CÔNG TY LƯỚI ĐIỆN CAO THẾ MIỀN TRUNG CHI NHÁNH ĐIỆN CAO THẾ QUẢNG NGÃI GIÁM ĐỐC CHI NHÁNH ĐIỆN CAO THẾ QUẢNG NGÃI ĐIỆN Các Phòng, các Đơn vị trực thuộc Quảng Ngãi, số: /CĐ-CGC-QN-TH, ngày tháng 8 năm 2016 Thực hiện công điện số 386/CĐ-EVNCPC-TC&NS ngày 09/8/2016 của Tổng Công ty Điện lực miền Trung về việc khóa đào tạo về hệ thống phân phối điện, quản lý và công nghệ trên lưới năm 2016. Chi nhánh Điện cao thế Quảng Ngãi đề nghị các Phòng, các Đơn vị thông báo rộng rãi đến toàn thể CBCNV biết, nếu CBCNV nào có đủ tiêu chuẩn tham gia lớp đào tạo nói trên thì gửi hồ sơ đăng ký về Chi nhánh trước ngày 18/8/2016 để tổng hợp đăng ký Công ty. Yêu cầu các Phòng, các Đơn vị trực thuộc triển khai thực hiện và báo cáo về Chi nhánh đúng thời gian quy định./. Đính kèm : Công văn số 386/CĐ-EVNCPC-TC&NS ngày 09/8/2016 của Tổng Công ty Điện lực miền Trung. *Nơi nhận: - Như trên(e); - Phó Giám đốc (e); - Lưu: VT, TH (e).

GIÁM ĐỐC ĐIỆN - qlcv.cgc.cpc.vnqlcv.cgc.cpc.vn/qlcv_qn/Documents/CVDI 2016/20160817102532400.pdf · • Thanh thao tieng Anh not va viet; ... 2 . 27th May 2016 ... This is

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ĐIỆN Các Phòng, các Đơn vị trực thuộc

Quảng Ngãi, số: /CĐ-CGC-QN-TH, ngày tháng 8 năm 2016

Thực hiện công điện số 386/CĐ-EVNCPC-TC&NS ngày 09/8/2016 của Tổng Công ty Điện lực miền Trung về việc khóa đào tạo về hệ thống phân phối điện, quản lý và công nghệ trên lưới năm 2016.

Chi nhánh Điện cao thế Quảng Ngãi đề nghị các Phòng, các Đơn vị thông báo rộng rãi đến toàn thể CBCNV biết, nếu CBCNV nào có đủ tiêu chuẩn tham gia lớp đào tạo nói trên thì gửi hồ sơ đăng ký về Chi nhánh trước ngày 18/8/2016 để tổng hợp đăng ký Công ty.

Yêu cầu các Phòng, các Đơn vị trực thuộc triển khai thực hiện và báo cáo về Chi nhánh đúng thời gian quy định./.

Đính kèm: Công văn số 386/CĐ-EVNCPC-TC&NS ngày 09/8/2016 của Tổng Công ty Điện lực miền Trung.

*Nơi nhận: - Như trên(e); - Phó Giám đốc (e); - Lưu: VT, TH (e).

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DO lap — Ty: do — Hanh ph& DIEN LVC MIEN TRUNG


Da Nang,ngay 09 thong 8 nom 2016

CONG DIEN Kh6a ciao to ve he thong phan phOi

dien, (pan 1ST va ding nghe tren Om 2016


- Cac don vi thank vien TOng cong ty; - Cfic Ban TOng cong ty.

T6ng cong ty nhan throe thong boo ve Khoa ciao tao he th6ng phan phOi dien, quan ly va cong nghe tren luai nom 2016 ("Third Country Training Programme on Power Distribution System Engineering, Management and Technology") do Co quan hop tde phat trien quoc to Thai Lan (TICA) va Co quan hop tac phat trien quoc to Nhat Ban (JICA) ph6i hop vai Cong ty Dien luc Bangkok (MEA) va BO NOi vu Thai Lan (Ministry of Interior) to chirc.

