Ganesh Murthi

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  • 8/9/2019 Ganesh Murthi


    Ganesha has been ascribed many other titles and epithets, including Ganapatiand Vighneshvara.The Hindu title of respect Shri(Sanskrit:; IST: !r"; also spelled Srior Shree# is often addedbefore his name. $ne popular %ay Ganesha is %orshipped is by chanting a GaneshaSahasranama, a litany of &a thousand names of Ganesha&. 'ach name in the sahasranamaconeys a different meaning and symbolises a different aspect of Ganesha. t least t%o different

    ersions of the Ganesha Sahasranama e)ist; one ersion is dra%n from the Ganesha Purana, aHindu scriptureenerating Ganesha.*+-

    The name Ganeshais a Sanskrit compound, oining the %ordsgana(Sanskrit:; IST: gaa#,meaning a group, multitude, or categorical system and isha(Sanskrit:; IST: "!a#, meaninglord or master.*+/-The %ordgaa%hen associated %ith Ganesha is often taken to refer to thega0as, a troop of semi1diine beings that form part of the retinue of Shia(IST: 2ia#.*+3-Theterm more generally means a category, class, community, association, or corporation.*+4-Somecommentators interpret the name &5ord of the Ga0as& to mean &5ord of Hosts& or &5ord ofcreated categories&, such as the elements. *+6-Ganapati(Sanskrit:; IST: gaapati#, asynonym for Ganesha, is a compound composed ofgaa, meaning &group&, andpati, meaning

    &ruler& or &lord&.*+4-


    an early Sanskrit le)icon, lists eight synonyms ofGanesha: Vinayaka, Vighnarja(e8uialent to Vighnesha#,Dvaimtura(one %ho has t%omothers#,*9-Gadhipa(e8uialent to Ganapatiand Ganesha#,Ekadanta(one %ho has onetusk#,Heramba,Lambodara(one %ho has a pot belly, or, literally, one %ho has a hanging belly#,and Gajanana(IST: ganana#; haing the face of an elephant.*9+-

    Vinayaka(Sanskrit:; IST: inyaka# is a common name for Ganesha that appears in theaharashtra kno%n as theAshtavinayak(aainyaka#.*9?-The namesVighnesha(Sanskrit:; IST: ighne!a# and Vighneshvara(; ighne!ara# (5ord of$bstacles#*9-refers to his primary function in Hindu theology as the master and remoer of

    obstacles (vighna#.*9/-

    prominent name for Ganesha in theTamil languageisPiai(Tamil:# orPiaiyar(#.*93-. @. Aarain differentiates these terms by saying thatpiaimeans a &child&%hilepiaiyarmeans a &noble child&. He adds that the %ordspau,pea, andpein theBraidian family of languagessignify &tooth or tusk&, also &elephant tooth or tusk&.*94-nitaCaina Thapan notes that the root %ordpiein the namePiaiyarmight hae originally meant&the young of the elephant&, because the

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    Ganesha images %ere prealent in many parts ofIndiaby the 3th century.*?9-The +?th centurystatue pictured is typical of Ganesha statuary from 7+9, after Ganesha had been %ell1established as an independent deity %ith his o%n sect. This e)ample features some of Ganeshascommon iconographic elements. irtually identical statue has been dated bet%een 74?+9by artin1Bubost,*??-and another similar statue is dated c. +9th century by

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    %as created directly by Shias laughter. =ecause Shia considered Ganesha too alluring, he gaehim the head of an elephant and a protruding belly.*4-

    Ganeshas earliest name %asEkadanta($ne Tusked#, referring to his single %hole tusk, the otherbeing broken.*6-Some of the earliest images of Ganesha sho% him holding his broken tusk. *7-

    The importance of this distinctie feature is reflected in the"udgaa Purana, %hich states thatthe name of Ganeshas second incarnationis 'kadanta.*/-Ganeshas protruding belly appears as adistinctie attribute in his earliest statuary, %hich dates to the Gupta period (th to 3th centuries#.*/+-This feature is so important that, according to the"udgaa Purana, t%o different incarnationsof Ganesha use names based on it:Lambodara(

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    Ganeshas dancing and loe of s%eets are represented. The mouse is depicted under his feet.>useum of sian rt.

