Geometric Topology and Geometry of Banach Spaces Abstracts of Plenary Lectures The space L(X) for certain Banach spaces Spiros Argyros National Technical University of Athens, Greece A Banach space X satisfies the “ scalar-plus-compact” property if every bounded linear operator T ∈L(X) is of the form λI + K with K a compact operator in L(X). The space X satisfies the “invariant subspace property” if every T ∈L(X) has a non trivial closed invariant subspace. In this talk we will present a variety of L spaces with the “scalar-plus-compact” property and we will explain the significant role of the L structure to achieve such a property. In the second part we will discuss some new spaces with non separable L(X) satisfying the “invariant subspace property”. At the end we will introduce the “forward bounded transfer” and “backward bounded transfer” and we will present some research related to those concepts. On complements of compact sets in the Hilbert cube Alexander Dranishnikov University of Florida, USA We define a cohomological version of weakly infinite dimensional compacta (cWID) for coefficients in a ring. The main result is that for any coefficient ring R the complement of cWID compactum in the Hilbert cube is R-acyclic. We show for any ring R that the class of cWID compacta contains all weakly infinite dimensional compacta (WID) and all compacta with finite cohomological dimension with respect to R. Variants of decomposition complexity in coarse geometry Jerzy Dydak University of Tennessee, USA By decomposition complexity I mean any coarse invariant defined in terms of splitting, for any positive number r> 0, a metric space X into subsets that can be expressed as a union of a uniformly bounded family that consists of r-disjoint sets. The strongest such invariant is asymptotic dimension of Gromov, the weakest such invariant is an analog of weak paracompact- ness. Up to now there were a few intermediate invariants: finite decomposition complexity (Yu and collaborators), straight finite decomposition complexity (Dranishnikov and Zarichnyi), and Asymptotic Property C (Dranishnikov). Recently, Yamauchi gave a very ingenious proof that infinite direct sum of integers has Asymptotic Property C and T. Davila generalized it by show- ing that any infinite direct product of groups of finite asymptotic dimension has Asymptotic Property C. I will outline how to define Asymptotic Property D, a coarse invariant stronger than Asymptotic Property C. By using ideas from Matrix Algebra, I will show that any infinite product of spaces of finite asymptotic dimension has Asymptotic Property D, thus generalizing

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Geometric Topology and Geometry of Banach Spaces

Abstracts of Plenary LecturesThe space L(X) for certain Banach spacesSpiros ArgyrosNational Technical University of Athens, Greece

A Banach space X satisfies the “ scalar-plus-compact” property if every bounded linearoperator T ∈ L(X) is of the form λI + K with K a compact operator in L(X). The space Xsatisfies the “invariant subspace property” if every T ∈ L(X) has a non trivial closed invariantsubspace. In this talk we will present a variety of L∞ spaces with the “scalar-plus-compact”property and we will explain the significant role of the L∞ structure to achieve such a property.In the second part we will discuss some new spaces with non separable L(X) satisfying the“invariant subspace property”. At the end we will introduce the “forward bounded transfer”and “backward bounded transfer” and we will present some research related to those concepts.

On complements of compact sets in the Hilbert cubeAlexander DranishnikovUniversity of Florida, USA

We define a cohomological version of weakly infinite dimensional compacta (cWID) forcoefficients in a ring. The main result is that for any coefficient ring R the complement ofcWID compactum in the Hilbert cube is R-acyclic. We show for any ring R that the class ofcWID compacta contains all weakly infinite dimensional compacta (WID) and all compactawith finite cohomological dimension with respect to R.

Variants of decomposition complexity in coarse geometryJerzy DydakUniversity of Tennessee, USA

By decomposition complexity I mean any coarse invariant defined in terms of splitting, forany positive number r > 0, a metric space X into subsets that can be expressed as a unionof a uniformly bounded family that consists of r-disjoint sets. The strongest such invariant isasymptotic dimension of Gromov, the weakest such invariant is an analog of weak paracompact-ness. Up to now there were a few intermediate invariants: finite decomposition complexity (Yuand collaborators), straight finite decomposition complexity (Dranishnikov and Zarichnyi), andAsymptotic Property C (Dranishnikov). Recently, Yamauchi gave a very ingenious proof thatinfinite direct sum of integers has Asymptotic Property C and T. Davila generalized it by show-ing that any infinite direct product of groups of finite asymptotic dimension has AsymptoticProperty C. I will outline how to define Asymptotic Property D, a coarse invariant strongerthan Asymptotic Property C. By using ideas from Matrix Algebra, I will show that any infiniteproduct of spaces of finite asymptotic dimension has Asymptotic Property D, thus generalizing

theorems of Yamauchi and Davila.

Topology of large random spacesMichael FarberQueen Mary’s College of London, Great Britain

I will discuss probabilistic models generating random simplicial complexes. One is able topredict their topological properties with probability tending to one when the spaces are large,i.e. depend on a growing number of independent random variables.

An infinite-dimensional phenomenon in finite-dimensional topologySteve FerryRutgers University, USA

Given a monotone continuous function r : [0, R)→ [0,∞) with r(0) = 0, r(t) ≥ t, we studythe class of closed n-dimensional topological manifolds M such that each ball of radius t < Rin M contracts to a point in the concentric ball of radius r(t). We think of r as a continuousanalog of feature size. A collection C of such manifolds has a covering function p if for eachε > 0 and M in C, M has a p(ε)-element open cover by sets of diameter < ε.

If the elements of C have a uniform diameter bound D and n > 6, C contains only finitelymany diffeomorphism types. However, it is not the case that any two manifolds from C whichare sufficiently close in the Gromov-Hausdorff sense must be homeomorphic. This has applica-tions to the problem of reconstructing a manifold from a finite sample.Coauthors: A. Dranishnikov, S. Weinberger.

On operator rangesVladimir FonfBen-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

This is a joint work with S. Lajara, S. Troyanski, and C. Zanco.Given bounded linear operators A : X → E and T : E → Y between Banach spaces, with

E separable, and a subspace L ⊂ E such that L ∩ AX = {0}, we provide sufficient conditionsto ensure the existence of an infinite-codimensional subspace L1 ⊂ E such that L ⊂ L1,L1 ∩ AX = {0} and clTL1 = clTE. Some applications to the study of quasi-complementedsubspaces of a Banach space are also given.