Khoa ciao tao nham nang cao kien thirc cho cac can bO, ky su lam viec trong linh \rue lien quan den he th6ng phan phoi dien, quan ly va cong nghe tren luOi tai cac quoc gia ASEAN, nang cao kien thirc ye he thong dien, tao dieu kien Ung dung trong thuc to nhang kien thirc nay, va tang cuang hOi nhap gitra cac quoc gia ASEAN.

- Thai gian, dia diem: Ta ngay 31/10/2016 den ngay 25/11/2016 (Ice ca thai gian di chuyen) tai Thai Lan.

- Tieu chi lua chon:

• Dive co. quan dr di hoc va &roc Chinh phis xac nhan; • Da hoan thanh chuung trinh Cir nhan hoac bang cap tuung duo'ng ye ky

six Dien hoac cac linh vu.c lien quan trong he thong phan ph6i dien;

• La can 110/4' six c6 it nhat 3 nom kinh nghiem lam viec trong firth vuc ky thuat dien, quan ly hoac ke hoach tir cac don vi ma phan phoi dien nang la nganh nghe kinh doanh chinh;

• Duoi 45 tuai;

• Thanh thao tieng Anh not va viet;

• Dieu kien sire khOe tot, c6 xac nhan tinh trang sire kit& tir don vi c6 tham quyen &roc dinh kern vai Don clang 4.

- Ni dung chinh:

• Phuong phap ky thuat va ling dung trong thiet ke cling nhu boo ve he thOng phan phoi dien;

,• Phuong phap ky thuat va Ung dung trong nang cao d( tin coy va chat luong he thong phan phoi dien;

• Quan ly cac du an he th'6ng dien va tai san tren ltrai;


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• Nhung tien b6 ky thuat va img dung trong to d6ng h6a, cong to thong minh va thi nghiem dien;

• Tim hieu quy trinh san xuAt thiet bi dien thong qua cac chuung trinh tham thuc dia nha may.

- So luting irng vien dugc lira chon: T6i da 5 img vien tit Viet Nam.

- Chi phi: Chi phi ye may bay, tien tieu vat va chi phi hoc tap se do Chinh phir Hoang gia Thai Lan va Chinh phir Nhat Ban dai tho.

Tong cong ty de nghi cac don vi va cac Ban T6ng cong ty xem xet nhu cAu cua don vi va thOng bao cho toan the CBCNV dugc biet, neu dap frng fiat, chuan theo quy dinh thi clang tham gia Kh6a dao tao neu tren. H6 so dang k)'7 g6m 6 ban chinh (theo mau don dang ky dinh kern) giri ye, Tong cong ty trtrac ngay 22/8/2015 de Tong cong ty xem xet, tuyen, cho cac cap lien quan va don vi to chirc. Ban mem cfra ho so dang 14/ giri ye Ban Quan he quoc to T6ng Cong ty theo dia chi email: [email protected] hoac dia chi eOffice Pham Thu Hang - CV Ban QHQT.

T6ng Cong ty thong bao de cac don vi dugc biet va thuc hien. Dinh kern: Thong tin ve Khoa dao tao va mAu don clang 14. Mira lenh T-6ng Giam d6c, Ban TC&NS th6ng bao de cac don vi biet va thuc


- Nlitr tren; - Ban QHQT; - Ltru: VP, TC&NS.


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27th May 2016


on Third Country Training Program:

Power Distribution System Engineering, Management and Technology

31st October — 25th November 2016

The Group Training Course on "Power Distribution System Engineering, Management and Technology" will be conducted by the Royal Thai Government and the Government of Japan as part of their Technical Cooperation Programme.

The arrangements for the course are made by Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Thailand, and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), in collaboration with Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA), Ministry of Interior, Thailand.