    The earliest Ganesha images are %ithout a ahana(mountLehicle#.*37-$f the eight incarnationsof Ganesha described in the"udgaa Purana, Ganesha uses a mouse (shre%# in fie of them, a

    lion in his incarnation as Vakratunda, a peacock in his incarnation as Vikata, and Shesha, thediine serpent, in his incarnation as Vighnaraja.*4-"ohotkatauses a lion,"ay(re)varauses apeacock,Dhumraketuuses a horse, and Gajananauses a mouse, in the four incarnations ofGaneshalisted in the Ganesha Purana. Main depictions of Ganesha sho% his ahana ariously asa mouse, elephant, tortoise, ram, or peacock. *4+-

    Ganesha is often sho%n riding on or attended by a mouse,shre%or rat.*49->artin1Bubost saysthat the rat began to appear as the principal ehicle in sculptures of Ganesha in central and%estern India during the 4th century; the rat %as al%ays placed close to his feet. *4?-The mouse asa mount first appears in %ritten sources in the"atsya Puranaand later in the#rahmanandaPuranaand Ganesha Purana, %here Ganesha uses it as his ehicle in his last incarnation. *4-The

    Ganapati tharashirsaincludes a meditation erse on Ganesha that describes the mouseappearing on his flag.*4/-The names"(akavhana(mouse1mount# and*khuketana(rat1banner#appear in the Ganesha Sahasranama.*43-

    The mouse is interpreted in seeral %ays. ccording to Grimes, &>any, if not most of those %hointerpret Gaapatis mouse, do so negatiely; it symboliKes tamogu aas %ell as desire&.*44-long these lines, >ichael Eilcockson says it symboliKes those %ho %ish to oercome desiresand be less selfish.*46-@rishan notes that the rat is destructie and a menace to crops. TheSanskrit %ord m(aka(mouse# is deried from the root m((stealing, robbing#. It %as essentialto subdue the rat as a destructie pest, a type of vighna(impediment# that needed to beoercome. ccording to this theory, sho%ing Ganesha as master of the rat demonstrates his

    function as Vigneshvara(5ord of $bstacles# and gies eidence of his possible role as a folkgrma!devat(illage deity# %ho later rose to greater prominence.*47->artin1Bubost notes aie% that the rat is a symbol suggesting that Ganesha, like the rat, penetrates een the most secretplaces.*6-

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    Heramba1Ganesha %ith consort, +6th century Aepal.


    Ganesha is Vighneshvaraor Vighnarajaor Vighnaharta(>arathi#, the 5ord of $bstacles, both ofa material and spiritual order.*6+-He is popularly %orshipped as a remoer of obstacles, thoughtraditionally he also places obstacles in the path of those %ho need to be checked.

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    primal sound.*7+-The Ganapati Atharvashirsaattests to this association. Dhinmayanandatranslates the releant passage as follo%s: *79-

    ($ 5ord GanapatiN# Oou are (the Trinity# =rahma,Jishnu,and>ahesa. Oou areIndra. Oou arefire *gni- and air *Jyu-. Oou are the sun *SPrya- and the moon *Dhandrama-. Oou are

    =rahman. Oou are (the three %orlds# =huloka *earth-, ntariksha1loka *space-, and S%argaloka*heaen-. Oou are $m. (That is to say, Oou are all this#.

    Ganesha (Beanagari# um e%el

    Some deotees see similarities bet%een the shape of Ganeshas body in iconography and theshape of um in the Beangar"and Tamilscripts.*7?-

    First chakra

    ccording to @undalini yoga,Ganesha resides in the first chakra,called >uladhara(mPldhra#."uameans &original, main&; adharameans &base, foundation&. The muladhara chakra is the

    principle on %hich the manifestation or out%ard e)pansion of primordial Biine orce rests.*7-

    This association is also attested to in the Ganapati Atharvashirsa. Dourtright translates thispassage as follo%s: &*$ Ganesha,- Oou continually d%ell in the sacral ple)usat the base of thespine *mPldhra cakra-.&*7/-Thus, Ganesha has a permanent abode in eery being at the>uladhara.*73-Ganesha holds, supports and guides all other chakras, thereby &goerning theforces that propel the %heel of life&.*7-

    Family and consorts

    See also: >ythological anecdotes of GaneshaandDonsorts of Ganesha
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    Shiaand useum,Ae% Belhi.*74-

    Though Ganesha is popularly held to be the son of Shiaand

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    Delebrations of Ganesh by the Tamilcommunity in antrassuch as +m Shri Gaeshya .amah($m, salutation to theIllustrious Ganesha# are often used. $ne of the most famous mantras associated %ith Ganesha is+m GaGanapataye .amah($m, Ga, Salutation to the 5ord of Hosts#.*+9+-

