Inhibition of Melanosome Transfer Results in Skin Lightening 1 Miri Seiberg, Christine Paine, Elizabeth Sharlow, Patricia Andrade-Gordon,* Michael Costanzo,* Magdalena Eisinger, and Stanley S. Shapiro Skin Research Center, Johnson & Johnson CPWW, Skillman, New Jersey, U.S.A.; *The R. W. Johnson Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Spring House, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. The chemical basis of melanogenesis is well docu- mented, but the mechanism of melanosome transfer and the regulation of pigmentation by keratinocyte± melanocyte interactions are not well understood. Therefore we examined the effects of serine protease inhibitors on skin pigmentation and found that the protease-activated receptor 2, expressed on keratino- cytes, may regulate pigmentation via keratinocyte± melanocyte interactions. Here we show that modula- tion of protease-activated receptor 2 activation affects melanosome transfer into keratinocytes, resulting in changes in pigment production and deposition. SLIGRL, the protease-activated receptor 2 activating peptide, enhanced melanosome ingestion by keratinocytes, thus increasing pigment deposition. RWJ-50353, a serine protease inhibitor, led to reduced pigment deposition in melanocytes and depigmentation. Electron microscopy studies illu- strated an accumulation of immature melanosomes inside melanocytes and abnormal dendrite dynamics in RWJ-50353-treated epidermal equivalents. RWJ- 50353 induced a visible and dose-dependent skin lightening effect in the dark-skinned Yucatan swine. Examinations by electron microscopy indicated that the in vivo transfer of melanosomes from melano- cytes to keratinocytes was affected. Our data suggest that modulation of keratinocyte±melanocyte interac- tions via the protease-activated receptor 2 pathway affects melanosome transfer. The use of RWJ-50353 to modulate protease-activated receptor 2 activation could lead to a new class of depigmenting agents. Key words: PAR-2/RWJ-50353. J Invest Dermatol 115:162±167, 2000 M elanin synthesis within melanosomes and their distribution to keratinocytes within the epidermal melanin unit determine skin pigmentation. The essential role of keratinocytes in the regulation of melanocyte growth and differentiation has been demonstrated (Donatien et al, 1993) but the regulation of keratino- cyte±melanocyte interactions and the mechanism of melanosome transfer into keratinocytes are not yet fully understood. Concerns of changes in skin color are frequently raised for medical or cosmetic reasons. Pigmentary disorders can be inherited (e.g., vitiligo, Waardenburg syndrome), acquired (e.g., postin- ¯ammatory pityriasis alba, idiophatic guttate hypomelanosis, melasma), medication related (e.g., minocycline, bleomycin, busulfan, zidovudine), and transmitted through infection (e.g., tinea versicolor). Changes in skin color are also desired for cosmetic reasons. Hyperpigmentation disorders are often treated with hydroquinones, retinoids, and tyrosinase inhibitors, but results of such treatments are sometimes disappointing (Hacker, 1996). The protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR-2) (Nystedt et al, 1994, 1995a) is a seven transmembrane G-protein-coupled receptor that is activated by a serine protease cleavage. The newly created N- terminus then activates the receptor as a tethered ligand. PAR-2 is also activated by SLIGRL, the peptide that corresponds to its new N-termini, independent of receptor cleavage (Nystedt et al, 1995b; Bohm et al, 1996). PAR-2 is expressed in skin (Santulli et al, 1995), but its biology is not yet completely understood. A role for PAR-2 activation in the inhibition of keratinocyte growth and differentia- tion has been suggested (Derian et al, 1997). We have recently demonstrated that the PAR-2 pathway is involved in the regulation of pigmentation (Seiberg et al, 2000). Here we show that serine protease inhibitors that interfere with PAR-2 activation induce depigmentation by affecting melanosome transfer and distribution. Such agents may serve as an alternative treatment for depigmentation. MATERIALS AND METHODS Cells and cultures Epidermal equivalents containing melanocytes (equivalents) (MelanoDerm) were from MatTek (Ashland, MA) and were maintained according to the manufacturer's instructions. Murine Melan-A cells (a kind gift from Dr. D. Bennett) were maintained according to Bennet et al (1987). Human HaCaT keratinocytes (a kind gift from Dr. N. Fusenig) were maintained according to Boukamp et al (1988). Cell growth and viability were assayed using an MTS proliferation assay kit (Promega, Madison, WI) and alamarBlue (Accumed International, Chicago, IL), respectively, following the manufacturers' instructions. No SLIGRL and RWJ-50353 treatments resulted in no change in cell viability or proliferation (not shown). RWJ-50353 (Costanzo et al, 1996) and SLIGRL were dissolved in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) for in vitro studies. All in vitro experiments were performed in triplicate and were repeated at least three times. 0022-202X/00/$15.00 ´ Copyright # 2000 by The Society for Investigative Dermatology, Inc. 162 Manuscript received September 16, 2000; revised March 31, 2000; accepted for publication April 25, 2000. Reprint request to: Dr. Miri Seiberg, Skin Research Center, J&J CPWW, 199 Grandview Rd., Skillman, NJ 08558. Email: mseiber@cp- cus.jnj.com Abbreviations: equivalents, epidermal equivalents containing melano- cytes; F&M, Fontana-Mason staining; PAR-2, protease-activated receptor 2. 1 The authors have declared a con¯ict of interest.

Inhibition of Melanosome Transfer Results in Skin Lightening1

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Page 1: Inhibition of Melanosome Transfer Results in Skin Lightening1

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Page 3: Inhibition of Melanosome Transfer Results in Skin Lightening1

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Page 4: Inhibition of Melanosome Transfer Results in Skin Lightening1

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Page 5: Inhibition of Melanosome Transfer Results in Skin Lightening1

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