mt< ''._ji'viL p\vji "•.»* fy| -'•'^•'^••'•- j fi^fe^tj 4 m ? f v*'| ,T^#'' 'i-niL fi""*^* '.' Bi. '*•$ i$M&ir ttJNK 0. 8WI88HELH, ^Mllli 7 =e ^^ki ; *A Speak unto the children of Israel tfcat they go ^rwaj^feBxa»^;^^ s ^ ; VLSE l SB EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR •< a,., sxs n gg itit THAYER. 8T CLOUD DEMOCRAT 0FFic£bk: !&Sffi^mi^^tfl» * ;; : ' "''MElllE^—-'-' •-• - : ' ; .'t * ..j luISSISSfltxl xuvfiJti, WJJQO]& ABOVEOTi;FAUStOF OP^OSITjB TJRJ! 8 ? £ i | ^ B p 4 T i LANPI K$. , Que copyvoa^ywtt, •'- ' ; $;2,W Two copies, one. .year,, 3>QQ Five copies, one year,. 7,00 Ten -Wr i^ob Twenty-" ,v ; '••-' 20,CK> i Payment nnist-iwvAaiRbly be made hi advance, ifo paper discontinued until ajl.arrcjarage8:arp paid, unless at the option of the publisher. "'*" JIATES OF ADVERTISING. X One bolumn, oneyoar' j ' $60,00 fcalf cohrtoii, • - - • : ' ?5,00 One-fourth of a column 20,00 One square, (ten lines or leas) one week, 1,00 Business Cards not oyer six linee, o.OO •Over six lines and under ten, 7 V 00 Xcgal adTertJscmdrits at frgal rates. - AH leitera oi' business to be directed to;the aSt. Cloud Visiter.•-'[ . ''••'h mx MINNESOTA IN iHirs. Swisshelm's St, Cloud Visiter of the 3d inst. is before lis, hailing from; Stearns Coauty, Minnesota,"Office on the Eiver, opposite the steamboat landing;"but i what river that is, a#d in what section of "Hinecaota St.Cloudia located,wc canfindno (Gazetteer, no Atlas, sufficiently; modern to inform us. A standing acoount in the pa- pers of that city inform us, however, that "" St. Cloud is the point at which the Red River trains cross the Mississippi'on their way ; io St. Paul* which proves it to be the natural junction of land travel between these two great arteries of trade. ty is at .the present head of steam navigation, on the 3kfississippi. Boats run regularly during the Spring and early Sum- mer months from St. Anthony to this place" We further learn from this artiele that ; Gov. Stevens camped and left the Mississip- pi at this then nameless point whenhe sur- veyed the Northern' route for a Pacific Railroad in 1853. The first cabin was built on this spot in 1855. and in IS57> B32 votes Were polled here, and in the county £07. We guess St. Cloud is some fifty to] sn : r ; tua ]' we lfare 1 eighty miles above the Palls of St. Anthony ?l mmm - weiU1( " ' Hud just below the heaviest Pine "region of Minnesota, while a large tract of miscellane- ous forest and "openings" here heavily belts the Mississippi. The soil is rich and .deep, the natural meadows producing a very rank grass. The climate is cold but health- ful and invigorating. Wild grapes, plums «nd berries are abundant. The people or Stearns county were frightenediby clouds of grasshoppers last season, which for a &ime threatened to devour every 7greeh thing} but they absconded in July, and do ^iot seem to have left any progeny. And, ahotigh the crops off 1857 weremUch 3hor-,; co * rilQ ? WP, §&$* wd as a means; forj the ——••'' t m i On the"\vhole,^e judge that % ; ,C|oU4v ia a lolorably sniart pl^ce' for one not jfet thrco years old, though there are doubtless scores in Minnesota no older yet quite as thriving, and some^ perhaps, more HQ.^~ Wc give tne'oUebi whose origm,. growth and present condition we have some data, as a sample of a Western village- juBt be* gun M ^0Wj» ~.pji . . -----<--- ••-•-.-.-.• K 5T. i ? « i % 3MHnt ofJvJty Uth. of the Hugenote ^ I s there any cause for exultation in tbpSj when we see whatronr Southern brethren have done andmredoing?i When have We ever taken the heathen to our hearth -Ktoncs and'to our bosom's? '•• WheU hs^re we ever admitted the heathdn l& social communion with ourselves irad chiWreTi? When ha[ve we ever taken -tWiiealhc^td^us^l&ifffe^i cities, to ^oW^^4he'Vo^bfart;!w;to[treats'.ir thom tnp Watei'ing places'to show th^etir-fa^biift 1 - ' able society and'"be'aut'ifuricln^f \ '.^i'd you ever see a Tankee^at we w Wtye' , 'Sur ^^Mfe^^^^^ 0 1 *^ 0 **^' <he !«w«?'««;|»w!y,- b|ut|that Iiis accompnee^d Tho ingemot^ anu able originator of 1 , ,^ : i * > 'v ii- •••<>:& l!k>ii v 3 , v> •»» i;;?. W \T \ l ^"tV . ' » ' . ! « . ••, •.pn^rfepnngssuedding a, benign .religious B New England ^migrant Aid Society; . « " m •m?.. iL .~mt$m mmiihm}^ i-?J. lniluence oyera little conffi-ca-ation ofhea- then : cqn^p^nion^[.^^ugh.ter.J VjTe jBave 1 iir.p v^omemift.the^gythci^.&a^os, whosV bright exampiei have made attrajB^^e^the the who startled the SoutherJiew by bis. for- mer speech iu GottgrCss^ in which he pri^ posed - thdeoloUizatroh of Central America, has again made a shrewd* and' telling speech in''C6pg1^. v ''H«]syip!ipa.t.higeswithi ^lie "chivalry," and must, haye,niade somo of them open their eyes.v. He .deals in facts, and/x)^Vit j s with ? sarcasm. Rlathar a."hard polifyh.".. ;- % •.•:,•<•- ^ j j ?:; ' ^ In this speech the ingenious New Eng- lan^cr takes for granted all the professions thathave been made by the -defenders of slavery, such as;"Christiaifizmg the negro" a system "for^the good' of the negro/' etc- He concedes all that isHhns claimed, and. then proceeds with iutimtable irony to show how much"the South,has sacrificed for such laudible objtrots. .,He says;. . "Mr- Chairman, these are noi'the. only authorities, on this subject. Yoii^ arid I have heard from the. other side, day after day, quotations fx/im the Bible intending to prove the same thing; and yon and I knowJ*there are-' honest men in the slave States who believe that this is the fact.