Grundtvig Llp

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  • 7/30/2019 Grundtvig Llp



    Material realizat de Punctul de Contact Cultural l


    GRUNDTVIG este un program sectorial dedicat educaiei pentru aduli ce face parte din Programul nvarepe tot parcursul vieiial Uniunii Europene.


    s rspund provocrii educaionale datorate mbtrnirii populaiei n Europa;

    s ofere adulilor ci de a-i mbunti cunotinele i competenele.


    s mbunteasc accesibilitatea i calitatea mobilitii n Europa pentru persoanele implicate n educaia

    adulilor i s creasc volumul mobilitii astfel nct, pn n 2013, cel puin 7.000 de persoane s

    beneficieze de aceast mobilitate n fiecare an;

    s amelioreze calitatea i s creasc volumul cooperrii ntre organizaiile implicate n educaia adulilor din

    toat Europa;

    s ajute persoanele din grupuri sociale vulnerabile i care provin din contexte / medii sociale marginalizate,

    n special persoanele mai n vrsti pe cele care au abandonat sistemul de educaie fr o calificare debaz, oferindu-le alternative de acces la educaia adulilor;

    s faciliteze dezvoltarea i transferul practicilor inovatoare n educaia adulilor dintr-o ar participant n


    s sprijine dezvoltarea inovatoare a coninuturilor, serviciilor, metodelor pedagogice i practicilor

    inovatoare pe baza TIC n nvarea pe tot parcursul vieii;

    s mbunteasc metodele / abordrile pedagogice i managementul organizaiilor pentru educaia



    aduli care nva / cursani aduli;

    instituii i organizaii care ofer adulilor oportuniti de nvare de tip formal, nonformal i informal;

    profesori i alte categorii de personal din cadrul acestor instituii i organizaii;instituii implicate n formarea iniial sau continu a personalului din educaia adulilor;

    asociaii i reprezentani ai celor implicai n educaia adulilor, inclusiv asociaii ale adulilor i ale


    organisme care ofer servicii de orientare, consiliere i informare privind orice aspect legat de nvmntu

    pentru aduli;

    persoane i organisme care rspund de sistemele i politicile privind orice aspect legat de educaia

    adulilor la nivel local, regional i naional;

    centre de cercetare i organisme interesate de educaia adulilor;


    organizaii nonprofit, organizaii de voluntariat, organizaii neguvernamentale;

    instituii de nvmnt superior interesate de educaia adulilor.

    CE TIP DE ACTIVITI?mobiliti individuale care includ formarea continu, vizite, perioade de stagiu i schimburi de personal

    implicat n educaia adulilor, precum i diferite alte oportuniti;

    parteneriate care se axeaz pe teme de interes comun pentru organizaiile participante;

    proiecte multilaterale care vizeaz mbuntirea sistemelor educaionale pentru aduli;

    reele tematice de experi i organizaii (Reele Grundtvig) care se ocup n special de:

    dezvoltarea educaiei adulilor n disciplina, specialitatea sau managementul n diverse domenii; identificarea, mbuntirea i diseminarea inovaiei i bunelor practici relevante;

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    acordarea de sprijin n materie de coninut la proiectele i parteneriatele deja existente i facilitareainteractivitii dintre proiectele i parteneriatele respective;

    promovarea i dezvoltarea de instrumente pentru analiza nevoilor i asigurarea calitii ndomeniul educaiei adulilor;

    vizite pregtitoare care ofer burse de mobilitate reprezentantului unei instituii, cu scopulparticiprii la un seminar de contact sau la o reuniune cu viitori parteneri;

    alte iniiative care vizeaz promovarea obiectivelor Programului Grundtvig (Msuriacompaniatoare).

    CARE SUNT ACIUNILE GRUNDTVIG?Vizite pregtitoare;

    Vizite i schimburi pentru personalul implicat n educaia adulilor;

    Asisteni Grundtvig;

    Formarea continu a personalul implicat n educaia adulilor;

    Ateliere Grundtvig;

    Parteneriate de nvare;

    Proiecte de voluntariat pentru aduli;

    Proiecte multilaterale;

    Reele multilaterale;

    Msuri acompaniatoare mai multor sectoare educaionale - propunerea va fi raportat la una dinactivitile cheie ale programului transversal. Doar proiectele ce vizeaz mai multe sectoare educaionale

    sunt eligibile pentru programul transversal.

    MAI MULTE INFORMAII: Agenia Naional pentru Programe Comunitare n Domeniul Educaiei i FormriiProfesionale,

    Exemple de proiecte Grundtvig cu dimensiune cultural

    Aciunea Vizite pregtitoare

    Proiectul Contact Seminar in Latvia


    Conrad Watkins from Cyrenians Cymru received a Grundtvig Preparatory visits grant to attend a Contact Seminar in

    Latvia. The contact seminar was about how we can learn through practical experience. Conrad was interested

    in meeting potential Grundtvig project partners with similar working interests from across Europe. The Cyrenians Cymru

    are an organisation who support vulnerable people, such as the homeless. The Latvian Contact Seminar Learning by

    Doing focused on the following themes: enjoying life through learning; experience a helper in problem solving;

    problem based education; creativity in practice; edutainment (a form of entertainment designed to educate). CyreniansCymru subsequently applied for Grundtvig Partnerships funding in February 2008 and were sucessful in gaining a grant

    for their European Fire Celebration project:


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    Aciunea Vizite i schimburi pentru personalul implicat n educaia adulilor

    ProiectulA Visit to Liguria with UNITRE - the University of the Third AgeWilliam Devlin undertook a two month work shadowing visit to Liguria with the Universita della Tre Eta (UNITRE).

