Innovacion y construccion

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  • 8/10/2019 Innovacion y construccion


    As an innovation manager the world is your oyster because you can be deployed in any sector, in any company and

    in any field! However, to be successful in the world of innovation you do need to have certain distinctive

    characteristics and skills. But why exactly?

    Interdisciplinary knowledge:As an innovation manager, you must be equipped with both business and technical know-how since you willbe working together with colleagues from many different areas of the company and will also need to befamiliar with their tasks.

    Method and process know-how:You must master operational processes and methods and know when and how to implement themcorrectly. Only then will you be able to successfully shape the future of a company.

    Management skills:As an innovation manager, you will be expected to lead interdepartmental, cross-hierarchical and cross-company projects and teams and to display leadership qualities.

    Finely-tuned social skills:You will work with a wide range of people, which is why it is important for you to hone and constantlyimprove your soft skills.

    Moreover, as an innovation manager it is also important that you are able to be extremely enthusiastic about newideas. You will need to be inquisitive, flexible, motivated and committed, because as they sa y, no pain, no gain! You

    must be charming enough to market your thoughts and ideas. You need time because you will be very much in

    demand and will work a lot! And one characteristic is key: courage! Because if you are courageous enough to think

    outside the box, to overcome obstacles and to tread new paths, you will make a successful innovation manager.

    Havent you ever heard that before?Innovation is still a fledgling management discipline which is precisely the reason why only very few firms have aperson or department with innovation management as their job description. That does not mean, however, thatcompanies are dispensing with innovation managers, rather that the title itself is simply still somewhat alien. In everycompany you will find employees who are involved in innovation even if only subconsciously. After all, who isnttrying to make money from new and improved ideas?

    Market feedback and our own experience over recent years have shown that innovation is already happening, but stillin a very (how should we put it?) clumsy, random way depending on the individuals involved. That means that there is

    a great deal to be done in this area. Companies must learn to appreciate that innovation management is no randomdiscovery of innovations, but that future success can be planned for in a targeted, conscious and systematic way.

    Innovation management as a subject area is being taken seriously and valued as a topic for the future. People whohave acquired this broad and generalist training will be welcome in any sector and in a variety of function areas,including:

    Innovation management

    Product management

    Research & development

    Technical sales

    Production management

    Process development

    Product development

    Business developement


  • 8/10/2019 Innovacion y construccion


    The success stories of our students just go to show that the Degree Programme in Innovation Management is a

    degree programme with a strong future bearing great potential for personal success! After all, it is true that the early

    bird catches the worm...

    I just got headhunted for a role as an Innovation Manager at a largemultinational --- it got me thinking: what are the core skills to manageinnovation in a large team? I thought I'd put together a job description.


    The position is built around a team of unconventional people who find

    and fund exciting concepts through an early-stage development process

    Need to navigate through a land for which there is not yet a map (requires

    curiosity to pursue the interesting without getting distracted by the

    unimportant) Must establish productive plans for novel ideas --- need to be comfortable

    with ambiguity and thrive on change

    Must create new technology opportunities, new directions for the

    enterprise, and positive futures for people all around us

    Key Accountabilities:

    Recognise and stimulate unusual ideas with high potential impact

    Use personal networks to link ideas and people that might not otherwise

    interact Apply unique skills and interests to develop new opportunity domains

    Ask tough and insightful questions

    Provide constructive coaching and advice to projects

    Drive projects through to completion


    Proven experience in the ability to understand wide-ranging, out-of-the-

    ordinary, technical and business proposals in depth Experience in organising and facilitating brainstorming workshops to

    bring new ideas to fruition

    Experience in working on novel projects and proven ability to bring ideas

    from conception to completion

    Experience in showing commercial sense, contract structuring and

    negotiation, and business strategy development

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    Proven experience in helping other people turn their ideas into reality;

    work with multiple fluid team structures which requires trust and


    What do you think? Would you qualify?

    What could you do to build you skills to be able to apply for a job like this is

    in 10 years?

    Gestores de la innovacin

    Para tratar de dilucidar cules son las competencias que requiere y la misin del gestor de la innov

    disciplina de la innovacin".

    La tarea bsica del gestor de la innovacin es facilitar las relaciones entre agentes, organizativa y per

    para que las cosas sucedan. La gestin de la innovacin no busca la innovacin, sino que hacer quEl objetivo es conseguir llegar a ese estado evolutivo organizacional en el que es toda la organinnovacin y participacin de todos los miembros de la organizacin, destinando a la innovacin reco

    Este es el estado ideal, dentro de una escala de evolucin organizativaen el que el nivel inicial es sta depende de individuos muy concretos).
  • 8/10/2019 Innovacion y construccion


    El gestor de la innovacin tendr que diagnosticarel estadio evolutivo en que se encuentra laorganizacin. A partir de ah, tendr que gestionar y monitorizar la organizacin, el contexto,el espacio y el tiempo para que sta innove.