— I ..have seen . suqh m<jn myself, and have conversed with them. They have told me that slavery was a curse, and the only, rea- son, why they held their slaves a.day . was, that they owed them certain religous du- ttCH, and must keep them to lopk alter their heard this from | a gentleman in Kentucky-and again from a gentleman from Agusta, Georgiaj; and I believe -in ihy heart4hat.both- these gentlemen were honest in their views. I-am nut hereto impugn any man's niofives. I pnt t Iiisi upon the ground that is claimed hy the Southern inen; and when I listened to the gentleman on the 'bftief'B\Afr V^ing^hoiTestly from the sacred TOl k** :a a^S of tiiis iusteaaa , V*k regeneration ... of heathc O; iened by them, so that appeals were made to the charity of older and richer commu- nities for aid to save the moneyless pio- aeers from famine, jret there seems to be bread enougu in 15oS. Wheat selling at S t C b u J - t S 1 2 v i COrS :t W and ; pota- t^es" at 25 cents per bushel. ^?he jeadingartiele in TAe Visiter, before ip is a graphic account of a Buffalo Hunt which came off a few days previous on "the Rei Bivcr; of the North,"'a hujibred miles or so west of St. Cloud, on the Paco- tah side of the river, and on the site of the embryo.city o^f Breckinridge. It was an impromptu a|Eair-ti»e horses being propell- ed by clubs and rifle-barrefa instead ofspurs, and being disqualified by fear of the* game for hunting it property. Of the five buffr aloes pursued, one only was killed—a bull whose meat" weighed 900 pounds, and was prpnattneed, capitallufe. !Buf&loe are said to be plentiful in that regiodj.el^ and deer still more so; a herd of aliundred elk were teen last Winter 00 miles west of St. Cloudf several wer^ Wled within a feV yards or %\i Visiter, omce, wbile beats were repeat- edly seep but not ta£en. Tki Vmter '^•ayst';; ' MWC have'promUe of cooftt abundant crops. ;, ^hoat and graas^are very, yery^hc; the prair-1 Th ci ^. of J^fifegiveS, foi< ibrejUm' miss "ies nyo besprinkled with strawberry bloaaoms, «"-. •• ft ' e . aa^ the woods'and thicketB with other frqit.-i- We have no frost injure the buds in the least," ^atl^-of vlrhie'-and'rtfigton|i-il3ua!Spicudus amoug'tRem' in every'igbod >>w(PtU$ are.Aim wifes 61 our hiinistef^ 'and deacons? hut not one of, these within the"rahgb-of m y ne^c t[uaintance^wouIdcbnsider herselfqualified^ dither by nature or by grace,,' to be chUmber- maidydry,nursefjayid m^rituatadviser to ten or twenty heathens iijL Ji.er 'mon family^. But, sit,, had these worthyj4amesfyee,nno- WB dames; had they come doWJUjtP USjfrom the blood j of Nornian kings,,thrqugh-the bounding ^ 1 res r of sundry chiv^j^ ;and then had be^i? 'wftHn^lo'a^ti^tli^liiim;' ble ^^m^^mS^n^f we bhmU- have believed the tinie, sb oftela^rayed for s had dready Cffjae, when"Kihg% Shbtild be fatherg an^j queens nursing;.inoiniirs in* the,. c|iure^j-/j wjn,er^. tlien is the Iround'oText ult^tiopton the part.of the NoirthT t tq^l you it ^ n ^^M°^^^^i©y^^^ a rotund, bulbous,-self ^righ^teiisness^,, rSo much for the social sacrifices of our. South- ern brethren;" S .,J, r: '^4 - ,-: .. .. ••:••' With sarcasm doubly armed,-by a? ;huge dose of facts, he carries this ^{/"-sacrificing **N6W, iit addition to } tKe^JjmoWf«^ intellectual sacjrifieeS'whjch.our \ Southern; brethern admit; ;: tn1)ra;aW'p^Uftiai!!^*»saG^-' fices whicn ydtt know to-- be> .Verye great f Indeed had Virginia b^ertfree^fiftyiyears ago, had she been exetiipt frotei thi« great tendency to christianize the-African --race, she would have been Vre^th <r ;in'or^thiB' jday. than all the; Atlantic States south of New Jersey I And should she by chance be- come free, you will see her wealth and population increase'in- proportion*--as this missionary spirit is diminished, [Laugh- ter.] .It. is. IrueyjOu^. Southern, brethren impressed w^tji this great idea of tJhriSti- anWingAfe Afdi??n race, havfng^fdr : > their rb < li|b<ras''ia^ # M isrto?F X'^ \ EJ[ll!vii« daetion of (he Sajfr^mU CbU'rt'lh ffl$f Siott case. itftr'k "fi-t " .i \.~t'-i M Si i .,.•/» ff"^" « summon, ner lathef" KM „• | H e V ^ t h e ^ | ^ | Jhe/position of ^ ^ m ^ m h ^ A m mol0tmjMB^m a:,a & ^ '^«g «, of the p, bouthern brethron upon this 8 u b i e c t . | ^ H ^ p o h ^ ^ | f e ^ elayfced & u i&to&& BUt theKWoWt^is 'yet'i'W W told—%B->fe}y M n k'hiS' ] \ x ^ n ^h nM. 3$kW eanitfil^i"- i'ot he had leen& W^hinfrf cOnsbliM themseivies if/co'nle-^^^ inatgnanfc^omtment in sten^- «„.? i J I . " maX'"Mary*-was''sent away Bpair'ensued Mary^is the' affectionate ; cfeUgh'ter-in-law of a couple who think iMT.'lhe great< blessingJEIeave^ f ey^i^ent.,,. them. Tru "'iowlihess is youug Ambition's laddec" fe^y.for to? imperfled reputation, bpn. Lowry had no mind, yet, to lie nut THE ST. CliOU-grDEHOCRAtf the d »«w- U» act had bron-luo rewtiWs4n^th^ ! futurel*WMeh mast'-&Miit liicm for"swh good servlqes -in the present. I ^have'no '•donbt/siri that oftentimes•• see- ing ^Key ha6> no tre^ur«s>laid Up on earth, ithey sitppdmd l-heyl^aditreaBnres i laidi iun inihetfve^ J [£liugblcie.3 : Bnt jus*;a|otKat iime,whe^th.ey.a^ittMite. ( 'b§'>^n^ in the: fruitioa Jofi^wrjdb^oj^whej^^eig^n ttemannfromriMia^u^^^r^ndersonj.J in •great ;«xultatipn ofspiri^ iW^^^pea^^i pi ,tne institut'jo n^th^a^jbajclt,. .raised: .^...neigro frqm barbarjs^iu,tp''|Jh^st^n^, f an^ clvili. zation, and when tlge ^gge^t^uiou fr f t>m In : diana,^, l^^#^h^i^gau^t '% ! i »;I r ^^.' " OBITUARTT. sp^t»?U*/^isR^that al%u^;%iody|' j)^ at gf Cloud,4ulv-29th 1858 y ih Sffe MM}^ ^ ^ * n d ;$$i^ 1857 ^f^fte^^^iS^l^ffi sei ^ iC ?|iu4had 6 stonnyiimepfHt ( ^ %^e ; «g_h^us^en' ; sir,; out coines|j tj to^jie,infernal gpds^to relieve its'be^t the S^uhreme Cour.t with the decision that r, '* ,;;;i> ' i;,v - *w*wf* »a H : NMO'H^MOUL1 iyi;M,.io-vf^ ha » I U ^ w ^ S * f s ! f ^^^thannllhiary bo W ,.