”Irrational” ConvexityVitali MilmanTel Aviv University, Israel

Do we have enough examples of Convex Bodies? Is diversity of our standard examples


enough to understand Convexity? In the talk we demonstrate many different constructionswhich are analogous to constructions of irrational numbers from rationals. We show, followingIl.Molchanov, that the solutions of ”quadratic” equations like Zo = Z+K always exists (whereZo is the polar body of Z; Z and K are convex compact bodies containing 0 in the interior).Then we show how the geometric mean may be defined for any convex compact bodies K andT (containing 0 into their interior). We also construct Ka for any centrally symmetric K and0 < a < 1, and also LogK for K containing the euclidean ball D (and K = −K). Note, thepower a cannot be above 1 in the definition of power! All these constructions may be consideredalso for the infinite dimensional setting, but this is outside the subject of the talk.

These results are joint with Liran Rotem.

Obstructions to embeddability of metric spaces in Lp spacesGideon SchechtmanWeizmann Institute of Science, Israel

I shall present a few inequalities on metric spaces which serve as obstructions to goodLipschitz (and uniform) embeddings of certain metric spaces into Lp spaces. Most of therecent results are due to Assaf Naor and myself. One such inequality, The metric Xp inequaity,completes the search for bi-Lipschitz invariants that serve as an obstruction to the embeddabilityof Lp spaces into each other. Another, more recent one, The metric property α inequality, servesas an obstruction to the embeddability of Schatten classes (and natural discrete subsets of them)into Lp spaces.


Abstracts of Regular Talks

Second Countable Approximation of Locally Compact Groupoids and an Appli-cation to Disintegration Theorems for Fell BundlesKyle AustinBen-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

The representation theory for locally compact groupoids has been extensively developed forsecond countable groupoids. In this talk, I will explain how my collaborators and I have deviseda method of approximating sigma compact (equivalently Lindelof) locally compact groupoidsby second countable ones. I will explain how our approximations are compatible with twists andwith Haar systems. As an application, I will show how we have extended the Muhly-Williamsdisintegration theorem for representations of the algebra of sections of Fell Bundles from secondcountable groupoids to sigma compact groupoids. The reader may ask why all this matters.The reason all of this matters is that there are natural locally compact groupoids that are notsecond countable that are of extreme importance in geometric group theory; namely, the coarsegroupoid of a coarse space.

Topological spaces with an ωω-baseTaras BanakhUniversity in Kielce, Poland and University of Lviv, Ukraine

Given a partially ordered set P , we say that a topological space X has a local P -base ifeach point x ∈ X has a neighborhood base (Uα[x])α∈P such that Uβ[x] ⊂ Uα[x] for all α ≤ βin P . For every α ∈ P the neighborhoods Uα[x], x ∈ X, compose an entourage Uα = {(x, y) ∈X ×X : y ∈ Uα[x]} on X. The indexed family {Uα}α∈P is called a P -base for the topologicalspace X. A P -base {Uα}α∈P is called locally uniform if for any point x ∈ X and neighborhoodOx ⊂ X of x there is α ∈ P such that the ball UαU

−1α Uα[x] = {y ∈ X : (x, y) ∈ UαU−1α Uα}

is contained in Ox. It is clear that a topological space is first-countable if and only if it hasan ω-base. By Moore Metrization Theorem, a topological space X is metrizable if and onlyif X is a T0-space with a locally uniform ω-base. In the talk we shall discuss some propertiesof topological spaces possessing a (locally uniform) ωω-base. We show that topological spaceswith an ωω-base share some common properties with first-countable spaces. In particular, manyknown upper bound on the cardinality of first-countable spaces remain true for countably tightspaces with an ωω-base. On the other hand, topological spaces with a locally uniform ωω-basehave many properties, typical for generalized metric spaces.References:[1] T.Banakh, Topological spaces with an ωω-base,preprint (http://arxiv.org/abs/1607.07978).

Bi-invariant metrics on diffeomorphism groupsMichael BrandenburskyBen-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel


Let Σg be a compact orientable surface of genus g and let Ham(Σg) be the group of Hamil-tonian diffeomorphisms of Σg. The most natural word metric on this group is the autonomousmetric. It has many interesting properties, most important of which is the bi-invariance of thismetric. In this talk I will show that for each g the group Ham(Σg) is unbounded with respectto this metric. This is a joint work with Kedra and Shelukhin.

Polyhedral excusesJesus CastilloUniversity of Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain

A Banach space is said to be polyhedral if the unit ball of every finite dimensional subspaceis the convex hull of a finite number of points. A Banach space is said to be isomorphicallypolyhedral if it admits a polyhedral renorming. Polyhedrality is a geometrical notion: c0 ispolyhedral while c is just isomorphically polyhedral.

Isomorphically polyhedral Banach spaces are elusive creatures, often making unexpectedapparitions in remote areas. Vladimir Fonf has long since been the greatest polyhedral hunter,collector and scholar.

In this talk I though first about presenting a few open problems and examples in Banachspace, such as the possibility of twisting C(K)-spaces or the existence of spaces of universaldisposition, in which one way or another polyhedral creatures appear involved. So in the endI give up and openly consider the 3-space problem for isomorphic polyhedrality.

Gropes and their fundamental groupsMatija CenceljUniversity of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Gropes are an important construction in geometric and algebraic topology, introduced byStan’ko and Cannon. Open infinite gropes are nice 2-dimensional CW complexes and Eilenberg-MacLane spaces of their fundamental groups. We present some results on gropes and anapplication to comparing wildness of cetain crumpled cubes.

Topological transitivity and mixing of the composition operator on Lp spacesUdayan B. DarjiUniversity of Louisville, USA and Ashoka University, India

LetX = (X,Σ, µ) be a σ-finite measure space and f : X → X be an one-to-one bimeasurabletransformation satisfying µ (f(B)) ≥ c1µ(B) for some constant c1 > 0 and every measurable setB. Then, Tf : ϕ 7→ ϕ ◦ f is a bounded linear operator acting on Lp(X,Σ, µ), 1 ≤ p <∞, calledthe composition operator induced by f . We provide necessary and sufficient conditions on ffor Tf to be topologically transitive or topologically mixing. We also give two examples of one-to-one bimeasurable transformations whose composition operators are topologically transitive


but not topologically mixing. Finally, we show that the composition operator induced by abi-Lipschitz µ-contraction (or more generally, by a µ-dissipative transformation) defined on afinite measure space is always topologically mixing.

