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  • glyl.5(o{oorqluoqryT n{fog)_

    _. _. _

    lsnusirrdredldiuluor.Fyrnu'rmuudr{rcardocritrucaatndrmrnar-ooqiouairor{lua+ywrnrorri:lera n er:dr dryrJ :c n au rirr a o'n 6s { et'u air du 6'ldE t. uuun'rtadoalq nv.5D z.'ltorlqrnri'x'u (work Permit) iordrulfl a. ur.ruvrir6oir:ornr:drrE c. nririlarhrr 'xddaarq vtsa udr uioludrfiryddadua:ludrelyrJ:rrl"rdrnuirrdt nlardtu'rfl s. lu$::or!r!,{rd dri.r:al'j, {tolrir0lnlaaainao?nii6nfiurfiaulrialtl:cnou lriiilrnr{or {sui:all:csso-un:r6 I:n

    trir,rirrlu:ser;rJ:rn4oT nr:a-urfludirrfisottridrn! I:nhnstanfirtll nadr.rlruu:r I:afiuq:rr{oil ua;1:afl6a'lu:sucfiadrirf iuordau)

    B o. ronar:nrldiotltdrirraunluluorSyrnni.rtr (rirfi )E z. rariolaurinnrornaurirldrr (drlrimdudronlral) f,;arn:uanrf 10 urvr mcdrurinah;trtltor{ilrardruroE o. drnnfn:rj:ctrtura radrr (aulls) utsdrru{uorlqrnrirnutalursdrl (nvilldr'r),| ran6r:rJ:lnaunr:fior:u1nr$rJ:grn rarfionr:Arrgdrr1. dollUrlnaun1:rant!E r.t tiT rurvfi.rda:-u:o.rnr:on crfiErufifiunnat suavfqJt:rudo{6a{u (hiriu 6 lfiou),2 yiaifirlnnarirlrirr'hidldriu'r

    luarlrgronJ:vnauq:fiatolnusir'!tirraonnru .:.!.ri:snouq:fiotornroirrdr x fl.q.2542 niolua'n,qrunr:drriurrnsirl :clflnrd'urr'tdiirs'tu :cl nlyie

    fl t.2 dlrrrlnr:riu Gleirqn) (3 ldou) uagdlurnr:rir:cnr6iiu'16'ra.rnurirrdrr n.r.fl.90 yio lr (hirqo)z. lNaaunnt.u / tlwin gt{gtoffiilE z.rdrru'ryriodaurirdrng r,rSo{aou t{rirr,rrirdoitrnr:6ounr:aou) niorLdryqr6'rr / eLwiilftl*tnqav.ulyiuaas.a{lda

    iutB tw nwhus tuvp iflt antt sdn lafrat t.lnaftUdEaush rd?a fu $n ti !. ttn s ft n E :TalE z.z lt.l :vnoritrinng (nrun4llro'jrdraanra;navrlnarn:yrrnr:dnur) unliusl'ruur.iriflnaouE z.r drnrrluorlrgrnlrii'oftlNriuu,luoqqrarlfirflunflvqjuavlLalqrnlfirilr.r{o-nnr:fuarlqroroix 1 {dtirl t dltu;11r#da

    n fi iniltllJ t! xiiltidtlt$fl tildruek ffi {f, titut nawsuts:it ftrrtyt tn{fl ,3. mj?u{1rI11dn11E r.t rari':f,oiu:olorneiru:rrnr:/igiarvio/alrinr:rvrru/rrsrnr:finsrunal:rritru ( Ioa:cuijo

    nuqirrtir'r n'r*yri+rrl gav:vrlcrlarnt:6'rr.nuD r.z n:riql:lriuuYguratiuan{uJ:vnorLitrinn; (errun4lalra'jrriroanT n;uanrnarn:vn.rnr:finur) snriuqr"rurnj$tfinao!a. XafiE rioaurnuE rarirfioir-r:orfifiqnnata.rXai8,alrnu iqn :ga.rFi vriourirgf,:radonruvn::rnr:uri'lt tflql(t) ronar:firflrnrursirl :crvrn onr{unrurdrnqu 1r,i6'orr'rni*rJariJr.r nrurbo fifinr:iu:o.rnruqn6'o.r(2) ri1ru1 !anar:Inar-r-udorararaiodair-r:0.: o1d