- a a , of a couple who.•th^kilierJiSa greatest M¥^c£i$$ aa 4 guilty intimacy with' ^tefMifeWf^^ila'lteW; Truly J* 3ne ^ f h e r boarders; a n d ^ t i n c eomp, An, <: : ^charge*l r* with" wg tome 6nt- ion.— under » » JAJTE d, iWlSSlJEL]^ EDITDII Thursday, August 5,158.8 fi (Xaiighterij: ''An"gels"'an''d ministers" dfgrace, defjendl us^f^tfiSMs^IilS^ were. || posed 1 tb'hdV'e b^eh l a i d ^ ^ h e i T n e i i h o r ] moth noA-rust; cloth cO|rr%'fc/north;oveB do! npt; brealj.; tbr-QUghf^d^jleal.. Jiav&i be friends, of a'cpurse of persecutionj which, Vmu the very contemptibleness of it* source was^iutplorable". u . , The Visiter liycd one week in the bands if imps, when she who had given it exis- tence, relieved it of the burden, feeling.that iiie^,shoul.d not oiitlast ^liberty} and that hefka3t-a;^>arent caii.dolor his.or heroff- prin^L w^en once enslaved is to reena^t a neatnen $ race! \ jin our ;land A ,1 Mi impelled to ^use the language of the Apostle to the Gentiles which he empjpye^; jm Mard Hill: O! Athenians, I percievo tiiat in all things* ye are"ex<5eedihgry giten to religion.^ Now, sir,** s i n c e this institution has dcYne.all it ever can iU this Capacity, and sincv i-t,^ now destroyed as a convertirig and reg«5ner-' a t i n g pjower^ I stand hereto give it place in ecclcsiaajl^cal^hijit^ry, for itsrightf place. it hasnever yet-haxi/" ; , - "the speaker next proceeds tp compare, the ^ffprt of the^ Free States in "evangeli- zing the heathen," with these "tremendous sacrifices on tho part of the South, in a way -quite disparaging to the*forrner. Ho rebukes the spirit of glorification in the North, becausei'-'they raised more money fat such purposes,; arid shows that they really do not give so miioh' t in proportion to whqt "(key are able to dio. He says: ''It is trnuwe make more contributions; •--*£*-•- ume: '•vi i. '.. »f ml •i-o- The Retail rnw Current gives the foU l ^ h g among other prices: .y..,;-"; Sugar—Maple 26c., Cruthod 20c., Brows 15 fc.-Mala«Ms80c. to$l; Pot^*Hff«,per bbl.,$24; p ^ l b T ^ . fealtper > « x o f '«Mfc' :&,*%*: Rico per ro,llo. N*n*^^ i n@9c. ^B«^ tor i o ^ n c . ? <3hco«e.l«e>^^CodflahlOe. Driod ApploiTloc. v-:< ] .*:• ; -^ySnong- the St. iClond adtertiserHV in the number ;beftwe mi, arfe grooerSj survey r , ors, carpenters, dry-goods men, hoteMceep^ tr», boot sad ah be sellers, dealers in real ceUte(too msiy >Mem), paint«rt,i *^ato^ maker, a dru^ rf i«}^ a merchant tailor, &c. Kv^ n,r * e ar *^loc^^ies^r^ei^VeMi'Bast,* \ ^W^s^" an<r"|40W$r ^t. Cloud/* ijrhite St: f Anthony and Minneapolis also put in their ^ applicatmhs for ca«it*m. ions, perhaps more than all the Slave States: and'thfroit^^jof { 't^w York^p^rhafs more than'BdstdU. ^^ri what of that? i We give * few cents apiece, and only » few cents fo> foreign misBidhs each year, which a? mounts to a greater sum, because we arc a great people. WesendmeV to heathen nations far over the water,-to'tell t h ^ ) a- boUt their future destiny. Wb aire "care- ful not tb send our 1 be^'menjj'we keep oiu Nottsand and Way lands, and our Beecher* and Checvers, at home; but sometimes a Judson esca}>e8 from Us ^ « t e We know '^at ifam. .^f^ls'is a f e t t*fte' s^bniit to se^: Bab^^ror^tiie ieiBith^n only'ambitiott^toypreseiBVth.e;^JAls of tJicir negroes^ without spot on blemish,, betPre the thronp of tfete E ; ternaJ, ( ,h^\^nj: ^rin- ced almost everything, t^coiw "quote from ^Southern men upon this dlpje'ct.— The sagacibus 'statesmaW who 1 'gtfvbrns; zm Old Dominion, in a speech a.iew years ago s a i d p ;vM.r^i hhiM. A^'i--.. •'^ rm&fi^; • I < 'But in all the four cardinal j resources —wonderful tq tell, .^sagreeable ,to tell, shameful rp announce 1 ---^but one source qi"^ all four, in time past, has b^6n eln^lpg^ to produce Vealthv 7J We have had to wo«k, in manufacturing, and commerce! has spread its wings and flown from us, and agriculture has only skimmed, the surface of .mother earth. . Three buVdi 'the | ifour cardinal virtues haVe'been^tltefj^ur.yPung ttton ; oVeFtheii\'4rfgars> /j a n d tody ^.talking polities, and the negroes have Been left 'to themselves, until we baVe growU'poor . to- gether."" ''-'. ( - ; ': ^'•'•'^•'•n- h ' j;- 3 ^' spirit to its Tossesi iii materia) matters;,;. u , "Put trials, aud; tribulations, an r d jjmerijy, I *navs. everjteset tfep pathway of tne biintSi; %ji. the'earfie^t dajfa they *wanclered abont n shecp-s^ afflicted, ,and ^to^eiitedv Eyeii nbi^,»ini ithe nineteenth eeUturyj the condition of bur Southern brethren is not much impro- ved, since they are compelled 'to chase the stump--tailcd steer "over sedge»*patcThies which outshine the sun, to get a.beefsteak and to listen to the perpetual cry, of'debts! debts I' 'taxes! taxes!' , '"'.' '' ''.''..*'' .... "'». ".•: Ji:-'- -.V."'. •.,:.'('.' '.•>,*'>. . ., Jl :,*.: \ ' ,' I; •. ' ^ , : •<••'*••* ' ; In,th||S,age'Of material progress,' your nave' soeri the''N6rtfc : ' ; oitrtrlp r; y^U; nut, with true Christian patience and devotion you have adhered to the great work of re^ gciieratiiig .v the heathen. Througlv-evil report and, gp^i ^port, ./jrepro^n^^aij^ -nialimod"a*Bit^. ; Dy ^iose who did not un- derstand yoUrlnotives, and Worst of all/ r sometimes* abused at home by the ungrate- fefaintitig on : 4he sofifc.5 Frank [xw lul objects of bur Christian obarityy yod, heir, aid, hut was M* : condition f j have ,0iJ|jpre^4,$Bjto^^ your hign -callifcg. Now, sir ? ' wnen ^j^; .|j^u^il^ridc, t ^^w^ . af 8^|) invaded by the derision" ; »ff t h e / ? S » ^ ^ e | ^ d y irgi itt ^ an ^ ^ ^ & free in jffi& Court, and^^ttered•t6^the-lour Winds o:|r> ei ' ore t ^ e ]7*^r was reissued oh the new "$:*h *v- •' '•••.''