BACKGROUND TO THE COURSE ASEAN is, in 2016, approaching the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in order

to obtain equitable economic development in the region. It is acknowledged that an electric power system is a basic infrastructure for social and economic development of each country. However, although the power distribution systems in the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) have undergone the satisfactory levels of development, there still exist gaps among ASEAN countries rendering direct impacts on social and economic development as well as the living standards of the population. Furthermore, the changed business environment as well as the emergence of the smart grid concept has urged utilities to balance all stakeholders' need by investing cautiously for power distribution network expansion and reinforcement, maximizing system reliability and power quality, fully utilizing the network components, while still minimizing the equipment failure risks and power losses. This thus requires the utility managers/engineers possess not only engineering knowledge but also management and technology engagement skills. In this course, the participants will be taught by experts in the area of project management, asset management and economic principles. In addition, the smart grid technological aspects such as Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) / Energy Management System (EMS) / Distribution Management System (DMS), Advanced Meter Infrastructure / Automatic Meter Reading (AMI/AMR), Substation Automation (SA) as well as technology for electrical testing, diagnostics and monitoring will be introduced and discussed. This is unlike the previous training where the focus was primarily on the power distribution engineering aspect. The course can assist utilities to guarantee power system reliability and quality for consumers and also assure that the benefits of all stakeholders are equally taken care of.

In this regard, the training on power distribution system engineering, management and technology will assist the GMS utilities to achieve robust, reliable and automated power distribution system networks through proper design and efficient management in order that the reliability and quality of power supply, as well as ensuring the benefits for all stakeholders, are assured. As a result, the success of the AEC establishment can be also guaranteed.

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PURPOSES The purposes of this program are to enhance the knowledge of managers/engineers

who work for participating utilities in ASEAN countries on power distribution system engineering, management and technology, to develop a knowledge network among participants to facilitate the good practices on power distribution system methodology, and to nurture ASEAN integration as a whole.


To expose managers/engineers from the ASEAN countries to recent development in power distribution system engineering, management and technology and encourage them to apply the knowledge gained from the training to implement their power distribution systems in their countries.

(1) Engineering methodology and application for network design and protection of

power distribution system

(2) Engineering methodology and application for reliability and quality of power

distribution system

(3) Management of power distribution system projects and network assets

(4) Technological advancement and application for power distribution system

automation, smart metering and electrical testing and diagnosis

(5) Electrical equipment manufacturing process through a factory tour


Candidates should:

1. Be nominated by their respective Governments in accordance with procedures for application.

2. Have completed at least Bachelor Degree or equivalent academic background in

electrical engineering or related fields in power distribution system.

3. Be managers/engineers with at least three (3) years working experience in

electrical engineering, management or planning from power distribution utilities or agencies

involved with electricity distribution business as primary targets, while those from academic

institutes, research institutes, regulatory bodies, or electricity planning and policy agencies

will be considered proportionally.

4. Be under 45 years of age.

5. Be proficient in spoken and written English.

6. Be in good health both physically and mentally; each participant should have a

health certificate provided by an authorized physician. The medical report form is also

attached together with the Nomination form. Pregnancy is regarded as a disqualifying

condition for participation in the Course. Participants found pregnant will be sent back to

their countries.

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The maximum number of participants is twenty-five (25) with participants from overseas of about twenty (20) and participants from Thailand not exceeding five (5).


31St October — 25th November 2016 (exclusive of travelling dates)


ASEAN member countries with Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam as the main target countries.


The course will be conducted in English.


The course will be jointly sponsored by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA), and in collaboration with Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA), Ministry of Interior, Thailand, as the course conductor.


The course will be mainly conducted at Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA), 30 Soi Chidlom, Ploenchit Road, Lumpinee, Prathumwan District, Bangkok 10330, THAILAND. C/O Better Care & Power Quality Department Tel. (662) 411 2401 ext. 5436 Fax. (662) 878 5396


1. A government desiring to nominate an applicant(s) for the course should fill in and forward three (3) copies of the Application Form for each nominee to the Royal Thai Government through the Royal Thai Embassy-; orConsular Representative in their countries, and send one (1) copy directly to

DIRECTOR, COUNTRIES PARTNERSHIP BRANCH (BILATERAL AND TRILATERAL), THAILAND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY (TICA), MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, The Government Complex, Building B (South Zone), 8th Floor, Chaengwattana Road, Laksi District, Bangkok 10210, THAILAND. Tel: (662) 203 5000 ext. 40007, 41009 Fax. (662) 143 8357 Email: subhaweesAhotmail.com , chidchanok.ticaA2mail.com

The Fellowship Application Form can also be downloaded from http://www.tica.thaigov.net (HRD > AITC 2015 and 2016 > Application Form)

The closing date for application should be not later than forty five (45) days before the commencement of the course.

