明治大学教養論集 通巻454号 (2010・3).pp. 33-60 アーネスト・サトウ 転記・注解 ウルグアイ日記抄 [1] まえがき 本稿は手書き手稿Eamest Satow Diary[横浜開港資料館所蔵コピー] ち,E.サトウ[日本名:佐藤愛之助]のウルグアイ滞在中[1889~1893]の部 分を転記し,訳注を加えたものである。後に翻訳ないし抄訳を試みること もあろうと思うが,当面は転記のみに限ることにする。 手稿は流麗な手蹟で書かれているとはいえ,筆者には必ずしも完全には 判読しきれないものがあった[問題は外形の判断のように思われるやもし れぬが,筆者の語学能力が一つの制限にもなっているのはもちろんである。 また,固有名詞はもちろん,スペイン語の特殊単語が交じることもあって, 一層判読を難しくするときもある。さらに,原本のコピーをさらに複写し たので,それが「かすれ」を生じて一層判読困難な箇所も生じた]。 判読の困難は,単語全体のことも,その一部のこともある。それらは読 みとれた限りで転記したり,それでも単語の一部分が全く読み切れない部 分もあり,その部分は点線で示し,それらには下線を引いて示した。また, 一語ないし数語が続けて読み切れない場合も点線で示した。さらに,記述 の意図的な省略も点線で示す。 原文にある下線は,太い下線で示すことにする。 {}内は筆者の補足[原文の誤記その他の補正];[]内は筆者の補筆。 サトウの日本滞在中の日記には幾つかの翻刻抄訳などがあるが,ウルグ

アーネスト・サトウ ウルグアイ日記抄 転記・注解...明治大学教養論集 通巻454号 (2010・3).pp. 33-60 アーネスト・サトウ 転記・注解

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明治大学教養論集 通巻454号(2010・3).pp. 33-60



ウルグアイ日記抄     [1]

長 尾 史 郎


 本稿は手書き手稿Eamest Satow Diary[横浜開港資料館所蔵コピー]のう


















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34 明治大学教養論集 通巻454号(2010・3)









*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *


afterwds. =afterwards

agst. =against

&=and&C.=et cetra

apPt.=apParentapPtd. =apPointed





90vt.== gOVernment













       *  * * *  *  *  *  *

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アーネスト・サトウ ウルグアイ日記抄 35

lMar.[18891  Adams came in the moming&had a long talk about Japanese


Mar.2. Douglas came. He thinks.Pamell’s. letter abt. the assassination of Fed,

   Caヤendish&Burke not a fbrgeryl. Two B, M. men were to have given

   evidence as experts very glad it has not come off as they might perh. have

   pronounced genuine letters now recognized as墨dignificative._

Mar.3. Mrs. Momsey came in the a食emoon, and then Ed. Cooper He has heard

   焦Montevideo that the Junta2(_Municipal Councih鎚the chmets to

   be repaired. I told him the contents of Lister’s lgtter to BL Shiling about the

   ⊥』迦gfind_。 But not much use delivering an assault on the Treasury

   until I get not to Montevideo. In the meantime ifhe send me_

Mar 4.,,.




5 Gowland came fbr about half an hour:then Mary came, having been

yestelday to smeei to see the hmiture. Mme Mostier retumed from Clopton.

Began to read Bryce on America3.

 6.../〃7_./〃9 ._/〃11.../

12 ...

F.0,have sent me a huge mass of papers about Tringam, as Cesil Smith

wants to conclude an arrangement for its protection, wch. is contrary to what


2junta (西).会,会議

3ジェームズ・プライス(James Bryce,1838年5月10日一1922年1月22日)はイギリスの法学者・歴史学者・政治家。…自由党議員として1880年にタワーハムレッツ区から選出されて下院に入り、第3次グラッドストン内閣では外務次官




 82%B8%B3%82%A7%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AO%E3%82%BA%E3%83%BB%E3%83 %96%E3%83%A9%E3%82%A4%E3%82%B9;091224]

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36 明治大学教養論集 通巻454号(2010・3)

    Ihad previously urged. The eires. do not appear to differ much fr. what have

    existed anytime these 80r l O years._1is unites that Suiclari Lackie&

    Clarke wanted to memorialize Lad, S..迦y agst. Jones’apparent.&to

    appt. Sn_instead. He has strongly advised them agstjt, in wch. he shows

    his usual good sense.

   14 ...

16-18  Steuges came down to stop. On Sunday evening after dinner he read

    SOme TennySOn IO[t]US4._

  22   _.

Mar.27 Mary came down. Capital secondhand bookseller named Toon, Ship

    Street, and Thorpe near the Genl. Postof臼ce. The fbrmer only antique


 〃 28 Humphry says no effhsion5, and I am to walk 40min. daily without

    splint6;so bought a couple ofwalking sticks. Prices are h重gh in Brighton7.

〃 29 Agneta, Margaret and Loe went back to town. We are le丘alone.

    Began reading Browning’s Christmas-Day8 aloud口News that Laurie is to

    be tried by courtmartialg alone with Rice, the Stff Com「&Beaumont about

4Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s poem”The Lotos-Eaters”.



7Brighton ブライトン(Brighton)はイギリス・イングランド地方南東部、!r一


 E3%83%96%E3%83%A9%E3%82%A4%E3%83%88%E3%83%B3;091230]8Christmas-Eve and Easter-1)ay, a 1)oem(1850)is, despite the title, often treated as two

 poems by Robert Btowning, rather than as one poem in two parts. It was the first new

 work published by Robert Browning after his marriage to Elizabeth Barrett Browning and

 their departure for Italy, and is widely considered to show the influence bf his wife’s

 religious beliefs.℃hristmas-Eve’, is an account ofavision in which the narrator is taken

to a Nonconforrnist church, to St. Peterls in Rome, to a G6ttingen lecture theatre where a

 practitioner of the Higher criticism is discoursing on the Christian myth, and back to the

Nonconformist church.[http:〃en.wikipedia.orgXwiki/Christmas-Eve_and_Easter-Day;0912241


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アー.・ネスト・サトウ ウルグアイ日記抄 37

wreck of sultan.