/.-..•'•!••>'••' ; Bi' 1 '? 5 "' 5 ' ?* c spoketpMr.I. ; Oorton, Trcusdrei A/Xfi^M 1 ^ ; ?j^m.P<|fl«'.;;; , ,j|of the.printing company, and one ofiuj when he found the little fellow wilhn* r- interpose hiswife still fur%er between hfm ind the consequences of ^ s mode of cha^. tis«ng a. refractory slave, He went with a z ^f ; l lltotie P la ^ oirejxxmncj Mrs Shep- ley's character, vA^ummpns-wag ^eparcd, printed, anjl served on twenty five or six of our most ri^ectaUe citirJns, who werr^- rpquired to pa^'Jimmy ahihis Mary p g $10,000 for . her character; but whether plaintiffs would take county scrip said summons saycth not. If we k>re anv malice to this woman we could not more sfleetually; ruin her, than by copying this document, circulated by herself andiius- ^a.nd, and now posted up in bar rooms.— We have beCn repeatedly urged to do so, in order to ; free ourself from all suspicion' i>f having, ridicule4 a T ure minded woman who belongs to private life; but wc believe Mrs Sheply, has in this ca?e wronged her- self; it would, be unjust as well &s ung«ier- otifetotakc advantage of that wrong; Cohtrarj't3 onr advice the Committee refiftcd to err p \ y ^^ rimmy%] termstt* settlement, to give'his wife a certificate of cliaracter, They insbtcd that her efearae. I iJheW^ashi^tmii^ft^ Jfaff&tetjbaslwealthlest'members, and to H. J. Fowlei ssfoti- a^iioe l i t t ? e ' ^ a « ^ * ^ « t l M ^ J D ^ meniber of the committee, to "irl," that.we hifea4i to i tfr!tb^ basis "where we, alone, .to'fall "spr(^,' T ,thc/mcrerl>e.canse-'tKe fteqi^mi&lhc legally responsible foritsconduct. " '••" '-' '' ' i v »--- • • v - •- >• -bilged, in sell ,cr liad not been assailed by anybody bur 1'immy Bimsolf. We - Wanted thca tc= ^IpeyjSf lecthve^'as t^af had'Be^W ropiJ ?™? c f ^ ahd in ^^ **ay leave us elbow e ^ e d ^ ^ a ^ W e V a s a^.rsortat" attack rooi*-.- '^^^^*^k*mAtt^^^^ Tsrd. Beauty and worth, unadorned, aro farK^^fSv^epIey^ and wc did not look upon andit did hot suit onr ideas to ha-vslr^j^-^ motie valuable ;,tlm4ll*ih^ ,s«ch. No steps were taken to comj)ly 'allien of men between us and one scion oi e^yofeartk^ ^ c A a ^ W a t o n ? . * ^ , JProm ^tn r -our'' : r?ques't. *We ^eftimfelikl the chivalry with his two hounds^ Washington is:,a pretty, country ? res)dei!W £-P\i\- ^„ J «**4K- ••:'« ^ J - --.j. , ; .i [ <L 4 'wherw;aretired^^andh^fe;live. article ond such comments as we though^ with their only son, in the enjoynwrit M wealth and ease. We will call the (gen- tlcman Mr.' Laiiden. Among the "h'^lp" in the House was .a German girl who! pos sessed remarkable beauty. There.; was t an k nk .p£.sn|)^rmri<^ »ud a^rjess; pM Uie^. Landen^ always vtrfeato/l her,,,witu ; J^^.#, i:: $ne'.^ptea^ntj day Go'wry" was'the principal instigator o^5tA.1t I last summer the old lady and gentleman luiud gone to visit i.fr|en4,s^dyi^mges ^Us-. tajiti'but jFrn^jjCji,be|,ng bi^y atlg^ethi^^ 4id*no|',^^acepmpan^'.M^9>-' heard the sound of musio. He stole into very unpl(asaiist positition in which hi liad placed his"ladyJ, by his published bard WhiciiT stated that piir r o^ce Was destrrjyeti for fear we "would say something abou' his wife. Now it was well known that Gen article and such comments as we thought Wo wau(cJ ^ aR ^ our3el?Mn j . ., k , «\ bpst ohmlkted to show Mr. Sheply; the ^ formcr £%£ of the press to consider \ I verv unnleasanst nositition in Which hfe &* iv».*#^- *v^: i .. .. the Visiter theirs as far as any publication was concerned; andto tfp anything th>t SestrUction; he had lately married an.'amf lrJ!e r nM^jWhmniie left; while so much ol IXThvaUtr that it was ibreaeh of etiquette «S»h : ^^oarriftgfe *M®m, Franx ^ W t o * * * * * n5 « editorially even-to epel a gross insult, and came two mikip the house, and pooped silently into the tit- Vom homo remaining until near morning SfeNiS*^PMi J!»Ws»<*^tf"*^i^j63i^^» we f3! m * xerycqld night to commit a bur K lary ^ ^ ^ ^ f ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^'^^^|,^^aU. K ,i. i . 1 « ;tP[ ,ce piece, she^glided into *.tm&l?m& f m, BfvirSffOT? ."" >v f doi ^ e v f o r l e a r 1? and then, with a rich voi^^f^I^pathos, shouldsa| soinethihg about iMrsShppjy^e nust 1 nave 0e4n^specially interested in eoaeWafhe could^ot^^^jexcblii 0 ^^ ^itf.^^uit could not bo stained niStirtn of surprise and admiration. gnpg-p^qf tho ,cAaa»jw/te» of ,Jk^ge^ uusb.haH'e^eeri'speeialy interested it iSla-i Us,^™ «™> A <? •'-\'^f , ^ Th^outh wa^ entranced; and, Whpu S h i , - fn5n , r Wf> ^J h J ^ 1n ^ * f J W ^ rfJ < . W that,to^^ aynflised fkiii attune _- --, JBBBigL^ Kgir|,^rne4 to <;1 ;^m|I|^ ro-Ciu^s: and a t ^ b same dalulges . . There m ^.bi^^ delaj !^ n SI^> t ^^7S^?% > bSffl ;^tookpa,bsto ,tate t!,Htth^ ? ^,),ises i B00nv<miencc Awl t ^ ^ ^ g ^ vvaaout with his parfen^. She prrne«d Were Tal^ and ol^oiuse t!n> Inrmnec fell „,,] ; ^ « H n^in,- ^ S ' l £ ? ^ ' pale Vith dismay; tottered a few ste^s, andl i; ; ;-..^ i . -;., " . ft , ., . , W V ^ «aa nothing to be.gisttcd by •t circulatin^tta .h^nW'-ma^^ wife between.u$ a/jd^ur*t»rt.- ;•.:;•••:*f v *.. «.W*7 senit to St- Paul engaged a Wwyer I to answer the fcutnmoos;-aiid were w^rued by those well versed in our judiciary^jtiialr ' they might ex^ecHr to find the j i^e'iijcf^- strong bias against them, as h e ^ si peiin-," al friend* of Gen., Lowry; and a bitter p l P ^ izjan, Buchanan democrat-: They nrosi- aspect that Gen. Lowry .could in^aenbo ^ ^ judge, pack the jury, and employ '*cp.- j" not e.ven '^p^v %* »"^CW»ii W^«?S8: ]"* ^ «««uW just s«iv th^&ge woatohi ,«paii*d ^^J •efcwwkfl^ug in^^ersfihiug CUtt^ ,fc.'X< '\. *m 1 sfiiiiM'ki* DEFECTIVE PAGE ij£^il , ^'V- '-' ••'

