優才網誌 (第一百四十二期) 2018/19 G.T. Blog Blog 142 - 29/01/2019 Mr. Johnny Yeung presenting the Rookie Award to G.T. College Sporting Achievements at GT Following the success in U12 Asia-Pacific Tohoukball (2010) and U18 World Youth Tchoukball Championships (2015), G.T. College is recognized by the International Tchoukball Federation and Tchoukball Association in Hong Kong as a major player of the sports. The whole competition was hosted by the Gifted Education Council and the Eastern District Sports Association and co-organised by G.T. College. Participating countries in this competition included China, Chinese Taipei, China Macau, Singapore, Malaysia, and China Hong Kong. The First International Asia Secondary School Students Tchoukball Invitational Tournament ▲Group photo with all team members and guests at the Opening Ceremony ▲Students concentrating on the competition Prof. Rex Li delivering a welcome speech All national athletes having a dance performance at the Closing Ceremony Kick-Off Ceremony The Hong Kong Nunchaku Association performing with the luminous nunchaku at the Closing Ceremony Event Date Venue Welcome Banquet 4th Jan 2019 East Ocean Restaurant Tournament 5th Jan 2019 Siu Sai Wan Sports Centre Award & Closing Ceremony 5th Jan 2019 G.T. College

G.T. Blog · G.T. Blog 優才網誌 (第一百四十二期) 2018/19 Blog 142 - 29/01/2019 Mr. Johnny Yeung presenting the Rookie Award to G.T. College Sporting Achievements at GT

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Page 1: G.T. Blog · G.T. Blog 優才網誌 (第一百四十二期) 2018/19 Blog 142 - 29/01/2019 Mr. Johnny Yeung presenting the Rookie Award to G.T. College Sporting Achievements at GT

優才網誌 (第一百四十二期) 2018/19G.T. BlogBlog 142 - 29/01/2019

▲Mr. Johnny Yeung presenting the Rookie Award to G.T. College

Sporting Achievements at GT

Following the success in U12 Asia-Pacific Tohoukball (2010) and U18 World Youth Tchoukball Championships (2015), G.T. College is recognized by the International Tchoukball Federation and Tchoukball Association in Hong Kong as a major player of the sports.

The whole competition was hosted by the Gifted Education Council and the Eastern District Sports Association and co-organised by G.T. College.

Participating countries in this competition included China, Chinese Taipei, China Macau, Singapore, Malaysia, and China Hong Kong.

The First International Asia Secondary School Students Tchoukball Invitational Tournament

▲Group photo with all team members and guests at the Opening Ceremony

▲Students concentrating on the competition

▲Prof. Rex Li delivering a welcome speech

▲All national athletes having a dance performance at the Closing Ceremony

▲Kick-Off Ceremony

▲The Hong Kong Nunchaku Association performing with the luminous nunchaku at the Closing Ceremony


Event Date Venue

Welcome Banquet 4th Jan 2019 East Ocean Restaurant

Tournament 5th Jan 2019 Siu Sai Wan Sports Centre

Award & Closing Ceremony 5th Jan 2019 G.T. College

Page 2: G.T. Blog · G.T. Blog 優才網誌 (第一百四十二期) 2018/19 Blog 142 - 29/01/2019 Mr. Johnny Yeung presenting the Rookie Award to G.T. College Sporting Achievements at GT




  學 習 不 應 該 只 是 「 教 室 + 課本」,所以學校每年都會舉行兩次戶外學習日,讓學生走出校園,拓展生命經驗和視野。








▲五年級同學置身傳統棚屋,感受水鄉風情。 ▲師生同樂,享受南丫島海鮮餐。 ▲陳恩祈同學(5B)嘗試曬鹹蛋。


▲同學們期待着爬上樹屋,挑戰膽量!▲學習不但只用眼睛看,還可以親手嘗試。 ▲只要團結合力,任何事情都會成功。▲同學們聚精會神地看着不同的小昆蟲。






  在植樹的過程中,不管是高小還是初小的同學,大家齊心協力,一起挖洞、一起種植樹苗;有的負責取樹苗,有的負責培土,有的負責澆水,一同分工合作,把「Together We Achieve More」的團隊精神發揚開去。最終,種植活動圓滿成功!







陳雋堯家長 (1B)


李恩信 (1D)


Page 3: G.T. Blog · G.T. Blog 優才網誌 (第一百四十二期) 2018/19 Blog 142 - 29/01/2019 Mr. Johnny Yeung presenting the Rookie Award to G.T. College Sporting Achievements at GT

   「迎接聖誕,快樂滿優才」,透過12月21日的英文、音樂及抽獎活動,整個初小禮堂充滿愛及快樂的聖誕氣氛。當天表演者包括音樂科樂器班、Sing 1 Sing及各音樂才華班的同學,而三年級同學在英文科老師帶領

下破格演出小話劇《Christmas Around the World: A Christmas Play》,表演非常精彩。得到各老師、6位小司儀及表演學生用心準備,所有初小學生及觀眾皆享受台上的精彩演出,亦感恩各家長義工到校為孩子們




  「When we think of Christmas still we can recall ......」12月21日於四樓禮堂,有500多個大小朋友及家長義工們慶賀普天歡慶的佳節,而各個樂器組合一大清早已出家門,確保上午7時30分準時抵校調音和熱身。除了晨曦樂團、大提琴及色士風低音樂器培訓班外,還有小提琴、長笛、無伴奏合唱及手鈴才華班,更少不了越級挑戰五級或八級音

樂考試的皇家音樂敲擊巧手及皇家歌唱好手。喜見此分享平台讓孩子們領略愛因斯坦及著名大提琴手馬友友的作樂之喜及以樂為樂。「感恩有你、妳和您的悅納,還有她、他和祂的同行,So we lift our voices in a song of joy ......」,期待下一個樂聚。



▲各學生都盛裝打扮,在全場大合唱中投入獻唱《When Christmas Comes to Town》。

▲ 何 致 中 指 揮 帶 領 小 小 晨 曦 樂 團 演 出 樂 曲《Can Can》及《We Wish You a Merry Christmas》,為音樂表演寫下美滿句號。

  本學年第一場「小螞蟻」由英語戲劇校隊(Curtain Call)與李業富教授合力製作,演出人數達37位同學;是次故事講述現今社會制度存在不少競爭,但當面對競爭時應抱着怎樣的心態?小螞蟻與37位同學把面對競爭時常常出現的問題, 透過話劇中的三次比賽,由小螞蟻做評判,教導同學如何從競爭中令自己變得更睿智、不負面、不妒忌……每位同學都把自己的角色演繹得栩栩如生;在歡欣的聖誕慶祝會上,小螞蟻更反傳統地邀請了蜘蛛俠為每班同學大派聖誕禮物,各同學也驚喜萬分!整個話劇在輕鬆、幽默及笑聲中告一段落……

馮可兒主任 黃艷芬老師 馬嘉汶老師

小 螞 蟻 劇 場《聖誕鬥一番之誰是大姐大》


▲全體小四同學輕鬆地挑戰了《Deck the Hall 》分部合奏,太棒了!


▲由12位小六學生的代表以《Last Christmas》牽引着全體師生及家長們暢快地舞動,結束了當天歷時一小時的聖誕音樂交流會。



▲小螞蟻(李業富教授) 、英語戲劇校隊及各台幕後工作人員合影。


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Address: 10, Ling Kwong Street, Tiu Keng Leng, Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong

Editorial BoardAdvisor:Professor Rex Li Chief Editor:Mr. David W.K. ChanEditors:Chinese - Ms. Cherry Wong, Ms. Sum Leung, Ms. Sabrina Chan, Mr. Leo Lee English - Ms. Sue Tam, Ms. Myra Mak, Mr. Leo Tsui, Dr. Clara Cheng, Mr. Shailendra Singh Bogati Talent Development - Ms. Meiling Yeung, Mr. David T.W. Chan STEM - Mr. David W.K. Chan, Mr. Sunny LuiArt and Design: Ms. Daisy Yung, Mr. Dennis Tsang

G.T. College Tel Web FaxSecondary Section 2535 6867 www.gtcollege.edu.hk 2623 6550

Primary Section 2535 6869 www.gtschool.edu.hk 2894 9828

The Grade 8 Reader’s Digest Kick-Off Ceremony was held on 7 December 2018, with the full participation of the Grade 8 students as well as with the team work of school staff members. The event is the pick of Term 2 English learning. It has proved itself to be successful as it will be nudging the reading texts in Grade 8 from the fictional ones to the non-fictional ones in Terms 2 and 3. The idea of reading non-fictional texts was initiated by our Curriculum Director, Professor Rex Li, in the summer 2018. Now, again, this is another dream come true for GT kids who are always given the best guidance in their thinking and reading habits. The successful implementation of a reading habit did not stop there; it must carry on till more quality reading, speaking, and writing can benefit from the variety of authentic non-fictional works in this long-time magazine, the Reader’s Digest (English version). Students from other grades at GT, you are most welcome to join our RD Club (“Reader’s Digest Club”).

Dr. Clara CHENGEnglish Language Teacher

The Journey from the Fictional to the Non-fictional: To the Reader’s Digest Good Enough is Never Good Enough!

Japan Super Science Fair 2018The Japan Super Science Fair (JSSF) is one of the largest international science fairs organised by Ritsumeikan High School (RITS) and held in Kyoto. This year, there were 37 high schools coming from 18 countries. We are honored to have been invited by RITS to participate in this annual spectacular event during Nov 13-19, 2018 representing Hong Kong. Three G10 students (Jeremy Wan, Ricky Chan, and Alex Lee) showcased their nanotechnology invention in both the science project presentation and the project poster exhibition. They have expanded their global perspectives and made many new friends across the globe. GT kids, you are big inventors and socializers!

Mr. Jacky LEUNGPhysics Teacher

▲Professor Li delivering the idea of the Reader’s Digest being a Christmas gift for each Grade 8 student via role play

▲GT students at Japan Super Science Fair (JSSF) 2018 Closing Ceremony From Right to Left: Alex LEE (10D); Jeremy WAN (10D); Ricky CHAN (10D); Mr. Jacky LEUNG (Physics Teacher)

▲Presentation of Souvenir to RITS Principal Dr. Miki Horie ▲Project Poster Exhibition at Japan Super Science Fair (JSSF) 2018