30 ...

31 News that Lawnie is not to be courtmartialled, only Rice. As usual,

newspapers free of untruths. Sturges went back in the evening.

April 2

1’ 3 Herbert L AIIen fbrmerly a fbllowslintent at Peking came to lunch,&

stopped talking虻辻3. Says he wrote a paper fbr the Shanghai Asiatic Socy to

prove that Confucius is a mythical person. He says also that:Laotzeio is

really GautamaH.China very weak, not much good as an a豆ly. Disbelieves in

the usefulness of Hart to G B. lf the Catter had really become Envoy at

Peking, many men would have resigned fr. the Consular service. Present

emperor of China antiforeign, will not allow幽{=railway}. to be

extended fr. Tientsini2 to Peking, tho. Li Hungehang13 and Ts’eng14 both

10Laozi(Chinese:老子;pinyin.:L勧麓Wade-Giles:Laosi;also Lao Tse, Lao Tu, Lao-Tzu,

 Lao-Tsu, Laotze, Lao Zi, Laocius, and other variations)


11Gautama  Siddh巨rtha Gautama(Sanskrit:f酬」酢研;Pali:Siddhattha Gotama)

12Tientsin Tia頭n(help・info)(Chinese:天津;pinyin:Tifinjin;Wade-Giles:

T’ien-chin;Posta且map spelling:.Tientsin)

13Li Hungehang 李鴻章;李鴻章14

ss’eng 曽国藩(そうこくはん、 Zeng Guofan,嘉慶16年10月11日(1811


弱体化した清軍に代わり、湘軍を組織して太平天国の乱鎮圧に功績を挙げた。 [http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%9B%BD%E5%9B%BD%E8%97%A9;100114]

Zeng Guofan(simplified Chinese:曾国藩;traditional・Chinese:曾國藩;Pinyin:Zeng

Gu6fan, Wade-Giles:エSgUg“K!tsyg:lagfi,Styled B6han伯函and variably Disheng瀞生;

Posthumous name:Wenzheng文正;created Marquis Yiyong of the First Class勇毅一等

侯,世襲岡替…)(November 21,1811-March 12,1872)was an eminent Han Chinese

official, military generaしand devout Confucian scholar of the late Qing Dynasty in China.

/Zeng raised the Xiang Army to fight effectively against the Taiping Rebellion and

restored the stability of Qing Dynasty along with other prominent figures, including zuo

Zongtang and Li Hongzhangユsetting the scene for the era later known as the”Tongzhi

Restoration”(同治中宍). He was known{for his strategic perception, administrative skiil

and noble personality on Confucianist practice, but also sometimes fbr his ruthlessness.on

the execution ofhis policies. Zeng also exemplified loyalty in an era of chaos, but is also

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38 明治人学教養論集 通巻454号(2010・3)

urge it。 Line completed from Takow to T’ientsin.

4...; 5_.;6._ ;7...;9__;10._; ll.., 12_『 14... 15,_;

16  -一一G   17_.

出 立

18  Left Waterlool5 at 9.45, with the two girls. Joe, Aneth_, Agneta,

Mary, Maud, Cather,01ga, Lawnie&Persy came to see us o ff. Sailed in the

‘‘ `trato”at 4&had a smooth passage down channel&across the Bay of


20  Put into Camil&Vigo both fine boys, ggSg in blossoms on the town

hills. At our table one Co1. Church, his wife&sister, Americans, and next to

 regarded as a pre-cursor to the rise ofwarlordism.

[http:〃en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeng-Guo fan;100114;下線引用者]

15Waterloo  卜iverpoo1の北にある港                瞭匠温楠 tik(r滋t圓ムぐ償錨。国

              津               L殉じ


L、 o囲《鯛筐釘ER

       漸 ・{財櫓辱・事{穿


     ou.                 M          壷’Ybu                           畜緬諺瓢峨卿

                 鵠麟勲安 s  .篇墜蝋i3


16ビスケー湾(英語:Bay of Biscay,フランス語:Golfe de Gascogne,スペイン語:

Golf()de Vizcaya)は、北大西洋の一部でイベリア半島の北岸からフランス西岸に



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アーネスト・サトウ ウルグアイ日記抄 39

me Ziemand Mayer, an Argentium, grandson of an Oldenburgi70fficer who

came to England early in this century. His father was born in London&went

』is the Plats. Mayer seems to be very rich, a great deviser of schemes,52

yrs. old. He&Church fbught on the Federal side in the war of the



21  Am. Lisbon 6.pm. Beautiful day, good view of Cintra as we passed

along the coast. Fnts covered with mesembryantehmumtg in blossom as last


22 Landed with the two girls, did little shopping, then in a tram to Pope’s,

saw church&cemetery, tomb of Filding&Dg劃ヱ, the latter wants

1701denburg(Low German:Ollnborg)is a historical state in today’s Germany named for

its capital, Oldenburg. Oldenburg existed from l l 80 until 1918 as a county, duchy and

grand duchy. It was located near the mouth of the River Weser. Its ruling family was the

House ofOldenburg, which also acquired Denmark and Russia.[http://en.wikipedia.org/

wiki/01denburg_(state);100208]; オルデンブルク(Oldenburg,低ザクセン語l










19mesembryanthemum-n.《植物》マツバギク;Mese〃ibryanthemu〃1(meaning ”midday

 flowering「,)is a genus ofplants native to southern Africa.


(植物)メセンブリアンテマム属;ice plant

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40 明治大学教養論集 通巻454号(2010・3)

cleaning&bounded with them. Daughter Estrella&2boys, the eldest nine.

Brackebury is going to retire. Poor Clibborm died last year after the hot

weather, of fever&overwork, a weak heart finishing him up20. Only saw

O’Donnell, the Vice Consul besides-Left about 6[.】Stiff breeze21 fr. N.

and the who璽e dinner table was cleared by one huge roll, just befbre the

company sat down.