i$M&ir -'•'^•'^••'•- ^Mllli€¦ · mt< ''._ji'viL p\vji "•.»* fy| -'•'^•'^••'•-j fi^fe^tj 4 m?f v*'| ,T^#'' 'i-niL fi""*^* '.' Bi. '*•$ i$M&ir ttJNK 0. 8WI88HELH,

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Page 1: i$M&ir -'•'^•'^••'•- ^Mllli€¦ · mt< ''._ji'viL p\vji "•.»* fy| -'•'^•'^••'•-j fi^fe^tj 4 m?f v*'| ,T^#'' 'i-niL fi""*^* '.' Bi. '*•$ i$M&ir ttJNK 0. 8WI88HELH,

mt< ''._ji'viL

p\vji "• .»*

fy| - ' • ' ^ • '^ • • ' • - j

fi^fe^tj 4 m?f v*'|


'i-niL fi""*^* '.' Bi.

' * • $


ttJNK 0. 8WI88HELH,

^ M l l l i 7


^ ki ; *A Speak unto the children of Israel tfcat they go rwaj^feBxa»^;^^ s ^ ; VLSE l




n gg

i t i t THAYER.

8T CLOUD DEMOCRAT 0FFic£bk: ! & S f f i ^ m i ^ ^ t f l »

• * ; ; : ' "''MElllE^—-'-' •-• -: ' ;.'t * ..j

luISSISSfltxl xuvfiJti, WJJQO]& ABOVE OTi; FAUStOF

OP^OSITjB TJRJ! 8 ? £ i | ^ B p 4 T i LANPI K$.

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aSt. Cloud Visiter.•-'[ . ''••'h mx

MINNESOTA IN iHirs. Swisshelm's St, Cloud Visiter of

t he 3d inst. is before lis, hai l ing from; Stearns Coauty, Minnesota,"Office on the Eiver , opposite the steamboat landing;"but i

what river tha t is, a#d in what section of "Hinecaota St.Cloudia located,wc can find no (Gazetteer, no Atlas , sufficiently; modern to inform us. A standing acoount in the pa­pers of that city inform us, however, t h a t

"" St. Cloud is the point at which the Red River trains cross the Mississippi'on their way ;io St. Paul* which proves it to be the natural junction of land travel between these two great arteries of trade. ty is at .the present head of steam navigation, on the 3kfississippi. Boats run regularly during the Spring and early Sum­mer months from St. Anthony to this place"

W e further learn from this artiele tha t ;Gov. Stevens camped and left the Mississip­pi at this t hen nameless point w h e n h e sur­veyed t he Nor the rn ' route for a Pacific Railroad in 1853. The first cabin was buil t on this spot in 1855 . and in IS57> B32 votes Were polled here, and in the county £ 0 7 . W e guess St . Cloud is some fifty to ] s n : r ; t u a ] ' w e l f a r e 1 eighty miles above the Palls of St. Anthony ? l m m m - w e i U 1 ( " ' Hud j u s t below t h e heaviest P i n e "region of Minnesota, while a large tract of miscellane­ous forest and "openings" here heavily bel ts t h e Mississippi. The soil is rich and .deep, the natural meadows producing a very r a n k grass. T h e climate is cold but health­ful and invigorating. Wild grapes, plums «nd berr ies are abundant . The people or Stearns county were frightenediby clouds of grasshoppers last season, which for a &ime threatened to devour every 7greeh th ing} but they absconded i n J u l y , and do ^iot seem to have left any progeny. And , ahotigh t h e crops off 1857 weremUch 3hor-,;c o* r i l Q? WP, §&$* wd as a means; forj the

——••'' • t

m i On the" \vhole ,^e j u d g e that % ; ,C|oU4v

ia a lolorably sniart pl^ce' for one not jfet thrco years old, though there are doubtless scores in Minnesota no older yet quite as thriving, and some^ perhaps, more HQ.^~ W c give tne 'oUebi whose origm,. growth and present condition we have some data , as a sample of a Western village- juBt be* g u n M ^0Wj» ~.pji . . -----<--- ••-• -.-.-.• • K 5T. i?«i% 3MHnt ofJvJty Uth.

of the Hugenote ^ I s there any cause for exultation in tbpSj

when we see whatronr Southern brethren

have done andmredoing?i When have We

ever taken the heathen to our hearth -Ktoncs

and'to our bosom's? '•• WheU hs^re we ever

admitted the heathdn l& social communion

with ourselves irad chiWreTi? When ha[ve we ever taken -tWiiealhc^td^us^l&ifffe^i

cities, to ^ o W ^ ^ 4 h e ' V o ^ b f a r t ; ! w ; t o [ t r e a t s ' . i r thom

tnp Watei'ing places'to show th^etir-fa^biift1- '

able society and'"be'aut'ifuricln^f\ ' .^i 'd

you ever see a Tankee^at w e w W t y e ' , ' S u r

^ ^ M f e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 0 1 * ^ 0 * * ^ ' < h e !«w«?'««;|»w!y,- b|ut|that Iiis a c c o m p n e e ^ d

Tho ingemot^ anu able originator of1 , , ^ : •i*> ' v i i - •••<>:& l!k>ii v3, v> •»» i;;?. W \T \ l ^"tV . ' » ' . !« . ••, •.pn^rfepnngssuedding a, benign .religious

B New England ^migrant Aid Society; . « " m •m?..iL.~mt$m mmiihm}^ i-?J. lniluence oye ra little conffi-ca-ation ofhea-

then :cqn^p^nion^[.^^ugh.ter.J VjTe jBave1

iir.p v^omemift . the^gythci^.&a^os, whosV

br ight exampiei have made attrajB^^e^the

the who startled the SoutherJiew by b i s . for­

mer speech iu GottgrCss^ in which he pri^

posed - thdeoloUizatroh of Central America,

has again made a shrewd* and' telling

speech in''C6pg1^.v''H«]syip!ipa.t.higeswithi

^lie "chivalry," and must, haye,niade somo

of them open their eyes.v. He .deals in

facts, and/x)^Vitjs with? sarcasm. Rlathar

a."hard polifyh.".. ;- % •.•:,•<•- ^ j j ?:; ' ^

In this speech the ingenious New Eng-

lan^cr takes for granted all the professions

thathave been made by the -defenders of

slavery, such as;"Christiaifizmg the negro"

a system "for^the good' of the negro/' etc-

He concedes all that isHhns claimed, and.

then proceeds with iutimtable irony to

show how much"the South,has sacrificed

for such laudible objtrots. .,He says;. .

"Mr- Chairman, these are noi'the. only

authorities, on this subject. Yoii^ arid I

have heard from the. other side, day after

day, quotations fx/im the Bible intending

to prove the same thing; and yon and I

knowJ*there are-' honest men in the slave

States who believe that this is the fact.—

I ..have seen . suqh m<jn myself, and have

conversed with them. They have told me

that slavery was a curse, and the only, rea­

son, why they held their slaves a.day . was,

that they owed them certain religous du-

ttCH, and must keep them to lopk alter their

heard this from | a

gentleman in Kentucky-and again from a gentleman from Agusta, Georgiaj; and

I believe -in ihy heart4hat.both- these

gentlemen were honest in their views.

I - a m nut h e r e t o impugn any man's

niofives. I pnt t Iiisi upon the ground

that is claimed hy the Southern inen; and

when I listened to the gentleman on the

'bftief'B\Afr V^ing^hoiTestly from the sacred TOlk**:aa^S of tiiis iusteaaa , V*k

regeneration ... of heathc

O ;

iened by them, so that appeals were made to the charity of older and richer commu­nities for aid to save the moneyless pio-aeers from famine, j re t there seems to be bread enougu in 15oS. Wheat selling at S t C b u J - t S 1 2 v i COrS : t W and ;pota-t^es" at 25 cents per bushel.

^?he jeadingartiele in TAe Visiter, before i p is a graphic account of a Buffalo Hunt which came off a few days previous on "the R e i Bivcr; of the North," 'a hujibred miles or so west of St. Cloud, on the Paco-tah side of the river, and on the site of the embryo.city o f Breckinridge. I t was an impromptu a|Eair-ti»e horses being propell­ed by clubs and rifle-barrefa instead of spurs, and being disqualified by fear of the* game for hunting it property. Of the five buffr aloes pursued, one only was killed—a bull whose meat" weighed 900 pounds, and was prpnattneed, capitallufe. !Buf&loe are said to be plentiful in that regiodj.el^ and deer still more so; a herd of aliundred elk were teen last Winter 00 miles west of St. Cloudf several wer^ Wled within a feV yards or %\i Visiter, omce, wbile beats were repeat­edly seep but not ta£en. Tki Vmter

'^•ayst';; ' MWC have'promUe of cooftt abundant crops.