    - ronar:ro.rura{rr hi{idrurra'rulrarnvilaiaruiada[acrJ:cdun:ru3d (drfi) #a{iuuoldruro- ronar:sornusir.iri'r? ldnusirstilralarafi odo r.ria{1:-rlaro'rurr

    {3 ri'rrin 1 s a d { ? uf, vrdtu n 1: rBs n ro n d'r r rfi u ufi utu n r6fi d d1 l{lu {3durand'ttnrufiru nrlu$tnn'tulu 3 fuv|'tnrt Tvr:.O 2245 2745, O 2245 nA6

  • W.P.5 (WORK PERMIT RENEWAL)#woRK prR^Itt tvtust ee neNEWEo pRton to rF{e EXptRArloN or rnr pEnNlF reRl/9krHl-r'aTnr.r ootuve Nrs nrouinrD pt";;;

    ";;;;s" J."r-..'t, i. *," r.-tt.ds;;"; - - -

    1. Apptication Form (W.P.5)2. A copy of Work Permit and the original3. FORM OF THE EMPLOYMENT CERTIFICATION4. Passport and one copy of att pages or Certificate of Permanent Residence and Certifrcate of Atien with a copy.5, Medica( certificate showing that the app(icant is not insane or mentatty sick, suffer from Leprosy,

    Tubercutosis, Drug Addiction, Atcohotism, Etephantitus and Tertiary SyPhil,is (lssued within the Last sixmonths).

    6. Documents as stated in the conditions of work in the Work Permit. (lf any)7. power of Attorney with 10 Baht duty stamp affixed and a copy of appointee's l.D. card (if the appticant is

    unabte to appty in person).A. A copy of emptoyer's l.D. card (Thai emptoyer) or a copy of emptoyer's Work Permit (foreigner employer).* Supported Documents as category of emptoyer1. Company1 . 1 A copy of Thai Company Registration and a copy of recent shareholders' tist (Updated within six months). Or foreign juristic

    person needs to submit a copy of Business Operation License of such foreigner and document about money import1.2 A copy of Balance Sheet (tast year] VAT Payment; Phor Por 30 (3 months) and a copy of Work Permit hotder's Tax

    payment Phor Ngor Dor 91 or 90 (tast year)2. Private schoot teacher / P{.iy.ate..Univ.enity.2.1 A copy of fetter of teacher or instructor assignment and employment contad / erjyQte.UnivefsifyhqA.t?.Stl?vv.-the

    Eerfiflcate.[ette(]F.. ersar]kcd.lan.aI A copy of teacher license (as Law of The Council ofTeacher and Educationa[ Person), in case of trainer is excepted.2.3 A copy of the ticense of the schoo[ estabtishrnent, manager license, headmaster \cense /

    uniwriA..eitpbltktrffiLtsnd.a.cawd.ttqdcrlun:r;af"[email protected],

    3, Government organization3.1 A certificate letter from the government organization,/ Ministry of Education and school, which shows appticants'

    name, position and work Period.3.2 In case of teacher of government schoot, a copy of teacher ticense (as Law of The Council of Teacher and

    Education Personal) is need. The trainer is not included.4. Association/ organization/ foundation

    License of association,/ organization/ foundation estabtishment (plus the list of managing director)Remark(1) Any documents in foreign language other than English must be transtated into Thai and certified by an academic

    Thai native speaker. At[ the Forms have to be fitted in Thai.(2) Every page of the documents bel.onss to the company need to be certified by the authorized person or the

    appointee with company seal. Every page of the documents belongs to appticant need to be certified by the

    appticant himself or the appointee.


    After fire application is completely, the process will be finished within 3 worfting days.