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2. The Royal Thai Government will inform the applying Governments of the name(s) of the selected nominee(s) to participate in the course not later than thirty (30) days before the commencement of the course.


The following allowance for expenses will be borne by the Royal Thai Government and the Government of Japan:

(1) An economy class round trip air ticket designated by TICA will be issued to the approved candidates. The approved candidates are requested to send the copy of his /her passport for arranging the air ticket. The ELECTRONIC AIR TICKET will be issued and sent to the participants in advance via email from TICA.

(2) A living allowance at the rate of Baht 500 per day (equivalent to approximately US$14) will be paid to each participant during stay in Thailand. This living allowance is for food and other personal daily expenses. However, each participant is requested to bring pocket money for a few day-to-day expenses prior to the allowance payment.

(3) In accordance with relevant regulations, free minor medical treatment will be provided for participants who become ill during their stay in Thailand.


The Royal Thai Government through TICA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs will provide the following facilities;

(1) Arrangements for the training programme;

(2) Orientation (Briefing upon arrival);

(3) Accommodation reservation and arrangement

The accommodation costs will be responsible by JICA.


Participants who successfully complete the course will be awarded a certificate issued by TICA, JICA Thailand Office and MEA.


1. Participants are required to arrive in Thailand on the date designated by TICA after its confirmation of acceptance. However, this date will be finally confirmed through the air tickets sent to the participants (see also Allowance and Expenses, Item 1)

2. All Thai participants as the hosting participants MUST stay in the same hotel as the overseas participants to deliver assistance to guest participants in terms of daily affairs, class works, and promoting Thai cultural activities and not to be distracted by their office work.

3. Participants should assume responsibility for other expenses incurred while travelling between the participants' home countries and Thailand.

4. Participants shall make their own arrangements for any private financial matters. This is not provided by TICA and JICA.

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5. Upon arrival at Bangkok International Airport, participants are asked to look for TICA sign at the AOT Limousine customer relation counters and proceed to it. Participants are required to show the Instruction of Fellowship Award at the counter so that arrangements for airport transfer to the reserved hotel will be made. Participants do not have to pay for the AOT limousine service charge since the cost will be paid directly to AOT by TICA. Participants are not recommended to take a public taxi to the hotel by themselves as the taxi fees cannot be refundable from TICA.

6. Participants are strictly required to meet 100 % attendance record of the course schedule.

7. Applications to change the training subject or to extend the training period will not be accepted.

8. Participants are requested not to bring any of their family members on this trip.

9. In accordance with relevant Thai regulations, medical insurance will be provided for each participant after arrival in Thailand.

10. Further relevant information is available at the address specified in Procedures for Application, Item 1.

11. Prior to arrival in Thailand, all participants MUST first obtain the appropriate visas from the Royal Thai Embassy or Consular Representative in their countries and are requested to send a copy of their passports, including the name page, to TICA for the travel arrangement.

12. Participants are requested to confirm the flight details and date of arrival in Bangkok by signing the acceptance form, which will be sent to them when they are accepted to the course, and forwarding it to TICA at least 1 week before the course commencement.

13. Participants MUST prepare a two - page essay describing their academic background, job responsibilities, working experiences, applicant's expertise, expected benefit from course attendance and application of knowledge gained to their work. This information is required to indicate the applicants' qualifications for scholarship. (see ANNEX-I).

14. Participants are required to prepare their COUNTRY REPORTS, concerning "power distribution system" for a half hour presentation in class (see ANNEX-II).

15. Participants are required to write a short report on their application of the knowledge and experience and its impact on their work, and make a presentation at the end of the course.

16. Participants are required to bring their national costume for culture exchange activities.

17. MEA, through TICA, will inform the participating organizations of the results of the training examination and participants report within six months after completion of the course.

18. Participants are required to write a report on their experiences from the course and send back to TICA within six months after completion of the course.