27 Got into S. Vicente22 in the Cabo Verde island23 early in the

20finish up-〔消耗品などを〕使い切る、使い果たす;finish up deadついに死んで


21stiff breeze激しい風[英辞郎]22 @Sio Vicente



  ayesboh/caboverde1&usg=_eUBrNvwggtOxU2aQ4c63drViUAE;&h=355&w=355&sz  =12&hlrja&um冨1&tbnid;_Lmblhirj_uwM:&tbnh=121&tbnw=121&prev=/images%3

  Fq%3DCabo%2BVerde%26hl%3Dja%26rlz%3DlT4RNTNjaJP330JP330%26sa%3D  X%26um%3Dl&rlz=1T4RNTNjaJP330JP330&sa=X&um=1&start=O#tbpid;UJd6cA  wtnyK46M&start≡6;091225]

23Cabo Verde一カーボベルデ共和国、通称カーボベルデ〔原義:Green Cape,緑の



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アーネスト・サトウ ウルグアイ日記抄 41

moming. Harbor a huge bay, with a little poinIed_in the caub6, with a

lighthouse on the top. Some ten miles away the large island of Sant Antons24

closes in:5 the whole horizon. The trade wind26 blowing fresh. A party of us

went ashore in a baot, and wandered about the wretched little town wch。

seems to consist chiefly of drinking shops. Perfectly sandy and infertile, a

mere heap of volcanic material thrown up in the course of ages, and almost

the only vegetation some patches of slunted pinewood, the hibiscus that

grows at Colombo on the way up to the hotel,&one or two other flowering






   ,灘                    購




mds.uk.com/page/capeverdeproperties.htm&usg=_n-Ppty l vMjYGBgnXzRf-cJCEDy




24 @Santo Antまo:5


f易風(ぼうえきふう,trade wind)は、亜熱帯高圧帯から赤道低圧帯へ恒常的に




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42 明治大学教養論集 通巻454号(2010・3)

trees of new aspect to me。 A party landed from the Abato to play cricket with

an eleven27 from the。.。麺ph men who are stationed here;the crickets

were pitched28 at the two ends of a broad preia290f cocoa-nut matting laid

on the sand:our men beat, getting something less than abounded rums. The

colours of the water in the bay were very bea.utifUl, every shade of blue to

墨.Nea・ly・d・zeri・ther steamer・lyi・g i・th・b・y. C・・l」・g3°a・1・w

process, We did not・ get away till 11.30 pm. Heat ashore very great, but the

wind kept us very cool on shore.

  Have had wind all the way from Lisbon, and a good deal of rolling, more

th・n w・・q・ite c・mf・・t・bl・. H・v・・ead L・・ia31 and・tt・mpt・d S・・d・11・32, bVt

can make nothing of the Catter;also a fUrther bits of Browning, part of

Cranfbrd33;have idled more than ever;it is too hot to thirik or write much. A

noisy set of people, young men strumming340n the pihno from morning till

27an eleven  クリケットのチーム28the cric.kets were pitched クリケソトゲームをする;pitch《クリケット》ピッチ

◆グラウンドの中心にある、打撃や投球が行われる長方形の場所[英辞郎]29 垂窒?奄=@正しくはpraia[ポルトガル語1海岸


3]Luria. @Isaac Ben Solomon Luria(1534-1572)/The 16th century Kabbalist, R.abbi

 Isaac Ben Solomon Luria revolutionized the study of Jewish mysticism through.Kabbalah.

 Luria, also known as Isaac Ashkenazi, attracted a large number of fbllowers who gave

 him the title of”HaAri,”The Lion, because of the initials of the phraSe「’haeloki Rabbi

 Yitzhak”-the divine Rabbi Yitzhak.



32 rordello  Sordello da Goito or So.rdel de Goit(sometimes Sordell)was a 13th-centUry

Lombard troubadour, bom in the rnunicipality of Goito in the province of Mantua. He is

 perhaps best remembered fc)r the praise heaped on him by other poets:he is praised by

Dant・Alighieri・in th・D・ vulg・・i el・q・・nt,ia[『俗語論』]・and i・th・P・r9・t・ri・・f The

Divine Comedy[.『神曲』 「煉獄篇」]is made the type ofpatriotic pride. He is the hero of

the well-known poem Sordello by Robert Browning. He is also praised for his passion in

Oscar Wilde’s poem”A mor lntellectualis’”.[http://en.wikipedia.org!wiki/Sordello;091224】

33Cranford  Cranford is the best一㎞own novel of the 19[h century English writer

 Elizabeth Gaskell. It was first published in 1851 as a serial in the magazine Household

 Mords, whlch was edited by Charles Dickens.


34 唐狽窒浮香y自他動・名】 〔弦楽器を〕軽くかき鳴らす(こと)

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アーネスト・サトウ ウルグアイ日記抄 43

night, voiciferous35 children in abundance. Left S. Vicente a htt正e bef()re



May 1. Margaret’s birthday. We had one very hot day before crossing the line36,

&then got cooler again. The S。E. Trads having met us, Now&then a flying

fish or a pink nautilus37 fieeting on the surface. This evening a concert got

up by passeqgers. Th・・e w・・c・llect・d£569 f・・wid・w・&・・ph・n・・f th・

employ6s of Co. Mayer GenL gave£10,&Hutton the B.A, Schoolmζster

the same sum out of his winnings iri the lottery on the run38. I spoke&was

f()llowed by Dickson M. P a Pamellite. The music was bad, except a Miss

Hill, who sang Gourd’s Printemps. Other passengers with whom we have

particularly become friendly are CoL Gen. E. Church&his wife, his M sister

Miss Coggeshal1., his soo_Allen Partridge. Very few Montevidean people.

Hear limits of Palgrave’s not quite praiseworthy conduct, but avoid the

迦.Genl. Mayer speaks of a certain Don Santiago Lawry as a man with


35voiciferous 正しくは:vo・cif・er・ous crying out noisily;clamorous.