Extreme points in polyhedral Banach spacesCarlo Alberto De BernardiUniversity of Milano, Italy

A Banach space is called polyhedral if the unit ball of each of its finite-dimensional subspacesis a polytope. In 1966, Joram Lindenstrauss [2] proved that no infinite-dimensional dual (andin particular reflexive) Banach space is polyhedral. In view of this fact, the following problem,posed by Joram Lindenstrauss in [2], arises naturally.

Problem. Does there exist a polyhedral infinite-dimensional Banach space whose unit ball isthe closed convex hull of its extreme points?

In [1] we solved in the affirmative the problem above. During the talk, we present the detailsof our construction.References:[1] C.A. De Bernardi, Extreme points in polyhedral Banach spaces, Israel J. Math., to appear.[2] J. Lindenstrauss, Notes on Klee’s paper: “Polyhedral sections of convex bodies”, Israel J.Math. 4 (1966), 235–242.

Self contracted curves on Riemannian manifoldsRobert DevilleUniversity of Bordeaux, France

It is proved that a self contracted curve on a Riemannian manifold has finite length providedits range is relatively compact.

This is a joint work with A. Daniilidis, E. Durand-Cartagena and L. Rifford.

Making an F -space from an incomplete normed spaceTadeusz DobrowolskiPittsburg State University, USA

This is a joint work with W. Marciszewski.For a normed linear space Y , we are interested in finding a stronger complete topology on Ysuch that Y becomes a complete metric linear space X (an F -space). Such an X, if it exists,must be unique. Moreover, if Y is separable, it must be Borel. In the realm of separable metricgroups, Solecki showed that, for a separable Borel Abelian group Y , a stronger Polish grouptopology on Y doesn’t exist iff there is a topological embedding i : Cω → Y such that, for allc, c′ ∈ Cω,

c− c′ ∈ Cωf ⇔ i(c)− i(c′) ∈ Y,

that is, i sends the cosets of Cω/Cωf into the cosets of Y /Y in a one-to-one manner. Above,


Cω stands for the countable product of the Cantor group C, Cωf for eventually zero sequences,

and Y for the completion of Y . We show that if Y is additionally a separable normed linearspace, then the resulting Polish group X must be an F -space.

Several more observations on the subject will be discussed (this is a work in progress).

Non-separable Banach spaces studied via projectional skeletons and “rich” fam-ilies of their separable subspacesMarian FabianInstitute of Mathematics, Academy of Science, Prague, Czech Republic

We present a structural statement characterizing Asplund spaceX via a certain “rich” familyof separable “rectangles” V × Y ⊂ X × X∗. This enables to construct easily a “projectionalskeleton” (a modern substitute of PRI) in X∗. Further we find some rich “rectangle” familiesin X × X∗ where X is WCG, WLD, or even Plicko space. Thus we get a “commutative”projectional skeleton in X. The class of Plicko spaces is quite large. It contains L1(µ), whereµ is a σ-additive measure, duals of C∗ algebras, order continuous lattices, C(G), with G acompact abelian group, and preduals of semifinite von Neumann algebras. Finally, putting theresults above together, we immediately yield that X is simultaneously Asplund and WCG, ifand only if it admits a commutative projectional skeleton such that the adjoint projectionsform a projectional skeleton in X∗.

The lecture is based on three recent joint papers written together with Marek Cuth.

The Ascoli property for locally convex spacesSaak GabriyelyanBen-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

Being motivated by the classic Ascoli theorem we introduced in [1] a new class of topologicalspaces, namely, the class of Ascoli spaces. In the talk we discuss the Ascoli property for variousclasses of locally convex spaces, Banach spaces and their unit balls endowed with the weaktopology and function spaces.References:[1] T. Banakh, S. Gabriyelyan, On the Ck-stable closure of the class of (separable) metrizablespaces, Monatshefte Math. 180 (2016), 39-64.

Fibred finite asymptotic dimension and assembly mapsBoris GoldfarbState University at Albany, USA

I will define a new weakening of Gromov’s finite asymptotic dimension (FAD) for finitelygenerated groups which is called ”fibred finite asymptotic dimension” and illustrate it withinfinite-dimensional examples. There are now several different proofs of Novikov and relatedconjectures for groups with FAD. I will show that one of those methods can be extended to


”fibred finite asymptotic dimension”.

Coarse embeddings into c0(Γ)Petr HajekInstitute of Mathematics, Academy of Science, Prague, Czech Republic

This is a joint work with Th. Schlumprecht.We investigate the coarse embeddings into c0(Γ). We show e.g. that if X has density characterat least ℵω and X coarsely embeds into c0(Γ) then X cannot have nontrivial cotype.

On homomorphisms of topological groupsStavros IliadisLomonosov Moscow State University, Russia

We prove the following result:Let F be an indexed collection of (open) topological homomorphisms of Raikov complete topo-logical groups of weight less than or equal to a fixed infinite cardinal τ . Then, there exist acontinuously containing space Td of weight ≤ τ for the indexed collection Sd of the domains ofelements of F (see [1]) and a continuously containing space Tr of weight ≤ τ for the indexedcollection Sr of the ranges of the elements of F such that the mapping F : Xd → Yr, whichis defined by relations F |X = f , X ∈ Sd, where f is the element of F whose domain is X, iscorrectly defined, (open), and continuous.

Also, we indicate some pairs (Sd,Sr) of classes of topological groups, defined by topologicalproperties of spaces, such that for each indexed collection F of topological homomorphismsF : X → Y , where X ∈ Sd and Y ∈ Sr, the corresponding continuously containing spaces Td

and Tr have also these properties.References:[1] S. Iliadis, On embeddings of topological groups, Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, Vol20, No.2, 2015, pp. 105-112 (Russian)

Separable quotient problem for spaces Cp(K) over compact spaces KJerzy KakolUniversity of Poznan, Poland

The classic Rosenthal-Lacey theorem asserts that an infinite dimensional Banach spaceC(K) of continuous real-valued maps on a compact Hausdorff space K has a Hausdorff quotienteither isomorphic to `2 or c0. Very recently we proved that the space Cp(K) endowed withthe pointwise topology has a separable quotient algebra iff K has a denumerable closed subset.Hence Cp(βN) lacks separable quotient algebras. This motivates the following natural question:(∗) Does Cp(K) admit an infinite dimensional separable Hausdorff quotient over any compactHausdorff space K?Our main theorem reduces problem (∗) to the case when K is a compact Efimov space (i.e.