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1. Overview of power distribution system

2. Power distribution system engineering

a. Power distribution system design

b. Power distribution system protection

c. Power distribution system reliability

d. Power quality

e. Renewable energy

3. Power distribution network management

a. Engineering economics

b. Project management

c. Database management and application

d. Asset management

4. Power distribution system technology

a. Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)

b. Energy management system (EMS)

c. Distribution management system (DMS)

d. Substation automation (SA)

e. Smart metering (AMR/AMI)

f. Technology for electrical testing and monitoring

5. Workshops, discussion and presentations

6. Field study and factory visits

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30th October — 26th November 2016

Date/Month/Year MORNING (9.00-12.00) INgitrAFTERNOON (13.00-16.00) 30/10/16_ , „ ‘-ii ... Arrival Day 1 31/10/16

am: Lecture Class pm: Lecture Class

Registration Orientation & Course Introduction Pretest

Overview of power distribution system: Thailand electricity industry; generation, transmission & distribution of electric power; power system performance index & improvement methods

Power distribution system design: Configuration of transmission system, substation & distribution system

Day 2 01/11/16

am: Lecture Class pm: Lecture Class

Power distribution system design: Substation equipment, criteria for substation building design, layout of substation equipment

Power distribution system design: Design & calculation of substation grounding system, sizing of substation AC power supply & battery

Day 3 02/11/16

am: Lecture Class pm: Lecture Class

Power distribution system design: Principle & installation of high voltage underground cables, UG system design consideration

Power distribution system design: Calculation of electrical, thermal & mechanical parameters of high voltage cables: Resistance, inductance, capacitance, sheath voltage, ampacity, pulling tension, sidewall pressure, etc.

Day 4 03/11/16

am: Lecture Class pm: Factory Visit

Power distribution system design: Design & installation of overhead transmission & distribution lines

Factory visit: Visit to Charoong Thai Wire and Cable Company (production & tests of high voltage cables)

Day 5 04/11/16

am: Ceremony &Lecture Class

pm: Lecture Class

a , 05/11/16

Opening Ceremony:

Power distribution system reliability: Reliability concept, IEEE guide for electric power distribution reliability indices, past performance reliability analysis, predictive reliabili assessment

.. . , „ , .. . i

Power quality: Power quality definitions: Sag, swell, transients, harmonics, flicker, voltage imbalance, frequency deviation, etc.; PQ measurement & analysis; sources of PQ problems, its impact & mitigation methods

t o"c ivi i

Day 7 06/11/16

Free Day , A. -, : ,,,. 4 ..,_4,:,,

Day 8 07/11/16

am: Lecture Class pm: Workshop

Electrical testing and monitoring: Principles and applications of electrical test, diagnostics and monitoring for power distribution network equipment such as cables, transformers, circuit breakers, switchgears, etc.

Electrical testing and monitoring: Workshop on demonstration of site tests of cable, circuit breakers, CT & VT

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Day 9 08/11/16

am: Factory Visit pm: Factory Visit

Factory visit: Visit to Precise Corporation (production of switchgear, transformer, capacitor, lightning arrester, control & protection board, etc.)

Pole factory visit:

Visit to MEA pole factory (Design, production & tests of concrete electric poles)

Day 10 09/11/16

am: Lecture Class pm: Workshop

SCADA/EMS: Concept & principle

SCADA/EMS: Workshop

Day 11 10/11/16

am: Lecture Class pm: Workshop

Substation automation: Concept & principle

Substation automation: Workshop

Day 12 11/11/16

am: Lecture Class pm: Lecture Class

DMS: Concept & principle

Smart meter: Concept & principle

Day 13INR:' 12/11/16

-- : Cultural Activities _

Day 14 13/11/16

Free Day

Day 15 14/11/16

pm: Lecture Class

Travel to (to be informed) Asset management: Asset management concept & principle; PAS 55 specification for the optimized management of physical assets; risk management; condition & life assessment of electrical network equipment, strategy for replacement

Day 16 15/11/16

am: Lecture Class pm: Workshop

Database management and application: Methodology for capturing information on power distribution system assets, relational database, common information model (CIM), cost-risk-performance of power distribution system

Database management and application: Workshop on analysis and design of power distribution system asset database

Day 17 16/11/16

am: Site Visit pm: Site Visit

Site Visit: (to be informed) Site Visit: (to be informed)

