fldvislng g T O w ers to pror! rho ard o ^ T i graaarios and stow )mo on occommodations.

To AM roaa Orowwa • ' . 'X r i f s ' m'eetlng- Saturday aftem c

anch— the committee took ateps toward la agent, e ttia g growers in th is respect. The

county suaneo of a clrenlaz' le tte r setting fo idd reu tbo condltiooa th a t probably wlU ci iraday, ofid urging the. necessity fo r storage braoeti tbo grain tiops oa th e la n n a w btt* t' bureau are produced waa nnthorltod by

comqlttBD, nnd preliiaJnary arra i meats wore m ule fo r oxhlbitlog In

y Fow- fnrm bureau -officcs plans of the i a ' and oral types of granaries th a t a re n x iday to mended, as well as fo r o rgan ltlagexi la-con- sIohT of growerT'for tho purpose of J club spcctlng gmilaries already laatallcdi county in use in this db tric t. ”1 elub The statem ent of ^ o ' a FJuharty

Bolao, direetor of agflcultural o il alon work in Idaho, was considered

. T ; U . tbo eom alttoo la a rriv ing a t ifa'coni alxth, aloas w ith regard to th e g rain marl

iO -b«t ing and aloT:^o problem i In proip f K a^ i n his le tte r addressed to tbo con I eaoh a g v t j Mr. F lo h a r ^ says: ror the storage F a d llt le s m odeanato

‘. 'In all o f .tho Irriga ted d istricts ' sontbeni Idabo, tb e inereaao In wb

acreage for. this season In eompari P. An- la i t la frem 75 to 100 p e r ci rch la moderate ^ o p the wiroeoa. henses, elevators and mUla will not In the K rab withoute-w lll of difficulty . -U any ofto ar- farm era wili have to hold a il or^p to r j . o f thoir supply ovor_Jho_w intar,. i sflnft'c w*son~ahould m ako'provU

ot this time.*'B loee ttio goveiam eat h u ilxed

- L J . prie* of wheat, I t will be only nats O rou farmera wlU w an t to n u b (t

tie is elevators and mills a t tho earll meet- po»*>ble moment ia ordor to ge t tl board D>oney. Unless there la somo provfi ir and i^w ago tbero will b'to be quantity o f w heat, w ithout i

in tho e^c^ier during tho w in te r o f 1018-19.f l t f t i t iw Serious

■ " J u s t -at p resent th e aftck J itu a t is very serious. As yon probably k* tbe federa l g n d a corporation lias UWlshod • dU foro itlal o f nine t l por b u ih d in favor o f sacked g n

1 nQTO' fannors h a ro taken t“ to Indicate th a t ih e federa l gorenim

, 5 quite, a supply o f a a c l^ . A t present time, however, w o aro ah

" " ' J " more than 8,000,000 sncks in ihe Pi fio northwest sta te s 'w ith o o t m sy .td

■ O - ' " _ _ 1 _ "E M l E A I B B O T O H in S

■“ J' v m m M -ooiji m.vm(riven E . J . Bpikd, who llvoa southeast, 10 Lfi. Buhl and w ll» iM k tli* B o U F ttr ie ves o f ^0*1 <es ^he Fldance Community Day aoetlon th ree wei L a n d bad aold fo f a to ta lonnty *1^0.00, aald th a t Ik* tg g ^ i« h e d

chicken l u t Saturday m oralag, aaya Buhl Herald. U f. Splko took tho-, bomo and placed i t n n der » bea . : Bpiko expected I t weold b e a wl cbSck, as a w blte iMa la id th e e though.iho chick l l . a black ono. ]

, Spike cannot accoun t. fo r ih e en . ' Ho is unable to say w hether th e yot

fowl ia A malo or a female.Thia egg sold fira t a t ih e Buhl O

moaity Dny- a n w o n for ft to ta l

D 975.00. I t w u doaatod to t&e F ile r I Cross -and sold ih e /o llow iag Batnrd


Mrs. Bor* Marsh Is a p a tie n t la Tw in Falla hoaplUL .

. U ra. A. Swaaale s p u it tb e w eak i

U iss PhoeW Bowen fo tum ed flnni U S a fte r spending a 'fe w d i ^ i a B u p e r i

SO HOOLBEGINfinr.0 . ...... SHOBHONE B ^ :

^ BKD OF W INTEB m a x e s POflBiB'0°^ B B Q c n m c a o f s e b s i o h '

m m o A n o H A L F B O im E Bou* ts airal. Tbo seven months snsuner term

tho Shoshono B asis school began U onJay of l a s t ' w ^ w ith U lss B

k a Farrell of Boise, as teacher. Tho 6 shone B oiln achool la ono df tho odi tlonal outposts on uio fron tier o f

w - T w la F a lu ;d U W et, tb e dU trlc t bo - epane ly ’settlod Alia w eather eooditl

In w lnU r a i ld y g aen lena td achool' 1 practicable dnring th a t le ibon .