    * Tel : 0-2245-2745,0 2245 2306

  • ILUU F}YI. dFORM WP. 5


    tail1v[Q114u1vlFOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

    Ia.t dta?r:1 rvr

    n5iln'1T09t14'l{'luDEPARTMENT OF



    rirt a si o o r g'[u aun'l Frdr.:ruI qa,



    IaJ c{ c../?uvr51 |


    d llJ e)flail:1 |

    U6r. jt l lauf lr lnra?rvl

    9 e.,

    qCr-4aafl LUL:Ja

    a.t a./

    a{u' lo141r'r u tnt | : v qir fr'r n u ri r r 6'r r

    L. '9rUtoilanun'l{41?UAtien's lnformation

    1 1I t

    4Y4ofla tJFluFt'l ' ltF) u'tFt/u1t/ursar':


    Name of appticant Mr./Mrs./Miss



    LflO-)UVt al Fr i lNalionaLityi r t , t4


    1 2 frarilur l:vrvrolvrrr raqrfiDate of birth

    ' !1,,1:-lVll611Ft'15

    Ase Yea rs

    ?16t F IU

    Address in Thai land No.


    frlooZg, ild in ggirr rall lqt':..]


    o1Lfl a/mtn

    Thanona-t et


    :#alr l:r+fieiAmphoe/Khet





    Ll | 5lqni Fr f l rn f l i l5altf l ATel.ephone

    Facsimite E-mail address

    1.3 ranal:[[an{nr:16'irorlcyrsrtrioulu:'rrorrurd'n:odrflerodrrvfi{r1-reiolildDocument showing a permission to stay in the Kingdom as follows:

    (i)n uu-rf,orfiuurr [] ronar:Wurvruvrirf iornuvrr{.................,Passport Document in lieu of passport

    i6ra?rvr aanl#fi r l::u rue'tNo.

    6l g,ru ifrafl tv?uvl

    lssued at Country6t s4 y4 ar

    -iL?l1Ofl . ,1111V1

    Date of issue

    Fl5?qra{n511 l :vmvrVa[id unti l


    6l yd

    6l a fl L14Vl

    Type of visaq gJaJ

    -iaaf^l L?1?uvl

    No.6] s,n v4 a-r ;L?ltOflt ' l l lvt

    lssued at

    Date of issue

    rF u vr 1..r rJ'r fl-t : r ?f a''l fu'r fr'n :

    Val id unt iLc{ a) 4J

    t t |Ft?lrvlDate of arrival at the Kingdom

    q va a y w A y a ! .t9r:u0u[u1F]11ny!1Jn.i1utQ'i14u1iln:?Qnurf l ' t t l . l0.t tu yt i l ' tn ' t :r l :?anut1J1t3J0.i . . . . . . . . . . .Having received a permission from an immigration off icer at the immigration checkpoint

    qv 6) o < v !tlr6t Fl t u:l?f 41tu1{r n: fl .111_lvrfo Ou able to stay in the Kingdom unt i l

  • Ooq./acJlQ LuarerryfluvtoqCertificate of permanent residence


  • 3.4 X ,rarirdoiu:ornr:6'xto14'6rovr{Juu,ru6'r$oro:vrpuqzuafilii6'rqnrnraa'rytrfitvrud'xru,Z '

    fl :ailil{uan61uu:vfl 01J r14E ilan{na1xWork recommendation of a prospective emptoyer describing reasons for not emptolng a person of Thai nationatity to raror( togetherwith supporting evidences.

    3.5 n:niursdr{rfluunaaor:ila1t

    In case the emotoyer is a Natural Personn 6'rrj:vsrsuttavdlrulvrs[fiaurirutorei6rost{Juuru6'1t il60U

    Copies of ldentification card and house registration of a prospective emptoyer, ortr a{rrutarirdorduyrtrorrifi.:ovrtjuuru6'1r vo

    Copy of Passport of a prospective emptoyer, orn iiriurluiirdcufi ufiodrorriQi{ovr{Juulu6r{


    Copy of Certificate of permanent residence of a prospective emproyer.

    nrfiurs{T tflufiBr1nnaIn case the emptoyer is Juristic Personn driurronar:iu:orro.rciru:1{n1rfirfiu?dorrrarx'irfionlrro{ri6{ourfluurEJ6'rrt6'nnilvLfiuu

    r,roli'Yror1ryrsrlfr'o-onerravsirrfiu.rrulnuQn6'0{Fnilnflvil1u lnBranrl:vmvfionr:6'ruCopy of Certificate of a retevant Government agency stating the business of a prospective employer has Legatty been

    registered or granted a ticense to estabtish and operate, and the type of business has been specified.d y a ao 4 d d

    n:6uu'1 uo1{ilRxla1tu1fi :oauila uuan51 go1fu10n:!UIn case the emptoyer has permanent residence outside the Kingdom

    n iirrurd'ryrpri'xLyxrluSaCopy of service and/or operation contract, or

    n ririur#ryrprd'0fllu u6oCopy of sate contract, or

    n drrurronar:6ufiuanvjr{6un"T tofinrrilsl"rr{lud'orr?ilurdrvrulu:rro1ru1i'n:(:vq).............Copy of other documents showing that an appl.icant has a necessity to work in the Kingdom.(specify)

    n:aitilfiursdrrIn case of without an emptoyer

    . in ;irrurronar:fruaon'jrfr'6urirtor{Jue1'fin?'rxriravil:vaun1:rfiruillsdilniu{1ufifloiuluourXrm