K neither contains infinite converging sequences nor a copy of βN). Some applications areprovided.

Separated subsets in the unit sphere of a Banach spaceTomasz KaniaUniversity of Warwick, Great Britain

Let X be a Banach space. We study the circumstances under which there exists an uncount-able set A ⊂ X of unit vectors such that ‖x− y‖ > 1 for distinct x, y ∈ A. We prove that sucha set exists if X is quasi-reflexive and non-separable; if X is additionally super-reflexive thenone can have ‖x− y‖ > 1 + ε for some ε > 0 that depends only on X. If K is a non-metrisablecompact, Hausdorff space, then the unit sphere of X = C(K) also contains such a subset; ifmoreover K is perfectly normal, then one can find such a set with cardinality equal to thedensity of X; this solves a problem left open by S. K. Mercourakis and G. Vassiliadis. Theseare joint results with Tomasz Kochanek (Warsaw).

Banach-Stone type theorem for C1-function spaces over Riemannian manifoldsKazuhiro KawamuraUniversity of Tsukuba, Japan

For a compact connected Riemannian manifold M , let C1(M) be the space of all real-valued C1-functions on M with the C1-topology. For a submanifold K of M , we define a norm‖ · ‖<M,K> on C1(M) by ‖f‖<M,K> = max(‖f |K‖∞, ‖df‖∞) for f ∈ C1(M), where df denotesthe derivative of f and ‖df‖∞ is the supremum of the operator norm ‖dxf‖ of the derivativedxf : TxM → R.

For two submanifolds K and L of M with dimK = dimL > 0, we prove that every surjectiveisometry T : (C1(M), ‖ ·‖<M,K>)→ (C1(M), ‖ ·‖<M,L>) such that T (0) = 0, T (Const) = Constand T (C3(M)) = C3(M) must be of the form: Tf = ε · (f ◦ ϕ), f ∈ C1(M), where ε = ±1 andϕ : M →M is a Riemannian isometry with ϕ(L) = K.

Thus such isometries determine the embedding type of the submanifolds up to isometry.Some extensions and applications of the above will also be discussed.

Generalized Covering SpacesJames KeeslingUniversity of Florida, USA

This is a joint work with Jerzy Dydak, Joanna Furno. We report on three results.(1) Let G be an Abelian pro-finite group with underlying space homeomorphic to the Cantor.

Then there is a separable metric space X with π1(X) ∼= G as a group such that there isa surjective map of separable infinite-dimensional Hilbert space, g : `2 → X which servesas a generalized universal covering map for X. Furthermore, the group of transformationsTg(`2) ⊂ H(`2), defined by h ∈ (Tg)(`2) if and only if g ◦ h = g is isomorphic to G and the


natural topology on this set of homeomorphisms yields the given pro-finite topology on G.We say that all loops are small in a pointed space (X, x0) if the space has the property

that for every loop γ : [0, 1] → (X, x0) and every open set x0 ∈ U ⊂ X, there is a loopγ′ : [0, 1]→ (U, x0) which is homotopic to γ in (X, x0). It is known that for such a space, thereare no generalized covering spaces. This leads to

(2) Let G be an Abelian pro-finite group as in (1). Then there is a pointed separable metricspace (X, x0) having all loops small such that π1(X, x0) ∼= G. Key to these first two results isthe result of Bessaga and Pe lczynski that the space of Borel measurable functionsM([0, 1], X)has the property that M([0, 1], X) ∼= `2 for all complete separable metric spaces X having atleast two points.

(3) Let G be any group and let (X, x0) be a pointed topological space such that π1(X, x0) ∼=G. Then there is a pointed space (Y, y0) and an embedding e : (X, x0) ⊂ (Y, y0) such that(Y, y0) has all loops small and such that e∗ : π1(X, x0) ∼= π1(Y, y0). The construction of (Y, y0)can be used to show additional results. For instance, if G has non-measurable cardinality, thenthe spaces (X, x0) and (Y, y0) can both be taken to be compact Hausdorff. It is also the casethat e : (X, x0) → (Y, y0) is a weak homotopy equivalence. The space (Y, y0) in (3) is notmetrizable. There is no such (Y, y0) metrizable with π1(Y, y0) ∼= Z.

Homological properties of decomposition spacesAkira KoyamaWaseda University, Japan

Since 1960 the decomposition space X of the Euclidean 3-space R3 by the Case-Chamberlincontinuum C has been investigated and Shrikhande showed that X is not simply connected andnot locally simply connected. Bogopolski and Zastrow showed that the first dimensional singularhomology group of X is not trivial. We are discussing (local) Cech homological properties ofX.

A counterexample in Extension TheoryMichael LevinBen-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

Let G be the p-adic circle. We construct a 3-dimensional compact metric space X such thatthe cohomological dimension of X with the coefficients in G is 1 and the standard Moore spaceM(G, 1) for G is not an absolute extensor of X. Related results are discussed.

Where can real-valued Lipschitz functions on Rn be non-differentiable?Olga MalevaUniversity of Birmingham, Great Britain

There are subsets N of Rn for which one can find a real-valued Lipschitz function f definedon the whole of Rn and not differentiable at every point of N . Of course, by the Rademacher


theorem any such set N is Lebesgue null, however, due to a celebrated result of D. Preiss from1990 not every Lebesgue null subset of Rn gives rise to such a Lipschitz function f .

In this talk, I discuss sufficient conditions on a set N for such f to exist. As a corollaryof the main result we show that every purely unrectifiable set U possesses a Lipschitz functionnon-differentiable on U in the strongest possible sense.

This is a joint work with D. Preiss.

On group structures on covering spaces over groupsVlasta MatijevicUniversity of Split, Croatia

In the theory of covering maps over topological groups the following question naturallyarises: If f : X → Y is a covering map from a connected space X onto a topological group Y,is it possible to define a group operation on X in such a way that X becomes a topologicalgroup and f a homomorphism of groups. Recently, the question was answered in the negativeby constructing infinite-sheeted covering maps over solenoids which do not admit such groupoperation on total spaces. However, the answer is positive in two particular cases: if Y is alocally path connected group or if f is an overlay map over compact group Y. Note that overlaymaps are a certain proper subclass of covering maps. We extend positive answers to coveringmaps over locally compactly connected groups Y and to overlay maps over locally compactgroups Y generalizing previously obtained results. In both cases the group operation on X isunique and is defined by lifting of chains of open sets.