    William talks vividly about his experience: The first two months of 2010 found me work shadowing, teaching and

    learning Italian with the Universita delle Tre Eta (UNITRE) in the popular resort of Alassio on the aptly named Baie del

    Sole, a segment of the Italian Riviera termed the Other Riviera by the Italian Tourist office.


    ProiectulArts Skill Exchange: Kreative WerkstattArts Skill Exchange: Kreative Werkstatt Rachel Flowers received 2010 Grundtvig Visits and Exchanges funding to take part

    in the Arts Skill Exchange Kreative Werkstatt. The Visit arose from a successful joint exhibition of work by artists with

    learning disabilities from two Warwickshire County Council projects, which Rachel is involved in, and Diakonie Stettens

    Kreative Werkstatt. Rachel wanted to continue building on this skills exchange between by spending a week job-

    shadowing the Werkstatts Creative Director and working alongside the artists there to explore and contrast ways of

    engaging with the arts, and identifying areas of good practice.


    AciuneaAsisteni Grundtvig

    Zrinka Ana MendasThe Grundtvig Programme was able to help Zrinka-Ana Mendas achieve her ambition to become an adult education

    teacher - in spite of being hard of hearing - by providing Assistantships funding for a placement in France. At Cannes

    University of the Third Age, Zrinka taught English; provided advice and guidance to students; studied aspects of adult

    education; and promoted policies for inclusion. Zrinka was awarded an Individual Mobility: 2009 Grundtvig

    Assistantship grant - one of the first 3 grants UK awarded. Zrinkas hearing impairment didnt stand in the way of her

    ambition to teach languages. As somebody with a disability, Zrinka found that involvement in the Grundtvig

    programme enabled her to overcome barriers to realising her ambitions.


    Aciunea Parteneriate de nvare

    Proiectul BRIDGE - Building Real Intercultural Dialogue through the Grundtvig ExperienceB.R.I.D.G.E is a partnership project that uses art and art related subjects to facilitate a healthy integration into society for

    emigrated people. The project offered various art courses including glass painting and jewellery making, showing the

    members hidden creative talents and enabling them to introduce themselves to other members of their community in a

    relaxed and informal environment. Being part a larger group through Grundtvig Partnerships, people felt this benefitted

    the project immensely as it provided a large network of support and allowed them to draw on other skill sets from the

    larger group.


    Aciunea Proiecte de voluntariat pentru aduli

    Proiectul VOCH, Volunteers for Cultural HeritageThe project starts out by acknowledging the increasing importance of the voluntary sector for preserving cultural

    heritage and running cultural institutions, such as museums. It has explored this phenomenon at European level,

    identifying different types of voluntary work and the areas of activity in which cultural volunteers are engaged, with the

    objective of designing training addressed both to volunteers themselves and to the people responsible for volunteer

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    programmes within cultural organisations. The project took place from November 2007 until October 2009. Project

    activities and outputs include:Europe-wide research on volunteers in the cultural heritage sector; identification of goodpractice case studies; design, development and delivery of short training modules both for volunteers and coordinators;

    development and publishing of guidelines for good practice when working with volunteers; dissemination of project

    outcomes through conferences and information days.

    Aciunea Proiecte multilaterale

    Proiectul Learn about us through culture: cultural events for intercultural dialogueNon-formal educative and intercultural dialogue values of cultural events are not employed effectively as tools to enable

    social inclusion in marginalised European urban areas knowing high levels of immigration. The fabric of these

    communities is weak as individuals lack positive images of their cultural identities and intercultural dialogue is difficult

    to achieve. The intercultural learning needs of second generation migrants are not met, their understanding of each

    other is poor and civic spirit within the communities is low. The project will be based on an active learning processes

    employing the four pillars of education methodology (learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together and

    learning to be). The project will enable people from these urban local communities to enter or re-enter the educational

    sphere; to access LLL opportunities adapted to their intercultural learning needs; to develop social cohesion by improving

    their interpersonal, intercultural and social competences.

    Proiectul ECHOE Education for Heritage, Outdoor EducationECHOE and gathers partners from 6 countries: Romania, Italy, Austria, Turkey, Belgium and Norway. ECHOE project willexplore ways to combine education for/about heritage (especially related to historic and archeological sites) with

    outdoor education (including ecology, heritage protection, sports, leisure and open air activities). The project will identify

    the difficulties faced by the local stakeholders in taking this approach (published in the form of a needs analysis report), it

    will develop a series of methodological papers providing guidance to both adult educators and cultural operators, and it

    will explore through a series of workshops what would be a practical way of creating and implementing such blended

    educational programmes.
