CASE STUDY Alanoud Ali

Individual case study alanoud ali

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Page 1: Individual case study alanoud ali


Page 2: Individual case study alanoud ali

Define brand personality?

The Brand Personality is a distinct part of our brand. It describes the human characteristics that we associate with our brand. These characteristics are emotionally driven and they relate to how we represent our brand to our target audience.  

Page 3: Individual case study alanoud ali

What is the target market of the Tourism Australia in two words?

Experience Seekers

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Visualize this target market, by using visuals from the website of the campaign?

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Identify the consumer segments AND tell how the campaign will unify these different segments?

Tourism Australia’s target market - Experience Seekers - can be found among all age groups, income levels, and geographic locations. To assist with our global marketing efforts, Tourism Australia takes a segmented approach, allowing our messages to be appropriately targeted to various life stages and mind sets. In each segment, there is an emphasis on attracting first time visitors.

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The Youth Segment This segment is made up of people aged

between 18 and 30 years, commonly referred to as Generation Y.

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The Family Segment When planning their holiday, this price

conscious segment, look for destinations offering accessibility, safety and value.

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The Holidaymaker Segment Holidaymakers are driven by a desire to

experience diversity and different cultures

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The Honeymoon Segment

This segment is found in some of the Eastern markets and also France and Italy.

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Experience Seekers

Experience Seekers are long haul travelers who are less affected by the traditional barriers to travel of distance, time and cost. They are more informed, interested and curious about potential travel destinations. They constitute around 30 to 50 per cent of all potential long haul outbound travelers from our key source markets.

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Define “Experience Seekers”? Experience Seekers are, by definition, looking for unique,

involving and personal experiences from their holidays. Using psychographic research, studies find how travelers think and feel to determine the personal factors that influence them to travel.

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Define psychographics by two key words?

Thinking and Feeling

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What is the key slogan/tagline of the campaign?

“There’s nothing like Australia”

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Identify the message strategy in One word? Please use visuals if possible.


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Describe the activation and involvement devices of Australians?

Research by Tourism Australia also shows that Australians are eager to get involved in promoting their country, with 8 in 10 Australians saying they know what makes their country unlike any other. And 8 in 10 say they would help to promote Australia to people overseas.

They upload their pictures online which shows how they are interacting with the campaign and how eager they are to help in promoting their country.

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How many stories and images do Australians upload?

3500 images

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Please identify the phases of the campaign and name/frame them in ONE word?

Phase 1: “Invite” Phase 2: “Inspire” Phase “Engage”

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Which expressions of the Australian culture are visible in the logo?

The Kangaroo since it represent the Australian Culture and it is considered a global symbol that is connected to Australia.

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In a checklist style, please identify the media mix?

The site was launched on 31 May 2010, alongside the There’s Nothing Like Australia print and digital advertising, plus a video piece, suitable for broadcast in cinemas, television and online.

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Does the Tourism Australia localize or centralize the campaign for global markets?

The third phase of the campaign includes localized campaigns for use in Tourism Australia’s international tourism markets.

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Which advertising appeal do the campaign use? (One word)


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Do the two motifs of the logo reflect the slogan/tagline?

Yes since Kangaroos are only found in Australia so this is something special to Australia and it reflects the slogan “There's nothing like Australia”

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It is NOT creative unless it sells. Do the CAN elements of creativity apply?

Yes the CAN elements do apply, since they are connecting, to the audience. They use appropriate messages and they are unique.

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Please identify the executional framework in the creative ad?

It is like Slice of Life, since Australians promoted their culture to the world.