This is a joint work with Katsuya Eda.References:[1] K. Eda and V. Matijevic, Covering maps over solenoids which are not covering homomor-phisms, Fund. Math. 221 (2013), 69-82.[2] K. Eda and V. Matijevic, Existence and uniqueness of group structures on covering spacesover groups, Fund. Math. (to appear).

Infinite-dimensional uniform polyhedra and classifying spaces of 0-dimensionalgroupsSergey A. MelikhovSteklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, Russia

Classifying spaces of groups are usually considered to be well-defined up to homotopy equiv-alence. But just like topological groups are naturally uniform spaces, their classifying spacesmay well be thought of as uniform spaces, well-defined up to uniform homotopy equivalence(i.e. a homotopy equivalence given by uniformly continuous maps and homotopies).

But is this additional structure of any use? Not that I’m aware of, as long as discretegroups or Lie groups are concerned. However, for 0-dimensional groups it does make somedifference. The classifying space BQp of the additive group of p-adic numbers is cohomologically3-dimensional, but in the uniform setting, it becomes cohomologically infinite-dimensional. Theclassifying space BZp of the additive group of p-adic integers is at most 2-dimensional with


respect to any cohomology theory, but in the uniform setting, it becomes infinite-dimensionalwith respect to complex K-theory. A characteristic application of this phenomenon is a p-adic Borsuk–Ulam theorem, which says that there exists no uniformly continuous equivariantmap from EZp to any compact metric space with a free action of Zp. The key word here is“uniformly”, for without it this would have been a much, much more interesting result. It mustbe mentioned that there has been no progress in this subject in recent years because I wasworking on unrelated projects. There are some new hopes, however, of obtaining the desiredapplications, rather than just their uniform analogues.

The “uniform setting” mentioned above is based on infinite-dimensional uniform polyhe-dra. These can be used, in particular, to approximate (in the sense of inverse limits) uniformclassifying spaces — as well as any other separable metrizable complete uniform spaces. Themain feature of such approximation is that infinite-dimensionality is retained in the individualapproximants, including on an algebraic level. This property is absolutely lacking in usual ap-proximations of metrizable topological spaces by polyhedra. The theory of infinite-dimensionaluniform polyhedra (arXiv:1109.0346) settles Isbell’s 1964 “Research Problem B2” and is in turnbased on reworking much of basic PL topology in strictly combinatorial terms (arXiv:1208.6309)and on putting in order the subjects of quotients and ANRs in the setting of metrizable uniformspaces (arXiv:1106.3249).

In the talk, I intend to give a review of infinite-dimensional uniform polyhedra, and then,armed with it, discuss constructions of uniform classifying spaces. The latter topic is still onits way from ad hoc methods to a satisfactory understanding (which may or may not improveby May).

Separable Lindenstrauss spaces whose duals lack the weak∗ fixed point propertyfor nonexpansive mappingsEnrico MiglierinaUniversita Cattolica del Sacro Cuove, Milano, Italy

In this talk we study the w∗-fixed point property for nonexpansive mappings. First we showthat the dual space X∗ lacks the w∗-fixed point property whenever X contains an isometriccopy of the space c of the convergent sequences. Then, the main result of our paper providessome characterizations of weak-star topologies that fail the fixed point property for nonexpan-sive mappings in `1 space. This result allows us to obtain a characterization of all separableLindenstrauss spaces X inducing the failure of w∗-fixed point property in X∗. The key tool ofour result is a detailed study of the hyperplanes of the space c.

The talk is essentially based on a joint paper with Emanuele Casini and Lukasz Piasecki,appeared in Studia Mathematica 238 (1) (2017), 1-16.

Extension Theory in Large Scale GeometryAtish J. MitraMontana Tech of the University of Montana, USA

Classical extension theory deals with extensions of maps between topological spaces. In this


talk we will discuss progress made in the extension theory of functions in various large scalecategories, and will compare the results and techniques with that of classical extension theory.

Spaces of compact diagonal operators as Calkin algebras of Banach spacesPavlos MotakisTexas A&M University, USA

The Calkin algebra of a Banach space Z is the unital Banach algebra Cal(Z) defined as thequotient L(Z)/K(Z) of the algebra of all bounded linear operators on Z over the ideal of allcompact ones. We investigate the question of what types of unital algebras can occur as Calkinalgebras. Given a Banach space X with a Schauder basis we denote by Kdiag(X) the space ofall compact and diagonal operators on X. We prove that there exists a Banach space XX sothat the Calkin algebra of XX is isomorphic, as a Banach algebra, to Kdiag(X)⊕RI. This yieldsBanach spaces with interesting Calkin algebras, e.g., James’ quasi reflexive Banach space andeven a hereditarily indecomposable Banach algebra constructed by S. A. Argyros, I. Deliyanni,and A. Tolias. The space XX is of the form (

∑⊕Xk) where each Xk is a version of the Argyros-

Haydon space and the outside norm is a modified Argyros-Haydon sum incorporating the normof the space X.

Balanced Presentations of the Trivial Group and Geometry of 4-DimensionalManifoldsAlexander NabutovskyUniversity of Toronto, Canada

We will describe triangulations of S4 that are enormously far from each other in the metricdefined as the minimal number of bistellar transformations required to transform one of theminto the other. The number of constructed triangulations grows exponentially with the numberof simplices; the required number of bistellar transformations grows faster than the towerof exponentials of any fixed height. The proof involves a construction of “many” balancedpresentations of the trivial group so that these presentations are “very different” from eachother (and from the trivial presentation). ”Balanced” means that the number of generators isequal to the number of relations. We also demonstrate that there exist trivial 2-knots in R4

that can be untied only if one allows an enormous increase of complexity during an isotopy.Joint work with Boris Lishak.

On stability of Lipschitz functions on c0(Γ)Matej NovotnyInstitute of Mathematics, Academy of Science, Prague, Czech Republic

It is a famous result by Gowers that every real Lipschitz function on the sphere of c0stabilizes on some infinite-dimensional subspace. We prove for every uncountable Γ, there is areal symmetric 1-Lipschitz function defined on the sphere of c0(Γ) which doesn’t stabilize on


any of its subspaces with density densc0(Γ). However, we prove that in the case of equivalentnorms on c0(Γ), the stability on some subspace with density densc0(Γ) is obtained.