Day 18 17/11/16

am: Lecture Class pm: Workshop

Engineering economics: Principle for economic analysis of engineering projects, time value of money concepts, present value, rate of return, cost-benefit analysis, cost estimation & alternative analysis

Engineering economics: Workshop on cost estimation & project alternative analysis, using Excel to perform economic analysis

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am: Workshop pm: Ceremony 26/11/16 Departure It.'41411.1kit

Day 22 21/11/16

am: Lecture Class pm: Workshop

Power distribution system protection: Power system protection philosophy, relay types & principles, CT & VT

Power distribution system protection: Fault calculation, relay settings & coordination, operation of protection equipments

Day 23 22/11/16

am: Lecture Class pm: Site Visit

Power distribution system protection: Workshop on faults calculation, relay settings & coordination, relay tests

230 kV cable tunnel & Chidlom terminal station: Visit to 230 kV tunnel (Tunnel & 230 kV oil-filled cable installation) Visit to Chidlom Terminal Station (24, 69 & 230 kV GIS, 230/69 kV power transformers, IEC 61850 Substation Automation)

Day 24 23/11/16

am: Lecture Class pm: Site Visit

Renewable energy: Concept & principle

Site visit: Visit to KMITL Renewable Energy Applications Laboratory (REAL)

Day 25 24/11/16

am: Workshop pm: Workshop

Group presentation: Project proposed to enhance power distribution system performance in each country

Individual presentation: Achievement, lesson learned & opportunity for improvement

Farewell Party:

Day 26 25/11/16

Post-test & course evaluation Certificate awarded & closing ceremony

Day 19 18/11/16

am: Lecture Class pm: Workshop

Project management: Project management framework-basic principles of project management including concepts from the initiating, planning, executing, monitoring & controlling, and closing process groups, project manager role & responsibility; work breakdown structure; critical path method (CPM) and project evaluation and review technique (PERT)

Project management: Workshop on planning for project proposal: scope, activity, time, cost, quality & risk control, human resources & organizational body; briefing on course project assignment

Day 20 19/11/16

Travel back to Bangkok

Day 21 20/11/16

Free Day

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"Power Distribution System Engineering, Management and Technology"

I. Academic Background

2. Job Responsibilities

3. Job Experiences

4. Applicant's Expertise

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5. Expected Benefit from Course Attendance

6. Application of Knowledge Gained to Work

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"Power Distribution System Engineering, Management and Technology"

1. Country

2. Name of Participant

3. Chart of the organization which the participant belongs to, the type of participant's current

job (e.g. Managing, training, instructing), and job description.

4. Information

4.1 Brief General Information

a) Introduction to participant's country (Location, Population, Map,

Natural Resources, etc.)

b) Government Administration System

c) Social and Economic Background

d) Briefing on Power Development Plan, if any

4.2 Necessary related information useful for the training programme

a) Current Status and Operational Challenges of Power Distribution

System in ASEAN Countries

Note: Participants are asked to prepare slides, video tape, CD, DVD, power point presentation, or other audio-visual aids to support the 30-minute country report presentation, and bring national popular song cassettes/CD, if possible.

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Page 16: GIÁM ĐỐC ĐIỆN - qlcv.cgc.cpc.vnqlcv.cgc.cpc.vn/qlcv_qn/Documents/CVDI 2016/20160817102532400.pdf · • Thanh thao tieng Anh not va viet; ... 2 . 27th May 2016 ... This is





"Power Distribution System Engineering, Management and Technology"

Cambodia Electricite du Cambodge, Combadia (EDC)

Electricity Authority of Cambodia (EAC)

Lao PDR Electricity du Laos (EDL)

Myanmar Ministry of Electrical Power No. (2) (MOEP)

- Department of Electric Power

- Myanmar Electric Power Enterprise (MEPE)

- Yangon City Electric Supply Board (YESB)

- Electricity Supply Enterprise

Vietnam Electricity of Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporation

Honoi Power Company

Danang Power Company Limited

Hai phong Power Company

Central Power Company

Northern Power Corporation

Thailand Electricity Generating Authority Agency (EGAT)

Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA)

Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA)

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