36equator●equatorial line:赤道[ガボン辺りを通る]




生きた化石とも呼ばれている。学名Nautilus pompilius[英辞郎]38We have exhausted all our literature, drunk two hundred lemon squashes, played forty

different games of cards(Patience mostiy), organised-(had it been a thousand rupees instead of ten I should not.have won it)_[Rudyard Kipling From Sea to

Sea http:〃ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/k/kipling/rudyard/seatosea/chapter3.html;下線引


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44 明治大学教養論集 通巻454号(2010・3)



May 8, Anchored off Montevideo at l l pm. We had two breakdowns en route,

         ⊥   one of 74 hrs. the other about 3 hrs. and a good deal of rolling&well the

   last three days, with some rain, thunder&lightning.

[1888 German map of Montevideo-http:〃en.wikipedia.orglwiki/File:Karte_Montevideo_MKL 1888_k1.png;091218】

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May 9. The day broke with a heavy gale39 from the S.E.&violent rain, so that

    getting ashore seemed quite an impossibility, but after breakfast it cleaned a

    bit,&the agent of the company’s man offered to bring me ashore in the

    tender4°, i・t・whi・h we acc・・di・gly g・t4’, with th・m・j・・p・・t・f・u・1・g9・g・.

    N■ Siggs of the Consul. Sent off a message to him by the boatman Salvador,

    &shortly there 1.umed42 up.an old gentleman in a white clothes who proved

    to be DL Lawrie, with my attach6 Wilson&the acting ViceConsul&

    Bedounet, D.L took the girls off to the Hote1,&Iremained to look after the

    luggages. Then Ayre arrived, who had not[,]it appears[,]received my last

    letter,&two previous ones had gone round by way of Washington!So he

    was unaware of my arrival by the‘‘Atrats”, tho’Lawnie said Cooper had

    heard fr. me that I was coming on the 28 April!H6wever, he made himself

    very usefu1,&we got some lunch at the Orient Hotel:but the rooms

    assigned to us were not good enough&smelt of gas;so Dr. Lawrie&Ayre

   went off to look fbr apartment at 195 Calle Misiones43., house kept by a

   German woman, with whom we concluded fbr$200 a month, inc且uding


      The noise of trams&carts in the street is quite overwhelming, a good

   dea置worse than in London, the place where we are is on the ridge44 wch.

   runs down separating the River from the Bay,&from the balconies one sees

   water at the end ofthe street right&left.1 have been running about so much

   that I have had not any time to examine the town at all. May say that today is


セ風40 A絡船、補給船、補給艦、本船と岸の間を行.き来する小型の舟◆【同】ship’s boat; pinnace  [英舌辛良区】

41№?煤@into a boat船に乗る[英辞郎1

42;旦oomed43 サ在,旧市街La Ciudad Vieja(The old city)にある。“calle”=(西)street

  ※因みに,国名“Portugal”はporto[港]+calleとも言われる。44 窒奄р№?@尾根,山の背

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46 明治大学教養論集 通巻454号(2010・3)

warmer than we ought to have it at this season,&that there will be more

rain, but the air is delicious. Some difficulties occurred about the rooms fbr

the servants, but by talking to the old woman and her good-natured daughter,

we got things arranged. Both幽&Margarett seem to do fairly well in

German, but I find every now&then an inclination to put in a word or two

of Japanese. Also I find I can understand some Spanish, which is well

enough f()r a beginning. We have a nice salon, with a bedroom fc)r myself

opening out of it, and a room above for the girls. Ayre says he has a list of

f()rty houses fbr me to look at!


16.  Presentation to the President Tajes45, accompanied by Ayre&Wilson.

  At 30’clock Pesce the master of the ceremonies&apresidential aide de

  camp46 came with a couple of neat carriages fbr me, and we drove to

45Mゑximo Tajes(1852-1912)was a Uruguayan political figure./Tajes came from a mi且itary background。 He was a member of the Co且orado Party(Unuguay), which ruled the

 country almost uninterruptedly fbr a century.fTajcs served as President of Uruguay from



46An aide-de-camp(French for ca〃lp assistant)is a persona且assistant, sccretary, or

a(ljutant to a person ofhigh rank, usually a senior military officer or a head of state. The

 first aide-de-camρis typically the foremost personal aide.


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アーネスト・サトウ ウルグアイ日記抄 47

Palacio de Gobi[e】mo47, climbed to the 3「d story, and immediately ushered

into the reception room at the end of wch, stood the president in a military

㎜ifbrm surrounded by his ministers, in plain dress, and a crowd of other

men about the door. I walked straight up to him, bowed&read my address,

wch. I think was a little bit flowery48, in English。&handed him by my

credentials49. He replied in Span孟sh, reading from a paper, and then shook

hands. His reply was much dr_T血en we went into another room, where he,

Garcia Lagos&Isat down togetheら&had some conversation of a general

kind.1 said a few words in Spanish,&was able to understand nearly all that

he・said in retum. GL[Garcia Lagos]interpreted fbr me. Then we said good

bye to each otheL I thanked him fbr his friendly reception of me,&then

parted fr. GL. at the door leading out on to the lauding50. Under the

impression conveyed to me by Ayre that I was at once to go round to the

rooms of the millisters&call on them, I misled to say goodbye to them,&

only discovered the m量stake when too late, so asked GL。&the marshall51 to



    Palace of Gove㎝ent ofUruguay=官邸

48flowery-一美辞麗句の49 モ窒?р?獅狽奄≠撃刀@(大使・公使・使節などに授ける)信任状

50 Pauding, ppl. a.【f, laudv.+-ing2.] That lauds or praises.[OED]

51mar・shal n. A field marshal.[Am.Her.Dic.】;進行係、接待係[英辞郎](上記


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48 明治大学教養論集 通巻454号(2010・3)

present to them my apologies. Back at lodgings by 3.20.

   While I was undressing, H.umphreys the agent of the Pacific Mail&his

wife came in,&afterwards, I went to call on D「. Lawrie. He is an o正d.越

&is trusting with stories abt. Palgrave, wch. he wants to tell me. I try to

show that I do not wish to hear them, but it is difficult to escape altogether.