Principle of local reflexivity which respectsnests of subspaces, and the nest approximation propertiesEve OjaUniversity of Tartu, Estonia

We discuss new forms of the principle of local reflexivity (PLR): their strength is that thelocal reflexivity operators respect given nests of subspaces. These PLR results are then system-atically applied to obtain duality and lifting theorems for the nest approximation properties inBanach spaces.

Nest approximation properties were launched by Figiel and Johnson in J. Funct. Anal.271 (2016), 566–576. This concept involves finite-rank approximating operators which leaveinvariant all subspaces in a given nest of closed subspaces of a Banach space.

This is a joint work with Silja Veidenberg. The work was motivated by the question of BillJohnson (at “Aleksander Pe lczynski Memorial Conference”, 2014): do there exist versions ofthe PLR which respect nests of subspaces?

Some recent development on proximinality in Banach spacesTanmoy PaulIndian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India

Aim of this talk is to discuss the behavior of the notion proximinality (existence of bestapproximation) for few cases; viz. the transitivity of this notion or its variant through thesubspaces, duality between the intersection properties of balls and proximinality, stability ofvarious strengthenings of proximinality in function spaces and generalization of this propertyto Chebyshev centre for a closed convex set. This talk is based on the following articles.References:[1] T. Paul, Various notions of proximinality in spaces of Bochner integrable functions Adv.Operator Theory, 2, no 1, (2017) 59–77.[2] S. Lalithambigai et al, Chebyshev centres and some geometry of Banach spaces, J. Math.Anal. Appl., 499, no 1, (2017) 926–938.[3] C. R. Jayanarayanan et al, Strong proximinality and intersection properties of balls in Banachspaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 426, no 2, (2015), 1217–1231.

Free topological groups and functorial fibrewise constructionsPetar PavesicUniversity of Ljubljana, Slovenia

In fibrewise homotopy theory one often needs fibrewise versions of various functorial con-structions on pointed topological spaces (e.g. loop-spaces, Pontryagin-Thom construction, etc.).


We will present a general approach to this problem that is based on the construction of freetopological groups.

Szlenk indices, variations, applications and problemsMatias RajaUniversity of Murcia , Spain

The Szlenk index is a powerful tool in isomorphic theory of Banach spaces. We review therelationships between the ordinary Szlenk index, the convex Szlenk index and the dentabiltyindex, including the recent results on optimal bounds. It is well known that the existence ofasymptotically uniformly convex dual norms is related to the Szlenk index, however the use ofalternative measures of noncompactness gives new alike results. We will show that a variationof the Szlenk index provides asymptotically uniformly smooth renormings without appealing tothe duality. A few applications to c0 are given since it is “the most” asymptotically uniformlysmooth space. Finally, we will show some applications to the nonlinear classification of Banachspaces.

Recovering a Compact Hausdorff Space X from the Compatibility Ordering onC(X)Martin RmoutilUniversity of Warwick, Great Britain

Let X and Y be compact Hausdorff spaces. Let f, g ∈ C(X) where C(X) denotes the spaceof continuous functions on X. We say that g dominates f in the compatibility ordering if gcoincides with f on the support of f . Our main result states that X and Y are homeomorphicif and only if there exists a compatibility isomorphism T : C(X) → C(Y ). We derive severalclassical theorems of functional analysis as easy corollaries to our result:

If X and Y are compact Hausdorff spaces, we obtain that they are homeomorphic wheneverthere exists a bijection T : C(X)→ C(Y ) satisfying one of the following conditions:

• T is a ring isomorphism (Gelfand–Kolmogorov);

• T is multiplicative (Milgram);

• T the ordinary pointwise ordering (Kaplansky);

• T is linear and Tf · Tg = 0 whenever f · g = 0 (Jarosz).

We also study the question of continuity of compatibility isomorphisms: Depending on theproperties of X we either prove or disprove that all compatibility isomorphisms are continuous(in different senses).Coauthor: Tomasz Kania.

Width of the homotopy and the length of a shortest geodesicRegina Rotman


University of Toronto, Canada

Recall that the width of a homotopy is defined as the maximal length of a trajectory of apoint during this homotopy.

We will discuss various estimates of the width of ”optimal” homotopies contracting arbitraryclosed curves on a Riemannian manifold M in terms of the diameter of M , its volume, andvarious bounds for curvatures of M . Note that if M is closed, then the upper bounds for thewidth of such ”optimal” homotopies can be used to obtain upper bounds for the length of theshortest periodic geodesic on M .

Results about optimal homotopies contracting closed curves can be non-trivial already indimension 2. For example, we will discuss the following theorem (joint with E. Chambers, G.Chambers , A. De Mesmay, T. Ophelders):

Let D be the Riemannian 2-disk of diameter d. Suppose that the boundary curve ∂D canbe contracted to a point via closed curves of length less than L. Then for any point q on theboundary of D, there exists a homotopy of ∂D to q over loops based at q of length less than2d+ L.

Simplicial Inverse Sequences in Extension TheoryLeonard R. RubinUniversity of Oklahoma, USA

In extension theory, in particular in dimension theory, it is frequently useful to represent agiven compact metrizable space X as the limit of an inverse sequence of compact polyhedra.We are going to show that, for the purposes of extension theory, it is possible to replace such anX by a better metrizable compactum Z. This Z will come as the limit of an inverse sequenceof triangulated polyhedra with bonding maps that are simplicial with respect to these fixedtriangulations, and that factor in a certain way. As has been proved by S. Mardesic, not everymetrizable compactum can be represented by such a “simplicial” inverse sequence. There willbe a cell-like map π : Z → X, and we shall show that if K is a CW -complex with XτK, thenZτK.

The simplicial inverse sequence determining Z is subject to “adjustments.” Any such ad-justment determines an inverse sequence whose limit maps onto X, and the fibers of such amap have explicit and useful descriptions as the limits of certain subsequences. We plan toexploit this technique as part of a unified approach involving proofs of the resolution theoremsof Edwards-Walsh (cell-like), Dranishnikov (Z/p-acyclic), and Levin (Q-acyclic), and perhapsto obtain a new and different one more general than the latter.Coauthor: Vera Tonic.