;, ^hoat and graas^are very, yery^hc; the prair-1 T h c i ^ . of J ^ f i f e g i v e S , foi< ibrejUm' miss "ies nyo besprinkled with strawberry bloaaoms, «"-. •• ft ' e . aa^ the woods'and thicketB with other frqit.-i-We have no frost t» injure the buds in the least,"

^at l^-of vlrhie'-and'rtfigton|i-il3ua!Spicudus

amoug'tRem' in every'igbod >>w(PtU$ are.Aim

wifes 61 our hiinistef^ 'and deacons? hu t not

one of, these within the"rahgb-of my ne c

t[uaintance^wouIdcbnsider herselfqualified^

dither by nature or b y grace,,' to be chUmber-

maidydry,nursefjayid m^rituatadviser to

ten or twenty heathens iijL Ji.er 'mon family^.

But, sit,, had these worthyj4ames fyee,n no-

WB dames; had they come doWJUjtP USjfrom

the bloodj o f Nornian kings,,thrqugh-the

bounding ^ 1 r e s rof sundry c h i v ^ j ^ ;and

then had be^i? 'wf tHn^lo 'a^t i^ t l i^ l i i im; '

ble ^^m^^mS^n^f we bhmU-have believed the tinie, sb oftela^rayed fors

had d r e a d y Cffjae, when"Kihg% Shbtild b e

fatherg an^j queens nursing;.inoiniirs in* the,.

c|iure^j-/j wjn,er^. tlien is the Iround'oText

ult^tiopton t h e part .of the NoirthT t tq^l

you it ^ n ^ ^ M ° ^ ^ ^ ^ i © y ^ ^ ^ a rotund, bulbous,-self ^righ^teiisness^,, rSo much for the social sacrifices of our. South­ern bre thren ;" S.,J, r: '^4 - ,-:.. ..••:••'

W i t h sarcasm doubly armed,-by a? ;huge

dose of facts, he carries this ^{/"-sacrificing

**N6W, iit addition to } t K e ^ J j m o W f « ^ intellectual sacjrifieeS'whjch.our\ Southern; brethern admit; ;:tn1)ra;aW'p^Uftiai!!^*»saG^-' fices whicn ydtt know to-- be> .Verye greatf Indeed had Virginia b^ertfree^fiftyiyears ago, had she been exetiipt frotei thi« great tendency to christianize the-African --race, she would have been Vre^th<r;in'or^thiB' jday. than all the; Atlantic States south o f New Jersey I A n d should she by chance be­come free, you will s e e her wealth and population increase'in- proportion*--as this missionary spirit is diminished, [Laugh­ter . ] .It . is . IrueyjOu^. Sou the rn , brethren impressed w^tji this great idea of tJhriSti-anWingAfe Afdi??n race, havfng^fdr:> their

rb<li|b<ras''ia # M i s r t o ? F X'^ \ EJ[ll!vii«

daetion of (he Sajfr^mU CbU'rt'lh ffl$f

Siott case. itftr'k "fi-t " .i\.~t'-i M Si i . , . • / » ff"^" « summon, n e r lathef" KM „• | H e V ^ t h e ^ | ^ | Jhe/position of ^ ^ m ^ m h ^ A m mol0tmjMB^m a : , a & ^ ' ^ « g « , of the p,

bouthern brethron upon this 8 u b i e c t . | ^ H ^ p o h ^ ^ | f e ^ elayfced &ui&to&& BUt • theKWoWt^is 'yet'i'W W to ld—%B->fe}yM n k 'h iS ' ] \ x ^ n ^h nM. 3$kW eanitfil^i"- i ' o t he had l e e n & W^hinfrf

cOnsbliM themseivies if/co'nle-^^^ inatgnanfc^omtment in sten^- «„.? i J I . " maX'"Mary*-was''sent away Bpair'ensued

Mary^is the' affectionate ; cfeUgh'ter-in-law of a couple who think iMT.'lhe great< blessingJEIeave^f ey^i^ent.,,. them. Tru "'iowlihess is youug Ambition's laddec" fe^y.for to? imperfled reputation,

bpn. Lowry had no mind, yet, to lie nut T H E S T . C l i O U - g r D E H O C R A t f t h e , ° d » « w - U» act had bron-luo

rewtiWs4n^th^!futurel*WMeh mast'-&Miit liicm for"swh good servlqes -in the present. I ^have'no '•donbt/siri that oftentimes•• see­ing ^Key ha6> no tre^ur«s>laid Up on earth, ithey sitppdmd l-heyl^aditreaBnres i laidi iun inihetfve^ J [£liugblcie.3:Bnt jus*;a|otKat iime,whe^th.ey.a^ittMite.( 'b§'>^n^ in the: fruitioa Jofi^wrjdb^oj^whej^^eig^n ttemannfromriMia^u^^^r^ndersonj.J in •great ;«xultatipn ofspiri^ iW^^^pea^^i pi ,tne institut'jo n th a jbajclt,. .raised: .^...neigro frqm barbarjs^iu,tp''|Jh^st^n^,fan^ clvili. zation, and when tlge ^gge^t^uiou frft>m In :

d i a n a , ^ , l ^ ^ # ^ h ^ i ^ g a u ^ t ' % ! i » ; I r ^ ^ . ' " OBITUARTT.

s p ^ t » ? U * / ^ i s R ^ t h a t a l % u ^ ; % i o d y | ' j ) ^ a t g f Cloud,4ulv-29th 1858y ih

Sffe MM}^ ^ ^ * n d ; $ $ i ^ 1857

^ f ^ f t e ^ ^ ^ i S ^ l ^ f f i s e i ^ i C ? | i u4had 6 s tonny i imepfHt ( ^

% ^ e ; « g _ h ^ u s ^ e n ' ; sir,; out coines|j t j to^jie,infernal gpds^to relieve its'be^t the S^uhreme Cour.t with the decision

thatr,'*,;;;i>'i;,v- *w*wf* »a H : N M O ' H ^ M O U L 1

i y i ; M , . i o - v f ^ ha

» I U ^ w ^ S * f s ! f ^^^thannllhiary boW,.- aa,

of a couple who.• th^ki l ie rJ iSa greatest M ¥ ^ c £ i $ $ a a 4 guilty intimacy with' ^ t e f M i f e W f ^ ^ i l a ' l t e W ; Truly J* 3 n e ^ f h e r boarders; a n d ^ t i n c eomp, An,

<: : ^ c h a r g e * l r* wi th"

w g tome 6nt-ion.—


» • »

JAJTE d, iWlSSlJEL]^ EDITDII Thursday, August 5,158.8

fi (Xaiighterij: ''An"gels"'an''d ministers" dfgrace, defjendl

u s ^ f ^ t f i S M s ^ I i l S ^ were. | | posed1 tb'hdV'e b^eh l a i d ^ ^ h e i T n e i i h o r ] moth noA-rust; cloth cO|rr%'fc/north;oveB do! npt; brealj.; tbr-QUghf^d^jleal.. Jiav&i be

friends, of a'cpurse of persecutionj which, Vmu the very contemptibleness of it* source

was^iutplorable". u . ,

The Visiter liycd one week in the bands if imps, when she who had given it exis­tence, relieved i t of the burden, feeling.that iiie^,shoul.d not oiitlast ^liberty} and that hefka3t-a;^>arent cai i .dolor his.or heroff-prin^L w^en once enslaved is to reena^t

a neatnen $ race! \ j in our ;landA , 1 Mi impel led to ^use the

language of the Apostle to t h e Gentiles

which he empjpye^; jm Mard Hi l l : O!