He also told me that he was afraid I shld. have trouble with Ayre. Musgrave

too, the other day, said that on one occasion Ayre had made managements to

present him to the president. he went there at the time apptd. in full uniform,

&Ayre never tumed up!

   Called on R。 Cooper&Chamberlin l 4th. H. Lafase,16th。 The weather

w。、wi・dy&・ai・y丘・m th・d・t・・f・u・aπi・・l till th・14th. and th・n・fi・・ti}l

today inclusive. On the l 5皇h we went out fbr a walk after dinner in the bright

moon light as far as the square where the columns stand. Numbers of ladies

walking about in pairs without escort, the men staring at them in a manner

wch。 is said to gratify their minds. This is much more the custom m summer.

The climate is wonderful fbr this time of year. On the 14th we drove out to

the Paso Mobiso to look at houses, but only saw one, wch. is血r too small,&

to Evan’s quinta52 0n the road to Positos, high up, in a beautifUl airy

position, overlooking the sea. Hitherto the only place we have seen fit fbr us

is Schwasty’s quinta, but the position is not good, being too isolated.11ike

the town more and more, but it is too noisy f()r us。 We went on the l 5血asc

and him to Schumsty’s,&liked it much better than on the first occaslon.

Ayre seems very ancious53 we shld. take it, but he lives too near.

52 曹浮奄獅狽=|n.1〈ポルトガル語〔;a・fifth〕〉〔ポルトガルの〕ブドウ園◆【語源】ス


 ら。2〈ポルトガル語〉 〔ポルトガルなどの〕田舎の屋敷[英辞郎]53ancious  Cf.:A girl, usually ranging in age from 14 to 21 who is very interested and

’ancious to explore her sexual prorniscuity・

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アーネスト・サトウ ウルグアイ日記抄 49

17   Called on the Brazilian Ribeiro,&fbund only his wife who speaks a

  little French, then on the Spaniard DufUy de Lowe, whose wife&sees

  Chacon all speak English;the two men I had met in Japan. The Paraguayan,

 who was absent. Then an Patenotre the FL Charge d’Affairs54 and Flenry his

  secretary;left card at Bsin(San Marino), Argentine and Ecuador, also called

 at the Casa del Gobiemo, saw Garcia Lagos, Varela, Berindvague. CoL

 Pedro de Leon;the two latter do not speak French, but B. understands it.

 Henera y Obes was not there, so left a card. Rained heaviiy all day. Patenotre

 has been in China with his brother, who was minister.


19.   DufUy de Lowe came to ask whether I shld. go with the Presid6nt to

  Buenos Aires, so I said that as they had first inquired whether I would accept

  an invitation I had replied in the affirmation. He then said he too wold. go.

  Says he brings cigars fr. a merchant here。&when he has had a thousand or

  so, gives an order to law that quality{=quantity?}free of duty, which he

 gets from the govemment. He且nds it very convenient to be on friendly

 terms with the president, whom he learnt to know 6n the occasion of a visit

t・珂inas55 sh・貢ly・丘er he aπi・・d・lh・d・1・eady w・itt・n t・J・mm・・&t・

 Genl. Mayer to tell them I intended to come.

   Ribeiro returned my calL The Frenchman&then the Spaniard did so

 yesterday, while we were out looking at houses, none of which seems

 suitable, either too small, or too far offl a garden not good.

     [http:〃www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=ancious;091226;下線引用者]54 bharge d’Affairs 代理大使(公使)55the capital of the department of Lavalleja in Uruguay,

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50 明治大学教養論集 通巻454号(2010・3)

  20    Recd. a note fr. Richards formerly of the‘‘Argus”(Kagoshima l 863)

    who is living at迦血亟under the name of Guillermo de Barre. I answered

    that I should be very glad to be of service to him if an opportunity offered.

    We drove out to the Heriots at_but fbund no one. Cab prices are

    abnormally high$4 fbr an hour and a half:

  22   1nvited by the President to accompany him on his return visit to

    Buenos Aires, a little after fbur, on board the‘‘Venus”, a fine boat belonging

    to the‘‘La Rateuse”C°. As we went off there was a deafening row56 from

    the discharging of rockets!playing of bands&c. Left punctually at five;and

    alittle after six we sat down to an excellent dinner. Dufuy&Iwere at the

    president’s table with the three ministers Berindua ue, Garcia Lagos&

    P,d,。 d・L・・n;Gy・id・th・A・g・nti・・[,]Miss. R・・.・n my l[・珂. th・Rect・r57

    0f the University on皿y right, oPPosite Teofils Diaz&three other judges;

    the captain of the port,&five other men made up the dozen. Rained heavily

    after dinner,耳 bad passage fbr tomorrow.

M・y23.1・th・m・mi・g w・f…dth・t it h・d・lea・ed・p, Steam・d58 sl・wly,・・

    as not to reach Buenos Aires befbre the time appointed.1 While sat at some

    distance, cld. distinguish a long line of shore, with houses&churches, then

    Buenos Aires comes in view,&we steer into the new harbor which is in

    process of fbrmation,&came alongside the quay exactly at one o’clock. A

56row /rav/〔初18c;語源不詳.rouse(刺激する,怒らせる)の逆成説あり〕騒動,騒音



s8 steam  蒸気力で動く

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アーネスト・サトウ ウルグアイロ記抄 51



few minuites crowding on the gangway, then President Celman59 makes his

appearance,&we land. Dufuy introduced me to the colleagues, all ofwhom

were there, except the Brazilian&Jemmer. My letter had reached him this

morning, l afterwards[eamed, but he had refused to come with the rest to

receive Taj es, wch. was pedantic. But the Frenchman goodnaturedly took me

in his carriage to the Casa del Gobi[e]rno60, a splendid palace on a fine

sg@President Celman  Miguel Juarez Celman(1844-!909);President ofArgentina(1886


60basa Rosada[バラ色の家](ARGENTINA)


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52 明治大学教養論集 通巻454号(2010・3)

square, where the troop defiled61 befbre the two presidents&their cabinets.