Splittings and selectionsPavel V. SemenovHigher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia

For an n multivalued mappings Fk : X → Yk, k = 1, 2, ..., n, for a singlevalued mapping


L : ⊕Yk → Y and for a continuous selection f : X → Y of the composite mapping L◦ (⊕Fk) ann−tuple (f1, ..., fn) is said to be a splitting of f if fk : Yk → Y is a selection of Fk, k = 1, 2, ..., n,and f(x) = L(f1(x); ...; fn(x)), x ∈ X . A very special case give the following mappings:Fk(·) ≡ Ak, where Ak are convex subsets of a Banach space Y , L : Y n → Y linear continuousoperator and f = id |X , X = L(A1, ..., An). Under these assumptions a splitting of f = id|Xgives a singlevalued solution (y1, ..., yn) of the classical linear equation L(y1, ..., yn) = y, y1 ∈A1, ..., yn ∈ An which continuously depends on the data y.

A series of results on splittings for the case n = 2 was considered in [1], [2]. Here we presentthe generalization for the case of an arbitrary n ∈ N. Theorem.Splittings always exist for a lower semicontinuous convex- and closed valued mappings Fk :X → R, k = 1, 2, ..., n on a paracompact domain and for linear mapping L : Rn → R

Remark, that the induction with the base n = 2 in general doesn’t work even for thereduction of n = 3 to n = 2 . So the proof is based on a good tomography of convex rectangularsubsets, i.e. sets which coincide with the Cartesian product of their projections onto thecoordinate lines. As it pointed out in [3] the restriction dimY = 1 is necessary for a positiveanswer on existence of splittings with an arbitrary paracompact domains.

By returning to the case n = 2 we have that for every linear L : Y1⊕Y2 → R3 with surjectiverestriction L|Y1 and with non-zero restriction L|Y2 there are convex compacta Ci ⊂ Yi, i = 1, 2such that the linear equation

L(y1, y2) = y, yi ∈ Ci, y ∈ C = L(C1, C2)

has no singlevalued solutions y1 = y1(y), y2 = y2(y) which are continuous with respect to datay ∈ C.

The proof exploitees the Minkowski sum of the convex compacta K = conv{(cos t, sin t, t) :0 ≤ t ≤ 2π}, see [3] and the segment S = {(0, 0, t) : 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π}. It appears that for anysplitting c = k + s, c ∈ K + S, k ∈ K, s ∈ S the second item is discontinuous with respectto c at the point c0 = (1, 0, 2π). For the first example of such effect, see [1].References:[1] M. V. Balashov and D. Repovs, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 355 (2009), 277–278[2] D. Repovs, P.V. Semenov, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 334 (2007), 646 – 655[3] D. Repovs, P.V. Semenov, Topology and Its Appl., 156:7 (2009), 1192–1198.

On the convexity of Chebyshev setsEvgeny ShchepinSteklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, Russia

A subset of a metric space is called a Chebyshev set if every point from its complementhas a unique nearest point from the set. In finite-dimensional Banach spaces with smoothunique sphere, the classes of Chebyshev sets and closed convex sets are known to coincide.(T. S. Mozkin, L. N.H. Bunt). To deal with the non-smooth setting, which is more challenging,we shall need the concepts of convexity and smoothness in a given direction. The main resultis as follows: a Chebyshev set in a finite-dimensional Banach space is convex in any directiontangent to the unit sphere of the space.


Here, under a direction tangent to the unit sphere one means a direction such that anyline of the direction meeting the boundary of the ball but missing the interior is tangent (i.e.contains a tangent ray).

For the two-dimensional case, the opposite result holds: a connected closed subset of a 2-dimensional Banach space which is convex relative to all tangent directions of its unit sphereis a Chebyshev set iff its boundary and the unit sphere do not contain a rectilinear segmentsof the same direction.References:[1] A. R. Alimov, On the structure of the complements of Chebyshev sets, Funct. Anal. Appl.35:3 (2001), 176–182.[2] V. S. Balaganskii and L.P. Vlasov, The problem of convexity of Chebyshev sets, RussianMath. Surveys 51:6 (1996), 1127–1190.[3] J. Fletcher and W. B. Moors, Chebyshev sets, J. Aust. Math. Soc. 98:2 (2015), 161–231.[4] A. L. Brown, Chebyshev sets and facial systems of convex sets in finite-dimensional spaces,Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 41:2 (1980), 297–339.

Large and Discrete Sets in Countable Topological GroupsOl’ga V. SipachevaLomonosov Moscow State University, Russia

The most important result of the report is the following recent theorem proved jointly withEvgenii Reznichenko.

Throughout, all topological groups are assumed to be Hausdorff.

Theorem. (Reznichenko, Sipacheva)

(i) Any countable nondiscrete topological group whose identity element has nonrapid filter ofneighborhoods contains a discrete subset with precisely one limit point.

(ii) If there are no rapid filters, then any countable nondiscrete Boolean topological groupcontains two disjoint discrete subsets for each of which the zero of the group is a uniquelimit point.

(A filter F on ω is rapid if every function ω → ω is majorized by the increasing enumeration ofsome element of F. The nonexistence of rapid filters is consistent with ZFC.)

This theorem and its consequences concerning countable topological groups with extremalproperties answer, partially or completely, several old questions. In particular, they imply thatthe nonexistence of a nondiscrete separable extremally disconnected group, as well as that of anondiscrete countable topological group in which all discrete subspaces are closed, is consistentwith ZFC.

A key role in the proof is played by fat subsets of a group. Fatness is a new notion oflargeness organically related to that of syndeticity, which originated in Ramsey theory andtopological dynamics in the context of the additive semigroup of positive integers, in whichsyndetic sets are precisely those with bounded gaps.


In the study of countable topological groups with extremal properties, of most interest areBoolean groups (any extremally disconnected group and any Abelian or countable irresolvablegroup contains an open Boolean subgroup), and every Boolean group is free, being a linearspace over the field Z2.


(i) Any countable Boolean topological group has a closed discrete basis.

(ii) Any countable closed linearly independent set in an extremally disconnected Boolean grouphas at most one limit point.

(iii) It is consistent with ZFC that any countable closed linearly independent set in an ex-tremally disconnected Boolean group is discrete.

Finally, we present a curious consequence of the equivalence between the existence of anextremally disconnected free (Boolean) topological group and that of selective ultrafilters, whichconcerns selectivity-type properties of filters.