[ .L a D A q .T ^ 8

DAINJAO-l l E M f j - '■

THE J E ■;

'es of .Twin ■'1 0 ^ 6fillta V 'u p le dir te tIP nnd ' ' ' - •as, in- ^ ^r.? uradmoimit-

WithJ u a t a r r i v e d — s p

eni«i»i - d a i n t y G e o r g e t t e s ,- j n [ fQ j

g fo rth 'I W e n o w o f f e r g r e a t

I EVERY QAWnftngtf' i in t i e

he aev- • JrOcom- / ^ 8 R * 1 R

Le*«Ufc - — - l l - V r -------I of in- . / | V i ^le^nnd ' ^

“r ty of Ji

ired byconclu- / i I U U ftV narket- % I I W J m roipott. ^ county \

“ m . t h i■Ida of I J f / . I f l .

parison ^ r r W . ‘ ‘T Hir e e a t r i / v \I ware- / / __ ____________aot bo y ■boot a r ----------•of tho ' - - -

p a rt . i r ; .a a d - ovuion

cedth« ■ natnral lb ( t to earlifst (t th d r ovfsloaU be n Mrs. Borkherder waa hostess to a t aay I’cnolopo clnb lost Wednesday afl HO. noon..' A chnrmingly appointed p a t

. tio throe course lUnch was served to . ., Mesdnmos WTIck, Atwood, Ijy tle , 8t,

ler, Ohapin, Kalo' and 1hi<Iolph.

The Bluo L akea Boulevard d u t i ’ " .lellghtfully ontortaiaod by U rs. Lo s f t h t oa F rid ay afterooon. D ellclonsjfllrc

. ments w ere sonred to i:> membera. niment — • ... * » * • , ^

Mrs. D avid Brown entertained * ' M. B. aad B. d u b a t aa a ll duy sess ® , lost week. S ix now mofabcrs were •.tellef foUewing a short busiaeaa n»

ing. T h ^ were tho Uesdames W. F lab, W. 0 . Tonog, A . B; Hamilton, B

_____ ris, Bovrlcan and P . .0 . Toun© 2JKIHSS ebotw ell w as a gueat for the afterno iast>of A delightfol Innch was aeryed .by .' itrie tle hostesses, UesdamM Kennedy < I Filer Browo.

jW of ^ HolUngaviertlt en ttrU shod -a member* o f tho-M . a B . n ly a th e dd lgh tfn lly on W odnwiay afterno ho-ccg P ^ “ WgTi-scoro waa awar< u Mr. ^5lgbt mombera wore pres(

J a « « n g of th e Prise!,. S ’ ' ’“ I* ‘l>o >>omo of -JbB..

error' ^ Thnrsday aftom oon. Iyoung ^elii^ ® ed b y deUclons refroibm snta. S

^ICom. ■''e“ b e n w 6 « P r « e n t^

^ popular j o ttnrday. ~ 'I ' _i_,

. SAYS FOSSIL P IE U )A T 1 M 0 T 8 o n . m



end Wyomlag, oU fiis a ttraeU ng tbo atentien of exp

innday o^eed o.U men In inereasi'ng aomben ^ a atatem ont made by a H enry Boi

ol Tw in FaUa, on b is re tu m froK short r ia l t . to th a t district.'^ Th^re .

frS tW drilling rig s OB the ground ftt \ present tlm a and tbe protpocta are

a rnT .p e o m ln g h c m s ln g ty encooraging as I ftw prM M ds, h^ aaya.

In well num ber two on iho prope of ihe Idaho-Wypmiflg Oil compa which Is 8W fe e t deep, oil stands ti

orm In depth o ( 835 foot. ' W ell n u m W .< pm on' on ih ls property Is only 250 f « t d I Buth lis t ho lds'70 fe e t o f olL, The Wood >0 Bho- it Dorelopment. company has its fl odw a. wcU down to & 2cplb of 636 foot, hav o f tbe passed throngfa tw o small oil sands' ; being somo cem m m laS piodnclng va loa I iditlons boro will be eonUnned to a depth « f ' ooVin- or 800 fe e t aad f ro n 'p re so n t b d i

tlo a ^ • g rea ter p ro d n o ^ a t i a a t

ating Da;h Beautiful Sptsplendid assortment of w hit M, Crepe J e Chines smd oth' rom $7.50 to $27.50. Hats

a t reductions on Setge, Je RMENT IS REDUCED FRO


IE FASHION S120 M ain Avenue South


to the lady tcaebers apeat ihe week end ^ t e ^ O urcr H ot Springs, maklng.thQ trip

patrio- -V. i B oberts ' tm e k . ' During il to tho s tay t'livy ladnlged in a mtuquer S te tt- danco which prompted some most

csivlug cQstnmes. ' The p a rty w ai c poied of Misses Ooebet, Touag, Joi

1 1(08 Bbu»ob, Slmpaon, Bigg*, CbndB,,BaI I ^ s e r Howett, Shaw, U e P o i^ d , M urray ,'!

rfrcsb- B ackop , S tah l, English; Towl Iluiaa-Anderson, Coatea and AVhqIoy.