Igot an excellent position, being pushed almost into the front by Garcia

Lagos&some of the Argentinas. This lasted an hour&ahal倉then I drove

with the Frenchman to his office, where I met Jemmer. He did not offer to

put me up62. He is going away on the l 5th of next month, as Parkerbaum

returns. Then I came on to that hotel and fbund the room provided for qne

night at the top of the house, fbur stories high, airy,&with a very fine view.

Sought out the Cheriches&had tea with them. The vastness of this place

impresses me greatly, the noise&bustle are immense, and the eye even from

this elevation cannot see beyond the limits of the city. The Frenchman says

he has 40,000 countrymen here, mostly of the small shopkeeper class, who

give him a great deal ofwork to do. Laid out.in squares, with narroW streets,

numbered each sq.100,200,300&c. that is the houses;thus l l 86 wld. be

the 11血square starting from the seashore,&the house no.86. D’re with the

Churches,&then to reception at the President’s, very sele_t, no ladies

,xcept th・・e・f hi・Qw・f・mily. A beauti飼h・u・e, with・1・b・・ter63・・

marble like it fbr Cubus_,handsomely decorated, full of curios and

pictures, a few books[.]He was a poor man until a few years ago, now

immensely rich, perh。 a million. He is迦g his postmaster general fbr his

successor, quite a young fellow. Varada, the Min「. of Finance, with one arm,

speaks English, with him had some talk this moming. Was introduced to a

number of people whom it is impossible to remember;the Minister of Govt.

・m・ng・thers, wh・i・an hi・t・・i・n・A負・・th・t・w・nt t・th・B・11 gi・・n…

61 р??奄撃?@ 一列に行進する

62 垂浮煤@up一宿泊させる、宿泊する、宿を貸す[提供する]、泊める、泊まる


刻の素材などに用いられる。[英辞郎]       .

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アーネスト・サトウ ウルグアイ日記抄 53

[May 240r 25] _DufUy also remained behind. I overtook them on the road,

    fbund them furious,&on arrival at the Casa de Gobiemo, they got hold of

    the Vice Minister fbr that&∬leted into him:de Lobo particularly, also

    Jemmer. But I think that if they were so‘precious particular64’about not

    walking to the church, they shld. have been consistent, and not gone to the

    Casa de Gobierno at all. May know well enough that there can be no order or

    disc{pline among a crowd not ruled by court狙arshals65. How great a

    nuisance on corps diplomatique66 can make itsel£&generally dose. After

    some smoking&eating of slight refreshments we all departed fbr the

    Palermo review67. Jemmer, Bondz.&Ilost time in looking fbr our back

    carriage, wch. was in a side street, prob. because he was not in livery68, and

    looked too shabby. Now Jemmer left us at the rlwy, station&Bondy&I

    drove to the review, by an unencumbered circuitous route, getting there just

    as the troops were coming away。 But we got to the house where the President

64 垂窒?モ奄盾浮刀@particular Cf.:”Well-,”remarked Mrs. Blayne, the cook,.”she don[’]t

 interfere and he pays the bills prompt. That[’]ll do me instead of commandments. If

 you[’]ll believc卿e, my mother told me that in them Queen Victoria days ladies used to

 inquire about cold meat and ask what was done with the dripping. Civilization[’]s gone

 beyond that[  ]commandments or no commandments.”/”He[’1s- about bills being paid[”]/volunteered Jennings, with the air of a man of the world.”I

 heard him having a row with her one day about some bills she hadn[’]t paid._

              [Bumett, Frances Hodgson, The head of the house of Coombe(1922)



65Court:~mtirshal(複~s marshal,~marshals)軍法会議(【略】c, m.).[ジーニアス


66corps diplomatique(仏):diplomatic corps 外交団

67review-n.閲兵、観兵式68not in livery   Cf.:And these things are said to lie in grant and幽.



 um=2&ved;OCAwQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=%22not%20in%201ivery%22&f』 fa lse;100114;下線引用者];To be capable of being transferred by deed. Land and interests in it lie

 in grant; property that can be transferred by physical delivery l 1   , [http://1awjrank.org/pages/l6074/1ie・in・grant.html;100211;下線引用者]

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54 明治大学教養論集 通巻454号(2010・3)

&his suite69 came to get refreshment, just in time to salute everybody, so

that our ‘bonne volont670’ made itself shown。 Dined at hotel, same table with

the amiable judge Cristobal A. Salvafiado,(Saraudi l 22),&then to the

Opera. President’s box crowded&hot. Stayed till nearly the end;迦

Bagia. Five mise en sesame;the house decorated with strawberry ice&

chocolate creams, as it were. Got home about midnight. Florida&

Corrientes71 illuminated with arches of gaslights thrown across the streets,

whi・h b・i・g・・rr・w・nd・eg・1・・w・11 fitt・d f・・thi・;fl・g・&・t・eamers72

hanging from some of the arches. Seen from one end it looks particularly


69 唐浮奄狽?i(ややまれ))[単数・複数扱い1随行員,側近;(従者の)一一行(((正式))retinuc).

[ジーニアス英和大辞典]70 b盾獅獅?@volont6  (仏)やる気,熱意;善意,好意7] balle(Avenida)Florida 現在,商店街;Corrientes Avenue(Spanish: Avenida Corrientes)is one ofthe principal thoroughfares of the Argentine capital of Buenos Aires・

 The street is intimately tied to the tango and the portefio sense of identity.