    (:vq) )...........Copy of document showing that an appticant has a proper knowtedge and experience for engaging the work.(specify)

    n eirru'r#cycyr6'r.:ryal1u6oCopy of service and/or operation contract, or

    &Ll alru1a6u6u1{011u uto

    Copy of sate contract, orn drrurtonar:6ufrurarx'irfr'durirrafinrrrsirr{lu6'oldru'nr"rtru1u:rro1il1i'n:

    (:vq).............Copy of other documents showing that an appticant has a necessity to work in the Kingdom.(speci!)

    tl rir rurluorlcg'rerrJ:u no!D':fionu ngrau'r u'irpirunr:rJ:vnarq:fraro.rFruei'r{eirrtun:fifirtlurrufi o qj n r ul d'rir 6'rL n X v l'r u'j r pir er n r : r-I : v n o u q : n a fl o { n u si x pir rCopy of Business operating license under the taw on alien business in case that the work apptied for is under such [aw.

  • 3.6 n tuit:a.tto.lfr'rJ:vnouitrfiilr'rrn::usrun4ulru'jrd'ruimfivrnrn::u fiir:ovjr{tlurfrro6irfluunnainaoinvtofi6ntXurfiauh.iarurJ:vnouuavhir{JuI:nsr'tlrfiriruuorlflunqn:vu:x6.:oonnrunttilluiltsr:t .o

    Certificate from medical practitioner under the law on medicat treatment professional stating that an appticantis not a person of unsound mind or suffering from mentat infirmity,and is free from any defects as prescribed inMinisterial Regutation issued under section 10.

    U It a.t

    rl'r n r{'r r o iu : o q d r {o rr r r u {r .: ri'u tlrfl u n ? 1 }J oi r q n il : v n 1 :I hereby certifu that the inforrnation given above is true in every respect.


    nl ui louo.. ... . . . .zu gunt"rta


    Signature AppLicant

    a-t i?u?1


  • ,t I dtail1v[Q114u1yl


    n1:?IQ-l:fu'ln1t0d ., |V 9,, j

    o. Ft? 1lt [14U1J 0.11^lU n { lU LQ',ll4u"lylI tonffl:ua'norun:u#?u


    f n?liluiu

  • ruuu u f.r il o iu :o r n r :{'r tFORM OF EMPLOYMENT CERTIFICAT1ON

    t. riolaur gdr{ EMpLoyER's TNFoRMATToNU_r ' r -Ef fqnnatvruorrvrvr fUudo' .uatd. . . . . . . . . ' . . . .y tuomvlfuu

    THAI JURISTIC PERSON REGISTERED ON NO. PAID-UP CAPITALf-l aa I u a .i o a d o e|Jijfunnagi1{'|,1?anwt[Uitijo..........................,irulutiufurrc]ri1a1nsi1{d:vtf...........'......



    1.2 aaruspirunlTfiu lu:ouilfiniT uil'r rHE FTNANcTAL srArus oF rHE LAsr vEAR

    :ruki flaqriu ............rt'rvr lutix:sucr']a1................................ r6ouTHE RECENTLY INCOME BAHT THE DURATION MONTHt-llJ ilan1nl:a{oon rHE VALUE oF EXPORT........... ..............U',tyt BAHTl - raro e I i e qd,LJ !9tU1nUn',t{U:utUr,lt?'tu'tvto.llylu?lu50uuYt9.l'

    THE AMOUNT OF TRAVELLER IMPORT FOR THE LAST YEAR PERSONl - ld v qlJ 3JV{Ufl{lUnUtylg THE AMOUNT OFTHAI WORKERS........................nU PERSONl - la I v o e I e e o d


  • Power of AttorneyjyAO

    ?tuff,oilaua1u'lq a'ln?uuRnrurJoo UlYl

    Writien atO .riyl'lyl



    hereby authorize and appoint Mr./Mrs./Miss. at present workingo 9v . 9 v o 6l

    in the position of at the office ofoI

    a1ttfiu{ uTel.

    lvr:. ....................Rd.