Boundaries, polyhedrality and smoothnessRichard SmithUniversity College Dublin, Ireland

We give a survey of the progress made in the fields of polyhedrality and smoothness inBanach spaces over the last few years, in collaboration with Prof. Fonf and other authors, andpresent some open problems.

Retractional skeletons on treesJacopo SomagliaUniversity of Milano, Italy

A non-commutative Valdivia compact space is a compact space with retractional skeleton.A compact space is Valdivia if and only if it has a commutative retractional skeleton. The twoclasses do not agree: the ordinal space [0, ω2], endowed with the interval topology, is an easyand well-known example of a non-commutative Valdivia compact space that is not Valdivia. Inthis talk, I will recall the definition and some properties of the Coarse wedge topology on trees.A characterization of non-commutative Valdivia trees will be presented. This characterizationwill be used to give a negative answer to the following question:

Problem. Let X be a non-commutative Valdivia compact space that does not contain anycopy of the ordinal space [0, ω2]. Is X necessarily Valdivia?

Coincidence class for several mapsStanis law Spiez


IMPAN, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Given two maps f, g : M → N between connected closed orientable manifolds of the samedimension, the Lefschetz coincidence number of f and g is defined as

Λf,g =∑

(−1)kTr(DM ◦ g∗ ◦D−1N ◦ f∗),

where f∗ and g∗ are the induced homomorphisms of the homology groups and the cohomologygroups, respectively, with rational coefficients, and DM and DN are the Poincare duality iso-morphisms. Lefschetz proved that if the coincidence number is nonzero, then f and g have acoincidence point.

For maps f1, . . . , fk : X → N from a topological space X into a connected closed n-manifold(even non-orientable) N , we define a cohomological class

L(f1, . . . , fk) ∈ Hn(k−1)(X; (f1, . . . , fk)∗(R× Γ∗N × · · · × Γ∗N))

in such a way that L(f1, . . . , fk) 6= 0 implies that the set of coincidences

Coin(f1, . . . , fk) = {x ∈ X | f1(x) = · · · = fk(x)}

is non-empty. (Here, R is a principal ideal domain and Γ(N) is the orientation system of N .)We prove some properties and give some applications of the defined Lefschetz type coinci-

dence class.This a joint research with Thais Monis.

The Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of general spacesTulsi SrinivasanAshoka University, India

The Lusternik-Schnirelmann category (LS-category) is a topological invariant that has his-torically been studied for absolute neighbourhood retracts. I will talk about how the theoryof the LS-category can be extended to Peano continua like the Menger and Pontryagin spaces.I will then discuss current work applying these results to the boundaries of hyperbolic groupswith an aim to finding an analogue to the Bestvina-Mess formula. I will also talk about howthese technqiues can be applied to topological complexity.

Weakly compact subsets of C[0, 1] and reflexive Banach latticesPedro TradaceteUniversity of Madrid, Spain

We show that for every weakly compact subset K of C[0, 1] with finite Cantor-Bendixsonrank, there is a reflexive Banach lattice E and an operator T : E → C[0, 1] such thatK ⊆ T (BE). On the other hand, we exhibit an example of a weakly compact set of C[0, 1]homeomorphic to ωω + 1 for which such T and E cannot exist. This answers a question of M.Talagrand in [Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 96 (1986), no. 1, 95–102].


Joint work with J. Lopez-Abad.

Strongly Extreme Points and Approximation PropertiesStanimir TroyanskiUniversity of Murcia, Spain

We establish, in terms of approximation properties, sufficient conditions for a strongly ex-treme point of a closed convex bounded subset of a Banach space to be a denting point. Theresults are from a joint work with T. Abrahamsen, P. Hajek and O. Nygaard.

Homogeneity of Erdos type spaceJan van MillUniversity of Amsterdam, Holland

For subsets X of the real line we investigate homogeneity properties of the Erdos type spaceE(X) = {p ∈ `2 : (∀n)(pn ∈ X)}. This space has much in common with the countable infiniteproduct of copies of X, which is homogeneous by the result of Lawrence. Continuous familiesof coordinate permutations form an important ingredient in his proof. The Erdos space E(X)is 1-dimensional in many cases which is an obstacle in homogeneity issues. On the other hand,E(X) is invariant under coordinate permutations of `2 which suggests to investigate whetherthe Lawrence ideas are applicable. Our main result is the construction of a subset X of thereal line such that every homeomorphism f of E(X) is norm-preserving. That is, ‖f(p)‖ = ‖p‖for every p ∈ E(X). Hence E(X) need not be homogeneous. Since for every ε > 0, the sphere{p ∈ E(X) : ‖p‖ = ε} is zero-dimensional, a natural question is whether spheres are alwayshomogenous in Erdos type spaces. We prove that they are not.

Joint work with K. P. Hart.

Coarse dimension raising resultsZiga VirkInstitute of Science and Technology, Austria

The Hurewicz Dimension Raising Theorem states that a closed n-to-1 map between metricspaces may raise the covering dimension by at most n − 1, i.e., dimY ≤ dimX + n − 1. Wewill survey the development of a coarse (asymptotic) version of this theorem by presenting thefollowing results:(1) The first version of a Coarse Dimension Raising Theorem and a Finite-to-One MappingTheorem (joint with T. Miyata).(2) Improved bound via Gromov boundary and coarse permanence via coarsely n-to-1 maps(joint with J. Dydak).(3) The optimal bound via Higson compactification and a generalization using coarse metricapproximation (joint with K. Austin).


Asymptotic dimensions related to some control functionsMichael ZarichnyiUniversity of Lviv, Ukraine and University of Rzeszow, Poland

The Gromov asymptotic dimension of a metric space X does not exceed n if, for any D > 0,there exists a uniformly bounded cover U of X which is the sum of n + 1 D-disjoint families.If we impose restrictions onto the mesh of the cover U (as a function of D), we obtain versionsof the asymptotic dimension, e.g., asymptotic Assouad - Nagata dimension [1] and asymptoticsubpower dimension [2].

We consider some examples of spaces and groups with non-coinciding dimensions. We alsoconsider the connections to the dimensions of the coronas (remainders of the compactifications)related to these asymptotic dimensions.

Some results are obtained in collaboration with Jacek Kucab.References:[1] A.N. Dranishnikov, J. Smith, On asymptotic Assouad–Nagata dimension, Topol. Appl. 154(2007), 934–952.[2] J. Kucab, M. Zarichnyi, On asymptotic power dimension, Topol. Appl. 201 (2016), 124–130.