,.一・ョ                     \



鷺熱轟露    甕嫉㌔ゐ  登


Bueno A屡res



  [http:〃www.cpt.univ-mrs.fr/-・coque/Bariloche2000/Bariloche2000fmap-ba.gif IOOIOI]

72 唐狽窒?≠高?秩|n.吹き流し、飾りリボン

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アーネスト・サトウ ウルグアイ日記抄 55

26  Went to the Engl, Church73 at 11.which is in the Calle 25 de Mayo74,

  close to the Hotel, a much better building than ours in Montevl.deo, but less

  comfbrtable. Met the Bishops on coming out. Lunched at same table with

  one Orange, an en.gineer by profession. Men called on the Jemmers,虚ho

  have a nice house at Belgrano75 close to the station, but smalL Anderson of

  the Landon&River Plati...ll. When he was gone we talked literatur6&

  poetry. Dinner at the Casa.de Gobiemo, The table laid in the patio, which is

  very large, fbr 300 persons」t is a handsome interior, and probably no city in

  Europe could provide a finer room fbr such a purpose. Excellent dinner&

  good wines. Sat but6r. Dufuy&GenL Campes. the latter procured a bottle of

  Argentine wine, wch. was not by any means bad, something like a正ight

  port76. Two very short speeches from the two Presidents. Over a little befbre

  eleven. Jemmer, Bondy&Iadj ourned77 to a restaurant, befbre the Gran

73The Anglican Church of the Southem Cone of America(Spanish:Iglesia Anglicana del

 Cono Sorr de.4規6κcのis the ecclesiastical province of the Anglican Communion that

 covers the countries of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay_.During

 the l gth century, immigrants to South America brought Anglicanism with them. The

South American Mission Society(SAMS)was fbrmed to deve亘op Anglican missions

 throughout South America, and it still has an important place in the life of the church.



74Buenos Airesの通り;五月革命を記念する[注71.の地図参照]  The May Revolution(Spanish:Revolucio’n de Mayo)was a series of revolutionary po1.itical and

 social events that took place during the early nineteenth century in the city of Buenos

 Aires, capitol of the Viceroyalty of the R正o de la Plata, a colony of the Spanish Crown

 which at the time contained the present-day nations of Argen.tina, Bolivia, Paraguay and

 Uruguay. The consequence of the revolution was that the h母ad of the Viceroyalty,

 Viceroy Cisneros, was ousted from of巨ce, and role of government was assumed by the

Primera Junta_.. The May R.evolution involves the events that took place during a week

known as ”May Meek”(Spanish:Semana de Mayo), that spans from May 18[1816], when

the defeat of the Junta of Seville was confrmed, and May 25, when V孟ceroy Cisneros was

 ousted from offi.ce.[http:〃e Belgrano n.wikipedia.org/wiki/May_Revolution;091227】75 aelgrano  Buenos Airesの1近郊(barrio)76

oort ポート(ワイン)□食後に飲むアルコール度が高く甘い強化ワイン。◆  【語源】17世紀後半にポートが出荷されたポルトガルの都市Oporto[ボルト]から。

◆【参考】fortified wine[英辞郎]

77a(ijourn 席を移す、移動する、会議場を別の会場に移す

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56 明治大学教養論集 通巻454号(2010・3)

  Hote1, while they waited fbr the train.

 27   Lay in bed in the fbrenoon with a cold. At 8,20 invaded by a

  messenger fr. Tajes[the President of Argentina]with a message asking me to

  be at his house by 8,30 to accompany him on an excursion to somebody’s

  place near La Plata78. In the best Spanish I could muster79, I said that there

  was not time enough fbr me to dress&get there, besides I had a cold, so got

  rid of him.Ω旦旦about l 1, break飴sted with Mrs. Church&went to the

  market with her&Miss⊆Ωyg幽旦:it is dirty,&there is not a good show of

  丘uit. Apples, pears, pomegranates80, grapes, medlars81,0range, guinces82,

  bananas. Finished Froude’s Chiess of Dumboy,_story of the last century

  ...with the Jemmers. The Bundrys were there. She is a prqtty little

  Swedish woman. Afterward, Rexmyer of the Etoile&his wife came in;got

  home by the l 6。30 train.

28May Called on the Bishop, who lives in 1156 Arenabo temporarily, but in a

  short time will move to a house he has taken fbr$600 a month. He married a

rich widow I am told. He said he has no objection to the pubhcation of D.

78La Plata一ラプラタ(La Plata)は、アルゼンチン・ブエノスアイレス州の州都。





79muster一集める、集合させる、召集する、・かき集める、寄せ集める80 垂盾高?№窒≠獅≠狽?|《植物》ザクロ、石榴、ザクロの実、ザクロの木

8聖medlar-《植物》セイヨウカリン82 №浮奄獅モ?|-n.1《植物》マルメロ◆中央アジア原産のバラ科の落葉高木の果樹

またはその実を指す。学名Cydonia oblonga。よい香りのする実は食用になり、古



マーマレードの語源ともなっている。なお、カリンに似ているために日本では両者が混同されることがある。2《植物》カリン、花梨◆学名Cydonia Sinensis。◆

 【同】Chinese quince[英辞郎]

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アーネスト・サトウ ウルグアイ日記抄 57

Salisbury’s letter enclosing the necessary reply about the gemetry fund. Told

him I thought anew church in the site wch. cost£15,000,&l that I had

suggested the purchase of abt,_land to begin with, but that at present do

not see the necessity of answering. He gave me his version of the refUsal to

publish the _ correspondence& of Chamberlain’s nomination, wch.

differed a good deal from what the Montevideans told me. He doesAnot speak

at all with resentment, but evidently think the Montevideans幽

difficult to dea豆with. Then to Andrean ofthe London&Ruinn Olate Bank to

ask fbr indicatives abt. finance of M.V He says commercial finance there is

in a every sound condition. The govt. has an annual deficit, but increasing

national prosperity wil[in time cover that. Says that Ingenvilles&

ThunbumS are the best men to get financial infbrmation from. CoL Church

Gask had an interview with Hemsea about his pat83 scheme,&told him he

wld. not bribe)Sg1CUgiyl f.But Ch. thinks旦Le owners of property on the north

side of the city wld. not like his schemes,&that the Govt. is partly

committed to Wardruff, the engineer of the Eusanada84 port.

  Afterwds. to Jemmer at the Legation..Masuval1, the immigration agent fbr

GB. a young man. Saw some papers about_and the Port convention wch.

has been signed by him with Argentine Govt. Pakenbaum had been

negotiating fbr a couple of years at it. The Argentines have refused to join

the墨conventions. He has been writing about finance and railways&has

given offence by speakihg what he believed to be the truth. Age 49.


