Imaging Lung Manifestations of HIV

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manifestasi radiologi pada kasus HIV/AIDS

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Imaging Lung Manifestations of HIV/AIDS

Imaging Manifestations of HIV/AIDSMuharrir Al MismaryGina Erida

Apa itu HIV/AIDS?AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Sindrom/ Sindrom imunodefisiensi didapat), adalah stadium akhir pada serangkaian abnormalitas imunologis dan klinis yang yang sebagai spektrum infeksi HIV. HIV yang dulu disebut sebagai HTLV-III (Human T cell Lymphotropic Virus III) atau LAV (Lymphadenophaty Virus) adalah virus sitopatik dari famili retrovirus (Price,1992).Sejak kasus pertama HIV/AIDS muncul di Amerika Serikat dan Afrika lebih dari dua dekade lalu, insiden HIV/AIDS meningkat secara bertahap di berbagai belahan dunia. Diperkirakan 42 juta orang menderita HIV/AIDS pada tahun 2009, dan 29,4 juta (70%) diantaranya hidup di Sub-Sahara AfrikaSistem Limfatik HIV/AIDS dapat menyebabkan pelebaran nodus limfatikus/limfadenopati. Kenyataannya, limfadenopati merupakan tanda yang sering terjadi pada infeksi HIV. limfadenopati pada HIV meliputi: Hiperplasia Reaktif Folikular (50%), Limfoma terkait AIDS (20%), Tuberkulosis (17%), Kaposi Sarcoma (10%), Infeksi Oportunistik, dan Reaksi Obat.

USG dan CT-Scan memainkan peran penting pada diagnosis pelebaran nodus limfatikus dan membedakan dengan massa lain.

Figure 46 :Lymphoma. Chest X-ray (CXR) on a human immunodeficiency virus patient that presented with multiple lung masses, which grew rapidly mimicking infection. Note that there is no associated lymphadenopathy. Well-defined solitary or multiple parenchymal nodules CXR are common. A percutaneous biopsy revealed a non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

Figure 47 :NHL in a 23-year-old human immunodeficiency virus female. The chest radiograph shows multiple well-defined lung nodules within the left lung associated with mediastinal lymphadenopathy. Lymphadenopathy is a less common feature in acquired immunodeficiency disease-related NHL and nodes are rarely significant according to size criteria unlike as in the case shown here, where there is significant lymphadenopathy as confirmed by computed tomography (right upper frame). Magnetic resonance imaging is the imaging of choice to detect vascular encasement

Sistem RespirasiDiperkirakan bahwa komplikasi paru terjadi pada 70% pasien dengan HIV/AIDS dan penyebabnya antara lain: Pneumonia (5-30%), Tuberkulosis (20%), Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia (60-80%), Infeksi jamur Histoplasmosis, Aspergilosis, Candidiasis, Cryptococcal (2-15%)

1. Bacterial infectionInfections are the most common pulmonary complication of AIDSMultiorganism infection is common, involving: - Streptococcus pneumoniae, - Hemophilus influenzae,- Pseudomonas and -Staphylococcus aureus.

Pada foto thoraks , pria usia 36 thn positif HIV. Klinis batuk berdahak :gambaran - kiri atas: penebalan peribronchial. -kiri bawah : hasil tomography memunujukkan bronkiktasis, centribular nodularity/ tree-in-budNecrotizing cavitating pneumonia. Chest X-ray and computed tomography depicting necrotizing cavitating pneumonia due to Staphylococcus aureus in a 29-year-old male with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

A chest X-ray of a patient with a CD4 count