Athenians, I percievo ti iat in all things* ye

are"ex<5eedihgry g i t en to religion.^ Now,

sir,** since th i s insti tution has dcYne.all

i t ever can iU this Capacity, and sincv i-t,^

now destroyed as a convertirig and reg«5ner-'

a t ing pjower^ I s tand h e r e t o give i t place

in ecclcsiaajl^cal^hijit^ry, for i tsr ightf place.

i t ha sneve r yet-haxi/" ; ,

- "the speaker nex t proceeds tp compare,

the ^ffprt o f the^ Free States in "evangeli­

zing the heathen," with these "tremendous

sacrifices on tho part of the South, in a

way -quite disparaging t o the*forrner. H o

rebukes the spirit of glorification in the

North, becausei'-'they raised more money fat

such purposes,; arid shows t h a t they really

do not give so miioh'tin proportion to whqt

"(key are able to dio. H e says:

' ' I t is t r nuwe make more contributions; •--*£*-•-

u m e : '•vi i.

'.. »f •



The Retail rnw Current gives the foU l ^ h g among other prices: .y..,;-";

Sugar—Maple 26c., Cruthod 20c., Brows 15 fc.-Mala«Ms80c. to$l; Pot^*Hff«,per bbl.,$24; p ^ l b T ^ . fealtper > « x o f '«Mfc' :&,*%*: Rico per ro,llo. N * n * ^ ^ i n @ 9 c . ^B«^ tor i o ^ n c . ? <3hco«e.l«e>^^CodflahlOe. Driod ApploiTloc. v-:< ] .*:• ;

-^ySnong- the St. iClond adtertiserHV in the number ;beftwe mi, arfe grooerSj surveyr,

ors, carpenters, dry-goods men, hoteMceep^ tr», boot sad ah be sellers, dealers in real ceUte(too m s i y >Mem), paint«rt,i *^ato^ maker, a dru^rfi«}^ a merchant tailor, &c. K v ^ n , r * e ar*^loc^^ies^r^ei^VeMi'Bast,*

\ ^W^s^" an<r"|40W$r ^t. Cloud/* ijrhite St:f

Anthony and Minneapolis also put in their ^ applicatmhs for ca«it*m.

ions, perhaps more than all the Slave States:

and'thfroit^^jof{'t^w York^p^rhafs more

than'BdstdU. ^ ^ r i what of that? i We give

* few cents apiece, and only » few cents

fo> foreign misBidhs each year, which a?

mounts to a greater sum, because we arc

a great people. WesendmeV to heathen

nations far over the water,-to'tell t h ^ ) a-

boUt their future destiny. Wb aire "care­

ful not tb send our1 be^'menjj'we keep oiu

Nottsand and Way lands, and our Beecher*

and Checvers, at home; but sometimes a

Judson esca}>e8 from Us « t e We know

' ^ a t ifam. .^f^ls'is a f e t t*fte'

s^bniit to s e ^ : Bab^^ror^ t i i e


only'ambitiott^ toypreseiBVth.e; JAls of tJicir negroes^ without spot on blemish,, betPre the thronp of tfete E;ternaJ, (,h^\^nj: ^ r i n -ced almost everything, t ^ c o i w "quote from ^Southern men upon this dlpje'ct.— The sagacibus 'statesmaW who1 'gtfvbrns; zm Old Dominion, in a speech a.iew years ago sa idp ;vM.r^i hhiM. A^'i--.. •'^ r m & f i ^ ; • I < 'But in all the four cardinal j resources —wonderful tq tell, .^sagreeable ,to tell, shameful rp announce1---^but one source qi" all four, in time past, has b^6n e ln^ lpg^ to produce Vealthv 7J W e have had to wo«k, in manufacturing, and commerce! has spread i t s wings and flown from us, and agriculture has only skimmed, the surface of .mother earth. . Three buVdi ' the | ifour cardinal virtues haVe'been^tltefj^ur.yPung ttton;oVeFtheii\'4rfgars> /j and • tody ^.talking polities, and t h e negroes have Been l e f t 'to themselves, unt i l we baVe growU'poor . to­gether."" ' ' - ' . (-

; ' : ^'•'•'^•'•n- h ' j ; - 3 ^ '

spirit to i t s Tossesi iii materia) matters; , ; . u , "Put trials, aud; tribulations, anrd jjmerijy, I

*navs. everj teset tfep pathway o f t n e biintSi; %ji. the'earfie^t dajfa they *wanclered abont n s h e c p - s ^ afflicted, ,and ^ to^e i i t edv Eyeii nbi^,»ini i the nineteenth eeUturyj the condition of bur Southern bre thren is not much impro­ved, since they are compelled ' to chase the stump--tailcd steer "over sedge»*patcThies which outshine the sun, to get a.beefsteak and to listen to the perpetual cry, of 'debts! debts I' ' taxes! taxes! ' , '"'.' ' ' ''.''..*''...."'».

" . • : Ji:- '- - .V."'. • . , : . ' ( ' . ' '.•>,*'>. . ., Jl :,*.: \ ' , ' I; •. ' ^ ,: •<••'*••* '

;In,th||S,age'Of material progress,' your nave' soeri the''N6rtfc:';oitrtrlpr;y^U; nut, with true Christian patience and devotion you have adhered to the great work of re^ gciieratiiig .v the heathen. Througlv-evil report and, gp^i ^por t , . / jrepro^n^^aij^ -nialimod"a*Bit^.;Dy ^iose who did not un­derstand yoUrlnotives, and Worst of all/ r

sometimes* abused a t home by the ungrate- fefaintitig on : 4he sofifc.5 Frank [xw lul objects of bur Christian obarityy yod, heir, aid, hut wasM* : condition fj have , 0 i J | j p r e ^ 4 , $ B j t o ^ ^ your hign -callifcg. Now, s i r ? ' wnen^ j ^ ; . | j ^ u ^ i l ^ r i d c , t ^ ^ w ^ . af 8^|)

invaded by the derision" ;»ff t h e / ? S » ^ ^ e | ^ d y i r g i „ i t t ^ a n ^ ^ ^ & f r e e i n jffi&

Court, and^^t te red• t6^ the- lour Winds o : | r> e i ' o r e t^e ] 7 * ^ r was reissued oh the new

"$:*h *v- •' '•••.''/.-..•'•!••>'••'; Bi'1'?5"'5' ?*c spoketpMr.I. ;Oorton, Trcusdrei A/Xfi^M1^ ;?j^m.P<|fl«'.;;; , , j |of the.printing company, and one ofiuj

when he found the little fellow wilhn* r -interpose hiswife still fur%er between hfm ind the consequences of ^ s mode of cha^. tis«ng a. refractory slave, He went with a z ^ f ; l l l t o t i e P l a ^ oirejxxmncj Mrs Shep-ley's character, vA^ummpns-wag ^eparcd, printed, anjl served on twenty five or six of our most r i^ectaUe citirJns, who werr -rpquired to pa^'Jimmy ah ih i s Mary p g $10,000 for . her character; but whether plaintiffs would take county scrip said summons saycth not. I f we k>re anv malice to this woman we could not more sfleetually; ruin her, than by copying this document, circulated by herself andiius-^a.nd, and now posted up in bar rooms.— We have beCn repeatedly urged to do so, in order to; free ourself from all suspicion' i>f having, ridicule4 a T u r e minded woman who belongs to private life; but wc believe Mrs Sheply, has in this ca?e wronged her­self; it would, be unjust as well &s ung«ier-

otifetotakc advantage of that wrong;