    Soi/Lanen\tAUtnSYl .. 30UgSub-District District

    Province to be lawful and legal attorney for the purpose concerning with work permit,{rnio firirumsl'rrfiunr:rfiurrYunrrraoqcprnvrh'nu o.:u'rruluranor:rl:snaunr:sign any documents on behalf of myself including changing words on the related documents.?ooqrulnrrvru{trr{rl6qnauiu:urvhuJfi uuurJa.:ufilrfi onrrx"luroncr:el-.:n6imdruWhat has been done by will remain in full force

    . , A !s c l Osa 4 ,

    and effect as it has been done by myself.{tr r{rlfi n: vdr m.r4 nil:v n''r?

    Signed Grantord-

    n{ro............ $ilauCI1u'te

    Located onYt , ,ti

    Duty Stamp10 Bath




    d .us., of i \:t0 ...........e 0..f:Uu0UA1U1a





    af l{to... ytu'lu

    ?rilTrrlrq nrn{rauriruroil:vc':d'ov.frrYrrlsunr:uoudrurorfluadr.:6u aiounrydrld loslildo,ildrdanrusrudRemark In case grantor perfer to limit the authorization giving to the grantee it could be done by using the other

    forms of power of attorney.

    NameOfapplicant: Nationality: DateOfBirth: Age: AddressInThailandNo: Moo/Building: Soi: Thanon: Tambon/Khwaeng: Amphoe/Khet: Changwat: Postcode: Telephone: Facsimile: Email: Other1: Other2: Other3: Text22: Text23: Text24: Text25: Text26: Text27: Text28: Text29: Text30: Text31: Text32: Text33: Text34: Text35: Text36: Text37: Text38: Text39: DocInlieuOfPassport: 1: 5Telephone: 5Postcode: 5Changwat: 5Amphoe/Khet: 5Tambon/Khwaeng: 5Thanon: 5Soi: 5Moo/Building: 5AddressNo: 5NameOfEmployer: 4ValidUntil: 4DateOfIssuedAt: 4WorkpermitNo: 4Issued(Changwat): 3Country: 3TypeOfVisa: 3DateOfArrival: 3HavingReceivedAt: 3ToBeAbleToStay: 3No1: 3No2: 3IssuedAt1: 3IssuedAt2: 3DateOfIssue1: 3DateOfIssue2: 3ValidUntil1: 3ValidUntil2: 3No3: 3IssuedAt3: 3Changwat2: 3DateOfIssue3: 3ValidUntil3: 3No4: 3IssuedAt4: 3Changwat3: 3DateOfIssue4: 3ValidUntil4: 5Facsimile:

    2Day(s): 2Monyh(s): 2Year(s): 2From: 2To: Check Box59: Check Box60: Check Box61: Check Box62: Check Box63: Check Box64: Check Box65: Check Box66: Check Box67: Check Box68: Check Box69: Check Box70: Check Box71: Check Box72: Check Box73: Check Box74: Check Box75: Check Box76: Check Box77: Check Box78: Check Box79: Check Box80: Check Box81: Check Box82: Check Box83: Check Box84: Check Box85: Check Box86: Check Box87: Text88: Text89: Text90: Text91: Text92: Text93: Text94: Check Box95: Text96: Text97: Text98: Text99: Text100: Text101: Text102: Text103: Text104: Text105: Text106: Text107: Text108: Text109: Text110: Text111: Text112: Text113: Text114: Text115: Text116: Check Box117: Check Box118: Text119: Text120: Text121: Text122: Text123: Text124: Text125: Text126: Mr: /Mrs: /Miss:

    Month: B: E:

    PositionOf: AtTheOfficeOf: Soi/Lane: Rd: LocatedOn: Sub-District: District: Text1: Check Box1: Check Box2: Check Box3: Check Box4: Check Box5: Check Box6: Check Box7: Check Box8: Check Box9: Check Box10: Check Box11: Check Box12: Check Box13: Check Box14: Check Box15: Check Box16: