Ide Proposal Penelitian RSU BLORA

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  • 8/18/2019 Ide Proposal Penelitian RSU BLORA


    Ide proposal penelitian

    Perbandingan 2 year disease free survival rate pada pasien Ca sel transitional Buli

    yang mendapatkan ekstrak curcuma dan ekstrak daun sirsak harian

    Di Indonesia berdasarkan pendataan hasil pemeriksaan jaringan yang dilakukan

    selama 3 tahun diketahui bahwa kanker bulibuli menempati urutan kesepuluh dari

    tumor ganas primer pada pria! Di subbangian "rologi #$"P% Dr! Cipto

    &angunkusumo darii 152 kasus keganasan urologi antara tahun 1995-1997,

    36% diantaranya adalah kanker buli-buli dan juga menempati urutan pertama!

     'he recurrence rate for super(cial 'CC of the bladder is high! )s many as *+, of

    patients have at least - recurrence!

     'he most signi(cant prognostic factors for bladder cancer are grade. depth of

    invasion. and the presence of CI$! In patients undergoing radical cystectomy formuscleinvasive bladder cancer. the presence of nodal involvement is the most

    important prognostic factor! 'o date. there is no convincing evidence of genetic

    factors a/ecting outcome!01

    %on4muscle invasive bladder cancer has a good prognosis. with 5year survival

    rates of *2-++,! 'he 5year survival rate decreases with increasing stage. as


      'a. '-. CI$ 4 *2-++,

      '2 4 73*3,

      '3a 4 788-,

      '3b 4 -858,

      '1 4 +22,

    Prognosis for patients with metastatic urothelial cancer is poor. with only 5-+, of

    patients living 2 years after diagnosis!

     'he risk of progression. de(ned as an increased tumor grade or stage. depends

    primarily on the tumor grade. as follows6

      9rade I 4 21,

      9rade II 4 58,

      9rade III 4 3371,

  • 8/18/2019 Ide Proposal Penelitian RSU BLORA


     'he high rate of disease recurrence and progression in non4muscleinvasive bladder

    cancer underscores the need for careful followup studies! )ccording to the "$

    %ational Cancer Institute. bladder cancer a/ects appro:imately 5++.+++ people in

    )merica! Because most still have an intact bladder. the number of patients undersurveillance approaches this (gure!

     'he 2+-- ;)" guidelines include schedules for followup cystoscopy. urinary

    cytology. and imaging in patients with 'a'- tumors. depending on risk of recurrence

    and progression! bta@. urothelial carcinoma associated - >uca-@. serta nmp22. dna ploidy

    sphase fraction! -3.52+ $elain cystoscopy. diagnosis dapat juga dilakukan dengan

    upper tract imaging untuk mendeteksi tumor urotelial tambahan dan adanya

    obstruksi saluran kemih!2+

    Daun sirsak diketahui sebagai bahan yang paling ampuh untuk mengobati kanker!

    $alah satu penyebabnya karena daun sirsakmengandung senyawa annonaceous

  • 8/18/2019 Ide Proposal Penelitian RSU BLORA


    acetogenins yang berkemampuan -+!+++ kali lebih kuat dalam membunuh sel

    kanker dibandingkan adriamycin >yang umum digunakan dalam kemoterapi@!

    $enyawa ini sangat selektif. hanya menempel pada selsel kanker dan merusak )'P

    >sumber energi@ pada dinding mitokondria. sehingga tidak ada energi yang tersisa

    untuk mempertahankan hidup sel kanker!

    "ntuk memperoleh senyawa annonaceous acetogenins dapat dilakukan dengan

    menyuling daun sirsak agar diperoleh minyaknya! al ini akan diperoleh senyawa

    annonaceous acetogenins lebih banyak dari pada hanya sekedar mengkonsumsi

    daun sirsak langsung!

    Eife $ci! 2++7 Fan -*G8*>*@6*781! ;pub 2++5 $ep *!

    $elective cytoto:icity of sHuamocin on '21 bladder cancer cells at the $phase via a

    Ba:. Bad. and caspase3related pathways!

     uan $$-. Chang E. Chen J. =uo 3@6-+223+!

    Curcumin potentiates the apoptotic e/ects of chemotherapeutic agents and

    cytokines through downregulation of nuclear factorkappaB and nuclear factor

    kappaBregulated gene products in I

  • 8/18/2019 Ide Proposal Penelitian RSU BLORA


    =amat )&-. $ethi 9. )ggarwal BB!

    Jhether curcumin. a yellow curry pigment commonly consumed in countries. such

    as India. has any role in prevention or treatment of bladder cancer was investigated!

    Je found that curcumin inhibited the proliferation. induced cell cycle arrest. and

    D%) fragmentation in both I#'1M7@ and I="8@ bladder cancer cells! Curcumin also potentiated the apoptotic e/ects of the

    chemotherapeutic agents >gemcitabine and paclita:el@ and of cytokines 0tumor

    necrosis factor >'%

  • 8/18/2019 Ide Proposal Penelitian RSU BLORA


    Curcumin >diferuloylmethane@ is a polyphenol derived from the plant Curcuma

    longa. commonly called turmeric! ;:tensive research over the last 5+ years has

    indicated this polyphenol can both prevent and treat cancer! 'he anticancer

    potential of curcumin stems from its ability to suppress proliferation of a wide

    variety of tumor cells. downregulate transcription factors %C)&@ in prostate and bladder cancer!Mitamin ; and selenium

    supplementation can potentially have adverse e/ects by increasing the risk of

    prostate cancer! Initial clinical studies of pomegranate and green tea. investigating

    their chemotherapeutic properties in prostate and bladder cancer have yielded

    encouraging results! Curcumin. resveratrol. and silibinin have potential anticancer

    properties through multiple molecular targetsG their clinical e/ectiveness in prostate

    and bladder cancer is yet to be evaluated! yAamend. like PC$P;$. is a combined

    C)& therapy used in prostate cancer! )cupuncture is popular among patients

    e:periencing hot Aushes who are receiving androgendeprivation therapy for

    prostate cancer! Conclusive evidence for the use of C)& in prostate and bladder

    cancer is lacking and not without risk!