Cohtrarj't3 onr advice the Committee refiftcd to err p\y ^ ^ rimmy%] termstt* settlement, to give'his wife a certificate of cliaracter, They insbtcd that her efearae.


i J h e W ^ a s h i ^ t m i i ^ f t ^ Jfaff&tetjbaslwealthlest'members, and to H. J . Fowlei ssfoti- a^iioe l i t t ? e ' ^ a « ^ * ^ « t l M ^ J D ^ meniber of the committee, to

"irl," that.we hifea4i toitfr!tb^ basis "where we, alone, .to 'fall "spr(^,'T ,thc/mcrerl>e.canse-'tKe fteqi^mi&lhc legally responsible foritsconduct.

" '••" '- ' ' ' ' i v » - - - • • v - •- >• -b i lged , in sell , c r l i a d not been assailed by anybody bur 1'immy Bimsolf. W e - Wanted t h c a tc=

^ I p e y j S f lecthve^'as t^af had'Be^W r o p i J ?™?c f ^ a h d i n ^ **ay leave us elbow e ^ e d ^ ^ a ^ W e V a s a^.rsortat" attack rooi*-.- '^^^^*^k*mAtt^^^^ Tsrd.

Beauty and worth, unadorned, aro fa rK^^fSv^epIey^ and wc did not look upon andit did hot suit onr ideas to ha-vslr^j^-^ motie valuable ; , t lm4ll*ih^ ,s«ch. No steps were taken to comj)ly 'allien of men between us and one scion oi e^yofeartk^ ^ c A a ^ W a t o n ? . * ^ , JProm ^tnr-our'':r?ques't. *We ^eftimfelikl the chivalry with his two hounds^ Washington is:,a pretty, country ? res)dei!W £-P\i\- „J«**4K- ••:'« ^ J - • --.j . ,;.i [ <L4

' w h e r w ; a r e t i r e d ^ ^ a n d h ^ f e ; l i v e . article ond such comments as we though^ with their only son, in the enjoynwrit M wealth and ease. We will call the (gen-tlcman Mr.' Laiiden. Among the "h'^lp" in the House was .a German girl who! pos sessed remarkable beauty. There.; was tan

knk .p£.sn|)^rmri<^ »ud a^rjess; pM Uie . Landen^ always vtrfeato/l he r , , ,w i tu ; J^^ .# , i : : $ne' .^ptea^ntj day Go'wry" was'the principal instigator o 5tA.1t


last summer the old lady and gentleman luiud gone to visit i . fr |en4,s^dyi^mges ^Us-. tajiti 'but jFrn^jjCji,be|,ng b i ^ y a t l g ^ e t h i ^ ^ 4id*no|',^^acepmpan^'.M^9>-'

heard the sound of musio. H e stole into

very unpl(asaiist positition in which hi liad placed his"ladyJ, by h is published bard WhiciiT stated tha t piirr o^ce Was destrrjyeti for fear we "would say something abou' his wife. Now it was well known tha t Gen

article and such comments as we thought W o w a u ( c J ^ a R ^ o u r 3 e l ? M n j . .,k, «\

bpst ohmlkted to show Mr. Sheply; the ^ formcr £%£ of the press to consider \ I verv unnleasanst nositition in Which hfe &* • iv».*# - *v^: i» i . . .. the Visiter theirs as far as any publication

was concerned; andto tfp anything th>t

SestrUction; he had lately married an.'amf lrJ!er nM^jWhmniie left; while so much ol IXThvaUtr that it was ibreaeh of etiquette

« S » h : ^ ^ o a r r i f t g f e * M ® m , F r a n x ^ W t o * * * ** n 5 « editorially even- to epel a gross insult, and came two mikip

the house, and pooped silently into the tit- Vom homo remaining unt i l near morning

SfeNiS*^PMi J!»Ws»<*^tf"*^i^j63i^^» w e f 3 ! m * xerycqld night to commit a burKlary

^ ^ ^ ^ f ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ | , ^ ^ a U . K , i . i . 1 « ; t P [ , c e

piece, she^glided into *.tm&l?m&fm, B f v i r S f f O T ? . " " > v f d o i ^ e v f o r l e a r 1? and then, with a rich v o i ^ ^ f ^ I ^ p a t h o s , shouldsa| soinethihg about iMrsShppjy^e

nust 1 nave 0e4n^specially interested in

e o a e W a f h e c o u l d ^ o t ^ ^ ^ j e x c b l i i 0 ^ ^ ^ i t f . ^ ^ u i t could not bo s t a i n e d niStirtn of surprise and admiration.

gnpg-p^qf tho ,cAaa»jw/te» of , J k ^ g e ^ uusb.haH'e^eeri 'speeialy interested i t iSla-i Us,^™ «™> A<? • ' - \ ' ^ f , ^ T h ^ o u t h wa^ entranced; and, Whpu S h i , - f n 5 n , r Wf> ^J hJ ^ 1 n ^ * f J W ^ r f J < . W t h a t , t o ^ ^

aynflised fkiii attune

_- - - , JBBBigL^ Kgir | ,^ rne4 to<;1;^m|I|^ ro-Ciu^s: and a t ^ b same d a l u l g e s . . There m ^ . b i ^ ^ de la j ! ^ n S I ^ > t ^ ^ 7 S ^ ? % > b S f f l ; ^ t o o k p a , b s t o ,tate t ! ,Ht th^ ? ^ , ) , i ses i B 0 0 n v < m i e n c c A w l t ^ ^ ^ g ^

vvaaout with his parfen^. She prrne«d Were T a l ^ and ol^oiuse t!n> Inrmnec fell „,,] ; ^ « H n ^ i n , - ^ S ' l £ ? ^ ' pale Vith dismay; tottered a few ste^s, a n d l i; ;;-..^ i . -;., " .ft , ., . , WV ^ «aa nothing to be.gisttcd by

•t circulatin^tta


wife between.u$ a/jd^ur*t»rt.- ;•.:;•••:*fv * . .

« . W * 7 s e n i t to St- Paul engaged a Wwyer I to answer the fcutnmoos;-aiid were w^rued by those well versed in our judiciary^jtiialr ' they might ex^ecHr to find the j i ^ e ' i i j c f ^ -strong bias against them, as h e ^ si pe i in - , " al friend* of Gen., Lowry; and a bitter p l P ^ izjan, Buchanan democrat-: They nrosi-

aspect that Gen. Lowry .could in^aenbo ^ ^ judge, pack the jury, and employ '*cp.- • j "

not e.ven '^p^v %*

»"^CW»ii W^«?S8: ]"* ^ «««uW just s«iv th^&ge woa to hi ,«paii*d ^^J •efcwwkfl ug in^ ersfihiug CUtt^ ,fc.'X<

'\. *m

1 sfiiiiM'ki*

DEFECTIVE PAGE i j £ ^ i l , ^ ' V - '-' ••'