84 dusanada Montevideo付近の港と思われるが,不詳;Cf.:Now we behold them flying like frightened swans to seek shelter in Eusanada;and again the ever-alert islander

dashes into their midst and spreads sudden eonsternation throughout the harbour of Monte


                  [Two thousand miles’ride through the Argentine provinces



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58 明治大学教養論集 通巻454号(2010・3)

From there went on to Belgrano85&took tea with Mrs. Jemmer, who

want・d m・t…me ag・i・, b・t I d・n・t thi・k it p・ssibl・,・・w・h…F・ias86

excursion to Tigre 87 tomorrow. Saw thin garden;Migabilis jalapa 88,

magnolias89, Mespila japonicago, oranges, hibieus,&several plants I don’t

㎞ow。 The迦tree91, large and U1nbpggugguss, bad timber.

29 May ’In the morning a water party92 at Tigre given by Frias, the Uruguayan

minister here, who is a very pleasant young fellow,&being of the cloth93,

8s Belgrano is a leafy, northem barrio or neighborhood of the city of Buenos Aires,

Argentina_. Belgrano was named after Manuel Belgrano, a politician and military leader

 who created the nationa】flag ofArgentina.


86. erias アルゼンチン西部87Tigre is a town in the Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, situated in the north of Greater

 Buenos Aires,28 km(175 miles)north of Buenos Aires city. Tigre lies on the Parana

 Delta and is an important tourist and weekend attraction



89モクレン科植物9D Mespila  =medlar-tree(Pliny)[セイヨウカリン];This is the loquat tree in our

 front garden. The fruit is known as lmespila’[ビワ]here in Cyprus, so that「s what we tend

 to call them too.[http:〃cypruslife.blogspot.com/2005/04/mespila.html;100103]

91Cf. The Tons Forest Division has the reputation ofbeing one of thickly forested areas of

 Uttarakhand[India]. Apart from the fallen pine tree, it houses Asia’s tallest living Deodar

 tree that is 48 metres in length and 8.25 metres in diameter. This tree has an estimated age

 of 400 years. An‘Ambu’tree in the region-50 metres in length and 3.35 in diameter-

was awarded by the Ministry of Environment and Forests in 1995 as the tallest tree ip




  During the historical times the pampas were covered with tall grasses excellent for

 grazing. The endless horizon was broken only by high thistles and an occasional.ambu

 tree actually a huge bush with an immense girth its soft and spongy branches unfit fbr use

 as firewood. The leaves were large, glossy, deep green, and poisonous. Aside from

 serving as a landmark on the monotonous plains, the ombu’s only usefulness was to offer

 refreshing shade to a man and his horse in the hot summer.[http:〃


 20403.asp+%22ambu+tree%22&cd;16&h1-ja&ct=clnk&gl「jp;091228]92 vater party  (西)”aguafiesta.”Literally,”water party”一一equivalent to the English

 ”party   pooper.”   [http:〃twittencom/rabidbaby/status/6591509730;100103]

aguafiestas [単複同型]人の楽しみに水をさす人[高橋正武『西和辞典』

pooper-n.座をしらけさせる人◆【同】party pooper[英辞郎1

93cloth  〔聖職者の〕衣服◆【参考】person of the cloth[英辞郎]

, ■,

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                          アー一一ネスト・サトウ ウルグアイ日記抄 59

took entra trouble94 to make things comfbrtable fbr the colleagues:&they

were greately.pleased with him. After half an hour’s delay waiting fbr

Suarez Coleman who after all sent anexcess, the train state. Hot country,

very little to see. On arriving the company embarked in steamers&

proceeded up and down a series of muddy streams, narrow or broad, lined

・1・・i・・ly with weepi・g will・wsg5, w・h・・emi・d・d・n・g・eatly・f th・d・lt・・f

the Menam96(or any other delta prob,)Talked to various people&shared

sandwiches&champagne, got back to Tigre at sunset which was beautiful,

&after a slow journey reached town at 7.30.

  Ball at the Govt. house, which was beautifully illuminated fbr the

occasion with. gas jetsg7. Went with the Churches. Atmosphere suffered

greatly from the enormous quantity of free gas. A huge crowd, brilliant

94 @entra trouble   C£∫ it is entra trouble, but I,ve decided not to take an.y

 chances.[. http:〃www.homegunsmith.com/cgi.-bin/ib3/iB_html/uploads/post-71-64256-Ho


95シダレヤナギ96My joumey to the Northem Laos was on the whole a pleasant one, and proved to be very

 necessary from an o[fl ficial point of view. But it took a terribly long time. I am writi.ng an

 account for my people at home, and feel as it were impossible to condense what【saw into

 pages of a letter. The Lao States are governed by mutually independent chiefs, who are

 more or less interfered with by the Bangkok Govemment. This however is a good thing.

 They belong to the same race as the Siamese and ought to belong to her, especially as

they occupy the headwater of the Menam. But the control of the King over his outlying

 provinces and states i.s very inriperfect. Teak fbrests are what chiefly take Briti.sh Subjects

thither, and they are mostly Paguans and Tangthoos.from Britiミh Burma. We have a

 Vice-consul up there to look after their interests, but h.e has no jurisdiction, that.having

 been handed over to the Siamese through the influence of the Indian Gov[emmen]t. I

 think it was a mistaken step, but try to make the best of it.[Sir Ernest Satow’s Private

乙etters’O PV.・G As’0ηand・E・V. Dickin&・The Cor榔ρ0η舵η0θ(ゾa Pioneer/bpanologist

from 1870 to I918 by Ernest Satow, Ian Ruxton, and Peter Kornicki; Bangkok,22 Apr.

 1886  http:〃books,google.cojp/books?id=Xg6RgEkbFsgC&pg=PTIO2&1.pg=PTIO2&



引用者]97 №≠刀@jet ガスの炎、ガスの噴き出し口、ガスバーナー(gas burner)◆【略】GJ[英


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60 明治大学教養論集 通巻454号(2010・3)

 p塑…on some of the ladies, extending ostentations98, not many pretty

 women. Did not reach house till 4.

(ながお・しろう 経営学部教授)