    Beotees offer Ganesha s%eets such as modakaand small s%eet balls called laddus.*+99-He isoften sho%n carrying a bo%l of s%eets, called a modakaptra.*+9?-=ecause of his identification

    %ith the color red, he is often %orshipped %ith red sandal%oodpaste (raktacandana#


    or redflo%ers. BPr grass (/ynodon da&tyon# and other materials are also used in his %orship. *+9/-

    estials associated %ith Ganesh are Ganesh Dhaturthi or Jinyaka chaturth" in the )ukapaka(the fourth day of the %a)ing moon# in the month of#hadrapada(ugustLSeptember# and theGanesh Mayanti(Ganeshas birthday# celebrated on the &athurth%of the)ukapaka(fourth day ofthe %a)ing moon# in the month of magha(ManuaryLebruary#.&*+93-

    "anesh Chaturthi

    >ain article: Ganesh Dhaturthi
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    Street festiities in Hyderabad, Indiaduring the festial of Ganesha Dhaturthi

    n annual festial honours Ganesha for ten days, starting on Ganesha Dhaturthi, %hich typicallyfalls in late ugust or early September.*+94-The festial begins %ith people bringing in clay idolsof Ganesha, symbolising Ganeshas isit. The festial culminates on the day of nantaDhaturdashi, %hen idols (murtis# of Ganesha are immersed in the most conenient body of %ater.*+96-Some families hae a tradition of immersion on the 9nd, ?rd, /th, or 4th day. In +67?,5okmanya Tilaktransformed this annual Ganesha festial from priate family celebrations into agrand public eent.*+97-He did so &to bridge the gap bet%een the =rahminsand the non1=rahminsand find an appropriate conte)t in %hich to build a ne% grassroots unity bet%een them& in hisnationalistic striings against the =ritish in>aharashtra.*+?-=ecause of Ganeshas %ide appeal as&the god for 'eryman&, Tilak chose him as a rallying point for Indian protest against =ritishrule.*+?+-Tilak %as the first to install large public images of Ganesha inpailions, and heestablished the practice of submerging all the public images on the tenth day.*+?9-Today, Hindusacross India celebrate the Ganapati festial %ith great ferour, though it is most popular in thestate of >aharashtra.*+??-*+?-The festial also assumes huge proportions in >umbai,

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    %ossible inluences

    Ganesha %orshipped in the Burga

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    troublesome demons %ho created obstacles and difficulties*+/+-but %ho %ere easily propitiated.*+/9-The name Jinyaka is a common name for Ganesha both in the

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    Ganesha does not appear in Indian epicliterature that is dated to the Jedic period. lateinterpolation to the epic poem"ahabharatasays that the sageJyasa(Jysa# asked Ganesha tosere as his scribe to transcribe the poem as he dictated it to him. Ganesha agreed but only oncondition that Jyasa recite the poem uninterrupted, that is, %ithout pausing. The sage agreed, butfound that to get any rest he needed to recite ery comple) passages so Ganesha %ould hae to

    ask for clarifications. The story is not accepted as part of the original te)t by the editors of thecritical edition of the"ahabharata,*+37-in %hich the t%enty1line story is relegated to a footnotein an appendi).*+4-The story of Ganesha acting as the scribe occurs in ?4 of the /7 manuscriptsconsulted during preparation of the critical edition.*+4+-Ganeshas association %ith mental agilityand learning is one reason he is sho%n as scribe for Jysas dictation of the "ahabharatain thisinterpolation.*+49-Cichard 5. =ro%n dates the story to the 6th century, and>oriK EinternitKconcludes that it %as kno%n as early as c. 7, but it %as not added to the "ahabharatasome+/ years later. EinternitK also notes that a distinctie feature in South Indianmanuscripts of the"ahabharatais their omission of this Ganesha legend.*+4?-The term vinyakais found in somerecensions of the 1ntiparvaandAnu)sanaparvathat are regarded as interpolations.*+4-reference to Vighnakart%m(&Dreator of $bstacles in Vanaparvais also belieed to be an

    interpolation and does not appear in the critical edition.*+4/-

    %uranic period

    or more details on this topic, see >ythological anecdotes of Ganesha.