    Cmo introducir la innovacin en una sistema?Por medio de las rutinas. El comportamientode una organizacin se expresa en sus rutinas (la parte observable en el comportamiento de unaorganizacin). Contar con rutinas creativas es fundamental para poder hablar de innovacin.

    Las principales tipos de rutinas de una organizacin innovadora son:

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    Estas rutinas estn muy relacionadas con las capacidades con las que ha de contar unaorganizacin innovadora y que analizamos en elapartado anterior. La organizacin conseguiradquirir y desarrollar las mismas estableciendo estas rutinas en su funcionamiento:

    - Rutinas para captar seales(observar): seleccionar las seales que nos interesan, sin acumularinformacin por el mero hecho de hacerlo (vigilancia estratgica).

    - Rutinas para dar significado a las seales (crear): analizar cmo podemos beneficiarnos de lasituacin que hemos detectado por medio de la observacin.

    - Rutinas para generar respuestas (construir): hacer que emerja la nueva realidad que hemosdecidido crear. Conceptualizacin, desarrollo y conexin con el cliente de nuestro proyecto.

    - Rutinas para actuar(repetir): Llevar a cabo el proyecto. Ejecutar.

    - Rutinas para evaluar(exteriorizar): Analizar el impacto logrado y estudiar cmo puedemejorarse el mismo.

    El gestor de la innovacin deber guiar la organizacin hacia la innovacin con ayuda de estemapa de los dominios de la innovacin:
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    Si nos basamos en las mtricas de este modelo, el trabajo del gestor de la innovacin podr serjuzgado estudiando la mejora que ha logrado en la relacin input-output en cuatro ejes:- proyectos.- aprendizaje.- cartera.- organizacin.

    Working as Business Innovation Manager


    by Silvia Zamboni, Production and Technology Unit, SDA BocconiTranslated by Alex Foti

    In a business environment ever more complex and competitive, it can be a significant

    challenge for organizations to give rapid answers to market changes. This involves

    issues like establishing a web of relations that exceeds the boundaries of the firm, and

    creating, organizing and managing the virtual links between the firm, its employees,

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    external collaborators, suppliers, and customers.

    Innovation is not only about developing a new product or service: innovation embraces

    all business processes. It can be about either process or organizational innovation, in

    order to foster business growth by entering new markets and/or expanding existing

    ones, by introducing new and better products and services and implementing new

    ways of working.

    Thus in large companies the need has emerged to have a specific role devoted to the

    promotion and management of innovation, by creating the ad hoc position of Chief

    Innovation Officer (CIO), in Italy better labeled as Business Innovation Manager (BIM).

    That of the manager of innovation is an established company position in Anglo-Saxon

    countries which is currently emerging also in the Italian and European context. It

    originates from the evolution of other functional or process-related corporatefunctions, depending on the driving factor of innovation within the firm.

    According to this perspective, the BIM pushes business innovation through good

    strategic thinking and a related ability for economic and financial planning. This job

    profile calls for good organizational capabilities, in order to manage change and

    negotiate the projects and processes of innovation in a structured and continuous way,

    by favoring the emergence of a creative and forthcoming company environment.

    He/she must also possess high level marketing skills, in order to locate gaps in the

    existing supply range, stimulate the generation of new ideas and the market transfer of

    technological innovations, so that they can generate value for the customer and thefirm. As corollary, a solid knowledge of ICT and its potential to establish internal and

    external collaborations complete the challenging profile of a desirable BIM.

    Over the last year, a research study conducted by SDA Bocconi School of

    Management, in collaboration with Progetti Manageriali (a service company owned by

    Federmanager), has looked into the skills required to fill this new job profile and

    considered whether existing managerial profiles managing innovation processes

    possess them. The study highlighted certain areas of comparative weakness with

    respect to the management of teams and external relations, in the dynamic

    management of core competence and competitive intelligence, and in the organization

    of the innovation process in a multi-project environment. The question of whichone will

    tend to be the career path for this new job position remains open, especially in Italy

    where managerial careers tend to be strictly vertical and specialized.

  • 8/10/2019 Innovacion y construccion


    Desarrollan un mejor entendimiento del comportamiento y potencial humano.

    Incrementan su valor, su confianza y auto-estima.

    Se convierten en comunicadores ms efectivos.

    Logran inspirar a otros y obtener lo mejor de cada uno.

    Aprenden a establecer metas significativas y a desarrollar planes para alcanzarlas.

    Establecen un ambiente para tomar mejores decisiones.

    Implementan procesos para administrar su tiempo y otros recursos de forma efectiva. Logran alcanzar metas cada vez ms difciles en menos tiempo.