(J .tho Mra. Ivan Prico entertained a t ia lcro itlag mtoklng O B ~ ^ ed n « i

on- afternoon, honoring ib e presidents loeet. liu rs l.d u b s . Tho d u b s ond th d r . i

\ Par* rcacatatires w ere: Bloo I* k e s Boi I, H a ^ « r d dub , U ra. W righ t; Unity, 1

2{r^. P a tz ; U onlngaldo , U ra. Foss aod K moon. Sehadiler; Addison Avenue Keasi >y tho fo“. Irw iflr Country .Woman’s d

and ^ r s . W hlto; N srthview , U n . Bona. Wayside, M rs. S tra in ; Kimberly B dub , Mra. F o r te r fid d . Each p t ^ d

e tU lv 6»ked to t t i k on tbo w ork of . most d u b and i ^ o n d c d splendidly.Tnoonl • • •rarded H onoring U iss A da WalklngtoD, reseat rDombora of th e Alpha Bouse enterti

od a t a charm ingly appointed breakl rlsellla o t tbe P errlno .^o te l on Thursday m< n . .U ; la g . .T ho tab le w u cenUred witl . Bed low'^bowl o t appla blossoms. PU tdiow- wore la id fo r tho H isses Ada Walkl

Taa ton, M ary Bafley, Anna Scott, U arji M etcalf, N en Bannders, Drat Anden H ate l Bishop, J ta sle W arrington, B

yonng Millard and G enera Stafford.

of the ahallowor wells’ wUi resolt,- ■ j r a u Bolton atatea.

“ K o one knows what thoso w elli ■ pump ou ^ b u t I t looks as though t

8 ON wlU prodnce from three to Mn bar »IB - o f o il por d a y ," U r . Bolton aays.

) • oil Is of a very Wgh grade.”“ Tho p rice o ! tm de oil ta sneb I

I f id d «»»U IVodnetbn a l a shallow d« BiMri- P V i now, w hile a few. year* ago, tiera I t 'nnprofitabla.”

Bolton POB E X C ^ G & - J o b prinUng ro u a money. Onr w ork is like tout monero a n b e s t Twin P a ’Is Newa.a t tSe "" ■ ■ I I.l ■ lie be- ly - - ' — —— !■—. _as the ■ ^ .

7 GOODINGJ to an.OM OOODfflt"' «Vmt deepPOdOll Hafinon Fiaiildiii'Bds'o f , . • •

8i Mi Gl TniiIndlea* . . . r ’. '— ■ ' ■ ■ a th a t

:.,O T ^A Y ,A H m 3D ,l9 i8 ,

m ■n f ' ' ' ■' ’

I M • ■■ :r '

Lj s .Come j•rfngtlmeite dresseatoi the occasion her beautiful soft materials ts and coats to m a tc h ..

Je r s^ DreMes and Suits ' o n $s.o6 TO $10.00


r I Farm ers Across -

^ I the Sea ,

nd at H °’‘®rip. la H p h t o e d u p l y a h e l h . A m -ihelr B e r ica n fa rm e ra m . U 9 t II

T“j “ n money. | |icoiT R must, t u r n i h e i r UJones, B m o n e y in to p a tr io t ism — ffltaiiey, & transfer fhetr.monejr in* M.'Bry- B to L xb trt ij B o n d s ~ ^ d W ™»bin, g - in o n e y to the U . B . ffoo- M

a ^ m e n t . y o U r y a l A m i r : ffl It an- JB i c a n f a rm e r o r h u t in e sa M "day w m a n u r iU ic a it f o r * * s o m e - f l ^ B one e k e . * ' S h o w yout* | 3o” e II P ^ f ^ t i a m a n d p ru d e n ce ffl Ura. n "by a u b s c r i t l n g - ^ o d a ^ ra Mrs. H for aa ifianjA* l A b ^ y , ^ H

H B o n d a a s y o u r f in a n c e s .|j f i W _ ^ a i r n ) . ---------------------------I

" " i f TWIN fAllS BUNK * 1 H TRUST GOMPANr |

tlo I IDJIHO. I:tUln* H- -. • ■ ■ ■ • '''' Jj-ikfast-JSesaggl&stiite^S^sstSemom-ith a ♦—--------------------- —-----1PUces • :

A S E V £ R .


= W HEN y o u W AJIT W ■I,: M r. , - W E K B V E E

, MSAPPonn:i r a J r a w B

‘ »®y Job Pil^g Depattoant . larrels .“The ^ ^ -------- •b tbat t; ' « ■ ■' ^ 11depth 13600.000, ihii on hand for farm and city

loans. Lowest rat<S8. ig for ' H. E. POWERSmey— Over City Fbamacy


'- Paigfl CiiBVfolat Cars' licks Atcessqtias, ;= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = s = ^