    Tanore1style painting of Ganesha

    Stories about Ganesha often occur in the

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    three: his birth and parenthood, his elephant head, and his single tusk. $ther incidents aretouched on in the te)ts, but to a far lesser e)tent.

    Ganeshas rise to prominence %as codified in the 7th century, %hen he %as formally included asone of the fie primary deities of Smartism. The 7th1century philosopher di Shankara

    populariKed the &%orship of the fie forms& (

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    scripture, the Ganapati tharashirsa, %as probably composed during the +3th or +4th centuries.*+64-

    Beyond 'ndia and induism

    or more details on this topic, see Ganesha in %orld religions.

    &Bancing Ganesh. Dentral Tibet. 'arly fifteenth century. Dolours on cotton. Height: 36centimetres&.*+66-This form is also kno%n as >aharakta (&The Great Ced $ne. *+67-

    Dommercial and cultural contacts e)tended Indias influence in Eestern and Southeast sia.Ganesha is one of a number of Hindu deities %ho conse8uently reached foreign lands. *+7-

    Ganesha %as particularly %orshipped by traders and merchants, %ho %ent out of India forcommercial entures.*+7+-rom appro)imately the +th century on%ards, ne% net%orks ofe)change deeloped including the formation of trade guilds and a resurgence of money

    circulation. Buring this time, Ganesha became the principal deity associated %ith traders. *+79-Theearliest inscription inoking Ganesha before any other deity is associated %ith the merchantcommunity.*+7?-

    Hindus migrated to >aritime Southeast siaand took their culture, including Ganesha, %iththem.*+7-Statues of Ganesha are found throughout the region, often beside Shia sanctuaries.The forms of Ganesha found in the Hindu art ofMaa, =ali, and =orneosho% specific regionalinfluences.*+7/-The spread of Hindu culture throughout Southeast sia established Ganesha%orship in modified forms in =urma, Dambodia, and Thailand. In Indochina, Hinduism and=uddhism%ere practiced side by side, and mutual influences can be seen in the iconography ofGanesha in the region.*+73-In Thailand, Dambodia, and among the Hindu classes of the Dhamsin

    Jietnam, Ganesha %as mainly thought of as a remoer of obstacles.*+74-Today in =uddhistThailand, Ganesha is regarded as a remoer of obstacles, the god of success.*+74-
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    The Mapanese form of Ganesha 1 @angiten, late +6th1early +7th1century painting by Shorokuan'kicho

    =efore the arrial of Islam,fghanistan had close cultural ties %ith India, and the adoration ofboth Hindu and =uddhist deities %as practiced. ')amples of sculptures from the /th to the 4thcenturies hae suried, suggesting that the %orship of Ganesha %as then in ogue in the region.*+76-

    Ganesha appears in >ahayana=uddhism, not only in the form of the =uddhist god Jinyaka, butalso as a Hindu demon form %ith the same name.*+77-His image appears in =uddhist sculpturesduring the late Gupta period.*9-s the =uddhist god Jinyaka, he is often sho%n dancing. Thisform, called Atta Ganapati, %as popular in northern India, later adopted in Aepal, and then inTibet.*9+-In Aepal, the Hindu form of Ganesha, kno%n asHeramba, is popular; he has fie headsand rides a lion.*99-Tibetan representations of Ganesha sho% ambialent ie%s of him.*9?-Tibetan rendering of Ganapati is tshogs bdag.*9-In one Tibetan form, he is sho%n being troddenunder foot by >ahkla,(Shia# a popular Tibetan deity.*9/-$ther depictions sho% him as theBestroyer of $bstacles, and sometimes dancing.*93-Ganesha appears in Dhina and Mapan informs that sho% distinct regional character. In northern Dhina, the earliest kno%n stone statue ofGanesha carries an inscription dated to /?+. *94-In Mapan, %here Ganesha is kno%n as @angiten,

    the Ganesha cult %as first mentioned in 63.*96-

    The canonical literature of Mainismdoes not mention the %orship of Ganesha.*97-Ho%eer, mostMains %orship Ganesha, for he appears to hae taken oer certain functions of@ubera.*9+-Mainties %ith the trading community support the idea that Mainism took up Ganesha %orship as aresult of commercial connections.*9++-The earliest kno%n Main Ganesha statue dates to about the7th century.*9+9- +/th1century Main te)t lists procedures for the installation of Ganapati images.*97-Images of Ganesha appear in the Main temples of Caasthan and Guarat
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