イイイイイイイイ イイイ イ () イイイイイイイイ イイイ イ () イイイイイイイ Galaxy Sexy イイイイイイ イイイイイイイイイイイイイ 「」

GALAXY SEXY(Brain wave,Meditation,Mandara-Space-data)

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http://spaceappschallenge.org/blog/2012/04/22/astronomers-astrophysicists-and-astronauts/ Information from space, like Infrared photography of nebulous or the amazing WMAP data from ancient space, gives us deep impacts and feelings. We feel space huge, infinite, mysterious. And also we often feel space beautiful, relax, or anxious. Space often affects our mind. On the other hand, brain technology like EEG devices is now very inexpensive. We can get the MindFlex EEG toy(can be used more general purpose by hack) by only purchasing $40 in Japan. So, we can know about our brain activities more casually. There is one question: what will happen to the brain when we face the space datas? Using visual and sound, we can make space datas more friendly to human. And we can know what we feel via brain technology. These space-perception-brain-EEG system lead us new posibility of space data like relaxation and entertainment. We made a system which contains below: 1.EEG Serial Interface. We connected cheap EEG device and PC via arduino. 2.EEG Visualization. We made a realtime EEG wave graph on the Web. 3.Random Image Display Interface. We fetched 15000 pictures from http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/rss/index.html, and displays these randomly. We integrated these. Using the system, a user can see a beautiful space pictures, and decide whether they like the photo or not via brain wave graph.

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Page 1: GALAXY SEXY(Brain wave,Meditation,Mandara-Space-data)


「 Galaxy Sexy」を作ってみた 「宇宙データ感覚化グループ」

Page 2: GALAXY SEXY(Brain wave,Meditation,Mandara-Space-data)

最も身近な宇宙は あなたの脳内にある

Page 3: GALAXY SEXY(Brain wave,Meditation,Mandara-Space-data)


Page 4: GALAXY SEXY(Brain wave,Meditation,Mandara-Space-data)

人から脳波を抽出mindflex をハック

Arduino でデータ化





Page 5: GALAXY SEXY(Brain wave,Meditation,Mandara-Space-data)

mindflex脳波で遊ぶオモチャかんたんな hack で脳波をシリアル信号で取り出せる今回は arduino 経由で PCに

Page 6: GALAXY SEXY(Brain wave,Meditation,Mandara-Space-data)

宇宙データPhotoJournal から、瞑想的な(曼荼羅っぽい)画像を抽出


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